Verb List

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Teacher: Nancy Abigail López López



1. to be is was/were been being ser, estar
2. to beat beats beat beaten beating golpear
3. to become becomes became become becoming llegar a ser
4. to begin begins began begun beginning empezar
5. to bite bites bit bitten biting morder
6. to blow blows blew blown blowing soplar
7. to break breaks broke broken breaking romper
8. to bring brings brought brought bringing traer
9. to build builds built built building construir
10. to buy buys bought bought buying comprar
11. to catch catches caught caught catching atrapar
12. to choose chooses chose chosen choosing escoger
13. to come comes came come coming venir
14. to cost costs cost cost costing costar
15. to cut cuts cut cut cutting cortar
16. to do does did done doing hacer
17. to draw draws drew drawn drawing dibujar
18. to drink drinks drank drunk drinking beber
19. to drive drives drove driven driving manejar
20. to eat eats ate eaten eating comer
21. to fall falls fell fallen falling caer(se)
22. to feed feeds fed fed feeding alimentar
23. to feel feels felt felt feeling sentir
24. to fight fights fought fought fighting pelear
25. to find finds found found finding encontrar
26. to fly flies flew flown flying volar
27. to forget forgets forgot forgotten forgetting olvidar
28. to forgive forgives forgave forgiven forgiving perdonar
29. to freeze freezes froze frozen freezing congelar
30. to get gets got gotten getting obtener
31. to give gives gave given giving dar
32. to go goes went gone going ir
33. to grow grows grew grown growing crecer
34. to hang hangs hung hung hanging colgar
35. to have has had had having tener
36. to hear hears heard heard hearing oír
37. to hide hides hid hidden hiding esconder(se)
38. to hit hits hit hit hitting golpear
39. to hold holds held held holding sostener
40. to hurt hurts hurt hurt hurting lastimar
41. to keep keeps kept kept keeping mantener
42. to know knows knew known knowing saber
43. to lead leads led led leading dirigir
44. to learn learns learnt learnt learning aprender
45. to leave leaves left left leaving abandonar
46. to let lets let let letting permitir
47. to lend lends lent lent lending prestar
48. to lie lies lay lain lying recostarse
49. to light lights lit lit lighting encender
50. to lose loses lost lost losing perder
51. to make makes made made making hacer (manual)
52. to mean means meant meant meaning significar
53. to meet meets met met meeting conocer, reunirse
54. to pay pays paid paid paying pagar
55. to put puts put put putting poner
56. to read reads read /red/ read /red/ reading leer
57. to ride rides rode ridden riding montar
58. to ring rings rang rung ringing sonar
59. to rise rises rose risen rising levantar(se)
60. to run runs ran run running correr
61. to say says said said saying decir
62. to see sees saw seen seeing ver
63. to sell sells sold sold selling vender
64. to send sends sent sent sending enviar
65. to set sets set set setting poner, colocar
66. to shake shakes shook shaken shaking sacudir
67. to shoot shoots shot shot shooting disparar
68. to show shows showed shown showing mostrar
69. to sing sings sang sung singing cantar
70. to sink sinks sank sunk sinking hundirse
71. to sit sits sat sat sitting sentarse
72. to sleep sleeps slept slept sleeping dormir
73. to speak speaks spoke spoken speaking hablar
74. to spend spends spent spent spending gastar
75. to spin spins span spun spinning girar
76. to stand stands stood stood standing pararse
77. to steal steals stole stolen stealing robar
78. to strike strikes struck struck striking derribar
79. to sweep sweeps swept swept sweeping barrer
80. to swim swims swam swum swimming nadar
81. to take takes took taken taking tomar, llevar
82. to teach teaches taught taught teaching enseñar
83. to tell tells told told telling decir
84. to think thinks thought thought thinking pensar
85. to throw throws threw thrown throwing aventar
86. to understand understands understood understood understanding comprender
87. to wake wakes woke woken waking despertar
88. to wear wears wore worn wearing usar (ropa)
89. to win wins won won winning ganar
90. to write writes wrote written writing escribir



1. to accept accepts accepted accepted accepting aceptar
2. to arrive arrives arrived arrived arriving llegar
3. to ask asks asked asked asking preguntar
4. to borrow borrows borrowed borrowed borrowing prestar
5. to bury buries buried buried burying enterrar
6. to change changes changed changed changing cambiar
7. to clean cleans cleaned cleaned cleaning limpiar
8. to close closes closed closed closing cerrar
9. to climb climbs climbed climbed climbing escalar
10. to cook cooks cooked cooked cooking cocinar
11. to count counts counted counted counting contar
12. to dance dances danced danced dancing bailar
13. to disguise disguises disguised disguised disguising disfrazar
14. to dress dresses dressed dressed dressing vestir
15. to end ends ended ended ending terminar
16. to enjoy enjoys enjoyed enjoyed enjoying disfrutar
17. to erase erases erased erased erasing borrar
18. to fill fills filled filled filling llenar
19. to finish finishes finished finished finishing terminar
20. to follow follows followed followed following seguir
21. to guess guesses guessed guessed guessing adivinar
22. to help helps helped helped helping ayudar
23. to hurry hurries hurried hurried hurrying apresurarse
24. to intend intends intended intended intending intentar
25. to jump jumps jumped jumped jumping saltar
26. to like likes liked liked liking gustar
27. to listen listens listened listened listening escuchar
28. to live lives lived lived living vivir
29. to look looks looked looked looking mirar
30. to love loves loved loved loving amar
31. to miss misses missed missed missing extrañar
32. to name names named named naming nombrar
33. to need needs needed needed needing necesitar
34. to open opens opened opened opening abrir
35. to paint paints painted painted painting pintar
36. to plant plants planted planted planting plantar
37. to play plays played played playing jugar, tocar
38. to point points pointed pointed pointing señalar
39. to pour pours poured poured pouring derramar
40. to practice practices practiced practiced practicing practicar
41. to push pushes pushed pushed pushing empujar
42. to rain rains rained rained raining llover
43. to reach reaches reached reached reaching alcanzar
44. to remember remembers remembered remembered remembering recordar
45. to repeat repeats repeated repeated repeating repetir
46. to resist resists resisted resisted resisting resistir
47. to skate skates skated skated skating patinar
48. to skip skips skipped skipped skipping saltar
49. to spell spells spelled spelled spelling deletrear
50. to start starts started started starting empezar
51. to stay stays stayed stayed staying permanecer
52. to stop stops stopped stopped stopping detener
53. to study studies studied studied studying estudiar
54. to talk talks talked talked talking hablar
55. to translate translates translated translated translating traducir
56. to travel travels travelled travelled traveling viajar
57. to try tries tried tried trying intentar
58. to turn turns turned turned turning voltear
59. to turn off apagar
60. to turn on encender
61. to use uses used used using usar
62. to visit visits visited visited visiting visitar
63. to wait waits waited waited waiting esperar
64. to walk walks walked walked walking caminar
65. to want wants wanted wanted wanting querer
66. to wash washes washed washed washing lavar
67. to watch watches watched watched watching ver
68. to wish wishes wished wished wishing desear
69. to work works worked worked working trabajar
70. to worry worries worried worried worrying preocuparse

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