Brubaker Tap Catalog 2016-1
Brubaker Tap Catalog 2016-1
Brubaker Tap Catalog 2016-1
We hope that you can find the right tap for your threading
application within these pages. While we believe that this
is a very complete catalog, we recognize the need, at times,
for more specialized geometries, substrates and coatings.
As always we are happy to work with our distribution and
end-user customers to develop special taps to meet your
performance requirements. Our commitment to application
specific solutions is proven out by the fact that over half of
our tap business is in production specials.
Table of Contents
Tap Product EDP Part Numbering System ....................................................................................................................... 3
Gold and Platinum Series Taps ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Standard HSS Taps ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
Technical Section .......................................................................................................................................................... 63
How to Order ............................................................................................................................................................... 101
EDP Number Index ...................................................................................................................................................... 106
Tap Product Numbering System
To simplify our product numbering system, we are using an EDP number, a suffix to identify the coating or surface
treatment followed by a brand code. In all cases, the five digit EDP number will refer to the base part number. The coating
is specified by the two (2) digit suffix following the EDP number. Our standard surface treatment recommendation is indi-
cated following the individual EDP number on the catalog page. An optional coating/surface treatment may be specified
at the time of order. The brand code following the treatment suffix and should always be “B” indicating Brubaker.
For all Gold Series and Platinum Series taps, we strongly recommend a surface treatment or coating.
EXAMPLE: Standard tap and treatment for 1/4-20 GH3 Spiral Point, Gold Series:
If you want a treatment other than the standard for this series...
21175-89 1) Begin with the standard offering
21175 2) Drop the standard suffix for the series
-88 3) Consult the table for the desired suffix, in this case Titanium Nitride (TiN) 88
instead of the TiCN coating 89
21175-88 4) Add the desired treatment suffix in place of the series standard treatment suffix
21175-88-B 5) Add the “B” for the Brubaker brand 800-522-8665 3
Inch/ Blank
List Series Metric Style Example Materials Page
Spiral Point
300 Gold-HrB100 Inch DIN/ANSI LCS, Aluminum, Copper 6
300M Gold-HrB100 Metric DIN/ANSI LCS, Aluminum, Copper 7
310 Gold Inch ANSI Stainless Steel 8
310M Gold Metric ANSI Stainless Steel 9
315 Gold Inch DIN/ANSI Stainless Steel 10
315M Gold Metric DIN/ANSI Stainless Steel 11
410 Platinum-Nickel Alloy Inch ANSI NickelAlloys 12
410M Platinum-Nickel Alloy Metric ANSI Nickel Alloys 13
420 Platinum-Titanium Alloy Inch ANSI Titanium Alloys 14
420M Platinum-Titanium Alloy Metric ANSI Titanium Alloys 15
Spiral Flute
320 Gold-HrB100 Inch DIN/ANSI LCS, Aluminum, Copper 16
320M Gold-HrB100 Metric DIN/ANSI LCS, Aluminum, Copper 17
325 Gold Inch ANSI Stainless Steel 18
325M Gold Metric ANSI Stainless Steel 19
330 Gold Inch DIN/ANSI Stainless Steel 20
330M Gold Metric DIN/ANSI Stainless Steel 21
430 Platinum-Nickel Alloy Inch ANSI Nickel Alloys 22
430M Platinum-Nickel Alloy Metric ANSI Nickel Alloys 23
440 Platinum-Titanium Alloy Inch ANSI Titanium Alloys 24
440M Platinum-Titanium Alloy Metric ANSI Titanium Alloys 25
Straight Flute
335 Gold Die Cast Inch ANSI Aluminum & Gray Cast Iron 26
335M Gold Die Cast Metric ANSI Aluminum & Gray Cast Iron 27
340 Gold Die Cast Inch DIN/ANSI Aluminum & Gray Cast Iron 28
340M Gold Die Cast Metric DIN/ANSI Aluminum & Gray Cast Iron 29
Forming Taps
350 Gold Thread Forming Inch ANSI Ductile Material 30
350M Gold Thread Forming Metric ANSI Ductile Material 32
Pipe Taps
360 Gold NPT/NPTF Inch ANSI Stainless Steel 33 800-522-8665 5
Gold Series, Spiral Point
Our HrB100 Series features unique geometry engineered for outstanding
results in softer materials. This new design will eliminate oversize
conditions while the spiral point pushes the chip ahead of the cutting
threads in through hole applications.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Performance Taps
Designed for Materials
Less Than or Equal to HrB100 and HrC23
Premium Substrate
● Stocked in #59 Coating
Plug Chamfer
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 7
Gold Series, Spiral Point
Our Gold Series features unique geometry engineered for outstanding
results in stainless steels and similar materials. The spiral point pushes
the chip ahead of cutting threads in through hole applications.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Performance Taps
● Designed for stainless steels and similar alloys
● Premium substrate
● Stock in #89 coating, other coating upon request
● ANSI, Table 302A Blank
● Plug Chamfer
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 9
Gold Series, Spiral Point
This is our Gold Series Spiral Point tap on a DIN/ANSI blank.
This configuration provides longer reach and improved coolant
flow to the tap.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Performance Taps
Designed for stainless steels and similar alloys
Premium substrate
Stock in #89 coating, other coating upon request
● DIN/ANSI Blank
Plug Chamfer
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 11
Platinum Series, Spiral Point
Nickel Alloy Taps
We have taken our high performance spiral point tap, modified the
geometry and placed it on a powdered metal substrate tailored
specifically for nickel and nickel based alloys.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Performance Taps
● Designed for nickel alloys
● Premium powdered metal substrate
● Stock in #89 coating, other coating upon request
● ANSI, Table 302A Blank
● Plug Chamfer
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 13
Platinum Series, Spiral Point
Titanium Alloy Taps
We have taken our high performance spiral point tap, modified the
geometry and placed it on a powdered metal substrate tailored
specifically for titanium and titanium based alloys.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Performance Taps
Designed for titanium alloys and similar material
Engineered powdered metal substrate
Stock in #90 coating, other coating upon request
● ANSI, Table 302A Blank
Plug Chamfer
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 15
Gold Series, Spiral Flute
Our HrB100 Series have unique geometry for outstanding results in softer
materials. This new design eliminates oversize conditions, while the spiral
flute promotes effective chip evacuation.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Performance Taps
● Designed for materials less than or equal
to HrB100 and HrC23
● Premium Substrate
● Stocked in #59 Coating
● DIN/ANSI Blank
● Modified Bottom Chamfer
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 17
Gold Series, Spiral Flute
Our Gold Series features unique geometry engineered for outstanding
results in stainless steels and similar materials. The spiral flute promotes
effective chip evacuation.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Performance Taps
Designed for stainless steels and similar alloys
Premium substrate
Stock in #89 coating, other coating upon request
● ANSI, Table 302A Blank
Modified Bottom Chamfer
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 19
Gold Series, Spiral Flute
This is our Gold Series Spiral Flute tap on a DIN/ANSI blank. This
configuration provides longer reach and improved coolant flow to the tap.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Performance Taps
● Designed for stainless steels and similar alloys
● Premium substrate
● Stock in #89 coating, other coating upon request
● DIN/ANSI Blank
● Modified Bottom Chamfer
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 21
Platinum Series, Spiral Flute
Nickel Alloy Taps
We have taken our high performance spiral flute tap, modified the
geometry and placed it on a powdered metal substrate tailored
specifically for nickel and nickel based alloys.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Performance Taps
Designed for nickel alloys
Premium powdered metal substrate
Stock in #89 coating, other coating upon request
● ANSI, Table 302A Blank
Modified Bottom Chamfer
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 23
Platinum Series, Spiral Flute
Titanium Alloy Taps
We have taken our high performance spiral flute tap, modified the
geometry and placed it on a powdered metal substrate tailored
specifically for titanium and titanium based alloys.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Performance Taps
● Designed for titanium alloys and similar material
● Engineered powdered metal substrate
● Stock in #90 coating, other coating upon request
● ANSI, Table 302A Blank
● Modified Bottom Chamfer
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 25
Gold Series, Straight Flute
Die Cast
Our Gold Series straight flute tap features specialized geometry
engineered for superior results in aluminum and gray cast iron.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Performance Taps
Designed for aluminum and gray cast iron
Premium substrate
Stock in #82 coating, other coatings upon request
● ANSI, Table 302A Blank
Plug or Bottom Chamfer
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 27
Gold Series, Straight Flute
Our Gold Series straight flute tap features specialized geometry
engineered for superior results in aluminum and gray cast iron.
This tap is on a DIN/ANSI blank to provide longer reach and improved
coolant flow.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Performance Taps
● Designed for aluminum and gray cast iron
● Premium substrate
● Stock in #82 coating, other coatings upon request
● DIN/ANSI Blank
● Bottom Chamfer
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 29
Gold Series, Forming Tap
Our Gold Series forming tap has been designed for outstanding
performance in a wide range of materials from aluminum to medium
carbon steel and stainless steel. This is the go to tool for most thread
forming applications.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Performance Taps
Designed for a wide range of materials
Premium substrate
Stock in #89 coating, other coatings upon request
● ANSI, Table 302A Blank
Plug or Bottom Taper (Chamfer)
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 31
Gold Series, Forming Tap
● Designed for a wide range of materials
● Premium substrate
● Stock in #89 coating, other coatings upon request
● ANSI, Table 302A Blank
● Plug or Bottom Taper (Chamfer)
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Gold Series, Spiral Flute Pipe Tap High Performance Taps
High performance pipe taps ● Designed for ductile material, medium carbon
for a wide range of materials. steels and stainless steels
● Premium substrate
● Stock in #89 coating, other coatings upon request
● ANSI, Table 311 Blank
● 3 Thread Chamfer
BEST ● GOOD ❍ 800-522-8665 33
List Description Page
Cutting Taps
Spiral Point 110 Spiral Point Plug 36
232M Spiral Point Plug, Metric 37
112 Spiral Point Bottom 38
117 Spiral Point Plug, 0.005" O/S (GH11) 39
113SP Spiral Point Plug, Extension 40
123 Spiral Point Plug, Screw Thread Insert (STI) 41
Spiral Flute 120 Spiral Flute, 50 Degree 42
234M Spiral Flute, 50 Degree, Metric 42
119 Spiral Flute, 50 Degree, Screw Thread Insert (STI) 43
Straight Flute 106 Straight Flute 44
230M Straight Flute, Metric 48
107 Straight Flute, Cast Iron 50
108 Straight Flute, 8 Pitch 51
109 Straight Flute, 0.005 O/S (GH11) 52
111 Straight Flute, Plastic 53
115 Straight Flute, Left Hand 54
113 Straight Flute, Extension 55
122 Straight Thread, Screw Thread Insert (STI) 56
Forming Taps
124 Thread Forming, True Lead 58
124M Thread Forming, True Lead, Metric 58
Pipe Taps
NPT and NPTF 130 Taper Pipe, Regular for Cast Iron 60
132 Taper Pipe, Dryseal for Cast Iron 60
134 Taper Pipe, Regular 60
136 Taper Pipe, Interrupted 61
138 Taper Pipe, Dryseal 60
140 Taper Pipe, Dryseal, Interrupted 61
144 Taper Pipe, Short Projection 61
NPS and NPSF 150 Straight Pipe 61
152 Straight Pipe, Dryseal 61
Spiral Point
General purpose taps designed primarily for tapping
through holes. Best used under power.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Speed Steel Taps
● Highly recommended for ductile materials
● Standard high speed steel substrate
● Stocked in bright finish, surface coating/treatments
upon request
● ANSI Table 302 Blank
● Plug Chamfer 800-522-8665 37
Spiral Point
General purpose taps designed primarily for tapping short,
blind holes. Best used under power.
● Highly recommended ● Stocked in bright finish,
for ductile materials surface coating/treatments upon request
● Standard high speed ● ANSI Table 302 Blank
steel substrate ● Bottom Chamfer
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Speed Steel Taps
General purpose taps designed primarily for tapping through
holes 0.005" oversize. Best used under power.
Highly recommended ● Stocked in bright finish,
for ductile materials surface coating/treatments upon request
● Standard high speed ● ANSI Table 302 Blank
steel substrate ●
Plug Chamfer
List 117, Spiral Point Plug, 0.005 O/S (GH11, GD11) Machine Screw,
Fractional and Metric
No. of GH11 No. of GD11
Size Pitch Flutes Size Pitch Flutes
6 32 2 11737-00-B M4 0.70 2 11747-00-B
8 32 2 11738-00-B M5 0.80 2 11748-00-B
10 24 2 11739-00-B M6 1.00 2 11750-00-B
10 32 2 11740-00-B
M8 1.25 3 11751-00-B
1/4 20 2 11749-00-B
M10 1.50 3 11752-00-B
1/4 28 2 11741-00-B
M12 1.75 3 11753-00-B
5/16 18 2 11761-00-B
5/16 24 2 11742-00-B
3/8 16 3 11772-00-B
3/8 24 3 11743-00-B
7/16 14 3 11779-00-B
7/16 20 3 11744-00-B
1/2 13 3 11786-00-B
1/2 20 3 11745-00-B
5/8 11 3 11794-00-B
5/8 18 3 11746-00-B 800-522-8665 39
Spiral Point
General purpose taps designed primarily for tapping through holes
in applications requiring extended reach. Best used under power.
● Highly recommended ● Stocked in bright finish,
for ductile materials surface coating/treatments upon request
● Standard high speed ● ANSI Table 303A Blank
steel substrate ● Plug Chamfer
List 113SP, Spiral Point Plug, Extension, Machine Screw, Fractional and Metric
No. of GH2 GH3 No. of GD4 GD5 GD6
Taper NC NF Flutes OAL Size Pitch Flutes OAL
4 40 2 4 11300-00-B M4 0.70 2 4 11329-00-B
6 32 2 4 11301-00-B M4 0.70 2 6 11330-00-B
6 32 2 6 11302-00-B
M5 0.80 2 4 11331-00-B
8 32 2 4 11303-00-B
M5 0.80 2 6 11332-00-B
8 32 2 6 11304-00-B
M6 1.00 2 4 11333-00-B
10 24 2 4 11305-00-B
10 24 2 6 11306-00-B M6 1.00 2 6 11334-00-B
10 32 2 4 11307-00-B M8 1.25 2 4 11335-00-B
10 32 2 6 11308-00-B
M8 1.25 2 6 11336-00-B
1/4 20 2 4 11309-00-B
1/4 20 2 6 11310-00-B M10 1.50 3 4 11337-00-B
1/4 28 2 4 11311-00-B M10 1.50 3 6 11338-00-B
1/4 28 2 6 11312-00-B
M12 1.75 3 6 11339-00-B
5/16 18 2 4 11313-00-B
5/16 18 2 6 11314-00-B
5/16 24 2 4 11315-00-B
5/16 24 2 6 11316-00-B
3/8 16 3 4 11317-00-B
3/8 16 3 6 11318-00-B
3/8 24 3 4 11319-00-B
3/8 24 3 6 11320-00-B
7/16 14 3 6 11321-00-B
7/16 20 3 6 11322-00-B
1/2 13 3 6 11323-00-B
1/2 20 3 6 11324-00-B
5/8 11 3 6 11325-00-B
5/8 18 3 6 11326-00-B
3/4 10 3 6 11327-00-B
3/4 16 3 6 11328-00-B
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Speed Steel Taps
General purpose taps designed primarily for tapping through holes that
will accommodate a screw thread insert (STI). Best used under power.
● Highly recommended ● Stocked in bright finish,
for ductile materials surface coating/treatments upon request
● Standard high speed ● ANSI Table 322 Blank
steel substrate ● Plug Chamfer 800-522-8665 41
Spiral Flute
General purpose taps designed primarily for tapping blind
and relatively deep holes. Can be used by hand or under power.
● Recommended for a ● Stocked in bright finish,
wide range of materials surface coating/treatments upon request
● Standard high speed ● ANSI Table 302 Blank
steel substrate ● Plug or Bottom Chamfer
List 120, Spiral Flute, 50 Degree Plug or Bottom, Machine Screw and Fractional
No. of GH1 GH2 GH3 GH5
Size NC NF Flutes Plug Bottom Plug Bottom Plug Bottom Plug Bottom
3 48 2 12002-00-B 12003-00-B
4 40 2 12004-00-B 12006-00-B 12007-00-B
5 40 2 12010-00-B 12011-00-B
6 32 2 12013-00-B 12191-00-B 12192-00-B 12014-00-B 12015-00-B
8 32 3 12193-00-B 12194-00-B 12022-00-B 12023-00-B
10 24 3 12026-00-B 12027-00-B
10 32 3 12195-00-B 12196-00-B 12030-00-B 12031-00-B
12 24 3 12034-00-B 12035-00-B
1/4 20 3 12038-00-B 12039-00-B 12040-00-B 12041-00-B
1/4 28 3 12042-00-B 12043-00-B
5/16 18 3 12046-00-B 12047-00-B 12052-00-B 12053-00-B
5/16 24 3 12050-00-B 12051-00-B
3/8 16 3 12054-00-B 12055-00-B 12064-00-B 12065-00-B
3/8 24 3 12058-00-B 12059-00-B
7/16 14 3 12062-00-B 12063-00-B 12077-00-B
7/16 20 3 12066-00-B 12067-00-B
1/2 13 3 12070-00-B 12071-00-B 12085-00-B 12086-00-B
1/2 20 3 12074-00-B 12075-00-B
5/8 11 4 12097-00-B 12098-00-B 12099-00-B 12141-00-B
5/8 18 4 12152-00-B 12153-00-B
3/4 10 4 12154-00-B 12155-00-B 12157-00-B
3/4 16 4 12160-00-B 12161-00-B
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Speed Steel Taps
General purpose taps designed primarily for tapping blind and relatively deep
holes and will accommodate a screw thread insert (STI). Can be used by hand
or under power.
Recommended for a ●
Stocked in bright finish, ●
ANSI Table 322 Blank
wide range of materials surface coating/treatments ● Bottom Chamfer, Inch sizes
Standard high speed upon request ●
Modified Bottom Chamfer,
steel substrate Metric sizes
List 119, Spiral Flute, 50 Degree Screw Thread Insert (STI), Bottom, Machine Screw
and Fractional, Modified Bottom, Metric
No. of GH2 GH3 GH4 No. of GD2 GD3 GD4
Size NC Flutes Bottom Bottom Bottom Size NC Flutes Mod-Bott Mod-Bott Mod-Bott
2 56 2 11922-00-B M2 0.40 2 11935-00-B
3 48 2 11923-00-B M2.5 0.45 2 11936-00-B
4 40 2 11900-00-B M3 0.50 3 11937-00-B
4 48 3 11924-00-B
M4 0.70 3 11938-00-B
6 32 3 11902-00-B 11903-00-B
M5 0.80 3 11939-00-B
6 40 3 11925-00-B
M6 1.00 3 11940-00-B
8 32 3 11904-00-B 11905-00-B
8 36 3 11926-00-B M8 1.25 3 11941-00-B
10 24 3 11906-00-B 11907-00-B M10 1.50 3 11942-00-B
10 32 3 11908-00-B 11909-00-B M12 1.75 3 11943-00-B
1/4 20 3 11910-00-B 11911-00-B
1/4 28 3 11912-00-B 11913-00-B
5/16 18 3 11914-00-B 11927-00-B
5/16 24 3 11928-00-B 11915-00-B
3/8 16 3 11916-00-B 11929-00-B
3/8 24 3 11930-00-B 11917-00-B
7/16 14 3 11918-00-B 11931-00-B
7/16 20 3 11919-00-B 11932-00-B
1/2 13 3 11920-00-B 11933-00-B
1/2 20 3 11921-00-B 11934-00-B 800-522-8665 43
Straight Flute
General purpose taps designed for tapping through
or blind holes. Can be used by hand or under power.
List 106 Straight Flute, Taper, Plug or Bottom, Machine Screw and Fractional
No. of GH1 GH2
Size NC NF Flutes Taper Plug Bottom Taper Plug Bottom
0 80 2 10000-00-B 10001-00-B 10002-00-B 10005-00-B 10006-00-B
1 64 2 10008-00-B 10009-00-B 10010-00-B 10013-00-B
1 72 2 10016-00-B 10017-00-B 10018-00-B 10021-00-B 10022-00-B
2 56 2 10033-00-B 10034-00-B
2 56 3 10028-00-B 10029-00-B 10030-00-B 10036-00-B 10037-00-B 10038-00-B
2 64 3 10044-00-B 10046-00-B
3 48 2 10053-00-B 10054-00-B
3 48 3 10049-00-B 10056-00-B 10057-00-B 10058-00-B
3 56 3 10060-00-B 10061-00-B 10062-00-B
4 40 2 10073-00-B 10074-00-B
4 40 3 10068-00-B 10069-00-B 10070-00-B 10076-00-B 10077-00-B 10078-00-B
4 48 3 10081-00-B 10084-00-B 10085-00-B 10086-00-B
4 (36) 3 10088-00-B 10089-00-B 10090-00-B
5 40 2 10097-00-B 10098-00-B
5 40 3 10093-00-B 10094-00-B 10100-00-B 10101-00-B 10102-00-B
5 44 3 10108-00-B 10109-00-B 10110-00-B
6 32 2 10121-00-B 10122-00-B
6 32 3 10116-00-B 10117-00-B 10118-00-B 10124-00-B 10125-00-B 10126-00-B
6 40 2 10145-00-B
6 40 3 10148-00-B 10149-00-B 10150-00-B
8 32 2 10165-00-B 10166-00-B
8 32 3 10169-00-B
8 32 4 10160-00-B 10161-00-B 10162-00-B 10172-00-B 10173-00-B 10174-00-B
8 36 4 10197-00-B 10200-00-B 10201-00-B 10202-00-B
10 24 2 10213-00-B 10214-00-B
10 24 3 10217-00-B
10 24 4 10208-00-B 10209-00-B 10210-00-B 10220-00-B 10221-00-B 10222-00-B
10 32 2 10257-00-B 10258-00-B
10 32 3 10261-00-B 10262-00-B
10 32 4 10252-00-B 10253-00-B 10254-00-B 10264-00-B 10265-00-B 10266-00-B
12 24 4
12 28 4 10293-00-B
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Speed Steel Taps
● Recommended for a wide range of materials
● Standard high speed steel substrate
● Stocked in bright finish, surface coating/treatments
upon request
● ANSI Table 302 Blank
● Taper, Plug or Bottom Chamfer 800-522-8665 45
Straight Flute
General purpose taps designed for tapping through
or blind holes. Can be used by hand or under power.
List 106 Straight Flute, Taper,Plug or Bottom, Machine Screw and Fractional
No. of GH1 GH2 GH3
Size NC NF Flutes Taper Plug Bottom Taper Plug Bottom Taper Plug Bottom
1/4 20 2 10316-00-B 10317-00-B
1/4 20 3 10301-00-B 10309-00-B 10320-00-B 10321-00-B
1/4 20 4 10304-00-B 10305-00-B 10306-00-B 10311-00-B 10312-00-B 10313-00-B 10323-00-B 10324-00-B 10325-00-B
1/4 28 2 10345-00-B
1/4 28 3 10348-00-B
1/4 28 4 10336-00-B 10337-00-B 10340-00-B 10341-00-B 10351-00-B 10352-00-B 10353-00-B
5/16 18 2 10368-00-B 10369-00-B
5/16 18 3 10372-00-B 10373-00-B
5/16 18 4 10360-00-B 10361-00-B 10363-00-B 10364-00-B 10365-00-B 10375-00-B 10376-00-B 10377-00-B
5/16 24 4 10388-00-B 10389-00-B 10392-00-B 10393-00-B 10399-00-B 10400-00-B 10401-00-B
3/8 16 3 10408-00-B 10419-00-B 10420-00-B
3/8 16 4 10411-00-B 10412-00-B 10414-00-B 10415-00-B 10416-00-B 10422-00-B 10423-00-B 10424-00-B
3/8 24 3 10443-00-B 10444-00-B
3/8 24 4 10435-00-B 10436-00-B 10439-00-B 10440-00-B 10446-00-B 10447-00-B 10448-00-B
7/16 14 3 10463-00-B
7/16 14 4 10455-00-B 10459-00-B 10460-00B 10465-00-B 10466-00-B 10467-00-B
7/16 20 3 10482-00-B
7/16 20 4 10478-00-0B 10479-00-B 10484-00-B 10485-00-B 10486-00-B
1/2 13 3 10501-00-B 10502-00-B
1/2 13 4 10493-00-B 10494-00-B 10497-00-B 10498-00-B 10504-00-B 10505-00-B 10506-00-B
1/2 20 3 10521-00-B
1/2 20 4 10513-00-B 10514-00-B 10523-00-B 10524-00-B 10525-00-B
9/16 12 4 10535-00-B 10536-00-B 10537-00-B
9/16 18 4 10544-00-B 10546-00-B 10547-00-B 10548-00-B
5/8 11 4 10555-00-B 10558-00-B 10561-00-B 10562-00-B 10563-00-B
5/8 18 4 10570-00-B 10574-00-B 10577-00-B 10578-00-B 10579-00-B
11/16 11 (NS) 4 10585-00-B 10586-00-B 10587-00-B
11/16 16 (NS) 4 10589-00-B 10590-00-B 10591-00-B
3/4 10 4 10594-00-B 10597-00-B 10600-00-B 10601-00-B 10602-00-B
3/4 16 4 10609-00-B 10612-00-B 10615-00-B 10616-00-B 10617-00-B
7/8 9 4 10624-00-B
7/8 14 4 10634-00-B
1 8 4 10644-00-B
1 12 4
1 14 (NS) 4 10658-00-B
1-1/8 7 4
1-1/8 12 4
1-1/4 7 4
1-1/4 12 6
1-3/8 6 4
1-3/8 12 6
1-1/2 6 4
1-1/2 12 6
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Speed Steel Taps
Recommended for a wide range of materials
Standard high speed steel substrate
Stocked in bright finish, surface coating/treatments
upon request
ANSI Table 302 Blank
Taper, Plug or Bottom Chamfer 800-522-8665 47
Straight Flute
General purpose taps designed for tapping through
or blind holes. Can be used by hand or under power.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Speed Steel Taps
● Recommended for a wide range of materials
● Standard high speed steel substrate
● Stocked in bright finish, surface coating/treatments
upon request
● ANSI Table 302 Blank
● Taper, Plug or Bottom Chamfer 800-522-8665 49
Straight Flute
General purpose taps designed for tapping through or blind holes. Can be
used by hand or under power.
● Recommended for gray ● Stocked with #23 ● Standard high speed
cast iron, brass and treatment, other surface steel substrate
materials producing coating upon request ● Plug or Bottom Chamfer
small broken chips ● ANSI Table 302 Blank
List 107 Straight Flute, Cast Iron, Plug or Bottom, Fractional and Metric
No. of GH3 GH5
Size NC NF Flutes Plug Bottom Plug Bottom
1/4 20 4 10700-23-B 10701-23-B 10702-23-B 10703-23-B
1/4 28 4 10704-23-B 10705-23-B
5/16 18 4 10706-23-B 10707-23-B 10708-23-B 10709-23-B
5/16 24 4 10710-23-B 10711-23-B
3/8 16 4 10712-23-B 10713-23-B 10714-23-B 10715-23-B
3/8 24 4 10722-23-B 10723-23-B
7/16 14 4 10730-23-B 10731-23-B 10738-23-B 10739-23-B
7/16 20 4 10746-23-B 10747-23-B 10792-23-B 10793-23-B
1/2 13 4 10754-23-B 10755-23-B 10758-23-B 10759-23-B
1/2 20 4 10762-23-B 10763-23-B 10794-23-B 10795-23-B
9/16 12 4 10770-23-B 10771-23-B
9/16 18 4 10778-23-B 10779-23-B 10796-23-B 10797-23-B
5/8 11 4 10780-23-B 10781-23-B 10782-23-B 10783-23-B
5/8 18 4 10784-23-B 10785-23-B 10798-23-B 10799-23-B
3/4 10 4 10786-23-B 10787-23-B 10788-23-B 10789-23-B
3/4 16 4 10790-23-B 10791-23-B 10803-23-B 10807-23-B
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Speed Steel Taps
General purpose taps designed for tapping through or blind
holes. Can be used by hand or under power.
Recommended for a ●
Stocked in bright finish,
wide range of materials surface coating/treatments upon request
Standard high speed ●
ANSI Table 302 Blank
steel substrate ● Plug or Bottom Chamfer 800-522-8665 51
Straight Flute
General purpose taps designed for tapping through and blind
holes 0.005" oversize. Can be used by hand or under power.
● Recommended for a ● Stocked in bright finish,
wide range of materials surface coating/treatments upon request
● Standard high speed ● ANSI Table 302 Blank
steel substrate ● Plug or Bottom Chamfer
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Speed Steel Taps
General purpose taps designed for tapping plastic in through
or blind holes. Can be used by hand or under power.
● Recommended for ● Stocked with #02 surface ● Standard high speed
thermoplastic and treatment, other surface steel substrate
thermosetting coating/treatments ● ANSI Table 302 Blank
plastic materials upon request ● Plug or Bottom Chamfer
List 111, Straight Flute, Plastic Series, Plug or Bottom, Machine Screw and Fractional
No. of GH2 GH3 GH5 GH7
Size Pitch Flutes Plug Bottom Plug Bottom Plug Bottom Plug Bottom
2 56 3 11114-02-B 11115-02-B 11116-02-B 11117-02-B
4 40 3 11118-02-B 11119-02-B 11120-02-B 11121-02-B
6 32 3 11122-02-B 11123-02-B 11124-02-B 11125-02-B
8 32 3 11126-02-B 11127-02-B 11128-02-B 11129-02-B
10 24 3 11130-02-B 11131-02-B 11133-02-B 11134-02-B
10 32 3 11135-02-B 11136-02-B 11137-02-B 11138-02-B
1/4 20 3 11139-02-B 11140-02-B 11141-02-B 11142-02-B
1/4 28 3 11143-02-B 11144-02-B 11145-02-B 11146-02-B 800-522-8665 53
Straight Flute
General purpose taps designed for tapping through and blind
holes. Can be used by hand or under power.
● Recommended for a ● Stocked in bright finish,
wide range of materials surface coating/treatments upon request
● Standard high speed ● ANSI Table 302 Blank
steel substrate ● Plug or Bottom Chamfer
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Speed Steel Taps
General purpose taps designed for tapping through and blind
holes in applications requiring extended reach. Can be used
by hand or under power.
● Recommended for a ● Stocked in bright finish,
wide range of materials surface coating/treatments upon request
● Standard high speed ● ANSI Table 303A Blank
steel substrate ●
Plug or Bottom Chamfer 800-522-8665 55
Straight Flute High Speed Steel Taps
General purpose taps designed for tapping through and blind holes that will
accommodate a screw thread insert (STI). Can be used by hand or under power.
● Recommended for a ● Stocked in bright finish, ● Plug or Bottom Chamfer,
wide range of materials surface coating/treatments Inch sizes
● Standard high speed upon request ● Modified Bottom Chamfer,
steel substrate ● ANSI Table 322 Blank Metric sizes
List 122, Straight Flute, Screw Thread Insert (STI), Plug or Bottom Chamfer
(Metric Modified Bottom Chamfer Only) Machine Screw, Fractional and Metric
Size No. of GH1 GH2 GH3 GH4
STI NC NF Flutes Plug Bottom Plug Bottom Plug Bottom Plug Bottom
2 56 3 12200-00-B 12201-00-B
3 48 3 12202-00-B 12203-00-B
4 40 3 12204-00-B 12205-00-B 12206-00-B 12207-00-B
4 48 3 12208-00-B 12209-00-B
5 40 3 12212-00-B 12213-00-B
6 32 3 12214-00-B 12215-00-B 12216-00-B 12217-00-B
6 40 3 12219-00-B 12224-00-B 12225-00-B
8 32 3 12220-00-B 12221-00-B 12222-00-B 12223-00-B
8 36 3 12262-00-B 12263-00-B
10 24 3 12226-00-B 12227-00-B 12228-00-B 12229-00-B
10 32 3 12230-00-B 12231-00-B 12232-00-B 12233-00-B
1/4 20 3 12238-00-B 12239-00-B 12240-00-B 12241-00-B
1/4 28 3 12242-00-B 12243-00-B 12244-00-B 12245-00-B
5/16 18 4 12246-00-B 12247-00-B 12264-00-B 12265-00-B
5/16 24 4 12248-00-B 12249-00-B 12266-00-B 12267-00-B
3/8 16 4 12250-00-B 12251-00-B 12268-00-B 12269-00-B
3/8 24 4 12252-00-B 12253-00-B 12270-00-B 12271-00-B
7/16 14 4 12254-00-B 12255-00-B 12273-00-B 12274-00-B
7/16 20 4 12256-00-B 12257-00-B 12275-00-B 12276-00-B
1/2 13 4 12258-00-B 12259-00-B 12277-00-B 12278-00-B
1/2 20 4 12260-00-B 12261-00-B 12279-00-B 12280-00-B
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Thread Forming Taps
General purpose taps designed for thread forming in through
or blind holes. Best used under power.
List 124, Thread Forming – True Lead, Plug or Bottom Taper (Chamfer),
Machine Screw, Fractional and Metric
No. Lube GH2 GH3 GH4 GH5
Size NC NF Grooves Plug Bottom Plug Bottom Plug Bottom Plug Bottom
0 80 0 12400-00-B 12401-00-B 15501-00-B
1 64 0 12403-00-B
1 72 0 12405-00-B
2 56 0 12407-00-B 12408-00-B 12409-00-B
2 64 0 12411-00-B 12413-00-B
3 48 0 15547-00-B 12415-00-B
3 56 0 12417-00-B
4 40 0 12418-00-B 12419-00-B 12420-00-B 12421-00-B
4 48 0 12422-00-B 12423-00-B 15579-00-B
5 40 0 12424-00-B 12425-00-B 12426-00-B 12427-00-B
6 32 1 12432-00-B 12433-00-B 12434-00-B 12435-00-B
6 40 1 12436-00-B 12437-00-B 12438-00-B 12439-00-B
8 32 1 12440-00-B 12441-00-B 12442-00-B 12443-00-B
8 36 1 12445-00-B
10 24 1 12448-00-B 12449-00-B
10 32 1 12452-00-B 12453-00-B
12 24 1 12456-00-B 12457-00-B
1/4 20 1 15716-00-B 15717-00-B 12462-00-B 12463-00-B
1/4 28 1 12466-00-B 12467-00-B
5/16 18 1 12468-00-B 12469-00-B
5/16 24 1 12472-00-B 12473-00-B
3/8 16 1 12476-00-B 12477-00-B
3/8 24 1 12480-00-B 12481-00-B
7/16 14 1
7/16 20 1
1/2 13 1 12492-00-B 12493-00-B
1/2 20 1 12496-00-B 12497-00-B
5/8 11 1
5/8 18 1
3/4 10 1
3/4 16 1
High Speed Steel Taps
Highly recommended for ductile materials
Standard high speed steel substrate
Stocked in bright finish, surface coating/treatments
upon request
ANSI Table 302 Blank
Plug or Bottom taper (Chamfer) 800-522-8665 59
Pipe Taps
General purpose taper pipe taps. Can be used by hand 1" 11-1/2 5 13106-23-B 13306-23-B
or under power. 1-1/4 11-1/2 5 13107-23-B 13307-23-B
Recommended for gray cast iron, brass and materials producing 1-1/2 11-1/2 7 13108-23-B
small broken chips 2" 11-1/2 7 13109-23-B
● Standard high speed steel substrate
*= Small Shank
● Stocked with #23 treatment, other surface coating upon request
● ANSI Table 311 Blank
● 3 Thread Chamfer
No. of
Size Pitch Flutes NPT, ANPT NPTF
List 134, Straight Flute, NPT, (ANPT)
List 138, Straight Flute, NPTF 1/16 27 4 13400-00-B
1/8 27 4 13402-00-B 13802-00-B
*1/8 27 4 13404-00-B 13804-00-B
1/4 18 4 13406-00-B 13806-00-B
3/8 18 4 13408-00-B 13808-00-B
1/2 14 4 13410-00-B 13810-00-B
3/4 14 5 13412-00-B 13812-00-B
General purpose taper pipe taps. Can be used by hand 1" 11-1/2 5 13414-00-B 13814-00-B
or under power. 1-1/4 11-1/2 5 13416-00-B 13816-00-B
● Recommended for a wide range of materials 1-1/2 11-1/2 7 13418-00-B 13818-00-B
● Standard high speed steel substrate 2" 11-1/2 7 13420-00-B 13820-00-B
● Stocked in bright finish, surface coating/treatments upon request *= Small Shank
● ANSI Table 311 Blank
● 3 Thread Chamfer
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
High Speed Steel Taps
General purpose semi-interrupted taper pipe taps. 1" 11-1/2 5 13614-00-B 14014-00-B
Can be used by hand or under power. 1-1/4 11-1/2 5 13616-00-B 14016-00-B
● Recommended for materials producing long stringy chips 1-1/2 11-1/2 7 13618-00-B
● Standard high speed steel substrate 2" 11-1/2 7 13620-00-B
● Stocked in bright finish, surface coating/treatments upon request *= Small Shank
● ANSI Table 311 Blank
● 3 Thread Chamfer
General purpose taper pipe taps. Can be used by hand 3/4 14 5 14412-00-B
or under power. *= Small Shank 800-522-8665 61
Description Page 800-522-8665 63
Terms Applying to Taps
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Terms Applying to Taps 800-522-8665 65
ALLOWANCE – A prescribed difference between the maximum BELL-MOUTH THREAD – An internal thread which is larger
material limits of mating parts. It is the maximum clearance in diameter at the start of the thread than at some distance
(positive allowance) or maximum interference (negative beyond.
allowance) between such parts.
BODY – The threaded full diameter portion of a solid tap,
inclusive of the chamfer.
BOTTOMING TAP – A tap having a chamfer length of
approximately 1 – 2 threads.
AXIS – The imaginary straight line which forms the longitudinal CHAMFER BEVEL – An angular surface of revolution (which
centerline of the tool or threaded part. may or may not be relieved) preceding the point diameter
of the tap. May also be referred to as a starting chamfer.
BACK TAPER – A gradual decrease in the diameter of the thread CHAMFER LENGTH – The length of the chamfer measured
form on a tap from the chamfered end of the land toward the parallel to the axis at the cutting edge.
back which creates a slight radial relief in the threads.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Nomenclature (continued)
CHAMFER RELIEF – The gradual decrease in land height from CONTROLLED ROOT TAP – A tap having specified minor
cutting edge to heel on the chamfered portion of the land on diameter limits with or without a specified root shape.
a tap to provide radial clearance for the cutting edge.
CORE – The central portion of a tap below the flutes which joins
CHAMFER RELIEF ANGLE – The compliment of the angle the lands.
formed between a line tangent to the relieved surfaces at
the cutting edge and a radial line to the same point on the CORE DIAMETER – The diameter of a circle which is tangent to
cutting edge. the bottom of the flutes at a given point on the axis.
CHIP BREAKERS – Steps or notches formed in the thread crest CORE TAPER – The taper in the core of a tap.
or cutting face for the purpose of breaking up chips.
CREST – That surface of the thread which joins the flanks of the
CLASSES OF THREADS – Classes of threads are distinguished thread and is farthest from the cylinder or cone from which
from each other by the amounts of tolerance or tolerances the thread projects.
and all allowance specified. It is not applicable to the tools
used for threading. 800-522-8665 67
Nomenclature (continued)
ENTRY TAPER DIAMETER – The diameter measured at the FLANK ANGLE – See HALF ANGLE
thread crest nearest the front of the tap. This diameter must
be an appropriate amount smaller than the diameter of the FLATTED LAND – See RELIEF
hole produced for tapping.
FLUTES – The longitudinal channels formed in a tap to create
EXTERNAL CENTER – The pointed end on a tap. Its included cutting edges on the thread profile and to provide chip
angle varies with manufacturing practice. It must not be spaces and cutting fluid passages. Flutes may be straight
confused with the tap chamfer or a chamfer bevel. Also or angular (helical).
referred to as a male center. Angular Flute – A flute lying in a plane intersecting the
tool axis at an angle.
TRUNCATED Spiral Flute – A flute with uniform axial lead in a spiral
CENTER path around the axis of a cylindrical or conical tap.
CENTER CENTER Straight Flute – A flute which forms a cutting edge lying
in an axial plane.
FILLET – On a thread profile the radius joining the thread flank
with the thread root. SPIRAL ANGLE
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Nomenclature (continued)
FLUTE ANGLE – The angle which the projection of an angular HEIGHT OF THREAD ENGAGEMENT – The height of thread
flute into an axial plane parallel to the flute makes with the engagement between two coaxially assembled mating
tap axis. threads is the radial distance by which their thread
forms overlap each other.
FLUTE LEAD – The axial advance of a spiral cutting edge in one
turn around the tool axis. HELIX VARIATION – Helix variation of a thread is an undulate
aberration from true helical advancement. The “helical path”
FLUTE LEAD ANGLE – The angle which a spiral cutting edge includes the helix with its superimposed variation and is
at a given point intersects with an axial plane through the measured either as the maximum deviation from the true
same point. helix or as the “cumulative pitch”. The cumulative pitch
is the distance measured parallel to the axis of the thread
FLUTE LENGTH – As applied to taps, the full axial length of a between corresponding points on any two thread forms
flute including the cutter sweep. whether or not they are in the same axial plane.
FLUTE RUNOUT – The section removed by the milling cutter HOLE – (1) Blind – A hole which does not pass through the
or grinding wheel in exiting the flute. workpiece and is not threaded to its full depth.
(2) Bottoming – A blind hole which is threaded close to the
bottom. (3) Obstructed – A through hole which has some
obstruction beyond the hole limiting the travel of the tap.
(4) Open – A hole which passes through the workpiece but
is not threaded its full depth. (5) Recessed – A blind hole
with a recess larger than the tap major diameter and beyond
the depth of full thread, limiting the travel of the tap.
(6) Stepped – A blind or open hole with a change in diameter
which limits the thread depth. (7) Through – A hole which
FLUTE TAPER – See preferred term CORE TAPER. passes through the workpiece and is threaded its full depth.
HALF ANGLE – The flank angle is the angle between the HOOK ANGLE – The inclination of a concave cutting face,
individual flank and a perpendicular line to the axis of the usually specified either as Chordal Hook or Tangential Hook,
thread, measure in a axial plane. A flank angle of a symmetri-
cal thread is commonly termed the half-angle of thread. CHORDAL HOOK TANGENTIAL HOOK 800-522-8665 69
Nomenclature (continued)
HOOK FACE – A concave cutting face. LEFT HAND CUT – Rotation in a clockwise direction for cutting
when viewed from the chamfered end of a tap.
INCLUDED ANGLE – See ANGLE OF THREAD. Left Hand Flutes – Flutes which, viewed axially, twist in
a counterclockwise direction.
INTERNAL CENTER – A 60 degree countersink with clearance Left Hand Threads – A thread is a left hand thread if,
at the bottom in one or both ends of a tool, which establishes when viewed axially, it winds in a counterclockwise and
the tap axis. May also be referred to as a female center. receding direction. All left hand threads are designated LH.
LENGTH – The dimension of a tool element measured parallel
to the tool axis.
LAND – One of the threaded sections between the flutes of a tap.
LAND WIDTH – The chordal width of the land between the
cutting edges and the heel measured normal to the cutting
edge. LIMITS – The limits of size are the applicable maximum and
minimum sizes.
LEAD DEVIATION – The deviation from the basic (nominal)
lead. Progressive Lead Deviation - (1) On a straight thread MAJOR DIAMETER – On a straight thread the major diameter
the deviation from a true helix where the thread helix is that of the major cylinder. On a taper thread the major
advances uniformly but with increasing amount. (2) On diameter at a given position on the thread axis is that of the
a taper thread the deviation from a true spiral where the major cone at that position.
thread spiral advances uniformly but with increasing amount.
MINOR DIAMETER – On a straight thread the minor diameter
LEAD OF THREAD – The distance a screw thread advances is that of the minor cylinder. On a taper thread the minor
axially in one complete turn. On a single lead screw or tap diameter at a given position on the thread axis is that of the
the lead and pitch are identical. On a double lead screw or minor cone at that position.
tap the lead is twice the pitch, etc.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Nomenclature (continued)
NECK – A section of reduced diameter between two adjacent PITCH – The pitch of a thread having uniform spacing is the
portions of a tool. distance, measured parallel to its axis, between correspond-
ing points on adjacent thread forms in the same axial plane
and on the same side of the axis. The basic pitch is equal to
the lead divided by the number of thread starts.
OIL GROOVES – Longitudinal straight or helical grooves in the PITCH ERROR – The deviation from the true basic pitch mea-
shank, guide or pilot for lubrication or to carry cutting fluid sured between adjacent teeth on a land.
to the cutting edges.
PITCH LINE – A generator of the imaginary cylinder or cone
OIL HOLES – Holes by which a cutting fluid is fed to the cutting specified in the definition of Pitch Diameter.
edges of a tool. They may either pass completely through the
tool or exit in the flutes. PLUG TAP – A tap with 3 to 5 chamfered threads.
OVERALL LENGTH – The extreme length of a complete tool POINT DIAMETER – The diameter at the cutting edge of the
from end to end, but not including adjusting screw or exter- leading end of the chamfered section.
nal centers when required.
PROJECTION – The distance the small end of a taper thread
PERCENT OF THREAD – One-half the difference between the projects through a taper thread ring gauge.
basic major diameter and the actual minor diameter of an
internal thread, divided by the basic thread height, expressed PROJECTION
as a percentage.
PILOT, THREADED – A threaded portion preceding the cham- PULL TAP – A tap which has its shank ahead of the chamfered
fered end of a tap which facilitates starting the tap in correct threads so that the shank passes through the hole to be
relationship to a previously formed internal thread. tapped before cutting begins.
PITCH DIAMETER – On a straight thread, the pitch diameter is RAKE – The angular relationship of the straight cutting face of a
the diameter of the imaginary co-axial cylinder, the surface of tooth with respect to a radial line through the crest of the
which would pass through the thread profiles at such points tooth at the cutting edge. Positive rake means that the crest
as to make the width of the groove equal to one-half of of the cutting face is angularly ahead of the balance of the
the basic pitch. On a perfect thread this occurs at the point cutting face of the tooth. Negative rake means that the crest
where the widths of the thread and groove are equal. On a of the cutting face is angularly behind the balance of the
taper thread, the pitch diameter at a given position on the cutting face of the tooth.
thread axis is the diameter of the pitch cone at that position. 800-522-8665 71
Nomenclature (continued)
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Nomenclature (continued)
SHANK 800-522-8665 73
Nomenclature (continued)
TAPER PER INCH – (1) On a taper threaded part, or on a taper TOLERANCE – The total permissible variation of a size. The
shank, the difference in diameter in one inch measured tolerance is the difference between the limits of size.
parallel to the axis. (2) On a taper tap the difference in dia-
meter in one inch measured parallel to the axis of the cutting TOTAL INDICATOR READING – See preferred term TOTAL
TAPER SHANK – A shank made to fit a specified taper socket. TOTAL INDICATOR VARIATION (TIV) – The difference
between maximum and minimum indicator readings
TAPER START – A tapering of the threads, with respect to obtained during a checking cycle.
axis, which progressively reduces the diameter of the thread
form for a short distance toward the entering end of the tap. TRUNCATION, CREST – The crest truncation of a thread is the
radial distance between the sharp crest and the cylinder or
TAPER TAP – A tap having a chamfer length of 7 to 10 threads. cone that would bound the crest.
THREAD, MULTIPLE – A thread of which the lead is an integral TRUNCATION, ROOT – The root truncation of a thread is the
multiple of the pitch. On a double thread, the lead is equal to radial distance between the sharp root and the cylinder or
twice the pitch. On a triple thread the lead is equal to three cone that would bound the root.
times the pitch, etc.
TURNS PER INCH – The number of turns per inch is the
THREAD HELIX ANGLE – See preferred term THREAD LEAD reciprocal of the lead in inches.
PITCH = 0.05
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Standard Marking Symbols
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Standard Marking Symbols (continued) 800-522-8665 77
Table 302 Blank Dimensions
Style 1 Style 2
l2I 2 lI Il22 Il
Style 3
Il22 Il
Dimensions – Inches
Machine Nominal Metric Overall Thread Square Shank Size of
Screw Size Fractional Diameter Blank Length Length Length Diameter Square
No. (Inches) Diameter Millimeters, (Inches) Design No. L I I2 d1 a
0 (.0600) M1.6(.0630) 1 1.63 0.31 0.19 0.1410 0.110
1 (.0730) M1.8 (.0709) 1 1.69 0.38 0.19 0.1410 0.110
2 (.0860) M2 (.0787), M2.2 (.0866) 1 1.75 0.44 0.19 0.1410 0.110
3 (.0990) M2.5 (.0984) 1 1.81 0.50 0.19 0.1410 0.110
4 (.1120) 1 1.88 0.56 0.19 0.1410 0.110
5 (.1250) M3 (.1181) 1 1.94 0.63 0.19 0.1410 0.110
6 (.1380) M3.5 (.1378) 1 2.00 0.69 0.19 0.1410 0.110
8 (.1640) M4 (.1575) 1 2.13 0.75 0.25 0.1680 0.131
10 (.1900) M4.5 (.1772), M5 (.1969) 1 2.38 0.88 0.25 0.1940 0.152
12 (.2160) 1 2.38 0.94 0.28 0.2200 0.165
1/4 (.2500) M6 (.2362) 2 2.50 1.00 0.31 0.2550 0.191
5/16 (.3125) M7 (.2756), M8 (.3150) 2 2.72 1.13 0.38 0.3180 0.238
3/8 (.3750) M10 (.3937) 2 2.94 1.25 0.44 0.3810 0.286
7/16 (.4375) 3 3.16 1.44 0.41 0.3230 0.242
1/2 (.5000) M12 (.4724) 3 3.38 1.66 0.44 0.3670 0.275
9/16 (.5625) M14 (.5512) 3 3.59 1.66 0.50 0.4290 0.322
5/8 (.6250) M16 (.6299) 3 3.81 1.81 0.56 0.4800 0.360
11/16 (.6875) M18 (.7087) 3 4.03 1.81 0.63 0.5420 0.406
3/4 (.7500) 3 4.25 2.00 0.69 0.5900 0.442
13/16 (.8125) M20 (.7874) 3 4.47 2.00 0.69 0.6520 0.489
7/8 (.8750) M22 (.8661) 3 4.69 2.22 0.75 0.6970 0.523
15/16 (.9375) M24 (.9449) 3 4.91 2.22 0.75 0.7600 0.570
1 (1.0000) M25 (.9843) 3 5.13 2.50 0.81 0.8000 0.600
1-1/16 (1.0625) M27 (1.0630) 3 5.13 2.50 0.88 0.8960 0.672
1-1/8 (1.1250) 3 5.44 2.56 0.88 0.8960 0.672
1-3/16 (1.1875) M30 (1.1811) 3 5.44 2.56 1.00 1.0210 0.766
1-1/4 (1.2500) 3 5.75 2.56 1.00 1.0210 0.766
1-5/16 (1.3125) M33 (1.2992) 3 5.75 2.56 1.06 1.1080 0.831
1-3/8 (1.3750) 3 6.06 3.00 1.06 1.1080 0.831
1-7/16 (1.4375) M36 (1.4173) 3 6.06 3.00 1.13 1.2330 0.925
1-1/2 (1.5000) 3 6.38 3.00 1.13 1.2330 0.925
1-5/8 (1.6250) M39 (1.5354) 3 6.69 3.19 1.13 1.3050 0.979
1-3/4 (1.7500) M42 (1.6535) 3 7.00 3.19 1.25 1.4300 1.072
1-7/8 (1.8750) 3 7.31 3.56 1.25 1.5190 1.139
2 (2.0000) M48 (1.8898) 3 7.63 3.56 1.38 1.6440 1.233
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Table 302A Blank Dimensions
Style 1 Style 2
Il2 lI11 Il Il22 lI11 Il
Style 3
Il22 Il
Dimensions – Inches
Machine Nominal Metric Overall Thread Neck Square Shank Size of
Screw Size Fractional Diameter Blank Length Length Length Length Diameter Square
No. (Inches) Diameter Millimeters, (Inches) Design No. L I I1 I2 d1 a
0 (.0600) M1.6(.0630) 1 1.63 0.31 * 0.19 0.1410 0.110
2 (.0860) M2 (.0787), M2.2 (.0866) 1 1.75 0.18 0.26** 0.19 0.1410 0.110
3 (.0990) M2.5 (.0984) 1 1.81 0.21 0.29 0.19 0.1410 0.110
4 (.1120) 1 1.88 0.25 0.31 0.19 0.1410 0.110
5 (.1250) M3 (.1181) 1 1.94 0.25 0.38 0.19 0.1410 0.110
6 (.1380) M3.5 (.1378) 1 2.00 0.31 0.38 0.19 0.1410 0.110
8 (.1640) M4 (.1575) 1 2.13 0.31 0.44 0.25 0.1680 0.131
10 (.1900) M4.5 (.1772), M5 (.1969) 1 2.38 0.42 0.46 0.25 0.1940 0.152
1/4 (.2500) M6 (.2362) 2 2.50 0.50 0.50 0.31 0.2550 0.191
5/16 (.3125) M7 (.2756), M8 (.3150) 2 2.72 0.56 0.57 0.38 0.3180 0.238
3/8 (.3750) M10 (.3937) 2 2.94 0.63 0.63 0.44 0.3810 0.286
7/16 (.4375) 3 3.16 0.86 *** 0.41 0.3230 0.242
1/2 (.5000) M12 (.4724) 3 3.38 0.92 *** 0.44 0.3670 0.275
9/16 (.5625) M14 (.5512) 3 3.59 1.00 *** 0.50 0.4290 0.322
5/8 (.6250) M16 (.6299) 3 3.81 1.09 *** 0.56 0.4800 0.360
11/16 (.6875) M18 (.7087) 3 4.03 1.20 *** 0.63 0.5420 0.406
3/4 (.7500) 3 4.25 1.20 *** 0.69 0.5900 0.442
13/16 (.8125) M20 (.7874) 3 4.47 1.20 *** 0.69 0.6520 0.489
7/8 (.8750) M22 (.8661) 3 4.69 1.33 *** 0.75 0.6970 0.523
1 (1.0000) M25 (.9843) 3 5.13 1.50 *** 0.81 0.8000 0.600
* Blank Without Neck
** Forming Style Without Neck
*** Reduced Shank, Neck Not Required
Element Over To (Incl.) Direction Tolerance 800-522-8665 79
DIN/ANSI Blank Dimensions
Style 1 Style 2
Il22 lI11 Il
Il2 lI11 Il
Style 3
Il22 Il
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Table 303 Blank Dimensions
Unless otherwise specified, special taps 1.010" to 1.510" diameter inclusive, having 14 or more threads per inch or 1.75 millimeter pitch
and finer, and sizes over 1.510" diameter with 10 or more threads per inch, or 2.5 millimeter pitch and finer, will be made to the general
dimensions shown below.
Nominal Diamter Nominal Nominal Tap Dimensions – Inches
Range – Inches Fractional Metric Overall Thread Square Shank Size of
Diameter Diameter Length Length Length Diameter Square
Over To (Incl.) Inches Millimeters L I I2 d1 a
1.010 1.073 1-1/16 M27 4.00 1.50 0.88 0.8960 0.672
1.073 1.135 1-1/8 4.00 1.50 0.88 0.8960 0.672
1.135 1.198 1-3/16 M30 4.00 1.50 1.00 1.0210 0.766
1.198 1.260 1-1/4 4.00 1.50 1.00 1.0210 0.766
1.260 1.323 1-5/16 M33 4.00 1.50 1.00 1.1080 0.831
1.323 1.385 1-3/8 4.00 1.50 1.00 1.1080 0.831
1.385 1.448 1-7/16 M36 4.00 1.50 1.00 1.2330 0.925
1.448 1.510 1-1/2 4.00 1.50 1.00 1.2330 0.925
1.510 1.635 1-5/8 M39 5.00 2.00 1.13 1.3050 0.979
1.635 1.760 1-3/4 M42 5.00 2.00 1.25 1.4300 1.072
1.760 1.885 1-7/8 5.00 2.00 1.25 1.5190 1.139
1.885 2.010 2 M48 5.00 2.00 1.38 1.6440 1.233
2.010 2.135 2-1/8 5.25 2.00 1.38 1.7690 1.327
2.135 2.260 2-1/4 M56 5.25 2.00 1.44 1.8940 1.420
2.260 2.385 2-3/8 5.25 2.00 1.44 2.0190 1.514
2.385 2.510 2-1/2 5.25 2.00 1.50 2.1000 1.575
2.510 2.635 2-5/8 M64 5.50 2.00 1.50 2.1000 1.575
2.635 2.760 2-3/4 5.50 2.00 1.50 2.1000 1.575
2.760 2.885 2-7/8 M72 5.50 2.00 1.50 2.1000 1.575
2.885 3.010 3 5.50 2.00 1.50 2.1000 1.575
3.010 3.135 3-1/8 5.75 2.00 1.50 2.1000 1.575
3.135 3.260 3-1/4 M80 5.75 2.00 1.50 2.1000 1.575
3.260 3.385 3-3/8 5.75 2.00 1.50 2.1000 1.575
3.385 3.510 3-1/2 5.75 2.00 1.50 2.1000 1.575
3.510 3.635 3-5/8 M90 6.00 2.00 1.75 2.1000 1.575
3.635 3.760 3-3/4 6.00 2.00 1.75 2.1000 1.575
3.760 3.885 3-7/8 6.00 2.00 1.75 2.1000 1.575
3.885 4.010 4 M100 6.00 2.00 1.75 2.1000 1.575
For tolerances see Table 302.
For standard thread limits and tolerances for Unified Inch Screw Threads see Tables 327A.
For standard thread limits and tolerances for Metric Threads see Tables 337 and 341.
For eccentricity tolerances of tap elements see Table 317. 800-522-8665 81
Table 303A Blank Dimensions
Unless otherwise specified, special extension taps will be furnished with dimensions and tolerances as shown for Machine Screw and
Fractional taps in Tables 302 and 303, and for Pipe taps in Table 311.
Exceptions: (1) Types of centers are optional with manufacturer.
(2) Tolerances on shank diameter d 1 for l4 length as shown in the following table.
(3) Shank eccentricity tolerance in Table 317 applies only to the l4 length shown in the following table.
(4) Length of Close Tolerance Shank, (l4) is minimum.
Nominal Tap Size Nominal Tap Size
Machine Shank Length Shank Length
Fractional Screw Pipe I4 Fractional Pipe I4
0-3 0.88 1-1/2 3.00
4 1.00 1-5/8 3 3.13
5-6 1.13 1-3/4 3.13
8 1.25 1-7/8 3.25
10-12 1/16-1/8-1/4 1.38 2 3.25
1/4 14 1.50 2-1/8 3.38
5/16 1.56 2-1/4 3.38
3/8 1.63 2-3/8 3.50
7/16 3/8-1/2 1.69 2-1/2 3.50
1/2 1.69 2-5/8 3-1/2 3.63
9/16 3/4 1.88 2-3/4 3.63
5/8 1 2.00 2-7/8 3.75
11/16 2.13 3 3.75
3/4 1-1/4 2.25 3-1/8 3.88
13/16 1-1/2 2.38 3-1/4 3.88
7/8 2.50 3-3/8 4 4.00
15/16 2.63 3-1/2 4.00
1 2.63 3-5/8 4.13
1-1/8 2 2.75 3-3/4 4.13
1-1/4 2-1/2 2.88 3-7/8 4.25
1-3/8 3.00 4 4.25
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Table 311 Blank Dimensions
Dimensions – Inches
Threads Overall Thread Square Shank Size Length of
Size Per Length Length Length Diameter of Square Optional Neck
(Inches) Inch L I I2 d1 a l1
1/16 27 2.13 0.69 0.38 0.3125 0.234 0.38
1/8 27 2.13 0.75 0.38 0.4375 0.328 0.38
1/8* 27 2.13 0.75 0.38 0.3125 0.234
1/4 18 2.44 1.06 0.44 0.5625 0.421 0.38
3/8 18 2.56 1.06 0.50 0.7000 0.531 0.38
1/2 14 3.13 1.38 0.63 0.6875 0.515
3/4 14 3.25 1.38 0.69 0.9063 0.679
1 11-1/2 3.75 1.75 0.81 1.1250 0.843
1-1/4 11-1/2 4.00 1.75 0.94 1.3125 0.984
1-1/2 11-1/2 4.25 1.75 1.00 1.5000 1.125
2 11-1/2 4.25 1.75 1.13 1.8750 1.406
*Small Shank 800-522-8665 83
GH (GD) Pitch Diameter Limit Explanation
Maximum PD Limit GH (GD) pitch diameter increases above basic pitch diameter in
0.0005" (0.013mm) increments.
Minimum PD Limit For GH(L) limits the minimum pitch diameter limit falls in the minus
direction as follows:
For GD (metric PD) limits the minimum pitch diameter limit is in the
minus direction and is variable based on size and pitch. GD limits have
a larger pitch diameter tolerance as compared to GH(L) limits and
tend to overlap
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
GH (GD) Calculations for Special Gauging Limits
Occasionally customers tap a threaded hole that requires special oversize pitch diameter limits. Typically, this occurs when the thread
is to be plated or heat treated after tapping. Special pitch diameter limits require a tap with a GH(D) limit that is larger than listed on the
standard class of fit recommendation charts. The proper pitch diameter limit is determined through performing a few calculations.
Special gauging limits may be determined by observing the value on the handle of the Go / NoGo gauge or on the part drawing.
Typically the minimum and maximum values are etched on the gauge handle. The method for determining a special pitch diameter
is as follows:
40% of
Go Tolerance
If the intended plating thickness is known, the amount a tap should be oversize is calculated as follows:
Plating Thickness = 0.0004"
Plating Thickness (0.0004") * 4 = Amount Oversize (0.0016")
0.0016" / 0.0005" = 3.2 = 3 (rounded) GH Limits to be Added
If a 2B class of fit normally calls for an H5 limit, the oversize tap should be H5 + H3 = H8. 800-522-8665 85
Tap GH Limit Recommendations Cut Thread, Inch
Threads Per Inch Recommended Tap Limits Internal Thread Pitch DiameterLimits
Class Class Min. All Classes Max. Class Max Class
Size NC NF 2B 3B (Basic) 2B 3B
0 80 H2 H1 0.0519 0.0542 0.0536
1 64 H2 H1 0.0629 0.0655 0.0648
1 72 H2 H1 0.0640 0.0665 0.0659
2 56 H2 H1 0.0744 0.0772 0.0765
2 64 H2 H1 0.0759 0.0786 0.0779
3 48 H2 H1 0.0855 0.0855 0.0877
3 56 H2 H1 0.0874 0.0902 0.0895
4 40 H2 H2 0.0958 0.0991 0.0982
4 48 H2 H1 0.0985 0.1016 0.1008
5 40 H2 H2 0.1088 0.1121 0.1113
5 44 H2 H1 0.1102 0.1134 0.1126
6 32 H3 H2 0.1177 0.1214 0.1204
6 40 H2 H2 0.1218 0.1252 0.1243
8 32 H3 H2 0.1437 0.1475 0.1465
8 36 H2 H2 0.1460 0.1496 0.1487
10 24 H3 H3 0.1629 0.1672 0.1661
10 32 H3 H2 0.1697 0.1736 0.1726
12 24 H3 H3 0.1889 0.1933 0.1922
12 28 H3 H3 0.1928 0.1970 0.1959
1/4 20 H5 H3 0.2175 0.2224 0.2211
1/4 28 H4 H3 0.2268 0.2311 0.2300
5/16 18 H5 H3 0.2764 0.2817 0.2803
5/16 24 H4 H3 0.2854 0.2902 0.2890
3/8 16 H5 H3 0.3344 0.3401 0.3387
3/8 24 H4 H3 0.3479 0.3528 0.3516
7/16 14 H5 H3 0.3911 0.3972 0.3957
7/16 20 H5 H3 0.4050 0.4104 0.4091
1/2 13 H5 H3 0.4500 0.4565 0.4548
1/2 20 H5 H3 0.4675 0.4731 0.4717
9/16 12 H5 H3 0.5084 0.5152 0.5135
9/16 18 H5 H3 0.5264 0.5323 0.5308
5/8 11 H5 H3 0.5660 0.5732 0.5714
5/8 18 H5 H3 0.5889 0.5949 0.5934
3/4 10 H5 H4 0.6850 0.6927 0.6907
3/4 16 H5 H3 0.7094 0.7159 0.7143
7/8 9 H6 H4 0.8028 0.8110 0.8089
7/8 14 H6 H4 0.8286 0.8356 0.8339
1" 8 H6 H4 0.9188 0.9276 0.9254
1" 12 H6 H4 0.9459 0.9535 0.9516
1" 14 NS H6 H4 0.9536 0.9609 0.9590
1-1/8 7 H8 H4 1.0332 1.0416 1.0393
1-1/8 12 H6 H4 1.0709 1.0787 1.0768
1-1/4 7 H8 H4 1.1572 1.1668 1.1644
1-1/4 12 H6 H4 1.1959 1.2039 1.2019
1-3/8 6 H8 H4 1.2667 1.2771 1.2745
1-3/8 12 H6 H4 1.3209 1.3291 1.3270
1-1/2 6 H8 H4 1.3917 1.4022 1.3996
1-1/2 12 H6 H4 1.4459 1.4542 1.4522
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Tap GD Limit Recommendations Cut Thread, Metric 800-522-8665 87
Tap GH Limit Recommendations Forming, Inch
Threads Per Inch Recommended Tap Limits Internal Thread Pitch DiameterLimits
Class Class Min. All Classes Max. Class Max Class
Size NC NF 2B 3B (Basic) 2B 3B
0 80 H3 H2 0.0519 0.0542 0.0536
1 64 H3 H2 0.0629 0.0655 0.0648
1 72 H3 H2 0.0640 0.0665 0.0659
2 56 H4 H3 0.0744 0.0772 0.0765
2 64 H4 H3 0.0759 0.0786 0.0779
3 48 H4 H3 0.0855 0.0855 0.0877
3 56 H4 H3 0.0874 0.0902 0.0895
4 40 H4 H3 0.0958 0.0991 0.0982
4 48 H4 H3 0.0985 0.1016 0.1008
5 40 H4 H3 0.1088 0.1121 0.1113
5 44 H4 H3 0.1102 0.1134 0.1126
6 32 H5 H4 0.1177 0.1214 0.1204
6 40 H4 H3 0.1218 0.1252 0.1243
8 32 H5 H4 0.1437 0.1475 0.1465
8 36 H5 H4 0.1460 0.1496 0.1487
10 24 H6 H4 0.1629 0.1672 0.1661
10 32 H5 H4 0.1697 0.1736 0.1726
12 24 H6 H4 0.1889 0.1933 0.1922
12 28 H5 H4 0.1928 0.1970 0.1959
1/4 20 H6 H5 0.2175 0.2224 0.2211
1/4 28 H6 H4 0.2268 0.2311 0.2300
5/16 18 H7 H5 0.2764 0.2817 0.2803
5/16 24 H6 H5 0.2854 0.2902 0.2890
3/8 16 H7 H6 0.3344 0.3401 0.3387
3/8 24 H6 H5 0.3479 0.3528 0.3516
7/16 14 H8 H6 0.3911 0.3972 0.3957
7/16 20 H7 H5 0.4050 0.4104 0.4091
1/2 13 H8 H6 0.4500 0.4565 0.4548
1/2 20 H7 H5 0.4675 0.4731 0.4717
9/16 12 H9 H7 0.5084 0.5152 0.5135
9/16 18 H8 H6 0.5264 0.5323 0.5308
5/8 11 H9 H7 0.5660 0.5732 0.5714
5/8 18 H8 H6 0.5889 0.5949 0.5934
3/4 10 H10 H7 0.6850 0.6927 0.6907
3/4 16 H8 H6 0.7094 0.7159 0.7143
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Tap GD Limit Recommendations Forming, Metric 800-522-8665 89
UNJ/MJ Thread Profile
The UNJ thread standard (ASME B1.15) defines a system of threads for highly stressed applications requiring high fatigue strength.
The MJ thread standard (B1.21M) defines a similar system for metric threads. These standards were originally developed for aerospace
fasteners and threaded component applications.
The design characteristics for the UNJ and MJ thread systems are as follows:
External Threads – threads must be produced with a prescribed, larger than normal, root radius.
Standard UN and M tooling may not be used.
Internal Threads – threads are not required to have a root radius; therefore, ground thread taps
designed to produce Unified Screw Threads or M profile Screw Threads
for the proper class of fit may be used which is typically 3B. The larger product
minor diameter of the internal threads requires the use of a larger tap drill than
typically used.
The letter “J” need not be marked on the shank of the tap. Occasionally, customers will request a special marking.
A tap drill should be selected that will produces approximately 65 percent of thread. For drill size values
see page XX regarding Drilled Hole Sizes.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Pipe Thread Projection Calculation
Standard taper pipe tap taps are designed to produce the correct thread length for standard male pipe fittings. In most applications, this
includes 4 to 5 turns for a “hand tight” fit, which is the L1 thread length. Also included is the L3 thread length which are three additional
“wrench turn” threads to provide sealing of the assembly.
The tap pitch diameter is determined by using an L1 ring gauge. The L1 gauge is threaded onto the
tap until a hand tight fit is achieved. The portion of the tap that extends from the front of the gauge
to the front of the tap is the projection. The projection determines the pitch diameter size of the pipe
tap. Standard and SAE Short projections are listed in the table below.
Nominal Thread Standard SAE Short
Size per Inch Projection Projection
1/16 27 0.312 0.241
1/8 27 0.312 0.241
1/4 18 0.459 0.361
3/8 18 0.454 0.361
1/2 14 0.579 0.465
3/4 14 0.565 0.465
1 11-1/2 0.678
1-1/4 11-1/2 0.686
1-1/2 11-1/2 0.699
2 11-1/2 0.667
2-1/2 8 0.925
3 8 0.925
Occasionally the workpiece geometry will not allow the use of a standard projection. This condition
occurs when the hole to be threaded is relatively shallow. This situation will require a tap with a
“special projection”. 800-522-8665 91
Pipe Thread Gauging Requirements
Pipe threads used in threaded assemblies are intended to seal. This article
will focus on internal threads. The seal is intended to be accomplished
using one of two methods, the assembly of tapered internal and external
threads or the assembly of a straight internal thread and tapered external
Taper to Taper to
Straight Seals Taper Seals
NPTF is considered a Dry Seal, and no sealant is required. The crest/root are designed to distort after
one additional revolution when hand tightening. For this reason, the crest and root truncation of an
NPTF fitting is held to a much tighter tolerance. An NPTF tap CAN be used in an NPT application,
but an NPT tap CANNOT be used in an NPTF application. Both NPT and NPTF use the same L1 gauge.
This gauge is normally the first gauge used, and has a notch at a distance of L1 (See illustration
below). The thread is considered acceptable if it is within +/- one turn from the first (largest) thread.
The L1 gauge is generally the only gauge used in an NPT application
NPTF threads are separated into 2 different categories, Class 1 and Class 2. Class 1 applications do not require inspection of the crest
and root diameters. Class 2 applications require a pressure-tight seal where sealants are not used. Therefore, the root and crest trunca-
tion must be inspected. The ANPT design is not a NPTF design but is safety critical and inspected as an NPTF thread.
The purpose of the L3 Plug gauge is to measure the taper of the part. This gauge does not check size, it checks the taper only. The L3
gauge measures the L3 section of the internal thread. It also has a notch on it in the same theoretical position as the L1 gauge. To be
compliant, the notch on the L3 gauge MUST fall within +/-½ turn relative to where the notch on the L1 gauge falls. For example, if the
L1 gauge notch, when hand tightened, is ½ turn outside of the thread, the L3 gauge must fall between flush to 1 turn maximum outside
the thread.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Pipe Thread Gauging Requirements (continued)
Root truncation is measured with a six step gauge. The 6 step truncation gauge is used to measure the critical crest tolerance in an
internal NPTF thread. The three gauges, L1, L3, and 6 step truncation gauge are used in conjunction with each other.
NPT – National Pipe Taper
Gauges required
L1 Plug Gauge
NPTF – National Pipe Tapered Dryseal
Gauges required
L1 Plug Gauge
L3 Plug Gauge
6 Step Plug Gauge
ANPT – Aeronautical National Pipe Taper
Gauges required
L1 Plug Gauge L1 Gauge L3 Gauge 6 Step
L3 Plug Gauge Truncation Gauge
6 Step Plug Gauge
American Pipe Threads Pipe Thread External Thread Internal Thread Comments
NPT Natl. Pipe Taper General Purpose Taper Taper
NPTF F-Fuel Dry Sealing Taper Taper
NPSC C-Coupling General Purpose Taper (NPT) Cylindrical
NPSM M-Mechanical Fastening Thread Cylindrical Cylindrical UN Thread Profile
NPSF F-Fuel Dry Sealing Taper (NPTF) Cylindrical
NPSI I-Intermediate Dry Sealing Taper (NPT-SAE/NPTF) Cylindrical Thread dia. slightly increased
NPSL L-Locknut Cylindrical Cylindrical
ANPT A-Aeronautical Taper (NPT) Taper (NPT) Same as NPT up to 2", different above 2"
Screw the L1 plug Screw the L3 plug into Insert 6-step Crest
into the fitting (hand the fitting (hand tight- Check plug into the
tighten). This classi- en). The gauge must fitting. When the L1
fies the thread as to match the classification plug is at the maximum
“Maximum”, “Basic”, of the L1 plug within notch, the 6-step gauge
or “Minimum”. +/- 1/2 turns. must go between “MX”
and “MXT” notch.
When the L1 plug is
at the Basic Notch,
the 6-Step gauge
must go between
“B” and “BT” notch.
When the L1 plug is
at mininum notch, the
6-Step gauge must go
between the “MN” and
“MNT”notch. 800-522-8665 93
Drilled Hole Size, Cutting Tap, Inch
Drilled Hole Size, Cutting Tap, Metric 800-522-8665 95
Drilled Hole Size, Forming Tap, Inch
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Drilled Hole Size, Forming Tap, Metric 800-522-8665 97
Platinum Series Drilled Hole Sizes
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Surface Treatment/Coating Descriptions
Code Approx.
No. Description Hardness Characteristics Application
02 Nitride 1200 Hv Consists of a thin, hardened case .0005-.0020 deep on Can be used in most abrasive materials both ferrous and
the surface the tool to resist abrasion. non-ferrous. Not recommended when chipping may be a problem.
03 Steam Oxide No Change Consists of a layer of ferrous oxide on the surface of Can be used in low carbon, stainless and free machining steels.
the tool which has good lubricant retaining properties. Not recommended for use in soft non-ferrous materials where
Improves toughness by relieving grinding stresses. it may cause galling.
04 Chrome Plate 1200 Hv Consists of a very thin layer of hard chromium on the Can be used in most ferrous, non-ferrous and non-metallic
surface of the tool which reduces friction and prevents materials. While unlikely, it may cause galling in high chromium
galling. stainless steels.
23 Nitride and 1200 Hv A combination of two treatments which produces the Can be used in iron and cast iron, stainless and high tensile
Steam Oxide favorable characteristic of both resistance to abrasion steels. Not recommended for use in soft non-ferrous materials
and galling. where it may cause galling.
82 Chromium 1750 Hv Consists of a very hard coating on the surface of the tool Can be used on titanium, titanium alloys, aluminum alloys
Nitride which has outstanding wear resistance, reduces friction and copper alloys. Very effective at higher speed and in many
and prevents galling. tapping applications.
88 Titanium 2400 Hv Consists of a very hard coating on the surface of the tool Can be used in most ferrous, non-ferrous and non-metallic
Nitride which has outstanding wear resistance, reduces friction materials. While unlikely, it may cause galling in titanium
and prevents galling. and titanium alloys.
89 Titanium 3000 Hv Consists of an extremely hard coating on the surface of the Can be used in most ferrous, non-ferrous and abrasive
Carbonitrde tool which has outstanding wear resistance, reduces friction materials. While unlikely, it may cause galling in titanium
and prevents galling. and titanium alloys.
90 Chromium 1850 Hv Consists of a very hard coating on the surface of the tool Can be used on titanium, titanium alloys, exotic materials and
Carbide which has outstanding wear resistance, reduces friction die cast aluminum. Very effective at higher speed and in many
and prevents galling. tapping applications. Under certain conditions it may cause
galling in wrought aluminum. 800-522-8665 99
Recommended Tapping Speeds
Tapping Speed and Treatment/Coating recommendations are for our standard high speed steel product. High performance
recommendations are listed on the individual product pages.
Recommended Recommended
Tapping Speed Treatment/Coating
Work Material Series (SFM) * (Listed Best to Good)
Aluminum Wrought 75 82, 02
Cast 75 82, 02
Cast Iron Gray 35 89, 88, 23, 02
Ductile Malleable 35 89, 88, 23, 03, 02
Steel Low Carbon 55 89, 88, 03
Medium Carbon 35 89, 88, 03
High Carbon 25 89, 88, 03
Alloy Steel 35 89, 88, 03
Stainless Steel 300 Series 35** 89, 88, 03
400 Series 25** 89, 88, 03
PH Series 15** 89, 88, 03
High Nickel Alloys 8** 89
Titanium Alloy 12** 90
Die Steel 25 89, 88, 03
Hardened Steel <35 HrC 25** 89, 88, 03
35 – 45 HrC 10** 89, 88, 03
How to Order
Ordering is as simple as contacting your local authorized distributor. Alternatively, you can call us directly to get a list of authorized
distributors in your area. For technical support, please use the numbers listed below and ask to speak with an applications engineer.
Thank you for your business and your support of American manufacturing.
Limited Warranty
Brubaker warrants to original equipment manufacturers, distributors and industrial and commercial users of its products that each new product that it manufactures
or supplies is free from defects in material and workmanship. Its sole obligation under this warranty is limited to furnishing, without additional charge, a replacement for,
or, at its option, repairing or issuing credit for any such product which shall, within one year from the date of sale by Brubaker be returned freight prepaid to Brubaker
and which, upon inspection, is determined by Brubaker to be defective in materials or workmanship. The provisions of this warranty shall not apply to any product which
has been subjected to misuse, improper operating conditions, or which has been repaired or altered, if such would adversely affect performance of the product. Complete
written information with respect to all such matters must be furnished to Brubaker as a prerequisite to its consideration of any claim or complaint under this warranty.
The repair, replacement or issuance of credit for parts provided for in this warranty constitutes the Buyer’s exclusive remedy. The warranty is in lieu of all other warranties,
express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Brubaker has no liability or responsibility on any claim of any
kind, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, for any loss or damage arising out of, connected with, or resulting from the manufacture, sale, delivery or use of any product
sold hereunder, in excess of the cost of replacement or repair as provided herein. In no event shall Brubaker be liable for any special, incidental or consequential damages.
Brubaker makes no other warranty, express or implied, except as set forth above; and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person or entity to assume for it any other
obligation or liability in connection with any of its products.
Any cutting tool may break or shatter under improper use. Government regulations require use of safety glasses and other appropriate safety equipment at all times in the
vicinity of use. Wet or dry grinding of cutting tools produces potentially hazardous dusts or mists; to avoid adverse health effects, use adequate ventilation and read the
material Safety Data Sheet for further applicable tool material or grade before grinding.
For additional support and for maximum optimization of your tools, call us toll free at:
Brubaker 800.522.8665, and ask to speak to our Technical Support Department.
Tap Troubleshooting Guide (continued)
Chatter Finish 1. Check Tap Geometry, flute size, thread relief, ect.
Chamfer Length 1. Increase chamfer length, if possible.
Welding/(BUE) 1. Apply correct surface treatment/coating.
Built Up Edge 2. Utilize appropriate tapping speed.
3. Rough or torn threads may interfere with gauge.
Poor Tool Life Incorrect Tap 1. Ensure chips are being removed from tap flutes.
Chip Packing 2. Increase number of flutes, if excessive wear.
3. Use bottom type forming tap to prevent work hardening.
Work Surface 1. Maintain a sharp drill point.
Hardening 2. Use carbide drill for longer tool life.
Tapping Speed 1. Check recommendation charts.
2. Use suitable treatment or coating to extend life.
Tap Chipping Incorrect Tap 1. Ensure chips are being removed from tap flutes.
Tapping Speed 1. Check recommendation charts.
2. Use suitable treatment or coating to extend life.
Geometry 1. Increase chamfer length, if possible.
2. Reduce hook cutting angle.
3. Reduce chamfer relief.
4. Reduce spiral flute helix angle.
Tap Breakage Incorrect Tap 1. Ensure chips are being removed from tap flutes.
2. Check for correct geometry.
3. Use suitable treatment or coating to extend life.
Pre-Tap Drill Size 1. Increase drill size, use 65% of thread, if possible.
Bottom Clearance 1. Confirm tap is not bottoming out in drilled hole.
Thread Depth 1. 1.5XD thread length optimum, 2XD should be maximum.
2. For bottoming holes, use modified bottom chamfer.
Drill Chart (continued)
EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG
10000-00-B ......44 10081-00-B ......44 10173-00-B ......44 10265-00-B ......44 10351-00-B ......46 10428-00-B ......47 10510-00-B ......47
10001-00-B ......44 10084-00-B ......44 10174-00-B ......44 10266-00-B ......44 10352-00-B ......46 10431-00-B ......47 10513-00-B ......46
10002-00-B ......44 10085-00-B ......44 10177-00-B ......45 10269-00-B ......45 10353-00-B ......46 10432-00-B ......47 10514-00-B ......46
10005-00-B ......44 10086-00-B ......44 10178-00-B ......45 10270-00-B ......45 10356-00-B ......47 10435-00-B ......46 10521-00-B ......46
10006-00-B ......44 10088-00-B ......44 10181-00-B ......45 10273-00-B ......45 10357-00-B ......47 10436-00-B ......46 10523-00-B ......46
10008-00-B ......44 10089-00-B ......44 10182-00-B ......45 10274-00-B ......45 10360-00-B ......46 10439-00-B ......46 10524-00-B ......46
10009-00-B ......44 10090-00-B ......44 10184-00-B ......45 10276-00-B ......45 10361-00-B ......46 10440-00-B ......46 10525-00-B ......46
10010-00-B ......44 10093-00-B ......44 10185-00-B ......45 10277-00-B ......45 10363-00-B ......46 10443-00-B ......46 10528-00-B ......47
10013-00-B ......44 10094-00-B ......44 10186-00-B ......45 10278-00-B ......45 10364-00-B ......46 10444-00-B ......46 10529-00-B ......47
10016-00-B ......44 10097-00-B ......44 10190-00-B ......45 10286-00-B ......45 10365-00-B ......46 10446-00-B ......46 10535-00-B ......46
10017-00-B ......44 10098-00-B ......44 10194-00-B ......45 10288-00-B ......45 10368-00-B ......46 10447-00-B ......46 10536-00-B ......46
10018-00-B ......44 10100-00-B ......44 10197-00-B ......44 10289-00-B ......45 10369-00-B ......46 10448-00-B ......46 10537-00-B ......46
10021-00-B ......44 10101-00-B ......44 10200-00-B ......44 10290-00-B ......45 10372-00-B ......46 10451-00-B ......47 10540-00-B ......47
10022-00-B ......44 10102-00-B ......44 10201-00-B ......44 10293-00-B ......44 10373-00-B ......46 10452-00-B ......47 10541-00-B ......47
10028-00-B ......44 10108-00-B ......44 10202-00-B ......44 10296-00-B ......45 10375-00-B ......46 10455-00-B ......46 10544-00-B ......46
10029-00-B ......44 10109-00-B ......44 10208-00-B ......44 10297-00-B ......45 10376-00-B ......46 10459-00-B ......46 10546-00-B ......46
10030-00-B ......44 10110-00-B ......44 10209-00-B ......44 10298-00-B ......45 10377-00-B ......46 10460-00-B ......46 10547-00-B ......46
10033-00-B ......44 10116-00-B ......44 10210-00-B ......44 10301-00-B ......46 10380-00-B ......47 10463-00-B ......46 10548-00-B ......46
10034-00-B ......44 10117-00-B ......44 10213-00-B ......44 10304-00-B ......46 10384-00-B ......47 10465-00-B ......46 10551-00-B ......47
10036-00-B ......44 10118-00-B ......44 10214-00-B ......44 10305-00-B ......46 10385-00-B ......47 10466-00-B ......46 10552-00-B ......47
10037-00-B ......44 10121-00-B ......44 10217-00-B ......44 10306-00-B ......46 10388-00-B ......46 10467-00-B ......46 10555-00-B ......46
10038-00-B ......44 10122-00-B ......44 10220-00-B ......44 10309-00-B ......46 10389-00-B ......46 10470-00-B ......47 10558-00-B ......46
10044-00-B ......44 10124-00-B ......44 10221-00-B ......44 10311-00-B ......46 10392-00-B ......46 10471-00-B ......47 10561-00-B ......46
10046-00-B ......44 10125-00-B ......44 10222-00-B ......44 10312-00-B ......46 10393-00-B ......46 10478-00-B ......46 10562-00-B ......46
10049-00-B ......44 10126-00-B ......44 10225-00-B ......45 10313-00-B ......46 10399-00-B ......46 10479-00-B ......46 10563-00-B ......46
10053-00-B ......44 10129-00-B ......45 10226-00-B ......45 10316-00-B ......46 10400-00-B ......46 10482-00-B ......46 10566-00-B ......47
10054-00-B ......44 10130-00-B ......45 10229-00-B ......45 10317-00-B ......46 10401-00-B ......46 10484-00-B ......46 10567-00-B ......47
10056-00-B ......44 10132-00-B ......45 10230-00-B ......45 10320-00-B ......46 10404-00-B ......47 10485-00-B ......46 10570-00-B ......46
10057-00-B ......44 10133-00-B ......45 10232-00-B ......45 10321-00-B ......46 10405-00-B ......47 10486-00-B ......46 10574-00-B ......46
10058-00-B ......44 10134-00-B ......45 10233-00-B ......45 10323-00-B ......46 10408-00-B ......46 10489-00-B ......47 10577-00-B ......46
10060-00-B ......44 10145-00-B ......44 10234-00-B ......45 10324-00-B ......46 10411-00-B ......46 10490-00-B ......47 10578-00-B ......46
10061-00-B ......44 10148-00-B ......44 10238-00-B ......45 10325-00-B ......46 10412-00-B ......46 10493-00-B ......46 10579-00-B ......46
10062-00-B ......44 10149-00-B ......44 10242-00-B ......45 10328-00-B ......47 10414-00-B ......46 10494-00-B ......46 10582-00-B ......47
10068-00-B ......44 10150-00-B ......44 10252-00-B ......44 10332-00-B ......47 10415-00-B ......46 10497-00-B ......46 10583-00-B ......47
10069-00-B ......44 10160-00-B ......44 10253-00-B ......44 10333-00-B ......47 10416-00-B ......46 10498-00-B ......46 10585-00-B ......46
10070-00-B ......44 10161-00-B ......44 10254-00-B ......44 10336-00-B ......46 10419-00-B ......46 10501-00-B ......46 10586-00-B ......46
10073-00-B ......44 10162-00-B ......44 10257-00-B ......44 10337-00-B ......46 10420-00-B ......46 10502-00-B ......46 10587-00-B ......46
10074-00-B ......44 10165-00-B ......44 10258-00-B ......44 10340-00-B ......46 10422-00-B ......46 10504-00-B ......46 10589-00-B ......46
10076-00-B ......44 10166-00-B ......44 10261-00-B ......44 10341-00-B ......46 10423-00-B ......46 10505-00-B ......46 10590-00-B ......46
10077-00-B ......44 10169-00-B ......44 10262-00-B ......44 10345-00-B ......46 10424-00-B ......46 10506-00-B ......46 10591-00-B ......46
10078-00-B ......44 10172-00-B ......44 10264-00-B ......44 10348-00-B ......46 10427-00-B ......47 10509-00-B ......47 10594-00-B ......46
EDP Number Index, 10597–11230
EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG
10597-00-B ......46 10676-00-B ......47 10747-23-B ......50 10817-00-B ......51 11015-00-B ......36 11062-00-B ......36 11126-02-B ......53
10600-00-B ......46 10677-00-B ......47 10754-23-B ......50 10818-00-B ......51 11017-00-B ......36 11064-00-B ......36 11127-02-B ......53
10601-00-B ......46 10678-00-B ......47 10755-23-B ......50 10821-00-B ......51 11020-00-B ......36 11065-00-B ......36 11128-02-B ......53
10602-00-B ......46 10680-00-B ......47 10758-23-B ......50 10822-00-B ......51 11021-00-B ......36 11066-00-B ......36 11129-02-B ......53
10605-00-B ......47 10681-00-B ......47 10759-23-B ......50 10825-00-B ......51 11022-00-B ......36 11067-00-B ......36 11130-02-B ......53
10606-00-B ......47 10682-00-B ......47 10762-23-B ......50 10826-00-B ......51 11023-00-B ......36 11068-00-B ......36 11131-02-B ......53
10609-00-B ......46 10684-00-B ......47 10763-23-B ......50 10829-00-B ......51 11024-00-B ......36 11069-00-B ......36 11133-02-B ......53
10612-00-B ......46 10685-00-B ......47 10770-23-B ......50 10830-00-B ......51 11025-00-B ......36 11070-00-B ......36 11134-02-B ......53
10615-00-B ......46 10686-00-B ......47 10771-23-B ......50 10833-00-B ......51 11027-00-B ......36 11071-00-B ......36 11135-02-B ......53
10616-00-B ......46 10688-00-B ......47 10778-23-B ......50 10834-00-B ......51 11029-00-B ......36 11072-00-B ......36 11136-02-B ......53
10617-00-B ......46 10689-00-B ......47 10779-23-B ......50 10837-00-B ......51 11030-00-B ......36 11075-00-B ......36 11137-02-B ......53
10620-00-B ......47 10690-00-B ......47 10780-23-B ......50 10838-00-B ......51 11031-00-B ......36 11076-00-B ......36 11138-02-B ......53
10621-00-B ......47 10692-00-B ......47 10781-23-B ......50 10901-00-B ......52 11032-00-B ......36 11078-00-B ......36 11139-02-B ......53
10624-00-B ......46 10693-00-B ......47 10782-23-B ......50 10902-00-B ......52 11033-00-B ......36 11079-00-B ......36 11140-02-B ......53
10626-00-B ......47 10694-00-B ......47 10783-23-B ......50 10903-00-B ......52 11034-00-B ......36 11081-00-B ......36 11141-02-B ......53
10627-00-B ......47 10696-00-B ......47 10784-23-B ......50 10904-00-B ......52 11035-00-B ......36 11082-00-B ......36 11142-02-B ......53
10628-00-B ......47 10697-00-B ......47 10785-23-B ......50 10905-00-B ......52 11036-00-B ......36 11084-00-B ......36 11143-02-B ......53
10631-00-B ......47 10698-00-B ......47 10786-23-B ......50 10906-00-B ......52 11037-00-B ......36 11085-00-B ......36 11144-02-B ......53
10634-00-B ......46 10700-23-B ......50 10787-23-B ......50 10907-00-B ......52 11038-00-B ......36 11086-00-B ......36 11145-02-B ......53
10636-00-B ......47 10701-23-B ......50 10788-23-B ......50 10908-00-B ......52 11039-00-B ......36 11089-00-B ......36 11146-02-B ......53
10637-00-B ......47 10702-23-B ......50 10789-23-B ......50 10909-00-B ......52 11040-00-B ......36 11090-00-B ......36 11158-03-B ......54
10638-00-B ......47 10703-23-B ......50 10790-23-B ......50 10910-00-B ......52 11041-00-B ......36 11091-00-B ......36 11159-00-B ......54
10641-00-B ......47 10704-23-B ......50 10791-23-B ......50 10911-00-B ......52 11042-00-B ......36 11092-00-B ......36 11200-00-B ......38
10644-00-B ......46 10705-23-B ......50 10792-23-B ......50 10912-00-B ......52 11043-00-B ......36 11093-00-B ......36 11201-00-B ......38
10646-00-B ......47 10706-23-B ......50 10793-23-B ......50 10913-00-B ......52 11044-00-B ......36 11094-00-B ......36 11203-00-B ......38
10647-00-B ......47 10707-23-B ......50 10794-23-B ......50 10914-00-B ......52 11045-00-B ......36 11095-00-B ......36 11205-00-B ......38
10648-00-B ......47 10708-23-B ......50 10795-23-B ......50 10915-00-B ......52 11046-00-B ......36 11096-00-B ......36 11206-00-B ......38
10651-00-B ......47 10709-23-B ......50 10796-23-B ......50 10940-00-B ......52 11047-00-B ......36 11097-00-B ......36 11207-00-B ......38
10653-00-B ......47 10710-23-B ......50 10797-23-B ......50 10946-00-B ......52 11048-00-B ......36 11098-00-B ......36 11211-00-B ......38
10654-00-B ......47 10711-23-B ......50 10798-23-B ......50 10950-00-B ......52 11049-00-B ......36 11114-02-B ......53 11213-00-B ......38
10655-00-B ......47 10712-23-B ......50 10799-23-B ......50 10954-00-B ......52 11050-00-B ......36 11115-02-B ......53 11214-00-B ......38
10658-00-B ......46 10713-23-B ......50 10801-00-B ......51 10958-00-B ......52 11051-00-B ......36 11116-02-B ......53 11215-00-B ......38
10660-00-B ......47 10714-23-B ......50 10802-00-B ......51 10966-00-B ......52 11052-00-B ......36 11117-02-B ......53 11217-00-B ......38
10661-00-B ......47 10715-23-B ......50 10803-23-B ......50 11000-00-B ......36 11053-00-B ......36 11118-02-B ......53 11220-00-B ......38
10662-00-B ......47 10722-23-B ......50 10805-00-B ......51 11001-00-B ......36 11054-00-B ......36 11119-02-B ......53 11221-00-B ......38
10668-00-B ......47 10723-23-B ......50 10806-00-B ......51 11003-00-B ......36 11055-00-B ......36 11120-02-B ......53 11223-00-B ......38
10669-00-B ......47 10730-23-B ......50 10807-23-B ......50 11005-00-B ......36 11056-00-B ......36 11121-02-B ......53 11224-00-B ......38
10670-00-B ......47 10731-23-B ......50 10809-00-B ......51 11007-00-B ......36 11058-00-B ......36 11122-02-B ......53 11225-00-B ......38
10672-00-B ......47 10738-23-B ......50 10810-00-B ......51 11009-00-B ......36 11059-00-B ......36 11123-02-B ......53 11227-00-B ......38
10673-00-B ......47 10739-23-B ......50 10813-00-B ......51 11011-00-B ......36 11060-00-B ......36 11124-02-B ......53 11229-00-B ......38
10674-00-B ......47 10746-23-B ......50 10814-00-B ......51 11013-00-B ......36 11061-00-B ......36 11125-02-B ......53 11230-00-B ......38
EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG
11231-00-B ......38 11329-00-B ......40 11521-00-B ......54 11565-00-B ......54 11734-00-B ......37 11917-00-B ......43 12030-00-B ......42
11233-00-B ......38 11330-00-B ......40 11522-00-B ......54 11566-00-B ......54 11735-00-B ......37 11918-00-B ......43 12031-00-B ......42
11235-00-B ......38 11331-00-B ......40 11523-00-B ......54 11567-00-B ......54 11736-00-B ......37 11919-00-B ......43 12034-00-B ......42
11236-00-B ......38 11332-00-B ......40 11524-00-B ......54 11568-00-B ......54 11737-00-B ......39 11920-00-B ......43 12035-00-B ......42
11238-00-B ......38 11333-00-B ......40 11525-00-B ......54 11569-00-B ......54 11738-00-B ......39 11921-00-B ......43 12038-00-B ......42
11239-00-B ......38 11334-00-B ......40 11526-00-B ......54 11570-00-B ......54 11739-00-B ......39 11922-00-B ......43 12039-00-B ......42
11240-00-B ......38 11335-00-B ......40 11527-00-B ......54 11571-00-B ......54 11740-00-B ......39 11923-00-B ......43 12040-00-B ......42
11243-00-B ......38 11336-00-B ......40 11528-00-B ......54 11572-00-B ......54 11741-00-B ......39 11924-00-B ......43 12041-00-B ......42
11247-00-B ......38 11337-00-B ......40 11529-00-B ......54 11573-00-B ......54 11742-00-B ......39 11925-00-B ......43 12042-00-B ......42
11254-00-B ......38 11338-00-B ......40 11530-00-B ......54 11700-00-B ......36 11743-00-B ......39 11926-00-B ......43 12043-00-B ......42
11259-00-B ......38 11339-00-B ......40 11531-00-B ......54 11701-00-B ......36 11744-00-B ......39 11927-00-B ......43 12046-00-B ......42
11266-00-B ......38 11350-00-B ......55 11532-00-B ......54 11702-00-B ......36 11745-00-B ......39 11928-00-B ......43 12047-00-B ......42
11300-00-B ......40 11351-00-B ......55 11533-00-B ......54 11703-00-B ......36 11746-00-B ......39 11929-00-B ......43 12050-00-B ......42
11301-00-B ......40 11352-00-B ......55 11534-00-B ......54 11704-00-B ......36 11747-00-B ......39 11930-00-B ......43 12051-00-B ......42
11302-00-B ......40 11353-00-B ......55 11535-00-B ......54 11706-00-B ......36 11748-00-B ......39 11931-00-B ......43 12052-00-B ......42
11303-00-B ......40 11354-00-B ......55 11536-00-B ......54 11707-00-B ......36 11749-00-B ......39 11932-00-B ......43 12053-00-B ......42
11304-00-B ......40 11355-00-B ......55 11537-00-B ......54 11708-00-B ......36 11750-00-B ......39 11933-00-B ......43 12054-00-B ......42
11305-00-B ......40 11356-00-B ......55 11538-00-B ......54 11709-00-B ......36 11751-00-B ......39 11934-00-B ......43 12055-00-B ......42
11306-00-B ......40 11357-00-B ......55 11539-00-B ......54 11710-00-B ......36 11752-00-B ......39 11935-00-B ......43 12058-00-B ......42
11307-00-B ......40 11358-00-B ......55 11540-00-B ......54 11711-00-B ......36 11753-00-B ......39 11936-00-B ......43 12059-00-B ......42
11308-00-B ......40 11359-00-B ......55 11541-00-B ......54 11712-00-B ......36 11761-00-B ......39 11937-00-B ......43 12062-00-B ......42
11309-00-B ......40 11360-00-B ......55 11542-00-B ......54 11713-00-B ......36 11772-00-B ......39 11938-00-B ......43 12063-00-B ......42
11310-00-B ......40 11361-00-B ......55 11543-00-B ......54 11714-00-B ......36 11779-00-B ......39 11939-00-B ......43 12064-00-B ......42
11311-00-B ......40 11362-00-B ......55 11544-00-B ......54 11716-00-B ......36 11786-00-B ......39 11940-00-B ......43 12065-00-B ......42
11312-00-B ......40 11363-00-B ......55 11545-00-B ......54 11717-00-B ......36 11794-00-B ......39 11941-00-B ......43 12066-00-B ......42
11313-00-B ......40 11364-00-B ......55 11546-00-B ......54 11718-00-B ......36 11900-00-B ......43 11942-00-B ......43 12067-00-B ......42
11314-00-B ......40 11365-00-B ......55 11547-00-B ......54 11719-00-B ......36 11902-00-B ......43 11943-00-B ......43 12070-00-B ......42
11315-00-B ......40 11366-00-B ......55 11548-00-B ......54 11720-00-B ......36 11903-00-B ......43 12002-00-B ......42 12071-00-B ......42
11316-00-B ......40 11367-00-B ......55 11549-00-B ......54 11721-00-B ......36 11904-00-B ......43 12003-00-B ......42 12074-00-B ......42
11317-00-B ......40 11368-00-B ......55 11550-00-B ......54 11722-00-B ......36 11905-00-B ......43 12004-00-B ......42 12075-00-B ......42
11318-00-B ......40 11369-00-B ......55 11551-00-B ......54 11723-00-B ......36 11906-00-B ......43 12006-00-B ......42 12077-00-B ......42
11319-00-B ......40 11380-00-B ......55 11552-00-B ......54 11724-00-B ......36 11907-00-B ......43 12007-00-B ......42 12085-00-B ......42
11320-00-B ......40 11381-00-B ......55 11553-00-B ......54 11725-00-B ......37 11908-00-B ......43 12010-00-B ......42 12086-00-B ......42
11321-00-B ......40 11382-00-B ......55 11554-00-B ......54 11726-00-B ......37 11909-00-B ......43 12011-00-B ......42 12097-00-B ......42
11322-00-B ......40 11383-00-B ......55 11555-00-B ......54 11727-00-B ......37 11910-00-B ......43 12013-00-B ......42 12098-00-B ......42
11323-00-B ......40 11384-00-B ......55 11556-00-B ......54 11728-00-B ......37 11911-00-B ......43 12014-00-B ......42 12099-00-B ......42
11324-00-B ......40 11385-00-B ......55 11560-00-B ......54 11729-00-B ......37 11912-00-B ......43 12015-00-B ......42 12141-00-B ......42
11325-00-B ......40 11386-00-B ......55 11561-00-B ......54 11730-00-B ......37 11913-00-B ......43 12022-00-B ......42 12152-00-B ......42
11326-00-B ......40 11387-00-B ......55 11562-00-B ......54 11731-00-B ......37 11914-00-B ......43 12023-00-B ......42 12153-00-B ......42
11327-00-B ......40 11388-00-B ......55 11563-00-B ......54 11732-00-B ......37 11915-00-B ......43 12026-00-B ......42 12154-00-B ......42
11328-00-B ......40 11389-00-B ......55 11564-00-B ......54 11733-00-B ......37 11916-00-B ......43 12027-00-B ......42 12155-00-B ......42
EDP Number Index, 12157–15501
EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG
12157-00-B ......42 12239-00-B ......56 12281-00-B ......56 12378-00-B ......41 12438-00-B ......58 12492-00-B ......58 13614-00-B ......61
12160-00-B ......42 12240-00-B ......56 12282-00-B ......56 12379-00-B ......41 12439-00-B ......58 12493-00-B ......58 13616-00-B ......61
12161-00-B ......42 12241-00-B ......56 12283-00-B ......56 12380-00-B ......41 12440-00-B ......58 12494-00-B ......59 13618-00-B ......61
12191-00-B ......42 12242-00-B ......56 12284-00-B ......56 12381-00-B ......41 12441-00-B ......58 12495-00-B ......59 13620-00-B ......61
12192-00-B ......42 12243-00-B ......56 12285-00-B ......56 12382-00-B ......41 12442-00-B ......58 12496-00-B ......58 13802-00-B ......60
12193-00-B ......42 12244-00-B ......56 12286-00-B ......56 12383-00-B ......41 12443-00-B ......58 12497-00-B ......58 13804-00-B ......60
12194-00-B ......42 12245-00-B ......56 12287-00-B ......56 12384-00-B ......41 12445-00-B ......58 13100-23-B ......60 13806-00-B ......60
12195-00-B ......42 12246-00-B ......56 12288-00-B ......56 12385-00-B ......41 12448-00-B ......58 13101-23-B ......60 13808-00-B ......60
12196-00-B ......42 12247-00-B ......56 12289-00-B ......56 12386-00-B ......41 12449-00-B ......58 13102-23-B ......60 13810-00-B ......60
12200-00-B ......56 12248-00-B ......56 12315-00-B ......41 12387-00-B ......41 12450-00-B ......59 13103-23-B ......60 13812-00-B ......60
12201-00-B ......56 12249-00-B ......56 12324-00-B ......41 12388-00-B ......41 12451-00-B ......59 13104-23-B ......60 13814-00-B ......60
12202-00-B ......56 12250-00-B ......56 12330-00-B ......41 12389-00-B ......41 12452-00-B ......58 13105-23-B ......60 13816-00-B ......60
12203-00-B ......56 12251-00-B ......56 12336-00-B ......41 12390-00-B ......41 12453-00-B ......58 13106-23-B ......60 13818-00-B ......60
12204-00-B ......56 12252-00-B ......56 12340-00-B ......41 12391-00-B ......41 12454-00-B ......59 13107-23-B ......60 13820-00-B ......60
12205-00-B ......56 12253-00-B ......56 12347-00-B ......41 12400-00-B ......58 12455-00-B ......59 13108-23-B ......60 14002-00-B ......61
12206-00-B ......56 12254-00-B ......56 12350-00-B ......41 12401-00-B ......58 12456-00-B ......58 13109-23-B ......60 14004-00-B ......61
12207-00-B ......56 12255-00-B ......56 12351-00-B ......41 12403-00-B ......58 12457-00-B ......58 13300-23-B ......60 14006-00-B ......61
12208-00-B ......56 12256-00-B ......56 12353-00-B ......41 12405-00-B ......58 12458-00-B ......59 13301-23-B ......60 14008-00-B ......61
12209-00-B ......56 12257-00-B ......56 12354-00-B ......41 12407-00-B ......58 12459-00-B ......59 13302-23-B ......60 14010-00-B ......61
12212-00-B ......56 12258-00-B ......56 12355-00-B ......41 12408-00-B ......58 12462-00-B ......58 13303-23-B ......60 14012-00-B ......61
12213-00-B ......56 12259-00-B ......56 12356-00-B ......41 12409-00-B ......58 12463-00-B ......58 13304-23-B ......60 14014-00-B ......61
12214-00-B ......56 12260-00-B ......56 12358-00-B ......41 12411-00-B ......58 12464-00-B ......59 13305-23-B ......60 14016-00-B ......61
12215-00-B ......56 12261-00-B ......56 12359-00-B ......41 12413-00-B ......58 12465-00-B ......59 13306-23-B ......60 14401-00-B ......61
12216-00-B ......56 12262-00-B ......56 12360-00-B ......41 12415-00-B ......58 12466-00-B ......58 13307-23-B ......60 14402-00-B ......61
12217-00-B ......56 12263-00-B ......56 12361-00-B ......41 12417-00-B ......58 12467-00-B ......58 13400-00-B ......60 14406-00-B ......61
12219-00-B ......56 12264-00-B ......56 12362-00-B ......41 12418-00-B ......58 12468-00-B ......58 13402-00-B ......60 14408-00-B ......61
12220-00-B ......56 12265-00-B ......56 12363-00-B ......41 12419-00-B ......58 12469-00-B ......58 13404-00-B ......60 14410-00-B ......61
12221-00-B ......56 12266-00-B ......56 12364-00-B ......41 12420-00-B ......58 12470-00-B ......59 13406-00-B ......60 14412-00-B ......61
12222-00-B ......56 12267-00-B ......56 12365-00-B ......41 12421-00-B ......58 12471-00-B ......59 13408-00-B ......60 15002-00-B ......61
12223-00-B ......56 12268-00-B ......56 12366-00-B ......41 12422-00-B ......58 12472-00-B ......58 13410-00-B ......60 15006-00-B ......61
12224-00-B ......56 12269-00-B ......56 12367-00-B ......41 12423-00-B ......58 12473-00-B ......58 13412-00-B ......60 15008-00-B ......61
12225-00-B ......56 12270-00-B ......56 12368-00-B ......41 12424-00-B ......58 12474-00-B ......59 13414-00-B ......60 15010-00-B ......61
12226-00-B ......56 12271-00-B ......56 12369-00-B ......41 12425-00-B ......58 12475-00-B ......59 13416-00-B ......60 15012-00-B ......61
12227-00-B ......56 12273-00-B ......56 12370-00-B ......41 12426-00-B ......58 12476-00-B ......58 13418-00-B ......60 15014-00-B ......61
12228-00-B ......56 12274-00-B ......56 12371-00-B ......41 12427-00-B ......58 12477-00-B ......58 13420-00-B ......60 15202-00-B ......61
12229-00-B ......56 12275-00-B ......56 12372-00-B ......41 12432-00-B ......58 12479-00-B ......59 13602-00-B ......61 15206-00-B ......61
12230-00-B ......56 12276-00-B ......56 12373-00-B ......41 12433-00-B ......58 12480-00-B ......58 13604-00-B ......61 15208-00-B ......61
12231-00-B ......56 12277-00-B ......56 12374-00-B ......41 12434-00-B ......58 12481-00-B ......58 13606-00-B ......61 15210-00-B ......61
12232-00-B ......56 12278-00-B ......56 12375-00-B ......41 12435-00-B ......58 12482-00-B ......59 13608-00-B ......61 15212-00-B ......61
12233-00-B ......56 12279-00-B ......56 12376-00-B ......41 12436-00-B ......58 12483-00-B ......59 13610-00-B ......61 15214-00-B ......61
12238-00-B ......56 12280-00-B ......56 12377-00-B ......41 12437-00-B ......58 12486-00-B ......59 13612-00-B ......61 15501-00-B ......58
EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG
15547-00-B ......58 19705-89-B ......10 19780-89-B ......11 19824-89-B ......20 19866-82-B ......28 19907-89-B ......33 19956-59-B ........7
15579-00-B ......58 19708-89-B ......10 19781-89-B ......11 19825-89-B ......20 19867-82-B ......28 19909-89-B ......33 19957-59-B ........7
15716-00-B ......58 19709-89-B ......10 19782-89-B ......11 19826-89-B ......20 19868-82-B ......28 19910-89-B ......33 19958-59-B ......16
15717-00-B ......58 19712-89-B ......10 19783-89-B ......11 19827-89-B ......20 19869-82-B ......28 19911-89-B ......33 19959-59-B ......16
15734-00-B ......59 19713-89-B ......10 19784-89-B ......11 19828-89-B ......20 19870-82-B ......28 19912-89-B ......33 19960-59-B ......16
15735-00-B ......59 19716-89-B ......10 19785-89-B ......11 19829-89-B ......20 19871-82-B ......28 19913-89-B ......33 19961-59-B ......16
15834-00-B ......59 19717-89-B ......10 19786-89-B ......11 19830-89-B ......20 19872-82-B ......28 19914-89-B ......33 19962-59-B ......16
15835-00-B ......59 19718-89-B ......10 19787-89-B ......11 19831-89-B ......20 19873-82-B ......28 19915-89-B ......33 19963-59-B ......16
15924-00-B ......59 19719-89-B ......10 19788-89-B ......11 19832-89-B ......20 19874-82-B ......28 19916-89-B ......33 19964-59-B ......16
15925-00-B ......59 19720-89-B ......10 19789-89-B ......11 19833-89-B ......20 19875-82-B ......28 19921-82-B ......29 19965-59-B ......16
15930-00-B ......59 19721-89-B ......10 19790-89-B ......11 19834-89-B ......20 19876-82-B ......28 19922-82-B ......29 19966-59-B ......16
15931-00-B ......59 19724-89-B ......10 19791-89-B ......11 19835-89-B ......20 19877-82-B ......28 19924-59-B ........6 19967-59-B ......16
15948-00-B ......59 19725-89-B ......10 19792-89-B ......11 19836-89-B ......20 19878-82-B ......28 19925-59-B ........6 19968-59-B ......16
15949-00-B ......59 19728-89-B ......10 19794-89-B ......11 19837-89-B ......20 19879-82-B ......28 19926-59-B ........6 19969-59-B ......16
15972-00-B ......59 19729-89-B ......10 19795-89-B ......11 19838-89-B ......20 19880-82-B ......28 19927-59-B ........6 19970-59-B ......16
15973-00-B ......59 19732-89-B ......10 19796-89-B ......11 19839-89-B ......20 19881-82-B ......28 19928-59-B ........6 19971-59-B ......16
15978-00-B ......59 19733-89-B ......10 19797-89-B ......11 19840-89-B ......20 19882-82-B ......28 19930-59-B ........6 19972-59-B ......16
15979-00-B ......59 19736-89-B ......10 19798-89-B ......20 19841-89-B ......20 19883-82-B ......28 19931-59-B ........6 19973-59-B ......16
15996-00-B ......59 19737-89-B ......10 19800-89-B ......20 19842-89-B ......21 19884-82-B ......28 19933-59-B ........6 19974-59-B ......16
15997-00-B ......59 19740-89-B ......10 19802-89-B ......20 19843-89-B ......21 19885-82-B ......28 19934-59-B ........6 19975-59-B ......16
16464-00-B ......58 19741-89-B ......10 19803-89-B ......20 19844-89-B ......21 19886-82-B ......28 19935-59-B ........6 19976-59-B ......16
16465-00-B ......58 19744-89-B ......10 19804-89-B ......20 19845-89-B ......21 19887-82-B ......28 19936-59-B ........6 19977-59-B ......17
16466-00-B ......58 19745-89-B ......10 19805-89-B ......20 19846-89-B ......21 19888-82-B ......28 19937-59-B ........6 19978-59-B ......17
16467-00-B ......58 19748-89-B ......10 19806-89-B ......20 19847-89-B ......21 19889-82-B ......28 19938-59-B ........6 19979-59-B ......17
16468-00-B ......58 19749-89-B ......10 19807-89-B ......20 19848-89-B ......21 19890-82-B ......29 19939-59-B ........6 19980-59-B ......17
16469-00-B ......58 19752-89-B ......10 19808-89-B ......20 19849-89-B ......21 19891-82-B ......29 19940-59-B ........6 19981-59-B ......17
16470-00-B ......58 19753-89-B ......10 19809-89-B ......20 19850-89-B ......21 19892-82-B ......29 19941-59-B ........6 19982-59-B ......17
16471-00-B ......58 19756-89-B ......10 19810-89-B ......20 19851-89-B ......21 19893-82-B ......29 19942-59-B ........6 19983-59-B ......17
16472-00-B ......59 19757-89-B ......10 19811-89-B ......20 19852-89-B ......21 19894-82-B ......29 19943-59-B ........6 19984-59-B ......17
16473-00-B ......59 19760-89-B ......10 19812-89-B ......20 19853-89-B ......21 19895-82-B ......29 19944-59-B ........6 19985-59-B ......17
16474-00-B ......59 19761-89-B ......10 19813-89-B ......20 19854-89-B ......21 19896-82-B ......29 19945-59-B ........7 19986-59-B ......17
16475-00-B ......59 19764-89-B ......10 19814-89-B ......20 19855-89-B ......21 19897-82-B ......29 19946-59-B ........7 19987-59-B ......17
16477-00-B ......59 19765-89-B ......10 19815-89-B ......20 19856-89-B ......21 19898-82-B ......29 19947-59-B ........7 19988-59-B ......17
19693-59-B ........6 19768-89-B ......10 19816-89-B ......20 19857-89-B ......21 19899-82-B ......29 19948-59-B ........7 19989-59-B ......17
19694-59-B ........6 19769-89-B ......10 19817-89-B ......20 19858-89-B ......21 19900-89-B ......33 19949-59-B ........7 19992-89-B ........8
19695-59-B ........6 19772-89-B ......10 19818-89-B ......20 19859-89-B ......21 19901-89-B ......33 19950-59-B ........7 19993-89-B ........8
19696-59-B ......16 19773-89-B ......10 19819-89-B ......20 19860-82-B ......28 19902-89-B ......33 19951-59-B ........7 19994-89-B ........8
19697-59-B ......16 19776-89-B ......10 19820-89-B ......20 19862-82-B ......28 19903-89-B ......33 19952-59-B ........7 19995-89-B ......18
19698-59-B ......16 19777-89-B ......10 19821-89-B ......20 19863-82-B ......28 19904-89-B ......33 19953-59-B ........7 19996-89-B ......18
19700-89-B ......10 19778-89-B ......10 19822-89-B ......20 19864-82-B ......28 19905-89-B ......33 19954-59-B ........7 19997-89-B ......18
19704-89-B ......10 19779-89-B ......10 19823-89-B ......20 19865-82-B ......28 19906-89-B ......33 19955-59-B ........7 19999-89-B ........8
EDP Number Index, 21149– 21591
EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG
21149-89-B ........8 21240-89-B ........8 21294-89-B ........9 21349-89-B ......18 21390-89-B ......18 21474-89-B ......30 21551-89-B ......30
21150-89-B ........8 21241-89-B ........8 21295-89-B ........9 21350-89-B ......18 21391-89-B ......18 21475-89-B ......30 21552-89-B ......30
21151-89-B ........8 21242-89-B ........8 21296-89-B ........9 21351-89-B ......18 21392-89-B ......18 21476-89-B ......30 21553-89-B ......30
21152-89-B ........8 21243-89-B ........8 21297-89-B ........9 21352-89-B ......18 21393-89-B ......18 21477-89-B ......30 21554-89-B ......30
21153-89-B ........8 21244-89-B ........8 21298-89-B ........9 21353-89-B ......18 21394-89-B ......18 21478-89-B ......30 21555-89-B ......30
21154-89-B ........8 21245-89-B ........8 21299-89-B ........9 21354-89-B ......18 21395-89-B ......18 21479-89-B ......30 21556-89-B ......30
21155-89-B ........8 21246-89-B ........8 21300-89-B ........9 21355-89-B ......18 21396-89-B ......18 21480-89-B ......30 21557-89-B ......30
21156-89-B ........8 21247-89-B ........8 21302-89-B ........9 21356-89-B ......18 21397-89-B ......19 21481-89-B ......30 21558-89-B ......30
21157-89-B ........8 21250-89-B ........8 21303-89-B ........9 21357-89-B ......18 21398-89-B ......19 21482-89-B ......30 21559-89-B ......30
21158-89-B ........8 21251-89-B ........8 21305-89-B ........9 21358-89-B ......18 21399-89-B ......19 21483-89-B ......30 21560-89-B ......30
21159-89-B ........8 21254-89-B ........8 21306-89-B ........9 21359-89-B ......18 21406-89-B ......19 21484-89-B ......30 21561-89-B ......30
21160-89-B ........8 21255-89-B ........8 21308-89-B ........9 21360-89-B ......18 21407-89-B ......19 21485-89-B ......30 21562-89-B ......30
21161-89-B ........8 21256-89-B ........8 21311-89-B ......18 21361-89-B ......18 21408-89-B ......19 21486-89-B ......30 21563-89-B ......30
21162-89-B ........8 21257-89-B ........8 21312-89-B ......18 21362-89-B ......18 21410-89-B ......19 21487-89-B ......30 21564-89-B ......30
21163-89-B ........8 21262-89-B ........8 21314-89-B ......18 21363-89-B ......18 21411-89-B ......19 21488-89-B ......30 21565-89-B ......30
21164-89-B ........8 21263-89-B ........8 21315-89-B ......18 21364-89-B ......18 21448-89-B ......19 21489-89-B ......30 21566-89-B ......30
21165-89-B ........8 21264-89-B ........8 21317-89-B ......18 21365-89-B ......18 21449-89-B ......19 21490-89-B ......30 21567-89-B ......30
21166-89-B ........8 21270-89-B ........8 21318-89-B ......18 21366-89-B ......18 21450-89-B ......19 21491-89-B ......30 21568-89-B ......30
21167-89-B ........8 21271-89-B ........8 21320-89-B ......18 21367-89-B ......18 21451-89-B ......19 21492-89-B ......30 21569-89-B ......30
21168-89-B ........8 21272-89-B ........8 21321-89-B ......18 21368-89-B ......18 21452-89-B ......19 21493-89-B ......30 21570-89-B ......30
21169-89-B ........8 21273-89-B ........8 21323-89-B ......18 21369-89-B ......18 21453-89-B ......19 21494-89-B ......30 21571-89-B ......30
21170-89-B ........8 21274-89-B ........8 21324-89-B ......18 21370-89-B ......18 21454-89-B ......19 21495-89-B ......30 21572-89-B ......30
21171-89-B ........8 21275-89-B ........8 21326-89-B ......18 21371-89-B ......18 21455-89-B ......19 21496-89-B ......30 21573-89-B ......30
21172-89-B ........8 21276-89-B ........8 21327-89-B ......18 21372-89-B ......18 21456-89-B ......19 21497-89-B ......30 21574-89-B ......30
21173-89-B ........8 21277-89-B ........8 21329-89-B ......18 21373-89-B ......18 21457-89-B ......19 21498-89-B ......30 21575-89-B ......30
21174-89-B ........8 21278-89-B ........8 21330-89-B ......18 21374-89-B ......18 21458-89-B ......19 21499-89-B ......30 21576-89-B ......30
21175-89-B ........8 21279-89-B ........8 21332-89-B ......18 21375-89-B ......18 21459-89-B ......30 21536-89-B ......30 21577-89-B ......30
21220-89-B ........8 21280-89-B ........8 21333-89-B ......18 21376-89-B ......18 21460-89-B ......30 21537-89-B ......30 21578-89-B ......30
21227-89-B ........8 21281-89-B ........8 21335-89-B ......18 21377-89-B ......18 21461-89-B ......30 21538-89-B ......30 21579-89-B ......30
21228-89-B ........8 21282-89-B ........8 21336-89-B ......18 21378-89-B ......18 21462-89-B ......30 21539-89-B ......30 21580-89-B ......30
21229-89-B ........8 21283-89-B ........8 21338-89-B ......18 21379-89-B ......18 21463-89-B ......30 21540-89-B ......30 21581-89-B ......30
21230-89-B ........8 21284-89-B ........8 21339-89-B ......18 21380-89-B ......18 21464-89-B ......30 21541-89-B ......30 21582-89-B ......30
21231-89-B ........8 21285-89-B ........8 21340-89-B ......18 21381-89-B ......18 21465-89-B ......30 21542-89-B ......30 21583-89-B ......30
21232-89-B ........8 21286-89-B ........8 21341-89-B ......18 21382-89-B ......18 21466-89-B ......30 21543-89-B ......30 21584-89-B ......30
21233-89-B ........8 21287-89-B ........8 21342-89-B ......18 21383-89-B ......18 21467-89-B ......30 21544-89-B ......30 21585-89-B ......30
21234-89-B ........8 21288-89-B ........9 21343-89-B ......18 21384-89-B ......18 21468-89-B ......30 21545-89-B ......30 21586-89-B ......30
21235-89-B ........8 21289-89-B ........9 21344-89-B ......18 21385-89-B ......18 21469-89-B ......30 21546-89-B ......30 21587-89-B ......30
21236-89-B ........8 21290-89-B ........9 21345-89-B ......18 21386-89-B ......18 21470-89-B ......30 21547-89-B ......30 21588-89-B ......30
21237-89-B ........8 21291-89-B ........9 21346-89-B ......18 21387-89-B ......18 21471-89-B ......30 21548-89-B ......30 21589-89-B ......30
21238-89-B ........8 21292-89-B ........9 21347-89-B ......18 21388-89-B ......18 21472-89-B ......30 21549-89-B ......30 21590-89-B ......30
21239-89-B ........8 21293-89-B ........9 21348-89-B ......18 21389-89-B ......18 21473-89-B ......30 21550-89-B ......30 21591-89-B ......30
EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG
21592-89-B ......30 21755-89-B ......31 21796-89-B ......31 21859-82-B ......26 21974-82-B ......27 23039-00-B ......48 23086-00-B ......49
21593-89-B ......30 21756-89-B ......31 21797-89-B ......31 21860-82-B ......26 21975-82-B ......27 23043-00-B ......48 23087-00-B ......49
21594-89-B ......30 21757-89-B ......31 21798-89-B ......31 21861-82-B ......26 21976-82-B ......27 23044-00-B ......48 23088-00-B ......49
21595-89-B ......30 21758-89-B ......31 21799-89-B ......31 21862-82-B ......26 21977-82-B ......27 23045-00-B ......48 23089-00-B ......49
21596-89-B ......30 21759-89-B ......31 21822-89-B ......31 21863-82-B ......26 21978-82-B ......27 23046-00-B ......48 23090-00-B ......49
21597-89-B ......30 21760-89-B ......31 21823-89-B ......32 21864-82-B ......26 21979-82-B ......27 23047-00-B ......48 23091-00-B ......49
21598-89-B ......30 21761-89-B ......31 21824-89-B ......32 21865-82-B ......26 21980-82-B ......27 23048-00-B ......48 23092-00-B ......49
21599-89-B ......30 21762-89-B ......31 21825-89-B ......32 21866-82-B ......26 21981-89-B ......31 23049-00-B ......48 23093-00-B ......49
21600-89-B ......30 21763-89-B ......31 21826-89-B ......32 21867-82-B ......26 21982-89-B ......31 23050-00-B ......48 23094-00-B ......49
21602-89-B ......30 21764-89-B ......31 21827-89-B ......32 21868-82-B ......26 21983-89-B ......31 23051-00-B ......48 23095-00-B ......49
21604-89-B ......30 21765-89-B ......31 21828-89-B ......32 21869-82-B ......26 21984-89-B ......31 23052-00-B ......48 23096-00-B ......49
21606-89-B ......30 21766-89-B ......31 21829-89-B ......32 21870-82-B ......26 22900-00-B ......48 23053-00-B ......48 23158-23-B ......50
21608-89-B ......30 21767-89-B ......31 21830-89-B ......32 21871-82-B ......26 22901-00-B ......48 23054-00-B ......48 23159-23-B ......50
21610-89-B ......30 21768-89-B ......31 21831-89-B ......32 21872-82-B ......26 22902-00-B ......48 23055-00-B ......48 23160-23-B ......50
21612-89-B ......30 21769-89-B ......31 21832-89-B ......32 21873-82-B ......26 22903-00-B ......48 23056-00-B ......48 23161-23-B ......50
21614-89-B ......30 21770-89-B ......31 21833-89-B ......32 21874-82-B ......26 22904-00-B ......48 23057-00-B ......48 23162-23-B ......50
21616-89-B ......30 21771-89-B ......31 21834-89-B ......32 21875-82-B ......26 22905-00-B ......48 23058-00-B ......48 23163-32-B ......50
21618-89-B ......30 21772-89-B ......31 21835-89-B ......32 21876-82-B ......26 22906-00-B ......48 23059-00-B ......48 23164-23-B ......50
21620-89-B ......30 21773-89-B ......31 21836-89-B ......32 21877-82-B ......26 22907-00-B ......48 23060-00-B ......48 23165-23-B ......50
21622-89-B ......30 21774-89-B ......31 21837-89-B ......32 21878-82-B ......26 22908-00-B ......48 23061-00-B ......49 23202-00-B ......37
21734-89-B ......30 21775-89-B ......31 21838-89-B ......32 21879-82-B ......26 23002-00-B ......48 23062-00-B ......49 23208-00-B ......37
21735-89-B ......30 21776-89-B ......31 21839-89-B ......32 21880-82-B ......26 23007-00-B ......48 23063-00-B ......49 23214-00-B ......37
21736-89-B ......30 21777-89-B ......31 21840-89-B ......32 21881-82-B ......26 23008-00-B ......48 23064-00-B ......48 23217-00-B ......37
21737-89-B ......30 21778-89-B ......31 21841-89-B ......32 21882-82-B ......26 23009-00-B ......48 23065-00-B ......48 23220-00-B ......37
21738-89-B ......30 21779-89-B ......31 21842-89-B ......32 21883-82-B ......26 23014-00-B ......48 23066-00-B ......48 23223-00-B ......37
21739-89-B ......30 21780-89-B ......31 21843-89-B ......32 21884-82-B ......26 23016-00-B ......48 23067-00-B ......49 23226-00-B ......37
21740-89-B ......30 21781-89-B ......31 21844-89-B ......32 21885-82-B ......26 23017-00-B ......48 23068-00-B ......49 23229-00-B ......37
21741-89-B ......30 21782-89-B ......31 21845-89-B ......32 21886-82-B ......26 23018-00-B ......48 23069-00-B ......49 23232-00-B ......37
21742-89-B ......30 21783-89-B ......31 21846-89-B ......32 21887-82-B ......26 23020-00-B ......48 23070-00-B ......48 23238-00-B ......37
21743-89-B ......30 21784-89-B ......31 21847-89-B ......32 21888-82-B ......26 23022-00-B ......48 23071-00-B ......48 23244-00-B ......37
21744-89-B ......30 21785-89-B ......31 21848-89-B ......32 21889-82-B ......26 23023-00-B ......48 23072-00-B ......48 23250-00-B ......37
21745-89-B ......30 21786-89-B ......31 21849-89-B ......32 21890-82-B ......26 23024-00-B ......48 23073-00-B ......49 23256-00-B ......37
21746-89-B ......30 21787-89-B ......31 21850-89-B ......32 21891-82-B ......27 23026-00-B ......48 23074-00-B ......49 23262-00-B ......37
21747-89-B ......30 21788-89-B ......31 21851-89-B ......32 21892-82-B ......27 23028-00-B ......48 23075-00-B ......49 23268-00-B ......37
21748-89-B ......30 21789-89-B ......31 21852-89-B ......32 21893-82-B ......27 23029-00-B ......48 23076-00-B ......49 23274-00-B ......37
21749-89-B ......30 21790-89-B ......31 21853-89-B ......32 21894-82-B ......27 23030-00-B ......48 23077-00-B ......49 23277-00-B ......37
21750-89-B ......30 21791-89-B ......31 21854-89-B ......32 21895-82-B ......27 23031-00-B ......48 23078-00-B ......49 23417-00-B ......42
21751-89-B ......30 21792-89-B ......31 21855-82-B ......26 21896-82-B ......27 23032-00-B ......48 23082-00-B ......49 23418-00-B ......42
21752-89-B ......30 21793-89-B ......31 21856-82-B ......26 21897-82-B ......27 23033-00-B ......48 23083-00-B ......49 23429-00-B ......42
21753-89-B ......31 21794-89-B ......31 21857-82-B ......26 21898-82-B ......27 23037-00-B ......48 23084-00-B ......49 23430-00-B ......42
21754-89-B ......31 21795-89-B ......31 21858-82-B ......26 21899-82-B ......27 23038-00-B ......48 23085-00-B ......49 23432-00-B ......42
EDP Number Index, 23433– 30944
EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG EDP Number PG
23433-00-B ......42 30027-89-B ......12 30063-89-B ......13 30724-89-B ......22 30760-89-B ......22 30821-90-B ......14 30912-90-B ......24
23444-00-B ......42 30028-89-B ......12 30064-89-B ......13 30725-89-B ......22 30761-89-B ......22 30822-90-B ......14 30913-90-B ......24
23445-00-B ......42 30029-89-B ......12 30065-89-B ......13 30726-89-B ......22 30762-89-B ......23 30823-90-B ......14 30914-90-B ......24
23450-00-B ......42 30030-89-B ......12 30066-89-B ......13 30727-89-B ......22 30763-89-B ......23 30824-90-B ......14 30915-90-B ......24
23451-00-B ......42 30031-89-B ......12 30067-89-B ......13 30728-89-B ......22 30764-89-B ......23 30825-90-B ......14 30916-90-B ......24
23456-00-B ......42 30032-89-B ......12 30068-89-B ......13 30729-89-B ......22 30765-89-B ......23 30826-90-B ......14 30917-90-B ......24
23457-00-B ......42 30033-89-B ......12 30069-89-B ......13 30730-89-B ......22 30766-89-B ......23 30827-90-B ......14 30918-90-B ......24
23460-00-B ......42 30034-89-B ......12 30070-89-B ......13 30731-89-B ......22 30767-89-B ......23 30828-90-B ......14 30919-90-B ......24
23461-00-B ......42 30035-89-B ......12 30071-89-B ......13 30732-89-B ......22 30768-89-B ......23 30829-90-B ......14 30920-90-B ......24
30000-89-B ......12 30036-89-B ......12 30072-89-B ......13 30733-89-B ......22 30769-89-B ......23 30830-90-B ......14 30921-90-B ......24
30001-89-B ......12 30037-89-B ......12 30073-89-B ......13 30734-89-B ......22 30770-89-B ......23 30831-90-B ......14 30922-90-B ......24
30002-89-B ......12 30038-89-B ......12 30074-89-B ......13 30735-89-B ......22 30771-89-B ......23 30832-90-B ......15 30923-90-B ......24
30003-89-B ......12 30039-89-B ......12 30700-89-B ......22 30736-89-B ......22 30772-89-B ......23 30833-90-B ......15 30924-90-B ......24
30004-89-B ......12 30040-89-B ......12 30701-89-B ......22 30737-89-B ......22 30773-89-B ......23 30834-90-B ......15 30925-90-B ......24
30005-89-B ......12 30041-89-B ......12 30702-89-B ......22 30738-89-B ......22 30774-89-B ......23 30835-90-B ......15 30926-90-B ......24
30006-89-B ......12 30042-89-B ......12 30703-89-B ......22 30739-89-B ......22 30800-90-B ......14 30836-90-B ......15 30927-90-B ......24
30007-89-B ......12 30043-89-B ......12 30704-89-B ......22 30740-89-B ......22 30801-90-B ......14 30837-90-B ......15 30928-90-B ......24
30008-89-B ......12 30044-89-B ......12 30705-89-B ......22 30741-89-B ......22 30802-90-B ......14 30838-90-B ......15 30929-90-B ......24
30009-89-B ......12 30045-89-B ......12 30706-89-B ......22 30742-89-B ......22 30803-90-B ......14 30839-90-B ......15 30930-90-B ......24
30010-89-B ......12 30046-89-B ......12 30707-89-B ......22 30743-89-B ......22 30804-90-B ......14 30840-90-B ......15 30931-90-B ......24
30011-89-B ......12 30047-89-B ......12 30708-89-B ......22 30744-89-B ......22 30805-90-B ......14 30841-90-B ......15 30932-90-B ......25
30012-89-B ......12 30048-89-B ......12 30709-89-B ......22 30745-89-B ......22 30806-90-B ......14 30842-90-B ......15 30933-90-B ......25
30013-89-B ......12 30049-89-B ......12 30710-89-B ......22 30746-89-B ......22 30807-90-B ......14 30843-90-B ......15 30934-90-B ......25
30014-89-B ......12 30050-89-B ......12 30711-89-B ......22 30747-89-B ......22 30808-90-B ......14 30844-90-B ......15 30935-90-B ......25
30015-89-B ......12 30051-89-B ......12 30712-89-B ......22 30748-89-B ......22 30809-90-B ......14 30900-90-B ......24 30936-90-B ......25
30016-89-B ......12 30052-89-B ......12 30713-89-B ......22 30749-89-B ......22 30810-90-B ......14 30901-90-B ......24 30937-90-B ......25
30017-89-B ......12 30053-89-B ......12 30714-89-B ......22 30750-89-B ......22 30811-90-B ......14 30902-90-B ......24 30938-90-B ......25
30018-89-B ......12 30054-89-B ......12 30715-89-B ......22 30751-89-B ......22 30812-90-B ......14 30903-90-B ......24 30940-90-B ......25
30019-89-B ......12 30055-89-B ......12 30716-89-B ......22 30752-89-B ......22 30813-90-B ......14 30904-90-B ......24 30941-90-B ......25
30020-89-B ......12 30056-89-B ......12 30717-89-B ......22 30753-89-B ......22 30814-90-B ......14 30905-90-B ......24 30942-90-B ......25
30021-89-B ......12 30057-89-B ......12 30718-89-B ......22 30754-89-B ......22 30815-90-B ......14 30906-90-B ......24 30943-90-B ......25
30022-89-B ......12 30058-89-B ......12 30719-89-B ......22 30755-89-B ......22 30816-90-B ......14 30907-90-B ......24 30944-90-B ......25
30023-89-B ......12 30059-89-B ......12 30720-89-B ......22 30756-89-B ......22 30817-90-B ......14 30908-90-B ......24
30024-89-B ......12 30060-89-B ......12 30721-89-B ......22 30757-89-B ......22 30818-90-B ......14 30909-90-B ......24
30025-89-B ......12 30061-89-B ......12 30722-89-B ......22 30758-89-B ......22 30819-90-B ......14 30910-90-B ......24
30026-89-B ......12 30062-89-B ......13 30723-89-B ......22 30759-89-B ......22 30820-90-B ......14 30911-90-B ......24
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