The Nitrogen Cycle
The Nitrogen Cycle
The Nitrogen Cycle
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences 1 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Denitrification occurs when N is lost through the high N inputs (especially outside of the growing
conversion of nitrate to gaseous forms of N, such as season) and high rainfall are all conditions that
nitric oxide, nitrous oxide and dinitrogen gas. This increase the potential for nitrate leaching.
occurs when the soil is saturated and the bacteria
use nitrate as an oxygen source. Crop Uptake is the prime goal of N management
on farms. The greatest efficiency occurs when
NO3- Æ NO2- Æ NO Æ N2O Æ N2 adequate N is applied at a time when the crop is
nitrate nitrite nitric nitrous dinitrogen actively taking it up. Efficient N use also depends on
oxide oxide gas a number of other factors including temperature,
De-nitrification is common in poorly drained soils. soil moisture, pest pressure, and soil compaction.
In the moist Northeast climate, nitrate remaining
Volatilization is the loss of N through the in the soil after the growing season will be lost to
conversion of ammonium to ammonia gas, which is leaching or denitrification between crop harvest
released to the atmosphere. The volatilization losses and the next planting season.
increase at higher soil pH and conditions that favor Efficient N use during the growing season and the
evaporation (e.g. hot and windy). use of cover crops can minimize such losses.
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences 2 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences