The Nitrogen Cycle

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Agronomy Fact Sheet Series Fact Sheet 2

Nitrogen Basics – The Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen, Crops and the Environment plant available N. Denitrification, volatilization,
Nitrogen (N) is essential for the development of immobilization, and leaching result in permanent or
field crops. When N is deficient, root systems and temporary N losses from the root zone. Read on for
plant growth are stunted, older leaves turn yellow specifics about each of the N cycle processes.
and the crop is low in crude protein. Too much N
can delay maturity and cause excessive vegetative Fixation refers to the conversion of atmospheric N
growth at the expense of grain yield. Nitrogen to a plant available form. This occurs either through
fertilizer is expensive and losses can be detrimental an industrial process, as in the production of
to the environment. Efficient use of N by meeting commercial fertilizers, or a biological process, as
crop needs while avoiding excessive applications of with legumes such as alfalfa and clover. Nitrogen
N is an important goal. This fact sheet provides a fixation requires energy, enzymes and minerals, so
brief overview of the important components of the if a plant available form of N is present, the crop will
N cycle to aid in reaching that goal. use it instead of fixing it from the air.

Nitrogen Cycle N2 Æ NH3 Æ R-NH2

The N cycle illustrates how N from manure, nitrogen gas ammonia organic N
fertilizers and plants moves through the soil to
crops, water and the air. Understanding the N cycle ƒ When legumes are tilled into the soil, the N
will help you make the best use of manure and stored in their roots is released and made
fertilizers to meet crop needs while safeguarding available to the next crop or lost to the
the environment. In general, the N cycle processes environment, depending on management.
of fixation, mineralization and nitrification increase ƒ In mixed legume-grass stands, the grass can
utilize N fixed by the legumes. If the stand has
The 25% or more legume, no additional N is needed.
Cycle Mineralization is the process by which microbes
decompose organic N from manure, organic matter
and crop residues to ammonium. Because it is a
biological process, rates of mineralization vary with
soil temperature, moisture and the amount of
oxygen in the soil (aeration).

R-NH2 Æ NH3 Æ NH4+

organic N ammonia ammonium

ƒ Mineralization readily occurs in warm (68-95°F),

well-aerated and moist soils.
ƒ In New York State, approximately 60—80 lbs of N
per acre is mineralized on average from soil
organic matter each year.

Nitrification is the process by which

microorganisms convert ammonium to nitrate to
obtain energy. Nitrate is the most plant available
form of N, but is also highly susceptible to leaching

NH4+ Æ NO2- Æ NO3-

ammonium nitrite nitrate

ƒ Nitrification is most rapid when soil is warm (67-

86°F), moist and well-aerated, but is virtually
halted below 41°F and above 122°F.

Department of Crop and Soil Sciences 1 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Denitrification occurs when N is lost through the high N inputs (especially outside of the growing
conversion of nitrate to gaseous forms of N, such as season) and high rainfall are all conditions that
nitric oxide, nitrous oxide and dinitrogen gas. This increase the potential for nitrate leaching.
occurs when the soil is saturated and the bacteria
use nitrate as an oxygen source. Crop Uptake is the prime goal of N management
on farms. The greatest efficiency occurs when
NO3- Æ NO2- Æ NO Æ N2O Æ N2 adequate N is applied at a time when the crop is
nitrate nitrite nitric nitrous dinitrogen actively taking it up. Efficient N use also depends on
oxide oxide gas a number of other factors including temperature,
ƒ De-nitrification is common in poorly drained soils. soil moisture, pest pressure, and soil compaction.
ƒ In the moist Northeast climate, nitrate remaining
Volatilization is the loss of N through the in the soil after the growing season will be lost to
conversion of ammonium to ammonia gas, which is leaching or denitrification between crop harvest
released to the atmosphere. The volatilization losses and the next planting season.
increase at higher soil pH and conditions that favor ƒ Efficient N use during the growing season and the
evaporation (e.g. hot and windy). use of cover crops can minimize such losses.

Summary The ultimate goal of N management is to

H2N-C-NH2 Æ NH4+ Æ NH3 maximize N efficiency by increasing crop uptake and
Urea ammonium ammonia minimizing N losses to the environment. Crop N
needs can be met through existing N sources (e.g.
ƒ Volatilization losses are higher for manures and
from soil organic matter, past sods and previously
urea fertilizers that are surface applied and not
applied manure) and supplementary applications of
incorporated (by tillage or by rain) into the soil.
N through manure and fertilizers. To make the most
ƒ Manure contains N in two primary forms:
of existing N sources and purchased fertilizers,
ammonium and organic N. If manure is
consider the N cycle facts, below:
incorporated within one day, 65% of the
ƒ N released from killed sods, via mineralization
ammonium N is retained; when incorporated after
and nitrification, can supply enough N for most, if
5 days the ammonium N will have been lost
not all, of the N needs of the following corn crop.
through volatilization. Organic N in manure is not
ƒ The timing and method of manure and fertilizer
lost through volatilization, but it takes time to
applications determine the availability of nitrogen
mineralize and become plant available.
to the crop, but also the potential for loss. Spring
applications with immediate incorporation will
Immobilization is the reverse of mineralization. All
conserve ammonium from volatilization losses.
living things require N; therefore microorganisms in
ƒ Fall cover crops act as a “nutrient savings
the soil compete with crops for N. Immobilization
account” by taking up residual N from the
refers to the process in which nitrate and
growing season or fall manure applications and,
ammonium are taken up by soil organisms and
thereby, reducing leaching losses. The nutrients
therefore become unavailable to crops.
in the cover crop become available for the next
NH4+ and/or NO3- Æ R-NH2 crop (by mineralization) after the sod is rotated.
ammonium nitrate organic N
For more information about N management in field
ƒ Incorporation of materials with a high carbon to crops (N guidelines, N calculators, etc.), see the
nitrogen ratio (e.g. sawdust, straw, etc.), will “Nutrient Guidelines” section of the Nutrient
increase biological activity and cause a greater Management Spear Program web site, below, or
demand for N, and thus result in N immobilization contact your local Cornell Cooperative Extension
ƒ Immobilization only temporarily locks up N. When field crop educator.
the microorganisms die, the organic N contained For more information
in their cells is converted by mineralization and
nitrification to plant available nitrate.

Leaching is a pathway of N loss of a high concern

to water quality. Soil particles do not retain nitrate
very well because both are negatively charged. As a
result, nitrate easily moves with water in the soil.
The rate of leaching depends on soil drainage,
rainfall, amount of nitrate present in the soil, and Nutrient Management Spear Program
crop uptake.
ƒ The EPA has set the maximum contaminant level Authors
Courtney Johnson, Greg Albrecht, Quirine Ketterings,
for drinking water at 10 ppm N as nitrate. Jen Beckman, and Kristen Stockin
ƒ Well-drained soils, unexpected low crop yield, 2005

Department of Crop and Soil Sciences 2 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

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