Soccer Goal
Soccer Goal
Soccer Goal
1. Students will be able explain the difference between correct foot
placement and kicking the soccer ball with the top of your shoe.
2. Students will have the capacity to use this skill across different activities.
3. Students will understand why it is important to have good dribbling skills,
so they can use it on other similar activities.
1. Students will be able to strategize on easier ways to help them dribble or
kick the soccer ball
2. Students will practice and refine their movement skills.
3. Students will be able to anticipate when to dribble the soccer ball.
5(A) Use equipment and space properly
6(A) Respond appropriately to starting and stopping signals
2(C) Apply rules, procedures, and etiquette
7(C) Evaluate personal skills and set realistic goals for improvement
UTEP PETE Learning Experience Template
National Standards:
UTEP PETE Learning Experience Template
UTEP PETE Learning Experience Template
UTEP PETE Learning Experience Template
WARM-UP Transition 2:
As a result of the activity Students will
1:20-130 engage in a warm-
taking place outside,
students are already aware of up. Increase heart
rate and static
where to immediately go to
stretch while
when outside. Students go listening to music.
straight to a yellow spot on
the floor. This location allows
for students to start Moderate
to Vigorous Physical Activity
while being on their bottoms.
They will do static workout. SAFETY:
After the workout, they will Watch your
take a run around the Jungle surroundings. No
Gym. horse playing. Follow
instructions to avoid
The static workout they will confusion and injury.
engage in, includes toe
touches, straddle bends and
ankles grabs. They will also
lunge to the left and right and
hold their left foot for 10
seconds while balancing on
the right leg then switch
sides. Students will count
from one to ten. Then count
in Spanish from one to ten.
Also counting by 2s, 3s and
5s. This helps students utilize
other curriculums (i.e.
simultaneously while
engaging in physical
UTEP PETE Learning Experience Template
UTEP PETE Learning Experience Template
UTEP PETE Learning Experience Template
*Depending on the
time/group size, students
will complete each task
multiple times (2-3 times)
If I see that the students are
not progressing I will not
increase the distance. I will
decrease the distance.
I would either increase or
decrease the distance
depending on the student.
Additionally, I may chance
the ball type into something
softer to help the ball travel
1:45- I expect students to
1:50 participate. I want students
5min to be capable of practicing
at least 2 to 3 times. I also
expect students to be able
to differentiate the different
Using the correct technique and
position of foot placement
They will be able to explain why
foot placement is crucial
Students show the ability to learn
how to kick the soccer ball into
the goal.
Students will recognize the
importance of using the arch of
your foot to control the ball while
UTEP PETE Learning Experience Template
Debrief/Closing/Cool Transition 4:
Down (what, so what, now The students will now
be given a series of
what): questions tto see if
Psychomotor: they understood the
goal of this activity
Tell me where to place the what they retained for
soccer ball on your foot. this activity and the
previous activities The
Why is important to know how teacher will ask the
to control the ball? students about the
cognitive and
Why do think practice is affective. Also,
important? students will be given
preview on their next
Cognitive: lesson for the
What do I mean by foot following day...
Why is important to know how
to dribble the ball?
1:50 Insight/Preview:
2:00 As we progress we will start to
include more activities, such as
adding some targets and trying
to hit the targets. Because
everybody participated the last
10 minutes everybody will have
the opportunity to play in the
big kids jungle gym.