Section 04 Concrete Works

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Part - 3 (Specifications)

Section - 4
Concrete Works

Section - 4



4.1.1 Standards :

The requirements of the British Standards, BS 8110 "The structural use of Concrete",
BS 8007 "Code of Practice for the Design of Concrete Structure for Retaining
Aqueous Liquids", shall be followed where applicable.

The following British, ACI and ASTM Standards shall be complied with where
applicable :

British Standards

BS 12:1991 Ordinary Portland cement

BS 812 Testing of aggregate
BS 882:1992 Aggregates from natural sources for concrete
BS 1199&1200:1976 Building sands from natural sources
BS 1305:1974 Batch type concrete mixers
BS 1881 Testing, Concrete (including non-destructive tests
BS 3148:1980 Tests for water for making concrete
BS 3963:1974 (1980) Testing the mixing performance of Concrete mixers
BS 4449:1988 Carbon steel bars for the reinforcement
BS 4466:1989 Scheduling dimensioning bending and cutting of steel
BS 4482:1985 Cold reduced steel wire for reinforcement
BS 4483:1985 Steel fabric for the reinforcement
BS 4550:Section 3.8 Heat of hydration for cement
BS 5075 Concrete Admixtures
BS 5328 Ready mixed concrete
BS 5642 Sills and Copings
BS 6954 Tolerances for building
BS 7263 Pre-cast concrete flags kerbs, channels
Parts 1 & 2:1990 edging and quadrants
BS 7295 Fusion bonded epoxy coated steel bars for reinforcement

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works

4.1 GENERAL [Cont'd]

4.1.1 Standards [Cont'd]

British Standards [Cont'd]

BS 8007:1987 Design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous

BS 8110 Structural use of Concrete
BS EN 196-2 Chemical analysis of cement
BS EN 196-6 Methods of testing cement
BS EN 196-7 Method of taking and preparing samples of cement

ASTM Standards

ASTM C150 Ordinary Portland cement, Type I & II

ASTM C33 Aggregates from natural sources for concrete
ASTM A 615 (1988) Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars
ASTM C94-90 Ready mixed concrete
ASTM A775-86 Fusion bonded epoxy coated steel bars for reinforcement

ACI Standards

ACI 305 Hot Weather Concreting

ACI 308 Standard Practice for Curing of Concrete
ACI 318:89 Building Code Requirement for Reinforced Concrete

4.1.2 Method Statement :

During the mobilization period, the Contractor shall submit a method statement
detailing his proposal for the organization of all concreting activities at the Site as well
as off the site for the approval of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall submit method statements for any particular activity when called
for by the Engineer and demonstrate its feasibility through mockups / placement
samples of appropriate sizes as approved by the Engineer.


4.2.1 Cement :

Ordinary Portland cement complying with BS 12 or ASTM C 150 for Type I shall be
used in all concrete above ground level.

Moderate sulphate resisting Portland cement complying with ASTM C 150 for Type II
shall be used in all concrete at or below the finished ground floor level of the building.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.2.1 Cement [Cont'd]

a) Ordinary Portland Cement :

Ordinary Portland cement shall conform to the requirements of BS 12 or ASTM

C150 Type 1 with the following amendments :
i) The acid soluble alkali level measured as Na2 0+0.658 k20 shall not
exceed 0.6% by weight determined by the test method described in clause
16.2 of BS 4550 Part 2.
ii) The tricalcium aluminate content shall lie within the range of 4% to 13%.
iii) The specific surface (fineness) shall not be greater than 325 sq.m./kg. and
not less than 225 sq.m/kg when tested as described in BS EN 196-6 1992.

b) Moderate Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement :

Moderate sulphate resisting Portland cement shall comply with BS 12 but

containing not less than 4% and not more than 8% proportion by weight of
tricalcium aluminate, or cement complying with ASTM C150 Type 11 with the
following amendments. In either case the cement shall not contain more than
2.7% proportion by weight of sulphur trioxide.
i) The acid soluble alkali level measured as Na2 0+0.658 k2o shall not
exceed 0.6% by weight determined by the test method described in clause
16.2 of BS 4550 Part 2.
ii) The specific surface (fineness) shall not be greater than 325 sq.m./kg. and
not less than 225 sq.m/kg when tested as described in BS 4550 Part 3
Section 3.3

Cement shall be of recent manufacture and shall be used within a period of three ( 3 )
months from production.

4.2.2 Cement Test & Analysis :

Prior to any shipment to site the Contractor shall supply the Engineer with the
manufacturer's statement of specification and test certificate together with the date of
manufacture certified by an independent agency in the country of origin. Each cement
batch shall bear manufacturer's name and batch number. Type of cement shall be as
mentioned above. Each separate consignment of cement shall be as mentioned above.
Each separate consignment of cement shall be tested by the manufacturer before
delivery and certified copies of such tests shall be supplied to the Engineer before any
part of the consignment is used in the works.

All testing shall be carried out at approved laboratories as and when ordered. The
Engineer reserves the right to take any samples and order additional and/or re-tests at
any time in accordance with BS EN 196-2:1992, BS EN 196-6:1992, BS EN 196-7,
BS 4550 and ASTM C186 or other Standards. However, the type of test shall be as
per Engineer's requirements.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.2.2 Cement Test & Analysis [Cont'd]

If the result of additional/re-tests do not meet the required Standards, the cement shall
be rejected and the Contractor shall remove all rejected cement from the Site without
any delay.

Approval of cement does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to produce
concrete of the specified strength.

4.2.3 Cement Storage :

Cement storage shall be subject to approval and shall afford easy access for inspection
and identification of each shipment in accordance with test reports. It shall be used in
the order in which it was delivered.

Bagged cement shall be delivered to site in the manufacturer's original sealed bags or
containers and shall be stored in a dry, weather-tight, properly ventilated structure,
with adequate provisions for preventing the absorption of moisture and raised at least
150 mm off the ground to prevent deterioration. The store shall be large enough to
allow sufficient cement to be kept to allow continuity of work. Not more than 10 bags
shall be piled one on top of the other while shoring on site. No cement shall be stored
on site for more than 3 months.

If cement in bulk is used it will be stored in approved purpose made silos large enough
to allow continuity of work.

Suitable shading shall be provided to limit the temperature to not more than 40°C.

4.2.4 Aggregates : Aggregate General Requirements :

a) Except as may be modified hereunder the aggregate (fine and coarse)

for all types of concrete shall comply in all respects with BS 882
"Concrete aggregates from natural sources" and shall also comply
with Dubai Municipality Administrative Order No. 143/91.

b) The aggregates used in the permanent works shall be naturally

occurring or crushed materials obtained only from approved sources.

c) Before any material from a particular source is used, the Contractor

shall obtain representative samples of fine and coarse aggregates and
carry out the necessary tests and analysis to show that the samples
comply with the Specification. During the progress of the works, the
grading and chemical characteristics may be checked at frequent

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.2.4 Aggregates [Cont'd] Aggregate General Requirements [Cont'd]

d) The results of these tests, etc. shall be submitted to the Engineer and
his approval shall be obtained before any of the material is used in the
works. Part of each sample will be required for concrete trial mixes
and part shall be retained for comparison with subsequent deliveries.

e) Sampling testing and analysis shall be carried out, where applicable,

in accordance with BS 812.

f) The maximum size of the aggregate shall not be larger than 1/5 of the
narrowest dimension between sides of the member for which the
concrete is to be used and not larger than 3/4 of the maximum clear
distance between reinforcing bars.

g) Fine aggregate shall be natural or crushed sand and beach sand shall
not be permitted for use in concrete mixes.

h) Coarse aggregate shall be crushed aggregate obtained from a quarry

approved by the Engineer.

j) Unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer coarse aggregate shall be

delivered to site in separate sizes according to the maximum specified
aggregate size for each grade of concrete.

k) Aggregates shall meet the requirements of Table 4.1.

l) The frequency of testing of aggregates shall be in accordance with

Table 4.1.

m) All sampling and testing shall be as detailed under Laboratory Tests


Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.2.4 Aggregates [Cont'd] Aggregate General Requirements [Cont'd]




No. Kind of Requirement Test Methods Permissible Limits
BS 812 ASTM Fines Coarse

1. Grading Part 103 (dry) standard standard

2. Material finer Part 103 (wet)

than 0.075 mm
natural, uncrushed/
crushed max. 3% max. 1%
crushed rock max. 7% max. 1%

3. Clay lumps and

friable particles C142 max. 1% max. 1%

4. Light weight pieces C123 max. 0.5% max. 0.5%

5. Organic impurities C40 Colour standard not

darker than plate No. 3

6. Water absorption C128/C127 max. 2.3% max. 2%

7. Specific gravity C128/C27 min. 2.6% min. 2.6%


8. Shell content in
aggregates Part 106
Coarser than 10mm max. 5%
between 5mm & 10mm max. 15%

between 2.36mm & 5mm max. 10%

Finer than 2.36mm Note 1

9. Particle shape
Flakiness index Part 105.1 max. 25%
Elongation index Part 105.2 max. 25%

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.2.4 Aggregates [Cont'd] Aggregate General Requirements [Cont'd]


No. Kind of Requirement Test Methods Permissible Limits
BS 812 ASTM Fines Coarse

10. Acid soluble Part 117,

Clorides, CL Appendix C
For reinforced
concrete made with
SRPC cements max. 0.03% max. 0.01%
OPC & MSRPC cements max. 0.05% max. 0.02%
For mass concrete
made with
SRPC cements max. 0.03% max. 0.02%
OPC & MSRPC cements max. 0.05% max. 0.04%
For prestressed
concrete & steam cured
structural concrete max. 0.01% max. 0.01%

11. Acid soluble

sulphates, S 03 Part 118 max. 0.3% max. 0.3%

12. Soundness, MgS04

(5 cycles) C88 max. 12% max. 12%

13. Mechanical strength

10% fines value Part 111 min. 100KN
or Impact value Part 112 max. 30%
Loss Angeles C131/
Abrasion C535 max. 30%

14. Drying shrinkage Part 120 max. 0.05%

15. Potential reactivity max. 0.0

Note 2
Chemical method C289 Innocuous Innocuous
of Cement-Aggregate
Combination C227 6 month expansion
0.10% max.

Note 1 : There is no requirement of shell content in sands passing 2.36mm sieve size.

Note 2 : Aggregate may initially by assessed for its reactivity in accordance with ASTM
C289 and if potential reactivity is indicated, then mortar bar tests in accordance
with ASTM C227 shall be carried out.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.2.4 Aggregates [Cont'd] Fine Aggregate :

a) The gradation of fine aggregate shall be in accordance with BS 882

latest edition excluding grading designation F.

Maximum passing sieve = 200 for fine aggregate shall be as per

administrative order = 143/91.

b) Each batch of aggregate delivered to site shall be kept separate from

previous batches and shall be stored for at least three ( 3 ) working
days before use to allow inspection and tests to be carried out.

c) Fine aggregate shall be clean sharp natural and/or crushed sand and
shall be within BS882 zones c and m only.

d) The Contractor shall mechanically was aggregate to remove salts and

other impurities in order to meet the requirement specified. Coarse Aggregate for Concrete :

a) Coarse aggregate shall be prepared as single sized aggregate and blend

to produce normal size grading. The combined grading shall be
within the appropriate grading limits given in BS 882.

b) Aggregates that are deleteriously reactive with the alkalis in the

cement in an amount sufficient to cause excessive expansion of
concrete shall not be used.

c) The Contractor shall mechanically wash aggregate to remove slats and

other impurities in order to meet the requirement specified. Combined Aggregate :

a) Approved coarse aggregate and fine aggregate in each batch shall be

combined in proportions as specified in BS 882 and as approved by
the Engineer. However, in no case shall materials passing the
0.075mm, sieve exceed three ( 3 ) percent by weight of the combined

b) The combined aggregate gradation used in the work shall be as

specified, except when otherwise approved or directed by the
Engineer. Changes from gradation to another shall not be made
during progress of the work unless approved by the Engineer.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.2.4 Aggregates [Cont'd] Frequency of Routine Tests on Aggregate :

The Contractor shall carry out the various tests at the frequencies indicated
in 'Table 4.2' below. However, the Engineer shall reserve the right to call for
additional tests wherever it is warranted.



Property Methods of Test Maximum Limit (% by weight)

Grading BS 812, Part 103 Each 2 weeks or per 100 m³

whichever is more frequent

Material finer Each 2 weeks or per 100 m³

than 0.075mm BS 812, Part 103 whichever is more frequent

Clay lumps and Each 2 weeks or per 100 m³

friable Particles ASTM C 142 whichever is more frequent

Organic impurities ASTM C 40 Each month or per 200 m³

whichever is more frequent

Water absorption ASTM C128/C127 Each month or per 200 m³

whichever is more frequent

Specific Gravity ASTM C128/C127 Each month or per 200 m³

whichever is more frequent

Shell content BS 812, Part 106 Each 2 months or per 400 m³

whichever is more frequent

Particle shape BS 812, Part 105.1 Each 2 months or per 400 m³

and 105.2 whichever is more frequent

Acid soluble At source and on each

chlorides, CL delivery to site one
Qualitative BS 812, Part 117 A&B representative test per week
Quantitative - Ditto - Appx. C) of aggregate to be used

Acid soluble BS 812, Part 118 On each delivery to site one

Sulphates S03 Appendices A/B representative test per week of
aggregate to be used

Soundness, Mg SO4 ASTM C88 (5 cycles) Each 48 concrete days

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.2.4 Aggregates [Cont'd] Frequency of Routine Tests on Aggregate [Cont'd]



Property Methods of Test Maximum Limit (% by weight)

Mechanical strength
10% fines or impact BS 812, Parts 111,112 Each 72 concrete days
Los Angeles abrasion ASTM C131/C535 Each 72 concrete days
Moisture variation by Moisture Meters Twice daily for sands
Drying shrinkage BS 812, Part 120 at start of project and whenever
there is a change in the source of

Potential Reactivity (ASTM C295, C289) At start of project and

- of Carbonate (ASTM C586) whenever there is a change
- of cement aggregate in the source of supply
- combination (ASTM P214 and C227) Storage of Aggregates :

The ready mix concrete supplier shall at all times maintain sufficient
quantities of each type of aggregate considered by the Engineer to be
sufficient to ensure continuity of work.

Each type and grade of aggregate shall be stored separately in bins, in such a
manner that segregation of the various size particles shall not occur. The
floors of the bins shall be of concrete or other approved material have in
sufficient slope to ensure adequate drainage of aggregates before being used
for concreting.

Suitable precautions shall be taken to avoid contamination of aggregates by

wind blown dust, etc.

Suitable approved shading shall be provided to control the temperature and

any contamination especially chlorides.

Storage bins shall be emptied and cleaned at regular intervals as approved by

the Engineer.

4.2.5 Water for Concrete :

a) The Contractor shall make his own arrangement and obtain approval for the
supply of water.

b) The mixing water should be clear, apparently clean and free from matter
harmful to concrete in its fresh of hardened state. Potable water can be used.
Water of questionable quality should comply with the physical tests of 'Table
4.3' and chemical limitation listed in 'Table 4.4'.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.2.5 Water for Concrete [Cont'd]

c) The temperature of water for concrete should not be less than 5°C nor more
25°C. Water may be cooled to not less than 5°C by the gradual addition of
chilled water or ice but on mixing, no ice particles should be present in the mix.
Alternatively, flaked ice may be used. The ice to be used should be crushed and
should be the product of frozen water which complies with acceptance criteria
of Tables 4.3 and 4.4.

d) Water for curing concrete shall not contain impurities in sufficient amounts to
cause discolouration of the concrete. Sources of water shall be maintained at
such depth and the water shall be withdrawn in such a manner as to exclude silt,
mud, grass and other foreign matter.




Limits ASTM Test Method

1. Compressive strength
min. % control at 7 days 90 C 109

2. Setting time, deviation from 1:00 early

from control, h:min. to 1:30 later C 191



Max. Concentration Limits, ppm ASTM Test Method

1. Chloride as C1 250 D 512

2. Sulphates as S03 350 D 516

3. Alkali carbonates and bicarbonates 500 D 513

4. Total dissolved ions, including

1, 2 & 3 above 2,000 D 1888

5. pH min. 7 / max. 9 -

4.2.6 Admixtures and Additives :

Admixtures and additives (water reducing additives, retardars, etc.) shall be used only
with the prior approval of the Engineer. Additives shall be subjected to tests before
approval and during progress of work on site at the discretion of the Engineer. All
costs incurred towards all tests shall be borne by the Contractor.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.2.6 Admixtures and Additives [Cont'd]

Admixtures shall conform to one of the following standards :

- ASTM C494 Specifications for chemical admixtures for concrete.
- ASTM C1017 Specifications for chemical admixtures for use in floor

Admixtures / additive shall :

- have no adverse effect on the shrinkage and water tightness properties of
finished concrete.
- not have any added chloride (0%, Calculated as calcium chloride by weight of
cement in the concrete) in the formulation of the admixture.

4.2.7 Cement Content :

A cement quantity shall be chosen appropriate to strength and workability

requirements. However, the minimum cement content shall be 400 kg/m³ for all
structural concrete other than for piles and 420 kg/m³ for piles as detailed on drawings.
Please refer to table of mixes under Concrete Mix Specification.

4.2.8 Workability of Mixes :

The concrete shall contain the minimum water / cement ratio possible compatible with
such a consistency that it can be readily worked into corners and angles of the
formwork, and around the reinforcement without segregation of the materials or
bleeding of the free water at the surface. On striking the formwork, the concrete shall
present a face which is uniform, free from honeycombing, surface crazing or excessive
dusting. Where it is required to restrict the water / cement ratio to below a certain
maximum limit for durability reasons, this limit shall be as stated in this Specification.
For prescribed mixes, the water / cement ratio shall not exceed the figures indicated in
Table I and the slump shall be to the limits shown in Table 2.

4.2.9 Frequency of Sampling for Testing :

Sampling for test purposes shall be as detailed under laboratory tests clause and shall
comply with BS 1881, Part 101 (on site) and Part 125 (in laboratory).

Tests on cubes are to ensure that strength requirements are being met. Unless
otherwise stated the Contractor shall allow for making and testing a minimum of one
set of 6, 150mm cubes for every 100m³ or part thereof of concrete. Cubes are to be
taken from each part of the structure cast during any one day, a part of the structure
being a set of columns, beams, foundations or an area of slab.

4.2.10 Testing of Concrete :

All testing of samples of concrete shall as detailed under laboratory tests clause and shall
comply with the requirements of BS 1881, Part 108, 111 & 116.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.2.11 Records :

Records on testing of materials shall be kept by the Contractor and a copy of each of
the test results shall be supplied to the Engineer. The record form shall include, but
not be limited to, the following information as appropriate.

Source of material, aggregate physical and chemical analysis tests, compatibility tests,
date and time of mix, batch number, ambient temperature, mix temperature, concrete
grade, structural member where the concrete is placed, compressive strength results,
allowable concrete strength, method of curing used, etc.

4.2.12 Concrete Mix Specification :

Concrete shall be as shown in the Table of 4.5. The number of mixture may require to
be increased.

The criteria given in the Table are designed to produce concrete of the required
strength and durability.

If the maximum aggregate size is 10mm then the cement content stipulated for the
class of concrete given in the 'Table 4.5' shall be increased by 40 kg./m³.



Max. Size Min. Qty Max. Characteristic Cube

Concrete Aggregate of Cement Free Water / Strength
Class (mm) (kg/m³) Cement Ratio (CCS)

7 Day 22 Day

40/20 * 20 400 0.45 30 M/mm² 40 N/mm²

25/20 20 275 0.50 16 M/mm² 25 N/mm²

* For piles, minimum quantity of cement shall be 420 kg./m².

a) For CCSS are for concrete which has been cured at a temperature of 20 degree
± 1 degree C, and are the values below which no more than 5% of the test
results fall. The 7-day strengths shall be used only as a guide.

b) Concrete shall comply with BS 8110 except where BS 8007 or this

Specification differs. Sampling for test purposes shall comply with BS 1881
Part 101 (on site) and Part 125 (in laboratory).

If air-entertainment is specified the average air content at the time of placing measured
in accordance with BS 1881 shall be :
- Concrete containing 20 mm
- Maximum size aggregate 5% + 1%.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.2.12 Concrete Mix Specification [Cont'd]

Concrete for water-retaining shall be watertight and shall comply with the
recommendations of BS 8007.

Concrete for paving or precast units shall be tested to BS 1881 part 118 and shall have
a minimum flexural bean strength of 3.5 N/mm² at 28 days. If the concrete has a
specified CCS of 40N/mm² or greater, then the minimum flexural strength shall be

If concrete specimens are cured at higher temperatures or for longer periods than BS
1881 Part 111 requires, the adjusted CCS shall be calculated as follows :
- 100f'/f = A + B log (24D (T+12)/1000)
- f' = Adjusted CCS
- f = Specified CCS
- T = Curing temperature
- D = Age at testing in days
- A&B = Are coefficients given in the following table.

The above equation applies only to OPC, MSRPC and SRPC.


Recorded Cube Strength A B

a) Less than 15 10.0 N/mm² 67.5 N/mm²

b) 15 to 35 22.0 N/mm² 60.0 N/mm²

c) Greater than 35 30.0 N/mm² 52.5 N/mm²

The calculation may be applied for curing at temperatures up to 27°C.

Before placing concrete the Contractor shall obtain approval of the mixes proposed for
each class of concrete and the average target strengths. The mixes shall be designed to
achieve the minimum workability for the Contractor to place and compact the concrete
with the equipment proposed for use.



4.3.1 General :

These special specifications are an integral part of the Tender Documents and must be
read in conjunction with this Contract.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works



4.3.2 Corrosion Inhibitor Admixture Material :

The corrosion inhibiting admixture shall be added in an aqueous solution form at

batching plant and must be specially formulated for Gulf area of hot weather. Also the
manufacturers of this product must be ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified such as
"CORTEC's CORPORATION (U.S.A.)" product 'MCI-2005(GS)' [Local Agent - M/s.
Gulf Sail Engg., Tel. 6774449]. Together with the above certificates, the manufacturer
/ supplier should include documented case histories. The manufacturer / supplier
should be consulted in a specific circumstances.

Water tight “PUDLO CWP “Cement waterproofing powder” 2% should be used for
raft, retaining wall and water tank concrete.

The corrosion inhibiting admixture product, when used in accordance to

manufacturer's recommendations, it should impart changes to three properties of
concrete compared to similar concrete without the product. The changes are :
increased corrosion resistant (durability), no adverse effects on physical properties of
concrete and effective even where corrosion is active.

The Migrating Corrosion Inhibitor (MCI) when used in accordance with

manufacturer's recommendation, it should form a suitable alternative for compliance
with design to the relevant sections of BS 1881, ASTM C1202-91, ASTM G109. The
corrosion inhibitor must comply with an international standard such as ANSI / NSF
Standard 61 certification, states that it can come in contact with potable water.

4.3.3 Mix Design :

The Migrating Corrosion Inhibitor (MCI) should be incorporated into the mixing
water for the purpose of determining the water cement ratio of the concrete. MCI-
2005 has to be added for reinforced concrete for all piles, and mix should maintain at
recommended dosage of 1.0 liter/M³ at the plant.

The Contractor must submit with the above design mix a letter of undertaking by the
local MCI supplier in which it states that he would carryout out his full duties and
responsibilities under the relevant section of these special specifications.

4.3.4 Supervision and Control :

During the course of the construction of the works, the MCI supplier should be
advised to be present and carryout the necessary quantity control of the corrosion
inhibitor addition and supervision. The Contractor / Ready Mix Manufacturer must
give all necessary and possible assistance to the supplier in order for his to carryout
his duties.


a) Trial Mixers :

Preliminary laboratory tests shall be carried out to determine the mixes to satisfy the
specification with the approved materials.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


a) Trial Mixers [Cont'd]

Trial mixes shall be tested to determine the following properties of mixes proposed for
initial field tests :
- Bleeding in accordance with ASTM C232 (non-vibrating) shall not exceed 5%.
- Drying shrinkage in accordance with BS 1881 Part 5 or BS 6073 Part 1,
Appendix D.
- Air content if applicable BS 1881 Part 106.
- Free water/cement ratio.
- Workability BS 1881 Part 102.
- Fresh and hardened concrete densities BS 1881 Parts 107 and 114 respectively.
- Compressive strength, BS 1881 Part 116.
- Water permeability DIN 1048 (maximum 10mm at 28 days)
(maximum 15mm at 7 days)

If the values obtained are unacceptable, the mixes shall be re-designed.

b) At least 35 days before commencement of concreting trial mixes shall be prepared

under full-scale site conditions and tested in accordance with BS 1881.

Samples of concrete incorporating the reinforcing details to be used shall be cast and
examined, before hardening using hand tools, and after hardening by coring to assess
the mixes. Cores shall be taken in accordance with BS 1881 Part 120.

Trial mixes shall be made on each of three days; the workability shall equate to the
designed target value. Six cubes from each mix shall be taken, three for test at 28 days.

Further trial mixes shall be made if the range (the maximum minus the minimum of
the three cubes results in any batch) exceeds 15% of the average of that batch, or if the
range of the three batch average of the batches.

The mixes shall be tested to determine the following properties :

- Bleeding in accordance with ASTM C232.
- Air content if applicable BS 1881 Part 106.
- Free water / cement ratio.
- Tensile strength in accordance with BS 1881, Parts 117 & 118.

The average 28-day CCS of the three trial mixes shall not be less than the designed
mean strength, and the results of the above tests shall be acceptable before the mix is
approved. Otherwise the mix shall be re-designed.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


c) The Engineer will review the Contractor's trial-mixes and crush the test cubes at seven
( 7 ) and twenty-eight ( 28 ) days. The Engineer will then determine which of the trial
mixes shall be used. If none of the trial mixes for a class of concrete meets the
specifications, the Engineer will direct the Contractor to prepare or placed until its job-
mix proportions have been approved by the Engineer.

d) The approval of the job-mix proportions by the Engineer or his assistance to the
Contractor in establishing those proportion, in no way relieves the Contractor of the
responsibility of producing concrete which meets the requirements of these

e) The Engineer may also require practical tests to be made of the site by filling trial
moulds to confirm the suitability of the mix for the works, the type of plant used for
mixing, the method of compaction used and the formwork face intended for use in the

f) All costs connected with the preparation of trial-mixes and the design of the job-mixes
shall be borne by the Contractor.

4.4.1 Strength Requirements :

Where the Engineer requires trial mixes to be made for prescribed mixes they shall be
made as described for designed mixes in BS 8110 Part 1, and the average strength of
the 9 cube tests shall be at least equal to the trial mix strength and the minimum
strength of any one cube shall be at least equal to the characteristic strength shown in
'Table 4.5'.

However, the average of all test cubes tested at 28 days shall not be less than the
required strength indicated on the Structural Drawings.

During the course of the construction of the Works, the Contractor shall make test
cubes as directed by the Engineer. One set of six ( 6 ) cubes shall be taken from each
individual concrete member, but additional cubes shall be taken as directed by the
Engineer. Three ( 3 ) cubes shall be tested at 7 days and three ( 3 ) cubes shall be
tested at 28 days as the Engineer directs. The average values of the cube test results
shall exceed the characteristic strength shown in 'Table 4.5' by 1,64 times the standard
deviation of the test results.

4.4.2 Remedy in the event of Works Cube Failure :

Should any works cubes test fall below the specified requirements, the Engineer will
decide whether the concrete in the work represented by those cubes can be accepted.
Failing acceptance, the Contractor shall carry out one or more of the following actions
at his own expense to prove the concrete used in the works :
i) The drilling and testing of cored cylinders in accordance with the procedures
laid down in BS 1881: Parts 115 to 120.
ii) The carrying out of load tests or other nondestructive tests in accordance with
the procedures laid down in BS 4408.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.4.2 Remedy in the event of Works Cube Failure [Cont’d]

The course of action to be taken, the size and location of cores for testing and
interpretation will be decided by the Engineer who will also approve the testing
authority and laboratory. If the Engineer after these secondary testing procedures have
been completed, still considers that the concrete used is not acceptable, the Contractor
shall remove all sections of the works containing the defective concrete, at his own
expense and replace it with approved concrete.

4.4.3 Chloride and Sulphate Content :

a) Cloride Content : The total chloride content shall be as follows :

- Concrete made with Ordinary - Max. 0.15% expressed as %
Portland cement conforming of chloride "ion" by mass
to ASTM C 150 Type I & II of cement.
The method of assessment and test shall be in accordance with BS 1881:Part
b) Sulphate Content : The maximum sulphate content shall not exceed 3.7%
including sulphate ions in cement, expressed as % of S03 by weight of cement.

4.4.4 Mixing Concrete :

The concrete shall be generally mixed in an approved central batching plant and the
weights of materials used for each batch shall not exceed the manufacturer's rated
capacities for the machine.

All mixing machines shall comply with BS 1305. They shall be kept clean, free from
hard or partially set cement, and well maintained in good working order.

The time allowed for mixing (after all the materials have been placed in the mixer)
shall be sufficient for thorough mixing to take place.

No hand mixing of concrete shall be allowed.

4.4.5 Ready Mixed Concrete :

Concrete from approved suppliers of ready mixed concrete with proven record, shall
be used in the Works after satisfying all the requirements of these Specifications, BS
53328, "Concrete" and ASTM C-94, "Standard Specifications for Ready Mixed

Prior to commencement of the works, the Contractor shall furnish the following
details to the Engineer in addition to the concrete satisfying all the requirements stated
in the relevant clauses :
- Name and qualification of supplier(s).
- Location of the supplier(s) plant and travel time to the site..
- Certificate of quality assurance.
- Quality control facilities.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.4.5 Ready Mixed Concrete [Cont'd]

- Certificate and test reports on concrete production and products.
- Source(s) of aggregates, cement, etc.
- Quality of water, aggregates and cement.
- Production capacities.
- Supplier's test certificate giving results of tests an aggregates for workability,
strength and chloride content shall be submitted by the contractor to the
Engineer at weekly intervals.
- Any other relevant data such as workability of concrete, admixtures, etc.
- C.V. of personnel year-marked for the project, (approved personnel shall not be
changed without prior approval of Engineer.

Ready mixed concrete, mixed off site shall be transported in approved truck mixers
and shall be accompanied by a computer printout indicating the following :
- Admixtures and their quantities added.
- Quantity of Concrete.
- Actual batched weights of cement, aggregates, water.
- With a computer printout indicating the following :
- Date and time of charging the truck from the batching plant.


4.5.1 Truck Mixer :

Truck mixers, unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer, shall be of the revolving
drum type, watertight, and so constructed that the concrete can be conveyed and
discharged into the pumps at site maintaining the uniform distribution of materials
throughout the mass.

The maximum size of batch in truck mixers shall not exceed the maximum rated
capacity of the mixer as stated by the manufacturer and stamped in metal on the mixer.

Each and every delivery to site shall be accompanied with a computer printout
indicating the following :
- Admixtures and their quantities added
- Quantity of Concrete
- Actual batched weights of cement, aggregates, water
- With a computer printout indicating the following :
- Date and time of charging the truck from the batching plant.

Concrete shall be discharged and placed in its final position in the form within thirty
( 30 ) minutes after water is first added to the mix.

However, this time of 30 minutes may be increased with the use of approved retarders
at the discretion and approval of the Engineer, depending on the necessity and

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.5.2 Transporting Concrete :

Concrete, after being discharged from the mixer, shall be transported as rapidly as
possible to its final position in the works by means that shall be approved by the
Engineer, and which shall prevent adulteration, segregation, loss or contamination of
the ingredients.

The concrete shall be placed and compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of
the water being added to the mix. However, this time of 30 minutes may be increased
with the use of approved retarders at the discretion and approval of the Engineer,
depending on the necessity and circumstances. On no account shall additional water
be added nor further mixing be permitted.

The containers that convey the concrete shall at all times be kept clean and free from
hardened or partially hardened concrete.

The use of chutes, spouts or piped pumping shall be permitted only with the written
approval of the Engineer.

If the Contractor proposes the use of piped pumping for the transporting and placing
of concrete, he shall submit a method statement indicating full details of the
equipment and operating system he proposes to use, for the approval of the Engineer.
On approval, the Contractor shall ensure that shocks shall not be transferred from the
pipeline to the formwork, previously laid concrete and the structure.

The initial discharge of any pumped concrete shall be discarded and not be
incorporated in the permanent works.

When concrete is conveyed by chuting or pipes, the size and design of the plant and
pipes shall be so selected to ensure continuous flow in the chute or pipe. The slope of
the chute or the pressure of the pump shall allow the concrete to flow without the use
of any water additional to that approved by the Engineer to produce the required
consistency and without causing segregation of the ingredients. The delivery end of
the chute or pipe shall be as close as possible to the point of deposit.

The chute or pipe shall be thoroughly flushed with water before and after each
working period and kept clean. The water used for this purpose shall be discharged
outside and away from any permanent works.

4.5.3 Plant Mix :

Mixing at a central plant shall conform to the applicable requirements of the Standard
Specification for 'Ready-Mixed Concrete' of ASTM: C-94 and this Specification.

The concrete shall be mixed in a fully automatic computerized batching plant. The
mixing machines (scales/meters, etc.) shall be tested and calibrated for their accuracy
by a specialist at regular intervals of at least three months or such periods as approved
by the Engineer. These test certificates shall be submitted to the Engineer for his
perusal / approval before the commencement of works and after each test.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.5.3 Plant Mix [Cont'd]

The accuracy of the measuring equipment shall be within 3%. The measuring
equipment shall be maintained in a clean, serviceable condition.

Mixers shall be tested in accordance with BS 3963:1974 (1980). The quantities of all
the materials for concrete shall be charged to the drum by weight while the drum is
revolving and shall be mixed in its dry state for not less than one minute before water
is added from the metered system.

The weights of fine and coarse aggregates shall be adjusted to allow for any free water
contained in them. Accordingly the amount of water to be added shall be reduced by
this amount of free water contained in the aggregates. The method of determining the
free water content shall be approved by the Engineer immediately before mixing
begins each day and further during the day as the Engineer desires.

Mixing shall continue until uniform distribution of materials and uniformity of

consistency and colour is obtained. The mixing shall be continued for at least 1½
minutes after adding water.

Admixtures that have been approved as part of the design mix shall be added by
approved automatic dosing equipment capable of feeding fixed quantities into the
mixing water before the water is charged into the mixer.

The Contractor shall ensure that the materials used for each batch in the mixer do not
exceed the manufacturer's rated capacity for the machine. The machine shall be kept
clean, free from any residual material after depositing each batch of concrete and the
mixer drum shall be washed and cleaned out immediately following the completion of
each concreting operation or when changing to a mix using a different type of cement.

Site mixed concrete shall not be used without the specific written permission of the
Engineer. No hand mixing of concrete shall be permitted. However, the ready mix
supplier may erect a batching plant on site to the approval of the Engineer.


The concrete shall be mixed only in such quantities as are required for immediate use and any
concrete which has developed initial setting shall not be used. Concrete, which has partially
hardened, shall not be re-tempered or re-mixed.


Concrete shall only be placed after the Engineer has examined and approved the positioning,
fixing and condition of the reinforcement and any other items to be embedded, and the
cleanliness, alignment and suitability of the containing surfaces.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


The concrete shall be placed in the position and sequences shown on the drawings and then
deposited as near as possible to its final position in such a manner as to avoid segregation of
the concrete, or displacement of the reinforcement or formwork. It shall be further deposited
in regular courses or layers not exceeding 225mm in thickness when compacted by hand and
450mm thickness when mechanically compacted, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall so organize his work that the placing of concrete is efficient and
continuous between specified or approved construction joints. When vertical lifts of concrete
are interrupted or delayed for more than one hour, the surface of the unfinished concrete shall
be thoroughly cleaned and washed with cement grout immediately before fresh concrete is
added. The first, particular care shall be taken with compaction of this layer to ensure a good
bond. With vertical sections, the unfinished concrete shall be finished off with a clean surface
and left for 24 hours to set before any further concrete is placed. The surface shall then be
thoroughly cleaned of all loose and foreign matter and laitance which may necessitate the
temporary removal of the formwork before placing the remaining concrete.

Concrete shall not be allowed to drop freely for more than 1.2m. To convey the concrete as
near as possible to its final position, drop chutes of rubber or metal shall be used for small
sections and bottom dump buckets or other suitable vessels for large sections.

Laying of thin sections (such as floor slabs) in two courses shall not be permitted except where
specified or ordered by the Engineer.

Reinforced concrete must not be placed directly upon the ground. Where blinding concrete is
used as a base, it shall be of grade 15 mix laid over the ground to provide a clean working

Great care shall be taken to prevent sand or other foreign matter from being introduced into
the concrete from the workmen's boots or any other source. Structural concreting against open
excavations as a back shutter will not be permitted unless approved by the Engineer.


All construction joints either shown on the drawings or proposed by the Contractor shall be
clearly indicated on appropriate drawings and submitted to the engineer for prior approval
before commencing work. However, approval accorded by the Engineer shall not relieve the
Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract.

Beams, girders, haunches, drop panels and capitals shall be placed monolithically as part of
the slab system, unless otherwise shown in design drawings or specification. No construction
joints shall be permitted in respect of the above.

When construction joints necessitate the provision of water bars, the same shall be indicated
by the Engineer on the drawings submitted by the Contractor who shall provide and install the
same at no extra cost to the project in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


Vertical joints shall be formed by means of rigid stop-ends, and all horizontal joints shall be

The surfaces of all joints shall be thoroughly roughened, cleaned of all loose and foreign
matter and laitance, and washed with water. Just before concreting is resumed, the joint shall
be treated with either a thin layer of neat cement grout or a sand and cement grout mixed in
the same proportions as the sand and cement in the concrete. This grout shall be worked well
into the surface of the concrete. When indicated on drawings, the surfaces of joints shall be
treated with and approved epoxy bonding agent to the extents shown therein. The bonding
agent shall be applied as recommended by the manufacturer.


All expansion joints in reinforced concrete structure shall be lined with a suitable bitumen
impregnated inorganic compressible material such as 'Flexcell'. The thickness of Flexcell
shall be 10mm, 12mm, 18mm, or 20mm as per the requirements of the joint and as indicated
on Drawings.

For joints of up to 12mm, 'Flexcell' shall be cut back at the top (finished surface level) to a
depth of 20mm and the recess filled with a two component 'polysulphide' joint sealant,
conforming to BS 4254: 1983 (1991). For joints over 12mm, a proprietary expansion joint
backing strip shall be used and then filled with polysulphide joint sealant after cutting back the
Flexcell to the appropriate depths. The joint sealant shall be obtained from a manufacturer
approved by the Engineer.

Backing strip / backer rod for joint sealant shall be round, closed cell, impermeable, extruded
polyethylene foam, from a manufacturer approved by the Engineer. The diameter of the rod
shall be about 25% greater than the width of the joint to provide a tight fit. As far as possible,
continuous lengths shall be used.


Water stops shall be of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and shall be of sizes shown on the Drawings
from a manufacturer approved by the Engineer. Water stops shall be produced from virgin
PVC base resin and shall not contain any reclaimed material whatsoever.

A fully continuous waterstop network shall be formed using factory made intersections and
junctions with site joints limited to simple butt welds of similar sections (which shall be kept
to the barest minimum), using approved jigs and welding knifes. Cross-angles, intersections
and other jointing pieces must be genuine factory made elements.

Care shall be taken to correctly position and secure water stops in position during installation
and concreting. The manufacturer's recommended securing devices shall be used. The
Contractor shall submit detailed shop drawings along with samples of the product,
manufacturer's product catalogues and certificates for the approval of the Engineer.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works

4.11 WATER STOPS [Cont'd]

PVC water-stops when tested in accordance with BS 2571, the PVC compound shall exhibit
the following properties :
- Tensile Strength : 13.78 N/mm²
- Elongation at Break : 300%
- BS Softness : 45
- Specific Gravity : 1.3.

The centerline of the water stop should coincide with the joint line. Splices in the continuity,
at the intersection of water stops, and at ends shall be heat sealed (welded) as recommended
by the manufacturer. The handling, storage and installation of the water stops shall be carried
out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and to the satisfaction of the

Extreme care shall be taken by the Contractor while placing / compacting concrete in the
vicinity of waterstops to ensure the following :
- No air pocket / honeycombing are included / formed.
- The correct alignment of the water stop is maintained without any wrinkles / turnings/
- No damage is caused to the waterstops.
- Specified concrete cover to reinforcement is maintained around the waterstops.

No splices will be permitted in straight strips. Strips and special connection pieces shall be
well cured in a manner such that cross section shall be dens, homogeneous and free from all
porosity. All junctions in the special connection pieces shall be full moulded. During welding
or vulcanizing periods, the joints shall be securely held by suitable clamps. The materials at
the splices shall be dense and homogeneous throughout the cross section.

If, after placing concrete, water-stops are materially out of position or shape or if voids are
found, the surrounding concrete shall be removed, the water-stop reset, and the concrete
replaced, all at the Contractor's expense.

Alternatives from those indicated on the Drawings will be accepted only if the Engineer is
satisfied that their material and their performance are not inferior. The water-stop, used must
be installed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Water-stops shall be manufactured either from rubber or form polyvinyl chloride (PVC), at the
discretion of the Contractor, subject to the approval of the Engineer.

For rubber water-stops, the rubber compound shall comply with U.S Fed. Specification 22R-
601 a except ASTM D395-52 for compression and ASTM D2240-75 for hardness.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


Full compaction of the concrete shall be achieved throughout the entire depth of the layer and
generally vibrators shall be used to achieve this. The concrete shall be thoroughly worked
against the formwork and around the reinforcement and successive layers shall be thoroughly
worked together. Air bubbles formed during mixing shall be expelled as far as practical and
particular care shall be taken where sloping formwork is used.

Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, approved power driven vibrators shall be inserted
at such distances apart or applied in such a manner as will ensure that the concrete is
satisfactorily and uniformly compacted. Immersion vibrators shall penetrate the full uniformly
compacted. Immersion vibrators shall penetrate the full depth of the layer and when the
underlying layer is of fresh concrete shall enter and re-vibrate the layer to ensure the
successive layers are knitted together. Over vibration causing shall be avoided. Immersion
vibrators shall be withdrawn slowly and vertically to prevent the formation of voids. Vibrators
shall not be used to work the concrete along the forms, or in such a way as to damage
formwork, other parts of the works, or displace the reinforcement. External vibrators shall not
be used except with the approval of the Engineer.


Concrete shall be protected from wind, rain, running water and drying effects of wind, sun and
high temperature. The exposed concrete surface shall be protected as follows :

- Immediately after finishing, polythene sheeting shall be placed on all concrete

surfaces. After the initial set has taken place, the polythene sheet shall be replaced
immediately by wet hessian covered by polythene sheets and shall be kept moist for a
minimum period of ten ( 10 ) days from the date of placing.

Continuous wetting or spraying with a self destructive approved curing membrane shall be
used on surfaces where it is not possible to cover with wet hessian and polythene sheets such
as soffits of slabs and the like, immediately after striking the formwork. The forms must be
continuously wetted during the curing period to reduce evaporation effects through the
formwork and keep the temperature of the concrete down by the evaporation process.

4.13.1 Concrete in Hot Weather :

Throughout the summer months and during hot weather, suitable means shall be
provided to ensure that the temperature of the concrete when deposited does not
exceed 32°C. Aggregate stockpiles shall be shielded from direct sunshine and sprayed
with fresh water, especially when evaporation rates are high, due allowance being
made for the extra water in the concrete mix design. Mixing water shall be
refrigerated, or have flake ice added and cement shall be stored in light coloured
insulated silos or sheds. The Contractor shall erect all necessary shades over and
around the concrete being poured to prevent the sun's rays from coming into direct
contact with the surface of the concrete or the formwork for a period of at least seven (
7 ) days from the time of pouring the concrete.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.13.1 Concrete in Hot Weather [Cont'd]

The means of shading shall be by the use of hessian, interwoven palms, grass mats or
the like, suspended on a suitable framework approved by the Engineer. A suitable air
gap shall be maintained between the undersides of the shades and the surface of the

Concrete placing shall be completed as quickly and efficiently as possible to reduce

transit time. Curing of exposed concrete surfaces shall be immediately carried out as
specified herein.

4.13.2 Damaged Work :

Should any concrete be damaged through neglect in taking the foregoing precautions,
or for any other negligence on the part of the Contractor, the Engineer may, at his
discretion, require the damaged work to be removed and reinstated by the Contractor
at his own expense.

4.13.3 Underwater Concreting :

Concreting under water will not be permitted unless called for in a particular
specification or agreed by the Engineer.


All steel reinforcement for the complete project including piles shall be from turkey Steel. Steel
for reinforcement shall be as shown on the Drawings and shall comply with BS 4449 latest
edition for round bars, BS 4482 for steel wires. All reinforcing steel shall be grit blasted to near
white finish of Sa 2½ standard to be free from loose mill scale or rust, oil, grease and other
harmful matter immediately before inclusion in this works and shall remain within the limits of
over and under weight allowed in BS 4449.

The reinforcement steel shall be maintained in the same conditions till the time of placement
of concrete. If the steel does develop any rust or de-coloration due to delay in placement of
concrete, it shall be grit blasted again or cleaned as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor
shall produce the relevant test certificates from the Mill producing the reinforcement steel, for
the approval of the Engineer before placing orders to establish the source.

Tests shall be carried out on reinforcement bars delivered to the job site in an independent
laboratory approved by the Engineer for compliance with the requirements of the above
mentioned Standards.

Sampling and testing shall be as per BS 4449 and as directed by the Engineer.

All testing shall be as detailed under laboratory testing clause.

At least three ( 3 ) samples of each size and type shall be taken as directed by the Engineer and

The Contractor shall provide, in addition, copies of the manufacturer's certificates of test
results relating to the steel reinforcement for each consignment brought to site.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


The above procedure shall be followed for each and every batch of reinforcement steel ordered
and supplied to site.

Epoxy coated steel for reinforcement where indicated on the drawings shall be fusion bonded
epoxy coated in strict conformity with BS 7295 or ASTM A 8775 whichever is stringent. The
steel to be coated shall comply with the relevant BS as indicated above. Test certificates of the
manufacturer, both for structural requirements and epoxy-coating, in accordance with the
relevant standards shall be produced by the Contractor for the approval of the Engineer before
use. The Engineer may order any further tests if required which shall be carried out by the

4.14.1 Storage / Handling of Reinforcement :

All reinforcement bars or fabric reinforcement shall be stored under cover on timber
over concrete or steel crib support suitably spaced and of sufficient height to keep the
steel at least 1m above ground. Steel shall be protected from all aggressive elements,
to the approval of the Engineer. The reinforcement steel shall be neatly separated in
size and clearly marked with its diameter or size.

Equipment for handling epoxy-coated bars shall have protected contact areas. Bundles
of coated bars shall be lifted at multiple pick-up points to minimize bar-to-bar abrasion
from sags in the bundles. Coated bars or bundles of coated bars shall not be dropped
or dragged.

4.14.2 Bending of Reinforcement :

The Contractor shall submit detailed bar bending schedules for the approval of the

All reinforcing steel shall be bent accurately to the dimensions and curves shown on
the Drawings. All bending shall be to the requirements of BS 4466 and be completed
before positioning the steel in the Works.

Normally no heating or welding shall be allowed. Equipment / machinery used for

bending shall have proper approved nylon / plastic protected coverings at all contact
points to avoid damage to epoxy coating.

Any damage to epoxy coatings shall be repaired as detailed under "Repairs to

Damaged Epoxy Coating". Bars damaged in excess of limits valid down therein and
in BS 7295 or ASTM A 775 (the stringent of the two) shall be rejected.

4.14.3 Placing and Fixing Reinforcement :

The reinforcement bars, ties, links, stirrups and all other reinforcing members shall be
positioned as shown in the Drawings. Corner bars in columns and beams shall be
cranked for the entire length of the lap so that the minimum cover requirements are
achieved and the true alignment of the reinforcement is maintained.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.14.3 Placing and Fixing Reinforcement [Cont'd]

The concrete cover to the reinforcement shall be as specified on the Drawings.

Purpose made approved plastic chairs of suitable sizes to hold the reinforcement in
position and plastic spacers appropriate to provide the desire cover shall be used.

Binding of reinforcement to other reinforcement shall be done using soft steel binding
wire which shall be approved soft steel wire of 1.5mm dia. (16 gauge).

Binding of epoxy coated reinforcement to other reinforcement shall be done using

nylon, epoxy or plastic-coated tie wire or other acceptable materials which shall be

4.14.4 Repairs to Damaged Epoxy Coating :

All cut ends shall be sealed with patching material conforming to BS 7295 or ASTM A
775. All damaged epoxy-coatings shall also be repaired with patching material
conforming to BS 7295 or ASTM A 775. Repairs and sealing shall be done in
accordance with the patching material / epoxy coating firm's recommendations, fading
of the colour of the coating shall not be cause for rejection of epoxy-coated reinforcing
bars. Damages of up to 6mm² areas or as per BS 7295 (as decoded by the Engineer)
due to handling, shipment and placing need not be repaired.

The maximum amount of damage including repaired and unrepaired areas shall not
exceed 2% of the surface area of each bar. Bars damaged beyond these limits as laid
down in BS 7295 or ASTM A 775 shall be rejected and replaced by the Contractor.

4.14.5 Fabric Reinforcement :

Fabric reinforcement shall be of an approved type complying with the requirements of

BS 4483 and the weights and dimensions shown on the Drawings and shall be
supplied in flat sheets. Rolls of fabric reinforcement will not be accepted.

Fabric reinforcement shall be bent accurately to the required shapes before the fabric
is laid in position. All bending and cutting shall be done cold and no heating or
welding shall be allowed.

All fabric shall be lapped for a minimum length of 300mm unless otherwise stated on
the drawings and tied together on both the longitudinal and transverse wires, and all
lapping shall be sufficient for the steel to develop its full strength.

Epoxy coated fabric reinforcement shall be fabricated from epoxy coated reinforcing
bars, coated strictly in accordance to BS 7295 or ASTM A 775. Epoxy coated metal
clips shall be used. Non-metallic clips may also be used. Coating damaged at clipped
or welded intersections shall be repaired as detailed under "Repairs to Damaged
Epoxy Coating".

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.14.6 Welding of Reinforcement :

In special circumstances where shown on the Drawings, or instructed by the Engineer,

mild steel reinforcement may be welded together, and the welds tested if so desire by
the Engineer. High tensile steel shall on no account be joined in this way.

Suitable ventilation shall be provided when welding / heating epoxy-coated

reinforcing bars. Coating damage shall be repaired as detailed under "Repairs to
Damaged Epoxy Coating".


Forms shall be of such quality and strength that throughout the placing, compaction, vibration
and setting of the concrete the designed and constructed formwork maintains rigidity, position
and level within the allowable tolerances shown below from the levels and dimensions on the
Drawings. If timber forms are used, they shall be of sound, well-seasoned timber and free
from all loose knots.

Type of Structure Tolerance

Buried or unexposed concrete + 13 mm (+ 1/2")

Exposed concrete + 6 mm (+ 1/4")
Floor slabs and paved areas + 3 mm (+ 1/8")

All joints shall be sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of grout. If movement or deflection of
formwork or loss of grout occurs, and if the Engineer so directs, the Contractor shall cut out
and replace the concrete supported by such formwork at his own expense.

For all faces that will be exposed to view or to liquids, formwork shall be constructed and
faced with plywood or other approved material so that the inside surfaces are smooth, true and
free from all irregularities.

For all other faces of concrete except against existing structures rough formwork may be used,
which may be plain sawn timers, or blockwork.

The inside surfaces of all formwork shall be cleaned and coated with the appropriate grade of
BP Energol mould oil. Care shall be taken to prevent the reinforcement from being

Where it is required to use internal ties and spacers, their type, spacing and use shall be to the
approval of the Engineer. In no circumstances shall these ties protrude out of the finished
concrete. All ties must be cut back into the structural concrete and the surfaces made good to
satisfy the requirements of the minimum concrete cover to the steel.

Concrete shall not be placed until the relevant formwork has been inspected and approved by
the Engineer though this shall not relieve the Contractor from the requirements as to
soundness, finish and accuracy specified.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


A period of not less than 24 hours notice shall be given to the Engineer to allow for the
examination and approval of the formwork and reinforcement prior to placing concrete.

4.15.1 Removal of Formwork :

Removal of formwork shall comply with BS 8110, Part 1, 1985

Forms shall be removed in such a manner as will not damage the concrete. No forms
shall be removed until the concrete has gained sufficient strength to support itself.
Centers and props may be removed when the member being supported has gained
sufficient strength to carry itself, and the load to be supported on it, with a reasonable
factor of safety. The following table is a guide to the minimum periods which
must elapse between the completion of the concreting operations and the removal of
formwork. Notwithstanding this table, no prop or formwork shall be removed without
the approval of the Engineer and such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibilities for the safety of the structure.

- Vertical sides of beams, walls, upstands and columns 18 hrs.

- Soffits of slabs and concealed beams with props left
undisturbed (removing and re fixing of props not permitted) 5 days
- Soffits of drop beams, inverted beams and props left
undisturbed below slabs and soffits of concealed beams 14 days
- Props of cantilever beams and slabs 28 days.

Any proposal of the Contractor to strike the formwork earlier than the specified
periods if submitted along with a detailed analysis of concrete strength at which the
formwork or props may be struck, to prove that the deflection and bending stresses are
within the allowable limits, shall be reviewed by the Engineer. The decision of the
Engineer after his review shall be final and binding on the Contractor and no claim for
any additional cost or time shall be entertained in this regard.

While concreting upper slabs, beams etc. at least the lower two floors immediately
below shall be adequately supported by props to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

After removal of formwork the works shall be inspected for any defects. No remedial
works shall be attempted on any defects noticed until the work has been inspected by
the Engineer. If, in his opinion, any defect cannot be made good satisfactorily he may
direct the Contractor to replace such work at the Contractor's expense.

No new permanent structure shall be erected on any part of the already erected
structure while the latter is still supported by formwork unless walls are built above
another wall carried on a properly supported base. This requirement does not prohibit
the use of props to take the load of more than one level of framing.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works


4.15.1 Removal of Formwork [Cont'd]

Curing shall commence immediately on removal of formwork, as specified under

"Protection and Curing of Concrete" in this Specification.

4.15.2 Chamfers :

All exposed external angles of concrete shall have 20 x 20mm chamfers and the
formwork construction shall allow for that.


Comply with BS 5606 OR ACI Standard 117-81, Part 5, unless noted otherwise.

a) Plumb (allowable variation) :

i) In the lines and surfaces of columns, piers, walls, and in arrises :
- In any 3m 3mm
- Maximum for the total height of the structure 15mm
ii) For exposed corner columns, control-joint grooves and other conspicuous lines :
- In any 6m 3mm
- Maximum for the total height of the structure 7.5mm

b) Exposed slab soffits, beam soffits and in arrises, measured before removal of
supporting shores :
- In any 3m +/- 3mm
- In any bay or in any 9.6m +/- 5mm
- Maximum for the total of the structure +/- 10mm.

4.17 CURING :

4.17.1 General :

a) Comply with BS 8110, Section 6, Para. 6.6 and 6.8 and ACI Standard 301,
Chapter 12.

b) The methods of curing and their duration shall be such that the concrete will
have satisfactory durability and strength, and the member will suffer a minimum
distortion, be free of excessive efflorescence and will not cause by its shrinkage,
undue cracking in the structure. To achieve these objectives, it may be
necessary to insulate the concrete so that it is maintained at a suitable
temperature or so that the rates of evaporation of moiture from the surfaces are
kept to appropriate values, or both. Different curing or drying treatments will
be appropriate to different members and products. Where necessary special
care should be taken to ensure that similar components are cured as far as
possible under the same conditions.

Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 4
Concrete Works

4.17 CURING [Cont'd]

4.17.1 General [Cont'd]

c) Providing proper temperature and moisture conditions for curing of concrete is

much more critical and important in hot weather (such as that encountered in
UAE), than under normal temperature. It is therefore of first importance that
curing be promptly commenced, ample in coverage and continued without

4.17.2 Curing Methods :

a) Pondings with Water :

Effective for flat surfaces. Curing water shall not be more than 11°C (52°F)
cooler than the concrete to prevent cracking and shall be free of substances that
may stain or discolour concrete.

b) Wet Saturated Material :

Wet saturated material shall be held in close contact with concrete surfaces and
maintained continuously in damp and moist condition so that a film of water
remains on the concrete surface throughout the curing period. Wet saturated
materials shall be kept wet at all times for a minimum of seven days after

c) Intermittent Spraying with water :

Care must be taken that newly finished concrete is not damaged by water
erosion. If sprinkling is done at intervals, care must be taken to prevent the
concrete from drying between application of water.

d) When curing concrete with water other than ponding, do not allow the surface
to dry. Continuous cooling and drying of curing concrete is not allowed.

e) Top of columns and walls shall be cured after initial setting. As soon as
formwork is loosened water curing shall be applied to sides of columns and
walls, and shall continue uninterrupted for a minimum of 7 days.

f) Slabs and flat surfaces shall be cured only by flooding. Flat concrete surfaces
shall be covered immediately after concrete is placed, tamped and levelled, with
polyethelene sheet and flooded with water as soon as initial hardening of
concrete occurs. Covering surface shall follow progress of concrete placement
until the whole surface is covered and flooded. Polyethelene sheet may be
removed after 24 hours and regular flooding maintained for a minimum of 07

g) Use special thermometers of sufficient length of stem to monitor the concrete

temperature of the raft foundation slab as soon as concrete is poured to the
required level. Monitor temperature of concrete for 7 days and provide the
Engineer with daily records.


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