INVRschaal FR
INVRschaal FR
INVRschaal FR
Complete one INVR Scale starting at 7, 8 or 9 pm on (date). Choose the best hour for
your schedule. Beginning with your chosen hour, complete one INVR Scale every 12
hours at the same clock hour for six times. Example; 7pm-7am; 8pm-8am; 9pm-9am.
To score the INVR, reverse items 1, 3, 6 and 7. Assign a numeric value to each
response from 0, the least amount of distress, to 4, the most distress. Total symptom
experience from nausea and vomiting is calculated by summing the patient’s
responses to each of the eight items on the Rhodes INV. The potential range of
scores is from a low of 0 to a maximum of 32. Subscales scores also can be
obtained from the Rhodes INV for the following.
Calculation of Subscale Scores
Nausea experience 4, 5, 7 0 – 12
Vomiting experience 1, 3, 6 0 – 12
Retching experience 2, 8 0–8
Total experience score all items 0 – 32
1. Durant ces 12 dernières 7 fois ou 5-6 fois 3-4 fois 1-2 fois Je n'ai pas
heures, j'ai vomi … plus vomi
Indications de score
Nausées 4, 5, 7 0 – 12
Vomissements 1, 3, 6 0 – 12
Haut-le-cœur 2, 8 0–8
Total du score d'expérience tous 0 – 32
Nausées 4, 7 0–8
Vomissements 1, 6 0–8
Haut-le-cœur 8 0–4
Total du score d'occurrence 1, 4, 6, 7, 8 0 – 20
Nausées 5 0–4
Vomissements 3 0–4
Haut-le-cœur 2 0–4
Total du score de souffrance 2, 3, 5 0 – 12