Tips For 5S On The Shop Floor
Tips For 5S On The Shop Floor
Tips For 5S On The Shop Floor
Materials and equipment for the next job are staged as needed and should be put away
when the job is complete
Discard old labels so they aren’t accidentally used on next (wrong) job
Arrange needed items so they are easy to use and label them so they are easy to find and
put away. Use the US Postal System as a guide – every piece of equipment is like a piece of
mail with an address for delivery; every home has a house number as well as street address
and zip code.
Use tape (or paint if you’re really sure your layout won’t change) on the floor to mark
designated areas for aisle ways, auxiliary equipment, WIP, even trash
SHINE: Clean machines work better; a clean floor and work area is safer
Also includes saving labor by finding ways to prevent dirt, dust and debris from piling up
Everything doesn’t have to shine at the end of your first 5S event. A little cleaning every day
and weekly cleaning get the job done and form good habits
STANDARDIZE: The method used to sustain the first three Ss – the condition that results from
practicing the first three for some time
SUSTAIN:Make a habit of maintaining correct procedures – this is the most challenging “S”
Set aside time for 5S. Ten minutes at the end of the shift plus a half hour every week should
be adequate.
Daily 5S audits in each area by the lead people
Management audits – the higher the management level, the better. This is what lets people
know that this is an important part of their jobs.
5S scoreboard: allows you to take pride in keeping a clean work area
The biggest benefit of all is the mindset and discipline 5S helps create. This mindset helps in many
ways. For example, since our last 5S event that raised the bar, we’ve had the longest streak in the
history of the company without an injury resulting in lost time. The discipline to keep things
organized, uncluttered, and clean provides improved results in teamwork, throughput, efficiency,
utilization, quality and safety. So if you hear “we don’t have time” for 5S, ask why we have time to
get frustrated searching for things and time for days lost due to injuries but not time to prevent
these things.
Early Equipment Directs practical knowledge and New equipment reaches planned
Management understanding of manufacturing performance levels much faster
equipment gained through TPM due to fewer startup issues.
towards improving the design of Maintenance is simpler and more
new equipment. robust due to practical review
and employee involvement prior
to installation.
Safety, Health, Maintain a safe and healthy Eliminates potential health and
Environment working environment. safety risks, resulting in a safer
Specifically targets the goal of an
accident-free workplace.
TPM in Apply TPM techniques to Extends TPM benefits beyond
Administration administrative functions. the plant floor by addressing
waste in administrative
Supports production through
improved administrative
operations (e.g. order
processing, procurement, and