Curriculum Map Physical Science Buchanan 2018

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8-Week Culturally Responsive Curriculum Map – Physical Science (Middle School)

Time Frame Big Idaho Abilities/Skills/Concepts Instructional Strategies and Activities (pedagogical Formative and
Ideas/Essential Content to be targeted (what will approaches you will take so students can access the Summative
Questions Standards students be able to do knowledge) Assessments
and Common during or at the end of the (how will you
know students
Core State lessons?)
have achieved
Standards the learning

What makes up PS1-MS-1: SWBAT describe the Class discussion of what students think an atom is to Formative:
an atom? Develop structure of an atom. gauge what students know.
models to Exit Card:
The atom is the describe the SWBAT to identify the Power Point and handout (students are expected to Draw and
smallest, most atomic number of electrons, fill it out during the Power Point) and discussion on label the
basic unit of composition protons, and neutrons the various parts that make up an atom (proton, basic atomic
matter. of simple an element has using neutron, electron, and nucleus) and their model.
molecules the Period Table of The characteristics (mass, size, speed, location within an
and Elements. atom). We will also discuss how atoms of different Exit Card:
extended elements have different number of protons. Will also Students will
structures. SWBAT explain how go over the different models of the atom throughout have to
Week 1: atoms from different history. determine
Atomic elements differ. number of
Structure For the power point, students will be given a handout protons,
SWBAT describe the to fill out as we work our way through the slides. electrons,
atomic structure of and neutrons
simple molecules using Class exercise and work sheet to determine the if they are
models. number protons, neutrons, and electrons that an given an
element has. element.

Class discussion of how knowing about atoms may Mini

be useful. Research
Mini Research Project: Give each student an element
and have them create a poster that shows: atomic
diagram of that elements, how the element is used in
the world, who discovered it, and the number of
subatomic particles.
What is matter? PS1-MS-2: SWBAT define matter. Class discussion of what matter means to students. Formative:
Analyze and
What are the data on the SWBAT classify and Power Point which will give definitions for: matter, Exit cards for
primary SOM? properties of sort matter by their atom, pure substances, mixture, elements, each class
substances physical and chemical compounds, homogenous and heterogenous period
Atoms are before and properties. mixtures (students will also receive handouts of these focusing on
constantly after the vocab words) and examples of each and allow for relationships
moving, even in substances SWBAT demonstrate further examples from students. [Properties of Matter] and/or
a solid state interact to how to make extended vocabulary
determine if structures. Flow Charts: Each student will make a flow chart on learned that
How does a chemical how to classify different types of matters. This poster day.
adding/removing reaction has SWBAT describe the will require students to think of different types of
energy affect occurred. atomic behaviors of examples of each that will help them remember. Properties of
the SOM? solids, liquids, and Matter Lab
PS1-MS-1: gases and how it affects Marshmallow and Toothpick Lab: This lab will allow Marshmallow
What is energy? Develop shape and volume. students to construct simple molecules (i.e. water, Lab
Week 2, 3,4:
models to ammonia) and extended structures (i.e. sodium
of Matter describe the chloride). [compounds] SOM
and States atomic Drawings
of composition Crossword Puzzle on vocabulary from Power Point.
Matter(SOM) of simple Venn
molecules What’s the Matter Lab: Students will do a lab that Diagram
and requires them to put various objects into different
extended classes of matter based upon their properties Participation
structures. (showing proficiency in vocabulary). in Jeopardy

PS1-MS-4: Class discussion of what energy is and how it is Summative:

Develop a defined in chemistry. Test: This
model that test will have
predicts and PP on SOM and their relationship with atoms and students
describes atom speed. classify
changes in matter,
particle Venn Diagram: In groups of three – fours, students describe the
motion, will be asked to make venn diagram for the SOM. different
temperature, states of
and state of Drawing Activity: Students will represent each SOM matter and
a pure with descriptions of the characteristics of the atoms what the
substance inside. atoms are
when acting like,
thermal Jeopardy: This will be used as an overview of the and some fill
energy is unit. Students will be pre-assigned groups. in the blank
added or questions to
removed. cover big
Matter is neitherPS1-MS-5: SWBAT describe the Demo: Dry Ice, ice cube, frost Formative:
created nor Develop and connections between
destroyed when use a model phase changes and PP on the six common phase changes and the law of Exit Cards:
changing states. to describe SOM. conservation of matter. Students will also be given a Will focus on
how the total handout that they are expected to fill out during the relationships
Temperature number of SWBAT to use power point. between the
does not change atoms does vocabulary words to phase
when during a not change describe and justify what Phase Diagram: Students will make a visual changes and
phase change. in a type of phase change is representation of how the phases changes are what happens
chemical occurring. related. Each phase change should also have a to
Energy is either reaction and description of what is happening. temperature
absorbed or this mass is SWBAT describe the during a
released during conserved. law of conservation of Temperature and Phases Lab: This lab will be phase
Week 5:
a phase change. matter. centered around how temperature does not change change.
Changes during a phase change. Students will be taking the
temperature of an ice cube that they are bringing to Phase
boiling point and will then make a graph of the Diagram
temperature readings afterward.
Phase Change Crossword Puzzle: Lab
This is where students will show proficiency in
vocabulary of the words. Words from past units will Summative:
also be incorporated as a refresher.
Law of Conservation of Mass Activity: The students project on
will be used as atoms in this demo and we will go phase
through a couple different phase to show that atoms changes
are not created or destroyed during this process.

Research Poster/Power Point: Students will pick two

phase changes and then must research and example
of the phase change and how it pertains to the world
or their daily lives.
What is a PS1-MS-1: SWBAT tell if a reaction Class discussion on what chemical reaction are to Formative:
chemical Develop is endothermic or see what students know already and get them
reaction? models to exothermic. thinking about the new topic. Exit Cards:
describe the Will focus on
How chemicals atomic SWBAT to classify and Demo: Baking Soda and Vinegar, Elephant relationships
react with each composition sort chemical reactions Toothpaste. and
other and of simple by their chemical
rearrange to molecules properties (this will PP of how molecules interact with each other during vocabulary
form and demonstrate proficiency reactions. Introduction to the different types of from that day
new chemicals extended in vocabulary). chemical reactions.
structures. Marshmallow
How does SWBAT describe how Marshmallow Lab Act 2: We did this lab already with Lab 2
energy change PS1-MS-2: temperature effects the simple elements but now we do this with more
during a Analyze and rate of a chemical complex elements (ie sodium chloride). Balancing
chemical interpret reaction. Legos Activity
reaction? data on the Balancing Legos Activity: This activity is to help lead
properties of SWBAT describe and students into the balancing chemical reactions Chemical
How do substances demonstrate what worksheet by giving them a more visual way to Equations
chemical before and happens when several represent items. Worksheet
reactions effect after the elements undergo
everyday life? substances chemical reaction. Balancing Chemical Equations worksheet and types Heat Lab
interact to of chemical reactions worksheets.
Week 6, 7, 8: determine if SWBAT explain the Summative:
Chemical a chemical difference between a
Reaction reaction has physical and chemical Research
occurred. change of matter. PP on exothermic and endothermic reactions. Will Project
cover the vary basics of enthalpy.
PS1-MS-3: Test: This will
Gather and Heat Lab: This lab will allow students to mix different go over
make sense liquids and solids and see how they react. The balancing
of students will record the initial and final temperature chemical
information and determine what type of reaction has occurred. reactions, will
to describe have a few fill
that Venn Diagram on exothermic and endothermic in the blank
synthetic reactions. Students will do this in groups of three. questions
materials over big
come from Metal Reaction Lab: This lab will focus on how metals picture ideas,
natural react with different liquids and chemicals. Students and will have
resources will use vocabulary from the present unit and Unit 2 students
and impact to describe the process. draw/describe
society. what happens
Research Project: How do we see chemical reactions to atoms
in our everyday life? Students will choose a chemical going under a
reaction to explore further. Students will then make a chemical
poster or power point presentation and present their reaction.
reaction to the class.

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