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Smith College - Geology 222b - Petrology

Petrographic Data File

Orthopyroxene (Opx)
Property Value Comments

Formula Enstatite (Mg end member): Solid solution between Enstatite and
MgSiO3 Ferrosilite.

Ferrosilite (Fe end member):


Crystal System Orthorhombic 2/m 2/m 2/m

Crystal Habit Massive, irregular, stubby

prismatic. Longitudial sections
typically rectangular.

Hardness 5-6

Specific Gravity 3.20-4.00

Cleavage Good cleavage on (210) Cleavage in two directions,

Parting on (100) and (010) intersecting at nearly right angles.

Hand Sample Brown to green/brown to High in Mg typically green/brown, high

Color green/black. Fe tends to be darker, green/black.

Streak White to gray.

Color/Pleochroism Grayish, yellowish or greenish

white to olive green/brown. Pale
pink to green pleochroism

Optic Sign Biaxial (+ or -) Enstatite and ferrosilite (+).

Hypersthene (-)

2V 50-132º Large range in 2V is created by

variations in iron content.

Optic Orientation X = b, Y = a, Z = c

Refractive Variations in Mg and Fe content

Indices 1.649-1.768 determines refractive indices; higher
alpha = 1.653-1.770 Fe associated with higher indices.
beta = 1.657-1.788
gamma = 0.007-0.020
delta =

Max 0.020 Typically first order greys, high iron

Birefringence may display, lower second order.

Elongation parallel to c axis Tends to be length slow.

Extinction Parallel in longitudinal sections

and symmetrical in basal

Dispersion r>v 2V is larger in red light than violet


Distinguishing Low birefringence, first order colors. Parallel extinction in longitudinal

Features sections, pale pink to green pleochroism. Approximatly 90º cleavage
planes. Thin irregular and wavy lamellae common.

Occurrence Orthopyroxene high in Mg is common in gabbro and peridotite groups.

Fe-rich orthopyroxene is typically found in diorite, syenite and granite.
With Ca-clinopyroxene, plagioclase and olivine in mafic and ultramafic
igneous rocks.

Associated Feldspars, clinopyroxene, garnet, biotite and hornblende.


Editors Elizabeth Thomas (2003), Andrea Gohl (2007) and Emma Hall (2013).

References Introduction to Mineralogy, William D. Nesse, 2000. Introduction to

Optical Mineralogy, William D. Nesse, 1991. Minerals in Thin Section,
Dexter Perkins and Kevin R. Henke.

Photomicrograph of orthopyroxene (low birefringence, skinny

lamellae) surrounded by clinopyroxene (higer birefringence, coarse
lamellae). Sample SIC-3. Large photo is1.7 mm wide. Image by
Elizabeth Thomas.

Orthopyroxene - Sample SIC-3. Image by Elizabeth Thomas.

Orthopyroxene - Sample SIC - 4. First order greys and thin

lamellae. Image by Andrea Gohl.

Orthopyroxene - Sample SIC - 3. Orthopyroxene with high relief

and thin irregular lamellae. Image by Andrea Gohl.

Orthopyroxene - Sample SIC -5. Orthopyroxene seen in the

center. Note plagioclase (left of orthopyroxene) with typical
twinning. Image by Andrea Gohl.

Orthopyroxene - Sample BV203. The width of the field of view is

2.28 mm. Image by Emma Hall.

WWW Images University of North Carolina

UCLA Petrographic Workshop

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