Curriculum Map Physical Science Buchanan 2018
Curriculum Map Physical Science Buchanan 2018
Curriculum Map Physical Science Buchanan 2018
Time Frame Big Idaho Abilities/Skills/Concepts Instructional Strategies and Activities (pedagogical Formative and
Ideas/Essential Content to be targeted (what will approaches you will take so students can access the Summative
Questions Standards students be able to do knowledge) Assessments
and Common during or at the end of the (how will you
know students
Core State lessons?)
have achieved
Standards the learning
What makes up PS1-MS-1: SWBAT describe the Class discussion of what students think an atom is to Formative:
an atom? Develop structure of an atom. gauge what students know.
models to Exit Card:
The atom is the describe the SWBAT to identify the Power Point and handout (students are expected to Draw and
smallest, most atomic number of electrons, fill it out during the Power Point) and discussion on label the
basic unit of composition protons, and neutrons the various parts that make up an atom (proton, basic atomic
matter. of simple an element has using neutron, electron, and nucleus) and their model.
molecules the Period Table of The characteristics (mass, size, speed, location within an
and Elements. atom). We will also discuss how atoms of different Exit Card:
extended elements have different number of protons. Will also Students will
structures. SWBAT explain how go over the different models of the atom throughout have to
Week 1: atoms from different history. determine
Atomic elements differ. number of
Structure For the power point, students will be given a handout protons,
SWBAT describe the to fill out as we work our way through the slides. electrons,
atomic structure of and neutrons
simple molecules using Class exercise and work sheet to determine the if they are
models. number protons, neutrons, and electrons that an given an
element has. element.