V Information and Regulatory Economics
V Information and Regulatory Economics
V Information and Regulatory Economics
Total 20
Text Books:
1. NA, a detailed reading list consisting of articles and excerpts from various books will be provided.
Reference Books:
1. Snyder and Nicholson, Microeconomic Theory – Basic Principles and Extensions, 11 th edition
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
3. Church, Jeffrey R. and Roger Ware, “Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach,” Irwin McGraw-
Hill, ISBN 0-256-20571-X (electronic copy available)
7. Other readings mentioned in text, and websites of CCI, RBI, SEBI etc.
Any other information : Our Pedagogy: lectures, class discussion, reading newspaper articles,
case lets and class activity.
Total Marks : 60
_________ ____________
Signature Signature
(Prepared by Concerned Faculty/HOD) (Approved by Dean)