Design Procedure of An Electrohydraulic Drive: Srishti Sharma, Ramesh R. Lekurwale, Amith Masade
Design Procedure of An Electrohydraulic Drive: Srishti Sharma, Ramesh R. Lekurwale, Amith Masade
Design Procedure of An Electrohydraulic Drive: Srishti Sharma, Ramesh R. Lekurwale, Amith Masade
Aerodynamicists use wind tunnel to test models as well as for proposed aircraft components and engines. In order to keep these
models fixed in place for testing, ground based equipment is essential. Electrohydraulic drives form the back bone of such type of
mechanism which requires continuous motion for life time operations with controlled motion for start stop and bi-directional
motion mechanisms. Focus of this paper is on systematic approach for optimal designing of a typical electrohydraulic drive that
will provide roll motion to the testing model with emphasis on reliability of the system. This paper further highlights the design,
selection, testing and qualification procedures of different elements of the drive and the electrohydraulic drive assembly as a
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June-2015, Available @ 242
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Electric drive (b) Gearbox with Electric Drive (c) Gearbox OIL LEAK IN
2 2 0
with Hydraulic Drive. VACUUM
(a) Direct Electric Drive: There exist various electric EMI/EMC 0 0 2
drives but there are specifically three drives that are
TOTAL 16 17 17
used for aerospace related applications [2] and can be
listed as : Weightage: 0-Undesirable, 1-Desirable, 2-Most Desirable
Brush DC motors
Although there is an equal score of option (b) & (c) we
Brushless DC motors
choose the option (c) due to EMI/EMC issues [4] with the
Stepper or Servo motors
electric motor and the sensors and force balances that will
be attached on the prototype for testing. A Rotary Hydraulic
Based on the comparison between the drives and
Actuator which incorporates many quality features including
advantages of the servo motor for the need of the precision ball bearings to provide shaft support, externally
application we choose the Servo Motor from make
removable gland for ease of seal replacement and cylinders
such as Moog or Rexroth to fulfill the space
honed to a 10 micro inch finish to ensure long seal life
requirements, torque and size parameters. giving the required torque specifications at feasible pressure
values is selected.
(b) Gearbox with Electric Drive: The limitation with the
direct drive is the bulkiness of the servo motor due to
which a gearbox was conceptualized with a motor of 3.2 Bearings
lesser torque value such as Parker gearbox & motor kit, The selection of bearings and sizing the model according to
or any other to reduce the size of the motor and fulfill the specifications is of importance in order to balance the
the torque characteristics. forces and the moments. The classification of bearings can
be seen as below [5]:
(c) Gearbox with Hydraulic Drive: an alternative for an
electric drive is a hydraulic drive option which is Table 3: Characteristics table for choosing Bearings
explored with a planetary helical gearbox. One may Low
choose Dan Foss hydraulic motor with a Parker Bearing Radia Axial Low
Accuracy Frictio
Gearbox to fulfill the functional requirements. Type l Load Load Noise
To choose the best available option for the drive a decision Groove
matrix was made on the basis of few engineering parameters Nor Very Very
Ball Good Normal
[3] and can be seen as in the table below: mal Good Good
Table 2: Decision Matrix Crosse
ELECTRI d Roller Very Very Very
DIRECT C DRIVE Bearing Good Good Good
X ical
roller Good Good Good
REQUIREMEN 2 2 2 Good cient
T s
2 2 2
L SAFETY Roller Very Very Sufficien
Good Good
EASE OF Bearing Good Good t
2 1 0 Spheric
Y al
Very Unsuitabl Suffi
RELIABLITY 2 2 2 Roller Good Good
Good e cient
PROCUREMEN From the above table, choosing crossed roller bearings since
0 1 2 it is good with respect to all the parameters and is suitable
COST 0 1 1 for our application. These bearings will be extremely critical
in the application to take the entire thrust load. In the Cross-
Roller Ring, cylindrical rollers are arranged crosswise, with
WEIGHT 0 1 1 each roller perpendicular to the adjacent roller, in a 90⁰ V
SPACE groove, separated from each other by a spacer retainer. This
0 1 2
REQUIRED design allows just one bearing to receive loads in all
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June-2015, Available @ 243
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
directions including, radial, axial and moment loads. Since The assembly was then analyzed for loads & moments
the Cross-Roller Ring achieves high rigidity despite the acting on center of axis of the roll drive. Since the forces are
minimum possible dimensions of the inner and outer rings, non-coplanar, vector mechanics is used to solve the forces
it is optimal for applications such as joints and swivelling and moments in the three planes and a resultant used to
units of industrial robots, swivelling tables of machining calculate the maximum value on the sting. The sting is taken
centres etc. [6]. Crossed roller bearing was chosen for the into consideration and loads and moments applied since it is
assembly in order to fix one end of the assembly (transfers the rotating critical member of the assembly. Reactions on
the thrust forces to the bottom or to the whole assembly) and the points where the bearings are placed are calculated using
the other end fixed to the spindle such that it is free to rotate simple engineering mechanics. Of the three planes yaw &
and provide the desired angular motion. To support these pitch planes are considered for force calculations, and
bearings we use radial ball bearings on the other end. making shear force & bending moment diagrams for each
Crossed Roller bearings and radial ball bearings are plane [7]. Now the forces and moments on each point on the
preloaded during manufacturing itself, pre-load values for two planes are summed up using vector mechanics. With the
various rigidity levels are available in catalogue, and no shear forces and bending moments now combined at each
adjustment is possible during assembly unlike angular point on the spindle, weakest section of the member is taken
contact bearings. and designed for failure.
3.3 Load Calculations & Model Generation With the load ratings of the bearings from respective bearing
catalogs, Basic life and Safety factor of the bearings is
One important standard part extremely critical in the calculated for optimum performance of the bearings without
application because of the high speed, high temperature flow failure during operation. The CAD model was designed
region is a seal ( to avoid fluid leakage in environment and using SEIMENS PLM software NX 7.5. The cross section
from drying the bearings out of lubrication), U-Cup type of of the complete assembly can be seen as below with the
seal has a maximum pressure range up to 40 MPa and would details of the various parts.
be suitable for the design. Other non-standard part used is
the flange placed so that all the cables from prototype
sensors and force balances can be taken out from this flange
out to the main console for result evaluation. Standard bolts
selected according to the stress analysis on the assembly.
3.4 Feedback Devices Table 4: Characteristics table for choosing Position Sensor
Description Resolver Optical Rotary
In order to determine the true position of the output shaft of Encoder Potentiomet
the electrohydraulic drive, a position sensor is required. er
There are several types of position sensors available and
Accuracy High High Moderate
each has its own merit and demerits [2]. They can be listed
as below: Reliability Very High High Moderate
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June-2015, Available @ 244
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Principal selection criteria for selection of Position sensors manufacture and expensive. A less conventional, less costly
are the accuracy requirements. Once the accuracy type of flow control servo valve utilizes a two-spool boost
requirements are established the type of position sensor is stage and a flapper nozzle pressure control pilot. Because a
selected based on ease of operation and cost. Thus, choosing feedback wire between the nozzle flapper pilot and the boost
Absolute encoders with hollow shaft mounting having stage is not needed, assembly is simplified [1]. In order to
number of turns of 24 bits having an SSI interface. size a servo valve its flow capacity should be calculated
with the actuator specifications so that it is not oversized or
4. HYDRAULIC SERVO SYSTEM undersized thereby reducing the system accuracy. An excel
sheet is made on these lines to size the servo valve whose
A typical hydraulic servo system will have the following sub rated flow is estimated.
systems and can be named as below:
1) Hydraulic Power Supply The servo valve with the complete system to produce a roll
2) Servo Valve motion can be seen as in the Simulink model:
3) Hydraulic Actuator
4) Encoder
5) Servo Controller
The Simulink model is a design of the servo valve with the The above motion profile gives 280º of rotation in the
pump, motor and the hydraulic fluid used in the system. A stipulated time, thus achieving the desired motion. The
position sensor or encoder detects the position of the Sting. hydraulic forces acting on the ports of the servo valve can be
as seen below:
A Simulink model prepared using a servo valve with the
specifications from calculations and assumptions is as seen
below: The graph shows the output angles or the motion
profile of the rotary actuator:
1) This paper provides details of the criteria to be studied
during the selection of various standard components to
design an electro hydraulic system with the load
conditions and accuracy requirements.
2) The parameters to be considered for choosing an
electric or hydraulic drive are also summarised and the
block diagram for the complete position control of the
system is listed.
3) The paper includes the mathematical model of the
system in SIMULINK using MATLAB with a servo
valve for the controlled roll motion as well as the
output graphs of the desired angular position.
We are highly grateful to Prof. Sangeeta Bansode, K.J.
Somaiya College of Engineering and Mr. Arun
Ramchandani & Mr. Mahesh Verma, of HEIC, Larsen &
Toubro Ltd, Powai for giving the opportunity to carry out
our project and we acknowledge their help in reviewing the
Paper. We would like to express our gratitude to other
faculty members of Mechanical Engineering Department of
KJSCE, family and friends for providing academic inputs,
guidance and encouragement throughout this period.
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Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June-2015, Available @ 247