SLB - ALS - Catalog PDF
SLB - ALS - Catalog PDF
SLB - ALS - Catalog PDF
Improving field economics with the right choices Strategies for a fixed term or the life of the well
Careful selection of artificial lift strategy and techniques plays a key role in The service uses available field and reservoir data to model well behavior and
maximizing asset value by enhancing production and recovery while reducing forecast long-term production trends for multiple artificial lift scenarios. It can
the cost per barrel of oil equivalent. LiftSelect* lift method selection service provide recommendations for the optimal lift method during a particular period
simplifies the process of identifying the artificial lift strategy that best suits in the well’s life, help optimize a fixed schedule for transitioning between
an operator’s goals, based on objective analysis of economic and technical methods, or determine the most appropriate method for each period in the
criteria. It eliminates manual workflows for gathering, sorting, and analyzing life of the well and the best times to switch from one to the next. Proprietary
multiple sources and forms of data, streamlining the process and minimizing software optimizes lift systems for individual wells or fields by guiding the
the potential for errors. selection of each system component.
Artificial Lift Technologies for Every Application
Featured products
Get the most from traditional well Gas Lift Systems 91
environments by using the optimal Enhance production in high-angle, low-productivity, and high-GOR wells. Gas lift valves are offset
from the tubing centerline, which protects them from abrasive solids and makes them suitable for
artificial lift method at each stage of hydraulically fractured wells and unconsolidated formations that produce sand.
production. KUDU PCP Systems 209
Produce with maximum efficiency and reduced power consumption in heavy, medium, and light
oil; coalbed methane; and dewatering applications.
REDA Maximus ESP systems 13
Achieve long-term, dependable performance in a wide range of applications with the REDA*
Maximus* ESP system. Factory-filled components and simpler, more reliable connections
minimize risk and human error during installation, even in severe weather conditions.
Sucker Rod Pumping 141
Maintain production with advanced sucker rod pumping units and downhole equipment tailored
for conventional and unconventional environments.
Featured products
Meet the challenge of declining REDA Continuum unconventional extended-life ESP stage 53
conventional resources with new Improve recovery and reliability at low flow rates and in gassy and abrasive environments with
the REDA Continuum* stage—a mixed-flow stage engineered for unconventional flow behavior
technologies. Production from and challenging environments.
unconventional reservoirs is now MGH multiphase gas-handling system 49
possible using the right tools and The MGH* multiphase gas-handling system is designed for the high-GOR, high-gas
environments frequently encountered in unconventional fields.
Instruct all-in-one acquisition and control unit 82
The Instruct* unit provides centralized data acquisition and storage for optimization, engineering
analysis, and troubleshooting, eliminating multiple surface components. It incorporates a gas
mode designed to manage the high levels of gas slugging common in unconventional wells.
Thermal and Featured products
High-Temperature REDA Hotline Systems 34
Operate reliably in the extreme temperatures of thermal recovery and heavy oil applications,
including steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) and steamflooding. The fully integrated
Lift HT and thermal, including system includes a specially designed HT cable and connections for trouble-free operation.
SAGD, wells using technologies KUDU All-metal PCP 218
Resist wear and maximize run life with the all-metal KUDU PCP. With specialized metallurgy, the
engineered to withstand extreme heat PCP is rated for temperatures up to 662 degF [350 degC], functions in low-to-high viscosities, and
and pressure. handles most solvents or chemicals.
ESP field in the South China Sea, Barrier Gas Lift Systems 92
Barrier gas lift systems have been developed and tested to provide strict quality, leak-rate, and
and the first ESP installation in the performance criteria. Increased performance and reliability enhances wellbore integrity and
ultradeep water offshore Brazil. makes Schlumberger barrier systems the equipment of choice in deep high pressure subsea gas
lifted wells throughout the world
Rigless retrieval and deployment
minimizes intervention costs.
DesignRite software with gas lift design mode helps engineers control the design of multiple types of gas lift systems.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-90495
FEATURES LiftSelect* strategic production planning service simplifies the process of selecting the artificial lift
■ Forecasts of well response to all common strategy that will best achieve an operator’s goals, based on objective analysis of economic and
artificial lift methods technical criteria.
■ Calculation of production rates and net The service uses available field and reservoir data to model well behavior and maximize asset value by
present value (NPV) for the expected well reducing the cost per barrel of hydrocarbon production. This scientific approach encourages impartial
lifetime or well economic limit decision making, free of biases based on historical preferences or opinions for or against a particular
■ Sensitivity analysis for different artificial lift method.
production scenarios
Screen rapidly without bias
■ Warnings that help an engineer Initial scoring applies proprietary software to rapidly and objectively eliminate inappropriate artificial
understand the impact of changing one lift systems from consideration. The software, developed using Schlumberger expertise in all areas
or multiple variables of artificial lift and validated by industry experts, compares limitations of the seven major types
■ Integration of reservoir model, well of artificial lift against well criteria from the operator such as well depth and deviation, downhole
models, and economic analysis temperatures and pressures, produced fluids and solids, availability of power and surface facilities,
and flow assurance concerns such as paraffins and solids production.
By comparing well conditions to technology limitation and adding a consideration for multiphase flow,
the selection process narrows the number of artificial lift systems suitable for a particular application.
For some relatively uncomplicated wells, the prescreening option sufficiently reduces the choices
for reasonable decision-making. However, most wells will be complex enough to warrant further lift
management and evaluation.
Objective software modeling narrows down the artificial lift technologies that suit conditions in a particular well or field.
The service can be used once to set up well or field segment plans, or can be used to reoptimize the
plan to suit new conditions such as changes in operator strategy, commodity price, or production.
An almost unlimited number of scenarios can be simulated to create a complete picture of the
available artificial lift strategy options.
*Mark of Schlumberger
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are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-260901
Diverse ESP solutions for maximum production The family of ESP systems comprises
From simplifying installation to meeting temperature and viscosity demands, ■■ REDA* Maximus* ESP system combining fit-for-purpose components for
Schlumberger has the right ESP to meet conventional, unconventional, high- application synergies
temperature, intervention-constrained, and offshore requirements. Maximize ■■ MaxFORTE* high-reliability ESP system improving run life in offshore wells
production, increase system run life, and ultimately reduce system life-cycle where the cost of intervention has traditionally limited the use of ESPs
costs with an effective and efficient ESP system fit for any well. ■■ REDA Hotline* high-temperature ESP systems with rugged components
The Schlumberger ESP suite of products is capable of handling technical combined for synergies in extreme and variable conditions.
requirements up to 1,500 HP, 96,000 bbl/d [15,300 m3/d] at 60 Hz, and up to ■■ TPS-Line* Russia-compliant ESP systems that optimize run life and
90% gas volume fraction. This wide horsepower and production range allows economics for common well conditions in Russia.
Schlumberger to optimize the selection of an ESP for any well environment.
The carefully engineered features
of the REDA Maximus ESP system
simplify installation and maximize
survivability in all applications,
including remote locations and
surface environments with severe
weather conditions.
lead extension
20 5.00 20%
■ Variable-rating motor with high efficiency
and power throughout operating range 10 2.50 10%
ESP Systems
*Mark | Production Lifting Services 15
of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-57192
Bolt-on modular protectors for the REDA Maximus ESP system
APPLICATIONS REDA Maximus* ESP system protectors combine The shaft seals are designed for extended travel
■ ESP systems across all applications and proven reliability with innovative, plug-and-play and built with wear-resistant silicon carbide faces.
conditions, including extreme weather design to streamline installations and enhance Other high-reliability features include high-load
production. thrust bearings, a zirconia radial bearing in the
head, and self-lubricating, polymer-lined radial
■ Simplifies installation with plug-and-play Operators can customize the configuration of
bearings elsewhere.
design their modular Maximus system protectors to meet
■ Improves performance in abrasive the requirements of their specific application
applications by combining labyrinth and positive seal (bag)
chambers, in series or parallel, with thrust bearing
■ Reduces operating costs with customizable,
types, shaft material, and motor oil types.
modular design
■ Minimizes installation-related risks due to Oil-filling and shimming procedures are now
factory shimming performed by experts in the controlled environment
of Schlumberger manufacturing and service
FEATURES centers. With efficient assembly, the factory-
■ Leak-tight seal and contamination-free oil prepared protectors simplify work at the wellsite,
with MaxJoint* ESP flange connection allowing less NPT and leading to faster production.
■ Combinations of labyrinth and positive seal The protectors feature MaxJoint connection
(bag) chambers for great flexibility technology, which ensures protectors are
seamlessly connected at the wellsite with leak- The upper flange connection includes an extended shaft, a
■ Compatibility with all existing REDA* ESP
tight seals. shaft lip seal, and an oil communication valve.
system pumps and accessories
■ ARZ* abrasion-resistant zirconium bearing in
Protector Specifications
protector head
Protector type Modular, multichamber
■ New self-lubricating polymer-lined bearing Oil-filling process Factory filled with purified oil; no oil servicing required at wellsite
design Protector series 325 (3.25-in housing OD), bolts onto the 375 Maximus system motor
■ High-load thrust bearings to handle severe 387 (3.87-in housing OD), bolts onto the 456 Maximus system motor
downthrust 400 (4.00-in housing OD), bolts onto the 456 Maximus system motor
■ Extended travel shaft seals with silicon 540 (5.13-in housing OD), bolts onto the 562 Maximus system motor
carbide faces 562 (5.62-in housing OD), bolts onto the 562 Maximus system motor
■ Higher-strength shaft materials for higher- Chamber configurations Modular design that includes labyrinth- and bag-type chambers that can
be connected in series or parallel
power applications
Metallurgy Carbon steel
Carbon steel with MONEL® trim
Redalloy* high-nickel alloy
Elastomers Highly saturated nitrile and Aflas®
Compatibility with REDA ESP components Fully compatible with Maximus system motors and protectors
Fully compatible with REDA system intakes, gas separators, advanced gas
handlers, and pumps
Incompatible with conventional modular protectors; however, conventional
REDA system modular protectors can be upgraded to Maximus system
Incompatible with conventional or Dominator* submersible pump motors;
however, Dominator motors can be upgraded to Maximus system design
Storage temperature, degF [degC] –40 to 176 [–40 to 80]
*Mark of Schlumberger
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are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-67941
*Mark of Schlumberger
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are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-322742
The compression design of REDA system pumps enables the axial thrust
created by the impellers to be transferred via shaft to the high-load
hydrodynamic bearing in the motor protector, which runs in a clean and
confined oil environment. This greatly extends the application envelope of
the pumps, in terms of flow rate, and improves reliability in abrasive wells
with changing or uncertain productivity and high GOR. Factory shimming of
components ensures that the pumps can be easily connected in the field.
Full-bearing housing
configuration of a
REDA system abrasion-
resistant ESP.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-276834
Production loss, %
Seal wear, in
0.08 80
Stage geometry Mixed flow
Flow range, bbl/d at 60 Hz [m3/d at 50 Hz] 300–1,650 [40–219]
0.06 60
Best efficiency point (BEP), bbl/d at 60 Hz 1,032 [137]
0.04 40 [m3/d at 50 Hz]
0.02 20
Efficiency at BEP, % 66.5
Head per stage at BEP, ft at 60 Hz [m at 50 Hz] 26.07 [5.52]
0.00 0
Max. free gas content, % by volume ~ 25
Traditional Design D1050N Design
Burst pressure, psi [kPa] 5,000 [34,474]
The D1050N seal showed 50% less wear from abrasives
than the seal of a traditional pump did after 400 hr in the Stage metallurgy Ni-Resist™, 5530 high-nickel, corrosion-resistant alloy
sand loop test well, with more than 1,350 lbm [612 kg] Housing metallurgy Carbon steel, Redalloy* high-nickel alloy (9 Cr:1 Mo)
of sand produced through the pump. This dramatically Shaft material High-strength MONEL®, INCONEL® 718
reduced rate of wear allowed the pump to produce more
fluid—that is, the production lost was only about half that Shaft diameter, in [mm] 0.68 [17.27]
lost with the traditional pump—and it prolonged pump life, Shaft rating, hp 154 (high-strength MONEL), 240 (INCONEL 718)
even in extremely abrasive well conditions.
Shaft radial support options ES, ARZ-ZZ, ARZ-SS, FBH-SS-KS
Radial bearing material Tungsten carbide, silicon carbide
Pump construction Compression, factory-shimmed, eliminating shaft setting at wellsite
Optimum operating range 300 - 1650 bbl/d Shaft brake horsepower limit Standard 154 hp
Normal housing diameter 4.00 in High strength 240 hp
Shaft diameter 0.688 in Housing burst pressure limit Standard 5,000 psi
Shaft cross sectional area 0.371 in2 Buttress 6,000 psi
Minimum casing size 5.500 in Welded N/A psi Efficiency, %
BEP (hp)
Q = 1,032
30 H = 26.07 3.00
P = 0.30 60
Head E = 66.51
25 2.50 50
20 2.00 40
Head, ft
Operating range
15 1.50 30
10 1.00 20
5 0.05 10
0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 2,000
Capacity, bbl/d
The D1050N pump has a wide optimum operating range.
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are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-322629
Required power, hp
■ True mixed-flow design
Efficiency, %
■ Abrasion-resistant bearing configurations 3
20 2
Required power
10 1
0 Efficiency 0
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000
Flow rate, bbl/d
Best Efficiency Point
Flow rate = 4,282 bbl/d Required power = 2.59 hp
Head = 59.57 ft Efficiency = 72.65%
Factory-filled motors for the Maximus ESP system incorporate MaxJoint technology sealed with a special compensating
shipping cap to maintain the contamination-free oil during transportation and storage.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-322247
Casing size
6.625 in [16.83 cm]
REDA Maximus System Increases Production
Pump OD 5.13 in [13.03 cm] by 69% for Russian Operator
Motor OD 4.56 in [11.58 cm]
ESP operates 1,359% longer than previous third-party installation and
Motor power 450 hp [335.6 kW]
improves run life an average of 142% in arctic conditions
Background Run Life Improvement
A Russian operator in the Van-Yogan field was Run life, days
attempting to produce from a well with a production
potential of more than 4,000 m3/d. However, Production, m3/d
due to casing size limitations and extreme arctic
temperatures, the well was producing only about
650 m3/d. In addition, the third-party ESP’s run life Installation 3
ranged from 61 to 457 days. The operator contacted
Schlumberger to provide a solution that would
maximize production from the well and improve the Installation 2
run life of the ESP system.
■ REDA* Maximus* ESP system Installation 1
■ ProMotor* integrated ESP motor, protector, and
sensor unit 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200
■ MaxLok* ESP quick-plug motor lead extension Facing temperatures of −27 degC [−16.6 degF], Schlumberger selected a ProMotor unit and plug-and-play Maximus system
■ GN 10000 pumps prefilled with a high-dielectric-capacity oil, which eliminated weather-dependent servicing operations and saved 3–5 hours of
installation time over third-party ESP systems. After installation, production increased 69% from 650 m3⁄d to 1,100 m3⁄d. The
Maximus system ran for 890 days—an improvement of up to 1,359% over previous third-party ESP installations—before it
was scheduled for a selective workover operation. When minimal wear was observed on either the motor or the pump, the
system was rebuilt, serviced with new oil, and sent back to the field for installation in another well.
*Mark of Schlumberger Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-18611
MaxFORTE high-reliability ESP system
Maximize run life in Remote monitoring systems
challenging environments The Phoenix xt150* high-temperature ESP
Designed for offshore wells where the cost of monitoring system provides comprehensive
intervention has traditionally limited the use of dynamic downhole data such as pressure and
ESPs, MaxFORTE high-reliability ESP system temperature to help protect the ESP and achieve
improves run life with exceptional engineering, optimum drawdown. LiftWatcher* real-time
component synergies, and quality assurance. surveillance service is available for remote
Increased reliability, improved production, and monitoring and control of the Maximus system.
higher levels of manufacturing and installation A 24-hr surveillance team is also available for
quality yield unrivaled performance for fast decision-making when faced with events
unprecedented run life. that could compromise operation of the
Maximus system.
Every MaxFORTE system is precisely tailored
to the well it will service, using robust subsea
components and telemetry systems. In addition,
continuous, 24/7 monitoring captures changes in
well performance for rapid updates and remedial
actions to optimize functionality in changing well
conditions and extend system run life.
transient simulation packed to ensure safe transportation, and
■ Industry-leading technology and the dedicated installation and commissioning
premium materials team are experts in their field offering 24 hour
D e si gn
■ Defect-free system surveillance.
■ Rigorous quality and inspection processes
tio nu
era ctu fa
d Op ring
ESP Systems
*Mark | Production Lifting Services 28
of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-57192
Intervention-constrained high-reliability ESP system
APPLICATIONS The MaxFORTE* intervention-constrained high-reliability ESP system integrates several Schlumberger
■ Offshore wells technologies for thermal, deepwater, and hostile environments in one system that outruns conventional
■ Remote or difficult-to-access locations offshore ESPs. Designed to address the needs of the intervention-constrained market, the MaxFORTE
system provides adaptability, consistency, and reliability in unpredictable environments.
■ Extends run life Optimum design for maximum production
Every element, from engineering design to manufacturing, field operations, and ongoing surveillance,
■ Reduces early failures
has been enhanced for the MaxFORTE system. Taking advantage of breakthroughs in technology
■ Eliminates nonproductive time designed for hostile environments, the MaxFORTE system features robust, high-reliability components
■ Achieves high system uptime through that continue functioning in even the harshest conditions. Dedicated qualification and reliability
enhanced surveillance engineers validate both the hardware design and manufacturing process. After verification, component-
and system-level qualifications are conducted to stress the equipment to the extremes of operating
temperature and load.
■ Detailed application engineering using
DesignPro* ESP design software, PIPESIM* Rigorous testing processes
steady-state multiphase flow simulator, The MaxFORTE system is subjected to frequency and operation range sweeps to mimic varying
and transient simulation pumping regimes. Numerous start and stops are made to stress bearings, shafts, and compensation
■ High-reliability ESP resistant to abrasion, systems to ensure that the equipment can reliably withstand even continuous field restarts and
corrosion, and temperature intermittent operation.
■ Advanced protector configuration with Advanced manufacturing and assembly
metal bellows construction Components are manufactured and tested in a dedicated environment using advanced processes and
■ Fully field-testable Trident* extreme- state-of-the-art machinery. Equipment is assembled following a rigorous quality plan, fully traceable
conditions motor lead extension and audited to arrive defect-free.
■ High-temperature mine duty motor winding Secure shipping with reduced vibration
■ Phoenix xt150* high-temperature MaxFORTE system equipment is shipped from the manufacturing center to the wellsite in specially
ESP monitoring system for designed shipping boxes that reduce vibration levels by over 50%. In addition to the increased shock
motor-winding temperature and bend resistance, real-time vibration logging is done on each component during transit, with the
■ Dedicated manufacturing facility with full loggers analyzed on receipt to ensure that the MaxFORTE system is ready for use.
traceability and 100% parts inspection
■ Extensive system integration test prior to
leaving the facility
■ Secure transportation in vibration-
monitored shock- and bend-proof
shipping boxes
■ Dedicated field crews using specific
installation checklists and procedures
based on aviation methodology
■ Installation equipment with cable
spooling system for constant
electrical measurement
■ Dedicated monitoring and surveillance
with fast response time to critical events
All MaxFORTE systems are assembled and fully tested in the dedicated assembly area prior to shipment.
Subsea, deep water
MaxFORTE System Delivers
Operation depth 1,400 m [4,593 ft] Jubarte Field’s Highest Production Rates
below sea level
Temp., reservoir 80 degC [176 degF]
Deepwater wells produce more than 100 million bbl of fluid after
Temp., seabed 4 degC [39 degF] start-up and an average of 137,000 bbl/d
No. of wells 15 production
Petrobras chose Schlumberger to design
and develop 15 reliable, high-horsepower ESP
systems to meet the dramatic pressure and
temperature swings of the Jubarte deepwater wells
and minimize offshore installation operations.
■ MaxFORTE* high-reliability ESP system
■ Trident* extreme-conditions motor lead
extension (MLE)
■ Phoenix* artificial lift downhole monitoring
■ Lift IQ* production life cycle managment service A 1,500-hp MaxFORTE system was designed for extended run life in the Jubarte wells. As part of the system design, a
Trident MLE was connected to the wet-mate connectors onshore, eliminating the splices and stresses that shorten run
life in conventional systems. Lift IQ service provides expert control and constant monitoring of downhole parameters to
maintain efficient operation, eliminating the need for time-consuming shutdowns and restarts.
*Mark of Schlumberger. Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners. © 2017
Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-276915
Extreme-conditions motor lead extension
APPLICATIONS The Trident* extreme-conditions motor lead
■ Offshore and onshore high-profile wells extension (MLE) maximizes ESP system
■ MaxFORTE* high-reliablity ESP systems reliability with an innovative, robust design that
and REDA* Maximus* ESP systems with uses advanced materials to ensure long-term,
high horsepower dependable performance in the most high-power-
demand and run-life-critical applications.
■ High-H2S environments
■ 75⁄8-in [19-cm] or larger casings and pods The Trident MLE comprises three PEEK-insulated,
■ Single- or dual-ESP completions copper conductor cable leads that plug directly
into the motor through individual connectors. This
BENEFITS design minimizes the cable manipulations usually The Trident MLE features innovative pothead design
■ Reduces operating costs by improving ESP required during the manufacturing and assembly and PEEK-insulated solid copper conductors for superior
current-carrying capability and thermal stability.
motor reliability and run life processes. Such additional manipulations can lead
■ Simplifies installation and saves rig time to undetectable insulation microcracks and internal
damage, which can reduce system reliability.
■ Three separate and individually armored Proven, field-friendly design
leads to improve phase separation, The high current-carrying capacity of Trident MLE
insulation, mechanical protection, and heat single-core conductors enables higher horsepower
dissipation with lower stator voltages and less insulation
stress than previously possible.
■ Polyetheretherketone (PEEK®)-insulated cable
leads, with extra-thick 0.04-in [1.016-mm] By securing the leads tightly within the OD of the
lead sheaths, to protect against gas ingress system, the Trident MLE ensures that cables and
and H2S corrosion pothead connectors are protected from mechani-
■ PEEK-insulated, solid copper conductor cal impact and damage while the system is being
cable leads to provide high current-bearing lowered in the well.
capacity, temperature stability, and excel-
lent dielectric strength
■ Advanced elastomers to accommodate
wide temperature swings
■ 61⁄4-in [16-cm] motor head OD compatible Three Trident MLEs are installed on an ESP motor. The
with 75⁄8-in [19-cm] or larger casings and pods robust, field-proven design of the Trident MLE and the
simple plug-and-play installation ensure superior reliability
■ Optional test ports in motorhead for each and longer ESP run life.
individual connector
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are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-277439
■ Extends ESP run life
■ Reduces human errors at wellsite
■ Optimizes reservoir drainage and production
■ Improves well cost of ownership with
● faster workovers and reduced rig costs
● minimized maintenance costs
■ Bottomhole temperature rating of up to
482 degF [250 degC]
■ Internal motor temperature rating up to
572 degF [300 degC]
■ Available in tighter 7-in [177.8 mm] casings to
enhance reservoir recovery
■ Single, prefilled, sealed motor with integrated
● redundant shaft seals
● thrust chamber
ESP Systems
*Mark | Production Lifting Services 35
of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-66920
REDA Hotline Plus
High-temperature ESP system
APPLICATIONS The REDA* Hotline Plus* high-temperature ESP system is designed to
■ Oil thermal recovery enhance reliability in wellbores not exceeding 428 degF [220 degC].
● Steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD)
The system is designed with an integrated motor reengineered based
● Steamflooding
on the latest generation of REDA Hotline* high-temperature ESP
● Cyclic steam injection (huff and puff)
systems, offering the best available horsepower in a housing.
■ High-temperature (HT) applications
● HT gradient oil wells
The system enables operators to improve recovery factors and
● Geothermal wells
increase early production while reducing downtime and intervention
cost. The Hotline Plus system’s applications include gassy environments
■ Hot-running applications
common to both thermal recovery and heavy oil applications, such as
● Low-production-rate wells
● thrust chamber
elastomeric seal
■ Thermally compensated compression pumps
and gas-handling devices
■ Bottom feeder intake
■ Surface monitoring interface card
REDA Hotline Plus system integrated
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Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-13491
● Geothermal wells
The system’s temperature rating enables higher temperature steam
injection for optimum reservoir recovery while reducing downtime
■ Hot-running applications
and intervention cost. The Hotline XTend system is available in either
● Low-production-rate wells
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Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-66960
run life.
The system was installed with a
Technologies 600 bottom-feeder gas separator along
■ REDA* Hotline* high-temperature electric with a high-temperature pump.
submersible pump systems The Hotline system increased
400 run life by an average of
■ Bottom-feeder gas separator
149% and is still running. This
■ High-temperature integrated gauge
improved the customer’s total
■ J12000N pump 200 cost of ownership by eliminating
unnecessary workovers and
deferred production.
0 ESP 1 ESP 2 ESP 3 Hotline system
*Mark of Schlumberger Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-47699
Gauge Specifications
Phoenix System Phoenix CTS System Phoenix CTS System 6000 Phoenix CTS XT-150
Length, in [cm] 13.18 [33.48] 13.17 [33.45] 22.430 [57]
OD, in [cm] 1.125 [2.8575] 1.125 [2.8575] 4.8 [12.2]
Material 13% chrome steel 13% chrome steel 13% chrome steel
Temperature rating, degF [degC] 302 [150] 302 [150] 302 [150]
Pressure rating, psi [kPa] 5,800 [39,990] 7,500 [51,710] 5,800 [51,710]
Tested insulation rating, V DC 1,000 1,000 1,000
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Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-331787
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are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-65740
Economic limit
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are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-65641
MGH system
MGH system
Oil production
Conventional system
Gas fraction
MGH system technology enables ESP operation in wells with GVF up to 75%.
The MGH multiphase system delivers incremental production and improved
reserves recovery compared with conventional equipment.
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Copyright © 2016 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 16-AL-234258
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are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-327670
■ Wells with casings 5.5 in or larger
■ Gassy production environments
■ Abrasive production environments
■ Reservoirs with uncertain productivity
■ Wells with steep production decline
■ Unconventional shale reservoirs
■ Conventional oil wells
■ Improves ESP system reliability
■ Increases uptime and extends system
run life
■ Improves cash flow through accelerated
production and continuous operation
■ Reduces operating cost through superior Continuum stage.
hydraulic efficiency The Continuum unconventional extended-life ESP stage, a component of REDA electric submersible
■ Enhances performance in gassy and pump systems, is a mixed-flow pump stage engineered for unconventional flow behavior and
abrasive applications challenging environments. Featuring enhanced compression design and wide opening vanes, the
■ Lowers total cost of ownership Continuum stage improves recovery and reliability in gassy and abrasive applications. With the ability
to operate at high efficiency through a wide operating range, the Continuum stage eliminates the
FEATURES need for costly replacements due to production changes, reducing overall operation expenses and
■ Enhanced compression design optimizing uptime.
■ Factory-shimmed construction
Superior performance and reliability in unconventional plays
■ Abrasion-resistant bearing configuration Developed using computational fluid dynamics to model stage geometry and architecture, the
for ultimate shaft support and stability Continuum stage is engineered to deliver higher lift, superior efficiency, and reduced power
■ Wide operating range consumption. Its design further improves upon the field-proven high reliability of REDA compression
■ Bowed vane for superior performance pump designs.
■ REDA Gard* submersible pump stage The Continuum stage was extensively tested using state-of-the-art tools and proprietary techniques
design to minimize abrasive stage wear to model operation at different production rates and fluid conditions, including low-flow-rate and
(REDA* Continuum* unconventional abrasive conditions. These solutions were validated with an instrumented string test and X-ray
extended-life ESP stage 4000) visibility in a flow loop test and an accelerated erosion loop test.
The optimized geometry, architecture, and material selection of the Continuum stage allows for a
wider operating range, which improves pump performance at low rates, in transient flow, and in
abrasive environments. Its enhanced compression design enables a Continuum stage to operate even
at flow rates below the lower limit of the catalog-recommended operating range. The minimum flow
rate of the Continuum stage operating range is determined by system constraints, including protector
thrust bearing, motor cooling, shaft brake horsepower limit, and system efficiency.
0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,600 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000
Continuum stage 1000 pump curves. Continuum stage 2500 pump curves.
ft BEP hp Eff
Flow = 4,310
Head = 32.82
35 Power = 1.39 7.00 70%
Efficiency = 75.17
30 6.00 60%
25 5.00 50%
20 4.00 40%
15 3.00 30%
10 2.00 20%
5 1.00 10%
Capacity, bbl/d
Continuum stage 4000 pump curves.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-276657
Well 1: Temperature
Bakken Shale
180 degF
REDA Maximus Systems with REDA Continuum Stages
Pump setting depth 8,680 ft Increase Production by 70% in the Bakken Shale
Well 2: Temperature 190 degF
Pump setting depth 8,630 ft
Customer increases production while avoiding ESP replacement
Well 3: Temperature 182 degF and related costs
Pump setting depth 8,611 ft
Due to their wide operating envelope
Well 4: Temperature 180 degF Continuum Stage Exceeds Forecast Production and ability to handle production
Pump setting depth 8,432 ft decline, Continuum stages were
6,000 used in the all-weather Maximus
systems. The rest of the completions
Background Production, bbl/d included the motor and protector, a
Four wells in the Bakken Shale were initially 4,000 gas handler, Vortex gas separator, and
expected to produce 3,000 bbl/d. Although most a Phoenix xt150 system multisensor
ESPs are available with stages for this flow rate,
3,000 gauge. The systems were configured
for immediate installation at the
the steep production decline, solids and gas 2,000
wellsite, eliminating the risk of motor
production, and initial high flow rate made it a contamination and human error
challenging environment for conventional ESPs. during equipment assembly.
Technologies Well 1 Well 2 Well 3 Well 4
Production increased 36%–70%
■ REDA Maximus* electric submersible Forecast production Production with Continuum stage compared with the initial forecast,
pump system and the Maximus systems with
■ REDA* Continuum* unconventional Continuum stages enabled more
extended-life ESP stage
than 70% pressure drawdown. They
continued operating beyond their
■ Phoenix xt150* high-temperature ESP recommended flow range, saving rig
monitoring system time while handling high solids and
■ Vortex* gas separator increasing gas/liquid ratio.
*Mark of Schlumberger. Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-277089
Bakken Shale
184 degF [84.44 degC]
REDA Maximus ESP System with REDA Continuum Stages
Pump setting depth 8,860 ft [2,700 m] Increases Run Life by 500% in the Bakken Shale
Casing size 7 in [17.8 cm]
Casing weight 32 lbm/ft [47.6 kg/m]
Customer experiences continuous production down to 200 bbl/d
Well depth (MD) 15,200 ft [4.63 km] using one ESP system
Motor OD 4.56 in [11.58 cm]
A Maximus system was engineered
Pump OD 4.00 in [10.16 cm] for the well with Continuum stages,
250 fit-for-purpose motor and protector,
helicoaxial MGH system, and
Background 200 Phoenix xt150 system with gauge.
After multiple ESP system failures in an The system was preconfigured and
unconventional well, a customer needed to extend ready for immediate installation
Run life, d
run life while improving production. With high at the wellsite, saving rig time
solids content and transient flow, the environment 100 and mitigating the risk of motor
challenged conventional ESP systems, which contamination or human error
achieved only 20% to 40% of the expected run life. during equipment assembly.
Technology The system improved run life more
0 than 500% and continued operating
■ REDA* Maximus* electric submersible ESP 1 ESP 2 ESP 3 ESP 4 Continuum stage
pump system even as production declined to
■ REDA Continuum* unconventional 200 bbl/d, avoiding four workovers
extended-life ESP stage and the associated costs of new
■ MGH multiphase gas-handling system
equipment and deferred production.
■ Phoenix xt150* high-temperature
ESP monitoring system
*Mark of Schlumberger. Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-277397
Advanced Completions
Expertise in complex completions reservoir below the ESP, enabling stimulation,
Complex downhole completions require logging, and other interventions with wireline or
advanced technologies to optimize production, CT without the need to retrieve the completion.
provide access to the reservoir below the It also provides a method to configure more
ESP, and lower total cost of ESP ownership. than one ESP in a well. Pod systems are used to
Schlumberger expertise in handing dual ESPs in isolate and produce multiple zones, configure
high-value wells ensures improved project NPV two ESP systems in series for greater lift ,
and minimizes costly deferred production. The or isolate and protect the casing from harsh
Y-tool and bypass system provides access to the wellbore fluids. These technologies maximize
flexibility in producing the well.
Pod system
Pod system
bear the load of the tubing string, and enable
improved production in a sealed system.
Pod system
Sizing ESP
The correct pod casing size for a given application system
is based upon a number of variables:
■ casing size and weight
■ ESP series
■ external cables/control lines (dimensions)
■ pod system configuration
(e.g., single or dual ESP)
■ ESP motor cooling requirements
■ type of pod system casing
(coupled or flush joint).
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-56697 Artificial Lift
The diverter can be locked in the open position by landing a logging plug
into the nipple below, which extends up into the Y-tool and prevents the ESP system
diverter from closing. This allows logging to be performed while the pump
is running.
Artificial Lift
OD, in [cm] 3.500 [8.89] 2.875 [7.30] 2.750 [6.99] 2.375 [6.03] 2.125 [5.40] 1.500 [3.81]
ID, in [cm] 2.992 [7.60] 2.441 [6.20] 2.362 [6.00] 1.995 [5.07] 1.869 [4.75] 1.244 [3.16]
Drift, in [cm 2.875 [7.30] 2.347 [5.96] 2.268 [5.76] 1.901 [4.83] 1.775 [4.51] 1.150 [2.92]
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-56696
Compatible with standard Schlumberger ESPs, alternative deployment systems enable operators to avoid deferred production and minimize downtime.
*Mark Deployment | Product Lifting Technologies 63
of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-85412
ZEiTECS Shuttle
Rigless ESP replacement system
APPLICATIONS The ZEiTECS Shuttle* rigless ESP replacement
■ Standard ESP wells with 7-in casing system is a downhole electrical wet-connector
or larger technology that allows standard ESPs to be
shuttled through tubing on wireline, coiled tubing,
BENEFITS or sucker rods without a rig or hoist. The ability
■ Reduces production deferment to economically and conveniently replace ESPs
■ Decreases operating costs without a rig minimizes production deferment,
■ Shortens ESP intervention time operating costs, disruption to operations, and
HSE exposure and risks.
■ Reduces HSE exposure
■ Eliminates disruptions to operations A new method of ESP intervention
The ZEiTECS Shuttle system consists of two
■ Keeps rigs on the drilling sequence
main assemblies: a retrievable ESP string,
■ Extends economic viability of well and semipermanent completion components, ZEiTECS Shuttle sytem’s motor connector with three
■ Increases ultimate recovery including a docking station. The docking station electrical wet connectors.
houses three electrical wet connectors to supply
FEATURES power to a standard three-phase AC induction Ideally, a production packer is installed below the
■ Rigless ESP retrieval with wireline, coiled motor or a permanent magnet motor. A landing docking station so that all annular components
tubing, or sucker rods surface bears the weight of the retrievable string (including the ESP cable) are protected from
■ Plug-and-play design with patented motor and the reactive forces generated by the ESP. pressure and temperature fluctuations and from
connector and docking station An offset throughbore allows reservoir access. corrosive gas and liquids.
■ Retrievable gauge for reservoir monitoring The standard ESP assembly includes a pump, Rigless ESP retrieval and replacement
■ Ability to accommodate multiple hydraulic protector, motor, and optional gauge, and is To retrieve the ESP, a GS pulling tool is lowered
control lines run in a conventional orientation with the motor on wireline, coiled tubing, or sucker rods and
■ Throughbore access below the on the bottom. The motor connector is deployed latched into the string, which is then unplugged
docking station at the base of the retrievable ESP string and uses from the docking station and pulled to surface
an alignment spear to automatically orient the through the tubing. After service or replacement,
connectors with the docking station. the retrievable ESP string is redeployed by the
same means. The motor connector automatically
A seal assembly at the top of the retrievable connects to the docking station and the
string incorporates two cup-type packers to running tool is retrieved, enabling production to
prevent recirculation between the pump intake resume. The whole operation may be completed
and discharge. The seal assembly incorporates within hours.
slips to transfer some of the reactive forces of the
ESP to the tubing to prevent undue compression ESP system optimization
of the pump stack. An automatic bypass feature Rigless ESP deployment technologies increase
drains the tubing on system retrieval. the average production profile and extend
the economic life of wells. Since there is no
Shuttle installation procedure time wasted waiting on a rig, operators
The ZEiTECS Shuttle system is initially installed benefit from
during a rig-supported workover as follows:
■ deploying sacrificial test ESPs to clean up
1. The docking station is run to a shallow depth wells and measure reservoir productivity
on jointed tubing with cable banded or before upgrading to a system optimized for
clamped to the outside. well conditions
2. The retrievable ESP string with motor connector ■ replacing ESPs before failure at miminal cost
is assembled, lowered into the tubing, and to maintain efficiency and optimize production
landed in the docking station.
■ implementing a preventive maintenance
3. The complete ZEiTECS Shuttle system is program to reduce unplanned failures.
lowered to pump setting depth.
Motor connector
Docking station
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2016 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 16-AL-205728
Approximate pump
setting depth, ft [m]
4,400 [1,341] First Rigless ESP Retrieval and Replacement
Casing size, in [mm] 9.625 [244.475] with Slickline, Offshore Congo
ZEiTECS Shuttle system eliminates need to mobilize a workover rig
When a third-party ESP located offshore Congo
needed to be replaced, the ZEiTECS Shuttle* rigless
Circulating seawater during
ESP replacement system installed in the well
pulling and filling the upper
provided a quick and cost-effective solution. completion with heavy
The ESP was pulled out in about 2 hours using brine for running in added
a slickline with a diameter of 0.16 in [4.06 mm]. buoyancy, reducing the
After the damaged components had been replaced,
loads on the lightweight
slickline unit. Optional
the ESP was run back to depth in 25 minutes, again
pump assistance was also
on slickline. The estimated total time for this rigless available to provide an
workover, including rig-up and rig-down, was just additional boost.
4 days. This was the fourth mating-demating
operation in the well with the ZEiTECS Shuttle
ESP replacement without
a hoist reduced operational
system in 4 years, demonstrating its
disruption, intervention
long-term reliability. time and cost, and
Technology production deferment.
ZEiTECS Shuttle rigless ESP replacement system It also had significant
safety advantages with
the elimination of offshore
heavy interventions.
Pump setting depth
246 degF [119 degC]
7,575 ft [2,309 m]
ZEiTECS Shuttle System Decreases
Casing size 9 5⁄8 in ESP Replacement Time by 87%
Casing weight 47 lbm/ft [69.9 kg/m]
Customer ESP riglessly retrieved in less than 2 days on coiled tubing
Motor OD 4.50 in [11.43 cm]
Pump OD 4.00 in [10.16 cm] 14
Well inclination 31.56°
After experiencing multiple ESP failures, a customer 10
needed to reduce well downtime when replacing
the ESP. In Ecuador, it is typical for rigs and hoists
8 Time savings of 87%
Technologies 2
■ ZEiTECS Shuttle* rigless ESP replacement
system with motor connector, docking station,
and wet connectors Conventional ESP replacement Rigless ESP replacement with ZEiTECS Shuttle system
■ Standard 450 /400 series ESP
In response to this challenge, the 550 series ZEiTECS Shuttle system was installed
■ Retrievable ESP gauge in the well with a standard 450 /400 series ESP. The ESP ran for 72 days when it experienced
Standard completion equipment below an unexpected failure. After the initial response, the ZEiTECS Shuttle system was used to
ZEiTECS Shuttle system docking station riglessly replace the ESP on coiled tubing in 1 day, 21 hours, and 15 minutes.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-41922
Surface Electrical Equipment
Pump control for ESPs and surface pumping systems Variable speed drives
Schlumberger offers a complete line of surface electrical equipment specifically ■■ Enable pump performance across a wider operating range
tailored to applications involving ESPs and surface pumping systems. Field than typical by varying their speed; available in both low voltages
measurements and computer modeling are used to select and deliver products and medium voltages.
customized to your well.
Fixed speed drives
■■ Provide motor control, protection, and monitoring in low- to
medium-voltage switchboards.
SpeedStar 519 SWD
18-pulse, low-voltage sine wave variable-speed
variable speed drive
APPLICATIONS The SpeedStar 519 SWD* 18-pulse low-voltage sine wave VSD features the integral output sine wave filter
■ ESP operations technology for operating ESPs and surface pumps and meets IEEE 519 1992 guidelines. Many engineering
■ Surface pumping operations consulting firms consider this design to be the most effective and reliable because it virtually eliminates
harmonic distortion reflected back to the power system and provides clean power to the downstream device.
■ Increases power efficiency
■ Reduces harmonic reflection on supply
power system
■ Prolongs run life of electrical systems
■ Lowers operating and installation costs
■ Reduces overall footprint
■ Protects against lightning strikes and
voltage surges
■ Simplifies installation with three-wire input
and three-wire output
■ No external phase shifting transformer
requirement; direct replacement for existing
6-pulse installations
■ TUV third-party-certified IP-56 enclosure
■ IEEE 519-compliant variable-speed drive
■ Integral phase-shifting auto transformer
■ Near unity power factor throughout all ESP
speed and load ranges
■ Output harmonic mitigation
■ Speed control to maintain constant load or
■ Smooth restart of a spinning motor
■ Rocking start for pumps stuck because of
sanding or scaling
■ Load-side, phase-to-phase, short-circuit
The SpeedStar 519 SWD VSD combines integral output sine wave technology and meets IEEE 519 guidelines.
■ StarShield* transient voltage surge
suppressor for protection against lighting
strikes and voltage surges
■ Sine wave output filter
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-42114
5th 7th 11th 13th 17th 19th 23rd 25th 29th 31st 35th 37th 41st 43rd 47th 49th
Harmonic order
Input current harmonic order—6-pulse, 12-pulse, and 18-pulse.
SpeedStar 2000 Plus VSD and SpeedStar SWD VSD 6- and 12-Pulse Specifications
Output Rating Ambient SpeedStar 2000 Plus VSD Dimensions SpeedStar SpeedStar SWD VSD Dimensions SpeedStar
Temperature (H × W × D), in [cm] 2000 Plus VSD (H × W × D), in [cm] SWD VSD
A kVA at kVA at Rating, NEMA 3R NEMA 1 Approximate NEMA 3R NEMA 1 Approximate
480 V 380 V degF [degC] Weight, lbm [kg] Weight, lbm [kg]
79 66 52 122 [50] 81.50 × 25.00 × 35.00 81.50 × 25.06 × 33.00 1,000 na† na na
[207 × 63.5 × 89] [207 × 63.7 × 83.4] [453.6]
100 83 66 122 [50] 81.50 × 25.00 × 35.00 81.50 × 25.06 × 33.00 1,000 na na na
[207 × 63.5 × 89] [207 × 63.7 × 83.4] [453.6]
132 110 87 122 [50] 81.50 × 25.00 × 35.00 81.50 × 25.06 × 33.00 1,000 99.50 × 25.00 × 35.00 99.50 × 25.06 × 33.00 1,500
[207 × 63.5 × 89] [207 × 63.7 × 83.4] [453.6] [252.7 × 63.5 × 89] [252.7 × 63.7 × 83.4] [680]
156 130 103 122 [50] 81.50 × 31.50 × 35.00 81.50 × 25.06 × 33.00 1,000 99.50 × 31.50 × 35.00 99.50 × 25.06 × 33.00 1,500
[207 × 80 × 89] [207 × 63.7 × 83.4] [453.6] [252.7 × 80 × 89] [252.7 × 63.7 × 83.4] [680]
196 163 129 122 [50] 81.50 × 31.50 × 35.00 81.50 × 25.06 × 33.00 1,000 99.50 × 31.50 × 35.00 99.50 × 25.06 × 33.00 1,500
[207 × 80 × 89] [207 × 63.7 × 83.4] [453.6] [252.7 × 80 × 89] [252.7 × 63.7 × 83.4] [680]
241 200 158 122 [50] 81.50 × 31.50 × 35.00 81.50 × 25.06 × 33.00 1,000 99.50 × 31.50 × 35.00 99.50 × 25.06 × 33.00 1,500
[207 × 80 × 89] [207 × 63.7 × 83.4] [453.6] [252.7 × 80 × 89] [252.7 × 63.7 × 83.4] [680]
313 260 206 122 [50] 81.50 × 46.00 × 42.00 81.50 × 37.06 × 40.00 1,200 99.50 × 46.00 × 42.00 99.50 × 37.06 × 40.00 2,000
[207 × 117 × 107] [207 × 94 × 101.6] [544] [252.7 × 117 × 107] [252.7 × 94 × 101.6] [907]
469 390 309 122 [50] 81.50 × 46.00 × 42.00 81.50 × 37.06 × 40.00 1,200 99.50 × 46.00 × 42.00 99.50 × 37.06 × 40.00 2,000
[207 × 117 × 107] [207 × 94 × 101.6] [544] [252.7 × 117 × 107] [252.7 × 94 × 101.6] [907]
546 454 359 122 [50] 81.50 × 46.00 × 42.00 81.50 × 37.06 × 40.00 1,200 99.50 × 46.00 × 42.00 99.50 × 37.06 × 40.00 2,000
[207 × 117 × 107] [207 × 94 × 101.6] [544] [252.7 × 117 × 107] [252.7 × 94 × 101.6] [907]
623 518 410 104 [40] 81.50 × 46.00 × 42.00 81.50 × 37.06 × 40.00 1,200 99.50 × 46.00 × 42.00 99.50 × 37.06 × 40.00 2,000
[207 × 117 × 107] [207 × 94 × 101.6] [544] [252.7 × 117 × 107] [252.7 × 94 × 101.6] [907]
623 518 410 122 [50] 81.50 × 90.00 × 48.00 81.50 × 72.00 × 46.00 2,000 99.50 × 90.00 × 48.00 99.50 × 72.00 × 46.00 3,100
[207 × 229 × 122] [207 × 183 × 117] [907] [252.7 × 229 × 122] [252.7 × 183 × 117] [1,406]
722 600 475 122 [50] 81.50 × 90.00 × 48.00 81.50 × 72.00 × 46.00 2,000 99.50 × 90.00 × 48.00 99.50 × 72.00 × 46.00 3,100
[207 × 229 × 122] [207 × 183 × 117] [907] [252.7 × 229 × 122] [252.7 × 183 × 117] [1,406]
842 700 554 122 [50] 81.50 × 90.00 × 48.00 81.50 × 72.00 × 46.00 2,000 99.50 × 90.00 × 48.00 99.50 × 72.00 × 46.00 3,100
[207 × 229 × 122] [207 × 183 × 117] [907] [252.7 × 229 × 122] [252.7 × 183 × 117] [1,406]
980 815 645 122 [50] 81.50 × 90.00 × 48.00 81.50 × 72.00 × 46.00 2,000 99.50 × 90.00 × 48.00 99.50 × 72.00 × 46.00 3,100
[207 × 229 × 122] [207 × 183 × 117] [907] [252.7 × 229 × 122] [252.7 × 183 × 117] [1,406]
1,121 932 738 122 [50] 81.50 × 90.00 × 48.00 81.50 × 72.00 × 46.00 2,000 99.50 × 90.00 × 48.00 99.50 × 72.00 × 46.00 5,000
[207 × 229 × 122] [207 × 183 × 117] [907] [252.7 × 229 × 122] [252.7 × 183 × 117] [2,268]
1,203 1,000 792 122 [50] 81.50 × 90.00 × 48.00 81.50 × 72.00 × 46.00 2,000 99.50 × 90.00 × 48.00 99.50 × 72.00 × 46.00 5,000
[207 × 229 × 122] [207 × 183 × 117] [907] [252.7 × 229 × 122] [252.7 × 183 × 117] [2,268]
1,443 1,200 950 122 [50] 81.50 × 110.00 × 48.00 81.50 × 84.00 × 46.00 3,500 99.50 × 110.00 × 48.00 99.50 × 84.00 × 46.00 5,000
[207 × 279 × 122] [207 × 213 × 117] [1,588] [252.7 × 279 × 122] [252.7 × 213 × 117] [2,268]
1,684 1,400 1,108 104 [40] 81.50 × 110.00 × 48.00 81.50 × 84.00 × 46.00 3,500 99.50 × 110.00 × 48.00 99.50 × 84.00 × 46.00 5,000
[207 × 279 × 122] [207 × 213 × 117] [1,588] [252.7 × 279 × 122] [252.7 × 213 × 117] [2,268]
1,804 1,500 1,188 104 [40] 81.50 × 110.00 × 48.00 81.50 × 84.00 × 46.00 3,500 99.50 × 110.00 × 48.00 99.50 × 84.00 × 46.00 5,000
[207 × 279 × 122] [207 × 213 × 117] [1,588] [252.7 × 279 × 122] [252.7 × 213 × 117] [2,268]
Not available.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-42223
ponents with forced air cooling three-phase (optional) ■ High/low supply voltage with
■ Light and 110-/220-V utility
Supply voltage time-response curve
■ Hall-effect current transformer receptacle powered by a 1-kVA ■
sensing device potential transformer ■ Power: drive input and output, ■ Backspin, leg ground (optional)
■ UniConn universal site controller ■ Sine wave output harmonic filter running frequency
■ Weatherproof gasketed door with ■ Backspin frequency, leg ground
three-point padlockable latch (optional)
■ Lifting eyebolts
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-83443
Construction Specifications
Panel construction Free-standing, front-maintenance type with channel base
Cooling Forced air cooled with optional redundant fan
Air filter Front-mounted, aluminum, washable, screened
Paint and color Gavlon 841, 2-mil minimum, UL1332 compliant, ANSI-61 gray
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-41547
■ Reduces operating costs
■ Improves ESP system run life
■ Enhances operational safety
■ Plug-and-play design with integral output
sinewave filter (for ESP applications)
■ Multilevel pulse-width modulated (PWM)
inverter output with no neutral point shift
■ Input power factor of 0.96 at all loads and
■ Flexible input voltage design
■ Built-in, visible, fused isolation switch
■ 36-pulse input transformer with precharge
■ Distribution-class lightning arrestors SpeedStar MVD VSD NEMA 3R for outdoor installations from 500 hp to 1,500 hp.
■ Ability to perform a smooth restart on or
catch a spinning motor The SpeedStar MVD* medium-voltage variable speed drive (VSD) is a NEMA 3R medium-voltage
■ Speed control to maintain constant load drive (MVD) suitable for outdoor installations. This drive is designed for the control of ESPs
or pressure and surface pumping systems. It provides a high-reliability, high-efficiency control solution for
high-horsepower, high-value applications in a single package. Energy consumption is reduced by
■ Rocking start for wells where the pumps
approximately 2% over a similar low-voltage VSD because a step-up transformer is not required. It is
have stalled because of scale or sand
the first MVD in the industry that does not require installation in a climate-controlled environment,
■ Available 500-hp configurations and above making it suitable for remote applications where building infrastructure is nonexistent. An optional
■ Instruct* all-in-one acquisition and control marine version is available for outdoor use in both nonhazardous and harsh environments typical with
unit platforms or offshore applications.
The SpeedStar MVD VSD is the first MVD with a standard design featuring an integral main isolation
switch for lockout and tagout. The switch includes KIRK® key coordination and precharge circuitry, which
ensures an infinite number of MVD starts while maintaining transformer and overall equipment reliability.
The inverter section power modules are mounted on heat sinks on the back of the unit to dissipate heat to
the atmosphere.
*Mark of Schlumberger
All other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-43886
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-67278
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-42077
■ AC- or DC-powered surface data
acquisition for alarming, trending,
and data storage
■ 8MB internal trend memory
■ StarView* wellsite display software
for device configuration, live data viewing,
and data download
■ Compatibility with SCADA systems using
Modbus® protocol and LiftWatcher* real-
time surveillance service The Phoenix SoloConn data acquisition and control unit is designed for single gauge, well application, or both.
■ Programmable trip and alarm relay
■ Data provision for production and
reservoir optimization
Artificial Lift
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-42152
The Phoenix ArConn rack-mountable data acquisition and control unit can connect to 16 gauges.
Artificial Lift
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-42186
The SCB3 site communication box is assembled with a satellite modem, a CPU control board with memory buffer, a power
supply with backup, and field interface connectors inside a small-footprint weatherproof enclosure.
The SCB3 transmits real-time data via satellite from remote wellsites located almost
anywhere in the world.
Retrievable valves
■■ Enhance well performance with one of the industry’s most
time-tested products.
PerfLift perforated-zone gas lift system
The PerfLift* perforated-zone gas lift system is a cost-effective artificial
lift system for low-rate gas-lifted oil and liquid-loaded gas wells.
Conventional gas lift systems
■■ Maximize production with conventional tubing-retrievable gas lift equipment.
Barrier Series
Gas lift systems
APPLICATIONS Especially suited for high-pressure, deepwater, and subsea
■ High-pressure, deepwater and installations, Barrier Series gas lift systems lower costs and
subsea wells downtime by improving the pressure integrity of the entire
■ Safety-critical applications with stringent wellbore environment.
pressure integrity requirements
Complete gas lift wells and improve performance with the
BENEFITS combined benefits of Barrier Series gas lift valves and the
■ Improves lift efficiency by optimizing MMRG-2V-B dual-pocket, side pocket mandrel. The MMRG-
gas flow geometry through the barrier 2V-B mandrel is based on the existing, field-proven
mandrel and valves, eliminating tortuosity MMRG-2V configuration with a dual inline, redundant,
to ensure minimum pressure drops across leak-tight seal.
the system
Enhanced capability and reliability
■ Reduces downtime by eliminating the A barrier-qualified check valve system that provides a
need for annulus fluid unloading following metal-to-metal seal between the tubing and casing annulus
typical slickline operations is available in 1-, 11⁄2- and 13⁄4-in injection-pressure-operated
■ Lowers costs and downtime through (IPO) valves and orifice valves for some barrier valve options.
improved pressure integrity of the entire
The availability of dual bores and communication portals
wellbore environment
in the barrier mandrel allows for two separate and distinct,
FEATURES retrievable, flow control check-valve devices that work
■ Extended capability of existing gas independently to simultaneously serve both the flow control
lift systems through a field-proven, and the pressure barrier requirements of the gas lift system.
dual-pocket, side pocket configuration,
The barrier mandrel is a round-body, fully machined mandrel
with a dual-inline, redundant,
with a one-piece, twin 11⁄2-in bore pocket design with a dual-tool
leak-tight seal
discriminator containing a tubing-to-casing barrier valve
■ Compatibility with existing field- (TCBV). The TCBV prevents communication between the
proven Camco gas lift and subsurface tubing and casing when the normal operating gas lift valve is
safety systems using orienting-type removed from the primary pocket. Barrier Series gas lift systems can
be deployed in even high-pressure,
slickline installation and pulling tools
deepwater, and subsea environments.
■ Industry-standard API Specification 19G1
and 19G2, ISO 17078-1 and 17078-2, and Valve, Mandrel, and Latch Compatibility
pressure barrier qualifications Barrier Series Gas Lift Valves, 1-in OD Side Pocket Mandrels Latches
BK-B injection pressure operated
OM-21R-B single-point injection orifice KB series side pocket mandrels BK series latches
NOVA-10-B venturi orifice
Barrier Series Gas Lift Valves, 11⁄2-in OD
R-20-02-B injection pressure operated
O21R-B single-point-injection orifice M series side pocket mandrels
02-30R-B dual-check orifice MMRG-2V-B dual-pocket, R series latches
S02-30R-B dual-check shear orifice side pocket mandrel
NOVA 15-B venturi orifice
High-Pressure Barrier Series Gas Lift Valves, 13⁄4-in OD
XLI-B injection pressure operated
XLO-B high-pressure orifice XL series side pocket mandrels XL series latches
XLO-R-B rupture-disk orifice
Barrier Series gas lift systems extend the capabilities and range of existing gas lift
systems to even the most challenging environments.
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Tubing-to-casing barrier
valve (TCBV).
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APPLICATIONS Schlumberger NOVA* 15-B Barrier Series venturi orifice gas lift valves have
■ Continuous-flow gas lift production an exclusive dynamically tested flow profile to promote a constant-flow gas
■ High-reliability operations injection rate. This profile produces maximum gas passage with minimal
differential across the valve. The NOVA valve flow regime eliminates most
BENEFITS effects of tubing pressure on the gas injection rate and stabilizes the gas
■ Enhances safety because wellbore integrity injection pressure. Stable injection rates can result in more stable tubing
is ensured during shut-in pressure, increased production, and reduced operating expenses.
NOVA 15-B valves replace traditional operating orifice valves where the
■ Increases production because of optimized
injection rate is inherently unstable because of the effect of tubing pressure.
gas lift efficiency and well
Even slight variations in the tubing flow regime can lead to wide fluctuations
in tubing pressure and result in unsteady injection rates, instability, and
■ Reduces downtime because of reliable per- slugging. Traditional square-edged orifice valves require a pressure drop of
formance approximately 50% to achieve critical gas flow, and, in most cases, operating
■ Lowers costs because of versatility and with this much pressure loss is
efficiency not practical.
FEATURES NOVA 15-B valves achieve critical flow with a pressure drop as little as 10%
■ Qualification to API Specification 19G2 V1, or less. Within the critical flow regime, the injection rate is constant because
ISO 17078-2 V1, and barrier standards the tubing pressure does not affect the injection volume. Stabilizing the injec-
■ Dynamically-generated injection gas flow tion pressure can lead to reduced maintenance costs and improved produc-
profile tivity and profit. This stabilization is achieved through innovative engineering
and a field-proven design.
■ Simple field-proven design that stabilizes
injection pressure and production rate Operation
■ Corrosion resistance through stainless steel The NOVA 15-B valve uses a nozzle venturi orifice and a positive-
or nickel alloy construction sealing, barrier-qualified check valve for continuous flow operations. It is
■ Barrier-qualified, reverse-flow check valve installed in a side pocket mandrel. Injection fluid or gas enters through the
that provides positive seal between tubing valve entry ports and then flows through the nozzle venturi orifice. Injec-
and casing annulus tion pressure moves the check valve off the seat, allowing gas to enter the
production tubing. During periods of no gas injection, the normally closed
■ Usable with Camco* standard and select
positive-sealing barrier check valve prevents
side pocket mandrels
tubing fluids and pressure from flowing back into the casing.
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The NOVA-10-B valve uses a nozzle venturi orifice with a barrier-qualified
check valve for continuous flow operations. It is installed in a side pocket
mandrel. Injection fluid or gas enters through the valve entry ports and
then flows through the nozzle venturi orifice. Injection pressure moves the
check valve off the seat, enabling gas to enter the production conduit.
2,000 900 psi upstream
Conventional orifice valve
1,000 400 psi upstream
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400
Downstream pressure, psi
A representative performance curve shows that NOVA-10-B valves achieve critical flow with a pressure drop of 10% or less, while
conventional orifice valves require an approximately 40% drop.
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Secondary accessories
Latch BK-2 series
Running tool JK
Pulling tool 11⁄4-in JDC
Kickover tool OK series
Mandrel types K series (KBMG, KBMM, KBMM-R, and KBG)
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Copyright © 2016 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 16-AL-172805
Gas Lift Systems | Product Lifting Technologies 108
Side Pocket Mandrels
Reliable gas lift with flexibility for the future
APPLICATIONS Side pocket mandrels are completion components that house gas
■ Wells using gas lift for production lift valves and other devices that communicate with the annulus.
■ Chemical injection, waterflood, These mandrels enable rapid retrieval and replacement of the gas
or circulation operations lift valves without having to pull the tubing, making them essential
■ Wells with single or dual completions in wells with highly variable production or where tubing retrieval
would compromise well economics.
■ Sweet or sour wells
For a single well or an entire field, Schlumberger side pocket
mandrels provide a cost-effective edge to help operators maximize
■ Improves production flexibility and gas lift
production and revenue in a competitive and demanding market.
optimization by enabling valve retrieval
and replacement through well intervention Confidence and value
■ Maximizes completion and workover options Schlumberger has continuously improved both engineering design
for the life of the well by maintaining tubing and equipment manufacturing processes to produce the most
through-bore size without restriction advanced premium side pocket mandrel range on the market.
Operators can install with confidence because each side pocket
mandrel will deliver maximum added value to an oil or gas well.
■ Field-proven design and reliability
■ Wide range of options to suit well types, Manufacturing quality for maximum reliability
sizes, and operational requirements To ensure side pocket mandrel quality, all critical manufacturing
■ Standard and premium material options, processes are carried out in-house for complete process control.
including 4130 alloy steel, 410SS, 13Cr, This includes material specifications, machining, welding, heat
S13Cr, and INCONEL® 925 and 718 treatment, inspection, and testing. Full traceability is maintained
■ Compatibility for a full range of throughout the process.
environmental conditions: sweet, Commitment to excellence and innovation
sour (H2S, NACE), and CO2 For more than 70 years, Schlumberger has used its experience,
■ Full traceability through the manufacturing knowledge, and commitment to innovation, research, and quality
process and 100% dimensional inspection performance to offer high-quality, technologically advanced
to ensure lifetime reliability products. Today, Schlumberger continues that commitment with
■ In-house machining of premium mandrels side pocket mandrels that bring the quality and flexibility to choose
to ensure quality dependable, innovative, and efficient equipment for a wide range
■ Welding qualified to ASME Section IX of production and well control requirements.
standards with quality control including
phased-array ultrasonic testing
and radiographic testing
■ In-house critical heat treatment
to optimize microstructure, strength,
and corrosion resistance
■ QA inspection, including visual inspection,
hardness testing, full-length internal and
external drift verification, and nondestructive
testing (liquid penetrant or magnetic
particle inspection)
■ 100% internal pressure test to full mandrel
pressure rating Side pocket mandrel.
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the well and must be kept separate until they are commingled in the flow
■ KBMG-2 series
● The mandrel has a slightly reduced OD and a fully open ID, allowing them
to be run in smaller ID casing. Most mandrels with this designation have a
reduced test pressure.
KBMG series mandrels are available in a range of fully traceable materials and can
be heat treated to comply with NACE specification MR0175 for stress-cracking
resistant metallic materials.
KBMG series
side pocket mandrel.
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■ Positioning sleeve orientation system KBMM-R mandrels feature a one-piece pocket and a
tool discriminator that keep larger slickline tools from
■ Machined tool discriminator that deflects
entering the pocket area while guiding the smaller
large tools into the tubing bore
side pocket devices into the pocket. An orienting
■ Integral machined pocket sleeve located in the mandrels’s upper swage helps
■ Smooth internal and external shoulders ensure precise alignment and operation of positive
■ Availability in a variety of materials kickover tools in highly deviated wells.
KBMM-R mandrels have a round body, which provides a strong, KBMM-R series side pocket mandrel.
robust design with better, more uniform stress concentrations
when compared to the traditional oval-body mandrel designs.
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KBG series
side pocket mandrel.
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MMG series
side pocket mandrel.
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Higher productivity and lower costs are achieved with innovative engineering,
a field-proven design, and the same number of moving parts as a typical
flat-faced gas lift orifice valve. In addition, NOVA valves fit in any existing side
pocket mandrel.
The NOVA valve uses an orifice venturi check valve for continuous flow
operations. Injection fluid or gas enters through the entry ports and then
flows through the orifice venturi. Injection pressure moves the check valve
off the seat, allowing gas to enter the tubing. Reverse flow pushes the check
valve closed, preventing tubing fluids and pressure from flowing back into the
For injection of gas from the tubing to the casing annulus, the valve is installed
in a mandrel with a type EC pocket, which has tubing ports between the seal-
bores in the mandrel pocket. Injection gas flows out the bottom of the valve,
through the mandrel snorkel into the casing or tubing annulus.
3,500 1,400 psi upstream
Improved orifice venturi valve
Flow rate, Mcf/d
2,000 900 psi upstream
Conventional orifice valve
1,000 400 psi upstream
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400
Downstream pressure, psi
NOVA valves achieve critical flow with a pressure drop of 10% or less, while conventional orifice valves require an
approximately 40% pressure drop.
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Injection gas enters the valve through the external ports between the valve
packing seats and travels through the choke, past the reverse- flow check
valve, and into the production tubing.
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Flow area
The flow area for the 1-in OD BF and B-1 valves is equiva-
lent to a 5⁄16-in [7.9-mm] port.
Reverse-flow check valves require flow to close.
As the differential pressure across the check dart of the
valve increases, the dart contacts the soft seat and then
the hard seat to form a seal and close the check valve.
CF and J-20 valves (left to right).
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Port sizes
The port sizes available for the 5⁄8-in OD J-50 valves are 1⁄8, 5⁄32, 13⁄64,
and 1⁄4 in [3.2, 3.9, 5.1, and 6.4 mm].
Port sizes are available for the 1-in OD J-40 valves in 1⁄16-in [1.6-
mm] increments from 1⁄8 to 3⁄8 in [3.2 to 9.5 mm].
Port sizes are available for the 11⁄2-in OD J-20 valves in 1⁄16-in
increments from 3⁄16 to 1⁄2 in [4.8 to 12.7 mm].
In injection-pressure-operated gas lift applications, injection
gas enters the valve and acts on the effective bellows area. As
injection pressure overcomes the precharged nitrogen pressure
in the bellows, the bellows is compressed and lifts the stem tip
off the seat. Injection gas then flows through the seat, past the
reverse-flow check valve, and into the production conduit.
J-40 valve.
J-40 1.000 [25.4] 0.500 - 14 NPT BF, B-1 B, B deflector lug, BR deflector lug
J-20 1.500 [38.1] 0.500 - 14 NPT CF, J-20 C Series
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Port sizes
The port size available for the 5⁄8-in OD JR-50 valves is 3⁄32 in [2.3 mm].
The port sizes available for the 1-in JR-40 OD valves are 1⁄8 and 3⁄16 in
[3.2 and 4.8 mm].
The port sizes available for the 11⁄2-in OD JR-20 valves are 1⁄8, 3⁄16,
and 1⁄4 in [3.2, 4.8, and 6.4 mm].
In production-pressure-operated gas lift applications, production fluid
enters the valve and acts on the effective bellows area. The production
pressure necessary to compress the bellows of JR-50, JR-40, and JR-20
valves is controlled by precharged nitrogen pressure. As production
pressure overcomes the precharged nitrogen pressure in the bellows or the
preset spring force, the bellows is compressed and lifts the stem tip off the
seat. Injection gas then flows through the seat, past the reverse-flow check
valve, and into the production conduit.
B, B deflector lug,
JR-40 1.000 [25.4] 0.500 - 14 NPT BF, B-1
BR deflector lug
JR-20 1.500 [38.1] 0.500 - 14 NPT CF, J-20 C Series
†Contact your Schlumberger representative.
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The power section of the 11⁄2-in OD CP-2 valves has a flow area equivalent to a
9⁄16-in [14.3-mm] port. The port sizes for the CP-2 pilot section are available in
1⁄16-in increments from 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 in [6.4 to 12.7 mm].
Injection gas enters the valve pilot section and acts on the effective bellows area.
As injection pressure overcomes the precharged nitrogen pressure in the bellows,
the bellows is compressed and lifts the stem tip off the seat to open the pilot
section. Injection gas then flows through the valve until it overcomes the
preset spring force of the power section. As the power section opens, injection
gas flows through the valve, past the reverse-flow check valve, and into the
production conduit.
CP-2 valve.
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Concrete bases
■■ Stabilize equipment with portable concrete for various applications.
Prime movers
■■ Optimize energy consumption through a large selection of electric motor
and gas engine prime movers.
Conventional Pumping Unit
Long service life with reduced operating costs
APPLICATIONS Conventional crank-balanced pumping units provide reliable, cost-effective performance at a
■ All wells that can deploy sucker competitive price. With more than 14,000 units currently pumping throughout North America,
rod pumping these units consistently exceed the expectations of producers.
■ Wells with deviations and high rod friction Manufactured to API standards, these units deliver high reliability and quiet operations. These
■ Unconventional shale reservoirs pumping units have high-capacity saddle bearings, large self-centering drive bearings, and large
lubrication reservoirs, providing reliable performance for the long term. These conventional-geometry
■ Conventional oil wells
units are stocked in API sizes 80 to 1280.
■ Provides easy installation and maintenance Main Specifications
■ Offers long service life of over 25 years Specifications Basic Parameters Gear Reducer Balance
with proper maintenance Assembly
■ Lowers year over year operational cost Model Rated Stroke Rated Reducer Oil Storage Lubricant Weight of
Polished Rod Length, Torque, Gear Quantity, Cranks, lbf
Capacity, lbf in in.lbf Ratio galUS
■ High-load, easily serviced center bearing C80D-119-64 11,900 64 80,000 31.747 16 827
based on proven railway bearing design C114D-173-64 17,300 64 114,000 28.395 25 ISO VG 150 winter 1,655
C228D-173-120 17,300 120 228,000 28.91 43 ISO VG 220 summer 3,106
■ Dual-axis hinge pin style equalizer
C456D-365-144 36,500 144 456,000 28.84 110 4,699
bearing for long life and reduced stress
C456D-305-168 30,500 168 456,000 28.84 110 4,699
in assembly
C640D-305-144 30,500 144 640,000 29.32 106 4,699
■ High-capacity gear reducer designed far C640D-427-144 42,700 144 640,000 29.32 106 4,699
beyond API requirements
C640D-365-168 36,500 168 640,000 29.32 106 4,699
■ Large low-speed shaft for long life and C640D-365-192 36,500 192 640,000 29.32 106 4,699
increased counterbalance support C912D-365-168 36,500 168 912,000 28.79 180 4,699
■ Field-serviceable gear reducer design with C912D-365-192 36,500 192 912,000 28.79 180 4,699
bolt-on cranks C912D-427-192 42,700 192 912,000 28.79 180 4,699
■ Fully enclosed horsehead for C1280D-365-192 36,500 192 1,280,000 28.672 185 4,699
ISO VG 150 winter
maximum strength C1280D-427-192 42,700 192 1,280,000 28.672 185 4,699
ISO VG 220 summer
C1280D-365-240 36,500 240 1,280,000 28.672 185 5,971
Counterbalance Data
Model Structural Unbalance, Cranks Effective Counterbalance Max. ECB,
lbf (ECB) Cranks Only, lbf lbf
C80D-119-64 60 GRC180 1,399 5,454
C114D-173-64 500 GRC170 4,104 13,780
C228D-173-120 50 GRC130 5,217 18,394
C456D-365-144 –365 GRC120 7,037 40,912
C456D-305-168 –1,400 GRC120 4,944 33,977
C640D-305-144 –285 GRC120 7,139 26,282
C640D-427-144 –365 GRC120 7,037 40,912
C640D-365-168 –1,400 GRC120 4,944 33,977
C640D-365-192 –1,900 GRC120A 3,795 29,623
C912D-365-168 –1,400 GRC120 4,944 33,977
C912D-365-192 –1,900 GRC120A 3,795 29,623
C912D-427-192 –2,070 GRC120C 3,629 29.457
–2,070 GRC120D 3,629 29,457
C1280D-365-240 –2,900 GRC140 3,430 26,852
■ Advanced geometry creating a larger
allowable load range and more
efficient operation
■ Phased crank design with more
torque available for the upstroke
■ High-load, easily serviced center bearing
based on proven railway bearing design
■ Dual-axis hinge pin style equalizer
bearing for long life and reduced stress
in assembly
■ High-capacity gear reducer designed
far beyond API requirements
■ Large, low-speed shaft for long life Main Specifications
and increased counterbalance support Specifications Basic Parameters Gear Reducer
■ Field-serviceable gear reducer design Model Rated Stroke Rated Reducer Oil Storage Lubricant
with bolt-on cranks Polished Rod Length, Torque, Gear Quantity,
Capacity, lbf in in.lbf Ratio galUS
■ Fully enclosed horsehead for TM456D-365-120 36,500 120 456,000 28.84 110
maximum strength TM456D-305-144 30,500 144 456,000 28.84 110 ISO VG 150 winter
TM640-365-144 36,500 144 640,000 29.32 106 ISO VG 200 summer
TM640-427-144 42,700 144 640,000 29.32 106
TM640D-365-168 36,500 168 640,000 29.32 106
TM640-427-168 42,700 168 640,000 29.32 106 ISO VG 150 winter
TM912D-365-168 36,500 168 912,000 28.79 180 ISO VG 200 summer
TM912-427-168 42,700 168 912,000 28.79 180
TM912-427-192 42,700 192 912,000 28.79 180 ISO VG 150 winter
TM1280-427-192 42,700 192 1,280,000 28.672 185 ISO VG 200 summer
Pumping units can be manufactured with T base and low or high prime as well as with wide base and low prime.
Dimensional Data, in
Model A B C E F H I J L M N R T W X AA BB
TM456D-365-120 141.93 144.49 237.99 255.75 313.15 309.21 27.36 95.08 81.10 81.89 23.62 102.95 39.37 46.85 104.02 35.79 63.94
TM456D-305-144 141.93 173.03 237.99 255.75 313.15 321.46 26.77 95.08 57.87 81.89 23.62 131.50 39.37 46.85 104.02 35.79 63.94
TM640D-365-144 118.11 171.65 274.00 287.17 344.65 357.44 26.57 109.84 94.09 81.89 23.62 122.05 41.34 46.85 101.14 50.75 64.33
TM640D-427-144 118.11 171.65 274.00 287.17 344.65 357.44 26.57 109.84 94.09 81.89 23.62 122.05 41.34 46.85 101.14 50.75 64.33
TM640D-365-168 118.11 200.00 274.00 287.17 344.65 368.70 27.17 109.84 69.68 81.89 23.62 150.39 41.34 46.85 101.14 50.75 64.33
TM640D-427-168 118.11 200.00 274.00 287.17 344.65 368.70 27.17 109.84 69.68 81.89 23.62 150.39 41.34 46.85 101.14 50.75 64.33
TM912D-365-168 118.11 200.00 274.00 295.12 352.60 368.70 27.17 109.84 69.68 81.89 23.62 150.39 48.43 46.85 105.12 50.75 65.20
TM912D-427-168 118.11 200.00 274.00 295.12 352.60 368.70 27.17 109.84 69.68 81.89 23.62 150.39 48.43 46.85 105.12 50.75 65.20
TM912D-427-192 118.11
228.35 274.006 295.12 352.60 379.92
27.95 109.844 46.06 86.61 23.62
178.74 48.43 2 46.85 105.12 50.75
TM1280-427-192 118.11 228.35 274.00 301.61 352.60 379.92 27.95 109.84 46.06 86.61 23.62 178.74 56.69 46.85 119.29 59.02 63.43
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STM dim
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Size Structure Stroke, Gear Set Structural Weight, Bottom Effective
■ Advanced geometry creating a larger in Box Ratio Back, in Unbalance with No lbf of Stroke, Counterbalance,
allowable load range and more Tail Weights, lbf in lbf
efficient operation 80 119 64 (54) (42) 30.12 52 375 17,070 52 7,000
■ Curved walking beam providing maximum 114 143 74 (64) (54) 30.52 51.5 300 25,300 54 8,000
counterbalance effect when it is needed 160 173 86 (74) (64) 31.71 52 –225 30,800 54 10,300
and minimum when it is not needed 228 173 100 (86) (74) 31.62 76 450 38,750 75 10,700
■ High-capacity gear reducer designed 228 213 100 (86) (74) 31.62 75 450 42,000 55 11,500
far beyond API requirements 320 256 120 (100) (86) 30.87 74 200 49,700 48 14,300
320 256 144 (120) (100) 32.47 98 200 52,600 52 14,300
■ Large, low-speed shaft for long life
456 256 144 (120) (100) 31.5 98 200 52,600 52 14,300
and increased counterbalance support
456 305 168 (144) (120) 31.5 121.5 211 67,100 68 15,300
■ Field-serviceable gear reducer design with 640 305 168 (144) (120) 31.3 121.5 211 71,000 74 16,400
bolt-on cranks
640 365 192 (168) (144) 31.3 147 211 74,270 46 18,800
912 365 192 (168) (144) 31.05 147 579 81,800 46 18,000
912 427 168 (144) (120) 31.05 121.5 211 81,000 57 23,100
1,280 427 192 (168) (144) 30.47 147 410 90,000 52 23,100
1,280 427 216 (192) (168) 30.47 166 –516 92,000 52 23,100
Dimensional Data, in
Model A B C D E F H max K M N X Y T
F114-173-64 277.56 28.35 22.5 64.02 58.19 83.86 110.87 55.12 104.06 14.17 22.84 94.72 25.59
F160-173-74 297.05 31.43 20.2 74.02 64.17 83.86 122.91 59.06 127.17 14.17 21.46 89.17 29.53
F228-246-86 323.82 37.36 24.6 85.98 70.87 88.03 138.23 68.11 136.61 14.17 29.92 49.8 33.46
F320 246-86 323.82 37.36 24.6 85.98 70.87 88.03 138.23 68.11 136.61 14.17 29.92 99.8 37.4
F320-256-100 344.29 42.06 28.7 100 78.98 88.03 156.3 75.98 156.54 14.17 29.92 96.42 37.4
• Reducing
• operating
Reducing• operating
• Reducing
costscosts stroke length,
the the
APPLICATIONS The CAMLift* hydraulic pumping unit is a compact, • Retaining lighter weight
• operator
Retaining •alternative
• control
the to
as controlthe
need traditional
control beam
for specia
for sp
• Improving
• Improving
• Improving
■ Conventional oil pumping unit. Schlumberger offers a series ofcrews CAMLift units
and crews to
equipment operators
and crews
to crews
equipment in reducing
to equipment
to make
is adjustm
• Eliminating • operating
• Eliminating
ground site
•ground costs,
Eliminating maximizing
and site efficiency,
site timeandand
and reducing
time wellsite
timetime footprint.
■ Gas well dewatering eliminated eliminated eliminated
■ Heavy oil
■ Horizontal wells
■ Steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD)
■ Shale gas deliquification
■ Shale oil
■ Minimizes installation costs associated
with transportation, ground preparation,
jack alignment, and installation service
■ Reduces operating costs by increasing
system run life and reducing well service
and equipment service frequencies
■ Improves production uptime through faster
installation, operator adjustments, and
local service
■ Reduces wellsite footprint by requiring
only 1⁄10 the footprint of most beam
pumping units at the wellhead
■ Retains operator control by eliminating the
need for specialized crews and equipment
to make system adjustments
■ Maximizes production efficiency through
quick system adjustments (such as stroke
speed, stroke length, placing the well on/
off tap) and independent up and down
stroke speeds
■ Reduces HSE risk by eliminating large
rotating equipment and guide wires
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2016 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 16-AL-139851
The enclosed cylinder jack features a long stroke length, which minimizes rod stretch impact, reduces
cyclic stresses, reduces rod and tubing wear, and improves gas compression ratios. The peak polished
rod lift capacity enables pumping in deep highly deviated wells. Both jacks are available with environmental
booths to provide an additional layer of protection from stuffing box leaks and worn hydraulic cylinders.
Counterbalanced system
The counterbalanced CAMLift unit employs nitrogen counterbalance to reduce the energy requirement
to lift the rod string when used with the H40-192 jack. The stored energy from the counterbalanced
system enables high power efficiency in deep vertical wells with high minimum polished rod loads.
■ 40–240
■ 50–240
10 [5] 20 [9] 30 [14] 40 [18] 50 [23]
Peak polished rod load, 1,000 lbm [454 kg]
8 ■ 40–240
■ 50–240
10 [5] 20 [9] 30 [14] 40 [18] 50 [23]
Peak polished rod load, 1,000 lbm [454 kg]
■ 50–240
■ 40–336
4 ■ 50–336
10 [5] 20 [9] 30 [14] 40 [18] 50 [23]
Peak polished rod load, 1,000 lbm [454 kg]
■ 50–240
■ 40–336
4 ■ 50–336
10 [5] 20 [9] 30 [14] 40 [18] 50 [23]
Peak polished rod load, 1,000 lbm [454 kg]
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-312182
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-311377
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-311396
*Mark of Schlumberger.
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-311415
Like all API pumps, RWB API insert pumps can be modified with
specialty components to better address pumping issues caused
by sand and gas. Because of the exposure to stagnant fluid
on the exterior of the pump barrel, a bottom discharge valve is
recommended to enable fresh fluid to be moved into the area
directly above the standing valve of the pump.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-311434
PumpTrak system
● Continuously improve operations with the PumpTrak*
web-based pump service tracking system, which serves as a
repository of detailed service information including service
history, installation and pull date, days in use, and failure and
cost analysis.
● Track why and how a failure occurred with insights into well
properties and actively address its existing challenges by
replacing the pump with a fit-for-purpose solution.
RWT API insert pump.
● Easily export reports to Excel®, view high-resolution
photographs and cost information in real time, review supply
and tubing anchor tickets, and download dynamometer and
fluid level reports.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-311472
*Mark of Schlumberger.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-311491
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-311598
An API-modified oversized cage increases the flow area inside the cage without
a loss of strength, improves solids flow-though, and increases pump efficiency.
PumpTrak system
■ Continuously improve operations with the PumpTrak* web-based pump
service tracking system, which serves as a repository of detailed service
information including service history, installation and pull date, days in use,
and failure and cost analysis.
■ Track why and how a failure occurred with insights into well properties
and actively address its existing challenges by replacing the pump with
a fit-for-purpose solution.
■ Easily export reports to Excel®, view high-resolution photographs and cost
information in real time, review supply and tubing anchor tickets, and
download dynamometer and fluid level.
Improved hollow
tube pump.
*Mark of Schlumberger
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are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-311254
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-311705
Design features
The double valve serves as a failsafe mechanism, extending the lifespan of
the standing valve and preventing fluid loss in the event one of the valves
does not seat properly on any given stroke. The addition of a sand shield
helps prevent solids from accumulating around the hold-down, which could
cause the pump to stick.
● Prevent costly fishing jobs by easily retrieving fiberglass sucker rods
with the shear tool.
● In the event of a stuck pump, the on-off tool enables retrieval of the
rodstring and is capable of fishing and releasing broken rods without
unseating the pump.
● Set and reset the pumping depth as needed with the insert
pump anchor.
Sand specialty product
● Direct solids away from the pump barrel, maintain downhole pump
integrity, and extend run life with the sand diverter.
compression pump.
Sand diverters can be run with any hollow valve rod pump, insert pump, or tubing pump. Models designed to be
compatible with each of those pump types are shown above, from left to right.
The carbide insert rod guide comprises (from left to right) a clutch, carbide insert, and body.
■ Aids in preventing stuck pump scenarios
■ Reduces particulate collection near
the hold-down
Sand shield.
■ Pressure tested to 5,000 psi [34.5 MPa]
■ Barrel and plunger mount options
■ 316 stainless steel for corrosion resistance
Plunger mount.
Barrel mount.
Gas valve.
■ Available for 2⅜-in and 2⅞-in [60.325-mm
and 73.025-mm] insert pump applications
■ Designed with 1¼-in and 1½-in
[31.75-mm and 38.1-mm] cages
■ 11⁄4-in to 2-in [31.75-mm to 50.8-mm]
insert pump sizes
■ Replaceable rubber element
■ Simple setting procedure
Top seal.
Epoxy to protect
internal Seal ring
parts against
Shear tool.
In the event of a rod part above the on-off tool, the operator
can now fish and release the remaining rods from the pump,
eliminating the need to unseat the pump. The on-off tool
is also used when running an oversized tubing pump. An
oversized tubing pump gives the operator the ability to use
a pump bore size larger than the tubing internal diameter,
displacing more fluid without replacing the entire tubing
string. The on-off tool is required with the oversized tubing
pump to connect the rodstring to the plunger because the
plunger outer diameter is larger than the internal diameter
of the tubing.
■ High-temperature packing
element available
■ No seating nipple required
■ High-strength alloy retainer ring
■ No rotation required
Gas separator.
8 246%
0 The slimhole tubing anchor
4.5-in 4.5-in 5.5-in 5.5-in 7-in 7-in has a smaller OD than the
Type B Slimhole Type B Slimhole Type B Slimhole standard anchor, with large
slips and slip protectors.
Tubing anchor sizes Beveled couplings prevent
The flow-by area of the slimhole tubing anchor is significantly increased when sand from getting inside
compared with the Type B tubing anchor, resulting in enhanced rod lift system the tool.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-311569
7.625 in, 26.4 lbm/ft, 6.969-in ID; 9.625 in, 36 lbm/ft, 8.921-in ID
Sensor-free operation
The system uses a number of unique methods for precisely determining polished
rod and downhole pump position, velocity, and load without requiring external
rod position or load sensors. System variables can be observed through monitor
displays or recorded as time-based graphical plots of motor velocity, motor torque,
pump speed, pump velocity, gearbox torque, rod velocity, rod position, rod load,
pump position, and pump load, as well as dynamometer plots of surface and
downhole conditions.
Pump speed control Various key parameters and event logs can be displayed at the wellsite or accessed remotely.
The UniStar system provides a number of options for controlling pump
speed, including potentiometer adjustments, keypad presets, serial data
Several industry-standard serial protocols are available for communicating
communications, and internal optimization controllers. Single, dual, and triple
with popular programmable controllers, personal computers, or network
speed control options allow pump upstroke, downstroke, and cornering speeds
servers. These protocols include Modbus® RTU, Modbus Plus, ControlNet®, and
to be adjusted independently. The system automatically calculates braking
PROFIBUS®. Optional software is available for monitoring the pumping system
distances for the transition from straight to cornering speeds, as well as points for
using an iPhone® or iPad®. User-programmable reports can be generated using
accelerating out of the corners. In certain applications the motor can be operated
software that connects system parameters to Excel spreadsheets.
at up to twice the base speed at constant power. This allows the overall gear ratio
to be increased, thereby increasing low-speed torque while smoothing gearbox System simulation
torque at high pumping speeds. A pumping system simulator allows actual or hypothetical setup parameters to
be evaluated over a broad range of operating conditions. Simulations can be
Dynacard generation without a load cell run in the field using the UniStar system without powering the motor or on the
A motor torque monitor and pumping unit geometry can be used in place of a
desktop using a well monitor and emulator unit.
load cell to plot surface dynamometer graphs, using either a personal computer,
tablet, or smartphone. The system also estimates downhole pump stroke and
pump flow. Predicted surface and downhole dynamometer graphs are available
for diagnosing well and pump issues on site.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-64066
■ Optimizes pump regulation to increase
production and prevent equipment damage
■ Improves efficiency and economics
of operation
■ Reduces travel to the wellsite through
remote monitoring
■ 115 or 230 V AC input supply
(460 V optional)
■ Rugged NEMA 4R polycarbonate enclosure
The RPC provides real-time surface and downhole dynamometer plots.
■ Backlit graphic display and keypad
■ Multiple analog and digital inputs and The rod pump controller (RPC) provides Comprehensive monitoring and
outputs, with four configurable I/O points economical pumpoff control of sucker rod reporting capabilities
■ Comprehensive monitoring and reporting pumping systems. Using sophisticated modeling The RPC provides real-time surface and
to facilitate troubleshooting and control software and a powerful digital downhole dynamometer plots, daily gauging,
signal processor, the RPC computes surface and fault and event logging, a user-configurable data
■ Polished rod load cell, beam position
downhole conditions to best regulate the starting sampler, and more.
inclinometer, optional tubing and casing
and stopping of the pump via a separate motor
pressure sensors Equipped with both web-based and smartphone
■ Automatic counterbalance check interfaces, the RPC can generate well reports
■ Oil, belt, and gearbox service reminders The RPC provides real-time surface and and dynacards from either interface. Wireless,
downhole dynamometer plots, daily gauging, radio, cellular, and satellite options allow
■ Wired local and remote serial ports, ANSI®
fault and event logging, a user-configurable monitoring at any distance. With optional web-
and Modbus® RTU protocols
data sampler, and more. Displayed data include based telemetry software, users can monitor
■ Bluetooth® interface option, gearbox torque; rod load, position, and velocity; multiple fields simultaneously from virtually
■ MaxStream™ wireless radio option, pump load, position, velocity, fill, and stroke; anywhere in the world. Key parameters can be
cellular and satellite options fluid level; daily fluid production; and pressures. remotely adjusted, eliminating the need for a trip
to the wellsite.
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-64265
Horizontal multistage surface pumping system
APPLICATIONS The REDA HPS* G3 horizontal multistage surface to a central junction box. Intake and discharge
■ Lean amine recirculation pumping system is the third generation of REDA flanges and power hookups are usually the only
■ Crude oil pipeline horizontal multistage surface pumps. A reliable, required connections. When necessary, major
cost-effective solution, the centrifugal pump components can be replaced or resized to track
■ CO2 injection
provides up to 1,864 kW [2,500 hp] in a single unit. changes in applications within 2 to 3 hours, and,
■ Mine dewatering Flexible enough to be modified in the field, the due to its modular design and factory alignment,
■ Natural gas liquids pipeline system features reliable product enhancements aligning the unit before restarting the pump is kept
■ Water injection that lessen downtime. The modular design makes to a minimum.
the unit suitable for a wide variety of applications,
■ Salt dome leaching Designed for years of trouble-free service,
from simple water injection to more complex
■ Saltwater disposal refinery services and crude oil transfer. It has also the REDA HPS G3 system requires no daily
■ High-pressure wash for refineries proven to be an efficient alternative to split-case, maintenance. There are no V-belts or packing
vertical turbine, and positive displacement pumps. to service, and a typical routine maintenance
■ Boiler feed
schedule is a quarterly lubricant change and
■ Geothermal injection Prepackaged units are provided as a whole system component check. The smooth performance
■ Industrial high-pressure facilities from a single-source vendor and are delivered extends equipment life and greatly reduces the
preassembled to a site. The skid package is chance of leakage from associated piping.
BENEFITS typically prewired with instruments and cabling
■ Saves time and minimizes cost with no daily
maintenance and ease of commissioning and
piping alignment
■ Reduces downtime and quick repair, thanks
to simple reconfiguration of pumps and
■ Extends run life due to minimal vibration-
related wear and stress
■ Numerous API 610-specification-
compliant features
■ New bearing sections with enhanced pump- The modular design of the REDA HPS G3 pumping system provides rapid change-out capabilities
pressure capabilities and less heat generation of system components.
■ Seals
● One mechanical seal at the low-pressure
Performance Specifications Material Specifications
end of the pump Capacity, galUS/min 40 to 2,500 [0.15 to 9.5] Impellers and diffusers Ni-Resist™, 5530 alloy,
● Standard-mount single, double, [m3/min] coatings as required
and tandem cartridge seals Discharge pressure, Up to 6,650 [45,850] Shafts 17-4 PH, MONEL®,
■ Skid psi [kPa] and INCONEL®
● Adjustable clamp and motor Suction pressure,† Up to 4,000 [27,579] Intake and discharge Carbon steel and 316
mount locations psi [kPa] stainless steel
● Rigid box, steel frame construction Temperature range,‡ –20 to 280 [–29 to 138] Sleeve bearings Ni-Resist, ceramic,
degF [degC] tungsten carbide, silicon
● Standard or custom skid designs Power (single skid), Up to 1,864 [2,500] carbide, and Graphalloy®
● Intake that orients 270° in kW [hp] Flanges ANSI 150 to 2,500 RF
45° increments Testing capability, Up to 1,864 [2,500] and RTJ
kW [hp]
†Fluid dependent
‡Modifications required
*Mark of Schlumberger
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are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-82708
Positive displacement pump with a helical rotor spinning inside a fixed stator
APPLICATIONS KUDU PCP is a positive displacement pump with
■ Heavy, medium, and light oil wells a single helical rotor, which rotates inside a Drivehead
■ Horizontal, slant, and directional wells discharge at the top of the pump.
Rod string
■ Water source wells The PCP delivers a constant flow that is
proportional to the size of the cavity and
rotational speed of the rotor. Rotation of the PCP
■ Produces in high-viscosity and
rodstring at surface is powered by a hydraulic
high-sand-concentration fluids
or electric drive system, which causes the rotor Tag sub
■ Tolerates high percentage of free gas to spin within the fixed stator, resulting in fluid Anchor
7 being good, and 10 being excellent. Maximum recommended pump speed is 300 rpm for FKMH.
in [mm]
All technical specifications are deemed accurate, but situations may arise where additional information may be required. Please contact a representative for a technical consultation.
Rotor images are not to scale.
†Available with EVEN WALL PCP.
PCP models may vary depending on the location. Additional pump lengths and lifts are available upon request.
KUDU Tough Coat rotor coating and KUDU Top Tag* accurate rotor placement device are available for selected models. Please contact a representative for specific product offerings in your region.
*Mark of Schlumberger
EVEN WALL® is a trademark of Kächele GmbH and used under license by Schlumberger.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 16-AL-205234
Pad slant installation of all-metal PCPs with driveheads in a SAGD well, Alberta, Canada.
Artificial Lift
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2016 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 16-AL-145274
Motor Flexible shaft
■ Optional pump to discharge pressure lead extension Tubing drain
■ Control panels offer
● a variety of control algorithms including Motor centralizer
magnet motor PCP
speed control, PIP control, fluid level
control, and torque control
Pump intake
● connectivity to field data via a should
be a hyperlink
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2016 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-60137
■ Eliminates peeling and problems caused
by peeling
■ Prolongs pump run life in corrosive or
abrasive well conditions
■ Maintains PCP efficiency over time
in corrosive environment compared
to chrome
■ Reduces operating costs
■ Provides more environmentally friendly
coating process than chroming
■ Coating material fused with Tough Coat rotor coating testing.
rotor-based material
■ Nickel-based coating KUDU Tough Coat* corrosion- and abrasion- Proven performance
resistant rotor coating is an advanced spray Extensive field analyses have shown significant
metal coating applied to PCP rotors. As rotor run life improvement in light, medium, and
compared with chrome rotors, those with Tough heavy oil applications.
Coat coating provide significantly improved
resistance to corrosion and abrasion, and pump The chart below shows three consecutive rotor
more fluid over an extensive period in highly runs in the same well at the same 195 rpm. The
corrosive environments. The result is longer rotor first two chrome rotors lasted 748 and 953 days,
life, increased production efficiency, and lower with pump efficiency dropping continuously.
operating expenses. The pump with Tough Coat coating was
operating at 83% efficiency after more than
Corrosive environments 1,200 days. In 95% of field tests, Tough Coat
A rotor with Tough Coat coating running at coating prolonged rotor life in adverse conditions
400 rpm in a highly corrosive, heavy oil and continually achieved high production rates.
application is capable of maintaining the pump
at high efficiency throughout its run life. Pumps Relative Comparisons between
with rotors treated with Tough Coat coating do Tough Coat coating and Chrome Rotors
not show the significant weakening or wear Chrome 1
typical of chrome rotors in similar applications. Chrome 2
Noncorrosive environments
The Tough Coat coating also works well in Tough Coat coating 1,200+ days
748 days
characteristics. A pump with Tough Coat coating Tough Coat coating improves run life and efficiency in a
highly corrosive, medium-oil well.
can produce at very high efficiency in a light
oil well.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2016 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-59257
EVEN WALL PCP incorporates more uniform elastomer wall thickness in comparison
with conventional elastomer. EVEN WALL PCP.
● Field serviceable
Artificial Lift
system used ensures the thrust bearing is isolated from the radial loads. Thrust bearing is self-aligning to provide a uniform bearing load.
‡Not applicable.
also be fitted with an optional scrubber package for Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada.
● heat trace system
Genset configuration
KUDU power units are available for standby
electrical power or preservice power needs. Artificial Lift
Control features usually slow or shut down the pump when one or more set point limits are exceeded.
In some cases, they run specialty routines to minimize downtime or regain operation.
KUDU PCP Manager Unit Advantages KUDU PCP Manager Unit Specifications
Feature Processors CPU: 32-bit ARM7 microcontroller, 32-MHz clock,
VFD with integrated watchdog timer
KUDU PCP Microcontroller coprocessor, 20-MHz clock
Manager Unit
Memory 16-MB flash ROM, 4-MB CMOS RAM, 4-KB EEPROM
Soft start Yes Nonvolatile RAM CMOS SRAM with lithium battery retains contents
Torque limiting Yes for 2 years with no power
Autorestart capability Yes Event logging capacity 20,000 events
Manual speed control Yes Maximum database points 1,000 typical
Backspin timers Yes I/O
PRESCO-SWITCH™ bypass timers Yes Analog inputs Eight: 0–20/4–20 mA, 0–5/0–10 V,
Data logging with 8-GB Secure Digital (SD) card Yes software configurable
Real-time trending Yes Analog outputs Two: 0–20/4–20 mA
Rod speed and rod torque display Yes Digital I/O 16 digital inputs: 12/24 V, 48 V, 115/125 V, 240 V
10 relay outputs: dry contact or DC solid-state
RS485/RS232 and Modbus TCP/IP communication Yes Dry contact rating: 3 A, 30 VDC or 240 VAC (resistive)
15 well-protection settings Yes DC solid-state rating: 3 A, 60 VDC
Stuck-pump routine Yes Counter inputs One: 0–10 Hz or 0–5 kHz (dry contact)
Desanding† Yes Two: 0–10 kHz (turbine or dry contact)
Bottomhole pressure (BHP) control‡ Yes Communications
Dynamic liquid level (DLL) control§ Yes Serial port COM3 RS-232 port, 8-pin modular RJ45 jack, full or half duplex
with RTS/CTS control and operator interface power
Production optimization control†† Yes control
Production target control†† Yes Serial protocols DNP3 slave, DNP3 master, IEC60870-5-101 slave,
Cold weather package to extend use Optional IEC60870-5-103 master, Modbus RTU slave,
to –13 degF [–25 degC] Modbus RTU master, DF1
Cellular package for remote communication Optional Touchscreen Interface
Backspin control without power Optional Display type Thin-film-transistor (TFT) color LCD
†Requires surface flowmeter or downhole instrumentation ‡Requires downhole instrumentation
§Requires ††Requires surface flowmeter
Display size 5.7 in
surface pressure sensor and downhole instrumentation
Resolution 320 × 240 pixels (QVGA)
Touchpanel service life 1 million taps or more
Enclosure Specifications USB interface USB 2.0 (Type A)
Nominal height 17 in [430 mm] Local storage SD card slot (maximum 32-GB SD/SDHC
Nominal width 13 in [330 mm] Class 10 card)
Nominal depth 8 in [200 mm]
Enclosure mounting Wall mounted
Standards IEC 62208
NEMA Type 4
IP degree of protection IP66 IEC 60529
IK degree of protection IK10 IEC 62262
Fire resistance 1,760 degF [960 degC] IEC 62208
Ambient storage temperature 14 to 122 degF [–10 to 50 degC]
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-287347
rotor breakage, as the rotor is never run in compression on the tag sub.
■ Eliminates intake restriction and Engineered for maximum benefits Drivehead
intake plugging An exposed rotor in the annulus increases wellbore agitation and gas breakout. This improves the
■ Reduces loading, flushing, and coiling pump’s run life as there is more mixing of sand and oil. By eliminating plugged pump intakes, KUDU
Top Tag device simplifies troubleshooting, reduces cost compared to spring-loaded tag subs, and can
■ Provides easy access to coil into the
be easily
Rod Stringrethreaded, or removed and installed on a replacement stator.
annulus and cleanout sump
Power Unit
■ Decreases number of burnt pumps Since 2007, more than 3,200 installations of the KUDU Top Tag device have been performed,PCPindicat-
Well Manager
■ Increases fluid agitation with an exposed ing the system’s high reliability and ability to produce from high-viscosity and high-sand-cut wells.
Sucker Rod Coupling
rotor paddle in the annulus Rotor Head
■ Extends pump run life Rotor
■ Increases pump fillage and intake access Top Tag Collar
■ Minimizes components at the bottom
of pump Stator
Rod String
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2016 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-55566
■ Availability in 2.875-in [73.02 mm] EUE,
3.5-in [88.9 mm] EUE, and 4-in [101.6mm]
NU thread connections
■ Ability to be reused
■ Anticorrosion coating on body
■ Replaceable drag blocks
KUDU antivibration sub.
■ Various sizes for casing ID ranging from
5.5 to 8.625 in [139.7 to 219.1 mm] with
KUDU Antivibration Sub Specifications
a maximum outside diameter (OD) up
to 5.5 in [139.7 mm] Connection, Casing Size, Maximum OD, Length, Standard ID,
in [mm] in [mm] in [mm] in [mm] in [mm]
2.875 [73.02] EUE 5.500 [139.7] 4.35 [110.49] 15.25 [387.4] 2.50 [63.5]
2.875 [73.02] EUE 5.750 [146.1] 4.35 [110.49] 15.25 [387.4] 2.50 [63.5]
2.875 [73.02] EUE 6.625 [168.3] 4.35 [110.49] 15.25 [387.4] 2.50 [63.5]
2.875 [73.02] EUE 7.000 [177.8] 4.35 [110.49] 15.25 [387.4] 2.50 [63.5]
2.875 [73.02] EUE 177.8 [7.000] 5.50 [139.7] 17.00 [431.8] 2.50 [63.5]
2.875 [73.02] EUE 7.625 [193.7] 5.50 [139.7] 17.00 [431.8] 2.50 [63.5]
2.875 [73.02] EUE 8.625 [219.1] 5.50 [139.7] 17.00 [431.8] 2.50 [63.5]
3.5 [88.9] EUE 7.000 [177.8] 5.50 [139.7] 17.00 [431.8] 3.00 [76.2]
3.5 [88.9] EUE 7.625 [193.7] 5.50 [139.7] 17.00 [431.8] 3.00 [76.2]
3.5 [88.9] EUE 8.625 [219.1] 5.50 [139.7] 17.00 [431.8] 3.00 [76.2]
4 [101.6] NU 8.625 [219.1] 5.50 [139.7] 17.00 [431.8] 3.00 [76.2]
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2016 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-55730 Artificial Lift
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-286614
tempered, stress-relieved tool steel, ■ eccentric motion of the rotor from being
KUDU sucker rod centralizers.
which resists abrasion transmitted to the rodstring, which can be
■ Chromed rod couplings for severe rectified by placing
● one centralizer 12 ft [3.66 m] above
conditions (e.g., high sand)
the rotor head
■ Kevlar-nylon copolymer sleeve ● one centralizer on top of each of the
resists sand embedment
two full sucker rods.
■ Imperviousness to aromatics and H2S
■ wobble in the rodstring from being
with a temperature rating
transmitted to the polished rod, which
of 212 degF [100 degC]
reduces the life of the seal or stuffing
■ Tubing sizes from 27⁄8 in [73 mm] box and can be solved by placing
to 41⁄2 in [114 mm] ● one centralizer at the bottom
■ Sucker rod sizes from 7⁄8 in [22 mm] of the polished rod
● one centralizer at the bottom
to 11⁄8 in [29 mm]
of the adjacent sucker rod.
Innovative solutions from start to finish Alternate deployment conceptual and detailed designs
■■ The engineered solutions group is made up of a multidisciplinary team ■■ Designs review possible alternate deployed systems for CT systems,
of petroleum, mechanical, and electrical engineers with extensive ZEiTECS Shuttle rigless ESP deployment system, or wireline.
experience in artificial lift applications and solutions. These technical
experts provide innovative solutions from concept to design and testing. System integrated test
■■ The test ensures proper installation and testing of mechanical integrity,
Feasibility, concept, and front-end engineering design studies operational procedures, and field personnel training.
■■ Superior workflows and software packages enable the selection of the
most viable and economic lift method for a field or well, deployment Engineered completions architecture solution
options, and completions design. ■■ Experts customize specific items to suit any application as required.
Advanced and complex artificial lift designs and optimization Electrical power optimization studies
■■ Operators can create advanced and complex designs for a variety of ■■ Electrical and electronics engineers ensure units have the necessary
applications including subsea, dual ESPs, multizone, viscous fluid power supply for any application and provide guidance in surface
production, multiphase flow simulation, ESP with POD, dual bypass, equipment selection, assessment, integration, and packaging.
dual concentric, multizone commingling, and HPHT wells.
Project management
Completions design and stress analysis ■■ Risk analysis, documentation control, and changes are
■■ Tubular stress analysis verifies the integrity of the completion under the properly managed.
combined tension, compression, burst, and collapse stresses throughout
the life cycle of the well.
ESP Well Testing
Using TCP or DST to improve reservoir understanding and maximize well potential
APPLICATIONS With an established track record of ESP system
■ Exploration wells or newly drilled wells success, the artificial lift team offers operators REDA MAX*
■ Heavy oil or subsea wells an early understanding of reservoir mechanisms, ESP electrical power cable
determination of essential reservoir properties
BENEFITS and pressures, and capturing of samples for PVT
■ Ensures optimal production and analysis. A powerful combination of multiple
enhances recovery technologies including ESPs, tubing-conveyed
SenTREE 3*
■ Improves understanding of the perforating (TCP), and drillstem testing (DST)
subsea test tree
reservoir mechanisms enable operators to evaluate exploratory wells
■ Provides comprehensive artificial lift when the reservoir pressure is not sufficient for
solutions the fluids to reach the surface by natural flow.
■ Reduces potential workover cost Well testing methodology
Methodologies can vary from well to well and
are customized to meet specific exploratory or
■ Design of artificial lift equipment
development objectives, such as critical inflow
and completion
performance relationships. Based on the chosen
■ Project management methodology, the team provides accurate,
■ Reservoir analysis and interpretation high-quality well test results to ensure the right Encapsulated REDA*
■ Real-time acquisition system decisions are made for the life of the well and Maximus* ESP system
and interpretation the reservoir.
■ Modular variable speed cabins to power Integration of multiple technologies
and control the ESP This integration of multiple technologies delivers
■ reduced operating time required for IRDV* intelligent
job execution remote dual valve
■ decreased wellsite operation time to minimize
deferred production SCAR* inline independent
■ reliable reservoir information after perforating, reservoir fluid sampling
especially in wells that will be completed
using an artificial lift method
■ lower workover cost by accomplishing some Hydraulic packer
acid treatments without pulling the ESP.
Reservoir analysis
During the well test, different drawdowns could be imposed via an MVD to create the required
pressure transients and meet test objectives, and the artificial lift team has the expertise to obtain
valuable reservoir parameters from any ESP DST and/or TCP test. Every pump shutdown and startup
is an opportunity to evaluate well productivity and obtain reservoir parameters.
*Mark Support Service 239
of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-AL-67100
Assembly Repair and Testing Centers
ESP maintenance services
APPLICATIONS Maintenance, repair, and testing is vital for the performance and longevity of ESP systems.
■ ESP assembly, testing, and maintenance The goal of each assembly, repair, and test (ART) center is to extend run life, ensure maximum
■ Mechanical and electrical repairs reservoir production, and reduce the total cost of ownership of Schlumberger ESP systems
for operators.
■ Fit-for-application ESP system
■ Dismantle, inspection, and failure analysis Global ESP maintenance network
As part of our commitment to provide world-class service, Schlumberger operates a global network
ADVANTAGES of ART centers to keep ESP systems running at peak levels. Each ART center follows a quality control
■ Extends life cycle of ESP system plan developed by Schlumberger engineers to ensure zero artificial lift product defects.
■ Lowers total cost of ownership
From diagnosis through remanufacturing
■ Follows best-in-class QA/QC processes
Expert manufacturing engineers and ESP technicians have decades of experience in the repair and
■ Determines cause of run life failure remanufacturing of ESP components. Each rebuild or refurbishment of a Schlumberger ESP system
■ Reduces downtime with quick turnaround is supported with standardized diagnostic techniques, original Schlumberger parts, and the highest
standards of workmanship. No matter the downhole conditions, ART center technicians can help
optimize production and extend ESP run life throughout the life of the reservoir.
Quick turnaround
Production is critical for operators, and Schlumberger is committed to delivering reliable artificial
lift equipment safely and on-time. Each ART center and regional distribution center maintains the
inventory and equipment needed to minimize production downtime for operators while their ESP
systems are being repaired.
Schlumberger ESP system integration testing is available at ART center locations in Singapore;
Bartlesville, US; and Inverurie, UK. Each system integration test involves assembling the ESP system
within a fully instrumented test well and running the ESP under rigorous test conditions to validate
component functionality and operation.
Production composite log service
APPLICATIONS PCL* production composite log service improves ■ Surface liquid rate†
■ All ESP wells equipped with downhole well production and ESP run life by providing ■ PHI, which can be used for initial
gauges measuring both intake and real-time high-frequency liquid flow rate and calibration of rates and real-time detection
discharge, particularly water cut measurements. The high resolution of ESP performance degradation†
● wells where conventional testing
and repeatability enables inflow characterization
cannot be performed, such as subsea ■ Recommended voltage to minimize current‡
with techniques such as transient analysis in
wells, unmanned platforms, and Expected minimum current‡
drawdown, single-well simulation, and fracture ■
remote locations
● wells with flow rates too low
flow regime visualization. Maximizing ESP run life
for testing with a physical meter PCL service also provides a comprehensive The proprietary real-time pump health
● fields with large well populations that
method of tracking the operating stress endured indicator monitors real-time pump performance
preclude testing monthly by an ESP throughout its life, which contributes to degradation caused by wear, gas, viscosity, and
● wells dominated by transient scale. It also enables initial flow rate calibration
subsequent failure analysis and enables run life
conditions such as intermittent when a test separator or multiphase flowmeter
production, low mobility, or improvements.
are not available. Optimal motor voltage is also
unconventonal shale oil production
Real-time deliverables (online) calculated in real time to minimize power
BENEFITS PCL service can read and write data to and from consumption and motor temperature.
■ Extends ESP run life by enabling any historian, making it flexible enough to work
optimization of pump operating point, with most SCADA systems. For operators already Reservoir characterization reports (offline)
using the Schlumberger Lift IQ* production life The high frequency, high resolution, and high
motor current, and pump degradation in
cycle management service, a well can be repeatability of PCL service enables five types
real time using pump health indicator (PHI)
connected to the PCL service engine within of reports:
■ Optimizes drawdown by analyzing real-
a few days. The service delivers 8 parameters ■ Inflow performance relationship (IPR) curve
time rate change measurements resulting
directly to the operator’s historian and the is available either a few days after ESP
from small choke and frequency changes
production or reservoir engineer’s desk: installation with a managed frequency
■ Reduces testing costs by extending ramp-up, or by creating a multirate test with
■ Downhole liquid rate
intervals between physical tests small variations of choke, frequency, or both.
■ Operating point
■ Measures productivity index (PI), skin, It does not require measurement of reservoir
depletion, and reserves without buildups ■ Data quality indicator pressure, thereby avoiding buildups.
■ Water cut†
■ High-frequency rate measurement,
typically 1/min
■ High repeatability
■ High resolution, typically 20 bbl/d for rate
and 0.5% for water cut
■ Liquid rate features:
● Validity in transient condition
● Independence from fluid specific gravity PCL
and therefore auto-calibrating with
changing water cut
● Validity across full pump flow range
PCL service uses ESP gauge data to generate high-frequency, high-resolution, and high-repeatability flow rates that
enable reservoir characterization—without additional testing.
Flow Rates
PCL Service
Dynamically maximize Optimize completion designs Optimize water injection by Assess multistage fracturing Improve recovery with
well production and identify stimulation monitoring depletion evolution effectiveness and maximize dynamic measurement of
based on continuous candidates from skin production from flow regime reserves and drainage area
measurement measurement using visualization
of production index (PI) drawdown pressure transient
analysis (PTA) — without
ESP data is transmitted to the PCL service engine, which generates flow rates that form the basis of reservoir performance measurements that
operators can use to improve well and field performance.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-273918
■ Available for all lift types from any vendors Optimize ESPs to improve well economics
Monitoring and surveillance minimizes downtime, maximizes production, and reduces total operating
cost. Once considered only for high-value offshore wells, remote Lift IQ services are increasingly
important for achieving economic targets in large brownfields, especially where wells are widely
dispersed or where in-person troubleshooting expertise is limited.
ALSC engineers can use the data to correct discrete problems, update pump regimes to match
fluctuating conditions, or identify underperforming wells that could benefit from further pump
optimization. Available as part of the real-time Lift IQ service or independently of it, this service
analyzes flow rate and other parameters to determine overall pump efficiency and recommend
changes, if needed, to optimize performance for current well conditions.
Artificial Lift
Level 3
Well optimization Select wells for optimization ■ Increase production ■ Incremental production ■ Nodal analysis
based on production enhance- ■ Reduce cost per ■ Well intervention ■ Pressure transient analysis
ment potential barrel produced candidate count
Level 2
Lift surveillance, Proactively manage system ■ Reduce opex and capex ■ Run life, survivability, ■ Surveillance
analytics, and performance and well production ■ Reduce well interventions and MTBF ■ Remote operation
diagnostics ■ Deferred production
■ Minimize downtime and ■ Event detection
deferred production ■ Power consumption per ■ Diagnostics and optimization
■ Extend asset run life barrel ■ Production composite log
■ Optimize lift system efficiency
■ Field trips and miles driven ■ Well and field KPI and reports
and workover planning ■ ESP failure rate ■ Equipment tracking and planning
■ Increase production
■ Reduce HSE risk exposure
and field trips
Level 1
Visualization Use available data to make ■ Assess lift status in real time ■ Uptime and downtime ■ Surveillance and monitoring screens
informed decisions and optimize ■ Protect lift systems ■ Shutdown count ■ Alarms management
operations ■ Tracking of well count
The Lift IQ service improves well efficiency by monitoring and managing performance of ESP systems.
Transmission of critical well data through premium
security networks to global server
Data transmission, storage, and processing are securely managed through the Schlumberger network to deliver effective solutions quickly and using the right data, tools, and expertise.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-AL-269053
80 40 12
wells. However, once the ESPs were installed,
Motor electricity usage, A
Motor temperature, degC
Drive frequency, Hz
70 Constant ESP 35
their operation was compromised due to high
Motor load, %
■ optimum engineering packages for sizing vertical and deviated ● Proper unpackaging of the rods
■ prime movers, surface equipment, lift packages, sucker rods, guides ● Proper cleaning of the pin threads and couplings
if required, sinker bars or guided sinker rods depending on well ■ Running and makeup
conditions, downhole pumps and downhole gas separators ● Proper running of the rods into the derrick
■ in-depth sucker rod, root cause, and failure analysis reports, which ● Proper make-up procedures to achieve manufacturer’s proper
identify the failure mode: fatigue (stress, corrosion, mechanical, etc.), torque displacement
tensile (pulled in two) or manufacturer’s defects; identification by ■ Making up the polished rod correctly
acid spot testing and scale analysis for corrosion type; microstructure ● Correct torque to use in making up the polished rod and polished
analysis and a final report with a recommendation to help avoid rod clamp
repeat failures ● Differences between a sucker rod thread and a polished rod thread