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The key takeaways are that the three main causes of climate change are landfills, electricity production, and factories. Landfills produce methane gas which is a greenhouse gas. Electricity production emits gases like carbon dioxide and particulate matter. Factories also emit pollution and gases that contribute to global warming.

The three main causes of climate change according to the passage are landfills, electricity production, and factories.

Landfills produce methane gas which is a very potent greenhouse gas. Methane emissions from landfills are a major contributor to global warming. Landfills also emit other gases that damage the atmosphere.

Climate change essay

The climate change occurs when changes in the earth climate system result in new

weather pattern. The three most significant causes of climate change are landfill,electricity and

factories,some examples of the harmful effects of landfill is that the gases that produces do

damage to the atmosphere,electricity make a radiation that damage the atmosphere and also

make acid rain,factories make a really bad smoke for the atmosphere.

The landfill is a significant factor in causing climate change. Article “Municipal solid

waste (MSW) landfills are the third-largest source of human-related methane emissions in the

United States” that means how the landfills are affecting the atmosphere with the gases that they

make like the methane. The methane is a really strong gases, this gas is one of the major causes

of the global warming that’s why the landfills are one of the most significant causes of climate

change. Article “Today, the 7 billion residents of planet Earth generate 1.2 kg of waste per

person per day; this amounts to about 1.3 billion tonnes per year. By 2025, this is likely to rise to

about 2.2 billion tonnes per year” this means that the article is giving a warning that if the world

keep it up all of the world would be die.

The electricity is a significant factor in causing climate change. The United States has

laws that govern the effects that electricity generation and transmission have on the

environment.The EPA is the in charge of clean the air of all of those gases that the electricity

produce like : Carbon dioxide (CO2), Carbon monoxide (CO), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen
oxides (NOx), Particulate matter (PM), Heavy metals such as mercury. That’s why the electricity

is the second major cause of the climate change in the world, also. There is a good electricity that

make the environment better like the solar panels on the houses of the cars that use these

electricity that maybe can be a good progress.

The factories is a significant factor in causing climate change. Article “ The pollution that

is created from toxic and dangerous materials into our environment, not only does the planet’s

ecosystem come under threat, but our own health is potentially at risk too.” That’s means how

the pollution that the factories created is very toxic to the environment,this also contribute to

global warming. Some examples of the damage that produces are :Rising sea levels, Rise in the

earth’s temperature, Risk of species of animals becoming extinct, “An increase in tsunamis,

typhoons, hurricanes,” floods and other natural disasters, Melting of the ice caps. That’s why this

is the third major cause that contribute to the climate change.

Climate change is mainly caused by landfill,electricity,factories.It is important to study

the climate change because there is a lot of more causes that affect the environment in the world

and most of these also contribute to the global warming .

(Wikipedia or “Google” do not count as a source)

Source #1

Author- EPA
Title-Basic Information about Landfill Gas

Web address/URL- ​

Date accessed- 1/APR/19

Source #2


Title-Electricity and the Environment

Web address/URL-

Date accessed- 1/APR/19

Source #3


Title- How Can Factories Affect The Environment?

Web address/URL- ​

Date accessed- 1/APR/19

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