HHS Public Access: Bacterial Secretion Systems - An Overview
HHS Public Access: Bacterial Secretion Systems - An Overview
HHS Public Access: Bacterial Secretion Systems - An Overview
Author manuscript
Microbiol Spectr. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 March 23.
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Bacterial pathogens utilize a multitude of methods to invade mammalian hosts, damage tissue
sites, and thwart the immune system from responding. One essential component of these strategies
for many bacterial pathogens is the secretion of proteins across phospholipid membranes. Secreted
proteins can play many roles in promoting bacterial virulence, from enhancing attachment to
eukaryotic cells, to scavenging resources in an environmental niche, to directly intoxicating target
cells and disrupting their functions. Many pathogens use dedicated protein secretion systems to
secrete virulence factors from the cytosol of the bacteria into host cells or the host environment. In
general, bacterial protein secretion apparatuses can be divided into different classes, based on their
structures, functions, and specificity. Some systems are conserved in all classes of bacteria and
secrete a broad array of substrates, while others are only found in a small number of bacterial
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species and/or are specific to only one or a few proteins. In this chapter, we review the canonical
features of several common bacterial protein secretion systems, as well as their roles in promoting
the virulence of bacterial pathogens. Additionally, we address recent findings that indicate that the
innate immune system of the host can detect and respond to the presence of protein secretion
systems during mammalian infection.
One essential prokaryotic cell function is the transport of proteins from the cytoplasm into
other compartments of the cell, the environment, and/or other bacteria or eukaryotic cells —
a process known as protein secretion. Prokaryotes have developed numerous ways of
transporting protein cargo between locations, which largely involve the assistance of
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dedicated protein secretion systems. Protein secretion systems are essential for the growth of
bacteria and are used in an array of processes. Some secretion systems are found in almost
all bacteria and secrete a wide variety of substrates, while others have been identified in only
a small number of bacterial species or are dedicated to secreting only one or a few proteins.
In certain cases, these dedicated secretions systems are used by bacterial pathogens to
manipulate the host and establish a replicative niche. Other times, they are required to take
advantage of an environmental niche, perhaps by secreting proteins that help bacteria to
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compete with nearby microorganisms. There are several different classes of bacterial
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secretion systems, and their designs can differ based on whether their protein substrates
cross a single phospholipid membrane, two membranes, or even three membranes, where
two are bacterial and one is a host membrane. Due to the specificity of expression of some
of these secretion systems in bacterial pathogens, antimicrobials are being developed against
these systems to augment our current repertoire of antibiotics. This topic will be discussed in
Section VII of this textbook
Five secretion systems will be discussed in depth in subsequent chapters in this section: the
Type III Secretion System (T3SS), T4SS, T5SS, T6SS, and T7SS. In this overview, we
provide a brief introduction to a number of protein secretion systems, including those that
are not discussed in depth in succeeding chapters, in order to highlight the structural and
functional similarities and differences between these systems. Our discussions will focus on
the canonical features of each system and not the multitude of variations in each one (Table
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1). In addition, we briefly review recent findings that indicate that the innate immune system
of the host can detect and respond to the presence of protein secretion systems during
mammalian infection.
pathways are the most highly conserved mechanisms of protein secretion, and have been
identified in all domains of life (bacteria, archaea, and eukarya) (2, 14). Most proteins
transported by the Sec and Tat pathways remain inside of the cell, either in the periplasm or
the inner membrane. However, in Gram-negative bacteria, proteins delivered to the
cytoplasmic membrane or periplasm of the cell by the Sec or Tat pathways can either stay in
those compartments, or may be transported outside of the cell with the help of another
secretion system. While the Sec and Tat systems have several common elements, they
transport proteins by fundamentally different mechanisms.
conducting channel, called the SecYEG translocase (2). Additionally, a number of Gram-
positive bacteria produce Sec accessory proteins that serve important roles in the secretion
of specific proteins. While proteins secreted by the Sec apparatus can serve many roles, a
number of proteins that promote virulence of bacterial pathogens are transported through
this pathway. Pathogens that use Sec-dependent secretion to transport virulence factors
across the cytoplasmic membrane include the Gram-negative bacteria Vibrio cholerae,
Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Yersinia enterocolitica (3). Examples of Gram-positive
pathogens that employ Sec accessory systems include Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria
Export by the Sec pathway relies on a hydrophobic signal sequence at the N-terminus of the
secreted protein, which is typically 20 amino acids in length and contains 3 regions: a
positively charged amino terminal, a hydrophobic core, and a polar carboxyl-terminal (2).
Proteins that will be secreted into the periplasm or outside of the cell by the Sec pathway
contain SecB-specific signal sequences, while proteins meant to remain in the inner
membrane contain a signal recognition particle (SRP)-specific signal sequence. The
differences between these two pathways are outlined below (2).
This protein serves as a chaperone, binding to pre-secretory proteins and preventing them
from folding (8). SecB then delivers its substrates to SecA, a multi-functional protein that
both guides proteins to the SecYEG channel, and also serves as the ATPase that provides the
energy for protein translocation (9). Prior to transport through the channel, a protease protein
cleaves off the SecB signal sequence from the protein, and the secreted protein is then is
folded upon delivery to the periplasm (10). While many proteins delivered by the SecB
system remain in the periplasm, some will ultimately become extracellular. Once these
proteins are delivered to the periplasm, they can be transported across the outer membrane
with the help of the Type II and Type V secretion systems. We will discuss these Sec-
dependent mechanisms of protein secretion in detail later on in this chapter.
The Sec system can also transport proteins that are meant to remain in the inner membrane
by way of the SRP pathway (Fig 1B). Transmembrane proteins often contain hydrophobic
domains, and thus are unstable when cytoplasmic. For this reason, secretion by the SRP
pathway utilizes a co-translational mechanism of export that couples translation of the
protein by the ribosome with secretion through the SecYEG channel (11). The SRP pathway
relies on the SRP particle, which contains a small, 4.5S RNA bound to a protein called Ffh
(11). During protein secretion by this pathway, SRP first binds the transmembrane domain
of proteins as they emerge from the ribosome (12). SRP then binds the docking protein
FtsY, which delivers the ribosome-protein complex to the SecYEG channel (2). Translation
of the protein then drives the secretion of the nascent protein through the channel. During
this process, the transmembrane domain of the protein escapes through the side of the
channel into the membrane, where it remains attached (13). The mechanism of this final step
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be available extracellularly or in the periplasm and, thus, these proteins must be folded and
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The Tat pathway of protein secretion consists of 2–3 subunits: TatA, TatB, and TatC (in
Gram-positive bacteria, TatA and TatB are combined into one multi-functional protein) (16,
17). In Escherichia coli, TatB and TatC bind the signal peptide of Tat-secreted proteins and
then recruit TatA, which forms the membrane-spanning channel (18). The Tat signal
sequence contains a pair of “twin” arginines in the motif S-R-R at the N-terminus of the
folded protein (18). Whereas most proteins secreted by the Tat apparatus in Gram-positive
bacteria are released extracellularly, Tat-secreted proteins in Gram-negative bacteria can
either remain periplasmic or are transported out of the cell by the Type II Secretion System
through a mechanism that will be reviewed later in this chapter.
While the Tat pathway is important for the physiology and survival of both pathogenic and
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eukaryotic or prokaryotic target cell. Extracellular protein secretion can be a challenge for
Gram-negative bacteria, because these secreted proteins must cross two (and, in some cases,
three) phospholipid membranes in order to reach their final destination (Fig 3). Some
secreted proteins in Gram-negative bacteria traverse these membranes in two separate steps,
where they are first delivered to the periplasm through the Sec or Tat secretion systems, as
discussed in the preceding section, and are then transferred across the outer membrane by a
second transport system. This process is known as Sec- or Tat-dependent protein secretion.
Additionally, many other proteins are secreted through channels that span both the inner and
outer bacterial membranes through a process known as Sec- or Tat-independent protein
secretion. The dedicated secretion systems in Gram-negative bacteria are numbered Type I
through Type VI, with each system transporting a specific subset of proteins. These systems
all rely on β-barrel channels that form a ring in the outer membrane of the bacterial cell, but
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otherwise exhibit a fair amount of diversity in their structures and mechanistic functions, as
will be outlined below.
membranes (recently reviewed in (25)). Unlike other protein transport systems found in
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T1SSs have three essential structural components: an ABC transporter protein in the inner
membrane, a membrane fusion protein (MFP) that crosses the inner membrane and bridges
it to the outer membrane factor (OMF) in the outer membrane (25). The ABC transporter
component associated with the T1SS has several critical functions – it catalyzes ATP to
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provide the energy to transport the substrate, interacts with the MFP, and participates in
substrate recognition (28). The MFP associates with the ABC transporter in the inner
membrane and spans the periplasm to associate with the OMF (29–31). In addition, the
cytoplasmically located N-terminus of the MFP is believed to play a role in substrate
selection (30, 32). The OMF generates a pore in the outer membrane, through which the
substrate passes in an unfolded state. Interestingly, T1SSs often use the multi-purpose
protein TolC as their OMF (27). This pore-forming protein is also used to export molecules
and other compounds, and is recruited to the MFP after the ABC transporter and MFP have
contacted a substrate(32).
The T1SS ABC transporters have been further divided into three groups based on their N-
terminal sequences (reviewed in (28)). One class of ABC transporters contains a C39
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peptidase domain, which belongs to the papain superfamily structural motif. The C39-
peptidase-containing ABC-transporters are critical for recognizing and cleaving the N-
termini of substrates. An example of a T1SS substrate with a C39 peptidase domain is
Colicin V of E. coli (33). A second class of ABC transporters contains a C39-like peptidase
domain (CLD) that lacks proteolytic activity and, therefore, does not cleave its designated
substrates (34). Substrates of CLD-containing ABC transporters generally contain RTX
motifs and are much larger than those secreted by a C39-containing peptidase ABC
transporter. Interestingly, RTX motifs bind to calcium at extracellular, but not intracellular
levels. Because calcium binding promotes the folding of these proteins, these large
substrates are able to remain unfolded inside the cell (35). Finally, a third class of T1SS
ABC transporters lacks any additional sequences in the N-terminal domain. Their substrates
may or may not contain RTX motifs but are smaller in size than substrates transported by
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CLD-containing ABC transporters and contain secretion signals at their C-termini (27).
mucosal barriers, and additionally, can damage effector immune cells, which prevents
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proteins as well (40). Because proteins destined for secretion by the T2SS apparatus must
first pass through the Sec or Tat inner membrane transporters, T2SS substrates must have a
Sec- or Tat-type cleavable signal sequence at their N termini (3). Additionally, because the
T2SS secretes folded substrates, proteins transported across the cytoplasmic membrane by
the Sec pathway must be folded in the periplasm prior to export through the T2SS.
T2SSs have a broad specificity and are capable of secreting a diverse array of substrates
outside of the bacterial cell, some of which contribute to the virulence of bacterial pathogens
(3). In some bacterial species, the T2SS is required for the secretion of multiple substrates,
while in others, it is only used to transport a single protein (41). These secreted proteins
have a range of biological functions, but are generally enzymes, such as proteases, lipases,
and phosphatases, as well as several proteins that process carbohydrates (3).
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T2SSs are complex and consist of as many as 15 different proteins, which can be broken
into four subassemblies: the outer-membrane complex, the inner-membrane platform, the
secretion ATPase, and the pseudopilus (3). As its name suggests, the outer-membrane
complex resides in the outer membrane, where it serves as the channel through which folded
periplasmic T2SS substrates are translocated (42). This channel is composed of a multimeric
protein called the secretin. The secretin has a long N terminus, which is believed to extend
all the way to the periplasm to make contact with other T2SS proteins in the inner
membrane (42). The inner membrane platform, which is composed of multiple copies of at
least 4 proteins, is embedded in the inner membrane and extends into the periplasm,
contacting the secretin. This platform plays a crucial role in the secretion process, by
communicating with the secretin, pseudopilus, and the ATPase to coordinate export of
substrates (3). The ATPase is located in the cytoplasm and provides the energy to power the
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system. As its name implies, the T2SS pseudopilus is evolutionarily related and structurally
similar to proteins that comprise type IV pili on bacterial cell surfaces, as well as some
bacterial competence systems (43). Therefore, one model for secretion through the T2SS
channel proposes that these pseudopili retract in order to push the folded T2SS substrate
through the outer membrane channel. In this “piston” model, “secretion-competent” proteins
in the periplasm contact the periplasmic domain of the secretin. This interaction is believed
to stimulate the cytoplasmic ATPase to drive retraction of the T2SS pseudopili, which push
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A number of bacterial pathogens employ T2SSs to transport virulence factors outside of the
cell. Examples of T2SS substrates that are important for virulence in a mammalian host
include the cholera toxin of V. cholerae (46), which causes the watery diarrhea associated
with the disease cholera, and exotoxin A of P. aeruginosa (47), which blocks protein
synthesis in host cells, leading to lethal infection by this bacterium. Still, other pathogens
use their T2SSs to secrete enzymes that help them adapt to their environment, which can
include plant and animal hosts. These pathogens include Legionella pneumophila (48),
enterotoxigenic and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (ETEC and EHEC) (49–51), K. pneumoniae
(52), Aeromonas hydrophila (53), and Dickeya dadantii (54).
Type III secretions systems (T3SSs) are found in a large number of Gram-negative bacterial
pathogens and symbionts (reviewed in (55)). T3SSs have been described as “injectisomes”
and “needle and syringe”-like apparatuses because of their structure (see Fig. 3). They
secrete a wide variety of proteinaceous substrates across both the inner and outer bacterial
membranes. In addition, most T3SSs also transport substrates into a target eukaryotic cell
membrane in the same step and, therefore, actually transport proteins across three
membranes. Secretion of T3SS substrates is generally thought to be a one-step process,
although recently this notion has been challenged in Yersinia (discussed below). T3SS
substrates are generically called effector proteins. Pathogens may secrete only a few
effectors proteins, as in the cases of Pseudomonas and Yersinia, or several dozen, as in the
cases of Shigella and EHEC. Secretion signals are embedded within the N-termini of T3SS
substrates and are not cleaved. Many, but not all T3SS effectors have chaperones that guide
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them to the T3SS base, where they are secreted in an ATP-dependent, unfolded state.
The T3SS has a core of 9 proteins that are highly conserved among all known systems
(reviewed in (56, 57)). They share 8 of these proteins with the flagellar apparatus found in
many bacteria and are evolutionarily related to flagellin (58). In addition to these 9 core
proteins, T3SSs have an additional 10 to 20 proteins that play either essential or important
roles in their function. The structural components of T3SSs are typically encoded in a few
operons, which can be found either in pathogenicity islands in the bacterial chromosome or
on plasmids. Because T3SSs are typically horizontally acquired, bacteria that are
evolutionary distinct may have closely related systems and vice versa (58). For example, the
genomes of Shigella and E. coli are highly homologous, yet the Shigella T3SS is more
similar to the Salmonella T3SS than it is to systems found in the E. coli pathogens EHEC
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and EPEC. Seven families of T3SSs have been proposed primarily based on the homology
of their extracellularly elaborated needles, tips, and translocons (58).
The T3SS can be broken down into three main components: a base complex or basal body,
the needle component, and the translocon (56). The base complex contains cytoplasmic
components and spans the inner and outer membrane, forming a socket-like structure
consisting of several rings with a center rod (59). In most systems it is comprised of at least
15 proteins (56, 57). Encased by and emanating from this socket and rod-like structure is a
filament called the needle, which extends through the secretin and into the extracellular
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space (59). The T3SS needle has an inner hollow core that is wide enough to permit an
unfolded effector to traverse (60, 61). Excitingly, recent work has visualized a ‘trapped’
effector protein by cryo-EM and single particle analysis, supporting the model that
substrates can traverse through the needle (62, 63).
The T3SS tip complex, which resides on the outer end of the needle, is critical for sensing
contact with host cells and regulating secretion of effectors (64, 65). It is also necessary for
insertion of the translocon into host cell membranes (65, 66). The T3SS translocon is
essential for passage of effectors through host cell membranes, but not for secretion of
effectors outside of the bacterium (67, 68). Translocons are assembled upon contact with
host cells and form a pore that is essential for effector delivery (66). Recently, however, an
alternative two-step model of translocation of Type 3 effectors has been proposed, where
effectors and translocon components are secreted prior to host cell contact and remain
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associated with the bacteria, perhaps in lipid vesicles (69, 70). After contact with host cells,
perhaps sensed through the needle, the translocon and tip proteins form a pore through
which the effectors pass. Additional experiments are needed to determine the mechanism by
which translocation occurs.
Translocation of T3SS effectors into host cells is essential for the virulence of many
pathogens, including pathogenic species of Yersinia, Salmonella, and Shigella (55). Over the
last 25 years, much work has focused on understanding the functions of T3SS effector
proteins. Their functions vary widely among different pathogens and how they jointly
orchestrate their effects on host cells is still being elucidated (71–74). Many of these
effectors remodel normal cellular functions to enable the pathogen to establish an infectious
niche either within the host cell or in mammalian tissue sites. Impressively, the study of
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these effectors has provided fundamental insights into a number of different facets of
eukaryotic cell biology.
proteins, they can serve a variety of functions, including conjugative transfer of DNA, DNA
uptake and release, and translocation of effector proteins or DNA/protein complexes directly
into recipient cells.
Despite the diversity in their substrates and functions, all T4SSs are evolutionarily related,
sharing common components and operating in a similar manner (76). For that reason, the
remainder of this section will focus on the VirB/D system of Agrobacterium tumeficans as a
model of Type IV Secretion. A. tumeficans uses its T4SS to transport oncogenic T-DNA into
plant cells, and has served as the paradigm for studying T4SS assembly and function (77).
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The VirB/D T4SS contains 12 proteins, named VirB1-VirB11 and VirD4 (78). Most of these
proteins are membrane associated and multi-copy, interacting with themselves and each
other. The VirB6-10 proteins are found in the periplasm, inner and outer membranes, and
form the secretion channel as well as its accessory proteins. VirB4, VirB11, and VirD4
localize to the inner membrane and serve as the ATPases that power the system. VirD4 also
functions as a coupling protein, binding proteins prior to secretion through the channel.
Generally, T4SSs also include an extracellular pilus, composed of a major (VirB2) and
minor (VirB5) subunit.
The process of substrate secretion through the T4SS apparatus is still an active area of
investigation. However, it is believed that substrate DNA or protein first makes contact with
VirD4, which functions as a molecular “gate” at the base of the secretion apparatus (79).
VirD4 then transfers the substrate to VirB11, which delivers the substrate to the inner
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membrane channel complex. Finally, the substrate is transferred across the periplasm to the
outer membrane protein complex. It is not currently known what role the T4SS pilus plays
in the secretion process. Some believe that the pilus may serve merely as an attachment
device, allowing bacteria to come into tight contact with target cells (78). Still, others have
predicted that the pilus may actually serve as the conduit for substrate translocation,
particularly into target cells (80). Work to determine which of these two models is correct is
currently ongoing.
T4SSs play pivotal roles in the pathogenesis of a wide range of bacteria. Notable examples
of bacterial pathogens that employ T4SSs for virulence are Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which
uses its T4SS to mediate DNA uptake (which promotes virulence gene acquisition)(81), and
L. pneumophila, Brucella suis, and Helicobacter pylori, which use their T4SSs to translocate
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effector proteins into host cells during infection to disrupt their defense strategies (82).
These effector proteins have a wide range of functions. For example, the intracellular
pathogen L. pneumophila uses its T4SS to translocate more than 200 effector proteins into
the host cell, where they play important roles in remodeling the host cell architecture in
order to create a vacuole suitable for bacterial replication (83). A major focus in the T4SS
field is now on understanding the roles these effector proteins affect host cell functions. In
addition to enhancing our understanding of host-pathogen interactions, these studies have
also led to novel insights into eukaryotic cellular biology.
Most well known T5SS substrates are virulence proteins, serving as toxins and receptor-
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binding proteins. Some examples of T5SS substrates that play important roles in
pathogenesis include the immunoglobulin A protease of N. gonorrhoeae, which cleaves host
antibodies (87), the IcsA protein of Shigella flexneri (88), which promotes actin-based
intracellular motility and also serves as an adhesin (89), and YadA of Y. enterocolitica (90),
which helps to promote translocation of T3SS substrates into host cells, and assists in
mediating resistance to attack by the host complement system (91). T5SSs can be separated
into three classes, depending on the number of proteins involved in the secretion process.
These classes include autotransporter secretion, two-partner secretion, and chaperone-usher
secretion (92).
Autotransporter secretion
The most simplistic form of Type V secretion is known as the autotransporter system. As its
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name implies, autotransporters contain components that allow them to secrete themselves
(92). More specifically, autotransporters contain 3–4 domains: a translocator domain at the
C-terminus that forms the outer membrane channel, a linker domain, a passenger domain
that contains the functional part of the autotransporter protein, and sometimes, a protease
domain that cleaves off the passenger domain once it passes through the channel (85).
Following secretion of the unfolded autotransporter protein through the inner membrane, the
translocator domain assembles in the outer membrane, forming a 12-stranded β-barrel,
usually with the help of a number of accessory factors, including the periplasmic chaperone
Skp and the Bam complex (93, 94). The flexible linker domain then leads the passenger
domain through the channel to the outside of the cell. Once the transporter domain has
reached the outside of the cell, it is either released by its own protease domain or remains
attached to the translocator domain and protrudes outside the cell (85).
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Two-partner secretion
While the majority of T5SS substrates are secreted via the autotransporter mechanism, a few
rely on different polypeptides for transport outside of the cells. In a process called two-
partner secretion, a pair of proteins participates in the secretion process, in which one
partner carries the β-barrel domain, while the other partner serves as the secreted protein
(95). Two-partner secretion has been observed in a large variety of Gram-negative bacteria
and is primarily responsible for transporting large virulence proteins, such as the filamentous
haemagglutinin of Bordetella pertussis and the high-molecular weight adhesins HWM1 and
HWM2 of Haemophilus influenzae (96, 97).
Chaperone-usher secretion
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A third subcategory of T5SSs involves proteins secreted with the help of two other proteins:
the usher protein, which forms the β-barrel channel in the outer membrane, and the
chaperone, a periplasmic protein that facilitates folding of the secreted protein prior to
delivery to the channel (98). Chaperone-usher systems are commonly used to assemble
pilins on the surface of Gram-negative bacteria, such as the P pilus of uropathogenic E. coli
Type VI secretion systems (T6SSs) are the most recent bacterial secretion systems to be
discovered (99) and, therefore, there is still much to learn about their structure and functions.
T6SSs translocate proteins into a variety of recipient cells, including eukaryotic cell targets
and, more commonly, other bacteria (100). These systems are fairly well conserved in a
wide-range of Gram-negative bacterial species, with nearly a quarter of sequenced genomes
containing genes for T6SS components (101). Unlike many of the other characterized Gram-
negative secretion systems, T6SSs are capable of transporting effector proteins from one
bacterium to another in a contact-dependent manner, which is believed to play a role in
bacterial communication and interactions in the environment (100).
T6SSs are very large, with up to 21 proteins encoded within a contiguous gene cluster (100).
Thirteen of these proteins appear to be conserved in all T6SSs and are thought to play a
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structural role in the secretion apparatus. Intriguingly, T6SSs share structural homology to
phage tails, and it has been hypothesized that T6SSs may have arisen from inverted phage
tails that eject proteins outside of the bacterial cell rather than injecting them inside the cell
(Fig. 3) (102). It has been proposed that some structural components of the T6SS apparatus
may also serve as effector proteins, though other T6SS effector proteins have also been
identified. These effectors have many forms and functions, with many directed against the
bacterial cell wall and membrane, which supports a role for this secretion apparatus in
promoting interspecies bacterial competition (100, 101). Lending further credence to this
hypothesis, many T6SS effectors are encoded alongside a gene that provides immunity to
the effector, thereby preventing self-intoxication (100).
T6SSs are hypothesized to contribute to the virulence of some bacterial pathogens, both
through delivery of protein substrates to host cells, and by secreting substrates into
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neighboring bacteria that may be competing to exploit a specific host niche. While we know
that many bacterial pathogens, including P. aeruginosa, V. cholerae, and S. marcescens are
able to use their T6SSs under laboratory conditions (101–103), the mechanisms of how
these T6SSs contribute to survival in the environment (and in mammalian infection) have
not been determined.
which are used by pathogens to transport important virulence factors out of the cell during
mammalian infection.
SecA2 Secretion
As we discussed earlier in this chapter, the Sec secretion pathway is one of the most
conserved mechanisms of protein export and is found in all classes of bacteria. As
mentioned above, an essential component of post-translational Sec export (through the SecB
pathway) is the targeting and ATPase protein SecA. For years, it was thought that all
bacteria contained a single SecA protein; however, recent discoveries have shown that many
Gram-positive organisms, including L. monocytogenes, Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium
difficile, M. tuberculosis, and Corynbacteria glutamicum, actually contain two SecA
homologues, called SecA1 and SecA2 (reviewed in (104, 105)) (Fig. 4). In these organisms,
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SecA1 is essential, and aids in the secretion of proteins via the canonical Sec pathway, as
described earlier in this chapter. In contrast, SecA2 is seldom required for growth under
standard laboratory conditions, and is used to export a smaller set of proteins. Generally,
SecA2 substrates are involved in stress responses and/or cell wall modifications, repair and
metabolism. While SecA2 is often not essential for growth under normal laboratory
conditions, it is required under specific stress conditions and has also been linked to
It is currently thought that the SecYEG core transporter transports SecA2 substrates and that
SecA2 provides an additional means of regulation of specific substrates. The SecA2 protein,
like SecA, contains two nucleotide-binding domains, a pre-protein cross-linking domain, a
helical wing and helical scaffold domain, and a C- terminal domain (106). However, most
SecA2 proteins are smaller than their corresponding SecA homologs, because they have
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small deletions in one of these domains (107). These deletions may alter the rate of ATP
hydrolysis, the interaction with the rest of the Sec apparatus, and/or the location of SecA2
molecules (108, 109). For these reasons, secretion of the substrates associated with SecA2
molecules may be regulated differently compared to secretion of SecA substrates.
Although some information has been gleaned from studies of SecA2 in various bacteria,
there are a number of unanswered questions about SecA2 systems. While it appears most
likely that SecA2 substrates are secreted through the normal SecYEG secretion system,
SecA2 interactions with other transporters cannot be ruled out. Likewise, it is unclear how
SecA2 interacts with SecYEG and how SecA versus SecA2 substrates are selected for
secretion, if indeed both are directed to the same core apparatus. Finally, how SecA2
discriminates among potential substrates is poorly understood.
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A number of Streptococci and Staphylococci express a second Sec secretion system called
aSec or SecA2-SecY2. These systems not only contain SecA2, but also have other proteins
that serve to transport SecA2 substrates, including SecY2 and at least three accessory Sec
transport proteins. aSec systems typically transport large, highly glycosylated cell-wall
anchor proteins with serine-rich repeats (SRR) (110, 111). These SRR glycosylated proteins
function as adhesins in a number of Streptococcus and Staphylococcus species, and can
contribute to virulence in these pathogens.
In contrast to bacteria that only express SecA1, bacteria expressing aSec are thought to
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transport substrates through a channel called SecY2. SecY2 lacks the cytoplasmic loops in
SecY that normally interact with SecA1, and therefore SecA1 bound substrates are unlikely
to interact with SecY2 transporters (107). In addition, there are three accessory proteins in
this system, whose roles are not yet understood, although they are essential for secretion of
these glycoproteins (112). All of these proteins localize to the membrane and cytosol and
may help deliver the SecA2-substrate complex to SecY2, open the pore, assist in transport of
the substrate, and participate in complete glycosylation of these substrates.
Like their Gram-negative counterparts, many Gram-positive pathogens express proteins on
their outer surfaces that assist in survival during infection of a mammalian host. Because
Gram-positive bacteria lack an outer membrane, these proteins must embed themselves into
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the Gram-positive cell wall in order to be retained on the outer surface of the bacterium. In
order to fulfill this function, Gram-positive bacteria encode a class of enzymes, called
sortases, which covalently attach proteins to the cell wall following secretion across the
cytoplasmic membrane (reviewed in (113, 114)).
Most Gram-positive bacteria express a variety of sortases, which can range in specificity.
For example, the general, “housekeeping” sortases, SrtA, can attach as many as 40 proteins
to the cell wall, while other sortases are specific for only one or two proteins (114). Sortases
carry out covalent linkages of proteins to the cell wall in a catalytic reaction called
transpeptidation. Targets of SrtA typically contain an N-terminal signal peptide, as well as a
30–40 residue C-terminal cell wall sorting (cws) signal, which is composed of a
pentapeptide cleave site, LPXTG, and a hydrophobic domain(114, 115). Proteins destined
for cell wall attachment by SrtA are first targeted to the Sec translocase by their N-terminal
Author Manuscript
signal sequences and are translocated across the membrane through the canonical Sec
pathway. Next, the sorting signals of these proteins are processed by SrtA, which cuts
between the threonine and glycine residues of their LPXTG sites (114, 115). The carboxyl
group of the threonine is then covalently linked to a cysteine residue on the C terminus of
the sortase, effectively cleaving off the C-terminus of the original protein (114, 115).
Finally, this intermediate is covalently attached to the amino group on the cell wall precursor
lipid II. This modified lipid II is then incorporated into peptidoglycan during cell wall
synthesis, effectively embedding the SrtA substrate into the cell wall. Other sortases attach
their substrates via a similar catalytic reaction to that used by SrtA, but they have
specificities for different LPXTG motifs and amino groups.
Sortases are found in nearly all Gram-positive bacteria and, as mentioned above, process
Author Manuscript
some proteins that contribute to the virulence of many pathogens. Pili are a classical
example of cell surface proteins in Gram-positive bacteria (113, 114). These filamentous
protein structures are often involved in adhering to and invading host tissue sites during
infection. Pili are typically composed of a major subunit, called pilin, and one or more minor
subunits, which are usually assembled sequentially using specialized sortases (113, 114).
Pathogens that are known to utilize pili during infection include Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Streptococcus pyogenes, and S. aureus (113, 114).
Not all secreted proteins in Gram-positive bacteria will remain embedded in the cell wall.
Rather, many proteins exported across the cytoplasmic membrane by the Sec or Tat
pathways will eventually be released into the extracellular environment, often through
passive diffusion through the peptidoglycan layer. Additionally, some Gram-positive
organisms use a separate secretion apparatus (named the T7SS) to export certain proteins
across the cytoplasmic membrane and, potentially, through the cell wall.
Like the T3SS and T4SS effectors of Gram-negative bacteria, some proteins secreted by
Gram-positive pathogens will be delivered to the cytoplasmic compartments of eukaryotic
host cells. The mechanisms by which Gram-positive effector proteins reach the cytoplasm of
eukaryotic cells are varied, and are in large part exemplified by the self-translocating AB
toxin model of delivery. However, recent evidence suggests that some Gram-positive
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organisms may actually use a protein secretion apparatus to directly deliver certain effector
proteins to eukaryotic cells (116).
dependent cytolysins (CDCs), which bind cholesterol on the surface of eukaryotic cells and
insert into their membranes, creating pores (118). Following pore formation by SLO, SPN is
translocated across the plasma membrane by Sec, and into the eukaryotic cell through the
pore (119). Once it reaches the cytosol of host cells, SPN cleaves the glycosidic bond of β-
NAD+ to produce nicotinamide and ADP-ribose, a potent second messenger — thereby
disrupting normal cell functions (120). For this reason, SPN serves as a major virulence
factor for Streptococcus pyogenes, particularly during severe infections with this bacterium.
Interestingly, there is some evidence that SPN translocation is not simply the result of
diffusion of effectors through the pore (116, 121). Rather, some have speculated that a
protected channel is formed between the bacterium and the translocation apparatus, similar
to the T3SS (see Fig. 4). However, much more work still needs to be done to determine
whether this model is accurate.
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transport more difficult for these species of bacteria. Therefore, these bacteria utilize
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specialized mechanisms for protein transport across their inner and mycomembranes, called
Type VII secretion systems (T7SSs) (reviewed in (105, 122, 123)) (see Fig. 5). T7SSs were
originally identified in M. tuberculosis in 2003 (124), where they are called ESX systems.
These systems have now been identified in a number of bacteria in the order
Corynebacteriales. In addition, analogous substrates and some components of these systems
have also been identified in a number of Gram-positive organisms that lack
mycomembranes, including the pathogens S. aureus, Bacillus anthracis, and L.
monocytogenes ut
The core structural components of T7SSs, and frequently their substrates, are typically
encoded in linked gene clusters (123). In general, five core structural proteins appear in most
of these gene clusters. These core components, called EccB, EccC, EccD, EccE and MycP in
the ESX systems, are all membrane proteins (128). All except EccD have hydrophobic
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domains and thus all may interact with various other accessory components in the cytoplasm
or peptidoglycan layer, such as chaperones or the cytosolic protein, EccA, which may
supply the source of energy for substrate transport (129). The four membrane associated Ecc
proteins from ESX-5 form a large inner membrane complex, which presumably contains a
channel through which the substrates traverse (128). The fifth component, MycP, is a
mycosin, or subtilisin-like protease. The role of MycP in protein translocation through the
T7SS is not completely understood, however, it is believed to play an important role in the
regulation of secretion (130). T7SSs also have a variable number of additional proteins that
are important for the function of specific systems. For instance, some systems may derive
energy from the EccA cytosolic protein, an ATPase associated with diverse cellular
activities (129) Other T7SSs may use energy generated by EccCb1, a protein that forms a
SpoIIIE-type ATPase with the integral membrane component EccCa1 (131). Additionally,
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in Mycobacteria, chaperones are used to recognize specific substrates and target them to
specific ESX systems (132).
While there has been tremendous amount of work done to understand the mechanism of
protein translocation through the T7SS since its discovery 12 years ago, we do not yet
understand how substrates navigate through the mycomembrane. The mycomembrane has
been likened to the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria based on electron
microscopy studies, so presumably there should be factors required for passage through this
layer (133, 134). It remains to be seen whether some of the already recognized components
of the T7SS, or other not yet identified factors, are critical for passage through this barrier.
T7SSs play a variety of roles in bacterial physiology and pathogenesis. The first system
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identified, ESX-1, is a major virulence factor in M. tuberculosis (135, 136). To date, five
T7SS have been identified in Mycobacteria, named ESX-1 thru ESX-5, although not all
Mycobacteria harbor all five systems (137). In fact, only ESX-3 and ESX-4 are found in all
Mycobacterial species. Curiously, although ESX-4 appears to be the most ancient system,
secretion from ESX-4 has not yet been demonstrated and it lacks several genes found in
most other systems. Secretion from ESX-2 has also not been demonstrated.
While some T7SSs can contribute to virulence, as outlined above, not all of these systems
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function in virulence or even in secretion of substrates. For example, the T7SS in Listeria
does not appear essential for virulence (126). Likewise the ESX-1, which is essential for the
virulence of M. tuberculosis, is also present in the non-pathogenic M. smegmatis, where it
functions in conjugation of DNA substrates (reminiscent of some T4SS) (138). In M.
tuberculosis, ESX-3 secreted substrates are critical in iron acquisition and growth in vitro
(139), whereas ESX-1 and ESX-5 are essential for virulence but not for growth in medium
(124, 140). Thus, these systems apparently play diverse roles depending on the species of
Mycobacteria. This diversity of function is likely to be also true in their roles in other
immunity has been the study of how the mammalian immune system discriminates between
pathogenic and commensal bacteria. One way in which innate immune systems recognize
pathogens is through the utilization of specific receptors and immune cell proteins that sense
mechanisms, or patterns, of bacterial pathogenesis (141). This is in contrast to simply
sensing molecules carried by both pathogens and commensals, such as lipopolysaccharide
(LPS) or peptidoglycan. As discussed in this chapter, one hallmark of bacterial infection for
many pathogens is the use of dedicated protein secretion systems to directly deposit effector
proteins or toxins into mammalian tissue sites and/or host cells. For this reason, the
mammalian innate immune system has developed strategies to detect the use of bacterial
secretion systems and/or their secreted substrates during infection (141). Because bacterial
secretion of virulence proteins can occur by many different mechanisms, the host immune
system has developed multiple methods of sensing these processes (Fig. 6).
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One mechanism by which the innate immune response can detect bacterial secretion systems
is by sensing the cytosolic access of bacterial products. These products are often small
molecules, such as peptidoglycan, flagellin, and LPS, which can be aberrantly translocated
into the bacterial cytoplasm through bacterial secretion systems. Because these receptors are
limited to the bacterial cytosol, their activation would be indicative of the specific use of a
secretion system by an invading pathogen. One such example is the family of cytoplasmic
receptors called Nod-like receptors (NLRs), which can directly sense cytosolic molecules,
including LPS and flagellin (141). Activation of these receptors leads to a cascade of
signaling that ultimately induces the production of inflammatory cytokines. Additionally,
the immune system has developed methods to directly sense the translocation of secreted
effectors. For example, recent findings have shown that macrophages can sense
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manipulation of Rho GTPases by the Yersinia T3SS effector YopE (142). Following
detection of this signal, macrophages mount (through an unknown mechanism) a response
that ultimately results in clearance of intracellular bacteria.
The mammalian innate immune system can also detect the disruption of membranes by
pore-forming proteins, such as the translocons of T3SSs or the CDCs of Gram-positive
pathogens, which are often secreted or inserted by bacterial secretion systems that directly
deliver effector proteins to target cells. For example, pore formation by SLO of
Streptococcus pyogenes has been shown to activate the NLR family receptor NLRP3 (143).
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This activation eventually stimulates the production of inflammatory cytokines that help the
host to respond to and clear the infection.
Finally, there is some evidence that the host immune system can detect components of
secretion channels that protrude out of the bacterial membrane, such as the T3SS needle and
components of the translocon. Recently, it has been shown that recognition of several T3SS
needle proteins, including YscF of Yersinia and MxiH from Shigella, can induce
proinflammatory cytokine production in host cells (144).
Bacterial pathogens utilize a multitude of methods to invade mammalian hosts, damage
tissue sites, and thwart the immune system from responding. One essential component of
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these strategies for many bacterial pathogens is the secretion of proteins across phospholipid
membranes. Secreted proteins can play many roles in promoting bacterial virulence, from
enhancing attachment to eukaryotic cells, to scavenging resources in an environmental
niche, to directly intoxicating target cells and disrupting their functions. As we discussed in
this chapter, these proteins may be transferred out of the bacterial cytoplasm through a
variety of mechanisms, usually involving the use of dedicated protein secretion systems. For
this reason, the study of protein secretion systems has been an important focus in the field of
bacterial pathogenesis. The remaining chapters in this section will offer a more detailed
focus on the molecular and functional characteristics of some of these secretion systems.
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may be released extracellularly with the help of an additional secretion system. (A) Proteins
destined for the periplasm (or extracellular release) are translocated by a post-translational
mechanism and contain a removable signal sequence recognized by the SecB protein. SecB
binds pre-secretory proteins and prevents them from folding, while also delivering its
substrates to SecA. SecA both guides proteins to the SecYEG channel, and also serves as the
ATPase that provides the energy for protein translocation. Following transport through the
SecYEG channel, proteins are folded in the periplasm. (B) The Sec pathway utilizes a co-
translational mechanism of export to secrete proteins destined for the inner membrane.
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These proteins contain a signal sequence recognized by the SRP particle. During translation,
SRP binds target proteins as they emerge from the ribosome, and recruits the docking
protein FtsY. FtsY delivers the ribosome-protein complex to the SecYEG channel, which
translocates the nascent protein across the cytoplasmic membrane. During translocation
across the channel, the transmembrane domain is able to escape through the side of the
channel into the membrane, where the protein remains attached.
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Bacteria secrete folded proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane using the Tat secretion
pathway. This pathway consists of 2–3 components (TatA, TatB, and TatC). In Gram-
negative bacteria, TatB and TatC bind a specific N-terminal signal peptide containing a
“twin” arginine motif on folded Tat secretion substrates. TatB and TatC then recruit TatA to
the cytoplasmic membrane, where it forms a channel. Folded proteins are then translocated
across the channel and into the periplasm. In Gram-negative bacteria, these proteins may
remain in the periplasm, or can be exported out of the cell by the T2SS.
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Gram-negative protein secretion systems transport their substrates across both bacterial
membranes in a onestep, Sec- or Tat-independent process. These include the T1SSs, T3SSs,
T4SSs, and T6SSs. All of these pathways contain periplasm-spanning channels and secrete
proteins from the cytoplasm outside the cell, however, their mechanisms of protein secretion
are quite different. Three of these secretion systems, the T3SS, T4SS, and T6SS can also
transport proteins across an additional host cell membrane, delivering secreted proteins
directly to the cytosol of a target cell.
Author Manuscript
cell wall. These organisms can secrete proteins across the membrane using the Tat and Sec
secretion systems. In contrast to Gram-negative organisms, many Gram-positive bacteria use
an additional factor for Sec secretion of a smaller subset of proteins, called SecA2.
Additionally, there is evidence that some Gram-positive bacteria may use dedicated
secretion apparatuses, called “injectosomes” to transport proteins from the bacterial
cytoplasm into the cytoplasm of a host cell in a 2-step process. The specific mechanism of
this process has not been determined, though it has been proposed that the injectosome may
utilize a protected channel to transport proteins across the cell wall during export.
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Table 1
Secretion Apparatus Secretion Signal Steps in Secretion Folded Substrates? Number of Membranes Gram (+) or Gram (−)