Semeter 4 Syllabus
Semeter 4 Syllabus
Semeter 4 Syllabus
Evaluation Scheme
S. Subject Periods
Course Title Sessional Credit
No. Code ESE Total
L T P CT TA Total
Corporate Governance :
1 RMB401 4 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 4
Values and Ethics
2 RMB402 4 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 4
TOTAL 800 27
For major specialization, student will select all two (02) elective subjects from that group and
for minor specialization, student will select any one (01) elective subjects from that group.
1. In fourth semester, the candidates will have to submit a Research Project Report on a
problem/topic (from the specialization areas) to be assigned by the department MBA under
the supervision of a core faculty member of the department. The Research Project Report
will carry 200 marks. The evaluation of the project report will be done by two examiners
(external & internal). The evaluation will consist of (1) Evaluation of Project Report(2)
Evaluation of Viva on Project. The evaluation of Project Report will comprise of 60 marks
and would be evaluated by internal guide. The evaluation of Viva Voce of Project would
comprise of 140 marks and would be evaluated by two examiners (1 external and 1
internal).The average of the marks awarded by the 2 examiners will be taken into account
for the results. In case the difference in the awards given by the examiners is 30 or more
marks, the project report will be referred to the third examiner. In such cases the average of
two closer awards (given by three examiners) will be taken into account for the results. The
report will contain the objectives and scope of the study. Research Methodology, use,
importance of the study, analysis of data collected, conclusions and recommendations. It will
contain relevant charts, diagrams and bibliography. A certificate of the supervisor and the
Head of the MBA program certifying the authenticity of the report shall be attached
therewith. The student will submit two copies of the report to the Head of MBA program.
The number of pages in the report will be 75 or more. The report should be typed in A-4 size
The parameter on which both evaluation (1 & 2) would be carried on would be on the basis
Understanding Understanding
Evaluation of Objectives of Relevance Interpretation Presentation & Query Total
Criteria with Topic of Research & Analysis Communication Handling (140)
(30) (30) (40) skill (20) (20)
The student shall prepare the Research Project Report as per the format given in the Research
Project Report Manual as prescribed by the University.
Course Objectives:
To introduce the concept and importance of corporate governance
To introduce the concept and importance of business ethics
To know the facets of ethics management
To know the ethical values and Indian ethos in Management.
Unit I (6 hours)
Issues, need of corporate governance code, Code of Corporate Practices, Social Responsibility
of Corporates, Corporate Social Reporting, Corporate Governance and the Role of
Board(BOD), Corporate Governance System Worldwide, Corporate Disclosure and Investor
Protection in
Unit 2 (8 hours)
Code of Corporate Governance, Audit Committee, Corporate Excellence, Role of Independent
Directors, and Protection of Stakeholders, Changing Roles of Corporate Boards with changing
times, Corporate Social Responsibility.
Unit 3 (8 hours)
Moral Values and Ethics: Values – Concepts, Types and Formation of Values, Values of Indian
Managers; Managerial Excellence through Human Values; Spiritual Values. Modern Business
Ethics and Dilemmas, Conflict between personal values and organizational goals
Unit 4 (8 hours)
Business Ethics: Meaning, Definition, Nature, Importance.
Ethical Dilemma – Ethical Decision Making, Ethical Reasoning, Ethical issues, Ethics
Management – Key roles and responsibilities, Benefits of Managing Ethics in Work Place,
Code of ethics, Guidelines for developing code of ethics
Historical Perspective of Ethics – Plato, Aristotle, Benedict Spinoza, Immanuel Kant, Bhagwat Gita,
Buddhism, Sufism, Capitalism, Marxism, Socialism, Utilitarianism
Unit 5 (8 hours)
Institutionalizing of Ethics, Traditional view, Contractual theory, Stake-holders’ theory, The
Regulatory and voluntary actions. Ethics and HRM, Ethics and Marketing, Ethics in Finance
and Accounting, Ethical implications of Technology. Ethics and Information Technology.
Text books:
1. A C Fernando – Business Ethics & Corporate Governance, 2e, Pearson
2. Ghosh –Business ethics and corporate governance, McGraw-Hill
3. Kumar- Corporate Governance, Oxford University Press
4. Mandal – Ethics in business and corporate governance, 2e, McGraw-Hill
Reference Books:
1) S.S. Iyer - Managing for Value (New Age International Publishers, 2002)
2) Laura P Hartman Abha Chatterjee - Business Ethics (Tata McGraw Hill, 2007)
3) Mohapatra, Sreejesh- Case Studies in Business Ethics & Corporate Governance, 1e,
Course Outcome:
After going through this course the studet will be able to:
Have an insights into various concepts & cases related to Corporate
Gain a deeper understanding of the various aspects, factors related to role of ethics
in Business.
Course Objectives:
Unit 1 (8 Hours)
Introduction: Meaning, definition and concept of entrepreneur, entrepreneurship and
entrepreneurship development. Factors affecting entrepreneurship, characteristics and skills of an
entrepreneur, entrepreneur v/s manager. Evolution of entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, concepts of
intrapreneurship, types of entrepreneurs, functions of entrepreneur, advantages of becoming an
entrepreneur, entrepreneurial decision-process, challenges faced by entrepreneurs,common
mistakes in entrepreneurship, and changing role of entrepreneur.Women enterprises, social, and
rural entrepreneurship.
Unit 2 (9 Hours)
Entrepreneurial Finance, Assistance and Entrepreneurial Development Agencies:Estimating
financial funds requirement; Sources of finance – banks, various financial institutions (including
IFCI, ICICI, IDBI and SIDBI), financing of small scale industries in developing countries.
Role of central government and state government in promoting entrepreneurship with various
incentives, subsidies, grants, export oriented units – fiscal & tax concessions, other government
initiatives and inclusive entrepreneurial growth.Financing of small scale industries in developing
countries.Overview of MSME policy of government in India.
Role of agencies assisting entrepreneurship: DICs, SSIs, NSICs, EDII NIESBUD, NEDB,
Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI). New initiatives taken by government to promote
entrepreneurship in India at larger scale.
Unit 3 (8 hours)
Developing Entrepreneurial Mind-set:Idea generation- sources and methods, identification and
classification of ideas. Individual creativity: roles and process; idea to business opportunity.
Entrepreneurial motivation, meaning of entrepreneurial competencies, major entrepreneurial
competencies, developing entrepreneurial competencies. Opportunity assessment,business
opportunities in various sectors, challenges of new venture start-up, reasons for failure; how to begin
with low investment.
Unit 4 (6 hours)
Developing a Business Plan: Environmental Scanning and SWOT analysis, and. The business
plan as an entrepreneurial tool, Business Planning Process: elements of business planning,
preparation of project plan, components of an ideal business plan – market plan, financial plan,
operational plan, and, Feasibility Analysis – aspects and methods: Economic-analysis, financial
analysis, market-, and technological feasibility.
Unit 5 (5 hours)
Launching a New Venture: Steps involved in launching a business (Process charts), Various
Forms of business ownership, Registration of business units; start-up to going IPO; revival, exit
and end to a venture.
Text Books
Reference Books
Course Outcome:
Code: RMB MK 04
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
To develop an understanding of the basic concepts and issues in service marketing.
To build a working service marketing vocabulary so as to understand and discuss marketing concepts
in business settings.
To learn about key characteristics of service and service processes, customer service experiences, the
role of internal stakeholders in service delivery, and organizational challenges of managing service.
To strengthen the ability to justify and support decisions through information acquisition and
To provide an understanding of how service customers determine value in a service exchange and how
this translates into a satisfied customer base.
1. Services Marketing, Zeithaml Valerie and Mary Jo Bitner, Gremler & Pandit, Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books
1. Services Marketing, Lovelock, Christopher. PrenticeHall.
2. Services Marketing, Nargundkar, Rajendra. Tata McGraw Hill.
3. The Essence of Services Marketing, Adrian Payne. PHI.
4. Services Marketing, Ravi Shankar. Excel Publishing
COURSE Outcome
Be able to identify critical issues related to service design, such as identifying and managing
customer service experience, expectations, perceptions and outcomes
Provide a theoretical and practical basis for assessing service performance using company
Identify and discuss characteristics and challenges of managing service firms in the modern
Discuss key linkages between marketing and other business functions in the context of
designing and operating an effective service system.
UNIT 1 (5 hours)
Marketing Communication: Objectives of Marketing Communication, Functional areas of marketing
communication. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC): concepts and process , Factors
contributing to IMC, Role of IMC in branding, IMC Partners, Promotion Mix, Integrating IMC in
Marketing Mix ,Challenges in IMC,.
UNIT 2 (9 Hours)
Advertising Management: Meaning, Nature and Scope of Advertising, Classification of advertising,
Process of Advertising, STP Strategies for Advertising , Communication Model with reference to
Advertising, AIDA. Advertising campaigns , Fundamentals of Advertising Campaigns, The Creative
Brief ,Big Idea, Getting Creative to find the Big Idea, , Advertising Appeal. Advertising Agencies –
their role, functions, organization, Compensation, client agency relationship, Management of
Advertising Agencies.
UNIT 3 (8 Hours)
Ad Budget , Ad Appropriation .Methods of Budgeting .Measuring Effectiveness of Advertisement ,
Legal and Ethical concepts and issues in Advertising, Advertising Research. Message Design-The
Creative concept development; the creative processes of the different forms of IMC; Source of the
message, Message integration
UNIT 4 (8 Hours)
International advertising and promotion: global vs local advertising, decision areas in international
advertising, role of promotional mix elements in international marketing Media Planning and
Strategy - Media Types and their characteristics; Setting Media objectives; Steps involved in media
planning, ; Media Strategy; Cross media concept; and media research.
UNIT 5 (6 Hours)
Emerging Concepts and Issues in Marketing Communications: Programmatic, native advertsing,
video, mobile, digital , Sponsorship, Role of E-Commerce in Marketing Communication. Corporate
advertising , Advertorials and Infomercials. Public Relations – Types & Tools of PR, Sales
Promotion – Different types of Sales Promotion, Publicity – Types of Publicity, Personal Selling,
Direct marketing, Event Management, Unconventional Promotional methods
Working Capital Management
Code: RMB FM 04
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
Course Objectives:
To have a basic understanding of the concept and importance of sound working capital
strategies of a firm.
To have an understanding of the impact of working capital policies relating to Cash
management, inventory and receivables management on firm’s profitability.
To gain an insight into the sources of working capital financing.
Course outcome:
Evaluate comparative working capital management policies and their impact on the
firm's profitability, liquidity, risk and operating flexibility.
Evaluate the importance of effective working capital management and its role in
meeting the firm's strategic objectives and its impact in value creation.
Investigate funds flow cycles and their impact on working capital management
Compare and contrast the relative merits of alternative working capital policies and
the likely short-term and long-term impact on the firm.
Formulate appropriate working capital management policies to achieve corporate
Apply corporate cash management, accounts receivable management, bank relations,
and inventory management techniques to maximize the share holders' value.
Write a plan for a balanced integration of cash, credit and other short-term topics and
Formulate and integrate an extended treatment on international working capital topics.
Financial Derivatives
Code: RMB FM 05
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
Course Objective:
To make students aware of different types of Derivatives
To develop an understanding amongst students of financial derivatives and associated
regulatory framework
To have an understanding of the derivative tools such as options, futures and their
application to hedging.
Unit – 1
Introduction to derivatives market; Definition, Evolution and features of Derivatives, Types of
Derivatives, Forward , futures and options market, Forward market transactions , Forward
contracts , Forward market in India , Hedging with forwards.
Unit – 2
Forwards and Futures: Forward Contract, features of forward contracts Futures contract , types ,
functions , distinction between futures and forward , pricing of futures contract, Currency Futures
, Hedging in Currency Futures , Speculation and Arbitrage in Currency Futures , Pricing of
Futures, Cost of Carry Model , Application of Market Index , Index Futures in the Stock Market ,
Indian Derivatives Market.
Unit – 3
Introduction to Options , Hedging with Currency Options , Speculation and Arbitrage with Options
,Pricing Options , General Principles of Pricing , Black Scholes option pricing Model Index
Options , Hedging with Index Options, Speculation and Arbitrage with Index Options, Index
Options Market in Indian Stock Market , Use of different option strategies to mitigate the risk
Unit – 4
Financial Swaps, Managing Interest Rate Exposure, Interest Rate Swaps, Currency Swaps Interest Rate
Futures, Forward Rate Agreement
Employable skills :
Case study
Derivatives & Develop a understanding of financial
derivatives and associated regulatory Framework.
understanding of the derivative tools such as options,
futures and their application to hedging. Quiz
References :
Course Outcome: