April 26, 2019 Strathmore Times

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APRIL 26, 2019

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Shields discusses
Page 7

Canadian issues
with county
Times Contributor
RSA hosts choir
Martin Shields, the Bow River federal MP, painted
a cloudy picture of issues affecting Canada when he
Page 11 met with Wheatland County council on April 16.
“You heard me say this before, the municipal level
of government is the best level we have,” said Shields
“You work issue by issue, and decide vote by vote on
any particular issue. You are closest to the people you
He said municipalities can usually fix mistakes more
readily at the local level versus the mechanisms at a
national level.
He touched on agriculture trade issues and the im-
Fire on Ice showcase pact China had on trade in areas of canola.
“People say it’s about science. It’s not about science,
it is about politics with canola,” said Shields.
He said if canola is shipped to China, it currently
sits in port. China was buying about 40 per cent of
Canada’s canola. There is some speculation in the me-
dia that the move was made to force Canada to protect
Huawei’s CFO from extradition to the United States.
Shields also talked about problems with the durum
wheat trade in Italy that reduced exports by about
60 per cent, due to country of origin labelling and
negative social media attacks initiated by protectionist
lobby groups.
Saudi Arabia also initiated a trade ban for barley,
Offering IV Sedation which some attribute to a slight to Saudi egos that a
call by Canada made for the improvement of human
Dr. Ashkan Hamzehi DDS
Dr. Arzy Kafrouny DDS
rights and a rebuke for the murder of journalist Jamal
Dr. Sharif Faizi DMD Khashoggi.
General Practice Family Dentistry
India is requiring duties of 30 per cent on imports
100 Ranch Market, Unit 105F of lentils, 44 per cent on chickpeas and 50 per cent on
Strathmore, AB 403.934.5292 peas. Many farmers had switched to pulse crops be-
www.theranchdentalcentre.com cause indicators showed the market opening for pulse
crops in India and Indonesia. India wants incoming
Look on Page 4 for pulse crops to be sprayed with methyl bromide to kill
Town of Strathmore pests. There is a push to phase out methyl bromide
Municipal Notices use due to its effect on the ozone layer. Canada is
trying to negotiate with alternative sprays that could
Contact Us Today! be used. Egg treasure hunting!
403.934.5589 “There are a lot of issues for agriculture, as far as The 28th annual Easter egg hunt presented by RE/MAX Realty Horizon and Calgary
freeing the products that come out of this particular Co-op was held at Kinsmen Park on April 20. Children searched the area for choco-
area and it’s not good. Hopefully, some of those things late eggs and special eggs. There was also an Easter bonnet contest and partici-
www.StrathmoreTimes.com get fixed,” said Shields. pants could enter to win a bycicle. Miriam Ostermann Photo
Continued on Page 6



104 - 3rd Avenue,
Strathmore $409,900 $244,900 $354,700 $253,500 $307,500 $679,900
Page 2 • Strathmore TIMES • April 26, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Next Regular
Council Meeting:
May 1st, 2019

Next Committee
of the Whole
May 8th, 2019

George Freeman Bridge Closure

With the weather warming up quickly and the ground beginning to thaw, the George Freeman Bridge will
close April 29th for approximately four weeks to allow for paving and completion of the project. During
this time, detours will be in place. To learn more about the project visit Strathmore.ca

Please be advised that

The Strathmore Handi-Bus service will not be
crews will be working
available between:
on the Strathmore
8:30am - 10:00am on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 Sobey's Indoor Track
Please mark this on your calendar so you can for 2 weeks starting
book your appointments accordingly on that Thursday, April 25th.
The track will remain
For more information or to book an appointment
open to the public
please call 403-934-3418.

during this time,

Thank You! however lane usage
will be reduced to two

Thank you for your


1:00 pm - 4:00pm
At the Strathmore Motor Products Sports Centre

Calling all volunteers that volunteer for any

Strathmore Organization.

Come and see all that the new Sports Centre has
to offer and enjoy a variety activities as a

To register, please email fcss@strathmore.ca

680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1 • 403-934-3133 • Office Hours: M - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
April 26, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 3

World of Choices Showtime:

Ten participating schools – from Beiseker, 7:30pm
Closed Sunday
Wheatland County, Strathmore and Chestermere & Monday for
– and over 40 career mentors took part in the
World of Choices on April 10 at the Strathmore
Civic Centre. Olympian Kirsti Lay kicked off the April 19 - May 2, 2019
event by sharing her journey of winning a bronze
medal in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.
Photo Courtesy of Lindsay Desrosiers,
Hanna Watson & Aia Hughes Marvel
Brie Larson,
Samuel L. Jackson,
Ben Mendelsohn,
Annette Bening,
Clark Gregg
Approximately $50,000 was raised by the For Movie Listings call 403-934-3057
Strathmore Lions Club at their 33rd Com- or go to www.joylandtheatre.com
munity Social and Auction on April 6 at the
Strathmore Civic Centre. The close to ca-
pacity crowd had approximately 70 live and
140 silent auction items to bid on, donated
Pow Wow at CMJHS by local businesses and individuals. All
Crowther Memorial Junior High School (CMJHS) held a Pow Wow on April 10 during a school assembly money raised from the event will be spent on
featuring a drum circle, grand entry and traditional dances. projects in Strathmore. Commercial | Farms Industrial | Investment
Photo Courtesy of Tom Janzen Brad Everett Photo
Bob Sheddy C0-Owner/Commercial Broker
Cardboard boat races in Strathmore BobSheddy.ca 403-324-2222
ADELLE ELLIS will be some laughs as teams try their sign to be handed in prior to the com-
Times Reporter luck getting across the pool – some of petition. KaraLee Foat, MA Co-Owner/Broker
the best and most entertaining runs are Students will learn to apply several PowerRealty.ca 587-390-0596
Junior high and high school students when the boat doesn’t quite make it. principles to their cardboard boats, karalee.foat@century21.ca
are getting the opportunity to partici- Rules and regulations of the event such as design, research and presen- 403-983-2121
pate in local cardboard boat races – apply and students must follow them tation, structure, strength and rigidity, 123 2nd Ave,
Strathmore, AB
modelled after similar races hosted an- during the construction period, speed water permeability, construction and
nually by Skills Canada Alberta. event and weight events to receive fabrication, buoyancy and displace-
Wheatland Crossing School will be judging marks. ment, teamwork and communication,
hosting the event at the Strathmore McKeen, who has taken teams to and application of fine motor skills.
Aquatic Centre on May 6. Approxi- the Skills Canada Alberta competi- “The real beauty of this event is see-
mately 14 teams from schools in Gold- tions for 11 years, said part of the fun ing and hearing kids think individually Strathmore
Denture Clinic
en Hills School Division will have the is that some things won’t always go as and collectively,” said McKeen. “If you
opportunity to enter the race. planned and that students generally pay attention while they are building,
“This event causes students to apply a show their resilience in these instanc- which is something we don’t always
lot of the knowledge they have gained es and can meet the challenges with do well in education, you will discover
Terry Grant Denturist
over their years of school, whether it some frustration, a little ingenuity and that they are embodying many, if not 403.934.3877
comes from math, science, art or shop,” a smile. most, of the things we are trying to
said Mark McKeen, host teacher from Some of the benefits students gain teach. It is an authentic experience as • Complete / Partial Dentures
Wheatland Crossing School. He added during the competition include learn- they collaborate, occasionally disagree,
the event fosters critical and creative ing to work as a group with individual design, create, problem solve, fail and • Same Day Relines & Repair
thinking by posing a simple challenge ideas that need to be molded togeth- continue to work towards a goal to the • Custom Mouthguards
that can be approached in a variety of er, some students are building some- best of their abilities right until the fi-
ways through communication and col- thing with their own hands for the first nal moments of building.” • Custom Night Guards
laboration, along with other compe- time, and some students just want to Winners of the competition will float • Natural Teeth Whitening
tencies, that teachers try to nurture in do something fun and cool with their away with bragging rights and a medal.
their classrooms. friends and learn how to overcome a McKeen hopes to make this an an-
Participating teams will have 90 min- challenge together. nual competition that will grow in size
utes to build their boats out of the sup- “Students can gain a tremendous over the years to include more schools
plied building materials including, but amount from a competition like this. from within the division as well as
not limited to, one roll of packing tape, One of the greatest things about this is open the event up to some smaller
limited cardboard, one small roll of that it offers something a little different schools from the Grasslands School Di-
duct tape, one cutting tool, two pencils for every kid,” said McKeen. vision. He also hopes to include some
and one surprise item. Ahead of the event it is recommend- sponsorship opportunities and other
Teams will be assessed by three ed teams meet and research possible takeaways such as participant clothing. 413 - 3rd St. Strathmore
judges on their boat’s design, construc- designs for their boats. They are also “Ideally this will become something
tion, safety, speed across the 25-metre recommended to build and test a pro- where we can have some friendly com-
pool and weight capacity. totype of their boat in advance to race petition develop,” said McKeen. “A lot GET YOUR CLASSIFIED
Audience members will witness stu- day. There is no limit to the amount of of students in this region know one an- ADS IN THE TIMES!
dents testing their own hypothesis and
literally sinking or swimming. There
designs and prototypes teams come up other and bragging rights are always a Call 403-934-5589
with before settling on their final de- good thing to compete for.”

403.934.3334 www.strathmoremotors.com

900 Westridge Road, Strathmore

900 Westridge Road, Strathmore

Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • April 26, 2019
Hear From You!

The Town of Strathmore, with support from Wheatland County, is undertaking the
development of a 10 year Recreation, Culture & Facilities Master Plan. The Master Plan
will assess the current situation and identify priorities and recommendations regarding
the provision of recreation, culture, active and creative lifestyle opportunities and
Next Regular services to meet the needs of area residents and visitors.

Council Meeting: To develop the Master Plan a survey will be fielded with households in the area. Look
in your mailbox over the next couple of weeks for a postcard that provides you with a
May 1st, 2019 unique access code to participate in the survey. Once you have your code simply visit the
Town’s website (Strathmore.ca) click on the link then enter your access code.

Next Committee
of the Whole
Meeting: The Town of Strathmore is planning for the future of recreation and culture services by completing a
Master Plan. Your input is critical to the development of the Plan – we need to hear from you!

To participate in the survey you need to use the access code in the following box.
Recreation, Culture & Facilities Master Plan Survey

May 8th, 2019 XXXXXXXX

Simply visit the Town of Strathmore’s website (www.strathmore.ca) and

Household in the
Strathmore Area

click on the link to access the survey – have your access code handy.
Your input is important!
If you would prefer to complete a hard copy of the questionnaire please contact Tracy Simpson
(Town of Strathmore) at TracyS@strathmore.ca.
(You will need your access code for the hard copy as well.)

For more information about the Recreation, Culture & Facilities Master Plan please
contact Tracy Simpson (Town of Strathmore) at 403.934.3133.


Adult Swim Class
(CVITP) The Strathmore Aquatics
Centre is offering adult
swimming lessons - running
May 4, 11, 18, 15.
Visit rec.strathmore.ca

The Town of Strathmore Family & Community Support Services (FCSS)

Offers Free Tax Preparation.

If you have a low income or no income (see chart below) and a Save the DATE!!
BASIC tax return you may qualify.
*Exceptions to this guideline are at the discretion of FCSS staff.
On MAY 1, 2019, the Town
of Strathmore is launching
our PerfectMind recreation
SINGLE PERSON: UNDER $35,000.00 software. Searching,
COUPLE: UNDER $45,000.00
registering and paying
for recreation programs
and booking facilities will
be easier than ever. All

current recreation users

We are not able to complete the following types of returns: and new users will need
 Self-Employment or have employment expenses to create a PerfectMind
 Business or rental income/expenses account to access services.
 Capital gains or losses More information on how to
 Filed for bankruptcy create your PerfectMind
 Filing for a deceased person account will be available
To see if you qualify, come to the FCSS office located at 116-3rd Ave. May 1st, at:
Remember to bring your ID and your T-slips/receipts. Or call us at rec.strathmore.ca
403-934-9090 for more information.

680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1 • 403-934-3133 • Office Hours: M - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
April 26, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 5

RSA lobbies for infrastructure timelines

Times Contributor The current infrastructure services leave a big Hayden said the board may be open to a partnership with
question affecting sustainable development and the county, to get water and wastewater issues solved.
Jack Hayden, board chair with Rosebud School expansion for Rosebud. Councillor Ben Armstrong said historically dealing with
of the Arts, asked Wheatland County for some as- The county had previously partnered with the changing regulations and Alberta Environment has been a
surance that water and wastewater services are University of Calgary on the Algae Wastewater struggle, but he said the county is committed to continued
on track for Rosebud, because it is a concern for Treatment Rosebud Pilot project in hopes it could support for the community.
Rosebud residents, the school staff and students, be a solution for the area. It has not yet received “It may have its bumps, but we are not going to let Rose-
and staff and patrons of Rosebud Theatre. approval under the standards set out by Alberta bud float down the river. We are not going to leave Rosebud
“We want to make sure Rosebud is there for an- Environment. suspended. I think you can leave here reassured that we are
other 40 years,” said Hayden. “That’s about how Hayden wanted a clear picture of risks involved not going to walk away from what they have taken over 30
long it has been there now, but everything hangs with the decaying infrastructure. He has fears that years to develop,” said Armstrong.
in the balance, and the success of Rosebud The- the various approvals and implementation plans Reeve Amber Link stated that once the infrastructure is
atre will dictate whether it carries on or doesn’t.” could take many years. improved, then more land may be available for accommoda-
He requested an idea of the water and waste- “We currently truck the effluent away if it gets tions development in the future.
water project timeline, and called for an update to a point. So, it is not that we are not in compli- Continued on Page 6
on progress for a safe drinking water/wastewater ance; it is a matter that we just don’t have the
system. capacity to expand it completely and that is the
Rosebud recently received a sustainability study challenge. The system has aged beyond the condi-
grant of $85,000 and he said they didn’t want to tion to repair and has to be replaced,” said Alan
duplicate actions that were already in motion by Parkin, chief administrative officer with Wheat-
the county. land County. He added that a new sewage lagoon
“It’s the first time we had an open meeting in was the first step, and the county has applied for a
Rosebud where people were allowed to ask ques- grant to pay for a new sewage lagoon. He felt they
tions, and there are people there who have mil- would get some notification about the grant after
lions of dollars invested in Rosebud,” said Hayden. the recent election.

Photography and graphic design at SHS

Strathmore High School

I’ve had the chance this year to take both pho-

tography and design classes at Strathmore High
School (SHS), and even though I am pretty incom-
petent when it comes to technology, they were
some of the most enjoyable parts of my first year
of high school.
The photography program gives students the
ability to show their own unique artistic flair; even
if taking pictures of the school grounds seem to
be a little dull, every student can find creative SHS photog-
ways to express themselves through the pictures raphy students
they take. practice compo-
“The intro level classes are designed for begin- sition as part of
ners, so if you happen to have some existing back- their studies.
ground knowledge, you’ll be a step ahead of the Simon Hoff Photo
game. On the other hand, if you’ve never touched drawing on the computer, but it’s actually not like
a camera or a computer in your life, you’ll be that at all,” said Riley. “You can draw, but you defi-
fine,” said Ms. Taryn Riley, teacher. “In Introduc- nitely don’t have to. We do a lot of combining/
tory Photography, we focus a lot on composition editing images and text to create our own custom
– different ways to set up your photos to make pieces, making invitations, posters, lyric videos,
them more visually intriguing than your average etc. We do have one drawing project, where we
snapshot. We also get into some processing (ed- learn how to create vector line art by tracing a car-
iting, and combining different edits to make ‘fil- toon, but we use anchor points and bezier curves,
ters’), and some technical settings using aperture which even non-artists can get the hang of.”
and shutter speed to change how focus and mo- The class was able to do their own thing suc-
tion look in your pictures. With phone cameras cessfully, while gaining skill throughout, despite
improving so much over such a short period of being at different levels.
time, we’ve also been moving more towards using One graphic design student said, “These class-
those photos in class, and checking out different es helped us to find new friends and create new
apps to get the most out of your shots.” memories every day.”
I was in the class with a few of my friends, With all the stress of a first year of high school,
and we were able to help each other, despite our it’s nice to have a class where you can feel re-
varying levels of skill. A student said about the laxed and do your own thing. You don’t have to
photography class, “When the quarter was almost be amazing at it, and the teacher is really patient
over was when we realized how much fun we and leaves a lot of room for everyone to express
were having creating things.” their own creativity.
In the graphic design class I took last quarter, When deciding which options to take at SHS,
everyone in the class was able to incorporate their the photography and graphic design programs are
own personalities into the projects we did. For a great place to start. Riley describes the course
example, I was able to photoshop a picture of Mi- perfectly: “A lot of projects in photography and
chael Scott as a zombie, create a music video to graphics are open-ended, giving you a lot of cre-
the song “I Want It That Way”, and make a fake ative freedom. There are always minimum require-
public service announcement telling people to ments and expectations, but if you are interested
chew with their mouths closed, as well as some in a particular project and want to show off your
more serious projects. creativity and really go crazy, you can.”

“People always assume graphic design is just
Kristina Bezic Financial Manager
Mario Prusina Publisher
1 bedroom Condo , 2 Parking
Janet Kanters Editor Adelle Ellis Reporter / Office Manager Rose Hamrlik Advertising Jody Schneider Production Manager
Stall Under Ground HEATED!
Doug Taylor, Sharon McLeay, John Godsman, Steve Greene, Laureen F. Guenther, Manny Everett, Miriam Ostermann, Brady Grove Street
123 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K1 • 403.934.5589
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny,
Gleichen, Hussar, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
coverage area. Our 10,910 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must be signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to
edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible. debbeststrathmore@gmail.com
Pass the Salt
Page 6 • Strathmore TIMES • April 26, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

RSA updates county council

SEASONS FLY BY to live in a victim mentality of
The older I get the faster time poor, poor me, when others
and seasons seems to go. I throw rocks and things don’t go
have discovered I can’t go the way I planned or am I going donations and applying for grants, the
Continued from Page 5
back and recover my losses to say they are entitled to their school hopes to wipe out their debt.
but I can move ahead. I want opinion, things happen, bless Wheatland County contributes $5,000
Councillor Scott Klassen also indicated there is possibly
to make the most of today that I them, and move ahead with a plan to hook Rosebud into the Wheatland Regional Water per year to the school, and Hayden
have. I don’t want to waste my what is important in my life? Pipeline. voiced his appreciation for that support.
day in worry or anxiety about God says that we are fearfully Haydan wanted to update Wheatland council on the chal-
things that I cannot change. I
think that when I am lying on
and wonderfully made. He
says that we are precious to
lenges facing Rosebud School of the Arts.
“We both are facing some interesting things coming up in
Martin Shields
my death bed, I am not going
wish I had done one more load
Him. Precious enough that He
would send His only Son for us
the future,” said Hayden. “I wanted to make you aware that the
arts community, and even more so, the entertainment commu- calls on
of laundry, worked more at the
office, built one more thing or
so we can have eternity with
Him. I think the most important
nity in this province, with the downturn that has taken place
in the economy, has been very severely affected. We have had Wheatland County
wrote one more sermon. I want opinion that should influence a very difficult couple of years.” Continued from Page 1
to know I did the best with the me is His. He said his career background and experience in federal
time I had and stepped out and God is the only one that politics, serving as an adviser on sustainable communities and He had his doubts about the signing of
took advantage of opportunities truly knows your heart and remote rural communities to Prime Minister Paul Martin, has the new NAFTA agreement – also known
or made opportunities for what understands who you really prepared him to tackle challenges. as the Canada–United States–Mexico
is important. Life truly is short. are. Life is too short to worry He said they are doing an organizational review and gover- Agreement (CUSMA) once ratified. He
I cannot change anyone else about all the things that could nance review, which has highlighted some areas for improve- said tariffs for metal manufacturing for
except me and how I look at go wrong, or may not be the ment, and this has led to a more aggressive marketing ap- aluminum products is affecting local
things. I am trying to focus way we want. Make the most proach. businesses and has a negative effect
on my blessings instead of out of every day you have, “There is a limited amount of disposable dollars in the prov- down the line for farm and municipal
my failures. I am not always recognize the blessings you
ince and they are very selective of where they spend them,” machinery costs.
said Hayden. He has concerns that tariff money is
going to see eye to eye with have and that you are loved
He said RSA currently has a $600,000 debt that needs to be not being applied to support those in-
everyone around me, but does beyond measure by the very
paid down. He said it is a bit concerning, as patron yearly dustries, but has not been transparent in
it really matter? Am I going to God who created you.
memberships were down, but he is remaining positive and its allocation to general revenue (federal
let that rob me of the precious Pastor Elizabeth Karp set a goal of committing $100,000 per year to that debt. He is
time I have left? Am I going Harvest Healing Centre Church government document that shows where
confident they are turning the corner on difficult times. tax dollars are spent: www.fin.gc.ca/tax-
Through a recent private donation, fundraising for future dollar/text/fanfold/pamphlete.pdf.).
Shields said some money that should
BOW RIVER ALLIANCE CHURCH SACRED HEART CATHOLIC Thought for be delegated to targeted infrastructure
105 Main St. Carseland Holy Cross Collegiate School Gym for municipalities is unfortunately flow-
the Week
403-934-9337 709B - 2nd Street, Strathmore ing at a trickle rate.
Pastor: Kevin Enns 403-934-2641
office@bowriveralliance.com Pastor: Fr. Wojciech Jarzecki He related the positives of the one-
Sunday Worship: 10 am Masses: Saturday 5 pm • Sunday 10 am
There is time gas tax of $2.2 billion, to be direct-
nothing so ly allocated for short-term municipality
support, and he considered this was a
RCCG PECULIAR PEOPLE ASSEMBLY 103 - 227 3rd Ave. useless as positive initiative, rather than having to
(1 PET. 2:9) 587-727-0649
322 A 2nd Avenue, Strathmore strathmoreanglican@gmail.com doing apply by grant for the money.
Rev. Malcolm Kern He was discouraged about the current
Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am
something very
Pastor: Sunday Adeola government’s spending habits, with little
Sunday Worship: 10:30 am “Becoming fully alive in Jesus Christ” efficiently that going to repay their $34.1 billion debt
Wednesday Bible Study: 7 pm
www.rccgstrathmore.com HOPE COMMUNITY shouldn’t be load. He said they acquired a $10 billion
COVENANT CHURCH overage, which was spent, with none ap-
245 Brent Blvd, Strathmore • 403-934-2424 done at all.
50 Maplewood Drive • 403-934-2225 Pastor: Heidi Wiebe
Worship Service Sundays 10 am He said across Canada, Quebec busi-
Senior Pastor: Rev. Les Fischer
Youth Pastor: Rev. Kyle Lomenda www.hope-community.ca ness is booming, but some of the south-
New Office Hours: ern Ontario businesses have been nega-
9 am - 4 pm • Tues - Wed - Thur 325 1 Ave • 403-934-3543
tively affected by U.S. President Trump’s
Worship Service: 10:30 am Corner of 1 Ave & Wheatland Trail tax policies. It has caused some busi-
Children’s Church & Nursery in Service Lead Pastor: Mike Wiebe nesses to relocate to the U.S.
Extending Grace - igniting hope Associate Pastor: John Duerksen
Generally, Shields said Canada’s econ-
Youth/Worthip Inter: Connor Hyde
omy is slowing.
LORD OF ALL (NALC) LUTHERAN 10:00 am Worship Service
www.strathmorealliance.com He said on the recent news scandal
112 Lakeside Blvd. • 403-934-2374
Pastor: Dawn Nelson
front, the Liberal government is hoping
STRATHMORE UNITED to delay the SNC-Lavalin issues and the
Worship Schedule Wheatland Trail & 3rd Avenue
Thursday Evening 7:00 pm 403-934-3025
Vice Admiral Mark Norman military in-
Sunday Family 10:30 am Rev. Pamela Scott formation leak trial, until after the elec-
Christian Education Sunday Worship 10:30 am tion. In his opinion, the public will hear
For All - Ages 3-103 Sunday School 10:30 am
Sunday at 9:30 am
more disturbing information about poli-
Nursery Care Provided
Join us in Praising our Lord, Jesus Christ! cies and procedures as the Norman case
Wheel Chair Accessible
Loop system for the hearing impaired goes forward.
Meeting in the Lutheran Church 102 Canal Gardens
112 Lakeside Blvd. 587-227-6956 403-901-0893 / 403-880-3171
Pastor: Donald Pierre Pastor: Elizabeth Karp
Services held every Saturday Pastor: Dave Mackie
Sabbath School: 10 AM Worship Sundays 10:30 am Students
Worship Service: 11 AM
Youth Tuesdays 7 pm
Come Join us for a spirit-filled time
donald816@hotmail.com of worship change
The Stathmore High School held a free seniors’
dinner on April 10 prior to a Me to We benefit con-
cert. A silent auction, bake sale and donations
The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints raised $1,054 towards the Me to We clubs goal of
60 Maplewood Drive | Bishop Justin Hansen | jbhansen2@gmail.com $2,000 to help a Ugandan student, Felista, go to
403-983-2746 | LDS.org | Worship Service Sundays 10 a.m. school. Olive Hayes (l-r) and Jo Wilson.
John Godsman Photo

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April 26, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7

Rosebud students to perform

original movement show
LAUREEN F. GUENTHER plan to be theatre performers. of influence from the initial silence, and
Times Contributor
“You have to go deep in character the first, more dissonant, music style.
analysis and scene study, so yeah, (it’s The story of the foxes is “very heart-
Rosebud School of the Arts first-year essential), knowing what your personal felt and personal,” Funk said. “What I
students will perform Catching Foxes, foxes are.” hope it means for the audience is they
a movement show they have created, The show includes movement pieces see the depth behind the simplicity. Ev- Strathmore RCMP is
starting May 2, on Rosebud’s BMO Stu- created by indi- ery part of it will investigating the Theft of a
dio Stage. The show is the culmination vidual students. reflect to the other Travel Trailer that took place on
of their year-long Movement Founda- Those short part. And it might
tions class. pieces were not make literal December 2, 2018.
Catching Foxes tells the story of deal- added to, and sense, but some- The Trailer is described as a
ing with the “foxes” in our lives, said in- became part of, how there’s this White Travelaire Rustler with
structor and director Julie Funk. Like the a larger piece. sense of knowing.”
foxes in the biblical book of the Song of Funk calls All the perform- license plate Y91180 Alberta and
Songs, she said, the foxes in our lives her approach ers have a similar the decals on it appear faded.
are anything that stops us from experi- movement-as- task in the show,
encing the sunlight of the spirit in our research, in which the students created she said. “They have to redeem the fox.
hearts. their initial movements to silence, rather They have to redeem that space in the
If you have any information that
“A personal challenge is that which we than to music. theatre. They have to do it for the the- could help locate this Trailer,
allow… to block the presence of grace,” “We create without music so we’re not atre, they have to do it for their com- please contact
she said. “We have to locate these foxes, being dictated by the emotional drive in munity, their group, and then for them-
chase the foxes, catch the foxes, redeem a song,” she said. “When we process it
Strathmore RCMP.
selves individually.”
the foxes. Having the courage to face that way, so many layers come alive.” They convey that by drawing images File: 20181794883
these things in you that block you. After a movement was created in si- from the Song of Songs, like fragrance,
“God is even in charge of the foxes, lence, it was performed to different anointed oils and passionate kisses.
so they’re actually helpful,” Funk added.
“Those challenges that we have to face
types of music, which would inevitably
change it. In this class, Funk introduced
They’ve also added dialogue to help the
audience bridge the gap with the ab-
and overcome to deepen our connection
with God are precious.”
dissonant music first, before bringing in
music that’s more sentimentally-driven.
stract storytelling.
Catching Foxes will be performed in
Redeeming those foxes is especially That way, even if the final movement is Rosebud’s BMO Studio Stage May 2, 3
necessary for Rosebud School of the performed to music that’s sentimentally- and 4 at 5 p.m., running approximately
Arts students, she said, most of whom driven, she said, it will still reveal layers 45 minutes. Get tickets and more infor-
mation at rosebudschoolofthearts.com

RSA to host choir from Canadian or 2010-27388 - AB-85 - Strathmore Coupons


Mennonite University $ OFF
120 - 2nd Avenue, Strathmore

LAUREEN F. GUENTHER whom CMU is his alma mater. The CMU

Times Contributor
Singers is one of five auditioned choral
ensembles at CMU.

Rosebud School of the Arts will host The concert will be at 7:30 p.m. on
a concert by the 41-voice CMU Singers, May 2 at Rosebud Church. Admission
a choir from Canadian Mennonite Uni- is free, and a freewill offering will be
versity in Winnipeg. The CMU Singers, taken. Proceeds will go to the Rosebud ON ANY BURRITO COMBO Gord Morck
conducted by Dr. Janet Brenneman, are Regular Mexi-Fries® and Med. Soft Drink Pharmacist
School of the Arts scholarship fund.
on tour in Alberta this spring. They will For more information or to offer a
perform in Rosebud Church on May 2. home billet for CMU choir members,
Capsule Comments
Two Rosebud choirs, conducted by contact Bill Hamm at billh@rosebud- Men should do a regular self-examination of their
Bill Hamm, will also participate in the Valid in Strathmore only, until August 31st, 2019 testicles. This is best done after a shower examining
concert. The Rosebud Chorale, com- the testicles one at a time, rolling it between thumb
and fingers to detect any lumps or abnormalities.

Early Bird Air Ltd.

prised of Rosebud School of the Arts
Seek medical advice if concerned. As with women’s
students, will perform some pieces with breast self-examinations, early detection can mean
the CMU Singers. Rosa Cantorum, an au- more successful treatment, particularly if the cause
ditioned Rosebud community women’s is cancer.
choir, will also perform. One of the main selling points for e-cigarettes
Rosebud School of the Arts students
will also perform dramatic pieces.
Ground TWO is they help smokers stop the tobacco habit by
replacing it with something less toxic. However,
“There is a long, strong history of JOHN DEERE many people continue to use e-cigarettes after
kicking the tobacco habit. Many e-cigarettes contain
choral singing at this university, and this
concert will be excellent,” said Hamm, R4045 nicotine, an addictive substance which makes them
difficult to quit.
music director at Rosebud School of the HIGH CLEARANCE The sunburn season is fast approaching and along
Arts (RSA) and Rosebud Theatre, for with it is the need to protect the skin from burning.
SPRAYERS People often do not apply sunscreens correctly….
either too little is used or not reapplied often
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and a hat.
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Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • April 26, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com


Wheatland County Council Chambers May 7, 2019, at 9 a.m.
Wheatland County will consider the following applications for
Public Hearing at the regular Council meeting on
Tuesday, May 7, 2019.
The following public hearings begin at 9 a.m. and proceed until all
applications have been heard:
Bylaw #: 2018-41
Legal Description: Plan 1811971; Area A
Proposal: To redesignate +/ - 0.52 acres from undesignated to
parks and recreation district.

Bylaw #: 2018-42
Legal Description: Plan 1811971; Area B
Proposal: To redesignated +/ - 0.07 acres from undesignated
to parks and recreation district.

Bylaw #: 2018-43
Legal Description: Plan 1811971; Area C
Proposal: To redesignate +/ - 0.59 acres from undesignated to
parks and recreation district.

Bylaw #: 2018-44
Legal Description: Plan 1811971; Area D
Proposal: To redesignate +/ - 0.11 acres from undesignated to
parks and recreation district.

Bylaw #: 2019-04
Legal Description: County-Wide; solar and wind Amendment
Proposal: Am end Land Use Bylaw 2016 -01 to include more
site regulatory material for small scale personal use of solar panels
on structures and ground development, as well as micro genera-
tion wind turbines and towers (WECS).
Bylaw #: 2019-05
Legal Description: County-Wide; new land use district: Energy
Proposal: Am end Land Use Bylaw 2016 -01 to include a new
land use district called the Energy District to address large scale,
industrial and commercial AUC approved solar facilities and wind
turbine farms (WECS).
Comments may be forwarded in writing to Wheatland County or in person
at the above meeting. The application files may be reviewed in the County
Office during regular office hours – Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Any comments provided will become part of the public record in accord-
ance with Section 40 (1) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Pro- Roadside Haying Applications Now Being Accepted!
tection Privacy Act. Any personal information on submissions made re-
garding applications is collected under the authority of the FOIP Act Sec- Anyone wishing to hay municipal road right of ways must make
tion 33 (c) and subsequent versions of the Act.
application by May 31, 2019. You must complete an “Access and
Work Agreement” prior to starting work.
Wheatland County Fire Services Board
This form is available on our website or at our office.
Call For Members
Wheatland County invites applications for membership on
the Fire Services Board with appointment to commence in Dust Control Applications Now Being Accepted!
June 2019 for a term of one (1) year. The Fire Services If you are interested in purchasing Dust Control, you must complete
Board is comprised of five (5) Association Presidents, two an application and submit payment prior to the applicable deadline:
(2) citizens-at-large, and no more than three (3) members
 Calcium Chloride ($1.50/foot):
of Council. Membership on the board shall be appointed by
Resolution of Council. The Fire Services Board shall exer- – May application order deadline is April 26
cise powers, duties, and functions as assigned by the Fire – June application order deadline is June 10
Board Bylaw 2019-01.  Oiling ($5-$7/foot depending on road and application type):
– July application order deadline is July 8
Deadline for applications is May 10, 2019.
 Patching for previously applied oil (invoiced at $100/tonne + GST):
If you require more information, or to submit letters of inter- – Application order deadline is July 8
est, please contact the General Manager of Protective Ser- The application form is available on our website or at our office.
vices at 403-361-2181 or

Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

April 26, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 9

2019 General Property Assessment Inspections

Day of Mourning
Wheatland County’s Assessment Department will be performing the 2019 Gen-
eral Property Assessment inspections for parcels located within: Range 22 (north Every year on April 28 we pay our respects
of Gleichen and parallel to highway 840), Range 21 (north of Cluny and parallel to, and remember, the thousands of work-
to highway 842), and Subdivisions of: Chancellor, Cluny, Redland, Rosebud and ers who have been killed, injured or
Nightingale. The purpose of these inspections is to update Property Assessment suffered illness as a result of work-related
information including exterior photographs of all assessable buildings. This may incidents.
require exterior measurement of the building(s). Inspections will occur during
the months of May, June, July and possibly August. If the resident is not home at Sadly, Alberta lost 162 men and women to
the time of the inspection, a call back card may be hung on the main entrance workplace injury or illness in 2018.
door of the residence or another conspicuous location. This notice of inspection
is provided in accordance with the Municipal Government Act Section 294(1). On April 28, we remember. Take a mo-
ment to honour lives forever changed.

All Assessors carry personal identification and the vehicle entering the yard site
will be clearly marked with a Wheatland County logo.
Assistant Assessor
Cheryl Klemmensen
Senior Assessor
Dennis Klem, A.M.A.A.
Contract Assessor
Don Paul, A.M.A.A.
Wheatland County has approximately 107 acres within NE 8-22-21-4
available for a 5 year term cropping lease.

Sealed tenders, labelled "Lease within NE 8-22-21-4" may be

submitted by registered mail, courier, or hand delivered not later
than 3:30 P.M. on Friday May 3rd, 2019 to:

Wheatland County
Wheatland County has also contracted Blackfoot Creek Assessments Inc. to assist
with the general inspections. Vehicles will have a Wheatland County logo and/or #242006 RR #243
a door sign labeled Assessment Department. Hwy #1, RR #1
Strathmore, AB T1P 1J6
Attn: Robin Glasier, Land Agent, RWA
Wheatland County’s
Assessment Department
is striving to prepare and Faxes and emails will not be accepted.
maintain a fair and equi-
table property assess- Tenders will be publically opened May 3, 2019 at 3:45 pm and the
ment base and would
results will be presented to Council May 7th, 2019 for consideration.
like to thank the rate-
payers of Wheatland
County in advance for Inquiries may be directed to Robin Glasier, Land Agent, RWA, at
their cooperation during 403-361-2015 or robin.glasier@wheatlandcounty.ca
the 2019 Assessment inspections.
More information can be found on our website.
Should any questions or concerns arise during these inspections, please contact
Dennis Klem A.M.A.A., Senior Assessor at 403-361-2009.

Upcoming Meetings and Closures

May 7
Council Meeting at 9 a.m.
May 14
Municipal Planning Commission at 9 a.m.
May 21
Council Meeting at 9 a.m.
Agenda packages and minutes are
available on the website on the
Agendas and Minutes page.

Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Page 10 • Strathmore TIMES • April 26, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Life and Death Matters
takes on
Rain or Shine HOSPICE Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Canada joined with locals to host the The Small But Mighty CF fundraiser at the
Strathmore Civic Centre on April 13. On hand for the event were Brandy Andersen (l), Quinn Grove, 2,
and Jessica Grove. Both Brandy and Jessica are moms of CF children. The event was attended by 175
people and raised just over $10,000 for research and patient care through a raffle from local donators

Walk/ Individual or Team

ie t
and featured a signed Calgary Flames jersey from Theoren Fleury and one from TJ Brodie.
W h e at l a n oc
Registrations/ Donate d & Area Hospice S Brady Grove Photo

Hospice palliative care helps

Sunday, STRATHMORE 43rd Year!
to improve end of life care in
our community.
May 5, 2019 Baby & Kids Ladies
Win PRIZES for best Kids to 6x Blouses
Individual and Team Costumes!
25¢ $1
Registration 12pm, North end of Kinsmen Park
Health and Wellness Booths! Welcome ceremony 1pm
Hike 1:15pm-3pm Elephant Items
Walk around beautiful Kinsmen Park or challenge & Household
yourself to a longer loop around Grays Park
Kids under 5 free
May Mens
2, 3 & 4 Pants
Thursday 9 am - 8 pm
Friday 9 am - 8 pm $1 $1
In the spirit of Compassionate
Communities and working together,
Wheatland & Area Hospice Society is DOLLAR BAG DAY Welcome
Drop off articles at the
gifting 50% of funds raised by
HOCKEY TEAMS to Saturday 9 am - 1pm United Church after
Strathmore Minor Hockey
Outdoor items may be April 16

purchased Mon-Fri - 9-5 pm. $5 Suits Books

Books Tue-Fri 9-8 pm. $2 Dresses CDs
Sat 9-1 pm. $5 Coats Toys
934-3118 • 813-9149
REGISTER www.wheatlandhospice.ca
OR Pledge Sheets available at Gray’s Ltd, Value Drugmart, or local Town Offices
The Standard Lionettes extends a sincere PUBLIC NOTICE
thank you to everyone who made our
2019 Ladies Night Out such a success. NOTICE OF APPLICATION
Special thanks to our generous donors who make it In accordance with the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA), the Town of Strathmore has
applied to Alberta Environment and Parks for a renewal of an existing wastewater approval.
possible to support many projects benefiting
our community. The Strathmore wastewater system consists of a wastewater collection network within the Town of Strath-
more, fine screening, grit removal, sedimentation, clarification, wastewater treatment using Biological Nutri-
Adelle Ellis Photography Hi-Standard Spray Ltd. ent Removal (BNR - Nitrogen and Phosphorus removal), with treated effluent disinfection using Ultra Violet
Animal Care Centre Jaclyn Gauthier Home Salon & Spa Services light and treated effluent storage. The disinfected and treated effluent is then used for wastewater irrigation
Aspen Crossing Railway Jay-Jay Farms Ltd. by others, and is also discharged through a diffuser into the Bow River located in the SE ¼ 12-022-25-W4M
AVB Greenhouses Knibb Developments Ltd. and SW ¼ 07-022-24-W4M.
Avon - June Ellis Koole Livestock Hauling
A directly affected person may provide input into certain regulatory decisions, as allowed by the Environ-
Bangles Hair Studio & Spa Ruth Kroon mental Protection and Enhancement Act (section 73). Specifically, any person who is directly affected by this
Bowen Therapy, Reflexology & Spa Tara Law application may submit a written statement of concern within 30 days of the date of this notice to:
- Ailsa Forbes Liv Beautiful - Sheree Agerskov Environment and Parks Regulatory Approvals Center
Susan Bragg Magnum Cementing Services 5th Floor, South Petroleum Plaza 9915 - 108 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 2G8 Fax: (780) 422-0154
Diane Cammaert Make Up by Natalie - Natalie Gregory
E-mail: aep.epeaapplications@gov.ab.ca
Canadian Badlands Passion Play Marel Clark & Donna Sanden-Nelson
Cards by Carol - Carol Kennedy Marshman Farms - Mary Marshman The written statement of concern should include the following:
Christensen Grocery Twila Green McKinnon • The application number 025-1190
Marion Christensen Necia’s Notables - Kim Graver • Describe concerns that are relevant to matters regulated by the Environmental Protection
Circle T Photography - Cindy Collins Nutrien Ag Solutions and Enhancement Act
• Explain how the filer of the concern will be directly affected by the activities proposed in the
The Country Farmhouse - Dianne Brown Parflesh Farms Ltd. - Celeste Christensen application
Custom Metal Artwork Queen’s Nails and Spa • Provide the legal land location of the land owned or used by the filer where the concerns described
- Paul Larsen & Trish Larsen The Rack on Third - Marlene Risdon are believed to be applicable
Don Cuthill Consulting Red Carrot • State the distance between the land owned or used by the filer and the site in the application
Down to Earth Garden Design -Theresa Zerr Refinish FX Autobody, Rockyford • Contact information including the full name and mailing address of the filer. Please provide a
telephone number and/or email address for ease of contact.
Brandon & Adreena Duffala Rich-Lee Custom Homes - Leanne Hilton
EJG Jewelry - Elaina Geeraert Rosebud Dinner Theatre Environment and Parks will review each written statement of concern, seek more information if needed, and
Carole Elias Rosebud Gas Co-op Ltd. notify each filer by letter of the decision to accept or reject their written submission as a valid statement of
Sally & Don Envoldsen Silver Icing- Stephanie Yule concern. The Public Notice of this application will also be posted on the Department’s website at https://avw.
F-R Ranches, Hussar Sky Nails alberta.ca/PublicNoticesViewer.aspx.
Gates Agencies Ltd. Sole Discretion
Getz, Collins & Associates - Randi Collins Standard Lions Club Statements of concern submitted regarding this application are public records which are accessible by the
public and the applicant. Failure to file a statement of concern may affect the right to file a Notice of Appeal
Gleichen-Standard Transport Standard One Stop Shoe Shop with the Environmental Appeals Board.
Gregory, Harriman & Associates LLP Standard Spray - Gloria Laycock, Jon Adamson
Morinne Gregory Strathmore Motor Products Copies of the application and additional information can be obtained from:
Healthy Heart, Soul & Body Yoga Strathmore’s Florist Town of Strathmore or EPCOR Water Services Inc.
- Gina Champigny Studio 86 Tanning Salon Attention: Infrastructure Department Attention: Dave Slubik
WESTCHESTER RD Environment Manager
Hillcrest Insurance Ltd. Styles by Lindsay - Lindsay Hough
STRATHMORE, AB T1P 1J1 Telephone: 780-412-3767
- Rockyford Agencies Wellness Within Centre - Candace Arcand Telephone: 403-934-3133 E-mail: dslubik@epcor.ca
Fax: 403-934-4713
E-mail: infrastructure@strathmore.ca

www.strathmoremotors.com 403.934.3334 Michelle


APRIL 26, 2019


The Strathmore Matrix Cheer Platinum Elite team won bronze at the Canadian National Cheerleading finals earlier this month.
Photo Courtesy of Strathmore Matrix Cheer

Matrix Cheer Platinum Elite brings

home bronze
ADELLE ELLIS try to build better athletes.
Times Reporter With the goal of winning and coming out of the
competition as national champions, the Platinum
The Strathmore Matrix Cheer Platinum Elite team Elite team nearly saw that coveted first-place finish
brought their determination and left their hearts before being barely edged out by a familiar team
on the gym mats to take home bronze from the from Calgary.
Canadian National Cheerleading finals April 5 to 7 On the first day of the competition the Platinum
in Niagara Falls, Ont. Elite team was sitting in first place. Due to an un-
The 16 young cheerleaders, ranging in age from fortunate stunt fall on the second day of the com-
11 to 17, jumped, tumbled and performed serious petition, the team dropped 0.75 points to secure
stunts to win the third-place title in the Senior 2 All the third-place title in all of Canada – no small feat.
Star category. The Platinum Elite also saw some other victories
Strathmore Matrix Cheer houses five Allstar teams during the weekend as they received their first ever
as well as offering recreational tumbling classes perfect five rating for their basket tosses on both
and cheerleading. Only the senior team competed days of the competition.
in nationals this year. One athlete attributes the team’s willingness to
The team entered the competition having mas- focus on the little things that counted and to work
tered their skills and with a strong record for their on the corrections the judges suggested to make
season. Prior to nationals, the Platinum Elite team their routine cleaner as part of their success.
entered eight competitions and cartwheeled away “I think our performance at nationals was amaz-
with five first-place finishes and two second-place ing … my favourite part was probably the atmo-
finishes. sphere we were surrounded in; cheer is a sport
“I believe the reason we had such a successful that everyone is one big family,” said 15-year-old
season is because we have really trained to master backspot Alyssa Poole, who has been competing in
our skills, the team is very driven to succeed – they cheer for four years.
work together and compete as though as they are Poole said her favourite part about cheer is the
one,” said head coach Cassi Weiss, who added that bond one makes with their teammates and how
finishing third in all of Canada at nationals was the they become a second family. It is also a sport
icing on the cake. where you can let out all your frustration and for-
She attributes the team’s success to the young get about your stress and instead just have fun with

Fire on Ice
athletes being well-rounded in all skills of jumping, your friends.
tumbling and stunts. “This group of athletes this year was amazing;
The team performed one two minute 30 sec- we all worked together so nicely and the bond we The Strathmore Skating Club demonstrated their skating skills at the
ond routine to a compilation of both well-known all had was amazing,” said Poole. “My cheer team is annual Fire on Ice Gala on April 18 at the Strathmore Family Centre.
songs and personalized lyrics. The routine they like a second family to me; the gym is like a second Over 20 club members performed in the event, including guest skater
performed has taken shape over the season to in- home. It has become such a huge part of my life Dawson Nodwell.
Doug Taylor Photos
crease the difficulty in the stunts and tumbling to and I don’t know what I would do without it.”

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Page 12 • Strathmore TIMES • April 26, 2019
CARL, Shirley Martha nee McGinnis
January 16, 1935 – April 15, 2019 Edna
On Monday, April 15, 2019 Mrs. Shirley Carl resident of Strathmore,
passed away peacefully in Calgary at the age of 84 years. She is Berg
survived by her three children, Shannon Lidgett of Calgary, Sheldon February 18, 1942
Carl of Calgary and Carla (Jay) Thiessen of Red Deer; seven grandchildren, Tarralyn, to May 1, 2017
Sheena, Hazen, Preston, Joel, Adrianna, Dylan; seven great grandchildren, Emma,
Reece, Paiton, Eddison, Kiera, Gibson, Klaire; three siblings, Darlene, Don, Dennis
and numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends. Shirley was pre- God made a wonderful mother,
deceased by her husband, Don in 2017; grandson, Jason in infancy and parents, A mother who never grows old;
Leonard and Jennie McGinnis. A memorial service was held on Sunday, April 21, He made her smile of sunshine.
2019 at 3:00 p.m. at the Kingdom Hall in Strathmore. To send condolences, please And He moulded her heart of pure gold;
visit Shirley’s obituary at www.wheatlandfuneralhome.ca. In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that loving mother to us.

Obituary Never forgotten and lovingly

NAKAMURA, Masato (Mas) Alfred, Donna, Wanda, Linda
May 18, 1923 - Woodfibre, British Columbia and families.
Great shot April 16, 2019 - Calgary, Alberta
The Strathmore Archery Club introduced members of the community to ar- Mas passed away peacefully, on April 16, 2019 with his wife Joan
chery during their open house on April 13. Paisley, 5 (l-r), Lindsay, Sloan, 2, at his side.
and Shane are members of the archery club, with Sloan being the youngest The oldest of seven children, Mas was born in Woodfibre, BC, he lived in Haney and THANK YOU
member. Tashme, BC and after the war, his family moved to Rosemary, AB where they had
Miriam Ostermann Photo
a potato farm. Mas married Joan in Calgary in 1954. He decided he wanted to be
a restauranteur, and together with his wife Joan, ran three successful restaurants
and their well loved KFC take-out. Mas enjoyed travelling, whether it was road
trips, or flying to another continent; whether it was just Joan and him, or going
with friends. He was a member of the Brooks Masonic Lodge, the Brooks Chapter
of the Order of Eastern Star and the Southern Alberta Al-Azhar Shriners. He was We Live in a
also a former member of the Canadian Restaurant Association, the Brooks Lions
Club and Brooks Kinsmen. Mas leaves behind a legacy of love, generosity, grace Wonderful Community!
and laughter.
He is survived by his wife Joan, his daughter Becky, his grandchildren, James and We are grateful and in awe of your
Sakura (Tobias); his sisters, Marie Ono, Nora (Karl) Bremmerman, and Joyce (Roy) generous donations that will make a
Yokoyama; his brother Dennis (Gloria); brother-in-law Lido Kondo; sisters-in-law, big difference in the lives of people
Nancy Takeda, Nancy Kondo, Lucy Nakashima and June (Bill) Terakita, as well as
many beloved nieces, nephews and cousins. Mas was predeceased by his broth- who arrive in Strathmore
ers, Henry and Shig Nakamura. needing a hand up.
Funeral services were held at MCINNIS & HOLLOWAY (5008 Elbow Drive SW) on
Tuesday, April 23, 2019. If friends so desire, memorial donations may be made at
Raising money for SMHA the charity of their choice. Condolences may be forwarded through www.McIn-
Thank you to:
Rennaisance European Bakery donated money held from a portion of their In living memory of Mas Nakamura, a tree will be planted at Fish Creek
Dr. TerryLee Alston
sales to the Strathmore Minor Hockey Association (SMHA) on April 16 to Provincial Park by McINNIS & HOLLOWAY FUNERAL HOMES, Park Me- Best Western Strathmore
help offset the loss incurred from the Christmas Day theft of their ATM from
the Family Centre. In a brief ceremony held at the restaurant, Chad Moskal,
morial, 5008 Elbow Drive SW, Calgary, AB, T2S 2L5, Telephone: 403- Canadian Tire Strathmore
president of SMHA (l), received a cheque for $3614.50 from Renaissance Harvest Healing Centre Church
owners Claude and Deborah Solda. Also present were Easton and Summer Strathmore Times
Moskal (far l) and Kirsten Langen Boucher (r), also with SMHA.
Doug Taylor Photo Obituary Value Drug Mart
Wheatland Funeral Home
TRUDEL, “Ona” Leona Kathryn
(nee Zimmer) From the Maguet, Kost, Salm,
Badminton March 30, 1936 - April 12, 2019 Praeker, VanBavel, VanBussel,
at George With sadness, but also with joy for a life well lived, we announce Weyers Families
the passing of our beloved wife, mother, sister, aunt and friend, on
Freeman Friday, April 12, at the age of 83, with family surrounding her.
Ona was born in Saskatchewan and raised on a farm close to Landis, by her father
Elmer Zimmer and mother Lorna Beatty, along with her older brother Gerald and NOTICES
George Freeman
School hosted bad- younger sister Belva. She had a happy childhood and learned a hard work ethic
minton zones for and many practical and personal skills that served her so well throughout her life.
She attended school in Needwood, then boarding schools in Leipzig and Rosetown.
grades 7 and 8 on
April 17. Participat- She moved to Saskatoon to obtain her Nursing Diploma in 1957 at the Univer-
sity of Saskatchewan as part of the first graduating class from the new University
Kathie L Zakresky
ing schools included
George Freeman, Hospital. Here she met her husband Rene. Upon marrying in 1958 they moved to Piano Tuner-Technician
Wheatland Crossing, Drayton Valley, Alberta. She worked in a doctor’s office prior to becoming a mother
Crowther Memorial to four children, all born in Drayton Valley. In 1966, they moved to Calgary where 403-934-5477
Junior High School, they resided until moving to Lloydminster in 1980. Following Rene’s retirement in 403-934-0301 c
Holy Cross Colle- 1990, they moved to Strathmore to be closer to their children and grandchildren in
giate, Trinity Christian Calgary and remained there for the past 30 years. kathiezak@gmail.com
Academy and Siksi- Mom’s passions were being a mother, volunteering in her children’s activities when
38 years of Knowledge, Experience & “Note-ability”
ka. Maia Donais from they were young, then stepping forward as a volunteer, then a leader and mentor in
Also Music for Special Occasions!
Holy Cross Collegiate various parish ministries serving the Catholic Church in every place she lived. She
hits the shuttlecock. adored young children and adopted” many friends’ children temporarily over the
years. She was a voracious reader and a very spiritual woman whose many close
Adelle Ellis Photo
friends sustained her in her faith and good works. CONTACT
Ona is survived by her loving husband of 60 years, Rene, and her beloved chil-
dren; eldest son Mark (Sandy) and grandchildren Rachel (Graham Atkins and great- JEFF WALLACE
grandson Asher) and Nick, along with their mother Cheryle; daughters Jody (Ken
McKinnon) and Shawna Trudel; and son Rev. Guy Albert Trudel, OP. She is also ACCOUNTING AND
survived by her brother Gerry (Marie) Zimmer; sister Belva Dosdall; brother-in-law
Cameron (Jeanne) Trudel; sister-in-law Sharlene Trudel; special cousin Joanne Be- BOOKKEEPING SERVICES
atty Kowalski, along with many nieces and nephews whom she loved. She was
pre-deceased by her parents and parents-in-law; brother-in-law Roy Dosdall and 403-453-7835
niece Jacinda; sister-in-law Pauline Schmidt and husband Fred; former brother-
in-law Ron Bitz. With a dedicated, highly trained, professional team
A prayer service was held on Monday, April 22, 2019 at Wheatland Funeral Chapel that works closely with you, our main goal is to
(202 Lakeside Blvd, Strathmore) at 7:00 pm. Catholic Funeral Mass was celebrated take care of our clients through sound balancing
on Tuesday, April 23 at Hope Community Covenant Church (245 Brent Blvd, Strath- of their books. Offering full bookkeeping, payroll,
more) at 11:00 am. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to Canadian Red personal and corporate tax preparation for various
Making a splash Cross (P.O. Box 39, Saint John, NB E2L 3X3 or www.redcross.ca). To send condo-
lences, please visit Ona’s obituary at www.wheatlandfuneralhome.ca
types of corporations and small businesses.
The Town of Strathmore Aquatic Centre was host to a local swim meet on
“Keeping your numbers in order so you
April 13 where Strathmore’s TCA Tigers were able to show off their skills.
can relax, that’s our job”
Manny Everett Photo
April 26, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 13
Western IrrIgatIon DIstrIct
Box 2372, 105 - 900 Pine road, strathmore, aB t1P 1K3
US. Business planning, train-
ing and advisory services
of Canadians can’t tell the
difference between real and
CLASSIFIED Seeking three (3) Directors;
FORM 5 5 available. Flexible and af- fake news. Support reliable
ADS IN THE two 2) members-at-large and, one (1) Treasurer
Irrigation Districts Act fordable loans. Call CF Wild Local Journalism. Join the
Irrigation Districts Act (Section 85/86)

(Section 85/86)
Rose or www.cfwildrose.ca list www.newspapersmat- The Wheatland Crisis Society provides ongoing supports and ser-
NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO CHANGE for more information. ter.ca. vices to women, men and children who are affected by family abuse.
NOTE that applications have been received by

the Western Irrigation District to change the area of the District.
Call We are committed to a vision of a future where our community is free
Applications to remove parcels consist of:
TAKE NOTE that applications have
been received by the
www. StrathmoreTimes.com 403-934-5589
of violence and our citizens are empowered to resolve conflict in
peaceful and productive ways.

Western Irrigation District We are seeking passionate Directors for our volunteer Board who are
to change the area of the District.
GARAGE SALE HELP WANTED excited about supporting our future housing potential and our current
shelter’s needs.
Applications to REMOVE parcels that consist of: MULTI-FAMILY FIREWORKS FACTORY Skills required for the potential director (s):
Name of
Number of
Irrigation Acres
Legal Land
• Commitment to the vision of the Wheatland Crisis Society
• Willingness to devote the time required to work effectively as

Any person wishing to complain is required to submit a written complaint to the

The Town of Strathmore 47 9110086;1
Western Irrigation District at Box 2372 105-900 Pine Road, Strathmore, Alberta,
a Director
• Willingness to participate on one sub-committee
T1P 1K3 within 30 days after the date of the publication of this notice.
April 27 & 28 • Strategic vision and ability for complexity in decision making
The Town of Strathmore 40P. Eng.
Jim Webber, 4;25;24; 12;SW 105 Strathford Bay, • Good, independent judgement
General Manager FROM May 1st to Aug 31st • Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties and
Western Irrigation District Strathmore
The Town of Strathmore 120 4;25;24; l 2;SE (Dates are flexible) responsibilities of Non-Profit Board governance
To raise funds for the
MUST BE 18 YEARS OLD AND ENROLLED • Specialized experience or skills in at least one of the
The Town of Strathmore 60 4;25;24; 1 ;NW MS Society of Canada
Our 27-year-old following areas preferred:
daughter has recently o Governance
Any person wishing to complain is required to submit
been diagnosed REQUIREMENTS INCLUDE: o Finance
a written complaint to the Western Irrigation District at
Box 2372 105-900 Pine Road, Strathmore, Alberta, T1P
with MS
- HEAVY LIFTING o Commercial/Residential Development
1K3 within 30 days after the date of the publication of Also accepting gently o Fundraising
used items as a
this notice. David McAllister, P. Eng, MSc, MBA donation to sell. - GOOD WITH PAPERWORK
General Manager Application forms can be found at www.strathmoreshelter.com
Western Irrigation District Please call Please submit inquiries and applications to the Chair of the Nomi-
403-630-5842 TRAINING INCLUDES: nating Committee, Patricia Matthews at wcs.mem3@wcsab.ca or
- SAFETY & AWARENESS COURSE Secretary of the Board, Brenda Clampitt at wcs.bsec@WCSAB.ca by
- FIRE EXTINGUISHER COURSE Interviews will be scheduled for the week of May 13th with success-
June 22, 2019 Live & Online
United Church Auction: Rifles, Shotguns,
ful candidates invited to attend the Board meeting on May 22. New
Handguns, Militaria. Auction FIREWORKS FACTORY LOCATED JUST members will be appointed at the AGM in June.
Mother’s Day or Purchase: Collections, Es-
tates, Individual items. Con-

Tea & Bake Sale

tact Paul, Switzer’s Auction.
Toll-Free 1-800-694-2609, PLEASE SEND RESUME TO:
May 11, 2019 info@switzersauction.com
or www.switzersauction.
2-4 pm com.
PLEASE CALL (403) 533-3899
$5/person GET YOUR
Children 12 and under Free CLASSIFIED ADS IN! TENDERS

Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, for the
SPRING GALA sale of the following deeded and lease lands (which are located south of Spondin):
Wheatland Lodge Annual “Celebrating 100 Years of Fashion”
Spring Tea & Join us on May 11, 2019
Parcel A

Bake Sale Rockyford Community Hall

Cocktails 5 PM • Dinner 6 PM
NE 15-33-12-4
NW 15-33-12-4
- ±160 acres native pasture, dam and dugout, no gas lease
- ±76 acres native pasture/grassland/slough, ±84 acres cultivated
Saturday, May 4th Entertainment to follow with
SW 15-33-12-4
- dam and water rights, gas lease (currently $2,345.00 annually)
- ±90 acres cultivate, ±70 acres native pasture/grassland/slough
2:00-4:00 pm “The Travelling Mabels”
- gas lease (currently $2,780.00 annually)
$50/Ticket Leased:
$3 admission fee
NW 10-33-12-4 - ±160 acres native pasture, dugout, gas lease (currently $1,500.00 annually)
There will be: Tickets can be purchased beginning
Silent Auction • Bake Sale April 6th, 2019 contacting: Parcel B (all deeded)
Craft Sale • 50/50 Draw Laurie Phillips at (403) 533-2415 or SE 10-33-12-4 - ±160 acres native pasture, large dugout, gas lease (currently $3,200.00 annually)
by email at phillips255a@gmail.com NE 3-33-12-4 - ±100 acres native pasture, ±60 acres cultivated
Door Prizes
- dugout, gas lease (currently $2,595 annually)
Come Out and Join Us! DRESS IN YOUR FAVORITE ERA! SE 3-33-12-4 - ±160 acres hay/crested wheat/alfalfa mix, gas lease (currently $2,880.00 annually)

TENDERS Parcel C (all deeded)

NE 7-33-12-4 - ±120 acres hay/crested wheat/alfalfa mix, ±40 acres native grass

Tenders on the above lands must be accompanied by a bank draft or certified cheque in favor
of “SMITH & HERSEY AGRIBUSINESS LAW” for FIVE (5%) PERCENT of the tender price, as a
deposit. The deposit will be returned if the tender is not accepted. If a tender is accepted and
the tenderer does not proceed with the sale, the deposit of the tenderer will be forfeited to the
owner of the lands. Tenders may be for all Parcels or individual Parcels, but not partial Parcels.
The balance of the tender price will be payable on or before June 14, 2019. Early possession will
be considered if requested. Each of the owner and the successful tenderer will be responsible
for their own legal fees. All registration costs will be paid by the successful tenderer. Gas
lease annual compensation with be adjusted between the parties as of June 14, 2019. Each
tenderer must understand that a tender is an unconditional offer to purchase the lands set out
in the tender. Tenderers must rely on their own research of the lands, and the undersigned and
the owner make no warranties or representations in regard to the lands.

The owner has complete discretion whether to accept the highest or any tender. Further
inquiries into the above lands can be made by contacting either Doug Elder (403.854.6550) or
Donald/Norma Quast (403.854.2206) by phone or text. Tenders shall be sealed in an envelope
marked “LAND TENDER - SPONDIN” and may be faxed, delivered, e-mailed or mailed to:

Attention: Simon J. Hersey, Smith & Hersey Agribusiness Law, Barristers and Solicitors

Unit #104, Westside Common or 112B – 2nd Avenue West

2201 Box Springs Boulevard NW Medicine PO Box 220
Hat, AB T1C 0C8 Hanna, AB T0J 1P0
Fax: (403) 527-0577 (open Mondays and Tuesdays)
E-mail: dallas@smithhersey.com
Page 14 • Strathmore TIMES • April 26, 2019
Strathmore Station
Restaurant & Pub
NOTICE TO CREDITORS pasture land and farm land
in Rocky View / Wheatland,
$1,100/mo + SD Incl. elec. &
has full and part time AND CLAIMANTS N.E. of Calgary. Call or text
Ken 403-540-0856
gas. Pet negotiable. Working
single or couple preferred.
positions available for: Call 403-934-5678.
“The Missing Piece to complete Your Big Picture.”


knee replacement, or con-
bdrm. ½ month rent free
with a six month lease. Heat Jonathan
Must be over 18 years and have ProServe, ditions causing restrictions & water included. No pets. Peters
ALBERTA, WHO DIED ON APRIL 7, 2019. Please call for availability. Real Estate Associate
in daily activities? $2,500
REELfacts within 30 days of hire tax credit. $40,000 refund Call Keli 403-324-2944.
$15/hr TAKE NOTICE THAT ALL PERSONS HAVING cheque/rebates. Disability 403-870-4446
Experience preferred, Tax Credit. 1-844-453-5372. QUIET CRYSTAL RIDGE COVE: jonathan@OrangeJigsaw.com
but will train suitable candidates ABOVE NAMED MUST FILE WITH THE NS. With dishwasher, wash-
UNDERSIGNED BY JUNE 3, 2019, A FULL AUCTIONS er/dryer. $900/mo + $900
Please apply with resume in person to STATEMENT OF THEIR CLAIMS AND OF S.D. Utilities not incl. Call
Peter or Joanne Mon-Fri 11am-4pm 403-934-4769.
SECURITIES HELD BY THEM. Biche, AB. Ritchie Bros. Auc-
@ 380 Ridge Road, Strathmore tioneers Unreserved Auction,
May 1 in Edmonton. Sentinel HOUSE FOR RENT DOWN-
LYNN WOODS LAW OFFICE Industrial Park. 2.42 +/- TOWN STRATHMORE. $750/
mo incl. utilities + laun-
P.O. BOX 2335 Title Acres, 6500 +/- Sq Ft
R.P.H. Irrigation Services LTD. Shop & Office. Jerry Hodge: dry. Shared accommoda-
101, 318 3rd AVENUE tions with one other tenant.
780-706-6652; Brokerage:
Ritchie Bros. Real Estate 23’X25’ double garage for
Services Ltd.; rbauction. rent $250/mo. Call 403-560-

We offer Service, Sales and Design of farm SOLICITORS FOR THE EXECUTORS com/realestate. 6265.
irrigation equipment in Strathmore, Taber, $490/mo Cozy 1 BDRM For Rent - $1750/month or For Sale
Lethbridge and Choteau, Montana. FEED AND SEED MISC 5 PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE
APARTMENT IN BASSANO, Executive style home with many upgrades and
- Cremona, AB. Ritchie Bros.
We have an opening in our Strathmore GET UP TO $50,000 from AB. New full kitchen, good top-of-the-line appliances including gas Wolfe
BLANKET THE PROVINCE Auctioneers Unreserved
the Government of Canada. sized bath & bedroom, new stove. Heated garage. Irrigation and alarm
location for the above position. Duties with a classified ad. Only Auction, May 1 in Edmon-
Do you or someone you paint, clean and bright. Incl.
include, but not limited to, Customer Service, $269 (based on 25 words or ton. 2 Parcels of Farmland systems. Huge master bedroom and ensuite
know have any of these utilities + wifi. Walk to gro-
parts ordering, writing work orders, yard less). Reach over 100 weekly - 306.59 +/- Title Acres
ceries, pharmacy, bank and
with luxury bath and shower. Speaker system
newspapers. Call NOW for conditions? ADHD, Anxiety,
duties, invoicing and pricing. Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer,
& $3700 SLR. Residential
hospital. Call Kyle 403-630- throughout house and in yard. Three bedrooms,
details 1-800-282-6903 ext acreage - 6.1 +/- title acres bonus family room and three bathrooms. Open
The individual will need strong English COPD, Depression, Diabe- 4182.
200; www.awna.com. w/ 1106 +/- sq ft home. concept lower floor. 9 foot ceilings and birch
communication skills and minimum 25 years tes, Difficulty walking, Fi-
Residential acreage - 3.32 SMALL ACREAGE FOR hardwood flooring. Large backyard. Mountain
of age with a good Drivers Abstract for FORAGE SEED FOR SALE: Or- bromyalgia, Irritable Bowels,
+/ - title acres. Grazing lease
Overweight, Trouble Dress- RENT- 3 BDRM + 1 bath view from upper floor. Far west side of
company insurance. ganic & conventional: Sweet - 640 +/- title acres, 117
ing...and hundreds more. All mobile home. On pavement Strathmore. 23 minutes to Sunridge area of
On the job training is provided, but Farm Clover, Alfalfa, Red Clover, AUM. Jerry Hodge: 780-706- 6 mi. S.W. of Strathmore.
ages and medical conditions Calgary. MLS® # C4203271
Irrigation and/or agriculture background Smooth Brome, Meadow 6652; Brokerage: Ritchie Space for garden. Sorry no
Brome, Crested Wheatgrass, qualify. Call The Benefits
is an asset. Program 1-800-211-3550
Bros. Real Estate Services livestock. Pets negotiable. FOR MORE INFO CALL 647-575-4426
Overtime hours are required in the Spring Timothy, etc. Free delivery! Ltd.; rbauction.com/reales- $1,200/mo + utilities + DD.
Birch Rose Acres Ltd. 306- or send a text message with
and Summer irrigation seasons. tate. Call 403-333-8931.
your name and mailing ad-
If you are a self starter, healthy, hardworking
and serious, the position is available


dress to 403-980-3605 for
your FREE benefits package.
4, 2019 10 AM. South of
www. StrathmoreTimes.com
immediately with a competitive salary and Green, Heated or Spring- Hardisty Airport. Full line of
benefit package. thrashed Canola. Buying: CRIMINAL RECORD? Why
farm equipment and cattle
suffer employment/licens- & REALTY LTD. This manicured 3 acres fea-
oats, barley, wheat & peas handling; Shop Equipment; tures 1 + 2 bedroom bi level
for feed. Buying damaged ing loss? Travel/business
Please fax, mail or drop resume off to: opportunities? Be embar-
Guns. Full list & pictures WESTMOUNT DR. with 2700sqft of living area.
R.P.H. Irrigation Services Ltd. or offgrade grain. “On Farm www.grunowsauction.com. Double attached garage,
Pickup” Westcan Feed & rassed? Think: Criminal Par-
11 Spruce Park Drive don. US entry waiver. Record
Grunow’s Auction 780-842- 1 & 2 bedroom 30x40 shop, greenhouse and
Grain, 1-877-250-5252. 7232.
Strathmore, AB T1P 1J2 bungalow, bi-lvl storage sheds. $625,000
Fax: 403-901-0030
3” wide version
purge. File destruction. Free
consultation 1-800-347- & 2 stry units with
CERTIFIED SEED. Wheat MOBILE HOME - Jarvie, AB. Large lot featuring 983 sqft
*All applications will be kept strictly confidential 2540; www.accesslegalmjf.
- CDC Go, Go Early, CDC Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers parking, some renovated bungalow with 2+1
Landmark, CDC Utmost, GARY HANNA AUCTIONS Unreserved Auction, May 1 fully renovated bedrooms, 1.5 bath,
HELP WANTED FOR SALE Pintail. Oats - AC Juniper,
in Edmonton. 648 +/- sq ft
& include W/D. open living area and
modular home,AB1 bedroom, big family room down.
SEEKING A CAREER in the Camden, Derby, SO1 Super credit? Bills? Unemployed? 1 bathroom. Alex Ginda: Family Friendly. Rockyford $189,000
Community Newspaper For Sale: 20th ANNUAL R.V. REPOSSESSED
Oat. Barley - AC Rosser, Need money? We lend! If you 587.983.8757; rbauction. No Pets.
Strathmore Busby, Cerveza, CDC Aus- own 12345your own home - you Main Street Rockyford
business? Post your resume
tenson, CDC Copeland, CDC qualify. Pioneer Acceptance
com/realestate. From $845. business in front and
Golf Club + Utilities.
publishers are looking. Visit: Maverick, Sundre. Very Early Corp. Member BBB. 1-877- TH 1200 sqft living area in the
awna.com/for-job-seekers. One Voting Share SATURDAY, MAY 4 , 2019 DIAMOND M CONVENIENCE
Yellow Pea. Forage Peas. Pol- 987-1420. www.pioneer- STORE - Linden, AB. Ritchie Please contact our rear. Great property to
From the course ish Canola. Spring Triticale. west.com.
Sale at 10:00 am Bros. Auctioneers Unre- Leasing Team: open your business and live.
FOR SALE $5,750 mastinseeds.com. 403-556-
Call today for info on
GRIZZLY consigning
served Auction, May 1 in Ed-
TOUR. Ex- your RV units 403-237-8811 $260,000
2609. monton. 1.19 +/- Title Acres.
FOUR 205 X 75 R14 TIRES Will sell mine for 780-440-1075
perience a one day fly and 1241 bungalow on 2 lots,
4500 +/- sq ft building. Con-
AND RIMS for sale in Strath- 3” wide
$5,000 version
OBO Check our Websitecruise westcoast 3” wide version
adventure@ www.auctions.ca
for Photos & Listings
to Khutzeymateen, BC this
venience store & salon. Jerry
APARTMENTS 1 bedroom, main floor

Like Us
more. $160. Call 403-540- Hodge: 780-706-6652; Bro- laundry, doubled detached
8487. Contact summer. Calgary and Ed-
kerage: Ritchie Bros. Real garage, 20x30 tarp shop.
Peggy Barrett monton departures. 1-866-

One “small” ad •Great BIGonResults

Facebook! S
METAL ROOFING & SID- Estate Services Ltd.; rbauc- $167,900
460-1415. www.classicca- 3 Bedroom Condos
403-966-9201 tion.com/realestate.
ING. 37+ colours available
at over 55 Distributors. 40 3.75” wide version
nadiantours.com. the out of your advertising dollars for Rent
- This executive property 8 acres
year warranty. weekly
24-48 hour newspapers
LIVESTOCK 269 Place your ad in this newspaper
+GST GARY HANNA AUCTIONS 2 Storey, 3 Bedroom with custom built 3+1 bedroom

Express Service available at
Over 1.6 million
supporting Distributors. Call 123456
readers and province wide $
(based on 25 words) $8. Each additional word Units downtown
bungalow with all the bells and
whistles. Double attached
RED80%and BLACK ANGUS with a combined circulation -
1-888-263-8254. Reach: Over of Alberta’s Metro households 11303 YELLOWHEAD TRAIL, EDMONTON, AB
of over 710,000 for only... 1&2 Bedroom Units
garage and 120x40 shop.
Readership: Over BULLS.
95% of allYearlings
adults living and in those households Property is 10/10 a must see.
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WHITE SPRUCE TREES. 5’ 2-year-olds. Semen
Want to reach beyondtested

average: $50. Installation: and delivered. Call Mardy

We can help you reach right across Canada 20th ANNUAL R.V. REPOSSESSED Value Ad Network -
in adult only building
Large bungalow in a quiet
$19 includes: hole augered, Skibsted 403-934-2571. & CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE
Maurizia Hinse
12345 Alberta Weekly NewspapersTenants
toll free 1-800-282-6903 x200
pay all utilities
Association cul de sac in city. 3 bedrooms
Wurzel Dip enzyme injec- up and main floor laundry.
tion, bark mulch applica-
tion, staking. Minimum order SIMMENTAL BULLS.
780-434-8746 ext. 200
SATURDAY, MAY 4 , 2019 TH classifieds@awna.comFor more information
or visit this community newspaperplease call
Metal roof and fenced yard.
Move in ready
25. One-time fuel charge: + Black. Semen Tested + Sale at 10:00 am STRATHMORE $436,000
$125-150. Crystal Springs. Delivered. Call Deeg Sim- Call today for info on consigning your RV units HOMES LTD
403-820-0961. Quality mental 403-934-4191 or 780-440-1075 Hanneke ASPEN LIVING! Fully finished
bi-level with 4 bedrooms and
guaranteed. 403-999-4191.
3.75” wide version Check our Website for Photos & Listings @ www.auctions.ca 3.75” wide version 403-934-5687 3 bathrooms. Enjoy the peace
and quite on the back deck

Squeezthe MOST out of your advertising dollars
and look over green space

One “small” ad •Great BIG Results

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100+ weekly newspapers $

269+GST Place your ad in this newspaper Kim Dixie

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Reach: Over 80% of Alberta’s Metro households with a combined circulation Associate/ Associate/
Readership: Over 95% of all adults living in those households of over 710,000 for only... Realtor Realtor
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Want to reach beyond Alberta?
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Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association
Maurizia Hinse Sather Real Estate Pro Brokers Ltd.
toll free 1-800-282-6903 x200
780-434-8746 ext. 200 email classifieds@awna.com 104, 3rd Ave., Strathmore
classifieds@awna.com or visit this community newspaper www.strathmorerealestate.com
April 26, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 15

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Page 16 • Strathmore TIMES • April 26, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Moms, Dads and Grandparents...


1,172 sq ft 1,500 sq ft 1,172 sq ft

Bungalow | 2 Storey | Bungalow
Just a few only $289,900 plus GST Each. Don’t miss out!

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• Dwn pyt $14,500 this Fall for 6 Months!

• Move in late 2020 (then you pay only $1,398 P.I.)

And for you...

4 Bungalows
Coldwell Ranch
From plus GST

Includes House and Lot
Construction must be complete by Fall 2022

www.coldwellranch.ca 403.934.5355

CR Coldwell Ranch
Where You’ll Want To Live
N/W Strathmore
North on Wheatland Trail
Saturdays & Sundays Agents Welcome
West on Road 244 Noon - 5 pm Generous Fees

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