STA Syllabus PDF
STA Syllabus PDF
STA Syllabus PDF
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Installation concept and precautions to be observed while installing the system and
Introduction about Operating Systems such as MS-DOS and Windows
Special features, various commands of MS word and MS-Excel
About the internet – server types, connectivity (TCP/IP, shell); applications of
internet like:e-mail and browsing
Various Browsers like WWW (World wide web); hyperlinks; HTTP (Hyper Text
Transfer Protocol); FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Basics of Networking –
LAN,WAN, Topologies
Programming principles-algorithms. Flow charts, Truth tables, time and space complexity
analysis of algorithms, Variable types, operators-precedence of evaluation.
control flow-If statement, If-Else and Else-If constructs, nested If statements, switch
statements, looping, for loops, nested loops, While-do and Do-While loops; Break and
Continue statements.
Functions: Arguments and local variables, declaration, return values, global variables; auto,
static and register variables; recursive functions, structures and unions, typedef statement,
data type conversions. Typecasting character strings, string functions, escape characters.
Pointers: pointers and structures, pointers and functions, pointers and arrays, operations on
pointers. Input and output character I/O, formatted I/O, print and scan functions, file I/O;
fopen, fclose and feof functions; stdin, stdout and stderr.
The preprocessors: #define, #include, #if, #undef, etc., commandline arguments; dynamic
memory allocation; sizeof operator. Elementary graphics; subroutines to draw geometrical
shapes, functions to fill and shade images.
3. Operating System
Process Management Functions (Principles and Brief Concept), Job Scheduler, Process
Scheduler, Process synchronization
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Synchronization Hardware-Classical Problems of synchronization, File and Database
System- File System-Functions of organization-Allocation and Free space management.
I/O Management Functions (Principles and Brief Concept), Dedicated Devices, Shared
Devices, I/O Devices, Storage Devices, Buffering, Spotting, File Management
4. Digital Electronics
Number Systems & Codes: Review of Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal representations of
numbers and their conversion - Signed numbers - Floating point number representation -
Binary arithmetic - Weighted and non-weighted binary codes, error detecting & correcting
codes - Alphanumeric codes - BOOLEAN ALGEBRA: Introduction to Boolean Algebra -
Theorems - AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR & EX-OR operations, truth tables - Boolean
expressions - Universal building blocks
Counters: Asynchronous and synchronous counter design – down counter, general BCD
counter, counter ICs, ring counter, digital clock - SHIFT REGISTERS: Serial in,
serial/parallel out; Parallel in, Right/left serial shift registers - Shift counters, universal shift
register - Application of shift registers in keyboard entry of decimal data -
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Static class members, Friend functions, Passing and returning objects to and from
functions, Nesting of classes Constructors: Default constructors, Parameterized
constructors, Constructor overloading, Constructors with default arguments, Copy
constructors - Destructors,
Pointers: Dynamic memory management, new and delete operators, Pointers to objects,
Pointers to object members, Accessing members, this pointer, Operator overloading:
Overloading unary and binary operators, Type conversion: Between objects and basic types
and between objects of different classes,
Inheritance: Single Inheritance, Overriding base class members, Abstract classes,
Constructors and destructors in derived classes, Multilevel inheritance, Multiple
Inheritance, Hierarchical Inheritance, Hybrid Inheritance, Virtual functions, Virtual base
class, File processing: Opening and closing files, File pointers, Filestream functions,
Creating and processing text and binary files
Program Performance: Space complexity, Time complexity, Asymptotic notations,
Contiguous data structures - Arrays: Structure of arrays, Representation of arrays,
Operations on one dimensional arrays, Overloading operators for one-dimensional arrays,
Polynomials using one-dimensional arrays, Multidimensional arrays, String representation
and manipulation
Non Contiguous Data Structures: Lists: Representation and Traversing of linked list,
Operations with linked list, Doubly linked list, Circular list, Header linked list, Sparse
matrices: Array representation and Linked representation of Sparse matrices
Contiguous Data Structures: Stacks: Definition, Operation on stack, Implementation using
arrays and linked lists, Evaluation of arithmetic expressions, Queues: Definition,
Implementations using arrays and linked lists, Circular queue, Dequeues, Priority queues,
Applications of queues
Trees and Graphs: Basic terminology, Binary trees, Properties of binary tree, Traversal
application, Representation of binary trees, Sequential representation of binary trees,
Linked representation of binary trees, BST: Definition, Insertion, Deletion, Traversal
and Searching BST, Threaded binary tree, Heap tree: Insertion and deletion,
Module V Graphs: Representation of graphs, Graph search methods (BFS and DFS),
Shortest path problems
Searching and Sorting: Searching: Linear search, Binary search, Comparison of different
methods, Sorting: Insertion, Bubble, Selection, Quick, Heap, Merge sort methods,
Comparisons, Hashing: Different hashing functions, Methods for collision handling
6 PHP:
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MYSQL Create tables,
Fields Alter table
Insert, Update and where condition
Delete, Select Limits, Distinct
Joins, Order by Group by,
Union Import and Export Database
Introduction to AJAX
AJAX Components AJAX Components
Java Script Java Script
The XMLHttpRequest Object The XMLHttpRequest Object
Server Side Code Server Side Code
9. Web Technologies
Introduction to the Internet: The World Wide Web, Web Browsers, Web Servers, Uniform
Resource Locators, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, The Hypertext Transfer
Protocol. Common Gateway Interface(CGI), Content Management System – Basics, Case
Study: Apache Server, WordPress
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11. JAVA
Concepts of Object Oriented Programming- Encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism
Introduction to Java – Data types, variables, operators, control statements
Introduction to classes, declaring objects, data fields, methods, Inheritance, packages
and interfaces
Exception handling, multithreading, generics
GUI development- Introduction to AWT and Swing Classes, Input/Output, file
handling, Applet class
Introduction to Java Collections
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12. Data Communication
Introduction: Purpose of database systems, View of data- Data abstraction, Instances and
Schemas, data models. Database languages, Database administrator, database users, database
architecture. The entity-relationship model- Entity sets, Relationship sets, Attributes.
Constraints- Mapping cardinalities, Keys, ER diagrams, Weak entity sets, Strong entity sets.
Relational Database Design: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, BCNF, 4th, 5th Normal forms. Transactions -
Properties (ACID), States, Concurrent executions. Concurrency control- lockbased protocols
- Locks.
Data Definition in SQL: Data types, creation, Insertion, viewing, updation, deletion of
tables, modifying the structure of tables, renaming, dropping of tables. Data constraints-
I/O constraints- Primary key, foreign key, Unique key constraints. Business rule
constraints-Null, not null, check integrity constraints, Defining different constraints on
table, ALTER TABLE Command.
Database Manipulation in SQL: Computations done on table data - Select command, Logical
operators, Range searching, Pattern matching, Grouping data from tables in SQL, GROUP BY,
HAVING clauses, Joins - Joining Multiple Tables, Joining a Table to itself. Views -
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Creation, Renaming the column of a view, destroys view. Granting and revoking
permissions - Granting privileges, Object privileges, Revoking privileges.
Program with SQL – data types – Using set and select commands-procedural flow-ifif/
else-while-goto-global variables - Security- Locks, types of locks, levels of locks.
Cursorsworking with cursors- Error handling-developing stored procedures- create, alter
and droppassing and returning data to stored procedures-using stored procedures within
queries-building user defined functions— creating and calling a scalar function-
implementing triggers- creating triggers - multiple trigger interaction.
Routing (RIP, OSPF, metrics) – Switch basics – Global Internet (Areas, BGP, IPv6),
Multicast – addresses – multicast routing (DVMRP, PIM).
Overview of Transport layer - UDP - Reliable byte stream (TCP) - Connection management
– Flow control - Retransmission – TCP Congestion control - Congestion avoidance
(DECbit, RED) – QoS –Application requirements.
15. Multimedia
Multimedia Files: Image and sound file formats, multimedia file formats, compression,
standards and techniques, features of software to read and write such files.
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Photo-shop: Photo-shop workshop, image editing tools, specifying and adjusting colors,
using gradient tools, selection and move tools, transforming path drawing and editing tools,
using channels, layers, filters and actions
Flash: Exploring interface, using selection and pen tools, working with drawing and
painting tools, applying color, viewing and manipulating time line, time line/stage
relationship, animating (frame-by-frame, tweening), guiding layers, importing and editing
sound and video clips in flash, working with 3-D graphics
Director: Exploring interface: score editor, cast editor, toolbars, library, palette, inspector,
menu bar, cast libraries, painting techniques, importing images, working with stage, sprites
and score; using text, using sound, using digital video, creating behaviour, using behaviour
inspector, basics of lingo.
Control Statements- if-then, if –then- else, else-if ladder, select case, choose, loop
statements- do loops, for, while-The with statement, converting between data types,
Handling dates and times Arrays-declaration and manipulation, Strings and String
functions, procedures and functions
Common controls- textbox, Rich textbox, label, command Button, option button, checkbox,
frame, list box, combo box, scrollbar, picture box, image box, timer, Data control, OLE,
file controls-properties and methods
Data Access with ADO. Net, accessing data with Server Explorer, Accessing Data with
data Adaptors and Data sets, Creating a new data connection, creating and populating Data
set, displaying data in Data Grid, selecting a data provider, Data accessing using Data
adapter Control, Binding Data to Controls
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Study - Types of feasibilities , Process Requirements Elicitation - techniques, Requirements
Analysis – Structured Analysis, Object Oriented Modelling, Other approaches,
Requirements Specification – Structure of SRS, Requirements Validation , Requirements
Management – A Case study
Software Design – basic principles, concepts , Data design , Data Architectural design,
Component level design , User Interface design , Pattern based Software design, Design
Notations, Design Reviews – types, process, evaluating reviews, Software Design
Documentation, A Case study, Software Coding – features, guidelines, Methodology,
Programming practices, Verification techniques, documentation
Software Planning and Scheduling – project planning, planning process, project plan,
Project Scheduling – principles, techniques, Project staffing, Risk management, Software
Quality – Concepts, Quality Assurance Activities, Software reviews, Evaluation, Capability
Maturity Model , Software Reliability, Software Configuration Management process,
Concept of Software Re Engineering – approaches, process models
Attributes of output primitives – line style – colour and Intensity – area filling algorithms –
character Attributes – inquiry functions – bundled attributes – two dimensional
transformations – basic and composite transformations – metric representations.
Skill Test
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