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Comprehensive Mining Software Solutions

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— Comprehensive Mining Software Solutions

 Underground Mining
 Surface Mining
 Geologic Modeling



 Reserve Studies

 Machine Control


...The Mining Solution

Mining Software Solutions

...The Mining Solution

Intro to Carlson Mining 2-3

Carlson Geology 4-7

“From the very beginning of the company,
Underground Mining 8-9 Carlson Software has focused on mining
applications. Our location within a five-hour
Carlson Surface Mining 10 - 11 drive of virtually all mines in the U.S. Appalachian
and Illinois coal basin dictated that and helped
Basic Mining / SDPS 12 us realize the real need for automation of
processes. Our goal is to ensure greater mining
Survey / Civil / Hydrology / GIS 13 productivity utilizing best practices as they
apply throughout the world. Together with our
Natural Regrade 14 - 15
software engineers, our experienced sales staff,
Carlson Complementary Solutions/Contact Info Back Page and our valued customers, we look forward to
meeting your needs.”
— R. Bruce Carlson
President & Founder,
Carlson Software

Planning, Engineering or Automating a Carlson Mining: Designed to

Work for You
Mine – Look to Carlson The Carlson Mining Division
Top attributes of Carlson Mining receives direct attention from
software solutions include: In use throughout the world, market – 90 percent of the U.S. Carlson Software Founder
and President Bruce Carlson
n Easy to learn Carlson mining solutions, including coal industry utilizes Carlson Mining (foreground) and is led by
n Affordable machine control, have expanded software – and our commitment Steve Richards (center) and
n Fast-paced client-driven
beyond coal into the phosphate, to both advanced technology and Grant Wenker (right).
trona, limestone, aggregates, customer service.
granite, clay, and even the hard
n Runs inside AutoCAD®; comes Enhancements to the software
rock markets. Whether the
with IntelliCAD® built-in continue on an ongoing basis.
application is underground mining,
In recent years, improvements
n Reads existing geologic data surface mining, permitting, geologic
have included expanding 3D
n Drawings can be linked to mapping, reserves studies, or
abilities within bench pit design,
databases reclamation, Carlson provides
augmentation of the haul truck
uniquely powerful automation
n Real-time survey guidance cycle analysis routines, new spoil
combined with our trademark
n Real-time remote data exchange placement timing, adding options
for color settings for enhanced
n On-site & remote support
Carlson Software listens to its visual feedback in the underground
n Access to a production & support timing sequencing, the ability
customers and builds its software
team with combined 100+ years of to meet users’ needs. We consider to produce customized, more
mining software experience there’s a direct correlation between professional reports and much
being the dominant software in this more as we move into the future.

2 3
Carlson Geology The Complete Geologic Modeling Package – Stratigraphic Modeling

...The Mining Solution

Create geologic models with surfaces or

block models and display in cross-section
and 3D for analysis and reserve estimation
The Carlson Geology Module uses Faults
drillhole and sample data to create n Place fault lines at the topography
accurate and easy-to-use subsurface with variable dip-angles and
geologic models. It uses industry displacements to create normal or
standard modeling algorithms to strike-slip faults
create both stratigraphic surface
n Draw the fault plane for viewing
models and hardrock ore block
models. Highlights include: in 3D
n Have the program find the
n Import any drillhole format and
store data in CAD or external displacement shift by analyzing the
database such as SQLite surrounding drillholes
n Apply faults to existing model with
n Utilize fast macros to reproduce
the model with new drilling, new data
samples and surveys Mine Reserves
n Fault automatically at any dip- n Use the Pre-calculated model for
angle and displacement to offset reserves with weight-averaged
the geology quality attributes
n Create geologic cross-sections n Create strip ratio grids to
and fence diagrams instantly from determine mineable reserves
polylines, picking points or saved regions Hatched 3D Isopachs
alignments n Format the reports with equations
n Generate mine reserves and attribute options while
and reserve classification for exporting directly into Excel
Measured, Indicated and Inferred n Analyze deposits with Reserve
analysis with flexible reporting Classification to report and hatch
directly into Excel the measured, indicated, inferred
and hypothetical results
Stratigraphic Modeling n Fine tune the reserves with
Drillholes automatic options such as
minimum thickness of ore
Import from any format using
and waste, dilution above and
custom settings, storing in CAD or
below, recovery, density and
linked to SQLite database
weathered depth
n Draw geologic columns in section
n Breakout the reserves by vertical
or in 3D for correlation and Block
quantities, overall highwall slopes,
checking Diagram
or detailed bench-by-bench
n Validate holes with queries and
designs and surface history files
reports to highlight data errors
n Use tools such as Ferm and Modeling Mine Reserves
Horizon Codes combined with n Use industry-standard geological Faulted Seam Modeling
Drillhole equations for high level modeling algorithms and calculate
model building residuals to see which method is
Cross-Sections & Fence Diagrams
n Create macros and utilities
n Instantly view sections from to reproduce the model with
polylines or realtime with dynamic new data
section line movement
n Check the models with inspector
n Hatch sections by attributes and
tools and color-hatched isopachs
grade with drillholes posted for
n Enhance the model with limit
model correlation 3D Fence Diagram
lines, strata polylines, pit and
n Stack up sections in 2D, or place
channel samples combined with
in 3D for visualization with mine the drilling
designs and topo
n Add grids or TINs to the
n Create the initial sections for
Pre‑calculated model for reserves
dragline range diagrams using the and sections
real geology and surfaces

4 5
Carlson Geology The Complete Geologic Modeling Package – Block Modeling

...The Mining Solution

Block Modeling Pit with Benches & Ramps

Kriging & Variograms n Define grades with a specific Kriging and Variograms
n Make block models by 3D cost amount
Inverse Distance or Kriging n Create a value block model

n Use the Variogram Generator

where each block is a profit or
to determine the nugget, sill loss calculation
and range n Create output grid of the

n Choose from Variogram

optimal pit shell of profitable
types such as Semivariogram, mining blocks
Covariance and Correlogram n If costs change, re-run with
few changes to view the
Grade Parameters revised pit shell
n Enter grade ranges to
determine different classes
of material for volumes and
n Combine up to 50 attributes to Block Viewing
determine just one grade
n Add cost per grade for value
block model and Lerch-
Grossman optimized pit design
n Set colors and intervals
for smooth hatching and
legend viewing
Block Viewing
n View partial or entire block
model with inclusion/exclusion
n Turn blocks of similar grades on
or off like layers to peel away
and see inside the model
n Inspect the block model by
depth or elevation with instant
feedback on grades
n Add drillholes, surface
topography and mine designs
on top of blocks for full
Fence Diagrams & Hatching
n Hatch and color by grade
parameters for easy grade Block Model Viewing
viewing in section or 3D
n Display drillholes in section
or 3D and color by grade
n Color elevation or bench grids
by the block model and grade
n Color hatch pits by block
Mine Reserves
n Breakout quantities by grade
attributes to report tons and
volume in the various grade
n Calculate overburden for
surface mines to get to specific
ore blocks

6 7
Carlson Underground Mining For Precise Designing, Scheduling, and Mapping

...The Mining Solution

Get the power to draft the mine Any pattern

of Pillars can
and draw it automatically be defined Choose your report format

Quickly generate volumes, Underground Scheduling

generate tonnage reports, Knowing precedence is critical in
define any pattern of pillar cut, underground mining, Carlson’s
determine attributes, thickness timing routines provide valuable
and grades, and produce accurate information to assign equipment
individualized reports. to reduce idle time and increase
All of this is accomplished with production rates by avoiding
Carlson Software’s renowned delaying or illogical layout
ease-of-use, enabling most elements and precedence. Mine Symbol Library example
applications to be completed Added options for color settings
in minutes vs. hours, thereby enhance visual feedback in the
increasing efficiency and savings. underground timing sequencing.
Retreat mining can also be Underground Timing
Underground Mine Mapping
included in the scheduling,
n Process survey data and splitting the panels by advance
generate the mine map and retreat.
seamlessly with the mine
n Schedule timing and quality
mapping features in Carlson’s
Basic Mining or Underground forecast, tying into the
Mine Modules geologic model
n Individually schedule mining
n Calculate end-of-month
tonnage on each section in one sections based on both
of three ways with Quantities productivity and operating
either by: Average, Grid, or schedules
Centerline n Forecast difficult mining areas

n Use the full array of mining using Difficulty Factors in

symbols from the Mine Symbol several different ways, for
Library, or build your own example as a function of time,
library of mining symbols, location, or thickness
pillaring plans, point symbols, n Place drawing events in the
or map symbols mine to accumulate specific
n Automatically connect the tasks such as belt moves,
survey data using Auto- belt heads, stopping points,
Connect Pillars longwall moves, etc.
n Update your mine and re-
n Layout your room and pillar
mine automatically using forecast quickly using one of
two methods Longwall Mining
Advanced Panel Layout
features n All reports export directly to

n Draw and then view the XML Reports, ASCII text files,
underground in 3D and more
n Automatically calculate
Underground Mine Reserves extraction ratios when pillars
Determine these complete with are drawn, or input the ratio 3D Underground Room and Pillar Simulator
quality attributes, thickness and using simple closed polylines on
grades calculated and displayed the PERIM layer representing
using user-defined parameters, the panel
such as: n Much of the panel data can
n tonnage be input by just keying in text
n overburden on specifically named layers
n area mined such as Difficulty, Extract,
n qualities
Ret_Extract, and more
n Accumulate timing results by
n periods
property owners
n equipment
n cost

Auto-detection of Pillar Corners 3D Room and Pillar, multi-bench

underground mining

8 9
Carlson Surface Mining

...The Mining Solution

For complex surface mining design and techniques with

precise scheduling and timing
The Carlson Surface Mining Pit, Property & Spoil Dragline Range
module enables users to find
the most efficient mine design
Layouts Diagrams
n Use several pit layout n Test interactive range diagram
by testing layouts in plan,
section and 3D view. Use algorithms to represent options for detailing dragline
Carlson to: actual mine pits or simply to sequences and associated
subdivide reserves into smaller volumes
n Integrate geologic and Mine Reserves
production blocks for reserves n Analyze dragline height, reach,
surface modeling with plan
or scheduling and digging depth limits based
view, 3D view, and section
n Choose any shape for on design
view mine layout routines
your layout from simple to n Combine dozer push analysis with
n Get accurate calculations of
extremely complex using cast blasting, shovel, and dragline
overburden, ore quantities,
commands such as Pit Matrix analysis to obtain the optimal
strip ratios, rehandle, and
Layout and Layout by Advance combination of equipment and
ultimately, cost
n Further subdivide and identify mining sequencing
n Easily convert any road 3D Pit Timing
pits by ownership automatically n Process the section design
or ditch centerline, dam,
for instant lease and royalty- to 3D creating pits and the
building pad, pit or other
calculations-by-owner using spoiled surface
defined object into a Pit with Benches & Ramps
the property lines
final terrain
n Create spoil location polygons Scheduling & Timing
Carlson’s color-coding highlights for spoil timing n Base surface mining rates on 3D Surface Pit
production timing and statistics n Name property boundaries for
and its calendars explore “what overburden removal or ore
use in reserves and scheduling tonnage
if?” scenarios and monitor
equipment usage. Also get the n Apply equipment calendars/usage
ability to base timing on calendar Surface Mine Reserves to individual or collective fleets
periods, tonnages, or on volumes n Calculate reserves from n Create multiple calendars to 3D Dragline
of overburden. drillholes on the fly, or explore “what if?” scenarios
from pre-calculated grid or n Get color-coded view to
Multiple slope groups are now block models
easy to define for all pit blocks highlight the production timing
n Choose between vertical and statistics
globally with symbols for different
slope and bench templates on quantities, overall highwall n Base timing on calendar periods
different sides. You can now cut slopes, or detailed bench or tonnages or on volumes of
through the benches whether layback designs overburden
working from the top down or n Store quantities or grids into
n Set production requirements per
the bottom up with automatic the pits for scheduling user-defined time periods
ramp building. n Create full reports of volume,
n Attach precedence requirements
tons, quality, area and strip to any timing blocks
3D Pits & Spoil Design ratios
n 3D Pick for short range
n Try varied bench parameters n Analyze deposits with Reserve
sequencing with multiple select
on different sides of the pits by Classification for measured, and colored benches
tagging Slope groups indicated and inferred results
n Automatically create 3D surfaces 3D Benches Range Diagram
n Alter the slope, width, and of each period scheduled to
height of the benches in pit Haul Cycle Analysis simulate the mine progression
through different material n Define truck fleet productivity and play it back for review
or depth (pick from 24 pre-defined n Combine dozer push analyses
n Place ramps strategically by trucks plus add own) with cast blasting, shovel and
testing in design, just select n Create haul road networks dragline analysis to obtain
slope and starting location for possible routes based on the optimal combination of
to have ramps automatically color‑coded 3D polylines with equipment and mining sequencing
carved into the pit even with length and slope n Sequence placement of spoil
switchbacks n Calculate and report cycle given cuts and haul fleets and
n Base benches on strata, time, overall productivity or combine that with the mining
elevation, or quality for both truck fleet size required advance to play back the entire
pits and spoil mine progression

10 11

HYDROLOGY, GIS ...The Mining Solution

Carlson Basic Carlson office design software for

Mining Module designing or upgrading your mine site
Affordable and Upgradable
Carlson Survey. A completely
Here’s the software you need to intuitive survey solution provides
get started or for mining basics versatile and intuitive raw data
at a low cost. It’s the perfect editing and processing, Network
AutoCAD/IntelliCAD mining add- Least Squares, the easiest and
on to Carlson Civil and is geared most powerful Field-to-Finish,
to those who need a low cost legal description and deed writing
tool for simple mining practices. and reading, and a full compliment
It can be upgraded to any of the of COGO tools for every survey
other Carlson Mining modules at application.
any time. Carlson Civil. For all your terrain
GIS Soil Map
Features include: detail — roads, ramps, pits, ditches,
n Basic drillhole entry reclamation — use your creativity
to the fullest with Carlson Civil. The
n Reserves and fence diagrams
fully dynamic (but only when you
(on-the-fly only)
want it to be) environment allows
n Underground mine mapping
defining your project folder to suit Runoff Tracking
n Layout your organization and your own
n Quantities annotation style, exploring of “what
if?” scenarios with a simple drag and
drop, and editing or changing the
SDPS design and all surfaces and volumes
Subsidence Deformation automatically in real time.
Prediction System
Carlson Hydrology. Get complete
Generate isopachs and automation with full 3D design to
subsidence based on depth of compute runoff coefficients from
mining, geological characteristics, layers, run rainfall events through
and mine design parameters. your fully designed system, analyze
the watershed for any storm event
This high-end program predicts and then build the structures to
and represents the settlement detain and reroute the runoff, build
of the surface topography due ponds and spillways with channels,
to underground mining. SDPS weirs, pipes and culverts, and
is a niche program developed also connect with HydroCAD® to
through the Virginia Poly-Technical determine stormwater chamber
University and Carlson Software specifications and run rainfall events.
is the world’s only distributor.
Carlson GIS. New linkage with
Esri® allows you to immediately Haul Road Design
perform preliminary engineering
and hydrological studies and
planning analysis. Also get the ability
to link objects in the drawing to
the external database for queries
in addition to linking ownership
boundaries, leases, mine plans,
and properties to the database in
order to easily query and retrieve
quantities, tonnage, and ore quality.

12 13
Natural Regrade with GeoFluv™

...The Mining Solution

Coordinating GeoFluv™ creates complex slope Natural Regrade makes a design for
MINE DESIGN with MINE OPERATIONS profiles with convex-to-concave
inflection point determined locally
a stable landform that satisfies local
empirically determined user inputs
Do it right the first time with Natural Regrade for mine
reclamation — working with nature brings real savings
The Natural Regrade
reclamation design will:
n Help meet and exceed
environmental standards
n Provide maintenance-free
stability against erosion and Plan view and cross-sectional channel
true sustainability geometry based on bankfull discharge
has additional floodprone area
n Provide reclaimed land run-off
water quality comparable to
surrounding undisturbed lands.
n Encourage wildlife and plant
diversity in the reclaimed land
n Enhance the local view shed by
returning the natural beauty of
the land

Uniform slopes & artificial

water conveyances of Powerful 3D viewer aids final design
traditional methods of land editing of the draft landform
“Before even breaking ground, savvy operators reclamation are no match
consider material placement that is needed for for the forces of nature
a reclamation plan that meets all requirements. 
Mining and reclamation plans that are designed
to work together will minimize material Natural Regrade is ideal for integrating with Global Positioning
handling and can make big savings.” System and machine control, for example Carlson Grade, to
simplify and speed construction and reduce costs. The need to
— Nicholas Bugosh, GeoFluv Developer survey and stake the designs in the field is eliminated
using these technologies

Rather than fight the natural forces that shape the land, Natural Regrade
with GeoFluv creates a landscape that harmonizes with those forces and
does not require expensive long-term maintenance and repair

Natural Regrade automatically sets

channel confluences to grade —
change one and the others adjust

Named a “TIPS Core Software”

GeoFluv™ dialog box leads the in 2007 for mine reclamation
user through the process design and review use by the
U.S. Dept. of the Interior’s
GeoFluv™ integrated 3D channel Office of Surface Mining,
network using local empirically- Reclamation and Enforcement.
determined drainage density

14 15

Data Collection: Look to Carlson

for comprehensive data collection
software featuring powerful features to
enable doing more, better, and in less
time. These include Carlson SurvCE,
Carlson SurvPC, and Carlson Field (the
latter two made to work in the field
on rugged PCs). Supporting hardware
manufactured to Carlson’s specifications
include handheld data collectors, GNSS
receivers, and total stations.

Machine Control: Carlson Machine

Control Mining Systems offer powerful
software with complementary hardware
to maximize productivity while increasing
efficiency and safety. Heavy equipment
operators will know their grade and
location without the need for stakes in
all conditions and supervisors will know
what’s going on with real-time position
and height inspection capabilities.

For more information call or visit: 800-989-5028 • 606-564-5028; www.carlsonsw.com • mining@carlsonsw.com

Authorized © Copyright 2015 Carlson Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Carlson Software is a registered trademark of Carlson Software,
Technology Consortium Inc. Trademarks provided under license from Esri. All other
Authorized Developer Member product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders.

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