WIGHT, Kahikahealani. Learn Hawaiian at Home PDF
WIGHT, Kahikahealani. Learn Hawaiian at Home PDF
WIGHT, Kahikahealani. Learn Hawaiian at Home PDF
at HomeKahikahealani Wight
at Home
by Kahikahealani Wight
Bess Press
P. 0. Box 22388
Honolulu, Hawaii 96823
Singing the songs are Hau'oli Akaka , Kamalulani Fale and Ku'ualo-
hanui Kaulia. They are joined by Pua'ala Nu'uhiwa on "Lana'i, He
Manu Kikaha. '
Mahala nui loa to Leinani Raffipi y for her attention to details , sound
advice and support through many hours of shaping both text and
Cover art and illustrations: Wren tapes.
Design and Production: Print Prep of Hawaii
Wight, Kahikahealani
Learn Hawaiian at Home
Honolulu, Hawaii : The Bess Press , Inc.
176 pages
ISBN: 1-880188-21-X
Copyright© 1992 by The Bess Press , Inc.
Printed in the United States of America
Library of Congress
Catalog Card Number 92-73803
Table of Contents
The Oral Work Section ix
Hawaiian Pronunciation and Spelling ix
How to Use Flashcards · xi
The Grammar Section xii
The Oral Review and Practice Section xii
How to Use This Book xiii
How to Study xiv
The idea for this book arose from our awareness as Hawaiian lan-
guage teachers of the many people who are interested in studying the
language, but who must work full time and have difficulty in attend-
ing night classes. We then thought of visitors or people living outside
of Hawai'i who might also be interested in a brief introduction to the
language. Since it is not easy to find p laces to listen to Hawaiian,
even in Hawai'i, we decided that recorded lessons would be a good
way for students to gain feeling for Hawaiian intonation, pronuncia-
tion and phrasing.
The first section of each chapter has four parts: the Hakalama pro-
nunciation chart, Vocabulary and Useful Phrases , then Dialogs ,
which give a preview of the grammar the chapter will deal with. All
four parts are recorded so that you may listen to each part as often as
you like. We also encourage you to practice saying each part of sec-
tion one out loud.
The 'okina is a glottal stop that occurs before vowels. Say "Oh Oh." Buy colored index cards to use as flashcards to learn the new vocabu-
Can you hear the break between the two "oh"s? That's an 'okina. lary. Use one color for nouns, another color for adjectives, yet anoth-
When you see an 'okina, which looks like a backwards apostrophe, er color for useful phrases, and so on. Carry each chapter's cards
it's a signal to stop your voice and start again, to "cut off" or 'oki the (with the Hawaiian on one side and the English on the other) with
sound, so that the next vowel will be distinct. you throughout the day. Spend a few minutes at a time working with
the cards as you stand in line at the bank, wait for the bus, and so
In Hawaiian, as in other Polynesian languages, vowels are more forth. Say the Hawaiian word out loud, then say its English transla-
important than consonants. This is one important difference between tion. Don't look at the English unless you're unsure of the meaning.
Hawaiian and English. In Hawaiian, vowels can stand alone and be Work as rapidly as you can, and repeat the process three or four
words , but consonants can't. Each consonant must be followed by a times a day. Remember to say the words out loud; memorizing is eas-
vowel. Individual vowels must be pronounced much more clearly ier if you use as many of your five senses as possible.
than in English. The duration of a vowel's sound can be lengthened
by the addition of a mark, called a kahako, over the vowel. The long
mark over the o in kahako lengthens the sound of the o, as if two o's In addition to clearly distinguishing the parts of speech, color coding
had been written. As a native speaker of English learning Hawaiian , your flashcards will also prove helpful in learning the word order of
you need to pay extra attention to all vowels! Listen carefully to the Hawaiian sentences, which is different from that of English. English
Hakalama and practice saying it out loud several times a day. There has a Subject Verb Object word order; that is, we usually hear the
is an excellent pamphlet/cassette available for further study of subject first in English. Hawaiian has a Verb Subject Object word
Hawaiian pronunciation; it is listed in the Conclusion. order; in Hawaiian, we hear the subject second. When asked how
you are, in English you respond: I am well. The Hawaiian translation
Next you will find a list of vocabulary words and useful phrases to literally says good me: maika'i au. Being able to construct sentences
be memorized. In choosing which words to include in our text, we w ith the colo r- coded flashcards will make this key difference
have consulted the Department of Education's Kupuna Program between the languages easier to grasp.
Teacher's Guide and the Hawaiian Word Book. We have also used
our own sense of what words are most culturally important and most
practical. Where we had conflicts choosing between a culturally sig-
nificant word or one of practical use, we chose the word that was of
practical importance.
THE GRAMMAR SECTION and Learn , and Mele. A few chapters also have English dialogs to
Section two of each chapter deals with grammar and constructing the
five basic sentence patterns you will learn. Each chapter deals with This third section begins with oral Substitution Drills. You can listen
one new sentence pattern, but several grammar points also need to be and read along with the tape and later practice reading the drills out
explained so that the new sentence pattern makes sense. For exam- loud.
ple, before learning how to ask and answer the question "What is
your name?" you must learn the Hawaiian possessives my, your, Next comes a picture for you to talk about, creating your own short
his/her. dialog or story. We have also created a story about each picture, so
that you can read and listen to more conversations about everyday
Since you have no teacher to ask questions of, we have attempted to activities. Throughout our book, we have chosen situations for our
explain the grammar as simply as possible. We have therefore chosen dialogs and stories that reflect Hawaiian culture as it is being lived
not to teach some of the more complicated points of Hawaiian gram- today.
mar, such as the dual pronouns (as in the phrase aloha kaua, hello to
you and me), for which there is no English equivalent. Also , we will In the Listen and Learn section we learn about the different islands,
not discuss "a-class " possessives (such as ka'u, kau, kana), although beginning with Ni'ihau in the first chapter and progressing down the
we will learn the singular "a-class" possessives (ko'u, kou, kona). island chain to Hawai'i. The first story in this section is an exercise
The difference between the two kinds of possessives is confusing to that will be repeated in each chapter with only the underlined words
beginning-level students even in a classroom setting. You will be changed to tell about our new island. Because of the repetition and
understood if you use only "a-class" possessives, and learning the "a- simplicity of the story, it will be easy to memorize. Next we give you
class" possessives will be easier once you have the "a-class" forms a listening challenge with a more complex story about our subject
down pat. In both the text and the answer key, words that are nor- island.
mally a-class possessives are marked with an asterisk (* ).
Finally, each chapter ends with a mele, or song, for the island fea-
Our goal in this book is to teach you enough to be able to carry on a tured in the Listen and Learn section. You can read the words and
simple conversation, because speaking makes Hawaiian a living lan- sing along with the tape. Hawaiian songs are our poetry, and singing
guage. We hope that those of you seeking a more in-depth syntactic songs is a fun and exciting way to learn the language.
explanation will be inspired to investigate other books (see our bibli-
ography in the back) or to enroll in a class. How to Use This Book
Each grammar section includes self-tests and homework , with Every language learner has different degrees of skill in reading, writ-
answers in the answer section in the back of the book. Answer the ing, comprehension and speaking, and each learns these separate lan-
questions of the self-test without looking up the answers, to see how guage skills in ways that are different from other learners. We have
much you remember. Then check the answers in the answer key. For tried to accommodate different modes of learning as well as different
the homework, refer to the text when necessary to complete the degrees of interest by building some flexibility into our book.
assignments. This middle section of each chapter is not on the cas- Although we believe that the best way to learn is to go through each
sette tape. chapter from start to finish, there are many different ways to learn
from each chapter.
THE ORAL REVIEW AND PRACTICE SECTION If you would like to have a brief "taste" of what Hawaiian sounds
like, you may listen to the tape without looking at the book. Another
The third section of each chapter is another series of oral exercises way to "taste" Hawaiian is to work only on the Listen and Learn sec-
whose purpose is to reinforce the grammar you've just learned. This tion at the end of each chapter. This section will teach you how to
section has four parts: Substitution Drills, Picture Practice, Listen correctly pronounce the name of each island and its main town as
well as provide you with other cultural information. Also, you can
easily memorize the "individual island" exercise. This will help train Always wait until you have read the grammar explanation before
your ear to Hawaiian intonation and help you learn Hawaiian phras- doing the Self-Test exercises or Homework. Answers to Self-Test and
ing, that is, which groups of words belong together in a sentence. Homework exercises are in the Answer section at the back of the
For a musical "taste" of Hawaiian, learn and sing along with the book.
songs in praise of the individual islands. Songs display the strong
urge Hawaiian speakers have for subtle and poetic expressions of The ORAL REVIEW AND PRACTICE (the last) section of each chap-
feeling; it is the combination of their love for poetry and music that ter is the most complex because we are using full sentences and a
makes songs so meaningful to many Hawaiians. Learning to chant, more advanced level of language than in the ORAL WORK section.
dance or sing at least a few songs is an integral part of learning the Spend 10 minutes a day on the substitution drills; after repeated
language. practice using the tape, make up your own words to substitute in
ach phrase. Spend five minutes a day going over one other part of
If you would like a slightly bigger "bite" and want to concentrate on this last chapter section: work on singing one day, on the Listen and
Hawaiian pronunciation , you may listen to the Hakalama exercise in Learn story the next, and so on. Remember to focus your practice on
each chapter. After listening to the Hakalama on tape, read it out listening and speaking out loud.
loud a few times daily for practice. Work on one variation of the
Hakalama until you are very comfortable saying it out loud before Be creative with your approach to our book and tape. Mix and match
moving on to the next chapter. Because the exercises become pro- written work, reading, listening. Choose the part of each chapter that
gressively more difficult in each chapter, it is important to work with appeals to you the most. If you like, concentrate just on the songs.
them in sequence. Use Learn Hawaiian at Home to learn a lot or a little, to have a small
"taste" of our language or to "eat" a full meal. We hope that you will
In order to make our text easier to use, we have substituted symbols learn to love our beautiful language and be inspired to speak it, so
for some instructions that are frequently repeated. If you are to listen that it remains a living language.
to the recording of a section, you will see a tape symbol on the page.
E ola ka 'olelo Hawai'i! May the Hawaiian language live!
If you are to use flashcards for an exercise, we have included a flash-
card symbol on the page.
If you are to check your own homework in the answer key , a key
symbol is included after the homework instructions. Refer to the
answer key for that chapter to find the answers to homework and
Self-Test exercises.
How To Study
The serious student who wants to really "digest" the language needs
a few directions on how to study Learn Hawaiian at Home. You will
need daily practice on all four language skills discussed above.
Repeat the Hakalama out loud several times a day for pronunciation
practice. Learn vocabulary and useful phrases with color-coded flash-
cards. Listen to the tape if you need to hear the vocabulary or useful
phrases again. Saying the words out loud is good ear training as well
as a great help for memorization.
a. Hakalama
Here is the standard Hakalama pronunciation chart. Read it ~
out loud going across the line. Recite the Hakalama several ( o-=-o)
times a day for practice. (Remember that the long mark over •· ·•
the vowel , the kahako , lengthens the sound, as if the vowel were
b. Vocabulary
Listen to the tape and repeat these words aloud . Make flash- ~
cards to help yourself learn the words. Use colored index ( o-=-o J
cards. Nouns are orange, adjectives green. Be sure to use •. ·•
one color for nouns and a different color for adjectives. Do not write
ke or ka on the flashcard for nouns; instead, guess which is correct
with each noun.
Nouns Adjectives
ke akua god maika'i good, well, fine
ke kanaka human 'olu'olu kind , comfortable
ka lani heaven, chief maluhiluhi tired
ka honua earth ma'i sick, ill
ka wahine woman, wife hohono bad-smelling
ke kane man, husband 'a' ala fragrant, sweet-smelling
ka inoa name nui big
ka 'ohana family li'ili'i little
ke kupuna grandparent kahiko old
ka mo'opuna grandchild hou new
ka makua parent kaumaha heavy, sad
ke keiki child hau'oli happy
ke aloha love nani pretty
ka hoaaloha friend pupuka ugly
ke kula school momona sweet-tasting, fat
2 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 1
ka haumana student wiwi thin Self-Test 1-1
ke kumu teacher lo'ihi tall
ka 'olelo language, speech p6kole short Which greeting is correct at each of the times listed below?
Choose from aloha kakahiaka, aloha awakea, aloha
'auinala, aloha ahiahi. Check your answers in the answer
Note: Ka wahine means "the woman ." Ke kane means "the man." key section.
The rules for choosing either ke or ka to translate "the" are 1. 8: 10 a.m. 5. 7:13 p.m. 9. 5:30p.m.
explained in this chapter. Remember that wahine means "won1an," 2. 11 :25 a.m . 6. 10:50 a.m. 10. 9:34a.m.
kane means "man," and that other words can replace "the" before a 3. 1 :45 p.m. 7. 6:05p.m. 11. 12:04 p.m.
noun; for example, keia kane means "this man." 4 . 3 p.m . 8. 2:20p.m. 12. 9 p.m.
c. Useful Phrases In Hawaiian thinking , politeness means extending greetings to all
Read these phrases as you listen to them on the tape; then say
those present, including the person speaking. We do this by adding
them out loud several times by yourself. Make flashcards to the pronoun kcikou (us all) or kaua (you and me) to the end of our
help memorize these phrases as well. Make them blue or some
"aloha," whether we are saying "hello" or referring to a specific time
other color to distinguish them from nouns or adjectives.
of day . Kakou is used when three or more people are present ,
including the speaker. Kaua includes only two people , the person
Aloha kakou Greetings to all of us (3 or more).
speaking and the person spoken to . For example, Aloha kaua is used
Aloha kaua Greetings to both of us (you and me).
to say "Hello " in answering the telephone. Remember that when we
Aloha kakahiaka Good morning (6 a.m. to 10 a.m.). add these pronouns to our "good morning," "good noontime," "good
Aloha awakea Good noontime (1 0 a.m. to 2 p.m.). afternoon " or "good evening," kaua or kakou must be added to the
Aloha 'auinala Good afternoon (2 p.m . to 6 p.m.). end of the greeting, as in "aloha awakea kakou."
Aloha ahiahi Good evening (6 p.m. to 10 p.m .).**
Aloha kakahiaka kakou Good morning to us all. Self-Test 1-2
Aloha ahiahi kaua Good evening to both of us. Matching. Write the number of the Hawaiian greeting next ~
'Ae Yes. to the correct translation. ~
'A'ole No.
Pehea 'oe? How are you? 1. Aloha ah iahi, e Momi. _Good noontime everyone.
Maika'i no au, mahalo. I'm very well, thanks. 20Aloha 'aui nal a. _ Hello to all of us.
Maluhiluhi au. I'm tired. 0Aloha kaua, e ko 'u hoaalohao
_ Good evening, Momi.
Ma'i 'oia. She's sick. 40Aloha kakahiaka kakou. _Hello, teacher.
Aloha kaua, e ke kumu Hello to you and me, teacher. 5° Aloha awakea kaua. _Good morning, Kainalu .
Aloha ahiahi, e Momi Good evening, Momi . 60 Aloha, eke kumu . _Good afternoon .
Aloha kakahiaka kakou, e ka papa Good morning to us all, class. 70 Aloha kakou.
_Hello to both of us, my friend.
8. Aloha kakahiaka, e Kain alu.
_Good morning to all of us.
**Note that in Hawaiian thinking, "morning" covers the hours up to 9. Aloha ahiah i kaua .
_Good noontime to you and me.
10 a .m. ; then "noontime" lasts from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. During those 10° Aloha awakea kakou.
_Good evening to you and me.
noon hours we say "good noontime," aloha awakea, rather than
~lo~a k_akahiaka. After 2 p.m. we switch to "good afternoon," aloha
au1nala, until 6 p.m.
Note also that these time periods are generally followed, but they are
not always strictly adhered to, especially among native speakers.
4 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 1 5
d. Dialogs
Listen to the tape recording of these conversations and read
~ along as you listen. After listening a few times, read them
f.:ri:} out loud. If you have a partner, you can each read a differ-
ent part.
a. Pronouns Read the English sentence; then fill in the blank in the ~
These are the Hawaiian singular pronouns: Hawaiian translation with the correct singular or plural ~
1. wau, au I pronoun.
Wau and au are interchangea bl e; some Hawaiian speakers
choose whichever sounds nicest in a particular sentence. 1. She is sick . Ma'i _ __
2. 'oe you 2. I am nice. 'Oiu 'olu _ _ _ _ .
'Oe refers to on e person only. 3. They are fine. Maika'i _ _ __
3. 'o ia he, she 4. Mehana, are you happy? E Mehana, hau 'oli _ _ __
'0 ia does not indicate whether the person being spoken 5. He is tired. Maluhiluhi _ _ _ _ .
about is male or fem ale, although we can usually tell from 6. We all are well. Maika'i _ _ _ _ .
context. 7. Yes, I am happy. 'Ae, hau 'oli _ __
8. You all are kind. 'Oiu'olu _ _ _ _ _ .
These are the Hawaiian plural pronouns: 9. Are they tired? Maluhiluhi _ _ __
kakou we, all of us 10. Is she sick? Ma 'i _ __
'oukou you all
lakou they, them
Did you notice that asking a question (Is she sick?) and making a
Note that the plural pronouns refer to at least three people. Hawaiian statement (She is sick.) have the same translation? The only differ-
has a separate set of pronouns to refer to two people , such as the ence is in intonation.
greeting "Aloha kaua," "Hello to you and me. " The pronoun system
in Hawaiian, as in other Polynesian languages , is more precise and b. Noun Announcers
more complicated than in English. In this book we will limit our- In Hawaiian, every noun must be preceded by a noun announcer.The
selves to the pronouns listed above , since they are similar to those noun announcer does precisely what its name says; it tells us "here
used in English. comes a noun." In English, we can leave out the noun announcer at
times, such as when we address someone by their title: "Teacher,
Pronouns Self-Test 1-3 how are you?" or when we talk about an institution: "I go to church
Draw a line from the English pronoun to the Hawaiian on Tuesday." In Hawaiian, we translate these sentences by literally
~ translation. saying "Hey the teacher, how are you?" and "I go to the church on
the Tuesday."
she lakou
I 'oe Teacher, how are you? E ke kumu, pehea 'oe?
we all 'o ia I go to church on Tuesday. Hele au i ka halepule rna ka po'alua.
he 'oukou
you all 'o ia Noun announcers are called demonstratives and possessives in Eng-
th ey all wau, au lish, words like the, this, that, my, your, their. In Hawaiian, noun
yo u (s ingular) kakou announcers are numerous and so frequently used that you will soon
memorize them.
used , for about 80 percent of Hawaiian words. If you have to guess between my and your is that because I'm special, things that are
whether to use ke or ka to translate "the," guess ka. Ke is the noun mine are indicated with an extra syllable. Practice saying ko'u
announcer used before words that begin with the letters k, a, e , o, makuahine , then kou makuahine several tim es . Another wa y in
such as ke kula, ke alanui, ke ea or ke ola. All other words take ka which Hawaiian differs from English is that kou refers only to a sin-
(with a few exceptions like ke po 'o). The only tricky situation is a gle person's things , while the English word your can refer to some-
word that begins with an ' okina: these words take ka , such as ka thing belonging to one, several or many persons. Be aware , then , that
'ehukai , ka 'a'ama and ka '()lelo. the noun announcer kou will not translate all the meanings of your.
Rem ember that kona refers to either a male or female possessor and
Self-Test 1-4 for ke or ka can be translated as his or her. Again , context will usually help you
~ Write ke or ka in the blank in front of each word. How did decide which sex owns the noun.
~ you know which one to choose?
Self-Test 1-6
1. kane 6. kaikamahine
4 . _ _ kupuna
9. _ _ imu
Matching. Write the number of the English phrase next to
its Hawaiian translation. ~
5. hale 10. _ _ 'opihi 1 . her schoo l kona hale
2. his house _ko'u halepule
2. kiHa and kela: this and that 3. your friend kona * kumu
4. my grandparent kou makuahine
Maika ' i keia kula . This schoo l is good . 5. her father kona ali'i
'Oiu 'olu kela hale? Is that building comfortable? 6. your mother _ ko ' u kupuna
7. my church kona makuakane
Keia is the noun announcer that translates this. Kela translates that. 8. his teacher kou aloha
Since all noun announcers can substitute for each other, you can 9. your love kou hoaaloha
practice them by using your noun flashcards. 10 . her chief kona kula
Self-Test 1-5 Read the Hawaiian phrases in the above Self-Test out loud. Then take
each noun and substitute all the noun announcers you know for the
~ Hold up a noun card and say it out loud with the appropri- possessive noun announcer. This can be a written as well as an oral
~ ate word for the (ke or ka). Then substitute keia or kela. practice.
Translate into English. For example, take the word makuakane ,
father. Say ka makuakane, keia makuakane, kela makuakane; the
father, this father, that father. Homework 1-3
8. that 'opihi _ _ 'opih i
9. his father makuakane a. Substitution Drills ~
10. your grandparent _ _ kupuna In each of the following phrases , substitute the words [ o.:.o)
lis ted for the underlined words. Listen to the tape for an •· ·•
example; then practice out loud on your own.
Homework 1-4
Aloha ka ua, e ka haumana. Aloha kakahiaka, e ka wahine.
~ Translate the following phrases into Hawaiian. ke kane. Aloha 'auinala
Ku 'ulei. Aloha awakea
1 . that school _ _ __ 6. the imu _ _ __ ko'u hoaaloha. Aloha kaua
2. my church _ _ __ 7. your teacher_ _ __ ke kumu. Aloha ahiahi
3. this store _ _ __ 8. that student._ _ __ Nalani. Aloha no
4. her love _ _ __ 9. his hat_ _ _ _ __
5. your husband _ _ __ 10. the house _ _ _ __ Pehea 'oe, e Kaleilani? Maika'i no au , mahalo.
ke kula Maluhiluhi
ke la hoaaloha Hau 'oli no
Homework 1-5 ko u* keiki Ma' i
keia hale Kaumaha
~ Translate the following dialogs from English into Hawaiian. kana* haumana 'Oiu 'o lu
greeting Kaipo 's teacher on the first day of school. Cover up
the English translation and read the Hawaiian while you
listen to the tape. Next , listen to the tap e alone. Do you
understand? If not, refer to the translation.
Ua kaulana na lei pupil o Ni'ihau. No Ni'ihau wale no keia 'ano lei. This song speaks to the shells of Ni'ihau and asks them to show their
Nui na waiho'olu'u o na pupil li'ili'i a nui no ho'i na inoa o na pupil. beauty. It also tells of someone's fond memories of his or her sweet-
'0 Kahelelani ka inoa o kekahi 'ana pupil. ' 0 Kahelelani ke ali 'i heart.
kaulana o Ni'ihau i ka wa kahiko. 'Olelo Hawai'i ka po'e o Ni'ihau a
himeni lakou nona pupil nani o ko lakou 'aina. Pii.pu 0 Ni'ihau,
composed by the Kanahele family of Ni'ihau
The shell leis of Ni'ihau are famous. This kind of lei is only from
Ni'ihau. There are many colors of the small shells and also many Pupil o Ni'ihau,
names for the shells . Kahelelani is the name of one kind of shell. 'Auhea 'oe?
Kahelelani was the famous chief of Ni'ihau in the ancient times. The Ho'ike a'e 'oe
people of Ni'ihau speak Hawaiian and they sing about the beautiful a i kou nani
shells of their land.
He nani hiehie
'oi kelakela
Ka 'i'ini nui ia
o ku'u pu'uwai
I luna maua
a'o Ha'upu
Upu a'e ke aloha
nou e ka ipo
a. Hakalama
Here is the first variation on th e Hakalama pronunciation ~
chart. Notice that we are now reading vertically down the [ o-=wo)
olumns. Listen to the tape and practice saying the syllables •· ·•
out loud.
Ha He Hi Ho Hu Ha He Hi Ho HO
Ka Ke Ki Ko Ku Ka Ke Ki Ko KO
La Le Li Lo Lu La Le Li Lo LO
MaMeMi MoMu Ma Me Mi Mo MO
Na Ne NiNo Nu Na Ne NiNo NO
Pa Pe Pi Po Pu Pa Pe Pi Po PO
Try doubling the syllables for a practice variation. Say Haba, Hebe,
Hibi, Hobo, Hubu and so on. Another variation: what happens when
you mix the syllables? Say Habe, Habi, Habo, Habu, Heba, Hebi and
so on. What other variations can you come up with? Saying them out
loud gives good training to mouth muscles that must move in new
ways now. At the same time , you are helping to train your ears to
tu ne in to Hawaiian sounds.
b. Vocabulary
Make flashcards as discussed in the introductory chapter. ~
Nouns are orange, adjectives green . Do not include the [ o-=wo)
kalke noun announcer on your noun flashcard s; practice •· ·•
using all noun announcers with each noun.
Nouns Adjectives
ke ali'i chief, ro ya lty anuanu cold
ka maka'ainana commoner wei a hot
ke kai sea ikaika strong
ka 'aina land nawaliwali wea k
ke kupunakane grand fa ther akamai smart
ke kupunawahine grandmother na'aupo ignorant
ka pepe baby 'awiwi qui ck
ka mokupuni island lohi slow
ke kuahiwi mountain kokoke nea r (distance)
18 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 2 19
c. Useful Phrases
d. Dialogs
F;.~.: lJ
1. Kama'ilio 'o Kau'i me kana hoaaloha hou, 'o Kealoha.
Kau'i: Aloha awakea, e Kealoha.
Kealoha: 'Ae , aloha no. Pehea ke kula , e Kau'i?
2. Kama'ilio ka wahine me kana kupunakane.
Kau'i: Maika'i ke kula. 'Olu'olu no ke kumu.
Ka wahine: Wela keia la, e Tutu.
Kealoha: Aue! Hau'oli ka papa, 'ea?
Ke Kupunakane : 'Ae, wela no. Nawaliwali kou kupunawahine.
Ka wahine: Aue! Aloha no. Kaumaha 'o ia?
Ke Kupunakane: 'A'ole. Wela no ' o ia!
Ka wahine: 'A'ole maika'i keia wela. E malama pono!
20 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 2 21
~ Think of five place names in Hawai'i. Pick out one green Below are some possible Center subjects. Circle the ones ~
~ adjective flashcard, such as hanohano , to start a sentence that are not complete and explain why they can't be used. ~
about the first place. Continue making sentences until you've made
each place "hanohano ." Repeat with five names of people you know. 1. Lana'i 5. Keola 9. 'o Mehana
Write these ten sentences down. Circle the Center and underline the 2. lakou 6. ke wahine 10. lawai 'a
Head in each sentence. 3. hale 7. 'o ia 11. ka papale
4. kou hoaaloha 8. keia kumu 12. Wai 'a le'a le
The third type of subject is the noun announcer plus noun combina-
tion. How many noun announcers do you know from the greetings c. Descriptive Sentence Pattern
chapter? Say aloud five that you can recall from memory.** Choose Our first sentence pattern is based on the Pehea 'oe? Maika'i no au
one new noun from this chapter and recite all the possible noun question and answer learned in our first chapter on greetings. The
announcer words that can go in front of it. What word will you use response "I'm fine" describes how you feel. Review other responses
for "the"? Review the rules for choosing ke or ka. Why is it ke you have learned. What if you were sad, tall or purple? You tell us
kauka , but not ke lawai'a? What do keia kauka and kela lawai 'a about yourself with this same kind of sentence. Is your house big, old
mean? What do kona hale and kou ka'a mean? and comfortable? Use a descriptive sentence to tell us a trait, quality,
or characteristic of any person, place or thing.
lkaika kela wahine . That woman is strong. Nani no 'o Hana . Hana is really beautiful.
lkaika kou makuakane? Is your father strong? Li 'ili'i keia haleku 'a i. This store is small.
lkaika ke ku la. Schoo l is strong. 'Oiu'olu 'o ia. She is kind . (or) He is kind.
lkaika kona ka 'a. Her (his) car is strong. 'Oiu'olu kou halekula? Is your school building comfortable?
Wela no keia Ia! Today is very hot!
Remember that without a noun announcer your noun is "naked" and
the Center is not complete. Without a noun announcer, the meaning Self-Test 2-3
of your sentence is lost. Just as each place name or personal name
must be preceded by a name announcer, so also each noun must be Look at the Hawaiian sentences above. What is each sen- ~
preceded by a noun announcer. tence talking about? Circle the Center in each sentence. P"4
What is said about the Center? Underline the descriptive ~
**These should include keia, kela , ke or ka , ko'u, kou and kona. word in each sentence.
Self-Test 2-4
Homework 2-3
Look at the following English sentences. What is each sen- ~
~ Here are words that would like to become Center subjects. tence talking about? Circle the subject in these sentences. P"4
However, each is incomplete and can't be used as a Center. What is said about that subject? Underline the descriptive ~
Complete them so that they can be used. What did you add? word in each sentence.
1. Kilauea (a place name) is cold .
1. Moloka'i 4. Naihe 7. La'ie 10. W ai lau 2. Your grandmother is tall.
2. kaikamahine 5. ha leku la 8. kumu 11. aloha 3. This island is pretty.
3. kane 6. hoaa loha 9. imu 12. kupunawahine 4. Melia is slow.
5. The chief is smart.
Chapter 2 25
24 Learn Hawaiian at Home
Homework 2-6
How do you n1ake a descriptive sentence? Begin with an adjective in
the Head or first part of the sentence. How do you say Puanani is Matching. Write the number of the English sentence in ~
small? Li'ili'i 'o Puanani. Sometimes you will add no after the front of the correct translation. ~
descriptive word for emphasis. No can be translated "very, indeed,
1. My mother is strong. _Maluhiluhi no kela mahi 'ai.
really." You already know what can go in the Center. How do you
say Puanani is very happy? Hau'oli no 'o Puanani. 2. Aunty Lehua is little. _Hau'oli 'o Leina 'ala.
3. The carpenter is really sad. _Maika'i 'oe?
HEAD: adjective CENTER 4. Leina'a la is happy. _ lkaika ko'u makuahine.
Nani no 'o Puanani. 5. Your house is indeed old . _Kaumaha no ke kamana.
Maluhiluhi ka haumana 6. Is that student smart? Li'ili ' i 'o 'Anake Lehua.
Anuanu kakou 7. Her school is famous. _Ma'i no wau .
8. That farmer is very tired. Kahiko no kou hale.
How do you say Puanani is healthy? quick? courageous? You are 9. Are you we ll? _Kaulana kana kula.
telling us a characteristic, quality, or trait about who or what is in the 10. I'm real ly sick. _Akamai ke la haumana?
Now divide the Hawaiian sentences into sections . Circle the Center
subject and underline the Head.
Homework 2-5
~ Start with a green flashcard; then pick any orange noun Homework 2-7
~ flashcard to complete your sentence. What noun announcer
did you use? Practice changing your noun announcer word in each What do these questions and answers mean? Circle the ~
sentence you create . Don't make flashcards for the noun announcer descriptive word. Draw a line between the Head and Cen- ~
words : you must memorize them! Write down ten sentences you've ter.
created . Circle the Center and underline the Head. Now use just
your green cards to begin ten more sentences. Finish 5 sentences 1. Kaulana 'o Kaha'i? 5. Ma' i ko'u makuakane?
with pronouns and 5 with names in the Center. 2. 'Ae, Kaulana 'o ia. 6. 'A'ole. Maluhiluhi kou makuakane.
3. Kaulana kana hoaaloha? 7. Maluhiluhi 'oe?
Why does the adjective/descriptive word come first in the Hawaiian 4. 'Ae, kau lana no kana hoaaloha. 8. 'A'ole. Maika' i au.
sentence? Hawaiian was an oral language for thousands of years. Our
kupuna didn't get a "second glance" at the sentence; the first words
they heard told them the most essential information . Don't forget that Homework 2-8
English word order is different from Hawaiian!
Translate the following into Hawaiian. ~
1. That store is old. 6. This fisherman is hot.
2. He is smart. 7. Hila is cold.
3. Her friend is nice. 8. Nu 'umealani is tired.
4. My grandfather is big. 9. I'm sick.
5. The farmer is famous. 10. Your house is pretty!
Chapter 2 27
26 Learn Hawaiian at Home
Aue! _ ke kaikamahine, pehea 'oe?
Homework 2-9
Maika' i wau, _ Leialoha. Pehea _ Kalehua?
Nani ka wahine nui. Wela kou hoaaloha akamai ? 2. Hello to both of us , teacher.
'o Lahela Ma ' i nawaliwali? Good morning, Ku'ulei.
kana halekula Pehea rna lie? How's the student?
ka mahi'ai Hau 'oli na'aupo? She's fine, thanks.
kou makuahine lkaika Haole? 3. Father (formal), hello.
keia hale 'Oiu 'o lu 'awiwi? Hello, Mokihana.
How's the store?
b. Practice with a Partner The store is fine.
Are you happy?
Work the substitution drills in section a with a partner.
Read the whole phrase to your partner. She will repeat after Yes, I'm really happy.
you. Tell your partner the underlined word; then say the
first substitute word or words. She will repeat the entire phrase ,
replacing the underlined word with the substitute. Listen to the first c. Picture Practice
Substitution Drill in Chapter 1 for an example. Switch off being the 1. Look at the pictures below. Make up a story to go along with the
teacher and the student. Have your partner read phrases and sen- pictures.
tences that you create with your flashcards. Translate. Turn some
descriptive sentences into questions. How did you do that? Next add
emphasis to the Head. What did you add?
Ask the following questions. Have your partner answer, choosing one
of the clues provided. Repeat both question and answer; have your
partner do the same. Listen to the examples on our tape.
Homework 2-12
1. Good evening, lady. What are the names of the people? How are they related? What do
Good evening. How are you? they say to each other?
I'm really tired. See you later.
Yes , goodbye.
30 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 2 31
2. We've made up a story about '!lima and her grandfa- ~ d. Listen and Learn
ther. Listen to the story on the tape several times as you { o-=-o)
read along. Now read the story aloud without listening •· ·•
Our new island is Kaua'i.
F~-~.: 1)
to the tape. Listen to your pronunciation and phrasing. How smooth '0 Kaua'i keia mokupuni. '0 Lihu'e ke kulanakauhale. He poni ka
and fluent do you sound? waiho'olu'u no Kaua'i. He lei mokihana kana lei. '0 Manokalanipo
ke ali'i kaulana no Kaua'i. '0 Wai'ale'ale ke kuahiwi nani.
Kama'ilio 'o '!lima me kana kupunakane. This island is Kaua'i. Lihu'e is the town. The color of Kaua'i is pur-
'!lima: Pehea 'oe, e ko'u kupunakane? ~ Its lei is the mokihana lei. The famous chief of Kaua'i is
Ke kupunakane: Hau'oli wau. A 'o 'oe, pehea 'oe, e '!lima? Manokalanipo. The beautiful mountain is Wai'ale'ale.
'!lima: Kaumaha 'o Papa. Aka, maika'i no wau.
Ke kupunakane: Kaumaha 'o Papa? He aha ka pilikia?
'!lima: 'Eha kana wawae, e Tutu. Ma'i 'o ia. Here is a slightly more difficult story provided largely as a ~
Ke kupunakane: Aloha no! listening exercise. If you feel ready for a challenge, read it ( o.ao)
onto a tape and listen to yourself. How does your pronunci- •· ·•
!lima talks with her grandfather. ation sound when compared with our version?
'!lima: How are you, grandfather?
Grandfather: I'm happy. And you, how are you, '!lima? He mokupuni nani no 'o Kaua'i. Kaulana na pali o kela mokupuni
'!lima: Daddy's sad. But, I'm very well. kahiko. Nui na po'e maka'ika'i e hahai ana i ke alahele mai Ha'ena
Grandfather: Daddy's sad? What's the problem? mai a hiki i ke awawa 'o Kalalau. Ua kapa ' ia keia 'ao'ao o ka
'!lima: His leg is sore, Grandpa. He 's sick. mokupuni 'o Napali, no ka nui o na pali ki'eki 'e o laila. '0
Grandfather: Too bad! Hanakapi'ai ke kahakai mua rna kela alahele. Ua 'ike paha 'oe i ka
nani o Kaua'i , ka mokupuni "hemolele i ka malie"?
Kaua'i is a very beautiful island. The cliffs of that old island are
famous . Many tourists follow the trail from Ha'ena to Kalalau Valley.
This side of the island is called Napali, due to the numerous tall
32 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter Three
cliffs there. The first beach on this trail is Hanakapi'ai. Have you p er- '0 WAIIDENTIFICATION SENTENCE PATIERN:
haps seen the beauty of Kaua'i, the island "pristine in calmness"? WHOAREYOU?
a. Hakalama
Here is our second variation on the Hakalama chart, which is a dupli-
cation of the vowel. The repeated vowel requires an 'okina before it.
Look for these words in the Hawaiian dictionary; how many of them
have a meaning?
Ha'a Ka'a La'a Ma'a Na'a Pa'a Wa'a 'A'a
He'e Ke'e Le'e Me'e Ne'e Pe'e We'e 'E'e
Hi'i Ki'i Li'i Mi'i Ni'i Pi'i Wi'i 'l'i
Ho'o Ko'o Lo'o Mo'o No'o Po'o Wo'o 'O'o
Hu'u Ku'u Lu'u Mu'u Nu'u Pu'u Wu'u 'U'u
Write out your own Hakalama variation chart with the kahako . It
should begin with Ha'a Ka'a La'a and so forth. Next, read vertically
e. Mele
down the lines of the chart above: say Ha'a He'e Hi'i Ho'o Hu'u. Read
down each row; then do the same for the chart with the kahako.
b. Vocabulary
Learn the words to "Maika'i Kaua'i" and sing along with the tape .
Nouns Adjectives
This song mentions several places on Kaua'i, including its famous ka lawai'a fisherman lepo dirty
mountain Wai'ale'ale; its lei , the mokihana; and the characterization ka i'a fish ma'ema'e clean
"Kaua'i hemolele i ka malie," "Kaua'i pristine in calmness." ka mahi'ai farmer pololi hungry
ka mala ga rd en ma'ona full of food , satiated
Maika'i Kaua'i (composer unknown) ka makuakane father makewai thirsty
ka makuahine mother ken a not thirsty, quenched
Maika'i wale no Kaua'i ka pua flower mohala open (flower)
Hemolele wale i ka malie ka lei garland mae wi I ted (flower)
Kuahiwi nani, Wai 'ale'ale ke kumula'au tree lawa enough
Lei ana i ka mokihana. ka meakanu plant makaukau prepared, ready
ke kalo taro 'ono delicious
Hui: ka mai'a banana hamama opened
Maika'i no Kaua'i ka hana job, activity pa'a closed
Hemolele i ka malie ka pa'ani game niele nosy, inquisitive
Kuahiwi Wai'ale'ale ka hula dance hemahema awkward, unskilled
Lei ana i ka mokihana. ke alaka'i leader no'eau clever, skilled
ke mele song hewa wrong
ka 'u hane spirit pololei correct
34 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 3 35
F~-~.: 1) F~-~.:1)
E Kaipoleimanu . (Hey) Kaipoleimanu
Eke kane. (Hey) si r, gentleman
E ka wahine. (Hey) lady
Aue! Gosh! wow! too bad!
E kala mai. Excuse me; I' m sorry.
E 'olu'olu. Please.
Mahala. Thank you.
'A'ole pilikia. No trouble/problem (you ' re welcome). **
What are the words that change in answering the question? First,
notice that the question word wai (who) is simply replaced with the
2. Kama'ilio 'o Kalei me Palakiko a me Nu'umealani. name in the answer. Second, the question asks for "kou ina a," "your
Kalei : Aloha 'auinala kakou. E Palakiko, 'o wai ka inoa o kou name"; the answer responds with "ko'u inoa," "my name. "
Palakiko : Aloha 'auinala, e Kalei. '0 Nu'umealani keia. Although the '0 is needed in both question and answer, it does not
Kalei : Ho! Nani kou inoa, e Nu'umealani. translate into English. The 'o at the beginning of the sentence func-
Nu'umealani: Mahala, e ka wahine. '0 Ku'ulei kou inoa? tions in Hawaiian just like a name announcer does; it both gives the
Kalei: 'A'ole. '0 Kalei ko'u inoa, e Nu'umealani. listener a clue that a name is coming and also emphasizes the name.
Nu'umealani: Aue! E kala mai, e Kalei. Asking for the name of a person or place is translated by 'o wai in
Kalei: 'A'ole pilikia. Aloha a hui hou kakou! Hawaiian; wai cannot stand alone. Unlike English, Hawaiian asks
Palakiko a me Nu'umealani: A hui hou ! "Who 's your name? " instead of "What's your name?"
Kalei speaks with Palakiko and Nu'umealani. Notice how similar the words for your and my are in Hawaiian. The
Kalei : Good afternoon everyone. Palakiko, what's the name of your word for my is ko'u. The word for your is kou. Alternate saying "my
friend? name ," ko'u inoa, and "your name ," kou inoa, out loud for a few
Palakiko: Good afternoon, Kalei . This is Nu'umealani. minutes. Can you hear the extra syllable in ko'u? It's there because
Kalei: Wow! Your name is pretty, Nu'umealani. I'm special, so I get an extra sound (this may be helpful in distin-
Nu'umealani: Thanks, lady. Is your name Ku'ulei? guishing between my and your, but it is not a Hawaiian thought!) .
Kalei : No. My name is Kalei, Nu'umealani.
Nu'umealani: Gosh! Excuse me , Kalei. Asking for the name of a third person is easier because the pronoun
Kalei: No problem. Goodbye 'til we all meet again! possessive ("kona, " "his/her") stays the same in both question and
Palakiko and Nu'umealani: See you later! answer. '0 wai kona inoa? '0 Melia kona inoa. All you have to do in
the answer is substitute the person's name for the question word wai.
Remember that kona means both his and her. Ko'u, kou and kona are
noun announcers and may take the place of ke/ka or ktHa/kiHa
before nouns.
38 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 3 39
~ Translate the following phrases. Translate th ese question s and answers into Hawaiian. ~
1. your name 5. my car 9. your friend 1. What is his name? His name is Kamanu.
2. his house 6. his name 10. her name 2. What's your name? My name is Melelani.
3. her store 7. your father 11. his mother 3. Me lelani is your nam Is your name Kamanu?
4. my name 8. her church 1 2. my husband 4. No, my name is Kawehiokekai. Hel lo, Kawehiokekai.
5. Melelani, what's my name? Your name is Namaka.
6. Is Namaka my name? Yes, Namaka is my name.
Homework 3-1 7. What is her name, sir (man)? Her name is Nan i, lady.
8. Father, is your name Hau'olimau? No, my name is H au'olikeola.
~ Matching. Write the number of the Hawaiian sentence next
~ to the correct English translation. b. '0 Wai Pattern Variations: Changing the Center
1. '0 wai kona inoa? _ What's your name? In Chapter Two we found that our beginning-level sentence patterns
2. '0 Niuli'i ko'u inoa. _ Makanani is your name. will have only two sections, the verb or Head section and the subject
3. '0 wai ko'u inoa? _ Wai'o lu is her name. or Center section.
4. '0 Keali'i ko'u inoa? _ Niu li'i is my name .
5. '0 Makanani kou inoa. _ What's her name? Our question '0 wai kou inoa? can be divided into two main sec-
6. '0 wai kou inoa? _ Heanu is my name. tions:
7.'0 Wai'olu kona inoa. _ Kea li' i is your name.
8. '0 Niuli'i kou inoa? _ Wha t is my name? HEAD: what/who CENTER: subject
9. '0 Heanu ko'u inoa. _ I s Keali'i my name? 'Owai kou inoa?
10. '0 Keali 'i kou inoa. _ I s Niuli'i your name?
We can ask different who questions by changing the subject section
Read the Hawaiian out loud. Which answers are appropriate respons- of our sentence. How would you ask Who's your friend? Answer: '0
es to each question? There may be more than one appropriate wai kou hoaaloha? This subject substitution is our first variation on
response. the basic '0 wai kou inoa pattern.
We can place any kind of subject into the Center subject position,
Homework 3-2 such as a pronoun, name announcer plus name , or noun announcer
plus noun . If you answer the phone and want to know who's on the
~ Fill in the blank with the correct possessive pronoun. line, how would you say Who is this? Answer: '0 wai keia? Keia
and kela are the only noun announcers that can stand by themselves
What is her name? '0 wai inoa? as subjects in some patterns .
Her name is Lehua . '0 Lehua ___ inoa. It is understood that the
What's your name? '0 wai inoa? HEAD CENTER noun they announce in this
My name is Kawika . '0 Kawika ___ inoa. 'Owai kou inoa? usage is mea, meaning one,
What's my name, mother? '0 wai _ __ inoa, e ka makuahine? 'Owai kou hoaaloha? person, thing. Therefore '0
Your name is Keikilani. '0 Keikilani ___ inoa. 'Owai keia? wai keia? is understood to
Ku'ulei , what's his name? E Ku 'ulei, 'o wai _ _ inoa? 'Owa i 'o ia. mean '0 wai keia mea? or
Hi s name is Nohea. '0 Nohea inoa. 'Owa i 'o Waiola? Who is this person?
Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 3 41
b. Picture Practice
~ Self-Test 3-2
1. Look at the picture below. Make up a story to go along with the
Translate the following into Hawaiian. picture . What are the names of the people? How are they related?
What do they say to each other?
1. Who's that? 6. Who is this child?
2. Who is th e teacher? 7. Who is Kawika?
3. Who are you? 8. Who's my friend?
4. Who is that man? 9. Who's your father?
5. Who is she? 10. Who are we (a ll )?
'0 wai keia makuahine? E ke kauka, aloha 'aui nala!
kana ka 'a? Healani
ka halekO 'ai? ka lawai 'a
kou hoahanau?
kela mokupuni?
ko'u* popoki?
ke kapena
ka papa
2. We have made up a story about two friends eating lunch
near the un1vers1ty.
.. ..
E Puamelia, wai kou hoaaloha? '0 wai 'o Ke'eaumoku ?
Ke kama'ilio nei 'o Lihau me kana hoaaloha. '0 Nai'a ka inoa o kona
ko'u* keiki Maile keia? hoaaloha. Aia 'o Lihau a me Nai'a i ka hale 'aina. Kokoke keia hale
ka makuakane kela kona kupunawahine? 'aina i ke kula nui. Nui na haumana e hele mai ana no ka 'aina
wau 'o ia? awakea.
ke kapena Keawe ke kauka?
keia wahine 'o Naihe? Lihau: E Nai'a, 'o wai ka inoa o kela wahine? He haumana 'o ia rna ke
AI on a
kula nui? Kama'aina 'oe ia ia?
For an extra challenge, listen to the tape without looking at the book. Nai' a: 'Ae. '0 Mama kana inoa. '0 ko 'u hoaaloha 'o ia. E Mama ,
Do you understand everything? Can you transcribe what you hear? aloha awakea!
Mama: Aloha no , e Nai'a. '0 wai ka inoa o kou hoaaloha?
Nai'a: '0 Lihau keia. E Lihau , 'o ko'u hoaaloha keia. '0 Mama kana
ina a.
Lihau: Aloha, e Mama. Pehea 'oe i keia awakea?
Mama: Maluhiluhi au, e Lihau. Nui kahana rna ke kula.
Lihau: 'Ae, pololei 'oe. Nui kahana.
Lihau is talking with her friend. Her friend 's name is Nai'a. Lihau
42 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 3 43
and Nai'a are at a restaurant. This restaurant is close to the universi- Do you remember the names in the story for Ni'ihau? for Kaua'i? See
ty. There are lots of students coming in for lunch. if you can fill in the blanks without looking back at the previous
Lihau: Nai'a, what's the name of that woman? Is she a student at the
university? Do you know her? '0 Ni 'iha u keia mokupuni. '0 ke kulanakauhale. He _ _ __
Nai'a: Yes. Her name is Mama. She's my friend. Mama, good noon ka waiho'olu 'u no . He lei kana lei . '0 ke ali'i
time! kaulana no . '0 ke kuahiwi nani.
Mama: Hello indeed, Nai'a. What's the name of your friend?
Nai'a: This is Lihau. Lihau, this is my friend. Her name is Mama. '0 Kaua'i keia mokupuni. '0 ke kulanakauhale. He _ _ __
Lihau: Hello , Mama. How are you this noon? ka waiho 'o lu ' u no . He lei kana lei. '0 ke ali'i
Mama: I'm tired, Lihau. There's a lot of work at school. kau lana no . '0 ke kuahiwi nani .
Lihau: Yes , you're right. Lots of work.
house named Washington Place. Washington Place is near 'Iolani HE AHA SENTENCE AND IDENTIFICATION
Palace. Honolulu is a large city and there are lots of cars going quick- PATIERN: WHAT'S THIS?
ly here and there. There are also lots of tourists from foreign lands
visiting the hotels in Waikiki.
d. Mele
a. Hakalama
Here is a well known song for O'ahu. This song speaks of Here is another variation of the Hakalama chart; as in Chap-
the beauty of the flowers of the 'ilima lei, the lei for O'ahu. ter Three, we are adding a second vowel to the basic sylla- ~
The word "pua" also implies the people of O'ahu , the well- ble, but now we change the second vowel. •· ·•
known "center of the islands."
Ha'e Ka'e La'e Ma'e Na'e Pa'e Wa'e 'A'e
He'a Ke'a Le'a Me'a Ne'a Pe'a We'a 'E'a
Na Pua ka 'Ilima, by Kau'i Zuttermeister Hi'e Ki'e Li'e Mi'e Ni'e Pi'e Wi'e 'l'e
Ho'a Ko'a Lo'a Mo'a No'a Po'a Wo'a 'O'a
Nani wale na pua lei ka 'ilima Hu'e Ku'e Lu'e Mu'e Nu'e Pu'e Wu 'e 'U'e
'0 ka u'i ho'oheno o Kakuhihewa
Read down each column: Ha'e He'a Hi'e Ho'a Hu'e. Read each line
Kulana hiehie me ka hanohano fro m right to left: 'A'e Wa'e Pa'e Na'e Ma'e and so forth. Make up
Ha'aheo i ka maka ke 'ike aku your own chart with kahak6 variations: Ha'e Ka'e La'e Ma'e or Ha'e
Ka'e La'e Ma'e. We've added only the letters e or a as the second let-
Ho'ohihi ka mana'o i laila ters in each line. Make up your own Hakalama variation by substitut-
Na pua lei 'ilima e kaulana nei ing i, o or u: Ho'i Ko'i Lo'i. What comes next?
Nouns Adjectives
F:.~.: lJ
'Ohu'ohu wale a ina malihini ke kinai ahi firefighter waiwai valuable, wealthy
Ka nani kaulana poina 'ole ke kauka doctor 'ilihune poor
ka haukapila hospital hilahila embarrassed, ashamed
Ha'ina 'ia mai ana ka puana ke keikikane son, boy ha'aheo proud
Na .pua lei 'ilima e kaulana nei ke kaikamahine daughter, girl pono righteous
ke kino body kupono appropriate, proper
ka pu'uwai heart u'i beautiful (people)
ke po'o head pa'akiki difficult, hard
ka maka eye, face ma'alahi easy
ka lima hand, arm pipi'i expensive
ka wawae foot, leg emi cheap
ke kua back 'eleu lively
ka waha mouth moloa lazy
ka 'opo stomach kolohe mischievous
ka lole clothes kapulu messy
ka papale hat ha'aha'a low, humble ____.
46 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 4 47
d. Dialogs
~;.~.: l)
ke kama'a shoe ki'eki'e high up, tall
ka makaaniani eyeglasses
ka uaki watch, clock
c. Useful Phrases
~ ~-~.: l)
He aha keia? What's this?
He pua keia. This is a flower.
The colors listed below are adjectives and should be on green flash- Keali'i talks with the boy.
cards. Boy: Keali'i, what's that?
Keali'i: That's a new hat.
'ele'ele black ke'oke'o white Boy: Is that an inexpensive hat?
'ula'ula red 'alani orange Keali'i: No. My new hat is expensive.
melemele yellow 'oma'oma'o green Boy: Is your new hat a lauhala hat?
ul iuli blue poni purple Keali'i: Yes, that's right. Weaving lauhala is a Hawaiian craft.
'aka Ia pink hinahina grey
48 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 4
He popoki keia.
This is a cat.
Look once more at the question in Hawaiian and English. Aha means
what. He means a/an. There is no verb "to be " in Hawaiian. There-
fore you are literally asking a what this? and your answer will always
have a or an in the English translation.
Self-Test 4-1
2 . Kama'ilio 'o Ku'uwehi me kana hoaaloha hou.
Kana hoaaloha: He aha kou makuahine? Using nouns from your vocabulary lists, make up questions and
Ku'uwehi: He Hawai'i ko'u makuahine. answers that identify the pictures below. Follow our example.
Kana hoaaloha: 'A'ole kela ka ninau. He aha kana* hana? e.g. picture of lei - He aha keia? - He lei keia.
Ku'uwehi: E kala mai. He kinai ahi ko'u makuahine.
Kana hoaaloha: He kanaka ikaika kou makuahine?
Ku'uwehi: '0! 'Ae. He kinai ahi ikaika ko'u makuahine.
a. He aha keia?
Our new sentence pattern is a most useful one since it asks What is
th~s? In the He aha keia pattern, the question word aha is replaced
With th e a n s w e r. He aha keia? asks for a common noun as the
He aha keia? Wh a t is thi s.
50 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 4
It is obvious that this new question pattern is an excellent one for 7. He kupunakane keia maka'i.
learning new nouns in yo ur vocabulary. There are also different 8. He 'ohana nui lakou.
kinds of questions we can ask with the He aha pattern, as we change 9. He 'aina ua 'o Manoa?
the Center. What are the different kinds of Center subjects we've 10. He makuahine 'o ia?
learned? How would we ask "What's that? "
The pattern for our new He plus noun sentence is to have he plus a
HEAD: A what CENTER : common noun in the Head section and the regular subject variations
He aha kela? (name announcer plus name, noun announcer plus noun, pronouns,
He aha ka maka'i? keia/kela) in the Center section. He is a noun announcer; no other
He aha 'o ia? noun announcer is needed in the Head.
He aha 'o Makanani?
HEAD: He plus noun CENTER:
Self-Test 4-2 He hale'aina keia hale.
This building is a restaurant.
Make up two He aha questions for each of the different types of Cen-
ter subjects: pronouns , noun announcer plus noun, name announcer He mokupuni 'o Nihoa.
plus name, keia/kela. Nihoa is an island.
Note that in asking questions with the he plus noun pattern, there is 9. What is your baby?
no change in the Hawaiian sentence except for punctuation. 10. My baby is a boy.
Self-Test 4-4
Pick ten nouns from your vocabulary flashcards. Make up c. Translation Tricks
\S)]J; five he plus noun sentences to say out loud. Use one noun
in the Center and one in the Head for each sentence.
Here are some tricks for translating from English sentences into
Hawaiian; these tricks will work for the he aha as well as descriptive
and other simple Hawaiian sentence patterns. They will not work for
Self-Test 4-5 most questions, since questions usually have their own special pat-
Test a partner: Hold up any two noun cards and have your terns. Using nouns from your vocabulary lists, write out five English
\S)]J; partner create as many different He aha questions as she
can using these two nouns. Have her answer the questions.
sentences following this pattern:
Self-Test 4-6 2.We have made up a story about Kemomi and her Tutu, who are
picking limu at the beach.
~ Using different noun flashcards, make up several more He
~ plus noun sentences to say out loud. Translate into English. Aia 'o Kemomi a me kona kupunawahine i kahakai. Ke 'ohi nei 'o
Tutu i ka limu. Kokua 'o Kemomi.
III. ORAL REVIEW AND PRACTICE - DRILLS, DIALOGS, STORIES Kemomi: E Tutu, he aha keia? He limu keia?
Tutu: He limu keia, e Kemomi. 'A'ole na'e keia he limu maika'i.
F:.~.: 1) a. Substitution Drills
Kemomi: He aha ka limu maika'i?
Tutu: He limu maika'i ka limu Wawae'iole.
He haumana 'o Ke'alohi. He kinai ahi ko'u hoahanau. Kemomi: He aha ke 'ano o ka limu Wawae'iole, e Tutu?
Kepanl lawai'a wau. Tutu: Manoanoa ka limu Wawae'iole. E nana mai i keia Wawae'iole.
kupunakane mahi'ai kela makuahine. Ua like ka limu me ka wawae o ka 'iole.
inoa kupunawahine 'o Namanu. Kemomi: Aue! Ua akamai ka po'e kahiko. He inoa maika'i kela.
aha ? kahunapule ke kane.
kanaka pua'a 'o ia. Kemomi and her grandmother are at the beach. Tutu is gathering sea-
weed. Kemomi helps.
He aha kou* hana? He puke Hawai'i kona* puke?
ha'awina keia pepa? Ford kahiko kona kalaka? Kemomi: Tutu, what is this? Is this seaweed?
mokupuni 'o Kaho'olawe. kalakoa kolohe ka p6poki? Tutu: This is seaweed, Kemomi. However, it's not a good seaweed.
mau ali'i kakou. lei po'o 'a' ala keia lei? Kemomi: What is good seaweed?
mea kanu ka maile. nai'a 'eleu kela i'a? Tutu: Wawae'iole (Rat's foot) seaweed is a good seaweed.
Kemomi: What kind of seaweed is the Wawae'iole, Tutu?
Tutu: Wawae'iole seaweed is thick. Look at this Wawae'iole. The sea
b. Picture Practice weed is like the foot of the rat.
1. Look at the picture below. Make up a story to go along with the Kemomi: Wow! The people of old were clever! That's a good name.
picture. What are the names of the people? How are they related?
What do they say to each other?
56 Learn Hawaiian at Horne Chapter 4 57
The little island of Moloka'i was well known in the olden days for
spiritual power. In times of war, Moloka'i was guarded by the kahu-
na , not b y soldiers. The prayers of kahuna like Lanikaula were
strong. Lanikaula was a kind of kahuna; he was a prophet. His kukui
grove is at Kalama'ula. The kukui is a symbol of wisdom. Great was
the wisdom and spiritual power of the kahuna of Moloka'i. A wise
saying is said about Moloka ' i, that is , " Moloka'i of the mature
Can you remember the names, color and lei for O'ahu? Fill in the
blanks; then read your story out loud. If you've forgotten any
answers, instead of looking back to Chapter Three, find the O'ahu
story on the tape. Try to write down the Hawaiian words from listen-
ing only.
b. Vocabulary
Make flashcards to help yourself learn the words. Use a
new color index card for verbs: we 've chosen to use yellow.
Nouns Verbs
ke kama'aina local person hele mai to come
ka malihini newcomer, guest hele to go
ka 'aumakua guardian spirit han a to work
ka mo'opunakane grandson pa'ani to play
ka mo'opunawahine granddaughter ninau to question
ka ho'ike show, display pane to answer
ke kelepona telephone 'ai to eat
ka makana gift inu to drink
ka Ia hanau birthday 'olelo to speak
ka pa'ina party ho'ike to show
ke kala money noho to sit, stay someplace
ke kumuku'ai price ko to stand
ka haleku'ai store alaka'i to lead
ke kikowaenaku'ai shopping ce nter maka'ika'i to sightsee
ka hokele hotel 'ike to see
60 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 5 61
d. Dialogs
ka lumi room ha'awi to give
ke kahakai beach kO'ai mai to buy
ke one sand kO'ai aku to sell
c. Useful Phrases
F;.~.: lJ
i ka halekO'ai pipi'i at the expensive store
ike kikowaenakO'ai 'o Ala Moana at Ala Moana shopping center 1. Kama'ilio 'o K6nane me Nohea.
i kona kula at his school , in his school Konane: Aloha ahiahi, e Nohea. Hana 'oe i keia haleku'ai?
i ka hokele kaulana at the famous hotel, in the famous hotel Nohea: Aloha, e K6nane. 'Ae, hana wau ike kikowaenaku'ai 'o Ala
Moana. Hele mai ka po'e maka'ika'i i keia haleku'ai. Ku'ai lakou i ka
'Oielo kona kupunawahine. mu'umu'u a me ka palule aloha.
Her grandmother speaks. Konane: 'Ae. He halekii'ai kaulana keia. Ua lawe mai wau i ko'u
'Oielo kona kupunawahine i ka 'olelo Hawai'i. malihini. Ke kii'ai mai nei 'o ia i ka mu'umu'u hou.
Her grandmother speaks Hawaiian. Nohea: Maika'i. He kii'aiemi keia.
KO'ai mai 'o Lei i ka makana.
Lei buys the gift. Konane talks with Nohea.
KO'ai mai 'o Lei i ka makana i ke kikowaenakO'ai 'o Ala Moana. K6nane: Good evening, Nohea. Do you work in this store?
Lei buys the gift at Ala Moana shopping center. Nohea: Hello, Konane. Yes, I work at Ala Moana shopping center.
Pa'ani ka malihini. Tourists come to this store. They buy mu'umu'us and aloha shirts.
The newcomer plays. K6nane. Yes. This is a famous store. I brought my guest. She's buying
Pa'ani ka malihini i ke one. a new mu'umu'u.
The newcomer plays in the sand. Nohea: Good. This is a sale.
. ~
~-....~· ~r
.... .
*:A( ~t )-
. ·- ",
. • .· .1! ., 0
-?~ .· .
.-·.· ~
-. -· ..
Nana ke kane.
Hana 'oe.
The man looks.
You work.
Translate the following into Hawaiian.
two sections at this point. Now we will add the third section to our 7. His cousin sings that song. Himeni kona hoahanau _ _ _ _ .
Hawaiian sentence, the Tail or object section. Look at the English 8. I drink this water. lnu wau
sentences in Homework 5-6 and add more information to each. What 9. Winona lives on this island. Noho 'o Winona _ _ _ _ __
kind of information did y ou add? 10. My boy plays at the party. Pa 'ani ko' u* keikikane _ _ _ _ .
They are sightseeing on the Big Island. This boy is eating their goldfish. She
will read the newspaper. My friend sits at the post office . Homework 5-9
The Tail section of a Hawaiian sentence adds prepositional phrases Draw a circle around the Center in the Hawaiian sentences above.
or objects that complete the meaning. Every Hawaiian sentence must Underline the Head. Draw a line through the Tail. Now color the
have a Head and a Center section; the Tail section is required in Center orange, the Head yellow, the Tail brown.
only some sentences. Since not all sentences require a Tail section, it
has a special attachment device. The sentence Tail section begins
with i. You are familiar with name announcers and noun announc- Homework 5-10
ers; y ou may think of i as the Tail announcer if you wish. I means in,
on, to, at; it appears at the beginning of every Tail section in our Translate the following into Hawaiian. Remember that the ~
book. There are other kinds of Tail announcers, which you will learn Tail announcer is always needed, even though it may not t:.4
later. Like name and noun announcers, our Tail announcer is an be indicated by the English sentence.
essential part of the sentence , even when we don't translate it into
English. 1. This lady works at the store.
2. Konane sees the mountain.
How do we create a Tail section? For now, we will limit ourselves to 3. The captain sings on the ship.
using only the Tail announcer followed by a noun annoucer plus 4. She drinks in the afternoon .
noun combination. 5. Do you take a bath on Saturday?
1. You work at the hospital. Hana 'oe _ _ _ _ _ . E noho ana 'o ia kela hokele kahiko Honoka'a.
2. Kanani sits at the shopping center. Noho 'o Kanani _ _ _ _ _ . Pa 'ani kona lumimoe ka hale.
3. The man looks at his hand. Nana ke kane _ _ _ _ _ _ . Ke mana 'o nei kahana keia 'auinala.
4. She eats the poi. 'Ai 'o ia _ _ _ _ __ Ua heluhelu ka nupepa ke kakahiaka.
5. That girl prays in the morning. Pule kela kaikamahine _ _ __ lnu ke kope ke ahiahi.
6. Keola runs to the hotel. Holo 'o Keola - - - - - · E'a i ana ka 'i'o pipi 'ono keia Ia .
68 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 5 69
F:.~: 1)
2.We've made up a story about Lehua and his father at the
Aia 'o Lehua a me kona makuakane i ka makeke i'a kaulana 'o Suisan
i Hila. Ke ku'ai nei na lawai'a i na 'ano i'a like 'ole o ke kai: 'o ke aku,
'o ke ahi, 'o ka '6pelu a pela aku. ~
Papa: E Lehua, e nana ina i'a!
Lehua: H6 ka nui o na i'a! He aha ke 'ano o kela i'a 'ula'ula, e Papa?
Papa: He 'aweoweo kela, a he i'a 'ono loa! This island is Lana'i. Lana'i City is the town. The color of Lana'i
Lehua: Ke ku'ai nei ka lawai'a i ka 'aweoweo i keia makeke i'a? is orange. Its lei is the beach kauna'oa lei. The famous chief of Lana'i is
Papa: 'Ae. Ke kakau nei 'o ia ike kumuku'ai i ka pepa. Ua 'ike 'oe? Kaulula'au. The beautiful mountain is Lana'ihale.
Lehua: 'Ae. E 'ai ana kakou i kela i'a 'ono i keia ahiahi, 'a'ole anei?
'0 Kaho'olawe keia mokupuni. 'A'ohe kulanakauhale o Kaho 'olawe.
Lehua and his father are at the well-known fishmarket, Suisan, in He 'ahinahina ka waiho'olu'u no Kaho'olawe. He lei hinahina ku
Hilo. The fishermen are selling various kinds of fish of the sea: aku, kahakai kona lei. 'A'ohe ali'i kaulana no Kaho'olawe. '0 Luamakika ke
ahi, '6pelu and so on. kuahi wi nani.
Can you remember the names, color and lei for Moloka'i? Fill in the On one side of Lana'i is a small island with steep cliffs. This rocky
blanks; then read your story out loud. If you 've forgott en an y island is called Pu'upehe. It has a very sad story. A warrior chief
answers, instead of looking back to Chapter Four, find the Moloka'i from Maui loved a woman from Lana'i. Makakehau was the name of
story on the tape. Try to write down the Hawaiian words from listen- the warrior chief. Pu'upehe was the name of the woman. Makakehau
ing only. and Pu'upehe lived in a beach cave on Lana'i. One day, a storm came
up; the wind roared and the ocean waves were very large. A large
'0 Moloka' i keia mokupuni . '0 _ _ __ ke kol anakauhale. He wave broke and entered the cave. Pu'upehe drowned . Makakehau
____ ka wa iho'olu 'u no . He lei kona lei. '0 carried her body up the steep cliffs of the island. There he buried the
____ ke ali'i kaul ana no . '0 ke kuahi w i nani. body of his beloved. Afterwards , Makakehau jumped into the ocean
and died. Whenever you visit Lana 'i, go and look at Pu'upehe 's
As a further listening challenge, we offer a more difficult story about grave. A grave can be seen on top of the cliffs of Pu'upehe today.
Lana'i and Kaho'olawe. Listen along with the tap e.
'0 Kohemalamalamaokanaloa ka inoa kahiko o Kaho'olawe. He akua
Aia rna kekahi 'ao'ao o Lana'i he mokupuni pali li'ili'i. Ua kapa 'ia ' o Kanaloa no ka po'e kahiko. Aia rna Kaho'olawe ka lae 'o
keia mokupuni pohaku 'o Pu'upehe. He mo'olelo kaumaha loa kona. Kealaikahiki. Ua ha'alele na wa'a o ka po'e kahiko ia Hawai'i nei i ka
Ua aloha kekahi ali 'i koa no Maui i kekahi wahine no Lana'i. '0 hahai 'ana i keia lae.
Makakehau ka inoa o ke ali'i koa. '0 Pu'upehe ka inoa o ka wahine.
Ua noho 'o Makakehau a me Pu'upehe rna kekahi ana kahakai rna The ancient name for Kaho 'olawe is Kohemalamalamaokanaloa.
Lana'i. Ma kekahi la, ua hele mai ka po'ino; ua hao mai ka makani a Kanaloa is a god of the ancient people. The point called Kealaikahiki
ua nui no na nalu kai. Ua po'i mai kekahi nalu nui a ua komo i loko o (the way to Kahiki) is on Kaho'olawe. The canoes of the ancient peo-
ke ana kahakai. Ua piholo 'o Pu'upehe a make loa. Ua hapai ' o ple left Hawai'i by following this point.
Makakehau i kana kino i ka mokupuni pali ki'eki'e. Ma laila 'o ia i
kanu ai i ke kino o kana wahine aloha. Ma hope, ua lele 'o
Makakehau ike kai a ua make. Ke kipa aku 'oe i Lana'i, e hele e nana
i ko Pu'upehe he. Hiki ke 'ike 'ia ka he rna luna o ka pali 'o Pu'upehe
i keia mau la.
72 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 5 73
d. Mele This song was written in support of young Hawaiians who opposed
the military's use of Kaho'olawe for bombing target practice and who
went to the uninhabited island to reclaim it. The last line of the song
This song mentions several important places on Lana'i,
such as Maunalei, Polihua, Lana'ihale , and Kaunolu. It urges Hawaiians to move forward until there is victory for
speaks of the island as a peaceful place, "like a bird soaring Kaho'olawe. After many years of protest, the bombing of Kaho'olawe
on the crest of the waves." has recently stopped.
b. Vocabulary
Nouns Verbs
f;.~.: 1J
ke kahuna expert, priest pule to pray
ka mana spiritual power kokua to help
ke kahunapule minister 'au'au to bathe, swim
ka halepule church halo to run
ka pule prayer, week mana'o to think
ka mahina moon, month hanau to give birth
ka makahiki year hoe to paddle
ke ola life he'enalu to surf
ka make death rna lama to take care of
ka pilikia problem ho'oponopono to fix, repair
ka p6 night, darkness lele to jump
ke ao daytime, cloud ho'i to return, go back
ka holoholona animal ho'i mai to come back
ka popoki cat komo to enter
ka 'ilia dog wehe to open
ka wa'a canoe pani to close
ka hoe paddle honi to kiss, smell
ka papa he'enalu surfboard ho'olohe to Iis ten
76 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 6 77
c. Useful Phrases
1. Kama'ilio 'o Leialoha me Mahina.
d. Dialogs
We can see from these examples that while English nouns change their
form to make a plural, Hawaiian nouns do not. To pluralize a Hawaiian Homework 6-1
noun, we change the form of the noun announcer. Both ke and ka
change to na as their plural form. Add nouns to the following plural noun announcers. Translate into Eng-
Self-Test 6-1
1. na _ _ _ _ __ 3. keia mau _ _ __ 5. kela mau _ _ __
Choose any five nouns from your orange noun flashcards. Say 2. kona mau _ __ 4. ko'u mau _ _ __ 6. kou mau _ _ __
the correct singular form of the noun announcer the that goes
with each Hawaiian noun; then pluralize that noun. What is ** Although keia or kela may stand alone in the Center, keia mau or kela
the English translation? Only ke and ka change to na to form the plural. mau must always be followed by a noun.
All other noun announcers simply squeeze in the word mau between the
noun announcer and noun. Look at the following examples.
Homework 6-2 The Aia locational sentence is easy to put together, because the Head is
always Aia. This word gives the idea of something being located some-
~ Matching. Write the number of the Hawaiian phrase next to its place. It is not usually translated into English, although its meaning is
~ English translation. present in the English sentence. Aia sentences can also be used to tell
when something is. This new pattern is also the first we've learned that
1. keia mau palule aloha _the lanterns always requires a Tail section. That's because the Tail of an Aia loca-
2. na pakaukau _his parents tional sentence holds the key information: when or where something or
3. ko'u mau hoahanau _these aloha shirts someone is.
4. kela mau pahi _your guava trees
5. na kukuihelepo _the post offices Th e cat is in the hospital. I am at work. Heanu is on the chair.
6. kana mau makua _ those Iittle fishes
7. keia mau pOpO _those knives Homework 6-4
8. kou * mau kumukuawa _the tables
9. na haleleka _my cousins Finish the following Aia locational sentences by adding a Tail section.
10. kela mau i'a li'ili'i _these shells Don 't forget to start with the tail announcer.
2. ka holoholona 7. kana * kala
3. kou * hoe 8. ka 'Ilia Homework 6-5
4. kela papa he'enalu 9. ko'u Ia hanau
5. ke kahunapule 10. ke kama'aina Matching. Write the number of the Hawaiian sentence next to the cor-
rect translation.
b. Aia Locational Pattern
Our new Aia locational sentence pattern tells where someone or some- 1. Aia keia keiki i ke kahua pa 'ani. _No. The car is on the street.
thing is. 2. Ai a 'o ia i kana halekO'ai. _ Where's my comb?
3. Aia 'o Momi i 'ane'i. _Yes . He's at work .
Aia ka popoki i ka haukapila. The cat is in the hospital. 4 . Aia ka halawai i ka hola 'eono. _This child is on the.playground .
Aia wau i ka hana. I'm at work. 5. Aia ke ka 'a i ka haleka 'a? Is Palani at work?
Aia 'o Heanu i ka noho. Heanu is in the chair. 6. 'A'ole. Aia ke ka'a i ke alanui. She's at her store.
7. Aia i hea ko'u* kahi? _The meeting is at si x o'clock.
Let's divide these sentences into three sections. There should be only 8. Aia kou * kahi i ka pakaukau. Momi 's here.
one word in the Head. What is it? 9. Aia 'o Palani i ka hana? _Is the car in the garage?
10. 'Ae. Aia 'o ia i kahana. _Your comb is on the table.
Head: Aia Center Tail: i +noun announcer+ noun
Aia ka popoki i ka haukapila
Aia wau i ka hana
Aia 'o Heanu i ka noho
82 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 6 83
Aia i hea 'oe?
Translate the following sentences into Hawaiian. Aia wau i ke kikowaenaku'ai .
1. His son is at school. 6. You are in my house! Aia i hea kela puke?
2. Kanoni is in her bedroom . 7. Is the class this evening? Aia kela puke i ka lumimoe.
3. That plumeria is in my lei. 8. No. The class is this noon time.
4. Is that plumeria in my lei? 9. Hulali is at the post office. Aia i hea 'o Pohukaina?
5. The test is at church. 10. This cat is on your leg. Aia 'o Pohukaina i Kaka 'a ko .
c. Asking Questions with the Aia Locational Pattern Aia i hea ka lu 'au?
Look over the sentences above and think about how to ask questions Aia ka lu'au i ka halepul e.
with the Aia locational sentences. As with many Hawaiian sentence
patterns , we can simply keep the same word order, but change our voice Notice that where questions have only Head and Center sections, while
intonation to ask a question. However, with the Aia locational pattern, their answers require a Tail section. The Tail contains the essential
adding a question mark to the end of a statement indicates that we are information, telling us where the Center subject is.
guessing where someone or something is. Is the car in the garage? Is
Palani at work? To ask directly where someone or something is, we use III. ORAL REVIEW AND PRACTICE - DRILLS, DIALOGS, STORIES
the question phrase Aia i hea.
Now make up answers to these questions. How many sections will your
answers have? \!Vhat goes in the Head section of your answer? Aia indi-
cates location; i hea adds the question word where. Therefore , when we
answer the question, we drop the i hea (where) and only Aia remains in
the Head.
84 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 6 85
b. Picture Practice Mommy: These are puakenikeni trees , daughter. The puakenikeni is a
1. Look at the picture below. Make up a story to go along with the pic- sweet-smelling flower. I will plant these puakenikeni trees today.
ture. What are the names of the people? How are they related? What do Lahela: Good! I really like puakenikeni.
they say to each other?
F~-~.: lJ
c. Listen and Learn
Aia na makua o Lahela i ka mala pua rna uka o ka hale. Ke 'eli nei ka
makuakane i ka lepo. E kanu ana ka makuahine ina kumupuakenikeni.
Papa: E Lahela, e ha'awi mai ike kopala, ke 'olu'olu. This island is Maui. Wailuku is the town. The color of Maui is pink. Its
Lahela: Aia i hea ke kopala, e Papa? lei is the lokelani lei. The famous chief of Maui is Pi'ilani. The beautiful
Papa: Aia ke kopala i ko 'u kalaka. 'Ike 'oe? mountain is Haleakala.
Lahela: 'Ae. Ei'a, e Papa. He aha ke 'ano o keia mau kumu , e Mama?
Mama: He mau kumupuakenikeni keia , eke kaikamahine. He pua 'a'ala Can you remember the names, color and lei for Lana'i? for Kaho'olawe?
ka puakenikeni. E kanu ana au i keia mau kumupuakenikeni i keia la. Fill in the blanks; then read your story out loud. If you've forgotten any
Lahela: Maika'i! Nui ko 'u makemake i ka puakenikeni. answers , instead of looking back to Chapter Five, find the Lana'i and
Kaho'olawe stories on the tape. Try to write down the Hawaiian words
Lahela 's parents are in the flower garden upland of the house. The father from listening only.
is digging in the dirt. The mother is going to plant puake'nikeni trees.
'0 Lana'i keia mokupuni. '0 ke kulanakauhale. He
Daddy: Lahela, give me the shovel, please. ka waiho'olu'u no . He lei kana lei. '0 __k_e_a-li-'i
Lahela: \!\There 's the shovel, Daddy? kau lana no . '0 ke kuahiwi nani.
Daddy: The shovel 's in my truck. Do you see it?
Lahela: Yes. Here, Daddy. What kind oftrees are these, Mommy?
86 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 6 87
'0 Kaho'olawe keia mokupuni. ' A'ohe kulanakauhale o Kaho 'olawe.He
d. Mele
____ ka waiho'olu'u no . He lei kana lei. 'A'ohe ali ' i
This lively song speaks of the beauty of Haleakala, which
kaulana no . '0 ke kuahiwi nani.
dominates East Maui. It mentions the "upcountry" town
of Makawao on the slopes of the mountain and the chilly
~ As a further listening challenge, we offer a more complicated 'ukiu wind and rain of that area.
t:ri:J story about Maui. Listen to the tape and read along.
He mokupuni nani loa 'o Maui. Nui na kuahiwi a nui no ho'i na awawa o Haleakala (composer unknown)
Maui. No laila, ua kapa 'ia 'o Maui ka mokupuni o na awawa. Aia rna
Hana ka heiau nui loa o Hawai'i nei. He kanaha a 'oi kapua'i ke ki'eki'e o Kuahiwi nani 'oe Haleakala
na paia o kela heiau, 'o Pi'ilanihale. '0 Pi'ilani ke ali'i kaulana o Maui. Kaulana ho'i 'oe ku kilakila
Nana i alaka'i i ke kiikulu 'ana i ka heiau. Nana no ho'i i kauoha i ke
kiikulu 'ana ike alanui kahiko i hele a puni 'o Maui. Hiki ke 'ike 'ia kela '0 Makawao ia ua kaulana
alanui kahiko i keia la. E ka 'ohi e ka iho o ka la'au
Maui is a very beautiful island. Maui has many mountains and also He 'iikiu e ka ua o ka 'aina
many valleys. Therefore , Maui is called the Valley Isle. The biggest heiau Me ka makani aheahe 'olu'olu
here in Hawai'i is in Hana. The walls of that heiau, Pi'ilanihale, are forty
feet or more high. Pi'ilani is the famous chief of Maui. He was the one Puana ka inoa a i lohe 'ia
who directed the building of the heiau. He also ordered the building of Kuahiwi nani 'oe Haleakala.
the ancient road around Maui. This old road can be seen today.
Chapter Seven
a. Hakalama Here is our last variation on the Hakalama
ch art. It is another variation on the combination of two vow-
b. Vocabulary
Nouns Verbs
ke kukui light, lamp helu to count
ka uila electricity heluhelu to read
ke kiwi television kakau to write
ka lekio radio kali to wait
ka noho chair mahi'ai to farm
ka pakaukau table lawai'a to fish
ka 'aina meal nan a to watch, look
ka hale 'aina restaurant hapai to lift up, carry
ke kuene waiter/waitress ue to cry
ka mea 'ai food lawe mai to bring
ka mea inu drink lawe aku to take
ka wai water 'aihue to steal
ka 'opala garbage hanai to raise, feed
ke ka'a car 'aka'aka to laugh
ke alanui street holoi to wash
ka mokulele plane kama'ilio to converse
ke kikiki ticket hiamoe to sleep
ke kahua mokulele airport ala to wake up
Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 7 91
'ekahi one ka po'akahi Monday
'elua two ka po'alua Tuesday
'ekolu three ka po'akolu Wednesday
'eha four ka pa'aha Thursday
'eli rna five ka po'alima Frid ay
'eono six ka po'aono Saturday
'ehiku seven ka lapule Sunday
'ewalu eight i ka pa'aha on Thursd ay
'eiwa nine i ka p6'akahi on Monday
'umi ten i ka lapule on Sunday
1. '0 M aile kou maku ahine. Th at radio is his radio . Pick any five yellow verb flashcards and command some- ~
2. '0 keia hal e 'a ina 'o ka Willows. Pearl Harbor is Pu ' uloa.* one to do , then not to do that action. ~
3. '0 kela mea he'enalu ka mea aka mai. _ Thi s is th e comfo rtabl e chai r.
4. '0 ka wai 'a lani ka mea inu ? _ Hi s work is fa rmin g. As in English commands, the subject of Hawaiian commands is
5. '0 keia 'uala kana * 'a ina awakea. _The Willows is thi s restaurant. understood to be the pronoun you. Simple commands are just Heads.
6. '0 ka noho 'o lu 'o lu keia. _ Th e smart one is that surfe r.
7. '0 Beretani a ke alanui kaulana. Your mother is Maile. Head: do/don't plus verb
8. '0 kona* leki o kela leki o. _ Her lun ch is thi s sweet potato.
9. '0 Pu 'ul oa 'o Pea rl Harbor. _ Is the drink orange jui ce? E inu! Drink!
10. '0 ka mahi 'a i kon a* hana. _The famous street is Beretania. Mai nana! Don 't look!
E 'olelo! Speak!
* Pu'uloa is the Hawaiian name for Pearl Harbor. Mai 'aihue! Don 't steal!
Homework 7-2
a. Translate the following sentence with the '0 identifica-
tion pattern.
1. Th at wo man is th e teacher.
2. Thi s is you r job.
3. I am th e newcomer.
4. Na' ala is that strong ca ptain.
96 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 7 97
Below are several incomplete sentences. Make up at least two Tail Tail
sections to add to each. Translate the completed sentence into Eng- 1. What is the function of the Tail section and why is it important?
lish. Remember to announce each Tail! 2. What is a Tail announcer? How is it used?
3. How is a Tail section formed?
1. Aia ko'u kupunawahine ...
2. Ua hele kakou ...
98 Learn Hawaiian at Home Chapter 7 99
Use the following questions as a guide to your own review of the sen-
tence patterns you've learned.
a. Substitution Drills F:.~.: l)
The descriptive sentence '0 keia lei Quakenikeni kona lei. '0 ko 'u hoaaloha 'o ia.
1.What kind of word goes in the descriptive sentence Head? keia ka laiki. ke kane 'o Make.
2. What type of information does this sentence pattern give us? ka mahimahi kela i'a. ke kahunapule ko'u *keikikane.
3. Using your green flashcards, make up three descriptive sentences. ke kupuna 'o 'Uiulani. kela ka wahine nani.
kan a wa'a keia wa'a. kou halekula keia?
The He aha sentence ko 'u* mo'opuna keia. ke ali 'i 'oe.
1. How does the He plus noun pattern relate to its English
2. What is the English clue that tells us to use the He aha pattern?
3. Using your orange flashcards, make up three he aha keia ques-
tions; then answer your questions. Mai hanai 'oe i ka QOQOki ! E halo 'oukou!
hapai ka pepe! hlmeni
The Action sentence pattern 'o lelo ka 'olelo Haole! hula
1. What goes in the Head of an action sentence? kakau ka paia. nana mai
2. What are the Hawaiian tense markers and what section are they in? lele ka moe! pule
3. How many sections are possible in an Action sentence? 'a u keia kahakai! pa'ani
The policeman caught a man in a store las t night. The poli ceman
thinks the man has stolen money.
<;) it as you listen along with the tape several times; then read ( o-=-o)
it out loud. How fluent do you sound? •· ·•
mo kupuni. Ma na mo'olelo ho'okumu honua o ke au kahiko, ' o
Hawai'i ka hiapo o na mokupuni. '0 Wakea ka makuakane o Hawai'i
mokupuni. '0 Papahanaumoku ka makuahine o Hawai'i mokupuni.
Mana'o ka po'e 'epekema, 'o Hawai'i ka mokupuni 'opiopio o ka pae
'ai na. Wahi a lakou , 'o Kaua'i ka mokupuni kahiko loa o ka pae 'aina.
Pololei paha na mana'o 'elua.
Hawai'i island is the "Big Island," because that island is indeed big.
In the creation chants of ancient days , Hawai'i is the first born of the
islands. Wakea is the father of Hawai'i island. Papahanaumoku is the
This island is Hawai'i. Hila is the town. The color of Hawai'i is red. mother of Hawai'i island. Scientists think Hawai'i is the youngest
Its lei is the lehua lei. The famous chief of Hawai'i is Keawe. The island of the chain. According to them, Kaua'i is the oldest island of
beautiful mountain is Mauna Kea. the chain. Maybe both ideas are right.
Can you remember the names, color and lei for Maui? Fill in the
blanks; then read your story out loud. If you've forgotten any
answers, instead of looking back to Chapter Six, find the Maui story
d. Mele
F:.~.: 1J
on the tape. Try to write down the Hawaiian words from listening This song travels around the island of Hawai'i mentioning names of
only. traditional districts of land, such as Puna, Ka'u, and Kohala, and the
famo us sayings that often tell the names of the rain, wind or sea of
'0 Maui keia mokupuni. '0 ke kolanakauhale. He ka those places.
waiho 'olu 'u no . He lei _ _ _ kona lei . '0 ke ali'i
kaulana no . '0 ke kuahiwi. Hilo Hanakahi (composer unknown)
Aloha hou mai! Pehea ka 'ai 'ana? Ua ma'ona? Hello again! How
was the Hawaiian "meal" you just finished? Are you full of Hawaiian
or did you just have a "light snack"? Do you realize that the five basic
sentence patterns we have taught you are the basic patterns used in
most spoken Hawaiian? If you know how to use '0 identification ,
Aia, He pattern, Action and Description sentences, you should be
able to carry on a simple Hawaiian conversation and continue to
speak to people as you learn new words.
Children's books with tapes that are also fun for adults: How to purchase these and other Hawaiian language books by mail:
1. Let's Learn the Hawaiian Alphabet, by Patricia Anderson Murray, The Bess Press (Bess Press titles only)
Island Heritage, Honolulu, 1987, and P. 0. Box 22388
Honolulu, HI 96823
2. Let's Learn to Count in Hawaiian, by Keiki Chang Kawai'ae'a,
Island Heritage, Honolulu , 1988. Two fun books teach children the Native Books (all titles)
alphabet and counting to ten. P. 0. Box 37095
Honolulu, HI 9683 7
3. Pai Ka Leo, by 'Aha Punana Leo, The Bess Press, Honolulu, 1989.
Words and music for songs sung by the children at the Punana Leo
Hawaiian language immersion preschool.
He Hawai 'i Au, by 'Aha Punana Leo, The Bess Press, Honolulu, 1989.
He Mala 'ai Ka 'u, by 'Aha Punana Leo, The Bess Press , Honolulu,
'0 Maile , Ka Pua 'a, by 'Aha Punana Leo , The Bess Press , Honolulu,
Fill in the blanks with the correct noun announcer. Chapter Two
1. hi s student kona* haumana
Homework 2-3 (p.22)
2. your fri end kou hoaaloha
3. th at mother kela makuahine
Here are words that would like to become Center subjects. However,
4 . thi s store keia halekO 'ai
each is incomplete and can't be used as a Center. Complete them so
5. my love ko'u aloha
that they can be used. What did you add?
6. thi s wo man keia wahine
7. her building kona hale
1.'o Moloka'i 7. 'o La'ie
8. that 'opihi kela 'opihi
2. ke kaikamahine 8. ke kumu
9. hi s father kona makuakane
3. keia kane 9. ka imu
10. your grandpare nt kou kupun a
4.'o Naihe 10. 'o Wail au
5. ka halekO 'a i 11. ke aloha
Homework 1-4 (p.10) 6. kona hoaaloha 12 . ko'u kupunawahine
Translate the following phrases into Hawaiian. Name announcers were added before names. Noun announcers were
1. th at schoo l kela kula
added before nouns. Any noun announcer is correct.
2. my chu rc h ko ' u halepule
3. thi s store keia halekO 'ai
Homework 2-4 (p.23)
4. her love kan a aloha
5. you r husba nd kou * kane
1. Lana'i is a name and requires a name a nnounc e r (~) before it.
6. the imu ka imu
3. Hale is a noun and requires a noun announcer, such as ka or kela before it.
7. your teacher kou * kumu
5. See #1.
8. that student ke la haum ana
6. Wrong noun announcer. It should be ka wahine.
9. hi s hat kana papa le
10. See #3 .
10 . the house ka hale
12. See #1.
Learn Hawaiian at Home Answer Key 113
Now divide the Hawaiian sentences into sections. Circle the Center
Self-Test 2-3 (p.23)
subject and underline the Head.
Nani nt(i{LHana)
Li'ili'(keia halekO ' ai)
Maluhiluhi no (kela mahi 'ai.)
,==c-~----... Hau'oli 'o Leina'ala.
'Oiu'oll(kou halekula~ Maika'i 'oe?
Wela n§}eia Ia)
lkaika ko ' u makuahine.
Kaumaha no ke kamana.
Self-Test 2-4 (p.23)
Li ' ili ' i 'o 'Anake Lehua.
Ma ' i no wau.
1 ~(a place name) is cold.
Kahiko no kou hal e.
2(Your grandmothei) is @il.
Kaulana kona kula.
3(This islandl is IlliillY· Akamai kela haumana?
S(The chieD is smart.
Homework 2-7 (p.25)
Homework 2-6 (p.25) What do these questions and answers say? Circle the descriptive word. Draw
a line between the Head and Center.
Matching. Write the number of the English sentence next to the cor-
rect translation. 1 ( Kaulana~ 'o Kaha ' i? S(Ma '~ ko ' u makuakane?
8. Maluhiluhi no kela mahi 'ai. Is Kaha' i famous? Is my father sick?
1. My mother is strong.
4. Hau 'oli 'o Leina 'ala. 2. 'Ae, (Kaulana~ 'o ia. 6. 'A'ole.(Maluhiluh~ kou makuakan e.
2. Aunty Lehua is little.
Yes, he is famous. No. Your father is tired.
3. The carpenter is really sad. 9. Maika'i 'oe?
1. lkaika ko'u makuahine . 3 .~ kona hoaaloha ? 7 (Maluhiluh~ 'oe?
4. Leina 'ala is happy.
3. Kaumaha no ke kamana. Is her friend famous? Are you tired?
5. Your house is indeed old
2. Li ' ili'i 'o 'Anake Lehua. 4. 'Ae, ~ noikona hoaaloha . 8. ' A ' ole(Maika '~ au.
6. Is that student smart?
Yes. Her friend is very famou s. No. I' m fine .
7. Her school is famous . 10. Ma ' i no wau.
8. Th at farm er is ve ry tired. 5. Kahiko no kou hale.
7. Kaulana kona kula.
Homework 2-8 (p.25)
9. Are you well?
10. I' m reall y si ck. 6. Akamai kela haumana?
Translate the following into Hawaiian.
Fill in the blank using e or 'o. Decide whether you are talking to or Translate the following into Hawaiian.
about the person. Then, translate into English.
1. How is Maui, Kainoa? Pehea 'o Maui, e Kainoa?
1 Leialoha, aloha awakea kaua! 2. Maui is pretty, my friend. Nani 'o Maui , e ko'u hoaaloha.
Aloha kaua, ~ ke kaikamahine. Pehea _Q Nainoa? 3. Grandmother, is Leilehua sick? Eke kupunawahine, ma ' i 'o Leilehua?
Maluhiluhi .Q Nainoa, ~ Leialoha. 4. Yes, Makana. Leilehua is sick . 'Ae, e Makana . Ma'i 'o Leilehua.
Aue! 1 ke kaikamahine, peh ea 'oe? 5. No, Makana. Leilehua is well. 'A'ole, e Makana. Maika'i 'o Leilehua.
Maika'i wau, ~ Leialoha . Pehea .Q Kalehua?
Ma ' i .Q Kalehua , ~ ke kaikamahine. Homework 2-12 (p. 28)
A hui hou , ~ Leialoha.
'Ae, aloha a hui hou , ~ke kaikamahine . Translate the following dialogs into Hawaiian.
Leialoha, good noontime to the two of us! 1. Good evening lady. Aloha ahiahi, e ka wahine.
Hello to you and me, girl. How's Nainoa ? Good evening. How are you? Aloha ahiahi. Pehea 'oe?
Nainoa's tired, Leialoha. I'm really tired. See you later. Maluhiluhi no au. A hui hou.
Wow! Girl , how are you? Yes, goodbye . 'Ae. A hui hou aku no.
I'm well , Leialoha. How's Kalehua?
Kalehua's sick, girl. 2.Hello to both of us, teacher. Aloha kaua, e ke kumu.
See you later, Leialoha. Good morning, Ku'ulei. Aloha kakahiaka, e Ku'ulei.
Yes, good 'til we meet again, girl. How's the student? Pehea ka haumana?
She's fine, thanks. Maika'i 'o ia, mahalo.
Homework 2-10 (p. 27)
3. Father (formal), hello. E ka makuakane, aloha.
Draw a line from the Hawaiian to the correct translation. Hello, Mokihana. Aloha, e Mokihana.
How's the store? Pehea ka halekO'ai?
1. Eke kumu , nawaliwali 'o Keali ' i? Yes, girl. Lahaina is hot. The store is fine. Maika'i ka halekO'ai.
2. 'Ae, eke kaimahine. Wela 'o Lahaina. Is he smart, my friend? Are you happy? Hau'oli 'oe?
3. 'A'ol e. Maika 'i no 'o Keali 'i, e ke keiki Namau 'u, how is Melelani? Yes, I'm really happy. 'Ae . Hau'oli no au.
4. Akamai 'o ia, e ko'u hoaaloha? Fisherman, is Uluwehi poor?
5. 'Ae. 'Eieu kela kane, e ka wahine. Teacher, is Keali ' i weak?
6. E Namau 'u, pehea 'o Melelani? Yes, that man is lively, lady.
7. Hau 'oli ko 'u* popoki, e Kau'i. No. Keali'i is very well , boy.
8. E ka lawai 'a, ' ilihune 'o Uluwehi? My cat is happy, Kau'i .
116 Learn Hawaiian at Home Answer Key 117
Self-Test 3-1 (p.38) What is her name? '0 wai kona inoa?
Her name is Lehua. '0 Lehua kona inoa.
Translate the following phrases. What's your name? '0 wai kou inoa?
My name is Kawika '0 Kawika ko ' u inoa.
1. your name 5. my car 9. your friend What's my name, Mother? '0 wai ko ' u inoa, e ka makuahine?
kou inoa ko'u ka 'a kou hoaaloha Your name is Keikilani. '0 Keikilani kou inoa.
Ku ' ulei, what's his name? E Ku'ulei, 'o wai kona inoa?
2. his house 6. his name 10. her name Hi s name is Nohea. '0 Nohea kona inoa.
kona hale kona inoa kona inoa
Homework 3-3 (p.39)
3. her store 7. your father 11. his mother
kona halekO'ai kou makuakane kona makuahine Translate the following pairs of questions and answers into
4. my name 8. her church 12. my husband
ko'u inoa kona halepule ko'u* kane 1. What is his name? His name is Kamanu.
'0 wai kona inoa? '0 Kamanu kona inoa .
Translate the following into Hawaiian. Matching. Write the number of the Hawaiian sentence next to its
English translation.
1. Who's that? 6. Who is this child?
'0 wai kela? '0 wai keia keiki? 1. He aha kou * lawai'a? 5. Her friend is a japanese.
2. Who is the teacher? 7. Who is Kawika? 2. He Pukikl 'o ia. 4. My dog is a spaniel.
'0 wai ke kumu? '0 wai 'o Kawika? 3. He kupuna keia kane. 8. What is this person?
3. Who are you? 8. Who's my friend? 4. He spaniel ko ' u* 'llio. 7. What is that teacher?
'0 wai 'oe? '0 wai ko'u hoaaloha? 5. He Kepanl kona hoaaloha. 2. He's a Portuguese .
4. Who is that man? 9. Who's your father? 6. He kinai ahi ko' u makuakane. 1. What is your fisherman?
'0 wai kela kane? '0 wai kou makuakane? 7. He aha kela kumu? 9. That teacher is a farmer.
5. Who is she? 10. Who are we (all)? 8. He aha keia kanaka? 10. The building is a hospital.
'0 wai 'o ia? '0 wai kakou? 9. He mahi 'ai kela kumu. 6. My father is a firefighter.
10. He haukapila ka hale. 3. This man is a grandparent.
Chapter Four
Homework 4-2 (p.52)
Self-Test 4-3 (p.50)
Translate the following sentences into Hawaiian.
Circle the Center in the following sentences. Underline the Head.
Then translate into English. 1. What is her friend? He aha kona hoaaloha?
2. Her friend is a Hawaiian . He Hawai ' i kona hoaaloha.
1. He lawai'a(ke kapena.) The captain is a fisherman. 3. What is the homework? He aha ka ha'awina?
2. He Hawai ' ieill!) I am (a) Hawaiian. 4. A book is the homework. He puke ka ha'awina.
3. He i'a(ka mahimahi.) Mahimahi is a fish. 5. What is this commoner? He aha keia maka'ainana?
4. ~alihini~ :::=----~
You are a newcomer. 6. This commoner is a farmer. He mahi'ai keia maka'ainana.
5. He haumana (o Noenoe.) Noenoe is a student. 7. What is the police officer? He aha ka maka ' i?
6. He haleleka(kela hale nui?) Is that large building a post office? 8. The police officer is a grandmother. He kupunawahine ka maka ' i.
7. He kupunakane(keia maka'i) This police officer is a grandfather. 9. What is your baby? He aha kou* pepe?
8. He 'ohana nui~ They are a large family. 10. My baby is a boy. He keikikane ko'u * pepe .
9. He 'aina uaCo Manoa?) Is Manoa a rainy land?
10. He makuahine(o ia?) Is she a mother?
120 Learn Hawaiian at Home Answer Key 121
Homework 5-3 (p.63) Translate the following sentences. Color the Heads yellow and the
Centers orange. Remember, some Heads will not contain any verb
Translate the following into Hawaiian. tense markers.
1.This doctor works. 6. We all eat. 1 . My friend sits . Noho ko ' u hoaaloha.
Hana keia kauka. 'Ai kakou. 2. This boy is eating. Ke 'ai nei keia keikikane.
2. Ku'upuni asks. 7. Her minister sits . 3. She will read. E heluhelu ana 'o ia .
Nlnau 'o Ku ' upuni. Noho kana *kahunapule. 4. The farmer ate. Ua 'ai ka mahi'ai.
3. I go . 8. This fisherman sees. 5. Nalei is answering. Ke pane nei 'o Nalei.
Hele au. ' Ike keia lawai 'a. 6. The doctor will stand. E ku ana ke kauka.
4. The student answers . 9. Nainoa plays. 7. Her cat ran. Ua halo kana * popoki.
Pane ka haumana . Pa 'a ni 'o Nainoa. 8. That granddaughter played. Ua pa'ani kela mo'opunawahine.
5. That chief leads . 10. You speak the Hawaiian language. 9. They all are sightseeing. Ke maka' ika'i nei lakou.
Alaka'i kela ali ' i. 'Oielo 'oe i ka 'olelo Hawai ' i. 10. Momi spoke. Ua 'olelo 'o Momi.
1. Ua maka'ika'i 'o Kanalu i keia kakahiaka. 4. That man sells land . 1 . You work at the hospital. Hana 'oe i ka haukapila.
2. E nlnau ana lakou i ka maka ' i. 3. My dog is sitting in my car. 2. Kanani sits at the shopping center. Noho 'o Kanani i ke kikowaenaku'ai.
3. Ke noho nei ko'u * 'Ilia i ko ' u ka 'a. 6. Is the firefighter drinking? 3. The man looks at his hand. Nana ke kane i kona lima.
4. KO 'a i aku kela kane i ka 'aina. 7. Your class played in the 4. She eats the poi. 'Ai 'o ia i ka poi.
morning. 5. That girl prays in the morning. Pule kela kaikamahine i ke kakahiaka.
5. E 'au'au ana 'oukou i keia Ia? 2. They will ask the 6. Keola runs to the hotel. Halo 'o Keola i ka hokele.
pol ice officer. 7. His cousin sings that song. Hlmeni kana hoahanau i kela mele.
6. Ke inu nei ke kinai ahi? 5. Will you all swim today? 8. I drink this water. lnu wau i keia wai.
7. Ua pa'ani kou * papa i ke kakahiaka. 8. The grandfather speaks 9. Winona lives on this island. Noho 'o Winona i keia mokupuni.
on the TV. 10. My boy plays at the party. Pa 'a ni ko ' u* keikikane i ka pa'ina.
8. 'Oielo ke kupunakane i ke kiwi. 1. Kanalu went sightseeing
this morning .
122 Learn Hawaiian at Home Answer Key 123
1. You work at the hospital. Hana Q i lEa Aat:JIEaFJila . Matching. Write the number of the Hawaiian phrase next to its Eng-
2. Kanani sits at the shopping center. Noho0o Kanani)i lEe IEiiEe·.vaeAaiE8 'ai. lish translation.
3. The man looks at his hand. NanaQ<e kaneJ i lwAa liiTla.
4. She eats the poi. 'Ai ~I lEa pe1 1. keia mau palul e aloha 5. the lanterns
5. That girl prays in the morning. Pule j[;l kaikamahineJ i lEe IEaiEaAiaiEa. 2. na pakaukau 6. his parents
6. Keola runs to the hotel. Halo~ i lEa F!oiEele . 3. ko'u mau hoahanau 1. these aloha shirts
7. His cousin sings that song. HlmeniG<ona hoahanau) i IEela IT!ele. 4. kela mau pahi 8. your guava trees
8. I drink this water. lnuC~ i IEeia .. ai. 5. na kukuihelep6 9. the post offices
9. Winona lives on this island. Noho0o Winoni0 i IEeia ITleiEt:Jf3t:JAi. 6. kana mau makua 10. those little fishes
10. My boy plays at the party. Pa'ani(ko'u* keikikane) i lEa oa'iAa. 7. keia mau pOpO 4. those knives
8. kou * mau kumukuawa 2. the tables
Homework 5-10 (p.67) 9. na haleleka 3. my cousins
10. kela mau i'a li'ili 'i 7. these shells
Translate the following into Hawaiian. Remember that the Tail
announcer is always needed, even though it may not be indicated by Homework 6-3 (p.80)
the English sentence.
1. This lady works at the store. Hana keia wahine i ka haleko 'ai. Pluralize the following noun announcer plus noun phrases. Translate
2. Konane sees the mountain. Clke 'o Konane i ke kuahiwi. the pluralized phrase into English.
3. The captain sings on the ship. Himeni ke kapena i ka mokuahi.
4. She drinks in the afternoon. lnu 'o ia i ka 'auinala. 1. keia mau makahiki these years
5. Do you take a bath on Saturday? 'Au'au 'oe i ka po'aono? 2 . na holoholona the animals
3. kou* mau hoe your paddles
4. kela mau papa he 'enalu those surfboards
5. na kahunapule the ministers
6. keia mau po these nights
7. kana* mau kala his dollars
8. na 'Ilia the dogs
9. ko' u mau Ia hanau my birthdays
10. na kama 'aina the local people
124 Learn Hawaiian at Home Answer Key 125
Translate the following sentences into Hawaiian. * * Pu'uloa is the Hawaiian name for Pearl Harbor.
1. His son is at school. 6. You are in my house! Homework 7-2 (p. 94)
Aia kona * keikikane i ke kula. Aia 'oe i ko ' u hal e!
Translate the following sentence with the '0 identification pattern.
2. Kanoni is in her bedroom. 7. Is the class this evening?
Aia 'o Kanoni i kona lumimoe. Aia ka papa i keia ahiahi? 1. That woman is the teacher. '0 ke kumu kela wahine.
2. Thi s is your job . '0 kou * hana keia.
3. That plumeria is in my lei. 8. No. The class is this noontime. 3. I am the newcomer. '0 ka malihini au.
Aia kela puamelia i ko ' u lei. 'A'ole. Aia ka papa i keia awakea. 4. Na' ala is that strong captain. '0 kela kapena ikaika 'o Na'ala .
5. Is Na 'ala that strong captain? '0 kela kapena ikaika 'o Na'ala?
4. Is that plumeria in my lei? 9. Hulali is at the post office. 6. The QQi is his food. '0 kona * mea 'ai ka poi.
Aia kela puamelia i ko 'u lei? Aia 'o Hulali i ka haleleka . 7. That is the pretty lei. '0 ka lei nani kela .
8. She is my mother. '0 ko' u makuahine 'o ia .
5. The test is at church. 10. This cat is on your leg. 9. You are her grandfather. '0 kona kupunakane 'oe.
Aia ka ho' ike i ka halepule. Aia keia popoki i kou wawae. 10. Naihe is the ali ' i toda y. '0 ke ali'i 'o Naihe i keia Ia .
126 Learn Hawaiian at Home Hawaiian - English Glossary 127
E he'enalu to surf
e vocative (hey) used when addressing someone .. to go
'e strange, foreign hele mai to come
'eha sore, painful I helu number, to count
'eha four I
heluhelu to read
'ehiku seven hemahema awkward
'e iwa nine hemolele pure, pristine
'ekahi one
l mistake, wrong
hew a
'ekolu three hi amoe to sleep
'e le'e le black hiapo first-born child
'eleu li ve ly, spi rited hiki to be able to, to arrive
'elima five hilahi la embarrassed, ashamed , shy
'e lua two himeni to sing
emi cheap, inexpensive hin ahina grey
'eo no six hoaa loha friend
'epekema science, scienti st ho'ai lona sign , symbo l
hoe paddl e, to paddl e
H hohono bad-smelling (body odor)
ha'aha 'a humility, humble ho'i to return, to go back home
ha 'aheo pride, proud ho' i mai to come back
ha 'a lele to leave ho' ike show, demonstration, to demonstrate, revea l
ha 'awi to give hoke le hotel
ha'awina lesson, homewo rk holo to run , move around
hahai to follow holoi to wash
hal a pass by, pass away holoho lona an imal
hal au ca noe shed, hul a sc hoo l honi kiss, to kiss, to smell
hale building, house 1j
honua earth
ho'o lohe
hale 'aina
school house t
i. ho'oponopono
to li sten
to fix, repair, correct
halekO'a i store ho'opunipuni to lie
haleleka post office
hou new, again
halemaka ' i po li ce station hui group, to meet
halepule chu rch hu la dance (hula), to dance
hamama opened
hana work, activity, to work, to do activity
hanai to feed, raise anima ls, children, to adopt i'a fish
han au to give birth ' ike knowledge, to see
hanohano distinguished, honored ika ika stron g
hao metal , to blast, smite 'i lihune poor
hauman a student 'ilio dog
hau'oli happy ' ino evil , bad, storm
hawanawana w hi sper, to whispe r inoa name
he'e octopus, to slide around like an octopus 1nu to drink
130 Learn Hawaiian at Home .. Hawaiian -English Glossary 131
for, about
really, indeed, truly
ski lied, clever
chair, to sit, to live someplace
pipi ' i
po'aka hi
trouble, problem
darkness, night, ignorance
po' akol u Wednesday
0 po' al ima Friday
'6 spear, over there (location) po'alua Tuesday
'o ia he/she
po'aono Saturday
'oe you po' i to break (waves)
'ohana family po'ino storm
'o lelo language, speech poko le short
'o lelo no'ea u w ise saying polo lei correct, right, straight
ola life, health pololi hungry
'o lu 'o lu kind, comfortable ,. poni purple
'6ma'oma'o green "i pono proper
one sa nd po'o head
'ono delicious ' po'okela champion
o'o mature popoki cat
'opal a garbage pua flower
'6p0 stomach puana refrain (song)
puke book
p pul e week, prayer
pa hale house lot, yard puni encircle, go around
pa'a stuck, completed, firm pOpO shell
pa'akikl difficult pupuka ugly
pa 'a ni game, play, to play pu 'uwai heart
pae 'aina island chain, archipe lago
paia wall u
pa'ina party ua rain
pakaukau desk, table uaki watch, clock
pali cliff ue to cry
wahine woman
wa i water English-Hawaiian Glossary
wai ho'o lu 'u co lor
waiwa i rich
wanana to forete ll , predict hiki
ab le to, can
wawae leg, foot wehi, kahiko
ado rnment
we he to open , remove, take off maka 'u
we i a hot mokulele
wikiwiki quick, fast holoho lona
WI WI thin pane
appropriate kupono
archipelago pae'aina
awake, to awaken ala
awkward hemahema
baby pepe
back kua
bad 'i no
bad-smel ling hohono
banana mai'a
beac h kahakai
beautifu l u\ nani
bed moe
bedroom lumimoe
Bib le Paipala
bi g nui
bird manu
birth, to give birth hanau
birthday Ia hanau
black 'ele'ele
bl anket kapa
boat (steamship) mokuahi
book puke
boy keikikane
breakfast 'aina kakahiaka
bring lawe mai
build kokulu
buildin g hale
bury kanu
buy kO'ai mai
138 Learn Hawaiian at Home
•• English- Hawaiian Glossary 139
create ho 'o kumu
creation of world ho'okumu honua farmer mahi'ai
cry ue fast 'awlwl, wikiwiki
fat momona
D father makuakane
dance hula feed hanai
dau ghter
1 fence
fie ld
day, sun Ia l finished pau
140 Learn Hawaiian at Home ,. English - Hawaiian Glossary 141
firefighter kinai ahi I H
fish i'a happy hau'oli
f harm hana'ino
follow hahai he 'o ia
food mea 'ai head po'o
foot wawae healthy ola
~ '
forehead lae I hear ho'olohe
four 'eha I heart pu'uwai
fragrance 'ala j heavy kaumaha
Friday po'alima help kokua
friend hoaaloha here (location) 'ane'i
front alo hole lua
fruit hua 'ai hospital haukapila
fruit juice wai hua 'ai hot wei a
full (of liquid) piha hotel hokele
full (of foodL satiated ma'ona hour hoi a
house hale
G hula schoo l hal au
garden mala human kanaka
gather 'ohi humble ha'aha'a
genesis kinohi hungry pololi
gentle (breeze) aheahe husband kane
gift makana
girl kaikamahine
give ha'awi ill ma'i
glasses (eye) makaaniani inexpensive emi
go hele island mokupuni
god akua
good maika'i
governor kia 'a ina Japanese Kepani
grab hopu job, activity han a
grandchild mo 'opuna Jump lele
granddaughter mo'opunawahine
grandfather kupunakan e K
grandmother kupunawahine \ kind (nice) 'olu'olu
grandparent kupuna kind (type, brand) 'a no
grandson mo'opunakane kiss honi
grave he knowledge, to know 'ike
green '6ma 'oma'o
grey hinahina L
group hui land 'a ina
language 'olelo
142 Learn Hawaiian at Home
• English - Hawaiian Glossary
last-born child
~~ new
newcomer malihini
lonely mehameha opened
long lo'ihi orange 'a lani
love aloha
- p
paddle, to paddle hoe
\ I
.· ~.
pep a
market makeke parent makua
mature o'o party pa'ina
meal 'a ina pass by, pass away hal a
meat 'i'o pathway alahele
meeting halawai peninsula, point lae
messy kapulu people po'e, kanaka
metal hao picture ki'i
minister kahunapule pig pua'a
mischievous kolohe pink 'aka Ia
mist hune, 'ehu plant meakanu
mistake hew a to plant kanu
Monday po'akahi play, to play pa'ani
money kala police maka'i
month mahina, malama pol ice station halemaka'i
moon mahina poor 'ilihune
morning kakahiaka post office haleleka
mountain kuahiwi, mauna prayer, to pray pule
my ko'u, ka'u predict wanana
prepared makaukau
pretty nani
name inoa
i price kumukua'i
nationality lahui
] pride, proud ha'aheo
144 Learn Hawaiian at Home
• English - Hawaiian Glossary
proper kOpono side 'ao'ao
protect ho'omalu, kia'i sign, symbol ho'ailona
pure, pristine hemolele silence hamau
purple poni sing, song himeni, mele
six 'eo no
no'eau, makaukau
Q skilled
quenched thirst ken a slow lohi
question ninau smart akamai
quick 'awiwi smell honi
son keikikane
R I soul, spirit 'uhane
radio lekio
spiritual power mana
rain ua steal, thief 'aihue
rat 'iole stir up (dust) kuehu
read heluhelu stomach '6p0
refrain (song) puana store halekO'ai
religious site heiau storm po'ino
repair ho'oponopono story mo'olelo
restaurant hale'aina
,. strange 'ano 'e
return, go back ho'i strong rkaika
rice laiki student haumana
rich waiwai sun Ia
road, street alanui Sunday Iapule
rock pohaku to surf he'enalu
room lumi surfboard papa he'enalu
run holo sweet-tasting momona
sweetheart ipo
s swim ' au 'au, 'au
sad kaumaha
sale kO'aiemi T
sand one ta ke lawe aku
Saturday p6'aono take care of malama
school kula ta ke off, remove we he
schoolhouse halekula tall lo' ihi , ki 'eki 'e
sea kai ta ro kalo
seaweed limu tea cher kumu
to see, sight 'ike telephone kelepona
'o ia
l te levision
shoe, shoes kama'a th e ka, ke
short pokole th ere laila (already know name of place)
146 Learn Hawaiian at Home English - Hawaiian Glossary 147
valley awawa
valuable waiwai
various like' ole
victory, victorious lanakila
visit kipa
wait kali
waiter/waitress kuene
wall paia
war kaua
wash holoi
to watch nan a
watch uaki
water wai
wave nalu, 'ale
weak nawaliwali