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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2016 625

ISSN 2250-3153

Translucent Concrete by Using Optical Fibers and Glass


S.S.V.P.S.B.S.D.College Of Engineering And Polytechnic Dhule (Ms)

Abstract- Concrete is traditionally a solid, substantial building 2. Versatile- Multi applications possible from one light
material. It needs to makeover. Small buildings are replaced by source.
high rise buildings and skyscraper. This arises one of the major 3. User friendly- The cable is durable, UV protected plastic
problem in deriving natural light in building, due to obstruction so there is nothing to break or burn out, virtually maintenance
of nearby structures. To overcome this problem, artificial sources free.
are used to illuminate building, but artificial light leads to These optical fibers have great light transmission capability.
increase of heat level in the buildings. To evaluate the The typical fibers today are made out of glass or plastic since it is
effectiveness of the smart transparent concrete, the present study possible to make them thin and long. Also both glass and plastic
aims at producing the concrete specimens by combining glass are transparent at particular Wavelengths, which allow the fiber
rods and optical fibers with different percentage and comparing it to guide light efficiently.
with the normal concrete. Two tests are carried out compressive 2)Glass
test and light transmission test and cost comparisons are also Glass is a non-crystalline amorphous solid that is often
done. transparent and has widespread practical technological and
decorative usage in many things. Glass has many useful
Index Terms- Glass Rods, Lux, Optical Fibre, Transparent properties.
Concrete. 1. It is transparent. One can see through it.
2. Strong & hard. One can put a lot of load on it.
3. It is impermeable. It does not allow water or other liquid
I. INTRODUCTION to pass through and it doesn’t get soggy or stained itself.

C A. General
oncrete has a key role in development of infrastructure &
housing. Concrete has been used since roman times but its basic
3) Common and Recommended Indoor Light Levels
The outdoor light level is approximately 10,000 lux on a
component has remained the same .Three ingredients make the clear day. In the building, in the area closest to windows, the
dry mix, coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and cement. Due to light level may be reduced to approximately 1,000 lux. In the
great economical growth, urbanization, population growth, space middle area it’s may be as low as levels. Earlier it was common
utilization worldwide, there is drastic change in concrete with light levels in the range 100 - 300 lux for normal activities.
technology. Most of the big buildings are built close to each Today the light level is more common in the range of 500 - 1000
other all in the same areas like sky scrapers There arises one of lux - depending on activity. For precision and detailed works, the
biggest problem in deriving natural light in building due light level may even approach 1500 – 2000 lux.
obstruction of nearby structures. When buildings are stacks
closed to each other, there is not much natural sunlight passing C. Objectives of Present Investigation (Paper)
through it. Translucence is doing a great deal to change that Traditionally concrete members are considered as a
image of concrete through the score of creative and sustainable Structural member only, but in recent days this concept is
application for their patterned light transmitting concrete. changed and use of concrete as a decorative material for structure
has come up. It is observed that high performance concrete using
B. Power Consumption optical fibers can also be utilized as a decorative material to
In total domestic usage of electricity; 30% of electricity is improve elegance of structure by making it partly transparent.
used for lightening purpose only, so it is necessary to utilize Hence this project is defined for achieving objectives like;
natural light for illuminating interior of building. 1. Translucent concrete aims at reducing operating energy by
1) Optical Fiber exploiting vast amount of potential energy in the form of
An optical fiber is a flexible transparent fiber made of glass sunlight.
(silica) or plastic, slightly thicker than a human hair. Optical fiber 2. Another additional aim is its pleasing aesthetics that can
is a three layered cable made up of Buffer coating, cladding and change the image of concrete which is generally perceived as
core. And light transmission carried out through the core of fiber. dull, pale, opaque, grey material.
Benefits of optical fibers. 3. Optical fiber and glass based transparent concrete could
1. Safe –There no electric, heat or ultraviolet light in the be regarded as an art which could be used in museum and
fibers optics cable. Ideal for use in the water precious artifacts specific exhibitions rather than just construction material.
paintings, combustible surfaces etc.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2016 626
ISSN 2250-3153

4. The main objective is saving energy using natural light III. TESTING OF SPECIMENS
and therefore reducing the amount of heat produced from A. Compressive strength
artificial light. Testing of cubes was carried out in Compression Testing
5.To study Energy saving for illumination by using Machine of 2000 KN capacity to determine the compression
transparent block for building. strength of design mix.
6.To study cost effectiveness of this high performance
Concrete. Table.2 Test Results for optical fiber &glass rods.

Samples Without
II. MIX PROPORTION optical Optical
A. Control mixture for M-20 grade concrete was designed as fibers fiber specimen
per IS:10262-2009. specimen
Area 150x150 150x150
Cement :Fine Aggregate :Coarse Aggregate :Water Spacing - 0.8% 0.4%
1 : 1.83 : 2.21 : 0.50 3 15.61 14.62 14.81
Compressive days
B. Mould and Specimen Fabrication of Light Transmitting strength 7 21.80 20.52 20.79
Concrete. (N/mm2) days
The glass samples to be fabricated are of 150x150x150mm 28 26.9 25.65 25.99
cube. The mould is made up of four plywood faces having days
thickness 5mm with steel based plate. The two faces of plywood Samples Without Glass specimen
are undrilled and remaining two faces of plywood are drilled at a glass
spacing of 15mm to hold the glass rod in place during casting specimen
concrete into the mould. Drilled and undrilled plywood plates are
Area 150x150 150x150
nailed with each other. Two drilled plywood faces are placed
opposite to each other so as to orient the glass rods in a single Spacing - 1.5cm 3.0cm 4.5cm
direction. The glass rods are cut into sufficient length and placed Spac Spac Spac
individually through the holes in the two plywood sides facing ing ing ing
opposite to each other. The samples containing optical fibers Com 3 15.61 14.57 14.79 14.97
fabricated are of size 150X150X150 mm cuboids. The mould is press days
made up of two plywood side facing each other and the other two ive 7 21.80 20.71 21.02 21.28
sides are made up of sun mica which is used for making stren days
furniture. The specimens were prepared by compaction the gth 28 26.90 25.57 25.95 26.27
concrete in three layers. Table vibrator was used for compaction (N/m days
of concrete. After completion of compaction, excess material was m2)
removed and the mould was leveled by using a travel.
Cost Of Material For 0.4% Optical Fibers
Optical fibers= 4.5(RMT)XRs.150/- = 675/-
Cement=9(bags)XRs.350/- = 3150/-
FA=0.560(m3)X Rs.600/- =336/-
CA=0.660(m3) Rs.560/- =372.96/-
Total cost of material
The 1 m3 of concrete cost as per DSR Rs.4500/-

Table 3.Cost Comparison for Optical Fibers.

S %Of Cost %
r Optic Conventio Optical increases
al nal Block Fibers in cost
Fig.1: Glass Rod & Optical Fiber Specimen Fiber Block
C. De-Moulding and Curing of Cube Specimens 1 0.8% Rs.3861.20 Rs.5206.72
The casted mould was kept undisturbed on the leveled +504 +522 31.24%
platform. Then it was de-moulded carefully after 24 hours, from =4365.20 =5728.72/-
casting immediately after de-moulding, the cube specimens were 2 0.4% Rs.3861.20 Rs.4533.96
marked by their respective identification mark/numbers (ID). +504 +522 15.82%
Carefully transferred these cube to the =4365.20 =5055.96/-
curing tank for water curing.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2016 627
ISSN 2250-3153

S % Cost % Even if initial cost of the light transmitting concrete is more

r Glass Conventional Glass rod increa than conventional concrete, but due to continuous increase in
N Rod Block Block ses in tariff and payback calculation done, from the payback analysis it
o cost can be concluded that the saving of electricity bill is Rs.1368.58/-
. So the payback period for excess amount invested for light
1 12% Rs.3861.20 Rs.4076.57 5.36% transmitting block will be 1.00 years for domestic consumption
+510 +520 and 0.72 years for commercial and industrial consumption.
=4371.20 =4596.57/- It will also reduce the carbon emission which is dangerous
2 6% Rs.3861.20 Rs.3848.20 0.11% for environment. Hence this can be treated as one of the high
+510 +520 performance concrete. The use of this high performance light
=4371.20 =4368.20/- transmitting concrete is beneficial for protecting mother earth.
3. 4% Rs.3861.20 Rs.3854.40 0.26%
+510 +520
=4371.20 =4374.40/- REFERENCES
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to be 25.65 N/mm2 and 25.99 N/mm2 respectively. Thus
reduction in the 28 days compressive strength 4.9% and 3.5%
resp The transparent concrete made with glass rods and optical AUTHORS
fibers finds its applications mainly in partition wall rather than First Author – Prof.Sonali Mohit Kankriya,
structural element such as columns and beams. The main focus M.E (Infrastructure Engineering & Management)
of this concrete is transmission of light through it rather than its Lecturer- S.S.V.P.S.B.S.D College Of Engineering Polytechnic
compressive strength. Still the 28days compressive strength is Dhule (MS)
slightly reduced as compared to conventional concrete.
2. Conclusion regarding cost:

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