Business Technology Career and Technical Education Principal: Dr. Ellis Duncan "Groves Is Great"

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Business Technology

Career and Technical Education

Principal: Dr. Ellis Duncan
“Groves Is Great”

Instructor Information
Name: Ms. Pearl Mitchell Planning Period: 2nd
Room: 602 School Phone (912) 395-2520 ext. 716602

Course Description
The goal of this course is to provide an understanding and application of social, ethical, and human issues related to
technology. The course will also provide an introduction to computer technology, decision-making, productivity,
communications, and problem-solving skills. Areas of instruction include computer applications and integration of
word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software as well as use of emerging

In this course, high school students can acquire skills required to create, edit, and publish industry appropriate
documents. Areas of study will also include oral and written communications and information research for
reporting purposes. Competencies for the co-curricular student organization, Future Business Leaders of America
(FBLA), are integral components of both the core employability skills standards and technical skill standards.
Students will have the opportunity to gain basic computer skills needed for future education or employment plans.

Course Objectives
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
 Define and spell relevant computer-related terms
 Identify the components of a computer and their uses
 Demonstrate proper use and care of computer equipment
 Develop effective file management skills
 Create, format, and edit error-free documents using word processing software
 Create, format, and edit business documents to analyze data, perform calculations and create charts using
spreadsheet software
 Create, format, and edit databases using relational database software
 Create, format, edit, and present multimedia slide shows using presentation software
 Utilize graphics and other special effects to enhance documents and presentations
 Identify and explain the major career clusters
 Develop a career interest through personality assessments and career exploration
 Develop employability skills and transferable skills for the workplace
 Create an electronic portfolio demonstrating knowledge learned

Microsoft IT Academy
The Microsoft IT Academy Program is a college- and career-ready education program available to all accredited
academic institutions, designed to provide students with the 21st century technology skills necessary to acquire
certification and be competitive in today’s rapidly evolving workplace. The IT Academy Program also provides
educators and staff with professional development opportunities. This subscription-based membership offers a
world-class technology curriculum with lesson plans, E-Learning, student projects, and assessments. To date, there
are more than 10,000 IT Academy members in more than 160 countries.

Articulation Agreement
Students that receive a B or higher and pass an exemption exam with an 80 or better will receive credit for
Introduction to Computer – SCT 100 at Savannah Technical College. Students must enroll in the post-secondary
institution within 24 months of high school graduation.
Software: Microsoft Office 2010 -- Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access;

Materials Needed
Pocket Folder
Pen or Pencil

Grading Policy
Class work/Homework/Daily Work 40%
Quizzes/Tests/Projects 60%

A = 90 - 100 B = 80 - 89 C = 70 - 79 F = 69 & below

All assignments are due on the assigned due date. Late work will not be accepted without prior arrangements with
the teacher. In the event of an absence, students will have 3 days to turn in missed work.

Academic Honesty
Today’s technology has made the ability to share information and resources much easier than in the past. Do not
allow yourself to use this as a temptation to cheat. Your grade should reflect what you have truly learned, not what
you could acquire from others. Anyone caught cheating will receive a “0” as their grade!

Other Items of Importance

 No inappropriate computer games, videos, or web sites!

 No food or drinks allowed in the lab. (including gum)
 All students must be in appropriate dress to enter the class room. Please refer to the student handbook for
information regarding dress code.
 You are expected to monitor your grades and progress through bi-weekly progress reports. These are to be
signed by your parent or guardian and turned in the following Monday.
 You are expected to know and abide by the rules set forth in the Student Handbook.
 You are strongly encouraged to record assignments in your binder on a daily basis.
 Have your binders with you each day.
 Arrive to class on time! You are tardy when the bell starts ringing, not when it ends!
 Class is dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.
 Professional behavior is expected. Your classroom is your business office.
 Be prepared for class! Be in your seat and ready to go when the bell rings and have all necessary materials as
listed on page one of this syllabus.
 Excessive requests to leave the room will not be approved. No passes will be granted the first and last 10
minutes of the class period.
 Remember the three R's: respect for yourself, respect for others, and take responsibility for your actions.
I have read and understand the Business Technology Course Syllabus.

Date______________________ Period______________

Student Name_________________________________ Student Signature_______________________________

Teachers Signature____________________________________________________________________________

Parent Name_________________________ ______Parent Signature____________________________________

Parent e-mail address_______________________ Parent Contact Number______________________________

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