Business Card Request/Approval Form
Business Card Request/Approval Form
Business Card Request/Approval Form
Approved by_____________________________________________________________________________
Signature of Dean, Department Chair, or Director
Exceptions to these standards will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will require the approval of
the appropriate administrator at the divisional dean or vice presidential level.
* Titles, certifications and degrees MUST match the College Catalog and personnel file in Human Resources.
4. Business cards will include information Purchasing business cards from commercial printers
necessary for others to contact the College and/or producing cards from desktop printers are
employee, either by phone, fax, email or US unauthorized uses of College resources and a violation
mail, and to address the employee appropriately. of College policy and procedures, according to the Vice
Extraneous information is unnecessary. President of Business and Finance.
5. To facilitate appropriate communication, The name “Del Mar College” and the Del Mar College
individuals who have earned a doctoral degree logo are registered service marks of the Del Mar College
and have the appropriate documentation on file District protected by the Texas Secretary of State. Any
with the Human Resources Office, may have unauthorized use of these symbols is a violation of the
that designation included on their cards. The College’s legal rights. The College will take any and all
individual may select either format: Dr. Jane steps necessary to protect those rights.
Doe, or Jane Doe, Ed.D., but not both.
Exceptions to these standards will be considered on a
6. Listing of baccalaureate or masters degrees case-by-case basis and will require the approval of the
is unnecessary, as that level of academic appropriate administrator at the divisional dean or vice
credentialing is the standard for professionals at presidential level.
the College.
A comprehensive list of Del Mar College graphics
7. Listing of professional certifications (LPC, RN, standards is posted at:
etc.) is appropriate in those instances when the
following conditions apply:
• the individual has completed state or national The Business Card Request/Approval Form
licensure or similar certification is posted at:
• the certification is appropriate for listing in the
College catalog DownloadAsset.aspx?id=6134
• the notation of the degree or certification
is integral (not incidental) to the capacity
in which the individual is employed at the