Articles and Topic

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Article One

Effects of green supply chain management practices on sustainability performance

Yildiz Çankaya, S. and Sezen, B., 2018. Effects of green supply chain management practices on
sustainability performance. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management.

This study has investigated the impact of mainly eight key dimensions of green supply chain
management practices on performance of firms on economic, environmental, and social
performance. The eight dimensions which were tested included green purchasing, green
manufacturing, green distribution, green packaging, green marketing, environmental education,
internal environmental management and investment recovery. The outcomes, through Structural
equation modeling, showed that all dimensions except green purchasing were statistically
significant with performance. The research contributed to give a thought that green purchasing
can have negative impact on organizational performance.

Article Two

The Impact of Green Supply Chain Practices in Business Performance: Evidence from

FMCG Firms

Khan, S.A.R., Zhang, Y., Golpîra, H. and Dong, Q., 2018. The Impact of Green Supply Chain
Practices in Business Performance: Evidence from Pakistani FMCG Firms. Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Systems, 17(02), pp.267-275.
This research studied the three factors of green supply chain management practices on
performance of organization in FMCG firms of Pakistan. Nearly 191 firms took part in the study
where independent variables included were green distribution, green transportation, and green
purchasing. The findings, through linear multiple regression, depicted that green distribution and
green transportation had significant positive impact on firm performance. The research
contributed by indicating that green purchasing can have negative impact on organizational
Article Three

The impact of green supply chain management practices on performance: moderating role

of institutional pressure with mediating effect of green innovation

Shafique, M., Asghar, M. and Rahman, H., 2017. The impact of green supply chain management
practices on performance: moderating role of institutional pressure with mediating effect of
green innovation. Business, Management and Education, 15(1), pp.91-108.
Due to increased focus on green innovation, the study focused on green supply chain
management practices in the presence of green innovation. The study involved electronics
industry as population of study where sample size was 500. Institutional pressure was taken as
moderator where green innovation has played mediating role. Multiple tests were run where
results showed that there is a relationship between green supply chain management, institutional
pressure, green innovation and organizational performance.

Article Four

Sustainability Performance Measurement for Green Supply Chain Management

Kafa, N., Hani, Y. and EL MHAMEDI, A.B.E.D.E.R.R.A.H.M.A.N., 2013. Sustainability

performance measurement for green supply chain management. IFAC Proceedings
Volumes, 46(24), pp.71-78.
The focus of research is on sustainability performance in SCM while making addition of the
Green concept for emphasizing the significance and need of eco-friendly systems for
environmental issues. The study is conducted for proposing a model to evaluate the sustainability
performance of green SCM practices where researcher developed key performance measures that
incorporated significant considerations of sustainable development. The article derived model
from literature the key indicators for green SC measurement under sustainable development to
evaluate the environmental, social, and economic performance of organization for achieving
benefits of green SCM.
Article 5

Green supply chain management practices and performance: The role of firm-size for

emerging economies

Vijayvargy, L., Thakkar, J. and Agarwal, G., 2017. Green supply chain management practices
and performance: The role of firm-size for emerging economies. Journal of Manufacturing
Technology Management, 28(3), pp.299-323.

This paper seeks to assess the impact of organizational size on implementing green SCM
practices in Indian manufacturing firms. The research also focuses on investigating the impact of
GSCM practices on organizational performance where researcher compared implementation
practices of GSCM between small, medium, and large sized firms. The results showed that
Indian manufacturing firms have showed adequate adoption of most environmental practices
apart from Tier-II supplier evaluation and ISO: 14001. Compared with large organizations,
medium-sized firms have also adopted GSCM practices except for current environmental
management systems, top and middle level management support, and supplier evaluation for
environmental practice. The results concluded that practices of GSCM could lead to improving
the operational performance of both medium as well as large-sized firms.

Article 6

Assessing the impact of green supply chain practices on firm performance in the Korean

manufacturing industry

Choi, S.B., Min, H., Joo, H.Y. and Choi, H.B., 2017. Assessing the impact of green supply chain
practices on firm performance in the Korean manufacturing industry. International Journal of
Logistics Research and Applications, 20(2), pp.129-145.

Despite the fact that studies in past literature have confirmed the existence of positive association
between organizational commitment to environmental sustainability and firm’s performance, the
changing degree of this impact regarding distinct types of environmental-friendly practices of
supply chain is still not known. Therefore, this research classified the different types of GSCM
practices while assessing the impact of these types on operational performance of firm. The
results showed that specific chosen type pf green supply chain management practice tends to
differently impact the performance of firm.

Gaps in the Study

Firstly, the gap in all of the three studies lies in independent variables. None of the above studies
have included green technology investment as independent variable to check with firm’s
financial performance. However, variable environmental protection is included and tested in the
study of Yildiz Çankaya and Sezen (2018). Another gap lies in the mediating variables where the
studies of Khan and Qianli (2017) and Khan et al. (2018) did not tested hypothesis through
including mediating variables. Only one study of Shafique, Asghar and Rahman (2017) included
mediating variable which is institutional pressure and green innovation. Also, the study of Kafa
et al. (2013) focused on the need of eco-friendly systems to solve environmental issues while
studies of Vijayvargy et al. (2017) and Choi et al. (2017) both were focused on operational
performance and not financial performance of firm. Hence, none of the above studies have
adequately focused on financial performance of firm in adopting green SCM practices. In this
sense, the current study will only focus on single aspect of GSCM practice with financial
performance of firm where the proposed topic of study is:

“Investigating the impact of green technology investment on financial performance of

Manufacturing firms”

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