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(An Autonomous Body under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher
Education, Govt. of India, 4th Cross Road, C I T Campus, Taramani, CHENNAI -113
Ph: 044-2254 1292 / 2254 2236, Web site:
Web Portal:

Applications for the Post of

Assistant Director of Training

Board of Apprenticeship Training (SR) herein after referred to as “BOAT (SR)” is an

autonomous organization, under the Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Department of Higher Education, Govt. of India. BOAT (SR) is implementing the
Apprenticeship training scheme under the Apprentices Act (Amendment 1973 & 1986) for
providing skill training to graduate / diploma holders in engineering / technology in the
States of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Union Territory
of Puducherry & Lakshadweep. Applications are invited for the under mentioned Post
from eligible candidates.

Name of Post : Assistant Director of Training - 2 Posts

Classification of Post : Group “A”
Category : Unreserved (UR) – 01, OBC – 01

: Pay Band 3, Rs.15600-39100/- with Grade Pay Rs.5400/-

Pay Scale ( as per 6thPay Commission)

A first or Second Class Degree in Engineering /
a. Essential
Technology or equivalent from a recognized University
or equivalent with atleast 5 years field experience

Experience of Supervising and /or arranging Practical

b. Desirable :
Training in Industry. Knowledge in Latest Computer
Programming Languages, Networking, System
Maintenance etc.
c. Age Limit : 45 years maximum – Relaxation in case of SC / ST / OBC /
PwD is according to Government of India norms

d. Period of Probation : One year

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Job Description, Roles and Responsibilities:

Assistant Director of Training shall work as per instruction of Director of BOAT (SR)

and abide rules & regulations of BOAT(SR).

Should have thorough knowledge and skill in the following areas;

1. To secure facilities for training in different establishments, both private sector

and public sector for short-term and long-term training in industries.

2. To make out Programme of training for the trainees in consultation with them

and the industry and other agencies concerned.

3. To supervise the training so arranged.

4. To undertake the documentation of literature on various aspects of practical


5. To arrange for dissemination of information on various aspects of practical

training through lectures, films and other media of communications.

6. To print and publish pamphlets, magazines and periodicals or issue

advertisements that may be desirable for the promotion of the objective of the


7. To Coordinate processing of Stipendiary bills through National Web Portal

8. To periodically review the progress reports submitted by the Establishments for

the trainees placed with them.

9. To visit establishments periodically to assess the programme the quality of

training imported by the establishments to the trainees

10. Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Director under the

Apprentices (Amendment) Act, 1973, 2014

11. Conduct training need analysis, prepare training material and conduct training

to officers and staff of BoATs / BoPT in web portal implementation.

12. Perform functions of web hosting, Online Portal Management, responsible for

preparing Request for Proposal (RFP), installation, trouble shooting, procurement

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of software & Hardware, networking management, Maintaining MIS and daily

report to the Director.

Terms & Conditions:

1) Candidates working in Central and State Government Departments, Public Sector

Undertakings of Central / State, Autonomous body of Central / State including the
internal candidates of BOAT (SR) shall send their applications through proper
channel along with Vigilance Clearance Certificate & No Objection Certificate
(NOC) from Head of the organization that no case / penalty is pending / imposed
as per CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 along with attested copies of APARs for immediate
last 3 years.

2) The applicant must ensure whether he /she fulfils all the eligibility conditions for
the post applied. Mere fulfilling the conditions does not guarantee that the
applicant will be shortlisted for interview / selection.

3) Candidates with requisite qualifications acquired from recognized Universities /

Institutions only need to apply.

4) At any stage of the selection process or later, if it is found the candidate has
misrepresented / furnished false information, his / her candidature is liable for
cancellation / rejection even after appointment.

5) In case of any dispute / ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the
decision of Chairman of BOAT (SR) shall be final and binding.

6) The Director, BOAT (SR) reserves the right to cancel / reject / any / all
applications without notice assigning any reason.

7) No TA / DA will be paid for attending interview.

8) Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature.

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How to Apply:
I) Applications with complete details supported by self-attested copies of
certificates regarding age, qualifications, experience, community in the case of
SC/ST/OBC/PwD candidates with all other relevant supporting documents shall
be sent along with filled application enclosing, a crossed Demand Draft for
Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) drawn in favour of the “Director, Board of
Apprenticeship Training (Southern Region) payable at Chennai
II) No application Fee in the case of SC/ST/PwD candidates. For this self-attested
photocopy of supporting documents are need to be enclosed along with

III) Application duly superscribing the envelope “Application for the post of
‘Assistant Director of Training, BOAT (SR)’ clearly mentioning Unreserved
or OBC shall be sent only to given below address to reach on or before
5.00 PM on 27th August 2018. Applications received after the last date or
incomplete in any respect will be rejected and no further correspondence
will be entertained.

SC: Scheduled Caste, ST: Scheduled Tribe, OBC: Other Backward Class, PwD: Person with Disability,
CCS / (CCA): Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, APAR: Annual
Performance Appraisal Report, TA/ DA: Travelling Allowance / Daily Allowance, NWP: National Web
Portal, IT: Information Technology, MIS: Management Information System, BOAT: Board of
Apprenticeship Training, PwD: Physical with Disabilities.

Address for Sending Application:

The Director
Board of Apprenticeship Training (SR)
(An autonomous body under Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Department of Higher Education, Govt. of India)

4th Cross Road, C I T Campus,

Taramani, Chennai – 600 113

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(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Department of Higher Education, Government of India)
Taramani, Chennai – 600 113
Ph: 044-22541292 / 22542236
Web portal:



1. Name (in capitals): _____________ ______________

(First Name) (Last Name)
2. Date of Birth: (_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _) Latest Passport
Size Photo to be
(dd/mm/yyyy) affixed here

3. Age as on: ____________________

4. Name of Mother/
5. Nationality: ____________________
6. Religion: ____________________
7. Gender (Tick): Male ( ) / Female ( ) / Third gender ( )
8. (a)Community (Tick): General ( )/OBC ( )/SC ( )/ST ( )
(b) Whether PwD (Tick): Yes ( ) No ( )
(c) Whether Ex-serviceman (Tick): Yes ( ) No ( )
If yes, mention length of service…….in years

9. Marital Status (Tick): Married ( )/Single ( )

10. Language Known:
11. Address:
a) Communication: b) Permanent:

Door No: ____________________ Door No: ____________________

Street : ____________________ Street : ____________________
Locality: ____________________ Locality: ____________________
Village/City: ____________________ Village/City: ____________________
State: ____________________ State: ____________________
Pincode: ____________________ Pincode: ____________________
Email: Email:
Mobile: Mobile:
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12. Educational Qualification: (Start with the most recent education
qualification upto SSLC)

Month & % of
Examination University/Board/
S.No Year of Marks or Remarks
Passed School
Passing CGPA





<Attach separately if required>

13. Work Experience: (Start from present employment)

shall be Date Scale of
S. Name of given in a of Pay Date of Reason for
No Organization separate Joini /Grade Leaving Leaving
sheet not ng Pay
150 words





<Attach separately if required>

14. Major Career Achievements: (Please write maximum of 150


<Attach separately if required>

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15. How do you justify that you are most preferred candidate for the
post? (Please write maximum of 250 words)

<Attach separately if required>

16. Details of Training Program’s attended:

S.No Nature of Place of Period of Training
Training Training From To

<Attach separately if required>

17. Whether any criminal / legal cases are pending against you
Yes ( ) No ( )
If yes, mention the details………………………………….

18. Membership in Professional Bodies:

<Attach separately if required>

19. Please give Names of two referrals with address, email & contact

Name: ________________________ Name: ________________________

Designation: _________________ Designation: _________________
Organization:_________________ Organization:_________________
Address: ______________________ Address: ______________________
______________________ ______________________
Email: Email:
Mobile: Mobile:

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20. Any other information you would like to share: (Please write
within the space given below)

21. Details of Application Fee (Demand Draft):

Name of the Bank: _________________________________________________

DD Number & Date: _________________________________________________
Amount Rs: _________________________________________________

22. List of Enclosure’s;

S.No Name of Document Reference Number
<Attach separately if required>

23. Declaration:

I hereby declare that all the above particulars furnished by me are

true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I
understand if any particulars are found to be false at a later date, my
candidature shall be liable to be cancelled without assigning any
reason. I have read the job description, roles and responsibilities of
the post and term & conditions.

Date: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

Place: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Signature of Applicant


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