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The complete illustrated hi to y 0
d Commo
1. Most important Allied tank of the Second World War was the M4 Medium (Sherman). This M4Al of the US Marines comes ashore in
typical scenery in the Pacific campaign, 1943.
The complete illustrated history of British, American
and Commonwealth tanks
I939- I 945


Wellington House, 125 Strand
London WC2R OBB

Copyright © Peter Chamberlain and Chris Ellis 1969

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

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electronic or mechanical including photocopying
recording or any information storage and retrieval
system without permission in writing from the publisher.

First published by Arms and Armour 1969

This edition 2000
Reprinted 200 1 (twice)
Reprinted 2002

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data:

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 0-304-35529-1

Distributed in the USA by

Sterling Publishing Co. Inc.
387 Park Avenue South
New York
NY 10016-8810

Printed and bound in Great Britain by

The Bath Press, Bath

Page Page
Preface 7 Light Tank, M5 series, General Stuart 93
Introduction 9 Howitzer Motor Carriage, M8 96
Vehicle Nomenclature ]5 Light Tank, T7 series 97
Abbreviations and Terms used .in this book 17 Light Tank (Airborne), M22, Locust 98
Light Tank, TI6 100
Light Tank, M24, Chaffee 101
Part 1: British Vehicles 19 Motor Carriages on Modified M5Al Light Tank chassis 104

British-built Light Tanks, Light Tank variants and

SP equipment on Light Tank chassis. American-built Medium Tanks, Medium Tank types and
Light Tank, Mks 11, l1A, lIB and III Motor Carriages on Medium Tank chassis.
20 Medium Tank, M2 series 105
Light Tank, Vickers Commercial Type 21
Light Tank, Mks IV and V Medium Tank, M3 series, Lee, Grant 108
22 Medium Tank, M4 series, Sherman 114
Light Tank, Mks VI, VIA, VIB and VIC 24
Light Tank, Mk VII, Tetrarch Howitzer Motor Carriage, M7 138
26 Gun Motor Carriage, MIO series
Light Tank, Vickers 6 Ton Type B 140
27 Gun Motor Carriage, M36 series (T7I) 142
Light Tank, Mk VIII, Harry Hopkins 28 Medium Tank, M7 143
Gun Motor Carriage, MI2 144
British-built Cruiser Tanks, Cruiser Tank variants and
Gun Motor Carriage, M40 (T83) 145
SP equipment on Cruiser Tank chassis.
Medium Tank, Mk II, IIA and 11* Gun Motor Carriage, M] 8, Hellcat 147
29 Medium Tank, T20 series
Cruiser Tank, Mk I and Mk ICS (A9) 30 149
Cruiser Tank, Mks II and IIA (A 10) 31 Medium Tank, T22 series 150
Cruiser Tank, Mk III (AI3) 32 Medium Tank, T23 series 151
Cruiser Tank, Mks IV and IVA (A 13 Mk II) 33 Medium Tank, T25 series 152
Cruiser Tank, Mk V, Covenanter (AI3 Mk III) 35 Medium Tank, T26 series 154
Cruiser Tank, Mk VI, Crusader (A15) 37 American-built Heavy Tanks, Heavy Tank variants and
Cruiser Tank, Mk VII, Cavalier (A24) 40 Motor Carriages on Heavy Tank chassis.
Cruiser Tank, Mk VIII, Centaur (A27L) 41 Heavy Tank, M6 series 155
Cruiser Tank, Mk VIII, Cromwell (A27M) 43 Assault Tank, T14 157
Cruiser Tank, Challenger 46 Heavy Tank, M26 series, Pershing 158
Self-Propelled Gun, Avenger (A30) 48 Howitzer Motor Carriage, T92, and Gun Motor
Cruiser Tank, Comet (A34) 50 Carriage, T93 161
Cruiser Tank, Centurion I (A41) 52 Heavy Tank, T28 (Gun Motor Carriage, T95) 163
Heavy Tanks, T29-T34, 1945 designs 164
British-built Infantry Tanks, Infantry Tank variants and
SP equipment on Infantry Tank chassis. Miscellaneous American-built types and prototypes,
Infantry Tank, Mk I, Matilda I (A 11) 54 including Tractors and LVTs.
Infantry Tank, Mk II, Matilda II 56 Miscellaneous Gun Motor Carriages 166
Infantry Tank, Mk III, Valentine 60 Miscellaneous Prime Movers and Cargo Carriers
Self-Propelled Gun, Bishop 64 based on Tank Components 166
Self-Propelled Gun, Archer 65 Landing Vehicles Tracked (Armoured) 168
Infantry Tank, Mk IV, Churchill (A22) 66
Infantry Tank, Black Prince (A43) 77
Part 3: Commonwealth Vehicles 171
Miscellaneous British types and prototype vehicles.
Heavy Tank, TOG 78 Canadian-built types and summary of other types used by
Heavy Assault Tank (A33) 80 Canadian forces.
Infantry Tank, Valiant (A38) 81 Cruiser Tank, Ram 172
Heavy Assault Tank, Tortoise (A39) 82 Cruiser Tank, Grizzly I 175
Self-Propelled Gun, Sexton 176

Part 2: American Vehicles 83 Australian-built types and summary of other types used
by Australian forces.
American-built Combat Cars, Light Tanks, Light Tank Cruiser Tank, Sentinel 179
variants and Motor Carriages on Light Tank chassis.
Combat Car (Light Tank), MI and M2 84 New Zealand-built types and summary of other types used
Light Tank, M2 series 86 by New Zealand forces.
Light Tank, M3 series, General Stuart 88 Light Tank, Wheel-and-Track, Schofield 183
Part 4: Self-Propelled Guns on Half-Tracks and Carriers 185 Part 5: Appendices 199

Half-Track Vehicles used by Armoured units 186 1. British and American Tank Guns, Engines and Fittings 200
Self-Propelled Weapons on Infantry Carrier chassis 195 2. Comparative Diagrams of major British and American
Tanks and Motor Carriages 212
3. Ordnance Designations of British Tanks ('A' numbers) 216
4. Select Bibliography 2] 7
5. Index to Vehicles by type and classification 218

2. First of a new breed of purpose-built American tank destroyers was the MIG Gun Motor Carriage.


DESPITE the growing number of publications devoted to than a hundred versions, counting all the improved
the tanks and armoured vehicles of World War II, no single production types, of one basic vehicle.
volume has hitherto attempted to describe all the tanks and
their armoured variants used by the British, American, and The scope of this book
main British Commonwealth armies in the years 1939-45. To keep this book as simple as possible we have first of
This book, British and American Tanks of World War II, all grouped all vehicles by nation of origin - British first,
does just that, however, and offers the most comprehensive then American, then Commonwealth nations. Within this
coverage of the subject yet undertaken. It sets on record broad framework we have further subdivided vehicles into
the hundreds of different tank types and variants developed classes in order of size, giving, for example "British Light
in that tumultuous period of history when tanks almost Tanks", "British Cruiser Tanks", and so on. Within each
literally "came of age"; when in less than five years what section so formed each type is presented in chronological
was general grew from tiny lightly armed vehicles commonly order-earliest first. All further variants or special purpose
little bigger than the average motor car to complex forty ton versions developed on any given chassis are described
monsters, powerfully armed and heavily armoured, all immediately following the basic vehicle, whether or not the
under the influence of the strongest impetus to change variants concerned were re-classified for another role quite
known to man-war. different from that of the original vehicle. Self-propelled
In 1939 both Britain and the United States had inadequate motor carriages which were standardised and saw full
tank forces. In both cases tank doctrine had progressed service are given a separate entry-still following the entry
little since 1918 and equipment was still geared to a mixture of the basic vehicle, however. The Infantry Tank Mk III,
of vehicles for infantry support (and trench warfare), and Valentine, provides a good example of this. It comes first
vehicles for the "mechanised cavalry" role, neither type under the section heading "British-built Infantry Tanks",
being really compatible. When the crunch came, swiftly and where it follows the Infantry Tanks Mks I and II, and starts
dramatically, with the German invasion of the Low with an entry devoted to the basic Valentine and the various
Countries and France in May 1940, both Britain and the models of it developed as an infantry tank. These are
United States were faced with the need for tanks quickly followed by the special purpose variants (like mine clearers
and in prodigious numbers. This led to a massive increase and "swimn1ing" tanks), and finally by experimental
in the industrial participation in tank production, and the variants of the chassis. Two self-propelled gun variants
appearance of dozens of new designs in quick succession which each had a development history of their own, the
from then on to meet changing tactical requirements and Bishop and Archer, are given separate entries, however,
the constant need to produce the right vehicle for the job. immediately following the coverage of the Valentine proper.
Both Britain and the United States also had to develop In the American sections vehicles which saw British service
special purpose vehicles (like bridgelayers, mine clearers and each carry an additional section devoted to this and any
so on), so that in some cases there might eventually be more variants developed specifically by the British, and not of
American origin, are described under the "British Service" because the Cavalier, Centaur, and Cromwell ARVs all
heading. Thus the British Sherman Firefly is found in the looked alike we have shown only one and cross-referenced
British Service section under the M4 series heading, which the other two to the one picture. A few very minor experi-
itself comes under the main section devoted to American- mental variants have been omitted completely.
built medium tanks. Thus essentially this book describes
development by chassis and not by function. However, the Illustrations
index (Appendix 5) is divided by function, so that all In selecting the illustrations for this book we have, as far
British self-propelled guns, for example, are grouped as possible, used views of each type from several different
together under that heading with appropriate cross- aspects to give the reader the fullest idea of all-round details
reference to the pages concerned. There are one or two and appearance. Though we have used the best available
exceptions to the foregoing, mainly in the cases of vehicles photographs, in some cases illustrations of the rarer and
with only very few special purpose derivatives, where even more obscure vehicles are of less than perfect quality, but
"standardised" SP types can be described under the entry these are frequently the only remaining pictorial record of
devoted to the basic tank. Thus in the M24 Chaffee entry, a vehicle's appearance; enthusiasts will, we know, under-
the "Light Weight Combat Team" of motor carriages can stand this. Appendix 5 comprises a full index, and this gives
be very conveniently grouped immediately after the M24 plate numbers and the page numbers on which descriptions
itself, mainly to save space. of all the 569 illustrations in this book will be found. For
this reason there is not, of course, a separate list of illustra-
Specifications and data tions by number.
Each entry contains a concise history of the vehicle
concerned, with facts relevant to its development, and as all Acknowledgments
the vehicles are grouped as nearly as possible in chrono- In compiling this book we have been aided by several
logical order, the book from beginning to end gives a fairly individuals who are experts in their various fields of
continuous development narrative for the tanks of each interest and who have either provided pictures or extra
nation covered. We considered this a more interesting information, or both, to supplement our own knowledge.
approach than the alternative one of several chapters of Particular thanks go to Col R. J. Icks, USAR (Retd), Major
generalised development history remote from the actual J. Loop, US Army, and Richard J. Hunnicutt, for assistance
vehicle entries themselves. Brief specifications are given for with coverage of the American vehicles. Mr Hunnicutt
each vehicle, which include all salient technical details. To also provided much useful data, plus most of the American
save space, however, armament and engine details are kept production figures. Col Icks provided many of the pictures
to the minimum in the specifications but are dealt with of the more obscure American vehicles. John Milsom
more fully in Appendix I. There are numerous cross- gave invaluable assistance with details of the more
references in the text-indicated as (qv)-which are made obscure British variants, and further information on
necessary by the complexity of the overall development some British vehicles came from Raymond Surlemont.
history -of British and American tanks and by the fact that Thanks are also due to Messrs J. Golding, G. Pavy,
numerous vehicles were being developed concurrently. and E. Hine of the Imperial War Museum photographic
Any cross-reference marked is mainly intended as extra library for assistance with pictures, and to Miss R. Coombs,
guidance for the reader, suggesting that he turns back to librarian, and Mr D. Nash of the Imperial War Museum
the entry indicated for more details on what might be only reference library for assistance in locating archive material.
a passing mention on the page in hand. Finally our thanks to Major-Gen N. W. Duncan and
All weights in the specifications are given in pounds only, Col P. H. Hordern, past and present Curators respectively
due to the discrepancy between the British and American of the Royal Armoured Corps Tank Museum, Bovington,
tons, although in the text weights are occasionally quoted Dorset, for research facilities. Many vehicles described
in tons but qualified as either (long) (British) or (short) in this book can be seen in the Royal Armoured Corps
(American). Armour thicknesses are quoted in millimetres Tank Museum, which is open to the public daily. Lastly
throughout and only maximum and minimum are given. our thanks go to Kenneth M. Jones, who supplied the
An inch is taken to equal 25 millimetres. Even though there excellent drawings given in Appendix 2. Picture sources
are more than 500 illustrations in this book, it has not been for this book are as follows: Imperial War Museum,
possible to show all variants described. To utilise space to Chamberlain Collection, Icks Collection, Hunnicutt Col-
the best advantage we have avoided duplicating pictures of lection, Aberdeen Proving Ground, US Signal Corps,
vehicles which looked essentially the same externally. Thus, Canadian Official, Australian Official.
Peter Chamberlain
Chris Ellis

3. The best British tank in service in 1940 was the Infantry Tank Mk II, Matilda which was almost immune to
German and Italian anti-tank and tank guns then in use. The Matilda spearheaded British armour in the
successful Libyan campaign of late 1940, when these vehicles were pictured.


IN this book the major factors which directly influenced the reverses in the French campaign, a new War Cabinet was
design and evolution of any specific vehicle are given in formed under Winston Churchill, who approved the setting
detail in the development histories of the individual up of a Tank Board to examine faults in the existing design
vehicles. It is desirable, however, to outline here back- and procurement system and to advise on improvements.
ground summary of development authorities, trends and They proposed a Director of Armoured Fighting Vehicles
changes which characterised British and American tank (DAFV) to represent the War Office (General Staff)
development in the 1939-45 period. It must be emphasised interest, with separate Directors of Design and Production,
that although the United States were not directly involved all under the Director-General of Tanks and Transport,
in armed conflict until December 1941, American weapons who took the place of the old Director of Mechanisation.
development, including that of tanks, was greatly influenced Early in 1941 the Tank Board was reorganised and given
by observation of the fortunes of war in the years 1939-40, executive powers to expedite War Office requirements in
while orders for tanks to supplement depleted British stocks matters affecting tanks. Included on the board were the
were also placed in 1940 on a "cash and carry" basis, long Director-General of Tanks and Transport and the Director
before the Lend-Lease system came into operation and of Artillery (for tank gun, anti-tank gun, ammunition, and
made further vehicles available. SP equipment matters), plus DAFV and General Staff
representatives. In September 1942 a Chairman, Armoured
Development and Procurement authorities Fighting Vehicles Division, was appointed, who also
In Britain prior to 1936 the Master General of the Ordnance became chairman of the Tank Board and was the chief
was the supreme authority responsible for tank design and executive responsible for tank design in the Ministry of
procurement. Under him the Director of Mechanisation Supply. The Tank Board was also reconstituted to contain
supervised actual design work in conjunction with the equal representation from the Ministry of Supply and the
Mechanisation Board, which was a committee made up of War Office (who represented the "users"). This general
senior representatives of the "user" arms. By the outbreak organisation remained in force until the end of the war.
of war in 1939, the Master General of the Ordnance had
become the Director General of Munitions Production and British design authorities
all designs and procurement responsibilities were trans- On the design side itself, however, there were several
ferred from the War Office to the newly-established important changes largely due to the vast industrial partici-
Ministry of Supply. Overall tank design responsibility then pation in tank production, which had increased dramatically
came under the Director-General of Tanks and Transport since the outbreak of the war. Such vehicles as the Churchill
with, in 1940, a Controller of Mechanisation supervising the and Valentine, for example, were designed mainly by the
Director of Mechanisation, who worked with the Mechani- firms which built them, with only relatively minor help from
sation Board as before. In May 1940, following British the Department of Tank Design, the organisation, which,
following the 1940 reforms, carried out actual design work simplified form) in order to understand many of the
under the Director-General of Tanks and Transport. In references to them in development histories of the American
late 1941 the Department of Tank Design was placed under vehicles described later.
the Controller General of Research and Development, and In theory this organisation was perfectly simple, but as in
as the war progressed the department changed its function Britain there was frequent friction between the "users" and
from designing proper to co-ordination of design and pro- the "suppliers", generally involving the forces of change in
duction facilities. In other words, instead of actually the form of the designers in the Ordnance Department
designing a vehicle itself, the Department of Tank Design against the forces ofconservatism in the form ofthe Generals
passed requirements to one of the tank producers and in Army Ground Forces. Notably there was the persistent
approved (and if necessary improved) the design the work by the Ordnance Department to get heavier tanks
producers drew up. The old "drawing board" orders, which than the M4 medium into service with more powerful guns.
had generally resulted in tanks (like the Churchill and This was equally persistently opposed by AGF, who were
Covenanter) with a formidable record of"teething troubles", content with M4s and 75mm guns. Thus there was a
became a thing of the past. Under the new organisation at considerable delay in getting improved tanks accepted
least six pilot models were generally built. Similarly, a with 76mm and 90mm guns, the M26 Pershing, for example,
proper "design parentage" organisation was built up only finally being sent to Europe when AGF were overruled
whereby one particular company took full charge of design by the General Staff after the Ardennes offensive by the
and production of one particular vehicle and supervised all Germans in December 1944. As events showed, however,
necessary subcontract work for the vehicle in question. The the Ordnance Department was generally right in predicting
Churchill (Vauxhall) and Valentine (Vickers) in 1940 set the need for heavier guns and thicker armour years before
this pattern, subsequently adopted with all later British Army Ground Forces found out the hard way in Europe in
tanks, and the Department of Tank Design did not itself 1944. Generally speaking the US Ordnance Department did
design a complete tank again until 1944-45, when it was good work in 1940-45 producing a series of fine designs
responsible for the Centurion. By 1945 the Department had which, if not outstanding by German standards, proved to
become very influential indeed and, in the circumstances, left be adequate, and could be produced in such numbers as to
a most creditable wartime record in the face of continually sway the balance decisively in the favour of the Allies when
fluctuating War Office (ie ~~user") requirements, frequent it came to the final reckoning.
friction between War Office and Ministry of Supply, and a This summary cannot close without mention of the
good deal of War Office conservatism. mammoth harnessing of American industry to the tank
production programme. The setting up of the vast tank
American design authorities arsenals by major commercial companies on behalf of the
In the United States the division of responsibility between US Government is recounted in detail later. It only remains
the "users" and the design and development side was more to point out that the Ordnance Department acted as an
clearly defined. After World War I, tanks became an agency for the co-ordination of the firms involved and in
infantry responsibility in the US Army, but in the thirties this respect were analagous to the British Department of
the US Cavalry was also equipped with tanks in the guise of Tank Design in dealings with commercial firms. However,
"combat cars" (for details of circumstances, see Combat Ordnance kept a firm hold of the actual design work. So
Car Ml entry). In July 1940 tank units were taken away great was industrial involvement with American tank
from these two "user" arms and organised into the production, that the Ordnance Department set up a special
Armored Force, while a Tank Destroyer Command was office in Detroit, OCO-D, specially to deal with tank design
formed to operate self-propelled guns. In March 1942, the work right on the doorstep of the production facilities.
US War Department was reorganised and all "using arms",
including the Armored Force and Tank Destroyer Com- Trends and Changes
mand, became part of Army Ground Forces (AGF). At the Probably the principal reason for the failure of the British
same time the various departments which dealt with supply to produce the tanks they really needed until too late was
and procurement throughout the army were merged to the constant change of policy that was evident from 1939
become the Services of Supply, later called the Army Service right through to the end of the war. Prior to 1939, British
Forces (ASF). Virtually unchanged by the reorganisation tank policy had crystallised into three distinct types: the
was the Ordnance Department, although it lost its power to light tank for the· scouting and reconnaissance role, the
influence the General Staff directly on procurement cruiser tank for the exploitation role, and the infantry tank
matters, and became instead dependent on the ASF for for the infantry support role. None of these classes was
procurement authority. The Ordnance Department was comparable in performance or armour protection, although
responsible for all design and development of US Army the infantry and cruiser types had similar gun armament.
ordnance items and, as its name implies, dated from the days The limited value of the light tank was clearly demonstrated
when artillery was the main weapon. Tanks, of course, were in the early campaigns of the war; it was of negligible use
included among the Ordnance Department's design respon- against any but the lightest enemy tanks, but unfortunately
sibilities. There was a two-way transfer of ideas between the it was frequently called upon to perform the cruiser role, for
"users", AGF, and the Ordnance Department, in that which it was entirely unsuited, mainly because there were
Ordnance could suggest new equipment and propose new not enough cruiser tanks due to peace-time financial
designs to AGF, while AGF could ask Ordnance to design restrictions, which had limited tank procurement. The light
or produce ideas to meet their requirements. There was a tank was thus swiftly dropped other than in the limited air-
secondary line of communication between the Ordnance borne role. Cruiser tanks and infantry tanks in 1939-41
Department and overseas theatres of war on a similar basis. suffered from being brought into service too quickly before
Within AGF, the Armored Force Board looked after tank the teething troubles could be overcome, and almost
matters. Approval for fundings for procurement .of new without exception the British tanks of these early years were
equipment meanwhile had to come from ASF. It is essential dogged by mechanical shortcomings as much as by design
to appreciate these relationships (presented here in much limitations and this restricted their development potential.
4. In the beginning ... all of nearly 150 tanks of the American Ist Armored Division lined up on manoeuvres in June 1941. At this time there
were fewer than 400 tanks in American service, just about enought to equip one full armoured division on the (theoretical) 1941 scale of
establishment. Note the predominance of M2 series light tanks and Ml series combat cars, with just six M2 and M2AI medium tanks in the
front row.

5. In 1940, due to limitations on pre-war procurement, British tank strength was still over-dependent on obsolete light tanks. Here Australian
infantry are seen exercising with Light Tanks Mk II of the Western Desert Force in Libya.
When the need for more powerful 6pdr guns was appre- development in Britain and lagged behind in doctrine, the
ciated in 1941, the guns were ready before there were tanks vast resources available in industry allowed the Ordnance
to take them, and when the American-built medium tanks Department to expedite a tank programme on an enormous
appeared in British service in 1942 with 75mm guns, British scale with designs (like the M3 and M4), which were
policy changed again in favour of these weapons. However, basically simple from a manufacturing point of view,
by the time the 75mm gun was in full service in 1944 on what unsophisticated from an operating point of view, yet
had then become the nearest to a British "standard" tank, capable of future development and modification. Above all
the Cromwell, the Germans had produced more powerful they were designed with a big gun from the start, so that it
guns and tanks, which outclassed this new vehicle. The was the appearance of American-built tanks in British
Cromwell itself, like the earlier cruiser tanks from which it service in 1942 that finally helped compensate for the
had been developed, suffered from size limitations, and deficiencies in the British vehicles then available.
among other things this prevented the fitting of the powerful It was largely due to the far-sightedness of the US
17pdr gun, which was required to match the best German Ordnance Department in 1942 that a new generation of
tanks. Attempts to produce an enlarged version of the tanks was available for production in late 1944, when the
Cromwell, the Challenger, to take the 17pdr, were largely M4 medium was finally shown to be out-moded. From the
unsuccessful, and ironically enough it was the Sherman moment the M4 entered production, Ordnance worked to
(M4) tank, an American vehicle, fitted with the 17pdr gun improve the breed, the T20 range of medium tanks,
(as the Firefly), that became the most powerfully armed tank culminating in the T26 (which evolved into the M26
in service with the British in 1944. The Sherman had also Pershing), standing as evidence of the effort expended. As
become the most important tank in British as well as mentioned above, however, attempts to get Army Ground
American service. Forces to accept, or even see, the need for heavier tanks and
The slow moving and heavily armoured infantry tank heavier guns, was the hardest task of all for the Ordnance
had, with the well known exception of the Churchill, Department in World War II. It took more than a year to
almost been discarded by 1945, again largely because this gain acceptance for the 76mm gun as a replacement for
type could not be up-gunned without major redesign. In the 75mm gun in M4 medium tanks, and as long again to get
1945, British policy was moving towards the "universal" the M26 into service with its 90mm gun, although both could
chassis with standardised components, which had mobility have been in production many months earlier than they were.
close to that of the cruiser tank, and was capable of future Armored Force doctrine saw the medium tank as a weapon
development to mount larger calibre guns. All these lessons of exploitation avoiding conflict with enemy tanks whenever
had been learned largely from German and American possible and going for "soft" targets instead. In fact a stock
policies. The Centurion of 1945, combining the qualities of excuse in AGF for rejecting the 90mm gun was that such a
the old cruiser and infantry tanks, but with vastly superior weapon in tanks would encourage crews to stalk enemy
gun power, was the successful end-product of changing tanks instead of leaving them to the tank destroyers (where
British policies. It was, however, too late for the war it was -it is fair to add-the 90mm gun was accepted much
designed to influence, an ironical final comment on a none earlier). However, with German tanks, like the Tiger,
too happy record of development. mounting 88mm guns it was inevitable that an American
tank to match such a vehicle would eventually be needed.
Specialised vehicles Fortunately the M26 Pershing was available in time, due to
If British gun tanks left much to be desired (though Ordnance Department persistence.
tactical handling of tanks was another factor, beyond the
scope of this book), the related field, in which traditional "Combat Teams"
British compromise and eccentric ingenuity really excelled, While Britain discarded light tanks, the United States
was the perfection of special purpose tanks. The fighting continued development of this class of vehicle. It became
in the Western Desert showed very early on the value of clear from observation of the Western Desert fighting of
tanks capable of clearing mines, while the abortive Dieppe 1941-42 (where the British were using M3 series light tanks)
raid of August 1942 showed the need for a range of vehicles that even these vehicles needed a bigger gun and heavier
for the assault role in large scale operations like that planned armour. Thus, while the British concentrated on armoured
for the future invasion of Europe. Thus the British- cars for the reconnaisance role in place of light tanks, the
largely through the specially-formed 79th Armoured Americans went on to produce a new generation of light
Division-developed a whole range of "funnies" tailor- tanks, the M24 Chaffee series, which had armour and hitting
made for mine-clearing, bridging, flame-throwing, and the power superior to the medium tanks with which America
assault engineer role among others. All are described in started the war. The M24 series also started a rationalisation
this book. Most of these were highly successful, even though programme in American tank design whereby the "second
they were based, in some cases, on inherently unsuitable generation" of wartime AFVs was to be produced in three
basic chassis. so-called "combat teams", which each formed a series of
In the United States the overall picture of tank develop- related vehicles utilising common drive and chassis compo-
ment in World War II was a much happier one. The Ord- nents. A "Light Weight Combat Team" was based on the
nance Department was more firmly entrenched, and M24, a "Medium Weight Combat Team" was based on the
accordingly more influential and autonomous, when it M4A3 medium tank, and a "Heavy Weight Combat Team"
came to tank design, than their British opposite numbers. was based on the M26. In each case there was to be a basic
There was much less designing "by committee", and the tank, a recovery vehicle, a gun motor carriage, a howitzer
United States had the added advantage of being able to motor carriage, and an AA gun motor carriage on the com-
stand to one side and watch events in the crucial years mon chassis, the idea being to reduce production, mainten-
1939-41 so that the Ordnance Department was able to ance, and stores-carrying problems to a minimum by
learn the lessons demonstrated in the European and making use of a maximum of standardisation. In fact, the
Desert campaigns. Though official American tank develop- war ended before these aims were fully realised.
ment between the wars had been much less dynamic than In the field of special purpose vehicles, the Americans
6. Ferrying an M2 medium tank of the American 1st Armored Division across a river during exercises in June 1941.

7. In the United States almost all pre-war tanks had been built by Rock Island Arsenal. To produce tanks on the massive new scale demanded
by rearmament, industry was brought in. The first big new tank plant was the Detroit Arsenal, built (in six months) and managed by Chrysler,
initially to tum out M3 medium tanks, seen here in July 1941.
were no less inventive than the British. Aside from flame- InItIatIve involved. In each case their indigenous design
throwers, however, few of the types developed by them were started off based on the American M3 Medium tank, the
good enough to be accepted for service, most American contemporary vehicle which provided the obvious and best
mine-clearing equipment for example being clumsy and choice at the time, 1940-41. Both the Canadian and
impractical. Additionally some influential American field Australian vehicles ended up vastly superior to the original
commanders were opposed to the wholesale adoption of M3, the Australian Sentinel, in fact, ultimately becoming.
special purpose armoured vehicles. Thus in 1944, for the different in all respects for reasons outlined in the relevant
invasion of Europe, the US Army used Flail and DD development history. Neither of these Commonwealth
equipment, which had been developed in Britain for tanks saw combat service as such, because by the time they
American-built M4 mediums. British influence was also reached production status, American tank output had
apparent in American post-war bridgelayer and assault tank reached such a mammoth scale that the United States could
designs. Other common British tank features which found supply virtually all Allied needs. In the event the Canadian
their way into later American designs included rear instead tank, the Ram, still managed to playa most important part
of front drive, wireless installation in the turret instead of in the war, but as a special purpose vehicle in several
the hull, and turret-mounted bomb throwers. essential but unglamorous roles.
The two British Commonwealth countries, Australia and Total American tank production in 1940-45 amounted to
Canada, which actually got as far as producing tanks of their the vast figure of 88,410 vehicles, while in Britain over the
own in the war years, have always received less than their same period, 24,803 vehicles were produced. The main
fair share of recognition for the tremendous effort and enemy, Germany, turned out 24,360 tanks in World War II.

8. One of the more potent special purpose developments was the flame-thrower. This is the American M4A2 medium tank with M3-4-3
flame-throwing device.

(1) British Cruiser Tank Mk V was named Covenanter. It was now
IN the period covered by this book all tank designs origina- fully designated Cruiser Tank Mk V, Covenanter. Sub-
ting from War Office specifications or requirements were variants under this system were indicated by mark numbers
allotted an ordnance designation, at an early stage, in the after the name. Thus, Infantry Tank Mk IV, Churchill III.
"A" series. An example is A33, the numbers being allocated This became very confusing due to the large numbers of
chronologically. A full list of these is given in Appendix 3. variants and types being developed, and from early 1943
Development sub-variants were identified by an "E" the type numbers were dropped, so that the vehicle
number added to the main designation in the form of a mentioned above would become Infantry Tank, Churchill
suffix, an example being A 7E2. Exceptions to the above III (or Churchill Mk III).
were such vehicles as the Valentine and TOG which origi- In this book we have generally used the simplest desig-
nated from agencies outside the War Office and never nation appropriate to the vehicle concerned and in sections
received "A" numbers. Occasionally, also, other suffixes describing variants we have omitted repetition of the
were used to indicate design sub-variants, a prime example type designation for simplicity. Thus we refer to the
being A22F, the Churchill VII. Covenanter I, for example, rather than "Cruiser Tank Mk
By the time prototype or late design status had been V, Covenanter I". Close-support tanks, which were armed
reached, the vehicle had normally been given an army with howitzers instead of guns, were indicated by the
designation indicative of its type and function. Thus the All initial CS.
became the Infantry Tank Mk I, the A12 was the Infantry Self-propelled guns were designated so as to show the
Tank Mk II, the A9 became the Cruiser Tank Mk I, and the basic chassis on which they were mounted, and calibre of
A15 was the Cruiser Tank Mk VI, to quote a few examples. the weapon. In the earlier part of the war the chassis was
Prior to 1938, vehicles of cruiser tank size and type were known as a "carrier" for the gun. Thus the 25pdr on the
known as medium tanks. In the early days before this Valentine chassis was known as the "Carrier, Valentine,
system was fully rationalised the "A" number was some- 25pdr gun Mk I, Bishop". The mark number referred not
times used as part of the designation. Thus the A13 series to the gun but to the chassis. Later the term SP (self-
were first known as Cruiser Tank A13 Mk I, Mk II, and propelled) was used and the 17pdr gun on the Valentine
Mk III, and later as Cruiser Tank Mk III, IV, and V respec- chassis, produced in 1944, was the "SP 17pdr, Valentine,
tively. Further modifications to the basic model might be Mk I, Archer". In this case the mark number referred to the
indicated by a letter, eg, Light Tank Mk VIC, and additional item of equipment as a whole, thus coming into line with the
or minor modifications by one or more stars (*). An mark numbers allotted to tanks. Other special purpose
example: Medium Tank Mk 11*. In most cases the suffix types were usually designated in a similar way with the
letter indicated a chassis or structural change and the star mark number referring to the equipment as a whole, and
an armament change, but there were exceptions to this not the basic tank chassis on which it was built. Thus the
general rule. With the proliferation of new designs in Sherman ARV Mk I and the Sherman ARV Mk II indicated
1940, the War Office started the practice of allocating type different types of recovery vehicle, though each was built on
names to make designations easier to remember. Thus the Sherman V chassis.
the Cruiser Tank A13 Mk III, which had become the Finally, we must point out that while a Cruiser Tank was
colloquially described as such, on British ordnance inven- was indicated by an "A" suffix. An example of this is seen
tories it would be described as "Tank, Cruiser, etc, etc". clearly in the Medium Tank M4 series, where engine and
We have used this description where appropriate in the data other changes gave rise to the M4AI, M4A2, M4A3 etc.
sections, but elsewhere have used the less formal description. Modifications confined to the chassis only were indicated
by a "B" series suffix. An example arises in M7 howitzer
motor carriage development. The M7 was based on the M3
(2) United States medium tank chassis, and the same design based on the
IN America a much more rational designation system was M4A3 chassis became the M7BI. Had yet another chassis
used. In the project, design, and development stages, a been used subsequently, the designation would have been
vehicle was given a designation in the T series (best remem- M7B2, and so on. The "E" series suffix was rarely retained
bered as T for Test). Thus a vehicle might be designated T89. when a design was standardised, but there were exceptions,
Any experimental modification was indicated by a suffix in one such being Assault Tank M4A3E2. It should be borne
the E series (E for Experimental). Thus TIEl, T25EI, or in mind that any special purpose equipment carried on
T20E3, in the latter case the "3" indicating the third American tanks was designated separately but following the
experimental modification. "T" numbers were normally same system. Thus an M4AI tank could be seen fitted with
allocated chronologically. When fully accepted for service an M I dozer blade or a T34 rocket launcher, etc.
by the using arms, the vehicle was "standardised" and given Self-propelled artillery in American service was described
a designation in the M series. Thus M6 or M8. It was not by the calibre of the weapon with the term "gun/howitzer/
usual for the M number to bear any relation to the original mortar motor carriage" as appropriate. Example: I05mm
T designation, but towards the end of the war there was a Howitzer Motor Carriage M37. Other special purpose
change in favour of this in an attempt to avoid confusion. vehicles were designated similarly to tanks. Example: Tank
Thus the Light Tank T24 became the M24 on standardisa- Recovery Vehicle TI. Names were not officially used for
tion, for example. In rare instances a design was standardised American tanks until the M26 heavy tank was called the
from the "drawing board" and never received a T designa- Pershing. Before that, however, British names for American
tion; an example was the Medium Tank M3. There were equipment (eg, Sherman, Lee) were being used colloquially
also many instances where vehicles were put into limited in American service and some American vehicles had
production and service before being standardised, and in unofficial but commonly used names, such as Hellcat for the
some cases they never achieved the status of standardisation MI8 GMC or Jumbo for the M4A3E2 assault tank.
-an example being the T23 medium tank. Instead of being classified as "standard" equipment,
At this stage it must be emphasised that this system of American AFVs were sometimes classified "limited stan-
designation was used for every item of military equipment dard". This category was given to a vehicle which was not
in the US Army, so that it was possible to have an M3 fully satisfactory for universal service, but which could be
Medium tank, an M3 Light tank, an M3 gun mount, an used when necessary. A further classification was "substitute
M3 rifle, an M3 flame-gun, an M3 gun sight and so on. standard", usually given to obsolescent or expedient
Thus it was normal practice to qualify each item by its full equipment due for early replacement but which could still
title. Strictly speaking, therefore, it is necessary to say Light be used pending availability of the new design. Finally there
Tank M3 to distinguish it from Medium Tank M3 and so on. was the "limited procurement" classification given to
Within the context of this book, however, we have omitted vehicles for which only restricted use could be foreseen. As
repetition of the qualifying description for brevity's sake the term implies, such vehicles were usually produced only
where the meaning is apparent from the text. in small quantities. Classification could, of course, be
Any modification to a basic vehicle after standardisation changed as necessary for any given vehicle type.

9. In its final form the M4 Medium tank was a potent weapon- with 76mm gun and many improvements over earlier models. It was still too
thinly armoured however. This 7th Army M4A3 (76mm) HVSS has added sandbag protection, a typical extemporised improvement. March 1945.


AA anti-aircraft eg for example

AGF Army Ground Forces Fisher Fisher Division of General Motors
Amd Div Armoured Division Federal Welder Federal Welder & Machine Co
ACF American Car and Foundry Co Ford Ford Motor Co, Detroit
AFV armoured fighting vehicle ft feet
American Loco American Locomotive Co FVRDE Fighting Vehicle Research and
AP armour piercing Development Establishn1ent
APCBC armour piercing capped, ballistic (British term)
APC armoured personnel carrier or GMorGMC General Motors Corporation
armour piercing (capped) GMC gun motor carriage (American
APG Aberdeen Proving Ground, term)
Maryland Grand Blanc Grand Blanc Arsenal, Michigan
ARV armoured recovery vehicle HE high explosive
(British term) HEAT high explosive anti-tank
ASF Army Service Forces HMC howitzer motor carriage
Baldwin Baldwin Locomotive Works (American term)
BARV beach armoured recovery vehicle hp (or HP) nominal brake horse power
(British term) HQ headquarters
Birmingham Carriage Birmingham Railway Carriage Ie that is
& Wagon and Wagon Co in inches
Cadillac Cadillac Division of General LAD light aid detachment (British term)
Motors Lima Lima Locomotive Co
cal calibre (in inches or millimetres as LMS London Midland & Scottish
appropriate) Railway
Canadian Pacific Canadian Pacific Railway Co LVT (A) landing vehicle tracked (armoured)
CDL canal defence light Marmon-Herrington Marmon-Herrington Co
Co company MEXE Military Engineering
Corp corporation Experimental Establishment
CS close support (British term)
Detroit Arsenal Detroit Tank Arsenal, Center Line, MG machine gun
Michigan Mk Mark
mm, cm millimetres, centimetres REME Royal Electrical & Mechanical
MMC mortar motor carriage Engineers
(American term) RHA Royal Horse Artillery
Montreal Montreal Locomotive Works Rock Island Rock Island Arsenal
mph miles per hour ROF Royal Ordnance Factory
MV muzzle velocity (Woolwich)
OCO-D Office, Chief of Ordnan~e, Detroit rpm revolutions (or rounds) per minute
OP observation post SP self-propelled (British term)
OQF ordnance quick firing TRV tank recovery vehicle (American
Pacific Car & Foundry Pacific Car and Foundry Co term)
pdr pounder (gun calibre) Vickers Vickers-Armstrong Ltd (Chertsey,
Pressed Steel Pressed Steel Car Co Surrey, and Newcastle-upon-
Pullman Pullman Standard Car CO Tyne)
QMC Quartermaster Corps Vulcan Vulcan Foundry Ltd
(qv) (which see)-cross reference
WD War Department
RA Royal Artillery USMC United States Marine Corps
RE Royal Engineers - (in data section) figure not known or unrecorded



10. A Covenanter tank in Perth, Scotland, in 1941, parading in a recruiting tour for the Royal Armoured Corps. Though used widely for
training, the Covenanter was not used in action.
LIGHT TANK Mks II, IIA, liB, III United Kingdom

11. Light Tank Mk II Indian Pattern.

THE Light Tank Mk II was a production development of The Mk II-III series were two-man vehicles (driver and
the "private venture" Carden-Loyd Mk VII and VIII tanks, commander) with side-mounted engines and of light riveted
which were supplied to the War Office A4 specification in construction. They were of negligible tactical value under
1929; these Carden-Loyd vehicles were built by Vickers World War II conditions.
(who absorbed the Carden-Loyd company in 1928) and
were designated Light Tank Mk I by the British Army. Five
vehicles were used for trials and various suspensions were SPECIFICATION
tested. The Mk II, also built by Vickers, had a similar hull Designation: Tank, Light, Mk II, or lIB; Tank, Light, Mk III.
to the Mk I, but a larger turret and Rolls-Royce engine. Crew: 2. Duties: Driver/Commander.
Horstmann-type suspension was standard with horizontal Battle weight: 9,520 Ib (Mk III, IO,080Ib).
coil springs (known as the "two pair" type). The Mks IIA Dimensions: Length 11 ft 9in (Mk III, 12ft).
and lIB had detail improvements, including better engine Height 6ft 7tin (Mk III 6ft 1lin).
cooling and re-sited fuel tanks. The Mk III was a slightly Width 6ft 3tin.
modified version of the Mk II, built by the Royal Ordnance Track width 9tin
Track centres/tread 5ft 2tin
Factory at Woolwich and incorporating improvements Armament: 1 x Vickers· 303 MG
suggested by experience. These included a higher roomier (1 x Vickers ·50 MG in some Mk Ills)
hull and the later type of Horstmann suspension with. Armour thickness: Maximum 10mm (Mk III, 12mm).
angled coil springs giving a longer "throw". These were Minimum 4mm.
known as "four pair" bogies. Only 36 of these tanks were Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: + 37° to -11 °
built. The other variant in this early series of light tanks was Engine: Rolls-Royce 6 cylinder 66hp
the Mk II Indian Pattern, built for the Indian Army, which Maximum speed: 30mph
differed mainly in having a cupola on the turret. Production Maximum cross-country speed: 20 mph (approx)
of the Mks II and III was completed in 1936 and these types Suspension type: Horstmann coil spring
Road radius: 130 miles
were mainly replaced by later marks by 1939-40. Remaining Fording depth: 2ft 3in
vehicles were mostly used for training and instruction until Vertical obstacle: -
1942, but a few Mk IIA and lIB remained in service with Trench crossing: -
tank battalions of the Western Desert Force in 1940. Mk Ammunition stowage: -
lIAs and Mk Ills were also used by a South African Special features/remarks: Many Mk IIA and 11 B were fitted
battalion in the Abyssinian campaign of 1941. retrospectively with "four pair" bogies as in the Mk III.
12, Tank, Light Mk IIA shown in use for crew training, 1940. 13. Light Tank Mk lIB fitted with Hfour pair" bogies,
Note the "two pair" spring bogies. Western Desert 1940. Mk III similar. .


FORTY Vickers light tanks (Model 1936) on order for the

Netherlands Army were taken over by the War Office on
completion in 1939 and were used for training by the British
Army for the duration of the war. None was used operation-
ally. They were known as "Dutchmen" to the British,
though this was an unofficial designation.
Vickers were active throughout the thirties selling their
own designs to overseas governments. The "Dutchmen"
were mechanically similar to the Vickers Mk IV light tank
and had a Meadows 88hp engine and a simpler hull shape
with hexagonal turret. Armament and other details were
as for the Mk II.

14. A Vickers commercial type ("Dutchman") in use for training 15. Close view of a "Dutchman" showing its distinctive hexagonal
at the School of Military Engineering, 1943. turret.
LIGHT TANK, Mks IV and V United Kingdom
THE Light Tank Mk IV was a more powerful development
of the Mk III and reverted to the Meadows engine as used
in the Light Mk I. In the Mk IV the suspension was further
modified to dispense with the idler wheel, the bogies being
respaced accordingly. The hull was re-shaped at the rear to
give more room internally. In other respects it was similar
to the Mk II and III. As with the Mk II, there was also an
Indian Pattern version with a cupola on the turret.
The Light Mk V, which first entered service in 1935,
incorporated several improvements intended to overcome
the deficiencies ofthe earlier models. The hull was lengthened
slightly to allow the fitting of a two-man turret, and two
co-axial machine guns were fitted. The larger turret
incorporated a commander's cupola and the heavier weight
aft of both the turret and the extra crew member greatly
improved the handling qualities; a return roller was added
to the front suspension bogies.
Both the Mk IV and Mk V were obsolete at the start of
World War II, though a few remained in front-line service
with units equipped with later marks. Most were employed
for training, however, in the various tank schools in Britain
and overseas.

Two light Mk V chassis were used for experiments with AA
mounts in 1940. One was fitted with a twin 15mm Besa
machine gun mount in place of its turret, and the other had
a Boulton & Paul quadruple Browning power-operated
aircraft turret fitted. At first this retained the Perspex
canopy, later removed. Light armour folding flaps were
fitted for crew protection. These were development vehicles 16. A Light Mk IV used for training on Salisbury Plain, 1940.
only. Note the hand grips for the commander.

Designation: Tank, Light, Mk IV
Crew: 2 (commander, driver)
Weight: 9,5201b
Dimensions: Length I 1ft 2in Track width 9tin
Height 6ft 8tin Track centres/tread
Width 6ft 11 tin 5ft 8tin
Annament: Main: 1 >< Vickers ·303 MG
or 1 >< Vickers ·5 MG
Armour thickness: Maximum 12mm
Minimum 4mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: + 37° to -10°
Engine: Meadows 6 cylinder 88hp
Maximum speed: 36mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 28mph (approx)
Suspension type: Horstmann coil-spring
Road radius: 130 miles
Fording depth: 2ft
Vertical obstacle: -
Trench crossing: -
Ammunition stowage: -
Special features/remarks: Indian Pattern had cupola on

17. Light Tank Mk V with twin 15mm Besa guns for AA role.
Designation: Tank, Light, Mk V
Crew: 3 (commander, gunner, driver)
Weight: 10.740lb
Dimensions: Length 12ft 10 in Track width 9tin
Height 7ft 3in Track centres/tread 5ft 8tin
Width 6ft 9in
Armament: Main: 1 / Vickers' 303 MG
and 1 y Vickers' 5 MG
Armour thickness: Maximum 12mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: + 37° to -10°
Engine: Meadows 6 cylinder 88hp
Maximum speed: 32.5mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 25mph (approx)
Suspension type: Horstmann coil-spring
Road radius: 130 miles
Fording depth: 2ft 18. Light Mk V fitted with quad Boulton & Paul aircraft-type
Vertical obstacle: - turret. Note folding side armour plates.
Trench crossing: -
Ammunition stowage: -

19. Light Tank Mk V of the 9th Lancers.

LIGHT TANK, Mks VI, VIA, VIB, and VIC United Kingdom

20. Light Tank Mk VIA.

FOLLOWING on from the Mk V light tanks, the Mk VI with the British Army at the outbreak of war in 1939, the
was identical in all respects except for the turret which was VIB being produced and used in the largest numbers. The
further redesigned to give room in the rear for a wireless set. bulk of British tank strength in 1940, in France, in the
In the Mk VIA the single return roller was removed from the Western Desert, and elsewhere was in fact composed of
top of the leading bogie and attached to the hull sides. The Mk VI lights and they were frequently called on to act in the
Mk VIB was a vehicle mechanically similar to the VIA, but "cruiser tank" role rather than the reconnaisance role for
with detail differences to simplify production. These altera- which they were intended-usually with heavy losses to
tions included a one-piece armoured louvre over the radiator themselves. After Dunkirk, these light tanks were also
(instead of a two-piece louvre) and a plain circular cupola in widely used to equip armoured divisions in Britain and
place of the faceted type of the VIA. The Light Mk VIB were still in quite wide "first line" use as late as 1942, though
Indian Pattern, produced for the Indian Army, was identical by then being replaced by later types and relegated to
to the standard model except for the removal of the com- training.
mander's cupola in favour of a plain hatch in the turret roof.
The Mk VIC, last of the series, also lacked the commander's
cupola and was more powerfully armed than its predeces- VARIANTS
sors, having co-axial 15mm and 7·92mm Besa machine guns Tank, Light AA Mk I: Experience under the Blitzkrieg
in place of the ·303 and .5 Vickers machine guns of the conditions of the German invasion of France and Flanders
earlier marks. It also had wider bogies and threecarburettors in May 1940, when the British first encountered co-ordinated
in the engine to give improved performance. air strikes in support of attacks by enemy armoured divi-
The Mk VI series entered production in 1936 and VIC sions, led to the hasty development of specialist AA tanks.
production tailed off in 1940. These were in wide service Experimental versions, based on the Mk V chassis, have

21. Light Tank Mk VIB Indian Pattern. Note absence of cupola. 22. Tank, Light AA Mk 1.
23. Tank, Light AA Mk II.

already been described. Production vehicles had a power-

operated turret with four 7·92mm Besa MGs set in a
modified superstructure. The first variant, Tank, Light AA
Mk I, was on a Mk VIA chassis.
Tank, Light AA Mk II: This was essentially the same as the
Light AA Mk I, but had improvements in the form of better
sights and a roomier, more accessible, turret. It also had an
external ammunition bin mounted on the hull rear. The
Tank, Light AA Mk II was built on the Light Mk VIB
chassis. A troop of four AA tanks was attached to each 24. Light Tank Mk VIB in use for training, 1940. Note the circular
regimental HQ squadron. cupola and single radiator louvre.
Tank, Light, Mk VIB, with modified suspension: A small
number of Mk VIBs were fitted with larger diameter
sprocket wheels and separate idlers at the rear (as in the
Light Mk II) in order to give longer ground contact and
improved ride. This modification was only experimental,
however, and was not adopted as standard.
Tank, Light, Mk VI, Bridgelayer: One chassis was converted
by MEXE in 1941 to carry a light folding scissors bridge.
Shipped to Middle East Forces for combat trials, it was
apparently lost en route and no further record of it exists.
Designation: Tank, Light, Mk VI, VIA, VIB, VIC
Crew: 3 (commander, gunner, driver)
Weight: 11,740lb (Mk VI, 10,800 lb)
Dimensions: Length 12ft 11 tin Track width 9tin
Height 7ft 3tin Track centres/tread Sft 8tin
(Mk VIC 7ft)
Width 6ft 9in 25. Light Tank Mk VIC of 8th Arn10ured Division, 1940.
Armament: Main: 1 / Vickers·SMG(MkVIC, 1 -/ Besa ISmm
Secondary: 1 / Vickers ·303 MG (Mk VIC, 1 -/ Besa
7·92mm MG)
Armour thickness: Maximum 14mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -t- 37° to -10°
Engine: Meadows 6 cylinder 88HP
Maximum speed: 3Smph
Maximum cross-country speed: 2Smph
Suspension type: Horstmann coil-spring
Road radius: 130 miles
Fording depth: 2ft
Vertical obstacle:-
Trench crossing: -
Ammunition stowage: -
Special features/remarks: Final development of Vickers Carden-
Loyd light tank series. 26. Light Tank Mk VIB with modified suspension.

27. Standard production Tetrarch 1.

FOLLOWING the Light Tank Mk VI, Vickers designed a Meanwhile, the development of airborne forces suggested
larger type of light tank in 1937 capable of mounting a the adoption of the Light Mk VII for the glider-borne role.
15mm Besa gun in place of the machine guns which were The name Tetrarch was adopted in 1943 for the Light Mk
mounted in previous Vickers light tanks. For the Mk VII VII, and the Hamilcar glider was specially designed to carry
Vickers adopted a novel type of suspension incorporating one of these vehicles. An airborne reconnaissance regiment
large road wheels. As with some earlier Vickers designs, was specially formed as part of 6th Airborne Division for
however, steering was achieved by flexing the tracks. The the invasion of Europe. One squadron of Tetrarchs and
Mk VII was offered to the War Office in 1938 (when it was Universal Carriers was carried into action on June 6, 1944,
known unofficially as the "Purdah") and the vehicle, the first day of the "Overlord" landings by gliders, though
designated A17, was tested for possible future adoption as their contribution to the success of the landing was limited,
a "light cruiser" tank, since War Office light tank require- partly because their number was so small.
ments were already being met by Mk VI production. An A few Tetrarchs remained in use until about 1949, when
order for 120 vehicles was placed at the end of 1938, when the British abandoned gliders and the Tetrarchs were also
war seemed inevitable, and Vickers were asked to transfer withdrawn.
production to Metropolitan-Cammell to be free to do other
work. The order was subsequently doubled, but production
was delayed, partly by the transfer, partly by a War Office VARIANTS
decision to concentrate on cruiser and infantry tanks follow-
ing the Dunkirk evacuation, and partly by bombing of the Tetrarch I CS: A few vehicles were converted for the close
factory. Finally only 177 vehicles were produced, the first support (CS) role, with 3in howitzers substituted for the
being completed in November 1940. Some were issued to 2pdr. A few standard Tetrarch Is were also fitted with
armoured divisions in Britain at this time since there was a Littlejohn adaptors on their 2pdrs to increase muzzle
shortage of heavier tanks. War Office policy had by this velocity.
time changed in favour of armoured cars, rather than light Tetrarch DD: One Tetrarch was fitted and tested with a
tanks, for reconnaissance work. Consideration was given to propeller drive and canvas collapsible flotation screens in
sending the Light Mk VIIs to the 8th Army, but inadequate June 1941. Trials of the Tetrarch as a swimming tank-
cooling arrangements made this type unsuitable for desert chosen for its lightness-were carried out in Brent Reservoir.
use. A small number were subsequently sent to the Soviet These proved successful and Straussler DD (Duplex Drive)
Army under Lend-Lease, and one squadron of Light Mk conversion, whereby a propeller was driven by power take-
VIIs was used in the invasion of Madagascar in May 1942, off from the engine, was adopted for the Valentine and
the first time the type was used operationally. Sherman, the latter being used in the Normandy landings.
28. Tetrarch I CS with 3 in howitzer. ~

SPECIFICATION 29. Tetrarch DD on test, showing propeller and flotation

Designation: Tank, Light Mk VII, Tetrarch I screen.
Crew: 2 (commander, gunner, driver)
Battle weight: 16,8001b Maximum speed: 40mph
Dimensions: Length 13ft 6in Track width 9tin Maximum cross-country speed: 28mph
Height 6ft 11 tin Track centres/tread 6ft 6in Suspension type: Steerable steel road wheels, independently sprung.
Width 7ft 7in Road radius: 140 miles
Armament: Main:] / 2pdr-QFSA (l x 3in howitzer in Mk I CS) Fording depth: 3ft
Secondary: 1 7·92mm Besa MG Trench crossing: 5ft
Armour thickness: Maximum 14mm Ammunition stowage: 50 rounds 2pdr.
Minimum4mm 2,025 rounds 7·92mm.
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: - Special features/remarks: Littlejohn adaptor on guns of some
Engine: Meadows 12 cylinder] 65hp vehicles.


DURING the thirties Vickers-Armstrongs were active in

the tank design and production field, offering vehicles of
their own conception to foreign nations as well as fulfilling
contracts for the British War Office. Apart from the light
tanks offered for overseas sale, the most prolific Vickers
type was the 6 tonner which was supplied to several
countries from 1929 onwards, including Russia, China,
Bulgaria, Finland, Poland, Portugal, Thailand, Bolivia,
Greece. Basically it was supplied as Type A with two
Vickers ·303 machine guns similar to the light tanks, or
Type B with a 47mm gun and one co-axial machine gun.
Some vehicles had different calibre weapons to these
according to requirements of purchasers. The Vickers 6
tonner was an excellent design for its period, low, simple
mechanically, and well-armed and armoured for its size.
The British Army never ordered this type, but on the
outbreak of war in September 1939, the British took over
several 6 tonners which were built for other nations, and
they were used in a training role for the rest of the war. By
British standards this vehicle was a light tank. Many features
of the Vickers 6 tonner were copied in the American Light 30. Vickers 6 ton Type B in use with a training unit, 1940.
Tank T 1, prototype for the American M 1-M3 light tank
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -
Engine: Armstrong Siddeley 4 cylinder air-cooled 80hp
Maximum speed: 22mph
Designation: Vickers 6 ton Type B Maximum cross-country speed: 14mph (approx)
Crew: 3 (commander, gunner, driver) Suspension type: Box bogie and leaf spring
Battle weight: 15,6801b Road radius: 100 miles
Dimensions: Length ] 5ft Track width 8in Fording depth: 3ft
Height 7ft 2in Track centres/tread 7ft Vertical obstacle: 2ft 6in
Width 7ft 11 in Trench crossing: 6ft
Armament: Main: 1 / 47mm QFSA Ammunition stowage: 50 rounds 47mm
Secondary: 1 / Vickers ·303 cal MG 4,000 rounds ·303 cal
Armour thickness: Maximum 17mm Special features/ remarks: Training vehicle only; guns removed on
Minimum 5mm some.

31. Standard production Harry Hopkins.

ORIGINALLY known as the "Tank, Light Mk VII, SPECIFICATION

revised", the Mk VIII was designed by Vickers in 1941 as Designation: Tank, Light, Mk VIII, Harry Hopkins
an improved version of the Mk VII. Three prototypes were Crew: 3 (commander, gunner, driver)
built, utilising chassis and mechanical components of the (Alecto: 4, loader in addition to the above)
Mk VII but incorporating a revised faceted hull and turret Battle weight: 19,0401b
to give better shot deflection. Armour maximum was Dimensions: Length 14ft Track width 10tin
increased, hydraulically assisted steering was fitted, and (excluding gun in Alecto)
there were many detail refinements. Metropolitan-Cammell Height 6ft 11 in Track centres/tread 7ft
(Alecto 4ft 10tin)
undertook production as a follow-on to the Mk VII, and an Width 8ft lotin
order for 99 vehicles was completed in 1944. Its general Armament: Main: 1 x 2pdr OQF
characteristics were the same as the Tetrarch, but the Harry (Alecto 95mm or 6pdr.-see text)
Hopkins never entered service as the British light tank Secondary: 1 x 7·92mm Besa MG
requirement was by 1944 limited only to the airborne role, (Not in Alecto)
for which stocks of Tetrarchs were adequate. Armour thickness: Maximum 38mm
The Harry Hopkins chassis was used as the basis for the Minimum 6mm
Alecto self-propelled 95mm howitzer (ie, howitzer motor Traverse: 360 0

carriage), which was originally designated Harry Hopkins (15 0 each side in Alecto)
Elevation limits: -
Mk I CS. Basically this was the Harry Hopkins with turret (lOmm in Alecto)
removed, superstructure slightly modified, and a 95mm Engine: Meadows 12 cylinder 148hp
howitzer mounted low in the hull front, thus producing a Maximum speed: 30mph
fast, low, lightweight SP vehicle. The Alecto II (also known Maximum cross-country speed: 20mph
as the Alecto Reece) was a variant with a 6pdr gun replacing Suspension type: Steerable road wheels
the howitzer. Only pilot and development vehicles were Road radius: 125 miles
produced, however, and the cessation of hostilities termi- Fording depth: 3ft
nated interest in these designs. A small number of vehicles Vertical obstacle: 2ft
were completed as Alecto Dozers (in 1945) with hydrauli- Trench crossing: 5ft
Ammunition stowage: 50 rounds 2pdr,
cally operated dozer blades and lifting ·mechanism in place 2,025 rounds 7·92mm
of the gun mount. Vickers were res~ponsible for Alecto Special features/remarks: Littlejohn adaptor on guns of some
development, to a General Staff requirement of April 1942. vehicles. Alecto was basically similar except where noted.
The project was delayed, however, by War Office indecision
as to its employment.
Alecto III: Project only to mount 25pdr howitzer in place
of 95mm howitzer of Alecto I.
Alecto IV: Further project to mount 32pdr in place of95mm
howitzer. Neither of these two marks was actually built.

33. Alecto I with 95mm howitzer.

32. Alecto Dozer showing control box on hull top. 34. Alecto II with 6pdr gun.

MEDIUM TANK,Mk II, IIA, and 11* United Kingdom

Desert Forces in 1940-41 at Mersa Matruh and Tobruk,

essentially training vehicles from Egypt pressed into service
to make up first line strength. The Medium Mk II was of
riveted construction, and had an air-cooled engine. It was
mechanically unsophisticated by World War II standards,
suffered from short track life and was inadequately
armoured. The training vehicle shown has its armoured
side skirts removed. Mks IIA and 11* incorporated various
modifications, including a co-axial MG in the latter.

Designation: Tank, Medium, Mk II
Crew: 5 (commander, driver, wireless operator, gunners (2))
Battle weight: 30,2401b
Dimensions: Length 17ft 6in Track width 13in
Height 9ft 10tin Track centres/tread 8ft 6in
35. Medium Mk II of a training regiment in April 1940. Width 9ft 1tin
Anllament: Main: I / 3pdr QFSA
Secondary: 3 ,( Vickers ·303 cal MG
Armour thickness: Maximum 8mm
THE Mediums Mk I and II, with their derivatives, were the Minimum 8mm
standard Royal Tank Corps vehicles from 1923 until about Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -
1938, when the new designs of cruiser and infantry tanks Engine: Armstrong Siddeley 90hp
came into service. Built by Vickers they started to replace Maximum speed: 18mph
the old World War I vintage tanks in 1923 and deliveries Maximum cross-country speed: 10mph
were completed by 1928. The Medium Mk II was completely Suspension type: Box bogie ("Japanese Type")
Road radius: 120 miles
obsolete by the start of World War II, but was used for Fording depth:-
training in the first half of the war. In 1940, in addition, Vertical obstacle:-
some were among the assorted collection of vehicles which Trench crossing: 6ft 6in
made up the strength of armoured units after the loss of Ammunition stowage: -
most of Britain's first line tanks in the withdrawal from Special features/remarks: Armament removed from some vehicles
France. A few other Mk lIs were used by the Western in training units.
"CRUISER TANK,Mk I and Mk ICS (A9) United Kingdom

36. Standard production Cruiser Tank Mk 1. 37. Cruiser Tank Mk ICS of 1st Armoured Division, 1940.

THE main British tank strength in the twenties and early by Harland and Wolff, Belfast. A9s equipped some regi-
thirties was the Vickers Medium Mk II with the various ments of the 1st Armoured Division in France until the time
light tank types introduced for the "scouting" role. Pro- of the Dunkirk withdrawal in June 1940. They were also
posed replacements for the Medium Mk II, the Medium Mk used by regiments in the Western Desert until 1941. The A9
III (" 16 tonner") and the "Independent" were abandoned had inadequate armour and too Iowa speed for the "cruiser"
on the grounds of expense during the financial cut-backs of role. Interesting design features were the external steering
the thirties. Similarly the A7 and A8, built by the Royal brakes on the rear sprockets (good for cooling), power
Ordnance Factory, Woolwich, as medium tanks, never turret traverse, and "slow motion" suspension-later used
went beyond prototype stage, again largely for financial essentially unchanged on the Valentine.
reasons. In 1934, however, Sir John Carden of Vickers-
Armstrong (the firm which built the Medium Mk III),
designed a new medium tank, designated A9, to meet SPECIFICATION
General Staff requirements resulting from the proposals
Designation: Tank, Cruiser, Mk I (A9)
offered to the General Staff's Research Committee by the Crew: 6 (commander, gunner, loader, driver, MG gunner (2))
Inspector-General of the Royal Tank Corps. It incorporated Battle weight: 28,7281b
the best features of the discontinued Medium Mk III, but Dimensions: Length 19ft: Track width: 14in
was much lighter so that it could be powered by a standard Height 8ft 8tin Track centres/tread 7ft 3in
commercially-made engine and thus be produced more Width 8ft 2tin
cheaply. Designed weight was about 10 tons, though Armament: Main: 1 x 2pdr OQF
production vehicles exceeded this. The pilot model was to (1 x 3·7in howitzer in Mk ICS)
be powered by a single Rolls-Royce Phantom II engine of Secondary: 3 x Vickers' 303 cal MG (one co-axial)
7·67 litres, but this proved unable to provide the specified Armour thickness: Maximum 14mm
Minimum 6mm
performance, so a 9·64 litres AEC bus engine was adopted Traverse: 360 0 Elevation limits:-
instead. Engine: AEC Type A179 6 cylinder gasoline (petrol) 150hp
An alternative 2pdr gun or 3·7in howitzer (CS) armament Maximum speed: 25mph
could be fitted and there were two auxiliary machine gun Maximum cross-country speed: 15mph (approx)
turrets as in the Medium Mk III. A 3pdr instead of 2pdr was Suspension type: Triple-wheel bogies on springs with Newton hyd-
initially proposed, but the latter weapon had become the raulic shock absorbers ("Slow motion" type)
new standard tank gun when production started in 1937. Road radius: 150 miles
Two types of tank "cruiser" (essentially the old "medium" Fording depth:-
class) and "infantry" had been decided upon by the British Vertical obstacle: 3ft
Trench crossing: 8ft
War Office when considering future requirements in 1936. Ammunition stowage: 100 rounds 2pdr
The A9, which originally had been rated a "medium" tank, 3,000 rounds' 303 cal MG
thus became the Cruiser Tank Mk I. Trials of the pilot Special features/remarks: First British tank with hydraulic power
model started in July 1936 and production of 125 vehicles traverse. Boat-shaped hull offering no external vertical faces.
commenced a year later, 50 of them built by Vickers and 75 Riveted construction.
CRUISER TANK, Mk U and Mk IIA (A10) United Kingdom

38. Cruiser Tank Mk IIA. (Production prototype vehicle i\ 1OE 1).

AFTER Sir John Carden had completed the design of the VARIANTS
A9 in 1934, the War Office asked him to produce a more Tank, Cruiser, Mk II: Vehicle with same 2pdr gun mount
heavily armoured version better able to work with the and co-axial Vickers machine gun as in the A9. Besa machine
infantry. The Al 0, which this heavier version was designated, gun fitted in 1940 in the hull front. Only 13 were built; also
was mechanically and structurally similar to the A9 which known as the A10 Mk I.
it closely resembled. The requirement called for a lower
speed but an armour basis of 24mm. The mild steel pilot Tank, Cruiser, Mk IIA: Vehicle with 2pdr gun in redesigned
model of the A10 was completed in July 1937 and delivered mount, one Besa gun in co-axial position in turret, and
to the Army for trials. Among the changes called for as a second Besa machine gun in hull front next to driver's
result of these tests were alterations to the gear ratios to give position. Remainder of production vehicles were of this
higher speed, an increase in armour to 30mm to match type. Also known as A10 Mk IA.
revised requirements and the addition of a machine gun Tank, Cruiser, Mk IIA CS: Close support variant with 3· 7in
alongside the driver in the hull front. howitzer replacing the 2pdr gun. Otherwise as Mk IIA.
Only 30 of this type were built. For turret appearance see
The A10 had the same turret and the same basic boat- picture of Cruiser Mk leS. Also known as Al 0 Mk IA CS.
shaped hull as the A9, and the additional armour called for SPECIFICATION
was achieved simply by bolting extra armour plates to the Designation: Tank, Cruiser, Mk II, IIA or IIA CS (AI0)
outside of the hull and turret structures. It was the first Crew: 5 (commander, loader, gunner, driver, hull machine gunner)
British tank with this type of composite construction. Battle weight: 31 ,6961b
Hydraulic power traverse was provided for the turret, as in Dimensions: Length 18ft 4in Track width 14in
the A9, but the auxiliary machine gun turrets were discarded. Height 8ft 8tin Track centres/tread 7ft 3in
By early 1938 the Al 0 was, in fact, considered too lightly Width 8ft 3tin
armoured to fall into the revised "infantry tank" classifica- Armament: Main: 1 x 2pdr QFSA
tion-even though it had been designed in the first place to (1 x 3·7in howitzer in CS model)
work with the infantry. Therefore it was redesignated as a Secondary: 2 x Besa MG
Armour thickness: Maximum 30mm
"heavy cruiser" tank. Production contracts were placed in Minimum 6mm
July 1938 for 100 vehicles-1 0 by Vickers, and 45 each by Traverse: 360 Elevation limits: -

the Birmingham Railway Carriage Co and Metropolitan- Engine: As A9 (Cruiser Tank Mk I)

Cammell. Another 75 were ordered from Birmingham Maximum speed: 16mph
Railway Carriage Co in September 1939. Orders were Maximum cross-country speed: 8mph
completed by September 1940. A10s were issued to units of Suspension type: As A9
the 1st Armoured Division and were used, with A9s, in Road radius: 100 miles
France in 1940 and in the Western Desert until late 1941. Fording depth: 3ft
Orders for both the A9 and A10 were restricted since in Vertical obstacle: 2ft
Trench crossing: 6ft
1936-37 it was decided to concentrate on developing new, Ammunition stowage: 100 rounds 2pdr,
faster, designs with Christie suspension and better armour. 4,050 rounds ·303 calor 7·92 cal MG
The A9 and A10 then became regarded as stop-gap types Special features/remarks: As A9. First British tank with composite
only. For the circumstances leading to this, see the develop- armour construction. Mk IIA was first British tank to be armed
ment history of the A 13 series vehicles. with the Besa MG.
CRUISER TANK, Mk III (A13) United Kingdom

39. Standard production Cruiser Mk Ill.

THE AI3 was an important step in the development of design was 2t times better than the best existing British
British tanks since it was the design which initiated the long design, however, and it was decided to utilise the suspension
run of Cruiser tanks with Christie suspension produced in but build a new chassis 5tin wider and lOin longer, to take
the World War II period by the British. Essentially it a 2pdr gun and turret. At the end of 1936 funds were
stemmed from the designs developed (largely unsuccessfully allocated to build two prototypes, and Morris Commercial
in his own country) by the American designer J. Walter Cars Ltd were asked to undertake detailed design. The
Christie. Responsible for the introduction of the Christie original Christie vehicle was now designated A13El and the
suspension into British tanks was Lt Col G. Le Q. Martel, two British-developed prototypes became A] 3E2 and
one of the pioneers of British tank development in the A13E3.
twenties, who was appointed Assistant Director of Mechani- The Liberty engine (an American World War I aero type)
sation at the War Office in late 1936, and as such was in was adopted as standard, as in the original Christie vehicle,
charge of AFV development. In September] 936, soon after and Nuffields, an associate company of Morris, were to
appointment, Martel attended the Soviet Army autumn build it under licence. Al3E2 was ready for trials in October
manoeuvres and was much impressed by the speed and ]937 and there followed a period of tests in which many
performance of the BT tank, which the Russians had mechanical problems were revealed, mostly due to the
developed and put in service in large numbers after buying vehicle's high speed of over 35mph. Modifications included
some of Christie's prototypes. Returning to London, governing the speed down to 30mph, altering the clutch and
Martel expressed the opinion that a tank of vastly superior transmission, and using shorter pitched tracks. By January
performance to the A9, then under development (qv), could 1938 most of the problems had been overcome and a
be produced by adopting the Christie type suspension and production order (provisionally set at 50) was confirmed
a powerful lightweight engine like the Liberty used in for 65 vehicles. Trials with A13E2, now joined by A13E3,
Christie's prototypes. were continued and further detail modifications were made
Funds were granted to buy two Christie vehicles, the to fittings before production was started by Nuffield
first arriving from the United States, accompanied by Mechanisations and Aero Ltd, a company formed specially
Walter Christie, in the following month. Morris Commercial for munitions work by Morris. Deliveries started early in
Cars Ltd acted as agents and licensees for the transaction ]939, and the order was completed by Summer 1939. No
and the vehicle was delivered as a "tractor" without a turret. further orders for this type were placed, since progress was
The basic Christie chassis design incorporated compression being made with developments of the A 13 design. This
spring suspension and large-diameter road wheels which vehicle had taken only just over two years to get from
could run either with or without the tracks. Trials led to the inception to production status, a remarkably swift develop-
decision that, as far as the British were concerned, the ment for the period. These Cruisers Mk III as they were
"trackless" running facility could be done away with as an known were used by 1st Armoured Division in France in
unnecessary complication. Also the Christie hull was too 1940, and (in small numbers) by 7th Armoured Division in
short and too narrow to take any existing (or contemplated) Libya in 1940-41.
British turret. The power-to-weight ratio of the Christie
SPECIFICATION Engine: Nuffield Liberty V12 340hp
Designation: Tank, Cruiser, Mk III (A 13) Maximum speed: 30 mph
Crew: 4 (commander, gunner, loader, driver) Maximum cross-country speed: 24mph (approx)
Battle weight: 31 ,360lb Suspension type: Christie
Dimensions: Length: 19ft 9in Track width 10tin Road radius: 90 miles
Height 8ft 6in Track centres/tread 6ft 11 in Fording depth: 3ft
Width 8ft 4in Vertical 0 bstacle :
Armament: Main: 1 x 2pdr QFSA Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
Secondary: 1 y Vickers ·303 cal MG Ammunition stowage: 87 rounds 2pdr.
Armour thickness: Maximum 14mm 3,750 rounds ·303 cal MG.
Minimum 6mm Special features/remarks: Turret similar to A9. Engine had dual
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: - starting system-electric or air compression.

CRUISER TANK, Mk IV and IVA (A13 Mk II) United Kingdom

40. Cruiser Mk IV of 1st Armoured Division 1940; vehicle with

additional armour plating over mantlet.

THE Cruiser Mk IV was essentially an uparmoured version IV after Mk III production had been completed, starting in
of the Mk III and did, in fact, have the ordnance designation 1938. Some Mk Ills were reworked with extra armour up to
AI3 Mk II. It followed the Cruiser Mk III in production Mk IV standard and were externally similar, distinguished
and arose from a decision taken in early 1939 to increase the only by the early type mantlet as fitted to the Mk III. Mk
armour basis to 30 mm for cruiser tanks (for full circum- IVA was the designation given to later production vehicles
stances see next entry, Covenanter). One of the A13 pilot which had the Vickers co-axial machine gun replaced by a
models was accordingly reworked with additional armour Besa. There was also a Mk IV CS which had a 3·7in mortar
to bring its thickness up to 20-30mm. Due to the high power- in place of the 2pdr gun. Only a small proportion of vehicles
to-weight ratio of the basic design, there was little adverse were of this type. Some vehicles had an armoured cover over
effect on performance even though the weight was increased the mantlet, and others were reworked with an armoured
by more than I,200Ib. The extra armour plating was mainly extension (heading picture) which completely concealed the
on the nose, glacis, and turret front, but another feature mantlet. Cruisers Mk IV were used in France by 1st
was the addition of V-section armour plating on the turret Armoured Division, 1940, and in the Western Desert by 7th
sides which gave the "spaced armour" effect later widely Armoured Division, 1940-41. They were also used for
used on German tanks. This resulted in the characteristic training in Britain.
faceted turret sides, the feature by which the Mk IV could Total production of Cruiser Tank Mk IV series vehicles
be most easily distinguished from the Mk III. amounted to 655. Additional orders in 1939-40 were placed
Nuffield undertook main production of the Cruiser Mk with the LMS, Leyland, and English Electric (200).

41. Cruiser Mk III reworked to Mk IV standard.

SPECIFICATION 42. Cruiser Mk IVA with armour cover on mantlet.

Designation: Tank, Cruiser, Mk IV or IVA (A13 Mk II)
Crew: 4 (commander, gunner, loader, driver)
Battle weight: 33,0401b Engine: Nuffield Liberty V12 340hp
Dimensions: Length 19ft 9in Track width 10tin Maximum speed: 30mph
Height 8ft 6in Track centres/tread 6ft 11in Maximum cross-country speed: 14mph (approx)
Width 8ft 4in Suspension type: Christie
Armament: Main: 1 ,( 2pdr OQF Road radius: 90 miles
(] >< 3· 7in howitzer in Mk IVCS) Fording depth: 3ft
Secondary: ] >< Vickers MG (Mk IV) Vertical obstacle:
] y Besa MG (Mk IVA) Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
Armour thickness: Maximum 30mm Ammunition stowage: 87 rounds 2pdr
Minimum6mm 3,750 rounds ·303 calor 7·92 cal MG
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits:- Special features/remarks: Spaced armour on turret sides.

43. Cruiser Mk IVA


44. Cruiser Mk V pilot model.

FOLLOWING his 1936 trip to Russia (which resulted in was approved at the end of April 1939.
development of the original Christie-based A13) Lt Col To keep the profile to the required low height, a Meadows
Martel, Assistant Director of Mechanisation, suggested Flat-12 engine (an enlarged version of that used in the
that in addition to a new fast cruiser tank there was need for Tetrarch light tank) was fitted, and the Wilson compound
a "medium" tank with 30mm armour and a high speed able epicyclic gearbox (as used in the A14) was incorporated.
to operate independently. This was obviously inspired by Compared with the AI3 Mk II-the Cruiser Mk IV-the
Martel's sight of the T-28 tank which the Russians had in driver's position 'was relocated to the right and the radiators
large scale service, a design influenced by the British" 16 for the engine were sited in the front of the vehicle on his
tonner" of 1929, which had been abandoned on the grounds left... The first production models were delivered in early
of expense. Specifications were drawn up and scale models 1940, but this vehicle proved a disappointment, due mainly
made, with the final result that it was decided to build two to problems with the cooling system, which led to frequent
pilot models with three-man turrets to a "simplified breakdowns caused by the engine over-heating. Numerous
General Staff specification". These were designated A14 modifications were necessary (see variants below) but the
and A15 (later A16) respectively. The London Midland and problem was never satisfactorily overcome. A less serious
Scottish Railway Company (LMS) built the former to plans problem was high ground pressure due to the increased
worked out by the Chief Superintendent of Tank Design. weight of this vehicle. In mid-1940 the vehicle was officially
This vehicle had Horstmann suspension and side skirt named Covenanter, the practice of naming British tanks
armour, a Thornycroft VI2 engine and the newly designed dating from this time. Total output of Covenanters was
Wilson compound epicyclic gearbox. The A16 was en- 1,771, but the type was never used operationally, though it
trusted to Nuffields who had impressed Martel with the equipped UK-based armoured divisions for training until
speed at which they had developed the A13. A16 was, in 1943. Some were sent to the Middle East for the training
fact, virtually a heavier version of the AI3. The AI4 and role, and others were converted to bridgelayers.
A16 had superstructure layout and turret similar to the Work on the A14 and A16 was eventually abandoned in
A9/AI0 vehicles. late 1939 before the second pilot model of each had been
Meanwhile, the A9 had been uparmoured to a 30mm completed.
basis (becoming the AI0) as a stop-gap, while the A14 and
A16 were produced to the "medium" (or "heavy cruiser") VARIANTS
requirements. Trials of the first A 14 in early 1939 showed it Covenanter I (Cruiser Mk V): Basic production model
to be noisy and mechanically complicated, as well as produced by LMS.
slower than the A13 pilot model fitted with an equivalent
thickness of armour (see Cruiser Mk IV [A13 Mk II] entry). Covenanter II (Cruiser Mk V*): Basic production model
The LMS were therefore asked to slow up work on the A14 with service modifications to the engine cooling to overcome
and work instead on the improved version of the Al3-the over-heating problems. Some vehicles had the armoured
A13 Mk III. This was to use as many A13 parts as possible, radiator louvres completely removed.
but it was to be built from the start with a 30mm armour Covenanter III (Cruiser Mk V**): Vehicle with built-in
basis, and have a lower overall height. A wooden mock-up engine cooling modifications, including vertical air louvres

46. Covenanter IV showing typical appearance ot prodUCtIon

45. CovenanterICSwith3inhowitzer. NoteBrenAAmounton turret. vehicles. Note mounts for stowage boxes on nose, and the cooling
louvres. Cast mantlet cover was standard on production vehicles.

48. Covenanter AMRA on test.

Covenanter OP, Command, and ARV: A few vehicles were

47. Covenanter Bridgelayer about to launch bridge. converted for these roles. Covenanter ARV had similar
appearance to Crusader ARV (qv).
at extreme rear. Stowage boxes added on nose each side of
headlamp housing. SPECIFICATION

(Original designations given in parentheses.) Designation: Tank, Cruiser, Mk V, Covenanter (A] 3 Mk III)
Crew: 4 (commander, gunner, loader, driver)
Covenanter IV: As Covenanter III but with additional Battle weight: 40,3201b
built-in cooling modifications including air intake louvres Dimensions: Length 19ft tin Track width 10iin
on rear decking. Height 7ft 3iin Track centres/tread 7ft 61in
Width 8ft 6iin
Covenanter CS (any mark): Small proportion of vehicles Armament: Main: 1 /2pdrOQF
with 3in howitzer in place of 2pdr for close support work. (1 / 3in howitzer on CS models)
Covenanter Bridgelayer: Development of a 30ft 30 (long) Secondary: 1 / Besa MG
ton folding ("scissors") bridge began in 1936 for mounting Armour thickness: Maximum 40mm
on a tank. Due to the availability and power of the Covenan- Minimum 7mm
ter, a number ofMks I and II were fitted with the production Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -t- 20° to -15°
Engine: Meadows Flat-12 D.A.V. 280hp
type of scissors bridge, which was laid by hydraulic ram and Maximum speed: 31mph
arm installed in the fighting compartment, with power taken Maximum cross-country speed: 25mph (approx)
from the engine fan drive. Mainly used for training and Suspension type: Christie
development work, together with the Valentine Bridgelayer. Road radius: 100 miles
The bridge was 34ft long overall and 9ift wide. A few of Fording depth: 3ft 2in
these vehicles were used by the Australians in Burma in Vertical obstacle: 2ft 6in
1942. Ttench crossing: 7ft
Ammunition stowage: -
Covenanter AMRA: A Covenanter was used in 1942 for Special features/remarks: Similar external appearance to Cruiser
tests with the newly developed Anti-Mine Roller Attach- Mk IV but lower overall height and with respaced road wheels.
I11ent (AMRA) which was intended to be pushed in front of Riveted construction with cast mantlet cover. Fitted with Wilson
a tank for mine-clearing. This was a trials installation only. compound epicyclic gears. 2in bomb thrower in turret.
CRUISER TANK, Mk VI, CRUSADER (A15) United Kingdom

49. Standard production Crusader 1.

THE Crusader stemmed from the same line of development engaged in A 15 production. Total output until 1943 was
that gave rise to the Covenanter. The original A15 design 5,300 vehicles.
for a "1938 Class Medium" was delayed in the planning "Teething" troubles with the pilot model included poor
stage due to uncertainties of requirements, and was re- ventilation, inadequate engine cooling, and mechanical
designated A 16 when N uffields took on the project. Soon problems with the gear change.
after approval of the A13 Mk III (Covenanter) mock-up Though most of the initial defects were overcome to an
was given in April 1939, the Director of Mechanisation extent, the Crusader, as it was named in. late 1940, always
asked the General Staff to review the alternative designs suffered from unreliability and the speed and urgency with
then being considered for the standard "heavy cruiser" role. which it was rushed into production did not allow long
These included the A18 (a larger development of the development trials, particularly for desert operations,
Tetrarch), the A14 (being developed by the LMS), the A16 where the Crusader became the principal British tank from
(being developed by Nuffields), and the "new" A15, which Spring 1941 onwards. It first saw action near Capuzzo in
was a proposed enlarged development of the A13 Mk III. June 1941, was prominent in all the major North African
The Al5 emerged as the favoured design because (a) it desert actions which followed, and was still in service, in its
utilised a large number of components from the A13 series, later 6pdr-armed form at the time of the Battle of Alamein
including the Christie suspension, (b) it could therefore be in October 1942, though by then in the process of being
got into production faster, (c) it offered a better trench displaced by American-built M3 and M4 mediums (qv).
crossing ability than the A 13 Mk III due to its increased The last Crusaders in North Africa were finally withdrawn
length, (d) it was to be built to a 40-30mm armour basis, from first line use in May 1943, but the type was used for
which was much superior to that of the other contenders. training until the end of the war. From mid 1942 onwards
Nuffields were asked to produce a detailed design, based on Crusaders were converted for numerous special purpose
the Al3 Mk III but lengthened by one bogie wheel each side. roles, including AA tanks, gun tractors, and ARVs. These
In June 1939, Nuffields suggested that they use the Liberty are all detailed below.
engine of the original A13 design instead of the Meadows The Crusader was designed just too late to incorporate
engine of the A13 Mk III since they already had the Liberty any of the lessons learned in the early tank actions in France
engine in production which would obviate delays. Since this in 1940, but several modifications resulted from trials with
also kept the weight down, the Director of Mechanisation the prototype. These included removal of the front auxiliary
agreed, and approval to go ahead was given in July 1939 machine gun turret, mainly because it was too poorly
with an initial order for 200 tanks plus the pilot model. This ventilated and of limited value, which also simplified
latter was ready by March 1940. In mid 1940 the order for production. This turret was also removed retrospectively
A 15s was increased to 400, then to 1062, and N uffields from many Mk I vehicles in service, and the space allowed
became the "parent" company to a group of nine companies extra ammunition stowage. It was also possible to increase
the armour thickness slightly on hull and turret front.
Finally, the Mk III version was up-gunned with a 6pdr
replacing the 2pdr.
The Germans respected the Crusader for its speed, but it
was no match for the PzKw III with 50mm gun, its main
desert opponent, in hitting power, armour thickness, or
serviceability. The German 55mm, 75mm and 88mm anti-
tank guns also had no trouble in picking off Crusaders in
the desert fighting.

Crusader I (Cruiser Mk VI): Original production model
with 2pdr gun and auxiliary front machine gun turret,
which was later removed on some vehicles in service.
Crusader I CS (Cruiser Mk VI CS): As above but with 3in 50. Crusader IICS in the Western Desert, ]942.
howitzer replacing 2pdr gun for close support role.
Crusader II (Cruiser Mk VIA): As Crusader I but with
front machine gun turret eliminated during course of Crusader Dozer: Conversion of standard tank for Royal
production programme. Extra frontal armour on turret and Engineers use. Turret removed and winch and jib fitted for
hull. working dozer blade which was attached by frame on side
Crusader II CS (Cruiser Mk VIA CS): As Cruiser I CS of vehicle.
with improvements as for standard Mk II. Crusader Dozer and Crane (ROF): Adaptation of the stan-
(Original designations in parentheses.) dard Crusader Dozer for Royal Ordnance Factory use,
Crusader III: Final production version with 6pdr gun re- handling unexploded shells and bombs. Dozer fixed in
placing 2pdr weapon, and increased armour on hull and raised position as support for additional armour, and extra
turret and other parts of hull. Prototype tested November- armour protection added on hull top.
December 1941. In production from May 1942 and 144 Crusader with AMRA Mk Id: Crusader tank fitted to push
completed by July 1942. Anti-Mine RollerAttachment(AMRA). Appearance similar
Crusader OP, Crusader Command: Vehicles modified with to Covenanter with AMRA (qv). Not used operationally.
dummy gun and extra radio and communications equipment Crusaders were also used for various experimental work.
for artillery and senior officers' use after Crusaders had been One was tested with a form of flotation equipment based on
withdrawn froIP first line service. the use of catamaran attachments. A Crusader chassis was
Crusader III, AA Mk I: Crusader III with turret removed also fitted experimentally post-war with a 5· 5in gun as a
and replaced by single Bofors 40mm AA mount. In early test mount for a similar installation planned for the
conversions the unmodified ground mount was used, but
most had an all-round open-topped shield.
Crusader III, AA Mk II: Crusader III with gun turret SPECIFICATION
removed and replaced by new enclosed turret with twin Designation: Tank, Cruiser, Mk VI, Crusader I or II
20mm Oerlikon AA cannon. Tank, Cruiser, Crusader III
Crew: 3-5 (commander, gunner, driver (Mk III) plus loader and hull
Crusader III, AA Mk III: As AA Mk II but with radio gunner (Mks I and II)
equipment removed from turret and installed in hull front Battle weight: 42,5601b (Mks I and II)
next to driver. 44,2401b (Mk III)
Crusader AA with Triple Oerlikon: A few vehicles were Dimensions: Length 19ft 8in Track width 10iin
converted to carry a triple 20mm Oerlikon AA cannon on Height 7ft 4in Track centres/tread 7ft 7in
an open mount. These appear to have been used for training Width 8ft 8in
Armament: Main: 1 x 2pdr OQF (Mks I and II)
only. 1 '>( 6pdr OQF (Mk III)
These AA versions were produced for the invasion of Secondary: 1 or 2 x Besa 7·92 cal MG
NW Europe in 1944, a troop of AA tanks being allotted to Armour thickness: Maximum 40,49, 51mm (Mks I, II, III in order)
every HQ squadron. However, due to the air superiority of Minimum 7mm
the Allied forces, and the consequent rarity of attacks by Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -
enemy aircraft, the AA troops were disbanded-shortly Engine: Nuffield Liberty V12 340hp
after the Normandy landings in June 1944. Maximum speed; 27mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 15mph (approx)
Crusader II, Gun Tractor Mk I: Crusader II chassis with Suspension type: Christie
open-topped box superstructure and ammunition lockers, Road radius: 100 miles (127 miles with extra fuel tank at rear)
converted as a fast tractor for 17pdr anti-tank gun and its Fording depth: 3ft 3in
crew. Widely used by anti-tank regiments with armoured Vertical obstacle: 2ft 3in
divisions in the NW Europe campaign, 1944-45. Side Trench crossing: 8ft 6in
extensions could be fitted for deep wading in vehicles used Ammunition stowage: 110 rounds, 2pdr; 65 rounds 6pdr (Mk III)
by assault divisions in Operation Overlord. 5,000 rounds, MG (max)
Special features/remarks: Riveted hull and welded turret of com-
Crusader ARV: Standard vehicle converted by removal of posite construction with outer layer of armour bolted on. Many
turret and addition of fittings for recovery equipment. Crusaders in the Western Desert were fitted with prominent
Carried a demountable A-frame jib, and winch in former "skirted" track covers. Data refers to basic marks with 2pdr and
turret space. 6pdr guns.
51. Crusader III. Note twin Vickers "K" gun AA mount on turret.

55. Crusader ARV with A-frame jib shown erected and twin Bren
AA mount.

52. Crusader II, AA Mk 1. Later pattern with full shield to gun.

56. Crusader Dozer.

57. Crusader I L Gun Tractor M k I.

53. Crusader III, AA Mk II. AA Mk III of similar appearance.

54. Crusader AA with triple Oerlikon mount. 5g. Crusader Dozer and Crane, Royal Ordnance Factory.

59. One of the six Cavalier pilot vehicles.

EXPERIENCE with the Covenanter and the Crusader pilot shorter engine life, and was even more prone to breakdown.
model in late 1940, plus the accrued lessons of the tank Production vehicles were used only for training as gun tanks,
actions in France and Libya led the Ministry of Supply, at but in 1943 half were converted to OP tanks for artillery
the end of 1940, to ask for a heavy cruiser tank which use and in this guise some were used by artillery regiments
overcame the inherent faults of the existing designs. Thicker of armoured divisions in the NW Europe campaign of
armour (65mm on hull front, 75mm on turret front), bigger 1944-45. A few others were converted to ARVs.
turret ring (60in diameter), a heavier gun (6pdr), a more
powerful engine, a weight limit of 24 tons, a speed of not VARIANTS
less than 24mph, and above all much better mechanical Cavalier OP: 6pdr gun replaced by dummy barrel. Appear-
reliability, were among the many improvements requested. ance as Centaur OP and Cromwell OP (qv).
In January 1941 the Tank Board considered proposals to
meet these requirements. Vauxhall offered a scaled down Cavalier ARV: Turret removed and winch fitted in turret
version of the Churchill infantry tank (qv), designated A23, space. Carried demountable A-frame jib. Appearance as
which was not taken up, while Nuffield Mechanisations and Centaur and Cromwell ARV (qv).
Aero offered a design based upon that of the Crusader SPECIFICATION
which they were already building. Mechanisation and Aero
were therefore asked to build six pilot vehicles for comple- Designation: Tank, Cruiser, Mk VII, Cavalier (A24)
Crew: 5 (commander, gunner, loader, driver, co-driver)
tion by the following autumn, under the designation A24. Battle weight: 59,3601b
This vehicle was mechanically similar to the Crusader and Dimensions: Length 20ft lOin Track width 14in
was to retain the Liberty engine and Wilson epicyclic Height 8ft Track centres/tread 8ft 1iin
gearbox. Width 9ft 5tin
Meanwhile, Leyland Motors, one of the production Armament: Main: 1 x 6pdr OQF
group involved in building the Covenanter and Crusader, Secondary: 1 or 2 Besa 7·92 cal MG
suggested a design which utilised a chassis similar to the Armour thickness: Maximum 76mm
Crusader but was powered with an adapted version of the Minimum 20 mm
Traverse: 360 0 Elevation limits: -
Rolls-Royce Merlin aero engine and had the new Merritt- Engine: Nuffield V12 410hp
Brown gearbox already being used in the Churchill. Maximum speed: 24mph
However, at this period all Merlin production was needed Maximum cross-country speed: 14mph (approx)
for aircraft, but the basic chassis design of the A24 was Suspension type: Improved Christie
rationalised with the Leyland design (then designated A27) Road radius: 165 miles
and an order for 500 A24s was placed "off the drawing Fording depth: 3ft
board" in June 1941, and the name Cromwell I was allo- Vertical obstacle: 3ft
cated. The A24 was to be considered as an interim type while Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
the Merlin-engined A27 was developed. It was then decided Ammunition stowage: 64 rounds 6pdr
to reserve the name Cromwell for the A27 and the name 4,950 rounds 7·92 cal MG
Special featuresj remarks: Externally almost identical to Cromwell
Cavalier was given to the A24, first pilot model of which was and Centaur. Suspension improved with stronger coil springs to
eventually completed· in January 1942. compensate for extra weight compared to Crusader. Uprated
With its Liberty V12 engine, the A24 Cavalier offered no Liberty engine. Some vehicles lacked hull machine gun. Fitted
mechanical advance over the Crusader and, in fact, due to with Mk 3 or Mk 5 6pdr, the latter distinguished by prominent
the increased weight it had an inferior performance, counter-weight on muzzle-and lighter appearance.

60. Early production Centaur with Mk 5 6pdr gun and hull machine gun not fitted.

ESSENTIAL feature of Leyland's A27 design was the landing over the beaches, on June 6, 1944.
Rolls-Royce Merlin aero engine, which in its form adapted Remaining vehicles were either converted to Cromwells
for tank use was named the Meteor. With an output of by the installation of the Meteor engine in 1943, becoming
600hp, this power unit gave ample performance for the the Cromwell X, (later Cromwell III), or were used for
heavy cruiser category of tank, was a far superior engine to training in their original form. Others were converted for
the Liberty (which dated basically to 1917), and was special purpose roles, including AA tanks, ARVs, OP
already in production for aircraft use which meant that vehicles, and Dozers, all used in the NW Europe campaign.
valuable time was saved which would otherwise have been These are detailed below.
necessary for development work. Birmingham Carriage &
Wagon were asked to become "parents" for the A27 and
work out design details. However, due to the shortage of VARIANTS
Merlin engines, needed for aircraft production, an interim
version of the A27 was proposed, retaining the Liberty Centaur I: Original production version with 6pdr gun.
engine of the Crusader, but otherwise identical to the Centaur III: Version with 75mm gun (equivalent to Crom-
Meteor-engined design. English Electric were asked in well IV). Some were converted for special purpose roles-
November 1941 to design this version, which was designated, see below-and others converted to Cromwells.
A27L (L: Liberty engine), Cromwell II. The Meteor- Centaur IV: Close support model with 95mm howitzer. 80
engined variant was to be called Cromwell III. Leyland took built. Up-rated engine.
over production "parentage" and the name was meanwhile
changed to Centaur, the Cromwell name being kept
Centaur OP: Conversion with dummy gun for artillery
observation officers' use. Extra radio equipment fitted, plus
exclusively for the Meteor-engined A27s. The A27L design
telephones, etc.
had to be to the same dimensions as the Nuffield-designed
Cavalier, but the Liberty engine installation had to be inter- Centaur, AA Mk I: New turret as Crusader AA Mk II (qv)
changeable with the Meteor power plant to allow for re- but with Polsten instead of Oerlikon cannon.
engining at a later date when Meteors became available in Centaur, AA Mk II: Turret as Crusader AA Mk III (qv) but
quantity. A Merritt-Brown gearbox was used instead of the with Polsten instead of Oerlikon cannon.
Wilson epicyclic gearbox (to conform with the Meteor- Both these versions were based on Centaur III or IV
engined design), and other changes, compared with the chassis.
Cavalier, involved shifting the radiators to the rear of the Centaur ARV: Turret removed and winch fitted in turret
engine compartment and incorporating mechanical parts space. Fitted to carry demountable A-frame jib.
common to the Meteor-engined vehicle. The Centaur pilot
model was completed in June 1942 and first production Centaur Kangaroo: Centaur with turret removed used as
vehicles were ready by the end of the same year. About 950 armoured personnel carrier. Few only so converted.
were completed, 80 of them as close support models with a Centaur Dozer: Vehicle with turret removed, and winch and
95mm howitzer in place of the 6pdr gun. These were used on jib fitted to work dozer blade attached on side frames.
the D-Day landings by the Royal Marines Armoured Allocated one per squadron to regiments equipped with
Support Group, giving covering fire from LCTs and then Cromwells and also used by Royal Engineers.,

61. Centaur IV (95mm howitzer) of Royal Marines at Normandy,

June 1944.
63. Centaur AA Mk II. Note removal of hull machine gun. Radio
SPECIFICATION was located in hull gunner's position.
Designation: Tank, Cruiser, Mk VIII, Centaur (A27L)
Crew: 5 (commander, gunner, loader, driver, co-driver)
Battle weight: 63,6001b
Dimensions: Length 20ft lOin Track width 14in
Height 8ft 2in Track centres/tread 8ft 1iin
Width 9ft 6in
Arrrlament: Main: I x 6pdr OQF (Mk I)
1 x 95mm ho¥.·~tzer (Mk IV)
Secondary: 1 or 2 x Besa 7·92 cal MG
Armour thickness: Maximum 76mm
Minimum 20mm
Traverse: 360 0 • Elevation limits: -
Engine: Liberty V12 395hp
Maximum speed: 27mph
Maximum cross-country speed: l6mph (approx)
Suspension type: Improved Christie 64. Centaur Dozer with blade in lowered position.
Road radius: 165 miles
Fording depth: 3ft
Vertical obstacle: 3ft
Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
Ammunition stowage: 51 rounds 95mm (Mk IV)
64 rounds 6pdr (Mk I).
4,950 rounds 7·92 cal MG
Special features/remarks: Externally similar to Cavalier and Crom-
well. Uprated Liberty engine with new version (improved design
built by Leyland) in Mks III and IV.

65. Centaur ARV with A-frame jib erected.

66. Rear-view of Centaur AA Mk II showing the flush-topped rear'

decking which distinguished the A27L from the A27M. The
62. Centaur OP in use as a Brigade Commander's tank, Germany, Cromwell (A27M) had a raised armoured louvre behind the turret
April 1945. Note stays on d-wmny barrel. on the rear decking.

67. Cromwell Vllw. Note applique armour and 75mm gun.

INITIALLY known as Cromwell III, the Meteor-engined gun virtually a bored-out development of the British 6pdr
version of the A27 design was designated A27M (M: able to fire American ammunition, was put in hand in
Meteor engine). The Meteor engine as adapted from the December 1942 and Cromwells from Mk IV onward were
Merlin for tank use had about 80 % of its component parts produced with this weapon in place of the 6pdr. The first
identical to the aircraft engine, thus greatly facilitating vehicles so equipped were delivered in November 1943, but
production for tanks. Rolls-Royce converted a batch of there were many initial defects in this gun, including
Merlins for use in tanks, and during 1941 two Crusader unsatisfactory semi-automatic cams in the breech, which
tanks had Meteor engines installed in place of their Liberty were not entirely put right until May 1944.
power plants for exhaustive test running. This enabled The Cromwell was numerically the most important
positioning of auxiliary components, wear and tear, oil British-built cruiser tank of World War II, forming the main
consumption, and so on to be determined at an early date equipment of British armoured divisions in 1944-45
while design work on the A27 itself proceeded. Birmingham together with the American-built M4 Sherman. However,
Carriage & Wagon delivered the first mild steel prototype even with a 75mm gun it was still, by 1944 standards,
to the Army for trials on March 1, 1942, actually ahead inferior to contemporary German tanks like the Panther
of the Centaur pilot model. Two more pilot models were and late-model PzKw IVs. With its Meteor engine it was
delivered by the end of 1942, and teething troubles on tests the fastest and most powerful of British tank designs until
proved relatively minor-mainly detail points concerned that period, but physical limitations (mainly the narrowness
with clutch, gears, and cooling. The idea of using the of the hull) prevented its being upgunned further and
powerful Meteor engine was handsomely vindicated by considerable redesign was necessary to turn it into a vehicle
results, and ample power was available for any forseen capable of carrying the very desirable 17pdr gun armament
developments of the A27 type. Cromwell production started -see the Challenger and Comet for further details.
in January 1943, by which time Leyland had become the All the A24/A27 series were structurally similar, with a
design and production "parents" for the entire A27 series. hull and turret of simple box shape and composite construc-
This embraced all subcontractors for component parts as tion-an inner skin with an outer layer of armour bolted on.
well as plants building Cromwells. Driver and co-driver/hull machine gunner sat in the forward
Meanwhile, War Office policy with regards to tank compartment, and the turret crew consisted of the com-
armament had changed considerably since the "heavy mander, gunner and loader who was also the radio operator.
cruiser" requirement resulting in the A24/A27 series had Tracks were manganese with centre guides, and the engine
been formulated. Fighting in the Western Desert, coupled and transmission were at the rear. Numerous detail modifi-
by the decisive appearance of the American-built M3 and cations were incorporated during the Cromwell's production
M4 Medium tanks in that theatre led to a requirement for run, which ended in 1945. These are noted below. Most
a gun with "dual-purpose" capability-able to fire HE or important innovation was the introduction of all-welded
AP shot-as fitted in the very successful M3 and M4 construction in place of rivetting on later models, thus
mediums. Work on a British designed version of the 75mm further simplifying mass-production.
VARIANTS Charioteer: Post-war (1950) conversion of existing Crom-
Cromwell I: Original production model with 6pdr gun. well chassis with new turret and 20pdr gun.
Similar in external appearance to Centaur I. Several experimental or trials models of Cromwells were
produced to test installations or proposed modifications.
Cromwell II: Mk I modified by removal of hull machine Three of these are illustrated. Also projected was a Cromwell
gun and fitting of wider tracks-15tin in place of 14in. Crocodile, still under development at the war's end. It was
Cromwell III: Centaur I re-engined with Meteor to bring similar to the Churchill Crocodile (qv).
it to A27M standards. Originally designated Cromwell X.
Cromwell IV: Centaur III with 75mm gun re-engined with
Cromwell IVw: As Mk IV but with all-welded hull, and
built with Meteor engine.
Designation: Tank, Cruiser, Mk VIII, Cromwell (A27M)
Cromwell Vw: As Mk IV but with all-welded hull. Crew: 5 (commander, gunner, loader, driver, co-driver)
Cromwell VI: As Mk IV but with 95mm howitzer replacing Battle weight: 6l,6001b
the 6pdr for the close support role. Dimensions: Length 20ft lOin Track width 14in
Height 8ft 2in (I5tin later marks)
Cromwell VII: Cromwell IV re-worked with applique Width 9ft 6tin Track centres/tread 8ft 1tin
armour welded on hull front, 15tin tracks replacing 14in
(lOft, Mks VII, VIII)
tracks, stronger suspension, and reduced final drive ratio to Armament: Main: 1 x 95mm howitzer (Mks VI, VIII)
govern down maximum speed to 32mph. 1 x 6pdr (Mks I-III)
Cromwell VIIw: Cromwell Vw modified as above. 1 x 75mm (Mks IV, V, VII)
Secondary: 2 x Besa 7·92 cal MG
Cromwell VIII: Cromwell VI modified as above. (Ion Mk II)
Cromwell ARV: Vehicle with turret removed, winch fitted Armour thickness: Maximum 76mm (lOImm with applique armour)
in turret space, and demountable A-frame jib. Appearance Minimum 8mm (IOmm on welded variants)
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: +20° to -12to
as Centaur ARV (qv). Engine: Rolls-Royce Meteor V12 600hp
Cromwell CommandjOP: Mk IV, VI or VIII fitted with Maximum speed: 40mph (32mph from late Mk IVs on)
dummy gun and extra radio equipment for use of formation Maximum cross-country speed: 18mph (approx)
commander or artillery observation officers. Suspension type: Improved Christie
Road radius: 173 miles
Cromwell CIRD: Vehicle with fittings to take Canadian Fording depth: 3ft (4ft prepared)
Indestructible Roller Device (CIRD) mine exploding Vertical obstacle: 3ft
equipment. Few only converted. Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
Cromwell "Prong": Standard vehicle fitted with Cullin Ammunition stowage: 64 rounds, main armament
Hedgerow Cutting Device, Normandy 1944. This equip- 4,950 rounds, cal MG
Special features/remarks: Frequently seen with flame cover over
ment, at first, extemporised in the field, then manufactured rear exhaust. Production variations: Type C-with Valentine
in limited quantities, was fitted to some Cromwell and type axle. Type D-escape hatch added in hull for co-driver. Type
Sherman tanks in June-August 1944 to assist in breaking F -escape hatch added for driver. Type E- vehicle with final
through the extensive hedges and foliage of the "Bocage" drive ratio reduced. Vehicles with applique armour had weight
country of Normandy which otherwise tended to restrict increased by approximately I 1201b. Late production vehicles had
movement to the roads. Comet type exhaust modifications.

68. Cromwell III (originally Mk X) was a Centaur re-engined with 69. Cromwell I; this particular vehicle is one ofthirty pre-production
a Meteor unit. Cromwells in mild steel for training and trials.
74. Cromwell IV with CIRD. This vehicle has a D type hull with
70. Cromwell IV. This is a late production vehicle with F type hull co-driver's escape door only in hull.
which had escape doors (seen open) for driver and co-driver.

71. Cromwell VI was the close support variant with 95mm howitzer. 75. Cromwell II used as a test vehicle for trial installation of
applique armour to hull front and turret.

72. Cromwell IV command tank used by Div HQ of 11 th Armd

Divn. followed by a Centaur OP with dummy gun.
76. Vauxhall-built Cromwell I pilot model with cast/welded turret
similar to the type used on the Churchill. Vauxhall were to build
Cromwells when Churchill production was scheduled to cease in
1943. However, it was decided to continue Churchill production
and Vauxhall withdrew from the Cromwell programme.

77. Cromwell III, D type hull, with addition of co-driver's escape

73. Cromwell "Prong" was the name given to vehicles fitted with hatch, and fitted with side skirts for desert service. Though produced
Cullin Hedgerow Cutting Device. This picture shows the test as a "standard" fitting, these skirts were rarely fitted. This view
installation on a Centaur III with the 75mm gun. shows the trial installation.

78. Standard production Challenger.

BRITISH reverses in the great tank engagements against improve performance. In January 1943, the prototype
the Afrika Korps in the Western Desert in 1941 led the trials were assessed to see if a production order was justified.
British General Staff to ask the Tank Board to investigate By this time the PzKw IV with "long" 75mm gun had
the feasibility of mounting a heavy high velocity gun (able appeared with the Tiger soon to follow, and the fact that the
to knock out any known German AFV) in British infantry A30 design was a quick way of getting a tank with 17pdr
and cruiser tanks. For the infantry tank requirement it was gun into service swung the balance in favour of its adoption.
proposed to fit a 3in AA gun in a limited traverse mount An order for 200 vehicles was placed, these to be distributed
in the Churchill chassis, though ultimately this idea was to armoured divisions in similar proportions to AA and
abandoned (see Churchill history). The 17pdr gun was then close support tanks. This would mean that divisional
.in the development stage, and for the cruiser tank require- comm'anders would have available a tank capable of taking
ment the possibility of mounting this weapon in the A27 on German vehicles with 75mm and 88mm guns on almost
series (qv) was considered. However, the A27 chassis was equal terms as far as fire power was concerned. In view of
too narrow to take a turret big enough to hold the 17pdr, the adverse qualities revealed by the trials, however, it
so Birmingham Carriage & Wagon, then the A27 design was decided to investigate the possibility of mounting the
"parents", evolved a design based closely on the A27, but 17pdr in the M4 Sherman (by then in large scale British
with a lengthened hull, an extra bogie wheel each side to service) as a safeguard against failure ofthe A30 programme.
compensate for the extra weight, and a widened centre hull Numerous troubles were experienced in getting the A30,
section. Work on three pilot models was under way by May now named Challenger, into production. It was not until
1942, and the first was delivered for trials the following March 1944 that the first production vehicles were ready,
August. The A30, as the new vehicle was designated, was by which time it was realised that no provision for water-
based as nearly as possible on Cromwell components. proofing for deep wading existed. This was essential for
Mechanically it was almost identical, and it had the same getting ashore from LCTs for the forthcoming Overlord
Rolls-Royce Meteor engine. The turret to hold the 17pdr landings (June 6, 1944). Meanwhile the Sherman with the
gun was designed and built by Stothert & Pitt and was 17pdr-known as the Firefly-was available and was
derived very closely from the turret they had tested on adopted in place of the Challenger. Later in 1944, however,
TOG 2 (qv). some Challengers were issued to the reconnaissance
Trials with the prototype showed up several deficiencies; regiments of British armoured divisions in NW Europe to
the extra weight, 3 (long) tons more than the Cromwell, led stiffen up the fire power of the 75mm-armed Cromwells
to suspension trouble; there was heavy trunnion loading with"which they were equipped.
and slow turret traverse. To overcome the latter defect, SPECIFICATION
electric Metadyne type traverse gear was subsequently Designation: Tank, Cruiser, Challenger (A30).
installed. The size of 17pdr AP rounds, plus the size of the Crew: 5 (commander, driver, gunner, loaders (2))
turret and breech, severely restricted ammunition stowage, Battle weight: 72,8001b
and the hull machine gun position was eliminated to provide Dimensions: Length 26ft 8-tin Track width 15tin
more room. A further modification found necessary was the Height 9ft Itin Track centres/tread 8ft 1-tin
reduction of the armour thickness to reduce weight and so Width 9ft 6tin
79. Rear view of Challenger, turret traversed, clearly shows widened
l;entre hull.
80. Challenger in service in France, 1944.
Armament: Main: 1 Y 17pdr OQF
Secondary: 1 x ·30 cal Browning MG (co-axial)
Armour thickness: Maximum 10lmm
Minimum 10mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: +20° to -10°
Engine: Rolls-Royce Meteor V12 600hp
Maximum speed: 32mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 15mph (approx)
Suspension type: Improved Christie
Road radius: 120 miles
Fording depth: 4ft 6in (prepared)
Vertical obstacle: 3ft
Trench crossing: 8ft 6in
Ammunition stowage: 42 rounds, 17pdr
Special features/remarks: Strong farr:tily resemblance to A27 series,
but distinguished by high turret, long gun, extra hull length and
extra bogie wheels. Sound project which was plagued by troubles
due to necessity for virtual re-design of original A27 type hull and
features to accommodate the wider turret. Production vehicles had
slightly smaller bogie wheels than A27 series. Some vehicles had
25mm applique armour on turret front and rear, and on hull front.
81. Challenger in service with rear dustguards removed. Note door
in turret rear.

82. Late production Challenger; note the splash plate protecting the turret ring. This was a retrospective modification added as a
result of trials.

83. Standard production Avenger; note the open-topped turret.

DEVELOPMENT of the 17pdr anti-tank gun started in The turret had a mild steel canopy (incorporating hatches)
late 1941 and it was approved for production by mid 1942, for crew protection. By the time the pilot model A30 SP
by which time the first pilot model of the A30 Challenger was ready in 1944, the M 10 was coming into service with
was nearing completion as an adaptation on the A27 design British "tank destroyer" battalions, and priority was being
to take this new weapon. The Germans were by this period given to Comet tank production. An order for about 230
making wide use of "tank destroyers" -large calibre guns Avengers was not fulfilled until 1946 and the type briefly
in limited traverse, armoured self-propelled mounts-and equipped two SP artillery battalions after the war.
the British General Staff thought it desirable that vehicles
on similar lines, mounting the largest practicable anti-tank
gun, should be produced to equip the anti-tank battalions
of armoured divisions. It was hoped to acquire the American SPECIFICATION

MI0 GMC tank destroyer at first, but this vehicle was only Designation: SP 17pdr, A30 (Avenger)
just going into production for the US Army and no deli- Crew: 4--5 (commander, driver, gunner, loader (optional second
veries could be promised for Britain before the end of 1943. loader))
Alternative designs were therefore investigated involving Battle weight: 69,4401b
Power/weight ratio: 22hp/ton
the mounting of a 17pdr in existing tank chassis. The Dimensions: Length 28ft 7in Track width 15tin
Crusader chassis was clearly too small and underpowered, (24ft 3in gun aft) Track centres/tread 8ft I iin
but the chassis of the Valentine tank (qv), the only readily Height 7ft 3in
available alternative, could be adapted. This involved a Width lOft
rear-facing mount for the 17pdr, which was not entirely Armament: Main: 1 x 17pdr OQF
satisfactory, but the Valentine SP, known as the Archer, Secondary: 1 x ·303 ca] Bren MG (AA)
could be got quickly into production as a "stop gap" design Armour thickness: Maximum 10lmm
while something better was evolved. Minimum 10mm
The obvious choice was an adaptation of the A30, and Traverse: 360 Elevation limits: +20 to -10

0 0

Engine: Rolls-Royce Meteor V12 600hp

early in 1943, while the Archer pilot model was still being Maximum speed: 32'3mph
built, Leylands, the "parent" company for the A27 series, Maximum cross-country speed: 20mph (approx)
were asked to produce an SP variant of the A30. The size Suspension type: Improved Christie with return rollers.
of the A30 chassis allowed the desirable facility of all-round Road radius: 105 miles
traverse as featured in the US MI0 and in all mechanical Fording depth: 3ft (4ft prepared)
respects the A30 SP was identical to the A30 tank. However, Vertical obstacle: 3ft
Leyland were concurrently working on the A34 (Comet) Trench crossing: 8ft 6in
design as a development of the A27 series, and the return Ammunition stowage: 55 rounds, 17pdr
rollers featured in the A34 suspension were also incorpor- Special features/remarks: Distinguished from A30 Challenger by
return rollers and canopy on open turret. Turret had vertical sides,
ated in the A30 SP design. The prototype vehicle, however, welded, with cast front. Heavy casting on turret rear acted as
had the same suspension as the Challenger. Named counterweight to gun. Canvas screens below turret canopy gave
Avenger, the A30 SP also differed from the Challenger in weather protection. No vision devices for driver since vehicle was
having its superstructure height reduced to lower the not intended to fire on the move. Turret had Metadyne or hand
overall height of the vehicle. traverse as Challenger.
84. Avenger with driver's canopy and windscreen erected for road running.

gs. Avenger from rear with turret counter-weight fully visible. 86. Avenger from front, fully closed down.

87. The Avenger prototype, showing the Challenger-type suspension fitted on this vehicle.
CRUISER TANK, COMET (A34) United Kingdom

88. Standard production Comet.

TH 0 UGH Birmingham Carriage & Wagon were the original in performance and gun power. However, it appeared too
design and production "parents" for the A27 (Centaur! late to play any prominent part in British tank combat in
Cromwell) series, production delays and difficulties in World War II. Comets subsequently equipped British
correcting mechanical deficiencies led to the parentage armoured units post-war and some remained in service
being transferred to Leylands in May 1943. The quest to until the early sixties. Like the later marks of Cromwell,
upgun the Cromwell led to the development of the A30 the Comet was of all-welded construction.
Challenger with 17pdr gun, which, as had been noted, was
not a satisfactory design.
When Leyland took over the A27, they immediately began
work on designing an improved version incorporating
modifications to overcome the limitations of the A27 SPECIFICATION
design. Mechanically and dimensionally the improved
Designation: Tank, Cruiser, Comet I (A34)
vehicle, designated A34, was similar to the A27. To avoid Crew: 5 (commander, gunner, loader, driver, co-driver)
the need for widening the hull, as had been necessary in Battle weight: 78,8001b
the A30 to take the 17pdr gun, Vickers-Armstrong de- Dimensions: Length 25ft 1tin Track width: 15tin
signed a new ."compact" version of the 17pdr with a (21ft 6in, gun aft)
shorter barrel, shorter breech, and lighter weight. Known Width lOft
originally as the Vickers HV 75mm (HV: High Velocity), Height 8ft 9tin Track centres/tread 8ft 1tin
but later called the 77mm gun, it had a performance and Armament: Main: 1 x 77mm OQF
penetrating power only slightly inferior to the 17pdr gun Secondary: 2 x Besa 7·92 cal MG (one co-axial)
and fired the same ammunition. It was intended that the Armour thickness: Maximum 101mm
Minimum 14mm
77mm gun would fit the original A27 type turret with only Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: + 20° to - 12°
small modifications, but in the event an enlarged turret was Engine: Rolls-Royce Meteor V12 600hp
found necessary. The A34 pilot model was ready· for tests Maximum speed: 29mph
in February 1944, and among modifications incorporated Maximum cross-country speed: 16mph (approx)
as a result of trials was a stronger suspension with the Suspension type: Improved Christie with return rollers
addition of track return rollers. By this time the A34 Road radius: 123 miles
represented a 60% re-design of the A27 and was virtually Fording depth: 3ft (4ft prepared)
a new tank. Production deliveries commenced in September Vertical obstacle: 3ft
1944 and the first A34s, then named Comet, were issued to Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
battalions of 11 th Armoured Division after the Rhine Ammunition stowage: 58 rounds 77mm
Special features/remarks: Distinguished from Cromwell by return
crossing in March 1945, though a few vehicles were issued rollers above road wheels. Welded turret with cast front, pro-
earlier, in December 1944. minent cupola, and forward sloping roof. Pron1inent counter-
The Comet proved a fast and reliable tank, the first weight at turret rear. Late production vehicles had armoured fish-
British AFV to come near matching the German Panther tail exhausts and improved "breathing" system.
g9. Mild steel pilot model of the A34 showing the original Cronlwell-type suspension.

90. Side view of fully-stowed Comet shows clearly the all-round vision cupola and the front hull escape door.

91. Comet from rear showing hull and turret top details.

92. Centurion (A41) armed with 17pdr gun and Polsten cannon in ball-mount. This vehicle was later designated Centurion 1.

EXPERIENCE in the Western Desert fighting of 1941-42 shaped to improve resistance to mine explosions. The
had a profound effect on subsequent British tank policy; Meteor engine was again used in this vehicle, together with
in particular the desert fighting finally shattered the old tank a Morris 8HP auxiliary motor to charge the dynamo and
versus tank (ie, "comparable Class") theory and showed that work the fans. Merrit-Brown gearbox was standard except
tanks were just as likely to have to support infantry or in the A41S (see below).
attack anti-tank guns with HE fire as to engage other tanks. Twenty pilot models were ordered with 17pdr guns
The American M3 medium tank, which was issued to the (though the last five were to have 77mm guns) with various
British in the desert in 1942, effectively fulfilled the need for combinations of Polsten cannon and Besa machine gun as
an AFV which could fire either AP or HE shot as required. secondary armament. Pilot models 1-10 had Polstens and
Largely resulting from the desert war tank combats, the rear turret escape doors; pilots 11-15 had Besa MGs
War Office revised its policy for future tank development instead of Polstens; pilots 16-18 had an additional Besa
in September 1942 and called for an "all-purpose" or MG in a ball mount in place of the rear turret escape door;
"universal" tank chassis which could be developed to fulfil and pilots 19-20 had provision for mounting a Besa MG in
the various roles previously carried out by several un~lated the hull front, reverting to the escape door in the turret rear.
chassis designs. This initiated the thinking which led to the The last five vehicles had "Powerflow" gearboxes and
Centurion tank. Meanwhile the old weight and dimension were designated A41S. The first six vehicles produced,
limitations to conform with British railroad loading gauge later called Centurion I, were delivered in May 1945 and
had been lifted by the War Office under pressure from the rushed to Germany for testing in combat conditions with
Department of Tank Design, and they were thus able to 22nd Armoured Brigade. However, hostilities had ceased
undertake initial design studies on this basis. At this period, by the time they arrived. Meanwhile in January 1945, an
however, the Government had banned development work up-armoured vehicle, designated A41A, Centurion II, was
on projects which could not be in service by 1944 (this was produced as a prototype, also armed with a 17pdr gun.
to concentrate work on perfecting existing designs) and This vehicle had a new cast turret and numerous detail
authority to proceed was not given until July 1943. AEC improvements. A further projected version was to have a
were appointed production "parents" and the new vehicle, 95mm howitzer for the close support role, though this was
designated A41, was to be produced in the first .instance never built.
for the "heavy cruiser" role. It was required to mount the The Centurion subsequently became the standard British
largest calibre tank gun (the 17pdr), have a sloped instead post-war battle tank and later variants and marks were still
of vertical glacis to improve frontal protection, and be in widespread service in 1969. Development beyond 1945
sufficiently armoured to withstand the German 88mm gun. is outside the scope of this book, however. The Centurion I
Road speed was less important than cross-country perfor- never went into full production and the Centurion II (later
mance which had to match that of the Comet at least. Centurion 2) became the first production model.
A mock-up of the design was ready by May 1944 and
featured modified Horstmann suspension in place of the SPECIFICATION
Christie type of previous cruiser types. This was because Designation: Tank, Cruiser, Centurion I (A41)
increasing weight had now exceeded the effectiveness of the Crew: 4 (commander, driver, gunner, loader)
Christie suspension. The hull gunner's position was omitted Battle weight: l07,5201b
to increase ammunition stowage, and the hull was boat- Dimensions: Length 25ft 2in Track width 24in
93. A41 first pilot model.
94. A41 Centurion second pilot model, fitted with stowage boxes
on turret.
Height 9ft 8in Track centres/tread 8ft 8in
Width 11ft
Armament: Main: 1 / 17pdr OQF
Secondary: 1 x 20mm Polsten cannon or
1 x 7·92 cal Besa MG in turret front
Armour thickness: Maximum I 52mm (Mk II)
Minimum 17mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: +45° to -15°
Engine: Rolls-Royce Meteor V12 600hp
Maximum speed: 21·4 mph
Minimum cross-country speed: 15mph (approx)
Suspension type: Modified Horstmann
Road radius: 60 miles
Fording depth: 4ft 9in
Vertical obstacle: 3ft
Trench crossing: 11 ft
Ammunition stowage: 70 rounds 17pdr.
Special features/remarks: The Polsten cannon or Besa MG in
turret front had optional linkage to main armament. First
British designed tank with stabiliser for main armament. All-
welded construction. Welded turret in Mk I and cast turret in
Mk II.
95. A41 second pilot model from rear showing turret escape door.

96. A41, first pilot, from side.

INFANTRY TANK, Mk I, MATILDA I (A11) United Kingdom

97. Standard production Matilda I.

IN April 1934, the Research Committee of the Chief of the was placed in April 1937 and this was later increased, a
General Staff considered a paper presented by the Inspector- total of 140 vehicles (including the pilot model) being
General of the Royal Tank Corps which dealt with require- completed by August 1940 when production ceased.
ments for a tank to co-operate with infantry-the category Meanwhile, the limitations of machine gun arament
which later became known as the "infantry tank". This were appreciated and design of the AI2, Infantry Tank
postulated two alternatives: (1) a very small and incon- Mk II (qv) was initiated in November 1936, the All being
spicuous vehicle, heavily armoured, armed with machine regarded as an interim type. The Infantry Tank Mk I
guns, and available in numbers; (2) a bigger vehicle with a equipped the 1st Army Tank Brigade in France 1940 and
larger calibre gun and heavier armour able to engage proved almost immune to German anti-tank guns. How-
enemy weapons as well as carrying machine guns for ever, its lack of hitting power rendered it of limited tactical
defence against enemy infantry. In both cases the vehicle value and production was abandoned after the Dunkirk
was only required to move at walking pace, ie, infantry evacuation. Remaining vehicles were used for training only.
The General Staff drew up a specification based loosely
on the second alternative, though they asked for either a SPECIFICATION
·5in machine gun or a 2pdr as main armament, with a Designation: Tank, Infantry, Mk I, Matilda I (A 11)
minimum armour thickness of lin. Vickers designed the Crew: 2 (commander-gunner, driver)
A9 (qv) to this specification. Major General Sir Hugh Elles Battle weight: 24,6401b
was appointed Master General of the Ordnance in May Dimensions: Length 15ft 11in Track width 11-!in
1934, responsible for tank procurement. Elles had com- Height 6ft l-!in Track centres/tread 6ft 4in
manded the Tank Corps in France in World War I and as Width 7ft 6in
a result of his experience was a keen advocate of tanks for Armament: Main: 1 x ·5 cal Vickers MG or
infantry support. He was persuaded that Vickers could 1 v ·303 cal Vickers MG
Secondary: -
design and build a prototype infantry tank to the "small" Armour thickness: Maximum 60mm
specification but with increased armour, proof against any Minimum 10mm
known calibre of anti-tank gun. Sir John Carden designed Traverse: 360 Elevation limits: -

this vehicle, designated All, and the pilot model AIlEl, Engine: Ford V8 70hp
was delivered to the army for trials in September 1936. Maximum speed: 8mph
To keep costs to a minimum, the All was very simple. Maximum cross-country speed: 5·6mph
A commercial Ford V-8 engine and transmission were used, Suspension type: Box bogie and leaf spring
with steering, brake and clutches adapted from the type Road radius: 80 miles
used in the Vickers light tanks. The simple suspension was Fording depth: 3ft (short distance only)
Vertical obstacle: 2ft 1in
derived from that used on the Vickers Dragon gun tractors. Trench crossing: 7ft
Trials revealed the need for suspension improvements to Ammunition stowage: 4,000 rounds
prevent track shedding (the return rollers as a result being Special features/remarks: All riveted construction with cast turret.
resited on the hull sides) and the need for a certain amount Name Matilda was bestowed by General Elles due to the vehicle's
of splash proofing. A first production order for 60 vehicles diminutive size and duck-like shape and gait.
99. Infantry Tank Mk I with Coulter Plough device for mine clearing.

98. The AIIEI pilot model. Note different nose layout and original
form of return rollers.

Infantry Tank Mk I with Coulter Plough: The problem of
clearing paths for tanks through minefields was appreciated
as early as January 1937 and two devices, the Coulter
Plough and Fowler Rollers, were designed for fitting to the
Infantry Tank Mk I. The Plough was eventually chosen and
tested on a production vehicle in 1939. It consisted of two
pivoted girder arms, mounted on the hull sides and raised
and lowered via chains from a power take-off on the rear
drive shaft. The device was never used in combat though
provided experience for later adaptations of other vehicles.
100. Matilda I in use for crew training, late 1940.

101. Matilda I; note the stowage boxes each side of nose.


102. Infantry Tank Mk IIA *, Matilda III.

AT the time the Infantry Tank Mk I pilot model- All E1- By this time re-armament was under way and the need for
was delivered, the Mechanisation Board was already tanks was urgent. In June 1938 contracts for further vehicles
considering a "scaled up" version with an extra crew were placed with Fowler and Ruston & Hornsby under
member, a 2pdr gun or twin machine guns, and a speed of Vulcan's "parentage", and subsequently LMS, Harland &
up to 15mph. Weight limit of 14 (long) tons was imposed to Wolff, and North British Locomotive all received contracts.
meet current military bridging restrictions. For the later marks Leyland were brought in (in 1940) to
It soon became obvious that these requirements could not make engines. Total output of A12s was 2,987 and pro-
be incorporated in the basic A 11 design since the turret duction ceased in August 1943.
alone, to hold a 2pdr gun, would bring the All weight up to The A12 did not lend itself to easy mass-production,
13 tons, and a new engine would also be required. Thus a however, due to the size and shape of the armour castings
completely new design was called for and was drawn up used in the design. There was particular difficulty in making
by the Mechanisation Board on the basis of 60mm armour the one-piece armour side skirts and the number of mud
thickness, a commercial type AEC diesel engine, and heavy chutes was reduced from six (in the pilot model) to five (in
side skirts to protect the "Japanese Type" suspension production models) to facilitate producing this component.
derived from that on the Vickers Medium Tank. The layout By the outbreak of war with Germany in September 1939
of the "Matilda Senior" as it was called, designated A12 there were only two A12s in service, though a number had
Infantry Tank Mk II, was based closely on that of the been issued to 7th Royal Tank Regiment in France by early
A7 medium tank which had been designed and built in 1940 where they were used with success in the Battle of
prototype form only by Royal Ordnance Factory, Woolwich, Arras just prior to the Dunkirk evacuation.
in 1929-32. With withdrawal of the All, Matilda I, the terms
In November 1936 Vulcan Foundry of Warrington were "Matilda Senior" and "Matilda II" were dropped as des-
given contracts to produce wooden mock-ups and two mild criptions of the A12, and it was known simply as the
steel pilot models of the A12 design. The mock-up was Matilda. The Matilda is best remembered for its important
inspected in April 1937, by which time it had been decided part in the early Western Desert campaigns. In Libya in 1940
to use twin AEC diesel engines coupled together and a it was virtually immune to any Italian anti-tank gun or tank,
Wilson epicyclic gearbox. Provision was to be made for and Matildas reigned supreme until the appearance of the
mounting a 3in howitzer in close support models and various German 88mm Flak gun in the anti-tank role in mid-1941,
other detail points were settled at this early stage. Con- the first gun able to penetrate Matilda's heavy armour at
struction of the pilot model was, however, held up by delays long range. It was not possible to fit the 6pdr gun in the
in the delivery of the gearbox and other components and Matilda (though an attempt was made to mount the A27
the A12El pilot was not ready until April 1938. Meanwhile type turret on a Matilda chassis), due to the small size of
an order "off the drawing board" for 65 vehicles was given the turret and turret ring. Thus in 1942, the Matilda declined
in December 1937, soon increased to 165. Trials were in importance as a gun tank and was last used in action in
generally satisfactory, but some small modifications were this role at the first Alamein battle in July 1942.
made to the gearbox and suspension. Cooling was also From then on, the Matilda was used in secondary roles
improved and provision made for "colonial" use by fitting for special purposes. Most important was its development as
air cleaners. a mine-clearing vehicle, the extensive minefields laid by
both sides in the desert fighting giving rise to its employment Matilda III CS: As above but with 3in howitzer replacing
in this role. Major Du Toit, an engineer officer with the 2pdr.
South African forces suggested a chain (or flail) device to Matilda IV, Infantry Tank Mk IIA **: As Mk III but with
beat the ground ahead of a slowly moving tank, thus improved Leyland engine.
detonating any mines in its path. He was sent by 8th Army
HQ to Britain in November 1941 to work on this device. Matilda V: As Mk IV but with improvements to gear box
A pilot model of the type of vehicle he suggested was built and gear shift.
by AEC under the auspices of the Ministry of Supply in Matilda II CDL and Matilda V CDL: The CDL (canal
December 1941. Known as the Baron Mk I, this was a defence light) was an armoured housing with powerful
Matilda tank retaining its turret and main armament and searchlight fitted in place of the tank's original turret to
carrying a shaft and rotor about 10ft ahead of the vehicle, illuminate the battlefield in night actions. This idea had
6ft above the ground. A Chrysler engine drove the flail rotor been advocated in the thirties by a group of private
and lift for the flail assembly was taken from the tank's individuals, and was demonstrated and sold to the War
hydraulic turret traverse system. Office in 1937. In September 1939, an improved armoured
Both the Chrysler engine and the hydraulic system proved turret was designed and after trials in 1940, 300 were
under-powered for the task when trials were conducted in ordered for fitting to Matildas-enough to equip one
January 1942. The vehicle was thus re-built with a 6 cylinder Brigade in Britain and one in the Middle East. Despite
Bedford engine replacing the Chrysler, and hydraulic rams intensive training, CDLs were never used in their intended
for the flail arms. Ready in April 1942, this modified vehicle role until the Rhine crossing in 1945, mainly because
was called Baron II. Trials, completed in June 1942, suitable opportunities never arose. By 1945, however, the
indicated the need for yet more powerful flail drive, a lower Grant (qv) had replaced the Matilda as the standard
rotor height to give a "flatter" flail strike, and better cooling CDL-fitted tank.
to prevent over-heating. Further design work resulted in a
lower "perambulator" flail and the use of two Bedford Baron I, II, III and IlIA: Mine-clearing versions of the
engines to drive the rotor. These were mounted in armoured Matilda developed in Britain, 1942-43. For full description
boxes at the rear of the vehicle with an operator to control see main text.
them. This was the Baron III, but before work was com- Matilda Scorpion I: Mine-clearing device fitted to Matilda.
pleted, in September 1942, it was realised that the extra Developed in Middle East. See text.
weight involved would adversely affect vehicle performance.
Further modifications were thus·made, resulting in removal Matilda with AMRA Mk Ia: Another mine-clearing device,
of the turret and the substitution of a cab for the flail this consisted of Fowler rollers on a heavy frame pushed in
operator in the turret space. Known now as the Baron IlIA, front of the tank to detonate mines by pressure (AMRA:
the vehicle was ready for trials by the end of 1942. Flailing anti-mine roller attachment). In service in small rfumbers,
speed was tmph. Production vehicles were ready by mid- some in Western Desert. Also fitted to other tanks
1943, but by now the Scorpion device (see below), a much (eg, Churchill).
superior idea, was in production and work on the Sherman Matilda with Carrot: Carrot demolition charge (6001b HE)
Crab was in hand. The Baron was therefore used only carried on front of AMRA and detonated remotely from
for training. inside tank. Used for blowing gaps in obstacles. Light
Du Toil's idea had meanwhile been taken up independently Carrot was a smaller charge similarly carried, though rollers
by Middle East Forces who produced the Scorpion I for were then removed from AMRA frame.
fitting to the basic Matilda (though modified versions were Matilda Frog: Australian flame-throwing device. 25 vehicles
also fitted later to the Grant M3 and Valentine tanks). converted in late 1944. Tube replaced 2pdr gun in Matilda
This was much simpler than the Baron with fixed rotor IV qf V. Fuel carried in turret. Range up to 100yds.
arms and a single 30hp Bedford engine mounted on the right Used in New Guinea. Operated by gas pressure with
side of the hull-complete with operator's position-to 20 second delay between shots while pressure was recovered
drive the rotor. Thirty-two Scorpion-fitted Matildas were by pump.
used at Alamein in October 1932. In December 1942,
details were submitted to the War Office and Scorpion Matilda Murray: Improved flame-throwing device de-
devices were put into production in Britain from February veloped in Australia to replace the Frog, which was limited
1943 for fitting to the Valentine (qv). tactically by the 20 second delay between shots. The Murray,
Other special purpose and experimental variants of the produced in 1945, was similar in all respects to the Frog
Matilda are described below. Matilda gun tanks were used except that a cordite charge replaced gas pressure as a means
in the Eritrea campaign and also by the Australian Army of operation, thus allowing continuous bursts of flame.
in New Guinea. Some were still used by Australian reserve
Matilda Dozer: Australian development with box-shaped
units in post-war years. blade raised and lowered from vehicle's turret traverse
hydraulic system.
Matilda with Inglis Bridge: Light bridge on tracked dumb
carrier pushed ahead of adapted Matilda tank to span gaps
under fire. Experimental only, but used for training in 1942.
Matilda I, Infantry Tank Mk II: First production type with It led to the development of later bridging equipments
AEC diesel engines, 2pdr gun and Vickers co-axial machine of similar type evolved for the Churchill. The Inglis Bridge
gun. Non-tropicalised engine in early vehicles. was of World War I origin, but remained in use in the
Matilda II, Infantry Tank Mk IIA: As above but with earlier part of World War II.
Besa 7·92mm machine gun replacing Vickers. Matilda with Trench Crossing Device: Another experimental
Matilda III, Infantry Tank Mk IIA *: As above but with device pushed ahead of a Matilda on light tracked bogies for
Leyland diesels replacing the AEC type. spanning gaps to allow infantry and "B" vehicles to cross.

103. A12El pilot model. Note the six mud chutes in side skirts.

Designation: Tank, Infantry, Mk II, Matilda (AI2)
Crew: 4 (commander, gunner, loader, driver)
Battle weight: 59,3601b 104. Matilda Mk I (AI2). Note armoured sleeve over co-axial Vickers
Dimensions: Length 18ft 5in Track width 14in MG.
Height 8ft 3in Track centres/tread 6ft 9tin
Width 8ft 6in
Armament: Main: I x 2pdr OQF
Secondary: I x 7·92 cal Besa MG
(Vickers MG in Mk 1)
Armour thickness: Maximum 78mm
Minimum 13mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -
Engine: Twin Leyland 6 cylinder, 95hp each
Twin AEC diesels, 87hp each (Mks I - II)
Maximum speed: 15mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 8mph
Suspension type: Bell crank ("Japanese Type")
Road radius: 160 miles
Fording depth: 3ft
Vertical obstacle: 2ft
Trench crossing: 7ft
Ammunition stowage: 93 rounds 2pdr 105. Matilda CDL. Armoured light housing replaces turret.
2,925 rounds 7·92 cal MG
Special features/remarks: Easily recognised by heavy armoured
side skirts concealing suspension. Bolted construction with cast
nose and turret. Most heavily armoured British tank in service,
1940. First 10 were training vehicles built in mild steel and desig-
nated with "M" suffix.

106. Baron IlIA. Final form of the Baron development with turret
replaced by flail operator's cabin. Right, flail in action; below, at rest.

Ill. Matilda Frog flame-thrower in action.

107. Matilda IV CS showing the 3in howitzer carried in this version.


112. Matilda Dozer in New Guinea.

I 08. Matilda Scorpion. Note operator's armoured compartment on

side and station keeping lights at rear for following vehicles.

113. Matilda propelling Inglis Bridge.

109. Matilda with AMRA Mk I on test in Western Desert.

110. Matilda with Heavy Carrot device. 114. Matilda with experimental Trench Crossing Device.

115. Standard production Valentine XI; note 75mm gun.

EARLY in 1938, Vickers were among the firms approached divisions to help overcome the shortage of cruiser tanks.
to join the Infantry Tank Mk II (A12) production group The first Valentines appeared with tank brigades in the 8th
under Vulcan. As an alternative they were invited to build Army in June 1941 and subsequently played an important
a design of their own based on the AlO (qv) which had been part in the remainder of the desert fighting.
the first "infantry tank" to emanate from the 1934 General Valentine production ceased in early 1944 after a total of
Staff specification for this type (described in the Infantry 8,275 vehicles had been completed. By late 1942, however,
Tank Mk I section). The AlO had subsequently been the Valentine was largely obsolete due to its low speed and
reclassified as a "heavy cruiser" since it was much less small turret which restricted the fitting of larger calibre
heavily armoured than the All and A12 designs. Vickers armament. Mks III and V had the turret modified to accom-
chose the latter alternative since they already had produc- modate three men (a loader in addition to commander and
tion facilities and experience for an Al O-based design which gunner), but the third turret member was, of necessity,
would have been wasted if they had switched to building dropped when the 6pdr gun was fitted in later marks. In
A12s. The new vehicle utilised a chassis, suspension, engine this case the inadequacy of a two man turret crew was
and transmission identical to the A10 but had a lower, accepted in the interests of increased gun power. The 6pdr
more heavily armoured superstructure and an entirely new gun was introduced into production Valentines from March
turret mounting a 2pdr gun. Plans were very quickly drawn 1942. Other modifications included an improved engine
up and submitted to the War Office just prior to St Valen- installation (a GMC diesel unit) and a change over from
tine's Day in February 1938, and this date suggested the all riveted to all welded construction. In March 1943 a
name "Valentine" by which the vehicle was subsequently Valentine was used for the test installation and firing of the
known. British 75mm tank gun, intended for the A27 cruiser tanks
More than a year passed before a production order was and the Churchill, and the success of these trials in the
placed, however, the main shortcoming in the design in the Valentine led to the development of a production version
view of the General Staff being the small turret which would mounting this gun. This version (Mk XI) was the final
only accommodate two men. In July 1939, with war almost production variant. Characteristics of the various marks
inevitable and an urgent need for tanks in quantity, an order are given below. Valentines were built by Metropolitan-
for 275 vehicles was placed with Vickers straight off the Cammell and Birmingham Carriage & Wagon in addition
drawing board. Quick production had been promised by to Vickers.
Vickers since the chassis had already been proven with the Valentines were also built in Canada by the Canadian
AlO, so that no lengthy development period was required. Pacific in Montreal. Of the 1,420 vehicles produced,
The first production vehicle was delivered to the Army for however, all but 30-which were retained for training-
trials in May 1940 and proved very satisfactory, both a were delivered to the Soviet Army.
stable gun platform and mechanically reliable. First service The Valentine was one of the most important British
deliveries were made in late 1940 and for a period in 1940-41 tanks and in 1943 totalled nearly one quarter of British
Valentines were used in the cruiser tank role in armoured tank output. Valentines formed the basis of many special
purpose AFVs including bridgelayers, mine clearers, and Valentine AMRA Mk Ib: Valentine gun tank adapted to
amphibious (DD) tanks. These are detailed below. Two propel anti-mine roller attachment (AMRA). Not used
SP guns were also put into production on the Valentine operationally.
chassis, and these are described separately. Valentine Snake: Valentine rigged to tow Snake equipment
-an explosive-filled pipe towed across a suspected mine-
field then detonated to blow a passage through the mines.
VARIANTS A few were so used in 8th Army.
Valentine I, Infantry Tank Mk III: Original production Valentine Bridgelayer: Valentine II with turret removed
model with AEC 6 cylinder 135hp gasoline engine as in Al O. and adapted to carry No 130ft scissors bridge. Hydraulic
Armed with 2pdr gun and co-axial Besa MG. rams and arms fitted for launch and recovery. Hydraulic
Valentine II, Infantry Tank Mk 111*: As Mk I but with AEC equipment fitted in turret space. Mainly used for training,
diesel engine (131 hp) replacing petrol engine. Vehicles for 1943-44. Churchill Bridgelayer replaced it for operational
desert service fitted with sand shields and jettisonable long use, but some were used in Burma. Bridge was 34ft x 9tft,
range fuel tanks. class 30.
Valentine III: As Mk II but with turret modified to take a Valentine Burmark: One prototype vehicle with twin Twaby
third crew member. New turret front with improved mantlet; Ark ramps fitted to Valentine chassis, 1945, for service in
commander's hatch set towards rear of turret. Burma-the Churchill Ark being too large for this area.
Cancelled in 1946.
Valentine IV: As Mk II but with GMC diesel engine (138hp)
replacing the AEC unit. Valentine 7·92in flame mortar: Experimental vehicle con-
sisting of Valentine with turret removed and replaced by a
Valentine V: As Mk III with three-man turret but with GMC fixed heavy mortar intended to project 251b TNT incendiary
diesel engine in place of AEC unit. shells to demolish concrete emplacements. Trials only by
Valentine VI: First Canadian production model, built to Petroleum Warfare Dept, 1943-45. Maximum range of
US/Canadian engineering standards but externally similar this weapon was 2,000 yards and effective range was 400
to Valentine IV. GMC diesel engine. In production late yards.
1941. Nose plates cast instead ofbolted as on British vehicles.
Browning ·30 cal machine gun replaced Besa MG after Valentine with 6pdr anti-tank mounting: Experimental
sixteenth vehicle. vehicle built by Vickers to examine possibility of producing
a simple tank destroyer by mounting 6pdr field carriage on
Valentine VII: Improved Mk VI built in Canada with hull in place of turret. Trials only, 1942.
different radio set and detailed internal changes.
Valentine DD (Mks In and VIII): The DD (Duplex Drive)
Valentine VIlA: Improved Mk VII built in Canada with idea was evolved by Nicholas Straussler, a Hungarian-born
jettisonable fuel tanks, studded tracks, and protective cages military engineer, and the system involved a propeller driven
over headlamps. by power take-off from the vehicle's engine. To provide
Valentine VIII: Mk III up-gunned with 6pdr replacing the flotation, collapsible canvas side screens were fitted to the
2pdr, and co-axial machine gun deleted. l'urret crew vehicle's hull which, when raised, gave a boat-like form to
reduced to two. the vehicle. The actual tank hull was, in fact, suspended
Valentine IX: Mk V up-gunned with 6pdr replacing the below the water surface. The DD principle was tested on a
2pdr and co-axial machine gun deleted. Turret crew Tetrarch light tank (qv) at Brent Reservoir in June 1941
reduced to two. and proved successful. Subsequently the Valentine was
selected as the standard D D tank, design was finalised in
Valentine X: Vehicle with 6pdr gun and co-axial Besa MG June 1942, and 650 Mks III and VIII were converted
as built. Up-rated GMC diesel engine (165hp). In produc- accordingly. They were mainly used for crew training and
tion 1943. for developing operational techniques. In late 1943 the
Valentine XI: As Mk X but with 75mm gun replacing the Sherman was similarly adapted and the DD brigades of
6pdr. Final production type, late 1943. Mks X and XI had 79th Armoured Division which took part in Operation
splash plates protecting turret ring. Welded construction. Overlord and subsequent operations in NW Europe were
Valentine CDL: Vehicle with turret replaced by light equipped with the latter type.
armoured housing as Matilda CDL (qv). Few only con- Valentine Flamethrowers: To determine the best system for
verted. a tank-mounted flame projector, the Petroleum Warfare
Valentine OP/Command: Converted gun tank with dummy Dept (formed in June 1940) modified two Valentine tanks
gun and extra communications equipment for battery in 1941, one with a projector ignited by cordite charges and
commanders and OP officers of Archer-equipped SP units, one with a projector operated by gas (nitrogen) pressure.
1944. The fuel was carried in a trailer and the flame projector
Valentine Scorpion II: Valentine tank with turret removed was mounted on the hull front. Trials started in 1942
and replaced with armoured cabin for flail operator and showed the gas-operated system to be the best, and from
rotor drive engine. This conversion was produced in this test installation was developed the Crocodile equip-
Britain in mid 1943 and the Scorpion equipment was ment for the Churchill flamethrower used in the NW Europe
derived from that developed in the Middle East for fitting campaign in 1944-45. The trailer of the Crocodile was essen-
to the Matilda. Not used operationally since it was replaced tially the same as that used with the Valentine, with the
from late 1943 by the Sherman Crab (qv). It was used for addition of an armoured superstructure. Neither Valentine
training however. For full description of Scorpion equip- flamethrower variant was used operationally.
ment, see Matilda Scorpion. This vehicle could also tow Roller Fascine: 60 of these were built in 1940, made of
Centipede anti-mine rollers. A large counterweight was 6ft 4in twin cable drums on a common spindle, which were
fitted at the hull rear on the Valentine Scorpion to balance designed to be pushed ahead of Valentine or Matilda tanks
the weight of the rotor arms in front. to assist in spanning anti-tank ditches. They were never used.
SPECIFICATION Armour thickness: Maximum 65mm
Designation: Tank, Infantry, Mk III, Valentine Minimum 8mm
Crew: 3-4 (commander, gunner, driver) Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: +20° to -5°
(plus loader in Mks III and V) Engine: See details for each mark in variants list
Battle weight: 39,0001b (41,000Ib Mk VIII-XI) Maximum speed: 15mph
Dimensions: Length 17ft 9in Track width 14in Maximum cross-country speed: 8mph (approx)
(19ft 4in, Mks VIII-XI) Suspension type: "Slow motion" with 3-wheel bogies
Height 7ft 5tin Track centres/tread 7ft 3in Road radius: 90 iniles
Width 8ft 7-~-in Fording depth: 3ft
Armament: Main: See details for each mark in variants list. Vertical obstacle: 2ft 9in
Secondary: See details above. Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
Ammunition stowage: 79 rounds (2pdr versions),
3,150 rounds 7·92 cal MG
53 rounds (6pdr versions),
1,575 rounds 7·92 cal MG
Special features/remarks: No ordnance designation ("A" number)
allocated since this vehicle was not designed to match a General
Staff specification. Electric or hand turret traverse; manganese
tracks; most reliable of British tank designs of early war years.

116. First production vehicle, Valentine l.

120. Valentine Scorpion. Note counterweight at hull rear.

117. Valentine 11 fitted with sand shields and auxiliary fuel tanks for
Middle East service.
\ ~;

121. Valentine with AMRA Mk lb. These were known as Fowler


118. Valentine III with three-man turret. Note later pattern mantlet
used in this and subsequent marks with 2pdr gun.

119. Valentine IX with 6pdr gun. Note new mantlet. 122. Valentine II with Snake equipment.
127. Valentine with experimental 7·92in flame mortar.

123. Valentine Burmark showing front ramps being launched.

128. Valentine with experimental 6pdr anti-tank gun mount.

124. Valentine Flamethrower with cordite-operated equipment.

125. Valentine Flamethrower with gas-operated equipment.

129. Valentine Bridgelayer, bridge in travelling position.

126. Valentine III and VIII (at rear) DO tanks with side screens
lowered. Note extended exhaust pipes, and propellers. 130. Valentine Bridgelayer, showing bridge detail.

131. Bishop SP 25pdr in the Western Desert.

THE successful use by the Germans in the Western Desert indecision about getting it into production-a year passed
of self-propelled guns as infantry support weapons led to a from the first request to delivery-this vehicle was eclipsed
request from the 8th Army HQ for the urgent provision of by a superior replacement, the M7 Priest, almost as soon as
similar equipment. A scheme for mounting the 25pdr gun- it was ready. Compared to the M7 Priest, the Bishop was a
howitzer on an existing tank chassis was suggested and crude and unsophisticated extemporisation.
Birmingham Carriage & Wagon were asked in June 1941 to
give priority to developing such a vehicle utilising a Valentine
tank chassis. A pilot model was quickly produced and was SPECIFICATION
ready for trials by August 1941. The conversion was essen- Designation: Carrier, Valentine, 25pdr gun Mk I, Bishop
tially simple-basically the 25pdr weapon mounted in a Crew: 4 (commander, driver, gunner, loader)
fixed turret with a box-like shield to protect the crew. Trials Battle weight: 39,0001b
were successful but several changes were requested, mainly Power/weight ratio: 6·6HP/ton
to increase crew protection. Dimensions: Length 18ft 2in Track width 14in
An order for 100 vehicles was given in November 1941 Height 9ft 3tin Track centres/tread 7ft 3in
with the promise of a further 200 to follow. However, in Width 8ft 7tin
March 1942 the British Tank Mission in USA, responsible Armament: Main: 1 x 25pdr gun howitzer Mk I
for procuring American tanks for British service, saw and Secondary: 1 x ·303 cal Bren MG (AA)
ordered the M7 Howitzer Motor Carriage (qv) an SP Armour thickness: Maximum 60mm
Minimum 8mm
vehicle based on the M3 medium tank chassis. This was a Traverse: 4° left, 4° right. Elevation limits: + ] 5° to - 5°
much superior vehicle to the Valentine with 25pdr and Engine: AEC diesel 131 hp
further orders for this vehicle were cancelled. In July 1942, Maximum speed: 15mph
when British fortunes in the desert fighting were at their Maximum cross-country speed: 7mph (approx)
lowest ebb, a new order for 50 Valentine SPs was placed. At Suspension type: "Slow motion" with 3-wheel bogies
this period 80 of the first 100 had been delivered and a Road radius: 90 miles
number had been shipped to the 8th Army. The small Fording depth: 3ft
number of Valentine SPs in the desert were soon supple- Vertical obstacle: 2ft 9in
mented by the M7 which began to enter service with the Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
Ammunition stowage: 32 rounds, 25pdr
British in July 1942 in large numbers. Named the Bishop the Special features/remarks: Built on Valentine II chassis. High,
Valentine SP was in use until the end of the North African square, open-topped shield for gun mounting. Very high sil-
campaign in 1943, after which it was used mainly for training. houette was a disadvantage for desert fighting. Sometimes towed
Relatively unimportant, the Bishop was the first British a standard wheeled ammunition limber carrying extra 25pdr
designed SP vehicle of World War II. Due to the initial rounds.

132. Standard production 17pdr SP, Archer, side view.

DESIGN of the 17pdr gun as a high velocity anti-tank while better designs were worked out-proved a reliable and
weapon comparable in hitting power to the German 88mm effective weapon.
gun began in the fall of 1941. It was approved for production
in mid 1942 and consideration was given to fitting it in tanks
(giving rise to the Challenger and Sherman Firefly) and in
self-propelled mounts for the "tank destroyer" role. Of
existing tanks which could be adapted, the Crusader was
ruled out as being too small and underpowered to take the
mounting, leaving the Valentine as the only available
alternative existing in quantity. The earliest idea for mount-
ing the 17pdr on this chassis was to use the Bishop, already
in production, with the new weapon substituted for the
25pdr gun-howitzer. This was impracticable due to the
length of the 17pdr barrel and the already unwieldy height
of the superstructure. The Ministry of Supply therefore 133. Archer seen from rear; gun always pointed to rear.
asked Vickers to design an entirely new SP vehicle based on
the well-proven Valentine chassis but overcoming the
limitations imposed by the extreme size of the weapon. SPECIFICATION
Work on this started in July 1942 and the pilot nlndel was Designation: SP 17pdr, Valentine, Mk I, Archer
ready for trials in March 1943. Crew: 4 (commander, gunner, loader, driver)
The new vehicle, which was named Archer, was basically Battle weight: 36,9601b
a Valentine chassis with an open topped superstructure over Dimensions: Length 21 ft 11 tin Track width I4in
the fighting compartment. The 17pdr gun was mounted to Height 7ft 4tin Track centres/tread 7ft 3in
point to the rear with limited traverse. The driver was in the Width 8ft 7tin
same position as in the original tank and the superstructure Armament: Main: 1 x 17pdr OQF
front was virtually an extension of the glacis plate. Thus, Secondary: I x ·303 cal Bren MG (AA)
Armour thickness: Maximum 60mm
despite the length of the 17pdr barrel, a reasonably compact, Minimum 8mm
10wSP vehicle was produced. Firing trials were carried out Traverse: 11 right, 11 left. Elevation limits: + 15 to -7t
0 0 0
in April 1943, resulting in requests for detail changes to the Engine: I x GMC diesel 165hp
mount and fire control equipment. On the whole the Maximum speed: 15mph
vehicle was satisfactory and was placed in priority pro- Maximum cross-country speed: 8mph
duction. The first production model was completed in Suspension type: Slow motion with 3-wheel bogies
March 1944, and the Archer equipped anti-tank battalions Road radius: 90 miles
of British armoured divisions in NW Europe from October Fording depth: 3ft
1944 onwards. It remained in service until the mid fifties Vertical obstacle: 2ft 9in
Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
with the British Army, and Archers were also supplied to Ammunition stowage: 39 rounds, 17pdr
several other armies in post-war years. A total of 665 were Special features/remarks: Low open-topped superstructure at front
built, all by Vickers, out of an original order for 800. with gun pointing to rear. Original order was for 800 vehicles but
Despite the severe tactical limitation of the rear-pointing this was cut back to 665 in 1945. All-welded construction. For
gun, the Archer-initially regarded as an interim type cross-section of this vehicle see plate 529.

134. Churchill I showing original appearance of the design. Note 3in howitzer in nose.

AT the outbreak of war in September 1939, there was a breakdowns with the early marks. This necessitated con-
strong school of opinion at the War Office that conditions on siderable re-work programmes in 1942-43, the secondment
the Western Front would not be very different from condi- of Vauxhall engineers to units equipped with the tank, and
tions experienced in 1914-18. There was therefore a need for numerous detail improvements to mechanical components.
a very heavy infantry tank invulnerable to known anti-tank Named Churchill, the A22 was built in quantity by a
guns, with a very wide trench-crossing ability, and able to production group consisting ofBroom & Wade, Birmingham
negotiate ground churned up by shell fire. Designated A20, Carriage & Wagon, Metropolitan Cammell, Charles
a spec~fication was drawn up by the Superintendent of Tank Roberts, Newton Chambers, Gloucester Railway Carriage,
Design, Woolwich, and Harland & Wolff were asked to Leyland, Dennis, and Harland & Wolff, all under the
build a pilot model. Armour thickness of 80mm, speed of "parentage" of Vauxhall.
15mph, ability to climb a 5ft parapet, and a crew of seven The Churchill was of composite construction consisting
were among characteristics requested. Essentially the A20 of an inner skin of tin mild steel with an outer covering of
was a refinement of the "lozenge" shape tanks built by the armour plate bolted or riveted in position. Initially a cast
British in 1916-18; various combinations of armament were turret was fitted, but later models had larger turrets of
considered including a 6pdr, French 75mm, 3in howitzer, either cast, welded, or composite construction. The engine
and 2pdr. Finally a 2pdr was selected for the turret, another and drive were at the rear, and the overall tracks with small
to be mounted in the nose, with machine guns recessed in sprung bogie assemblies allowed space between the lower and
the hull side at the front. Four pilot models were ordered in upper runs of track for stowage of ammunition and stores,
February 1940. The first pilot model ran trials in June 1940, making the Churchill an unusually roomy vehicle. Escape
plagued by gearbox trouble. Data from the first run, how- doors for the crew were fitted in each side. Transmission
ever, showed that in order to maintain the required per- featured the new Merritt-Brown four-speed gearbox which
formance the gun armament would have to be reduced to a provided controlled differential steering, the Churchill
single 2pdr. being the first British tank to have this.
This coincided with the Dunkirk evacuation, when Armament of the Mk I was a 2pdr with a 3in howitzer in
Britain was left with less than 100 tanks for home defence. the hull front. Changing tactical requirements, however, led
Vauxhall (the British off-shoot of GMC) were therefore to a change of armament through the Churchill's produc-
asked to "refine" the A20 design, scale it down slightly, tion life. In common with the British cruiser tanks a 6pdr
and get it into production as rapidly as possible, preferably gun was fitted in 1942, necessitating a larger turret (Mk III).
within a year. Choice of Vauxhall was largely influenced by Experience in the desert fighting of 1941-42 led the War
the fact that their Vauxhall-Bedford twin-six engine was office to believe that speed and reliability were more
scheduled for the A20. The A20 pilot model and plans were important than heavy armour, and it was decided to cease
handed over to Vauxhall, extra draughtsmen were loaned Churchill production in 1943 when the A27 series of cruiser
by the Mechanisation Board, and a pilot model of the new tanks became available. However, the Churchill's first
design, A22, Infantry Tank Mk IV, was ready by November combat actions, with the 1st Army in the Tunisian cam-
1940. The first 14 production models were delivered in June paign, proved most successful in the hilly conditions of the
1941 from an order for 500 straight off the drawing board. terrain and this earned the vehicle a reprieve. In 1943, the
Due to the rushed development programme for this vehicle, Churchill was again up-gunned (Mk VII) with the new
there were numerous defects in the design leading to frequent British version of the 75mm gun. At the same time major
design improvements were effected. Since it was built to
meet British railroad loading guage restrictions, the
Churchill suffered from the same disadvantage as other
contemporary British designs in that it was too narrow to
take the larger turret required for the 17pdr gun. Thus by
1944-45 it was under-gunned by German standards, but
this was offset to an extent by the vehicle's heavy armour
protection. Detail differences between various marks are
outlined below.
The other factor which made the Churchill one of the
most important British tanks of 1939-45 was its adapta-
bility to the specialised armour roles needed for the invasion
of Europe in 1944. The vehicle's roomy interior, regular
shape, and heavy armour made it particularly useful as an
armoured engineer vehicle, bridgelayer or recovery vehicle.
The many variants built for these specialised roles are also
detailed below. Finally there were' many experimental
variants of the Churchill and the most important of these
are also outlined. 135. Churchill II showing Besa MG in hull and strengthened front
Designation: Tank, Infantry, Mk IV (A22)
Crew: 5 (commander, gunner, loader, driver, co-driver-hull gunner)
Battle weight: 87,3601b (Mk III-VI), 89,6001b (Mk VII-VIII)
Dimensions: Length 24ft 5in Track width 14in
Width 9ft Track centres/tread 12ft 6in
(8ft 2in, Mks 1-11)
Height lOft 8in
(11 ft 4in, Mk VII-VIII)
Armament: Main: See variant details
Secondary: See variant details
Armour thickness: Maximum 102mm
(152mm, Mk VII-VIII)
Minimum 16mm
(25mm, Mk VII - VIII)
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: + 20° to - 12t°
Engine: Bedford twin-six 350hp
Maximum speed: 15tmph
(12tmph, Mk VII-VIII)
Maximum cross-country speed: 8mph (approx)
Suspension type: Sprung bogies
Road radius: 90 miles
Fording depth: 3ft 4in (unprepared) 136. Production Churchill III with track covers and the revised side
Vertical obstacle: 2ft 6in intake louvres.
Trench crossing: 10ft
Ammunition stowage: See variant details
Special features/remarks: Basic marks most easily recognised by
type of turret and/or gun. Mk VII- VIII all-welded with integral
armour; all others of composite construction. Lighter and faster
version of Churchill, designated A26, was proposed as a heavy
cruiser tank but did not pass project stage. Some very minor and
unimportant Churchill experimental types are omitted from the
variant details. Total Churchill production: 5,640 vehicles.
137. Churchill IV with the Mk 5 6pdr gun (note counterweight),
COMBAT VARIANTS towing monotrailer with extra fuel.
Churchill I: Original production model, 1941. Cast turret
with 2pdr gun and co-axial 7·92 cal Besa MG. 3in howitzer
mounted in nose. 150 rounds of 2pdr, and 58 rounds 3in
ammunition. Some Churchill Is were used in the Dieppe
raid, August 19, 1942.
Churchill II: As Churchill I but with 3in howitzer replaced
by a second Besa MG.
Churchill IICS: As Churchill I but with gun positions
changed so that 3in howitzer was in turret and 2pdr in nose.
Built only in small numbers.
All the above marks originally appeared with fully exposed 138. Churchill V was close-support version of Mk IV, fitted with
tracks and engine intake louvres (on hull sides) which had 95mm howitzer.

139. Churchill VII; note welded/cast turret, circular escape doors, and 75mm gun.
side openings. From May 1942 a "rework" programme was
started and most early vehicles were fitted with full track
covers and had strengthening plates fitted in the front horns.
In addition new air intake louvres were fitted which had the
opening on the top to prevent engine flooding when wading.
For deep wading, trunking could be fitted to the top of the
air intakes. There were also, of course, mechanical improve-
Churchill III: Appearing in March 1942, this mark was the
first to mount a 6pdr gun in line with War Office policy of
upgunning cruiser and infantry tanks (further details in-
cluded with A27 cruiser tank entry). To take the 6pdr gun a
new welded turret was introduced which considerably
altered external appearance. Early Mk Ills produced before
May 1942 had the original type air intakes and lacked track
covers. Many Mk Is and lIs were brought up to Mk III 140. Churchill VI was Mk IV brought up to near Mk VII standard
standard with new turret and gun. with 75mm gun in place of 6pdr.
Churchill IV: As Churchill III with 6pdr gun but with a new
cast turret which offered armour protection slightly superior
to the welded turret of the Mk III. First produced in mid
1942. Turrets apart, both the Churchill III and IV were
identical. 84 rounds of 6pdr ammunition were carried. Most
vehicles had the Mk 3 6pdr gun but some early production
models had the Mk 5 6pdr, distinguished by its longer,
lighter appearance and frequently seen with a counterweight
on its muzzle.
Churchill IV (NA 75): The appearance of the American M3
and M4 Medium tanks in the desert emphasised the need
for guns of75mm calibre in British tanks with a "dual pur-
pose" HEjAP capability. The workshops of the brigades 141. Churchill VIII was close-support version Mk VII, with 95mm
equipped with Churchills in 1st Army in Tunisia in January howitzer.
1943 acted on their own initiative and fitted 120 of their Mk
IVs with complete M3 75mm guns and mantlets salvaged
from wrecked Sherman tanks. These were the first Churchills
(or indeed British tanks) to take guns of this calibre into
action when the NA 75s were used with great success in the
Sicily and Italian campaigns, remaining in service until
1945. In this form, 84 rounds of 75mm ammunition were
carried. (NA: North Africa).
Gun Carrier, 3in, Mk I, Churchill: In September 1941, the
General staff asked the Tank Board to investigate the pos-
sibility of producing cruiser and infantry tanks mounting
large calibre high velocity guns specifically for engaging the
largest German tanks. To fulfil the the cruiser tank re- 142. Churchill IV (NA 75) was Mk IV fitted with 75mm gun and
quirement the Challenger (qv) was subsequently developed mantlet from American Sherman tank.
with the 17pdr gun. For the infantry tank requirement it was
proposed to fit a 3in AA gun in a limited traverse mount on a
Churchill chassis. These weapons were available having
been replaced in AA units by the 3·7in gun. A hundred
vehicles were provisionally envisaged, but in December
1941 it was decided that all Churchill production would be
needed for gun tanks, fitted with the 6pdr thenjustavai1able.
The order was thus reduced to 24 vehicles only. The pilot
model was produced in February 1942 but these vehicles
were never used operationally. Most were converted to
carry Snake mine-clearing equipment and used for trials
and training with this in 1943-44. Designated A22D.
Churchill V: Produced concurrently with the Churchill IV,
this was the same basic vehicle fitted with a 95mm howitzer
in place of the 6pdr, for the close support role. Only 10% of
Churchill output had the 95mm howitzer (including the Mk 143. The Churchill 3in Gun Carrier.
VIII-see below). 47 howitzer rounds were carried.
Churchill VI Experience in the desert fighting led to demands
from tank men for a 75mm gun in British tanks comparable
to the 75mm guns fitted in the American M3 and M4
Mediums which had proved so successful in 8th Army hands.
A British version of the 75mm gun, able to fire American
ammunition, was developed by Vickers (for fuller details
see A27 Cromwell entry) and plans were put in hand in
January 1943 to mount this in the Churchill. The 75mm gun
was not available until the winter of 1943-44 and a new
mark of Churchill was meanwhile designed specially to
mount it, the Mk VII (see below). At the same time, from
November 1943 onwards, existing Mk IVs were converted to
roughly Mk VII standards by the addition of a cupola, vane
144. Churchill X LT showing applique armour on sides and nose.
sights, and the 75mm gun in place of the 6pdr. With the Mk This is a reworked Mk VI retaining its original turret.
VII, the converted vehicles, designated Mk VI, were used in
NW Europe, 1944-45.
Churchill VII: This was a largely redesigned version of the
Churchill with thicker integral armour (as opposed to the
composite construction on earlier Churchills), a new cast/
welded heavy turret with cupola, circular (instead of square)
escape doors, heavier suspension, improved gearbox, the
75mm gun, and many other refinements. Designated A22F,
it was used in the NW Europe campaign 1944-45, and for
many years post-war. 84 rounds of ammunition were
carried. In 1945 this vehicle was re-designated A42.
Churchill VIII: As Churchill VII but with 95mm howitzer
replacing the 75mm gun (see also Mk V, above).
Churchill IX: This was the Churchill III or IV "re-worked"
to improved standards by fitting the same cast/welded heavy
turret as the Mk VII but retaining the 6pdr gun. Other
improvements were the addition of applique armour on 145. Churchill Oke; this is a Mk II with flame-throwing equipment.
sides and front of the hull. Note flame projector on right.
Churchill IX LT: Reworked Churchill III or IV as above but
retaining the 0 riginal turret (LT: Light Turret). use in the Universal Carrier). The flame fuel containers were
Churchill X: Mk VI reworked as Mk IX, but armed with the mounted at the rear, and the pipe was passed through the
75mm gun. left pannier to project between the front horns. Three
Churchill X LT: Reworked Mk VI retaining its original vehicles took part in the Dieppe landing, but all were des-
turret. troyed before they could be used. Range of the Oke was
40-50 yards.
Churchill XI: Mk V reworked with heavy turret (as on Mk
VIII), plus applique armour. Churchill Crocodile: After trials with flame fuel carried in
trailers and tested on Valentines (qv) in 1942, the General
Churchill XI LT: Mk V reworked as for Mk XI, but retain- Staff decided to standardise on a flame-throwing system
ing its original turret. actuated by gas (nitrogen) pressure. Design was finalised in
Churchill Oke: This was a flame-thrower tank developed by 1943 with an initial order for 250 units featuring armour
the Petroleum Warfare Dept very quickly in 1942 so that protection for the fuel trailer, and the Churchill IV was
the idea of a flame-throwing vehicle could be tested under selected as operating vehicle. In October 1943 the Mk VII
combat conditions in the Dieppe landing, August 1942. was chosen instead. Fuel passed along the belly via a "link"
Basically a Churchill II, it had a complete Ronson flame- with the trailer, and the projector replaced the hull machine
throwing system installed (which had been developed for gun. Late production Churchill VIIs were all built for speedy

146. Churchill Crocodile flame-thrower. Vehicle is a Mk VII used in all Crocodile combinations.

adaptation to the Crocodile role as required. Vehicle's main for all these to be handled as required. A few AVREs were
armament could still be used, of course. Range of the Croco- unarmed or lacked the usual AVRE fittings, these being
dile was 80-120 yards in 80 one-second bursts from a full used mainly for training. Also produced for use with the
trailer. When empty or hit the trailer could be jettisoned. AVRE was a sledge for towing stores, fascines, or explosives.
Trailer weighed 6t (long) tons. Used in NW Europe 1944-45, Further AVRE development took place post-war, again
total production was 800 Crocodile units by May 1945, with the Churchill as a basis, though this is beyond the
250 earmarked for the Far East. scope of the present volume.
Churchill AVRE: (AVRE : Armoured Vehicle, Royal (2) RECOVERY VEHICLES
Engineers) Though the Dieppe raid was unsuccessful it Churchill ARV Mk I: Churchill I or II with turret removed,
proved that specialised types of armour were needed to stores carried in turret space, and fitted to carry demountable
assist assault forces in landing on and taking fortified open A-frame jib front or rear. Twin mount for Bren AA machine
beaches. Urgently shown to be necessary was a heavily guns. Produced from February 1942.
armoured vehicle to carry and support assault engineers
charged with breaching heavy defences. Lt. Donovan of the Churchill BARV: Vehicle converted as for ARV I (above)
Royal Canadian Engineers proposed adapting an existing but with shingle plates fitted over suspension arms and deep
tank. Both the Ram and Sherman were evaluated for the wading gear installed. Some had a box shaped dummy
role, but the choice fell on the Churchill which had a roomier turret. Only a few of these wer:e produced for recovering
hull plus side escape doors which were useful for egress tanks on beaches.
under fire. A spigot mortar, called a Petard, of 29cm calibre Churchill ARV Mk II: Churchill III or IV chassis with
and firing a 40lb bomb 80 yards, was developed, tested in a turret removed and replaced by fixed box-like dummy turret
Covenanter tank, and modified for fitting on the 6pdr mount and dummy gun. Fitted with demountable jibs, front and
of the Churchill III or IV. 180 Churchills of these marks rear, earth spade at rear, and two-speed winch with 25 (long)
were converted to AVREs by D-Day, June 6, 1944, and tons pull. Produced in 1944 and used for many years post-
equipped the 1st Assault Brigade of 79th Armoured war.
Division at this time. ·Subsequently another 574 vehicles
were converted and AVREs played an important part in the (3) BRIDGING VEHICLES
NW Europe campaign. AVREs were fitted to carry and drop Churchill Ark Mk I: A further lesson learnt from the Dieppe
fascines (brushwood bundles), the CIRD (Canadian Indes- raid was the need for armoured bridge-carrying vehicles
tructible Roller Device) for mine-clearing, and SBG (Small able to lay ramps across sea walls or span defence ditches
Box Girder) bridges, attachment points being incorporated and craters so that following vehicles could cross. In the fall

147. Churchill AVRE (right) and Churchill AVRE carrying SBG bridge. Note sheerlegs and rear support frame.
152. Churchill Ark Mk II (Italian Pattern). Note absence of track-
148. Churchill AVRE (conversion from a Churchill IV) showing ways on hull.
Petard mortar and attachment point for CIRD. Note spare bogie
assembly on hull top.
of 1943, 79th Armoured Division, which was responsible
for developing special purpose armour for the invasion of
France, built an experimental version of the Churchill with
the turret removed, timber trackways above the hull top,
and ramps supported by kingposts and hinged at each end of
the trackways. This was successfully tested and 50 further
conversions of this type were ordered in February 1944,
using Churchill II and IV chassis which had originally been
earmarked-for CDL use. ("Ark": Armoured Ramp Carrier).
Churchill Ark Mk II (UK Pattern): In July 1944 modifica-
tions were made to an existing Ark which involved doubling
the width of the left hand trackway from 2ft to 4ft, so
allowing "B" vehicles with narrow track centres to use the
Ark crossing facilities as well as tanks. This \vas successful
and all Ark Is were converted to this form and designated
Ark II. The suffix "UK Pattern" was added to distinguish
this type from a similar design evolved by 8th Army in Italy
(see below). Arks had their turret apertures plated in and a
149. Churchill ARV Mk I with A-frame jib erected. Note twin Bren square cupola added. A kingpost at each end held the ramps
MG mount. upright while the vehicle was driven into the required posi-
tion, either in a ditch, a river, or against a wall or bank. The
ramps were dropped by a quick-release mechanism so
forming a bridge for vehicles to cross. The Ark was con-
sidered expendable if need be and no provision was made
for rehoisting the ramps, except by the aid of a recovery
vehicle. Sections of the trackways could be removed for
engine access. Arks had a crew of four. Standard ramp
length was 12tft, but longer ramps were tested and, on
occasion, used for bridging extra wide gaps. There was also
a 9ft long extension ramp which could be hinged to the end
of the standard ramps if needed for specific tasks.
Churchill Ark Mk II (Italian Pattern): This was similar to
the UK Pattern (as above), but utilised US made ramps
which came in two different lengths, 12ft 3tin (M2) or 15ft
150. Churchill ARV Mk II with front jib erected. Note earth spade 3in (M 1) for fitting as required. Fundamental difference from
at rear and dummy gun. the UK Pattern vehicle was the lack of built-up trackways
on the hull top, the vehicle tracks themselves serving as
trackways. Mode of operation was the same. These vehicles
were conversions on Churchill III hulls by Army workshops
in Italy. They were at first designated Octopus.
Churchill Bridgelayer: Development of this vehicle started
in 1942 and was based on experience gained with the
Covenanter and Valentine Bridgelayers (qv). Essentially
this was a turretless Churchill III or IV (or VII from 1945-
46) with hydraulic equipment fitted in the fighting com-
partment to work a pivoted arm which could launch the
bridge (Bridge, Tank, 30ft, No 2) horizontally from its
stowage on the hull top and into position spanning a ditch
or crater. The bridge was made in four parts for ease of
151. Churchill Ark Mk II (UK Pattern) with ramps in raised handling but was carried, and launched, rigid. It could
position. support vehicles up to 60 tons. Production vehicles were
issued in 1944 and allocated at first in troops of three to
Brigade HQ of Churchill-equipped tank brigades. Later, as
more vehicles became available, they were issued more
widely. Crew of this vehicle was two. The bridge weighed
4·8 (long) tons. From 1946 on, a heavier (No 3) bridge was
used on this vehicle.
Churchill AVREs were also used-operationally to propel
various types of assault bridge used in combat. These
included the Skid Bailey, a short bridge built from Bailey
parts, mounted on skids, and pushed and pulled into place
by two AVREs, and the Mobile Bailey Bridge which was a
complete (Class 40) bridge mounted on dumb Orolo track
units. Two AVREs were also used to propel this. Two other
153. Churchill Bridgelayer with bridge in travelling position. similar types were the Brown and Dalton Mobile Bridges,

154. Churchill Bridgelayer shown launching bridge from hull top.

155. Churchill Great Eastern Ramp; rear view with rear ramps in raised travelling position.
used in Italy, built from Bailey parts and pushed by one
AVRE while a second AVRE, with turret removed, acted
as the carrier vehicle.
Numerous experimental bridging devices were also
evolved using the basic Churchill chassis·. Most important
of these were: Lakeman Ark-a standard Churchill with
elevated trackways built above turret height and a sloping
ramp at rear; it was intended for surmounting extra high
walls. Great Eastern Ramp-A 1944 scheme for a vehicle
similar to an Ark but with the trackway elevated and much
156. Churchill AVRE with CIRD fitted (16in wheel pattern).
heavier; the front (25ft) ramps were fired into position
using rockets. The pilot model was successful and 10 trials
vehicles were delivered for combat testing in 1945; by
this time, however, requirement for such vehicles had
lapsed and the project was dropped. Woodlark-This
was similar to the UK Pattern Ark but had twin triple-
hinged ramps which were launched by rocket; trials only.
There were also post-war Churchill bridging developments,
outside the scope of this book.

EXPERIME TAL AND LIMITED PRODUCTION VARIANTS 157. Unarmed Churchill AVRE with Plough A equipment in raised
(1) ANTI-MINE DEVICES position. CIRD attachment point is used.
Numerous devices for lifting or exploding mines were pro-
duced for use with the Churchill. Some of them, like the
AMRA and CIRD, were also used with other British tanks.
The most important were:
Churchill with AMRA Mk lIe: The AMRA (anti-mine
roller attachment) was evolved and built by J. Fowler &
Co and, from 1937, they produced variations adapted for
fitting to nearly all British operational tank types (see
Matilda, Covenanter entries, etc). Popularly known as
"Fowler Rollers", the mark number indicated the tank for
which they were intended. The heavy rollers were mounted
on a frame carried in front of the tank and were on castored
sprung mounts, exploding mines by pressure. The entire
AMRA could be jettisoned if more than one roller was 158. Churchill with AMRCR equipment. For AMRA appearance,
blown away. Not used operationally, stocks of AMRA also fitted to Churchill, see Matilda AMRA picture.
were nonetheless produced.
Churchill with AMRCR: Developed in 1943 from the
AMRA, the AMRCR (anti-mine reconnaissance castor
roller) was more sophisticated in that it had a more flexible
mounting for the roller and four larger rollers in place of the
six on the AMRA. The whole device could be jettisoned
from within the tank. Produced in small numbers only. A
Mk 1a version was designed for fitting to the Sherman V.
Churchill with CIRD: The CIRD (Canadian indestructible
roller device) was designed and produced by the Canadian
Army in Britain in 1943. Two arms attached to the front of
the tank each supported a heavy roller. The roller was made
flexible enough to jump in the air and rotate in an arc
round the arm when a mine was detonated, thus reducing the 159. Unarmed Churchill AVRE trials vehicle with Jeffries Plough
chance of the rollers being blown off. The CIRD could in raised position.
also be fitted to the Churchill AVRE, but was rarely used.
Various roller sizes were produced from 15t-21in diameter.
Churchill with Ploughs A - D: These were various com- Churchill with BullshornjJeffries Ploughs: These were two
binations of ordinary agricultural ploughshare mounted on very similar devices, evolved by 79th Armoured Division,
arms carried ahead of the tank. Rollers supported the arms. and consisting of ploughshares on light girder frames sup-
The idea with this equipment was to dig up mines and ported ahead of the vehicle just clear of the ground. Sim-
throw them clear of the path of the tank. Plough D, used plest of all "plough" devices, the Bullshorn was one of the
with Atherton Equipment~ was heavier than the rest. All few used operationally in the Normandy landings, June
featured a gantry projecting aft of the tank to counterweight 1944.
the arms in front of the vehicle. These were experimental Farmer Ploughs: These were developed in 1943 for use with
only. the same attachment points as supplied for the AMRCR
equipment, the object being to achieve standardisation.
Three variants: Farmer Front, Farmer Deck, Farmer Track,
all varying in detail with various combinations of tines and
ploughshares. Not used operationally.


Developed for laying a trackway over marshy ground or
barbed wire for wheeled vehicles and infantry, a rudimentary
form of trackway on a bobbin attached to the front of a
Churchill I was tried out in the Dieppe raid over the shingle
beach. As a result of this 79th Armoured Division evolved
more sophisticated forms of canvas trackway on bobbins. A
160. Churchill IV with Farmer Front plough equipment. Note how .beach at Brancaster, Norfolk with similar characteristics to
CIRD attachment point is used. the Normandy beaches, was used for trials in 1943. Types
evolved were:
AVRE with Bobbin Mk I and Mk II: A canvas mat 9ft llin
wide on a spindle supported on short arms above the front
horns. The Mk II had fixed arms; the Mk I had movable
AVRE with Log Carpet Device: This consisted of a carpet of
100 6in diameter logs, each 14ft long, bound together with
wire rope. A removable steel frame was fitted above the
A VRE superstructure carrying the looped mat which was
released over the front of the vehicle by detonating a light
AVRE with Twin Bobbins: Two bobbins, one of canvas and
one of chespaling carried ahead of the vehicle on horizontal
161. Rare but interesting view of the early Churchill TLC Carpet front arms, allowing a choice of mats to suit the surface.
Laying Device first used in the Dieppe raid, August 1942. Experimental only.
TLC Laying Devices: (TLC: tank landing craft) These pre-
dated the Bobbins, being developed in 1940 with a view to
mounting on the Cruiser Mk I (A9) and Matilda II tanks.
They were designed to be laid across a beach from a landing
craft to prevent vehicles bogging in sand or shingle, but

162. Churchill AVRE with Bobbin Mk II commencing to lay. 164. Churchill Gun Carrier converted to carry Snake equipment.

163. Churchill Mk IV with TLC Carpet Laying Device. Note release 165. Churchill AVRE towing Conger equipment, transported in an
cord to bobbin. This is the type with canvas mat. engineless Universal Carrier.
166. Ardeer Aggie; a converted Churchill III.

could also be used inland. They were developed for fitting to (3) MISCELLANEOUS TYPES
the Churchill in 1942 and the first type consisted of a canvas Ardeer Aggie: This was an experimental prototype designed
mat on front mounted arms while the second was a ches- with a view to improving on the power of the Petard mortar
paling mat. The end was weighted and fell to the ground on fitted in the AVRE. The Ardeer projector was a recoilless
release. The vehicle then ran over the end as it moved for- gun in which recoil was neutralised by firing a dummy
ward, thus pulling the rest of the mat from the spindle. projectile rearwards simultaneous with the discharge of the
Produced in small numbers. main projectile. Design started in September 1943 and a
prototype was converted from a Churchill III. The. pro-
jectile weighed 541b, range was 450 yards, and t~e proJe~tor
was 10ft long. Trials showed the weapon to be ImpractIcal
under combat conditions, and it was abandoned.

167. A reworked Churchill II used as a trials vehicle for the Onion


169. Churchill AVRE with elevatable Goat for placing explosive

charges on high obstacles.

168. Churchill AVRE with Goat equipment approaching obstacle 170. Churchill AVRE propelling Dalton Mobile Bridge with second
to be breached. This is the later Mk III type Goat. vehicle acting as carrier.


171. Churchill II with Carrot explosive charge (light type).

Woodpecker: Experimental version of the AVRE with four

Petard mortars mounted on each side of the hull. They
could fire in salvo or in single shot.
Churchill Snake: This was developed in 1942 and consisted 172. Churchill with Bangalore Torpedoes.
of explosive-filled 3in pipe, carried in eight lengths above
each track. To clear a path through a minefield, the piping
was joined together, pulled or pushed over the minefield a~d nated from a distance. These all involved a form of frame-
detonated, so clearing a path through the mines. The c~rrl~r work on the front of a Churchill (though the Matilda was
vehicle was either a Churchill III or IV, or a ChurchIll 3ln also used in trials) to hold the explosive. The Carrot simply
Gun Carrier (qv) with gun removed, as illustrated. allowed the charge to be dumped in position, the Onion
allowed a charge to be hung from an obstacle, and the Goat
Churchill AVRE with Conger 2 in, Mk I: The Conger was was a more precise type of carrier with hinged frame which
similar in principle to the Snake, consisting of 330 yards of tilted on contact with the obstacle to ensure the charge slid
2in hose-pipe. It was carried in an engineless Universal into contact. The elevatable Goat was a similar equipment
Carrier towed behind the AVRE. The Carrier was towed to on a long angled carrier for reaching high obstacles like the
the edge of the minefield, the Conger was fired across by top of sea walls. Only the Goats achieved productio~ status
rocket, explosive liquid was pumped in to the hose from the and were carried on the AVRE. A further experImental
Carrier, and the complete pipe was detonated. device was the Churchill with Bangalore Torpedoes. This
Explosive Devices: After the Dieppe raid, various methods device consisted of two lengths of Snake piping fitted to an
were devised whereby explosives could be carried up to sea Onion frame assembly and was for use against light obstacles
walls and other fortifications, placed in position, and deto- and barbed wire.

173. Churchill AVRE (far left) propelling Mobile Bailey Bridge.


174. One of the six Black Prince pilot models.

FIRST attempt to mount a large calibre high velocity gun in had wider (24in) tracks, and the air intakes were mounted
the Churchill chassis resulted in the Churchill 3in Gun on the hull top instead of at the side, with the engine ex-
Carrier, proposed and developed from September 1941. hausting at the hulT rear. Six A43 prototypes were ordered
Production was limited by a reversal of policy in favour of and these were delivered for trials in May 1945, too late for
concentrating on Churchills with 6pdr guns in 1942. For a combat as hostilities in Europe had ceased. Though given
variety of reasons, including limited numbers and indecision a full test programme, no production order was placed since
as to employment of a limited-traverse vehicle of this kind, the A41 Centurion was ready at the same time and proved
the entire project was dropped in 1942 and the 3in Gun a much superior vehicle.
Carriers were later used to carry Snake mine detonating
equipment. Meanwhile the A30 Challenger was developed
as a cruiser tank with 17pdr gun in a widened, lengthened, SPECIFICATION
Cromwell chassis. By September 1943, however, it had Designation: Tank, Infantry, Black Prince (A43)
become clear that defects in the Challenger design were Crew: 5 (commander, driver, gunner, loader, co-driver-hull gunner)
going to delay production at the crucial period when tanks Battle weight: l12,0001b
with 17pdr guns were urgently needed for the forthcoming Dimensions: Length 28ft 11 in Track width 24in
invasion ofEurope. Design work on the new A41 (Centurion) Height 9ft Track centres/tread -
had only just begun, and Vauxhall were therefore asked to Width 11ft 3tin
go ahead and produce a version of the Churchill armed with Armament: Main: 1 x l7pdrOQF
the 17pdr gun as an interim vehicle with this armament. A Secondary: 2 x 7·92 cal Besa MG (one co-axial)
Armour thickness: Maximum l52mm
proposal for doing this had been briefly considered and Minimum 25mm
rejected two years previously in favour of the Gun Carrier, Traverse: 360 Elevation limits: -

the main drawback being the narrowness of the Churchill Engine: Bedford twin-six 350hp
hull which precluded the fitting of a turret wide enough to Maximum speed: Ilmph
take the 17pdf. Maximum cross-country speed: 7mph (approx)
Designated A43, the new vehicle was initially known as a Suspension type: Sprung bogies
"Super Churchill", but was later officially named Black Road radius: 80 miles (approx)
Prince. While it utilised Churchill VII mechanical com- Fording depth: 3ft 4in (unprepared)
ponents as much as possible, the A43 involved much re- Vertical obstacle: 2ft 6in
Trench crossing: lOft
design work, mainly because of the wider hull required. The Ammunition stowage: -
same Bedford twin-six engine was used as in the Churchill Special features/remarks: Distinguished from Churchill VII by
and this, combined with the increased weight (to 50 (long) longer gun, bigger turret, wider hull, and absence of side-lTIounted
tons), reduced the A43's top speed to only Ilmph. Similar air intakes. Though powerfully armed and armoured, this
in external appearance to the Churchill VII, the Black Prince vehicle's tactical value was limited by its very slow speed.
HEAVY TANK, TOG United Kingdom

175. TOG 2 as complet~d with 77mm gun.

TWO months prior to Britain's declaration of war against 600hp. Due to the weight of the vehicle, electric transmission
Germany in September 1939, the British Minister of Supply, was suggested, at least in the prototype and English Electric
responsible for armaments production, discussed likely Co were asked to supply a suitable type. The vehicle was
tank requirements for any future conflict in Europe with known as TOG I (TOG:"The Old Gang", with reference to
Sir Albert Stern who had headed the British Tank Supply the committee members) and construction began in
Dept in World War I. Resulting from this, on September 5, February 1940, the one and only prototype appearing in
1939, Sir Albert was asked to get together a committee of October 1940. It had a maximum speed of 8tmph and
experts to study requirements and design problems. Among weighed about 50 tons without guns or sponsons. By this
those invited to serve on the committee were Sir E. Tennyson time the design had been modified, dispensing with the
d'Eyncourt, General Swinton, Mr Ricardo, and Major sponsons, but incorporating a turret for a 2pdr gun taken
Wilson, all of whom had played a prominent part in tank from an A12 Matilda tank. The gun in the nose was a
development and production in World War I. The committee French 75mm howitzer and mount as fitted in the Char B.
decided to request the General Staff to give an outline Tracks were unsprung and almost identical to those used in
specification for a heavy tank, and Stern asked Sir William the later British World War I tanks. Trials showed that the
Tritton of Foster's of Lincoln, who had been responsible electric transmission system was unsatisfactory, and, in
for much of the British tank output in 1916-18, to co- fact, the vehicle burnt out the motors on test. In TOG I, the
operate with the committee on any necessary research. diesel engine drove two generators, which in turn powered
The General Staff suggested that members of the com- a motor for each track. The steering wheel operated a
mittee also visited France to look at the latest French tanks, potentiometer which increased voltage on one or other of
and meet staff officers of the BEF. Meanwhile an outline the motors to speed up the appropriate track to turn the
specification was supplied and the committee was officially vehicle. This was an ingenious but complicated system
named, in October 1939, the "Special Vehicle Development which, however, subjected the track. and drive to
Committee of the Ministry of Supply". The specification great strain. TOG I was therefore re-built with hydraulic
was similar to that issued to Harland & Wolff for the A20 transmission which also proved unsatisfactory due to the
"shelled area" infantry tank (see Churchill section). This time lag involved in filling the fluid couplings; this made
called for a vehicle with all-round track able to cross shell- steering hazardous. In its new form the vehicle was re-
torn ground with armour proof against 47mm and 37mm designated TOG IA.
anti-tank guns, and 105mm howitzers, at 100 yards range. While TOG I was being built, design of an improved
It was to be armed with a field gun in the .hull front to model was put in hand which had recessed tracks in order to
demolish fortifications, have sponsons mounting 2pdr guns, reduce the height of the hull. This was TOG 2, of which the
and have all arcs covered by Besa machine guns. It was to one and only model appeared in March 1941. This was to
have a range of at least 50 miles, a speed of 5mph, and be have a larger turret with a 6pdr gun, plus the side sponsons
diesel powered. Crew was to be 8 men. Finally it had to be as designed. However, the sponsons were never fitted, and
transportable by rail. the turret installed for initial trials was a mock-up with
Fosters drew up a design in December 1939 and a wooden dummy gun, differing from the low turret envisaged in the
mock-up was built and inspected. No suitable diesel engine working drawings for this vehicle. In fact, the turret appears
was immediately available, however, so it was proposed to to have been that intended for TOG 2R (R: revised), a pro-
use a Paxman-Ricardo 450hp V12 diesel, developed to give posed development which was about 6ft shorter than TOG
2, omitted the side sponsons entirely, and had torsion bar
suspension. TOG 2R was never built, though a turret did
materialise to replace the mock-up on TOG 2. This vehicle
was mechanically similar to TOG ].
TOG 2 was used for trials, but in the intervening period
since the TOG was suggested, the A22 Churchill had
appeared and been accepted and produced as the standard
heavy infantry tank. Interest in the TOG therefore declined,
but in early ]942 TOG 2 was fitted with a new turret and
l7pdr gun for tests, the turret, designed by Stothert & Pitt
of Bath being intended for the Challenger, then under
development. TOG 2, now re-designated TOG 2* was thus
the first British tank to mount a 17pdr gun. In modified
form, the turret and its associated Metadyne traverse system
was fitted in the Challenger.
Designation: Tank, Heavy, TOG
Crew: 6-8 (TOG2*) (driver, commander, gunner, loaders (2), co-
(TOG 1) (driver, commander, gunner, loader, sponson
gunners (4»
Battle weight: 179,2001b (TOG 2*)
142,3201b (TOG I)
Dimensions: Length 33ft 3in Track width -
Height 10ft Track centres/tread 176. TOG 2 with Stothert & Pitt turret and 17pdr gun.
Width 10ft 3in
Armament: Main: 1 / 17pdr OQF (TOG2*)
1 / 6pdr (77mm) (TOG2)
Secondary: None actually fitted
Armour thickness: Maximum 50 plus 25mm
Minimum 25mm
Traverse: 360 0 • Elevation limits: -
Engine: Paxman-Ricardo V12 diesel 600hp (with electric trans-
Maximum speed: 8· 5mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 4mph (approx)
Suspension type: None-rigid rollers.
Road radius: 50 miles (approx)
Fording depth: -
Vertical obstacle: 7ft
Trench crossing: 12ft
Ammunition stowage: -
Special features/remarks: Vehicles built to an outmoded concept
which nonetheless exhibited ingenious but complicated mechanical
features. The very long ground contact in relation to width made
steering very difficult. 177. TOG 1 with 75mm gun in nose and Matilda turret.

178. TOG 2 as first built with mock-up turret and 6pdr gun.
HEAVY ASSAULT TANK, A33 United Kingdom

AS stated elsewhere in this book, the experience of the model. The English Electric design used a basic A27 hull and
desert fighting of 1941-42, plus the appearance of US turret with added armour, married to the T1 track and
medium tanks in British service, led to a major revision of suspension used on the American M6 heavy tank (qv).
tank policy by the British General Staff in the fall of 1942 English Electric, incidentally, had participated in the
with the result that reliability and speed were now considered original design work on the A27 series. The pilot model
more important than heavy armour protection. Work was was completed in 1943, armed with a 6pdr gun though a
also initiated in developing a 75mm gun with "dual purpose" 75mm gun was envisaged in the original specification.
HEjAP capability, and it was for the first time that there A second pilot model was also built with widened Cromwell-
was a need for a "universal" chassis capable of adaptation type tracks replacing the T1 tracks, and different side skirts.
for the old "infantry", "cruiser" and other AFV roles. Designed by the LMS, this vehicle's suspension was known
Hopes were thus pinned on the A27 series, then in an as "RjL Heavy" type. By this time, however, the Churchill
advanced state of development and about to enter produc- had vindicated itself in the Tunisian and Italian campaigns
tion. The A27M (Cromwell) with its Meteor engine had and remained in production. Thus the A33 requirement
proved particularly successful on trials and was to go into lapsed and there was no production order.
large scale production. Since the Churchill tank was both
slow and mechanically unreliable at that time, it was
proposed to cease production of this vehicle in 1943 once
Cromwells were available in adequate numbers. Churchill
production facilities would then also be switched to SPECIFICATION
Cromwell manufacture. As an interim measure, therefore, Designation: Tank, Heavy Assault, A33
while a new "universal" chassis design was contemplated, Crew: 5 (commander, driver, gunner, loader, co-driver)
consideration was given to using the Cromwell chassis as Battle weight: 100,8001b
a basis for a heavier vehicle for the "infantry tank" role to Dimensions: Length 22ft 8in Track width -
replace the Churchill. Rolls-Royce drew up schemes for Height 7ft I lin Track centres/tread -
two possible developments on these lines. The A31 was Width 11ft ltin
simply a Cromwell with extra armour added while the A32 Armament: Main: I x 75mm OOF
was a more ambitious adaptation with armour basis brought Secondary: 2 x 7·92 cal Besa MG
Armour thickness: Maximum 114mm
up to A22 (Churchill) standard and a new, stronger, Minimum 20mm
suspension to compensate for the extra 4t (long) tons of Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -
weight this modification involved. Neither of these Rolls- Engine: Rolls-Royce Meteor V12 600hp
Royce projects were followed up, however, but a third, by Maximum speed: 24mph
English Electric, designated A33, was produced as a pilot Maximum cross-country speed: 12mph (approx)
Suspension type: See text.
Road radius: 130 miles (approx)
Fording depth: 3ft
Vertical obstacle: 3ft
Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
Ammunition stowage: 64 rounds, 75n1n1
Special features/remarks: Hull and turret basically the san1e as A27
series with added arn10Ur. Second pilot, with British tracks, had
deeper side skirts concealing top run of track. Work on these
vehicles was abandoned in May 1944.

]80. A33 second pilot with British "R/L Heavy" type tracks.


181. Valiant I pilot model in n1ild steel.

IN late 1943, Vickers suggested a design for an improved requirements for infantry tanks of this type, the A38
version of the Valentine which would incorporate as many scheme was dropped in 1945.
existing Valentine components as possible and overcome
the main failing of the Valentine design by having a larger
three-man turret. Designated A38, this vehicle was to use SPECIFICATIO
an uprated GMC diesel engine plus other mechanical parts Designation: Tank, Infantry, Valiant (A38)
of late-production Valentines, be armed with a 6pdr gun Crew: 4 (commander. !!unner. loader. driver)
(or later the 75mm gun), and be of all-welded construction. Battle weight: 60,4801b
Hull shape and dimensions were very similar to the Dimensions: Length 17ft 7in Track width -
Valentine, but the hull front was made up of castings Height 7ft Track centres/tread -
instead of flat plates. The turret was both wider and longer Width 9ft 3in
Armament: Main: 1 ~ 75mn1 OQF
than the Valentine's, made of castings bolted together. Secondary: 2 7·92 cal Besa MG
Finally the suspension was modified to have all wheels the Armour thickness: Maximum 114mm
same size and independently sprung, thus simplifying main- Minimum 10mm
tenance and production. To leave Vickers' resources clear Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -
for other work, however, detail design parentage was passed Engine: GMC diesel210hp
to Birmingham Carriage & Wagon briefly, then on to Maximum speed: 12mph
Ruston & Hornsby who completed the pilot model in Maximum cross-country speed: 7mph (approx)
mid 1944. Named Valiant, the A38 was about 10 (long) tons Suspension type: Independently sprung bogie for each wheel.
heavier than the Valentine and thus slower. To overcome Road radius: 80 miles (approx)
this a second pilot vehicle was put in hand, Valiant II, with Fording depth: 3ft
Vertical 0 bstacle: 2ft 9in
a Rolls-Royce Metorite engine as the intended power unit. Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
This was simply a shortened version of the Meteor engine Ammunition stowage: -
with 8 instead of 12 cylinders to fit in the restricted space of Special features/remarks: Good adaptation of Valentine design, but
the. Valiant's engine compartment. However, with the much underpowered by 1945 standards. No production order ~
closing stages of hostilities in Europe and no further trials only.

182. The Tortoise first pilot model; machine guns are not fitted in this view.

THE Tortoise fell completely outside the sequence of British slow, too large, and offering severe transportation problems.
tank policy and procurement in the years 1939-45, though There were several unique features in the design, however,
it was obviously partly inspired by the original "shelled including the cast one-piece superstructure, the twin Besa
area" tank concept of 1939 which gave rise to the A20/A22 MG cupola specifically for AA defence, and the suspension
and TOG designs. The idea for this very heavily armoured of 16 pairs of bogies each side.
tank with a super-heavy gun was initiated mainly by
Mr Duncan Sandys, then a junior minister at the Ministry
of Supply, towards the end of 1942, and may have been
influenced at this period by events in the Western Desert SPECIFICATION
fighting when German tanks and anti-tank guns were giving
existing British tanks a battering. Nuffield Mechanisations Designation: Tank, Heavy Assault, Tortoise (A39)
Crew: 7 (commander, driver, co-driver, gunner, machine gunner,
& Aero were entrusted with the design which included a loaders (2))
3·7in 32pdr gun in a limited traverse mount, and armour Battle weight: 174,7201b
proof against any known German anti-tank gun. Impetus Power/weight ratio: 7·7hp/ton
to the work on this vehicle was given in late 1944 by the Dimensions: Length 33ft (Including gun) Track width-
appearance of the German King Tiger and Jagd Tiger. Hull length 23ft 9in
The vehicle was then given the designation A39, the design Height 10ft Track centres/tread-
was approved, six pilot models were ordered, and a Width 12ft lOin
production order was promised. Provisional target date Armament: Main: 1 x 32pdr OQF
for completion of the first vehicle was August 1945. Secondary: 3 x 7·92 cal Besa MG
Armour thickness: Maximum 225mm
However, the six pilot models were not delivered for trials Minimum 35mm
until 1946-47, by which time interest in these vehicles had Traverse: 20° right, 20° left. Elevation limits: -
ceased and no further work was done on them. The Engine: Rolls-Royce Meteor V 12 600hp
Tortoise was of extremely limited tactical value, being too Maximum speed: 12mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 4mph (approx)
Suspension type: Box bogie
Road radius: -
Fording depth: -
Vertical obstacle: -
Trench crossing: -
Ammunition stowage: -
Special features/remarks: Six pilot vehicles only, all completed post-
war. Detail differences in individual vehicles included slight
variations in superstructure shape and the addition of smoke
dischargers in some. Driver sat in right superstructure front.
Independent machine gun turret on roof with two Besa guns.
Muzzle velocity of 32pdr gun was 3·050ft/second; largest gun
183. Tortoise first pilot model; side view. fitted to any British AFV of 1939-45 design.


184. The first US tank unit to arrive in Britain in 1942, training with late production M3 medium tanks.
COMBAT CAR (LIGHT TANK), MI and M2 United States

185. Standard production MI Combat Car.

WITH the general run-down of American forces at the end produced, T2, T2EI and T2E2. The T2 itself had features
of the First World War, the American General Staff inspired by the Vickers Armstrong 6 ton tank including
disbanded the Tank Corps in 1919 and under the National the Vickers type leaf spring suspension.
Defense Act of 1920, tanks and tank development (in For economy reasons, it was desirable that the light
conjunction with the Ordnance Department) became an "combat cars" for the cavalry should be adapted from the
infantry responsibility. The General Staff subsequently infantry's light tanks. Concurrent with the T2 light tank,
defined the role of the tank in future war "to facilitate the Rock Island Arsenal produced a similar vehicle, therefore,
uninterrupted advance of the rifleman in the attack". For for cavalry use, the T5 combat car. This differered from the
economic and operational reasons, future tanks were to be T2 principally in having vertical volute spring suspension
concentrated on "light" and "medium" types, the former instead of leaf spring suspension. Development led to the
restricted to 5 tons in weight so as to be transportable by T5E2 and, under the designation MI Combat Car, this
truck, and the latter limited to 15 tons to meet military vehicle entered service with the US Cavalry in 1937.
bridging restrictions. Severe fiscal limitations imposed Armament of the· M I was a ·30 and ·50 calibre machine
throughout the twenties allowed the productiQn of only gun in the turret and another· 30 calibre weapon in the hull
about two experimental tanks a year, however, culminating front. Engine 'was a 7 cylinder Continental gasoline type
in the TIE4light tank of 1931 which established the layout which gave a top speed of 45mph, the crew was four men,
of rear engine and front sprocket drive adopted in all and weight 9·7 (short) tons. An improved model, the M2
subsequent US light tanks. In 1927 the American General Combat Car, introduced a trailing idler to give a lengthened
Staff had set up a very small experimental Mechanised ground contact and improved ride.
Force, largely influenced by the similar unit which the In July 1940, the new Armored Force was created,
British had just established, drawn mainly from infantry abolishing the division between infantry and cavalry tank
tank units and with the emphasis on light tanks. By 1931, units. The "combat car" term was now no longer necessary
however, General MacArthur had become US Army Chief and the MI and M2 Combat Cars were accordingly
of Staff and promoted mechanisation throughout the army. redesignated Light Tank MIAI and MIA2. These vehicles
Among other things, MacArthur decided that in the were not used operationally by American forces in World
mechanised age the US Cavalry, equipped with tanks and War II, but some were used for training at Fort Knox and
armoured cars, had an "exploiting" role in armoured other centres. The M 11M2 Combat Car series was, however,
warfare quite distinct from the infantry support role important as the basis for most subsequent US light tank
envisaged for tanks in the US Army until that time. The designs until 1944, and much useful operating and design
cavalry took over the Mechanised Force and was authorised experience was gained with these early models.
to equip itself with tanks. However, to conform with the
1920 Defense Act cavalry tanks were known as "combat
cars", a legal formality necessary to overcome the rule VARIANTS
making tanks a prerogative of the infantry. Combat Car MIAI: 1938 production model with constant
By 1934-35, three more experimental light tanks had been mesh transmission (M I had sliding gear type). 17 built.
Combat Car M2: As MIAl, but with improved turret and
fitted with Guiberson TI020 diesel air-cooled radial engine
in place of Continental gasoline type of Ml and MIAI.
This vehicle was redesignated Light Tank MIAI in 1940.
7 built. Trailing idler was introduced on this model.

MIEI was prototype for series; MIE2 was prototype for
MIAI; MIAIEI was prototype for M2; MIE3 was
experimental version of Ml (1939) tested with continuous
band rubber tracks, and later with rubber-block tracks and
lower gearing.

Designation: Combat Car Ml (Light Tank Ml from July 1940)
Crew: 4 (commander, turret gunner, driver, hull gunner)
Battle weight: 19,6441b 186. M2 Combat Car (later Light Tank MIA]).
Dimensions: Length 13ft 7in Track width 11 tin
Height 7ft 9in Track centres/tread 6ft
Width 7ft lOin
Armament: Main: 1 / ·50 cal MG
1 / ·30 cal MG
Secondary: 1 x ·30 cal MG (hull)
Armour thickness: Maximum 16mm
Minimum 6mm
Traverse: 360 Elevation limits: -

Engine: Continental W-670 gasoline," 7 cylinder 250hp

(Guiberson TI020 diesel in M2)
Maximum speed: 45mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 15-20mph (approx)
Suspension type: Vertical volute
Road radius: 100 miles
Fording depth: 4ft 4in
Vertical obstacle: -
Trench crossing: -
Ammunition stowage: 1,100 rounds ·50 cal MG
6,000 rounds ·30 cal MG
Special features/remarks: Forerunner (with M2 light tank) of sub-
sequent American light tank designed until 1944. Obsolete by
1940, and replaced by late M2 series vehicles. Riveted construction. 187. Ml Combat Car of US 7th Cavalry at speed.

188. M2 Combat Car showing trailing idler.


189. A production M2A4, showing the three hull-mounted machine guns and the vision ports in the turret and cupola.

CIRCUMSTANCES leading to the development of the Light Tanks M2Al, M2A2, and M2A3 were all con-
original T2 pilot model light tank are related in the M 1 sidered obsolete by 1940 and none was used in combat.
Combat Car section. Designed and built at Rock Island They did, however, perform a useful training role in the
Arsenal, the T2 was produced in 1933. It had a simple early war years. Final versions of this type in produc~ion
riveted box-like hull with rear-mounted engine and drive to were the M2A2E3 and M2A3E3 which were vehicles re-
the front sprockets. These features were inherited from the engined with diesels.
later Tl series experimental tanks, but the suspension was Final and most important vehicle in the M2 light tank
copied from the Vickers 6 ton tank (qv) which had been series was the M2A4. Comparative experience with the M2
demonstrated in America. Comparative trials with the light tanks and the corresponding Ml combat cars showed
contemporary T5 Combat Car (qv) showed, however, that the advantages of the single turret in the latter. In 1939
the vertical volute suspension of this vehicle was much Rock Island Arsenal designed an improved version of the
superior to the Vickers leaf spring suspension and the M2A3 reflecting user experience. Designated M2A4, this
vertical volute suspension was fitted in a second light tank was basically the M2A3 with a traversing turret replacing
prototype, T2El, produced after the trials in April 1934. the twin turrets, a 37mm gun as main armament, three hull
For the infantry support role for which all American tanks machine guns, and thicker armour with 25mm maximum.
were envisaged in the mid thirties, a machine gun armament In September 1939 war was declared in Europe, giving
was considered sufficient, and in the T2El this consisted of impetus to the American rearmament programme. Rock
a ·30 cal and ·50 cal Browning mounted in a single turret Island Arsenal which had been responsible for the limited
which stretched nearly the whole width of the hull. A second peace-time production of the US Army's tanks, guns, and
.30 cal machine gun was mounted in the hull front. The T2El munitions, lacked space and facilities for tank production
was standardised late in 1935 and put into production at on the huge scale now envisaged for future American tank
Rock Island Arsenal under the designation Light Tank requirements. The Ordnance Department had planned to
M2Al, 19 vehicles being built in addition to the pilot model. contract with commercial heavy engineering firms if
Meanwhile an improved vehicle, the T2E2 was built extensive tank production was required in emergency, and
which was identical to the T2El but now had two turrets tenders were thus invited for building the new M2A4. The
side by side, one for each machine gun, instead of the single contract, initially for 329 vehicles, went to American Car &
full-width superstructure. This was standardised and put Foundry in October 1939 and the first production vehicle
into production in 1936-37 as the Light Tank M2A2. was delivered in April 1940. Meanwhile the order was
In 1938 improvements were incorporated in production increased to 365 vehicles and the final production M2A4
vehicles to give better riding qualities, these consisting of was eventually delivered in March 1941. The M2A4 was
longer stroke springs in the bogies with the rear bogies set used in the early Pacific campaigns, but most were used for
11 inches further aft. The improved model was designated training.
Light Tank M2A3.
190. Standard production M2A3 light tank; note the twin side-by- 191. One of the M2A4 light tanks delivered to the British, shown
side turrets. with Browning ·30 cal machine gun in AA mount on turret.


A small batch of M2A4s were delivered to the British in Designation: Light Tank M2AI, M2A2, M2A3, M2A4.
1941, but these were used only for training, vehicles of the Crew: 4 (commander, driver, co-driver, gunner)
M3 light tank series (qv) being issued to combat battalions. Battle weight: 18,7901b (M2A 1), 19,1 OOlb (M2A2), 20,0001b (M2A3),
23,0001b (M2A4)
Dimensions: Length 13ft 7in (M2A1/2) Track width 7-~-in
14ft 6in(M2A3/4)
M2Al: Initial production type with single fixed turret. Height: 7ft 4in (M2A1/2/3)
M2A2: Second production type with twin turrets. Machine 8ft 2in (M2A4)
guns in turret had 270 arc of fire, since the two turrets
Width: 8ft 1tin Track centres/tread 6ft lin
partly fouled each other. Armament: Main: See text for each variant
M2A3: Third production type with improved suspension, Secondary: See text for each variant
Armour thickness: Maximum 16mm (25mm on M2A4/5)
slightly lengthened hull, thicker armour, improved engine Minimum 6mm
access, increased gear ratios, better engine cooling, and Traverse: 3"60° (M2A4/5) 270° arc (others)
many other minor detail changes. Twin turrets as in M2A2. Elevation limits: + 20° to -10°
M2A4: Principal production type (see text). Hull as M2A3 Engine: Continental W-670 gasoline, 7 cylinder, 250HP
but with additional· 30 cal MG in each side sponson, firing (Guiberson T1020 diesel in some vehicles as noted; GM
forward. Slightly uprated engine. Traversing turret with diesel in M2A2E3)
37mm gun and co-axial ·30 cal MG replaced the two single Maximum speed: 25-30mph
turrets of the M2A3. Hand traverse. Vision ports in turret Maximum cross-country speed: 18mph (approx)
and cupola and mount for AA MG on turret rear. A few Suspension type: Vertical volute
Road radius: 130 miles
late production vehicles were fitted with Guiberson T1020 Fording depth: 3ft 8in
diesel engines in place of the Continental gasoline engine. Vertical obstacle: 2ft
Trench crossing: 6ft
DEVELOPMENT VEHICLES Ammunition stowage: 103 rounds, 37mm (M2A4)
T2El was prototype for M2Al; T2E2 was prototype for 2,137 rounds ·50 cal MG
M2A2; M2A2El was M2A2 test vehicle with Guiberson 7,185 rounds ·30 cal MG (M2A3)
diesel engine installed; M2A2E2 was test vehicle with Special features/remarks: A few of the diesel engined M2A2E3
other detail changes introduced in M2A3; M2A2E3 was vehicles are believed to have been used in Burma. All others,
except M2A4 used for training only. M2A4 distinguished from
M2A2 with diesel engine and experimental trailing roller; the remainder by its turret and 37mm glin. All were of riveted
M2A3El was M2A3 with Guiberson diesel installed; construction.
M2A3E2 was M2A3 test vehicle with experimental electric
transmission; M2A3E3 was M2A3 re-engined with GM
diesel motor.


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192. Standard production M3 light tank, showing all-riveted construction.

THE Light Tank M3 was a progressive improvement on the eliminated to reduce overall height, a gyro-stabiliser for the
M2A4 designed at Rock Island Arsenal in the spring of gun, power traverse for the turret, and a turret basket.
1940 and incorporating lesson's observed from the tank Designated M3A1 it was introduced to the American Car &
fighting in Europe in the 1939-40 campaigns. The main Foundry production line in June 1942 to follow on the M3
requirement was for increased armour thickness, but this which finally went out of production in August 1942.
in turn called for stronger suspension. Maximum frontal A further change in the M3A1 was the elimination of the
armour was increased to 38mm (51mm on the nose) and two sponson machine guns carried in the M2A4 and M3.
the vision ports in the turret sides were eliminated. A large These were fired remotely by the driver and proved of
trailing idler was fitted to increase ground contact. Other limited value, being finally sacrificed to reduce weight, and
modifications included a lengthened rear superstructure and increase interior stowage. The British had already removed
improved armour on the engine covers as a precaution these guns from many of the M3s delivered to them.
against strafing from the air. The M3 was approved and Final production variant was the M3A3 which represented
standardised in July 1940 and entered production in March a radical redesign with a newall-welded hull enlarged by
1941 at American Car & Foundry, being introduced straight extending the side sponsons and the driver's compartment
on to the line after completion of the M2A4 contract. forward and upward. This gave room for extra fuel tanks
Several further improvements were made during produc- and increased ammunition stowage. Sandshields (another
tion, first of these being a welded turret, replacing the lesson from the desert fighting) were added and numerous
riveted type, which was developed in late 1940 and intro- other detail changes were made. Standardised in August
duced almost immediately into production vehicles in 1942, the M3A3 entered production in early 1943.
I\tIarch 1941. This change was mainly to reduce weight,
though it also eliminated the danger of "popping" rivets in
event of a hit. A further change was introduced in early 1941
with a welded/cast homogenous turret of rounded shape
replacing the multi-faced turret used until then. This was
later incorporated into production vehicles. From mid 1941
a gyro-stabiliser was fitted for the gun and in the fall of 1941,
following British experience with M3 light tanks in the
North African desert fighting, two 25 gallon jettisonab1e
fuel tanks were introduced to increase the range. From
early 1942 an all-welded hull was adopted. To ease engine
supply problems, 500 M3 light tanks were completed with
Guiberson T 1020 diesel engines replacing the standard
Continental petrol engine. These vehicles were sometimes
called M3 (Diesel). Externally they were identical to the
standard M3.
A further improved model was designed, tested, approved ]93. M3 light tank with welded turret shown on delivery to Britain
and standardised in August 1941. This had the cupola (British Stuart I).
Designation: Light Tank M3, M3A1, or M3A3
Crew: 4 (commander, gunner, driver, co-driver)
Battle weight: 27,4001b (M3), 28,5001b (M3A1), 31,7521b (M3A3)
Dimensions: Length 14ft 1OJ-in Track width 11-iin
; (16tft in M3A3) Track centres/tread 6ft lin
Height 8ft 3in
(7ft 6tin in M3A1 and M3A3)
Width 7ft 4in
(8ft 3in in M3A3)
Armament: Main: 1 x 37mm M5 or M6 gun
Secondary: 3 x 30 cal Browning MG
(plus 2 others in sponsons in M3)
Armour thickness: Maximum 51mm
Minimum 10mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -f- 20° to -10°
Engine: Continental W-670, 7 cylinders, petrol
or Guiberson T1020, 9 cylinders, radial, diesel
Maximum speed: 36mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 20mph (approx)
Suspension type: Vertical volute and trailing idler
Road radius: 70 miles
Fording depth: 3ft
Vertical obstacle: 2ft
Trench crossing: 6ft
Ammunition stowage: 103 rounds (M3), 116 rounds (M3A 1),
174 rounds (M3A3), 37mm
6,400-8,270 rounds ·30 cal MG
Special features/remarks: Most widely used American-built light
tank type. Fast and reliable vehicle for the "recce" role for which
it was intended, but did not lend itself to special purpose adapta-
tion, being too light and underpowered for the weights involved.
Declared obsolete in US Army in July 1943, but remained in
service until the War's end (and beyond) by other users. Important
addition to British tank strength in the Western Desert fighting of

195. M3 with cast/welded homogenous turret and all-welded hull.

VARIANTS Machine guns not mounted.
M3: Initial production type (see main text) with riveted
turret, welded turret, cast/welded turret, and welded hull
introduced successively during production run. Total
production: 5,811. Continental petrol or Guiberson diesel
(500 vehicles only).
M3Al: As late-production M3 but with gyro-stabiliser,
turret basket, and no cupola (see main text). Total produc-
tion 4,621. Continental petrol or Guiberson diesel (211
vehicles only). Pilot and early production models had
riveted hulls; remainder were all-welded. Sponson machine
guns eliminated.
M3A2: Projected designation, March 1942, for the all-
welded version of the M3Al. In the event no distinction was
made between riveted and welded vehicles.
, 196. M3A1 pilot model showing cupola eliminated and riveted hull.
M3A3: Final production type with redesigned hull, all- Later vehicles had all-welded hull as plate 195.
welded, with increased internal stowage (see main text).
Total production 3,427.
M3 or M3Al with Satan Flame-gun: Flame-thrower vehicle
M3 Command Tank: Field adaptation (any variant) entail- produced in Hawai for use by USMC in Pacific Theater for
ing removal of turret and substitution of welded box attacking Japanese bunkers. The 37mm gun was removed
superstructure with ·5 cal Browning MG on flexible mount. from obsolescent M3 light tanks and replaced with flame
For appearance see M5 Command Tank. Used by senior projector and Canadian Ronson flame-thrower equipment.
officers. Fuel capacity was 170 gallons and range 40-60 yards. A total
M3 with Maxson Turret: 1942 project to mount Maxson of 20 were converted in late 1943.
quad ·5 cal MG turret on an M3 light tank in place of the M3Al with E5R2-M3 Flame-gun: Portable flame-thrower
standard turret to provide an AA tank. Tested but rejected modified to fit ball machine gun mount in hull front. Fuel
in favour of similar equipment mounted in a half-track. reservoir stowed inside vehicle. Capacity was 10 gallons
M3 and T2 Light Mine Exploder: 1942 experiment with T2 and the equipment was supplied for quick fitting in the
mine exploder on boom rigged in front of M3 light tank. field in place of the hull machine gun. This could also be
Too unwieldy for vehicle and thus rejected. used in the M5 light tank (qv).

198. M3A3 light tank in British service (Stuart V) showing wading

equipment fitted. Note extension at turret rear for radio equipment
another feature introduced in the M3A3.
197. Standard production M3A3 light tank, showing larger,
re-designed, welded hull.

TI8 75mm Howitzer Motor Carriage: Design initiated in

September 1941 to provide a close-support vehicle utilising
the M3 light tank chassis. It consisted of a 75mm MIAI
pack howitzer in a mount adapted from that used in the M3
medium tank, fitted in the right front of the vehicle with
built-up superstructure. Two test vehicles were produced
with mild steel superstructure and sent for trials to Aberdeen
Proving Ground. They proved unsatisfactory due to the
high superstructure and nose heaviness. Project was
abandoned in April 1942 in favour of the M8 Howitzer
Motor Carriage (qv).
T56 3in Gun Motor Carriage: Project initiated in September
1942 to mount 3in gun on modified M3A3 chassis. Engine
moved to centre of vehicle and gun mounted at rear with 199. The experimental M3 with Maxson quad ·5 cal turret.
shield for crew. Gun was, however, too heavy for the
vehicle with adverse effect on performance, and there was
only limited crew protection.
T57 3in Gun Motor Carriage: As T56 but with up-rated
Continental engine from M3 medium tank and shield
omitted in attempt to overcome the performance drawbacks
of T56. Also proved unsatisfactory at APG tests and both
T56 and T57 projects were dropped in 'February 1943.

M3El was M3 fitted experimentally with Cummins HBS
diesel motor. M3E2 was test vehicle for twin Cadillac 200. M3 with T2 Mine exploder rigged.
engines and Hydromatic transmissions installed in M5
light tank (qv), 1941. M3E3 was same vehicle with turret
basket fitted to test installation for M3A3 and M5, 1942.
M3E4 was test vehicle for trials with British Straussler
DD equipment, 1942, as fitted to Tetrarch light tank in
Britain. M3A3El was trials vehicle for Spicer Automatic
Torque Converter Transmission. M3A3E2 was further
trials vehicle with this transmission but with Continental
R950 fitted to provide more power.

201. M3A1 light tank with Satan Flame-gun, used by USMC.

The M3 light tank was the first American-built tank to see
combat with British troops in World War II, 84 being sent
to 8th Army in the first Lend-Lease shipment in July 1941.
By November 1941, for the Operation Crusader battle, 163
were in service. Further deliveries of all basic models were
made and M3 series light tanks were used by the British in
Burma, Britain, NW Europe (from 1944), Italy, and North
Africa. Several other countries (including Russia, China,
and France) had M3 deliveries. In British Service, the M3
was named "General Stuart", more commonly called the
"Stuart" and unofficially nick-named the "Honey".
British designations and variants were as follows:
Stuart I: Basic M3 vehicle with Continental engine.
Stuart II: Basic M3 vehicle with Guiberson diesel engine.
202. T18 75mm GMC, one of two prototypes produced. Also known as "Stuart Hybrid".
Stuart III: Basic M3Al with Continental engine.
Stuart IV: Basic M3Al with Guiberson diesel engine. Also
called "Stuart Hybrid".
Stuart V: Basic M3A3 vehicle.
In British service these were modified by addition of
British pattern smoke dischargers on turret sides, addition
of sand shields in 8th Army service, and removal of sponson
machine guns in most M3s.
Stuart Kangaroo: Late war conversion of redundant
vehicles (any mark) by removal of turret and addition of
seats for infantry for APC role in infantry units of armoured
brigades. 1943-45 and post-war.
Stuart Reece: As Kangaroo but with various combinations
of machine gun armament on extemporised pintle mounts.
203. T56 3in GMC, showing engine air vents moved to hull centre. Turret removed.
Stuart Command: As Kangaroo but with extra radio equip-
ment for unit commander.
Various forms of extemporised grenade netting could be
seen fitted in some cases to these turretless conversions.
Stuart 18pdr SP: Middle East forces improvisation on at
least one vehicle, with obsolete 18pdr field gun, less wheels,
mounted in place of turret.

204. T57 3in GMC with crew platform lowered.

206. Stuart Command tank (on Stuart I chassis) of Grenadier

205. Stuart V converted to Kangaroo or Recce with folding canvas Guards, Tunis 1943, carrying General Montgomery, 8th Army
weather cover. commander.

207. Stuart Recce (on Stuart I chassis) in Burma, 1944, with

improvised grenade netting.

211. M3 (Stuart I) of a Canadian armoured regiment in Britain,


208. Fitting improvised mounts for· 30 cal MGs to Stuart Recce

tank (on Stuart V chassis) in Normandy, June 1944. Note also
improvised shield.

212. Top view ofM3A3 clearly shows modified superstructure shape

of this model.

209. Stuart I 18pdr SP. Note gun carriage axles in improvised cradle.

210. Top detail

view ofM3
light tank
shows extra
fuel tanks
fitted to
increase range.

213. M3 light tank in service as British Stuart I showing modifica-

tions made by British, including smoke dischargers and sand shields.

214. Standard production Light Tank M5Al.

LIGHT Tank M5 stemmed from a suggestion by Cadillac traverse allowing the commander to train the turret while
Division of GMC to the Ordnance Department that they firing his AA machine gun. There were also detachable sand
should try the M3 light tank with twin Cadillac engines shields. A later modification was the provision of a detach-
installed and the commercial Cadillac Hydra-matic trans- able shield/fairing on the turret side to protect the AA
mission which was produced for automobiles. In the fall machine gun mount. From early 1943, the M5Al replaced
of 1941, a standard M3 was converted as a trials vehicle the M5 on production lines.
(the M3E2) to test the idea and proved most successful. This
made a trouble-free 500 mile trial run, and the Cadillac- SPECIFICATION
powered vehicle proved easy to drive, and smooth to Designation: Light Tank M5 or M5A 1
operate. Due to the always acute shortage of Continental Crew: 4 (commander, gunner, driver, co-driver)
engines, the Cadillac modified vehicle was approved for Battle weight: 33,0001b (M5), 33,9071b (M5A 1)
production and standardised as the Light Tank M5 in Dimensions: Length 14ft 2j-in Track width 11 iin
February 1942. It was originally to be designated Light (15ft 10tin over stowage box in M5A 1)
Tank M4, but this was changed to M5 to avoid confusion Height 7ft 6tin Track centres/tread 6ft 1tin
Width 7ft 4tin
with the M4 medium tank (Sherman), then going into (excluding sand shields on M5AI)
production. Armament: Main: 1 x 37mm gun M6
To accommodate the twin Cadillac engines, the rear Secondary: 2 x ·30 cal Browning MG
engine covers were stepped up. But the hull was otherwise (Plus AA MG in most vehicles)
similar in shape to that of the welded M3Al apart from a Armour thickness: Maximum 67mm
sloping glacis. Turret installation, with basket and gyro- Minimum 12mm
stabiliser, was tested in another development vehicle, Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -t- 20° to -10°
M3E3, while in the following July another Cadillac facility, Engine: Cadillac Twin V8 220hp
at Southgate, California, also commenced production. At Maximum speed: 36mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 24mph (approx)
the same time Massey-Harris commenced M5 production Suspension type: Vertical volute
in Racine, Wis, under the "parentage" of Cadillac, and Road radius: 100 miles
finally, in October 1943, when M3 series production ceased, Fording depth: 3ft
American Car & Foundry also switched to turning out Vertical obstacle: 1ft 6in
M5s. Trench crossing: 5ft 4in
The M5Al was designed and standardised in September Ammunition stowage: 133 rounds (M5) and 147 rounds (M5AI)
1942 to bring the M5 up to the standard of the much- 37mm
improved M3A3. Among changes common with the M3A3 6,250 rounds (M5) and 6,500 rounds (M5A I)
were a new turret with bulge at the rear for a radio installa- ·30 cal MG
Special features/remarks: Most easily distinguished from M3 series
tion, larger access hatches for the driver and co-driver, vehicles by stepped up rear deck. Superior vehicle to M3 series,
improved mount for the 37mm gun, and improved vision but not produced in such large numbers due to the appearance of
devices. In addition there was better water-sealing on the the heavier M24 series. M5 series light tanks were re-classified
hatches, an escape hatch added in the hull floor, and dual "substitute standard" in July 1944 in the US Army.

215. M3E3 which was the prototype for the M5 series, a converted 217. M5 light tank with Psy-war equipment, 1944.
M3 light tank.

218. M5 Command Tank, personal vehicle of commander, US 6th

Armored Division, 1945. Note new drivers' hatches in glacis plate.
216. Late production M5A1 with sand shields and arn10ur protec-
tion for AA mount.

M5: Initial production type (see main text).
M5Al: Improved production type in line with improvements
introduced in M3A3 (see main text).
M5 Command Tank: Vehicle with turret removed and
replaced with box-like superstructure and ·50 cal Browning
machine gun in flexible mount. For use by senior officers.
M5Al with Psy-war equipment: Standard vehicle fitted with
loud hailer and associated public address equipment for
Psychological Warfare units, 1944-45.
M5 or M5Al with Cullin Hedgerow Device: Standard
vehicles with "prongs" made from beach obstacles by field
maintenance units for cutting through "bocage" hedges
and undergrowth, Normandy, June 1944.
M5Al with E7-7 Flame-gun: Flame-thrower equipment
replacing main gun. Short projector and fuel stowed in hull.
Same equipment could be fitted in M3Al.
M5Al with E9-9 Flame-throwing equipment: This was based
on the British Crocodile idea (qv) and consisted of a flame
projector replacing the hull machine gun, and fuel led, via
an armoured pipe, from a towed trailer. Prototype only, 219. M5 with Cullin Hedgerow Device, Normandy, 1944.
started April 1943.
M5Al with E8 Flame-gun: Developed from January 1943, M5 with T39 Rocket Launcher: T39 Rocket Launcher
this vehicle had the original turret removed, a new box-like mounted on turret top and controlled in elevation and
superstructure added with a flame-gun carried in a small traverse by vehicle's gun and main armament. Fired 20 x 7·2
rotating turret at the top. It was a prototype only. in rockets. Project only, 1944.
222. T39 Rocket Launcher installed on M5 light tank turret.
220. M5A1 with E7-7 Flame-gun.

221. The M5A1 with E9-9 Flame-throwing equipment, the sole

prototype vehicle.

M5 Dozer: M5 light tank with turret removed and fitted 223. T27 Mortar Motor Carriage. T27El similar except for height
of mortar mount.
with dozer blade at front end, 1944. A few vehicles so fitted
retained the turret.
T27, T27El 81mm Mortar Motor Carriage: This resulted
from an army requirement for a mortar carrier on the M5Al
chassis. A prototype, T27, was built with turret removed and
an armour superstructure added, 18in high and 25mm thick.
Mortar was mounted to fire forward with 35 degree
traverse and a ·50 cal MG was also fitted. An alternative
design, the T27El, was similar except that the 81mm mortar
was mounted lower in the hull so that it did not project
above the superstructure. Both were cancelled in April 1944,
after tests, due to inadequate crew and stowage space.
T29 4·2in Mortar Motor Carriage: Following cancellation
of the T27 vehicles, this was produced with the mortar space
enlarged and utilising a more compact mortar. Crew space
for operating the mortar was still found inadequate and the
project was terminated in this form.
T8 Reconnaisance Vehicle: This was a conversion of redund- 224. T29 Mortar Motor Carriage.
ant M5 light tank chassis in 1944 by removal of the turret
and the fitting of a gun ring mounting a ·50 cal Browning
MG in its place. Prototype for the conversion was known as
the Reconnaisance Vehicle "B". T8s were in service as a
"limited standard" type in 1944-45. A modified type with
extra stowage racks added and rack for carrying land mines
was designated T8El.
DEVELOPMENT VEHICLES: M3E2 was M3 converted to test
twin Cadillac engine installation. M3E3 was fuller conver-
sion with addition of turret basket and other features for M5
and was M5 light tank prototype. M5AIEI was an experi-
mental vehicle with automatic 37mm gun and wider tracks
which did not progress past trials status, 1943, due to
development of later and better light tank designs. An 225. T8E1 Reconnaisance Vehicle;. T8 similar.
experimental AA tank version of the M5AI was also
produced with a twin· 30 cal Browning MG mount replacing
the turret; it did not proceed past trials status. Finally M5s
and M5Als were also tested with various forms of flotation
gear for amphibious operations, but none past the trials
stage. For self-propelled vehicles based on the M5/M5AI
series, see separate entry.
A small number of M5s and M5Als were delivered to the
British in 1943-44 and these were used in NW Europe from
Stuart VI: British designation for both M5 and M5AIlight
Some Stuart VIs were converted to Command, Recce, or
Kangaroo versions by removal of turret. Details as for 226. Stuart VI was British designation for M5 and M5A 1, the latter
variants based on the M3 light tank (qv). shown here.


227. M8 HMC in action in Belgium, late 1944.

REQUESTS from the Armored Force for a howitzer- with a mock-up superstructure, unarmoured, for study. It
equipped vehicle for the close support role, were met early was considered that this design gave inadequate protection
in 1942 by the fitting of such a weapon to the M3 half-track to the crew and the T41 was abandoned in favour of a new
as a temporary measure until a suitable mount could be design, the T47, which was also based on the M5 chassis.
developed on a full-tracked chassis. This early vehicle was The T47 was designed to give all-round traverse for the
designated T30 HMC, and was an adaptation with the howitzer and superior crew protection. Basically it was an
standard MIAI 75mm pack howitzer. Aberdeen Proving M5 light tank with the turret removed and replaced with a
Ground meanwhile adapted one of the first M5 light tank larger open-topped turret carrying the 75mm howitzer. A
chassis to become available, fitting it with a 75mm howitzer mock-up was produced in April 1942, approved, standard-
on the centre line, mounted in the hull front. This was ised as the M8 Howitzer Motor Carriage, and ordered
designated T41 Howitzer Motor Carriage and existed purely into production. Cadillac built 1,778 production vehicles
between September 1942 and January 1944. The M8
equipped the HQ companies of medium tank battalions
until gradually replaced by the M4 medium tank with
105mm howitzer from the spring of 1944. It was used in
NW Europe and Italy. Due to the turret size, drivers'
hatches were provided on the hull front.
Details as for M5light tank except for weight (36,OOOlb),
elevation (+40° to -20°), and ammunition stowage
(46 rounds, 75mm).
T82 Howitzer Motor Carriage: This was another SP vehicle
on the M5A1 chassis, development of which began in
December 1943 to provide a light weight SP howitzer for
jungle warfare. To keep weight down, the turret \was
eliminated and the 75mm howitzer was fitted in a limited
traverse mount in the hull front. Elevation was + 30° to - 5°
and there was a limited traverse of a few degrees each side.
Two pilot models were built for trials, but the project was
abandoned in May 1945, when the requirement for such a
vehicle lapsed. Details as for M5A1 except for armament 228. One of the two T82 Howitzer Motor Carriage pilot models.
and overall height.


229. Light Tank T7E2 as first completed with 57mm gun.

IN the fall of 1940, consideration was given to a more prototype was to have a welded hull, cast turret, modified
powerful light tank to replace the M2A4 and M3 designs vertical volute suspension, and 15i-in wide tracks. For
(qv), neither of which were considered entirely satisfactory comparative purposes, the second pilot model, designated
by the new Armored Force. In January 1941 definite T7E1 was to be of riveted construction with a cast/welded
requirements, calling for a 14 (short) ton vehicle with 37mm homogenous turret, and horizontal (instead of vertical)
gun, low silhouette, and 38mm armour maximum, were volute suspension. This vehicle was, in fact, never com-
passed to the Ordnance Department and the construction pleted, since riveted construction became obsolete during
of two pilot models was initiated at Rock Island Arsenal its development period. The T7E1 chassis was subsequently
who also worked out the design. Designated T7, the first used for transmission and suspension trials. The same
Continentaf engine was to be used as in the M2A4 and M3. This took the vehicle out of the light tank class, and the
A wooden pre-production mock up of the T7 was ··built Armored Force suggested it should be re-classified as a
at Rock Island, leading to a request from the Ordnance medium tank and standardised as the Medium Tank M7.
Dept for three further prototypes. These were T7E2 with This was done in late August 1942 and International
cast hull top, cast turret, and Wright R-975 engine; T7E3 Harvester Co were awarded a production contract for 3,000
with welded hull and turret, automatic transmission, and vehicles to commence in December 1942. Meanwhile the
twin Hercules diesel engines, and T7E4 with welded hull pilot model in its final form was delivered to the Armored
and turret and Cadillac twin engines and Hydra-matic Force HQ, Fort Knox, for testing in early December and
transmission which Cadillac had by this time (September proved most unsatisfactory since its weight-almost double
1941) suggested for the M3 series. Detail changes requested what was first envisaged-made it grossly underpowered.
increased the length and would bring the weight to 16 (short) Fully stowed and with crew aboard it weighed even more,
tons. Of these, the T7E2 offered the best possibilities, and 29 (short) tons. In an attempt to provide more power, it
with a few further changes, the design was approved in was proposed to re-engine the vehicle with a Ford V-8
December 1941. While the T7E2 pilot was being built it motor, the development project being designated M7El.
was decided to fit it with more powerful armament-the By this time the M4 was in full production as the standard
57mm T2 (6pdr) gun-an adaptation of the British 6pdr- US medium tank and the Ordnance Department pointed
which was being fitted to the Canadian-built Ram tank(qv). out to the Armored Force that two distinct medium tank
A Ram turret ring was therefore incorporated and the types, the M4 and M7, were unnecessary and would lead to
vehicle was completed in June 1942 with a 57mm gun. At complicated duplication of maintenance and production
the same time, the Armored Force asked if the vehicle effort. Since the M7 had failed to come up to expectations
could be modified to take a 75mm M3 gun and the turret it was agreed to drop this type and production was cancelled
was duly re-designed to take this weapon. During develop- in February 1943 after only seven M7s had been completed.
ment, armour thickness had been increased to a maximum Work on the M7E 1was subsequently abandoned the follow-
of 63mm, and the other changes had brought the weight up ing July and the T7/M7 series was declared obsolete at the
to 25 (short) tons. end of 1943. The type was never used by the US Army.


230. T9El pilot model showing modified hull shape.

REQUIREMENT for an airborne tank was formulated at correspondingly compact dimensions suitable for carriage
an Ordnance Department meeting in February 1941, either inside or beneath a transport aircraft. Design studies
attended by representatives of the Armored Force and were invited from J. Walter Christie, GMC, and Marmon-
USAAF, and an outline specification for such a vehicle was Herrington. Of these, that submitted by Marmon-Herring-
finalised in May 1941. It called for a tank of about 8 (short) ton, was most promising and a pilot model, designated T9,
tons in weight (half the weight of the M5Allight tank), and was ordered. This design featured a 37mm M6 gun, a
Lycoming engine, an armour maximum of 25mm, and
modified vertical volute suspension.
The T9 pilot model was delivered in the autumn of 1941
and in the light of trials, modifications were suggested
including reshaping the hull front to improve shot deflection
and the elimination of non-essential fittings, like the power
traverse and gyro-stabiliser, to reduce overall weight. Two
further pilot models, designated T9E 1, were built incorpora-
ting these improvements and including an easily removable
turret to facilitate air transportation. The modified design
was ordered into production and 830 were built by Marmon-
Herrington between March 1943 and February 1944. In
September 1944 the T9El was redesignated Light Tank 231. Production M22 in British service, shown fitted with Littlejohn
(Airborne) M22 and classed as "limited standard". The adaptor on gun barrel.
M22 was never used in combat by American forces, mainly
because they lacked a suitable glider or transport aircraft
to carry it. The only means evolved for air transportation
of this vehicle by US forces was slung beneath the belly of a
C-54 Skymaster transport plane. To do this the turret had
to be removed and carried in the aircraft, being re-assembled
with the tank on landing, which was a severe limitation to
its tactical value.

The second T9El pilot model was shipped to Britain for
airborne evaluation early in 1943. The British were design- 232. The original T9 pilot model.
ing the Hamilcar glider to carry the Tetrarch light tank (qv)
in the airborne role and this also proved capable of carrying
the M22, later named the Locust. A large number of M22s
were supplied to the British Jlnder Lend-Lease for airborne
operations and a handful of these were landed by Hamilcar
glider in the Rhine crossing operation by the British 6th
Airborne Division, March 24, 1945.

Designation: Light Tank (Airborne) M22
Crew: 3 (commander, gunner, driver)
Battle weight: 16,4001b
Dimensions: Length 12ft II in Track width 11 tin
Height 6ft 1in Track centres/tread 5ft 10tin
Width 7ft lin
Armament: Main: I x 37mm M6 gun
Secondary: I x .30 cal Browning M G
Armour thickness: Maximum 25mm 233. Production M22 showing method of attachment to belly of
Minimum 9mm C-54 cargo plane for air transportation, turret removed.
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -t- 30° to - 10°
Engine: Lycoming 0-435T 6 cylinder petrol 162hp
Maximum speed: 40mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 30mph
Suspension type: Vertical volute
Road radius: 135 miles
Fording depth: 3ft 2in
Vertical obstacle: 1ft tin
Trench crossing: 5ft 5in
Ammunition stowage: 50 rounds, 37mm
2,500 rounds ·30 cal MG
Special features/remarks: Hull of rolled plat~ and cast turret. Four
brackets on hull for slinging to belly of air,G;raft. These were re-
moved on some vehicles in British service~"Some British vehicles
also had Littlejohn adaptors fitted to the J7mm gun ( illustra-
tion) to improve velocity. First 26 production vehicles had square
driver's head cover, remainder had sloped sides. M22 was of 234. M22 in British service leaving the hold of a Hamilcar glider
conventional, but compact, design, but too thinly armoured and during training, 1944. Note sand shields and the British type smoke
of limited tactical application. discharger on turret side.
LIGHT TANK, T16 United States

235. Production Light Tank T16.

MARMON-HERRINGTON produced a light weight vehicle was proposed by the Quartermaster Corps. In 1941,
two-man tank in the 4 ton class specifically as a Lend-Lease the Ordnance Department put forward specifications, based
vehicle for delivery to China and the Netherlands East on the original project, for an armoured version with turret
Indies. It had a crew of two (Commander/Driver) and an and 37mm gun, 18mm armour maximum, and a weight of
armament of a single· 30 cal Browning MG plus a second 12t (short) tons. In May 1942 the design work was com-
·30 cal weapon for AA use. Of riveted construction, it had pleted, but the vehicle, designated TI0, was cancelled before
vertical volute suspension. Production totalled 240 vehicles, a pilot model was built since no future requirement for this
and the type was in limited use by the US Army. The particular vehicle could be envisaged.
designation T16 was allocated. Production was started in
July 1942. Light Tank T21: The Armored Force and Ordnance
Department decided, in August 1942, to develop a light tank
version of the Medium Tank T20 (qv), then being developed
Light Tank T13: This was a vehicle designed by Allis- as a successor for the M4 medium tank series. The T21
Chalmers and offered to the Ordnance Department in April specification, as drawn up in February 1943, envisaged a
1942 as a projected light weight two-man vehicle weighing 24 (short) ton vehicle utilising the suspension of the T7
3t (short) tons and armed with a single 20mm Hispano- series l (qv) or torsion bar suspension, armed with a 76mm
Suiza cannon. It was similar in size and layout to the T16. gun, with armour maximum of 30mm, and with a hull and
However, no requirement existed, or could be foreseen, in turret similar to the T20 medium tank. Two pilot models
the US Army for a small vehicle of this type, and the idea were projected, but authority to proceed with their con-
was rejected, work on the design being subsequently stopped. struction was never given and the design was held in
Light Tank (Amphibian) TI0: This existed as a design study abeyance, mainly because the vehicle was too heavy for the
only, originating in April 1940 when a wheeled amphibious light tank class.

LIGHT TANK, M24, CHAFFEE United States

236. Standard production M24 Chaffee.

OBSERVATIONS of the British experiences in the Western The 75mm M6 gun was adapted from the heavy aircraft
Desert fighting in 1942 when the 8th Army was using M3 cannon used in the Mitchell bomber, and had a concentric
series light tanks, showed that a heavier weapon was recoil system which saved valuable turret space. The T24
desirable for future US light tanks. A 75mm gun was fitted was standardised as the Light Tank M24 in May 1944.
experimentally to a M8 HMC in place of the howitzer, and First deliveries of M24s were made to American tank
firing trials proved that it would be possible to develop a battalions in late 1944, supplanting M5s, and the M24 came
version of the M5 series light tank armed with the 75mm into increasing use in the closing months of the war,
gun. Stowage space was severely restricted in the M5, remaining as standard American light tank for many years
however, more so with the fitting of a 75mm gun, and in afterwards.
addition the overall design of this vehicle was now dated Parallel to the need for a new light tank was the desire to
and the armour thickness was inadequate. In April 1943, produce a standard chassis as the basis of the so-called
therefore, following the demise of T7 light/M7 medium "Light Combat Team"-a complete series of tanks, SP
programme (qv) the Ordnance Department, in conjunction guns, and special purpose tanks all based on one chassis so
with Cadillac (makers of the M5 series), began work on an greatly simplifying maintenance and production. The many
entirely new light tank design which was to incorporate the variants produced to meet this concept are given below.
best combinations of features from earlier designs with all Each had identical engine, power train, and suspension to
lessons learned from previous experience. The twin the M24.
Cadillac engines and Hydra-matic transmission which had
been so successful and trouble-free in the M5 series were
retained and the good accessibility which had been a feature VARIANTS
of the T7 layout was adopted. A weight of 18 (short) tons
was envisaged with an armour basis of only 25mm to save M24: Production light tank (see text).
weight, but with all hull faces angled for optimum protec- M19 Gun Motor Carriage: Produced for the AA Command,
tion. Maximum turret armour was 37mm. Vertical volute this vehicle was originally designated T65E1 and built as a
suspension was replaced by road wheels on torsion arms to development of the T65 GMC (qv) with a twin 40mm M2
give a smoother ride. First of two pilot models, designated AA mount set at the hull rear and the engines moved
T24, was delivered in October 1943 and proved so successful forward to the hull centre. Design (by the Ordnance Depart-
that the Ordnance Department immediately authorised a ment) commenced in mid 1943 and 904 vehicles were
production order for 1,000 vehicles which was later raised ordered in August 1944 when the design was standardised
to 5,000. Cadillac and Massey-Harris undertook produc- as the M19. By the war's end, however, only 285 had been
tion, commencing March 1944 and these two plants between completed. M19s were standard US Army equipment for
them produced 4,415 vehicles (including SP variants) by many years post-war. Crew: 6; weight 38,500Ib; height
the war's end. In each case production supplanted M5 series 9ft 9-!-in; elevation - 5° to + 85°; stowage 336 rounds,
vehicles. 40mm.
M41 Howitzer Motor Carriage: Prototype for this vehicle
was the T64E1, a development of the T64 HMC (qv) which
had been based on M5Al light tank components. The
T64E1, however, featured the components of the "Light
Combat Team" and was similar in layout to the M19, with
centrally-mounted engines and the gun, a 155mm M1
howitzer, at the rear firing forward. It had a manually
operated recoil spade and a folding crew platform. Un-
official name for this vehicle was "Gorilla". Standardised
as the M41 HMC, in May 1945,250 of these vehicles were
ordered but only 60 were completed by the war's end. The
M41 HMC was standard US Army equipment for many
years post-war. Details as for M24 except: Crew: 12
(8 carried in accompanying ammunition carrier); weight:
42,500Ib; length: 19ft 2in; trench crossing: 9ft; stowage: 22
rounds; range: 96 miles; elevation: +45° to - 5°; traverse: 237. T24 was prototype for M24 series. Note absence of vision
17° left to 20° right; speed: 30mph.
M37 Howitzer Motor Carriage: Intended to supplement or
replace the M7 HMC (qv) a new design based on the M24
chassis was produced, resembling the M7 in general layout.
Designated T76 it was standardised in November 1944 as

the M37 HMC with 105mm M4 howitzer. It had the same

hull arrangement (ie, rear engine) as the M24 and compared
with the M7 it had greatly increased ammunition stowage
and improved armour protection. American Car &
Foundry were given the production contract for 448 vehicles,
but only 316 were completed, most of them after the war had
ended when Cadillac took over the contract. Details as for
M24 except: Crew: 7; weight: 40,000Ib; length: 18ft 2in;
traverse: 22to right and left; elevation: +45° to -10°;
stowage: 90 rounds. 238. T24EI was same vehicle with Continental engine and longer
75mm gun.
T38 Mortar Motor Carriage: This was a project to use the
M37 HMC in the mortar carrying role. The 105mm
howitzer was removed and the embrasure plated over. A
4·2in mortar was carried and fired from the fighting com-
partment. The project was cancelled in August 1945 when it
became apparent that the war would end before the vehicle
could go into service. A pilot model was completed.
T77El Multiple Gun Motor Carriage: This was a proposed
AA tank development initiated in 1943 to mount a specially
designed quad .50 cal machine gun turret on the M24
chassis. The turret was developed by the USAAF and
featured remote control for the guns. Pilot vehicle, desig-
nated T77, was completed and tested at APG in July 1945.
As a result of trials a computing sight system was added to
the turret and the vehicle was re-designated T77E 1. With
the cessation of hostilities in September 1945, the project
was abandoned.
M24 with sl"imming device: This was tested in the fall of
1944 and consisted of pontoons attached fore-and-aft to
give flotation with grousers added to the tracks to give 239. Standard production M 19 Gun Motor Carriage.
propulsion in the water, the idea being to allow the standard
M24 to "swim" ashore from landing craft. Once ashore,
the pontoons were jettisoned. This device was not used
operationally. Designation for the device was M20.


T24E1 was the T24 pilot model fitted with a Continental
R-975 engine and (later) a longer 75mm gun with muzzle
brake. As the M24 was satisfactory with Cadillac engines
no further development took place with this prototype.
T24 was the prototype for the M24 series; identical except
for lack of vision cupola and minor details. T6E 1 was
the projected recovery vehicle of the "Light Combat 240. T64El was prototype for M41 Howitzer Motor Carriage which
Team", cancelled at war's end. T81 was a project to mount was identical in appearance. Rear view shows recoil spade raised.
241. Standard production M37 Howitzer Motor Carriage. 242. T38 Mortar Motor Carriage, sole pilot model.

a single 40mm AA gun and twin ·50 cal MG on the T65El

(MI9) chassis. T78 was a projected improved version of
the T77El. T96 was a projected mortar motor carriage
with 155mm T36 mortar. T76 was prototype (1943) of
M37 HMC. There were also numerous post-war projects
beyond the scope of this book.

A small number of M24s were supplied to Britain in 1945
and remained in service for a short time after the war. In
British service the M24 was called Chaffee and this name
was subsequently adopted in the U.S. Army.
243. T77EI Multiple Gun Motor Carriage was a sophisticated AA
tank uhich did not pass prototype stage.

Designation: Light Tank M24
Crew: 5 (commander, gunner, loader, driver, co-driver-radio
Battle weight: 40,5001b
Dimensions: Length 18ft Track width 16in
(16ft 4tin excluding gun)
Height 8ft 1tin. Track centres/tread 8ft
Width 9ft 8in
Armament: Main: 1 x 75mm gun M6
Secondary: 2 x ·30 cal Browning MG
(one co-axial), 1 x ·50 cal AA MG
Armour thickness: Maximum 25mm
Minimum 9mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -+-15° to - 10°
Engine: Cadillac Twin 44T24 petrol II Ohp each
Maximum speed: 35mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 25mph (approx)
Suspension type: Torsion bar
Road radius: IOO miles 244. Standard M24 shown in British service, where it was called the
Fording depth: 3ft 4in Chaffee, named for General Adna R. Chaffee, first chief of the US
Vertical obstacle: 3ft Armored Force.
Trench crossing: 8ft
Ammunition stowage: 48 rounds, 75mm
3,750 rounds, ·30 cal MG
Special features/remarks: Could be fitted with dozer blade as re-
quired. All-welded construction, homogenous armour. Highly
efficient and successful design combining the virtues of speed,
reliability, simplicity, ruggedness, and hitting power for a tank of
its class and size.

245. M24 light tank fitted with M20 swimming device for trials.

4·5in Gun Motor Carriages, T16 and T16El: The T16 design 248.
was proposed in May 1941 and it was envisaged mounting 155mm Howitzer Motor Carriage, T64: This was the second
the gun on a chassis made from components of the M3 and T16 pilot model (plate 246) armed with the 155mm howitzer
T7 light tanks. Cadillac carried out detailed design, and and redesignated. Trials in 1943 showed this to be a good
two pilot models were produced in late 1942, but based on reliable design, but the Armoured Force commended that
lengthened M5Al chassis with an extra bogie inserted on the vehicle be re-designed on the basis of the T24 (M24)
each side and the engines moved to the centre. First pilot chassis, since M5Al production was scheduled to cease in
model mounted the 4·5in gun, but the second had a 155mm favour ofthe M24. The Ordnance Board therefore developed
howitzer and was designated T64(qv). The T16 was tested a second design, T64El, on the "Light Combat Team" (T24)
at APG and by the Artillery Test Board, the latter asking chassis in August 1943 and the T64 was dropped. The T64E 1
that the T24(M24) chassis be utilised for the mount in was put into production as the M41 HMC, described and
place of the M5Al. The Ordnance Department approved of illustrated with the M24 series.
this and gave the designation T 16E1 to the T24-based design.
The Armoured Board rejected the employment of the
4·5in gun, however, and both the T16 and T16E1 were
cancelled in January 1944. The T16 is shown. T16E1 was
not completed.

20mm Multiple Gun Motor Carriages, T85 and T85El:
These were alternative AA tank designs with different quad
20mm mounts respectively on the same Cadillac M5Al-
based chassis as the T65, with later adaptation to the T24
chassis also contemplated. Completed in June 1944,
neither went beyond trials status. (T85El shown).

40mm Gun Motor Carriage, T65: Designed for AA Com-
mand, this was another Cadillac design on the lengthened
M5Al chassis (see T16, plate 246). After trials, 1,000
production vehicles were requested by AA Command in
February 1943, but as with the T64 (plate 248) the vehicle
was redesignated on the "Light Combat Team" (T24)
chassis as the T65El. It was put into production as the M19,
described and illustrated with the M24 series.


250. Standard production M2 medium tank.

THE National Defense Act 1920 had placed tanks and tank increased from a maximum of25mm to 32mm, wider tracks,
development under the control of the Infantry and it was a supercharger fitted to the engine to increase its rating to
as an infantry support weapon that medium tanks were 400HP, an armour cover added to the mantlet, flaps for
mainly developed in the twenties and thirties. Only a few the vision ports, improved sighting arrangements, detail
designs were produced in this period, the T4 medium tank changes in the suspension, and splash rails added to the hull
of 1935-36 being the only one to actually achieve limited front. Standardised as the Medium Tank M2A1, it was
production status. In 1938 Rock Island Arsenal designed a proposed to put this vehicle into large-scale production
new vehicle which dispensed with Christie's convertible when the National Munitions Program was adopted on
wheel and narrow hull track idea featured in the previous June 30, 1940, as a result of the sharp turn of events in
medium tanks. Designated the T5 the new tank was radically Germany's favour in the war in Europe. Mass production
different, based closely on the layout of the Light Tank M2 of the Light Tank M2A4 (qv) was already underway by
(qv) and designed to use as many of the components as American Car & Foundry and for medium tank production
possible for reasons of economy and standardisation. The it was planned to build a special plant, Detroit Tank Arsenal,
same Continental radial air-cooled engine was used, the which Chrysler had undertaken to erect and operate on
transmission was similar, and the suspension units-vertical behalf of the US Government. On August 15, 1940, a con-
volute spring type-were the same. Its infantry support tract for 1,000 M2A1 medium tanks was placed with
function was emphasised by its armament of six ·30 cal Chrysler, production at the rate of 100 a month to start
Browning machine guns, sited to give all round fire, and a within a year at the as yet unbuilt Arsenal.
central turret with 37mm gun. A full width "barbette" However, the PzKw III and PzKw IV, the latter with a
supported the turret and a flexible machine gun was 75mm gun, which the Germans had been using in the
mounted in each corner. Two fixed forward firing machine invasion of France and the Low Countries, had already
guns were mounted in the sloping hull front. The engine rendered the M2A1 medium tank, with its 37mm gun
was at the rear and drive in the front. The weight was 15 tons. technically obsolete. On June 5, 1940, the Chief of Infantry
Trials of the T5 showed that it was under powered with suggested to the Ordnance Department that US medium
the Continental 250HP engine, and it was re-engined with tanks should also mount 75mm guns. Just after the M2A1
a Wright 9 cylinder radial engine of 350HP which proved had been ordered, General Chaffee, Chief of the Armored
satisfactory. As rebuilt, the vehicle was known as the T5 Force (newly-formed on July 10, 1940) held a meeting with
Phase III (Phase II was an alternative suggestion for a Ordnance Department representatives at Aberdeen Proving
different engine installation which was never carried out). Ground, Ma, to finalise future requirements. At this
Trials of the T5 Phase III were completed in June 1939 and important August meeting the main point agreed was the
the design was standardised as the Medium Tank M2, urgent need for a 75mm gun, but this could not be fitted in
production of 15 vehicles commencing at Rock Island the small turret of the M2A1 and time would be required
Arsenal in August 1939. Production vehicles had two for development work on mounting a weapon of this
additional machine guns fitted on the turret sides, with calibre in a new turret. It was therefore resolved to com-
alternative mounts on the hull top. promise in view of the urgency of the matter and design an
An improved version of the M2 was developed in 1940 interim vehicle, based closely on the hull, layout, and
which was similar in all respects to the original design except mechanical specification of the M2A 1, but with a 75mm gun
that it had a wider vertical sided turret, armour thicknes~ in a limited traverse mounting in the right side of the hull
sponson. Meanwhile work would proceed on the problem
of mounting the 75mm gun in a fully tr~versing turret.
Basis for the new design with hull-mounted 75mm gun
was the Medium Tank T5E2 which was the old T5 Phase III 251. Medium
prototype rebuilt between March and May 1939, with a Tank T5E2
showing 75mm
75mm pack howitzer as an experimental self-propelled howitzer in right
carriage. On August 28, 1940, the M2Al contract with sponson and
Chrysler was accordingly cancelled and the new vehicle, range finder in
which was to become the Medium Tank M3 (qv) was small turret on
substituted, even though it was yet to be designed. hull top. Note
As an interim measure, while the Detroit Arsenal was modified
being built, an order for 126 M2Al medium tanks was hull front.
placed with Rock Island Arsenal and 94 of these were SPECIFICATION
actually built between November 1940 and August 1941. Designation: Medium Tank M2 and M2AI
By June 1941, however, the first M3 medium production Crew: 6 (commander, driver, gunners (4))
lines were starting up, and the M2Als were used only for Battle weight: 38,001b (M2), 47,0401b (M2Al)
training and trials purposes at various armour centres in Dimension.~: Length 17ft 6in Track width 14in
the United States. Height 9ft 3in (M2: 13in)
(M2: 9ft 4-tin) Track centres/tread 6ft 9in
Width 8ft 6in
Armament: Main: 1 x 37mm M6 gun
VARIANTS Secondary: 8 x .30 cal Browning MG
M2: First production type, 1939 (see text). Armout thickness: Maximum 32mm (M2: 25mm)
M2Al: Second production type, 1940-41 (see text). Minimum 9·5mm
Traverse: 3600 (main turret). Elevation limits: -
M2 with E2 Flame-gun: Test vehicle, 1941, for flame- Engine: Wright radial, 9 cylinder 400hp (M2: 350hp)
throwing trials. Long flame-gun mounted in place of 37mm Maximum speed: 26mph
gun and fuel containers carried on rear hull. Maximum cross-country speed: 17'2mph
Suspension type: Vertical volute
DEVELOPMENT VEHICLES: T5 (later T5 Phase I) was proto- Road radius: 130 miles
type for series, 1938. T5 Phase II was projected alternative Fording depth: -
engine installation in same vehicle-not carried out. T5 Vertical obstacle: 2ft
Phase III was same vehicle re-engined with Wright radial Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
engine, July 1938, becoming production prototype for M2. Ammunition stowage: 200 rounds, 37mm
T5El was a pilot model fitted with Guiberson diesel engine 12,250 rounds, ·30 cal MG
and later used for trials with experimental fittings and twin Special features/remarks: Hull was part riveted, part welded; turret
37mm guns. T5E2 was T5 Phase III vehicle converted with was welded. Angled plates on rear fenders were intended to
deflect rounds from rear machine guns down into enemy trenches.
modified hull front and fitted with 75mm howitzer in right Easiest distinguishing features between M2 and M2A 1 are splash
sponson; this layout was subsequently adopted for the M3 plates on hull front and armoured mantlet in latter vehicle. Out-
medium tank. In November 1940, one of the M2 mediums classed and obsolete at time of production, the M2Al was none-
was used to test the installation for the prototype of the theless an important development vehicle since its chassis formed
British M3 medium tank turret at Rock Island Arsenal. the basis for the M3 and M4 medium tanks.

252. Medium Tank T5 Phase III, prototype for the production M2.
255. Medium Tank M2 used to test M3 turret installation,
Novemb~~, 1940.

253. Medium Tank T5El. Note twin 37mm guns.

254. Medium Tank M2 with E2 flame-gun for flame-throwing trials. 256. Rear detail view of a Medium Tank M2.

257. Medium Tank M2Al.


258. Medium Tank M3 pilot model, typical of the standard production M3.

EVOLUTION of the Medium Tank M3 from the M2 view, they did concede that further tank production facilities
medium series has been recounted in the M2 section. The were necessary and that the automotive men had the
speed with which the M3 was designed, developed, and put expertise for large volume output.
into production was probably unmatched in the history of Since tank production raised problems not encountered
armoured fighting vehicles. Crucial to its production in in automobile making, Knudsen suggested that a purpose-
vast numbers was the building of Detroit Tank Arse~al at built plant should be established in Detroit and arranged
Center Line, Michigan, which was expressly planned for that Chrysler would build and operate this plant on behalf
the building of medium tanks. In September 1939 when of the American Government. Thus was the beginning of
war was declared in Europe, the Ordnance Department Detroit Tank Arsenal. On August 15, 1940, the contract
already had plans to contract large scale tank production was signed with Chrysler for an initial order for 1,000 M2Al
to heavy engineering firms and, in fact, the first American medium tanks (qv) which was cancelled thirteen days later
tank to be built in quantity, the M2A4light (qv) was turned in favour of the M3 medium. Events moved fast from then
out by one of these firms, American Car & Foundry. on. Building of the plant commenced on a 100 acre site
.Events in Europe in May/June 1940, which gave rise to outside Detroit in September 1940. The building was 1,380ft
the adoption of the new American National Munitions long and 500ft wide.
Program, showed that tanks-especially medium tanks Concurrently, Rock Island Arsenal were working on the
-would be needed in far greater numbers than had been M3 medium design with Chrysler engineers in attendance
forseen the previous October when the light tank building to devise plant and production equipment as design pro-
programme was initiated. In fact, nearly 2,000 medium ceeded. Final M3 design work was completed in March
tanks were needed in the next 18 months according to US 1941 by which time construction of the huge Arsenal
Army estimates which made existing orders for less than building was almost finished, the whole operation taking
400 light tanks seem puny by comparison. William S. just six mop.ths. Meanwhile the Ordnance Department
Knudsen, President of GMC, was the member of the contracted with two major heavy engineering firms,
National Defense Advisory Commission responsible for American Lcocomotive and Baldwin Locomotive, for 685
co-ordinating industry to American defence needs. He and 535 M3 mediums respectively. At all stages of design
advised that heavy engineering firms, used to comparatively Rock Island Arsenal consulted with engineers and designers
slow and small output of such items as locomotives and from the contractors concerned and there were also informal
cranes, would not have the capacity or expertise to turn out discussions with the members of the British Tank Commis-
tanks on the vastly increased scale which, in June 1940, was sion, which had arrived in USA in June 1940 to place
now required. In Knudsen's view tank production was contracts for American-built tanks for the British Army.
analogous to automobile production, and, except for The latter were able to suggest detail improvements in the
manufacture of armour plate, there was no reason why the light of combat experience in the European war.
automotive industry, rather than the heavy engineering The three contracting firms all produced pilot models of
industry, should not become the prime producers of tanks, the M3 in April 1941 and by August full-scale production
making them from the ground up all under one roof. While had started in all three plants, American Locomotive,
the Ordnance Department did not entirely agree with this Baldwin, and Detroit Arsenal. Production of the M3
medium, and its variants, continued until December 1942,
by which time a grand total of 6,258 M3 series vehicles had
been turned out. In August 1941, also, Pressed Steel and
Pullman each received contracts for 500 M3s from the
British Commission. In October 1941, when the M4
medium design (qv) was standardised, the M3 was re-
classified "substitute standard" and in April 1943 when
M4s were in full service, the M3 was declassified to "limited
standard", finally being declared obsolete in April 1944.
The Medium Tank M3 was dimensionally similar to the
M2Al medium and had the same Wright radial air-cooled
gasoline engine and vertical volute suspension. The 75mm
M2 gun (M3 in later models) was in a limited traverse mount
in the right sponson and a 37mm gun was carried in a fully 259. Grant I which was an M3 with turret for British requirements.
traversing turret off-set to the left. Maximum armour Note rear overhang.
thickness was 56mm. Turret and sponson were cast and the
rest of the hull was riveted though changes were made in
subsequent variants as detailed separately. As originally
designed the M3 had side doors and a commander's cupola,
though again there were subsequent changes. Most import-
ant innovation of all, however, was the installation of gyro-
stabilisers for both the 75mm and 37mm guns allowing the
vehicle to fire with accuracy while on the move. This same
equipment was also fitted in the M3 series light tanks (qv)
from this time, (mid 1941) on. Power and hand traverse
were provided for the turret, and periscope sights were
fitted for both guns. Total weight of the M3 medium was
30 (short) tons.
Production variants and special purpose developments
were numerous and these are detailed below with their
distinguishing features:
260. M3Al medium tank, distinguished by its cast hull. M2
Designation: Medium Tank M3, M3Al, M3A2, M3A3, M3A4,
M3A5, Grant I, Lee I, etc.
Crew: 6 (commander, driver, loaders (2), gunners (2))
Battle weight: 60,0001b (except where noted)
Dimensions: Length 18ft 6in Track width 16tin
(M3A4: 19ft 8in) Track centres/tread 6ft llin
Height 10ft 3in
(Grant I: 9ft 4in)
Width 8ft 11 in
Armament: Main: 1 x 75mm gun M2 or M3
1 x 37mm gun M5 or M6
Secondary: 3-4 x ·30 cal Browning MG
Armour thickness: Maximum 37mm
Minimum 12mm
Traverse: Turret-360° Sponson-15° each side
Elevation limits: 75mm: + 20° to _0° 37mm: +60° to - 7°
Engine: See variants list
Maximum speed: 26mph (except where noted) 261. One of the twelve M3A2 medium tanks built.
Maximum cross-country speed: 16mph (approx)
Suspension type: Vertical volute
Road radius: 120 miles (M3A3, M3A5, 160 miles)
Fording depth: 3ft 4in (M3A3: 3ft)
Vertical obstacle: 2ft
Trench crossing: 6ft 3in
Ammunition stowage: 46 rounds, 75mm
178 rounds, 37mm
9,200 rounds, ·30 cal MG
Special features/remarks: Interim type while M4 medium was
developed but widely used by the United States, Britain and other
allied nations. Sponson-mounted 75mm gun was major limitation
to its fighting potential but consequent roomy hull proved useful
for later special purpose conversions. Grant I was used only by

M3: Initial production type from April/August 1941 262. M3A3 medium tank with welded up side door and counter-
onwards. Riveted hull, side doors, and Wright radial engine, weight on M2 75mm gun to balance gyro-stabiliser.
Continental R-975 of 340HP. Built by Detroit Arsenal
(3,243), American Loco (385), Baldwin (295), Pressed Steel
(501), and Pullman (500). Total output, ceasing in August
1942, was 4,924.
M3Al: This was identical mechanically to the M3 but had
a cast, instead of riveted, hull. Built only by American Loco
who had the casting facilities, 300 were produced from
February-August 1942. Late production vehicles had side
doors eliminated and escape hatch in hull floor.
M3A2: This was mechanically identical to the M3 but had
an all-welded hull. This innovation had been authorised by
the Ordnance Department in September 1941, mainly to
reduce weight but also because it was superior to riveting in
armoured vehicles. Baldwin commenced producing the
welded M3A2 in January 1942, but after only 12 were built 263. M3A4 medium tank with side doors eliminated and M3 75mm
a new engine installation was introduced (see below) from gun-an example of a very late production M3 series vehicle.
March 1942.
M3A3: All-welded hull as M3A2 but fitted with twin
General Motors 6-71 diesel engines of 375HP. Weight
increased to 63,000Ib. Top speed increased to 29mph.
Baldwin built this variant from March-December 1942,
producing a total of 322. Side doors welded up or eliminated
on later vehicles.
Some M3 and M3Al models were fitted with Guiberson
diesel motors due to shortage ofWright Continental motors,
and these were designated with the suffix "(Diesel)".
M3A4: This model was identical to the M3 but was fitted
with the Chrysler A-57 Multibank 370HP engine. This was
made up of five automobile engines coupled together on a
common drive shaft and was devised by Chrysler, again to
alleviate the shortage of Continental engines. Built only by
Detroit Arsenal from June-August 1942, 109 vehicles were
produced. Weight was increased to 64,0001b and the hull 264. M3A4 with counter weight on M2 75mm gun and welded up
was lengthened by 14in to 19ft 8in overall to accommodate side doors.
the longer engine. A longer chassis and track were also
necessary. Side doors eliminated.
M3A5: As M3A3 but with a riveted instead of welded hull.
Built by Baldwin from January-November 1942, 591 were
produced. Side doors welded up or eliminated up on late
production vehicles.
All late production vehicles had the longer M3 75mm
gun irrespective of model.


Mine Exploder Tl (for M3 Medium Tank): This was a
device consisting of a twin disc roller unit and a single disc 265. M3A5, view showing hull layout. Note welded up side door.
roller unit pushed and trailed respectively for attachment to
the M3 medium. Developed in early 1942, it was originally
envisaged for the M2Al medium. It was unsatisfactory in
M3 with E3 Flame-gun: Flame-throwing device developed
from E2 as fitted on M2 medium (qv). Trials only, 1942.
Flame-gun replaced 37mm gun in turret and 75mm gun
was removed.
M3 with E5R2-M3 Flame-gun: Portable flame projector
device supplied as a kit for quick fitting in the field in place
of cupola machine gun. For details see Light Tank M3Al.
Shop Tractor TIO: US-built version ofBritish designed CDL
(qv, below). Pilot model on M3. 355 production vehicles,
most converted from M3Als, May-December ]943, by
American Loco. Not used in combat.
Heavy Tractor T16: This was a standard M3 tank with the 266. The M3A5 in British service was designated Grant 11; this
turret and sponson removed and a winch fitted at the rear, vehicle is shown in Burma, 1945.
] 10
intended to haul artillery. Prototype only, early 1942, it
proved unsuitable owing to lack of stowage space for gun
crew and equipment.
Tank Recovery Vehicle T2 (M31): Trials of the T16 tractor
suggested the use of the M3 chassis in the recovery role.
Designated T2, this was a standard M3 with guns removed
and replaced by dummy barrels, plus the addition of a rear
mounted boom and ·winch, and tool boxes. Produced as a
"limited procurement" conversion in September 1942, the
T2 was redesignated M31 in September 1943 and classified
"limited standard". M31B 1 was same conversion on M3A3
and M31B2 was based on the M3A5. Winch had 60,0001b
Full-Track Prime Mover M33: This was the M31 ARV
further converted as a tractor for the 155mm gun, 1943-44.
Boom and turret were removed and air compressor and
outlet lines were added to operate brakes on gun carriage.
A ·5 cal AA MG mount was added on hull top. Pilot 267. Standard M3 in British service where it was designated Lee 1.
conversion was designated Tl. Tractor M44 was similar but Sand shields were added by British to M3 series vehicles in Middle
with a cupola on the hull sponson.
3in Gun Motor Carriage T24: Developed in September
1941, this was a project to mount a 3in gun on the M3
medium chassis to produce a tank destroyer. Turret and
sponson were removed from a standard M3 as was the hull
top. Trials showed the vehicle to be too high and the
mounting was too complicated to mass-produce. Project
cancelled in March 1942.
3in Gun Motor Carriage T40 (M9): This was an improve-
ment on the T24 GMC, to mount a redundant M1918 3in
AA gun in a low angle mount on the M3 chassis for the tank
destroyer role. In December 1941 it was proposed to build
50 such vehicles to use up 50 guns thought to be available.
After trials the 50 vehicles were ordered in April 1942 and the
vehicle was designated M9 GMC in the "limited standard"
category. However, only 28 guns were found to be available 268. Standard production Tank Recovery Vehicle T2(M31); British
and it was thought that the MI0 GMC would be in produc- designation Grant ARV 1.
tion before the M9 GMC order could be completed. Project
was cancelled in August 1942.
40mm Gun Motor Carriage T36: Project to mount a 40mm
AA gun and its direction equipment on the M3 medium 269.
chassis, proposed by the AA Board in October/November Grant ARV was a
1941. Test showed this vehicle to be too complex and British conversion for
undergunned for its size and the project was cancelled. the recovery role.
(Note: gun and howitzer motor carriages on the M3 Some had a dummy
medium chassis which actually reached production turret but were
otherwise similar.
status are described separately at the end of the M4
medium tank sections.)
vehicle with Ford GAA engine to test installation for M4A3
medium tank. M3AIEI was test vehicle with triple 6 cylinder
Lycoming engines. M3A5El was test vehicle to try Twin
Hydra-matic transmission. M3A5E2 was test vehicle with
normal Hydra-matic transmission. An M3A4 was tested in
1942 with experimental trailing idler hinged to rear bogie.
Another was tested with horizontal volute spring suspension.

A British Tank Commission had been sent to the United
States in June 1940 when there was a grave shortage of tanks
for the British Army and much of the British tank strength
had been lost in France at the time of the Dunkirk evacua-
tion. The Commission were charged with the task of pro-
curing American types for British service and arranging for
the production of British tank designs in the United States.
With the defeat of Britain then seemingly very possible, the 270. Grant CDL, late vehicle with dummy barrel on turret.
National Defense Advisory Commission opposed any pro-
duction of British designs, since all productive capacity was
needed for the American tank programme. In the medium
tank field, therefore, the British Commission was left only
with the choice of ordering the M3. In October 1940 they
placed direct contracts with Baldwin, Lima, and Pullman
for M3 mediums for Britain. The M3s built and paid for by
Britain (ie, the initial order) had a new cast turret to meet
British requirements that called for the radio equipment to
be mounted in the turret rear instead of in the hull as in the
original design. This turret was longer than the original M3
turret with prominent rear overhang and a pistol port in
each side. The cupola was eliminated to reduce the sil-
houette and the turret itself was lower, reducing the vehicle's
overall height by about a foot. This version was called the
Grant by the British (after General Ulysses S. Grant) and
the 200 vehicles ordered were all shipped to the 8th Army in 271. Early Grant CDL, using the M3AI chassis and lacking
the Western Desert starting early in 1942. For the big dummy gun.
Gazala battle on May 27, 1942, 167 Grants formed the bulk
of the equipment of 4th Armoured Brigade and at last gave
the British a tank with superior fire power to any opposing
German AFV. For the first time the British had a tank in
service which could out-range the German panzers and
had the added feature of a "dual purpose" capability with
a 75mm gun which could fire AP or HE as necessary, the
latter in the close support and indirect fire roles. The M3
Grant gave a welcome boost to the morale of British tank-
men, helped to inflict a big reverse in the fortunes of the 272. TI Mine Exploder on M3 medium tank. Vehicle has turret
Afrika Korps, swung the balance of tank power both traversed while operating to protect 37mm gun.
qualitatively and quantitatively in favour of the British
from then on, and, as an after effect, started the British off
on the quest to design a similar 75mm dual purpose gun for
mounting in British-built tanks. It was, indeed, at that time,
the most important new addition to the British armoury.
On March 11, 1941, the Lend-Lease Act was ratified
which made munitions of all kinds available to Britain and
to others of the Americans' allies. Standard M3 mediums
were thus also supplied to the British Army who gave these
vehicles the name Lee (after Robert E. Lee). By June 1942
a further 250 M3 medium tanks had arrived in Egypt for the
8th Army and by the time of the Battle of Alamein in
October 1942, a total of nearly 600 M3 series medium tanks
had been delivered under a combination of "cash and
carry" and Lend-Lease terms. In June 1942, also a main-
tenance unit had been set up in a depot near Cairo where
US Army personnel familiarised British crews with the M3 273. M3 with E3 Flame-gun. Note 75mm gun removed.
(and later M4) mediums.
A small number of M3 series mediums were shipped to
Britain for training and special purpose use and conver-
sions, but the main bulk of this type in British service were
used in the Middle East. When the M4 replaced the M3 in
this theatre, the M3s were shipped to Burma where they
equipped British units previously using Matildas, Stuarts,
Valentines, and other obsolete types. Some also went to
the Australians at this period.
Variants and special purpose types in British service are
detailed individually below:
Grant I: M3 with turret to meet British requirements.
Distinguished from other variants by lack of cupola (see
main text). Original British "cash and carry" contract.
Grant II: British designation for M3A5 medium tank.
Original US type turret.
Lee I: British designation for M3 medium tank.
Lee II: Designation for M3Al medium tank.
Lee III: Designation for M3A2 medium tank, though none 274. Grant Scorpion III was a British conversion. Note 75mm .gun
were delivered to the British. removed.
276. M33 Prime Mover towing 155mm gun, Italy 1944, M44 was
similar hut with covered cupola over right sponson.

275. T24 3in Gun Motor Carriage.

Lee IV: Designation for M3A3 fitted with Continental

Lee V: Designation for diesel-engined M3A3.
Lee VI: Designation for M3A4 medium.
Grant ARV: British conversion, 1943, of obsolete Grant I
or II, with guns removed and towing winch and limited
recovery equipment installed. Two versions: (1) Few with
dummy turret, (2) With turret removed and replaced with
hatch and twin Bren AA MG mount.
Grant ARV I: British designation for standard US T2(M31)
TRV in British service, 1944-45.
277. T40 3in Gun Motor Carriage, standardised as M9 but never
Grant Command: Grant fitted with extra radio equipment put into service.
for use of senior officers. Few only, with 37mm gun some-
times removed or replaced by a dummy barrel.
Grant Scorpion III: For full description of Scorpion equip-
ment and development, see Matilda and Valentine sections.
The Scorpion III equipment was produced at the start of
the Tunisian campaign, January 1943, by REME work-
shops in response to a request for a lighter version of the
original tyoe to enable the carrying tank to move faster.
Only a few were made, for fitting to the Grant, and the
75mm gun was removed to give clearance for the rotor
frame. There was a counter weight at the rear.
Grant Scorpion IV: This was the Scorpion III improved by
the addition of a second Bedford engine at the left rear to
provide a more powerful drive for the rotors.
Grant CDL: For development of the CDL tank, see Matilda
CDL. A complete CDL u!lit (1st Tank Brigade) with
Matildas was formed in the Middle East early in 1942 but
not committed to action. In early 1943 when M4s had re- 278. T36 40mm Gun Motor Carriage.
placed Grants in 8th Army, it was decided to convert some
of the redundant vehicles to the CDL role as replacements
for the out-dated Matildas. Grants so altered retained the
75mm gun, so keeping an offensive role, and had the turret
replaced with the armoured searchlight housing which
included a ball-mounted machine gun in the front face.
Later vehicles had a dummy 37mm barrel added to the
turret front. The Brigade was earmarked for operations in
NW Europe, 1944, but CDL tanks were in the event only
used in small numbers to illuminate the night crossings of
the Rhine and Elbe in early 1945. Other CDL tanks were ;;,~,.,
sent to the Far East in 1945, but never used. Meanwhile,
US Amored Force officers had witnessed CDL demon-
strations and 355 vehicles were converted to this role in late
.~ ...,;."'.-,
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1943 to equip six American tank battalions for operations M·.. ~,~,~=::.:;.:~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . --~...-.-.~~~=
in Europe. The American version was designated TI0 Shop 279. M3A5El medium tank was an experimental vehicle with Twin
Tractor, the name being chosen to disguise the true role. Hydra-matic transmission. Note extended rear hull to accommodate
(See American M3 Medium section). this.

280. Early production Medium Tank M4 (British: Sherman I). Note vision blocks in glacis plate, three-piece bolted nose casting,
and narrow M34 gun mount.

DESIGN of the Medium Tank M3 had been undertaken as doubled. To achieve this, additional production facilities
a development of the M2Al on the clear understanding that were required and Pacific Car & Foundry, Fisher, Ford,
it was to be considered as an interim design to get a tank and Federal Machine & Welder were added to the list of
with 75mm gun armament into production and service as plants earmarked to build the new medium tank. In
soon as possible. While design was carried out on the M3 October 1941, the T6 was standardised as the Medium Tank
the Armored Force Board drew up requirements for its M4 and plans were made to introduce the M4 on to the
successor with a 75mm gun in a fully traversing turret. Final production line, in those plants building M3s, at some
M3 working drawings were completed in March 1941, and convenient point early in 1942. This would mean that M4
Rock Island Arsenal offered the Armored Force Board five medium tanks would be built at a total of 11 plants in 1942.
suggested schemes for the M4 at a meeting the following A major proposal was that a second purpose-built tank
month. The most straightforward scheme was selected, production plant be built on the lines of Detroit Arsenal. In
which entailed using the M3 medium chassis, suspension, September 1941 Fisher were asked to erect and operate such
power unit, transmission, and other mechanical parts, a plant at Grand Blanc, Michigan. Building of Grand Blanc
unchanged, and providing a completely new hull top, either Tank Arsenal, designed from the start to turn out M4s, was
cast or welded, with a central turret mounting the 75mm gun. started in January 1942 and tank production commenced
The 37mm gun was discarded but a machine gun cupola the following July, though Fisher had, meantime, com-
was to be retained on the new turret. Doors were provided menced building M4s in one of their existing plants.
in each side of the hull as in the M3. Designated Medium The M4 pilot model was built by Lima Locomotive works
Tank T6, this vehicle was built in wooden mock-up form in February 1941, differing from the T6 principally in the
in May 1941 for Armored Force Board approval, and a elimination of the hull side doors. Full production in three
pilot model, with cast hull and detail changes which plants, Lima, Pressed Steel, and Pacific Car & Foundry
included elimination of the cupola, was completed at started the following month, all these initial production
Aberdeen Proving Ground on September 19, 1941. It is types being cast hull vehicles, designated M4Al. By the
tempting to suggest that the T6 was influenced, ifnot copied autumn of 1942 all other plants in the programme were in
to some extent, from the Canadian Ram (qv) in view of its full production, and in October 1942, at the Battle of
similarity. Documentary evidence (and the chronology of Alamein, the first M4 mediums went into action with
events) disprove this, however. An early production Ram British forces. The M4 series was the most widely produced,
was sent from Montreal Locomotive works in July 1941 for most widely used, and most important of all tanks in service
tests at Aberdeen Proving Ground which lasted until with American, Britis'h, and allied forces in World War II.
October that year, but APG's report on the Ram was While not necessarily the best Allied tank in qualitative
concerned only with its comparison to the M3 and offered terms, and certainly inferior in armour and hitting power
no comment on its relevance to the T6 design. to the best German and Soviet tanks, the M4 medium tank
Meanwhile the German invasion of Russia in July 1941 (popularly known by its British name of Sherman) had the
indicated that Anlerican involvement in the war in Europe virtues of simplicity of maintenance, reliability, speed,
would increase in the year ahead. On President Roosevelt's ruggedness, and an uncomplicated design. These were most
personal orders tank production - schedules for 1942, important factors for a vehicle being mass-produced in
provisionally set at 1,000 medium tanks a month, were commercial plants with no background of military experi-
281. Medium Tank T6 which was the prototype vehicle for the
M4 series. Note M2 gun with counterweight, M3 suspension, and
side doors.

283. Early production M4A2, May 1942, showing twin fixed MG

in hull front and all other early M4 series features.

282. Early production M4Al with vision slots in hull front, M3

type suspension, M34 gun mount, M3 gun. This particular vehicle
was the finest production vehicle in the M4 series.
ence in peace-time, for use largely by conscript troops with 284. Late production M4 with one-piece nose M34Al gun mount,
training time limited by the needs of war. In terms of cost- and applique armour fitted.
effectiveness, the M4 Sherman was supremely suited to the
needs of the hour, a fact reflected in the total output of more
than 40,000 tanks (and associated AFVs) based on the M4 Designation: Medium Tank M4 series
chassis in the years 1942-46. Shermans were used by every Crew: 5 (commander, gunner, loader, driver, co-driver-hull gunner)
allied nation in every armour role on every fighting front. Battle weight: 66,50(}lb{M4Al), 69,0001b (M4A2), 68,5001b (M4A3)
Dimensions Length 19ft 4in (average) Track width 16tin
A full outline of production types and variants is given Height 9ft Track centres/tread 6ft I Iin
below. Width 8ft 7in
The Medium Tank M4 had the same basic chassis as the Armament: Main: I x 75mm M3 gun
M3 medium, with vertical volute suspension, rear engine, Secondary: 2 x ·30 cal MG
and front drive. Apart from very early models, the bogies I y ·50 cal MG (AA)
were altered, however, so that the return rollers were set Armour thickness: Maximum 75mm (turret, 50mm (hull))
behind, instead of on top of, the spring units. Hull was Minimum: 12mm
either welded, cast, or welded with cast/rolled nose, as Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: + 25° to - 10°
detailed in descriptions of the different models, while the Engine: See variant details
Maximum speed: 24-29mph
75mm gun was set in a simple cast turret and provided with Maximum cross-country speed: 15-20mph (approx)
a gyro-stabiliser as in the M3. Initially the engine was a Suspension type: Vertical volute
Continental R-975 air-cooled radial type, but an ever- Road radius: 100-150 miles (according to engine)
persistent shortage of this Wright-built power unit (which Fording depth: 3ft (3tft in M4A4/A6)
was essentially an aircraft engine and needed as such by the Vertical obstacle: 2ft
aero industry) forced the adoption of alternative engines, Trench crossing: 7ft 5in (8ft M4A4/A6)
giving rise to the main production variants. The M4 Ammunition stowage: 97 rounds 75mm
Sherman had a five man crew, could fire AP or HE shot, had 4,750 rounds ·30 cal
a maximum armour thickness of 50mm (more on reworked Special features/remarks: M4Al distinguished from rest by cast hull.
M4A4 and M4A6 had longer hull and longer tracks (see variant
and late models), had controlled differential steering, details). Later vehicles had sand shields and wide M34Al gun
weighed from 33 (short) tons, gross, and had a top speed of mounts and, often, were reworked with applique armour. Vehicles
24-30mph according to model. There were numerous with 105mm howitzer, details generally as above for appropriate
detail changes in models during their production life and model but carried 66 rounds of 105mm ammunition and were fitted
these are detailed for individual types. to tow ammunition trailer. .
M4: Continental R-975 engine and welded hull. Early
vehicles had a three-piece bolted nose, and vision slots
(later eliminated) for driver and hull gunner. They had the
narrow M34 gun mount. Later production vehicles had a
one-piece cast nose and wide M34Al gun mount. Very late
production vehicles (late 1943) had a combination cast/
rolled hull front. The M4 was built by Pressed Steel (1,000,
July 1942-August 1943), Baldwin (1,233, January 1943-
January 1944), American Loco (2,150, February-December
1943), Pullman (689, May-September 1943), Detroit Arsenal
(1,676, August 1943-January 1944). Total output: 6,748.
M4Al: As M4 but with cast hull. This was the first model
to go into production. Very early production models had
M3 type bogie units, M2 75mm gun with counter weights,
and twin fixed machine guns in hull front. These guns, plus
hull vision slots, were soon eliminated and the M3 75mm 285. Standard production M4Al with one-piece nose, steel tracks,
gun was introduced after the first few vehicles. Nose was vision slots eliminated from hull, and M34 gun mount.
changed from three-piece bolted to one-piece cast, and
M34Al mount and sand shields were added in later vehicles.
The M4Al was built by Lima (1,655, February 1942-
September 1943), Pressed Steel (3,700, March 1942-
December 1943), Pacific Car & Foundry (926, April
1942-November 1943). Total output: 6,281.
M4A2: Second type in production, this vehicle differed from
the M4 in having twin General Motors 6-71 diesel engines
to overcome the shortage of Continental gasoline engines.
Production changes effected corresponded with those
described for the M4 with the exception of the cast/rolled
hull front which never appeared on this model. Very early
vehicles had spoked road wheels (as did very early M4Als)
but these were soon abandoned in all models for solid disc
type with embossed spokes to simplify production. The 286. Late production M4A2 with one-piece nose, M34Al gun
M4A2 was built by Fisher/Grand Blanc (4,614, April 1942- mount, sand shields and applique armour.
May 1944), Pullman (2,737, April 1942-September 1943),
American Loco (150, September 1942-ApriI1943), Baldwin
(12, October-November 1942), Federal Welder (540, overcome the engine shortage. To hold this engine it was
December 1942-December 1943). Total output: 8,053. Used necessary to lengthen the rear hull to give an overall length
only by USMC. Most went into Lend-Lease stocks. of 19ft 10tin. This 370HP unit gave the vehicle a top speed
of 25mph. Total M4A4 output: 7,499.
M4A3: Fifth type in production, this model had a welded
hull and was fitted with a 500HP Ford GAA V-8 gasoline M4A5: This was the American designation allocated but
engine specially developed for the vehicle. This was the not used for the Canadian-built Ram (qv) which was also
production type most favoured by the US Army and most developed from the M3 medium series. One Ram I was
of these were retained for American use, Lend-Lease tested by the US Army (see main text).
deliveries being mainly concentrated on other models. M4A6: Final basic model to enter production this was
Production changes as for M4 except that this model had essentially the M4A4 hull and chassis with a newly-
the one-piece cast nose for its whole production life. Ford developed Caterpillar RD-1820 radial diesel engine of
built 1,690 M4A3s from June 1942-September 1943 before 450HP. It has a lengthened hull like.the M4A4 to accommo-
ceasing tank production for other munitions work. M4A3 date the engine and correspondingly lengthened track.
production was then taken over by Grand Blanc from Major improvement in the hull was a cast/rolled front to
February 1944-March 1945, and numerous improved give increased armour production. Detroit Arsenal produ-
features were incorporated, including a vision cupola for ced the M4A6, following straight on after M4A4 production
the commander, a loader's hatch, 47° hull front, and "wet ceased. Between October 1943-February 1944, 75 M4A6
stowage" for the ammunition. This was the most advanced vehicles were produced after which orders for this model
M4 series vehicle with 75mm gun, the improvements being were cancelled due to production difficulties with the engine
in line with those in up-gunned variants described below. and the need to rationalise engine types in use. The same
Total output of improved M4A3: 3,071. cast/rolled hull front was also used on the last of the
M4A4: Fourth type in production, this was built only by Detroit-built M4s, however.
Detroit Arsenal following on M3 production from July
1942-September 1943. All M4A4s had the three-piece bolted DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS
nose, while early vehicles had the M34 gun mount and vision User experience led to numerous design improvements
slots in the hull, later eliminated. Late vehicles had the being suggested by the Armored Force and incorporated
M34Al gun mount which offered better protection to the into M4 series vehicles by the Ordnance Department.
mantlet. The M4A4 had the Chrysler we Multibank Foremost among these were the need for a more powerful
engine, made from five commercial automobile engines on gun and better protection. Improved features introduced
a common drive shaft. This was another expedient to to the M 4 series were as follows.
(1) 76mm gun: To increase firepower the Ordnance Depart-
ment developed the 76mm gun MI and MIAI, starting in
July 1942. Tests showed that the existing M4 series turret
was too small to accommodate the extra length of this
weapon and the turret of the T20/T23 medium tank (qv)
was adopted and suitably modified. The 76mm gun installa-
tion was standardised and introduced in production lines
from February 1944 and vehicles so fitted were available in
time for the Normandy landings and subsequent combat
in NW Europe. Suffix "(76mm)" indicated vehicles with
this gun. A modified 76mm gun MIAIC or MIA2 with
muzzle-brake was later introduced.
(2) Protection: Fire hazard from hits in the engine, ammuni-
tion bins, and fuel tanks was the major shortcoming in the
M4 series due to the relatively thin armour. Expedient
measures to combat this were the addition of applique
armour plates on hull sides adjacent to ammunition bins and
fuel tanks, plus further applique armour welded on hull,
and sometimes turret, front. Field modifications by crews
included the use of sandbags on hull front and the welding 287. Standard production M4,t\3 (Ford-Built).
of spare track shoes in vulnerable spots. In some instances
large armour shields or concrete were added to hull fronts. 288. Early
Major design change to overcome the problem was the production
M4A4 with
introduction of "wet stowage" (glycerine-protected) ammu- vision slots in
nition racks in 76mm-armed and late 75mm-armed hull and M34
vehicles. Howitzer-armed vehicles had internal armour gun mount.
plates on ammunition racks. Later models
(3) Suspension: Introduction of the heavier gun and other had vision
improvements increased the vehicle's all-up weight with slots elimi-
nated and
adverse effects on the ride. In 1943 a new wider (23in) T80 M34AI gun
track was developed with centre line guides. At the same mount.
time a new horizontal volute spring suspension (HVSS) was
designed to replace the vertical volute type. Bogies were
dimensionally similar, but there were fOUf wheels to each
Designation: Medium Tank M4 series with 76mm gun
Crew: 5 (as M4 with 75mm gun)
Battle weight: 70,000- 72,8001b (approx) (varied with basic model)
Dimensions: Length 24ft 3in (over gun)
20ft 4in (over sand shields)
Height 9ft 9in
Width 8ft 9-tin (with HVSS approx 15in wider)
Track width 16-tin (23in with HVSS)
Track centres/tread 6ft 11 in
Armament: Main: I y 76mm gun MI, MIAI, MIAIC, or MIA2
Secondary: As earlier models
Armour thickness: Maximum 62mm
Minimum 12mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: As vehicles with 75mm gun
Engine: See variant details
Maximum speed: 29-24mph
Maximum cross-country speed: lS-20mph (approx) 289. Standard production M4A6; note cast/rolled hull front.
Suspension type: Vertical volute or HVSS
Road radius: 85-100 miles (according to engine)
Fording depth: 3ft
Vertical obstacle: 2ft
Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
Ammunition stowage: 71 rounds 76mm
6,250 rounds ·30 cal MG
Special features/remarks: Late models M4AI, M4A2, or M4A3
only, all with "wet stowage" for ammunition racks, 47° hull front,
and T23 type turret with vision cupola. MI gun had plain muzzle,
MIAI had small counterweight, and MIAI C and MIA2 had
muzzle-brake. Could be seen with vertical volute suspension or
HVSS. Full details in main text. British Firefly had generally
similar characteristics (not HVSS or "wet stowage") but hull
machine gun was eliminated, some had British type vision cupola,
and modified original turret was used with rear extension. 42 290. Standard production M4AI (76mm) with .... wet stowage" and
rounds I7pdr were carried. MIAI 76mm gun.
and the horizontal springs were tougher than the old vertical
springs. Return rollers were now mounted on the hull sides.
HVSS was designed so that any wheel could be replaced
without removing the complete bogie concerned. HVSS was
introduced from mid 1944. Vehicles so fitted had track
covers on the hull sides due to increased width of the tracks.
The original track for the M4 series had incorporated
rubber blocks, but to overcome rubber shortage steel tracks
were designed, in two different patterns. They were inter-
changeable with the rubber tracks and all three types could
be seen on M4s. To improve ride in muddy conditions,
grousers could be fitted to the outer edge of these earlier
tracks, giving increased effective width. With T80 tracks
grouseres were not supplied, though later developed.
(4) lOSmm Howitzer: For the close support role a 105mm 291. Later production M4A I (76mm) HVSS with M IA IC gun.
howitzer was contemplated and two M4A4s were modified
to take this in November 1942. This was standardised in
1943 for production.
(5) Miscellaneous: Other improvements included better
electrical wiring, and other internal detail changes, a new
47° hull front to simplify production (it also improved
frontal protection), larger access hatches for driver and
co-driver, a loader's hatch, and the provision of a vision
cupola for the commander replacing the rotating hatch ring
originally fitted.
Arising from the improvements noted, the following M4
series models appeared:
M4 (lOSmm): As M4 with new armament. 800 produced at 292. Late production M4(105mm) HVSS. Note comn1ander's
Detroit Arsenal, February-September 1943. vision cupola. M4A3(105mm) HVSS was of similar appearance.
M4 (lOSmm) HVSS: As M4 (105mm) but with modifica-
tions 2, 3, 4, 5 above. 841 built by Detroit Arsenal, Septem-
ber 1944-March 1945.
M4Al (76mm): As M4Al but with modifications 1,2,5 and
(later) 3, above. 3,396 built by Pressed Steel, January 1944-
June 1945.
M4A2 (76mm): As M4A2 but with modifications 1,2,5 and
(later) 3, above. Built by Grand Blanc (1,594, June-
December 1944) and Pressed Steel (21, May-June 1945).
Total output: 1,615.
M4A3 (76mm): As M4A3 but with modifications 1, 2, 5
above. Built by Detroit Arsenal (1,400, February-July 1944)
and Grand Blanc (525, September-December 1944). Total
output: 1,925.
M4A3 (76mm) HVSS: As M4A3 but with modifications 1,
2, 3, 5 above. 1,445 built by Detroit Arsenal, August-
December 1944. 293. Standard M4A2(76mnl) wIth MIAJ gun. Note 47° hull front
modifications clearly visible.
M4A3 (lOSmm): As M4A3 but with modifications 2, 4, 5
above. 500 built by Detroit Arsenal, April-August 1944.
M4A3 (lOSmm) HVSS: As M4A3 but with modifications 2,
3,4, 5 above. 2,539 built by Detroit Arsenal August 1944-
May 1945.
M4A3E2 Assault Tank: This was a compromise design
proposed in early 1944 for use in ETa as a heavily armoured
tank for the support of infantry when it was realised that
the T26El heavy tank could not possibly be ready for service
before early 1945. Since the US Army had no other heavy
tank in service, it was decided to modify the M4A3 for the
heavy role. Additional armour was added to aI' hull surfaces,
giving a maximum thickness of 100mm. A new heavy turret
was designed with frontal armour of 150mm but the 75mm
gun was retained. Total weight as modified was 42 (short)
tons and grousers were permanently fitted to the track in an
118 294. Later M4A1(76mm) HVSS with M1A1C gun. Compare with
plate 293.
295. M4A3E8 was prototype for the M4A3(76mm) HVSS, production vehicles being identical to this prototype. Compare with
plate 287 showing original M4A3 appearance.

attempt to improve the ride. Top speed 22 mph. Procure- Tank Recovery Vehicle M32B2: As above but based on
ment of 254 vehicles, classified "limited standard", was M4A2 chassis.
authorised and these were built by Grand Blanc in May- Tank Recovery Vehicle M32B3: As above but based on
June 1944 and rushed to Europe. In service, a few vehicles M4A3 chassis. Later vehicles had HVSS.
were refitted with 76mm M1 guns taken from damaged M4
(76mm) tanks. The M4A3E2 was known unofficially as Tank Recovery Vehicle M32B4: As above but based on
"Jumbo". chassis of M4A4.
M32 series was standardised in September 1943. Pilot
model, built by Lima, was designated TRV T5.
Full-Track Prime Mover M34: This was the M32Bl
Tank Recovery Vehicle M32: This was a modification of the
standard M4 for the armoured recovery role. Turret and modified by the removal of the A-frame, winch, and other
gun were replaced with a fixed turret and a 81 mm mortar recovery gear to provide a tractor for heavy artillery guns.
to fire smoke. 60,OOOlb winch was fitted in fighting compart- Air compressor and air pipes were added for braking tow.
ment and a pivoting A-frame jib was mounted on the hull. In service 1944.
Extra tow-points, tow bars, blocks, and other recovery M4 Dozer: A few M4s were fitted with dozer blades and
items were also added. Weight: 62,OOOlb; speed: 24mph~ hydraulic hoists taken from Caterpillar D-8 dozers for work
length: J9ft 1tin; A-frame: 18ft. Other details as M4. on the Italian front soon after the landings in 1943. These
Tank Recovery Vehicle M32Bl: As above but based on
M4AI (cast hull) chas~is.

296. Standard production M4A3(76mm) with MIA] gun. This

preceded the M4A3(76mm) HVSS. Compare with plate 295. 297. M4A3E2 showing new turret and added hull armour.
] ]9

298. Full-track Prime Mover M34.

302. Tank Recovery Vehicle M32.

303. Tank Recovery Vehicle M32B3, showing deep wading trunking

299. M4 Dozer, extemporised type with blade and hydraulic gear in position.
from D-8 Dozer.

300. M4AI fitted with MI dozer blade. Note armoured cover over 304. M4 Mobile Assault Bridge.
lift gear.

proved so successful that a special dozer blade MI was

designed and produced as a standard fitting for the M4
series in 1944. A second, wider, version, the MIAI, was
also made, to fit vehicles with HVSS. The dozer blade was
attached to the centre bogie each side and worked hydrauli-
cally from the M4~s power traverse. A few M4s were
permanently fitted as dozers for the Engineer Corps and
these had the turret removed.
M4 Mobile Assault Bridge: Field modification in Italy, this
consisted of a double track bridge supported for travelling
30]. M4AI Dozer with Engineer Corps, showing turret removed. by an A-frame jib. The bridge was driven into the gap to be
bridged and dropped into place, the carrier vehicle, an old
M4, could not recover the bridge unaided. Only a small
number were built. Vehicle was heavily ballasted at the rear.
M4 with Cullin Hedgerow Device: Vehicle fitted in the field,
Normandy, June 1944, with "prong" cutters made from
old beach defences to facilitate passing through hedges and
undergrowth of "bocage" country. Seen on any variant,
including SP vehicles based on M4 series chassis. Also used
by British.


Roller, flail, and plough equipment was evolved for mine
clearing in US Army service. Rollers and flails detonated
mines by surface pressure while ploughs excavated mines
for defusing. Many types were tried, but only a few of these
were produced for service, usually on a "limited procure-
ment" basis. Mine Exploders Tl and T2 were developed for
use with the M3 medium and M3 light tanks respectively
and are described in the relevant sections devoted to these 305. Mine Exploder TIEl (Earthworm) with M32 propelling
vehicles. The following were developments for use with the vehicle.
M4 medium tank series:
Mine Exploder TlEl (Earthworm): A development of the
Tl (qv), this equipment differed in that the trailing disc
roller unit was brought to the front so that the forward unit
now formed a tricycle layout. The discs were now made of
armour plate. It was designed for use with the Tank
Recovery Vehicle M32, the vehicle's boom being used to
support the disc roller unit and lift it as required. The TIE 1
saw limited use. It was developed and produced in 1943.
Weight, 18 (short) tons.
Mine Exploder TlE2: This was a modified version of the 306. Mine Exploder TIE3(MI) (Aunt Jemima) with M4AI
TIEl with the disc roller unit being reduced once more to propelling vehicle.
two forward units, each with seven discs instead of the six
discs per roller used in the Tl and TIEl. Experimental
only, 1943.
Mine Exploder TlE3 (Ml) (Aunt Jemima): Also developed
in 1943, this device consisted of two roller units each of five
10ft diameter steel discs driven by chain and gearing from
the front sprocket of a suitable modified M4 series tank.
75 were built. Placed in service in Normandy and Italy as a
"limited standard" item of equipment (Ml) in 1944, it was
the most widely used of American mine exploders. MIAI
was improved version with solid discs lacking cut-outs.
Second tank was sometimes needed to push Jemima
Mine Exploder TlE4: A 1944 development, this consisted 307. Mine Exploder T 1E4 with M4A3( 76mm) propelling vehicle.
of 16 discs in a single heavy-frame unit, pushed by a suitably
modified M4 series tank and suspended by a heavy re-
inforced curved boom.
Mine Exploder TlES: Developed in July 1944 from the T 1E3
(see above), this equipment differed in having smaller Mine Exploder (T2) Flail: American designation for
diameter discs, six to each roller unit, with a central support British Crab I equipment (qv, British M4 section) tested in
frame instead of an outside frame. Gear driven from the USA. A small number were used by the US Army in NW
propelling tank's sprockets, each roller unit had indepen- Europe, 1944-45.
dent movement. Experimental only. Mine Exploder T3: Designed at the end of 1942, following
Mine Exploder TlE6: As TIE3 (see above) but with serrated British use of the Matilda Scorpion (qv), this device utilised
edges to discs. Experimental only. the British rotor and chains, but took drive from the
Mine Exploder T2El: Similar in appearance to Light Mine vehicle's engine and had American-designed arms. It
Exploder T2 used on the M3 light tank (qv), this was a proved unsatisfactory, and development was stopped late
scaled up type developed for the US Marine Corps for use in 1943.
with the Tank Recovery Vehicle M32, utilising the vehicle's Mine Exploder T3El: This was the T3 re-built with longer
boom to support and drag the weights. It proved impractical arms and a sand-filled rotor to improve performance. It
and work on the project was abandoned in October 1943. still proved unsatisfactory and was cancelled.
Mine Exploder T3E2: A further development of the T3El
in which the rotor was replaced by a steel drum of larger
diameter. Work on this was terminated at the war's end
in 1945.
Mine Exploder T4: US designation for British Crab II (qv)
tested and used in small numbers by the US Army.
Mine Excavator T4: Simple plough device evolved in late
1942 which featured an angled blade with curved cross-
section and prongs on the bottom of the plough. This was
attached rigidly in front ofan M4 tank. It proved impractical
under test and was abandoned.
308. Mine Exploder T3 utilised British Scorpion rotor and US arms.
Mine Excavator T5: This was similar to the T4, but im-
proved by having the plough changed to a V-shape instead
of being straight. A modified version of this was designated
Mine Excavator T2E2: Developed in late 1943 from the
T5E 1, this incorporated the arms and hydraulic lift gear
from the Ml dozer so that the plough could be raised or
Mine Excavator T6: Another design based on an angled
V-shape plough, this and two modified versions, T6El and
T6E2, proved unsatisfactory due to inability to control
blade depth. As a result it was suggested by the Armored
Force Board that the best features of this design be incor-
porated in the T5E2 based on the T5El (above). 309. Mine Exploder T3E2 was a development of the T3.
Mine Excavator T5E3: This was the T5E2 with features
from the T6. It was ordered on a "limited procurement"
basis in June 1944. In this vehicle the angled plough was
mounted on the front of the complete Ml dozer blade
Mine Exploder T7: Developed in late 1943, this consisted
of a frame carrying small rollers, each made up of twin discs
and pushed ahead of an M4 tank. It proved unsatisfactory
on test and the project was abandoned.
Mine Exploder T8: This device consisted of steel plungers
carried on a pivoted frame in front of an M4 tank, arranged
with gearing to beat up and down on the ground as the
vehicle moved forward. Tests at APG showed the idea to
be impractical and steering of the vehicle adversely affected.
It was abandoned in March 1944. Nicknamed "Johnnie
Mine Exploder T9: This was a heavy spudded 6ft roller
attached to a frame and pushed ahead of an M4 tank.
Tested at APG it proved extremely difficult to manoeuvre
and work on the T9 was cancelled in favour of a lighter 310. Mine Excavator T5E2.
design, essentially similar, the T9El. Due to its lighter
weight, however, this device tended to "jack-knife" under
certain conditions, and also occasionally failed to explode
mines in its path. The whole project was cancelled in
September 1944.
Mine Exploder TlO: The National Defense Research
Council suggested, early in 1944, a remote controlled mine
exploder device consisting of three roller units, articulated
in tricycle layout and controlled by a following tank. This
was developed into a self-propelled unit, consisting of the
roller units as first envisaged, but powered and driven from
a modified M4 hull/turret mounted above the articulated
tricycle unit. Designated TI0, it was tested at APG, but
proved to be unwieldy and the project was cancelled in the
fall of 1944.
Mine Exploder Tll: This was a M4A4 with 6 spigot mortars
set to fire forward. Experimental only. 311. Mine Exploder T8.
Mine Exploder T12: This was a spigot mortar launcher
platform carrying 23 mortars, mounted in the fighting
compartment of a turretless M4. The spigots were set at
various angles to spread the mortars over an area directly
ahead of the vehicle, thus exploding mines laid in its path.
Tested at APG, the T12 proved most effective, but work on
the project was cancelled in December 1944 since it appeared
that a similar installation using rockets instead of mortar
bombs would be simpler.
Mine Exploder T14: This was an M4 tank with added belly
armour and a heavy duty track and suspension designed to
explode mines simply by passing over them and relying on
its heavy armour for immunity. Experimental only.
312. Mine Exploder T9E 1~ T9 was of similar appearance but
Mine Resistant Vehicle T15, TI5El, T15E2: Resulting from heavier.
experience with the T14, three M4 tanks were modified by
the removal of the turrets, addition of extra belly and side
armour, and the fitting of very heavy duty tracks and
suspensior units, reinforced by armoured brackets. The
three differed in detail but were of similar appearance and
construction. Work on these started in September 1944,
but the project was abandoned when the war ended.
Snake Equipment for M4: This was a 1943 experiment
using the British method ofpushing a snake explosive charge
ahead of the tank and detonating the charge to clear a path
through mines. It was not adopted.
Improvised devices: Several equipments were developed by
units in the field, usually based on the flail principle.
Typical of these was a US Marines device which utilised the
attachments, hydraulic lift, and other parts from the Ml
dozer kit and carried chain flails and a drive mechanism on 313. Mine Exploder TI0.
a welded-up framework. Another device, built by 89th
Ordnance Bn in Tunis, March 1943, featured a flail on a
fixed girder framework mounted ahead of the tank with a
drive shaft from the tank's engine.


E4R2-5Rl, E4R3-5Rl, (M3-4-3) Flame-guns: These were
simple devices, varying in detail, which were mounted in
place of the hull machine gun, being supplied as a kit for
fitting as necessary in the field.
E4R4-4R 5-6RC Flame-gun: This was a periscope type
flame-projector, similar to the above, which also fitted in
place of the hull machine gun. Fuel container was carried
in the vehicle. It gave a slightly longer range than the
M3-4-3 type.
POA Flame-thrower: This was a Pacific theatre improvisa-
tion using a US Navy Mk I flame-thrower with the projector 314. Mine Destroyer and Demolition Vehicle. M4A4 fitted with
tube fitted inside an old 105mm howitzer barrel with the Spigot Mortar attachment.
breech removed. Fuel container carried inside turret.
POA-CWS 75-Hl: As above, but utilising the barrel of an
old 75mm M3 gun.
POA-CWS 75-H2: As above but with projector tube
attached to the right side of the 75mm barrel so that the
vehicle retained its gun armament.
Many POA-fitted vehicles used by USMC in the Pacific
had detachable wooden covers on the hull sides to prevent
attachment of magnetic charges by Japanese suicide troops.
E6-Rl Flame-gun: Another portable flame-thrower device
which came in kit form for fitting in the periscope aperture
in the assistant driver's hatch.
E7-7 Flame-gun: Short projector which replaced main gun,
with fuel carried in hull. Same equipment could befitted to
M3Al and M5Al light tanks. 315. Mine -R-esistant Vehicle TI5El.

316. Improvised flail device used in Pacific by USMC, utilised Ml 317. M3-4-3 Flame-gun mounted in M4Al(76mm).
dozer fittings.

318. POA-CWS 75 HI Flame-thrower on USMC M4A3 fitted with wooden side covers.

J19. M4 Crocodile of US 2nd Armored Division.

Ronson Flame-gun: This was the Canadian Ronson flame- Rocket Launcher T34 (Calliope): This consisted of 60 4·6in
thrower device fitted to a M4. Few vehicles so fitted by rocket tubes mounted in a frame above the turret. The two
USMC. For further details see M3 light tank section bottom sets of 12 tubes each could be jettisoned if necessary
(Satan). on all variants except the M4Al. The mount was traversed
M4 Crocodile: This was British Crocodile equipment (qv, with the tank turret and elevated by a rod linked to the gun
Churchill section) fitted to the M4 but with the fuel pipe barrel. The Calliope was a "limited procurement" weapon,
taken over the hull instead of under the belly. Four M4s developed in 1943 and first used by 2nd Armored Division
were so converted for US use in NW Europe in late 1944. in France in August 1944. This weapon saw limited combat
They were used by the US 2nd Armored Division. use until the end of the war.
El Anti-personnel Tank Projector: Devised in 1945, this Rocket Launcher T34El: As T34 but with 14 tubes in two
consisted of four small projectors fitted to the hull of a bottom projector units.
M4A3 and fired, either individually or simultaneously from Rocket Launcher T34E2: Similar in appearance to the T34,
inside the hull to ward off suicide troops attacking the but longer, the T34E2 held 60 7·2in rockets and the entire
vehicle at close quarters. Intended for use in the Pacific mount could be jettisoned if necessary in an emergency.
theatre, it was still undergoing trials at the war's end and This mount saw limited combat use, 1945.
was subsequently dropped. It was also known as the Rocket Launcher T39: A mount of enclosed box construc-
"Scorpion" . tion with doors over the tubes. It held 20 7·2in rockets.
Other flame-thrower equipments in M4 series vehicles Experimental only.
were the E13RI-13R2 and E20-20 both installed in M4A3s,
but not completed until late 1945. Rocket Launcher T40(M17) (Whiz-bang): This rocket
launcher held 20 7·2in rockets in a box-like frame and was
elevated hydraulically from the 75mm gun controls. The
ROCKET LAUNCHER MOUNTS ON M4 SERIES VEHICLES entire mount could be jettisoned if required, and the rockets
While numerous rocket launcher mounts were developed could be fired singly or in salvoes. This "limited procure-
for fitting to M4 series vehicles, very few saw operational use ment" weapon was classified "limited standard" and saw
or reached production status. some combat use in 1944-45.

320. Rocket Launcher T34 (Calliope) on M4. US 80th Divn, March 1945. Note typical camouflage and addition of grousers on track.

321. El Anti-personnel Tank Projector on M4A3(76mm).

322. Rocket Launcher T40(M17) (Whiz-bang) showing method of

loading. 325. Rocket Launcher TI05 mounted on M4Al test vehicle.

323. Rocker Launcher T40 (short version); note side door. 326. Rocket Launcher T72. Note applique armour on reworked
M4A2 carrier vehicle.

327. M4 under test with M19 flotation device which was similar to
324. Rocket Launcher T76 mounted on M4AI test vehicle. that tested on the M24 (qv).
Rocket Launcher T40 (short version): Experimental version
of the above with shorter rocket tubes and 75mm gun
removed and replaced by elevation mechanism for launcher.
Access door for crew added in side of vehicle which was an
Rocket Launcher T72: Similar to T34 but with very short
tubes. Not used operationally.
Rocket Launcher T73: Similar to T40 but held only 10
rockets. Not used in combat. Experimental only on M4Al.
Rocker Launcher T76: This was a M4Al with a 7tin rocket
tube replacing the 75mm gun. Had an opening in turret
front around the mounting to allow gases to escape on
firing. Reloaded from inside turret. Experimental only,
1944. Same weapon mounted on M4A3 HVSS was desig- 32g. Demolition Tank T31.
nated T76El.
Rocket Launcher TI05: A single 7·2in rocket projector in
box-like case mounted in M4Al in place of 75mm gun.
Developed from T76, August 1945. Did not proceed past
trials stage.
Multiple Rocket Launcher T99 : Two small box-like launcher
mounts, each holding 22 4·5in rockets, mounted each side
of turret for vehicle with 76mm gun. Few produced 1945;
also fitted experimentally to M26 heavy tank.


Demolition Tank T31: Experimental vehicle produced in
1945 on a M4A3 HVSS chassis with a 105mm howitzer in a
fabricated heavily armoured turret with a 7·2in rocket
projector on each side. Prototype only.
Multiple Gun Motor Carriage T52: A design initiated in 329. Multiple Gun Motor Carriage T52.
July 1942 by Firestone for either two 40mm or a single.40mm c

flanked by two' 50 cal machine guns in a ball-type traversing

mount to provide an AA tank on the M4 chassis~"·The hitter
alternative arrangement was chosen and built for trials.
Its traverse proved too slow for low flying aircraft and the
project was terminated in October 1944.
90mm Gun Motor Carriage T53 and T53El: Development
of a 90mm AA gun on a M4 chassis was started in July 1942.
The gun was to be mounted on the rear of the chassis and
the engine would be mounted centrally. A pilot model on an
M4A4 chassis was duly constructed at Detroit Arsenal by
Chrysler and this was tested at APG. As a result of these
tests 500 vehicles were authorised, subject to changes which
included moving the gun to the centre of the vehicle and the
engine back to its original position. As re-designed, the
vehicle was designated T53El and was to serve as a dual
purpose AAjanti-tank vehicle. Tests by Tank Destroyer
Command showed it to be no better than the MI0 and AA 330. Gun Motor Carriage T53El in final form; note retracting jacks
Command also rejected the vehicle, so the production on bogies.
order, and the entire project, was cancelled in May 1944.
The T53E1 had outriggers on the bogies for emplacement
in the AA role.
(Note: gun and howitzer motor carriages on the M4
medium chassis which achieved production and service
status are described separately at the end of the M4 medium
tank section.)


M4El(i): was M4A1 fitted with 76mm gun T1 in standard
turret to investigate possibility of up-gunning, July/August 331. M4Al test vehicle with Tl 76mm gun in original turret was
1942. Turret later modified with rear bustle to overcome sometimes unofficially designated M4El.

334. M4A2E4 was a test vehicle for torsion bar suspension and
23in tracks.
332. M4E6 test vehicle with T23 type turret and M IAl gun, plus
cast/rolled hull front.

335. M4A3EI was typical test vehicle, in this case for a Spicer torque
converter. Note added weights for trial running.

333. M4E5 was test vehicle for I05n1ffi howitzer installation.

M4AIE1: was M4Al fitted with aluminium foil insulation
space problem caused by 76mm breech. Later a T23 turret and air conditioning to test improved habitability for desert
wa~ su~stituted. M4EI was unofficial (and incorrect) warfare conditions.
~4AIE2:.was M4Al fitted with a recording odograph and
l\I4El(ii): . was M4A4 fitted with Caterpillar RD-1820 Infra-red hghts to test night-fighting techniques.
dIesel engIne to test installation for M4A6 production
vehicle. M4AIE3: was M4Al fitted with a test installation of the
Spicer Model 95 torque converter.
M4E2: was M1A4 with 24in wide T80 track and early
HVSS suspenSIon as development vehicle (1943) for M4AIE5: ~as M4J\1 with improved Continental engine,
improved suspension. Another vehicle was fitted with better coohng, and Increased fuel capacity, all later stan-
HVSS developed from the original vertical volute type. dardised in late-production M4 series tanks with Continen-
tal engines.
M4E3: was M4A4 fitted with a Chrysler V-12 engine for
test. M4AIE8: was prototype, early 1944, for the production
M4Al (76mm) with "wet stowage" and HVSS.
M4E4: was M4 fitted with 24in wide tracks and experimen-
tal torsion bar suspension. M4AIE9: was M4Al with the same modifications as M4E9
(see above).
M4E5: was M4 fitted with 105mm howitzer as prototype
for vehicles with this weapon, early 1943. M4A2El: was a 1943 trials vehicle with its twin G M diesels
replaced by a GM V-8 diesel motor.
M4E6: 1943, was test vehicle for T23 turret with MlAl gun
and "wet stowage" for ammunition. It also featured the M4A2E4: was M4A2 with the same modifications as M4E4
cast/rolled hull front. (see above).
M4E7: was. M4Al fitted with Ford GAA engine in place M4A2E9: was M4A2 with the same modifications as the
of the ContInental R-975 engine to investigate feasibility of M4E9 (see above).
Ford engines for this model. Not adopted. M4A3El: was M4A3 with the same test modification as the
M4E8: was an early M4A3 fitted as a test vehicle for HVSS M4AIE3 (see above).
and 76mm gun, the latter being fitted in the original turret. ryt4.A3E2: was p~ototype for the heavy assault tank put into
M4E9: was M4 with spaced out suspension and extended hmited productIon and service (see M4 Late Production
e!1d connectors (grousers) in an attempt to improve vehicle's Types for description).
rIde. M4A3E3: was prototype to test 47 degree hull front.
339. M4A4 with Allis-Chalmers experimental suspension and wide

336. M4A3E9 was a test vehicle for spaced out suspension and
modified track with 9in grousers.

340. M4A4 test vehicle with early form of HVSS.

337. M4 towing armoured sledges, seen under test by British.

338. TIOEI Shop Tractor was experimental American-built CDL

on M4Al. TIO was similar searchlight mounting on M3 medium
tank. 41. M4Al Centipede with T16 half-track suspension units for trials.

M4A3E8: was 1944 prototype for production M4A3 inside, for the assault role under fire. It was also tested by
(76mm) HVSS with "wet stowage". the British, but trials showed the idea to be impractical.
M4A3E9: was M4A3 with modified test suspension as TIOEI Shop Tractor: Experimental conversion mounting
M4A9 (see above). CDL -equipment on M4Al chassis. Details as for TIO
M4A4El: was M4A4 with prototype gun mount for I05mm described in M3 medium section.
M4 Doozit: was M4 with Ml dozer blade with wooden Among scores of other minor M4 experimental types
platform attached for placing demolition charges against were included M4A4 with Allis-Chalmers suspension
walls and other obstacles to be breached. It also carried a (HVSS type), M4A3 with Rheem automatic gun loader,
T40 rocket launcher. Developed by the US Engineer Corps M4 with M19 swimming device, M4Al Centipede with
as an assault engineer vehicle, it was not used in combat. suspension units from the T16 half-track and numerous
M4 with Assault Sledges: Experimental project to tow post-war developments (and production variants) which are
"train" of armoured sledges, each with an infantryman beyond the scope of this book.

342. British Sherman Firefly VC-17pdr gun, modified turret, based on M4A4. Note hull MG eliminated.

BRITISH SERVICE as the Sherman Firefly, the fitting of the 17pdr gun had been
ISSUED to the British, the M4 medium tank was named suggested in January 1943 as a safeguard against the failure
the "General Sherman", more often called the "Sherman" of th~ Challenger programme (qv), this latter tank proving,
by which name it also became popularly known by othe; on trIals, to have several shortcomings. Though there was
nations. The Sherman was, in fact, the most important tank some opposition to this idea at the Ministry of Supply, the
in British service and more widely used than any of the British War Office insisted on a pilot conversion being
British designed or British produced types from 1943-45. produced. This was ready in November 1943 and in
British built tanks with comparable 75mm "dual purpose" February 1944 the Firefly conversion was given full priority
gun power (eg, the Cromwell IV and Churchill VII) were for service following delays and uncertainties with the
not available for service until the end of 1943 and not in· Challenger, which prevented it being in service in time for
wide service until spring 1944. The first Shermans, almost Operation Overlord, the Normandy landings. The Sherman
all the cast-hull M4Al variant, were shipped to the 8th Army Firefly was the only British tank landing at Normandy
in the Middle East in October 1942 and about 270 of the which could take on the German Tiger and Panther tanks
first batch of 300 were in service at the start of the Battle on anything approaching equal terms and proved a most
of Alamein on October 24, 1942, where they supplemented successful expedient design. Initially Sherman Fireflies
the M3 mediums (Grants) to make up almost half of the were issued on the basis of one per troop, due to the
British tank strength of 1,100 vehicles committed to battle. shortage of 17pdr guns available for fitting in tanks. By
To make up the numbers of M4s available, some of the early 1945, however, the type was in service in more generous
vehicles had been withdrawn from American armoured numbers. In late 1945, a Firefly turret was sent to APG for
units in USA to replace vehicles lost by the sinking of one test firing mounted on a M4A3 chassis. It was evaluated for
of the freighters convoying the initial batch to Massawa. the US Army but not adopted for service.
At the end of 1942, also, shipments of M4s started to In British service a large number of indigenous special
Britain and there was a steady flow of these vehicles to the purpose conversions were produced on the Sherman chassis,
British, both in Britain and the Middle East from then until as were many experimental types. These are all described
the war's end, all vehicles being supplied on the Lend-Lease below.
basis. While numbers of all production variants were
supplied to Britain, major deliveries were of the M4A4 type
(more than 1,600 supplied to 8th Army in Italy in 1943), BRITISH BASIC VARIANTS
M4A2, M4, M4Al, and M4A3 in roughly that order of Sherman I: British designation for standard M4.
quantity. Few M4A3s were sent, since this was selected as
the principal service type for the US Army. Very late produc- Sherman Hybrid I: British designation for late-production
tion vehicles with HVSS, 76mm guns, and "wet stowage" Detroit-built M4 with combination cast/rolled hull front.
were not delivered until late 1944, then only in very small Sherman IB: British designation for M4 (105mm)
numbers, since most of these improved types went to the Sherman TBY: British designation for M4 (105mm) HVSS.
US Army. Some of these late vehicles were used by the Delivered late 1945.
British however.
The major development in British service was the fitting Sherman II: British designation for standard M4AI (cast
of the 17pdr gun to a proportion of Shermans to provide hull).
the most powerfully armed British tank of the war. Known Sherman IIA: British designation for M4Al (76mm).
345. British Sherman Firefly IVC-note extension on turret rear to
give room for 17pdr breech. One-piece nose and applique armour.

343. Very early production M4Al delivered to British (British:

Sherman II). Note M2 75mm gun with counterweight, M34 gun
mount, and twin fixed MG in hull.

346. British Sherman Hybrid Firefly IC on very late Detroit-built

M4-castjrolled hull front.


Sherman III, ARV Mk I: M4A2 with turret removed and
344. M4Al (76mm) in British service as Sherman IIA. Note equipped with winch in turret space, A-frame demountable
stowage box added on turret rear. jib, and other standard British ARV fittings.
Sherman V, ARV Mk I: As above but based on the M4A4
Sherman IIC (Firefly): British designation for M4Al re- chassis.
armed in Britain with 17pdr gun. Sherman V, ARV Mk II: British conversion of M4A4 with
Sherman III: British designation for standard M4A2. dummy fixed turret and dummy gun, jibs front and rear,
Sherman IIIAY: British designation for M4A2 with 76mm earth spade, and 25 (long) tons winch to same standards as
gun, "wet stowage", and HVSS. Delivered late 1944. Churchill ARV II (qv).
Sherman IV: British designation for standard M4A3. Sherman II (M32Bl), ARV Mk III: British designation
for standard US M32Bl TRV supplied under Lend-Lease
- Sherman IVA: British designation for standard M4A3 with for British use.
76mm gun and "wet stowage". Sherman BARV: Following a decision in October 1943 that
Sherman IVB: British designation for M4A3 (105mm). a recovery vehicle for beach work would be required for the
Sherman IVC (Firefly): British designation for standard Normandy landings, A Sherman ARV Mk I was converted
M4A3 rearmed in Britain with 17pdr gun. with an added welded superstructure, bilge pump, and
Sherman V: British designation for standard M4A4. engine intake trunking for deep wading. Tested in December
1943, it proved most successful, able to work in up to 9ft
Sherman VC (Firefly): British designation for M4A4 re- of water. 21 Army Group requested 50 (later 66) and 52
armed in Britain with 17pdr gun. Most Firefly conversions were delivered by D-Day, June 6 1944. They were towing
were on the M4A4 chassis. Hull machine gun (and gunner) vehicles only, since to simplify the conversion and shorten
deleted in all Fireflies to increase ammunition stowage. production time, winches were omitted. In postwar service
Sherman VII: British designation for M4A6. Few, if any, the BARV was named "Sea Lion". One or two interim
delivered to Britain. conversions were also built with simplified, smaller, super-
Sherman V (Rocket): A field modification by the Coldstream structure and retaining normal wading equipment perman-
Guards, Guards Armoured Division, to provide twin ently installed.
launchers for 60lb aircraft rockets (taken from Typhoon Sherman Kangaroo: Employment of the RAM Kangaroo
fighters) on sides of Sherman V turret, late 1944. Though APC in NW Europe in the fall of 1944 was so successful that
demonstrated to senior officers, the modification was not the 8th Army commander requested a regiment of APes
adopted elsewhere. Some vehicles so fitted were Sherman for use on the Italian front. Between October 1944 and
VC. April 1945, 75 Sherman Ills (together with some M7s) were

347. Standard British Sherman III (US: M4A2) shown with wading trunking erected, Italy 1943.

so converted by brigade workshop units. Turret was Bailey bridge to be carried. These were used, mainly in
removed, and interior gutted to give room for 10 infantry- Italy, as carrier vehicles for mobile bridges as alternatives
men plus the crew of two. to Churchills.
Sherman Fascine Carrier: Conversion by 79th Armoured Other bridgelayer experiments based on the Sherman
Division by removal of turret on "war-weary" vehicles, and included trials with a SBG bridge as carried by the Churchill
provision of sloped framework and release gear to carry AVRE (qv).
two or three fascines. Similar conversion, not used opera-
tionally, was the Sherman Crib, which had a wooden SHERMAN DD (DUPLEX DRIVE) TANKS
platform on the hull front, turret traversed aft, and carried
a wooden crib on the platform. Straussler DD equipment was evolved in 1941 and tested on
Sherman Gun Tower: Conversion of old M4A2 in Italy as a the Tetrarch light tank (qv). It proved a most successful
towing vehicle for 17pdr anti-tank gun. Small number method of giving amphibious capability to a standard tank,
converted by brigade workshops by removal of turrets. and the first vehicle produced in numbers with this equip-
Vehicle carried gun crew and ammunition. ment was the Valentine DD (qv). This was an obsolescent
type by 1943, however, so Valentines were used only for
Sherman OPjCommand/Rear Link: Vehicle with extra radio training crews in DD techniques and a start was made, in
equipment for use ofOP officers ofSP artillery regiments or April 1943, to adopt the DD system to the Sherman. The
senior officers of armoured formations. OPs and some vehicle was waterproofed and fitted with a collapsible
others had dummy gun. canvas screen round the hull top. This was erected by rubber
Sherman Twaby Ark: This was a bridging vehicle similar to tubing filled by compressed air. Struts locked the screen in
the Churchill Ark (qv). It had trackways fitted fore-and-aft place. Two small propellers driven from the power take-off
over the hull top, the turret removed, and hinged ramps at of the vehicle's engine provided propulsion at 4 knots
each end of the trackways which were supported by king- through the water, and were declutched and folded away
posts for travelling. The vehicle was driven into the ditch or when on land. Sherman DD tanks equipped a complete
river to be spanned, released the ramps and kingposts, and brigade of 79th Armoured Division for the Normandy
stayed there, considered expendable if necessary. A second landings in June 1944 and were the first British tanks to land,
vehicle was needed to assist in hoisting the ramps. Several "swimming" ashore from the LCTs of the invasion fleet.
types, differing in detail, were produced on the Sherman In the DD system the screen gave flotation and the tank
chassis. Sherman Arks were used mainly for trials and actually hung below water level; due to the low free-board,
training, the Churchill Arks being used in combat. DD tanks were easily swamped and operations with these
Sherman Octopus: An experimental development of the vehicles in rough weather could be hazardous without very
Ark, this was similar but with longer ramps. Two types were careful handling.
produced, the first with ramps made up from girder sections, Sherman III and V DD: These were the original conversions
the second with longer ramps of lattice construction. using similar screens and fittings to the Valentine D D.
Sherman Plymouth: This was a turretless Sherman with Sherman III and V DD Mk I: Improved conversion for issue
supports on the hull top enabling a length of made-up to troops with strengthened top rail and inter-locking struts.
Sherman III DD Mk II: DD Mk I with detail improvements.
Sherman III and IlIAY DD Mk III: American conversions
for British and (limited) American use with detail changes.
Latter vehicle had HVSS and 76mm gun. In British service
late 1945.
Experimental developments based on DD vehicles
included: BELCH equipment evolved in 1944 to provide a
water spray around DD screen to protect it from fire;
Sherman V DD APC which was a standard vehicle with
turret removed and replaced by mushroom-shaped armour
cover for over head protection. This was intended to carry
infantry ashore with the DD tanks; Sherman III DD with
Rocket Egress was a DD tank fitted with aircraft JATOG
No 5 Mk 1 rockets each side to assist vehicle to climb steep
river banks; Sherman Topee which had pontoons fore-and-
aft in addition to DD equipment to improve flotation. The
Topee was a flotation device fitted and tested by the
British on a Sherman DD; Sherman DD Mk II with 348. Sherman V of Coldstream Guards fitted with 60lb aircraft
Ginandit was a DD tank with a mechanical device for rocket and launcher.
dropping mat sections ahead of the vehicle to enable it cross
soft mud.


Most of the devices for mine clearing developed in the years
to 1943 were adopted to fit the Sherman. In addition some
new devices were evolved specifically for use with the
Sherman Scorpion IV: This was the same equipment devel-
oped for the Grant Scorpion IV (qv) mounted on a Sherman
III, North Africa, May 1943.
Sherman Pram: Experimental device of flails and rollers
carried on two rotor arms. Drive came from the front
sprocket by means of chains. Not developed beyond test
Sherman Marquis: This had a flail assembly which could be
lifted hydraulically and a rotor drive engine carried in an
armoured housing in place of the turret. It was an experi- 349. Sherman .A.RV Mk I showing ~L\-frame jib erected. Note twin
mental development based on the Valentine Scorpion II (qv). Bren JL\JL\ MG.
It was originally called Sherman Octopus.
Sherman Lobster: This was a further development from the
Marquis utilising similar hydraulic rotor arms but with flail
drive taken via a power take-off from the engine. The turret
was retained. It was the forerunner of the Crab and devel-
oped in May, 1943.
Sherman Crab I and II: A further refinement from the
Lobster, this was developed in June 1943 and put into
production and a complete brigade of 79th Armoured
Division was equipped with these vehicles for the Normandy
landings. The Crab rotor had 43 flailing chains which beat
the ground ahead of the vehicle, drive for the rotor coming
via a power take-off from the engine. Beneath the rotor
arms were wire-cutters for clearing barbed wire. There was
a screen across the hull front and covers over the driver's
and assistant driver's periscopes to offer protection against 350. Sherman ARV Mk II with front jib erected. This was dis-
dust and earth thrown up by the flails. Crabs were organised mantled for travelling.
in troops of five and were allocated for mine clearing
operations as required by local commanders. Crabs were
fitted with lane-marking equipment (to indicate "swept"
lanes) and station-keeping lights for following vehicles. The
Mk II version differed from the Mk I in having a contouring
device to give better coverage of rough or irregular ground.
A Sherman BARV was also fitted experimentally with
Crab equipment, but used only for trials.
Sherman with CIRD: This was identical to the CIRD
equipment fitted to the Churchill (qv, for full description). 351. Sherman BARV shown on Normandy beaches.
Sherman with AMRCR: This was identical to the AMRCR
equipment fitted to the Churchill (qv, for full description).
Sherman with Centipede: This was a device of 12 small
concrete rollers on parallel bars specifically intended to
explode German anti-personnel "S" mines. The Centipede
saw limited use. It was evolved in May 1943.
Other experimental mine clearing equipment developed
for use with the Sherman included: Porcupine, which was a
pair of spiked rollers dragged in front of the tank on a boom
rigged on the nose of the vehicle; Lulu, which was an
electrical mine detecting equipment consisting of three
wooden rollers carried on booms, two in front and one
behind the tank. The rollers contained mine detector coils
which registered on an indicator inside the tank if the roller
passed over a mine; Jeffries, Bullshorn, and MDI mine
ploughs were all tried with the Sherman. For details of the 352. Sherman Kangaroo (converted Sherman III).
Jeffries and Bullshorn types see Churchill section. MDI
plough was a simpler type fitted to plates welded on the nose
of a Sherman V. None of these ploughs were used opera-
tionally on Shermans. Snake and Conger equipment were
also tested with the Sherman. For full description of these
see Churchill section. Another explosive device tried with
the Sherman was the Tapeworm; this consisted of 500 yards
of 2iin explosive-filled hose in a trailer. The trailer was
towed to the edge of the minefield by a Sherman with CIRD;
from there the Tapeworm was towed across the minefield
by the Sherman and detonated when the tank reached the
far side. The CIRD exploded any mines in the path of the
tank as it advanced. The 50ft of hose nearest the tank were
filled with sand to insulate the vehicle from the explosives
in the rest of the hose.
Sherman V Adder: This conversion featured flame fuel in an 353. Sherman Fascine Carrier.
armoured tank at the rear of the vehicle. Fuel was led for-
ward across the hull top to a traversing projector on the
co-driver's hatch. An armoured cover protected the fuel
pipe. Supply was maintained by a pump. It was originally
known as the Cobra. Developed in 1944, but not used
Sherman Salamander: There were eight different versions
of this all varying in installation and based on the Wasp
flame-throwing equipment used in the Universal Carrier.
Some had the flame-projector inside a dummy gun barrel,
and others had it co-axial with, or below, the gun. Experi-
mental only, 1943-45. 354. Sherman Gun Tower, hauling 17pdr anti-tank gun.
Sherman Crocodile: Four vehicles converted by British for
American use. See American M4 section.
Sherman Badger: M4A2 (HVSS) with turret removed and
fitted with Wasp equipment with flame-gun in place of hull
machine gun. This was a Canadian development of 1945.
See also Ram Badger.
Miscellaneous British experimental vehicles included:
A Sherman AVRE, built for evaluation in 1943 against the
Churchill AVRE which was ultimately selected for service;
Sherman CDL, experimental vehicle with armoured turret
as used on Grant CDL (qv); Sherman with grapnels and
lines fired by rockets to clear barbed wire entanglements in
an assault landing; a Sherman CIRD which was tested with
Bangalore Torpedoes on the CIRD arms; a turretless
Sherman carrying an assault boat to approach river
crossings etc, under fire. The British also used the standard
US Ml and MIAI dozer blade. In British service, vehicles
so fitted were known as Sherman Tankdozers.
There were also several other less important British
experimental variants based on the Sherman chassis. 355. Typical Sherman OPjCommandjRear Link tank.
356. Sherman Octopus being crossed by Churchill VII; this is the original Octopus with girder ramps.

357. Sherman Crab II showing lane markers and station keeping lights at rear.

362. Sherman Scorpion IV; compare Grant Scorpion, plate 274.

358. Sherman Twaby Ark showing ramps in travelling position,

with kingposts rigged.

363. Sherman Marquis, showing flail arms raised.

359. Sherman Octopus fitted with the later lattice ramps, shown in
travelling position.

360. Sherman Plymouth showing Bailey Bridge carried on hull top. 364. Sherman Lobster was immediate fore-runner of Crab.

365. Sherman with CIRD shown fitted experimentally with Flying

361. Sherman DD Mk I showing canvas flotation screen partly raised Bangalore Torpedoes which were rocket fired to clear barbed wire
and propellers rigged at rear. obstacles.
366. Sherman with .A.MRCR.
370. Sherman with MDl mine plough. Basic vehicle is a Sherman V.

367. Sherman with Lulu mine detecting equipment.

371. Sherman Topee.

368. Sherman with Jeffries plough shown folded for travelling.

372. Standard production M4(l 05mm) in service with a Free French

unit on D-Day June 6, 1944. Note 47° hull front and 105mm
369. Sherman with Bullshorn plough shown sweeping for mines. 137

373. Standard production M7B I HMC showing cast one-piece nose

and M4 type bogies, plus added hinged side plate.

PLANS for mounting a 105mm howitzer on the chassis of were gradually replaced by the M37 from then on. The
the M3 medium tank to provide self-propelled artillery M7 and M7Bl HMCs were standard equipment of artillery
support for armoured divisions were made in June 1941 battalions in all American armoured divisions.
as soon as the M3 was in production. Two pilot models
were constructed, designated T32, based on M3 medium
chassis, but with an open topped superstructure. The
standard MIA2 105mm howitzer was installed with its
carriage suitably modified to fit. The weapon was offset to Designation: 105mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M7 or M7B I
the right of centre. The trials vehicles were successful and Crew: 7 (commander, driver, gun crew (5»
Battle weight: 50,6341b (M7B 1: 50,000Ib)
the design was standardised as the M7 HMC in February Dimensions: Length 19ft 9in Track width 16tin
1942. Changes (made in the T32) for production vehicles (M7B1: 20ft 3iin)
included modified front shields and a cupola and ring for an Height 8ft 4in Track centres/tread 6ft 11 in
AA machine gun. American Loco started production in Width 9ft 5tin
April and built 2028 in 1942. Late production vehicles had Armament: Main: 1 x 105mm howitzer MIA2, M2 or M2AI
M4 type bogies with trailing return rollers; otherwise the Secondary: 1 x ·50 cal MG (AA)
M7 had identical chassis and mechanical specification to Armour thickness: Maximum 62mm
the M3 medium tank. A few late production M7s also had Minimum 12mm
a one-piece cast nose instead of the original three-piece Traverse: 15° left, 30° right. Elevation limits: + 35° to - 5°
Engine: Continental R-975 radial air-cooled (M7) Ford GAA V8
bo I ted type. (M7Bl)
Meanwhile the M4 had superseded the M3 in production Maximum speed: 25-26mph
and in September 1943 it was proposed to continue M7 Maximum cross-country speed: 15mph (approx)
production on the chassis of the M4A3 medium tank. Suspension type: Vertical volute
Designated M7B 1, this vehicle differed from the M7 Road radius: 85-125 miles
(aside from its different power plant) in having hinged side Fording depth: 4ft (M7), 3ft (M7B 1)
plates for added ammunition protection, a cast one-piece Vertical obstacle: 2ft
nose, and bogies with trailing return rollers. Pressed Steel Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
Corporation built 826 from March 1944-February 1945, Ammunition stowage: 69 rounds 105mm
300 rounds ·50 cal MG
after which Federal Welder built another 127 vehicles of Special features/remarks: Very light gun for such a large chassis, but
both M7 and M7Bl type by the war's end. the M7 series were an expedient type got quickly into service and
With the standardisation of the M37 HMC on the Light enjoying the advantages of standardisation and reliability inherent
Combat Team (M24) chassis (qv) in January 1945, the M7 in the M3/M4 medium chassis. Proved very successful in service
and M7B1 were reclassified to "substitute standard" and though crew protection was limited.
In March 1942 The British Tank Mission in the United
States saw the M7 pilot model and immediately requested
2,500 for British use for the end of 1942 with a further 3,000
for delivery in 1943. These demands were never met in full
owing to the need to equip American forces first. Due to the
serious position of the 8th Army in the Western Desert in
September 1942, however, 90 M7s were sent to the British,
diverted from production intended for American troops.
They arrived in time to play an important part in the crucial
Alamein battle and several hundred more vehicles were
sent in the following months. They remained in service with
8th Army throughout the Italian campaign. In British
service the M7 was designated "105mm SP, Priest". Priests 374. Standard production M7 HMC, shown fitted with deep wading
equipment at rear.
also equipped some of the artillery battalions with British
armoured divisions in the Normandy landings, June 1944,
but these were replaced by Sextons (qv) a few days after
landing, partly in order to standardise ammunition in 21
Army Group and partly to make more 105mm ammunition
available to the American forces. The following British
conversions for special purposes were made:
Priest Kangaroo: A total of 102 vehicles were converted to
Kangaroo APCs, October 1944-April 1945, by the removal
of the gun and mount, removal of ammunition bins, and
375. Priest Kangaroo with British troops in Italy, 1945. Note three-
plating in of the hull front. This work was carried out by piece bolted nose, main distinguishing feature of the M7.
various brigade workshops "in the field" and the vehicles
were used (together with Sherman Kangaroos (qv)) by a
specially organised APC regiment of 8th Army on the
Italian front. The Priest Kangaroo carried 20 infantrymen
and their equipment plus a crew of two.
Priest OP: This was a conversion of a redundant Priest,
1944, by the removal of the gun and installation of extra
radio, ·field telephones, etc, to provide a vehicle for artillery
observation officers. Appearance was similar to that of the
Priest Kangaroo.
25pdr Howitzer Motor Carriage T51 : This was an M7 fitted
experimentally with a British 25pdr in July 1942 to meet
British requirements. It was not produced, however, the
British using the standard M7. The prototype conversion
was carried out at APG.

376. T32 pilot model for M7 HMC series.

377. Important American-built type delivered to 8th Army was the M7 Priest, which
played a big part in the Battle of Alamein in October 1942. This vehicle is seen later,
after the invasion of Sicily in July 1943.

378. Standard production MIO GMC, turret traversed aft. Note counter weights on turret rear.

FOLLOWING the successful fitting of a 105mm howitzer Italy and France; most were converted from late 1944 by
on the medium tank chassis, plans were made in April 1942 replacement of the 3in gun with the British 17pdr gun,
to mount a high velocity gun on the medium chassis to producing a much more potent tank destroyer than the
provide a complementary SP vehicle for the Tank Destroyer MIO in its original form. In its new guise the vehicle was
Command. Designated T35 this vehicle utilised an early designated "17pdr SP. Achilles Mk IC". MI0Als similarly
production M4A2 tank chassis, then just available, with an converted were designated Achilles Mk IIC. The original
open-topped low sloped turret adapted from the turret mantlet was retained in this conversion. First in service in
design for the Tl Heavy Tank, and the 3in gun projected limited numbers in 21 Army Group in early 1945, the
for the same vehicle. However, the Tank Destroyer Board Achilles was used for many years post-war by the British.
asked for a lower silhouette and angled hull superstructure, This was a most successful conversion.
so an improved design T35El was drawn up, again on the Vehicles not converted were altered to gun towers by the
M4A2 chassis, and incorporating these features. The removal of the turret and at least one of these was tested as
T35El was modified with thinner armour than the T35 and an experimental mine plough.
the circular turret was subsequently abandoned in favour
of a five-sided welded turret. As finalised, the design was
standardised in June 1942 and designated MlO GMC. In
order to increase production, use of the M4A3 chassis was
also authorised and vehicles built on this chassis were
designated MI0Al GMC. Most of these were retained in
America for training or converted to prime movers, M35.
Others were allocated to Lend-Lease shipments to Britain
(see below). Grand Blanc Arsenal built 4,993 Ml Os between
September 1942 and December 1943. Ford built 1,038
MI0Al between October 1942 and September 1943, and
Grand Blanc built 675 Ml OA1, September-November 1943.
300 of the latter batch, however, were completed with new
turrets as M36 (T71) GMC (qv).
Full-Track Prime Mover M35: MlOAl converted by
removal of turret and fitting of air compressor and cables
for towing l55mm and 240mm artillery pieces. Crew: 6;
weight: 55,000Ib.
A number of MI0s and MI0AIs were supplied to Britain
in 1944 where they were designated "3in SP, Wolverine".
These were issued for combat service to British units in 379. M35 Prime Mover towing 240mm gun, France, early 1945.
381. T35 GMC was prototype for MIO series, utilising M4A2 hull.

380. British M 10 gun tower converted to experimental mine plough,


Designation: I05mm Gun Motor Carriage MIO or MIOAI
Crew: 5 (commander, driver, gun crew (3))
Battle weight: 66,0001b
Dimensions: Length 19ft 7in Track width 16tin
Height 8ft 1tin Track centres/tread 6ft 11 in
Width 10ft
Armament: Main: 1 x 3in gun M7
(1 x 17pdr OQF in Achilles)
Secondary: 1 x ·50 cal Browning MG (AA)
Armour thickness: Maximum 37mm
Minimum I2mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: + 19° to -10° 382. T35EI GMC showing revised sloped hull. Later it was given a
Engine: Twin GMS 6-71 diesels (MIO) Ford GAA V8 petrol (MIOA) five-sided turret. Prototype for MIO GMC.
Maximum speed: 30mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 20mph (approx)
Suspension type: Vertical volute Special features/remarks: Standard M4 series chassis and mOtors
Road radius: 200 miles but with entirely different well-sloped hull affording good armour
Fording depth: 3ft protection. Retrospective modification was fitting of 2,5001b
Vertical obstacle: 2ft weight to turret rear to give better balance to turret. Late pro-
Trench crossing: 7ft 6in duction vehicles had modified shape to rear of turret. British
Ammunition stowage: 54 rounds 3in Achilles conversion with I7pdr gun was much superior in hitting
300 rounds ·50 cal MG power to original MIO.

383. British 17pdr Achilles IIC conversion of MIOAI, showing gun at maximum elevation.

384. Standard production M36. T71 GMC prototype vehicle was identical to this but lacked muzzle-brake.

IN October 1942 it was decided to investigate the possibility armoured covers for turret on some vehicles. 237 produced
of adapting the 90mm AA gun as a high velocity anti-tank by converting existing MIO by American Loco, April-May
gun for mounting in American tanks and SP vehicles. In 1945.
early 1943 a trial installation of a 90mm gun was made in 76mm Gun Motor Carriage T72: This was an interim design
the turret of the MI0, but the gun proved too long and heavy to overcome the shortcomings of the MIO which suffered
for the turret which was, in any case, not entirely adequate from an unbalanced turret. The T72 was a MIOAI with a
for the 3in gun. In March 1943, therefore, work began on redesigned turret based on the T23 medium tank turret but
designing a new large turret to fit the M 10 and take the 90mm with the top removed and thinner walls. There was a large
gun. Tested at APG, the modified vehicle was very satisfac- rear "box" for a counterweight and the 76mm gun MI was
tory and an initial "limited procurement" order of 500 replaced by the 3in. However, it was decided to replace the
vehicles was placed under the designation T71 GMC. In MI0 with the MI8 Hellcat.(qv) and the M36 so the T72
June 1944, the vehicle was standardised as the M36 GMC project was dropped.
and entered service in NW Europe in late 1944 where it
proved a most successful type able to knock out the heavy
German Panther and Tiger tanks at long range. Some tank
destroyer battalions notched up impressive scores with
little loss to themselves using the M36. A priority prog-
ramme to provide more M36 type vehicles to replace the
less satisfactory M 10 led to the following variants: Designation: 90mni Gun Motor Carriage M36, M36B 1, or M36B2
Crew: 5 (commander, driver, gun crew (3))
M36: Initial production type based on MIOAI chassis Battle weight: 62,0001b
which was in turn based on M4A3 medium tank chassis. Dimensions: Length 20ft 2in . Track width 16tin
300 produced by Grand Blanc April-July 1944 by com- Height 8ft 11 in Track centres/tread 6ft 11 in
pleting M1 OA 1 hulls as M36 vehicles with new guns and Width lOft
turrets. 413 produced by American Loco Co by converting Armament: Main: 1 y 90mm gun M3
existing MIOAl, October-December 1944. 500 produced Secondary: 1 '>( ·50 cal Browning MG (AA)
by Massey-Harris by converting existing M lOA 1, June- Armour thickness: Maximum 50mm
December 1944, 85 built by Montreal Loco Works, May- Minimum 12mm
Traverse: 360 Elevation limits: + 20 to -10

0 0

June 1945. Engine: Twin GM 6- 71 diesels (M36B2), Ford GAA V8 petrol

M36Bl: An expedient design to meet increased demand for (M36, M36Bl)
90mm gun tank destroyers, this was produced by utilising Maximum speed: 30mph
the standard hull of the M4A3 medium tank fitted with the Maximum cross-country speed: 18mph (approx)
open-topped M36 type turret. 187 produced by Grand Suspension type: Vertical volute
Blanc Arsenal, October-December 1944. Road radius: 150 miles
Fording depth: 3ft
M36B2: Further expedient type utilising the MIO instead Vertical obstacle: 2ft
of the MIOAI hull. Several detail improvements including Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
Ammunition stowage: 47 rounds 90mm
1000 rounds ·50 cal MG
Special features/remarks: Overcame turret and gunpower deficien-
cies of the M 10 series and proved a potent and impressive type in
service. Many M36 vehicles were conversions from M 10 series.
Principal American tank destroyer type in final year of the war.
Distinguished from M 10 series by turret shape and long gun,
occasionally seen with muzzle-brake removed.

386. M36B2 utilised M 10 hull and had detail changes including

(usually) an armoured canopy over the open-topped turret.

385. M36BI had the standard M4A3 medium tank chassis and hull
and was easily distinguished from other M36 models. This vehicle 387. T72 GMC had new turret and 76mm gun but never entered
lacks the usual muzzle-brake. production.

MEDIUM TANK, M7 United States

388. Medium Tank, M7, production vehicle with 75mm gun.

FULL details of the development of this vehicle are given ever, in the interests of standardisation on the M4 series as
in the section of this book covering American light tanks. the one type of American medium tank. The M7 is shown
Originally designated Light Tank T7E2 it was reclassified here in its final production form for the sake of complete-
and standardised as Medium Tank M7 in August 1942. ness. For T7E2 see plate 229.
Production orders were cancelled in February 1943, how-

389. Standard production MI2 GMC. Recoil spade shown raised, and gun in travelling clamp.

THE M12 GMC was one of the earliest American SP The M30 was used as a "limber" vehicle for the MI2,
weapons to be designed in World War II, but proved to be carrying the ammunition, battery stores, and gun crew. The
one of the last to see combat. Development of a 155mm gun M30 was issued on a scale of one for each MI2 in service.
on a modified M3 medium chassis was suggested in June Both the MI2 and M30 were based on the chassis of the
1941 by the Chief of Ordnance. A pilot model was com- M3 medium tank, but the engine was moved forward to the
pleted by Rock Island Arsenal and tested at APG in centre of the chassis to provide space for the gun mount.
February 1942, utilising the M1918 gun, a World War I Driver and commander were seated in a separate front
weapon of French design used originally on a field carriage. compartment with raised roof.
Designated T6 GMC, the vehicle was initially rejected by
Army Ground Forces who could not see any use for such a
weapon. However, the Ordnance Department considered
that an SP vehicle of this type was superior to a towed
weapon of similar calibre. They therefore asked for 50
production vehicles in March 1942, but this was over-ruled
by the Supply department pending a full test and assessment
by the Artillery Board. The Board reported in support of
the Ordnance Department's opinion and standardisation
was commended in August 1942. Designated M12 GMC,
the initial order was doubled instantly to 100 vehicles and
production was completed in March 1943. Army Ground
Forces were satisfied with this quantity and no more were 390. MI2 GMC in action in Belgium, 1944, showing details of gun
ordered. Those built were used for artillery training in USA. mount.
However, in December 1943, with the invasion of Europe
now in the planning stage, it was decided to overhaul 74
M 12s for possible use in overseas theatres. This re-activation Designation: I55mm Gun Motor Carriage M 12, Cargo C,arrier M30
work was carried out by Baldwin between February-May Crew: 6 (commander, driver, gun crew (4) in MI2, (other crewmen
1944. They were sent to Europe, in June 1944 and were carried in M30))
used for heavy bombardment work in several major actions, Battle weight: 58,0001b (MI2), 47,0001b (M30)
including the taking of Cologne. Dimensions: Length 22ft Iin Track width I6tin
VARIANT (M30: 19ft lOin) Track centres/tread 6ft II in
Height 8ft lOin
Cargo Carrier M30: This was identical to the M12 except (M30: 10ft)
that the gun was omitted, as was the recoil spade at the back. Width: 8ft 9in
Armament: Main: 1 x 155mm gun M1918Ml
Secondary: 1 x ·50 cal Browning MG (AA) (M30 only)
Traverse: 14° each side. Elevation limits: + 30° to - 5°
Engine: Continental R-975 radial petrol 353hp
Maximum speed: 24mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 12mph
Suspension type: Vertical volute
Road radius: 140 miles
Fording depth: 3ft
Vertical obstacle: 2ft
Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
Ammunition stowage: 10 rounds 155mm (MI2)
40 rounds 155mm (M30)
1,000 rounds ·50 cal MG (M30 only)
Special features/remarks: Based on M3 medium chassis but all
except earliest production vehicles had M4 type bogies with trail-
ing return rollers. Intended for long range bombardment in the
field. M12 had recoil spade at rear; M30 had tailgate at rear. 391. Cargo Carrier M30was limber vehicle for M12. It was identical
except for omission of the gun.

GUN MOTOR CARRIAGE, M40 (T83) United States

392. T83 GMC later standardised as M40 GMC.

DEVELOPMENT of an improved SP 155mm mount began production, the new 155mm SP weapon fell. The new
in January 1944, following the decision to prepare the M 12 vehicle, designated T83 GMC, was thus designed on a
(qv) for combat use in the forthcoming invasion of Europe. slightly widened M4A3 medium tank chassis with HVSS.
In December 1943 when it was decided to reactivate the The design allowed for an interchangeable mount, in fact,
limited numbers of MI2s available, the Armored Force with either the 155mm Ml gun or 8in Ml howitzer. With the
Board commended that for future armoured operations new latter armament, the vehicle was to be designated T89 HMC.
designs of heavy self-propelled artillery should be prepared To complete the family, a Cargo Carrier, T30 was designed
and units formed to operate this equipment for bombard- which was simply the basic chassis less the weapon mount
ment support to the armoured divisions. Army Ground and modified to carry ammunition and crew members for
Forces still did not consider this type of vehicle necessary, either the T83 or T89. Following the invasion of Europe,
but the Ordnance Board supported the Armored Force an immediate "limited procurement" order for 304 T83s
and building of a pilot model was approved in March 1944. and 304 T30s was placed. Production was commenced by
At the end of 1943 it had been decided to concentrate a Pressed Steel in January 1945 and the T83 was standardised
series of complementary AFV designs on the M4A3 chassis as the M40 GMC in March 1945. Requirements for M40
to form the so called "Medium Weight Combat Team" vehicles were subsequently raised to 600 and 311 were
parallel to a "Light Weight Combat Team" on the M24 completed by the war's end. A few took part (with M12s)
light tank chassis (qv). Within this HMedium Weight" in the bombardment of Cologne, the first time they were
concept, which was intended to rationalise maintenance and used in action. .
Cargo Carrier T30: Though 304 of these (see above) had
been ordered in July 1944, they were cancelled in December
1944 in order to make the chassis available for T83 produc-
tion, which by then was considered most urgent. Only a
few T30s were built. A modified design, externally similar,
had "universal" stowage racks to hold 105mm, 155mm, 8in,
or 240mm ammunition, but this never entered production.
8in Howitzer Motor Carriage M43 (T89): Authority to
build a pilot model of the T89 design was given in November
1944 and this (by conversion of a T83) was ready in early
1945. After trials at APG the T89 was approved in March
1945 and standardised in August 1945 as the M43. Produc-
tion orders were, however, cut back at the cessation of
hostilities and only 48 M43s were produced. 393. T30 Cargo Carrier.
250mm (lOin) Mortar Motor Carriage T94: The proved
usefulness of the M12 GMC (qv) in bombardment work in
NW Europe in late 1944-early 1945, led to the proposal to
develop a vehicle specifically for siege work, basing it on the
standard T83 SP chassis. Design of such a vehicle com-
menced in February 1945 and utilised the M40 (T83) chassis
with a special mount for the T5E2 250mm mortar, heavier
recoil spades, and a swivelling folding gantry for handling
the ammunition and loading. Cessation of hostilities in
August 1945 led to the cancellation of the project, though
the pilot model was completed and tested in 1946. The
mortar had an elevation range of 45-80° and a traverse of
15° either side.
394. T89 HMC, later standardised as the M43 HMC.
A small batch of M40s was delivered to Britain in post-war
years and in British service this vehicle was designated
"155mm SP, M40". They remained in service until about

Designation: 155mm Gun Motor Carriage M40, 8in Gun Motor
Carriage M43
Crew: 8 (~ommander, driver, gun-crew (6))
Battle weight: 80,0201b
Dimensions: Length 20ft 7in Track width 23in
(29ft 9in over gun)
Height 8ft 9tin Track centres/tread 8ft 4-j-in
Width 10ft 4in
Armament: Main: 1 x 155mm gun M2 395. 250mm MMC, T94, sole prototype.
Secondary: -
Armour thickness: Maximum 12mm
Minimum 12mm
Traverse: 18° right and 18° left. Elevation limits: +45° to _5°
Engine: Continental R -975 radial
Maximum speed: 24mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 5-20mph
Road radius:' 107 miles
Fording depth: 3ft
Vertical obstacle: 2ft 10in
Trench crossing: 7ft 8tin
Ammunition stowage: 20 rounds 155mm
Special features/remarks: Built on widened, lengthened M4A3
medium tank chassis as members of the "Medium Weight Combat
Team". Mechanically similar to M4A3 except that Continental
was used, moved to centre to give room for gun mount. Vision
cupolas provided for driver and commander in separate com-
partment in hull front. Recoil spade and folding gun platform at
rear. Otherwise layout similar to M12 GMC, but improved 155
mm gun iT} M40. Sometimes known (unofficially) as "Long Tom".

396. Crew of the first M40 GMC to'fire on Cologne in 1945, pose in
front of their vehicle.

397. Standard production MI8 GMC, Hellcat, with MIAIC 76mm gun.

ORIGINS of the M18 GMC and its variants on the same The M18 was one of the finest tank destroyers of any
chassis date back to December 1941 when the Ordnance nation in World War II, and by virtue of its excellent power-
Department recommended the development of a fast tank to-weight ratio it was also the fastest tracked AFV to
destroyer with 37mm gun on a chassis utilising Christie appear in that period. It also had the other virtues of a low
suspension and a Wright Continental R-975 engine. Two silhouette, well-shaped armour protection, good reliability,
pilot models were authorised and the first was completed and strong suspension, which made it a successful and
in mid 1942, designated T49 GMC. Changes in the original popular vehicle with its crews. Hellcats were used by
requirements included the substitution of the Ml 57mm American tank destroyer battalions in both Italy and NW
gun for the 37mm (due mainly to the need for more hitting Europe, 1944-45, and the "hit and run" tactics possible
power deduced from British experiences in the Western with the superior performance allowed them to knock out a
Desert), and the adoption of torsion bar, rather than high total of enemy tanks with relatively little loss to them-
Christie, suspension. The T49 was tested in July 1942 but selves.
the Tank Destroyer Command demanded a yet heavier gun
and asked the Ordnance Department to complete the VARIANTS.
second pilot model with a 75mm M3 gun (as mounted in the
M4 medium tank). The T49 project was thus cancelled in 105mm Howitzer Motor Carriage T88: Following the proven
December 1942 in favour of the upgunned version, and the success of the M 18 in service, the Ordnance Department
pilot model as completed was designated T67 GMC. It suggested in August 1944 the development of a similar
had a rounded, sloped, open-topped turret similar to that vehicle mounting the 105mm T12 howitzer. A pilot model
which had been produced for the T35 GMC (qv, MI0 was completed in December 1944, identical in all respects
section). It was tested by the Armoured Vehicle Board and, to the M18 except for the gun and sighting arrangements.
due to its comparatively light weight of under 20 (short) Designated T88, the project was cancelled while still under
tons, and powerful engine, it proved to have a lively perfor- test, following the cessation of hostilities in August 1945.
mance, and was recommended for standardisation. In Armoured Utility Vehicle T41 (M39): In June 1944 it was
February 1943, however, Tank Destroyer Command again proposed to utilise the high speed/low silhouette character-
requested a more powerful gun, this time suggesting the istics of the MI8 to produce a utility armoured vehicle
76mm Ml gun which was being developed for fitting to the capable of acting as a prime mover for the 3in M6 anti-tank
M4 medium tank series. Six more pilot models were built gun (wheeled) or as a reconnaissance vehicle and troop
all similar to the T67, but with the 76mm gun. These were carrier. Two M18s were modified by removal of the turret
designated T70 GMC. As a result of trials a few detail and revised internal layout. In prime mover form the
changes were made, including a modified (and simplified) vehicle was designated T41 and in reconnaissance form it
shape for the hull front and a new turret which included a was designated T41El. Only difference was in the internal
bustle for counter-weight and stowage box. On the whole, seating/stowage arrangements. A ring for a ·50 cal Browning
however, the T70 design was excellent needing little further AA machine gun was fitted at the front end of the fighting
modification for production, which started in July 1943 at compartment. Details as MI8, except: Weight: 35,000Ib;
the Buick factory. The vehicle was standardised in February crew: 2 plus 7 gun crew or infantrymen; height: 5ft llin
1944 as the M18 GMC, later being popularly called (excluding gun mount). Ordered under "limited procure-
"Hellcat" though this was not official. 2,507 M 18s were ment" in June 1944, it was standardised as the M39 in early
built, and production ceased in October 1944. 1945.

399. One of the T70 pilot models; identical to the T67 GMC except
for the 76mm Ml gun.
398. T49 37mm GMC shown under test. ~'t~.C

76mm Gun Motor Carriage T86, T86El, and T87 (Amphib-

ious): Combat experience in the Pacific led to several
experiments and projects to give amphibious capability to
US AFVs. In January 1944 two pilot models of an amphib-
ious version of the M 18 were proposed, retaining all original
features but with a large lightweight flotation hull. The first
pilot, T86 GMC, was propelled by its tracks in the water,
while the second was propelled by two 26in propellers
driven from a power take-off in the engine. This vehicle was
designated T86El. The best ofthese two propulsion methods
was to be used in the T87. This proved to be the track type,
and an improved track was incorporated in the T87 along 400. T88 105mm HMC; sole pilot n10del.
with detail changes to the hull. The T87 appeared in
December 1944 and was still undergoing trials at the cessa-
tion of hostilities, after which it was cancelled. The T87 had
the same 105mm howitzer as the T88 while the T86jT86El
had the 76mm gun of the M18. The T87 had a slightly
shorter hull. All these prototypes proved satisfactory on
test with a good performance in surf. However, forward
vision was generally poor due to the hull shape. In addition
it was found necessary to add cable-controlled rudders at
the hull rear to assist steering.

Designation: 76mm Gun Motor Carriage M 18
Crew: 5 (commander, driver, gunners (3» 401. Standard production T41 (M39) Armoured Utility Vehicle.
Battle weight: 40,0001b
Dimensions: Length 21ft lOin (17ft 4in excluding gun)
Height 8ft 5in (including AA mount)
Width 9ft 9in
Track width 14·4in
Track centres/tread lOft IOtin
Armament: Main: 1 x 76mm gun MIAl, MIAIC, or MIA2
Secondary: 1 x . 50 cal Browning MA (AA)
Armour thickness: Maximum 12mm
Minimum 7mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: + 19tO to -10°
Engine: Continental R-975 air cooled petrol
Maximum speed: 45-50mph 402. T86 GMC (Amphibious) showing new flotation hull on MI8
Maximum cross-country speed: 20mph (approx) chassis.
Suspension type: Torsion bar
Road radius: 150 miles
Fording depth: 4ft
Vertical obstacle: 3ft
Trench crossing: 6ft 2in
Ammunition stowage: 45 rounds 76mm
800 rounds .50 cal
(M41 : 42 rounds 3in, in prime mover role
Special features/remarks: Highly successful type which originated
the torsion bar suspension adopted for later vehicles from the M24
light tank onwards. Early production M18s had Ml gun or MIAI
gun without muzzle brake. Compensating drive sprocket to take
up tension in track over rough terrain. All welded construction 403. T87 GMC (Amphibious) with 105mm howitzer and modified
with open topped turret. All variants were mechanically identical. hull.

404. The T20E3 was the second model completed in the T20 series and had torsion bar suspension.

ONCE the M4 series had reached production status, con- Dimensions: Length: 18ft lOin Track width 16tin (T20)
sideration was immediately given ~o its successor. On May (excluding gun) 18in (T20E3)
25, 1942, the Ordnance Department received confirmation Height 8ft Track centres/tread: -
from the Supply Services that it could go ahead with Width 9ft lOin
designing and procuring a pilot model for an improved Armament: Main: 1 x 76mm gun Ml
Secondary: 2 x ·30 cal BrownIng M G
medium tank, provisionally designated M4X. Broad I x ·50 cal Browning MG (AA)
requirements called for a 32 (short) ton vehicle with auto- Armour thickness: Maximum 62mm
matic 75mm gun, 4in of front armour and a top speed of Minimum 12mm
25mph. A wooden mock-up was accordingly built by Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: +25° to -10°
Fisher, one of the medium tank producers. By September Engine: Ford GAN V-8 petrol
1942 it had been agreed by the Ordnance Department, after 470hp
consulting the Armored Force Board, to build three pilot Maximum speed: 25mph (35mph- T20E3)
models of 30 tons maximum weight, each with different Maximum cross-country speed: -
armament and interchangeable turrets. The first one, T20, Suspension type: HVSS (T20)
Torsion bar (T20E3)
was to have a 76mm gun and HVSS, the second, T20E1, Road radius: 100 miles
was to have HVSS and a 75mm automatic gun, while the Fording depth: 4ft 8in
third, T20E2, was to have a 3in gun and torsion bar suspen- Vertical obstacle: -
sion. Each was to be powered by the new Ford GAN V-8 Trench crossing: -
tank engine and have a torque converter and Hydra-matic Ammunition stowage: 70 rounds 76mm
transmission. The T20 was built by Fisher and completed 6000 rounds· 30 cal
in June 1943. The T20E1 was cancelled but its turret was Special features/remarks: Virtually an improved M4 with lower
used in the T22E1 (qv). silhouette. Most characteristics similar to M4 except for trans-
The T20E2 was completed by Fisher as the T20E3 with mission features and hull shape. Prototypes only.
76mm, instead of 3in gun.
Both the T20 and T20E3 were tested but the transmission
system adopted gave much trouble with oil leaks and
overheating. Development of these vehicles ceased at the
end of 1944, by which time developments had proceeded to
much later types. Experience and information gathered
from these vehicles under test was useful, however, for
development of later T20 range tanks. Maximum armour
thickness of these T20 tanks was 62mm at the front, they
had a 47° sloped hull front, were all welded with a cast
turret, and featured several standard fittings· from the M4
series. In the T20 series, drive was to the rear.
Designation: Medium Tank T20, T20E3
Crew: 5 (commander, driver, co-driver, gunner, loader) 405. Medium Tank T20 showing early form of horizontal volute
Battle weight: 65,7581b (T20), 67,5001b (T20E3) suspension and other features from the M4 series.

406. Medium Tank T22, first pilot model.

407. T22E 1 with 75mm automatic gun was the first pilot T22 converted with the turret designed for the T20E 1.

THE T22 was a development of the T20 series (qv) initiated type. Main feature was the automatic hydraulic loader with
in October 1942. Chrysler were asked to build two pilot two magazines, one for HE and one for AP ammunition,
tanks identical in all respects to the T20 except for the selected remotely as required by the commander who was
transmission which was to be of the same five-speed located in the left rear of the turret. The only other turret
mechanical type as used in the M4 medium tank. Trouble occupant was the gunner, and there was no loader. Tests
was experienced with the transmission and rear drive, at APG gave a maximum rate of fire of 20 rounds per
however, on tests, and work on the T22 project was formally minute, but the magazines and loading mechanism were
cancelled in December 1944. Both vehicles had been unreliable.
completed in June 1943. By this time, however, there was a requirement for a
Subsequently the first pilot model was converted to take heavier calibre gun, and the project was cancelled in
the special turret with 75mm automatic gun which United December 1944. Apart from the transmission (and the
Shoe Machinery Corp had built for the projected T20El turret in the T22El) data and characteristics for the T22
(qv). In its new guise, the T22 was :redesignated T22E 1. The series were the same as for the T20. T22E2 was the projected
turret was virtually a lengthened M4 type, the gun was·the equivalent of the T20E2 with 3in gun. It was cancelled in
standard M3 weapon, and the mount was the standard M34 the design stage.

408. Standard production T23 medium tank.

DEVELOPMENT of the T23 was authorised at the same eliminated to give increased ammunition stowage and the
time as that of the T22. Hull, armament, and general electric transmission was fully waterproofed, a retrospective
external layout were similar to the T22, but vertical volute modification also featured in late production T23s. On the
suspension and tracks as used on the M4 series were to be basis of experience with the T20E3, which had by this time
fitted and electric transmission was specified, the drive units been completed with torsion bar suspension, the Ordnance
being built by General Electric. As with the T22, three pilot Department requested in July 1943 that the T23E3 be
models were asked for, the T23 with 76mm gun, the T23El standardised as the Medium Tank M27 and the T20E3 be
with 75mm automatic gun, and the T23E2 with 3in gun. standardised as the M27B 1 both for immediate production
However, as in the T20 series, the projects for vehicles with in view of the fact that the M4 medium tanks would be
75mm gun and 3in gun were cancelled before completion. seriously obsolescent by 1944. This was rejected by Army
The T23 pilot model was, in fact, the first of the T20 type Service Forces and no further progress was made with
tanks to be completed, finished by Detroit Arsenal in standardising the T23 series.
January 1943 and under test before either the T20 or T22. In the event, however, this led to numerous improve-
A second pilot model was ready by March 1943. The pilot ments being made in the M4 series for introduction from
models were tested at Fort Knox and proved to be very late 1943 onwards and many of the features tried or
manoeuvrable. In May 1943 a "limited procurement" developed in the T20-T23 tanks were incorporated into M4
order of 25Q vehicles was commended, subject to detail vehicles, in particular the complete T23 type turret and
improvements. These vehicles were built by Detroit Arsenal 76mm gun, HVSS, and the simplified 47° hull front. Thus,
between November 1943 and December 1944, differing while the T20-T23 series vehicles did not see general service
from the pilot models in having an all-round vision cupola or combat, they played a most important part in US tank
for the commander, a rotating hatch for the loader, an development in the late war period leading to improvements
improved gun mount (the T80), and an improved 76mm in the M4 design and, as developed into the T25 and T26
gun, the MIAI. Though used in limited numbers in (qv), leading to the evolution of the M26 heavy tank.
America, the T23 was never standardised and never gener-
ally issued or used in combat.
Main reason for this was that Army Ground Forces were
already quite satisfied with the M4 medium tank while the
Armored Force Board considered some T23 features
unsatisfactory, in particular poor weight distribution,
excessive ground pressure, and a mode of transmission
which was untried in the long term and possibly suspect.
They requested ten T23s for further trials in an attempt to
overcome these shortcomings. First of these ordered was
designated T23E3 and was to have torsion bar suspension
and 19in tracks, while the second, T23E4 was to have
HVSS and wide tracks. This latter vehicle was subsequently
cancelled however.
The T23E3, completed by Chrysler at Detroit Arsenal in
August 1944, had a turret taken from a production T23 and
torsion bar suspension taken from the T25El (qv). All other 409. Medium Tank T23, second pilot model with prototype turret
features were the same as the T23 but the turret basket was fittings and narrow T79 gun mount.
Designation: Medium Tank T23, T23E3.
Crew: 5 (commander, driver, co-driver, gunner, loader)
Battle weight: 73,5001b (T23), 75,0001b (T23E3)
Dimensions: Length 19ft 8i-in (T23) Track width 16tin (T23)
19ft 2tin (T23E3) 19in (T23E3)
Height 8ft 4in (T23) Track centres/treat: 8ft 2tin
8ft 4iin (T23E3)
Width 9ft 10tin (T23)
10ft 4in (T23E3)
Armament: Main: 1 x 76mm gun MIAI
Secondary: 2 x ·30 cal Browning MG
1 x .50 cal Browning MG (AA)
Armour thickness: Maximum 87mm 410. Medium Tank T23E3.
Minimum I2mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevations limits: + 25° to -10°
Engine: Ford GAN V-8 gasoline with electric transmission Trench crossing: 8ft
470hp Ammunition stowage: 84 rounds 76mm (T23E3)
Maximum speed: 35mph 64 rounds 76mm (T23)
Maximum cross-country speed: 20mph Special features/remarks: Weights quoted are net; add about
Suspension type: Vertical volute (T23) 4,0001b for approximate combat weight. Other remarks as T20
Torsion Bar (T23E3) and T22 series. T23 was only design of T20-T23 range to achieve
Road radius: 100 miles production (but not combat) status. T23E3 had 20 %lower ground
Fording depth: 4ft 8 in pressure than the T23 and overcame the major shortcoming-
Vertical obstacle: 2ft high ground pressure-of the basic T23 design.


411. Medium Tank T25, first pilot model.

IN September 1942 when the T20 design was drawn up, the In April 1943, Army Service Forces gave approval for the
Ordnance Department suggested that a 90mm gun be procurement of 50 trials vehicles, based on the T23 but
developed for future mounting in tanks of this series. By mou~ting 90mm guns. Of these, 40 were to have the same
March 1943, such a weapon had been produced in prototype basic armour characteristics as the T23 and would be
form and mounted for tests in one of the T23 pilot models, designated T25, while the other 10 were to have increased
these being the first vehicles completed in the T20-T23 range. armour protection to provide a "heavy" medium tank of
comparable performance and immunity to the German mission. Suspension from a T25EI was used for the T23E3
Tiger tank which had just then made its appearance in (qv).
action in Tunisia. The heavier design was to be designated SPECIFICATION:
Detroit Arsenal built two pilot models of the T25, Designation: Medium Tank T25E]
Crew: 5 (commander, driver, co-driver, gunner, loader)
completing them in January and April 1944 respectively. Battle weight: 77,5901b
They had HVSS and 23in tracks, and Ford engine and Dimensions: Length 22ft 11 tin Track width 23in
electric drive as in the T23. The hull was reinforced with a Height 9ft 1tin Track centres/tread 9ft
ribbed hull top to support the massive cast turret and had Width lOft 4in
internal modifications to allow the stowage of 90mm Armament: Main:] x 90mm gun T7 (M3)
ammunition. The T25 pilot models were tested at Fort Secondary: 2 x ·30 cal Browning MG
Knox, but by this time interest had switched to the T25El ] x ·50 cal Browning MG (AA)
design which came about when design studies for the T25 Armour thickness: Maximum 87mm
showed that this vehicle with its electric transmission would Minimum ]2mm
weigh more than 40 (short) tons. Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: + 20° to -] 0°
Engine: 1 x Ford GAF V-8 petrol
To reduce weight as much as possible it was decided to 470hp
drop the electric transmission and revert to the Hydra- Maximum speed: 30mph (approx)
matic type transmission with torque converter as had been Maximum cross-country speed: 20mph
featured in the T20 medium tank. Accordingly the order for Suspension type: Torsion bar
40 T25s was switched to this modified design, designated Road radius: 100 miles
T25El, and Grand Blanc Arsenal (Fisher), the contractors, Fording depth: 4ft 8in
completed the first in January 1944 and finished the produc- Vertical obstacle: 2ft
tion run the following May. By this time, however, with the Trench crossing: 7ft 6in
Ammunition stowage: 48 rounds 90mm
invasion of Europe approaching, attention had switched to 300 rounds .50 cal
the more heavily armoured T26 series (qv), and the 40 5,00 rounds·30 cal
T25El vehicles were used solely for tests and development Special features/remarks: T25 had similar characteristics but
work. The T25El differed from the T25 in having torsion weighed about 8 I ,0001b and had HVSS with 23in tracks. It had
bar suspension and a modified hull as well as different trans- the same engine, but with electric drive.

4] 2. Standard production T25El. Note modified hull front compared to T25.


413. Medium Tank T26E1, first pilot model.

CONCURRENTLY with the design of the T25 (qv), development vehicles had been completed. On June 1st, a
designs were drawn up for a more heavily armoured statement came from European Theatre of Operations that
version, designated T26. This would have had electric they required no new vehicles with 75mm or 76mm guns
transmission, as in the T25. Development studies showed in 1945; instead they wanted tanks with 90mm and 105mm
that both the T25 and T26 with this transmission would weapons in the ratio 1: 4. Their request was upheld by the
be excessively heavy, the T26 weighing more than 45 (short)
tons. In view of this, the T25 was redesigned with 'forque-
matic transmission (Hydra-matic transmission with a
torque converter) and the same changes were, of course,
incorporated in the T26 design. Only the T26 pilot model
was therefore built and the 10 scheduled production
vehicles for test purposes were all completed as T26Els by
Grand Blanc Arsenal in March-June 1944. The T26E1 was
similar in most characteristics to the T25El but had wider
tracks (24in), increased overall width (11ft 2in), a shorter
hull (22ft 4iin), increased armour maximum (100mm), and
a correspondingly increased weight (86,500Ib). Other details
were the same as those of the T25El.
Meanwhile in September 1943, the Ordnance Depart-
ment had urged immediate production of 500 T25E1s and
500 T26E1s for delivery in 1944, but this was opposed by
both the Armored Force Board, who would have preferred
the 90mm gun mounted in the M4 medium tank, and by the
commander of Army Ground Forces who did not consider
a 90mm gun desirable in a tank since it would encourage
tank units to stalk enemy tanks, a role assigned to tank 414. Rear detail view of Medium Tank T26E1.
destroyers in the then-current armour doctrine of the US
Army. Army Ground Forces, instead, requested in April
7,000 T25E1s with 75mm guns and 1,000 T26Els armed Army Staff and the T26E1 underwent its trials programme
with a 76mm gun. This clearly impractical request-which as planned. At the end of June 1944 the T26E1 was re-
would have involved further development work and, in any classified Heavy Tank T26El and its development history
case, duplicated existing types with smaller calibre guns- as prototype for the M26 Pershing is accordingly continued
was not resolved until June 1944 when all the T26E1 in the American heavy tank section of this book.

415. Standard production Heavy Tank M6AI (TIE3).

AT the end of May 1940, the Chief of Infantry, then still with two torque converters. This latter was subsequently
responsible for the US Army's tanks, formulated sugges- cancelled since the diesel installation would have involved
tions for future tank types in the light of events in Europe protracted development time.
where Germany had just over-run France largely by the A contract had been placed with Baldwin for the pilot
brilliant use of armoured divisions. Some PzKw IVs with models, and the first to be completed was the T 1E2 in
75mm guns had appeared in action, rendering all American December 1941, the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor
types with the 37mm gun technically obsolete. The sugges- and America's declaration of war. Trials with this vehicle
tions were passed to the Ordnance Department early in at APG showed the need for modifications to the brakes
June and called for two types of new vehicle. One was an and the cooling system, and when this work was completed
improved medium tank of the M2AI type but with 75mm satisfactorily in April 1942, the TIE2 was standardised as
gun, and progress with this idea led within the next two the M6. Meanwhile the Tl E3 had been completed and
months to development of the M3 medium tank (qv). The tested and this was standardised as the M6A 1, the only
second new type requested was a heavy tank in the 80 ton external difference being the welded hull of the latter. The
class which, as first envisaged, would have two turrets each TIEl was last to be completed and was not ready for testing
with a 75mm gun and partial traverse, and two smaller (at Fort Knox) until June 1943. This latter variant was
turrets with full traverse, each with a 37mm gun, in addition never standardised, though it became semi-officially known
to a 20mm and ·30 cal machine gun. Armour minimum was as the M6A2 and was generally referred to as such.
to be 75mm. These characteristics were subsequently When the first two pilot models were standardised in the
modified to call for a hull-mounted gun of larger calibre spring of 1942, the Ordnance Departmet:lt more than
than 75mm, with a turret-mounted gun of 37-50mm calibre, doubled their original production target to 250 vehicles a
plus eight machine guns-virtually a scaled-up M3 medium month, bringing in Grand Blanc Arsenal (Fisher) as a second
tank. contractor in addition to Baldwin. These were the crisis
By late October 1940, however, when the Ordnance days for America, however, when the President's Victory
Department had finalised plans for what was by then Program called for a huge increase in the army with a big
designated Heavy Tank Tl, the specification had been concentration on tank production. By September 1942,
revised to give a vehicle of about 50 (short) tons, with 75mm the new Army Supply Program was introduced which
armour, a 3in and 37mm gun mounted coaxially in a fully cut back tank output in favour of more aircraft. The M6
traversing turret, four machine guns, a Wright 925HP was a prominent victim of this, a target for 5,000 being
engine, Hydra-matic transmission, and a top speed of slashed to only 115. Meanwhile the Armored Force had
25mph. In February 1941 approval was given to build four been testing the pilot models and reported on December 7,
pilot vehicles and plans were made to produce the new 1942, that they considered the M6 unsatisfactory, being
vehicle at the rate of 100 a month. The four pilot vehicles too heavy, under-gunned, poorly shaped, and requiring
were to test alternative forms of transmission and hull improvements to the transmission. Because of these
form, to select the best for the production models. The deficiencies and consequent tactical limitations they could
TIEl was to have a cast hull, and electric transmission, the see no requirement for heavy tanks of this type. In March
TIE2 was to have a cast hull and torque converter, the TIE3 1943, therefore, the Ordnance Department cut back
was to have a-welded hull and torque c@llverter,' while the production require.ments to only 40 vehicles, 8 M6,
TIE4 was to have welded hull and two twin diesel motors 12 M6Al, and 20 M6A2. All were built by Baldwin between

416. Standard production M6A2 (T 1E 1); note cast hull compared 418. TIEl fitted experimentally with 90mm gun T7.
with welded hull in M6AI, plate 4]5.

417. The TIE2 pilot model which was standardised as the M6;
cupola and rear facing AA machine gun in turret were dropped from 4]9. M26A2EI, first pilot model, with 105mm gun and new cast
production vehicles. turret, 1945.

November 1942 and February 1944. SPECIFICATION:

These M6 series vehicles were thus never issued for Designation: Heavy Tanks, M6, M6A I, T] EI (M6A2)
combat but they were used for trials and experimental Crew: 6 (commander, driver, co-driver, gunner, loaders (2))
work. The TIEl electric transmission system was used in Battle weight: 126,5001b
the T23 medium tanks (qv), and in early 1944, one M6 was Dimensions: Length 27ft 8in Track width 25-lin
modified for trials with a 90mm gun from the T26El medium 24ft 9in (hull only)Track centres/tread 7ft 9in
tank (qv), though the project was cancelled in March 1944. Height lOft 7in
In July 1944 when there was now an urgent requirement for Width lOft 2tin
Armament: Main: I x 3in gun M7 and
heavy tanks in ETO, one M6A2 was modified with a new I x 37mm gun M6 (co-axial mount)
heavy turret and I05mm gun for possible use in this role. Secondary: 2 x ·50 cal Browning MG (bowl)
It was planned to convert 15 M6A2 vehicles for shipment 2 x ·30cal Browning MG, I A ·50ca1MG
to Europe with this I05mm gun, but the idea was not (AA)
adopted and the project was dropped. Thus modified, the Armour thickness: Maximum 100mm
test vehicle was designated M6A2El. In December 1944 Minimum 25mm
the M6 series was declared obsolete. Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: +30° to _]0°
The M6A2E 1, plus a second vehicle similarly converted, Engine: Wright G-200 9 cylinder radial, air cooled
was used in mid 1945 to test the gun, mount, fittings, and 800hp (electric transmission in TI EI)
internal installations for the T29 heavy tank (qv), then Maximum speed: 22mph
Maximum cross-country speed: -
being developed, which was to mount the I05mm gun. Suspension type: HVSS with double bogies of 4 wheels each and
When designed, the M6 was the heaviest and most twin tracks each side
powerfully armed tank in the world, though it was soon Road radius: 100 miles (approx)
outdated by other vehicles which took this distinction. US Fording depth: 4ft
armoured doctrine followed the German example in the Vertical obstacle: 3ft
early war years and concentrated on the fast medium tank, Trench crossing: 11ft
so there was little enthusiasm for heavy tanks in the Ammunition stowage: 75 rounds 3in
Armored Force in 1942. Ironically, the Germans had 202 rounds 37mm
5,700 rounds ·50 cal, 7,500 rounds ·30 cal
switched their emphasis to heavy tanks like the Tiger and Special features/remarks: M6AI had welded hull, others cast hull.
Panther by the time the American and German forces Production vehicles differed in detail from prototypes. Proto-
clashed in 1944, by which time the M6 had faded from the types also had machine gun cupola as fitted to M3 medium tanks,
scene and a new heavy tank, the M26, was being developed plus a rear firing AA machine gun, both features being eliminated
from the T20 range of medium tanks. Some of the features in production vehicles. Tracks were steel with rubber inserts on
first tried in the M6, like Torquematic transmission and inner sides. Rear drive with front idler and auxiliary "jockey"
rear drive, were, however, perpetuated in the T20 range of wheel just behind it. Twin tracks, twin bogies, and HVSS.
medium/heavy tanks.
ASSAULT TANK, T14 United States

420. First of the two T14 pilot models.

ANGLO-AMERICAN co-operation in the exchange of completed in 1943, but trials showed that modifications
ideas and information relating to tank policy and procure- were necessary to the track and suspension. One of the T14
ment started in June 1940 when the British Tank Mission pilot models was sent to Britain for tests and evaluation in
arrived in the USA to obtain tanks for the British Army. 1944, but by this time British tank policy had changed in
The M3 Grant, the M3 medium modified to meet British favour of cruiser tanks with large calibre guns, and the
requirements, was an early result of this co-operation. Churchill had proved itself and been retained as the heavy
Major-General Charles M. Wesson, Chief of Ordnance infantry tank. Thus the British interest in the T14 had
(head of Ordnance Department), led an American mission waned and the Ordnance Department dropped the com-
to Britain in September 1941 to learn first-hand about plete project in December 1944 and the vehicle never entered
British tank combat experience and hear British views on production.
American equipment and British requirements for the As completed the T14 utilised a complete transmission
future. Among ideas discussed was the case for a vehicle system identical to the M4 and, the standard Ford tank
with large calibre gun and heavy armour for which the engine. The final drive was, however, geared down to give
British at that time considered there was a need, following a slower maximum speed. Armament matched that of the
recent experience against the Germans in the Western M4 and the tracks and suspension units were adapted from
Desert fighting. (Partly as a result of this thinking and the type used in the M6.
partly because of disappointment with the early models of
the Churchill infantry tank, the British proposed a heavier SPECIFICATION :
version of the A27L (Centaur), the A28, and variations on
this project subsequently led to the A33 assault tank as a Designation: Assault Tank T14
Crew: 5 (commander, driver, co-driver, gunner, loader)
possible replacement for the Churchill. Further details on Battle weight: 84,0001b
this line of policy are given in the A33 history in the British Dimensions: Length 20ft 4in Track width 25-£in
section of this book.) Height 9ft 1in Track centres/tread 7ft 9in
British views at the September 1941 meeting appealed to Width 10ft 3in
the US Ordnance Department who at that time were Armament: Main: 1 x 75mm gun M3
working on the M6 heavy tank (qv), and were advocating Secondary: 2 x .30 cal Browning MG
the need for heavy tanks in the US Army. In December 1941, 1 x ·50 cal Browning MG (AA)
the Ordnance Department commenced design studies for Armour thickness: Maximum 133mm
a heavy assault tank which broadly met the stated British Minimum 19mm
Engine: Ford GAZ V-8 petrol 520hp.
requirements and incorporated some features similar to the 520hp
Tl (M6) heavy tank and the new M4 medium tank, with Maximum speed: 22mph
the intention that it should utilise as many M4 components Maximum cross-country speed: -
as possible. It was to have a 75mm gun M3 with alternative Suspension type: HVSS type and tracks as on M6
provision for a British 6pdr gun, and armour maximum Road radius: 100 miles
was to be 75-100mm. The new Ford tank engine was to be Fording depth: 3ft
used with the possibility of an enlarged engine of the same Vertical obstacle: 2ft 1in
type later. In March 1942 a new British Tank Mission went Trench crossing: 9ft
to the United States mainly to settle procurement problems, Ammunition stowage: 50 rounds 75 mm
9,000 rounds ·30 cal
but included in business discussed was the possibility of the Special features/remarks: Heavy skirt side armour and cast hull and
American assault tank design, now designated T14, being strong "'family resemblance" to M4 medium series. As finally built,
built in America for Britain. An agreement for 8,500 vehicles the T14 had provision for mounting a 76mm or 105mm gun in
was concluded with the Ordnance Department, and work place of the 75mm weapon. Fitted with British radio equipment
on detailed design commenced. Two pilot models were (No 19 set).

421. Standard production Heavy Tank T26E3 (M26), Pershing.

IN June 1944, as related previously (see T26 medium tank this was a factor which caused the American General Staff
series), the T26El was redesignated Heavy Tank T26El. to intervene in the T26 affair on December 22, and order
Extensive trials were carried out with the ten T26E 1 pilot immediate shipment of available T26E3s to Europe
models by the Ordnance Department and numerous detail without further testing.
modifications were made for incorporation in production The first 20 T26E3s were shipped to Europe in January
vehicles. These included improvements to the transmission 1945 and at the beginning of February these were issued
and the engine cooling, revised electrical system, removal for service to the 3rd and 9th Armored Divisions. The
of the turret cage to increase ammunition stowage, better Ardennes Offensive had indeed vindicated the Ordnance
engine access, and larger air cleaners. In August 1944, the Department's persistent attempts to get a tank with a 90mm
Ordnance Department recommended that the T26El be gun into service. In January 1945 Army Ground Forces
standardised and placed into production. Opposition from had no hesitation in agreeing that the T26E3 be considered
the user arms was still strong, however, and Army Ground battleworthy, and the cry for more vehicles came from ETO
Forces disagreed and stated that the vehicle could not be where tank crews were favourably impressed with the new
standardised until the Armored Force Board had also tank which was nearly a match for the Tiger in a straight
tested and approved the production modifications. Earlier, shooting match, and very much more mobile. Full produc-
in July, Army Ground Forces had tried another delaying tion of the T26E3 was ordered in January 1945 and it was
move by requesting that the T26El be redesigned with the built by Grand Blanc Arsenal (1,190, November 1944-June
76mm gun, a retrograde idea ignored by the Ordnance 1945) and later Detroit Arsenal (246, March-June 1945). In
Department. It was not until December 1944 that the T26El March 1945 the T26E3 was standardised as the Heavy Tank
was approved for "limited procurement" and production M26 and it was named "General Pershing", usually short-
vehicles, with the various modifications earlier suggested, ened to "Pershing". Later in 1945, the M26 saw action in
were designated T26E3 to distinguish them from the pilot the Pacific, being used in the taking of Okinawa.
Production of the first 20 T26E3s had begun in November PRODUCTION VARIANTS
and the Ordnance Department proposed early in December
that these be shipped straight to Europe for combat testing. M26: See main text. In "limited procurement" status
Once again Army Ground Forces was opposed to the idea initially as T26E3.
and asked that they first go to the Armored Force for M26El: The M26 with its 90mm M3 gun still had inferior
testing and "certification of battleworthiness". This would hitting power to the German Tiger with its 88mm gun. To
have wasted yet another month. However, within a week of improve the performance of the M26 a new longer gun was
this exchange, two German panzer armies savagely developed, the T54, which fired fixed ammunition using a
hammered the US 1st Army in the lightning Ardennes larger cartridge case. This weapon had a concentric recoil
Offensive, December 16, 1944. Among other things, this mechanism. Two pilot models with the new gun were
reverse spotlighted the inadequacies of the M4 medium approved in May 1945, but no production order followed
with its relatively light armour and 76mm gun; undoubtedly due to the cessation of hostilities.
T26E4: This was the development model for the M26El
and was essentially the M26 with a longer 90mm gun T15E2
which fired separate ammunition with a heavier charge in
an attempt to match the hitting power of the German 88mm
gun. Due to the longer barrel it was necessary to modify the
gun cradle and elevating mechanism, and add a counter-
weight in the turret. A total of 25 vehicles of this type were
produced from March 1945, classified "limited procure-
ment", though 1,000 had been authorised prior to the
cessation of hostilities.
T26E5: This was a heavy assault version of the M26 with
thicker frontal armour on hull, turret, and mantlet. In its
final form it had a heavier turret with llin of armour on the
mantlet, and 6in of frontal armour on the hull. Weight was
51 (short) tons. The track was permanently fitted with
grousers. Classified "limited procurement", 27 were built,
commencing June 1945, all at Detroit Arsenal. The added 422. M26EI with T54 gun. Note counterweight on turret rear.
weight of the T26E5 had an adverse effect on performance
and this vehicle was not considered entirely satisfactory.
M45 (T26E2): To meet the requirement from ETO for
tanks with the 105mm howitzer, a weapon of this calibre
was tested in a T23 medium tank (qv). In June 1944 this
was dropped in favour of the same weapon in the T26El.
Designated T26E2, the vehicle had a redesigned turret to
take the howitzer, and modified ammunition stowage. A
heavier turret front was fitted to maintain equilibrium of the
turret with the lighter weapon. In July 1945 the T26E2 was
classified a "limited procurement" type and redesignated
M45. Only a small number were produced. Weight: 92,500
lb; ammunition: 74 rounds 105mm; elevation: -10° to
+ 35°. Other details as M26.
M28Al: This was the M26 with the improved 90mm M3Al
gun. Developed postwar. In May 1946, all T26jM26 series
vehicles were reclassified as medium tanks. 423. T26E5 assault tank. Note grousers on track.
8in Howitzer Motor Carriage T84: In early 1944 develop-
ment had started of the 155mm GMC T83 on the M4A3
chassis, the vehicle later standardised as the M40 G MC (qv).
In April 1944, it was suggested by the Artillery Board that
the 8in howitzer could be mounted on the same chassis.
Army Service Forces approved the development of a self-
propelled 8in howitzcr-, but asked that it be based on the
new T26EI chassis. Two pilot models were built, but were
subject to much delay due to the lack of availability of
T26El chassis. Trials were under way with the pilot models
when the war ended and the project was cancelled. As a
result of the delays with this vehicle, the M4A3 chassis was,
after all, used as a basis for the 8in HMC, becoming the
T89 (M43) as described in the M40 section.
424. M45 (T26E2) with I05mm howitzer.

425. T26E4 with Tl5E2 gun. Note extra barrel length and counterweight on turret rear.
Cargo Carrier T31: This was the ammunition carrier
designed to accompany the T84 HMC. It incorporated a
cargo compartment in place of the howitzer mount. Work
on the prototype started in April 1944 and tests were under
way when the war ended.

Designation: Heavy Tank M26 (T26E3), Pershing
Crew: 5 (commander, driver, co-driver, gunner, loader)
Battle weight: 92,0001b
Dimensions: Length 28ft lOin Track width 24in
21ft 2in Track centres/tread 9ft 2in 426. T84 8in Howitzer Motor Carriage.
(hull only)
Height 9ft 1in
Width 11 ft 6in
Armament: Main: 1 x 90mm gun M3
Secondary: 2 x ·30 cal Browning M G
1 '>( ·50 cal Browning MG (AA)
Armour thickness: Maximum 102mm
Minimum 13mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: + 20° to - 10°
Engine: Ford GAF V-8 petrol
Maximum speed: 20mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 5·2mph
Suspension type: Torsion bar
Road radius: 92 miles
Fording depth: 4ft
Vertical obstacle: 3ft lOin
Trench crossing: 8ft 6in
Ammunition stowage: 70 rounds 90mm
5,000 rounds· 30 cal 427. T31 Cargo Carrier.
550 rounds· 50 cal
Special features/remarks: Turret included vision cupola for com-
mander and roof hatch for loader. Two escape doors were fitted BRITISH SERVICE
in the hull floor. Rear drive and torsion bar suspension were
inherited from previous vehicles in the T20-T25 range, and the In 1945 a small number of M26 tanks was supplied to
vehicle represented the culmination of development of this series Britain for tests and evaluation. However, with the cessation
in WorId War II. Further developments in postwar years have of hostilities large scale deliveries of this type never material-
led to the standard M60 battle tank of the US Army in the sixties. ised.

428. Standard production M26 Pershing.


429. T92 HMC, first pilot model.

WITH acceptance of the T26E3 heavy tank in January invasion of Japan. Shells with concrete-piercing fuses were
1945, it was proposed to develop a complete "Heavy developed specially for the T92 and T93.
Weight Combat Team", a series of complementary AFV To mount these large calibre weapons it was necessary to
types based on a common chassis and its component parts, lengthen the T26E3 chassis and add an extra bogie wheel
that of the T26E3. The towed 240mm howitzer M1918 had each side. Chassis layout was also reversed so that drive was
not proved entirely satisfactory, due mainly to the difficulty now taken to a front sprocket. A recoil spade was fitted at
of hauling a gun of this great weight across country, and the rear.
experience with the 155mm gun mounted on the M3jM4
series chassis indicated that it would be feasible to mount
the 240mm howitzer on a chassis based on that of the T26E3
heavy tank. This carriage would also serve to mount the 8in
gun. With the 240mm howitzer the project was designated
T92 HMC, -while the same chassis with the 8in gun was
designated T93 GMC. Other members of the "Heavy
Weight Combat Team" were to be the T26E3 heavy tank,
the T26E5 assault tank, the T84 8in HMC, the T31 cargo
carrier, and (later) the T26E2 (M45), all described in the
previous section.
Design of the' T92 was approved in March 1945 and the
project was classified "limited procurement", a contract for
four pilot vehicles being placed immediately with Chrysler
(Detroit Arsenal). First of these vehicles was completed
early in July 1945, and after initial trials at APG was
delivered to Fort Bragg for Artillery Board tests. The T93
was ordered at the same time and classified as a "limited
procurement" type in April 1945. Two of the four pilot
models of the T93 had been completed and delivered by
September 1945, when all orders were cancelled on cessation
of hostilities with Japan. Total output ofT92s amounted to
five (including pilots) with just the two T93s, all built by
Detroit Arsenal. Trials indicated that these heavy weapon
carriages would be ideal for bombardment work in the
bunker and cave warfare type of fighting being experienced
against the Japanese in the Pacific. At the time of the
Japanese surrender the T92s and T93s were being prepared
for shipment to the Pacific area for use in the planned 430. T93 GMC, first pilot model.
HMC, T92
Designation: 240mm Howitzer Motor Carriage T92
8in Gun Motor Carriage T93
Crew: 8 (driver, co-driver, commander, gun crew (5))
Battle weight: 137,5001b (T92), 13] ,4001b (T93)
Dimensions: Length 28ft (excluding Track width 23in
gun) Track centres/tread 9ft 2in.
Height 10ft 8in (T92)
8ft 5in (T93)
Width] ]ft
Armament: 1 x 240mm howitzer M] (T92)
] x 8in gun M 1 (T93)
Armour thickness: Maximum 25mm
Minimum 13mm
Traverse: 12° right to 12° left. Elevation limits: +65° to 0°
Engine: Ford GAF V-8 petrol
Maximum speed: 15mph
Maximum cross-country speed: -
Suspension type: Torsion bar
Road radius: 50-80 miles
Fording depth: 4ft 7in
Vertical obstacle: 3ft lOin
Trench crossing: 7ft
Ammunition stowage: 6 rounds in vehicle; additional rounds in
accompanying cargo carrier (eg, M30 or T31)
Special features/Remarks: T93 is distinguished from T92 by longer
barrel of 8in gun which also accounts for weight difference.
Otherwise both vehicles are identical and mechanically similar
to the M26 series.

431. T93 GMC emplaced for tiring with recoil spade lowered.

432. Top detail view of T92 HMC with howitzer In travelling



433. Pilot model of the T95 GMC.

IN September 1943 the Ordnance Department suggested the to reduce the vehicle's width and weight for transportation
construction of a very heavily armoured tank, the T28, for by rail (or for road running in confined surroundings). The
attacking heavily fortified enemy positions and invulnerable two detached track units could then be linked together side
against all known enemy tanks. It was to have an armour by side to form a "dumb" unit which could either be towed
basis of 8in and be based on the chassis and mechanical by the vehicle itself or by an attendant prime mover. Small
components of the T23 medium tank. It was proposed to jibs were provided on the vehicle to assist in detaching the
mount the newly developed 105mm gun T5El, which was outer tracks.
a high velocity weapon. Army Service Forces gave approval
for development in April 1944 but stipulated that mechani- SPECIFICATION :
cal drive was to be used rather than the electric transmission Designation: Heavy Tank T28 (later: 105mm Gun Motor Carriage
of the T23. Five pilot models of the finalised design were T95)
ordered from Pacific Car & Foundry, but in March 1945, Crew: 8 (commander, driver, co-driver, gun crew (5))
while work was under way on the first vehicle, the designa- Battle weight: 190,0001b
tion was changed to 105mm Gun Motor Carriage T95 since Dimensions: Length 36ft 6in (overall) Track width 19-tin
24ft 7in (each track unit)
the gun was not mounted in the turret but in the hull. With (excluding gun) Track centres/tread lOft 1in
the cessation of hostilities against Japan the order for pilot Height 9ft 4in
models was reduced to two only, the first being completed Width 14ft Sin
in September 1945. Trials with the pilot models thus took 13ft 11in (outer
place after the war, the second pilot being subsequently tracks removed)
destroyed by fire during one of its trial runs. All work on the Armament: Main: 1 x 105mm T5E1 gun
project terminated in October 1947 due to the successful Secondary: 1 x ·50 Browning MG (AA)
development of the T29, and no production orders were Armour thickness: Maximum 300mm
placed, though quantity production had at one stage been Minimum 25mm
Traverse: 100 right and 100 left. Elevation limits: -t-19-t° to -50 0
contemplated should the war against Japan have continued. Engine: Ford GAF V-8 petrol. 4l0hp
The T28jT95 was the heaviest American AFV design of Maximum speed: 8mph
the war and also one of the most unusual. In some ways it Maximum cross-country speed: -
resembled the British Tortoise (qv), but exhibited some Suspension type: HVSS on four separate track units (64 bogie
more novel features. The hull was a cast structure two-thirds wheels)
the length of the track assemblies and set towards the rear. Road radius: 100 miles
It had a jib at the rear for loading the ammunition into the Fording depth: 3ft 11in
fighting compartment. The turtle shaped superstructure Vertical obstacle: 3ft
featured a vision cupola for the commander surmounted Trench crossing: -
Ammunition stowage: 62 rounds 105mm
by an AA machine gun on a ring mount. The 105mm gun 660 rounds ·50 cal
was set in the hull front with limited traverse in a ball Special features/remarks: Massive heavily armoured vehicle of
shaped mantlet of 12in armour. Each track assembly was limited tactical value due to its great weight and slow speed.
a twin unit made up of two complete HVSS units, the outer Outer track units detachable. Rear drive with Torquematic
of which on each side could be disconnected and removed transmission, similar installation to M26 heavy tank.
HEAVY TANKS, T29- T34, 1945 DESIGNS United States

434. Heavy Tank T32.

Heavy Tank T32 and T32El: This was an improved version mission replaced the Torquematic transmission of the M26.
of the T26E3 (M26) designed to provide better armour Apart from increased length and increased weight, other
protection without impairing the performance or reliability details were as for M26 series vehicles. A batch of pilot
ofthe M26. Hull was the same as that ofthe M26, lengtheneci models was ordered from Chrysler (Detroit Arsenal) in
by one bogie wheel each side and with armour maximum February 1945, but were not completed until early 1946.
increased to 125mm at the front and 75mm at the sides. No production order followed. The T32E1 was similar to
Turret had 200mm frontal armour. Improved T15E1 90mm the T32 except that it had a welded hull front instead of the
gun was fitted and a counterweight was added on the turret cast front, while the hull machine gun was eliminated.
rear. Engine was uprated to 750HP and cro'ss-drive trans-

435. Heavy Tank T29.

Heavy Tank T29: Development of this vehicle started in calibre weapons were considered necessary for firing
March 1944 in an attempt to produce a heavy tank with against bunkers and caves. Army Ground Forces, however,
firepower and armour protection superior to that of the were opposed to vehicles as large as this and stated that they
T26E3 (M26). It was intended to fit the Cross-Drive had no requirement for them. With the ,cessation of
transmission and a Ford tank engine uprated to 750HP. hostilities, production was limited to a batch of pilot models
Approval for building pilot models was given in September only for testing and development. These were delivered in
1944. Hull was similar to that of the T26E3 but lengthened 1947. Details: combat weight: 138,000lb; crew: 6; arma-
to take a massive new cast turret to hold the 105mm T5 gun. ment: 1 x 105mm gun T5; length: 25ft (excluding gun);
The General Staff authorised production of this type in width: 12tft; height: 10ft 7in; top speed 18tmph; ammuni-
February 1945 for use in the war against Japan where heavy tion stowage: 63 rounds; engine: Ford 750HP.
436. Heavy Tank T30.

Heavy Tank T30: This was a parallel design to the T29 turret for loading the gun which fired separate ammunition.
evolved and produced at the same time and within the Both the T29 and T30 were classified "limited procure-
same programme. Principal difference was the installation ment" types in April 1945. T30 details as for T29, except:
of a Continental 810HP air-cooled engine in place of the armament: 1 x 155mm gun T7; combat weight: 144,500Ib;
Ford unit, and the mounting of a 155mm gun T7 in place of ammunition stowage: 34 rounds; top speed: 16tmph;
the 105mm weapon. This vehicle included a rammer in the engine: Continental 810HP.

437. Heavy Tank T34.

Heavy Tank T34: This resulted from the adaptation of the fitted with the 120mm gun and re-designated as Heavy
standard American 120mm AA gun to a form suitable for Tank T34. Approval for this development was given in
mounting in a tank. The design of the T29jT30 series was April 1945, but the pilot model T34s were not delivered
modified to take the 120mm gun T53 by suitable changes in until 1947. No production orders followed but the post-war
the gun mount, but with no fundamental alterations to the M103 heavy t~nk design stemmed from the T34. Details
basic design. One T29 and one T30 pilot model were each as for T29jT30 except for 120mm gun.

439. Bigley Gun Motor Carriage.

438. 3in GMC Tl(M5).
3in Gun Motor Carriage Tl (M5): This vehicle was based Gun Motor Carriage T42 (Bigley Gun Motor Carriage):
on the chassis ofthe commercial high speed tractor produced This was a commercial development of the Christie Ml937
by Cleveland Tractor (Cletrac). Development started in chassis fitted with a new turtle backed superstructure of
December 1940, the specification calling for a 3in gun in an duralumin with a mock-up 37mm gun and MG in the glacis
open shield mounted at the rear with limited traverse. The plate. It was offered to the US Army by Bigley as a proto-
crew manned the gun from the ground. Modifications to the type fast tank destroyer. Various other armament installa-
design in March 1941 called for ~ bigger shield. The pilot tions were proposed, including a rear firing MG and two
model was completed in November 1941 and standardised side firing MGs. It was tested briefly in 1941-42 under the
as the T5 GMC. However, no production orders were given, designation T42 GMC, but was rejected as unsatisfactory
since far superior SP designs had been produced in the for army requirements.
meantime. In September 1942 the Tl (M5) was declared
obsolete. The Tl GMC had a 160HP Hercules diesel engine.



440. Cargo Carrier T22. 441. Heavy Tractor T2.

Cargo Carrier T22: This was the proposed ammunition Heavy Tractor T2: Development of this vehicle started
carrier to accompany the 4· 5in Gun Motor Carriage T16 early in 1941 utilising the suspension and other chassis
(see plate 246). It utilised the same chassis as the T16 with a components of the M2Al medium tank with various minor
cargo compartment replacing the gun mount. Development alterations. Power was provided by a GM diesel engine and
started in March 1943. When it was proposed to utilise the the vehicle was to be used for hauling the 155mm gun and
T24 (M24) light tank chassis for the T16, the modified 8in howitzer. In June 1941 an improved design, the T12,
design being designated TI6El, the design of the T22 was was authorised as a development of the T2. The T2 proved
similarly changed to use this chassis under the designation unsatisfactory, however, and both the T2 and T12 were
T22El. In January 1944, when the T16 and T16El projects abandoned in June 1942 in favour of later designs. The T2
were dropped, the same fate awaited the T22 and T22El. pilot model was subsequently used for transmission
Only pilot models of the T22 were built. experiments.
13 ton High Speed Tractor M5 (formerly Medium Tractor)
(T21): International Harvester began development of a
medium weight tractor suitable for hauling field artillery of
105mm and 155mm types at the end of 1941. Two alterna-
tives were built, identical except for tracks and suspension.
The T20 had rubber band tracks and was ultimately rejected
in favour of the alternative version, T21, which.had tracks
and suspension from the M3 light tank. It was standardised
in October 1942 as Medium Tractor M5. Produced in
quantity it was one of the most important US artillery
tractors. Details: weight: 28,300Ib; crew: 9; length: 15ft
llin; height: 8ft 8in (over canopy); width: 8ft 4in; maxi-
mum towing speed: 35mph; engine: Continental R-6572,
235HP. The vehicle had a front-mounted winch and air
braking equipment for the tow. Later models had a ·50 442. 13 ton High Speed Tractor M5.
cal MG in a ring mount behind the canopy. The M5 was
re-classified as a High Speed Tractor in August 1943.
18 ton High Speed Tractor M4 (formerly Medium Tractor)
(T9): Development of Medium Tractor T9 commenced in
June 1941 to provide a vehicle able to tow artillery equip-
ment up to 30,0001b in weight. It was standardised and
ordered into production in August 1942, being built by
Allis-Chalmers. It was a comfortably equipped vehicle
with full weather protection and separate driving and crew
compartments. The chassis utilised components from the
M2Al medium tank. Built in quantity, it was used to tow
the 90mm AA gun, 155mm gun, and 8in and 240mm howitz-
ers. Vehicles built as towers for the 90mm AA gun (Class A)
had different stowage arrangements to vehicles used with 443. ] 8 ton High Speed Tractor M4 towing 8in gun.
other equipment (Class B). Details: weight: 31,500Ib;
crew: 11; length: 16ft 11 in or 17ft 2in (Class A); height:
7ft lOin; width: 8ft lin; maximum towing speed: 33mph;
engine: Waukesha 145GZ, 21 OHP. The vehicle had air and
electric braking equipment for the tow, a rear-mounted
winch, and a folding ammunition hoist in Class B configura-
tion. A ·50 cal Browning MG fitted in a ring mount on the
Note: Other prime movers, tractors, and cargo carriers
which were directly based on tank chassis are described
with other variants under the heading' of the basic
vehicle. Towing vehicles not based on tank components
are omitted.


Several projected special purpose vehicles or equipments

were under development at the cessation of hostilities.
Prototypes' did not appear until after the war's end. Most 444. 18 ton High Speed Tractor M4, front view.
important of these included:
Tank Recovery Vehicle T12: Recovery vehicle based on the
M26 heavy tank with modified turret, winch, and boom.
Design began in late 1944.
Tank Recovery Vehicle T6El: Recovery vehicle based on
the chassis of the M24light tank. Design started in Septem-
ber 1943, but the T6El was held for possible production
only if the need arose.
Mine Resistant Vehicle T15E3: As T15fElfE2, but based on
T26E3 chassis instead of M4 medium tank. 1945 design.
155mm Mortar Motor Carriage T90 and T96: Breech load-
ing mortar on chassis of M4 medium tank and M37 HMC
respectively. Design started December 1944. Cancelled,
August 1945.

445. Pilot model T6E 1 was a proposed recovery version of the M24
light tank.

446. LVT(A) 4 showing 75mm howitzer.

THE American L VTs stemmed from the Alligator design of LVT(A) 2: Built concurrently with the LVT(A) 1, this
Donald Roebling Jr, who had produced a lightweight vehicle was identical to the original mild steel LVT 2 in
tracked; amphibious vehicle in 1935 for rescue work on the appearance but was constructed of armour plate like the
swamps of Florida Everglades. This attracted the attention LVT(A) 1 with the turret, guns, and decking omitted so that
of the USMC and in 1940 Roebling re-designed the vehicle it could be used as an armoured troop/store carrier for
to suit Marine requirements. First order, for 200 vehicles, assault landings to carry troops over the beach and inland
designated LVT 1 (landing vehicle tracked) was placed in for disembarkation. The idea for this came after the Tarawa
November 1940 and in August 1941 the first USMC landings at the end of 1943, when the original LVT 2 had
amphibian tractor battalions were formed with these been given extemporised armour protection from bolted on
vehicles. Larger improved version was designated LVT 2. plating. The LVT(A) 2 was built to US Army requirements.
Both these types were essentially cargo carriers for ship-to- Details as for LVT(A) 1 except for omission of armament
shore supply operations and were made of mild steel. As and turret, etc. These basic LVTs were called "Water
such they are beyond the scope of this book. Buffalo" by the American forces.
In November 1943, LVT 2s were used to carry troops LVT(A) 4: In March 1944, by which time the need for
ashore at Tarawa and it was realised that the LVT suitably heavier armament than the 37mm gun had been appreciated,
modified could be used to provide fire support for amphib- the LVT(A) 1 was further modified by the substitution of
ious operations. What was virtually a floating tank was the complete turret and 75mm howitzer from the M8 GMC
therefore developed, simply by building an LVT 2 in (qv). The machine gun positions were eliminated due to the
armour plate instead of mild steel, decking in the cargo extra weight. Details as LVT(A) 1, except: weight: 40,000Ib;
space and adding the turret and 37mm gun from the M3 height: 10ft 5in; armament: 1 x 75mm howitzer M2 or M3,
light tank. This became the LVT(A) 1, (A: armoured). 1 x ·50 cal MG (AA); ammunition: 100 rounds 75mm,
Developments from then on included the following: 400 rounds· 50 cal.
LVT(A) I-Landing Vehicle Tracked (Armored) Mk I: This
was the LVT 2 design modified as described to form a LVT(A) 5: The LVT(A) 4 proved a most useful and success-
hybrid amphibious tank. Designed at the end of 1943, the ful vehicle in the many amphibious assault landings of the
LVT(A) 1 was in service in 1944 and proved most successful. Pacific war. It suffered however, by having only hand trav-
In addition to the turret, two machine gun positions were erse and no stabilisation of the gun. LVT(A) 5 remedied
cut in the rear decking with· 30 cal Brownings mounted on these shortcomings by the addition of power traverse and
Scarf rings and fitted with shield and coamings. Weight: a gyro-stabiliser in the turret. Designed in 1945, it did not
32,800Ib; length: 26ft lin; height: 10ft lin; width: 10ft 8in; come into service, however, until after the war. Details and
crew: 6; maximum speed (land): 25mph; maximum speed appearance as LVT(A) 4.
(water): 6tmph; armament: 1 x ·37mm gun M3, 1 x ·50 cal LVT 4: A disadvantage of the original LVT 1 and 2 designs
MG (AA), 2 x ·30 cal MG; ammunition: 104 rounds 37mm, had been the rear mounted engine and central cargo space
6,000 rounds ·30 cal; engine: Continental W-670, 250hp; which meant that troops and stores were loaded over the
track width: 14tin. side of the vehicle and that there were thus limitations on
the sort of item which could be loaded. The LVT 4 was Rocket launchers and flame-projectors were fitted to some
basically the LVT(A) 2 modified by having its engine LVT models and tested in combat. Two examples are shown.
moved forward and resited immediately behind the driving Rocket launcher T45 mounted on stern of LVT(A) 4: Could
compartment. The transom was then replaced by a ramp also be mounted on stern of LVT(A) 2 and LVT 1. Two
operated by a hand winch. This now allowed troops and banks of 10 rockets.
stores to be loaded through the stern of the vehicle. It could Other rocket launcher types on LVTs: LVT 4 with T54
carry 30 troops (compared to 18 in the LVT 2) and light rocket launcher-this consisted of 20 7· 2in rockets in square
vehicles (eg, Jeep, Universal Carrier) or field guns. This type sectioned tubes in a heavy framed carrier, mounted
was first used at Saipan in mid 1944, and was also used in centrally in the cargo space to fire forward.
Italy and NW Europe, 1944-45. The LVT 4 was also used
by the British Army, under the designation "LVT, Buffalo". LVT 3 with T89 rocket launcher: This was a similar arrange-
In British service it was fitted with a Polsten 20mm cannon ment to the LVT 4 with T54 RL. It had 107·2 in rocket tubes.
and two ·30 cal Browning MGs. In American service it E7 flame-gun in LVT(A) 1: The flame-gun replaced the
carried a mount on each side for either a ·30 calor ·50 cal 37mm gun and the fuel tank was carried internally. Same
machine gun. These could be seen fitted with or without gun equipment could be fitted in the LVT(A) 4 in place of the
shields. The British army, incidentally, also received a very 75mm howitzer, and also in the LVT 4, with the projector
small batch ofLVT Is (Alligators) which were used mainly mounted in a small shield in the centre front of the cargo
for crew training. LVT 4 details as LVT(A) 4 except: space. All developed and fitted in 1944.
weight: 33,350Ib; height: 8ft lin; armament as stated above. Other flame-thrower equipment fitted to LVTs included
LVT 3: This was vehicle developed by Borg Warner which the Canadian Ronson which could be mounted in the
was similar in external appearance to the LVT 4, complete LVT(A) 4 in place of the 75mm howitzer, or in the LVT 1
with stern ramp, but which had a single Cadillac 125HP and 2 in the left hand front of the superstructure front.
engine mounted in each side pontoon and the Hydra- LVT(A) 1 with El4-7R2 flame-thrower: This was an early
matic automatic transmission used in the M5light tank (qv). adaptation with the projector replacing the 37mm gun.
This produced a vehicle of superior performance, more Ten were built in 1942 but were not used in combat.
efficient than the Continental-engined designs. Called the LVT(A) 2 with portable ramp: This was a specialised local
"Bushmaster", it was produced in 1944 and first used in modification to a few vehicles whereby an Ark type bridge
action at Okinawa. Details as LVT 4 with differences as was fitted to the top of a standard LVT to enable troops and
noted above. equipment to surmount coral cliffs during the Tinian
LVT(A) 4 with M24 turret: This was an experimental landings.
conversion, produced in January 1945 to provide an even Note: All LVT types were propelled in the water by
more heavily armed LVT for support operations. The M8 cup-shaped grousers which formed an integral part of
type turret was replaced with that from a Chaffee M24 the track shoe. Suspension was achieved by rubber
light tank and suitable alterations were made to the super- cushioning of the bogie wheel axles. Original US Army
structure to allow the larger turret to be fitted. No further designation for the LVT 1 was Amphibian Tractor
development took place after the cessation of hostilities. T33, but later this was dropped and the US Navy LVT

447. LVT(l) showing 37mm gun.

designations were adopted. LVTs were used by both
the US Army and USMC. They were a US Navy
responsibility. Turreted versions carried bouyancy
bags to compensate for extra weight. Details applicable
to all variants: Range (land): 125 miles; Range (water):
75 miles; Armour (maximum): 13mm; (minimum):
6mm; Vertical obstacle: 3ft; Trench crossing: 5ft;
Minimum freeboard: 2ft 3in.

450. LVT(A) 4 prototype fitted with M24 turret.

448. LVT 4 Buffalo with machine guns in shields.

451. T45 Rocket Launchers mounted on a LVT(A) 4.

449. Borg Warner "A" vehicle 1942. Though this prototype

vehicle did not go into production in this form, it led to the LVT 3
Bushmaster which was of similar appearance but 'with rear ramp
and without the turret. 452. E-7 Flame-thrower on LVT(A) 1.

453. LVT(A) 1 firing at night on practice ranges.



~:'* ~.
.... _--
454. Although Australia, Canada, and New Zealand all built indigenous tank designs, only the Canadian tanks reached production status.
Meanwhile, all Common-\Vealth armies used British and American tanks. These are Light Tanks Mk VIA of the Australian Light Horse
(3rd Australian Tank Corps) in training at Rokeby, the Australian Tank Corps depot.

455. Ram Mk I, 2pdr gun and side doors.

PRIOR to the outbreak of war it was considered that satisfactory for British and Canadian users, in particular
Canadian industry did not lend itself to tank production and the high silhouette, sponson-mounted main armament,
it was not anticipated that war requirements would include inadequate armour protection, and lack of radio in the
the building of tanks in that country. In the event of war, turret.
Canadian tank units would have been issued with British After lengthy consideration, therefore, the Inter-depart-
tanks. mental Tank Committee decided, in January 1941, to
German military success in the invasion of Poland-and continue the Canadian design utilising the mechanical
subsequently France and Flanders-however, showed that components of the M3 medium but incorporating hull and
British tank production would have to be greatly expanded. turret to suit Canadian requirements, with a British main
In the spring of 1940, therefore a British order for Valentine armament. This vehicle was to be known as the Ram, the
tanks (qv) was placed with Canadian Pacific, and in the light name being derived from the family crest of General
of this a Canadian order was immediately placed with the Worthington, the chief of Canadian armoured forces.
same contractor to equip a Canadian Tank Brigade. The Responsibility for development was placed with the
fall of France, the danger of invasion in Britain, and the Montreal Locomotive Works directed by the Canadian
German bombing offensive, led to a further decision that Department of Munitions and Supply, with the British
more tank and military production should be established Tank Mission in America and the Department of National
in Canada and the formation of two Canadian armoured Defense acting in an advisory capacity.
divisions on the summer of 1940 added a further require- A running prototype was completed in June 1941 and
ment for 1,000 cruiser type tanks to equip them. The serious design and stowage details were worked out during the
shortage of tanks in Britain meant that there was no chance course of the year. Procurement of suitable armour plate in
of any such equipment being provided from the United Canada and its heat treatment, forming, and machining,
Kingdom. At the same time, American tank production, presented an immense problem which was eased by the
though about to be increased was insufficient to provide provision of the turret and upper hull castings from General
Canada's needs. Steel Castings in USA. It was planned to provide 6pdr gun
Hence a decision was taken to construct a Tank Arsenal mount drawings from Britain but these did not materialise
in Canada under the administration of Montreal Locomo- in time and the mantlet, cradle, and elevating gear were
tive Works with the assistance of its parent organisation, designed in Canada. Pending the final development and
American Locomotive. It was further decided that the production of the 6pdr mountings, the first fifty vehicles
Canadian-built cruiser tank design would be based on that were fitted with 2pdrs and were designated Ram Mk I
of the US M3 medium tank (qv) then at the pilot model Production vehicles with 6pdrs then became Ram Mk II,
stage, both- to save time and to utilise mechanical and the latter achieving full production status in January 1942.
chassis components already in production for the M3. By In the summer of 1941 the Ram pilot model was loaned to
the autumn of 1940, it became clear that many of the design the US Army, carrying out running trials at APG with a
features being finalised and approved for the M3 medium British crew under an officer from the Ordnance Depart-
by the US Ordnance Department would be far from ment. The T6 (M4 medium tank prototype) had several
features similar to the Ram, notably the hull shape and the
sponson doors. Much of the similarity was co-incidental,
however, the T6, like the Ram, being developed to over-
come the inadequacies of the M3 medium tank.
Rams were not used in action as gun tanks, most being
used for training only, in Canada or Britain. Many were
subsequently converted for special purposes~notably as
Kangaroo APCs-as noted below. Ram Kangaroos equip-
ped the armoured troop carrier battalions of 79th Armoured
Division in the NW Europe campaign and were the first
tracked APCs used in quantity by the British. These vehicles
remained in service for some years post-war until specialised
APCs were developed. 456. Ram Mk II, 6pdr gun.
The Ram chassis resembled and followed the design of
the American medium tank with vertical volute suspension.
Lower hull was of riveted armour plate and upper hull and
turret were of heavy cast armoured steel. Engine was a
Continental R-975 as for the M3 medium. First 50 vehicles
were Mk I with 2pdr guns. Remainder were Mk II with
6pdrs. Ram II had gyro-stabiliser for main armament and
splash beading round turret ring. Turret was hydraulically
traversed. Track was of a pattern designed in Canada,
known as CDP type, and was generally considered superior
to the steel and rubber types produced for the M4 mediums,
being easier and cheaper to produce and offering better
Several improvements and modifications were incorpora-
ted in the Ram during production. These included the
457. Ram Mk II, late production vehicle, sponson doors eliminated.
addition of a transmission oil cooler, elimination of the
sponson doors, elimination of the machine gun cupola,
addition of a floor escape hatch, elimination of pi&tol ports
in turret, and modifications to the engine to allow use of
80 octane fuel. Total Ram II production was 1,094 vehicles.

Designation: Tank Cruiser, Ram Mk II or Mk I (US designation,
Crew: 5 (driver, co-driver, gunner, loader, commander)
Battle weight: 65,OOOlb
Dimensions: Length 19ft Track width 15-t in
Height: 8ft 9in (with CDP tracks)
Width 9ft lin Track centres/tread 6ft 1lin
Armament: Main: 1 x 2pdr OQF (Ram I)
1 x 6pdr OQF (Ram II)
Secondary: 2 x .30 cal Browning M'G
1 x ·30 cal Browning MG (AA) 458. Ram OP/Command; note cable reels on rear decking.
Armour thickness: Maximum 87mm
Minimum 25mm
Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: + 20° to - 7-t°
Engine: Continental R-975. 400hp.
Maximum speed: 25mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 20mph
Suspension type: Vertical volute
Road radius: 144 miles
Fording depth: 3ft
Vertical obstacle: 1ft 6in
Trench crossing: 7ft 5in
Ammunition stowage: 92 rounds 6pdr (Ram II), 171 rounds 2pdr
(Ram T)
4,440 rounds .30 cal
Special features/remarks: Vehicle could also be fitted with American
pattern 16-tin wide tracks as used on M4 medium. OP version had
dummy gun with limited turret traverse, by hand, 45° each side.
Rams could be seen fitted with prominent stowage box on turret
rear. Excellent design, in many ways superior to the early M4
which over-shadowed it by being produced in much greater
459. Ram ARV Mk I recovering Ram Mk II. Note comparison
between Mk I and Mk II turret fronts, and tool boxes on rear of

Ram Kangaroo: Turret and associated equipment removed

to provide space for carriage of infantry, 11 men in battle
order plus crew of two. Hand and foot grips added to each
side of the hull.
Ram Gun Tower: As Kangaroo but with towing hook at
rear for 17pdr anti-tank gun. Crew and ammunition carried
in vehicle.
Ram Ammunition Carrier: Also known as the Wallaby, this
was converted as for the Kangaroo, but was fitted with racks
for 25pdr ammunition as limber vehicle for the Sexton (qv).
Ram OP/Command: Ram II designed for use as armoured
observation post or command vehicle. Fitted with dummy
gun and extra radio equipment, aerials, and telephone reels,
etc. 84 built in 1943.
Ram GPO: As Ram OP, but fitted with special equipment
for Gun Position Officers ofSP artillery regiments. Included
Tannoy loudspeakers.
Ram ARV Mk I: Ram Mk I converted to ARV by addition
of winching gear.
Ram ARV Mk II: Ram II with turret replaced by fixed
dummy turret and dummy gun, with demountable forward
jib, fixed rear jib, and earth spade. Appearance and specifica-
tion as for British Sherman ARV Mk II (qv).
Ram AVRE: Two vehicles converted by Royal Engineers in
1943 to examine possibility of using Rams in the assault
engineer role. The Churchill was adopted as standard AVRE
and the Ram was abandoned for the purpose.
Ram QF 3·7in AA: Attempt in late 1942 to produce a self-
propelled mount for the 3·7in AA gun. Various modifica- 460. Ram QF 3·7in SP AA gun., seen on trials.
tions (including shield) made during its trials. Project t,/
abandoned after test.
Ram Flame-throwers: A small number of Kangaroos
converted by Canadian Army to include Wasp II flame-
throwing equipment. Also known as the Badger, though
most vehicles so converted were Shermans.
Ram with 75mm gun: Trials were carried out on one vehicle
with American 75mm M3 gun replacing the 6 pounder.
Project abandoned.
Ram Searchlight: Local conversion in 1945 whereby a Ram
Kangaroo was fitted with a complete 40in searchlight and
generator to illuminate airstrips, etc, in forward areas for 461. Ram Kangaroo APe of 79th Armd Div, April 1945. Note US
night operations, NW Europe. tracks (M4 type) on this vehicle.

462. Rear view of Ram Mk 1.


463. Skink AA Tank.

THE Grizzly I was the basic M4Al medium tank design vehicle on the basis of the Grizzly tank. This firm designed
built by Montreal Locomotive Works after completion of and built a modified turret, dimensionally similar to that
the Ram II and Ram OP/Command contracts. It differed of the Grizzly, which mounted four 20mm Polsten cannon
from the M4Al principally by being fitted with Canadian and associated sighting equipment. Production orders were
CDP tracks (though M4 tracks could also be used) and by given in early 1944 after approval of the pilot model, but in
the installation of British pattern wireless equipment as niid 1944, due to proven Allied air superiority in Europe, the
built. A prominent stowage box was added on the turret, requirement for AA tanks lapsed, and orders were cancelled
and sandshields were fitted as standard. Another feature after only a few Skinks had been completed. One of these
introduced in the Grizzly was a 2in smoke mortar in the was tested in Britain. Details as for Grizzly except for 4 x
turret roof to meet British/Canadian requirements. This 20mm Polsten cannon which fired singly, in salvoes of two,
was, as a result of experience with the Grizzly, subsequently or all together. Magazines for re-Ioads were carried in
fitted in all American-built M4 series tanks. Plans to produce armoured bins which replaced the ammunition racks of the
the M4Al in Canada had been made as early as September original Grizzly.
1942. However, the limited facilities of Montreal Locomo-
tive Works meant that production could not start for
another year. Between September-December 1943, a total
of 188 Canadian-built M4Als was produced, the name
Grizzly I being given to this vehicle by the Canadians. M4Al
production in Canada was prematurely cut short by the
decision to concentrate all M4 series production in American
plants, which in 1944 had sufficient free production capacity
to meet all M4 series tank requirements for Allied armies.
The Grizzly, together with US-built M4s, equipped
Canadian armoured battalions in Canada and Europe,
Details as American M4 series (qv) except: combat
weight: 67,OOOlb; tracks: 15-!in (CDP) or 16-!in (American
type); length: 19ft 1in (excluding sandshields); height:
9ft lOin; ammunition stowage: 78 rounds 75mm.
Skink AA Tank: In the autumn of 1943 when there was a
requirement for AA tanks for the forthcoming invasion of
Europe, the Department of National Defense contracted 464. Grizzly cruiser tank-Canadian-built version of M4AI
with the Waterloo Manufacturing Co to develop such a medium tank.

465. Early production Sexton with three-piece nose and M3 type bogies.

ESSENTIALLY an "anglicised" version of the American SPECIFICATION :

M7 (Priest), the Sexton was developed in the latter half of Designation: 25pdr SP, tracked, Sexton
1942 to meet British General Staff requirements for a self- Crew: 6 (commander, driver, gunner, gun-layer, loader, wireless
propelled gun with all the mobility and characteristics of operator).
the M7 HMC (qv) but with the standard British 25pdr field Battle weight: 57,0001b
howitzer in place of the American 105mm weapon. As a Dimensions: Length 20ft ]in Track width] 5tin. (or
basis, the Ram chassis (itself fundamentally the US M3 Height 8ft 16tin with American
medium tank chassis) was used. Layout was similar to that Width 9ft tracks)
Track centres/tread 6ft ] 1in
of the M7, but the driving position was on the right and the Armament: Main: 1 x Ordnance 25pdr howitzer Mk II
gun was offset to the left, since the Ram chassis had the Secondary: 2 x Bren ·303 cal MG (AA)
driver's position shifted to the right hand side. A small Armour thickness: Maximum 25mm
ammunitioning hatch was provided in the left l)and side, Minimum 12mm
and there was no ring mount for an AA gun as in the M7. Traverse: 25° left to 15° right. Elevation limits: + 40° to - 9°
The standard 25pdr howitzer was mounted, but in order to Engine: Continental R-975 radial air-cooled 400hp
give sufficient elevation it was necessary to limit the recoil Maximum speed: 25mph
throw. Built by Montreal Locomotive, the pilot model was Maximum cross-country speed: 20mph
shipped to Britain for tests and approval, and production Suspension type: Vertical volute
Road radius: 125-145 miles
commenced at Montreal Locomotive Works in early 1943, Fording depth: 3ft 6in
424 vehicles being completed by the year's end. Successive Vertical obstacle: 2ft
orders from Britain, kept the vehicle, named Sexton, in Trench crossing: 7ft 5in
production until the end of 1945, by which time 2,150 had Ammunition stowage: 87 rounds 25pdr (HE or Smoke)
been completed. ]8 rounds 25pdr (AP)
The Sexton chassis was identical to the Ram in early 50 Bren gun magazines
production vehicles, with a welded superstructure. Changes Special features/remarks: Successful expedient design, though
introduced during production included the adoption of a under gunned for the size and power of the chassis. Layout bas~d
one-piece cast nose (as on late M4 medium tanks), M4 type on that of M7 HMC. Built to British specifications, featuring
British wireless (No 19) set, and Tannoy. Howitzer mounted in
bogies with trailing return rollers, a towing hook at rear for prominent armoured cradle.
ammunition trailer, provision of an auxiliary generator,
stowage for extra equipment, and mounts for Bren AA
machine guns.
The M7 HMC had entered service with the British in
October 1942 under Lend-Lease arrangements. As the VARIANT
Sexton became available it gradually replaced M7 Priests Sexton GPO: Introduced in late 1943 (the prototype was
in the field regiments of armoured divisions, the M7 being designated "G" vehicle), this was a Sexton with gun removed
entirely superseded by mid 1944 (see M7 history). Sextons and extra equipment added for gun position officers (GPO)
remained in British and Canadian service for many years of Sexton batteries. It was fitted with extra radio, map
post-war. tables, extra telephone cables, and an extra Tannoy unit.
466. Late production Sexton with one-piece cast nose and M4 bogies with
trailing return rollers.

OTHER TANKS AND SP TYPES USED BY THE CANADIAN ARl\1Y, Sherman Badger:' Flame-thrower conversion of M4A3
1939-45 (HVSS), 1945, with turret removed. See M4 series, British
Light Tanks Mk VI, VIA, VIB: Small number supplied for Service.
training in 1940, used at the Canadian Armoured Corps Churchill I, III, IV,. V, VII: For details of these vehicles, see
depot, Camp Borden. For details of these vehicles see British infantry tank section. Widely used by Canadian
British light tank section. forces in Europe, 1942-45. First used in action (at Dieppe)
Valentine VI, VII, VilA: Canadian-built models of the by Canadian regiments.
Valentine, produced by Canadian Pacific. 1,420 were built, Tank Mk VIII: In order to provide Canadian forces with
but all except 30 were shipped under Lend-Lease to Russia. tanks for training purposes in summer 1940 at a time ofacute
Remainder used in Canada for training. Originally planned shortage, the United States sold 229 1919 vintage tanks to
as major type for Canadian use, but supplanted by the Ram the Canadian government at nominal scrap value. Of these,
as a service type in Canada. For Valentine details see about 90 were Mk VIII tanks which had been in store since
British infantry tank section. the early thirties after withdrawal from US Army service.
M4 Medium Tank (Sherman): All models, but mainly These were reactivated and delivered in September 1940.
M4A1, M4A2, M4A4. For details ofM4 series see American Totally obsolete, they were used only for training at Camp
medium tank section. Borden until sufficient modern tanks became available.
MIO GMC (Wolverine, Achilles): For details ofM10 series 6 Ton Tank: Balance of the 229 obsolete tanks sold to
see American medium tank section. Canada in 1940 were the American-built Renault FT type
Sherman Kangaroo, Priest Kangaroo: For details of these which were two-man machines of limited performance.
variants see M4 series, British Service, and M7 HMC, Used for training at Camp Borden, they were discarded
British Service. when modern types became available.

467. Five valentines Mk VI after completion at Montreal Locomotive Works pose beside a Canadian Pacific locomotive built in the san1e
plant. Note the cast nose, the distinguishing feature of all Canadian-built Valentines.

468. Light Tanks Mk VIB in use for training at Camp Borden, the Canadian armoured corps centre, early in 1941.

469. Mk VIII tanks, shown on delivery to Canada, September 1940.

470. Canadian crews in training with ex-American 6 Ton light tanks at Camp Borden, October 1940.

471. The prototype Sentinel AC III mounting a 25pdr gun.

WITH war against Japan seeming more than probable, and utilising only alloys available in Australia. By April 1941,
with the added possibility even of a Japanese invasion, the drawings of the M3 final drive arrived from America, when
Australian Ministry of Munitions first considered the idea it found that this installation was too sophisticated to be
of building tanks as early as July 1940. At this time, Britain's manufactured in Australia with existing facilities. Suitable
tank strength was inadequate for home defence, and there machinery could not be delivered from Britain or America
seemed little possibility of Australia receiving tanks from for at least another year. Meanwhile, the United States
this source for some time to come. The Army Design Section suggested that Australia produced a new design which
(part of the Directorate of Mechanisation) was therefore could utilise components supplied from America. This
asked to examine design characteristics and production proposal, envisaged the use of commercial truck engine
problems, and in November 1940, the Australian General and mechanical components. In July 1941, therefore,
Staff drew up precise requirements for the sort of tank they it was decided to go ahead with a new design which was
thought necessary. They called for a 16-20 (long) tons designated AC II. The limitations which soon became
vehicle, with 2pdr main armament, crew of 4-5, a range of evident using truck engines and drive, however, were
150 miles, and armour maximum of 50mm. They estimated many; principally the weight had to be kept below 16-18
that 2,000 would be needed, with first deliveries in July 1941 tons with consequent reduction in armour thickness,
and output of 70 a week from then on. and armament could be no heavier than a 2pdr gun. The
The Ministry of Munitions asked the British General truck mechanical components were not powerful enough
Staff for the services of a tank design expert from Britain, to cope with a vehicle heavier than this. In September 1941,
and, accordingly, a Colonel Watson was sent to Australia therefore, the AC II design was abandoned, and attention
in December 1940. Watson travelled via America, where was given once more the the AC 1.
he had the chance to see the designs being drawn up for the It was found that by redesigning the final drive to a much
M3 medium tank (qv), and on arrival in Australia he was more simplified form it would be possible to build the
appointed Director of Design. For the proposed vehicle, necessary components in Australia. Meanwhile, redesign
AC I (AC: Australian Cruiser), Watson planned to use a had also been carried out on the bogies; originally vertical
copy of the M3 final drive and gearbox since he had been volute bogies of the M3 type were planned, but these were
impressed by the mechanical features of this vehicle. For a changed to horizontal volute pattern and proved much
power plant, Guiberson diesel motors were planned but superior. The first cast hull was successfully manufactured
since it seemed probable that there would be difficulty in in October 1941, and the prototype AC I was completed in
obtaining these, three commercial automobile engines, Ford January 1942. The hull and turret castings were in them-
at first, then more powerful Cadillac engines, were adopted, selves a great achievement as nothing so complicated as this
arranged in "clover leaf' forlnation. A leading Australian had previously been attempted by Australian industry.
automobile engineer was co-opted to advise on develop- Modifications were made to the prototype vehicle after
ment and installation. trials, and in August 1942 the first production vehicle was
In early 1941 a wooden mock-up of AC I was built. The completed at Chullona Tank Assembly Shops, NSW, only
vehicle was to have cast or rolled armour throughout, a year after the first over-optimistic (and unrealistic)
estimate. Chullona Shops had been built starting in SPECIFICATION:
January 1942 specially to produce tanks, and were erected Designation: Cruiser Tank AC I and AC III, Sentinel
and managed by New South Wales State Railways, based Crew: 5 (commander, driver, hull gunner, gunner, loader)
on the American tank arsenals. A total of 66 AC Is were (No hull gunner in AC III).
built when production ceased and all orders were cancelled Battle weight: 62,7201b
in July 1943. By this time the tank supply situation had Dimensions: Length 20ft 9in Track width 16tin
changed and the USA was able to provide all vehicles Height 8ft 5in Track centres/tread 7ft 6tin
necessary for equipping the 1st Australian Armoured . Width 9ft lin
Division which had meanwhile been formed. The AC Is Armament: Main: 1 x 2pdr OQF (AC I)
I x 25pdr (AC III)
already completed were therefore used only for training and Secondary: 2 x Vickers· 303 cal MG (one in AC TTl)
never saw combat service. Armour thickness: Maximum 65mm
The Australian AC tank, named Sentinel, was a most Minimum 25mm
remarkable achievement for a nation with only limited Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -
heavy engineering facilities and no previous experience of Engine: 3 x Cadillac V-8 petrol, 117hp each unit (AC I)
tank production. The arrangement of the Cadillac "clover Perrier-Cadillac triple engine (common crankcase), 397hp
leaf' power plant, and the cast one-piece hull were novel (AC III)
features which made a strong, tough, powerful vehicle Maximum speed: 30mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 20mph (approx)
capable of much future development. Plans for upgunned Suspension type: HVSS, Hotchkiss type
versions of the AC I (detailed below) never went beyond Road radius: 200 miles (AC I), 229 miles (AC III)
prototype stage, however, when AC production was Fording depth: 4ft
prematurely terminated. Had AC manufacture continued, Vertical obstacle: 2ft (AC I), 4ft (AC III)
it was also planned to commence building ACs at the Trench crossing: 9ft 6in
Geelong Tank Assembly Shops, Victoria, then being built, Ammunition stowage: 130 rounds 2pdr (AC I)
which were to be managed by Ford Motor Co (Australia). 4,250 rounds· 303 cal (AC I)
Special features/remarks: Cast one-piece hull with prominent
armoured sleeve for bow machine gun mount. HVSS copied from
French Hotchkiss design in place of M3 type vertical volute
suspension at first planned. Very low, stable, fast vehicle, with
good armour protection and development potential. Tracks were
American rubber block type. Bren AA machine gun mount fitted
on cupola of all marks.

472. Standard production AC I Sentinel.

AC III: This was an upgunned design of the AC I mounting
a 25pdr in place of the 2pdr. This necessitated considerable
modification, mainly the provision of a larger turret and
turret ring, which was increased from 54in to 64in diameter.
The engine installation was redesigned with a common
crankcase, allowing room for extra fuel tanks, and the bow
machine gun was eliminated to give increased ammunition
stowage. The bow machine gunner was also, of course,
dispensed with, reducing the crew to four. A prototype for
the AC III underwent trials in February] 943 and AC III
production was to replace the AC I at Chullona from May
]943. However, in view of cancellation of the AC prog-
"ramme it seems probable that very few, if any, AC III were
actually completed.
AC IV: The AC III prototype was subsequently tested in
March ]943 with two 25pdrs in a co-axial mount, so that
the feasibility of mounting the new] 7pdr high velocity gun
in the AC series could be investigated. Fired together, the
two 25pdrs gave a recoil 20 % greater than the recoil of a 473. AC III test vehicle with twin 25pdrs fitted.
]7pdr gun with no adverse effect on the turret or vehicle.
Plans thus went ahead to fit the] 7pdr in the AC III design,
and a prototype was completed and tested in late ] 943.
However, by then AC production had ceased, and no further
production orders followed. With the ] 7pdr, the vehicle
was designated AC IV. Undoubtedly it would have proved
a most potent vehicle.
One AC hull was modified with torsion bar suspension
in an attempt to provide superior riding qualities for the
proposed upgunned models. Though completed and run,
there was, of course, no opportunity of incorporating the
new suspension in production vehicles.

474. AC IV prototype with 17pdr.

OTHER TANKS AND SP TYPES USED BY THE For all Matilda details see British infantry tank section.
AUSTRALIAN ARMY, 1939-45 Covenanter Bridgelayer, Valentine Bridgelayer: Small num-
Vickers Medium Mk IIA: Four vehicles purchased from ber supplied to Australians. Mainly used for training. For
Britain in 1937 and modified by the addition of a ball- details see British Covenanter and Valentine entries.
mounted·303 cal Vickers MG in the turret to the right of Infantry Tank Mk III, Valentine: Small number supplied to
the main armament. Still in use for training in 1939-42. For Australians from 1943 onwards. For details of this vehicle,
details see Medium Mk II, British section. see British section.
Vicker Light Tanks Mk VI, VIA, VIB: A small number of Medium Tank M3, Grant: Many of the Grants superseded
light tanks of these marks was obtained from Britain in by Shermans in the 8th Army in late 1942jearly 1943, were
1939. They were used for training in Australia, mainly at supplied to the Australians in the Pacific theatre and used
Rokeby, the Australian mechanised cavalry centre, until there until the war's end. For details see US M3 medium
1942-43 when Australian-built Sentinels and ex-American tank entry. The Australians also received a few M4
vehicles replaced them. Australian forces also took over Shermans.
some vehicles of this type in the Western Desert in 1940, Grant ARV Mk II (Australian): Australian conversion of
together with some Light Tanks Mk II, all ex-British standard Grant tank to ARV role by removal of guns and
vehicles. For details of these types see British light tank installation of winch in fighting compartment, addition of
section. tool boxes on hull rear, earth spade, and roller guide for
Infantry Tank Mk II, Matilda III or IV: Vehicles delivered winch purchase. Unique to Australian Army and distinct
from British Army, 1942, after being superseded in British from British and US conversions of the Grant to the ARV
service. Used by Australians in New Guinea campaign. (TRV) role.
Matilda Frog, Matilda Murray: Australian flame-thrower Light Tank M3 series: Various models in this series supplied
conversions. Frog was used in New Guinea campaign. to Australians by the United States under Lend-Lease
Matilda Dozer: Australian conversion of standard Matilda; arrangements. For details of this type see US light tank
used in New Guinea campaign. section.

475. Light Tanks Mk VIA in use for training at Rokeby, Australia, 476. Grant ARV Mk II (Australian); rear view showing spade and
October 1940. roller fittings.

477. Australian i\rmy Marilda IVs patrolling the jungle at Finschafen, "New Guinea, 1944. Nearest vehicle is a CS model. Markings have
been obliterated by the censor in this picture.

478. Schofield wheel-and-track tank showing vehicle rigged for running on wheels.

IN 1940, New Zealand was in very much the same position Dimensions: Length 13ft lin Track width 9!in
as Australia, faced with the possibility of eventual involve- Height 6ft 7!in Track centres/tread -
ment in a war with Japan and the further possibility of (6ft 10!in on wheels)
Width 8ft 6!in
invasion. Since no tanks could be procured from Britain at Armament: Main: 1 y 2pdr OQF
that critical period, the New Zealand government was Secondary: I y 7·92 cal Besa MG (co-axial)
forced into considering building tanks of its own. The only Armour thickness: Maximum 10mm
true tank which actually reached prototype stage was Minimum6mm
designed by E. J. Schofield of General Motors (Wellington) Traverse: 360°. Elevation limits: -
and was based on the chassis of the GMC 6cwt commercial Engine: Chevrolet 6 cylinder petrol, commercial type. 29· Shp.
truck which was built in New Zealand. Track and suspen- Maximum speed: 2S·7mph (tracks), 4S·6mph (wheels)
sion units were taken from a Universal Carrier, which was Maximum cross-country speed: -
just going into local production in New Zealand, while the Suspension type: Hortsmann
Road radius: -
wheels and mechanical units came from the 6cwt truck. Fording depth: -
Armour plate for the hull and turret was produced by New Vertical obstacle: -
Zealand Railways at Hull Valley Works. The cylindrical Trench crossing: -
turret was open-topped and mounted a 2pdr gun and co- Ammunition stowage: -
axial machine gun. The truck wheels on this vehicle shared Special features/remarks: Ingenious design of a type proved largely
common stub axles with the sprockets and idlers, and the impractical by British experiments in the inter-war years.
change from wheels to tracks was effected by pivoted arms
operated from the hull interior. When running on wheels,
the tracks had minimal ground clearance and were kept
clear of the ground by chains. When rigged for running on
the tracks, the wheels were removed and fitted to stub OTHER TANKS AND SP TYPES USED BY THE
carriers on the hull sides. The Schofield tank was completed NEW ZEALAND ARMY, 1939-45
in August 1940, but was apparently impractical since no "Bob Semple" Tank: This was an idea to produce an
production order followed. In mid 1943 the prototype was armoured superstructure for fitting to an International
sent to Britain for trials. Harvester agricultural tracked tractor chassis. It consisted
of a box-like structure with loopholes for rifle fire from the
troops carried inside. The vehicle weighed about 20-25
(long) tons and had a top speed of 8mph. The name was
SPECIFICATIO : derived from that of the New Zealand defence minister who
Designation: Light Tank, Wheel-and-Track (Schofield) instigated their production. Only four were built in 1940-41,
Crew: 3 Duties: Commander/Gunner/Driver but they were severely impractical, top heavy, and unstable
Battle weight: II ,6801b due to the limited resilience of the suspension of the tractor

479. Rear view of the Schofield wheel-and-track Tank, shown with

wheels down for road running.
480. New Zealand "Mobile Pillbox" tank, an improvised super-
structure on an agricultural tractor which was also known as the
"Bob Semple" tank.
chassis used. The project to produce large numbers of these
armoured bodies was dropped when the unsatisfactory
nature of the design became apparent. This vehicle was also howitzers taken from Australian Matilda tanks converted
known as the "Mobile Pillbox" tank. to flame-throwers. For Valentine details see British infantry
Infantry Tank Mk III, Valentine III: A number of these were tank section. New Zealand also used Matilda, Shermans,
delivered to New Zealand in 1942 and were used by New and Stuart (M3 light) tanks in World War II. For details of
Zealand forces in the SW Pacific theatre. Some were these vehicles, see relevant entries in British and American
converted to CS tanks by replacing the 2pdr guns with 3in sections.

48]. Stuart I (M3) light tanks, seen on training exercises in New Zealand, 1943.



482. A 75mm Gun Motor Carriage M3 of the US Marines comes ashore from a LST during the landings at Cape Gloucester, December
1942. This vehicle carries a .50 cal MG on each of the pintles provided for the purpose.

483. i\ heavily laden Half-track MJA.l towing a 105mm howitzer passes through Zweibrucken during the US 7th ~t\rmy advance into Germany,
March 1945. Note the pulpit with the ring mount for the' 50 cal MG.

UNITED States Army interest in the half-track dated back First production M2s were delivered in May 1941 and a
to 1925 when the Ordnance Department purchased two total of 11,415 were built, 2,992 by Autocar and 8,423 by
Citroen-Kegresse semi-track vehicles from France. They White. Total M3 half-track production reached 12,499
bought another in 1931. US commercial firms undertook units. For AA protection, the M2 had a track running round
development work on half-tracks on behalf of the Ordnance the inner edge of the superstructure, on which was mounted
Department and the first indigenous design, the T1 Half- skates for' 30 and· 50 calibre MGs, while the M3 had a
track, was built by Cunningham of Rochester, NY, in 1932. pedestal mount instead. Modifications to this arrangement
The development story of these vehicles in the thirties is in 1943 led to the elimination of these types of gun mounts
beyond the scope of this book, but by 1939-40 Half-track in favour of a "pulpit" with circular gun mount just behind
Personnel Carrier T14 had been produced and became the the cab. Three pintles were provided, also for AA machine
prototype of all subsequent half-track types used by the guns. With these new features the vehicles were redesignated
US in World War II. In September 1940 the T14 was M2Al and M3Al respectively. These replaced the earlier
standardised as the Half-track M2 and, with modifications models in production from October 1943 and 2,862 M3A 1
in order to transport personnel, it was standardised as the and 1,643 M2Als had been built when production ceased
Half-track Personnel Carrier M3. in March 1944. A White engine was used in all these models.
The M2 and M3 were similar in design and all major Further variants based on the M2A 1, but designated
assemblies were interchangeable. The chassis and drive separately, were built as mortar carriers. In 1942, also,
units were basically commercial components. The armoured when there was an increased requirement for half-tracks,
hull was tin thick and included armoured shutters over International Harvester were brought into the half-track
the radiator, while armoured shields (tin thick) were production group and built models with minor detail
provided for the cab windscreen and side windows. Vehicles improvements and International, instead of White, engines.
were built with either an unditching roller mounted ahead Designated Half-tracks M9 and M5, these corresponded
of the front fender (though this was sometimes removed) to the M2 and M3 respectively. With the later production
or else with a winch. Late production vehicles also had improvements came the M9A 1 and M5A 1 which correspon-
stowage racks on the hull sides. ded to the M2Al and M3Al produced by the Whitej
The M2 was basically a gun tower with the appropriate AutocarjDiamond T plants.
ammunition stowage facilities, and the M3 was a personnel In April 1943, work started on rationalising the half-track
carrier with slightly longer hull and rearranged seating. design to produce a "universal" vehicle with common
Contracts for production of these vehicles went to White body features suitable for either the gun towerjmortar
and Autocar (M2) and Diamond T (M3) in September 1940. carrier role or the personnel carrier role. This led to the
White had produced the Scout Car M2Al, one of which M3A2 and M5A2 types from WhitejAutocarjDiamond T
had been converted to a half-track during development and International Harvester Co respectively. Standardisa-
work leading to the T14 prototype. Thus the Scout Car tion of these revised designs took place in October 1943 but
(not covered in this book) and the half-track had similar production was later cancelled. By this time, in fact, US
superstructures. The large orders placed by the US Army Army interest in the half-track was beginning to wane and
for half-track vehicles in the autumn of 1940 made standard- production of this type of vehicle tailed off completely in
isation of components essential among the contractors, and mid 1944, though half-tracks remained in wide service with
White, Autocar, and Diamond T agreed to such a policy the American forces until the war's end. For artillery use
under the overall supervision of the Ordnance Department. the half-track was being displaced as a gun tower by the
increasing availability of the high speed full-track tractor
and in other service arms there was a growing preference
for either full-track utility vehicles or trucks for personnel
and supply work. In fact, half-tracks were never fully
replaced in the period covered by this book though the
process had started in 1944. Total US half-track production
reached 41,169 units.
While the half-track was initially conceived as a fast
reconnaissance vehicle, protected against small arms fire
and with a good cross-country ability mainly for infantry
and artillery use, it was also widely employed by other arms
including the Armored Force as a "utility" vehicle. In this
respect it was roughly equivalent in the US Army to the .' ~.
British Universal Carrier, but its larger size gave it more
development potentiat as a weapons carriage. For the
Armored Force, the Ordnance Department produced a 484. The basic Half-track M2 with ·50 and ·30 cal MGs fitted.
number of expedient designs of gun motor carriage on the
basis of the half-track and these performed useful "stop-
gap" service while superior full-track motor carriage
designs were perfected. British armoured units also used a
number of these half-track motor carriage types, supplied
under Lend-Lease arrangements.
There were scores of special purpose variants based on
the US half-tracks but many of these were not used by
armoured units and strictly speaking fall more properly
into the armoured car category not covered in this present
volume. In this section, therefore, only those half-track
variants used by, or specially developed for, armoured
units are described and illustrated.

BASIC MODELS 485. Basic Half-track M3 with ·50 cal MG on pedestal mount.
Half-track Car M2: This was the basic vehicle intended for
use as an artillery prime mover mainly for the 105mm
howitzer (on field carriage) in artillery battalions. It had
seats for 10 men (ie, a full gun crew) plus seats in the cab
for the driver, assistant driver, and commander. There was
no rear door and the body was shorter than that of the M3
(see below). There were two ammunition lockers sited on
each side of the interior immediately behind the driving cab
with access doors to these from outside the vehicle but with
opening lids giving access from inside to the top shelf only.
A skate rail for AA machine guns was fitted round the inner
edge of the superstructure and one ·50 cal and one ·30 cal
Browning MG were fitted to tracks moving on the skate
rail. An unditching roller or winch was fitted at the front
end and the vehicle was radio equipped.
Half-track Car M2Al: This vehicle replaced the M2 in 486. 81 mm Mortar Carrier M4 showing location of skate rail for
production and differed in having an M49 ring mount for AA machine guns.
a ·50 cal MG sited in a "pulpit" over the co-driver's seat.
The skate rail was eliminated. Three pintles were fitted,
two at the side and one at the rear of the superstructure for
optional fitting of one ·30 cal MG. Prototype vehicle for
this development was designated M2E6 and this vehicle,
appropriately modified, also became the prototype for
later production variants of the basic half-track.
Half-track Personnel Carrier M3: Produced concurrently
with the M2, this was the basic personnel carrier model. It
had seats for 10 men (ie, a rifle squad or section) in the rear
and seats for three in the cab, as in the M2. The body was
about ten inches longer than that of the M2 and had an
access door in the rear. Due to this, there was no skate rail
in the M3 and a pedestal mount M25 was provided for a
·30 cal MG, this being fitted to the floor of the rear compart-
ment and demountable as required. The vehicle was
produced fitted with either an unditching roller or winch 487. 8lmm Mortar Carrier M4Al showing internal layout and
at the front end. crew positions.
Half-track Personnel Carrier M3Al : This was the modified
M3 design with ring mount M49 and "pulpit" for AA
machine gun, equivalent to the M2Al.
The M3 and M3A 1 models were widely used by armoured
units as ambulances, command cars, and general utility and
liaison vehicles. In British service, some were converted to
recovery vehicles by the addition of a front-mounted jib.
Half-track Car M3A2(T29): Based on the M3 half-track,
this was a vehicle for "universal" use to replace both the
M2 and M2Al and the M3 and M3Al series. International
Harvester Co converted an M3 as a prototype with interior
fittings suitable for the gun tower or personnel carrier role.
The prototype, designated T29, was completed by July 1943
and standardised as the M3A2 in October 1943. Though
production plans were made, no production took place due 488. 8lmm Mortar Carrier M2l showing forward firing mortar and
to curtailment of the half-track programme. In appearance, ·50 cal MG on pedestal mount.
this vehicle resembled the M3Al but had an armoured
shield on the AA ring mount and movable stowage boxes
in the rear hull which could be changed according to the
role required for the vehicle. Seats for from five to twelve
men could be fitted.
Half-track Personnel Carrier M5: Built by International
Harvester, this vehicle corresponded to half-track M3 but
featured International Harvester components, including
an IHC 6 cylinder engine instead of the White engine of the
M2jM3 series. The body was of homogenous plate (156 in
thick) instead offace-hardened plate as in the M2jM3 series.
Major external distinguishing features resulting from this
were the rounded rear corners of the superstructure.
Additionally, the mudguards on the M5 were flat instead of
rounded. Other physical characteristics were similar to
489. 75mm Gun Motor Carriage M3, most successful of the motor
those of the M3. Due to their "non-standard" nature, carriage adaptations on the half-track chassis.
many of the M5 half-tracks were allocated to Lend-Lease
stocks and most went to the British Army.
Half-track Personnel Carrier M5Al: This was the M5
modified with M49 ring mount to correspond with the
Half-track Car M5A2(T31): This was a projected vehicle,
corresponding to the M3A2 (qv, above) for "universal"
use. International Harvester modified one M5 half-track
under the designation T31 and this was standardised and
ordered into production in October 1943. All production
vehicles were specifically ear-marked for Lend-Lease
allocation. However, following curtailment of half-track
requirements, all production was cancelled early in 1944.
Half-track Car M9Al: This was the half-track variant
produced by International Harvester corresponding to the 490. 75mm Gun Motor Carriage T73 was a later prototype based
M2Al for the gun tower role. However, unlike the M2Al on the M3 (Plate 489) but with the 75mm Gun M3 instead of the
half-track, it had a rear access door and body length M 1897A model.
matching the M5. There was no M9, since designation of
the proposed M9 was changed to M9Al (with correspond-
ing alterations) before production began. 3,433 of these
were built.
81mm Mortar Carrier M4 and M4Al: The purpose-built
mortar carrier version of the M2 half-track, this vehicle
was fitted to accommodate crew, mortar and ammunition.
Seating capacity in the rear was reduced to three, the remain-
ing space being taken up by ammunition racks and stowage
for the mortar. In the M4 there was no provision for firing
the mortar from the vehicle, though this could be done in
emergency situations. A total of 572 M4s were built by
early 1942 when the model was replaced by an improved
design, M4A 1, which had a reinforced floor and mounts
for firing from the vehicle. White built 600 M4A1 mortar 491. 75mm Howitzer Motor Carriage T30 was similar in layout to
carriers in 1943. These vehicles could be distinguished from the M3 GMC but had howitzer armament.
492. 75mm Gun Motor Carriage M3 in service with a British armoured regiment gives support fire on the 8th Army front, Italy, March 1945.

the earlier M4 models by the addition of extra stowage the end of the war. Due to the general shortage of full-track
boxes at the rear. chassis at the time of rearmament in 1941 the Ordnance
81mm Mortar Carrier M21(T19): The limitations of the M4 Department developed several SP weapons on the M3
and M4A1 mortar carriages, which included the rear facing chassis and these are described first.
firing position and lack of traverse for the mortar, led to 75mm Gun Motor Carriage M3(T12) and M3Al : The urgent
the development of a much improved design based on the need for a tank destroyer to be rushed quickly into service
M3 half-track. Major change was the provision of a led to the adaptation of the M3 half-track in June 1941 to
traversing arc and reinforced mount for firing forward take a suitably modified M1897A 75mm gun on a pedestal
from within the vehicle. This gave a traverse of 30° each side mount firing forward. The M1897A was the American
and an elevation range of 40°-80°. The hull was also longer version of the famous French "75", dating from World
and roomiL[ than in the earlier models based on the M2 War I, of which surplus stocks were available. Designated
half-track. A pedestal mount was provided in the hull rear T12 GMC, the gun had a limited traverse and was provided
for a ·50 cal MG. The standard M1 81mm Mortar carried with a shield. Despite its extemporary nature, this equip-
could also be demounted for firing from the ground. The ment proved most successful on trials and the vehicle was
prototype vehicle, designated T19, was standardised in standardised as the M3 G M C in October 1941 . First vehicles
June 1943 and 110 vehicles were built. built were sent instantly to the Phillipines at the end of 1941
4·2in Mortar Carrier T21 and T21El: Similar in layout to in time to see action against the Japanese. Aside from wide
the M4 and M4Al mortar carriers, development of this use in the Pacific, M3 GMCs were also used by US forces
vehicle was initiated in December 1942 using the M3 half- in the North African (Tunis) campaign and on replacement
track as a basis. The mortar was mounted to fire to the rear by full-track tank destroyers, these vehicles were handed
as in the M4Al. Modifications were requested, however, over to the British who used them (in Italy) until the end
to bring the layout into line with the improved arrange- of the war. In British service the M3 GMC was known as
ments of the M21 mortar carrier. As so modified with the "75mm SP, Autocar" (Autocar being the builder of
forward firing mortar on traversing arc, the vehicle was this model), and the vehicles were used in HQ troops of
designated T21 E1. Interest switched to full-track chassis, armoured car and tank squadrons to give support fire.
however, (see Mortar Motor Carriage T27) and the T21El Due to shortage of the original 75mm gun mount, later
project was dropped. vehicles were produced with a modified mount under the
designation 75mm Gun Motor Carriage M3A 1. They were
externally similar to the M3 GMC.
GUN AND HOWITZER MOTOR CARRIAGES ON HALF-TRACK 75mm Howitzer Motor Carriage T30: Following the success
CHASSIS of the M3 GMC (above), the Ordnance Department carried
While the half-track served as the basis for numerous self- out a similar conversion of the M3 half-track to mount a
propelled weapons, relatively few designs were standardised 75mm howitzer. Two pilot models were authorised in
or put into service and those which were were generally January 1942 and an order for 500 vehicles was placed
regarded as expedient designs while full-track motor following successful firing trials. The 75mm Howitzer M IAl
carriages were developed. Notable exceptions, were the carried in this vehicle had a maximum elevation of 25° and
standardised AA vehicles which remained in service until a traverse 21 ° left and 23° right. Though never standardised,

493. 57mm Gun Motor Carriage T48 which was supplied only to the British.

494. 105mm Howitzer Motor Carriage T19. Some of these vehicles had gun shields.

495. Multiple Gun Motor Carriage T28 was prototype for GMC M15. This view shows it with the 37mm gun before the
addition of the two· 50 cal MGs on the same mount and before the fitting of the gun shield.
496. Multiple Gun Motor Carriage TIE4, standardised as the Ml 3, was the first production .A..L-\. variant on the half-track chassis.
Note the folding superstructure sides.
the T30 equipped the HQ companies of the medium tank Multiple Gun Motor Carriage TIE3: This was a further test
battalions until replaced by the 75mm Howitzer Motor project like the TIEl and TIE2 except that an Electro-
Carriage M8 (qv) in 1943. It was regarded only as a "stop- Dynamic power-operated turret of aircraft type was fitted.
gap" type. Of the three installations, that of the TI E2 was preferred.
I05mm Howitzer Motor Carriage T19: Another type Multiple Gun Motor Carriage TIE4(~13): For t.he produc-
produced following experience with the M3 GMC, this tion model using the Ma~son turret., It ~a~ decIded to use
was the largest calibre SP type on the half-track chassis. the M3 half-track as a basIs. OtherwIse SImIlar to the TI E2,
Similar in layout to the TI2 and T30 it incorporated the the TIE4 offered superior stowage space due to the l?nger
I05mm Howitzer M2. A total of 324 were built, some with body. The Maxson turret had 360° traverse, maXImum
and some without gun shields. They were used in action in elevation of 90° and depression of -11' 5°. The turret
North Africa (Tunis) until replaced by the M7 Howitzer could traverse in power operation at 74° a second. Standard-
Motor Carriage (qv). The type was never standardised. ised as the Multiple Gun Motor Carriage M 13, a total of
I05mm Howitzer Motor Carriage T38: This was a project 535 ~ere built by White ~n 1942. .
only to mount a short barrel I05mm Howitzer on the M3 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage M14: To speed up productIon,
half-track in similar style to the T19. the same Maxson gun mount (deSIgnated M33) was
. .. installed in the M5 half-track under the designation Multiple
75mm Gun Mot~r Carriage T73: A modIfied verSIon. of the GMC MI4. It was similar to the M13 except for the different
M3 GMC but WIth a modern 75mm Gun M3 replaCIng the mechanical and physical characteristics of the M5 half-track
M 1897A weapon. . . series (qv). A total of 1,905 units of this type were built by
57~m Gun M?tor C~rrlage T48: Developmen~ .of thIS International Harvester Co in 1943. Many MI4s were
vehIcl~ started .In AprIl 1942 at APG to meet ~rItIsh and supplied to Britain under Lend-Lease but these were
AmerIcan reqUIrements for a self-propelled antI-tank gun. modified for the personnel carrier role by the British who
It ~as an ~daptation. on the M3 half-track similar to the removed the gun mounts.
earhe~ desIg~s, and. Incorporated. !he 57mm MI. gun, .an Multiple Gun Motor Carriage T28 and Ml5jMl5AI
AmerIcan-buIlt verSIon of the BrItIsh 6pdr. A shIeld WIth (T28EI): To give increased fire power a new design was
overh~ad plate ~as fitted to the gun. In October 1942 the evolved, the T28, based on the M2 half-track and consisting
AmerIcan requIr~ment for !~e T48 was dropped but of the top part of the 37mm Gun Carriage M3EI combined
dev~lopment contInued at BrI~Ish request. A to~al of 962 with two ·50 cal MGs on a combined traversing mount
ve~lc~es were ordered of WhIC~ 680 were de.1Iver~d to with armoured shield. The project was dropped in favour
BrI!aln on Lend-Lease. The remaInder were retaIned In. the of the same installation on the M3 half-track designated
Dnl.ted St~l.tes and converte~ to ~3AI personnel carrIers. T28EI. With minor changes resulting from trials this
Wh~te bUII~ these T48. v~hlcles In 1942-43. Most of the vehicle was standardised as the GMC MI5 and 680 were
vehIcles dehvered. to BrItaIn appear to have been converted built by Autocar in 1942. They were first used, with great
to .p.ersonnel carrIers b¥ removal of the gun. The T48 had success, by American forces in the North African (Tunis)
BrItIsh (No. 19 set) radIO. campaign. With minor modifications, including an altered
Multiple Gun Motor Carriage TIEl: This was an early gun mount (see plates 500 and 502), later vehicles produced
project to mount a Bendix power-operated turret with from August 1943 were designated M15Al.
twin ·50 cal MGs on a M2 half-track in a series of compara- Multiple Gun Motor Carriage Ml6 and MI7(T58): In April
tive .trial installations, 19.41, to evaluate a design of motor 1942 development work started on a new Maxson turret
carrIage for AA defence In the field. with four instead of the two ·50 cal machine guns of the
Multiple Gun Motor Carriage TIE2: The TIE2 was similar M33 mount on the M13j14. The new turret ,vas tested on a
to the TIEl except that a Maxson twin ·50 cal MG turret M2 half-track chassis, and later on a M3 half-track chassis
was fitted instead of the Bendix turret. It was tested against under the designation GMC T58. The new mount was stan-
the TIEl. dardised as the M45 and the T58 vehicle with this mount

497. First prototype AA vehicle on a half-track chassis was the

TIEl with Bendix power-operated turret.
498. Comparative test vehicle in trials with the TIEl (plate 497) was
the TIE3 with aircraft type power-operated turret.

499. Multiple Gun Motor Carriage T61 was a prototype with 500. Multiple Gun Motor Carriage MI5AI had a 37mm cannon
improved Maxson quad turret. This vehicle was converted from th~ and two ·50 cal MGs in a combination mount. For prototype
original TIE2 AA vehicle, the designation of which can be seen still vehicle T28 and mount details see plate 495.
painted on the cab side.

7i~:~., :
502. Detail view of the Multiple Gun Motor Carriage MIS showing
crew disposition. In the MIS the ·50 cal MGs were placed above the
37mm cannon and in the M15A 1 (plate 500) they were below it.
501. Multiple Gun Motor Carriage TIO was another prototype
which did not go into production. It mounts a twin Maxson turret
with 20mm cannon.

503. 40mm Gun Motor Carriage T59EI was a subsequent develop-

n1ent to the T54, with outriggers to give improved stability.
was standardised as the M 16. A total of 724 vehicles of this
type were built by White in 1942-43. The same installation
based on the M5 half-track (qv) was designated M17 and
was of similar external appearance. International Harvester
built 1,000 of these in 1943-early 1944 when all half-track
production was terminated.
Multiple Gun Motor Carriage T37 and T37El: These were
two projects to investigate improved quad ·50 cal MG
mountings for AA defence. The T37 was a M3 half-track
carrying a T60 mount in which the four ·50 cal MGs were
arranged in box formation (2 x 2) and the T37El was the
same vehicle with mount altered (as the T60El) so that the
four guns were in line. A circular gun shield (tin thick) was 505. Multiple Gun Motor carriage M14 was similar to the M13
provided. No production order followed. (plate 496) but was based on the M5 half-track chassis instead of the
M3 chassis. Note the rounded rear corners of the superstructure
40mm Gun Motor Carriage T54 and T54El: Development and the flat section mudguards, characteristic of the M5 half-track
of a half-track motor carriage to mount a 40mm AA chassis. Compare with the rounded mudguards and squared off rear
weapon began in June 1942 when a M3 half-track was corners of the M3 superstructure in plate 496. Note the spare
adapted to carry a single 40mm Gun Mount Ml (Bofors). magazines in the stowage behind the driving compartment.
Pilot model, designated T54, showed the need for improved
stability and changes were incorporated in a second pilot
model, designated T54El. It was finally decided that out-
riggers and jacks would be necessary if the vehicle was to
provide a satisfactory gun platform, and the project was
ended in favour of improved designs (see below).
40mm Gun Motor Carriage T59 and T59El: The T59 was
based on the T54El but incorporated folding outriggers
and jacks. The T59El was the same vehicle modified to
take the power-operated Firing System T17. To go with
this system a companion vehicle was developed, the Half-
track Instrument Carrier T18 which was a basic M3 carrying
a M5 Director and M5 Generating Unit to provide power
and control. No production took place of either of these
vehicles, however, since a full-track AA vehicle (the M19
GMC, qv) was developed on the M24 light tank chassis
and had much superior characteristics. 506. Multiple Gun Motor Carriage M16 was an improved model
Multiple Gun Motor Carriage T60 and T60El: This was an with four, instead of two, ·50 cal MGs in a Maxson turret. Mount
adaptation of the T54 and T59 designs to provide a vehicle was designated M45. Note cut-away section in folding side plates
with a combination gun mount (designated T65) which to clear magazines. This is a winch-fitted vehicle.
mounted the 40mm Gun Ml and two ·50 cal MGs in
similar fashion to the M15 GMC (qv). With modified shield
and stowage the vehicle was designated T60El. No produc-
tion orders were placed. SPECIFICATION:
40mm Gun Motor Carriage T68: This was an experimental Designation: Carrier, Personnel, Half-track M3 or M3Al
vehicle based on the M3 half-track which had twin super- Crew: 3 plus 10. Duties: commander, driver, co-driver plus 10
imposed 40mm guns with overhead equilibrators. Though passengers.
a pilot model was built, no further progress was made with Battle weight: 20,0001b
this design. Dimensions: Length: 20ft 2iin Track centres/tread: 5ft 3tin
Height: 7ft 5in
Multiple Gun Motor Carriage T61: An experimental Width: 7ft 3tin
mounting of a quad ·50 cal MG on a M2 half-track chassis. Armament: 1 x ·50 cal MG/l x ·30 cal MG
Not proceeded with. Armour thickness: Maximum 12·72mm
Minimum 6· 35mm
Multiple Gun Motor Carriage TIO and 20mm Gun Motor Engine: White 160 AX, 147hp
Carriage TIOEl: In July 1941, when work was in progress Maximum speed: 45mph
on developing half-track motor carriages with AA machine Suspension type: Vertical volute springs (rear tracks).
guns (see Tl GMC series above), experiments were also Road radius: 180-215 miles
conducted to investigate the feasibility of mounting heavier Fording depth: 2ft 8in
weapons. Guns considered were the 20mm Oerlikon, Vertical obstacle: 1ft
Hispano-Suiza 20mm, or 20mm Automatic Guns AN-Ml Ammunition stowage: 700 rounds· 50 cal
or AN-M2. These were to be fitted in an aircraft type 7,750 rounds ·30 cal
Special features/remarks: Details given for basic M3/M3Al only.
power-operated turret built by Maxson. Fitted to a modified SP motor carriage variants differed in weight, height, ammunition
M3 half-track chassis, the vehicle was designated TI0. A etc, according to armament. M5, M5Al, M9Al, and SP variants
modified gun mount fitted later to a modified M16 GMC on these chassis were built by International Harvester Co and had
chassis was designated TI0El. No production orders were International RED-450 (143hp) engines and slightly thicker
placed. armour and increased weights.

507. The AA variants of the US half-track saw wide use with US forces during the NW Europe campaign. Here a Multiple Gun Motor
Carriage M16 is emplaced to guard LudendorffBridge at Remagen (captured intact) as troops of the US 1st Army move across into the bridge-
head on the east bank during the crucial Rhine crossing. Another M 16 moves into position in the background. This picture was taken on
March 11 1945, four days after the initial Rhine crossing. Despite Allied air superiority at this period, the Luftwaffe still contrived to attack
key targets like this bridge.

508. 40mm Gun Motor Carriage T54 was a project to mount the Bofors gun on the half-track M3 chassis.

MISCELLANEOUS designated Half-track Trucks T16, T17, T19 respectively

Half-track Car M2 with Mine Exploder: One M2 half-track were produced by Diamond T, Autocar, and Mack respec-
was experimentally modified as a mine clearing vehicle tively in 1943 as proposed replacement vehicles for the
with a light girder structure and flail carried ahead of the M2/M3/M5 series half-tracks. They featured longer tracks
bonnet. No further progress was made with this after" trials. and many improvements. However, curtailment of ~alf­
Other experimental work on half-tracks included an track production in early 1944 led to abandonment of these
armoured rooffitted on one M2 and another M2 (designated projects. They had been designed for "universal" use as
M2E4) fitted with a Hercules engine. A series of prototypes, gun carriages, gun towers, APes, etc.
THOUGH developed essentially for infantry use, the
Universal Carrier and Loyd Carrier (and equivalent
vehicles produced in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand)
were also employed by other arms for various roles.
Armoured units and SP artillery regiments used them for
liaison, OP, and ambulance duties. Development of the
Universal and Loyd Carrier types is outside the scope of
this book, but various miscellaneous self-propelled weapons
and other types based on Carrier chassis are included in
this section for completeness. Most were of an experimental
or expedient nature. Few, if any, of the SP types proved
practical due to the small size of the Carrier chassis which
imposed severe limitations on the size of the weapon which
could be mounted.

(1) British Types 509. Loyd 2pdr SP anti-tank gun.

In 1940 when there was a severe shortage of armoured
vehicles of all kinds, REME Workshops devised and
constructed several SP vehicles on the Loyd Carrier
chassis. One of these (plate 510) had a 2pdr anti-tank gun
mounted centrally in the hull with all-round traverse. A
second vehicle (plate 509) had the 2pdr gun mounted low
in the hull front with a fabricated shield. Traverse was
limited to 270 0 in this vehicle. Both were loosely designated
"Loyd 2pdr SP A/T gun". A later conversion of early 1941
had a 25pdr gun/howitzer mounted in the front hull of a
Loyd Carrier (plate 511). An experimental AA conversion
on the Loyd Carrier featured a centrally mounted traversing
platform with an armoured covered seat for the gunner and
a quad Bren LMG installation with associated sighting
equipment. An armoured cover was fitted for the driver.
This was another 1941 expedient type. None of these
prototypes saw service.
An interesting conversion by the British Home Guard 510. Loyd Carrier with 2pdr anti-tank gun.
which was used in small numbers in 1940-41 for home
defence (though never tested under combat conditions)
was the Smith Gun on a Bren Carrier. The Smith Gun
was a primitive smooth bore 3in weapon, more exactly a
projector, one of several extemporised types evolved for
Home Guard use. A few were mounted in Carriers with
suitably modified superstructure forming a very crude and
primitive type of SP gun (plate 512). A more official conver-
sion on the Universal Carrier chassis was the "Praying
Mantis" (plate SIS). This had two remote controlled Bren
guns in a hydraulically operated elevator which could be
raised 11 feet or lowered flat on to the carrier as necessary.
The gunner sat inside the elevator and the. driver sat
centrally in the chassis. The idea was that the guns could be
raised to fire over hedgerows, then lowered again while the
vehicle made good its escape under cover. It was another 511. Loyd Carrier with 25pdr gun/howitzer.
anti-invasion device, a prototype only.
At the same time as various light tanks were being
converted to AA tanks, a Universal Carrier was similarly
modified as a prototype (plate 517). A turret with twin
Vickers "K" machine guns and sights was fitted over the
left gun sponson, the shape of which was suitably altered.
The driver's compartment on the right was similarly plated
in. Though this vehicle was tested, no production order
appears to have been given.
An important conversion of the Universal Carrier widely
used by armoured units was the Carrier Ambulance
(plate 522) which was a Universal Carrier modified with
lengthened superstructure and open rear end to allow a
stretcher to be carried each side of the engine casing. This
vehicle was used for evacuating injured tank crewmen
under fire.
512. Bren Carrier with Smith Gun (Home Guard service).

513. Australian Carrier 2pdr Tank Attack. Note lengthened chassis.

514. Australian Carrier 3in Mortar. (Figure I indicates baseplate for mortar used for firing from ground only and carried
on side of engine compartment).
(2) Canadian Types
Canada built 33,987 Universal Carriers during World War
II, many of which were supplied to Britain. There were only
two variants which came in the true SP gun category,
however, the Universal Carrier Mk 1* and 11* with a 2pdr
anti-tank gun fitted on the main transverse bulkhead
(plate 5] 9), and the Universal Carrier fitted with a PlAT
battery, an extemporised SP type produced by a Canadian
unit in NW Europe in 1944 (plate 518). This had 14 PlAT
(Projectile Infantry, Anti-Tank) projectors mounted on a
frame at the rear of a standard Universal Carrier and was
used to give support fire in a similar fashion to Rocket
Launchers mounted on some US medium tanks.
The vehicle with the 2pdr was officially designated
Carrier, Universal, 2pdr Equipped. Ammunition was stowed
sides and front of the division plate, and the engine cover
was re-designed to give clearance for the gun recoil.
5] 5. Praying Mantis.
(3) Australian Types
The Universal Carrier built in Australia differed in several
respects from the British model. It was the only AFV built
in quantity in Australia during World War II and was an
all-welded vehicle (the British Universal Carrier was
riveted) with extra stowage boxes at the rear and better
ventilation for the e,ngine. In 1940 an experimental version
was produced as a prototype with a 2pdr anti-tank gun
mounted behind the left sponson, the top of which was cut
down to clear the gun mount (plate 521). This vehicle was
used for training. The standard Universal Carrier was also
adapted as a 3in mortar carrier (plate 520) with reinforced
engine cover allowing the mortar to be fired from the
vehicle. The vehicle with the 2pdr gun featured a hydraulic
lift to raise the gun to its firing position.
These adaptations led to the design of a much modified
purpose-built chassis which was used as the basis for a
2pdr SP and a mortar carrier. Designated Carrier 2pdr
Tank Attack (plate 5] 3), the former had a slightly lengthened
chassis and the engine was moved from the centre to the
left front. The resulting clear rear deck was used to mount
a complete 2pdr anti-tank gun less its wheeled carriage.
The gun had full 360° traverse. Details: Crew: 4. (Driver and
5] 6. Loyd Carrier AA with quad Bren mount. Note armour protec- three gunners), Length: ] 3ft 3in, Width: 6ft 7in, Height:
tion for both gunner and driver. 6ft 2in, Battle Weight: II ,200Ib, Armament: I x 2pdr and

5] 7. Universal Carrier, AA, prototype vehicle.


5]8. Canadian Universal Carrier with PlAT battery

fitted, 1944. 52]. Australian Universal Carrier with 2pdr anti-tank gun.

1 X Bren LMG, Ammunition: 80 rounds 2pdr in 10 racks

on gunshield, Engine: Ford V8, 95hp, Max speed: 20mph.
The mortar carrier version was designated Carrier 3in
Mortar (plate 514) and had the same chassis modifications
as the 2pdr Tank Attack Carrier, but a protected compart-
ment was built at the rear carrying crew, mortar and
ammunition. There was a turntable on the floor of the
rear compartment allowing the mortar to be traversed 360
for firing from within the carrier. It could also be demounted
and fired from the ground. This was a most handy adapta-
tion of the basic Universal Carrier idea and a considerable
5] 9. Carrier, Uniyersal, 2pdr Equipped. Used only for training in advance on the original design. All details (except ammuni-
tion and armament) were the same as for the 2pdr Tank
Attack Carrier.

520. Australian Universal Carrier adapted as 3in mortar carrier. 522. Carrier Ambulance moving forward with Sherman tanks,
Note all-welded construction and prominent engine vent. Italy, ]945.

BRITISH AND AMERICAN TANK GUNS, ENGINES, A1\ I tanks of World War II. For the sake of brevity, and to avoid
FITTINGS constant repetition, full details of individual weapons,
WHILE it is beyond the scope of this book to give full tech- engines, and so on, are omitted from the specifications given
nical descriptions of tank components and tank engineering, with each vehicle. The reader will find more comprehensive
it is desirable to provide additional details of principal data for the most important features here.
features of armament and chassis of British and American








1: General layout and interior features (524: The parts of a tank).

This "exploded" diagram shows the most common terms Rear Decking, Front Decking-alternative terms for the hull
used to describe the structure of the hull and turret, and rear and front roof plates shown in the drawing.
such terms are to be found in the text of this book. Not
marked in the drawing are the following: Turret Ring-(l) the circular opening in the hull roof in
which the turret fits; (2) more precisely, the ball race around
Cupola.-raised hatchway, usually for the commander, the opening on which the turret traverses.
containing vision devices by which means he conns and
directs the vehicle when in fully "closed down" action state. Turret Cage or Basket-lower fixed section of turret which
In many instances the cupola rotated independently of the fits inside the hull within the turret ring, rotating with the
turret. In the drawing, the opening for the cupola is seen turret and forming a floor and working space for the turret
(left) on the turret roof. crew; not always fitted and not shown in the drawing.
Mantlet or mantle-armoured housing protecting the gun Vision Slot-opening in hull or turret providing view outside
mount in the turret front. This can be seen on the turret in the vehicle for crewmen when in the fully "closed down"
the drawing. action state; usually provided with protective cover and
Mount-the fitting holding the gun in position in the turret; suitable vision blocks.
in many cases the mount and mantlet are integral and in Pistol Port-small opening in hull or, more usually, turret
American terminology "mount" is synonymous with side protected by a hinged flap enabling crewmen to either
"mantlel', . fire with small arms or communicate with personnel outside
Muzzle Brake-an arrangement of baffles at the end of the the vehicle when the tank is in a "closed down" state; pistol
barrel of the gun intended to reduce recoil forces in high ports were also frequently used to discharge empty cartridge
velocity guns. This can be seen on the gun in the drawing. cases from inside of the vehicle.
Counter Weight-(l) a weight on the muzzle of a gun Escape Hatch-hatch in belly, hull side, or other part of
(sometimes giving the appearance of a muzzle brake) to vehicle specifically intended for crew exit in an emergency.
balance the weapon; (2) a weight on the rear of a turret to Sponson-term for the outer sections of a vehicle's super-
balance the weight of the gun. structure on each side, usually overhanging the track or
suspension, hence the term "sponson-mounted gun"; generally refer to the same crewman, whose task, in combat
sponsons were sometimes called panniers. at least, was to operate the machine gun fitted'in the front
Superstructure-that part of the hull standing above the hull. The US Army favoured the term "Assistant Driver",
level of the tracks or track covers. but in this book the alternative "Co-driver" has been used
for brevity.
Chassis-the lower part of the hull carrying the suspension
and drive units.
In addition to the above, the terms "Front Gunner",
"Bow Gunner", "Hull Gunner", "Assistant Driver", and
"Co-driver" frequently encountered, and these all

525. stowage box, plus-in this case-a turret cage. In this

Cut-away view of a Churchill VII shows typical interior vehicle the drive is taken to sprockets at the rear and the
layout of British tanks. Note in the front compartment the front idlers are used for tensioning the track, the adjusting
driver's and front gunner's seats, the hull machine gun, the screw for this being clearly visible at the extreme left. Also
driving controls, and the side escape hatch; turret has worthy of note are the periscopes in the turret and front hull
gunner's seat and sighting equipment, wireless at the rear, roofs, the periscopes in the cupola, and the adjacent handles
commander's cupola and loader's hatch in roof, and rear by means of which the commander rotated the cupola.

526. and the wireless set mounted in the rear overhang. This
The more compact interior layout of a typical light tank, in particular type had steering wheel instead of steering levers.
this case a Harry Hopkins, is seen in this view. Note the The steering mechanism for the road wheel axles (a feature
very low driver's seat, the foam rubber roof lining above it, peculiar to the Tetrarch/Harry Hopkins vehicles) and
and the driver's periscope. In the turret can be seen the control leads to the gearbox may be seen in the belly of the
ammunition stowage, the gunner's seat, his telescope sight, tank.
Interior of Medium Tank M4A4 (Sherman V) shows a feature subsequently adopted for the medium tanks
similar layout arrangement to ,that of the Churchill (plate developed after the M4 series by the United States. Note
525) and is characteristic of American tanks. Note that in that the M4 has the wireless equipment carried in the turret
this instance the drive is to sprockets at the front, necessitat- rear, a feature copied from (and suggested by) the British in
ing a drive shaft passing forward to the front-mounted this design. Previous American types had the wireless
transmission. With the exception of the early light tanks, all installed in the hull. The M24 series light tank also featured
British tanks ofWorld War II had the drive to rear sprockets, rear drive.


LIFTING RING --~~»::~~~======~===~~



2: Principal Tank Guns Weapon details:

Calibre: 1·575in (40mm)
2pdr Ordnance Quick Firing Mks IX, X, and XA Length of tube: 78-iin
(Illustration: see Plate 526) United Kingdom Overall length : 81·95in
Weight: 287lb
Adopted for tank and anti-tank use in January 1935, this Muzzle velocity: 2,800fps (AP), 2,600fps (APCBC)
weapon was the heaviest gun fitted to British tanks from Weight of shot: 2lb 6oz, 2lb l'toz (APCBC)
1939-42, when the 6pdr began to supplant it in new produc- Armour penetration: 57 (AP) lnd 57· 5mm (APCBC) at
tion~ While an effective and accurate weapon, and superior
500 yards/30°
to the German 37mm tank gun in penetrating power, the Vehicles fitted: A9, A10, A13, (~ovenanter, Crusader I & II,
2pdr proved inadequate by 1941 partly due to the introduc- Matilda, Valentine I-VII, Churchill I & II, Ram I, Sentinel
tion of 50mm, 75mm and 88mm guns in the tank and anti- AC I, Tetrarch, Harry Hopkins.
tank roles by the Germans, all of which could outrange it,
partly due to superior German tactics as a result, and partly 6pdr Ordnance Quick Firing Mks 3 and 5
due to its inability to fire HE (high explosive) shells. Some- United Kingdom
times, also, 2pdr shot broke up on German face-hardened Design of the 6pdr as both a tank and anti-tank gun to
armour. To improve the 2pdr's performance an APCBC replace the 2pdr was initiated .by the Director of Artillery in
(armour piercing capped, ballistic capped) shot was intro- April 1938. However, low priority was given to development
duced in Se.ptember 1942. In 1940 a Czech designer, Janecec, due to pre-occupation with other design work, and a proto-
had suggested a reduced bore attachment for the 2pdr type was not ready until Spring 1940. Initial orders were
designed to increase the muzzle velocity, and thus the range placed in December 1940 and mass-production was ordered
and penetrating power. No urgency was given to adopting in February-May 1941. By this time the need for a more.
this, however, until it was discovered that the Germans were powerful tank/anti-tank gun had been clearly demonstrated
working on a similar device. By the time the Janecec idea by events in the Western Desert fighting. the first 300 6pdr's
was approved-as the Littlejohn adaptor-in January 1943, were delivered in December 1941, though no tanks with this
the 6pdr gun was coming into service in tanks and the 2pdr weapon were ready until March 1942, when the Churchill III
was rapidly being replaced. was produced, followed by the Crusader III in May 1942.
There was considerable delay in getting tanks with 6pdr
guns into production, initial efforts being concentrated on a
new vehicle (the A27) to take this gun, followed by a decision
to adapt the existing Churchill and Crusader when it was
appreciated that the A27 would not be ready for many
months. In each case no work Qn these proposals was
started until after the 6pdr had been ordered into production
with the result, as seen above, that the guns were ready long
before there were any tanks to mount them.
Though the 6pJr gave increased hitting power to British
tanks, it still suffered from the tactical disadvantage of not
being able to fire a HE round which meant that British tanks
were still largely dependent on field artillery for fire support,
an unsatisfactory state of affairs, especially in the open
fighting of the Western Desert. Attempts to give the 6pdr-
which was a good accurate weapon-improved penetrating
power led to the development of Discarding Sabot ammu-
nition for it in early 1944.
The 6pdr Mk 5 was distinguished from the Mk 3 by its
noticeably longer barrel of "lighter" Lppearance. It was
usually fitted with a counterweight on the muzzle.
Weapon details:
Calibre: 2·24in (57mm)
Length of tube: 96·2in (Mk 3), 112·2in (Mk 5)
Overall length : ]00·95in (Mk 3), 1] 6·95in (Mk 5)
Weight: 768lb (Mk 3), 720lb (Mk 5)
Muzzle velocity: 2,800fps (Mk 3), 2,965fps (Mk 5)
Weight of shot: 6lb 40z Armour penetration: 8] (Mk 3)
and 83mm (Mk 5).at 500 yardsj30°
Vehicles fitted: Crusader III, Churchill IV, Churchill III,
Cavalier, Centaur I, Valentine VIII, Cromwell I and II,
Ram II.
75mm Ordnan<;e Quick Firing Mks V and VA
United Kingdom
(Illustration: see plate 525, gun mounted in Churchill VII)
Appearance of the American M3 and M4 medium tanks in
British service in late 1942 showed up the inadequacies of 528. 6pdr gun, prototype shown in test mount.
the 6pdr. The 75mm gun mounted in these American-built
vehicles was the first tank gun used by the British which had 17pdr Ordnance Quick Firing Mks II, IV, VI and VII
a "dual purpose" capability-it could fire HE and AP shot (see plate 529) United Kingdom
as required, thus matching German tactical flexibility in Like the 2pdr and 6pdr before it, the 17pdr was designed
this respect. As a result of this, the British General Staff from the start as both a tank and anti-tank gun. It was first
asked, in December 1942, if similar 75mm guns could be proposed in early 1941 and designs were approved in
mounted in British tanks and the Ministry of Supply Summer 1942. Pending availability of the US MIO GMC
designed a suitable weapon, based on the American gun, with its 3in gun as a tank destroyer vehicle for delivery to
which would fit the existing 6pdr mount and fire American British forces, it was considered essential to develop a
ammunition. First vehicle mounting the 75mm gun, the British vehicle with the 17pdr gun. This gave rise to the
Cromwell IV, appeared in October 1943 and plans were also Challenger (qv) which emphasised the limitations of
being made to mount the weapon in the Churchill. At first, existing British tank designs, all of which were too narrow
however, the 75mm gun proved unsatisfactory due mainly to take a turret capable of mounting the 17pdr. A much
to an inadequate mounting, and teething troubles with this modified derivation of the Cromwell, the Challenger
weapon were not finally overcome until March 1944. For ultimately proved unsatisfactory and the Churchill also
the invasion of Europe in June 1944, the 75mm MV had to be re-designed (as the Black Prince) to take a 17pdr
(medium velocity) gun was the principal British tank gun and appeared too late to see service. As a "stop gap"
for the Cromwell and Churchill, but by then had been out- existing M4 Shermans in British service were modified
moded by better German tank guns, and German tanks to take the 17pdr, which was just possible by adding a
(eg, the Panther) which had superior armour thickness. turret extension, turning the gun on its side and adapting
Weapon details: it for left hand loading, and re-arranging the internal
Calibre: 2·953in (75mm) stowage of the vehicle. Known as the Firefly in this guise,
Length of tube: 107·8in the modified Sherman with this gun was the only British
Overall length : 112· 576in vehicle in service (though in limited numbers) at the time
Weight: 692lb of the invasion of Europe in mid 1944 mounting a gun
Muzzle velocity: 2,030fps which was a theoretical match for the German Panthers,
Weight of shot: 13ilb (HE and AP) Tigers, and late-model PzKw IVs. Subsequently the
Armour penetration: 68mm at 500 yardsj30° American-built MI0 in British service was also rearmed
Vehicles fitted: Centaur III, Cromwell IV-VII, with the 17pdr (becoming the Achilles), two British-built
Churchill VI and VII, Valentine X & XI, A33. SP vehicles carried it, and the new A41 (Centurion) was
designed around it. For further details, see development
histories of the vehicles mentioned above. Discarding
Sabot and HE shell for this weapon were developed in 1944.
Weapon details:
Calibre: 3in (76'2mm)
Length of tube: 165·45in
Overall length : 172·25 (Mk II), 184·03 (Mk IV),
183·8 (Mk VI), 184·05 (Mk VII) inches
Weight: 1,885-2,032lb according to mark.
Muzzle velocity: 2,900fps; 3,950 fps. (Mk VII)
Weight of shot: 17lb (AP, APC, APCBC, HE);
8·15lb (APDS)
Armour penetration: 120mm at 500 yards/30°
(APDS: 186mm)
Vehicles fitted: Sherman Firefly, Challenger, Black
Prince, TOG2*, Achilles (MI0), Archer, Centurion I
(Mk VII gun only), Sentinel AC IV.

77mm Ordnance Quick Firing Mk II United Kingdom

Developed by Vickers (and known at first as the Vickers
HV 75mm gun), this weapon was essentially the 17pdr
tailored to fit a turret of Cromwell dimensions. This was
mounted in the "improved" Cromwell tank, the A34 Comet.
Characteristics were similar to those of the 17pdr, but the
gun was shorter and lighter. Its performance was only
slightly inferior to that of the 17pdr. Calibre and shot were
the same as for the 17pdr.
Weapon details:
Length of tube: 147·65in
Overall length : 165· 5in
Weight: 1,5021b
Muzzle velocity: 2,600fps
Armour penetration: 109mm at 500 yards/30°
Vehicle fitted: Comet (other details as 17pdr).

3in Howitzer Ordnance Quick Firing Mk I and lA

United Kingdom
This weapon was fitted to the close support (CS) variants of
tanks armed with 2pdr guns. CS tanks were issued on a
scale of about two vehicles per squadron (company) of 15.
Their main function was to fire smoke shells but they could
also fire HE.
Calibre: 3in (76'2mm)
Length of tube: 75in
Overall length: 78· 2in
Weight: 256lb
Muzzle velocity: 600-700fps
Weight of shot: 13t/13ilb (Smoke and HE)
Range: 2,000-2,500 yards
Vehicles fitted: Tetrarch ICS, Churchill I, Matilda CS,
Valentine III (New Zealand), Covenanter CS,
Crusader CS.

3·7in Mortar (Howitzer) Ordnance Quick Firing Mk I

United Kingdom
This was another howitzer type gun, fitted to some CS
models of 2pdr armed British tanks. It fired Smoke only.
Calibre: 3·7in (95mm)
Length of tube: 55tin
Overall length: 59· 2in
Weight: 222lb
M uzzle velocity: 620fps
Weight of shot: 10tlb
Vehicles fitted: CS versions of A9, AI0, A13.
95mm Tank Howitzer Ordnance Quick Firing Mk I
United Kingdom
Final type of howitzer used in British CS tanks was the same
calibre as the 3·7in mortar, but much more refined, firing
Smoke, HE, and HEAT (high explosive, anti-tank). It had
a counterweight on the muzzle to balance the 6pdr type
mounting in which it was fitted. This weapon armed the CS
versions of tanks with 6pdr guns and was last of its line,
since tanks with 75mm guns could fire their own HE.
Calibre: 3·7in (95mm)
Length of tube: 80·4in
Overall length : 85· 52in
Weight: 867lb
Muzzle velocity: 1,075fps
Weight of shot: 25lb
Armour penetration: 11 Omm at 500 yardsj30° (HEAT only)
Vehicles fitted: Centaur IV, Cromwell VI & VIII,
Churchill V & VIII, Alecto I. 530. 95mm Tank Howitzer in Churchill VIII.

Mortar, Recoiling Spigot, Mks I and II United Kingdom

Work on a special demolition gun was started in September
1942, when lessons of the Dieppe raid had been evaluated
and indicated the need for short range bomb throwing
weapon for the demolition of pillboxes and anti-invasion
obstacles. By 1943, the Churchill had been chosen for
conversion to the AVRE role and the Petard mortar was
adapted to fit the 6pdr gun mount. Churchills armed with
this weapon took part in Operation Overlord, the D-Day
landing and proved highly effective in the assault engineer
role. The weapon was "broken" for loading, outside the
turret, a special sliding loading hatch being provided in the 531. The Petard (Recoiling Spigot) Mortar fitted to the Churchill
front hull roof. The demolition bomb was popularly known .L\ VRE.
as the "Flying Dustbin".
Calibre: 290mm
Length of tube (loading trough): 45in
Overall length : 86in
Weight of bomb: 40lb
Effective range (with demolition bomb): 80 yards
Vehicles fitted: Churchill III & IV (Mk I mortar used in
training vehicles only).

37mm Gun M6 United States

The 37mm tank and anti-tank gun was developed early in
1938, earmarked initially for installation as main armament
for the M2 series medium tanks. Production of the tank
version of this weapon started at Watervliet Arsenal, NY,
under the designation M5. M6 was an improved version
introduced in 1941 and earlier designation numbers were
allocated to the anti-tank version. In mid 1940 additional
contracts were placed with commercial plants to meet the
greatly increased requirement for 37mm guns for fitting to
M2A4 and M3 series light tanks. From 1941 onwards the
37mm gun was used in conjunction with a gyrostabiliser in
both light and medium tanks. It was a good serviceable
weapon, but obsolescent from 1940 iIi the face of the
adoption of 50mm and 75mm guns by the Germans.
Weapon details:
Calibre: 1·457in (37mm)
Length of tube: 72·85in
Overall length: 77·35in
Weight: 1851b
Muzzle velocity: 2,545fps
Armour penetration: 48mm at 500 yardsj30°
Vehicles fitted: Medium Tanks M2, M2A1, M3; Light
Tanks M2A4, M3 series, M5 series, M22. 532. 37mm Gun M6 on an M5 Light Tank.
75mm- Gun M2 and M3 United States Gyrostabiliser
By May-June 1940 it had become clear that it would be Revolutionary feature of American tank gun control intro-
essential to mount a 75mm gun in new American medium duced with the M3 light and medium tanks was the gyro-
tanks in order to match the heavier calibre guns being stabiliser which allowed the gun to maintain its aim (in
produced by the Germans for their tanks. The M3 medium elevation) while the vehicle was moving over rough terrain.
tank was designed round a 75mm gun, the layout being Previous to its introduction a tank gun could only be aimed
based on the experimental T5E3 of 1939 which had mounted with accuracy while the tank was stationary, thus presenting
a 75mm howitzer in the hull. Watervliet Arsenal quickly a possible target to the enemy. The gyrostabiliser was based
designed a 75mm gun and mount, based broadly on the on the gyroscope principle whereby the gyro was attached
French 75mm gun which had been standard US Army field to the gun cradle on the same axis as the gun and set spin-
equipment since 1918. In mid July 1940 a first order for ning. Displacement of the gyro by vertical movement of the
1,308 guns and mounts was given to Watervliet and the tank caused the stabiliser to return the gun barrel to its
first of these was delivered in April 1941 just in time for original axis, thus maintaining any given elevation irrespec-
fitting to the early M3 medium tanks. Subsequent demand tive of the up-and-down movement of the vehicle. The idea
for 75mm guns became so great that two commercial firms was taken from a similar system used in naval gunnery. For
were given contracts for producing the 75mm gun in late tanks, however, several problems had to be overcome,
1940, followed by a third late in 1941. Ultimately more than particularly that of reducing the system to fit inside a tank,
20,000 M2 and M3 75mm guns were produced by 1943-44. tough enough to withstand the rigours of combat. Neither
The American 75mm gun could fire both AP and HE British nor German tanks had this feature, and American
shells. It was sturdy and simple to operate with a perfor- tanks from the M3 light and medium on had a definite
mance which, for the first time, gave the British superiority tactical advantage in this respect, though gyrostabilisers
in tank gunpower over the Germans when the American were not, in fact, used as frequently as they could have been
medium tanks first appeared in British hands in the in combat. The picture shows a gyrostabiliser installed in a
Western Desert in 1942. In the M3 medium series, the mount medium tank complete with its control box and attached to
used with the gun was designated Ml, and in the M4 series, the arm of the cradle.
the mount was designated M34, and, in improved form,
M34Al. The M34Al mount was distinguished from the
M34 mount by its full width armour shield with "ears"
flanking the barrel. The M2 gun was shorter than the M3
version and was frequently seen with a prominent counter-
weight on the muzzle, necessary to balance the gyrostabiliser
by simulating the weight of the longer M3 gun.
Weapon details:
Length of tube: 84in (M2), 110·625in (M3)
Calibre: 75mm
Overall length: 91iin (M2), 118·375in (M3)
Weight: 783lb (M2), 910lb (M3)
Muzzle velocity: 1,860fps (M2), 2,300fps (M3).
Armour penetration: 60mm (M2) and 70mm (M3) at
500 yardsj30°
Vehicles fitted: Medium Tanks M3 series (M2), later
vehicle (M3), Medium Tanks M4 series (M3), very early
vehicles (M2), Churchill IV (NA75) (M3).

533. 75mm gun M3 and M34,Al mount from M4J:L\4 Sherman. 534. Gyrostabiliser installation in a M4 Medium Tank turret.
535. 90mm gun T7 (prototype for the 90mm gun M3) shown mounted in the T71 GMC which was pilot model for the M36 GMC.

76mm Gun, MI, MIAI, MIAIC, amd MIA2 United States 90mm Gun M3 United States
American observation of the fighting between the British An adaptation of the 90mm AA gun, development of
and Germans in the Western Desert in 1942, indicated that which had started early in 1942, the prototype of the 90mm
a gun even more powerful than the 75mm M3 weapon was tank gun was ready by December 1942. It was test-fired in
desirable. In August 1942, the US Ordnance Department the turret of an M10 GMC early in 1943 and this was
designed a new high velocity gun able to fire the existing 3in subsequently to lead to development of the M36 GMC as a
anti-tank shell, keeping overall weight of the piece as low as tank destroyer specifically to mount the weapon as a replace-
possible. This new gun was produced as a prototype in less ment for the M10. There was some opposition to the
than a month, being test fired in an M4 medium tank in acceptance of a gun of this calibre in the using arms, as
September 1942. It was standardised instantly as the 76mm indicated elsewhere in this book. In 1944 the 90mm gun was
gun M 1 and put into limited production. As is indicated fitted to the T25/T26 series medium/heavy tanks, and the
elsewhere in this book, there was some difficulty in getting M26 tank with the M3 gun eventually went into service
the using arms to accept the heavier gun and it was not early in 1945. The M36 series with the 90mm gun entered
installed in M4 tanks until 1944, after which Army Ground service in mid 1944. The 90mm M3 gun had an inferior
Forces clamoured for more. The 76mm gun was roughly penetrating power to the British 17pdr and was less accurate.
comparable to the British 17pdr, but had inferior penetrat- However it was simpler to install, operate, and maintain.
ing power. However, it had nearly twice the rate of fire and The 90mm gun was similarly inferior to the German 88mm
was simpler to operate and maintain. The various models gun, though the most powerful tank gun jn service in the
represented successive improvements, the M1A1C and US Army in 1945.
M1A2 having muzzle brakes. All were to be seen 011 M4 Weapon details:
series vehicles from 1944 on. The mount was designated Calibre: 90mm
M62. Length of tube: 177·25in
Weapon details: Overall length : 195in
Calibre: 76mm (3in) Weight: 2410lb
Length of tube: 156in Muzzle velocity: 2,800fps (APC), 3,350fps (HVAP),
Overall length : 168in 2,700fps (HE)
Weight: 127lb Armour penetration: 120mm at 1000 yards/30° (APC),
Muzzle velocity: 2,600fps (APC), 3,400fps (HVAP), 195mm at 1000 yards/30° (HVAP).
2,700fps (HE) Vehicles fitted: M36 series, T25/T26, M26 Pershing.
Armour penetration: 88mm at 1000 yards/30°
(APC), 133mm at 1000 yards/30° (HVAP)
Vehicles fitted: Medium Tanks M4 series (late
production), T23, M18 Hellcat.
3: Tank Machine Guns
Most British and American tanks carried a secondary
armament in the form of machine guns, to supplement the
main armament and to provide local AA protection.
Typical disposition was a single flexibly-mounted weapon
in the hull front to engage, for instance, infantry, a single
machine gun fixed in the mantlet co-axial with the main
armament and elevating and traversing with it, plus a
flexibly-mounted machine gun on the turret roof or cupola,
536. Typical mounting for M1919A Browning ·30 cal machine gun.
sometimes in a ring-mount, for AA defence. This latter was F or typical turret mounting of Browning .50 cal machine gun see
not always mounted, and some tanks did not have all three, plate 535.
while others had more. Most important types of machine
guns carried in British and US tanks are detailed below:

Feed: Magazine or drum
Browning ·50 cal machine gun M2, heavy barrel Length: 3ft 9in
This weapon was the normal AA machine gun for medium Rate of fire: 450-550 rpm
and heavy tanks, and the larger gun motor carriages. It was
flexibly mounted on either a fixed pintle or a ring-mount. Besa 7·92 cal tank machine gun Mk I, II, and III
Calibre: .50 in This was the principal machine gun type used in British
Feed: Disintegrating link belt tanks.
Length: 5ft 5in Calibre: 7·92mm
Rate of fire: 450-550rpm Feed: Belt, 225 rounds
Length: 3ft 7tin
Browning ·30 cal machine gun M1919A Rate of fire: 750-850 rpm
This weapon was the usual hull front weapon in a flexible
mount and formed the AA machine gun in light tanks. A Vickers ·303 cal tank machine gun Mk VI, VI*, VII
fixed version was the normal co-axial machine gun in This weapon was used in the earlier British tanks in the hull
American tanks. This' 30 cal weapon was also used in some or co-axial positions but was largely superseded by the
British tanks. Besa described above.
Calibre: .30in Calibre: ·303 in
Feed: Disintegrating link belt Feed: Belt
Length: 3ft 6in Length: 3ft 8in
Rate of fire: 450-600rpm Rate of fire: 500 rpm
Vickers ·50 cal tank machine gun Mk V
Bren ·303 cal light machine gun This weapon was mainly used in light tanks.
This weapon was used singly or in pairs on a special mount Calibre: .50 inch
on the turret of some British tanks for local AA defence. Length: 3ft 11 tin
Calibre: ·3· 3in Rate of fire: 350-400 rpm

4: Smoke Devices
In order to provide local smoke cover to conceal a vehicle in
an emergency, all British tanks from 1939 on were provided
with single or twin 4in smoke dischargers on the turret sides.
These were also fitted to American-=built vehicles in British
service. The dischargers held smoke candles which were
fired electrically by the vehicle commander. They could only
be reloaded from outside the vehicle, however. Some tanks
had a similar device fitted at the rear of the hull, when it was
known as a "rear smoke emitter". The Valentine, Churchill,
A27 series, and all later British tanks were fitted with a 2in
bomb thrower in the turret roof, a small mortar specifically
to fire smoke bombs for which up to twenty "ready use"
rounds were carried, thus allowing a longer smoke screen
to be laid. The Canadian Ram and Grizzly tanks also had
bomb' throwers of this type, and a similar weapon was
subsequently fitted in the turret roof of M4 medium tanks,
and all later US types, from the start of 1944. This was a
direct result of the example set in the Grizzly. 537. 4in Smoke Discharger on turret of Light Tank Mk VIC.
5: Principal Tank Engines
Mainly for economy reasons most British pre-war tank
designs utilised adapted commercial engines; an exception
were some of the early Vickers tanks, some of which were
powered by a purpose-built engine, developed by an asso-
ciate company, Armstrong-Siddeley, which came with
either V8 or V12 configuration. Main limitation of com-
mercial engines, however, was their relatively low power
output which restricted vehicle size. With larger, heavier,
vehicles more power was necessary and this was achieved
in the cruiser tanks A13-A27L by using the American
Liberty engine, modified by Nuffields the British licensees.
This was basically a 1918 vintage aero engine (as used by
Christie in his high speed tanks) which gave an excellent
power output but was bulky and technically outmoded.
This was replaced in later cruiser tanks by the Rolls-Royce
Meteor which was similarly adapted from an aero engine,
the Rolls-Royce Merlin which had powered the Spitfire
fighter. A most excellent power plant with a good reserve
of output, it became the standard British tank engine in the 538. Liberty Mk V engine installed in a Crusader tank. This was a
latter half of the war. It was installed in most new designs Nuffield-developed version of the original American Liberty engine.
from the A27M (Cromwell) onwards. The other expedient It was a water-cooled V-12 unit with a typical output of 395HP at
for obtaining more power in British tanks was to use two or 1,650rpm.
more commercial engines "ganged" together. Examples
were the Bedford Flat-12 (Churchill) and AEC twin diesels
used in some marks of Matilda. The Meadows engine used
in the Covenanter also fell in this category. With a few
exceptions, all British tank engine were gasoline (petrol)
In the United States, prewar fiscal limitations had also
restricted the choice (and development) of power plants for
tanks. The Wright Continental W-670 radial air-cooled
engine, another aero engine with good power output, was
the most favoured type and was used in most American
light tanks of prewar construction. With the coming of
heavier vehicles, however, like the M2 and M3 mediums,
more power was necessary and the larger Wright Whirlwind
radial aero engine was adapted for tank installation as the
Continental R-975. Owing to the haste with which it was
adopted, however, there were several shortcomings experi-
enced with this engine, among them limited accessibility for
maintenance, and cooling problems which caused excessive
oil consumption. However by 1941 the demand for tanks 539. Best British tank engine was the Rolls-Royce Meteor which
was basically a Merlin aero engine with the supercharger removed,
was so urgent that there was no ready alternative developed minor modifications for tank use, and a reduced rating. Typical
until circumstances forced a change. With urgent need of output was 600HP at 2,550rpm.
Wright engines in the aero industry itself, it became neces-
sary to find alternative power plants from within the US
automotive industry. This led to the development of several
commercial types, some "ganged" together to provide
sufficient power. Among them was the General Motors
twin diesel two-stroke engine, the Chrysler A-57 multi-bank
five-line engine (five crankshafts with the engine outputs
geared to a common output), the Guiberson diesel radial,
and the Ford GAA V12jV8 petrol engine which was, in fact~
developed from a design for an aero engine. Of these the
Guiberson was used as an alternative to the Continental
W-670 in light tanks and was the first to be discarded
when the supply situation eased slightly in 1942. The GM
diesel unit was not liked by the US Army, but was much
favoured by users in the field, despite several mechanical
limitations which necessitated careful maintenance. Much
of the fond regard for the diesel powered tanks was possibly
psychological since legend had it that these vehicles were
less prone to catch fire when hit than petrol engined tanks.
(In fact most fires were started by hits in the ammunition 540. Wright Continental R-975 engine 'was a radial air-cooled unit,
stowage). Nonetheless the GM diesels were good, giving based on the Whirlwind aero engine and was the main American
good torque at low speed and being most reliable when tank engine for the M3 and M4 mediums in 1941.








HEATER PIPE :;;;;; lr.:iii:::=:;""-- VENTILATtNG PLATE



On. FillER

541. Ford GAA V-8 engine was ultimately selected as the "standard" power unit for US medium and
heavy tanks. Typical output was 450HP at 2,600rpm compared to 353HP at 2,400rpm with the
Continental R975 shown in plate 540. A modified version of the GAA, the GAF, powered the M26 tank.

properly maintained. Most diesel-powered medium tanks the best-known model was the GAA as fitted in the M4A3
(M4A2) were allocated to Lend-Lease stocks, however, by medium tank.
the United States. The Chrysler A-57 engine, developed in
great haste in a mere four months also proved to be very See also:
reliable, economical and powerful, but it was discarded at Plate 525: Bedford Flat-12 engine in Churchill VII tank. This was
an early opportunity, due mainly to maintenance problems made up of two 6 cylinder truck engines coupled together. Typical
posed by the quintuple arrangement of the engines. The output: 350HP at 2,200rpm.
Chrysler unit powered the M4A4 and one version of the M3 Plate 526: Meadows Flat-12 engine in Harry Hopkins light tank, an
medium. A Caterpillar engine for installation in M4 series example of another adaptation of a commercial type, designated
tanks (fitted in the M4A6) was also very promising, but was Meadows M.A.T./3. Typical output: 148HP at 2,200rpm. Same
a late-comer to the scene and was discarded once standard- engine was fitted in the Tetrarch tank, and a larger version in the
isation had been chosen for the Ford GAA engine. The Covenanter.
Ford engine proved to have good accessibility and low fuel Plate 527: Chrysler A-57 Multibank five-line engine in medium tank
consumption as well as high power output and torque. M4A4, a prime example ofa power plant in American tanks adapted
While not perfect, it was considered the best available, and from commercial sources. It consisted of five Chrysler automobile
the most adaptable. From late 1943 it became the "standard" engines mounted on a common crankshaft. Typical output: 370HP
American tank engine, though supply never met demand at 2,400rpm.
sufficiently for it to displace other types. Variants were Plate 529: Twin General Motors 6-71 diesels installed in Archer SP
produced for tank designs subsequent to the M4 series, but 17pdr.

6: Typical Suspension Systems

"Slow Motion" Type
Designed by Vickers and incorporated in their A9, AI0~
and Valentine designs, each bogie consisted of three wheeh
on a pivoted beam with a coil spring.
Horstmann Type
Another Vickers design, used on their light tanks, each
bogie consisted' of wheels on bell cranks, sprung against
each other horizontally. In this form the suspension was
restricted to light tanks, but Horstmann suspension was
once again used on the Centurion (A41) using the same
principal for springing the bogies.
Christie Type
Patented by J. Walter Christie and used on his inter-war 542. Close-up ofValentine bogie showing 'slow motion" suspension
fast tanks, this system allowed for independent suspension arm.
544. Cut-away of Christie suspension system in
Cromwell tank.
543. Horstmann type suspension on Vickers Mk VI Light Tank.

of each road (or bogie) wheel. Each wheel was attached to a

pivoted bell crank with a heavy coif spring "damper"
anchored to the hull interior and protected by suitable
casing. It was used on all British cruiser tanks developed
from the A13 which in turn had been based on the Christie
tank. The major drawback of Christie suspension was that
it took up space inside the hull, a reason why it was dropped
by the US Army. It did, however, allow very fast running.

Vertical Volute Spring Suspension

Shown in this instance on a Medium Tank M4 (105mm),
this was the standard US suspension system adopted for
light and medium tanks. The two wheels in each bogie were
pivoted on arms against a vertical spring which was
protected by the bogie carrying bracket. A return roller was 545. Vertical volute spring suspension on M4 Medium Tank.
mounted either on top of, or behind, the bracket, the
entire bogie unit forming a self-contained fitting. Advan-
tages of the vertical volute suspension system included
simplicity of production and maintenance and easy
replacement of damaged units simply by unbolting the
complete assembly from the hull.

Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension (HVSS)

Shown in a test installation on a M4A3 tank, HVSS was
designed to replace the vertical volute system. It featured
four bogie wheels in pairs (instead of two) with each pair
sprung horizontally against each other on the bogie unit.
Shock absorbers were also incorporated in each bogie. The
object was to give a smoother ride than that offered by
vertical volute suspension, and allow the use of wider
tracks. HVSS was so designed as to allow any individual 546. Horizontal volute spring suspension on M4A3 Medium Tank.
wheel to be replaced without disturbing other wheels on the
bogie. The return rollers were now set on the hull side as
separate fittings. All late M4 series vehicles had HVSS.
The torsion bars to the wheels on each side were placed
Torsion Bar Type alternately across the hull floor. Advantages of this system
Superficially this looked like Christie suspension, and each included better space utilisation, better protection for the
wheel was carried on an individual arm as in Christie springs and relative simplicity. More careful production
suspension, but the spring, in the form of a torsion bar was control of the spring was however needed. Most later types
usually carried across the hull and anchored on the far side. of US medium/heavy tanks (eg, M26) had this suspension.

Comparative diagrams of major British and American tanks
and motor carriages
Drawn by Kenneth M. Jones. Scale-l :76 (constant).
The silhouette of a 6ft man is included to give a clear indica-
tion of relative sizes. Vehicles are shown in chronological
order by type.

547. Light Tank Mk VIA-Vickers machine guns. 1937.

548. Light tank Mk VII, Tetrarch-2pdr gun. 1938-40.

549. Cruiser Tank Mk IV (A13 Mk II)-2pdr gun. 1939.

550. Cruiser Tank Mk VI (A15), Crusader III-6pdr gun. 1942.

551. Cruiser Tank, Cromwell IV- 75mm gun. 1943.

or;;-r.- n - - - - - - - - - - - -

552. Cruiser Tank, Comet-77mmgun. 1945.

553. Infantry Tank Mk II, Matilda I-2pdr gun. 1940.

554. Infantry Tank Mk III, Valentine II--2pdr gun. 1941.

(inset: turret for Valentine XI, 75mm gun).

555. Infantry Tank Mk IV, Churchill III-6pdr gun. 1942.

(inset: turret for Churchill V, 95mm howitzer).

556. Infantry Tank, Churchill VIII-95mm howitzer. 1944.

(Churchill VII similar but with 75mm gun).


557. Sherman VC, Firefly--17pdr gun. 1944.


558. Light Tank M3A1 (Stuart III)-37mm gun, 1942. 559. Light Tank M3A3 (Stuart V)-37mm gun. 1942.
(also used by British). (also used by British).

560. Light Tank (Airborne) M22 (Locust)-37mm gun. 1943. 561. Light Tank M24 (Chaffee)-75mm gun. 1944.
(also used by British). (also used by British).

562. Medium Tank M3A5 (Grant II)-75mm gun. 1941. 563. Medium Tank M4A3 (Sherman IV)- 75mm gun. 1942.
(also used by British). (also used by British).

564. Medium Tank M4A1 (76mm) HVSS-76mm gun. 1944.

565. l05mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M7B1 (Priest)-105mm
howitzer. 1944. (also used by British).

566. 3in Gun Motor Carriage MI0 (Wolverine)-3in gun.

1944 (also used by British, and with 17pdr gun as Achilles).

567. 8in Howitzer Motor Carriage M43-8in howitzer. 1945.

(M40 similar but with 155mm gun).


568. Heavy Tank M26 (Pershing)-90mm gun. 1945.

569. Landing Vehicle '[racked (Armoured) 4- 75mm howitzer.

1944. (LVT(A) 4).

Ordnance Designations of British Tanks ('A' numbers). A24 (A24El) Pilot of Cruiser Tank Mk VII
Cavalier 1941.
Al (AIEl) ~~Independent"; pilot model only. A25 (A25E1) Harry Hopkins, Light Tank
Mk VIII 1941 .
A2E1 Medium Tank Vickers Mk I 1924.
A26 Projected lighter and faster version
A2E2 As above, CS version. of A22.
A3El 3-Man Tank (ROF) 1925. A27 A 27 L Centaur
A4 Vickers "Carden-Loyd" light tank A 27 M Cromwell; Cruiser Mk VIII
series, 1929 onwards. A4E13-18 Tank.
(Mk II variants), A4E19-20 A28 Cromwell (A27M) with increased
(Mk IV variants) armour and skirting plates over
A5 Vickers "Carden-Loyd" 3-man light suspension.
tank. Pilot model only. A29 Large cruiser tank to carry 17pdr
A6El, E2, E3. Experimental 16 ton tanks gun. Abandoned at project stage.
(Medium Mk III) 1928. Rolls-Royce design.
A7E1, E2, E3. Experimental medium tanks A30 (1) Challenger.
designed and built in ROF (2) Avenger SP
Woolwich. A31 Cromwell with heavier armour.
A8 (A8E1) Experimental medium tank ordered Project only.
from Vickers. 1934-37. A32 Cromwell with armour increased to
A9 (A9El) Cruiser Tank Mk I, 1935. standard of A22. Rolls-Royce
A10 (AIOEl, E2, Cruiser Tank Mk II. 'Valentine' design. Project only.
E3) developed from A10E3. A33 Pilot assault tank. Built by
All (AIIEl) Matilda Infantry Tank Mk I, 1936-38. English Electric 1942-43.
A12 (A12El) Matilda Infantry Tank Mk 11,1938-39. A34 Comet 1942-44.
A13 Mk I(A13E1, Cruiser Tank Mk 111,1937. (A13El A35 Heavier version of Cromwell.
E2, E3) was Christie vehicle purchased from Project only.
A36 A30 with increased protection,
A13 Mk II Cruiser Tank Mk IV, 1937. stronger suspension and 17pdr gun.
A13 Mk III Cruiser Tank Mk V "Covenanter" Project only.
1937. A37 Heavier version of A33 with an
A14 (A14E1, E2) Modifi~d GS Specification Heavy extra suspension bogie per side,
Cruiser Pilot abandoned after trials longer hull and 17pdr gun.
A15(A15E1) Crusader, Cruiser Tank Mk VI, Project only.
1938-40. A38 Infantry Tank
A16 (A16El) Development of A13 as Heavy Valiant I and Valiant II
Cruiser. Pilot model only 1938. A39 Tortoise Heavy Assault Tank.
A17 (A17E1) Light Tank Mk VII Tetrarch, A40 Heavier version of A30.
1939. Project only.
A18 Projected Cruiser Tank based on A41 (A41A) Centurion I, 1945.
A17, 1939. A42 Churchill VII (A22F),
A19 Projected Cruiser Tank with redesignated, ]945.
auxiliary turrets on top of main A43 Infantry Tank, Black Prince, or
turret. Abandoned 1939. "Super Churchill"
A20 (A20E1, E2) Shelled Area Infantry Tank. Two A44 Project for "Comet" with larger
pilots built. Cancelled in favour of turret ring to take 17pdr gun.
A22. Cancelled.
A21 Projected development of A20. A45 Centurion series Universal
Drawing board project only. chassis for projected adaptation to
A22 (A22E1) Infantry Tank Mk IV Churchill. several roles. Completed 1946 and
A22F Churchill VII (major design with modifications became basis of
modifications). CaernarvonjConqueror.
A23 Projected lighter version of A22. Note: Designations in parentheses indicate prototype or
Drawing board project. pre-production vehicles, not necessarily actually built.

Select Bibliography LIDDELL HART, CAPTAIN B. H. The Tanks, A History oj'the
Royal Tank Regiment, 1914~45. 2 volumes (Cassell,
Most of the reference sources for this book were drawn London) 1959.
from unpublished documents, reports, cuttings, memor- NORMAN, CAPTAIN MICHAEL. Centurion 5 (Profile Publica-
anda, vehicle handbooks and other archive material mainly tions, Surrey) 1968.
in the Imperial War Museum and Royal Armoured Corps OGORKIEWICZ, R. M. Armour (Stevens, London and
Museum libraries, plus United States Ordnance Depart- Praeger, New York) 1960.
ment notes. The following published works include Design and Development ofFighting Vehicles (Macdonald,
important coverage ofvarious aspects relevant to the subject. London and Doubleday, New York) 1968.
POSTAN, M. M. British War Production. History of the
Second World War (H.M.S.O., London) 1952.
- -HAY, D. AND SCOTT, J. D. Studies in Government and
Industrial Organisation: Design and Development of
Weapons. (H.M.S.O., London) 1964.
Bellona Military Vehicle Prints (Bellona Publications, Firepower (R.A.C. Publications, Bovington, Dorset)
Bracknell, Berks.) 1963-69. 1960.
BINGHAM, MAJOR JAMES. Cromwell Mk IV (Profile Publica- Tanks 1919-39, The Inter-war period (R.A.C. Publica-
tions, Surrey) 1968. tions, Bovington, Dorset). 1960.
Infantry Tank Mk II (Profile Publications, Surrey) 1968. Tanks 1940-46, The Second World War (R.A.C. Publica-
CHAMBERLAIN, P. AND ELLIS, C. The Sherman (Arms and tions, Bovington, Dorset) 1960.
Armour Press, London and Arco, New York) 1968. SCOTT, J. D. AND HUGHES, R. The Administration of War
M4A3 Sherman (Profile Publications, Surrey) 1968. Production. (H.M.S.O., London) 1955.
Light Tank Mk VII Tetrarch (Profile Publications, Surrey) SELECT COMMITTEE, Report by. Wartime Tank Production
1968. (H.M.S.O., London) 1945.
Light Tanks M 1-M5 Series (Profile Publications,. STETTINIUS, E. R., Jr. Lease-Lend (Penguin, London) 1944.
Windsor, Berks.) 1969. TIMES, THE. British War Production, 1939-45. (The Tin1es,
Du CAN, N. W. Light Tanks Mk I-VI (Profile Publications, London) 1945.
Windsor, Berks.) 1969. THOMSON, H. C. AND MAYO, L. Procurement and Supply:
GREEN, C. M., THOMSON, H. C. AND ROOTS, P. (-:. Planning Ordnance Department, United States Army in World
Munitions for War: Ordnance Department. United States War II: The Technical Services (Department of the Army,
Army in World War II: The Technical Services (Depart- Washington, D.C.) 1960.
ment of the Army, Washington, D.C.) 1955. VANDERVEEN, B. H. M3 Half-track APC (Profile Publica-
HALL, H. DUNCAN AND WRIGLEY, C. C. Studies of Overseas tions, Surrey) 1968.
Supply. History of the Second World War (H.M.S.O., WHITE, B. T. British Tanks, 1915-45 (Ian Allan, Shepperton,
London) 1955. Middx.) 1963
ICKS, LIEUT.-COL. ROBERTS J. Tanks and Armored Vehicles Churchill, British Infantry Tank Mk IV (Profile Publica-
(Duell, Sloane and Pearce, New York) 1945. tions, Windsor, Berks.) 1969.
M24 Chaffee (Profile Publications, Surrey) 1968. Valentine, British Infantry Tank Mk III (Profile Publica-
M47 Patton (Profile Publications, Surrey) 1968. tions, Windsor, Berks.) 1969.

Index is given, this is indicated by a dash (-). American AFVs
As stated in the Preface, this index is arranged by also used by the British (or any other Commonwealth
function, all vehicles being grouped in classes (light tanks, nation) are indicated by (B) immediately after the vehicle
cruiser tanks, armoured recovery vehicles, bridgelayers, designation with the British designation (if different)
etc.), so that the reader wishing to find reference to vehicles following the American designation. British mark numbers,
of a particular type can find here a listing of everything if allocated retrospectively, are shown in brackets. The
within that category together with page numbers of text notation "(test)" indicates a "one off" trials vehicle. Simi-
entry and the number of the plate. The plate numbers are larly the notation " (project)" indicates a proposed vehicle
set in bold type after the page numbers. Some vehicles are which did not proceed beyond the design (or sometimes
listed in this index more than once since a few major mock-up) stage.
production types developed for special functions are The sequence of the vehicles in the index, under their
included with the basic chassis as well as within the special function classification, does not follow alphabetical order
function grouping. This is mainly for the convenience of but the order of the development of the vehicles as far as is
readers who may, for example, look for the Churchill practical. Thus this index is also a check-list of vehicles in
AVRE under the "infantry tank" grouping instead of chronological order.
under the less obvious "assault engineer vehicle" grouping. Wherever possible, illustrations in this book are located
It should be noted that some development vehicles men- adjacent to the description of the relevant vehicle in the
tioned in the text, mainly those built prior to 1939, are not text, but in some cases, where a large number of variants
illustrated in this book since they played no part in combat are involved, the picture may appear one or more pages
or AFV development in World War II itself. These vehicles away from the text entry. As a general rule, however, the
are, however, included in the index. Where no illustration illustration appears on or near the page number given.

British Light Tanks M3 with Maxson AA turret, 89; 199 (A13E1, A13E2, A13E3),-32;-
M3 with T2 Mine Exploder, 89; 200 Mk III, 32; 39
Mk II, IIA, lIB, 20, 21 ; 5, 12, 13 M3Al with Satan, 89; 201 Mk III reworked as Mk IV, 34; 41
Mk II, Indian Pattern, 20; 11 M3A1 with E5R-2-M3 Flame-gun, 89; - Mk IV (A 13, Mk II), 33; 40, 549
Mk III, 20; - M3E2, M3E3,90, 93;215 Mk IVA, 33; 42, 43
Mk IV, 22; 16 Stuart Command (B), 9] ; 206 Mk IV CS, 33; -
Mk V, 22; 19 Stuart Recce (B), 91 ; 207, 208 ~t\14, 35; -
Mk V AA (see AA tanks) Stuart Kangaroo (B), 91 ; - A15(i) (A16), 35; -
Mk VI, 24; 20 M5, Stuart VI(B), 93, 94; 219 ~t\13 Mk III
Mk VIA, 24; 20, 475, 454, 547 M5A], Stuart VI(B), 93, 94, 95; 214, 226 Mk V, Covenanter I, 35; 10, 44
Mk VIB, 24; 24, 468 M5 Command, 94; 218 Mk V*, Covenanter II, 3.5; -
Mk VIB, Indian Pattern, 24; 21 M5~t\1 Psy-war, 94; 217
Mk VIB (modified suspension), 25; 26 Mk V**, Covenanter 111,36; -
M5Al with E7~7 Flame-gun, 94; 220 Covenanter IV, 36; 46
Mk VIC, 24; 25,537 M5Al with E8 Flame-gun, 94; -
Mk VI AA (see AA tanks) Covenanter CS, 36; 45
M5A] with E9-9 Flame-gun, 94; 221 Covenanter OP, Command, 36; -
Mk VII M5 with T39 Rocket Launcher, 94; 222
Tetrarch I, 26; 27, 548 ~t\15(ii)
M5 Dozer, 94; - Mk VI, Crusader I, 37; 49, 523
Tetrarch ICS, 26; 28 T8 Recce Vehicle, 94; -
Tetrarch DD, 26; 29 Mk VICS, Crusader ICS, 38; -
T8El Recce Vehicle, 94; 225 Mk VIA, Crusader II, 38; -
Mk VIII T7 (T7El, T7E2, T7E3, T7E4), 97; 229
Harry Hopkins I, 28; 31, 526 Mk IVA, CS, Crusader IICS, 38; 50
T9,98,99;230 Crusader III, 38; 51, 550
Harry Hopkins ICS (see SP guns) T9El, 98, 99; 232
Alecto I-IV (see SP guns) Crusader OP, Command, 38; -
M22 (Airborne), Locust (B), 98, 99; 231, 234, Crusader AA (see AA tanks), 38; 52,
Vickers Commercial
560 53,54
Dutchman, 21 ; 14, 15 T10 Ct\mphibian), 100; -
6 ton Type B, 27; 30 Crusader Dozer, 38; 56
T13, 100;- Crusader Dozer and Crane (ROF), 38;
T16, 100; 235 58
American Light Tanks (and Combat Cars) T2], 100;- A 16 (see ~t\ I5(i) )
M1 Combat Car, 84; 185, 187 T24, 101, 102; 237 A 18 (project), 35; -
MLt\1 Combat Car, 84, 85;- T24E1, 102; 238 A24, 40; -
M2 Con1bat Car, 84, 85; 186, 188 M24, Chaffee (B), 102, 103;236,561 Cavalier 40; 59
T1 E4, 84~- '"Light Weight Combat Team", 101;- Cavalier OP, 40; -
T5 Combat Car, 84; - M24 with M20 Swimming Device, 13; 245 A27L
T2, T2E 1, T2E2, 84; - Centaur I, 41 ; 60
MIAl, 85; 186 New Zealand Light Tank Centaur III, 41 ; 73
M Lt\2, 85; 185, 187 Schofield Wheel-and-Track, 183; 478, 479 Centaur IV, 41 ; 61
M2~t\1, 86, 87; - Centaur AA (see AA tanks), 41 ; 63, 66
M2~t\2, 86, 87; - Centaur OP, 42; 62
British Cruiser Tanks (and Medium Tanks)
M2~t\3, 86, 87; 190 Centaur Kangaroo, 41 ;-
M2A4, 86, 87; 189, 191 Mk I, II, ILt\, 11* (Medium), 29, 182; 35 Centaur Dozer, 41; 64
M3, Stuart I(B), 88, 89; 192, 193, 194, 195, Mk III (Medium), 30; - A27M
210, 211, 213 A7, A8 (Mediums), 30;- Cromwell I, 43, 44; 69, 76
M3 (Diesel), Stuart II(B), 88, 89; - A9, Mk I, 30; 36 Cromwel1 II, 44; 75
M3A 1, Stuart III(B), 88, 89; 196, 558 Mk ICS, 30; 37 Cromwell III, 44; 68
M3A 1 (Diesel), Stuart IV(B), 8'8, 91 ; - AIO, Mk 11,31 ;- Cromwell IV, 44; 70, 551
M3~t\3, Stuart V(B), 89, 91 ; 197, 198, 212, Mk IIA (AIOE1), 31; 38 Cromwell IVw, 44; 70
559 Mk IIA CS, 31;- Cromwell Vw, 44; -
M3 Command, 89; - A13 Cromwell VI, 44; 71
Cromwell VII, 44; 67 Sherman Tankdozer (B), 119; - ~4A1E2, 128;-
Cromwell Vllw, 44; 67 M4 with Cullin Hedgerow Device, 119; - M4AIE3, 128;-
Cromwell VIII, 44; - M4 with E4R2-5Rl, E4R3-5Rl (M3-4-3) M4AIE5, 128;-
Cromwell CommandjOP, 44; 72 Flame-guns, 123; 8, 317 ~4AIE8, 128;-
Cromwell "Prong", 44; 73 ~4 with E4R4-4R, 5-6RC Flame-gun, 123; M4AIE9, 128;-
Charioteer, 44; - ~4A2El, 128;-
i\30(i) M4 with POA Flame-thrower, 123; 318 M4A2E4, ]28;-
Challenger, 46, 47; 78, 79, 80" 81, 82 ~4 with POA-CWS 75-Hl Flame-thrower, ~4A2E9, 128;-
A30(ii) 123;- ~4A3El, 128;333
Avenger (see SP guns) ~4 with POA-CWS 75-H2 Flame-thrower, M4A3E2, 128;-
/\34 123;- M4A3E3, 128;-
Comet, 50; 88, 89, 90, 91, 552 M4 with E6-Rl Flame-gun, 123;- M4A3E8, 129; 295
A41 M4 with E7-7 Flame-gun, 123;- ~4A3E9, 129; 336
Centurion (I), 52; 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 ~4 with Satan (Ronson) Flame-gun, 125; M4A4El, 129;-
A41A M4A4 with Alliss-Chalmers suspension
Centurion II, 52; - ~4 Crocodile, 125; 319 129; 339
M4 with El Anti-personnel Tank ~4A3 with Rheem automatic loader,
American Medium Tanks Projector, 125; 321 129;-
Sherman V Adder (B), 134; - M4A 1 Centipede, 129; 341
T5 (Phase I), 105;- Sherman Salamander (B), 134; - M7, 143; 388
T5 (Phase III), 106; 252 Sherman Badger (B), 134; - ~4X, 149;-
T5El, 106; 253 Sherman Crocodile (see M4 Crocodile) T20, 149; 405
T5E2, 106; 251 Sherman III DD(B), 133; - T20El, 149;-
~2, 105, 106;4,6,250,256 Sherman V DD(B), 132; - T20E2, 149; -
~2Al, 105,106; 4, 257 Sherman III and V DD ~k I(B), 132; 361 T20E3, 149; 404
~2 with E2 Flame-gun, 106; 254 Sherman III DD Mk II(B), 133;- T22, 150; 406
~2 with Grant turret (test), 106; 255 Sherman III and IlIAY DD Mk III(B), T22El, 150; 407
~3, Lee I(B), 108,110,112; 7,258 133; - T22E2, 150; -
M3, Grant (I) (B), 108, 110, 112; 259 Sherman III DD with Rocket Egress (B), T23, 151 ; 408, 409
~3Al, Lee II(B), 260 133; - T23El, 151;-
~3A2, Lee III(B), 108, 110, 113; 261 Sherman V DD APC(B), 133; - T23E2, 151;410
~3A3, Lee IV(B), 108, 110, 113; 262 Sherman DD with BELCH (B), 133; - T23E3, 151 ;-
~3A3 (Diesel), Lee V(B), 108, 110, 113; - Sherman Topee (B), 133; 371 T25, 152, 153; 411
~3A4, Lee VI(B), 108, 110, 113; 263 Sherman DD ~k II with Ginandit (B), T25El, 153; 412
~3A5, Grant II(B), 110, 113; 264, 265, 133; - T26, 154; -
184,562 ~4 with Snake Equipment (B), 134; - T26El, 154;413,414
~3El, 111;- ~4 with Flotation Equipment (~19), 126; "Medium Weight Combat Team", 145; -
~3A5El/~5A5E2, 111 ; - 327
~3 with Tl ~ine Exploder, 110; 272 Sherman Hybrid I (B), 130; 346 Australian Cruiser Tanks
~3 with E3 Flame-gun, 110; 273 Sherman V (Rocket) (B), 131 ; 348
~3 with E5R2-~3 Flame-gun, 110; - Sherman Kangaroo (B), 131 ; 352 AC I (Sentinal), 179, 180; 472
TI0 Shop Tractor, 110; - Sherman Gun Tower (B), 132; 354 AC II (Project), ]79, ]80; -
T16 Heavy Tractor, 111; - Sherman OPjCommandjRear Link (B), AC III, 179, 181 ; 471, 473
~33 Prime ~over, 111 ; 276 132; 355 AC IV, 179,18]; 474
Grant Command (B), 113; - Sherman Fascine Ca.rrier (B), 132; 353
Grant CDL(B), 113; 270, 271 Sherman Crib (B), 132; - Canadian Cruiser Tanks
T6, 114; 281 T31 Demolition Tank, 123; 329 Ram I, ]72, 173; 455, 462
~4, Sherman I(B), 114, 116, 130; 284 M4 Doozit, 126; - Ram II, 172, 173; 456
~4Al, Sherman II(B), 116,131; 1,282 ~4 with Assault Sledges (B), 126; 337 Ram OP/Command, ]74; 458
~4A2, Sherman III(B), 116, 131 ; 283, 347 TI0E1 Shop Tractor, 126; 338 Ram GPO, 174;-
~4A3, Sherman IV(B), 116, 131 ; 287, 563 M4 with T34 Rocket Launcher (Calliope), Ram Gun Tower, 174;-
~4A3 (HVSS) (test), 116; 546 125;320 Ram Ammunition Carrier (Wallaby),
~4A4, Sherman V(B), 116, 131; 288 ~4 with T34El Rocket Launcher, 125;- 174; -
~4A5 (see Canadian Ram), 117 ; - ~4 with T34E2 Rocket Launcher, 125;- Ram AVRE, 174;-
~4A6, Sherman VII(B), 117, 13] ; 289 ~4 with T39 Rocket Launcher, 125;- Ram Flame-thrower, 174;-
Sherman Firefly (B), ] 30, 131 ; 342, 345, ~4 with T40(M17) Rocket Launcher Ram Searchlight, 174; -
346 (Whiz-bang), 125; 322 Ram with 75mm gun (test), 174; -
~4 (l05mm), Sherman IB(B), 118, 131 ; M4 with T40 Rocket Launcher (short Skink (see AA tanks)
372,545 version), 126; 323 Grizzly, 175; 464
~4 (105mm) HVSS, Sherman IBY(B), 118, M4 with T72 Rocket Launcher, 126; 326
131;292 M4 with T73 Rocket Launcher, 126;- British Infantry Tanks (and Heavy Tanks)
M4Al (76mm), Sherman IIA(B), 118, 131 ; M4 with T76 Rocket Launcher, 126; 324
290 M4 with TI05 Rocket Launcher, 126; 325 All
~4Al (76mm) HVSS, I ] 8; 291, 564 M4 with T99 ~ultiple Rocket Launcher, A I I E I pilot model, 54; 98
M4A2 (76mm), Sherman IIIA(B), 118,131; 126;- Mk I (Matilda I), 54; 97, 100, 101
293 M4El (i), 127; 331 A12
~4A2 (76mm) HVSS, Sherman IlIAY(B), M4El(ii),128;- A12E1 pilot model, 56, 57; 103
118,131;294 ~4E2, 128;- Mk II (Matilda II); -
M4A3 (76mm), 118; 296 ~4E3, 128;- Mk II, Matilda I, 56, 57; 3, 104, 553
M4A3 (76mm) HVSS, 118; 9, 295 M4E4, 128;- Mk IIA, ~atilda II, 56, 57; -
M4A3 (l05mm), 118; - ~4E5, 128; 334 ~k 11*, Matilda III, 56, 57, 182; 102
M4A3 (105mm) HVSS, 118; - ~4E6, 128; 334 Mk IIA**, ~atilda IV, 56, 57, ]82;-
M4A3E2 (Assault Tank) (Jumbo), "118; 297 M4E7, 128;- Matilda III CS, 56, 57;-
~34 Prime ~over, 119;· 298 ·M4E9, ]28;- Matilda IV CS, 57; 107, 477
~4 Dozer, 119; 299, 300, 301 M4AIEl, 128;- 'Matilda V, 56, 57;-
Matilda II COL and V COL, 56, 57; 105 M6, 155, 156;417 T40 (M9) GMC (3in), 11] ; 277
Matilda Frog, 57, 182; 111 M6.~], 155, 156; 415 M7, M7Bl HMC (105mm), Priest (B),
Matilda Murray, 57,182;- M6.~2, 155, 156; 416 138,139;373,374,377,565
Matilda Dozer, 57, 182; 112 T1 E 1 with 90mm gun (test), 156; 418 T32 HMC (]05mm), 138, ]39; 376
Mk III, Valentine M6.~2E1 with 105mm gun (test), 156; 419 T5] HMC (25pdr), ]39; -
Mk III, Valentine I, 60, 61 ; 116, 554 T14, 157;420 M10 GMC (3in), Wolverine (B), 140;
Mk 111*, Valentine II, 60, 61; 117 T26El, 154;413,414 2,378,566
Valentine III, 60, 61, 184; 118 T26E3, 158, 159;421,428 M]OAI GMC (3in), Wolverine (B), 140;-
Valentine III CS (New Zealand), 61 ; - T26E4, 158, 159;425 378
Valentine IV, 61; - T2fE5, 159; 423 (see also .~chilles in British SP Gun
Valentine V, 61 ; - M26 Pershing (B), 158, 159; 421, 428, 568 category)
Valentine VI (Canada), 60, 61; 467 M26E1, 158; 422 T35, T35E] GMC (3in), 140; 381, 382
Valentine VII (Canada), 60, 61; - M45 (T26E2), 159; 424 T7] GMC (90mm), ]42,207; 535
Valentine VIL~ (Canada), 60, 61 ; - T28 (see T95 GMC) M36 GMC (90mm), 142; 384
Valentine VIII, 6] ; - T29, ]64; 436 M36B] GMC (90mm), ]42; 385
Valentine IX, 61 ; 119 T30, 165; 434 M36B2 GMC (90mm), 142; 386
Valentine X, 6] ; - T32, 164; 436 T72 GMC (76mm), 142; 387
Valentine XI, 61 ; 115 T32El, 164;- T6 GMC (l55mm), ]44;-
Valentine COL, 61 ; - T34, 165; 437 M12 GMC (155mm), 144; 389, 390
Valentine OP/Comn1and, 61; - M4.~3E2 .~ssault Tank, 118; 297 M40 (T83) GMC (]55mm), 145, 146;
Valentine Snake, 61 ; 122 "Heavy Weight Combat Team", 161; - 392,396
Valentine DO (Mks III and VIII), 61 ; 126 M43 (T89) HMC (8in), ]46; 394, 567
Valentine Flame-thrower Miscellaneous Tank Types T94 MMC (250mm), 146; 395
(cordite charge), 61 ; 124 T49 GMC (57mm), ]47, 148; 398
(gas pressure), 61 ; 125 Mk VIII (US/Canada), 177; 469 T67 GMC (75mm), 147, 148; -
Roller Fascine (for Valentine), 61 ; - 6 ton Tank (US/Canada), 177; 470 T70 GMC (76mm), 147, 148; 399
.~20, 66; - "Bob Semple/Mobile Pillbox" M]8 GMC (Hellcat) (76mm), 147, 148; 397
.~22, Mk IV, Churchill, 66; - (New Zealand), 184; 480 T88 HMC (l05mm), ]48; 400
Churchill I, 66, 67; 134 T85, T85EL GMC, 104; 249
Churchill II, 66, 67; 135 British Self-Propelled Guns (on tank T86, T86El GMC (.~mphibian) (76mm),
Churchill IICS, 68; - chassis) (SP Guns) 148;402
Churchill III, 68; 136, 555 (for .~.~ tanks, see separate heading) T87 GMC (.~mphibian) (76n1n1), 148; 403
Churchill IV, 68; 137 Bishop (25pdr), 64; 131 T84 HMC (8in), 159; 426
Churchill IV (N.~ 75), 68; 142 Valentine Flame Mortar (7.92in), 61 ; 127 T92 HMC (240n1m), 161, 162; 429,431
Churchill V, 69; 138 Valentine SP (test) (6pdr), 6] ; 128 T93 GMC (8in), 161, 162; 430,432
Churchill VI, 69; 140 .~rcher (17pdr), 65; 132, 133, 529 T95 GMC (]05mm), 163; 433
.Churchill VII, 67, 69; 139, 525 Churchill Gun Carrier (3in), 68; 143 T](M5) GMC (3in), 166; 438
Churchill VIII, 70; 141, 556 Crusader SP (test) (5.5in), 38;- T42 GMC (Bigley Motor Carriage),
Ch urchill IX, 70; - A30(ii), Avenger (17pdr), 48; 83, 84, 85, 166; 439
Churchill IX LT, 70; - 86,87 T90 MMC, T96 MMC (projects), 167; -
Churchill X, 70; - Achilles IC (ex-US MI0 GMC) (17pdr),
Churchill X LT, 70; 144 140'-
Achill~s IIC (ex-US MI0Al GMC) Canadian Self-propelled Guns on
Churchill XI, 70; - Tank chassis
Churchill XI LT, 70; - (17pdr), 140; 383
Churchill Oke, 70: 145 Stuart SP (l8pdr), 91 ; 209 Sexton, 176; 465, 466
Churchill Crocodile, 69; 146 .~lecto I (95mn1), 28; 33
Churchill A VRE, 71 : 148 .~lecto II (6pdr), 28; 34 British AA (Anti-Aircraft) Tanks
Ardeer Aggie, 75; 166 .~lecto III (project), 28; -
Woodpecker, 76; - .~lecto IV (project), 28; - Light Mk V .~.~
.~43, Black Prince, 77; 174
(i) Twin Besa, 22; 17
TOG 1,78; 175 American Self-propelled Guns (Motor (ii) Quad Browning, 23; 18
TOG L~, 78;- Carriages) (on Tank Chassis) Light .~.~ Mk I, 24; 22
TOG 2,78; 178 (GMC: gun motor carriage, Light .~.~ Mk II, 25; 23
TOG 2R (project), 79; - HMC: howitzer motor carriage, Crusader II, A.~ Mk I, 38; 52
TOG 2*,79; 176 MMC: mortar motor carriage) Crusader III, .~.~ Mk II, 38; 53
.~22F (see Churchill VII)
Crusader III, .~.~ Mk III, 38; -
.~31 (project), 80; - T18 HMC (75mn1), 90; 202 Crusader .~.~, Triple Oerlikon, 38; 54
.~32 (project), 80; - T56 GMC (3in), 90; 203 Centaur .~.~ Mk I, 42; -
.~33 T57 GMC (3in), 90; 204 Centaur .~.~ Mk 11,42; 63, 66
(British R/L tracks), 80; 180 T27, T27El MMC, 94; 223
(US T1 tracks), 80; 179 T29, MMC, 95; 224 American AA (Anti-Aircraft) Tanks
.~42 (see Churchill VII) T41 HMC (75mm), 96;- M3 Light with Maxson turret (test), 89; 199
.~38 T47 HMC (75mn1), 96;- M19 GMC (40mm), 101; 239
Valiant I, 8]; 181 T82 HMC (75n1m), 97; 228 T65 GMC (40mm), 104; 247
Valiant II (project), 81 ; - M8 HMC (75mm), 96; 227 T85, T85El (2Omm), 104; 249
.~39 Tor~oise, 82; 182, 183 M19 GMC (see AA tanks) T36 GMC (40mm), 111 ; 278
M41 HMC (Gorilla) (155n1m), 102; 240 T52 GMC, 124; 329
American Heavy Tanks (and T64 HMC (155n1n1), 104; 248 T53, T53E] GMC (90mm), ]24; 330
Assault'ranks) T64E1 HMC (155mn1), ]08; 240 T77E1 GMC, 103; 243
T65 GMC (40mn1), 104; 247 T78 GMC (project), 103;-
T], ]55, ]56;- M37 HMC (]05n1m), ]02; 241
T]E], ]55, 156; 416 T38 MMC, 102; 242 Canadian AA (Anti-Aircraft) Tanks
T1E2, 155, ]56;417 T76 HMC (105mm), ]02;-
TlE3, 155, 156; 415 T16, T]6El GMC (4.5in), ]04; 246 Skink, 175; 463
TIE4, 155, 156;- T24 GMC (3in), ] 11 ; 275 Ram QF 3.7in (test), ]74; 460
British Assault Engineer Vehicles AVRE with Log Carpet ML, 74; - T]E5, ]21;-
Churchill TLC ML, 74; 161, 163 T]E6, ]21;-
Ram AVRE (test), 71, 174;- Churchill AVRE with Skid Bailey, 72; - T2El ME, ]2];-
Sherman AVRE (test), 134, 70;- Churchill AVRE with Brown Bridge, 72; - T2 (Flail) ME, 121; 357
Churchill AVRE, 70; 147, 148 Churchill AVRE with Dalton Bridge, T3 ME, 121; 308
Valentine 7.92in Flame Mortar (test), 72; 170 T3E] ME, ]2];-
61; 127 Churchill AVRE with Mobile Bailey, T3E2 ME, 122; 309
Matilda Carrot, 57; 110 73; 173 T4 ME, 122;-
Churchill Carrot, 76; 171 Matilda with Inglis Bridge, 57; 113 T4MX, ]22;-
Churchill Onion, 76; 167 Matilda with Trench Crossing Device, T5 MX, 122;-
Churchill Quinson, 76; - 57, 114 T2E2 MX, 122;-
Churchill Goat, 76; 168 Sherman Twaby Ark, 132; 358 T6 MX, 122;-
Churchill Elevatable Goat, 76; 169 Sherman Octopus (Ark), 132; 356, 359 T5E3 ME, ]22; -
Churchill with Bangalore Torpedoes, 76; Sherman with SBG (test), ] 32; - T7 ME, ]22;-
172 Sherman Plymouth, ] 32; 360 T8 (Johnnie Walker) ME, 122; 311
Ardeer Aggie, 75; 166 T9, T9E], ME, 122; 312
Woodpecker, 76; - American Bridging Tanks TI0 ME, ]23; 313
M4A3 with spigot mortars, ME, ]23; 314
American Assault Engineer Vehicles M4 with Mobile Assault Bridge, 120; 304 T]2 ME, ]23;-
LVT(A) 2 with portable ramp, 169; - T14 ME, 123;-
T3.J Demolition Tank, 126; 328 T]5, T15El, T15E2 MRV, 123; 315
M4 Doozit, 129;- British Mine Clearing Tanks
Snake, 123; -
Infantry Tank Mk I with Coulter Plough, Improvised Flail, 123; 316
British Gun Towers, Prime Movers,
55;99 Other vehicles:
and APCs T15E3 MRV, 167; -
Matilda Scorpion I, 57; 108
Crusader II Gun Tractor Mk I, 38; 57 Matilda with AMRA Mk 1a, 57; 109 Mine Exploder on M2 half-track
Centaur Kangaroo, 41 ;- Matilda Baron I, II, III, IlIA, 57; 106 (test), ]94; -
Ram Ammunition Carrier (Wallaby), Covenanter with AMRA, 36; 48
174;- Crusader with AMRA Mk Id, 38; - British Armoured Recovery
Ram Kangaroo, 174; 461 Cromwell CIRD, 44; 74 Vehicles (ARV)
Ram Gun Tower, 174;- Valentine Scorpion II, 61 ; 120
Priest Kangaroo, 139; 375 Valentine AMRA Mk Ib, 62; 121 (BARV: beach armoured recovery
Sherman Kangaroo, 131 ; 352 Valentine Snake, 6] ; 122 vehicle)
Sherman Gun Tower, 132; 354 Churchill with AMRA Mk lIe, 73; -
Stuart Kangaroo, 91 ;- Churchill with AMRCR, 73; 158 Covenanter ARV 36; -
Stuart Recce, 91 ; 207, 208 Churchill CIRD, 73; 156 Crusader ARV, 38; 55
Churchill with Ploughs A-D, 73; 157 Centaur ARV, 4]; 65
American Cargo Carriers, Prime Movers, Churchill with Bullshorn/Jeffries Ploughs, Cromwell ARV, 44; -
High Speed Tractors and Utility Vehicles 73; 159 Churchill ARV I, 70; 149
Churchill with Farmer Ploughs, 73; 160 Churchill ARV II, 70; 151
(PM: prime mover, HST: high speed tractor, Churchill BARV, 70; -
Churchill Snake, 76; 164 GrantARV, 1]3;269
T: tractor, U: utility vehicle,
Churchill AVRE with 2in Conger; 76; 165 Grant ARV I (ex-US T2), 113; 268
CC: cargo carrier)
Grant Scorpion III, ]] 3; 274 Sherman III, ARV I, ] 31 ; 349
Grant Scorpion IV, ]] 3; - Sherman V, ARV 1,131; 349
T8, T8El Recce Vehicle, 95; 225
T]6T,1]1;- Sherman Scorpion IV, ] 33; 362 Sherman V, ARV 11,131; 350
Sherman Pram, ] 33; - Sherman IIA, ARV III (ex-US M32Bl),
M33 PM, 111 ; 276
Sherman Marquis, 133; 363 13];-
M34 PM, 119; 298 Sherman Lobster, 133; 364
M35 PM (B), 140; 379 Sherman BARV (Sea Lion), 131; 351
Sherman Crab I and II, T2 Flail (US),
T30 CC, 146; 393 134; 357
M30 CC, 144; 391 Sherman CIRD, 133; 365 American Tank Recovery Vehicles (TRV)
T41 (M39) U, 147; 401
Sherman with AMRCR, ] 34; 366
T31 CC, 160; 427 T6El, ]67; 445
Sherman with Centipeqe, 134; -
T22 CC, 166; 440 Sherman with Porcupine, 134; - T2 (M31), Grant ARV I(B), 113; 268
T2 T, 166; 441 T5, ] ] 9 ; -
Sherman with Lulu, 134; 367 M32, ] ]9; 302
M5 HST, 167; 442 Sherman with Jeffries, 134; 368
M4 HST, 167; 443, 444 Sherman with Bullshorn, 134; 369 M32Bl, Sherman IIA, ARV III(B), 119· -
M32B2, ] 19; - '
Sherman with MDI plough, 134; 370
British Bridging Tanks and Mat Layers M32B3, 1] 9; 303
Sherman with Snake and Conger, 134; - M32B4, ] ]9; -
(BL: bridgelayer, Ark: armoured ramp Sherman with Tapeworm, 134; -
carrier, ML: mat layer) T]2, 167; -
MI0 GMC with mine plough (test), 140; 380
Light Mk VI BL, 26; - American Mine Clearing Tanks Canadian Armoured Recovery
Covenanter BL, 36; 47 Vehicles (ARV)
Valentine BL, 61 ; 129, 130 (ME: mine exploder, MX: mine excavator,
Valentine Burmark, 61 ; 123 MRV: mine resistant vehicle) Ram AR4 I(B), 174; 459
Churchill AVRE with SBG, 70; 147 Ram ARV II(B), 174;-
Churchill Ark Mk 1,70;- M3 Light with T2 ME, 89; 200
Churchill Ark Mk II (UK), 71 ; 151 M3 Medium with T] ME, ] ]0; 372 Australian Armoured Recovery
Churchill Ark Mk II (Italian), 71 ; 152 Mine clearing devices on M4 Medium Vehicle (ARV)
Churchill BL, 7] ; 153, 154 series: Grant ARV II (Australian), ]82; 476
Churchill Lakeman Ark, 73;- TIEl (Earthworm) ME, 121; 305
Great Eastern Ramp, 73; 155 TIE2 ME, ]21;- British and American Dozer Tanks
Woodlark, 73; - TIE3 (Ml) (Aunt Jemima) ME, 121; 306
AVRE with Bobbin I and II ML, 74; 162 TIE4 ME, 12]; 307 (B: British, US: American)
Crusader Dozer (B), 38; 56 169; - (British)
Crusader Dozer and Crane (ROF) (B), LVT(A) 2 with portable ramp, 169; -
38; 58 2pdr, 202; 526
Centaur Dozer (B), 41 ; 64 American Half-tracks and Half-track
6pdr, 202; 528
Alecto Dozer (B), 28; 32 Motor Carriages
75mm, 203; 525
Matilda Doier (Australia), 57; 112 (GMC: gun motor carriage, 77mm, 204;-
M5 Dozer (US), 95; - HMC: howitzer motor carriage, 17pdr, 203; 529
M24, Dozer fitting (US), 103; - MMC: mortar motor carriage) 3.7in, 204; -
M4 Dozer (US), Sherman Tankdozer (B), 3in, 204; -
119; 299, 300, 301 M2, 186, 187; 484 95mm, 205; 530
M 1 Dozer Blade, 120; 300 M2Al, 186, 187; - Spigot Mortar (Petrol), 205; 531
MIAI Dozer Blade, 120; - M3, 186, 187; 485
M3Al, 186; 483 (American)
Miscellaneous Special Purpose Types, M3A2 (T29), 186, 188; -
Projects, and Test Vehicles M5, 186, 188; - 37mm, 205; 532
M5Al, 186, 188;- 75mm, 206; 533
Valentine CDL (B), 61 ; - M5A2 (T31), 186, 188; - 76mm, 207;-
Matilda COL (B), 57; 106 M9Al, 186, 188; - 90mm, 207; 535
Churchill COL (proposed) (B), 71 ; - M4jM4Al MMC, 188; 486, 487
British machine guns and smoke
M3E4 Light Tank (DO) (US), 90; - M21 (T19) MMC, 189; 488 dischargers, 208; 537
M3A3El (test) Light (US), 90; - ~t\merican machine guns, 208; 536
T21jT21El MMC, 189; -
M3EI (test) Light (US), 90; - M3(TI2) and M3Al GMC (75mm), Gyrostabiliser, 206; 534
M3A3El (test) Light (US), 90; - Autocar SP(B), 187; 482, 489, 492
M3A3E2 (test) Light (US), 90; - T30 HMC (75mm), 189; 491 Principal Tank Engines
M5AIEI (test) Light (US), 96; - T19 HMC (l05mm), 191; 494
M5Al AA (test) Light (US), 96; - T73 GMC (75mm), 191; 490 (British)
M5jM5Al with flotation gear (test) T48 GMC (57mm) (B), 191 ; 493
(US), 96; - Liberty, 209; 538
TIEl GMC (AA), 191; 497 Meadows, 210; 526
T78 GMC (project) (US), 103; - TIE2 GMC (AA), 191; - Bedford, 210; 525
T81 GMC (project) (US), 103; - TIE3 GMC (AA), 191; 498
T90 MMC (project) (US), 167; - Meteor, 209; 539
TIE4 (MI3) GMC (AA), 191; 496
T96 MMC (project) (US), 167; - M14 GMC (A), 191; 505
T5 Phase II (project) (US), 106; - (Lt\merican)
T28 GMC (A), 191; 495
M3EI (test) Medium (US), III ; - T28El (MI5Al) GMC (AA), 191; 500, 502 Wright Continental, 209; 540
M3AIEI (test) Medium (US), Ill; - M16 and M17 (T58) GMC Ct\~t\), 191; Chrysler, 21 0; 527
M3A4 with trailing idler (test) 506,507 Guiberson, 209; -
Medium (US), III ; - T37jT37El GMC (AA), 193; - Ford, 210; 541
M3A4 HVSS (test) Medium (US), III ; - T54jT54El GMC (AA), 193; 508 General Motors, 210; -
M3A5EljM3A5E2 (test) Medium (US), T59jT59El GMC (AA), 193; 503 Cadillac, 210; -
Ill; 279 T60jT60El GMC (AA), 193; -
Grant CDL (B), 113; 270, 271 T68 GMC (AA), 193; 504 Principal Suspension Systems
TI0 Shop Tractor (US), 110; - T61 GMC (AA), 194; -
TI0jTI0El GMC (AA), 194; 501 (British)
Sherman COL (B), ]34; - M2 with Mine Exploder (test), 194; -
T] OE] Shop Tractor (US), 129: 338 M2E4 (test), 194; - Horstmann, 210; 542
Sherman with rockets and grapnels (B), T16, T17, T19 (projects), 194; - Slow Motion, 210; 543
]34; - M2 with armoured roof, 194; - Modified Christie, 211 ; 544
Sherman with assault boat (B), 134; - Tl, 188;-
Sherman CIRD with Bangalore T14, 188; - (Lt\merican)
Torpedoes (B), 134; 365 M3 (armoured ambulance), 188; - Vertical Volute, 211 ; 545
Priest OP (B), 139; - Horizontal Volute (HVSS), 211 ; 546
Ranl GPO (BjCanada), 174; - British Infantry Carrier Chassis with Torsion Bar, 211 ; -
Ram Searchlight (BjCanada), 174; - Self-propelled Weapons
Sexton GPO (BjCanada), 174; - Miscellaneous
Loyd Carrier with 2pdr (i), 195; 510
Landing Vehicles Tracked (LVT) Loyd Carrier with 2pdr (ii), 195; 509 Abbreviations, 17; -
Loyd Carrier with 25pdr, 195; 511 Bibliography, 217; -
LVT 2,168; - Loyd Carrier AA, 195; 516 British Ordnance designations, 216; -
LVT(A) I, 168; 447, 453 Smith Gun on Bren Carrier, 195; 512 Comparative Scale Drawings
LVT(A) 2,168; - Praying Mantis, 195; 515 (Appendix 5), 212-215; -
LVT(A) 4, 168; 446, 569 Universal Carrier AA, 195; 517 Development and procurement
LVT 4; Buffalo (B), 168; 448 Carrier Ambulance, 195; 522 (American), 10; -
LVT(A) 5,168; - Universal Carrier 1* jll* 2pdr equipped Development and procurement
LVT 3 (Bushmaster), 169; - (Canada), 197; 518 (British), 9; -
Borg Warner "A" Model (prototype), Universal Carrier with PlAT battery Nomenclature (American), 15; -
169; 449 (Canada), 197; 520 Nomenclature (British), 15; -
LVT(A) 4 with M24 turret, 169; 450 Carrier 2pdr (Australia), 197; 520 Parts of a tank, 200; 524
LVT(A) 4 with T45 Rocket Launcher, Carrier 2pdr Tank Attack (Australia), Sectional views:
169; 451 197; 513 M4A4 (Sherman V), 202; 527
LVT 4 with T54 Rocket Launcher, 169; - Carrier 3in Mortar (i) (Australia), 197; 521 Harry Hopkins, 211 ; 526
LVT 3 with T89 Rocket Launcher, 169; - Carrier 3in Mortar (ii) (Australia), 197; 514 Churchill VII, 201 ; 525
LVT(A) I with E7 Flame-gun, 169; 452 Churchill VIII (turret only), 205; 530
LVT(A) I -with E14-7R2 Flame-thrower, Principal Tank Guns Archer, 204; 529


This is the complete illustrated history of British, American and

Commonwealth tanks, gun motor carriages and special vehicles
1939-1945. Packed with over 500 outstanding photographs and
drawings, and compiled by the widely respected AFV experts Peter
Chamberlain and Chris Ellis, this is the most comprehensive refer-
ence source yet published to the history and development of Allied
tanks in the Second World War.

Every significant tank type and variant produced in Britain, the

United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand is included in the
book and described in full - more than 2,000 vehicles in all. With
concise specifications throughout, comparative scale drawings and
details in the appendices of principal tank guns, engines and sus-
pension systems this book is a must for the tank enthusiast, military
historian and modeller. Its companion volume, the Encyclopedia of
German Tanks of World War Two, by Peter Chamberlain and Hilary
Doyle, is also published by Cassell.

Front cover: the American M3 medium tank, Grant I variation, as adapted to British requirements
Above: the British Churchill III infantry tank (Photographs: Chris Ellis)

Printed in Great Britain

ISBN 0-304-35529-1

Can. $38.95
9 780304 355297

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