The Impact of Green SCM Customer Satisfaction

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The Impact of Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Operational

Performance and Customer Satisfaction

Conference Paper · April 2020


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Chathurani Silva
University of Sri Jayewardenepura


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Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7, 2019

The Impact of Green Supply Chain Management Practices

on Operational Performance and Customer Satisfaction
H. K. Dilhani Mallikarathna and C. W. Chathurani Silva
Department of Decision Sciences
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.,

Today, the business world is moving towards the “Green Concept” and most organizations focus on increasing
performance in their operations while reducing the impact on environment. In manufacturing sector, adopting green
concept in to managing supply chains is getting an increasing attention due to higher possibility of environmental
impact during supply chain activities. The purpose of this study is to identify the direct impact of green supply chain
management (GSCM) practices on different dimensions of operational performance (flexibility, delivery, quality, &
cost) and the indirect impact through these on customer satisfaction. Data have been collected through a survey for
which a total of 94 managers in manufacturing organizations responded. Partial Least Square Structural Equation
Modeling (PLS-SEM) was applied to analyze the data and SmartsPLS software was used. The study revealed that
(GSCM) Practices lead to improve all dimensions of operational performance (flexibility, delivery, quality and cost)
where only production flexibility and delivery significantly in turn improves customer satisfaction. Any indirect
impact of GSCM practices on customer satisfaction through production cost and quality was not found in the study.

This research has several important implications for manufacturers who have implemented and are willing to
implement GSCM practices in their firms. In addition, the study significantly contributes to the literature by
providing empirical evidence for the impact of four dimensions of GSCM practices (green purchasing, cooperation
with customers, eco-design, and investment recovery) on operational performance and customer satisfaction.

Keywords: Green Supply Chain Management Practices, Operational Performance, Customer Satisfaction.

1. Introduction
Today, the business world is moving toward the “Green Concept”. Most of organizations focus on increasing
efficiency of resources while reducing the impact on human health, productivity and environment. Supply chain
management is the main activity in the manufacturing firm. Therefore, most of manufacturing firms are
incorporating with the green supply chain management (GSCM) practices into their operations for reducing
pollution and wastage, recycling and reusing, minimizing natural resource uses and reducing emission. (K. G. A. S.
Waidyasekara and R. L. N. Sandamali , 2012). Many manufacturers pay attention to customer expectations and
current customers are highly knowledgeable and consider the environmental impact mostly. They pressure to
manufacturer to avoid the environmental harmful activities and protect the environment. Most of customers are
becoming increasingly knowledgeable and demanding for environmentally friendly products (Thoo Ai Chin, et al.,
2015). Supply chain management interacts with suppliers, manufacturers and customers to enhance the efficiency
and productivity. Customer is an important party for business organizations for their sustainability. Therefore, it
will be worthwhile to study the impact of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices on operational
performance and customer satisfaction.

Existing literature suggests that manufacturing organizations should adopt environmental sustainability and
successful implementation of GSCM practices will lead to reduce waste, save money, green marketing awareness,
improve employee morale, fulfill public response and then increase organization overall performance including
environmental, economic and operational performance ( Lorette, Kristie, 2018)

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7, 2019

A comprehensive investigation on the relationship of GSCM practices with operational performance and customer
satisfaction was not found in literature. Researchers have found that the impact of GSCM practices such as green
purchasing, cooperation with customers, eco-design and investment recovery on economic, environmental and
overall operational performance (Kenneth W. Green Jr, et al., 2012). But no empirical evidence related to GSCM
practices on specific dimensions of operational performance, namely, flexibility, delivery, quality and cost was not
found. Therefore, this study addresses the research question: “What is the impact of green supply chain management
practices in manufacturing firms on operational performance and customer satisfaction?”

2. Literature Review

2.1 Green Supply Chain Management Practices

GSCM focuses on wide range practices related to purchasing, production and marketing. There are several
definitions for GSCM. These are: “the way in which innovations in supply chain management and industrial
purchasing are considered in the context of the environment” (Green, et al., 1998), “purchasing function‟s
involvement in activities that include reduction, recycling, reuse and the substitution of materials” ( Narasimhan, R.,
and J.R. Carter, 1998), “the practice of monitoring and improving environmental performance in the supply chain”
(Godfrey, R., 1998), “integrating environmental thinking into a supply chain management, including product design,
material resourcing and selection, manufacturing processes, delivery of the final product to the consumer as well as
end-of-life management of the product after its useful life” (Srivastava, S.K., 2007). Drawing on those definitions,
four main GSCM practices were identified such as green purchasing, cooperation with customers, eco-labeling and
investment recovery (Kenneth W. Green Jr, et al., 2012).

Green Purchasing has been defined as integrating environmental problem and concerns into the procurement
process (Purba Rao and Diane Holt, 2005). Selecting the right supplier has significant effect on organizational
objectives. In green purchasing, organizations get attention towards eco labeling of purchased products, supplier‟s
cooperation for environmental objectives, supplier‟s environmental audit, supplier‟s ISO 14000 certification,
supplier‟s environmentally friendly practice evaluation, and providing design specification of environmental
requirements to suppliers (Kenneth W. Green Jr, et al., 2012).

Cooperation with customers requires working with customers to design cleaner production process that produce
environmentally sustainable products with green packaging (Qinghua Zhu , 2008).

Eco-design can be defined as a design for environment or green design with a purpose of reducing environmental
impact throughout the product development and the entire product lifecycle starting from obtaining raw materials
from suppliers to final disposal of those materials (G. Johansson, 2002). Eco-design requires that manufacturers
design products that minimize consumption of materials and energy that facilitate the reuse, recycle and recovery of
component materials and parts, and that avoid or reduce the use of hazardous product within the manufacturing
process (Kenneth W. Green Jr, et al., 2012).

Investment recovery requires the sale of excess inventories, scraps and used materials, and can bring additional
revenue into firm, if properly managed (Kenneth W. Green Jr, et al., 2012).The objective of investment recovery is
to recover the highest value from obsolete end-of-life product and surplus items (Ayres, et al., 1997).

2.2 Operational Performance

Operational performance relates with the manufacturing plant‟s capabilities to more efficiently produce and deliver
products to the customer (Qinghua Zhu , 2008). According to Narasimhan (2001), operational performance refers to
the strategic dimensions by which company chooses to compete Manufacturing capabilities and resources should
focus on developing competitive priorities as the achievement of competitive advantage depends on the effective
translation of competitive priorities into strategic capabilities (Ho, D., Au, K. and Newton, E., 2002). Operational
performance has multiple dimensional, namely, flexibility, delivery, quality and cost (Roberto Chavez, et al., 2014).

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7, 2019

Flexibility facilitates the response to challenges like globalization, technological changes, innovation and the
continuous economic uncertainty with little penalty in time, cost or performance (Zhang, Q. et al., 2006).Green
supply chain flexibility can be improved by supply chain redundancy because supply chain flexibility depends on
resource reservations and the effectiveness of reallocating redundant resources (Dolgui, et al., 2018).

Delivery process is related with all activities in supply chain management. Supply chain management concept grew
out of recognition that process of transforming raw material into final product and delivering those products to
customers (Benita M. Beamon, 1999).

Quality is very important dimension of operation performance. Both the final product and raw materials should have
standard quality for sustainability of the organization. The activities in the green supply chain execution are to
ensure that the product outcome is qualified with the product quality requirements and the raw materials supply by
the suppliers are fulfilled with the controlled substances policy. Experts believe that the quality check will ensure
that the product adheres to the green policy (Chien Khay Choong, et al.).

Cost saving links with GSCM practices because GSCM highlights the need of cost effectiveness. Today,
manufacturers have a huge challenge of reducing cost and risk and increasing revenue. GSCM involves with source
of cost and source of competitive advantage for companies. So, organizations pay attention to cutting waste and
operating efficiently to adopt the strategy of lean and clean to be really green(Gaurav. B. Patil, and Dr. Dhananjay R
Dolas, 2015).

2.3 Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a main objective of any firm for maximizing revenue. If organizations provide high value to
their customer, they can achieve high level of customer satisfaction (Stank TP, et al., 2003). Customer satisfaction is
a reflection of operational elements related to efficient cost structures, quality product, speed and responsiveness
(Kim SW., 2006). Speer (1997) found that individual consumer interest in the environment and environmentally a
sound product is quite substantial, even though there has been a slight decline (Speer, T.L., 1997). Organizations
now face the challenge of increasing environmental regulations and eco-consumers and obtain more and more
negative information about the activity and product pollution of the companies (Larsson R, et al., 1996). Satisfied
customers involve in recommending the company to others, providing positive word of mouth, a willingness to
behave as a partner with the organization and remaining being loyal to the company (Brown, et al., 2005).

2.4 The Relationship between GSCM Practices and Operational Performance

There are several impacts of GSCM practices on performance outcomes. Generally, the adoption of GSCM
practices by manufacturing organizations lead to improved environmental performance and economic performance,
and on operational performance. Operational performance improves the organizational performance (Kenneth W.
Green Jr, et al., 2012). There is a positive relationship between customer-centric GSCM and multiple operational
performances in flexibility, delivery, quality and cost (Roberto Chavez, et al., 2014). According to Samuel (2018),
GSCM practices lead to increased operational performance in terms of cost, quality and flexibility, but have no
impact on delivery time. The researchers have used the Pearson correlation coefficient and established a positive
significant relationship between environmental management practices and industry flexibility (Rha, J.S, 2010).
According to Nyirenda and Ngwakwe (2014), t environmental management practices have a positive effect on
delivery time. Melnyk, et al. (2002) identified significant positive relationship between the environmental practices
and product quality. Yang, J., Han, Q., Zhou, J. and Yuan, C. (2015) also indicated that customers‟ participation in
environmental management practices can help to improve customer satisfaction with lower cost and higher product
quality. Hence following hypothesis are developed to study the relationship between GSCM practices and
operational performance dimensions.
 H1a: GSCM practices lead to improve the Flexibility
 H1b: GSCM practices lead to improve the Delivery
 H1c: GSCM practices lead to improve the Quality
 H1d: GSCM practice lead to reduce the Cost

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7, 2019

2.5 The Relationship between Operational Performance and Customer Satisfaction

In literature it was found that operational performance dimensions are related to customer satisfaction. (Roberto
Chavez,Wantao Yu,Mengying Feng and Frank Wiengarten, 2014).The studies of Stank (1999) and Zhang et al.
(2003) provide evidence for a positive association between operational performance and customer satisfaction. They
show that the operational performance in terms of flexibility, delivery, quality and cost are positively associated
with customer satisfaction. According to Rosenzweig et al. (2003), only delivery and flexibility are positively
associated with customer satisfaction. Kumar et al. (2011) found that quality and dependability positively affect
customer loyalty. Swink et al. (2007), found that delivery and quality are positively associated with customer
satisfaction but not cost efficiency and new product flexibility, and process flexibility was significantly negatively
associated with customer satisfaction. Roberto Chavez, et al. (2014) found that production cost and flexibility appear
to have no significant impact on customer satisfaction and product quality and delivery are significantly and
positively associated with customer satisfaction. Accordingly, the following hypotheses are proposed to identify the
relationship between operational performance dimensions and customer satisfaction.
 H2a: Flexibility lead to increasing Customer Satisfaction
 H2b: Delivery lead to increasing Customer Satisfaction
 H2c: Quality lead to increasing Customer Satisfaction
 H2d: Low cost lead to increasing Customer Satisfaction

Green Supply Chain Operational

Management Practices performance
 Green Purchasing  Flexibility
 H2 Customer
Cooperation with H1  Delivery
Customers Satisfaction
 Quality
 Eco-design  Cost
 Investment recovery

Figure 1: Conceptual framework

3 Methodology

3.2 Sample and Data

This study focuses on the relationship in between GSCM practices, operational performance and customer
satisfaction. The target population of the study was managers in manufacturing firms in Sri Lanka. Purposive
sampling method was used to select the sample due to difficulties of using a random sampling method. Hence,
mangers having knowledge in providing correct information for the study were selected to the sample. An online
questionnaire was developed to collect data and 94 managers in manufacturing organizations responded to the
survey. There were four parts in the questionnaire, namely demographic information, GSCM practices, operational
performance and customer satisfaction. All items in GSCM practices, operational performance and customer
satisfaction were measured on a five-point Likert scale. The industry of the respondents and the field of working are
presented in Table 1 and experience of the managers in current organization and other organizations are presented in
table 2.

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7, 2019

Table 1: Industry and working field of respondents

Number of Percentage (%) in the
respondents sample
Clothing and Textiles 28 29.8
Petroleum, Chemical and Plastics 6 6.4
Electronic, Computers and Transportation 22 23.4
Food and Beverage 21 22.3
Metal Manufacturing 7 7.4
Wood, Leather and Paper 7 7.4
Other 3 3.2
Total 94 100.0
Field of Working
Production Management 17 18.1
Logistics Management 17 18.1
Inventory Management 3 3.2
Store Management 7 7.4
Supply Chain Management 44 46.8
Other 6 6.4
Total 94 100.0

Table 2: Experience of the managers'

Experience in current organization Experience in other organizations
Number of Percentage of Number of Percentage of
respondent sample (%) respondent sample (%)
Below 1 years 23 24.5 30 31.9
1 to 3 years 33 35.1 27 28.7
3 to 6 years 15 16.0 12 12.8
6 to 9 years 11 11.7 9 9.6
Above 10 years 12 12.8 16 17.0
Total 94 100.0 94 100.0

3.2 Measures

Reliability and validity relates to the consistency and the accuracy of measures respectively. According to the model
developed, GSCM practices was considered as a second-order construct including four first order construct (green
purchasing, cooperation with customers, eco-design and investment recovery). The reliability and validity of the
collected data were tested using PLS structure equation modeling. Internal consistency reliability of the variables
was examined using „Cronbach‟s alpha‟ and „composite reliability‟. Convergent validity of the constructs was
examined using „average variance extracted (AVE)‟ values. The results are presented in Table 3. All the Cronbach‟s
alpha and composite reliability values are greater than the minimum recommended of 0.7. AVE values are also
greater than 0.5, the recommended level (Joe F. Hair, et al., 2011) Therefore, internal consistency reliability and
convergent validity of the variables in the model are satisfactorily confirmed.

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7, 2019

Table 3: Reliability and convergent validity assessment

Cronbach‟s Alpha AVE
Green Purchasing (GP) 0.853 0.891 0.580
Cooperation with Customers (CC) 0.878 0.916 0.733
Eco-design (ED) 0.903 0.939 0.838
Investment Recovery (IR) 0.881 0.926 0.807
Flexibility (FLX) 0.866 0.918 0.789
Delivery (DEL) 0.883 0.928 0.810
Quality (QUA) 0.893 0.933 0.823
Cost (COS) 0.912 0.937 0.789
Customer Satisfaction (CS) 0.827 0.896 0.742

To test the discriminant validity, the indicator loadings are compared with its cross loading values. (Joe F. Hair,
Christian M. ringle, and Marko Sarstedt, 2011). Table 4 presents the results obtained in the present study.

Table 4: Discriminant validity assessment

GP 0.761
CC 0.777 0.856
ED 0.612 0.789 0.915
IR 0.572 0.673 0.775 0.898
FLX 0.408 0.421 0.516 0.427 0.888
DEL 0.381 0.414 0.531 0.422 0.627 0.900
QUA 0.508 0.498 0.528 0.416 0.737 0.801 0.907
COS -0.331 -0.375 -0.428 -0.252 -0.512 -0.647 -0.654 0.888
CS 0.277 0.314 0.322 0.321 0.524 0.573 0.514 -0.468 0.862
Note: GP = Green Purchasing CC = Cooperation with Customers ED = Eco-design
IR = Investment Recovery FLX = Flexibility DEL = Delivery
QUA = Quality COS = Cost CS = Customer Satisfaction

4 Result and Discussion

4.2 Results

The structural model involves verifying the hypnotized relationships in the study. The study developed hypotheses
concerning a direct positive effect of GSCM practices on operational performance and an indirect effect of
operational performance on customer satisfaction. Table 5 presents the descriptive statistics of all the variables. A
few variables have somewhat higher averages, and these are: Flexibility, Delivery, and Customer Satisfaction.

Table 5: Descriptive statistics

Mean Std. deviation
Green Purchasing 2.986 0.953
Cooperation with Customers 3.404 1.043
Eco-design 3.496 1.122
Investment Recovery 3.507 1.096
GSCM Practices 3.348 0.926
Flexibility 3.716 0.831
Delivery 3.879 0.936
Quality 3.886 0.893
Cost 2.532 0.898
Customer Satisfaction 4.220 0.658

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7, 2019

The correlation values describe the relationships between the variables. Table 6 presents the Pearson correlation
coefficient values between the variables. Accordingly, all the correlations coefficients values are agreed with the
hypotheses of the study.

Table 6: Correlations of the variables

GP 1
CC 0.772* 1
ED 0.605* 0.788* 1
IR 0.565* 0.669* 0.772* 1
GSCM 0.825* 0.916* 0.908* 0.863* 1
FLX 0.409* 0.419* 0.515* 0.429* 0.506* 1
DEL 0.385* 0.385* 0.413* 0.530* 0.500* 0.625* 1
QUA 0.502* 0.494* 0.527* 0.459* 0.563* 0.734* 0.801* 1
COS -0.318* -0.365* -0.416* -0.243** -0.382* -0.503* -0.684* -0.647* 1
CS 0.276* 0.315* 0.323* 0321* 0.382* 0.517* 0.572* 0.510* -0.457* 1
Note GP = Green Purchasing CC = Cooperation with Customers ED = Eco-design
IR = Investment Recovery FLX = Flexibility DEL = Delivery
QUA = Quality COS = Cost CS = Customer Satisfaction

GSCM practices showed a significant direct effect on customer satisfaction (without the mediator) with 0.382
coefficient value. Figure 2 present the path model coefficients after adding the mediator of operational performance.

According to the result, there is a significant difference in path coefficients after adding the mediator. Therefore,
Sobel test was applied to test the mediating effect of independent variable (GSCM practices) on dependent variable
(customer satisfaction). The path coefficients and their standard deviation values were used to calculate that
mediating effect. Table 7 presents the result of the Sobel test.

Figure 2: Path Model

*Significant at 0.01 level; **significant at 0.05 level.

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7, 2019

Table 7: Sobel test results

Mediator a b SEa SEb Z P-value
Flexibility 0.5017 0.2787 0.0923 0.1240 2.0770 0.0377
Delivery 0.4955 0.3749 0.0944 0.1763 1.9709 0.0487
Quality 0.5715 -0.0801 0.0741 0.1893 -0.4225 0.6726
Cost -0.4020 -0.1353 0.0887 0.1084 1.2033 0.2288

Only flexibility and delivery are significantly influencing on the relationship between GSCM practices and customer
satisfaction as a mediator. Quality and cost do not mediate the relationship between GSCM practices and customer

Table 8: Results of hypothesis tests

Hypothesis Std. coefficient Result
GSCM Practices  Flexibility 0.092* H1a is supported
GSCM Practices  Delivery 0.094* H1b is supported
GSCM Practices  Quality 0.074* H1c is supported
GSCM Practices  Cost 0.089* H1d is supported
Flexibility  Customer Satisfaction 0.124** H2a is supported
Delivery  Customer Satisfaction 0.176** H2b is supported
Quality  Customer Satisfaction 0.189 H2c is not supported
Cost  Customer Satisfaction 0.108 H2d is not supported
Note : *significant at 0.01 level; **Significant at 0.05 level

Table 8 presents the results of hypothesis tests. Accordingly, GSCM practices lead to increasing the operational
performance in the organizations such as flexibility, delivery, quality and cost. But quality and cost are not
influencing on customer satisfaction, only flexibility and delivery has significant effects. However, GSCM practices
lead to increasing the customer satisfaction. Table 9 presents the indirect effect of GSCM practices on customer

Table 9: Indirect effect of GSCM on customer satisfaction

Total effect of GSCM Practices  customer satisfaction = 0.334*
Indirect effect
GSCM Practices  Flexibility  Customer Satisfaction 0.140*
GSCM Practices  Delivery  Customer Satisfaction 0.189*
Note: Significant at 0.01 level

In this study, GSCM practices are conceptualized to be consist of four practices; green purchasing, cooperation with
customers, eco-design and investment recovery. GSCM practices considered as a second order construct including
four first order constructs. Table 10 presents the indirect effects of those variables on customer satisfaction.

Table 10: Indirect effect of individual GSCM practices

Indirect effect
Green Purchasing  Flexibility 0.169*
Green Purchasing  Delivery 0.167*
Green Purchasing  Quality 0.193*
Green Purchasing  Cost -0.136*
Green Purchasing  Customer Satisfaction 0.113*

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7, 2019

Cooperation with Customer  Flexibility 0.150*

Cooperation with Customer  Delivery 0148*
Cooperation with Customer  Quality 0.171*
Cooperation with Customer  Cost -0.120*
Cooperation with Customer  Customer Satisfaction 0.100*
Eco-design  Flexibility 0.138*
Eco-design  Delivery 0.136*
Eco-design Quality 0.157*
Eco-design  Cost -0.111*
Eco-design  Customer Satisfaction 0.092*
Investment Recovery  Flexibility 0.112*
Investment Recovery  Delivery 0.111*
Investment Recovery  Quality 0.128*
Investment Recovery  Cost -0.090*
Investment Recovery  Customer Satisfaction 0.075*
Note: *Significant at 0.01 level

Table 11 presents the R2 values i of the model. All the R2 values are less than 0.5 (R2 < 0.5). Therefore, the effects
of GSCM practices on the performance dimensions are classified as low.

Table 11: R2 values

R Square (R2) Adjusted R2
Flexibility 0.252 0.244
Delivery 0.246 0.237
Quality 0.327 0.319
Cost 0.162 0.152
Customer Satisfaction 0.383 0.355

4.3 Discussion

GSCM practices mostly affect the quality (0.571) compared to the other performance indicators. Cost is affected at
minimum although its value is also not very low (0.402). The individual dimensions of GSCM practices such as
green purchasing, cooperation with customers, eco-design and investment recovery significantly and positively
linked with all dimensions of operational performance (flexibility, delivery, quality and cost) and customer
satisfaction. Among those dimensions of GSCM practices, green purchasing highly affects flexibility, delivery,
quality and cost individually. Consequently, green purchasing mostly contributes to increasing the customer
satisfaction. Today, a lot of manufacturers follow suppliers‟ ISO 14000 certification and second-tier supplier
environmentally friendly practice evaluation and provide design specifications to suppliers that include
environmental requirement for purchased items. Cooperation with customers highly affects quality improvement
with 0.171 effect size. Most of managers in the survey have responded that they are cooperating with customers for
eco packaging and using less energy during product transportation. Eco-design and investment recovery also highly
impact on quality improvement. The effect size is 0.157 and 0.128 respectively. Under that, most of the
manufacturing managers design products for reuse, recycle recovery of material; designing products to avoid or
reduce use of hazardous products/manufacturing process; selling excess inventories, scrap and used materials.

Another significant finding of this research is the relationship between operational performance and customer
satisfaction. Quality and cost are not significantly linked with customer satisfaction; only flexibility and delivery are
positively associated with customer satisfaction. Although GSCM practices highly linked with quality improvement,
quality improvement is not linked with customer satisfaction. The practices of eco-labeling, green packaging, using
less energy during product transportation, selling scrap and used materials had not been attracted to customers.

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7, 2019

5 Conclusion
There is no comprehensive investigation of the relationship of GSCM practices (green purchasing, cooperation with
customers, eco-design and investment recovery) with operational performance (flexibility, delivery, quality and
cost) and customer satisfaction. Therefore, this research study contributes to the literature providing empirical
evidence for the impact of GSCM practices on operational performance and customer satisfaction. According to the
results of the study, both of individual dimensions of GSCM practices and overall GSCM practices are significantly
and positively linked with all the dimensions of operational performance. However, only the indirect impact through
flexibility and delivery on customer satisfaction are indirectly associated with customer satisfaction while quality
and cost have no significant mediating effect impact.

6. Theoretical and Managerial implications

This research study provides empirical evidence for the impact of four dimensions of GSCM practices (green
purchasing, cooperation with customers, eco-design and investment recovery) on four operational performance
dimensions (flexibility, delivery, quality, and cost) and customer satisfaction. According to the respondents of the
study, most of the manufacturing firms already have begun to implement GSCM practices such as considering
suppliers‟ ISO 14000 certification; providing design specification to suppliers that include environmental
requirement for purchased item; cooperating with customers for green packaging; cooperating with customers using
less energy during product transportation; designing product for reuse, recycle, recovery of material/components
parts; selling the scrap and used materials etc. Existing literature suggests that specific activities to support
environmental collaboration, monitoring and control including monitoring reverse flows of materials; sharing
techniques and knowledge related to environmental management with supply chain partners; working to control the
environmental risk associated with suppliers‟ operations; and working to assure proper product use (Vachon, S.,
2007).These findings offer directions to manufacturers to enhance operational performance and customer
satisfaction while implementing environmental practices throughout their supply chain.

7. Limitations and future research

This study has a few limitations that might be overcome in future research in similar field. Data were collected only
from manufacturing managers in Sri Lanka. If a future study increases the sample size and collect data from
worldwide manufacturers, those findings will be valid to a broader context. In particular, the mediating role of
quality and cost which found insignificant in this study can be reexamined. as a mediator. In addition, in depth
studies that collect data from different managers within a selected manufacturing firm may explore a detailed
information related to the relationships revealed in this study.


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© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7, 2019

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© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7, 2019

Author biographies:

Dilhani Mallikarathna is an undergraduate of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. She is reading for
B.Sc. Operation and Technology Management (Special) degree at Department of Department of Decision Sciences
of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. She has working experience in supply chain management field.

Chathurani Silva is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Decision Sciences of the University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. She received her B.Sc. (Special) degree in Statistics from the University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, MBA in Management of Technology from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, and PhD from
Massey University, New Zealand. She has experience in teaching: statistics, operations management, technology
management, supply chain management, total quality management, project management, and research methods.
Chathurani is also working as a visiting academic in other national universities and higher education institutions in
Sri Lanka. She has research collaborations with Sheffield Hallam University, UK and CQ University, Australia. Her
current research interests include supply chain and logistics management, new product development, and ICT

© IEOM Society International


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