Translucent Concrete: Omkar Kadam
Translucent Concrete: Omkar Kadam
Translucent Concrete: Omkar Kadam
e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 14, Issue 3 Ver. III (May. - June. 2017), PP 18-31
Translucent Concrete
Omkar Kadam
Department of Civil Engineering, Govt. College of Engineering Amravati, Maharashtra – 444604
Abstract: This article deals with the usage of translucent concrete and also the advantages it brings in the field
of smart construction, that it can reduce the power consumption of illumination and use the optical fibre can be
made to sense the stress of structures and this concrete as an architectural purpose for good aesthetical view of
the building. Translucent concrete is a concrete based material with light-trans missive properties, obtained by
embedding optical fibres in it. Light is conducted through the fibre from one end to the other. This results into a
certain light pattern on the other surface, depending on the fibre structure. Optical fibres transmit light so
effectively that there is virtually no loss of light conducted through the fibres. This type of concrete can be
installed at average cost of construction and increasing the visual appearance of the building. The work
presented in this project reports an investigation on the behaviour of concrete and mortar with optical fibre.
Concrete and mortar cube are casted with fibres to study the properties and to compare the compressive
strength between normal mix concrete with optical fibre and normal mortar with optical fibre after 7 days, 14
days and 28 days respectively. The compressive strength of concrete samples made with different fibre amount
varies from 2% to 4% were studied. The compressive strength of translucent concrete is seen to increase with
the increase in fibre content. The samples with fibres of 4% showed better results in comparison with the others.
I. Introduction
Today we are living in a world where energy expenditure and environmental problems have escalated
to global scale. In today’s developed world our built environment takes energy; energy to make the materials
that go into the buildings, energy to construct them (Embodied energy) and energy to heat, cool & light them
(Operating energy). Countries with great population have buildings to be ratio higher than that of small
population. Those buildings are isolated biosphere only based on manmade lights to maintain people's optical
activities. For example, India consumes 20% of total electrical energy for lighting the buildings. Atpresent,
green structures are greatly focusing on saving energy with indoor thermal systems. However, in area of
illumination field, there is little research offering relevant solution. Research on intrinsic characteristic material
which transmit the light from one surface to another surface is used as construction material which transmit the
light from one surface to another surface is used as construction material, known as optical fibres. Due to its
outstanding light guiding and sensing advantages, such as anti-electromagnetic Interference capability, small
dimensions, distributed measurement and anticorrosion characteristics, optical fibres have been widely adopted
in the communication and sensing fields. It is considered to be one of the best sensor materials available and has
been used widely since the 1990s. Hungarian architect, Aron Losonczi, first introduced the idea of light
transmitting concrete in 2001 and then successfully produced the first transparent concrete block in 2003, named
LiTraCon as shown in Fig. 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. However, his transparent concrete did not have smart sensing
Functions like amplitude phase, polarization state, frequency and physical state of output wave can be
estimated by analyzing performance changes of the waves. Illuminated POF grids mixed with a certain
proportion of cement namely transparent intelligent concrete provide novel clear view intelligent quality and
long life structural material. It should be noted that the production of light transmitting concrete under the name
of “Lightracan” was also done and recorded in Iran for the first time, and researchers were able to produce a
high strength concrete with the capacity of transmitting synthetic and natural light through itself like the glass.
Since the country is prone to earthquakes and the application of glass in facades can be very dangerous, the use
of this type of concrete in buildings can be highly desirable, however, due to the lack of mass production of the
industry, the application is only possible in some large buildings such as hotels, sport venues, aircraft, and
hospitals, which can contribute to good light transmission absorbing heat energy and even as insulation in
building in addition to its beauty [4].
II. Materials
There are two basic materials used for making transparent concrete, one is from construction field and
another from sensing field. First, concrete is one of the most important civil engineering materials with the
advantages of rich raw materials, low cost and simple production process and second the optical fibre has good
light guiding property which can be arrange to transmit the light and the sun light transmit according to pre-
design road without light-heat, light-electrical or photochemical process, and photo elastic effect which can be
used to study the stress distribution of structures. Combining the advantages of the concrete and optical fibre,
developing a novel functional material called transparent concrete has an important value in the application of
construction and sensing[5].
2.1.1Optical Fibre
An optical fibre is a flexible, transparent fibre made of silica or plastic, slightly thicker than a human
hair. It functions as a waveguide or light pipe, to transmit light between the two ends of the fibre. The field of
applied science and engineering concerned with the design and application of optical fibres is known as fibre
optics. Optical fibres are widely used in fibre-optic communications, which permits transmission over longer
distances and at higher bandwidths .Fibres are used for illumination, and are wrapped in bundles so that they
may be used to carry images, thus allowing viewing in confined spaces. Specially designed fibres are used for a
variety of other applications, including sensors and fibre lasers. Optical fibres typically include a transparent
core surrounded by a transparent cladding material with a lower index of refraction as shown in Fig. 2.1.1. Light
is kept in the core by total internal reflection. This causes the fibre to act as a waveguide.
Fibres that support many propagation paths or transverse modes are called multi-mode fibres (MMF),
while those that only support a single mode are called single-mode fibres (SMF). Multi-mode fibres generally
have a wider core diameter, and are used for short-distance communication links and for applications where
high power must be transmitted.
Optical fibre is a transparent and flexible material made of silica. This optical fibre helps to transmit
light in the cube from one end to other end. The percentage of optical fibre used for the study is 2% by volume.
Optical fibres work as a cylindrical waveguide that transmits light along its axis, by the process of
internal reflection. Optical fibre has good light guiding property which can be arrange to transmit the light and
the sun light transmit according to pre- design road without light-heat, light-electrical or photochemical process,
and photo elastic effect which can be used to study the stress distribution of structures. Combining the
advantages of the concrete and optical fibre, developing a novel functional material called transparent concrete
has an important value in the application of construction and sensing.
2.1.2Principle of Operation
Transparent concrete or translucent concrete is work Based on “Nano-Optics”. Optical fibres passes as
much light when tiny slits are placed directly on top of each other as when they are staggered. Principal can
carry because optical fibres in the concrete act like the slits and carry the light across throughout the concrete.
The fibre will change the interior appearance of buildings by illuminating them and better appearance.
The main purpose of using optical fibre is that it can transmit light. Plastic Optical Fibre (POF) can with stand
harsh environment and has a higher ductility and good flexibility property. POF transmits light in the form of
electromagnetic waves whose properties like amplitude, phase, polarised state and frequency are directly
influenced / affected by physical parameters like pressure, strain, stress, electric field, temperature and magnetic
field. Optical fibre is a three layered cable, buffer coating, cladding and core are the inner layers of the fibre and
the light transmissions carried out through the core of the fibre[5].
2.2.1Material Specification
The basic material used for manufacture of transparent concrete are cement, aggregate and optical
fibre. Table 2.2.1 shows the important specifications of this materials.
2.2.2Properties of Materials
Ordinary Portland cement was used for casting all the specimens. The important features required in
translucent concrete are shown in Table
Fine Aggregate
Clean and dry river sand available locally is used. Sand passing through IS 4.75mm Sieve is used for
casting all the specimens. The values of specific gravity and fineness modulus are shown in Table
Coarse Aggregate:
Coarse aggregate passing through 10mm sieve is used for casting all specimens. Table indicates
the important values of properties of coarse aggregate.
Ordinary potable water of normally pH 7 is used for mixing and curing the concrete specimen [3].
2.3 Summary
There are two basic materials used for making transparent concrete, one is from construction field and
another from sensing field. First, concrete is one of the most important civil engineering materials with the
advantages of rich raw materials, low cost and simple production process and second the optical fibre has good
DOI: 10.9790/1684-1403031831 21 | Page
Translucent Concrete
light guiding property which can be arrange to transmit the light and the sun light transmit according to pre-
design road without light-heat, light-electrical or photochemical process, and photo elastic effect which can be
used to study the stress distribution of structures. Combining the advantages of the concrete and optical fibre,
developing a novel functional material called transparent concrete has an important value in the application of
construction and sensing.
Cement Mixing:-Very fine aggregate is mixed with Portland cement of variable compressive strength
concrete. Sand: cement: water ratio is 1:2:0.44. The concrete mix is then placed in mould of required size.
Mix Ratio Of Concrete - 1.0 : 1.5 : 3.0
Mix Ratio Of Mortar - 1.0 : 3.0
Placement of Optical Fibre:-Optical fibre is then stretched in machine and with help of that machine the
optical fibres are inserted in fresh concrete just after placing fresh concrete in mould as shown in Fig. 3.1.1.
Optical fibre are inserted in such a way that their some of the endings part is outside the concrete.
Cutting:-Edges of fibre from the surface of concrete block are by cutting machine.
Finishing:-The surface obtain after cutting of edge of fibre optics is quit rough, for smoothing of surface
finishing is done. After all the above processes the finished concrete looks like as shown in Fig. 3.1.2[7].
Fig.3.1.2 :Finishing
Fig . :Relation Between Compressive Strength and time(2 mm diameter) [8]
Fig . Relation Between Compressive Strength and time(3 mm diameter) [8]
Fig. :Relation Between Flexural strength and % POF (90 days) [8]
3.2.4Test of Self-Sensing Property of Smart Transparent Concrete Based on Stress Elasto-Optic Effect
Using 3 Moulds
Fig.. shows the smart transparent concrete with size of 100mm×100mm×100mm by
combining with glass fibre and POFs. The diameters of glass fibre and POF are 15mm and 2mm respectively.
The glass fibre is considered as a stress sensing element in the concrete. The isochromatics and the isoclinic's of
the glass fibre are monitored under plane/ circularly polarized optical field, which can reflect the stress state of
the concrete. In order to test the self-sensing properties of the smart transparent concrete, the elasto-optic effect
of the transparent concrete under different damage modes are studied. Fig shows the damage modes
of concrete, where a crack with size of 0.5mm is produced. Fig. gives three loading modes: a) un-
damage mode (I); b) “longitudinal” damage mode (II); c) “lateral” damage mode (III). The “longitudinal”
damage mode is that the crack is parallel to the loading direction, and the “lateral” damage mode is that the
crack is vertical to the loading direction.[9]
Fig. and damage samples of transparent concrete with glass fibre [9]
Fig. Three loading modes for smart transparent concrete [9]
Table.3.2.6. It can be observed that the volume proportion affects the compression strength of the concrete block
for less than 10% when the proportion ratio of the POFis less than 5 percent[10].
Fig. The Relationship of TotalFig. Comparison total electric energy Current Strength Over Time
[1] traversing the smart concrete[1]
The total electric energy of the plain concrete, the smart transparent concrete with 3% POF volume
ratio and that with 6% POF volume ratio are 1897.8C, 3152.6C and 3602.2C, that is, there are some minor gaps
between the POFs and concrete which cause the decrease of the anti-permeability shown in figure 24. It also can
be seen that the anti-permeability is greatly improved by using the epoxy resin to cover the boundary of the
POFs and concrete, and the total electric energy of the smart transparent concrete with 3% and 6% POF volume
ratio covered by epoxy resin are reduced to 2147C and 3357.8C. In field application, the anti-permeability index
of smart transparent concrete is very important for the long-term service. We can improve the anti-permeability
by two methods: one is to seal the boundary of POFs and concrete with transparent waterproof material such as
epoxy resin; the other one is to make the POF’s coating rough to increase the compactness of interface between
the POF and concrete [1].
IV. Applications
The main advantage of transparent concrete is that it can transmit light. There, it can be used to make
green buildings. Since it can transmit light from natural as well as artificial sources, the building can have fewer
lights to meet its demand for lighting. Thus saving huge energy cost.
Transparent concrete uses sunlight as source of light instead of electrical energy and reduces power
consumption. This concrete can also be used cold countries to transmit heat with sunlight.Translucent concrete
is not currently widely produced. There are only a select few companies, and the process is somewhat low-tech
and slow. It can only be produced as pre-cast or prefabricated blocks and panels; it cannot be poured on site like
traditional concrete. The blocks come in a range of sizes, the maximum for glass fibre being 1200 x 400 mm
(47.2 x 15.7 inches), and the thickness can range from 25-500mm (1-20 inches). This allows translucent
concrete to be used for a variety of purposes, from a thin veneer to a structural system. According to one
German company, it can be used “for ventilated facade systems as well as for interior cladding”. So far
translucent concrete has been used to make light installations, signs, and fixed-in-place furniture such as
benches, desks, and counters. In its early days, it was used mostly in art installations and material
demonstrations such as the Liquid Stone exhibit at the National Building Museum, and a sidewalk in Stockholm
that looked “like an ordinary sidewalk by day but illuminated at night by lights under it”. It is presently used
mostly in interiors as decoration, but is making its foray into exterior structural walls[12].
4.1.1 Walls
Transparent Concrete can be used as building material for interior and exterior walls. If sunshine
illuminates the wall structure, then eastern or western placement is recommended; the rays of the rising or
setting sun will hit the optical glass fibres in a lower angle and the intensity of the light will be bigger. Besides
the traditional applications of a wall, the light transmitting concrete can also be used as wall covering
illuminated from the back.Also in some cases roof can be designed in creative way by using translucent concrete
as shown in Fig. 4.1.1.
4.1.2 Pavement
This concrete can be used as flooring a passable surface illuminated from below. During the day it
looks like typical concrete pavement but at sunset the paving blocks begin to shine and in different colours.
V. Conclusions
A novel construction material named smart transparent concrete was developed using POF and FBG.
The light transmitting, mechanical properties and self-sensing performance were cautiously investigated and the
stated hypothesis of its light guiding capability was confirmed. FBG arranged in concrete can sense the inner
deformation of concrete specimens under such research and experimentation provides solid evidence for the
intelligence of this system in structural safety assessment. With regard to the energy-saving aspect, POF-based
concrete allows the use of sunlight for illumination; in the case of emergencies, transparent concrete will
provide some relief in the case of daytime power outage for skyscrapers, making evacuation safer and more
efficient. Additionally, a smart transparent concrete is aesthetically pleasing. POF-based transparent concrete
could be regarded as an art which could be used in museums and specific exhibitions rather than just a
construction material.
It is concluded that, on usage of 4% of optical fibres the compressive strength increased. The compressive
strength of concrete cube depends on diameter of the holes in the mould and the diameter of the optical
fibre and it is directly proportion to its compressive strength [3].
The compressive strength of Light Transmitting Concrete was found to be ranging between 20 – 23
N/mm2 with optical fibre specimen and with glass rods specimen the compressive strength was found to be
ranging between 24-26 N/mm2, which indicates that the concrete satisfies the compressive strength
requirement for M20 grade concrete. The study concludes that the transparency of light is possible in
concrete without affecting its compressive strength, as the optical fibres and glass rods act as fibre
reinforcement thereby enhancing the strength and also enhances appearance[11].
The amount of POFs has seriously influenced the compressive strength of the corresponding concrete. The
much number the POFs are, the smaller the compressive strength is. So the transmissions cannot endless
increase by way of endless increasing the number of POFs in concrete. Furthermore, the POFs have also
reduced the anti-permeability of the concrete. Using the epoxy resin to seal the boundary of POFs and
concrete, the smart transparent concrete’s anti-permeability can be greatly improved [9].
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