HHS Public Access: Applications of The CRISPR-Cas9 System in Cancer Biology

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Nat Rev Cancer. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 August 10.
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Published in final edited form as:

Nat Rev Cancer. 2015 July ; 15(7): 387–395. doi:10.1038/nrc3950.

Applications of the CRISPR-Cas9 system in cancer biology

Francisco J. Sánchez-Rivera1,2 and Tyler Jacks1,2,3,#
1DavidH. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA 02142
2Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142
3Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139
Author Manuscript

The prokaryotic type II clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9
system is rapidly revolutionizing the field of genetic engineering, allowing researchers to alter the
genomes of a large variety of organisms with relative ease. Experimental approaches based on this
versatile technology have the potential to transform the field of cancer genetics. Here we review
current approaches based on CRISPR-Cas9 for functional studies of cancer genes, with emphasis
on its applicability for the development of the next-generation models of human cancer.

Cancer is a disease characterized by multiple genetic and epigenetic alterations in oncogenes

and tumor suppressor genes1. Therefore, experimental approaches to manipulate the
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genomes of normal and cancer cells are critical for modeling the disease as well as
systematically studying the many genes involved in the process. Decades of research and
development of genome engineering technologies have made it possible to precisely delete,
or otherwise modify, specific DNA sequences in the genomes of cells in culture or of animal
models to explore the role of genes implicated in cancer initiation, progression and
therapeutic response. Pioneering work by Mario Capecchi, Oliver Smithies, and others on
gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells via homologous recombination2–4 provided the
scientific community the means to generate numerous genetically-engineered mouse models
(GEMMs) harboring precise mutations in tumor suppressors and oncogenes as well as cell
lines with defined loss-of-function or gain-of-function alterations in genes that are relevant
to cancer biology. Moreover, this technology has been successfully employed in
combination with site-specific recombinases, such as Cre and Flp, to generate conditional
alleles of a large number of cancer genes5. Although a mainstay of cancer genetics over the
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past two decades, these gene modification approaches have been limited by the relatively
low efficiency of gene targeting by homologous recombination and the time required for ES
cell manipulation and subsequent mouse breeding.

One strategy to increase the efficiency of gene targeting is to introduce DNA double-strand
breaks (DSBs) at the genomic locus of interest6–10. These DSBs are repaired by cellular
DNA repair pathways, particularly by the error-prone non-homologous end joining (NHEJ)

Corresponding author. Communication can be sent to tjacks@mit.edu.
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pathway, which frequently leads to insertion or deletion mutations (indels). DSBs are also
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repaired by the homology-directed repair (HDR) pathway, which can mediate precise DNA
modifications in the presence of exogenous donor DNA templates (Figure 1A). Subsequent
studies based on these initial observations led to the development of improved site-specific
genome engineering methods, of which zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs)10–12 and transcription
activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs)13–16 have been extensively utilized in a variety
of cell types and organisms (reviewed in17,18). ZFNs and TALENs greatly facilitated precise
genome engineering; however, their widespread adoption has been limited by the cost and
complexity of designing these custom-built endonucleases.

The recently described prokaryotic clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
(CRISPR)-Cas system and the successful implementation of the Streptococcus pyogenes-
derived type II CRISPR-Cas9 system in mammalian cells by the Zhang19, Church20,
Doudna21 and Kim22 groups has rapidly changed the landscape of genome engineering by
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addressing many of the limitations of earlier methods. This highly versatile system, which is
derived from a prokaryotic adaptive immune system, is composed of two biological
components: the RNA-guided DNA endonuclease Cas9 and a chimeric single guide RNA
(sgRNA). The sgRNA molecule contains both a CRISPR RNA (crRNA) component and a
trans-activating crRNA (tracrRNA) component, which binds to Cas9 and directs it to a
genomic sequence of interest via base pairing to the target sequence23 (Figure 1B). The only
criterion defining the target sequence is that it be adjacent to a protospacer adjacent motif
(PAM), consisting of either an NGG or NAG trinucleotide24 for S. pyogenes-derived Cas9
(of note, other Cas9 orthologues recognize different PAM sequences25,26). By simply
combining the expression of Cas9 with an sgRNA complementary to a target DNA
sequence, one can achieve high efficiency cleavage of the target, leading to DSBs, which
then get repaired via NHEJ or HDR (Figure 1B). Numerous studies published over just the
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last few years have demonstrated efficient gene disruption and gene modification in a
variety of cells and organisms via CRISPR-Cas9-mediated NHEJ or HDR, respectively
(reviewed in27).

In this Progress article, we discuss several recent applications of the CRISPR-Cas9 system,
with particular emphasis on approaches that promise to transform the field of cancer biology
by facilitating the engineering of normal and cancer genomes.

Rapid modeling of genetic events

In the current era of cancer genomics, several large-scale cancer genome sequencing efforts
have produced an expanding catalogue of the genetic alterations present in human tumors28.
Amongst a background of so-called passenger mutations, which are presumed not to directly
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affect the tumorigenic process, driver mutations directly or indirectly promote the
transformation of normal cells to cancer cells through mutational activation of oncogenes
and/or inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. Oncogenes are typically activated via gain-
of-function mutations whereas tumor suppressor genes are usually inactivated via loss-of-
function mutations.

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Moderate to large-scale functional genetic studies aimed at dissecting the role of putative
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oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in cell culture, xenografts, allografts and, in some
cases, transgenic mouse models have traditionally relied on cDNA-based overexpression
and RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knockdown approaches. While these approaches
have led to many important discoveries in cancer biology over the last several years, they
have a number of important limitations. First, cDNA-based expression systems can lead to
supraphysiological levels of gene expression29, which might cause aberrant and artifactual
effects on signaling pathways and cell biological processes. RNAi-based inactivation
approaches are limited by the uncertainty of the degree of gene silencing and the stability of
the inhibition. This is not problematic for some targets or experimental protocols, but for
others complete and permanent inactivation is required to obtain consistent results. RNAi-
based approaches can also suffer from substantial off-target effects. The deployment of the
CRISPR-Cas9 system for targeted modification of endogenous loci offers a rapid method for
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overcoming these limitations. In addition to simplifying the study of oncogenes and tumor
suppressor genes, the CRISPR-Cas9 system also allows for rapid discrimination between
driver and passenger mutations.

Permanent Cas9-mediated modification of single or multiple endogenous loci can be

achieved via transient or stable delivery of the CRISPR components. Several groups have
reported successful editing of endogenous genes in cells in culture via transient transfection
of plasmid DNA encoding Cas9 and sgRNAs19–22 or Cas9-sgRNA ribonucleoprotein
complexes (RNPs)30,31. Alternatively, CRISPR components can be stably delivered into
cells through the use of retroviruses or lentiviruses32,33. To engineer loss-of-function
mutations, one relies on NHEJ, which often results in the generation of indels near the Cas9
cleavage site that frequently lead to frameshift mutations. Engineering gain-of-function
mutations requires the inclusion of an HDR template in the form of single-stranded or
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double-stranded DNA carrying the desired mutation (Figure 1B and Box 1). Transient
expression of the CRISPR components offers the advantage of a hit-and-run strategy, which
should allow for unlimited serial editing of endogenous genes without the need of multiple
viral integrations or continuous expression of CRISPR components. Cell lines carrying one
or more targeted mutations can then be tested using a battery of cell-based and in vivo assays
to examine the effects of the mutation(s) on cancer-associated phenotypes. This approach
can be used on established cancer cell lines, primary cell lines obtained from mouse or
human origins, as well as patient-derived xenografts and organoid cultures, among others
(Box 1). Moreover, this technology should allow for systematic analysis of epistatic
interactions and comprehensive dissection of oncogenic signaling pathways via sequential or
multiplex gene editing. In addition to allowing the functional characterization of true cancer
genes, such studies can also help rule out a functional effect of a passenger mutation on
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cancer initiation and progression. Several review articles27,34 have recently described in
detail most applications of the CRISPR-Cas9 system for genome engineering. We have
summarized these applications in Boxes 1–3 and will focus below on the utility of this
technology for generating animal models for the study of cancer genes in vivo.

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Rapid generation of mouse models

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Genetically-engineered mouse models (GEMMs)5 and non-germline GEMMs (nGEMMs)35

of cancer have played a critical role in uncovering several fundamental aspects of tumor
initiation, maintenance and progression. In addition, they have emerged as faithful models
with which to test a variety of anti-cancer agents, as well as for uncovering mechanisms of
drug resistance36,37. However, generating GEMMs is a slow and expensive process,
requiring complex ES cell manipulation and/or pronuclear injection, as well as extensive
mouse husbandry to obtain animals harboring the alleles of interest35. nGEMMs of cancer
can simplify this process by bypassing the need for complex genetic crosses through the
serial re-targeting of ES cells35. Nevertheless, the inability to simultaneously introduce
multiple genetic modifications in mice or ES cells remains a considerable barrier.

Jaenisch and colleagues have recently demonstrated that the CRISPR-Cas9 system can be
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utilized to simultaneously disrupt up to eight alleles in mouse ES cells in a single step38.

Furthermore, they reported efficient simultaneous disruption of two genes in single-cell
mouse embryos and the subsequent one-step generation of double knockout animals38. This
group also demonstrated efficient simultaneous HDR-mediated genome editing of two
endogenous genes38. In a subsequent study, they extended their CRISPR-Cas9 methods for
rapidly generating mice carrying conditional Cre/loxP-based alleles and reporter alleles, as
well as using pairs of sgRNAs to generate mice carrying small deletions39 (Box 1). These
studies have demonstrated the ease with which ES cells or mice harboring multiple gain-of-
function and loss-of-function mutations can be generated, an advance that has opened the
door for the development of novel GEMMs and nGEMMs of cancer with unprecedented
speed and precision. Indeed, we predict that there will be an explosion of novel GEMMs and
nGEMMs harboring uniquely complex genetic alterations that will allow for detailed
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analysis of several stages of tumor evolution with unprecedented speed and efficiency
(Figure 2A). For example, CRISPR-mediated engineering will allow for rapid generation of
large repositories of ES cell lines harboring multiple combinations of constitutive or
conditional mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, as well as large
chromosomal rearrangements that will capture some of the genetic heterogeneity that is
characteristic of human cancer genomes. These ES cell lines can be utilized to generate
GEMMs and nGEMMs of cancer harboring multiple distinct mutant genotypes, which will
be highly valuable for testing new therapeutic regimens and for personalized oncology

It is important to note that the majority of mouse cancer models have been based on a rather
limited number of mutant genes or alleles, such as the G12D or G12V mutations in the Kras
oncogene40,41. The CRISPR-Cas9 system will allow for systematic generation of models
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harboring multiple oncogenic alleles, making it possible to investigate allele-specific

consequences in tumor progression and therapeutic response. Highly systematic and
multiplexable approaches for HDR-mediated editing of specific genomic regions, such as
the methods developed by the Shendure laboratory42, will facilitate rapid analysis of
‘hotspot’ regions with various combinations of mutations and subsequent generation of
GEMMs and nGEMMs.

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Beyond new model development, the CRISPR-Cas9 system can also be used to refine
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existing models of cancer. ES cell lines derived from well-studied GEMMs can be readily
reengineered to harbor additional constitutive or conditional mutant alleles of oncogenes and
tumor suppressor genes43 (Figure 2A). Thus, candidate cooperating mutations can be easily
studied and putative synthetic lethal interactions can be validated. Moreover, this approach
will allow for pre-clinical studies consisting of cohorts of mice that better represent the
genetic heterogeneity of human cancers (Figure 2A). One can even envision combining
comprehensive genomic characterization of tumors from individual patients with the rapid
generation of personalized GEMMs, nGEMMs or cell-based xenografts. In vivo models
carrying the exact complement of driver mutations from a given patient’s tumor could then
be screened with conventional or experimental anti-cancer agents to identify the most
effective therapies.

Somatic genome engineering

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As outlined above, the efficiency of genome editing by CRISPR-Cas9 makes the process of
germline and ES cell line genetic manipulation more rapid and more powerful. The power of
the system is even more evident in the ability to perform somatic genome editing ex vivo and
in vivo.

Ex vivo CRISPR-based somatic genome editing for modeling cancer in vivo

Three recent studies have demonstrated the power of CRISPR-based ex vivo somatic
genome editing for rapid modeling of cooperating mutations and the generation of mouse
models of haematopoietic malignancies32,44,45. The Pelletier group demonstrated efficient
ex vivo editing of the Trp53 tumor suppressor gene in Arf−/−Eμ-Myc lymphomas that were
subsequently transplanted into syngeneic mice to show that Arf−/−Eμ-Myc cells lacking p53
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are substantially enriched upon treatment with doxorubicin32. Using a similar approach, the
Lowe laboratory utilized ex vivo CRISPR-mediated disruption of the Mll3 (also known as
Kmt2c) tumor suppressor gene in shNf1;Trp53−/− primary mouse haematopoietic stem and
progenitor cells (HSPCs) to demonstrate that Mll3 is a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor in
acute myeloid leukemia (AML)44. The Ebert group employed the CRISPR-Cas9 system to
rapidly generate mouse models of AML by lentiviral-mediated ex vivo editing of single or
multiple genes in primary mouse haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells45. These three
studies highlight the potential of the CRISPR-Cas9 system for ex vivo somatic genome
editing of primary cells, which can be further exploited for the rapid generation of mouse
models of a variety of human malignancies (Figure 2B).

In vivo CRISPR-based somatic genome editing for modeling cancer

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To explore the use of the CRISPR-Cas9 system for directly mutating genes in living
animals, our laboratory utilized hydrodynamic gene transfer to simultaneously deliver
plasmids encoding Cas9 and sgRNAs targeting the Pten and Trp53 tumor suppressor genes
to hepatocytes in vivo46. Strikingly, delivery of these CRISPR plasmids to the hepatocytes
of adult wild-type mice was sufficient to induce liver tumors with identical histopathology to
those observed in Ptenfl/fl;Trp53fl/fl GEMMs, in which tumors were initiated via delivery of
adenoviruses expressing Cre recombinase. These results strongly suggest that CRISPR-

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mediated somatic genome editing of cancer genes in adult wild-type mice can efficiently
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substitute for traditional GEMMs, at least for some cancer types. Moreover, we further
demonstrated the feasibility of using the CRISPR-Cas9 system to engineer gain-of-function
mutations in the livers of adult wild-type mice via the co-delivery of CRISPR components
and a single-stranded DNA template encoding a mutant form of β-catenin, which resulted in
the generation of hepatocytes with nuclear β-catenin at a low (0.5%) but detectable

Moving beyond the liver, we also developed an all-in-one lentivirus simultaneously

encoding CRISPR components and Cre recombinase. This vector was used to mutate three
lung cancer tumor suppressor genes in the developing tumors of the well established
KrasLSL-G12D/+ and KrasLSL-G12D/+;Trp53flox/flox GEMMs of lung cancer40,47,48.
Intratracheal delivery of all-in-one lentiviruses expressing sgRNAs targeting a panel of
tumor suppressor genes into KrasLSL-G12D/+ or KrasLSL-G12D/+;Trp53flox/flox mice resulted
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in lung adenocarcinomas with diverse histopathological and molecular features that

depended on the tumor suppressor gene targeted. Moreover, a large fraction of the lung
tumors harboured indels in predicted sites within the target genes with no detectable off-
target editing, strongly supporting Cas9 on-target activity for somatic genome editing in
vivo. In a parallel study, the Ventura group demonstrated the feasibility of using the
CRISPR-Cas9 system for modeling large oncogenic chromosomal rearrangements (Box 1)
in wild-type mice in vivo via delivery of an adenovirus encoding Cas9 and two sgRNAs
designed to induce an Eml4-Alk (echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 4-
anaplastic lymphoma kinase) inversion49,50. Lung tumors developed with complete
penetrance and were exquisitely sensitive to crizotinib, an inhibitor used to treat human lung
tumors that harbor this particular oncogenic rearrangement51. Moreover, the fact that the
Eml4 and Alk loci are separated by ~11 megabases strongly supports the feasibility of the
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CRISPR-Cas9 system for modeling large genomic rearrangements. A subsequent study

utilizing lentiviruses also demonstrated the ability of the CRISPR-Cas9 system to induce
chromosomal rearrangements in vivo52. These studies demonstrated the potential of rapidly
generating mouse models of cancer via somatic genome engineering through delivery of all
CRISPR components in the form of plasmids or viruses. In addition to these traditional
DNA- or viral-based delivery methods, recent advances in engineering of non-viral delivery
materials have made it possible to deliver Cas9-sgRNA protein-RNA complexes53 and
sgRNA-nanoparticle complexes54 in vivo utilizing cationic lipid-mediated delivery or 7C1
nanoparticles, respectively. Future advances in materials science and engineering should
make it possible to implement additional types of non-viral delivery platforms for the
delivery of Cas9, sgRNAs and HDR donor DNA templates for achieving highly efficient
genome modification in vivo (non-viral materials extensively reviewed in55).
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To further streamline the generation of CRISPR-based somatic mouse models of cancer, the
Zhang and Sharp laboratories reported the generation of mouse models expressing
constitutive or Cre-inducible versions of the Cas9 enzyme54. By intratracheally delivering a
novel adeno-associated virus (AAV) encoding six components: a KrasG12D HDR donor
DNA template, sgRNAs targeting Kras, serine/threonine kinase 11 (Stk11; also known as
Lkb1) and Trp53, Cre recombinase and Renilla luciferase into mice expressing the Cre-

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inducible Cas9 allele, they were able to induce lung tumors in adult mice by simultaneously
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disrupting both tumor suppressors and engineering the oncogenic KrasG12D mutation.
Recently, the Lowe laboratory reported the generation of a highly flexible mouse modeling
platform consisting of transgenic mice co-expressing doxycycline-inducible alleles of Cas9
or the Cas9D10A nickase variant52 and constitutively expressed sgRNA cassettes56. Utilizing
this conditional platform, they demonstrated effective gene editing in vivo with up to 85%
target gene modification. Moreover, they demonstrated efficient simultaneous biallelic
modification of up to two genes in vivo using a pair of sgRNAs and the Cas9 nuclease. This
flexible platform allowed them to accommodate up to six sgRNA cassettes that, when
combined with the Cas9D10A nickase, led to simultaneous editing of three genes in mouse
ES cells with high efficiency.

The development of mouse models expressing the Cas9 nuclease and Cas9D10A nickase
represents a major advancement for CRISPR applications in cancer biology, allowing
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researchers to focus their efforts on delivering single or multiple sgRNAs with or without
synthetic HDR donor DNA templates utilizing viral and/or non-viral carriers, bypassing the
need to optimize approaches for co-delivery of this large DNA endonuclease. In addition,
expression of Cre-inducible or doxycycline-inducible alleles of Cas9 in vivo can be rendered
tissue-specific via the incorporation of tissue-specific Cre or reverse tetracycline
transactivator alleles, respectively. Moreover, the development of constitutive and
conditional mouse models for CRISPR-mediated activation57 or repression58 of gene
expression (Box 2) will serve as powerful complementary approaches for functionally
studying both coding and non-coding DNA elements without permanent disruption of the
endogenous genomic sequence. Beyond the established Mus musculus laboratory organism,
the flexibility of CRISPR-Cas9 technologies should allow for rapid generation of novel
animal models of cancer utilizing genetically intractable organisms that better recapitulate
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human tissue architecture and drug metabolism, such as pigs59 and non-human primates60.

Future applications to cancer biology

We envision a new era in cancer biology in which CRISPR-based genome engineering will
serve as an important conduit between the bench and the bedside (Figure 2C). The
successful deployment of sophisticated genetic profiling technologies for comprehensive
characterization of a patient’s tumor is generating detailed roadmaps to instruct the
development of tailored cell-based or whole animal-based experimental systems. These
systems will serve as personalized platforms, with which researchers will rapidly and
systematically identify genotype-specific vulnerabilities and synthetic lethal interactions via
single or multiplex CRISPR-based and small molecule-based approaches. Moreover, such
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personalized platforms could be studied in parallel to the patients, potentially allowing for
the rapid identification of resistance mechanisms and the development of strategies to
overcome such shortcomings61.

Although there are current technical limitations to the use of CRISPR-Cas9 for targeting
cancer genes in human patients as a therapeutic strategy, the prospects of this form of gene
therapy are nonetheless very exciting. Recent work has demonstrated the potential of this
technology to permanently correct genetic mutations in vivo in the adult liver of mouse

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models of a hereditary genetic disease via HDR, successfully alleviating aspects of the
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disorder62. Therefore, future advancements of this technology for increasing the efficiency
of editing and delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 components utilizing both viral and non-viral
delivery vehicles will allow for therapeutic genetic correction of single or multiple driver
mutations. In addition to permanently correcting cancer-associated mutations, the CRISPR-
Cas9 system could be employed for precise ex vivo engineering of immune cells for
immunotherapeutic applications. For example, the CRISPR-Cas9 system could be utilized
for the development of novel chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cells63, in which
the CAR is precisely inserted into a safe harbor locus64.

Ever since the Doudna and Charpentier groups demonstrated the potential of the CRISPR-
Cas9 system as a powerful RNA-programmed genome editing platform23, the field of
genome engineering has rapidly undergone a scientific revolution that promises to transform
nearly every aspect of basic biological and biomedical research. The application of this
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technology to several aspects of cancer biology, ranging from basic research to clinical and
translational applications, offers numerous exciting opportunities for better understanding
and potentially treating this devastating disease.

Work in the Jacks laboratory is supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the National Cancer Institute
(NIH), the Ludwig Fund for Cancer Research, the Lustgarten Foundation and the Department of Defense. Tyler
Jacks is a Daniel K. Ludwig Scholar and the David H. Koch Professor of Biology at MIT.

Francisco J. Sánchez-Rivera received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Puerto
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Rico at Mayagüez. He is currently a graduate student in the Biology Department at the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research in the Jacks laboratory revolves around
the application of the CRISPR-Cas9 system to model cancer in vivo.

Tyler Jacks received his Ph.D. training in the laboratory of Harold Varmus at the University
of California, San Francisco. He was a post-doctoral fellow with Robert Weinberg at the
Whitehead Institute at MIT and joined the faculty at MIT in 1992. He is currently the
director of the David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT. The Jacks
laboratory has pioneered the use of gene targeting technology in the mouse to study cancer-
associated genes and to construct mouse models of many human cancer types, including
lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, astrocytoma, retinoblastoma, peripheral
nervous system tumors, soft tissue sarcoma, and invasive colon cancer.
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Potential applications of the CRISPR-Cas9 system in cancer biology

The flexibility and modularity of the CRISPR-Cas9 system has led to the development of
numerous genome engineering applications, most of which have been carried out
successfully in cell culture systems. Many of these can also be adapted for use in vivo
(see the figure). The power of this technology can be harnessed for rapidly and precisely
engineering both loss-of-function (LOF) (part a of the figure) and gain-of-function
(GOF) (part b of the figure) mutations in tumor suppressor genes, oncogenes and other
modulators of cellular transformation or drug response. For example, Toshiro Sato’s
group recently demonstrated the utility of the CRISPR-Cas9 system for systematically
engineering both LOF and GOF mutations in untransformed human intestinal organoids
in order to model human colorectal cancer (CRC)65. Remarkably, the serial introduction
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of five independent mutations frequently associated with human CRC (three LOF
mutations and two GOF mutations) did not fully recapitulate the tumorigenic and
metastatic characteristics of the human disease, suggesting that additional secondary
genetic and/or epigenetic events are required for full malignancy65. In addition, the
ability to multiplex the CRISPR-Cas9 system offers the opportunity to investigate
combinatorial vulnerabilities in cancer cells, as well as systematically test epistatic
relationships and synthetic lethal interactions (part a of the figure). This technology also
allows for generating endogenous conditional alleles based on site-specific
recombinases39, tagging endogenous alleles39, and interrogating non-coding DNA
elements66 (part b of the figure). The CRISPR-Cas9 system can also be utilized to trigger
two distant DSBs in the same or different chromosomes, leading to inversion, deletion or
translocation of the target or translocation of the target sequences, respectively (part c of
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the figure). This approach has been shown to be efficient in cells67–74 and in vivo49,75.
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Potential applications of dCas9-effector fusions in cancer biology

The ability of Cas9 to bind in a specific RNA-dependent fashion can be uncoupled from
its nuclease activity by mutating its HNH and RuvC-like catalytic domains. This
catalytically inactive form of Cas9, often referred to as dead Cas9 (dCas9), retains its
RNA-guided DNA binding activity without any detectable DNA endonuclease activity23.
A series of studies have demonstrated the power of dCas9-effector fusions (see the
figure) for reversible transcriptional repression58,76,77 or activation25,57,58,76–82 of
endogenous coding and non-coding genes. In addition, the use of scaffold RNAs that
encode both targeting and effector-recruitment functions can be utilized for simultaneous
multiplex gene repression and activation within a single cell83.
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High-throughput genetic screens using CRISPR-Cas9

The flexibility of the CRISPR-Cas9 technology has been recently exploited for carrying
out high-throughput CRISPR screens using the Cas9 nuclease33,84–87 and dCas9-
effectors77,82 for the systematic identification of genes involved in a variety of biological
phenotypes (see the figure). The groups of David Sabatini and Eric Lander84 designed
and utilized a library of ~73,000 sgRNAs targeting human genes to screen for genes
involved in the DNA-mismatch repair pathway (MMR) in the presence of the nucleotide
analogue 6-thioguanine (6-TG) and for genes whose disruption conferred resistance to
the topoisomerase IIA (TOP2A) poison etoposide. Strikingly, both CRISPR screens
demonstrated a very high signal-to-noise ratio with the top scoring sgRNAs from each
screen targeting genes involved in the MMR pathway and TOP2A itself, respectively. In
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a parallel study, the group of Feng Zhang33 generated and screened a library of ~65,000
sgRNAs targeting human genes and successfully identified essential genes in both cancer
cell lines and pluripotent stem cells. Moreover, they utilized this library for performing a
positive selection screen in melanoma cell lines to uncover genes whose deletion
mediates resistance to the BRAF-V600Einhibitor vemurafenib, successfully identifying
several known and novel candidates mediating resistance to this targeted therapy.
Additional contemporaneous studies by Koike-Yusa et al.85 and Zhou et al.86
successfully demonstrated the broad applicability of pooled CRISPR-based screening
technologies for identifying host factors mediating toxin susceptibility in mouse
embryonic stem cells and human cells, respectively. In addition to CRISPR-based
screens utilizing the Cas9 nuclease, Jonathan Weissman’s group77 adapted dCas9-based
activators and repressors to carry out powerful complementary genome-wide gene
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activation and repression screens, respectively. A subsequent study by Feng Zhang’s

laboratory82 also demonstrated the successful adaptation of dCas9-based activators for
genome-wide gene activation screens. Notably, Feng Zhang’s group also demonstrated
the feasibility of identifying mediators of vemurafenib resistance. These landmark studies
have demonstrated the feasibility of carrying out pooled high-throughput screens utilizing
CRISPR-Cas9 technologies to uncover genes mediating a variety of biological
phenotypes, including uncovering cancer cell vulnerabilities and mechanisms of
therapeutic response and resistance. In addition to in vitro screens, the Zhang and Sharp
laboratories recently demonstrated the utility of the CRISPR-Cas9 system for performing
genome-wide in vivo screens to uncover genes involved in tumor progression and
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Figure 1. Genome engineering utilizing the CRISPR-Cas9 system

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a | DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) can be repaired by two cellular DNA repair pathways:
the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway or the homology-directed repair (HDR)
pathway. Repair via the NHEJ pathway, which is error-prone, frequently leads to insertion
or deletion mutations (indels) that can lead to disrupting frameshift mutations and the
generation of premature stop codons. Alternatively, in the presence of an exogenous donor
DNA template, the DSB can be repaired via the HDR pathway, which can be utilized for
engineering precise DNA modifications. b | The S. pyogenes-derived Cas9 RNA-guided

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DNA endonuclease is localized to a specific DNA sequence via a single guide RNA
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(sgRNA) sequence, which base-pairs with a specific target sequence that is adjacent to a
protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) sequence in the form of NGG or NAG. Cas9-mediated
induction of a DSB in the DNA target sequence leads to indel mutations via NHEJ or
precise gene modification via HDR.
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Figure 2. Applications of the CRISPR-Cas9 system in cancer biology

a | CRISPR-mediated genome engineering of embryonic stem (ES) cells or genetically
engineered mouse model (GEMM)-derived ES cells can be utilized for rapidly generating
novel GEMMs or non-germline GEMMs (nGEMMs) of cancer harbouring multiple genetic
alterations, such as constitutive or conditional knockout and knock-in alleles, endogenous
synthetic tags or reporters, non-coding single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and
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genomic rearrangements, as well as a combination of all of these via re-engineering of ES

cells or multiplex CRISPR-mediated genome engineering. b | CRISPR-mediated somatic
genome engineering in vivo can be utilized to rapidly generate cohorts of tumor-bearing
mice for studying both basic and translational aspects of cancer biology. For example, the
CRISPR-Cas9 system can be deployed in vivo for generating cohorts of personalized mice
based on the exact complement of mutations observed in individual patients. c | The
CRISPR-Cas9 system can serve as an important conduit between the bench and the bedside.
The combination of sophisticated molecular profiling technologies with CRISPR-based

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genome engineering technologies will allow researchers to generate personalized

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experimental platforms that can be utilized for rapidly and systematically identifying novel
genotype-specific vulnerabilities through a battery of cell-based and in vivo assays.
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Figure 3.
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