U.S. v. Ney, Et Al Digest
U.S. v. Ney, Et Al Digest
U.S. v. Ney, Et Al Digest
G.R No. 3593 – 23 March 1907
J. Tracey (En Banc)
Topic: A lawyer shall not directly or indirectly assist in the unauthorized practice of law
• 1902: Court ruled Bosque was not entitled to admission to the practice of law in the Philippines as he
chose to remain a Spanish subject after sovereignty, hence not qualified for admission to the bar
• 1904: Bosque and Ney, a practicing attorney, put up a law office. Bosque said he would devote himself
to consultation and office work relating to Spanish law. The paper was headed "Law Office - Ney &
Bosque. Juan G. Bosque, jurisconsulto español - C.W. Ney, abogado americano."
• Bosque has not personally appeared in courts, and except for one oversight, papers from the office were
signed not with the firm name alone nor with any designation of the firm as attorneys, but with the words
"Ney & Bosque - C.W. Ney, abogado."
• On two occasions (1 May 1905 and 15 Sept 1906), the Court refused to consider petitions signed with
the name of the defendants
• 2 October 1906: The Court sent the papers to the Attorney-General to take appropriate action, which
resulted to the filing of this case