NavguideHDwithCorrectedCardinalMarks PDF
NavguideHDwithCorrectedCardinalMarks PDF
NavguideHDwithCorrectedCardinalMarks PDF
M A R i n E A i d S t o n A V i G At i o n M A n U A L
8th Edition
intERnAtionAL ASSoCiAtion oF MARinE
AidS to nAViGAtion And LiGhthoUSE AUthoRitiES
Foreword 2
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
4.1 introduction 66
4.2 Background 66
4.3 iMo’s strategy for the development and implementation of e-navigation 66
4.4 iALA’s Role 68
4.5 Maritime Service Portfolios 69
4.6 Maritime digital infrastructure 70
4.7 Communications 79
4.8 Positioning, navigation and timing 90
4.9 testbeds 102
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
intERnAtionAL ASSoCiAtion oF MARinE
AidS to nAViGAtion And LiGhthoUSE AUthoRitiES
MARinE AidS to nAViGAtion MAnUAL 2018
EiGhth Edition
tEL +33 1 34 51 70 01
FAX +33 1 34 51 82 05
© iALA-AiSM 2018
Reproduction for training or education purposes permitted.
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8 [1]
the nAVGUidE has been a signature document and information source for iALA members
and users for many years. the 2018 edition of the Guide continues this proud tradition and
sees it updated with the latest information and developments in the field of Marine Aids to
navigation technology and application.
the Guide is a product of four years collaboration by the world’s leading experts on Marine
Aids to navigation, produced by the four primary Committees, Aton Requirements and
Management (ARM), Aton Engineering and Sustainability (EnG), e-navigation (EnAV) and
Vessel traffic Services (VtS). the ARM Committee has the primary oversight for its editing
and production.
the Guide plays an important role within the iALA information suite and is regarded as a
primary source of information for Marine Aids to navigation practitioners around the world,
along with the iALA Standards, Recommendations, Guidelines, Manuals and other
As one of the essential publications for Marine Aids to navigation practitioners, the Guide
also has recently been included as one of the key guidance documents in the Marine Aids
to navigation Management training syllabus for iALA’s World-Wide Academy.
the Guide has been translated into many languages and iALA encourages this practice and
is keen to work with members to assist in this process, and the dissemination of the Guide
into all regions of the world where English is not the primary working language.
the 2018 edition of the nAVGUidE also sees its primary means of distribution being in a
digital format which will be available on the website ( along with all the
other information sources available to our members and users of Marine Aids to navigation.
i encourage readers of this Guide to also consult the website for other information
references that may assist you in your day-to-day work in the field of Marine Aids to
navigation. As always, iALA is receptive to feedback on how the Guide may further be
developed for future editions and welcomes suggestions for improvements (contact@iala-
i would like to thank the iALA membership for helping to produce this 2018 edition of the
nAVGUidE and reflect on the unique nature of iALA that allows professionals from around
the world to contribute their expertise to assist the international maritime community in
improving and harmonizing Marine Aids to navigation.
Francis Zachariae,
iaLa secretary-GeneraL
apriL 2018
[2] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 1 - An Introduction to IALA-AISM
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Chapter 1 - Introduction to IALA-AISM
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Chapter 1 - Introduction to IALA-AISM
[6] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 1 - Introduction to IALA-AISM
gies and training, and are forwarded to the and encouraging research in these areas
Council for approval before being published worldwide. the Academy maintains an
on the website. overview of its activities in a Master Plan and
All members are eligible to participate in the an associated Action Plan, which can be found
Committees which are presently: on the Academy website –
• the Aton Requirements and Management
Committee (ARM);
• the Aton Engineering and Sustainability 1.10 IALA MOdeL COurSeS ANd
Committee (EnG); The IALA ACCredITATION SCheMe
• the e-navigation, information Services and iALA has developed a number of model
Communications Committee Committee (EnAV); courses covering the contents of its Standards,
and Recommendations and Guidelines.
• the Vessel traffic Services Committee (VtS).
the model courses, which may be found on
1.9 IALA WOrLd WIde ACAdeMy the Academy website, are primarily intended
the iALA World-Wide Academy is the vehicle for adoption by training organizations which
by which iALA delivers education, training and have been accredited by a competent
capacity building. authority, normally an iALA national member.
the Academy is an integral, but indepen-
dently funded part of iALA, and it focuses on these organizations are called Accredited
the second goal of the Strategic Vision, na- training organizations (Atos), and the
mely that “All coastal states have contributed accreditation scheme aims at ensuring the
to a sustainable and efficient global network quality of their delivery of the model courses.
of Marine Aids to navigation through capacity there are now several Atos around the world,
building and the sharing of expertise”. delivering both Aton and VtS related model
the functions of the Academy are: courses.
• education and training;
• capacity-building; and the following guidance documents relate to
• research and development. training.
the Academy is dedicated to assist coastal • Recommendation R0103(V-103) - Standards
states with continuous and sustainable for training and Certification of VtS Personnel
improvement of their Aton services, including • Recommendation R0141(E-141) - training
VtS. While its education and training activities and Certification of Marine Aids to navigation
are intended for all coastal states, capacity- Personnel
building activities are aimed at those states • Recommendation o-149 - Accreditation of
which require assistance in fulfilling their training organisations
international obligations related to Marine • Guideline G1014 – the Accreditation and
Aids to navigation. Approval Process of VtS training Courses
• Guideline G1100 – the Accreditation and
the research and development activities of Approval Process for Aids to navigation
the Academy are aimed at identifying topical Personnel training
knowledge gaps within the iALA domain,
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8 [7]
Chapter 1 - Introduction to IALA-AISM
iALA Workshop on Sustainable Light and Power for the next Generation, 20 to 24 March 2017, Koblenz, Germany
[8] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 1 - Introduction to IALA-AISM
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8 [9]
• We engage the World’s leading experts to • We bring together experts and facilitate
develop our products exchange of knowledge and experience
• We assist the maritime community in meeting
their international obligations
• We respond quickly to the needs of the • We define clear objectives and goals with
maritime community defined timelines
• We adopt flexible working arrangements to • We create practical and usable high quality
stay agile technical documents and make them easily
• We encourage and stimulate innovation
through awareness of global maritime • We produce outcomes which are non-political
developments and non-commercial
Chapter 2 - Concepts and accuracy of navigation
Competent Marine Aids to Navigation authorities are generally established to provide a navigational safety
regime that facilitates trade and economic development. The primary services are therefore directed towards
the needs of commercial trading vessels. In some areas, authorities may provide additional services for
ferries, fishing and recreational vessels and specialised maritime activities. This chapter looks at the methods
of navigation and accuracy requirements from the perspective of commercial trading vessels.
[ 12 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 2 - Concepts and accuracy of navigation
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Chapter 2 - Concepts and accuracy of navigation
and dGPS (and in the future, in some areas, display information System (ECdiS) technology.
enhanced Loran (eLoRAn)) provide a means of
exceeding the iMo Coastal Phase 2.3.4 restricted Waters
requirements for positional accuracy and fix While similar to the harbour Approach Phase,
rates when integrated with Electronic Chart in the proximity to dangers and the limitations
Systems (ECS) or Electronic Chart display on freedom of manoeuvre, a Restricted Waters
information System (ECdiS) technology. Phase can also develop during a coastal
navigation phase, such as in various straits
2.3.3 harbour approach around the world.
this phase represents the transition from the Pilot or Master of a large vessel in restricted
coastal to harbour navigation. in this phase the: waters must direct its movement with great
• vessel moves from the relatively unrestricted accuracy and precision to avoid grounding in
waters of the coastal phase into more restricted shallow water, striking submerged dangers or
and more heavily used waters near and/or colliding with other craft in a congested
within the entrance to a bay, river, or harbour; channel. if a large vessel finds itself in an
• navigator is confronted with a requirement emerging navigational situation with no options
for more frequent position fixing and to alter course or stop, it may be forced to
manoeuvring the vessel to avoid collision with navigate to limits measured to within a few
other traffic and grounding dangers; metres in order to avoid an accident.
the ship will generally be within: Requirements for the safety of navigation in the
• the coverage areas of Marine Aids to Restricted Waters Phase make it desirable for
navigation of varying complexity (including navigation systems to provide:
lights, racons, leading lights and sector lights); • accurate verification of position almost
• pilotage areas; continuously;
• the boundaries of SRS and VtS. • information depicting any tendency for the
Safety of navigation issues that arise during the vessel to deviate from its intended track;
harbour Approach Phase impose more • instantaneous indication of the direction in
stringent requirements on positional accuracy, which the ship should be steered to maintain
fix rates and other real-time navigational the intended course.
information than those required during the these requirements are not easily achievable
Coastal Phase. through the use of visual aids and ships’ radar
GPS and dGPS (and in the
future, in some areas,
enhanced Loran (eLoRAn)
provide a means of achieving
the harbour Approach
requirements for high
positional accuracy and fix
rates at better than 10-second
intervals when integrated with
Electronic Chart Systems (ECS)
and the Electronic Chart
Photo Courtesy of Wasser und Schifffahrtsdirektion (Germany)
[ 14 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 2 - Concepts and accuracy of navigation
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Chapter 2 - Concepts and accuracy of navigation
the radial position error relative to the true 2.5 hydrOgrAPhIC CONSIderATIONS
position, taken at the 95% probability level, is
the preferred method. 2.5.1 charts
navigational Position Fixing Measurements:
table 2 shows the typical accuracy (95%
probability) achieved using common
navigational instruments or techniques.
typical accuracy
process at 1 nm
Magnetic compass
the accuracy may 93
on a light
deteriorate in high latitudes
or landmark
bearing 0.75º X secant latitude
< 62
on a light (below 60º of latitude)
or landmark
Radio direction
±3º to ±10º 93 - 310 Figure 3 - nautical Chart (instituto hidrográfico - Portugal)
Assuming a stabilized pre- the iMo definition[1] of a nautical chart or
Radar bearing 32
sentation and a reasonably nautical publication is a special-purpose map or
steady craft.
book, or a specially compiled database from
1 % of the maximum range of
Radar distance
the scale in use or 30 metres,
which such a map or book is derived, that is
whichever is the greater issued officially by or on the authority of a
Government, authorised hydrographic office or
depends on conditions.
Loran C was hyperbolic and other relevant government institution and is
LoRAn-C / ChAYKA provided 477m at edge of designed to meet the requirements of marine
coverage improving towards
stations navigation.
[ 16 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 2 - Concepts and accuracy of navigation
the mission of the iho is to create a global solution in other parts of the world. Some
environment in which States provide adequate nautical charts still carry a legend referring to a
and timely hydrographic data, products and local datum, for instance, Ellipsoid hayford or
services and ensure their widest possible use. international – datum Potsdam, Paris or Lisbon.
the vision of the iho is to be the authoritative
worldwide hydrographic body which actively chart datum
engages all coastal and interested States to Chart datum is defined as the datum or plane
advance maritime safety and efficiency and of reference to which all charted depths and
which supports the protection and sustainable drying heights are related. it is relevant to a
use of the marine environment. iMo is the body localised area and is a level that the tide will not
responsible for determining international frequently fall below. it is usually defined in
standards for the quality of hydrographic terms of Lowest astronomical tide (and in some
surveys and chart production. cases by indian Spring Low Water).
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8 [ 17 ]
Chapter 2 - Concepts and accuracy of navigation
highest astronomical tide: the highest tidal level which can be predicted to occur under average meteorological condi-
tions and under any combination of astronomical conditions (iho dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2244)
mean higher high Water: the average height of higher high waters at a place over a 19-year period. (iho dictionary, S-
32, 5th Edition, 3140)
mean high Water springs: the average height of the high waters of spring tides. Also called spring high water. (iho dic-
tionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3144)
mean sea Level: the average height of the surface of the sea at a tide station for all stages of the tide over a 19-year pe-
riod, usually determined from hourly height readings measured from a fixed predetermined reference level (ChARt MSL
dAtUM). (iho dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3156)
mean Low Water springs: the average height of the low waters of spring tides. this level is used as a tidal datum in some
areas. Also called spring low water. (iho dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3150)
mean Lower Low Water: the average height of the lower low waters at a place over a 19-year period. (iho dictionary, S-
32, 5th Edition, 3145)
indian spring Low Water: a tidal datum approximating the level of the mean of the lower low water at spring tides. it was
first used in waters surrounding india. Also called indian tidal plane. (iho dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2427) iSLW was iSLW
defined by G.h. darwin for the tides of india at a level below MSL and is found by subtracting the sum of the harmonic
constituents M2, S2, K1 and o1 from Mean Sea Level
Lowest astronomical tide: the lowest tide level which can be predicted to occur under average meteorological condi-
tions and under any combination of astronomical conditions. (iho dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2936)
table 3 – Levels Relevant to Marine Aids to navigation in Coastal and Restricted Waters
[ 18 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 2 - Concepts and accuracy of navigation
1 2 3 4 5
ZOC Position [8] [9]
[7] Depth Seafloor Coverage Accuracy Typical survey Characteristics
A1 ±5 m + 5% =0,50+1%d [11]
Full area search undertaken. Controlled systematic survey high position and depth
Depth Accuracy All significant seafloor features accuracy achieved using DGPS or a minimum three high quality
[10] lines of position (LOP) and a multibeam, channel or mechanical
(m) (m) detected and depths measured.
sweep system.
10 ±0,6
30 ±0,8
100 ±1,5
1000 ±10,5
A2 ±20 m =1,00+2%d Full area search undertaken. Controlled systematic survey achieving position and depth
All significant seafloor features accuracy less than ZOC A1 and using a modern survey echo-
Depth Accuracy [12]
detected and depths measured. sounder and a sonar or mechanical sweep system.
(m) (m)
10 ±1,2
30 ±1,6
100 ±3,0
1000 ±21,0
B ±50 m =1,00+2%d Full area search not achieved; Controlled systematic survey achieving similar depth but lesser
uncharted features, hazardous to position accuracy than ZOCA2, using a modern survey echo-
Depth Accuracy
surface navigation are not expected but sounder, but no sonar or mechanical sweep system.
(m) (m)
may exist.
10 ±1,2
30 ±1,6
100 ±3,0
1000 ±21,0
C ±500 m =2,00+5%d Full area search not achieved, depth Low accuracy survey or data collected on an opportunity
anomalies may be expected. basis such as sounding on passage.
Depth Accuracy
(m) (m)
10 ±2,5
30 ±3,5
100 ±7,0
1000 ±52
D Worse Worse than ZOC Full area search not achieved, large C Poor quality data or data that cannot be quality assessed due to
than ZOC depth anomalies may be expected. lack of information.
U Unassessed - The quality of the bathymetric data has yet to be assessed.
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8 [ 19 ]
Chapter 2 - Concepts and accuracy of navigation
iho S-4 Part B Section 200 recommends that all national paper charts.
countries that issue national navigational charts Mariners should always consider this informa-
should base these on the WGS 84 geodetic tion, as official charts (both electronic and
system. For many countries this simple objective paper) might be based on old measurements
of poor or unknown quality.
represents a formidable workload and will take
the accuracy requirements for general
a number of years to achieve. Consequently,
navigation can be related to the scale of the
many nautical charts will continue to refer to data
chart necessary for each part of the passage
other than WGS-84 and discrepancies of several
which in turn will be determined by the local
hundred metres can exist between a GnSS
conditions and type of vessel.
derived position and the charted position.
Chart scales with the corresponding accuracy
during this transitional period, it is important for
requirements recommended by iho and the
navigators and other persons using charts to:
equivalent dimension of a 0.5 mm dot on a
• be aware of the datum applicable to the chart
chart are found in table 5.
in use;
• include the applicable reference datum when
correspon- approximate pencil
communicating a measured position; chart
ding need width (0,5 mm) application
• determine whether or not a satellite derived scale
for accuracy equivalence (metres)
position can be directly plotted onto a chart. in ocean
1:10.000.000 10.000 5000
some cases a chart will include information for navigation
adjusting a satellite derived position to align to ocean
1:2.500.000 2.500 1250
the chart datum; ocean
1:750.000 750 375
• be aware that some GnSS receivers have the navigation
facility to automatically convert (and display) 1:300.000 300 150
WGS- 84 positions into other geodetic Coastal
1:100.000 100 50
coordinate systems. the user should be aware of navigation
[ 20 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 2 - Concepts and accuracy of navigation
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8 [ 21 ]
Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
A marine aid to navigation (aton) is a device, system or service, external to vessels, designed and operated
to enhance safe and efficient navigation of individual vessels and/or vessel traffic. A Marine Aid to Navigation
should not be confused with a navigational aid. A navigational aid is an instrument, device, chart, etc.,
carried on board a vessel for the purpose of assisting navigation.
This chapter describes the major types of visual and other physical Marine Aids to Navigation in current use
and provides comments on the application and performance of the various technologies.
Vessel Traffic Services (VTS), are also considered by IALA as satisfying the definition of a Marine Aid to
Navigation. However, these are covered in separate chapters due to their increasingly significant role in
contributing to navigation safety.
The concept of e-Navigation has recently gained significant momentum and a framework is being developed
under the auspices of the IMO. IALA has been requested by the IMO to develop the shore based aspects of
the conceptual framework and systems architecture for e-Navigation. Chapter 4 of the Navguide covers e-
Navigation. Radionavigation systems form a key element of the e-Navigation infrastructure and are therefore
covered in Chapter 4.
[ 24 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
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Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
[ 26 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
on Marine Aids to navigation. For further details atmospheric transmissivity for different parts
on this issue, refer to CiE S 004/E-2001 Colours of their coastline. this enables the luminous
of Light Signals. [3] range of lights to be:
• calculated more precisely; meteoroLoGicaL VisibiLity • better matched to local conditions and user
Meteorological visibility (V) is defined as the grea- requirements.
test distance at which a black object of suitable
dimensions can be seen and recognised by day atmospheric reFraction
against the horizon sky, or, in the case of night ob- this phenomenon results from the normal de-
servations, could be seen if the general illumina- crease in atmospheric density from the Earth’s
tion were raised to the normal daytime level. it is surface to the stratosphere. this causes light
usually expressed in kilometres or nautical miles. rays that are directed obliquely through the
atmosphere to be refracted (or bent) towards
the Earth in accordance with Snell’s Law. contrast
the ability to detect differences in luminance
between an object and an otherwise uniform
background is a basic visual requirement and
is used to define the term contrast. it is
represented by the equation:
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8 [ 27 ]
Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation use oF binocuLars the values in table 6 are derived from the
While it is generally assumed that observa- formula:
tions will be made with the naked eye, mari-
ners will quite often use binoculars. this can
• a light being observed, or the characteris-
tics resolved, at a greater luminous range than
with the naked eye;
• a limited improvement in the sensitivity of
leading lights; the factor 2.03 accounts for refraction in the
• about a 30% improvement in the detectable atmosphere. Climatic variations around the
difference from a given bearing; world may lead to different factors being
• the identification of a light operating against recommended. the typical range of factors is
background lighting conditions. 2.03 to 2.12.
Generally, the most suitable binoculars for use
at sea are considered to be the type with a 3.2.2 daymarks
magnifying power of 7 and an objective lens of A daymark is a structure with defined shape
50 mm at night, and 10 x 50 binoculars by day. and colour with the purpose of assisting with
marine navigation during daylight. GeoGraphicaL ranGe A number of factors impact the suitability and
this is the greatest distance at which an object effectiveness of a structure as a daymark, and
or a light source could be seen under these are considered below.
conditions of perfect visibility, as limited only
by the curvature of the earth, by refraction of VisibiLity oF a mark
the atmosphere, and by the elevation of the the visibility of a mark is affected by one or
observer and the object or light. more of the following factors:
As the observer moves further away from the • observing distance (range);
object or light source, there will come a point • curvature of the Earth;
where the object or light source is obscured • atmospheric refraction;
by the Earth. this is illustrated in table 6. • atmospheric transmissivity (meteorological
Observer Eye Elevation of Mark/metres
• height of the aid above sea level;
Height Metres
• observer’s visual perception;
0 1 2 3 4 5 10 50 100 200 300
• observer’s height of eye;
1 2.0 4.1 4.9 5.5 6.1 6.6 8.5 16.4 22.3 30.8 37.2 • observing conditions (day or night);
2 2.9 4.9 5.7 6.4 6.9 7.4 9.3 17.2 23.2 31.6 38.1
• conspicuity of the mark (shape, size, colour,
reflectance, and the properties of any retro-
4.5 6.6 7.4 8.1 8.6 9.1 11.0 18.9 26.9 33.3 39.7
reflecting material);
10 6.4 8.5 9.3 9.9 10.5 11.0 12.8 20.8 26.7 35.1 41.6
• contrast (type of background such as
20 9.1 11.1 12.0 12.6 13.1 13.6 15.5 23.4 29.4 37.8 44.2 lighting, vegetation, snow, etc.);
30 11.1 13.2 14.0 14.6 15.2 15.7 17.5 25.5 31.4 39.8 46.3 • mark lit or unlit;
table 6 - Geographical Range table in nautical Miles • intensity and character.
[ 28 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
3.2.3 LIghTS
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8 [ 29 ]
Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
[ 30 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
units of measurement
Term Description Unit Abbreviation
Luminous flux This is the total light emitted from the source (i.e. lamp) The peak lumens lm
sensitivity of the human eye occurs at about 555 nanometres, a wavelength
that corresponds to green. At this wavelength, the photometric equivalent
of one watt is defined as 680 lumens.
Luminance This is the portion of the luminous flux emitted in a specific direction candelas per square meter cd/m2
(Brilliance) by the surface area of a luminous body. Luminance is an important and also as candelas per cd/cm2
term for rating the brightness impression of light sources and square centimetre
illuminated objects.
Illuminance This is the density of the luminous flux incident on a surface. It is the lux (lumens/square metre) lx
quotient of the luminous flux by the area of the surface when the surface
is uniformly illuminated
Luminous This is the ratio of luminous output to radiometric output of a light source. lumens per watt of
efficacy It can also be applied to the efficiency with which electrical power is electrical power
converted to visible radiation. consumed
Colour This related to the temperature of a black body. As a body heats up, it goes Kelvin ºK
temperature through a series of different colours from red through yellow and white, to
blue white. The colour appearance of a tungsten filament lamp is similar to
a black body at the same temperature.
Colour Characterises the colour rendering quality of the light from a lamp. It is CRI
rendering the same for all incandescent lamps by definition and equal to the
index maximum value of 100.
level of luminance, that causes a visual this condition is to be met at the outer limits
response at the eye. For visual signalling of the useful segment for the minimum
applications, the threshold of illuminance (E) meteorological visibility under which the
is taken to be 0.2 μlux at the eye of the leading lights are to be used. iALA
observer. in the case of leading lights of Recommendation R0201 – R0204 series and
limited range and with a high level of shore its associated guidance provides the method
illumination, the above figures may be found of designing Aton lights for use in daylight.
too low. it is recommended that to observe the For lights on floating aids, care must be taken
relative position of the lights easily and to to provide adequate vertical divergence so
derive the maximum possible accuracy from that the minimum illuminance at the observer
leading and sector lights, it is generally is maintained as the floating aid rolls and
necessary to have a minimum illuminance of 1 pitches.
μlux at the eye of the observer.
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Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
[ 32 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
General Particular use in the IALA
Class Abbreviation IALA Specification
description Maritime Buoyage System
1 FIXED F A light showing A single fixed light should be used with care because it may not be A single fixed light shall not be
LIGHT continuously and recognized as a Marine Aid to Navigation light. used.
2 OCCULTING A light in which the A light in which the total duration of light in a period is clearly longer
LIGHT total duration of light than the total duration of darkness and all the eclipses are of equal
in a period is longer duration.
than the total duration
of darkness and the
intervals of darkness
(eclipses) are usually
of equal duration.
2.1 Single- Oc An occulting light in The duration of an appearance of light should not be less than three A single-occulting White light
occulting light which an eclipse is times the duration of an eclipse. The period should not be less than indicates a safe-water mark.
regularly repeated 2s
1 3d
p 2s
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Example: l = 3 s; d = 1 s; p = 4 s
Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
[ 33 ]
[ 34 ]
General Particular use in the IALA
Class Abbreviation IALA Specification
description Maritime Buoyage System
2.2 Group-occulti Oc(#) An occulting light in The appearances of light between the eclipses in a group are of equal A group-occulting Yellow light
ng light e.g. Oc(2) which a group of duration, and this duration is clearly shorter than the duration of the indicates a special mark.
eclipses, specified in appearance of light between successive groups.
number, is regularly The number of eclipses in a group should not be greater than four in
repeated. general, and should be five only as an exception.
The duration of an appearance of light within a group should not be
less than the duration of an eclipse.
The duration of an appearance of light between groups should not be
less than three times the duration of an appearance of light within a
In a group of two eclipses, the duration of an eclipse together with the
duration of the appearance of light within a, group should not be less
than 1 s.
In a group of three or more eclipses, the duration of an eclipse
together with the duration of an appearance of light within the group
should not be less than 2 s.
l' 3l
Oc(2) 1 d
Example: l’ = 6 s; l = 2 s; d = 1 s; c = 3 c 1s
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
s; p = 10 s
2.3 Composite Oc(#+#) A light similar to a This class of light character is not recommended because it is
group-occultin e.g. Oc(2 + 1) group-occulting light difficult to recognize.
g light except that successive
groups in a period 1’’ l’
l’ 3 l
Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
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d 3l
p 2s
Example: d = 3 s; l = 1 s; p = 4 s
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Particular use in the IALA
Class Abbreviation General description IALA Specification
Maritime Buoyage System
4.2 Long LFI A single-flashing light in A long-flashing White light
flashing light which an appearance of with a period of 10 s indicates a
d 3l
light of not less than 2 s safe-water mark.
l 2s
duration (long flash) 1 is
regularly repeated. Example: d = 8 s; l = 2 s; p = 10 s
4.3 Group Fl(#) A flashing light in which The eclipses between the flashes in a group are of equal duration, A group-flashing White light
flashing light e.g. Fl(2) a group of flashes, and this duration is clearly shorter than the duration of the eclipse with a group of two flashes, in a
specified in number, is between successive groups. period of 5 s or 10 s, indicates
regularly repeated. The number of flashes in a group should not be greater than five in an isolated-danger mark.
general, and should be six only as an exception. A group-flashing Yellow light
The duration of an eclipse within a group should not be less than with a group of four, five or
the duration of a flash. (exceptionally) six flashes
The duration of an eclipse between groups should not be less than indicates a special mark
three times the duration of an eclipse within a group.
In a group of two flashes, the duration of a flash together with the
duration of the eclipse within the group should not be less than 1 s.
In a group of three or more flashes, the duration of a flash together
with the duration of an eclipse within a group should not be less
than 2 s (or not less than 2.5 s in those countries where a quick rate
of 50 flashes per minute is used).
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d’ 3 d
Fl(2) d l
Example: d’ = 6 s; d = 2 s; l = 1 s; c c 1s
= 3 s; p = 10 s
4.4 Composite Fl(# + #) A light similar to a Light characters should be restricted to (2 + 1) flashes in general, A composite group-flashing
Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
group-flashing e.g. group-flashing light and should be (3 + 1) flashes only as an exception. Red or Green light with a group
light Fl(2 + 1) except that successive of (2 + 1) flashes indicates a
groups in a period have d’’ d’ modified lateral
different numbers of d’ 3 d (preferred-channel) mark.
flashes. d l A composite group-flashing
Example: d’’ = 9 s; d’ = 3 s; d = 1 s; l c 1s Yellow light indicates a special
= 1 s; c = 2 s; p = 16 s mark.
the term “long flash”, which is used in the descriptions of the long-flashing light and of the light characters reserved for south cardinal marks,
means an appearance of light of not less than 2 seconds duration. the term “short flash” is not commonly used and does not appear in the Classi-
fication. if an Authority requires discrimination between two flashing lights that only differ in having flashes of different durations, then the longer
flash should be described as “long flash” and be of not less than 2 seconds duration, and the shorter flash may be described as “short flash” and
should be of not more rhythmic character of such a light is than one third of the duration of the longer flash.
Particular use in the IALA
Class Abbreviation General description IALA Specification
Maritime Buoyage System
5 QUICK A light in which flashes A light in which identical flashes are repeated at the rate of 60
LIGHT are repeated at a rate of flashes per minute.
not less than 50 flashes
per minute but less than
80 flashes per minute.
5.1 Continuous Q A quick light in which a A continuous quick White light
quick light flash is regularly d l indicates a north cardinal mark.
repeated. ls p 1.2 s
Example: l = d = 0.5 s; p = 1 s
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Particular use in the IALA
Class Abbreviation General description IALA Specification
Maritime Buoyage System
5.2 Group quick Q(#) A quick light in which The number of flashes in a group should be three or nine. An
light e.g. Q(3) a specified group of exceptional light character is reserved for use in the IALA
e.g. Q(9) flashes is regularly Maritime Buoyage System to indicate a south cardinal mark.
e.g. Q(6) + LFl repeated. Q(3) A group quick White light
d l with a group of three flashes,
d’>d in a period of 10 s, indicates
Example: d’ = 7.5 s; l = d = 0.5 s; c = 1 1 s c an east cardinal mark.
s ; p = 10 s 1.2 s
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c = 1 s.; p = 15 s south cardinal mark.
6 VERY A light in which A light in which identical flashes are repeated at the rate of 120
QUICK flashes are repeated at flashes per minute.
LIGHT a rate of not less than
80 flashes per minute
but less than 160
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7 ULTRA A light in which A light in which identical flashes are repeated at the rate of 240
QUICK flashes are repeated at flashes per minute.
LIGHT a rate of not less than
160 flashes per minute
and not more than 300
flashes per minute.
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Particular use in the IALA
Class Abbreviation General description IALA Specification
Maritime Buoyage System
8 MORSE Mo(#) A light in which Light characters should be restricted to a single letter in the Morse A Morse Code White light
CODE LIGHT e.g. Mo(A) appearances of light of Code in general, and should be two letters only as an exception. with the single character "A"
two clearly different The duration of a "dot" should be about 0.5 s, and the duration of a indicates a safe-water mark.
durations are grouped "dash" should not be less than three times the duration of a "dot". A Morse Code Yellow light,
to represent a character Mo(A) l' 3 l but not with either of the
or characters in the d l single characters "A" or "U"*,
Morse Code. l = 0.5 s indicates a special mark.
Example: l’ = 1.5 s; l = 0.5 s; d = 0.5
s; d’ = 4.5 s; p = 7 s
9 FIXED AND F+ A light in which a low Implementation of an FFl rhythmic character is shown below.
FLASHING relevant intensity fixed light Other combinations may be implemented as necessary.
LIGHT character phase is combined
d 3l
abbreviation, with a flashing phase
l 1s
e.g. FFl, FIso of higher luminous
intensity compliant
with preceding classes Example: d = 3 s; l = 1 s; p = 4 s
of rhythmic characters
in this table.
10 ALTERNATI Al## A light showing This class of light character should be used with care, and efforts
NG LIGHT e.g. AlWR different colours should be made to ensure that the different colours appear equally
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alternately. visible to an observer.
AlWR l d
Example: l = d = 2 s; p = 4 s
Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
11 OCCULTING OcAl A light showing OcAlBY This class of light is particular to the use An Occulting-Alternating Blue
ALTERNATI different colours of Emergency Wreck Marking, and and Yellow light indicates an
NG LIGHT alternately and a light efforts should be made to ensure that the Emergency Wreck Marking
in which the total different colours appear equally visible Buoy mark.
duration of light in an to an observer.
period is longer than
the total duration of I d I d
darkness and the I = 1s d = 0.5s p = 3s
intervals of darkness
(eclipses) are of equal
LATERAL All recommended classes of rhythmic Only the colours Red and Green are used.
character , but a composite group flashing
light with a group of (2 + 1) flashes is
solely assigned to modified lateral marks
that indicate preferred channels.
Modified Composite group flashing light with a The duration of the eclipse after the single flash should not be less
lateral group of (2 + 1) flashes, in a period of not than three times the duration of the eclipse after the group of two
(preferred more than 16 s flashes.
South cardinal (a) Group very quick light with a group of The duration of the eclipse immediately preceding a long flash should
six flashes followed by a long flash of not be equal to the duration of the eclipses between the flashes at the very
less than 2 s duration, in a period of 10 s. quick rate. The duration of a long flash should not be greater than the
(b) Group quick light with a group of six duration of the eclipse immediately following the long flash. The
flashes followed by a long flash of not less duration of the eclipse immediately preceding a long flash should be
than 2 s duration, in a period of 15 s. equal to the duration of the eclipses between the flashes at the quick
rate. The duration of a long flash should not be greater than the
duration of the eclipse immediately following the long flash.
ISOLATED (a) Group flashing light with a group of Only the colour White is used. The duration of a flash together
DANGER two flashes, in a period of 5 s. (b) Group with the duration of the eclipse within the group should be not less
flashing light with a group of two flashes, than 1 s and not more than 1.5 s. The duration of a flash together
in a period of 10 s. with the duration of the eclipse within the group should be not less
than 2 s and not more than 3 s.
SAFE WATER 8 Long flashing light with a period of Only the colour White is used.
10 s.
9 Isophase light. (c) Single occulting light.
(d) Morse Code light with the single
character "A".
SPECIAL (a) Group occulting light. (b) Single Only the colour Yellow is used.
flashing light, but not a long flashing light A group flashing light with a group of five flashes at a rate of 30
with a period of 10 s. (c) Group flashing flashes per minute, in a period of 20 s, is assigned to Ocean Data
light with a group of four, five or Acquisition Systems (ODAS) buoys.
(exceptionally) six flashes. (d) Composite
group flashing light. (e) Morse Code light,
but not with either of the single characters
"A" or “U”` .
table 9 - Rhythmic Characters[4] of the Lights in the iALA Maritime Buoyage System[5]
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night operations GLare
nominal range and Luminous intensity
Glare can be caused by bright lights emitted
table 12 is an extract of the iALA recommendation
from the shore, such as car headlights, or from
R0202(E200-2) Marine Signal Lights - Calculation,
another vessel indiscreetly using a search-light.
definition and notation of Luminous Range and
A Marine Aid to navigation light can also cause
provides a conversion between nominal range and
glare if it is too bright for the shortest viewing dis-
luminous intensity.
tance, especially when the focal plane of the light
and the observer’s eye are at the same height.
this situation can arise with two station leading
lines. For Marine Aids to navigation lights, it is
generally accepted that the illuminance at the
eye of the navigator from the light:
• should not exceed 0.1 lux;
• should be reduced to 0.01 lux if the
background is very dark.
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Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
mariner uses the loom of the light or a less intense nous intensity of a light is likely to degrade bet-
part of the vertical distribution of the light; ween service (maintenance) intervals. there are
• reducing the intensity of the light source; several components to this degradation:
• reducing the size of the optic; • meteorological conditions (which may only
• masking the optic with, for example, be temporary);
perforated metal sheet; • dirt and salt deposition (which can be
• screen unnecessary arcs of the light; minimised by an efficient regular programme
• use two or more lower intensity lights of cleaning of the optical system and housing);
instead of one higher intensity light. • progressive deterioration of the light source
Whatever methods are used, it will be over the service interval.
necessary to measure or calculate the it is clearly impossible to represent such a
intensity and distribution of the modified light complex array of factors in any simple way, and
or lighting system. a proper assessment of the various effects
could only be made by measurements on site intensity Losses at regular intervals. however, in order to give a
Some lighting equipment has to be installed more realistic figure for the performance of the
inside a protective lantern housing. Unless it is light under normal operating conditions than
practicable to measure the luminous intensity of when the luminous intensity is measured in a
the complete installation, it is normal practice to laboratory or on a photometric range, it may be
apply a de-rating factor to the intensity of the appropriate to apply a service conditions factor
lighting equipment to allow for the reflection and to the measured intensity.
transmission losses at the lantern glazing,
generally referred to as the glazing loss factor. refer to iaLa publications:
Glazing bars or astragals may reduce the intensity
• Recommendation R0202 (E200-2) - Marine
of the light at certain bearings. the installation of
Signal Lights – Calculation, definition and
non-vertical astragals will overcome this reduction
notation of Luminous Range.
to a certain extent. the focal plane of the light
should be positioned away from any horizontal
glazing bars or intersection. day operations
iALA recommends that, in the absence of more
A number of authorities have established
definitive information, the glazing loss factor be
daytime lighted leading lines in major ports and
taken as 0.85 for a system in clean condition.
waterways to achieve a more consistent
performance than is possible with dayboards.
refer to iaLa publications:
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Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
Figure 13 and table 13 are extracts of luminous range of a light of 2 000 000 cd for
recommendation R0202(E-200-2) – Marine a meteorological visibility of 2 nautical miles
Signal Lights – Calculation, definition and under an ordinary overcast sky (luminance 1
notation of Luminous Range (december 000 cd/m²).
2017) and provide a conversion between Measure the distance A separating
nominal daytime range and luminous graduations 10 000 cd and 1 000 cd on the
intensity. auxiliary scale. transfer this distance to the
scale of abscissae from the graduation
corresponding to 2 000 000 cd (2x106 cd) in
the same sense. A point slightly to the right of
graduation corresponding to 12 nautical miles
is obtained. Erect from this point a parallel to
the axis of ordinates to meet the curve for 2
nautical miles visibility. Read off the luminous
range on the vertical scale against the point
so obtained. it should read approx. 4 nautical
Suppose that it is required to calculate the
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Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
Bright overcast sky or clear sky away from the direction of 5 000 0.506
the sun
Bright cloud or clear sky close to the direction of the sun 10 000 1 meteoroLoGicaL opticaL ranGe reduced by the atmosphere to the contrast thres-
this is the distance through the atmosphere hold of the observer. the visual range can be en-
that is required for 95% attenuation in the hanced if the observer uses binoculars, although
luminous flux of a collimated beam of light the effectiveness depends on the stability of the
using a source colour temperature of 2700ºK. observer’s platform. Visual range can be interpre-
the meteorological optical range is related to ted as the distance that a given light is seen by
the atmospheric transmissivity by the formula: an observer.
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Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
dark nights during wintertime, retroreflective the majority of Marine Aids to navigation lighting
material is a cheap and effective way to obtain systems use electricity of various types as their
high level of night time conspicuity. power source. Electricity is generally more effi-
the use of retro-reflecting material for Marine cient than gas. increasingly, electric Aton lights
Aids to navigation is particularly useful in the are powered by renewable energy sources such
case of unlighted aids where by the projection as solar, wind or wave power.
of a light, which may range from a hand-held Lamps used in electric light systems have been
spotlight to a powerful searchlight, an aid can specifically designed for Marine Aids to naviga-
more easily be located and sometimes identified. tion applications. however, lamps selected from
the enormous range of commercial products
refer to iaLa publication: have also been used or adapted for Marine Aids
to navigation. the use of Light Emitting diode
• Recommendation R0106(E-106) - Retrore-
(LEd) technology as an alternative to filament
flecting Material on Aids to navigation Marks
lamps in Marine Aids to navigation is rapidly ex-
within the iALA Maritime Buoyage System.
panding and in some countries now makes up
the majority of all lighted Aton.
NAVIgATION TeChNOLOgy 3.3.1 daymarks
Until the first application of electricity for lights the size of a dayboard should be determined for
late in the nineteenth century, all artificial light the maximum useful viewing distance and
was produced by fire. illuminants progressed minimum visibility conditions. daymarks used on
from pyres of wood (used up until the 1800’s), to leading lines are typically rectangular with the
oil wick lamps, vaporised oil and gas burners, long side vertical. the aspect ratio for the
then electric arc and tungsten filament lamps. rectangle is commonly 2:1 (height = 2 x width).
optical devices matched these developments, the typical operational range of daymarks under
first with reflector systems and later with lenses. different visibility conditions is shown in table 15.
it is interesting to note that the efforts to unders-
tand the human perception of light, to improve Operational Range of Daymarks (Nautical Miles)
of the modern Marine Aid to navigation light, al- 5 0.8 1.5 2.1 2.7 3.3
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Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
Guidance on the impact of backround lighting and meteorological conditions on light intensity reguise to achieve a particular
range 15.
Nominal Range Intensity Intensity Intensity Intensity Intensity Intensity Intensity Intensity Intensity
(cd) (cd) (cd) (cd) (cd) (cd) (cd) (cd) (cd)
Background lighting or None Minor Substantial Day VDO Day DO Day OO Day BO Day BC Day VBC
Metrological condition (see 1.3.3)
Illuminance (bc) 2.00E-07 2.00E-06 2.00E-05 1.30E-05 2.39E-05 1.07E-04 5.06E-04 9.99E-04 1.98E-03
Transmissivity (per M) 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.78 0.79 0.81
Visibility (M) 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 13 14
Range (M)
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Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
Day VBC Very Bright Cloud 20,000 table 16 – night and day with Background.
this table is intended as guidance only. it is not
Day GC Glaring Cloud 50,000 to be used for nominal Range Publication
3.3.2 LiGht sources and intensity with lamp redundancy. LEds ope-
there is a variety of light sources currently used rate from a low voltage dC supply. Correct ope-
in Marine Aid to navigation applications, ration depends on accurate control of the supply
however due to developments in Light Emitting current. LEd marine lanterns are sometimes re-
diode (LEd) technology LEds are now widely ported as having intense colours and ranges lon-
used. table 17 compares the performance and ger than the current iALA calculation method
other characteristics of the various light sources. would suggest. iALA is currently investigating this.
Light source Max lifetime hours Max Lumen/Watt Flashable White Led
A semiconductor junction emitting blue/violet
Filament lamp 2000 16 Yes
light is encapsulated with an integral phosphor
Tungsten Halogen 4000 25 Yes such that both blue and broad band yellow light
Metal Halide 20,000 120 No are emitted together to form a near white light.
LED 100,000 140 Yes
Typical Use:
Low Pressure 10,000 150 No
Sodium • Lighted beacons on buoys and other short
and medium range Aton, but longer range LEd
Xenon 3,000 40 No
lanterns are increasingly available in the market;
table 17 - Light source performance and other
• Range lights consisting of flat arrays of LEds
or single high power LEds;
• Signs and signals formed by arrays of LEds in
Light emitting diode (Led) the shape of letters, numerals, signs etc.
coloured Led
these are electronic semiconductor devices that Technical data:
produce near monochromatic light. the semicon- • Power: Single LEd: 1milliWatt to over 32
ductor junction is encapsulated in a clear plastic Watts, Cluster LEd: 1 to 60 Watts of higher
housing that usually incorporates a lens. Several • Efficiency: Luminous Efficacy of LEds is
LEds may be grouped together in a cluster, or an improving steadily.
array, to provide a light source of the required size • Lifetime: 100,000 hours
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Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
• Very long life (if input power and temperature refer to iaLa publication:
are carefully controlled) and hence low whole • Guideline G1043 - Light Sources Used in
life costs; Visual Aids to navigation.
• Life is so long that lamp-changers are not
considered necessary;
• high luminous efficiency in red and green; 3.3.3 inteGrated poWer suppLy
• Light produced in saturated signal colours Lanterns
therefore coloured filters not needed; integrated Power Supply Lanterns (iPSL) have
• Mechanically robust when compared with application advantages for certain situations.
conventional lamps; By incorporating modern technologies, they
• Light switching times are very fast; can be small, durable, reliable, cost effective
• Relatively cool operation; and fully self-contained. technological
• Easy to cluster LEds. advances in light emitting diodes (LEds),
photovoltaics (Solar Panels) and batteries
Disadvantages: complement each other and facilitate a
• Complex electronic control needed to compact lantern. in order to operate
achieve long life and high performance; efficiently, these lanterns must be designed
• Generally difficult to match to existing optics; for a wide range of solar conditions (i.e.
• Luminous efficiency decreases slowly with life; sunlight available to charge the lantern) while
• White LEds will be very inefficient with red maintaining a specified optical output over
and green filters; the expected operating lifetime.
• Lamp life can be severely reduced if input the application criteria for iPSL include
power and temperature are not carefully nominal light ranges up to 5nm, areas with
controlled. good solar insolation, areas that suffer from
vandalism or theft and small buoys with
Safety: limited weight carrying ability. they are not
no special hazard. suitable where high duty cycle rhythmic
characters are required or in areas suffering
Disposal: from icing. An iPSL device houses power
Consult local and national disposal source, power storage, LEd light source,
regulations. rhythmic character coding and switching
operating lifetime will depend on the LEd together in a single unit. iPSL can accept
junction operating temperature and operating external programming commands and
environment. include options for GPS, synchronization, and
communication modules.
detailed information on light sources and
their associated operational considerations, refer to iaLa publication:
lifetime, reliability, operating costs and power
consumption is covered in iALA Guideline • Guideline G1064 - integrated Power Systems
G1043. Lantern (Solar LEd Lanterns).
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Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
generally be observed together. the reason for the lack of a precise transition
in some situations it may be preferable to at the sector boundary is readily apparent
provide additional equipment to synchronise from Figure 14 which shows the light source,
the light characters. if lights are to be used lens and filter geometry. the transition zone is
both day and night, the light intensities should defined by an “angle of uncertainty”. A similar
be adapted for each situation to avoid glare geometry exists with multiple coloured bea-
at night. Radar transponders (RACons) may cons and masking.
be used as leading line markers. Bearings, directions of leading (range) lines
and limits of sectors should always be stated
refer to iaLa publications:
in terms of the bearings that would be seen
• Recommendation E-112 - Leading Lights by the mariner. Bearings may carry a suffix
(including excel program); ‘tBS” or true Bearing from Seaward as confir-
• Guideline G1023 - the design of Leading mation.
Lines; it can also be noted that:
• the observed angle of uncertainty is gene- sector LiGhts rally less than the geometric angle due to the
A sector light is a Marine Aid to navigation relative intensities of sector colours (i.e. colour
that displays different colours and/or rhythms mixing) as the observer passes through the
over designated arcs. A common means of transition zone;
creating a sector is to fit a coloured filter in • if space on the Marine Aid to navigation
front of the main light. however, sector lights structure is not a limiting factor, it is usually
with LEd light sources are being introduced possible to achieve an angle of uncertainty of
to the market thereby reducing the need for around 0.25 degree with this type of sector ar-
filters as they produce the coloured light. A rangement;
sector can also be produced by filtering or by • the angle of uncertainty can be reduced by
using a secondary light (or several lights) on decreasing the physical width of the light
the same structure. the secondary light can source or by increasing the radial distance to
take any of the following forms: the coloured filter;
• range (directional) light; • in situations where the main light has a large
• beacon with a coloured lens, masked to projected area, such as a rotating lens or re-
achieve the sector angle; flector array, it is generally preferable to use a
• beacon fitted with internal or external filter separate sector light rather than installing a
panels; coloured filter in front of the main light.
• Beacon or beacons with different coloured From time to time specialised sector lights
light sources, masked to achieve the sector have been developed to exhibit different
angle; rhythms over different sector bearings. this
• precision direction Light. capability is found in some Precision direction
the limits or boundaries of a sector are not al- Lights (PdL) [8].
ways precisely cut off due to the characteris- A PdL is a specialised form of sector light that
tics of the light source, fading of colours or can generate sharply defined sector bounda-
changing rhythms between adjacent sectors. ries. this feature is particularly useful for appli-
For a beacon fitted with coloured filter panels, cations that require one or several narrow
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LEd Sector Projector Light
Photo Courtesy of Cybernetica AS
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Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
the design of sector lights can be a complex A PdL allows for further applications that include
task. the process should be carried out with the ability to:
reference to an accurate chart of the area. in • produce narrow sectors with an angle of
some cases good local knowledge is also uncertainty down to approximately one minute
required. of arc;
A sector light may indicate one or more of the • define the central zone of a channel;
following: • accurately mark one side of a straight channel
• boundaries of a navigable waterway; (a pair of PdLs can cover the permutations of
• change of course position; converging, diverging and parallel channels);
• shoals, banks, etc.; • define different rhythms over adjacent sectors.
• an area or position ( anchorage);
• the deepest part of a waterway; examples
• position checks for floating aids. Some examples of sector lights applications are
illustrated in Figure 15 and Figure 16.
this illustration follows the iALA Maritime Buoyage System colour convention for Region A (‘red
to port when approaching the aid from seaward’). the white sector should, if possible, be wide
enough to provide a margin of safety for a vessel that inadvertently leaves the white sector. Curves
C and d indicate depth contours or limiting dangers that dictate the boundaries of sectors.
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• sector colours: A white light is normally the other Marine Aids to navigation such as audible
first preference for a lighthouse or beacon. if signals and radio Marine Aids to navigation may
a single coloured sector is added, red is often be located on or near the lighthouse. A ligh-
used. if a white sector light is used to mark a thouse may be a staffed or an automated facility,
navigation channel, coloured sectors may be although the staffing of lighthouses is becoming
used either side of the white to indicate the less common. An automated lighthouse may be
lateral limits. in such cases it is common remotely monitored and in some cases remotely
practice to use red and green sectors that controlled.
follow the convention of the iALA Maritime Beacon: Visual characteristics of a beacon are
Buoyage System; often defined by daymarks, topmarks, and by
• Lamp position and type: the position of the numbers. A marine signalling light, if fitted,
light source within the optical system is critical would generally be of a lower range than ligh-
for the correct alignment of the sectors. When thouses. in navigable channels a pile beacon may
replacing lamps or using lamp-changers, it is be used as an alternative to a buoy [9].
important to ensure that the light source (e.g. Purpose of Lighthouses and Beacons
filament) position is identical. if a lamp- A lighthouse or beacon may perform one or
changer is incorporated, the sector system more of the following navigational functions:
should be designed for the widest light source • mark a landfall position;
used in the lamp-changer. • mark an obstruction or a danger;
• indicate the lateral limits of a channel or navi-
refer to iaLa publication: gable waterway;
• indicate a turning point or a junction in a wa-
• Guideline G1041 - Sector Lights. terway;
• mark the entrance of a traffic Separation
Scheme (tSS); Fixed marine aids to naViGation - • form part of a leading (range) line;
LiGhthouses and beacons • mark an area;
the iALA international dictionary of Aids to Ma- • provide a reference for mariners to take a bea-
rine navigation defines a beacon as “a fixed arti- ring or line of position (LoP).
ficial navigation mark” that can be recognised by
its shape, colour, pattern, topmark or light cha- other purposes for which a lighthouse can be
racter, or a combination of these. While this func- used include:
tional definition includes lighthouses and other • base for AiS equipment; racon; radar; radiona-
fixed Marine Aids to navigation, the terms ligh- vigation systems; reference station for dGnSS;
thouse and beacon are used more specifically to • coastwatch or coastguard functions;
indicate importance and size. • VtS functions;
Lighthouse: A lighthouse is generally considered • base for audible (fog) signals;
to be a large conspicuous structure (visual mark) • collection of meteorological and oceanogra-
on land, close to the shoreline or in the water that: phic data;
• acts as a daymark; • radio and telecommunication facilities;
• provides a platform generally for higher range • tourist facilities.
marine Aton signal lights.
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Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation FLoatinG marine aids to • audible signals are used on buoys in some
naViGation - minor and major countries.
A floating Marine Aid to navigation serves a Light Vessels, Lightships and Large
similar purpose to a beacon or a lighthouse. navigational Buoys: Light Vessels, Lightships,
however the floating Marine Aid to and Large navigational Buoys (LnB),
navigation is normally associated with sometimes referred to as LAnBYs, are defined
locations where: as major floating aids and may carry one or
• it would be impractical due to water depth, more of: RACons, AiS Atons or audible
seabed conditions or cost to establish a fixed signals in addition to the Marine Aid to
aid; navigation light. A light vessel may also
• the hazard shifts over time (e.g. sand banks, display a white riding light to signify a vessel
an unstable wreck, etc.); at anchor. All major floating aids should be
• the aid is at high risk of damage or loss from equipped with a radar reflector and a
ice flows or ship impacts and as a monitoring unit.
consequence is treated as expendable; Major Marine Aids to navigation:
• a temporary mark is required; • generally have high operating costs;
• a seasonal mark is required. • are only deployed at critical locations;
Buoys: Buoys are defined as minor floating • are often assigned an aid availability target
aids and whilst it is normal that they are lit that is higher than for a buoy;
there are instances where no light is installed. • are not specifically covered by the iALA
these types of Marine Aids to navigation are Maritime Buoyage System.
specifically covered by the iALA Maritime
Buoyage System and tend to have circular hull refer to iaLa publication:
forms up to 3 m diameter. Buoys may be fitted
with sound signals. Most buoys are equipped • Recommendation o-104 - ‘off Station’
with a radar reflector. Signals for Major Floating Aids.
in addition, due to limitations of the structure,
the following may apply:
• where lights are exhibited, they are usually
solar or primary battery powered. there are
gas powered buoys still in operation,
although gas powered buoys are not normally
used for new installations;
• where lights are exhibited, due to power
limitations and/or operational requirements,
light ranges are typically restricted to 1 to 5
nautical miles; although longer ranges may
be required in some applications;
• additional services are restricted due to
limited power on a buoy, but RACons, AiS
Atons, and remote monitoring units are
sometimes installed in addition to a light;
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Chapter 3 – Marine Aids to Navigation
Floating Marine Aids to Navigation that are considered to be of vital navigational significance Category 1 99.8%
Floating Marine Aids to Navigation that are considered to be of important navigational significance Category 2 99.0%
Floating Marine Aids to Navigation that are considered to be of necessary navigational significance Category 3 97.0%
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• S1: improved, harmonized and user- here, the strategy is to coordinate the further
friendly bridge design; development of VtS, e-navigation and short
• S2: means for standardized and automated range Marine Aids to navigation, taking into
reporting; account new technologies and sustainability.
• S3: improved reliability, resilience and Additionally, to continue to develop capacity
integrity of bridge equipment and navigation building activities to improve the global
information; operations and management of Marine Aids to
• S4: integration and presentation of navigation systems and related services.
available information in graphical displays
received via communication equipment; and 4.4.2 the e-naViGation committee
• S9: improved Communication of VtS Since 2006, the e-navigation Committee
Service Portfolio (not limited to VtS stations). (EnAV) has led the development of iALA’s
Solutions S1 and S3 promote the workable substantial contribution to the formulation of
and practical use of the information and data the iMo’s e-navigation strategy and the SiP.
on board. Solutions S2, S4 and S9 focus on there remains a vast amount of work to be
efficient transfer of marine information and done to translate the e-navigation concept
data between all appropriate users (ship-ship, into an operational reality. the working
ship-shore, shore-ship and shore-shore). groups of the EnAV Committee are engaged
in the following technical domains:
4.4 IALA’S rOLe • technical domain 1: data modelling and
message systems (Aton data information
4.4.1 iaLa’s strateGic Vision 2018-2026 structure, exchange, presentation, S-100 Re-
the aim of iALA is to foster the safe and gistry and Product Specifications)
efficient movement of vessels through the • technical domain 2: e-navigation commu-
improvement and harmonisation of Marine nications (VdES, satellite, MRCP and AiS tech-
Aids to navigation worldwide. this purpose is nology)
given effect by two key goals for 2026. • technical domain 3: Shore technical infra-
Goal 1 (G1) structure (resilient Pnt shore services - dGPS,
Marine Aids to navigation are developed and eLoran and virtual Aton technology)
harmonised through international cooperation • technical domain 4: e-navigation test beds
and the provision of standards. (gathering and sharing of testbed results)
the strategy for e-navigation is to improve and • technical domain 5: Maritime Services Port-
harmonise VtS, information structures, Mari- folios(design, content and implementation)
time Service Portfolios and communications, so • Several multi-million dollar projects (com-
as to achieve worldwide interoperability of pleted and underway) have made noteworthy
shore and ship systems. inroads in developing aspects of e-naviga-
tion. the iALA e-navigation portal (http:/ /
Goal 2 (G2) www. iala-aism. org/ products-projects/ e-na-
All coastal states have contributed to a vigation) provides detail on known testbeds
sustainable and efficient global network of and their results.
Marine Aids to navigation through capacity
building and the sharing of expertise.
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4.4.3 ansWers to FrequentLy asked first step should be to identify the need for
questions on e-naViGation information services and communication
iALA has developed answers to some Fre- infrastructure in different areas.
quently Asked Questions (FAQs) on certain as-
pects of e-navigation. these can be found on 4.5.2 the sixteen initiaL msp s
the iALA website. MSPs are being developed to achieve
harmonisation and based on use of the iho’s
4.5 MArITIMe SerVICe POrTFOLIOS S-100 Geospatial information (Gi) Registry.
the e-navigation SiP states that ”As part of the iALA is developing guidance on the 16 initial
improved provision of services to vessels services identified by the iMo. these are listed
through e-navigation, MSPs have been in table 19 below. it aims to harmonise the
identified as the means of providing format, structure and communication
electronic information in a harmonized way, networks that will be used to exchange MSP
which is part of Solution 9.” information. Although the iMo identified the
preliminary list of 16 MSPs below (MSC 94/21
4.5.1 What are msp s ? Annex 17), these may evolve with time.
A Maritime Service Portfolio (MSP) defines and
describes the set of operational and technical 4.5.3 technicaL serVices
services (and the level of service) provided by a Based on the concepts of service-oriented
stakeholder in a given sea area, waterway, or architectures, a technical service refers to a set
port, as appropriate. (nCSR 1/ 28 Annex 7 of related software functionalities that can be
refers). reused for different purposes, together with
As identified by the iMo, there is a need for a policies that govern and control its use.
harmonised framework for the electronic MSP
Number Services Responsible Service Provider
provision of information related to maritime
1 VTS Information Service (IS) VTS Authority
services between shore and ships. the list of
2 Navigational Assistance Service National Competent VTS Authority/Coastal or Port
maritime services available at a port, in a region (NAS) Authority
3 Traffic Organization Service National Competent VTS Authority/Coastal or Port
or sea area is structured into services, based on (TOS) Authority
4 Local port Service (LPS) Local Port/Harbour Operator
responsible bodies. Such a service is termed a 5 Maritime Safety Information National Competent Authority
Maritime Service Portfolio or MSP. For instance, Service (MSI)
6 Pilotage Service Pilot Authority/ Pilot Organization
“Maritime Safety information” is one such MSP, 7 Tug Service Tug Authority
with the “national Competent Authority” being 8 Vessel Shore Reporting National Competent Authority
the responsible body for the area in question. Operator/Master
Services in a portfolio will vary, depending on 9 Telemedical Assistance Service National health organization/dedicated health
(TMAS) organization
the port’s or region’s facilities. For example, a 10 Maritime Assistance Service (MAS) Coastal/Port Authority/Organization
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Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
A technical service is a service offered by one integration (and harmonisation of) different
electronic device to another electronic device. systems can offer new opportunities to
often operational services are implemented improve maritime safety and efficiency.
by electronic devices that rely on one or more the iMo, by developing the e-navigation
technical services. strategy (and a plan to implement the
A technical e-navigation service should be strategy) aims to address the above issues by
formally specified and documented, as introducing harmonisation and establishing a
described by an iALA guideline. At the time digital information exchange framework.
of writing, this draft guideline aims at From an iALA perspective, harmonisation and
improving the visibility and accessibility of digitalisation will have an impact on shore
available e-navigation technical services and services. For example, a VtS centre will be
information provided by them. this will enable able to use iALA-defined inter VtS Exchange
service providers, consumers and regulatory Format (iVEF) to exchange information with
authorities to have a common understanding other VtS centres.
of a technical service and its implementation.
4.6.1 architectures
4.6 MArITIMe dIgITAL INFrASTruCTure the maritime domain is a complex eco-socio-
Like other industries, the maritime industry technical system, with many different actors and
has also adopted the use of modern stakeholders. the international maritime indus-
information and communication technologies try is witnessing more and increasingly larger
on board ships and ashore. For example, ships being built. Growing ship numbers result
ships have, for centuries, used paper charts to in an increase of marine traffic. therefore, a safe,
navigate. these have recently partially given reliable and environmentally sustainable ship-
way to the use of Electronic Chart display and ping industry is needed to ensure international
information Systems (ECdiS). in the early trade.
2000s, the iMo introduced the Automatic the introduction of new information technolo-
identification Systems (AiS), as one of the first gies and their associated system architectures,
fully digital data exchange systems in the with increased ability to receive, analyse and
maritime domain, to improve maritime safety. present information to optimise a vessel’s pas-
these are but two examples. however, the sage, is changing international shipping. these
introduction of new regulations is systems do more than enhance safety and se-
characteristically slow - major changes take curity in the shipping domain. For example: traf-
time to be agreed upon and introduced at fic management and port call optimisation
international level. technologies are interwoven into other do-
this modernisation of navigation and mains such as transport logistics.
communication systems, incrementally and the evolution of technology and its data requi-
over time, has led to ship and shore facilities rements leads to an increased need for mari-
being fitted with heterogeneous systems. time systems with bandwidth demands, such as
different technologies and increased broadband connections on the high seas. Ad-
information flows can contribute to ditionally, the growing number of new develop-
information overload on ship bridges and ments in the shipping industry results in a large
shore-based facilities. on the other hand, the and diverse number of maritime systems.
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nents. A component can be for instance a consti- categories cover economic and governmental
tuent system itself (System of Systems, SoS). aspects (fields of activity), operation control
the model consists of a three-dimensional struc- parts of maritime systems (operations), the
ture of architectural aspects assembled in a mea- technical (Systems, technical Services, Sensors
ningful way. it is structured in layers to “cut” the and actuators) as well as physical components
cube at each category along each dimension. (transport objects). Each layer addresses both
therefore, the terminology “axis” is used for the technical and human aspects.
name of the dimension, and “layer” for the sur- • Fields of activity: Systems which support or
face with all aspects which belong to a category. manage different markets or eco systems along
All aspects on a layer can be sub-structured by the maritime domain.
the categories of other dimensions. • operations: Global, regional, national and
With regards to the iMo’s e-navigation architec- local operational perspectives used by compa-
ture and its definition, the cube covers interope- nies or authorities (e.g. a traffic flow manage-
rability aspects to support different views on the ment).
interaction of maritime systems. Furthermore, it • Systems: technical systems which integrate or
features the distinction between ship-side and use technical services for gaining a virtual repre-
shore-side and breaks down the structure of ma- sentation and control of the transport pro-
nagement and control systems in the maritime cesses.
domain into a hierarchical order. • technical Services: Single technical and logi-
the model represents characteristics of the ma- cal services.
ritime domain using the three dimensions, inter- • Sensors & actuators: Local infrastructure for
operability axis, topological axis and hierarchical detecting objects with physical means, and re-
axis (see Figure 20 below). the different axes of ceiving and processing the results with physical
the multidimensional model are further descri- systems and hardware.
bed below. • transport objects: Entities of maritime trans-
port processes such as vessels, floating objects
and aircrafts operating in the maritime domain.
these layers help to understand the definition
and role of operational services, as for instance
described in the Maritime Service Portfolio
(MSP). this includes their provision by technical
systems providing technical services.
topological axis
Figure 20: the multidimensional model of the MAF
the Structural Framework covers the elements
and its interrelationship of the maritime domain.
hierarchical axis it reflects the maritime structure from a topolo-
the hierarchical axis brings the maritime do- gical perspective as defined in iMo’s e-naviga-
main into an order. the layers of this hierarchy tion architecture. this axis is sub-structured into
reflect the structure and aggregation of the or- the following categories:
ganisational aspects (management) and control • Ships and other maritime traffic objects: Re-
systems in the maritime domain. the dimension presenting entities in the maritime domain (e.g.,
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vessels). it covers the ship-side entities of the e- tion is to consider it from a user’s perspective.
navigation architecture. in Figure 21 below, the architecture can be divi-
• Link: Representing entities dedicated to phy- ded into three parts; ship-side, shore side and
sically interact between maritime traffic objects the interaction between ship and shore.
and shore, such as telecommunication methods the ship-side represents the users on-board a
and protocols. Represents the three levels of ship, whilst the shore side typically represents
operational links, Functional links and Physical users from communities like VtS, allied services
Links between ship-side and shore-side. and users from the logistics domain.
• Shore: Representing entities of the shore side
infrastructure, activities and systems on shore in-
cluding interfaces to logistical movements
in/out of the maritime domain.
interoperability axis
the interoperability layers cover organisational,
informational and technical aspects and include Figure 21: e-navigation users' perspective at a given
the different levels of interaction (operational, moment and place
functional, technical and physical) as stated in to enable both sides to communicate and ex-
the iMo’s e-navigation vision. this axis is sub- change information, e-navigation uses the ge-
divided into the following categories: neric term “service”. From a user’s perspective,
• Regulation & governance: Role and legal the important services will be the “operational
basis of international, regional or national services”. these services are referred to within a
(shipping) authorities. Maritime Service Portfolio (MSP). the MSP
• Function: Functions and (elemental) services concept was conceived to achieve harmonisa-
including their relationships. tion. however, there also needs to be “technical
• information: data and information that is services” to be able to support and provide
being used and exchanged between functions, these operational services (see Figure 22 below).
services and components. it describes data and
information objects including its semantic and
data models.
• Communication: Protocols and mechanisms
for the interoperable exchange of data between
• Component: Required components in engi-
neering terms. this includes, amongst others:
systems, actors, applications, services and net-
work infrastructure.
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they are:
Figure 23: iMo e-navigation architecture
1. Shipboard systems that process informa-
Figure 23 shows the most important features tion/data;
and elements. these are: 2. Application-to-application data exchange
1. the distinction between the ship and shore- via physical links;
sides; 3. Shore-based systems that integrate a variety
2. the distinction between the information and of shore based technologies and data proces-
data domains; sing devices.
3. the notion of request/fulfilment relations- the CSSA describes the technical set-up of the
hips throughout; shore-based system of a shore authority. the
4. the technical human Machine interfaces
main building block of the CSSA is the techni-
cal service, which encapsulates all primary
5. the notion of operational and technical ser-
functions dealing with a specific technology or
vices provided to shipping, as defined by Ma-
user, depending on the kind of technical ser-
ritime Service Portfolio(s);
vice. to reap the maximum benefit, all technical
6. the ‘shipboard technical equipment sup-
porting e-navigation’; services of the CSSA should adhere to the
7. the ‘common shore-based technical system same object-oriented engineering model. All
harmonised for e-navigation’; technical services are self-contained and pro-
8. the overarching role of the Common Mari- vide all capabilities needed for their tasks, in-
time data Structure (CMdS) within the data cluding their own service management.
domain; the CSSA is modelled in a client-server-
9. the shore-to-shore data exchange facilities, fashion. the individual technical services can
and the required Machine-to-Machine (M2M) regularly assume either role, i.e. clients or ser-
interfaces, and ver, depending on their present role in a given
10. the dependency on the World Wide Radio interaction chain, in support of a given applica-
navigation System (WWRnS). tion-to-application data exchange within the
overarching architecture.
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is. Each authentication factor covers a range of communication framework that will enable
elements used to authenticate or verify a efficient, secure and reliable electronic
person's identity prior to being granted access, information exchange between authorised
approving a transaction request, signing a stakeholders. Basically, it defines the
document or other work product, granting standards, protocols, infrastructure and
authority to others and establishing a chain of governance for information exchange based
authority. on the Service oriented Architecture concept.
• Knowledge factors: passwords, pass it is not a storage cloud – nor is it cloud
phrases, pins, challenge / response computing. neither does it provide a
• ownership factors: id card, cell phone, communications infrastructure. the MCP will
certificates make use of new communication platforms
• inheritance factors: Fingerprint, retinal and provide a standardised use concept.
patterns, facial and voice recognition
Emerging approaches, such as the Maritime
Communication Platform, address the identity
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the MCP offers a Service Registry. Connected information technology and operational
components "ask" the service registry how to technology onboard ships are increasingly
access and use a service. Additionally, the being connected – to each other and to the
MCP provides a Maritime Messaging Service world wide web. this gives rise to greater risk
(MMS). this component can be thought of as of unauthorised access or malicious attacks to
an automated switchboard. it uses the ships’ systems and networks. Risks may also
communication channel available for occur from personnel having access to the
communication to a service while the access systems onboard, for example, by introducing
point stays the same. depending on the malware via removable media.
request (name, type, location etc.), the end Responding to the increased cyber threats,
user is provided with possible service BiMCo undertook a comprehensive analysis
providers, and can then choose which service of cyber security related threats and risks and
to use. the MCP offers means to digitally produced Guidelines on Cyber Security
assure the identity of the communicating onboard Ships in 2017. these guidelines are
partners (thereby doing away with the need designed to assist companies develop
for signed documents to prove authenticity). resilient approaches to cyber security
the MCP does not include data storage or onboard ships.
application hosting. this remains the Relevant personnel should be trained to
responsibility of service providers and identify typical modus operandi of cyber-
organisations. the MCP is focused on attacks. the safety, environmental and
improving communication and digital commercial consequences of not being
interactions based on open standards, while prepared for a cyber incident may be
reusing existing components and significant.
infrastructure within the current organisations Approaches to cyber security will be
to enable a cost-effective and smooth company, ship and service provider specific,
transition to adoption. but should be guided by appropriate
standards and the requirements of relevant
4.6.4 cyber security national regulations.
digitalisation in the maritime industry
presents new threats such as systems failures 4.7 COMMuNICATIONS
and cyber security. AiS, GnSS and GMdSS
provide no protection against cyber-attacks. 4.7.1 introduction
they can be attacked very easily, with little the e-navigation concept aims to enhance the
financial or technical effort. the only resilience efficiency, safety and security of navigation and
against cyber-attacks is the redundancy of communications in the maritime sector. e-
systems. AiS is an unencrypted system navigation relies on applications which
operating in the VhF maritime mobile band; provide mariners with the information they
positioning technologies use resilient systems need in a more secure and efficient manner.
to overcome vulnerability. however, the risk these applications require communication
of concentrated actions, which can lead to technologies that can provide the necessary
system failures, is ever-present. capability for ship-ship and ship-shore
As technology continues to evolve, (including ship-satellite) communication.
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currently used by mariners for voice ii. inmarsat C - GEo satellite constellation.
communication, transmission/reception of Existing short burst data, store and forward
distress and safety information and reception system, providing low data rates for small
of urgent marine information broadcasts. As message size transfers and also supporting the
well as digitally encoding voice transmissions, Global Maritime distress and Safety System
digital VhF will enable the exchange of data (GMdSS).
messages. this may be a longer term iii.iridium - LEo satellite constellation. Existing
development. low-earth orbiting communications system,
• digital hF: digital hF is the evolution of providing voice and limited internet access.
analogue-based mobile radio systems in 2009, iALA developed a Maritime Radio
currently used by mariners for voice Communications Plan (MRCP) for the
communication, transmission/reception of communications required to support e-
distress and safety information, and reception navigation. the MRCP has been updated in
of urgent marine information broadcasts. As 2017. it can be found at http:/ / www. iala-
well as digitally encoding voice transmissions,
digital hF will enable the exchange of data publications/
messages. digital hF, including standards for the MRCP is intended to meet the key e-
digital hF, exist, but are not commonly used. navigation strategy element of identifying
• Wi-Fi: provides local area wireless data communications technology and information
transfer using the 2.4 Ghz to 5 Ghz radio wave systems to meet user needs. this can involve
band. however, the coverage of this system is the enhancement of existing systems and the
limited to small areas within a port or harbour development of new systems. the iALA plan
environment. identifies existing and future systems, then
• 4G: a mobile telecommunications standard draws on identified user requirements to
supporting mobile internet broadband, assess the information flows and the data
succeeding 3G. Provides mobile broadband channels needed.
with data rates of 100 Mbps for mobile users.
Systems that perform to the 4G standard 4.7.3 VhF data exchanGe system
include WiMAX and LtE. LtE developments
include LtE-Advanced, which will provide oVerVieW
greater range. the Automatic identification System (AiS)
• 5G: the Long term Evolution (LtE) planned provides an effective means to transfer digital
for 4G, with data rates expected to be 1 Gbps data. in addition to the originally-intended
and intended for availability in the year 2020. purpose of providing vessel position and
• Satellite communication systems and related information to aid in collision
services including, but not limited to: avoidance, support VtS operations and
i. inmarsat Global Xpress - GEo satellite contribute to the safety of navigation, AiS is
constellation. the latest set of services to be being used for a number of other applications.
offered by inmarsat, including shared channel this has seen an overloading of the VhF data
iP packet-switched internet broadband service link in some areas.
with fast data rates provided by satellites in the At the World Radio Conference 2015, the
Ka band with global coverage. international telecommunications Union
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identified an additional 6 duplex channels in goals will be achieved through efficient and ef-
the VhF maritime mobile band for the use of fective use of maritime radiocommunications,
digital data transfer. the frequencies form part incorporating the following functional require-
of the developing VhF data Exchange System ments:
(VdES). With the ability to group these 1. As a means of AiS.
frequencies together to provide more 2. As a means of radiocommunications
bandwidth for data transfer, the VdES will equipment through exchange of digital data
enhance digital data functionality in the future. between ship and ship, ship and shore
VdES provides a solution to ensure that the including satellite via AiS, Application Specific
existing AiS VhF data link does not become Messages (ASM) and VhF data Exchange
overloaded. VdES is made possible by the (VdE).
development of software definable radios 3. As a means of applications external to the
(SdRs) and the frequency allocation in addition VdES equipment itself. these applications use
to the existing AiS within the system. VdES AiS, ASM or VdE separately or combined.
includes VhF data Exchange (VdE) and implementation of VdES has commenced,
Application Specific Messages (ASM). the VdE building on the allocation of spectrum at WRC-
includes an agreed terrestrial element (VdE-t) 15 where the itU approved a standard for
as well as a developing Satellite element (VdE- VdES (Recommendation itU-R M.2092-0). A
S). the satellite component of VdES will ensure remaining issue is the approval of the satellite
global communication capability including the component for the VdE channels which is
polar-regions. VdE-S is under development, targeted for approval at WRC-19.
with studies to be provided to the World Radio the system concept including VdES functions
Conference in 2019. VdES is seen as an and frequency usage are illustrated pictorially
effective and efficient use of radio spectrum, in Figure 28 (entire system, including satellite
building on the capabilities of AiS and allocations).
addressing the increasing requirements for
data through the system. VdES will include AiS
as it currently exists. it will also include new
techniques that provide higher throughput
using multiple channels which can:
• be merged to provide higher data rates; and
• provide simultaneous message diversity
from multiple sources.
Furthermore, the VdES network protocol is
optimized for data communication. the
objective is that each VdES message is
transmitted with a high degree of confidence
of reception. Figure 28: VdES functions and frequency use – a view
the VdES should improve the safety of life at of the entire system
sea, the safety and efficiency of navigation, the
protection of the marine environment and en-
hance maritime safety and security. these
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Channel number in Ship stations (ship-to-shore) (long range AIS) Coast stations Ship stations
RR Appendix 18 Ship stations (ship-to-satellite) (ship-to-ship) Satellite-to-ship
2027 (ASM 1) 161.950 (2027) (SAT Up1) 161.950 (2027) (SAT Up1)
2028 (ASM 2) 162.000 (2028) (SAT Up2) 162.000 (2028) (SAT Up2)
21 157.050 161.650
81 157.075 161.675
22 157.100 161.700
82 157.125 161.725
Ship-to-shore (VDE-T) Shor-to-ship (VDE-T)
iALA has published a guideline that provides an overview of VdES, including the road map to
develop and implement this system.
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asm and Vde channels led to the development of digital mobile radio
VhF data exchange refers to the exchange of standards and systems.
data in a digital manner on specified digital VhF should enable full communications
frequencies within VdES. the itU identified six – duplex and simplex – with higher data rates
duplex channels for VdE-t and two channels for and more efficient use of spectrum.
each AiS and ASM use (detailed in table 20.)
the two ASM frequencies were identified diGitaL seLectiVe caLLinG (dsc) (VhF,
specifically to provide increased capability for mF and hF)
the transmission of application specific dSC is a tone signalling system, which sends
messages. in a terrestrial environment, ASM can packets of digital data over radio spectrum.
be both transmitted and received. ASM can the MF/hF dSC distress and safety channels
also be received by satellite, similar to the are 2187.5, 4207.5, 6312.0, 8414.5, 12577.0,
reception of AiS by satellite. and 16804.5 (khz); the VhF dSC distress and
the VdE frequencies were agreed to address safety channel is channel 70.
the ongoing requirement for digital data dSC is similar to the tone dialling on a tele-
exchange as identified in e-navigation. the phone, but with the ability to include data such
ability to group frequencies together within as the vessel’s identification number, the pur-
VdES will provide for increased bandwidth pose of the call, the vessel’s position, and the
within the VdE aspect of VdES. the frequencies channel for further voice communications. With
allocated to VdE can be used individually (as dSC there is the ability to call individual vessels
25 khz channels) or grouped together to directly by use of their MMSis (similar to a tele-
provide 50 khz or 100 khz. the increased phone number), or send a signal to vessels in
bandwidth, coupled with revised approaches the area – for example when sending a dis-
to access the bandwidth, will support increases tress/Urgency call. table 21 presents the key
in data transfer when compared with existing characteristics of dSC.
AiS. Following itU-WRC 2015, the VdE System Frequency Bandwidth Data Rate
frequencies were agreed for transmit and DSC 22187.5, 4207.5, 6312.0, VHF – 25 kHz VHF – 1,200
8414.5, 12577.0, HF – bandwidth constrained by bps
receive at the terrestrial level, while work is and 16804.5 SSB modulation scheme HF – 100 bps
continuing to enable satellite use of the (kHz)
156.525 MHz
frequencies to enable a truly global digital data
table 21: dSC characteristics
exchange capability. diGitaL VhF, mF and hF radio (other
4.7.4 diGitaL VhF, mF and hF than dsc)
VhF is commonly used worldwide in the MF/hF is commonly used worldwide in mari-
maritime industry for general voice time for general voice communication, transmis-
communication, transmission/reception of sion/reception of distress and safety
distress and safety information and reception of information, and reception of urgent marine in-
urgent marine information broadcasts, formation broadcasts. Long-range hF commu-
nominally for ‘line of sight’ distances. VhF has nications rely on refraction of signals by the
been traditionally based on analogue ionosphere. MF can have a range of between 50
technologies. Changing user requirements and - 300 kms, with long-range hF reaching to 4,000
a demand for more sophisticated services have kms. the greater range depends on antenna
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Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
configuration, power levels and atmospheric the iEEE 802.11ai standard is a recent
conditions. standard introduced which is solely based on
other than dSC (previous section refers), MF/hF the 5 Ghz band and is able to theoretically
is based on analogue technologies. Changing transfer data at rates up to 1.3 Gbps. the
user requirements and a demand for more so- higher frequency 5 Mhz channels have a lower
phisticated services have led to the develop- range than the lower frequency 2.4 Mhz
ment of digital mobile radio standards and channels, however 2.4 Mhz is a very congested
systems, in the land mobile environment. digital band and may experience interference.
techniques for hF, including digital voice, have
been developed to address the inherent weak- 4.7.6 4G and 5G netWorks
nesses of hF such as susceptibility to interfe- 4G is the 4th generation of mobile telecommu-
rence, fading and dropouts due to ionospheric nications, succeeding the 3rd generation
effects and frequent poor voice quality. system, 3G. 4G is defined as a set of standards
digital hF systems should enable full duplex to provide a given level service for a communi-
communications, higher data rates and more ef- cation system. Within these standards, various
ficient use of spectrum. table 22 provides the technologies are built, which can then be iden-
technical characteristics for digital VhF/UhF. tified as 4G, if they met the required standards.
two systems that are considered to meet this
System Frequency Bandwidth for a 9.6-19.2 kbps/4.8 kbps
simplex channel standard are WiMax and LtE. WiMax was
Digital VHF/UHF 156-162 25 kHz/6.25 kHz 9.6-19.2 kbps/4.8 kbps
MHz/450-470 initially invested in heavily, with the technology
table 22: digital VhF/UhF system characteristics
offering high speed internet connection within
a large coverage areas. however, the uptake
4.7.5 Wi-Fi of WiMax has been limited and some providers
the Wi-Fi communication system is one that are decommissioning networks. in contrast, LtE
runs across local networks, and is defined by the (long term evolution) is widely used, with the
institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers more recent development, LtE-Advanced (LtE-
(iEEE) . Wi-Fi networks consist of routers and A) regarded as a fully compliant 4G network.
adapters which translate a wired ethernet 4G is defined by the set of iEEE standards and
connection into a local wireless network for LtE-A is a technology that complies with these
devices to connect. Wi-Fi can provide internet standards. the LtE-A network uses orthogonal
access to users. Wi-Fi hot spots may be set up Frequency-division Multiplexing (oFdM), by
in public places, such as ports, airports and encoding data on multiple frequencies. table
restaurants to enable users to access the 24 presents the key characteristics of LtE-A.
internet whilst on the move. Wi-Fi networks may
be set up on board a vessel to enable data System Frequency Bandwidth Data Rate
4G – LTE Advanced 700 MHz, 1.7 to 2.1 GHz 20 MHz 600 Mbps
transfer within the ship, but access to internet is and 2.5 to 2.7 GHz (download)
reliant on access through a service provider. table 24: 4G –LtE Advanced system characteristics
table 23 presents the key characteristics of Wi-Fi.
5G is a development from the 4G network and
System Frequency Bandwidth Data Rate
is advertised to be delivered from 2020. this
Wi-Fi 802.11ai 2.4 and 5 GHz 40 MHz Up to 1.3 Gbps
latest development includes faster mobile data
table 23: Wi-Fi system characteristics rates. the updated standards that will define
[ 86 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
the 5G network are still under consideration, bits are at just over 20,000 km with an orbital pe-
but network trials have been successfully riod of 12 hours. these satellites are commonly
implemented. in bench trials speeds with a used for navigation services. MEo have recently
peak bitrate of 1 tbps have been achieved. it been introduced into the Cospas/Sarsat system
is anticipated that realistic rates for 5G will to support search and rescue (MEoSAR).
achieve 1.2 Gbps. in addition, it is envisioned LEo satellites operate at altitudes between 80 -
that 5G will have a satellite component. 2,000 km. the majority of LEo satellites make a
5G developments will ensure a much faster complete revolution of the Earth in approxima-
connection than 4G. not only will the data rate tely 90 minutes. For persistent coverage of any
be increased, but the capacity is also intended one area of the Earth, there is a need to have a
to increase allowing for more users to access grouping of multiple satellites, known as a
the higher speeds simultaneously. table 25 ‘constellation’. the footprint of a LEo satellite
provides the technical characteristics for 5G. would be in the realm of 3,281 km or 1,770 nau-
tical miles. these satellites use different orbiting
System Frequency Bandwidth Data Rate
planes and can provide full global coverage, but
5G SHF – above 6 GHz Greater than 4G 1.2 Gbps
coverage is reliant on the orbit of the satellite
table 25: 5G system characteristics
and no one spot on the Earth’s surface can be
served continuously by a single satellite.
4.7.7 sateLLite communication inmarsat is an example of a GEo satellite
systems and serVices constellation. inmarsat was originally establi-
there is a wide range of satellite services that shed on the initiative of the international Mari-
are currently provided, with plans for new ser- time organization (iMo) to operate a satellite
vices to be introduced in the near future. Satel- communications network for the maritime com-
lite in itself is not a communications technology; munity, including public safety services. Current
rather the satellite carries a payload for commu- data services include support for GMdSS, high
nications and uses spectrum that is allocated by data rate internet broadband/data streaming,
altitude. Satellite services are provided from low data rate, low latency, high availability data
geostationary (GEo) satellites, medium earth reporting, short burst data and store and for-
orbit (MEo) and low earth orbiting (LEo) satel- ward capabilities.
lites. Galileo is an example of an MEo constellation.
GEo satellites operate at an altitude of about there are 18 satellites available within the Gali-
36,000 km in orbit over the Equator (0 degrees leo satellite service. the complete constellation
latitude), at various longitudes. these satellites will comprise of 30 satellites, 6 of which are
have an orbital period equal to the rotation of spares.
the Earth and appear stationary above a fixed iridium is an example of a LEo satellite constel-
point on the Earth’s Equator. they provide conti- lation. iridium uses a constellation of over 60
nuous coverage for the majority of the earth’s cross-linked LEo satellites to provide high-qua-
surface, but do not provide coverage in the lity voice and data connections, including cove-
polar-regions (e.g. at latitudes typically greater rage over polar regions with the use of polar
than 70°). orbiting satellites.
MEo satellites operate at altitudes between Some sample GEo and LEo satellite options
2,000 - 35,786 km. the most common MEo or- are presented. As satellite technology is deve-
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Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
loping rapidly, this is not an exhaustive repre- provides the capacity that is required for delive-
sentation but provides a general overview of the ring a high bandwidth internet connection. the
existing, and expected, capabilities to address service uses a number of spot beams, giving a
maritime requirements. high data rate to a wider area, with further stee-
rable beams also available to provide additional Geostationary sateLLites (Geo) capacity where it’s needed. however, this ser-
noting that the satellite itself is the means to vice is not reserved solely for maritime meaning
deploy a specific payload for communications, there is a higher risk of system overload.
there are a number of existing or developing the inmarsat GX system functions in the ShF-
technologies that can be deployed on GEo EhF frequency bands (26.5 - 40 Ghz) and pro-
satellites. vides higher bandwidth for internet connection.
the service is expected to facilitate a data rate
inmarsat c of 50 Mbps.
inmarsat C is a store and forward satellite ser- table 27 provides the technical characteristics
vice used to transmit data from shore-ship, ship- of inmarsat GX.
ship and ship-shore. it provides global coverage
System Frequency Bandwidth Data Rate
(excluding the polar regions) and is designed to Inmarsat GX 26.5-40 GHz 64 MHz per spot beam 50 Mbps
send low data packages such as position re- 200 MHz for high capacity overlay
[ 88 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
table 28 provides the technical characteristics the differences in the technologies are not only
of iridium (Pilot). related to area of coverage and data rate, but
System Frequency Bandwidth Data Rate
also to the transmission process - for example,
Iridium (Pilot) Ground users - 1616 – 1626.5 31.5 kHz Up to 134 some are addressed (point to point only), while
MHz (L-band) kbps
others can be addressed, broadcast to a group
Terrestrial gateway 29.1 – 29.3 GHz
of ships or broadcast to a geographic area.
table 28: iridium (Pilot) system characteristics
Data rate Infrastructure Coverage Transmission Maritime / public
VDES VDE 307 kbps VHF Data link, Line of sight, approx Addressed / Maritime
RR Appendix 15NM-65NM broadcast
18 channels Satellite component
provides further coverage
VDES ASM 19.2 kbps VHF Data link, Line of sight, approx Addressed / Maritime
RR Appendix 15NM-65NM broadcast
18 channels
Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11ac) 1,300 kbps Routers/Access points 50m Addressed Public
Digital VHF 9.6-19.2 Base station/mobile Line of sight, approx Addressed Maritime
kbps radios 15NM-65NM
GEO Satellite
Inmarsat C 600 bps Satellite service Global, spot beams Addressed / Maritime
Inmarsat GX 50 Mbps Satellite functioning Global, spot beams Addressed / Cross Industry
on Ka band broadcast
LEO Satellite
Iridium Up to 134 Satellite functioning Global, dependent on Addressed / Cross Industry
kbps on L band constellation size broadcast (Iridium Pilot
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Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
4.8 POSITIONINg, NAVIgATION ANd processed to derive speed over ground (SoG),
TIMINg course over ground (CoG), etc.); and
• timing.
4.8.1 introduction this information may refer to a stationary obser-
Positioning, navigation and timing (Pnt) ver (static positioning) or to a moving observer
information is used widely in the maritime (kinematic positioning).
sector, both to navigate ships and in Marine Several Global navigation Satellite Systems
Aids to navigation (timing and positioning). (GnSS) have been deployed, fully or partially, or
there are a number of systems available that are under development. GPS, GLonASS, Bei-
deliver Pnt. dou and Galileo have been recognised as com-
More details of these systems can be found in ponents of the WWRnS. it is planned that
the iALA World Wide Radio navigation Plan regional GnSS components like QZSS and
(WWRnP). nAViC will become operational in the next few
years and may be submitted for recognition in
4.8.2 eLectronic position FixinG WWRnS in due course. GPS, Galileo, Beidou,
systems QZSS and nAViC operate interoperable ser-
vices under the framework of the international naViGation sateLLite systems telecommunication Union (itU).
Global navigation Satellite System (GnSS) is the
generic term for a satellite system that provides Global positioning system
a world-wide position determination, with time the Global Positioning System (GPS) is a three-
and velocity capability, for multi-modal use. dimensional positioning, velocity and time sys-
GnSS is based on a constellation of active satel- tem that became fully operational in 1995. the
lites which continuously transmit coded signals system is operated by the United States Air Force
in one or more frequency bands. these signals on behalf of the United States Government.
can be received by users anywhere on the the U.S. Government provides two levels of GPS
earth’s surface to determine the user’s position service. the Precise Positioning Service (PPS) pro-
and velocity in real time, based on ranging mea- vides full system accuracy to designated users.
surements. the Standard Positioning Service (SPS) provides
if a GnSS is recognised by the iMo as a compo- accurate positioning to all users.
nent of the World Wide Radio navigation Sys- GPS has three major segments: space, control
tem (WWRnS), as set out in iMo Resolution and user. the GPS Space Segment consists of a
A.1046 (27), the receivers of that GnSS will sa- nominal constellation of 24 satellites in six orbital
tisfy the iMo carriage requirements for position planes. the satellites operate in circular 20,200
fixing equipment referred to in Chapter V of the km (10,900 nm) high orbits at an inclination angle
SoLAS Convention. of 55 degrees and with a 12-hour period.
GnSS receivers in combination with other the GPS SPS is available on a non-discriminatory
equipment are able to provide Pnt information basis, free of direct user fees, to all users with an
such as: appropriate receiver. the service satisfies the re-
• absolute positioning; quirements for general navigation and harbour
• relative positioning (this can be further approach with a horizontal position accuracy of
9 metres (95% probability) [2]
[ 90 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
A modernisation program aims to improve the China’s independently constructed and operated
accuracy and availability for all users and involves GnSS system. it can be compatible with other
new ground stations, new satellites and four ad- GnSS in the world. Beidou can provide all-time,
ditional navigation signals: three new civilian si- all-weather Pnt services with high accuracy and
gnals known as L2C, L5 and L1C and a new high reliability for all kinds of users. A joint office
military code termed M-Code. established by related governmental depart-
Further information on GPS can be found at the ments, China Satellite navigation office (CSno) is
USCG nAVCEn website ( in charge of management on the construction, ap-
the website also has a link to the latest United plication promotion and industrialisation of BdS.
States Federal Radionavigation Plan that pro- BdS consists of three major components: the
vides a comprehensive account of current and space constellation, the ground control segment
future developments for GPS. and the user segment. the space constellation
consists of 5 GEo satellites and 30 non-GEo sa-
Global navigation satellite system tellites. Upon completion of the full system, BdS
the GLobal nAvigation Satellite System (GLo- will provide positioning, velocity measurement
nASS) is a three-dimensional positioning, velo- and timing services to users worldwide. it can
city and time system managed by the Russian also provide wide area differential services with
Space Agency for the Russian Federation. the accuracy of better than 1m.
it is available on a non-discriminatory basis and it is expected that when fully operational, the Bei-
free of direct user fees to all users with an ap- dou constellation will consist of approximately
propriate receiver. With a full complement of 24 40 satellites and be capable of providing global
satellites, the service satisfies the requirements coverage. For further details on BdS, including
for general navigation and gives a horizontal the number of satellites currently in orbit, please
position accuracy in the region of 12.4m (95%) refer to the CSno website [4]
over any 24-hour interval, given a position dilu- Further information on BdS can be found on
tion of precision (PdoP) of 2. [3] the CSno website
Recent launches have included the improved (
GLonASS M satellites with a second civil signal.
Since 2011, the constellation is being repleni- Galileo
shed with GLonASS-K satellites that provide a Galileo is the European GnSS designed to be
third civil signal on L3. GLonASS satellites use interoperable with other GnSS, managed and
Frequency division Multiple Access (FdMA). ho- operated under civil control. the Galileo pro-
wever new satellites will provide additional si- gramme is currently in its deployment phase
gnals using code division multiple access and is due for completion in 2020. initial ser-
(CdMA), to become interoperable with other vices were declared in 2016. Galileo will offer
GnSS. Further information on GLonASS and fu- the following services:
ture developments can be found on the Russian An open Service (oS): With positioning accu-
Space Agency, information Analytical Centre rate to around 1 metre using up to three diffe-
website ( rent frequencies (E5a, E5b and L1), free of user
charges and providing positioning and synchro-
beidou nisation information intended mainly for high-
Beidou navigation Satellite System (BdS) is volume satellite navigation applications.
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Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
A Public Regulated Service (PRS): Restricted to indian regional navigational satellite system
European Union government-authorised users, the indian Regional navigational Satellite Sys-
for sensitive applications which require a high tem (iRnSS) with an operational name of
level of service continuity. it will use strong, en- nAViC (navigation with indian Constellation)
crypted signals. it may be accessed by non-EU will be an independent navigation system co-
states and international organisations subject to vering the indian region through a space seg-
bilateral agreements. ment of 3 GEo satellites and 4 iGSo satellites.
A contribution to the Search and Rescue Service the inclination of the orbital plane of the iGSo
(SAR) of the CoSPAS-SARSAt system: Galileo’s satellites is low, so that all the satellites can be
worldwide search-and-rescue service will for- seen simultaneously over india.
ward distress signals to a rescue coordination three nAViC services are anticipated:
centre by detecting emergency signals from • open Service using signals in the L5 and S
beacons and relaying messages to them in near bands;
real time. • precise Positioning Service using signals in
A Commercial Service (CS): Encrypted for au- the L5 and S bands; and
thentication purposes and offering very high ac- • restricted Access Service using signals in the
curacy to the sub-decimetre level, it will target L5 band only.
applications for professional or commercial use. the open and Precise services target dual fre-
it will offer improved performance and data with quency users, but it is also intended to com-
greater added value than that obtained through pute and broadcast ionosphere-corrections to
the open service. support single frequency users. owing to the
Galileo will use a constellation of 24 satellites to limited coverage of the nAViC network of re-
achieve its positioning performance targets but ference stations, the satellites will, apart from
aims to have a constellation of 30 satellites the navigation payload, also include a dedica-
when fully operational (including in-orbit ted C-band uplink/down-link ranging payload
spares).[5] to support precise satellite orbit determination.
[ 92 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
ranging errors per satellite in view. this principle • be informed about the usability of services or
is applied by iALA Beacon dGnSS providing other information.
range and range rate corrections, derived at a Currently, dGnSS services are provided for
reference station site from differences between operational satellite navigation systems such as
surveyed and known distances to satellites in GPS and GLonASS. in principle, similar dGnSS
view. Satellite Based Augmentation Systems services can be provided for developing GnSS
(SBAS) provide an area correction parameter, such as GALiLEo, Beidou and QZSS.
whose application enables the determination of Each dGnSS service can be separated into two
range and range correction for users in large- parts - generating and distributing the augmen-
scale regions such as continental Europe. in this tation data. the generation of dGnSS augmen-
case, a network of ranging and integrity moni- tation data requires own GnSS measurements
toring stations (RiMS) is used to measure and gathered at a single reference station or a net-
model the spatial varying error behaviour. work of stations. different dGnSS messages
Centimetre-level accuracies can be achieved by and services may use different generation me-
dGnSS services employing the application of thods and means of dissemination. At present,
real time kinematic techniques (RtK) for positio- certain communication channels used for the
ning. the gain of accuracy is achieved by the provision of dGnSS augmentation data are as-
common processing of range and phase mea- signed to specific dGnSS services. For example,
surements collected at reference station and the provision of dGnSS augmentation data is
user site, to apply single and double difference realised by terrestrial radio transmitters (i.e. iALA
methods during position determination. beacon transmissions or AiS) or via satellite
in safety-critical applications, dGnSS services transponders (SBAS).
should be enriched with integrity functions, rea-
lising the monitoring of data and system inte- terrestrial augmentation systems
grity in real time. the monitoring can be realised the following sections consider the different
by plausibility and consistency tests as well as correction methods which used ground-based
methods estimating error behaviour and bud- infrastructure. iALA Beacon dGnSS
gets. Results of the integrity monitoring inform the aim of iALA beacon dGnSS is the provision
the user about the current usability of applied of non-encrypted differential corrections, as well
components and provided output data. as integrity information, to maritime users to
the dGnSS service provision is realised by improve accuracy and integrity of GnSS based
radio signals carrying augmentation, correction determination of position, velocity and time
and integrity data. Users operating in service data (PVt). the method of differential
areas and equipped with appropriate receivers positioning was developed in the 1990s, is
can use this augmentation data to: internationally accepted and supported in most
• enhance accuracy of GnSS based positio- coastal waters, especially in areas of high traffic
ning; density. the differential corrections are
• notify of faulty satellites or GnSS failure; determined at known positions of reference
• detect satellite signals with increased propa- stations or a network of stations. For this
gation errors; purpose, the difference between expected and
• exclude disturbed signals from positioning; measured ranges is used to derive actual range
and and range rate corrections.
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Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
[ 94 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
user groups in some countries and it has been re- european Geo-stationary navigation overlay
ported to function without major problems and service
deliver the required positioning accuracy. the European Geostationary navigation over-
When using RtK over AiS, it should be noted that lay Service (EGnoS) is the European satellite-
it puts a high demand on the VhF data Link. based augmentation system that provides
other limitations of this technique are that only safety critical navigation services to aviation,
one mobile user can be served by one AiS base maritime and land-based users over most of
station at a time, there is reduced understanding Europe. EGnoS augments the GPS L1 Co-
of accuracy due to rapid atmospheric fluctua- arse/Acquisition (C/A) civilian signal by provi-
tions and that it may not be applicable in areas ding corrections and integrity information.
of high channel loading. the channel loading
EGnoS provides three services:
problem may be addressed in the future by using
• open Service (oS), freely available to any
the additional channels allocated for VdES.
user. the main objective of the EGnoS oS is
achievable positioning accuracy by correcting
satellite based augmentation systems
several error sources affecting GPS signals;
Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS)
• Safety of Life (SoL) Service, provides the most
support wide-area or regional augmentation
stringent level of signal-in-space performance
through the use of additional satellite-broad-
developed primarily to support aviation. its use
cast messages. the basic arrangement is to use
in the maritime sector is being explored with a
a set of monitoring stations (at precisely known
view to supporting maritime SoL users in the fu-
positions) to receive GnSS signals. these will
be processed in order to obtain estimations of
• EGnoS data Access Service (EdAS) is the
these errors that are also applicable to the users
(i.e. ionospheric errors, satellite position/clock EGnoS terrestrial data service which offers
errors, etc.). once these estimations have been ground-based access to EGnoS data in real
computed, they are transmitted to the users by time and also in a historical FtP archive to au-
means of a GEo satellite. thorised users (e.g. added-value application
providers) (https://egnos-user-support.essp-
Wide area augmentation system
the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) brary/official_docs/egnos_edas_sdd_v2_1.pdf.
has been implemented by the US Federal the EGnoS Space Segment comprises 3 geos-
Aviation Authority (FAA) to support the use of tationary (GEo) satellites. the EGnoS Ground
GPS for general and commercial aviation over Segment comprises a network of Ranging inte-
continental United States. it was recently grity Monitoring Stations (RiMS), two Mission
extended to cover parts of Mexico and Control Centres (MCC), six navigation Land
Canada. At present, the WAAS architecture Earth Stations (nLES), and the EGnoS Wide
includes 38 reference stations, 3 master Area network (EWAn) which provides the com-
stations, 4 up-link stations, 2 geostationary munication network for all the components of
satellite links and 2 operational control the ground segment.
centres. Further information on WAAS can be Further information on EGnoS can be found
found on the USCG navigation Centre via website and
website (
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Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
multi-satellite augmentation system in Japan, processes in the next several years before its
the Multi-Satellite Augmentation System (MSAS) provision of safety of life (SoL) service in the
is a SBAS similar to EGnoS and WAAS. MSAS has aviation sector in october 2022. Further infor-
been commissioned for aviation use, with two mation on KASS can be found via website
GEo-links using the L1 band via dedicated (
satellites, shared with communications and
meteorological missions. the system has been terrestriaL systems
operational since 2007 and there are plans to add Loran-c
additional services on L5 in the future [7]. Further Loran–C is a hyperbolic radionavigation system
information on MSAS can be found via the that was developed during the 1960’s to meet
website: ( U.S. department of defense requirements. the
Russian Federation operates a similar radiona-
Gps-aided Geo augmented navigation system vigation system called ChAYKA. there are cur-
india is developing a GPS-Aided Geo Augmen- rently about 19 Loran - C and ChAYKA chains
ted navigation system (GAGAn), which is a operating around the world. the principal cove-
SBAS similar to WAAS and EGnoS. GAGAn in- rage areas include Saudi Arabia, China Sea,
cludes 8 reference stations, 1 mission control Korea, north West Pacific, Russian Federation
centre, 1 up-link station and 1 GEo-link through and north West Europe.
the L1/L5 transponder on the inMARSAt 4-F1 Loran - C chains comprise between three to five
satellite. At the time of writing, further informa- stations that have a spacing of 600 to 1000 nau-
tion on GAGAn may be found at tical miles. the signal format is a structured se-
quence of specially designed radio pulses on a
system for differential corrections and carrier wave frequency centred on 100 khz. one
monitoring of the stations is designated as the ‘master’ and
Russia is developing an augmentation to transmits groups of 9 pulses. the other stations
provide corrections for GLonASS and GPS are called ‘secondaries’ and these transmit
called the System for differential Corrections groups of 8 pulses.
and Monitoring (SdCM). this system will the spacing between groups of ‘master’ pulses
consist of 3 geostationary satellites, assigned from a single chain is a characteristic unique to
PRn codes 125,140 and 141. two satellites that chain and is referred to as the Group Repe-
have been launched and are in operation. tition interval (GRi).
the 100 khz carrier wave frequency favours the
korea augmentation satellite system propagation of a stable ground wave over long
Republic of Korea is developing a Korea Aug- distances. Careful signal design allows Loran re-
mentation Satellite System (KASS), which is an ceivers to determine positions using the ground
SBAS similar to WAAS and EGnoS. KASS in- wave and reject the delayed sky wave that
cludes 7 reference stations, 2 master stations, 2 would potentially distort the received signal.
up-link stations, and 2 operational control cen- the transmissions from each chain are monito-
tres. Upon completion of system development red and controlled continuously. System abnor-
and establishment, scheduled in 2019, KASS will mality indicators are built into the signal format
begin to provide its open service in 2020. it will and can be identified by the receiver providing
then undergo a series of system certification inherent integrity warnings.
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Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
tion of operation in the presence of a single could be an expensive option and it is more li-
GnSS satellite and signal failures. to detect a kely that time would be sourced from a low fre-
faulty satellite, at least five range measurements quency radio time clock or eLoran.
are required, whereas to isolate and exclude a
faulty satellite, at least six range measurements 4.8.3 radar marine aids to naViGation
are required. While RAiM can detect many fai- Radar Marine Aids to navigation are devices
lure modes, it cannot detect some failures affec- that provide returns to a ship’s radar that help
ting multiple satellites. to locate and/or identify a navigation mark. the
the upcoming availability of various GnSS will iMo carriage requirements contained in Chap-
increase the usable number of navigation si- ter V, Regulation 19 of the SoLAS Convention
gnals for RAiM-based positioning. new and mo- 1974 (as amended), states all ships of:
dernized GnSS supports the provision of GnSS • 300 gross tonnage and upwards are to carry
signals in two or more frequency bands and the- a 9 Ghz radar;
refore improves the capability of GnSS based • 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards are to be
ranging. fitted with a 3 Ghz radar or, where considered
Future advancement in RAiM algorithms should appropriate by the Administration, a second 9
improve the availability and continuity of RAiM Ghz radar.
based positioning. Such enhanced RAiM tech- Some administrations may impose other car-
niques - called Advanced RAiM (ARAiM) - may riage requirements.
become available to maritime users (www.navi- iMo Resolution MSC.192 (79) Adoption of the Revised Performance Standards for Radar
Equipment (december 2004) states that 9 Ghz
ranging mode radars should be capable of detecting radar
Studies are being conducted on the benefit of beacons, SARts and radar target enhancers. By
expanding the functionality of existing systems omission, 3Ghz radars are not required to de-
by providing a timing signal from which the tect radar beacons and SARtS. With the remo-
user may then calculate their position indepen- val of the 3Ghz radar racon detection
dently from GnSS. this is known as Ranging requirement, ship-owners are free to use hi-
Mode (R-mode). gher performing radars, often referred to as
At present, the iALA MF beacon system and AiS new technology (nt) radars, discussed below.
services are being considered as candidates for 9 Ghz radars are also extensively carried by
modification to add R-mode functionality. By vessels not covered by SoLAS or local regula-
providing timing information over their normal tion. due to this high rate of carriage, radar Ma-
MF or VhF transmissions, a shipboard receiver rine Aids to navigation in the 9 Ghz band are
may then calculate a distance (range) to the especially useful.
transmitter. By calculating the range to several
stations, the user is able to calculate the ship’s radar reFLectors
position. Coverage, geometry and interference A radar reflector is a passive device designed
issues would need to be investigated. to return the incident radar pulses of electroma-
the provision of R-Mode services would require gnetic energy back towards the source and the-
the availability of an accurate non-GnSS timing reby enhance the response on the radar
source at the transmitter. high stability clocks display. By design, a radar reflector attempts to
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Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
minimise absorption and random scattering ef- shown RtEs to have provided an effective radar
fects. A radar reflector is generally installed as cross section (RCS) of about 100 m2, compa-
a supplementary device at sites that would also red with an RCS of 20 to 30 m2 for passive
be marked with a light. the main objectives are radar reflectors typically fitted to buoys.
to enhance: to date, commercially available RtEs only ope-
• target detection at long ranges (for example, rate in the 9 Ghz band. RtE use is subject to
for landfall navigation); multipath fading effects.
• target detection in areas of sea or rain clutter;
and radar beacons
• radar conspicuity of Marine Aids to naviga- Radar beacons (racons) are receiver/transmit-
tion to reduce the risk of collision damage. ter devices operating in the maritime radar fre-
the performance of a radar reflector can be de- quency bands (9 and 3 Ghz) that enhance the
fined in terms of its effective radar cross section detection and identification of certain radar tar-
(RCS). this is a value determined by comparing gets. Please note that iMo MSC.192 (79) has
the strength of radar signals returned by the done away with the requirement for 3Ghz
radar reflector with the equivalent return from radar to detect racons.
a radar reflective sphere of 1m2 reflecting area. A racon responds to the presence of a ship’s
the range at which a radar reflector target can radar by sending a characteristic pulse train.
be detected is dependent on the heights of the the response appears as a coded mark (or
radar antenna, the reflector and the output “paint”) on the ship’s radar display (refer Figure
power of the radar. there are analogies to the 29) that highlights the range and bearing of the
geographical range of visual marks. the radar racon. the display paint can be fixed to a spe-
navguide: Chapter 4 - e-navigation 100 cified length or can be dependent on the radar
performance of corner cluster reflectors may range setting. it uses a Morse Code letter cha-
vary considerably from one make to another. racter for identification.
Use of small radar reflectors can also be subject
to multipath fading effects. Please see iALA Gui-
deline no.1010 on Racon Range Performance
for a discussion on multipath fading.
Most radar reflectors are designed for use by 9
Ghz radars. the reflectors can also be used with
3 Ghz radars; however, the effective radar cross
section is about an order of magnitude less.
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Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
installed at sites that would also be marked iALA recommends that the availability of a
with a light. the number of vessels capable of racon should be at least 99.8%.
making use of a racon is effectively unlimited. For more information on racons, refer to the
A racon can be used for: following iALA publications:
• ranging and identification of positions in ice
conditions or on inconspicuous or featureless refer to iaLa publication:
• identification of Marine Aids to navigation, • Guideline 1010 - Racon Range Performance
both sea-based and land-based; • Recommendation R-101 - Maritime Radar
• landfall identification; Beacons (Racons)
• indicating centre and turning points in • Recommendation enAV-146 Strategy for
precautionary areas or traffic Separation Maintaining Racon Service Capability
Scheme (tSS); • Recommendation o-113 - the Marking of
• marking hazards; Fixed Bridges over navigable Waters
• indicating navigable spans under bridges;
• identifying leading lines. racon technicaL considerations
there are a number of technical Frequency-aGiLe racon considerations in the use of racons to assist
A frequency-agile racon responds on the with the navigation of a ship:
frequency on which it is interrogated and the • to avoid masking other features on the
response can be re-painted on each radar radar display, the racon response is usually
sweep. the purpose of frequency agility is to switched on and off on a pre-set cycle;
provide a signal to the radar that is within the • the angular accuracy of the bearing
receiver bandwidth of the radar. between the ship and racon depends entirely
signal characteristics on the interrogating radar, while the accuracy
Racons operate in the 9 Ghz band with of the range measurement depends on both
horizontal polarisation, and/or in the 3 Ghz the radar and racon;
band, with horizontal and optional vertical • When racons are used in leading line
polarisation. applications, an alignment accuracy of about
0.3 degrees can be expected; and
Preferred Terminology Alternatives • When a ship is very close to a racon, side-
9 GHZ 9300 9500 MHZ X-BAND 3 CM
lobes from the radar antenna can trigger the
racon. the resulting multiple responses on the
3 GHZ 2900 3100 MHZ S-BAND 10 CM
radar display may be a distraction and can
table 30: Preferred terminology for the description of mask other targets. Side-lobe suppression
Racon operating Frequencies techniques are standard features of frequency
agile racons. racon perFormance criteria
the availability of a racon is the principal use With neW technoLoGy radars
measure of performance determined by iALA. All currently available and installed racons are
in the absence of any specific considerations, designed for use with high power pulse radars.
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Chapter 4 - e-Navigation
effectiveness as a backup, and to evaluate the then available to everyone involved with e-na-
potential for integrating visual Aton with e-na- vigation and testbeds.
vigation. it is important that outcomes or lessons learnt
from test-bed projects be considered in the
4.9 TeSTBedS context of the main elements of the iMo Stra-
the term testbed is used across many tegy implementation Plan (i.e. user needs, ar-
disciplines to describe a platform that is used chitecture, gap analysis and solutions that are
for research, development or testing. the subject of cost-benefit and risk analyses).
testbeds generally involve rigorous,
transparent and replicable testing of scientific
theories, innovative solutions, computational NOTeS
tools and new technologies. [1]A registry is simply a bookkeeping device
iALA Guideline G1107 (on Planning and where definitions/specifications are kept in
Reporting of e-navigation testbeds) states organised locations known as registers. the
that e-navigation testbeds allow for early registry eases the tasks of development of
identification and assessment of new system new things, by providing a centralised source
functionality, operational usability, areas of for finding definitions/ specifications
enhancements, identification of weaknesses [2]GPS Performance Standards, 2008
and socio-technical impact. Such testbeds [3]United nations office for outer Space
should not be limited or restricted by current Affairs, “Current and Planned Global and
architecture, data structures or procedures. Regional navigation Satellite Systems and
note that not all testbeds may lead to Satellite-based Augmentations Systems”,
commercial implementation of solutions. 2011
[4]At the time of writing, further information
4.9.1 testbed inFormation on Beidou may be found on the internet
As e-navigation evolves from concept to ope- h
rational reality, the importance of testbeds [5]Further information on Galileo can be
continues to grow. found at the following website:
in order for e-navigation solutions to have
global application, iALA facilitates the colla- lileo/
tion and sharing of the outcomes of testbeds. [6]A 1kW transmitter will generally allow
A list of testbeds that are known to iALA can position fixing to better than 10 metres over a
be found at: radius of about 200 nautical miles [7]United nation office of outer Space Affairs
testbed managers are encouraged to share
results (including interim and final reports) of
testbeds with the maritime community,
through iALA. iALA can post testbed findings,
including an executive summary and descrip-
tion, as provided by the testbed manager, at
the testbeds page of the iALA website. it is
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Chapter 5 - Vessel Traffic Services
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Chapter 5 - Vessel Traffic Services
VtS functions can be subdivided into internal 5.7.2 traFFic orGaniZation serVice
and external functions. internal functions are the A traffic organization Service (toS) is a service
preparatory activities that have to be performed to prevent the development of dangerous
to enable a VtS to operate. these include data maritime traffic situations and to provide for the
collection, data evaluation and decision making. safe and efficient movement of vessel traffic
External functions are activities executed with within the VtS area. A traffic organization Service
the purpose of influencing the traffic provides essential and timely information to
characteristics by means of active traffic assist the on-board decision-making process and
management strategies including the provision may advise, instruct or exercise authority to direct
of information, advice, warnings and instruction. movements. it concerns the operational
Amongst the most important functions that a management of traffic and the planning of vessel
VtS may carry out are those related to, movements and is particularly relevant in times
contributing to and thereby enhancing: of high traffic density or when vessel movements
• safety of life at sea; may affect the traffic flow. A traffic organization
• safety of navigation; Service should be responsible for separating
• efficiency of vessel traffic movement; traffic in the interest of safety. this separation
• protection of the marine environment; could be defined in space, time and/or distance.
• supporting maritime security;
• supporting law enforcement; 5.7.3 naViGationaL assistance serVice
• supporting allied and other services; A navigational Assistance Service (nAS) may be
• protection of adjacent communities and provided in addition to an information Service
infrastructure. and/or traffic organization Service. it is a service
to assist in the on-board navigational decision-ma-
5.7 TyPeS OF SerVICe IN VTS king process and is provided at the request of a
iMo Resolution A.857(20) states that a VtS vessel, or when deemed necessary by the VtS. it is
should comprise of at least an information a service that provides essential and timely naviga-
Service and may also include others, such as a tional information to assist in the on-board naviga-
navigational Assistance Service or a traffic tional decision-making process and to monitor its
organisation Service, or both. effects. it may also involve the provision of infor-
mation, warning, navigational advice and/or ins-
5.7.1 inFormation serVice truction.
An information Service (inS) provides essential the navigational Assistance Service is especially
and timely information to assist the on-board important in difficult navigational or meteorologi-
decision-making process. An information Ser- cal circumstances or in case of defects or deficien-
vice involves maintaining a traffic image and al- cies. A navigational Assistance Service is an
lows interaction with traffic and response to important supplement to the provision of other na-
developing traffic situations. An information vigational services, such as pilotage. navigational
Service should provide essential and timely in- Assistance Service may be provided at the request
formation to assist the on board decision-ma- of a vessel, irrespective of whether a pilot is on
king process. board, or when a navigational situation is observed
and intervention by the VtS is deemed necessary.
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Chapter 5 - Vessel Traffic Services
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Chapter 5 - Vessel Traffic Services
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Chapter 6 - Other services and facilities
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Chapter 6 - Other services and facilities
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Chapter 6 - Other services and facilities
deep-water Route: An accurately surveyed route Recommended track: A route which has been
within defined limits that is clear of obstructions specially examined to ensure, so far as possible,
to a specified depth as indicated on the applica- that it is free of dangers and along which, ships
ble navigation chart. are advised to navigate.
Established direction of traffic Flow: A traffic flow Roundabout:(note3) A routeing measure compri-
pattern indicating the directional movement of sing a separation point or circular separation
traffic as established within a traffic separation zone and a circular traffic lane within defined li-
scheme. mits. traffic within the roundabout is separated
inshore traffic Zone: (note 3) A routeing measure by moving in a counter clockwise direction
comprising a designated area between the land- around the separation point or zone.
ward boundary of a traffic separation scheme Routeing System: Any system of one or more
and the adjacent coast, to be used in accordance routes or routeing measures aimed at reducing
with the provisions of rule 10(d), as amended, of the risk of casualties, it includes traffic separation
the international Regulations for Preventing Col- schemes, two-way routes, recommended tracks,
lisions at Sea, 1972 (CoLREGs). areas to be avoided, inshore traffic zones, roun-
Mandatory Routeing System: A routeing system dabouts, precautionary areas and deep water
adopted by the international Maritime organiza- routes.
tion, in accordance with the requirements of Separation Zone or Line: (note 3) A zone or line
SoLAS Regulation V/10, for mandatory use by all separating the traffic lanes in which ships are pro-
ships, certain categories of ships or ship carrying ceeding in opposite or nearly opposite direction
certain cargoes. or separating a traffic lane from the adjacent sea
no Anchoring Area: A routeing measure compri- area; or separating traffic lanes designated for
sing an area within defined limits where ancho- particular classes of ship proceeding in the same
ring is hazardous or could result in unacceptable direction.
damage to the marine environment. Anchoring traffic Lane: (note 3) An area within defined limits
in a no anchoring area should be avoided by all in which one-way traffic is established. natural
ships or certain classes of ships, except in case of obstacles, including those forming separation
immediate danger to the ship or the persons on zones, may constitute a boundary.
board. traffic Separation Scheme: (note 3) A routeing
Precautionary Area: A routeing measure compri- measure aimed at the separation of opposing
sing an area within defined limits where ships streams of traffic by appropriate means and by
must navigate with particular caution and within the establishment of traffic lanes.
which the direction of traffic flow may be recom- two-way Route: A route within defined limits in-
mended. side which two way traffic is established, aimed
Recommended direction of traffic Flow: A traffic at providing safe passage of ships through wa-
flow pattern indicating a recommended directio- ters where navigation is difficult or dangerous.
nal movement of traffic where it is impractical or
unnecessary to adopt an established direction of 6.2.3 VesseL manoeuVerinG
traffic flow. if a waterway is defined as a series of straight
Recommended Route: A route of undefined and turn sections, the passage of a vessel
width, for the convenience of ships in transit, along the waterway can be described by a
which is often marked by centreline buoys. number of navigational phases that are
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Chapter 6 - Other services and facilities
illustrated in Figure 31. these comprise: Aton are normally intended to function as part
• turning; of a system(s) and therefore mariners should
• recovery; make use of all information provided by the
• track keeping. system of Aton.
the type of manoeuvre within a section Whether designing a new waterway system or
determines the information that the navigator evaluating an existing one, there are many fac-
requires from the Marine Aids to navigation. tors that must be considered. the identification
of these factors allows Competent Authorities
to develop a greater understanding of the risks
and threats that are present within a particular
Waterways will vary in their characteristics. Site
analysis, needs analysis, simulation, and opera-
tional analysis provide the necessary frame-
work to evaluate the overall risks that may be
present and identify measures that reduce the
risk to safe transit to an acceptable level.
once the evaluation has been completed,
Competent Authorities should use this infor-
mation to design the Aton system. in comple-
ting the design it is important to note that the
entire waterway must be viewed using a syste-
matic approach, recognizing that each indivi-
dual element of the waterway design by itself
will not reduce transit risk. While individual
areas of the waterway must be considered, the
overall Marine Aids to navigation system must
Figure 31 - Vessel Manoeuvring Phases support a smooth transit of the entire water-
way. the tools used for waterway design
6.3 MINIMuM COMPreheNSIVe MIx consists of the iALA MBS (Annex A of this do-
OF ATON FOr ChANNeLS ANd cument) and the technical tools referred to in
WATerWAyS section 3.1 (Aton) and Chapter 4 (e-naviga-
the primary goal of the design of Aton sys- tion), which are also described in iALA Recom-
tems for a waterway is to facilitate safe and ef- mendations and Guidelines.
ficient movement of vessels while playing a
prevention role in the protection of the marine the specific Marine Aids to navigation system
environment. the responsible provision of implemented should enable waterway users
Aton systems requires that systems be des- to transit an area safely and efficiently,
igned to meet the minimum requirements for avoiding groundings, obstructions to
safe and expeditious navigation through spe- navigation, and collisions with other vessels.
cific waters in accordance with the type and vo- in order to satisfy the information
lume of traffic and the degree of risk. requirements of users, a system of Marine
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Chapter 6 - Other services and facilities
igning for worst case visibility is not usually the position uncertainty, at the 95% confidence
practical; however, reduced visibility due to level, should be recorded together with the sur-
haze and fog must be considered. vey datA. the position of the following items
in designing and modernising systems, past in- should be determined such that the horizontal
cidents such as groundings, collisions or near- uncertainty meets the requirements specified:
misses must be considered. Such incidents • Soundings;
should be well documented to ensure accuracy • dangers;
of the information used for a decision to • other significant submerged features;
change or not to change the configuration of • Aton features significant to navigation;
aids in a system. • Coastline and topographical features.
Additionally, integrity and continuity can be this includes all uncertainty sources not just
used to define requirements, if appropriate. those associated with positioning equipment.
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Chapter 6 - Other services and facilities
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Chapter 6 - Other services and facilities
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Chapter 6 - Other services and facilities
DAMAGED Use only for major damage, e.g., loss of significant functionality
the above list of terms and definitions do not adequately cover all of the situations that an Authority
might want to use when issuing a navigation warning. An expanded set of definitions of terms for use
in navigation warnings is provided for Competent Authorities’ consideration in table 32.
Term Definition
ESTABLISHED IN Any type of aid placed in operation for the first time at a given station.
RE-ESTABLISHED IN Any type of aid placed in operation at a station at which a similar type of aid with identical
POSITION characteristics had been previously established, but subsequently destroyed, withdrawn or discontinued.
UNLIT When a light is out because of defective equipment, or any unintentional or deliberate occurrence and it
is intended to restore it to normal as soon as practicable.
UNRELIABLE When an aid of any type is not exhibiting its correct characteristics and it is intended to restore it to
normal as soon as practicable.
REDUCED POWER When an aid of any type is not operating at its correct power, but is exhibiting the correct
characteristics and it is intended to restore it to normal replace it as soon as practicable.
OFF STATION When a floating aid is adrift, missing or out of position and it is intended to replace it as soon as
ALTERED When the characteristics or structure of any aid have been altered, without changing the type of aid or its
ALTERED IN POSITION When a change is made to the station of an aid (e.g. its location) without changing the type of aid,
character or type of structure.
DESTROYED Any type of aid that has been damaged to the extent that it is no longer of use as a Marine Aid to
Navigation, but the structure may remain.
RESTORED TO NORMAL Any type of aid that has been previously described as unlit, unreliable, reduced power or temporarily
discontinued and has now been serviced so as to exhibit its correct characteristics and power.
REPLACED IN POSITION When a floating aid previously described as off station or temporarily discontinued is returned to station
or replaced by another with the same characteristics.
TEMPORARILY When any aid is discontinued, temporarily withdrawn or off station and another aid of
REPLACED BY different type or characteristics is immediately established at the same station.
TEMPORARILY When a floating aid has been entirely removed from its station and no similar aid is left in its place, but it
WITHDRAWN is intended to re-establish the aid in the near future.
TEMPORARILY When a sound signal or radionavigation service is silent because of maintenance requirements, or any
DISCONTINUED unintentional or deliberate occurrence, and it is intended to restore it to normal as soon as practicable.
table 32 - Suggested
PERMANENTLY When a floating aid has been entirely removed from its station with no similar aid is left in its place Expanded List of Standard
WITHDRAWN and it is not intended to re-establish that aid in the near future.
terms for Use in navigation
PERMANENTLY When any aid, other than a floating aid, is removed from a station or the service is terminated or silenced
DISCONTINUED because it is no longer required.
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Chapter 6 - Other services and facilities
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Chapter 6 - Other services and facilities
transformed into a motion spectrum of the ship, real-time monitoring system to be used during a
there is not a specific maximum value to the passage. For both, prediction of conditions over
ship’s vertical motions. What allowance has to be the hours ahead is important to make decisions
reserved for a safe passage then? the key is to in time.
define a maximum probability (per unit of time) there is an increasing use of Probabilistic tidal
that the vessel would contact the bottom. this Window calculation systems in ports. the general
value should be subject to the bottom type rationale for those is that a fixed UKC criterion will
(sandy and flat or with rocks), the type of vessel under most circumstances be unnecessary large,
and cargo, the ecological vulnerability of the area in order to ensure that all passages under all per-
and the possibility that the harbour entrance mitted conditions will be safe. the fixed UKC cri-
would be blocked as a result of a contact. terion is then governed by the worst conditions
that only occur during a small percentage of the
time. Under more favourable conditions the ac-
tual UKC may be smaller without compromising
safety, which leads to a better accessibility of the
Real-time UKC monitoring may be performed for
different purposes and in different ways. one
purpose is of course to ensure the safety of navi-
gation, providing an early warning if the UKC
gets too small. Another important purpose is to
evaluate the performance of the prediction sys-
tems used, so that these may be improved. the
way in which the UKC is monitored depends on
the available data sources. to improve a predic-
ted value, the actual value must be deducted
from the measured data.
Figure 34 - Vessel Under Keel Clearance (UKC) the predicted data comprise:
• Water level;
For the passage concerned, tidal windows may • Current;
be calculated on basis of this probability, instead • Wind;
of using a fixed value of UKC. to this end, the ex- • Wave height and direction;
pected motion spectrum of the vessel during the • Water density.
passage must be determined. in order to remain other parameters are known with only limited ac-
manoeuvrable, a minimum UKC (e.g.1.0 m) has curacy or certainty:
to be maintained at all times disregarding the • Vessel Characteristics (wave response; draught
motions due to waves. Additionally, the motions fore, mid and aft);
during the actual passage may be monitored, so • Squat, trim and heel;
that the passage plan might be adapted if condi- • Actual Bathymetry.
tions differ from the expectations. UKC manage- Metocean models are used for the prediction of
ment may exist as a system to calculate wind, water level and current, and wave spectra,
Probabilistic tidal Windows for a passage or as a often as localised models nested within ocean-
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Chapter 6 - Other services and facilities
wide models. observed data are provided by may have to wait one or more tides before pas-
tide gauges, wave buoys and other devices as sage is safe enough.
available near the passage. the vertical position it is imperative that a robust operational model(s)
of the vessel may in some areas be monitored ac- and governance framework(s) is in place for the
curately with GPS in RtK mode. this yields the di- introduction of a flexible UKC system. the accu-
rect measurement of the bottom elevation, but racy of charted depths and predicted tide levels
also the squat of the vessel if the actual water is integral to the management of UKC. hydrogra-
level is known or vice versa. phic surveys have inherent technical limitations
Vessel transits plans or tidal windows are deter- due partly to uncertainties in tidal reductions.
mined using predicted information. the closer to therefore, nautical charts cannot always be com-
the time of transit, the more accurate the predic- pletely reliable in their representation of depth.
tion will be as it is corrected using observed va- Furthermore, in some areas where there are sand
lues transits may be executed with the assistance waves the shape and hence the depth of the sea-
of portable systems that can receive real-time en- bed is constantly changing.
vironmental data (tides, waves, current, weather). Potential components of that framework include:
this enables a pilot to execute a transit having full
• initial validation of the UKC calculation outputs
regard to real-time environmental conditions. if
of the system by an independent person or or-
there is time and manoeuvring space for it, the
ganisation e.g. hydrographers, hydrodynamics
pilot may be able to fine-tune a ship’s actual UKC
experts, using accepted validation techniques
by varying speed, which affects squat/ settlement,
such as:
and rate of turn, which affects angle of heel, to en-
• regular calibration of sensors providing hydro-
sure it remains within predefined limits.
meteo data inputs;
Predictive and real time UKC software applica-
• accuracy limitations of charted depths and
tions including associated portable pilot software
tidal predictions must be factored into any UKC
applications require a ground truthing approach
for ensuring their operational integrity and Com-
Competent Authorities should ensure an appro-
petent Authorities seeking to implement real
time UKC management systems may need to priate minimum under keel clearance limit is en-
provide additional Marine Aids to navigation forced in conjunction with the operation of the
and related infrastructure (e.g.hydrometeo sen- UKC management system.
sors, fully redundant communications links) to
support a real time UKC management system. NOTeS
Competent Authorities considering implemen- [1]iMo Resolution A.960(23).
ting UKC management systems should under- [2]Refer to iMo Publication 'Ships; Routeing',
take a rigorous assessment of the economic iMo, 2015 Edition
benefits that would accrue to the shipping indus- [3]these terms are used in the 1972 CoLREGs
try through the extension of tidal windows and [4]Also known as narrow Band direct Printing
the increase in maximum draughts that may be (nBdP).
accommodated through the use of real time UKC [5]iALA Recommendation V-128 – operatio-
management systems. Using a probabilistic tidal nal and technical Performance Requirements
window regime implies that the larger the for VtS Equipment Edition 3.0 June 2007.
draught, the larger the probability that the ship [6]
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Chapter 7 - Power supplies
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Chapter 7 - Power supplies
Marine Aids to navigation exposed to icing cations where high ambient temperature
conditions are perhaps the only applications exists. it should be noted that better output is
unsuited to the use of solar modules. achieved when the panel voltage is at least
twice that of the nominal battery voltage.
the three common technologies employed in module or array orientation
the manufacture of silicon based solar modules in the northern hemisphere, solar modules are
are listed in table 34. normally installed facing south and inclined at
an angle to the horizontal that is related to the
Technology Comments
Made from a thin slice cut from a single large crystal of
latitude of the site such that they can maximise
silicon, usually produced as a circular section rod. output during the period of the year when ir-
Generally have the highest efficiency of the three
Monocrystaline radiance is least, and vice versa for the sou-
Cells technologies. If circular wafers of silicon are used, the
module fill factor is significantly less than with thern hemisphere. the inclination angle for
polycrystalline cells. It is now usual for the cells to be
trimmed to approximate a square.
solar modules is often optimised for the parti-
Made from a thin slice cut from a large cast billet of cular site as part of the sizing calculations.
Polycrystaline silicon comprising many crystals. Are slightly less
one of the main problems experienced with
Cells efficient than the mono crystalline cell but they can be
shaped to completely fill the module. solar powered Marine Aids to navigation has
Made by depositing thin films of silicon directly onto been bird fouling. numerous, innovative solu-
Thin Film a glass or stainless steel substrate a thin slice cut from
Technology a single large crystal of silicon. The cell has a lower tions have been trialled, generally with mixed
efficiency than either of other technologies but can be results. Generally solar modules mounted at an
multi-layered for enhanced performance. Problems
have been found with lifetime of these cells. angle or vertically benefit from self-washing
from rain.
table 34 - Silicon Solar Cell technology
the cost of additional solar modules needed
in addition to the silicon cell technologies, for a vertical installation may be largely off-set
there are two optional module configurations by the savings that result from simplifying the
based on the numbers of series connected mounting arrangements or framework.
cells. the standard module normally has 36
cells in series to give an open circuit voltage of 7.2.2 Wind enerGy
around 20 volts. For all battery charging appli-
cations, a voltage (charge) regulator is consi- marine aids to navigation applications
dered essential. Wind generators (or wind turbines) have been
Modern developments in electronics have al- used by a number of iALA Members to power
lowed new voltage (charge) regulators to be their Marine Aids to navigation. the most po-
developed that use maximum power point pular type were horizontal axis machines with
tracking (MPPt). this ensures that they operate a two or more bladed (propeller type) turbine.
the solar module at a level to obtain the maxi- the maintenance requirements arising from
mum power, for any given level of irradiance. the number of moving parts of a wind gene-
this operating level is independent to the bat- rator and susceptibility to storm damage, has
tery charge voltage level. this technology can limited the wide use of wind generators.
lead to up to 30% more output than would be
achieved with conventional voltage regulators installations
and can ensure effective solar charging in lo- Wind generator installations at Marine Aids to
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8 [ 127 ]
Chapter 7 - Power supplies
navigation sites pose a number of problems: efficiency (95% vs.80%) than the nickel cad-
• wind generators tend to require a lot of mium battery. however, the nickel cadmium
maintenance if operated in turbulent air flows; battery can operate in lower temperatures and
• if the wind generator is installed on a sepa- for a greater number of deep discharge cycles.
rate mast some distance from the Marine Aid Recently, new secondary battery technologies
to navigation, consideration has to be given have appeared, including nickel-metal-hydride
to the inherent cable voltage drop; (ni-Mh) batteries, lithium-iron phosphate (Li-
• operation of wind generators to power Ma- FePo4) batteries, and lead crystal batteries.
rine Aids to navigation needs to take into ac- these batteries offer lower weight and a grea-
count the impact it may have on any ter cycle life for a given capacity but come at a
environmental factors associated with the lo- premium cost.
cation, such as flora and fauna.
Lead acid
7.2.3 WaVe enerGy the basic form of this battery uses a lead
the wave activated generator (WAG) was de- dioxide positive plate and a pure lead negative
veloped in Japan and has been successfully plate immersed in an electrolyte of dilute sul-
used to power lighted buoys. the interaction phuric acid. these were originally wet or floo-
between the buoy and wave motions acts as a ded cells. however in recent years various
simple air pump that is used to drive an air tur- forms of “sealed” cell batteries have become
bine and electricity generator. the WAG is available and are quite common in Marine Aids
mounted on an extension of a hollow tail tube to navigation applications.
that passes through the buoy hull. With wave Lead acid batteries are available in two main
heights of 0.5 metres, the power output can be designs, flooded lead acid and valve regulated
as much as 100 watts. WAGs have limited life (VRLA). the VRLA comes in two types, absor-
and current systems suffer from excessive bed glass-mat (that use a micro glass separator
wear. system to absorb the electrolyte), and gel bat-
Site conditions will determine the rate at which teries, that use a jellified electrolyte and poly-
the tail tube of the buoy accumulates weed meric separators to prevent short circuits
and other forms of fouling. these aspects between the positive and negative plates.
need to be taken into consideration when de-
veloping the maintenance regime for the nickel alkaline battery
WAG. WAGs can also be very susceptible to these batteries use compounds of nickel and,
storm damage. generally, cadmium with a solution of potas-
sium hydroxide as the electrolyte.
7.3 reChArgeABLe BATTerIeS nickel-cadmium cells use perforated steel
plates that hold the active material, mainly a
7.3.1 principaL types nickel hydroxide in the positive plate and a
there are two main types of storage battery cadmium compound in the negative plate. the
technologies applied to Marine Aids to navi- construction is generally referred to as a
gation – lead acid and nickel cadmium. the “pocket plate” cell.
lead acid type is generally preferred because A range of valve regulated nickel-cadmium
of its lower cost and higher energy exchange batteries that use a recombination process
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Chapter 7 - Power supplies
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Chapter 7 - Power supplies
• fuel storage and transportation safety is- • monitoring and telemetry systems;
sues; • charge controllers.
• maintenance requirements on the spark-
ignition system; refer to iaLa publication:
• the petrol engine generally being regarded
as less durable than a diesel. • Guideline G1067-1 total Electrical Loads of
Fuel cell
this is a solid-state device that uses a catalytic
process to oxidise fuel to generate an electri- 7.4.2 LiGhtninG protection
cal current. A common fuel is hydrogen, or hy- to ensure reliable operation of Marine Aids to
drogen rich fuels such as Methanol. it can be navigation during electrical storm events,
thought of as a continuously fed battery, both physical lightning protection and zoned
ideally preferring a constant load. surge protection should be considered. iALA
the fuel cell is now commercially available, al- has produced guidelines to describe practical
though the technology is still being further de- methods for the design, installation, inspec-
veloped. Fuel cells offer a reliable and tion and testing of lightning protection sys-
environmentally friendly energy source for tems. the information covers lightning
supplementing Aton power supplies. protection for Marine Aids to navigation struc-
tures, equipment and systems.
Fuel cells do present an environmentally sui-
table solution, as methanol can be manufac- refer to iaLa publication:
tured from sustainable sources and the
by-products of the generation of electrical • Guideline G1012 on the Protection of Ligh-
energy is heat and water. there is some inte- thouses and Aids to navigation against da-
rest in the use of fuel cells in hybrid power sys- mage from Lightning.
tems with wind energy or solar energy.
[ 130 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 7 - Power supplies
explode if compressed directly, but can be sa- some 6% of all its possible mixtures with air
fely contained under low pressure in special are explosive against a figure of 80% for ace-
cylinders when dissolved in acetone. the ma- tylene;
nufacture of acetylene, standards for the cylin- • burns cleanly without the risk of the sooting
ders and the filling process are usually that can occur with a poorly adjusted acety-
controlled by government regulations. lene burner.
Acetylene has been a convenient and reliable
energy source for Marine Aids to navigation. refer to:
however appropriate attention should be
given to: • Applicable national standards for the safe
• safe handling of cylinders; handling of gases.
• the broad range of explosive mixtures with
air (between 3 and 82% acetylene);
• the purity of the gas;
• minimising leaks in pipe work and fittings.
Propane gas (C3h8) has been used as an al-
ternative fuel to acetylene, particularly in
buoys. Although propane has to be consu-
med in an incandescent mantle burner to pro-
vide a white light, it has several advantages
over acetylene:
• it is a by-product in oil refining processes;
• its abundance and low cost;
• propane liquefies at a pressure of 6 atmos-
pheres at 17ºC, and can be transported in low
weight and low cost gas bottles;
• propane will maintain a positive pressure
down to -40ºC and will not freeze in condi-
tions likely to be encountered at sea;
• placing the bottles in pockets in the buoy or
by filling it directly into the body of an buoy,
or pressure vessel;
• the comparable containers are the 20 kg
propane bottle with gross weight of 48 kg and
the 7,000 litre acetylene cylinder, weighing
105 kg;
• furthermore the cost of the propane bottle
is only about one third of that of a acetylene
• propane is a particularly safe gas, as only
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
Users Providers
Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages
Visual Can be used to position Range depends on site, height, colour, For hazard warning, Maintenance expensive
Convey immediate background traffic regulation, Planning for maintenance
information Limited by visibility guidance, etc. depends on weather
Can be used without a Position of floating aids not always Placement flexible Conditions
chart if user has a good Maintenance requires Logistic system required
local knowledge little training Training maintenance
Radar Identification with racon Onboard equipment needed Can replace visual aids Radar reflectors needed
possible in reduced Racons may interfere if not placed in an Warnings of dangers Some vessels do not have
visibility conditions appropriate configuration, aids (New dangers) Radar
equipped with radar reflector
With a racon identification are difficult to identify Racon investment
of low coastline Expensive
Only one aid is required Training for maintenance
Rapid deployment of racons
Radionavigation Wide scale coverage On board equipment needed Reduced maintenance May not be under Aids to
All weather use Automatic monitioring Navigation Authority's
Automatic navigation Reduction of visual Control
Precision possible aids possible Monitoring requirement
Training maintenance
Large investment
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
needs to be incorporated into the formal risk be acceptable. the risk control options availa-
assessment process. For risk control options, ble include improved co-ordination and plan-
the continuous development of e-navigation ning; training; rules and procedures including
and man-machine interfaces may provide new enforcement; navigational, meteorological and
possibilities. however, physical Aton risk hydrographical information; radio communica-
control measures will remain important to ad- tions; active traffic management and waterway
dress the needs of all user groups. changes; pilotage; and,
the risk management approach works equally • quantifying the effect on the risk level of an
well for identifying the risks at a detailed or existing port or waterway that may result from
broad level. it can also address the risks from a change or reduction of any of the risk control
different perspectives. options in use.
refer to iaLa publication: Risk management tools can also assist in asses-
sing the risk level of existing ports and water-
• Recommendation R1002 - Risk Manage- ways as well as determining the probable risk
ment for Marine Aids to navigation; level of proposed new ports and waterways or
• Guideline G1018 - Risk Management. if substantial changes to existing ports and wa-
terways are being planned. the iALA Risk Ma-
nagement toolbox includes three different
For example, if the issue is the automation and approaches:
destaffing of a lighthouse, there are likely to • PAWSA Mk ii (Port And Waterway Safety As-
be different sets of risk for: sessment) which is a Qualitative Risk Assess-
• service providers (Marine Aids to naviga- ment approach;
tion authority, lightkeepers, etc.); • iWRAP Mk ii (iALA Waterway Risk Assess-
• service users (mariners); ment Programme) which is a Quantitative Risk
• external groups (politicians, local commu- Assessment approach;
nity, conservation groups, etc.). • SiRA (Simplified Risk Assessment) which uti-
lizes a basic risk matrix approach.
8.3.1 iaLa risk manaGement tooLs the three approaches can be used individually,
iALA continously develops its Risk Manage- or in combination, sequentially or in parallel.
ment toolbox which includes tols that are ca- the iALA Risk Management toolbox is now
pable of: being used for risk assessments in conjuntion
• assessing the risk in ports or waterways, com- with submissions to the iMo. in addition to
pared with the risk level considered by Autho- these three basic iALA tools, various simulation
rities and stakeholders to be acceptable. the tools are nowadays also widely used for asses-
elements that can be taken into consideration sing risk in ports and waterways.
include those relating to vessel conditions, traf- the iALA World-Wide Academy provides trai-
fic conditions, navigational conditions, water- ning on the use of the Risk Management tool-
way conditions, immediate consequences and box through regular training courses.
subsequent consequences; Background information on the elements of
• identifying appropriate risk control options the toolbox is provided on a wiki accessible
to decrease the risk to the level considered to through the iALA website. if further guidance
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8 [ 137 ]
Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
• failure response;
• logistics.
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
provide guidance on suitable and realistic le- formulation process that includes iMo Resolu-
vels of operational performance for compe- tion A.1046(27) on a World Wide Radionaviga-
tent authorities to adopt. tion System and iALA Recommendation R-121.
category 1
A Marine Aid to navigation (Aton) or system of Recommendation R-121 retains the original de-
Aton that is considered by the Competent Au- finition of availability, but adds a statement
thority to be of vital navigational significance. about “non-availability”.
For example, lighted Marine Aids to navigation non-availability is equivalent to “down time” but
and RACons that are considered essential for as proposed includes both scheduled and/or
marking landfalls, primary routes, channels, wa- unscheduled interruptions (ie. preventative and
terways or new dangers or the protection of corrective maintenance). the revised equation
the marine environment. becomes:
category 2
An Aton or system of Aton that is considered
by the Competent Authority to be of important
navigational significance. For example, it may MtBo = Mean time between outages; based on
include any lighted Marine Aids to navigation a 2 year averaging period MtSR = Mean time to
and RACons that mark secondary routes and service restoration; based on a 2 year averaging
those used to supplement the marking of pri- period
mary routes. iMo uses a more elaborate definition of Conti-
category 3 nuity than that given in Section 8.4.2. it states
An Aton or system of Aton that is considered that: Continuity is the probability that, assuming
by the Competent Authority to be of necessary a fault free receiver, a user will be able to deter-
navigational significance. mine position with specified accuracy and is
the Recommendation also states that the ab- able to monitor the integrity of the determined
solute minimum level of availability of an indi- position over the (short) time interval applicable
vidual Marine Aid to navigation should be set for a particular operation within a limited part of
at 95%. the coverage area. this is the same definition of
as “mission reliability”.
8.4.4 aVaiLabiLity and continuity if the service is available at the beginning of the
oF radionaViGation serVices operation, then the probability "P" that it is still
the availability objectives for Radionavigation available at a time "t" later is:
services have been handled somewhat diffe-
rently from traditional Marine Aids to naviga-
tion. this reflects the broader policy
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
this is the standard expression for reliability and systems. the interrelationship is complex, but
excludes scheduled outages. it uses MtBF and the objective is to find the minimum cost solu-
assumes that planned outages will be notified. tion as illustrated in Figure 37.
the Continuity, or probability that the service
will be available after a continuity time interval
(Cti), is then:
MtBF = Mean time between failures based on
a 2 year averaging period.
Figure 37 - the Cost of Reliability
Cti = Continuity time interval – in the case of Ra-
dionavigation calculations, this is equal to 15 mi- over-engineering vs. unreliability
nutes (from iMo Resolution A.1046(27). For a lighthouse in a remote location, the cost of
there is no need to include the availability at the time and transport to rectify equipment failures
beginning of the time period of the operation can be very high. From this perspective:
because if there is no service, then the opera- • the one-off cost of over-engineering is gene-
tion will not commence. rally not as expensive in the long term as the on-
example 1: Using the figures in the previous going cost of attending to un-reliable equipment
example for a system with a 2 year MtBF, the and/or poor system designs;
continuity over a 15 minute period is 1- • a conservative design approach has its merits.
(15/1,051,200), or 99.9986%. if the aid is not achieving its availability objective,
example 2: Using the figures in the previous the Authority should ascertain the reasons for this
example for a system with a 1000 hour MtBF, and implement actions that remedy the situation.
the continuity over a 15 minute period is 1- iALA has recommended that if a facility cannot
(15/60,000), or 99.9750%. achieve an availability of 95% (ie. 50 days out per
1000 days) after reasonable endeavours, consi-
8.4.5 oVer and under achieVement deration should be given to withdrawing the fa-
the actual availability achieved by an individual cility (as a Marine Aid to navigation).
Marine Aid to navigation is a reflection of the if a single aid within a group is performing above
quality of the logistical processes, the mainte- its availability objective, it could be due to either
nance regime and the skill of personnel invol- technical or environmental reasons. if the perfor-
ved. there is a cost associated with prescribing mance difference occurs between sites using si-
a higher level of availability for a system such as milar equipment, and this trend has been
a Marine Aid to navigation. this is irrespective established for some time, it may be of benefit to
of whether or not the increased availability is re- investigate the reasons for the difference.
quired by the mariner. there is also a cost asso- if a group of aids is found to be over performing
ciated with the maintenance of unreliable for a relatively long period of time, there is an op-
[ 142 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
portunity to review the maintenance practices • the role of the authority, for example:
with a view to determining the reasons, and pos- -- to promote a high standard of maritime safety;
sibly to consider extending the maintenance in- -- to provide infrastructure and information ser-
tervals or reducing the maintenance effort. this vices to support the safety of navigation in a par-
could lead to lower operating costs and issues ticular area.
relating to surplus maintenance capacity. • how the authority will go about discharging its
responsibilities, for example:
8.5 reVIeWS ANd PLANNINg -- outline of the corporate values of the authority;
-- corporate governance arrangements;
8.5.1 reVieWs -- funding arrangements;
in many countries, the network of Marine Aids -- reviews of industry trends;
to navigation has been built up over a conside- • an understanding of the users and navigation
rable time, in some cases, centuries. requirements.
it should be recognised that the nature of ship- Because of its importance and its effect on the
ping is continually changing and this means that mariners, any strategic plan should be develo-
the Marine Aids to navigation infrastructure ped as much as possible in full consultation with
should be reviewed periodically. the mariners and other stakeholders.
the rate of change varies from place to place,
but it would be reasonable to adopt a review 8.5.3 operationaL pLans
process using one of the change management the operational Plan might cover:
tools that provides: • the implementation of the strategic plan, and
• a Strategic Plan with a suggested minimum may include statements on current policy issues
10 year outlook; such as:
• an operational Plan with a suggested rolling -- maintenance;
5 year work program. -- current and new technology;
the increasing availability of AiS-derived ship -- the design life of new infrastructure
data (type, position, speed, cargo etc.) is pro- -- remote monitoring and control;
ving to be a very useful tool in reviewing the re- -- historic lighthouses;
levance of existing Marine Aids to navigation -- environmental culture and safety;
and identifying new requirements. -- the program for Marine Aids to navigation re-
Effective use of AiS data requires a data mana- views;
gement strategy and appropriate technology to -- contract services (core and non-core);
efficiently store and manipulate very large -- transport services;
amounts of data and be able to be integrated -- sources of revenue;
with other electronic data, for example electro- -- external relationships[3];
nic nautical charts to display shipping patterns. -- information, communication and consultation
8.5.2 strateGic pLans • a list of changes to individual Marine Aids
A Strategic Plan is the result of an informed and to navigation, including any new facilities.
consultative process that sets the long term the list would reflect:
goals and objectives for an organization. -- decisions resulting from user and stakeholder
For a Competent Authority it would include: consultations;
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
Each aspect must comply with applicable stan- • increase or reduce maintenance effort;
dards and regulations. iALA Recommendations • adjust maintenance intervals.
and Guidelines provide a basis for the Aton
refer to iaLa publications:
specific aspect, while international, national or
regional regulations apply to the more generic • Guideline G1037 - data Collection for Aids to
aspects. navigation Performance Calculation;
• Guideline G1035 - Availability and Reliability
refer to iaLa publications: of Aids to navigation - theory and Examples
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8 [ 145 ]
Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
maintenance, extend the time interval between qualification when recruiting maintenance staff;
maintenance periods, enable maintenance • provide more opportunity to understand the
upon the evidence of need (condition-based inherent deficiencies in particular pieces of
maintenance), facilitate the maintenance task equipment and for remedial actions to be im-
by the servicing personnel, and reduce the “lo- plemented.
gistics footprint” required for maintenance and power
support. the conversion of Marine Aids to navigation
All of these factors will contribute to reducing that operate on oil, gas or primary battery to
the total ownership cost over the entire life solar power or self-powered LEd lanterns, may
cycle of the equipment or system. provide greater flexibility in scheduling mainte-
nance visits because of the renewable energy
8.7.2 improVinG eFFiciency source and opportunities for extending mainte-
Authorities have been able to achieve signifi- nance intervals.
cant cost savings by a number of means: Fixed vs Floating
automation depending on location, it may be possible to re-
Automation can reduce the work load of light- place floating aids with fixed structures in water-
keepers or allow for de-staffing altogether. this ways of moderate depth; particularly if it also
reduces: allows a dedicated buoy tender to be replaced
• staff costs; by some other means of transport such as smal-
• power consumption; ler vessel or launch.
• the frequency of stores replenishment; A whole-of-life cost benefit analysis should be
• commitments on infrastructure such as carried out to assist in any such decisions.
houses or accommodation facilities, water and materials
fuel storage and in some cases jetties and cargo By introducing low maintenance materials such
handling equipment; as high density polyethylene, Glass Reinforced
• the requirements for station vehicles and Plastic (GRP), stainless steel, etc., it may be pos-
equipment. sible to reduce maintenance requirements and
equipment time on site. this may also decrease the number
it may be possible to use more reliable equip- of ship-day requirements and reduce the need
ment, better system designs, with “fail safe” or for construction (or structural maintenance)
“fail by stages” features coupled with: skills.
• longer intervals between maintenance visits; remote monitoring
• a review of maintenance management proce- Remote monitoring (and control) of distant or
dures. isolated Marine Aids to navigation can save on
in addition, it may be possible to use standardi- the cost of responding to what is later found to
sed equipment to simplify spare part manage- be a false outage report. it can also allow for
ment. this could also: analysis of Marine Aids to navigation systems
• benefit the purchasing power of the organi- using risk analysis / risk management tech-
sation; niques that may produce cost savings from a
• reduce the range of skills required by mainte- rearrangement and or reduction of the Marine
nance staff (and thus the training burden); Aids to navigation within a nominated area.
• give more flexibility in the choice of basic
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
national government and other organisations deline if they are considering the contracting
that include: out their Aton servicing responsibilities.
• state and territorial authorities;
• local government organisations; refer to iaLa publication:
• port, harbour or waterway authorities;
• local private organisations. • Guideline G1005 - Contracting out Aids to
navigation Services.
iALA encourages all members to deliver Aton
services in environmentally responsible manner
in line with its motto "Successful Voyages, Sustainable
Marine Aids to navigation play a critical role in
protecting the environment by preventing ma-
Photo Courtesy of CEREMA
ritime disasters that could have potentially ca-
tastrophic ecological consequences at sea and
8.8.1 serVice deLiVery requirements on shore. however, the Marine Aids to naviga-
Where more than one local authority provides tion equipment and activities themselves can
Marine Aids to navigation services, the create significant environmental damage
Contracting Government has the ultimate res- through pollution, waste generation, and the
ponsibility to comply with the obligations under disruption of ecosystems. it is essential to mini-
the SoLAS Convention as listed in Section 8.1. mise these negative impacts so that the benefits
of Marine Aids to navigation are not outwei-
8.8.2 contractinG out ghed by unintended harm to the environment,
For a number of decades, national authorities and to eliminate the potential for pollution and
have utilized service providers for the delivery waste of the Earth’s limited resources.
and maintenance of Marine Aids to naviga- international standard iSo 14001 provides a fra-
tion (Aton) services. mework for environmentally responsible service
Every organisation considering contracting delivery.
Aton services should have a clear understan-
ding of what is to be achieved by delivering refer to iaLa publication:
the service through alternative contracted
means as opposed to delivering the service • Recommendation R1004 – Environmental
directly by the national Authority. the best Management in the Provision of Marine Aids
practices, advantages, disadvantages, and to navigation;
keys to successfully managing a contracted • Guideline G1036 - Environmental Manage-
Aton servicing program are covered in detail ment in Aids to navigation;
in iALA Guideline G1005, Contracting out • Guideline G1137 – Aton Management in
Aids to navigation Services. it is recommen- Protected Areas
ded that national Authorities review this Gui-
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
A mercury vapour meter must be available to rine growth is not particularly detrimental. in
monitor the working environment and proce- view of the concentration of these types of Ma-
dures in place for regular testing and calibration. rine Aids to navigation in port approaches and
consignment internal waterways, less toxic paint systems may
Mercury is a hazardous substance and the rele- be preferred to minimise environmental pollu-
vant national and international regulations must tion.
be followed with regard to the type of container A particular group of antifouling paints using
to be used, the packaging of this container for tributyltin (tBt) has been banned from use. For
transport and the marking of this packaging. further information, consult the international
paints Convention on the Control of harmful Antifou-
Both iMo and the international Air transport ling Systems on Ships, published by the inter-
Association (iAtA) have regulations covering national Maritime organization (iMo).
the transportation of mercury.
Marine Aids to navigation authorities use a si- 8.10 PreSerVATION OF hISTOrIC
gnificant quantity and variety of paints and re- MArINe AIdS TO NAVIgATION
lated surfacing materials. there is potential for the iALA Advisory Panel on the Preservation of
hazardous situations to arise and for environ- Lighthouses, Aids to navigation, and Related
mental pollution. For example: Equipment of historic interest (PhL) was esta-
• storage of inflammable paints and solvents; blished by the iALA Council in 1996 in response
• during surface preparation and removal of to membership interest in the heritage value of
paint prior to repainting; lighthouses. in 2002, this Panel became part of
• contact with vapours and solvents during ap- the iALA Committee on Engineering, Environ-
plication; ment, and Preservation (EEP) now Aton Engi-
• clean-up and waste disposal. neering and Sustainability (EnG) Committee. its
Lead objectives were to:
Lead based paints have been widely used in • promote a greater commitment by members
the past, but are now restricted or prohibited in to preserve the historic aspects of their service;
some countries. Authorities maintaining older • encourage member countries to see the pre-
lighthouses are likely to be faced, at some servation of their own lighthouses in an interna-
stage, with having to remove lead based paint tional context;
and disposing of the waste. • share information on the subject between
Members are encouraged to assess the risks both members and non-members, with particu-
and to adopt appropriate measures to safe- lar attention being given to the complementary
guard maintenance personnel and the environ- use of lighthouses;
ment. • research and document strategies on the
antifouling coatings conservation of historic lighthouses, particularly
Antifouling paints contain biocides and are ap- in relation to changes in technology and wor-
plied to vessels and floating Marine Aids to na- king practices;
vigation to reduce the accumulation of marine • foster member interaction with related indus-
organisms. For service vessels the antifouling tries in an effort to bring forward common pro-
paint assists to minimise fuel consumption. jects in the interest of protecting historic
on buoys and lightvessels the build-up of ma- lighthouses.
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Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
Examples of work accomplished: high level professionals from different areas re-
• the creation of the format for an iALA data- lated to the Cultural heritage.
base for recording details of historic ligh- one of the eighteen recommendations from
thouses; the 17th iALA Conference held in Cape town,
• a book, titled “Lighthouses of the World” was South Africa in March 2010, stated that “iALA
published in 1998 with English, French, German should continue to provide guidance on the
and Spanish versions, featuring over 180 histo- preservation and maintenance of historic
ric lighthouses from around the world; equipment and artefacts” confirms that the
• a Workshop in Kristiansand, norway on “the work of iALA on guidelines and the exchange
Alternative Use of historic Lighthouses in 2000; of information relating to the conservation of
• a Seminar on the “Practical Aspects of Ligh- historic lighthouses is still considered important
thouse Preservation” in 2005 in Gothenburg, by its members.
• the iALA Conservation Manual was published From 2014, matters related to heritage were
in 2006 to provide guidance to members on vested in a “heritage Forum” which is convened
many aspects of historic Lighthouses Conser- when necessary, and which comes under the
vation; management of the Chair of the EnG Commit-
• a Seminar on the “heritage issues of introdu- tee.
cing new technologies in Aids to navigation”
in Santander, Spain in 2009. Some key conclu-
sions and recommendations of the seminar
• change is inevitable. ideally, changes made
during the development of a historical Marine
Aid to navigation site should be reversible and
in all cases properly documented;
• the preservation and documentation of Ma-
rine Aids to navigation should focus on whole
sites and include historical developments and Restoring a heritage Lighthouse - Photo courtesy of
achievements in technical equipment and rela- instituto hidrografico (Portugal) Lighthouse interpre-
ted human experiences. documentation should tative display - Photo Courtesy of iALA
include the experiences and recollections of
those involved in operating Marine Aids to na-
refer to iaLa publications:
vigation, as well as those involved in their
• iALA Complementary Lighthouse Use Ma-
• radionavigation aids were an important part
of Marine Aids to navigation technology in the
• Recommendation R1005 – Conserving the
20th century and there is a need to document
Built heritage of Lighthouses and other Aids
and disseminate this aspect of Marine Aids to
to navigation;
navigation heritage.
Guideline G1049 - the Use of Modern Light
• a Seminar on the “Preservation of Lighthouse
Sources in traditional Lighthouse optics;
heritage” in Athens, Greece in 2013 gathered
[ 152 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
• Guideline G1063 - Agreements for Comple- 8.10.2 third party access to marine aids to
mentary Use of Lighthouse Property; naViGation sites
• Guideline G1074 - Branding and Marketing iALA acknowledges that Authorities face an in-
of historic Lighthouses; creased demand to share Marine Aids to navi-
• Guideline G1075 - A Business Plan for Com- gation sites with “third parties”. While it is
plementary Use of a historic Lighthouse; important to ensure that the integrity and secu-
• Guideline G1076 - Building Conditioning of rity of Marine Aids to navigation are maintained,
Lighthouses; the presence of a third party may be beneficial:
• Guideline G1080 - the Selection and display • in reducing the risk of vandalism;
of heritage Artefacts; • as a source of revenue or sharing of operatio-
• Report from the iALA Seminar on heritage is- nal costs (e.g. power, road maintenance, etc);
sues of introducing new technologies in Aids • as a means of monitoring the operation of the
to navigation, Santander, Spain in June 2009; aid.
• Report from the iALA Seminar on the Preser- if an Authority receives a request for a third
vation of Lighthouse heritage, Athens, Greece party installation, it should first establish whe-
in June 2013. ther such involvement is permitted in the Autho-
rity’s legislation. if there are no impediments, the
Authority may consider negotiating an agree-
8.10.1 Lens siZe and terminoLoGy ment with the potential third party to clearly es-
information on terminology for historical glass tablish the responsibilities and liabilities of each
lens systems and the typical amount of mer- party. the agreement may also address:
cury held in mercury float pedestals (for rota- • conditions to apply to the third party instal-
ting lens systems) is provided in table 38. lation and operation to ensure that the equip-
ment does not compromise the integrity and
Typical Quantity of Mercury
Description Focal distance security of the Marine Aids to navigation and
for Mercury Float Pedestals
mm kilograms
other property owned by the Authority;
• access to electrical power. At sites with main
Hyper-radial 1330 power, it may be advisable for the Authority to
Meso-radial 1125 require separate metering of the third party
First Order 920 175 12.9 supply so that electricity costs can be recove-
Second Order 700 126 9.3
• if no main power is available, it is reasona-
Third Order 500 105 7.7
ble to require that the third party provide its
Small Third Order 375 96 7.0 own power supply;
Fourth Order 250 • where practical, the installation of the third
Fifth Order 187.5 party equipment should take into considera-
tion and preserve the heritage value of the
Sixth Order 150
Marine Aid to navigation.
table 38 - terminology for historical Glass Lens Sys- Authorities should reserve the right to cancel
tems and Associated Quantities of Mercury any third party agreement if continued use
jeopardizes the performance or functionality
of the Marine Aid to navigation.
nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8 [ 153 ]
Chapter 8 - Provision, design and management
8.11 huMAN reSOurCeS ChALLeNgeS training to perform their duties effectively, and
one of the aims of iALA is to foster the safe, with safety. the term ‘employees’ includes
economic and efficient movement of vessels newly hired, part time and temporary em-
through improvement and harmonization of ployees.
Marine Aids to navigation worldwide. the iSo 9001 Quality Management standard
SoLAS (2004 edition) Chapter V, Regulation places considerable emphasis on compe-
13, states that, in order to obtain the greatest tence, awareness and training. (See Section
possible uniformity in aids to navigation, 8.7.1).
Contracting Governments undertake to take
into account the international recommenda- refer to iaLa publication:
tions and guidelines when establishing aids to
navigation. • Recommendation R0141(E-141) - training
Recommendations and Guidelines produced and Certification of Marine Aids to navigation
by iALA clearly identify the role that iALA has Personnel.
to play in ensuring harmonized delivery of
Aton services.
in addition, Resolution 10 of the Standards of
training & Certification for Watchkeepers
(StCW) code states that the contribution of
vessel traffic service personnel contributes to NOTeS
the safety of life and property at sea and the [1] Reference SoLAS Consolidated edition
protection of the marine environment. iALA 2014.
addresses this aim in several ways, one of [2] For VtS issues, please refer to Chapter 5
which is to recommend that Marine Aids to of the nAVGUidE and the iALA VtS Manual.
navigation and VtS Authorities ensure their [3] For example with national, state, territory,
staff receive a high standard of training. to as- and local governmental bodies and interna-
sist with this approach, iALA Recommenda- tional organisations.
tion V-103 and E-141, together with [4] only where the opportunity arises and
associated model courses and supporting where both are engaged in substantially simi-
Guidelines, were developed. this approach lar work.
provides a means to ensure VtS Personnel are [5] the quantity of mercury used in higher
trained to an agreed, minimum, level. order optics is shown in section 8.1
in addition, both the ARM and EnG Commit-
tees are currently developing the training re-
quirements for Aton Management and
Engineering Personnel through the World
Wide Academy (WWA).
[ 154 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Navguide: Glossary of Acronyms
ais itu
Automatic Identification System International Telecommunications Union
aism itu-r
Association Internationale de Signalisation International Telecommunications Union –
Maritime (Title of IALA in French) Radiocommunications Bureau
aton Lrit
Marine Aid(s) to Navigation Long Range Identification and Tracking
coLreGs mrcp
International Regulations for Preventing IALA Maritime Radio Communications Plan
Collisions at Sea mtbF
dGnss Mean time between failures (in hours)
Differential Global Navigation Satellite System mttr
dGps Mean time to repair (in hours)
Differential Global Positioning System pianc
ecdis The World Association for Waterborne Transport
Electronic Chart Display and Information System Infrastructure
ecs pssa
Electronic Chart System Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
enc racon
Radar transponder beacon
Electronic Navigation Chart
Raster chart display system
Exclusive Economic Zone (Defined in UNCLOS)
Raster navigation chart
Global Navigation Satellite System (EU)
Search and Rescue
Global Navigation Satellite System (Russia)
Satellite Based Augmentation System
Global Sea Level Observing System
Gnss Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea 1974
Global Navigation Satellite System srs
Gps Ship Reporting System
Global Positioning System (USA) uncLos
iaLa United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
International Association of Marine Aids to utc
Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities Universal Time Co-ordinated
iho Vdes
International Hydrographic Organization VHF Data Exchange System
imo VhF
International Maritime Organization Very High Frequency (radio in the 30-300 MHz band)
impa Vtm
International Maritime Pilots’ Association Vessel Traffic Management
imso Vts
International Mobile Satellite Organization Vessel Traffic Service
inmarsat Vtso
International Maritime Satellite Organisation Vessel Traffic Service Operator
iso WWa
International Standards Organization World Wide Academy
[ 156 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Navguide: List of tables
tabLe description
[ 158 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Navguide: List of figures
FiGure description
[ 160 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
[ 162 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Maritime Buoyage System and other Aids to Navigation
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Maritime Buoyage System and other Aids to Navigation
seamanship, including voyage planning as navigable water not only to the north but also
defined in iMo Resolutions. this booklet East and West of it. the mariner will know it is
provides guidance on the Maritime Buoyage safe to the north, but shall consult the chart
System and other Aids to navigation for all for further guidance.
the iALA Marine Aids to navigation system Cardinal marks do not have a distinctive
has two components: the Maritime Buoyage shape but are normally pillar or spar. they are
System and other aids to navigation always painted in yellow and black horizontal
comprised of fixed and floating devices. this bands and their distinctive double cone top-
is primarily a physical system, however all of marks are always black.
the marks may be complemented by An aide-memoire to their colouring is
electronic means. provided by regarding the top-marks as
Within the Maritime Buoyage System there pointers to the positions of the black band(s):
are six types of marks, which may be used • north:
alone or in combination. the mariner can top-marks pointing upward: black band
distinguish between these marks by
above yellow band;
identifiable characteristics. Lateral marks differ
• South:
between Buoyage Regions A and B, as
top-marks pointing downward:
described below, whereas the other five types
black band below yellow band;
of marks are common to both regions.
• east:
these marks are described below:
top-marks pointing away from each other:
black bands above and below a yellow
LateraL marks
Following the sense of a ‘conventional
• West:
direction of buoyage’, lateral marks in Region
top-marks pointing towards each other:
A utilize red and green colours (refer to
black band with yellow bands above and
section 2.4) by day and night to denote the
port and starboard sides of channels below.
respectively. however, in Region B (refer to
section 2.5) these colours are reversed with Cardinal marks also have a special system of
red to starboard and green to port. flashing white lights. the rhythms are basically
A modified lateral mark may be used at the all “very quick” (VQ) or “quick” (Q) flashing but
point where a channel divides to distinguish broken into varying lengths of the flashing
the pre- ferred channel, that is to say the phase. “Very quick flashing” is defined as a
primary route or channel that is so designated light flashing at a rate of either 120 or 100
by the competent authority. flashes per minute, “quick flashing” is a light
flashing at either 60 or 50 flashes per minute.
cardinaL marks the characters used for Cardinal marks will be
Cardinal marks indicate that the deepest seen to be as follows:
water in the area lies to the named side of the • north:
mark. this convention is necessary even Continuous very quick flashing or quick
though for example, a north mark may have flashing;
[ 164 ] nAVGU i d E – 2 0 1 8
Maritime Buoyage System and other Aids to Navigation
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Maritime Buoyage System and other Aids to Navigation
if the competent authority considers the risk to • Auxiliary Marks are those other marks used to
navigation to be especially high at least one of assist navigation or provide information. these
the marks should be duplicated. include aids of non-lateral significance that are
the Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy has blue usually of defined channels and otherwise do
and yellow vertical stripes in equal number, with not indicate the port and starboard sides of the
a vertical/perpendicular yellow cross top-mark, route to be followed as well as those used to
and displays a blue and yellow alternating light. convey information for navigational safety.
Marking of a new danger may include use of a • Port or harbour Marks such as breakwater,
Racon coded Morse “d” (- ●●) or other radio quay/jetty lights, traffic signals, bridge marking
transmitting device such as automatic identifi- and inland waterways Marine Aids to navigation
cation systems as a Marine Aid to navigation (further described in section 8.7).
(AiS as an Aton).
Marking of a new danger may be discontinued soLas chapter V,
when the appropriate competent Authority is regulation 13 - consolidated edition 2009
satisfied that information concerning the “new establishment and operation of aids to
danger” has been sufficiently promulgated or navigation
the danger has been resolved 1. Each Contracting Government undertakes
to provide, as it deems practical and necessary,
other marks either individually or in co-operation with other
other Marks include lighthouses, beacons, sec- Contracting Governments, such aids to naviga-
tor lights, leading lines, major floating aids, and tion as the volume of traffic justifies and the de-
auxiliary marks. these visual marks are intended gree of risk requires.
to aid navigation as information to mariners, not
necessarily regarding channel limits or obstruc- 2. in order to obtain the greatest possible uni-
tions. formity in aids to navigation, Contracting Go-
• Lighthouses, beacons and other aids of lesser vernments undertake to take into account the
ranges are fixed Marine Aids to navigation that international recommendations and guide-
may display different colours and/or rhythms lines* when establishing such aids.
over designated arcs. Beacons may also be un-
lighted. 3. Contracting Governments undertake to ar-
• Sector lights display different colours and/or range for information relating to aids to naviga-
rhythms over designated arcs. the colour of the tion to be made available to all concerned.
light provides directional information to the ma- Changes in the transmissions of position-fixing
riner. systems which could adversely affect the per-
• Leading lines / Ranges allow ships to be gui- formance of receivers fitted in ships shall be
ded with precision along a portion of a straight avoided as far as possible and only be effected
route using the alignment of fixed lights (lea- after timely and adequate notice has been pro-
ding lights) or marks (leading marks), in some mulgated.
cases a single directional light may used.
• Major floating aids include lightvessels, light * Refer to the appropriate Recommendations
floats and large navigational buoys intended to and guidelines of iALA and to Sn/Circ.107, Ma-
mark approaches from off shore. ritime Buoyage System.
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Maritime Buoyage System and other Aids to Navigation
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Maritime Buoyage System and other Aids to Navigation
• 4.3.2 Shapes
Lateral marks should be of cylindrical and
conical shape. however, where they do not
rely on a distinctive shape for identification,
they should, where practicable, carry the
appropriate topmark.
• 4.3.3 numbering or lettering
if marks at the sides of a channel are
numbered or lettered, the numbering or
lettering shall follow the ‘conventional
direction of buoyage’ i.e. numbered from 4.5 description oF LateraL marks
seaward. the protocol for numbering lateral used in reGion b
marks, especially in confined waterways, • 4.5.3 At the point where a channel divides,
should be ‘even numbers on red ~ odd when proceeding in the “conventional
numbers on green’. direction of buoyage,” a preferred channel
• 4.3.4 Synchronisation may be indicated by a modified Port or
if appropriate, synchronised lights (all flash at Starboard lateral mark as follows:
the same time) or sequential lights (flash one
after another) or a combination of both may
be utilized.
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Maritime Buoyage System and other Aids to Navigation
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Maritime Buoyage System and other Aids to Navigation
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Maritime Buoyage System and other Aids to Navigation
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Maritime Buoyage System and other Aids to Navigation
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Maritime Buoyage System and other Aids to Navigation
11.4 beacons
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Maritime Buoyage System and other Aids to Navigation
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Maritime Buoyage System and other Aids to Navigation
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10, rue des Gaudines - 78100 Saint Germain en Laye, France
Tél. +33 (0)1 34 51 70 01- Fax +33 (0)1 34 51 82 05 -
International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities
Association Internationale de Signalisation Maritime