Nodejs in Action PDF
Nodejs in Action PDF
Nodejs in Action PDF
js in Action
Node.js in Action
Table of Contents
Node.js Framework 4
Advantages of using Node.js 4
Creating Node.js Application 17
Node.js vs Traditional Web Server 24
Data Type
Node.js Data Type 25
Node.js Numbers 27
Node.js Booleans 29
Node.js Strings 30
Node.js String Functions 32
Node.js Operator 32
Node.js Loop Statement 32
Node.js Class 33
Node.js Class Creation 34
Node.js Globals 38
Node.js Errors and Exceptions 39
Node.js prototype chain 41
Build in Object
Node.js Objects 43
Node.js JSON 44
Node.js Arrays 46
Node.js Array Functions 48
Node.js Functions 50
Node.js Higher Order Function 53
Node.js Asynchronous Programming 56
Node.js Web 57
Node.js Buffer 59
Node.js Module System 61
Node.js Module Require 65
Node.js Path Module 66
Node.js fs Module 67
Node.js os Module 68
Node.js util Module 68
Node.js Packages 70
Node.js NPM JSON 72
Node.js NPM 74
Node.js Events 75
Node.js Global Event 78
Node.js Event Handler 79
Node.js Streams 82
Node.js Readable/Writable Streams 83
Node.js HTTP 86
Node.js HTTP Files 88
Express 110
ACL 121
Security 132
Validation 141
OAuth2 146
Node.js in Action
Node.js is a very powerful JavaScript-based framework/platform built on Google
Chrome's JavaScript V8 Engine. It is used to develop I/O intensive web applications like
video streaming sites, single-page applications, and other web applications. Node.js is
open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world.
Node.js Framework
Node.js is one of the most popular javascript framework that allows you to build
scalable network web applications. Node.js contains different kinds of framework, such
as MVC framework, full-stack framework, REST API and generators. They are included as
server libraries, which allows Node.js to run a web server without the use of external
software like Apache and Lighttpd. These frameworks make it user-friendly and allows
it to support a large number of features and functions to develop huge web applications
in just a few steps.
Node.js is part runtime environment and part library for building network
applications using server-side JavaScript. It uses Chrome's JavaScript runtime engine to
execute JS code directly without the need for the browser sandbox.
Node.js is supposed to be three things: easy to use, fast, and scalable. It's easy in
that a little code goes a long way and uses it's own concurrency model that's a lot
simpler than traditional O/S threads. Much like client-side JS libraries, node.js does
provide abstraction so that a lot of the boilerplate code is handled under the covers.
The scalability results from node.js's better memory efficiency under high-loads and
non-blocking execution model. Functions in node.js almost never perform I/O directly, so
processes never block. That leaves the developer free from worrying about dead-locking
processes and able to focus on the code at hand. That's just another reason why
beginner to intermediate programmers are able to use node.js to develop fast system.
Web server
Web server can refer to either the hardware (the computer) or the software (the
computer application) that helps to deliver content that can be accessed through
the Internet.
The primary function of a web server is to deliver web pages on the request to
clients. This means delivery of HTML documents and any additional content that
may be included by a document, such as images, style sheets and scripts.
A web server is the basic to delivering requests/pagess to the clients/user on the
Web framework
A web application framework is a software framework that is designed to
support the development of dynamic websites, web applications and web
services. The framework aims to alleviate the overhead associated with common
activities performed in Web development.
For example, many frameworks provide libraries for database access, templating
frameworks and session management, and they often promote code reuse.
A web framework uses a webserver to deliver the requests to client, but it is not
the web server.
Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast,
scalable network applications.
Node.js is part runtime environment and part library for building network
applications using server-side JavaScript.
Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight
and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across
distributed devices.
Node.js uses an event-based server execution procedure rather than the
multithreaded execution.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing
server-side web applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript and
can be run within the Node.js runtime on a wide variety of platforms, including
OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, NonStop, IBM AIX, IBM System z and
IBM i. Its work is hosted and supported by the Node.js Foundation, a
collaborative project at the Linux Foundation.
Node.js provides an event-driven architecture and a non-blocking I/O API
designed to optimize an application's throughput and scalability for real-time
web applications. It uses Google V8 JavaScript engine to execute code, and a
large percentage of the basic modules are written in JavaScript. Node.js contains
a built-in library to allow applications to act as a stand-alone web server.
Figure 6 shows a single thread: when a client is connected, the thread is blocked
(represented in red) while the final result is not ready. Thus, Apache thread is blocked
waiting (doing nothing) during long I/O operations such as writing to disk or database.
V8 is the JavaScript execution engine built for Google Chrome and open-sourced
by Google in 2008. Written in C++, V8 compiles JavaScript source code to native
machine code instead of interpreting it in real time.
Node.js users:
Node.js is used by IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Walmart, Groupon, SAP, LinkedIn, Rakuten,
PayPal, Voxer and GoDaddy.
Node.js Milestone:
Node.js was invented in 2009 by Ryan Dahl and other developers working at
Joyent. Node.js was first released in 2009 supporting only Linux.
In 2011, a package manager was introduced for the Node.js environment called
npm. The package manager makes it easier for the community to publish and
share open-source Node.js libraries and is designed to simplify installation,
updating and uninstallation of libraries.
In June 2011, Microsoft and Joyent implemented a native Windows version of
Node.js. The first Node.js build supporting Windows was released in July 2011.
In January 2012, Dahl stepped aside, promoting coworker and npm creator Isaac
Schlueter to manage the project. In January 2014, Schlueter announced Timothy
J. Fontaine would be the new project lead.
In December 2014, Fedor Indutny started io.js, a fork of Node.js. Due to internal
conflict over Joyent's governance, io.js was created as an open governance
alternative with a separate technical committee.
In February 2015, the intent to form a neutral Node.js Foundation was
announced. By June 2015, the Node.js and io.js communities voted to work
together under the Node.js Foundation.
Node.js allows the creation of web servers and networking tools using JavaScript
and a collection of "modules" that handle various core functionality.
Modules handle file system I/O, networking (HTTP, TCP, UDP, DNS, or TLS/SSL),
binary data (buffers), cryptography functions, data streams and other core
functions. Node's modules use an API designed to reduce the complexity of
writing server applications.
Frameworks can be used to accelerate the development of applications, and
common frameworks are Express.js, Socket.IO and Connect.
Node.js applications can run on Microsoft Windows, UNIX, NonStop and Mac OS
X servers.
Node.js is primarily used to build network programs such as web servers, making
it similar to PHP. The biggest difference between PHP and Node.js is that PHP is a
blocking language, where commands execute only after the previous command
has completed, while Node.js is a non-blocking language where commands
execute in parallel, and use callbacks to signal completion.
Thousands of open-source libraries have been built for Node.js, most of which
are hosted on the npm website. Its developer community has two main mailing
lists and the IRC channel #node.js on freenode. There is an annual Node.js
developer conference, NodeConf.
Node’s Goal?
Its goal is to offer an easy and safe way to build high performance and scalable
network applications in JavaScript.
Those goals are achieved thanks it’s architecture:
a. Single Threaded:
Node use a single thread to run instead of other server like Apache HTTP who
spawn a thread per request, this approach result in avoiding CPU context switching and
massive execution stacks in memory. This is also the method used by nginx and other
servers developed to counter the C10K problem.
b. Event Loop:
Written in C++ using the Marc Lehman’s libev library, the event loop use epoll or
kqueue for scalable event notification mechanism.
c. Non-blocking I/O:
Node avoid CPU time loss usually made by waiting for an input or an output
response (database, file system, web service, …) thanks to the full-featured
asynchronous I/O provided by Marc Lehmann’s libeio library.
Node has a built-in support for most important protocols like TCP, DNS, and HTTP (the
one that we will focus on). The design goal of a Node application is that any function
performing an I/O must use a callback. That’s why there is no blocking methods
provided in Node’s API.
The HTTP implementation offered by Node is very complete and natively support
chunked request and response and hanging request for comet applications. The Node’s
footprint for each http stream is only 36 bytes (source).
Multi-threaded execution
In the first method even though the code is simple the execution pauses for a while
at the point where the slow web server is accessed. The second method is more
optimized in case of performance but it’s hard to code and it has a multithread
management overhead. The case is similar for most of the web programming languages
other than the server-side JavaScript, i.e., Node.js.
The major difference between Node and other server-side technologies is Node’s
use of a single thread and asynchronous architecture. Many other server-side
technologies are multi-threaded and synchronous, meaning that threads can be blocked
while waiting for replies from the database. Each request creates a new thread from a
limited pool based on system RAM usage. Node’s asynchronous design allows it to
handle a large number of concurrent connections with high throughput on a
single-thread, which makes it highly scalable.
Node is not meant as a replacement for other technology stacks, but it can provide
scalability and increased performance to applications which fit its purpose. Some
examples of application types which can benefit from using Node are REST APIs, Chat
applications and Real-Time Tracking applications (Brokerage trading dashboards,
real-time user statistics, etc.)
The main event loop is single-threaded by nature. But most of the I/O (network,
disk, etc) is run on separate threads, because the I/O APIs in Node.js are
asynchronous/non-blocking by design, in order to accommodate the event loop.
One of the biggest pluses about Node is the very fact that more often than not
all the code the developer writes is running on one thread in an event loop –
that’s the rub – you don’t have to deal with a multi-threaded environment
because it’s abstracted away.
So yes, you can’t get away from multithreading, even in Node.js. However, with
the Node.js event loop, you can truly avoid many of the pitfalls of more
traditional multithreaded servers and programs.
Let me give you an analogy. Client side Javascript has no traditional I/O. Node.js
was created in the first place because Javascript had no existing I/O libraries so
they could start clean with non-blocking I/O. For the client, I/O takes the form of
AJAX requests. AJAX is by default asynchronous. If AJAX were synchronous then
it would lock up the front-end. By extension, the same thing is true with Node.js.
If I/O in Node was synchronous/blocking then it would lock up the event-loop.
Instead asynchronous/non-blocking i/o APIs in Node allow Node to utilize
background threads that do the I/O work behind the scenes, thus allowing the
event loop to continue ticking around and around freely, about once every 20
What it really means is that Node.js is not a silver-bullet new platform that will
dominate the web development world. Instead, it’s a platform that fills a particular
need. And understanding this is absolutely essential. You definitely don’t want to use
Node.js for CPU-intensive operations; in fact, using it for heavy computation will annul
nearly all of its advantages. Where Node really shines is in building fast, scalable
network applications, as it’s capable of handling a huge number of simultaneous
connections with high throughput, which equates to high scalability.
There is, of course, the question of sharing a single thread between all clients’
requests, and it is a potential pitfall of writing Node.js applications. Firstly, heavy
computation could choke up Node’s single thread and cause problems for all clients
(more on this later) as incoming requests would be blocked until said computation was
completed. Secondly, developers need to be really careful not to allow an exception
bubbling up to the core (topmost) Node.js event loop, which will cause the Node.js
instance to terminate (effectively crashing the program).
The technique used to avoid exceptions bubbling up to the surface is passing errors
back to the caller as callback parameters (instead of throwing them, like in other
environments). Even if some unhandled exception manages to bubble up, there are
multiple paradigms and tools available to monitor the Node process and perform the
necessary recovery of a crashed instance (although you won’t be able to recover users’
sessions), the most common being the Forever module, or a different approach with
external system tools upstart and monit.
3. Read request and return response − server created in earlier step will read HTTP
request made by client which can be a browser or console and return the
We use require directive to load http module and store returned HTTP instance into
http variable as follows −
var http = require("http");
Above code is enough to create an HTTP server which listens i.e. wait for a request over
8080 port on local machine.
REPL stands for Read Eval Print Loop. Node.js or Node comes bundled with a REPL
environment. It performs the following desired tasks.
Reads user's input, parse the input into JavaScript data-structure and stores in
Eval Takes and evaluates the data structure
Print Prints the result
Loop Loops the above command until user press ctrl-c twice.
REPL feature of Node is very much useful in experimenting with Node.js codes and
to debug JavaScript codes.
REPL Commands
ctrl + c Terminate the current command.
ctrl + c twice terminate the Node REPL.
ctrl + d terminate the Node REPL.
See command history and modify previous
Up/Down Keys
Node.js has global variable console.
console.log function can output string to the console window or debug window
from browser.
console.warn(msg) prints on stderr.
console.time(label) marks a time stamp and console.timeEnd(label) prints out
the elapsed time since the time function was called.
console.assert(cond, message) throws an AssertionFailure exception if cond
evaluates to false.
The variable global is our handle to the global namespace in Node.js.
All the true globals we have seen, such as console, setTimeout, and process, are
members of the global variable.
We can even add members to the global variable to make it available
console.log(console === global.console); // true
console.log(setTimeout === global.setTimeout); // true
console.log(process === global.process); // true
process is one of the most important globals provided by Node.js.
It has useful member functions and properties.
It is a source of a few critical events.
b. process.nextTick
process.nextTick is a simple function that takes a callback function.
It is used to put the callback into the next cycle of the Node.js event loop.
It is designed to be highly efficient, and it is used by a number of Node.js core
process.nextTick(function( ){
console.log('next tick');
});"Right here");
[ 'node', 'D:\\Node_Pjt\\sample.js' ]
Right here
next tick
Starting REPL
REPL can be started by simply running node on shell/console without any argument and
you will see the REPL Command prompt > where you can type any Node.js command:
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
If var keyword is not used then value is stored in the variable and printed, whereas if var
keyword is used then value is stored but not printed. You can print variables using
console.log() as in the pic below.
Example 4:
Node REPL supports multiline expression similar to JavaScript.
... comes automatically when you press enters after opening bracket. Node
automatically checks the continuity of expressions.
Example 5:
Underscore _ is used to get previous or last result.
Node.js uses a single thread to handle requests.
function longRunningOperation(callback) {
// simulate a 3 second operation
setTimeout(callback, 3000);
function userClicked() {
console.log('starting a long operation');
longRunningOperation(function () {
console.log('ending a long operation');
// simulate a user action
In the console view the second line gets executed just after 3 seconds.
Data Type
y = null ;
The above code when executed results in:
typeof: To see the type of anything in JavaScript, use the typeof operator:
For Example:
console.log(typeof 10);
console.log(typeof "SMI");
console.log(typeof function () { var x = 20; });
For Example:
var SECONDS_PER_DAY = 86400;
var PI=3.14159;
console.log("Total Number of Seconds per Day:" +SECONDS_PER_DAY);
console.log("The Value of PI:" +PI);
var x = 234;
var x1 = new Number(234);
console.log(typeof x);
console.log(typeof x);
console.log(x1 == x);
console.log(x1 === x);
2. Node.js Numbers
All numbers in JavaScript are 64-bit IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point
All numbers in JavaScript have the same floating point number type.
Arithmetic operations (+,-,*, /, %) work on numbers as you would expect.
For Example:
var myData = 1;
var myValue = 2;
console.log(myData + 1);
console.log(myData / myValue);
console.log(myData * myValue);
console.log(myData - myValue);
console.log(myData % 2);
The number type in JavaScript behaves much like integer data types in other
The tricky part of using the number type, however, is that for many numeric
values, it is an approximation of the actual number.
When performing floating-point mathematical operations, we cannot manipulate
arbitrary real numbers and expect an exact value.
For Example:
var x = 10, y = 0;
console.log("Divide by Zero :"+ (x / y == Infinity));
You can use the functions parseInt and parseFloat to convert strings to numbers.
For Example:
If we provide these functions with not-parsable value, they return the special
value NaN.
For Example:
console.log("To check if NAN:" +isNaN(parseInt("smi")));
3. Node.js Booleans
The boolean type Values in JavaScript can either be true or false.
Two literals are defined for boolean values: true and false.
We can convert values to boolean with the Boolean function, and the language
converts everything to boolean when needed, according to the following rules:
false, 0, empty strings "", NaN, null, and undefined all evaluate to false.
All other values evaluate to true.
For Example:
console.log(0 == false);
console.log("" == false);
4. Node.js Strings
Strings in JavaScript are sequences of Unicode characters.
We use a string of length 1 to represent character.
Strings can be wrapped in single or double quotation marks.
They are functionally equivalent.
To include a single quotation mark inside a single-quoted string, we can use \',
and similarly for double quotation marks inside double-quoted strings, we can
use \":
For Example:
console.log('Sri Mookambika Infosolutions Pvt Ltd..')
console.log("\"Hey, This is situated !\", in Madurai.")
To get the length of a string in JavaScript, just use the length property.
To add two strings together, you can use the + operator.
Javascript + can convert them as best it can.
For Example:
var text = "SMI"; //finding length of string
substr and splice: To extract a substring from a string, use the substr or splice function.
substr takes the starting index and length of string to extract.
splice takes the starting index and ending index:
For Example:
var s = "Sri Mookambika Infosolutions".substr(5, 15);
var s1 = "Sri Mookambika Infosolutions".slice(5, 15);
console.log("Sub String:\t"+s);
console.log("Slice:\t\t" +s1);
To split string into substrings, use the split function and get an array as the result
The trim function from V8 Javascript function removes whitespace from the
beginning and end of a string.
For Example:
var s = "S>r>i M>o>o>k>a>m>b>i>k>a Infosolutions".split(">");
var s1 = " Sri Mookambika Infosolutions".trim();
console.log("Split String:\t"+s);
console.log("Trim Function:\t"+s1);
1. Operator
The ternary operator
var isChocolate = true;
var snack = isChocolate ? "snicker" : "Hotdog";
console.log("Result\t:"+ snack);
Result :snicker
Bitwise operations
Bitwise operations are supported in JavaScript: & (and), | (or), ~(inverse), and ^ (xor)
2. Loop Statement
JavaScript also supports while , do...while , and for loops. loop are also supported in Node.js.
The following code shows that we can get the names of all the keys on an object.
var employee = {
first_name: "Scooby",
last_name: "Doo",
age: 34,
EmailId: ""
for (key in employee) {
console.log("Employee Data\t:" +key);
Employee Data :first_name
Employee Data :last_name
Employee Data :age
Employee Data :EmailId
1. Class
Javascript classes are all declared as functions:
function Shape () {
this.X = 0;
this.Y = 0;
You can add as many properties and methods to your classes, at any time:
var s = new Shape(15, 35);
s.FillColour = "red";
The function that declares the class is its constructor!
2. Class Creation
Functions that return objects are a great way to create similar objects.
function Message() {
var message = 'Its a Sample Program';
function setMessage(newMessage) {
if (!newMessage)
throw new Error('cannot set empty message');
message = newMessage;
function getMessage() {
return message;
function printMessage() {
return {
setMessage: setMessage,
getMessage: getMessage,
printMessage: printMessage
// Pattern in use
var hi1 = Message();
hi1.printMessage(); // Its a Sample Program
a. this Keyword:
Javascript this object behaves differently depending upon how we call it.
this object refers to the calling context.
The calling context is the prefix used to call a function.
var employee = {
name : "Tom",
age : 23,
Emp_details: function(){
console.log("Emp Name:",;
console.log("Emp Age:",employee.age);
Emp Age: 23
Emp Name: Tom
function myData() {
console.log('is this called from globals? : ', this === global); // true
We can attach a function to any object and change the calling context.
var data = {
value: 123
function fun() {
if (this === global)
console.log('called from global');
if (this === data)
console.log('called from data');
function funData() {
this.funData = 1987;
console.log('Is this global?: ', this == global);
// global context
fun(); // called from global
// from data = fun;; // called from data
called from global
called from data
Is this global?: true
Is this global?: false
b. Understanding Prototype
Every object in JavaScript has an internal link to another object called the
When you read a property on an object, myData.myValue reads the property
myValue from myData, JavaScript checks that this property exists on myData.
If not, JavaScript checks if the property exists on myData. __proto__ and so on
till __proto__ itself is not present.
If a value is found at any level, it is returned.
Otherwise, JavaScript returns undefined.
Prototypes are shared between all the objects created from the same function.
function employee() { };
employee.prototype.Emp_id = 143;"Tom";
employee.prototype.Emp_id = 456;
143 Tom
143 Tom
Tom Tom
456 456
Suppose we have 1,000 instances created of a certain object. All the properties
and functions on prototype is shared.
Therefore prototype saves memory.
A prototype property is shadowed by a property on an object.
this object is a perfect candidate for read/write properties(data) and you should
use it for all properties(data).
But functions are generally not altered after creation. So functions are great
candidates to put on .prototype.
functionality (functions/methods) is shared between all instances, and properties
belong on individual objects.
function employee() { };
employee.prototype.emp_id = 123;
data1.emp_id = 456;
console.log(data1.emp_id + "\t"+ data2.emp_Name);
data1.emp_Name = "Jerry";
console.log(data2.emp_id +"\t" +data1.emp_Name); // 123
456 Tom
123 Jerry
// Creation
var instance = new Test();
// Usage
console.log(instance.testProp); // some initial value
console.log(instance.testProp); // modified value
%'Some Initial Data'%
called from prototype
'modified value'
Within the member function, we can get access to the current instance using this
even though the same function body is shared between all instances.
Most classes inside core Node.js are written using this pattern.
3. Globals
Node.js has a few key global variables that are always available to you.
a. global
global.Tom = "J";
global.Scooby = "A";
throw new Error("Something bad happened!");
Error: Something bad happened!
at a (D:\Node_Pjt\sample.js:3:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (D:\Node_Pjt\sample.js:5:1)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
a. Catch Exception
You can catch it with a try / catch block as seen in other languages:
function exceptionHandler () {
throw new Error("Something bad happened!");
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log("I caught an error: " + e.message);
I caught an error: Something bad happened!
program is still running
b. finally
To catch an exception, you can use the catch keyword.
For code to run regardless of whether an exception was caught or not, you can
use the finally keyword.
The following code shows a simple example that demonstrates this.
The catch section executes only if an error is thrown.
The finally section executes despite any errors thrown within the try section.
try {
console.log('About to throw an error');
throw new Error('Error thrown');
} catch (e) {
console.log('I will only execute if an error is thrown');
console.log('Error caught: ', e.message);
} finally {
console.log('I will execute irrespective of an error thrown');
About to throw an error
I will only execute if an error is thrown
Error caught: Error thrown
I will execute irrespective of an error thrown
About to throw an error
Error caught!
Error thrown
5. prototype chain
The util core module (require('utils')) provides a function to create the prototype
The function is called inherits and takes a child class followed by parent class.
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
function Car(n){ = n;
function FlyingCar(name) {
// Call parent constructor, name);
inherits(FlyingCar, Car);
Tom can drive to New York
Tom can fly to London
// util function
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
// Base
function Base() {
this.message = "This is a message";
Base.prototype.relationship = function () {
return this.message + " From Parent"
// Child
function Child() {; };
inherits(Child, Base);
Child.prototype.relationship = function () {
// Call base implementation + customize
return + " to child ";
// Test:
var child = new Child();
console.log(child.relationship()); // message base relationship child relationship
This is a message From Parent to child
function A() { }
function B() { }; inherits(B, A);
function C() { }
Build – In Objects
1. Objects
To create an object, we can use either of the following,
var obj1 = new Object();
var obj2 = {};
The latter, known as object literal syntax, is preferred.
We can specify the contents of objects using object literal syntax.
We can specify member names and values at initialization time.
We can add a new property to your user object by using any of the following
For Example: "Harry";
user["name"] = "Harry";
var attribute = 'name';
user[attribute] = "Harry";
If we try to access a property that does not exist, we do not receive an error, but
instead just get back undefined.
To remove a property from an object, we can use the delete keyword:
For Example:
var user = {
first_name: "Stuart",
last_name: "Little",
age: 32,
Email_id: ""
2. Object Literals
The most common way of creating an object in JavaScript is using the object
notation, {}.
Objects can be extended arbitrarily at runtime.
For Example:
var myData = {};
console.log(myData); // {}
For Example:
var myData = {
myValue: 123
console.log(myData); // { myValue: 123 }
console.log(myData.myValue); // 123
console.log(myData.nest[0].myItem); // 1
console.log(myData.nest[2].myItem); // 2
JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation is the data exchange format.
JSON is similar to object literal notation with two key differences.
In object literal notation, wrapping the property names in single or double
quotation marks is optional, in JSON it is mandatory.
All strings should be double-quoted in JSON as follows.
To generate JSON, we can use the V8 Javascript functions JSON.parse and
The former takes a JSON string and converts it to an object, while the latter takes
an object and returns a JSON string representation of it.
4. Arrays
To create arrays, you can either use traditional notation or array literal syntax :
var arr1 = new Array();
var arr2 = [];
As with objects, the literal syntax version is preferred.
We can test if an object is an array using the Array.isArray function:
var arr2 = [];
We can create arrays quite easily in JavaScript using [].
Arrays have many useful functions.
For Example:
var data = [];
data.push(1); // add at the end
console.log(data); // prints [1]
The array type in JavaScript length property returns the element count.
By default, arrays in JavaScript are numerically indexed.
For Example:
var array1 = [];
console.log("Data Of Array 1"+array1);
var array2 = [ 'Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Olive' ];
console.log("Length of array:" +array2.length);
To add an item to the end of an array, you can do one of two things.
For Example:
var array = [ 'Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Olive' ];
array[array.length] = "fattu";
We can specify the index of the element where you want to insert a new
If this element is past the last element, the elements in between are created and
initialized with the value undefined.
For Example:
var array = [ 'Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Olive' ];
array[15] = "Scooby";
array[4] = "Dexter";
5. Array Functions
a. push and pop
The push and pop functions let you add and remove items to the end of an array,
Implementation of Push():1,12,42,53,57,98,103
Implementation of pop():1,12,42,53,57,98
Implementation of unshift():1,1,12,42,53,57,98
Implementation of shift():1,12,42,53,57,98
c. join
The array function join returns a string from the array:
var nums = [ 1, 12, 42, 53, 57, 98 ];
var s = nums.join(", ");
console.log("Implementation of join():"+s);
Implementation of join():1, 12, 42, 53, 57, 98
d. Sort
You can sort arrays using the sort function, which can be used with the built-in sorting
var nums = [ 1, 12, 42, 53, 57, 98 ];
var names = [ 'Tom', 'Henry', 'Jacob', 'Scooby', 'Alice', 'Adams', 'Flinstone'];
console.log("Implementation of sort() for numbers\t:"+nums);
console.log("Implementation of soft() for names\t:"+ names);
Implementation of sort() for numbers :1,12,42,53,57,98
Implementation of soft() for names :Adams,Alice,Flinstone,Henry,Jacob,Scooby,Tom
Example 2:
var names = [ 'Tom', 'Henry', 'Jacob', 'Scooby', 'Alice', 'Adams', 'Flinstone'];
console.log("Array values\t\t:"+names);
names.sort(function (a, b) {
var a1 = a.toLowerCase(), b1 = b.toLowerCase();
if (a1 < b1) return 1;
if (a1 > b1) return -1;
return 0;
console.log("Implementation of soft() for names in reverse order\t:"+ names);
Array values :Tom,Henry,Jacob,Scooby,Alice,Adams,Flinstone
Implementation of soft() for names in reverse order
e. Loop
To iterate over items in arrays, we can use the for loop or forEach function
[ 'Tom', 'Henry', 'Jacob', 'Scooby', 'Alice', 'Adams', 'Flinstone'].forEach( function (value)
1. Node.js Functions
JavaScript is a functional programming language, functions are fully typed objects
that can be manipulated, extended, and passed around as data.
function fn1() {
return 1983;
console.log("Data of fn1()\t:"+fn1()); // 123
function fn2() {
console.log("Data of fn2()\t:"+fn2()); // undefined
function fn3(data){
console.log("This is a sample Data "+ data);
fn3("of Function.");
Data of fn1() :1983
Data of fn2() :undefined
This is a sample Data of Function
function fn1(data){
console.log("This is a sample Data "+ data);
fn1("of Function.");
fn1("Tom", "Jerry", "AAA", 4);
This is a sample Data of Function.
This is a sample Data undefined
This is a sample Data Tom
var x = function (a, b) {
return a + b;
console.log("Function without name:"+x(10, 20));
Function without name:30
1. Function Scope
Every time a function is called, a new variable scope is created.
Variables declared in the parent scope are available to that function.
Variables declared within the new scope are not available when the function
var pet = 'cat';
function myMethod() {
var pet = 'dog';
console.log("Inside\t:"+ pet);
console.log("Outside\t:"+ pet);
Inside :dog
Outside :cat
Combining this scoping with anonymous functions is better way to use private
variables that will disappear when the anonymous function exits.
Example 2:
var height = 15;
var radius = 3;
var volume;
// declare and immediately call anonymous function to create scope
(function () {
var pir2 = Math.PI * radius * radius; // temp var
volume = (pir2 * height) / 3;
console.log("Volume of a cone\t:"+volume);
Volume of a cone :141.3716694115407
var fun1 = 123;
if (true) {
var fun1 = 456;
console.log(fun1); // 456;
var fun1 = 123;
if (true) {
(function () { // create a new scope
var fun1 = 456;
console.log(fun1); // 123;
b. Anonymous Function
A programming language is said to have first-class functions if a function can be
treated the same way as any other variable in the language.
JavaScript has first-class functions.
A function without a name is called an anonymous function.
In JavaScript, you can assign a function to a variable.
If you are going to use a function as a variable, you don't need to name the
The following example shows two ways of defining a function inline.
Both of these methods are equivalent.
var function1 = function namedFunction() {
console.log('I belong to Named function');
function1(); // function1
function2(); // function2
I belong to Named function
I Belong to Anonymous function
c. Higher-Order Functions
Since JavaScript allows us to assign functions to variables, we can pass functions
to other functions.
4000 milliseconds have passed since this demo started
If you run this application in Node.js, you will see the console.log message after
four seconds and then the application will exit.
We used an anonymous function as the first argument to setTimeout.
This makes setTimeout a higher-order function.
We can create a function and passing that in.
function fun() {
console.log('4000 milliseconds have passed since this demo started');
setTimeout(fun, 4000);
4000 milliseconds have passed since this demo started
d. Closures
If there is a function defined inside another function, the inner function has
access to the variables declared in the outer function.
The variables in the outer function have been closed by the inner function.
The concept in itself is simple enough and fairly intuitive.
The inner function can access the variables from the outer scope even after the
outer function has returned.
Because the variables are still bound in the inner function and not dependent on
the outer function.
function outerFunction(arg) {
var variableInOuterFunction = arg;
function myValue() {
outerFunction('hello closure!'); // logs hello closure!
hello closure!
Example 2:
function outerFunction(arg) {
var variableInOuterFunction = arg;
return function () {
var innerFunction = outerFunction('hello closure!');
hello closure!
Node.js Advanced
1. Asynchronous Programming
The following code shows how Node.js handles the nonblocking, asynchronous model.
setTimeout() function takes a function to call and a timeout after which it should be
setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000);
The program sets the timeout for 3000ms (3s), and then continues with
execution, which prints out the "waiting" text.
In Node.js, to call a function that needs to wait for some external resource,
instead of calling fopen(path, mode) and waiting, we should call fopen(path,
mode, function callback(file_handle) { ... }).
var fs = require('fs');'sample.js', 'r',
function (err, handle) {
var buf = new Buffer(100000);, buf, 0, 100000, null,
function (err, length) {
console.log(buf.toString('utf8', 0, length));
fs.close(handle, function () { /* don't care */ });
var fs = require('fs');'sample.js', 'r',
function (err, handle) {
var buf = new Buffer(100000);, buf, 0, 100000, null,
function (err, length) {
console.log(buf.toString('utf8', 0, length));
fs.close(handle, function () { /* don't care */ });
2. Web
a. HTTP Response Codes
The HTTP specification contains a large number of response codes a server can
return to clients.
We'll use a few of the more common responses in most of our applications.
var s = http.createServer(handle_incoming_request);
Console View:
Browser View:
3. Buffer
In Node.js we can manipulate Binary Data with Buffers.
When working with streams and files, we work mostly with the Buffer class.
Buffer hold binary data that can be converted into other formats, used in
operations to file writes, or broken apart and reassembled.
Buffer's length property does not return the size of the content, but that of the
buffer itself!
To work with TCP streams and the file system, the developers added native and
fast support to handle binary data. The developers did this in Node.js using the
Buffer class, which is available globally.
var b = new Buffer(1000);
var str = "apple";
b.write(str); // default is utf8, which is what we want
console.log(b.length); // will print 1000 still!
console.log( str.length ); // prints 5
console.log( Buffer.byteLength(str) ); // prints 5
a. Encoding
Node.js supports all the popular encoding formats like ASCII, UTF-8, and UTF-16.
To convert strings to buffers, call the Buffer class constructor passing in a string
and an encoding.
Call the Buffer instance's toString method and pass in an encoding scheme to
convert buffer to string.
To convert a buffer to a string, use the toString method.
var str = "Sri Mookambika Infosolutions Pvt Ltd.";
The result of RoutdTrip: Sri Mookambika Infosolutions Pvt Ltd.
To append one buffer to the end of another, you can use the concat method.
We can fill in all the values in the buffer by using the fill method, such as
buf.fill("\0") zero out the buffer.
var b1 = new Buffer("Sri Mookambika Infosolutions Pvt Ltd, ");
var b2 = new Buffer("Madurai");
var b3 = Buffer.concat([ b1, b2 ]);
Sri Mookambika Infosolutions Pvt Ltd, Madurai
4. setTimeout setInterval
a. setTimeout
setTimeout sets up a function to be called after a specified delay in milliseconds.
The following code shows a quick example of setTimeout, which calls a function
after 1,000 milliseconds (one second).
b. setInterval
Similar to the setTimeout function is the setInterval function.
setTimeout only executes the callback function once after the specified duration.
setInterval calls the callback repeatedly after every passing of the specified
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000)
setInterval(function() {
}, 2000)
World (continues printing World after 2 sec)
Both setTimeout and setInterval return an object that can be used to clear the
timeout/interval using the clearTimeout/clearInterval functions.
The following code demonstrates how to use clearInterval to call a function after
every second for five seconds, and then clear the interval after which the
application will exit.
var count = 0;
var intervalObject = setInterval(function () {
console.log(count, 'seconds passed');
if (count == 5) {
}, 1000);
1 'seconds passed'
2 'seconds passed'
3 'seconds passed'
4 'seconds passed'
5 'seconds passed'
Node.js Module
1. Module System
Node.js uses File Based Module System.
//import myData using the globally require function and store the returned value in a
local variable.
var myData = require('./MyData');
Hello Iam from MyData.js File
a. module.exports
Each file in Node.js is a module.
The items to export from a module should be attached to the module.exports
module.exports is defined to be a new empty object in every file.
module.exports = {} is implicitly present.
By default, every module exports an empty object, {}.
console.log(module.exports); // {}
b. Exports Alias
We can export more than one variable from a module.
One way of achieving this is to create a new object literal and assign that to
Node.js helps us by creating an alias for module.exports called exports so instead
of typing module.exports.something every time, you can simply use
exports is just like any other JavaScript variable.
Node.js simply does exports = module.exports.
If we add something for example, myData to exports, that is exports.myData =
123, we are effectively doing module.exports.myData = 123 since JavaScript
variables are references.
The following code shows that all of these methods are equivalent from
consumption (import) point of view.
var a = function () {
console.log('a called from myData1');
var b = function () {
console.log('b called from myData1');
module.exports = {
a: a,
b: b
module.exports.a = function () {
console.log('a called from myData2');
module.exports.b = function () {
console.log('b called from myData2');
exports.a = function () {
console.log('a called from myData3');
exports.b = function () {
console.log('b called from myData3');
console.log("\tExample for Exports Alias");
var myData1 = require('./myData1');
Example for Exports Alias
a called from myData1
b called from myData1
a called from myData2
b called from myData2
a called from myData3
b called from myData3
b. Relative Paths
When using file-based modules, you need to use relative paths (in other words, do
require('./myData') instead of require('myData')).
c. Utilize exports
Try and use the exports alias when you want to export more than one thing.
The following code shows how to Create a Local Variable and Also Export
var myData = exports.myData = /* whatever you want to export as `myData` from this
module */ ;
Instead, create a single index.js in the something folder. In index.js, import all the
modules once and then export them from this module.
// index.js
exports.myData = require('./myData');
exports.myValue = require('./myValue');
exports.another = require('./another');
exports.third = require('./third');
Now you can simply import this index.js whenever you need all these things:
var something = require('./index');
2. Module Require
When we make a require call with a relative path-for example, something like
require('./filename') or require('../foldername/filename'), Node.js runs the
destination JavaScript file in a new scope and returns the final value assigned to
module.exports in that file.
Using the require function only gives you the module.exports variable, and you
need to assign the result to a variable locally in order to use it in scope.
var yourChoiceOfLocalName = require('./myFile');
c. Blocking
The require function blocks further code execution until the module has been
The code following the require() call is not executed until the module has been
loaded and executed.
// Blocks execution till module is loaded
var myData = require('./myData');
// Continue execution after it is loaded
console.log('loaded myData');
d. Cached
After the first time a require call is made to a particular file, the module.exports is
3. Path Module
Use require('path') to load Path module.
The path module has functions that works with the file/path string.
For example, path.join uses the forward slash / on UNIX-based systems like Mac
OS X vs. backward slash \\ on Windows systems.
a. path.normalize (str)
This function fixes up slashes to be OS specific, takes care of . and .. in the path, and also
removes duplicate slashes.
var path = require('path');
//Fixes up .. and .
//logs on Unix: /myData
//logs on Windows: \myData
var path = require('path');
var completePath = '/myData/myValue/test.html';
4. fs Module
The fs module provides access to the file system.
The following code shows how to write to the file system and read from the file system.
var fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFileSync('myData1.js', 'Hello!!! Iam trying to implement fs!');
//In colsole
Hello!!! Iam trying to implement fs!
//In myData1.js
var fs = require('fs');
try {
console.log('myData1.js successfully deleted');
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error:', err);
5. os Module
The os module provides a few basic operating-system related utility functions
and properties.
You can access it using a require('os') call.
For example, to get the current system memory usage, use os.totalmem() and
os.freemem() functions.
A vital facility provided by the os module is information about the number of
CPUs available.
var os = require('os');
var gigaByte = 1 / (Math.pow(1024, 3));
console.log('Total Memory\t\t:', os.totalmem() * gigaByte, 'GBs');
console.log('Available Memory\t:', os.freemem() * gigaByte, 'GBs');
console.log('Percent consumed\t:', 100 * (1 - os.freemem() / os.totalmem()));
console.log('This machine has', os.cpus().length, 'CPUs');
Total Memory : 3.9093589782714844 GBs
Available Memory : 0.8172607421875 GBs
Percent consumed : 79.09515375945902
This machine has 4 CPUs
6. util Module
The util module contains a number of useful functions.
a. util.format
util.format function is similar to the C/C++ printf function.
The first argument is a string that contains zero or more placeholders.
Each placeholder is then replaced using the remaining arguments based on the
meaning of the placeholder.
Popular placeholders are %s (used for strings) and %d (used for numbers).
util has a few functions to check if something is of a particular type (isArray,
isDate, isError).
var util = require('util');
var name = "Tom's";
var a = 33;
console.log(util.format('%s age is %d.', name, a));
Tom's age is 33.
var util = require('util');
console.log(util.isArray([])); // true
console.log(util.isArray({ length: 0 })); // false
console.log(util.isDate(new Date())); // true
console.log(util.isDate({})); // false
console.log(util.isError(new Error('This is an error'))); // true
console.log(util.isError({ message: 'I have a message' })); // false
Node.js Packages
Node.js comes with its own package management system called Node Package
Manager (NPM).
There are three kinds of Node.js modules: file-based modules, core modules, and
external node_modules.
If the module name passed into the require function is prefixed with './' or '../' or
'/', then it is assumed to be a file-based module and the file is loaded.
Otherwise, we look for core modules with the same name, for example, utilif the
call was require('util').
If no core module matching this name is found, we look for a node_module
called util.
a. Package Locations
Packages are stored in a subdirectory named node_modules within your current
To determine the location, use the command npm root.
To view all the installed modules using the npm ls command.
After installing the commander module, you can verify it using npm ls.
The code above shows the installed commander module. The tree structure
indicates that commander depends on the keypress module.
npm can recognize its dependency and automatically installs any required
You can see the installed modules by browsing the node_modules subdirectory.
module.exports = function () {
console.log('hello node_modulesssss!');
var myModule = require('./Basic');
hello node_modulesssss!
The only difference between file-based modules and node_modules is the way in which
the file system is scanned to load the JavaScript file. All other behavior is the same.
module.exports = function () {
console.log('I Belong to File 1.');
module.exports = function () {
console.log('I belong to file 2..');
exports.f1 = require('./file1');
exports.f2 = require('./file2');
var data = require('package_sample');
I Belong to File 1.
I belong to file 2..
Json Example:
"firstName": "CSS",
"lastName": "HTML",
"isAlive": true,
"age": 5,
"height_cm": 111.12,
"address": {
"streetAddress": "1234 Main Street",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY"
"phoneNumbers": [
{ "type": "home", "number": "222 555-1234" },
{ "type": "fax", "number": "666 555-4567" }
"additionalInfo": null
We can load a JSON object from the file system the same way we load a
JavaScript module.
Every single time within the module loading sequence, Node.js looks for a
If it is found, it returns a JavaScript object representing the JSON object.
"myData": "This an example for loading JSON in node.js"
var config = require('./file');
This an example for loading JSON in node.js
JSON Converter
JSON object has functions for converting a string representation of JSON to
JavaScript objects and converting JavaScript objects into a JSON string.
To convert a JavaScript object to a JSON string, call JSON.stringify passing in the
JavaScript object.
This function returns the JSON string representation of the JavaScript object.
To convert a JSON string into a JavaScript object, use the JSON.parse function,
which simply parses the JSON string and returns a JavaScript object.
var myData = {
a: 1,
b: 'a string',
c: true
// convert a JavaScript object to a string
var json = JSON.stringify(myData);
console.log(typeof json); // string
{"a":1,"b":"a string","c":true}
{ a: 1, b: 'a string', c: true }
2. NPM
Node Package Manger, NPM, is a way to share node_modules with the community.
NPM uses a simple JSON file called package.json to share module information.
To create a package.json file in the current folder, just run "npm init" in your
This will ask you a few questions such as the name of the module and its version.
Just press enter until the end.
This creates a package.json in the current folder with the name set to the current
folder and a few other reasonable defaults which look something like this.
var _ = require('underscore');
console.log(_.max([879, 098, 878]));
c. Removing a Dependency
To remove a package, use either the npm uninstall or npm rm command, and
specify one or more package names.
npm rm underscore --save deletes the underscore folder from node_modules
locally and modifies the dependencies section of your package.json.
You can remove global packages by providing the -g option.
Node.js Events
1. Events
Node.js comes with built-in support for events in the core events module.
Use require('events') to load the module.
The events module has one simple class "EventEmitter".
a. EventEmitter class
EventEmitter is a class designed to make it easy to emit events and subscribe to
raised events.
The following code provides a small code sample where we subscribe to an event
and then raise it.
We can create a new instance with a simple new EventEmitter call.
To subscribe to events, use the on function passing in the event name followed
by an event handling function.
Finally, we raise an event using the emit function passing in the event name
followed by any number of arguments we want passed into the listeners.
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
// Subscribe
emitter.on('Tom', function (arg1, arg2) {
console.log('Tom raised, Args:', arg1, arg2);
// Emit
emitter.emit('Tom', { a: 123 }, { b: 456 });
Tom raised, Args: { a: 123 } { b: 456 }
b. Multiple Subscribers
The following code shows how to have multiple subscribers for an event.
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
emitter.on('participants', function () {
emitter.on('participants', function () {
// Emit
The listeners are called in the order that they registered for the event.
Any arguments passed in for the event are shared between the various
//In this sample, the first listener modified the passed event argument and the second
//listener got the modified object.
ev.handled = true;
// Emit
emitter.emit('participant', {handled: true });
Tom: { handled: true }
is from New York.
c. Unsubscribing
EventEmitter has a removeListener function that takes an event name followed
by a function object to remove from the listening queue.
We must have a reference to the function you want removed from the listening
The following code shows how you can unsubscribe a listener.
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
var taskHandler = function () {
console.log('handler called');
// Unsubscribe
// emitter.removeListener('task',taskHandler);
emitter.on('task', taskHandler);
// Emit twice
handler called
handler called
Example 2:
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
emitter.on('task', taskHandler);
// Emit twice
handler called
In this sample, we unsubscribe from the event after it is raised once. As a result,
the second event goes unnoticed.
EventEmitter provides a function `once` that calls the registered listener only
once. The event listener for foo will only be called once.
2. Global Event
a. Global Exception Handler
Any global unhandled exceptions can be intercepted by listening on the
`uncaughtException` event on process.
To log the error for your convenience and exit the process with an error code.
process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
console.log('Caught exception: ', err);
console.log('Stack:', err.stack);
// Intentionally cause an exception, but don't try/catch it.
console.log('This line will not run.');
Caught exception: [ReferenceError: nonexistentFunc is not defined]
The `uncaughtError` event is also raised on a process if any event emitter raises the
`error` event and there are no listeners subscribed to the event emitter for this event.
b. Exit
3. Event Handler
a. Listener Management
EventEmitter has a member function, listeners, that takes an event name and returns all
the listeners subscribed to that event.
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
[ [Function: a], [Function: b] ]
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
function a() { }
function b() { }
// Add
emitter.on('Event', a);
emitter.on('Event', b);
// Remove
emitter.removeListener('Event', a);
emitter.removeListener('Event', b);
Event listener added a
Event listener added b
Event listener removed a
Event listener removed b
function someCallback() {
// Add a listener
emitter.on('Event', function () { listenersCalled++ });
// return from callback
listeners called: 20
(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 listeners added. Use
emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.
Modified Code:
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
function someCallback() {
// Add a listener
emitter.on('Event', function () { listenersCalled++ });
// return from callback
listeners called: 20
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
// Custom class
function Tasks() {;
inherits(Tasks, EventEmitter);
// Usage
var Tasks = new Tasks();
Tasks.on('connected', function () {
console.log('connected raised!');
connected raised!
Node.js Streams
Streams in Node.js are based on events.
All of these stream classes inherit from a base abstract Stream class, which inherits from
var stream = require('stream');
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
a. Pipe
All the streams support a pipe operation that can be done using the pipe
member function.
This function is called pipe because it mimics the behavior of the command line
pipe operator, for example, cat file.txt | grep yourtest
The fs core module provides utility functions to create readable or writable
streams from a file.
The following code shows how to stream a file from the file system to the user console.
var fs = require('fs');
// Create readable stream
var readableStream = fs.createReadStream('./myData3.js');
// Pipe it to stdout
exports.a = function () {
console.log('a called from myData3');
exports.b = function () {
console.log('b called from myData3');
var fs = require('fs');
var gzip = require('zlib').createGzip();
var inp = fs.createReadStream('myData3.js');
var out = fs.createWriteStream('myData3.js.gz');
// Pipe chain
Creates a jar file for myData3.js
2. Readable/Writable Streams
ws.write('this is a test');
//Creates a message.txt file with “this is a testbas” as data in it.
3. Custom Streams
To create our own streams, inherit from the stream class and implement a few base
methods listed in the following table.
function Counter() {;
this._max = 10;
this._index = 1;
util.inherits(Counter, Readable);
Counter.prototype._read = function () {
var i = this._index++;
if (i > this._max)
else {
var str = ' ' + i;
// Usage, same as any other readable stream
var counter = new Counter();
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
var Writable = require('stream').Writable;
var util = require('util');
function Logger() {;
util.inherits(Logger, Writable);
Hello my name is Tom!!!
Node.js HTTP
Following are the main core networking modules for creating web applications in
net / require('net') the foundation for creating TCP server and clients
dgram / require('dgram') functionality for creating UDP / Datagram sockets
http / require('http') a high-performing foundation for an HTTP stack
https / require('https') an API for creating TLS / SSL clients and servers
The http module has a function, createServer, which takes a callback and returns
an HTTP server.
On each client request, the callback is passed in two arguments-the incoming
request stream and an outgoing server response stream.
To start the returned HTTP server, call its listen function passing in the port
The following code provides a simple server that listens on port 3000 and simply returns
"hello client!" on every HTTP request.
var http = require('http');
Server running at
request starting...
request starting...
request starting...
a. Inspecting Headers
The request sent by curl contained a few important HTTP headers.
To see these, let's modify the server to log the headers received in the client
var http = require('http');
server running on port 3000
request headers...
{ host: '',
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101
accept: 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
connection: 'keep-alive' }
Browser View:
response.statusCode = 404;
1. HTTP Files
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="ISO-8859-1">
<title>Node.js Page</title>
Have a Good Day!!!
var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');
function send404(response) {
response.writeHead(404, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
response.write('Error 404: Resource not found.');
server running on port 3000
Browser View:
Sequelize is a promise-based ORM for Node.js and io.js. It supports the dialects
PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and MSSQL and features solid transaction support,
relations, read replication and more.
$npm install --save sequelize
Sequelize will setup a connection pool on initialization so you should ideally only ever
create one instance per database.
var db = new Sequelize('postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/sam');
sequelize.sync() is based on your model definitions, and creates any missing tables.
If force: true it will first drop tables before recreating them.
var Sequelize = require("Sequelize");
var db = new Sequelize('postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/sam', {
define: {
timestamps: false // true by default
Table View:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "posts" AS "post"
Unhandled rejection TypeError: Cannot read property 'title' of null
Console output:
"firstname": "Mayor",
"lastname": "McCheese"
"firstname": "Ronald",
"lastname": "McDonald"
Table View:
Executing (default): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Employee_DBs" ("id" SERIAL , "Id"
INTEGER, "Name" VARCHAR(255), "Department" VARCHAR(255), "DOB" TIMESTAMP
Executing (default): SELECT i.relname AS name, ix.indisprimary AS primary, ix.indisunique
AS unique, ix.indkey AS indkey, array_agg(a.attnum) as column_indexes,
array_agg(a.attname) AS column_names, pg_get_indexdef(ix.indexrelid) AS definition
FROM pg_class t, pg_class i, pg_index ix, pg_attribute a WHERE t.oid = ix.indrelid AND
i.oid = ix.indexrelid AND a.attrelid = t.oid AND t.relkind = 'r' and t.relname =
'Employee_DBs' GROUP BY i.relname, ix.indexrelid, ix.indisprimary, ix.indisunique,
ix.indkey ORDER BY i.relname;
title: {
Executing (default): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "posts" ("id" SERIAL , "title"
VARCHAR(255), "content" TEXT, "visible" BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, "createdAt"
Executing (default): SELECT i.relname AS name, ix.indisprimary AS primary, ix.indisunique
AS unique, ix.indkey AS indkey, array_agg(a.attnum) as column_indexes,
array_agg(a.attname) AS column_names, pg_get_indexdef(ix.indexrelid) AS definition
FROM pg_class t, pg_class i, pg_index ix, pg_attribute a WHERE t.oid = ix.indrelid AND
i.oid = ix.indexrelid AND a.attrelid = t.oid AND t.relkind = 'r' and t.relname = 'posts'
GROUP BY i.relname, ix.indexrelid, ix.indisprimary, ix.indisunique, ix.indkey ORDER BY
Executing (default): INSERT INTO "posts"
("id","title","content","visible","updatedAt","createdAt") VALUES (DEFAULT,'Scooby
Doo','Mystry solver.',false,'2015-12-25 07:14:30.235 +00:00','2015-12-25 07:14:30.235
+00:00') RETURNING *;
{ visible: false,
id: 5,
title: 'Scooby Doo',
content: 'Mystry solver.',
updatedAt: Fri Dec 25 2015 12:44:30 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time),
Executing (default): INSERT INTO "Users"
("id","username","password","updatedAt","createdAt") VALUES
(DEFAULT,'john','1111','2015-12-25 13:42:05.982 +00:00','2015-12-25 13:42:05.982
+00:00') RETURNING *;
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "username", "password", "createdAt", "updatedAt"
FROM "Users" AS "User" LIMIT 1;
{ id: 1,
username: 'john',
password: '1111',
createdAt: Fri Dec 25 2015 19:12:05 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time),
updatedAt: Fri Dec 25 2015 19:12:05 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) }
type : Sequelize.STRING,
allowNull: false,
get : function() {
var title = this.getDataValue('title');
// 'this' allows you to access attributes of the instance
return this.getDataValue('name') + ' (' + title + ')';
title: {
type : Sequelize.STRING,
allowNull: false,
set : function(val) {
this.setDataValue('title', val.toUpperCase());
Executing (default): INSERT INTO "Employees"
("id","name","title","updatedAt","createdAt") VALUES (DEFAULT,'John Doe','SENIOR
ENGINEER','2015-12-25 14:57:14.596 +00:00','2015-12-25 14:57:14.596 +00:00')
Once this business is taken care of, let’s move through the types available for the
driver and then how to connect to your Mongo DB instance before facing the usage of
some CRUD operations.
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
// Connect to the db
MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/sam", function(err, db) {
if(!err) {
console.log("We are connected");
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
// Connect to the db
MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/sam", function(err, db) {
if(err) { return console.dir(err); }
collection.insert(doc2, {w:1}, function(err, result) {});
collection.insert(lotsOfDocs, {w:1}, function(err, result) {});
console.log("Data Inserted Successfully...");
console.log('Implemented successfully');
// Connect to the db
MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/sam", function(err, db) {
if(err) { return console.dir(err); }
var collection = db.collection('Employee_db');
var doc = {'Age':42, 'City':'NY'};
console.log('Push operation IMPL Successful!!!');
Keys Description
$inc increment a particular value by a certain amount
$set set a particular value
$unset delete a particular field (v1.3+)
$push append a value to an array
$pushAll append several values to an array
adds value to the array only if its not in the array
$pop removes the last element in an array
$pull remove a value(s) from an existing array
$pullAll remove several value(s) from an existing array
$rename renames the field
$bit bitwise operations
// Connect to the db
MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/sam", function(err, db) {
if(err) { return console.dir(err); }
console.log('Data with Age:29 Removed');
console.log('Collection Employee_db Removed');
Steps to work:
1. Installation
First install node.js and mongodb. Then:
npm install mongoose
2. Connecting to MongoDB
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
3. Schemas and Models: To begin, we will need a schema and a model in order to
work with the data that will be persisted in our MongoDB database. Schemas
define the structure of documents within a collection and models are used to
create instances of data that will be stored in documents.
4. Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete (CRUD).
5. Save function on your document: The save function will provide the newly
created document, you can see this in what is logged to the console.
Retrieving an existing document is done in a couple of different ways. You can find
documents based on any property from the schema and you can find any number of
documents - use findOne to narrow the results to a single document.
That's all it takes to CRUD data from MongoDB - Mongoose makes it dead simple so
you can start building services quickly. Using this, along with your Express skills, you can
build a pretty nice web app.
db.on('error', console.error);
db.once('open', function() {
// Create your schemas and models here.
});, tom) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
console.dir("saved Data in DB\t:" +tom);
'saved Data in DB\t:{ _id: 5682194d68a93ee814388091,\n
City: \'Noida\',\n
Experienced: true,\n
Age: 29,\n
Department: \'T&D\',\n
Name: \'Tom\',\n
__v: 0 }'
City: \'Noida\',\n
Experienced: true,\n
Age: 29,\n
Department: \'T&D\',\n
Name: \'Tom\',\n
__v: 0 }'
Reference link:
Creating a client
Start using Elasticsearch.js by creating an instance of the elasticsearch.Client class.
The constructor accepts a config object/hash where you can define defaults values, or
even entire classes, for the client to use.
var elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
var client = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: 'localhost:9200',
log: 'trace'
Elasticsearch INFO: 2015-12-28T04:57:21Z
Adding connection to http://localhost:9200/
The Client constructor accepts a single object as its argument. In the Config options
section all of the available options/keys are listed.
var elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
var client = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: 'localhost:9200',
log: 'trace'
requestTimeout: 30000,{
q: 'employees'
}).then(function (body) {
var hits = body.hits.hits;
}, function (error) {
Elasticsearch INFO: 2015-12-28T05:24:10Z
Adding connection to http://localhost:9200/
<- 200
"took": 1,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 0,
"max_score": null,
"hits": []
Prevent 404 responses from being considered errors by telling the client to ignore them.
var elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
var client = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: 'localhost:9200',
log: 'trace'
index: 'test_index',
ignore: [404]
}).then(function (body) {
// since we told the client to ignore 404 errors, the
// promise is resolved even if the index does not exist
console.log('index was deleted or never existed');
}, function (error) {
// oh no!
Elasticsearch INFO: 2015-12-28T05:51:23Z
Adding connection to http://localhost:9200/
<- 404
"error": "IndexMissingException[[test_index] missing]",
"status": 404
Index a document by calling the index method with your model. We'll refresh the index
after this so you can search for your document immediately. Manually refreshing the
index is only recommended for testing purposes since it has performance implications.
var elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
var client = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: 'localhost:9200',
log: 'trace'
index: 'sam_ind',
type: 'document',
id: '1',
body: {
name: 'SMI',
post_date: new Date(),
text: 'Sri Mookambika infosolutions Pvt Ltd.'
}, function (error, response) {
Elasticsearch INFO: 2015-12-28T11:58:01Z
Adding connection to http://localhost:9200/
"_type": "document",
"_id": "1",
"_version": 4,
"created": false
{ _index: 'sam_ind',
_type: 'document',
_id: '1',
_version: 4,
created: false }
The document is now indexed and you can search for it directly using the Elasticsearch
Query DSL.
var elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
var client = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: 'localhost:9200',
log: 'trace'
index: 'sam_ind',
type: 'document',
body: {
query: {
}).then(function (resp) {
}, function (err) {
response[object Object]
Elasticsearch INFO: 2015-12-28T06:37:23Z
Adding connection to http://localhost:9200/
Express Overview
Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a
robust set of features to develop web and mobile applications. It facilitates a rapid
development of Node based Web applications.
Installing Express
Firstly, install the Express framework globally using npm so that it can be used to
create web application using node terminal.
There are following important modules which you should install along with express:
body-parser - This is a node.js middleware for handling JSON, Raw, Text and URL
encoded form data.
cookie-parser - Parse Cookie header and populate req.cookies with an object
keyed by the cookie names.
multer - This is a node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data.
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
Example app listening at
You can print req and res objects which provide lot of information related to HTTP
request and response including cookies, sessions, URL etc.
Basic Routing
We have seen a basic application which serves HTTP request for the homepage.
Routing refers to determining how an application responds to a client request to a
particular endpoint, which is a URI (or path) and a specific HTTP request method (GET,
POST, and so on).
You simply need to pass the name of the directory where you keep your static
assets, to the express.static middleware to start serving the files directly. For example, if
you keep your images, CSS, and JavaScript files in a directory named public, you can do
this with the help of
Now, you can load the files that are in the public directory:
Express looks up the files relative to the static directory, so the name of the static
directory is not part of the URL.
To use multiple static assets directories, call the express.static middleware function
multiple times:
Express looks up the files in the order in which you set the static directories with the
express.static middleware function.
To create a virtual path prefix (where the path does not actually exist in the file
system) for files that are served by the express.static function, specify a mount path for
the static directory, as shown below:
app.use('/static', express.static('public'));
Now, you can load the files that are in the public directory from the /static path prefix.
However, the path that you provide to the express.static function is relative to the
directory from where you launch your node process. If you run the express app from
another directory, it’s safer to use the absolute path of the directory that you want to
app.use('/static', express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
GET Method
Here is a simple example which passes two values using HTML FORM GET method. We
are going to use process_get router inside a .js file to handle this input.
<form action="" method="GET">
First Name: <input type="text" name="first_name"> <br>
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
Now you can access HTML document using will generate
the following form.
When you happen to submit the html form, you will be able to see the following
POST Method
Post method acts the same way like get method, with only few minor changes by
setting the html form's method to POST and we will be using process_post router inside
the .js file to handle the input from html.
<form action="" method="POST">
First Name: <input type="text" name="first_name"> <br>
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
File Upload
The following HTML code creates a file uploader form. This form is has a method
attribute set to POST and enctype attribute is set to multipart/form-data.
<title>File Uploading Form</title>
<h3>File Upload:</h3>
Select a file to upload: <br />
<form action="" method="POST"
<input type="file" name="file" size="50" />
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Upload File" />
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var fs = require("fs");
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
//app.use(multer({ dest: '/tmp/'}));
console.log( err );
response = {
message:'File uploaded successfully',
console.log( response );
res.end( JSON.stringify( response ) );
One of the first steps you should take to secure your web application is to use
HTTPS. For those of you that think it is too hard, too expensive, or too compute
intensive, hopefully I can convince you otherwise.
So why would we want to use HTTPS? The number one reason is to keep people and
devices from viewing or modifying content being sent and received. There are so many
hacks and exploits that can be done when not using a secure connection. It is foolhardy
to not use HTTPS.
Now that you have HTTPS setup and communication to your server is secure, we
need to look at securing your cookies. Assuming your web application has some form of
authentication, it is likely you are using cookies to maintain session state.
Here is how you can tell Express to set your cookie using the HttpOnly flag:
res.cookie('sessionid', '1', { httpOnly: true });
Equally important as the HttpOnly flag is the Secure flag. This too is included in a
Set-Cookie response header. The presence of the secure flag tells web browsers to only
send this cookie in requests going to HTTPS endpoints. This is very important, as the
cookie information will not be sent on an unencrypted channel. This helps mitigate
some exploits where your browser is redirected to the HTTP endpoint for a site rather
than the HTTPS endpoint and thus potentially exposing your cookies to someone in the
middle of the traffic.
Here is how you can tell Express to set your cookie using the Secure flag:
res.cookie('sessionid', '1', { secure: true });
“Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack that tricks the victim into loading a page
that contains a malicious request. It is malicious in the sense that it inherits the identity
and privileges of the victim to perform an undesired function on the victim’s behalf, like
change the victim’s e-mail address, home address, or password, or purchase something.
CSRF attacks generally target functions that cause a state change on the server but can
also be used to access sensitive data.”
To mitigate these types of attacks, you can use a secret, unique and random token that
is embedded by the web application in all HTML forms and then verified on the server
side when submitted.
Here is how you can implement this protection using Express and Jade:
secret: 'My super session secret',
cookie: {
httpOnly: true,
secure: true
form(action='/account/profile', method='POST')
input(type='hidden', name='_csrf', value=_csrf)
label(for='username') Username
input(type='text', name='username', id='username')
input(type='submit', value='Update Profile')
This example is a little more detailed because we need to see how it all works with
Express, Sessions, and our View. The csurf module requires either session middleware or
cookie-parser to be initialized first. Learn more about the csurf module here and the
express-session module here.
Also worth mentioning (thanks to Evan Johnson for pointing this out) is that XHR
requests need to include the CSRF token. Here is an example of how you could do that.
Wrap up
By taking these first 4 steps, you can help secure your web application. Just using HTTPS
alone is a great first step by itself. There are many more things you can and must do in
order to fully secure your web applications. Think of this article as the first steps in your
long journey to securing your web apps.
An Access Control List module, based on Redis with Express middleware support.
This module provides a minimalistic ACL implementation inspired by Zend_ACL.
Your application will naturally include logic to filter the data displayed to each user.
However, this logic resides on the client side, and can be circumvented by a malicious
user or ignored by a programming error. This is true whether you build your own
backend or not. To give you control and flexibility enforced on the server side, we offer a
number of easy configuration options.
When you develop a web site or application you will soon notice that sessions are
not enough to protect all the available resources. Avoiding that malicious users access
other users content proves a much more complicated task than anticipated. ACL can
solve this problem in a flexible and elegant way.
Create roles and assign roles to users. Sometimes it may even be useful to create
one role per user, to get the finest granularity possible, while in other situations you will
give the asterisk permission for admin kind of functionality.
A Redis, MongoDB and In-Memory based backends are provided built-in in the
module. There are other third party backends such as knex based and firebase. There is
also an alternative memory backend that supports regexps.
Express middleware for protecting resources.
Robust implementation with good unit test coverage.
Kinvey allows you to control access via settings at the collection and entity level.
These permission settings establish a hierarchy whereby lower level (entity) permissions
take priority over higher ones (collection).
For example, if a user has read access to an entity, they have that access regardless of
the collection level setting. This hierarchy offers useful high-level controls, and robust
lower level tuning options.
Common settings
Most developers will not need to do anything, since by default, all data within an
app is readable by its users, but writable only by the user who created the entity. This is
suitable for many applications as it automatically protects against unauthorized
modifications, while keeping the data open.
If your use case requires more privacy, you can set the permission level to Private,
which limits the read access to entity creators. When you request an entire Private
collection, Kinvey will respond with only the entities that user has access to - the user’s
own data. This has the added benefit of saving you the filtering in the app.
End users of an app can only create and modify their own data, but read all data in this
collection. This is the default permission level for any new collection. Previously referred
to as 'append-read' permission level.
The Full permission level allows anyone on the Internet to modify any data in that
collection. Use with caution!
Reader/Writer Lists
You can add other users by _id to a list of readers and writers. Users with matching ids
will have access that other users globally do not.
var promise ='collection-name', entity);// Always save
after changing the ACL.
// Revoke read permissions for user “John Doe” with _id “johndoe”.
var promise ='collection-name', entity);// Always save
after changing the ACL.
// Revoke write permissions for user “John Doe” with _id “johndoe”.
var promise ='collection-name', entity);// Always save
after changing the ACL.
//If you are using User Groups in your app, you can manage group permissions for
a model using addReaderGroup,
//addWriterGroup, removeReaderGroup, and removeWriterGroup.
Write implies delete
If a user has write access to an object, they can delete it. They cannot, however, set
permissions themselves. Only the creator can give and take permissions for the
respective entity
Using npm: npm install acl
Create your acl module by requiring it and instantiating it with a valid backend
All the following functions return a promise or optionally take a callback with an err
parameter as last parameter. We omit them in the examples for simplicity.
Note that the order in which you call all the functions is irrelevant (you can add parents
first and assign permissions to roles later)
acl.allow('foo', ['blogs','forums','news'], ['view', 'delete'])
{resources:'cash', permissions:['sell','exchange']},
{resources:['account','deposit'], permissions:['put','delete']}
You can check if a user has permissions to access a given resource with isAllowed:
acl.isAllowed('joed', 'blogs', 'view', function(err, res){
console.log("User joed is allowed to view blogs")
Note that all permissions must be full filed in order to get true.
Sometimes is necessary to know what permissions a given user has over certain
[{'blogs' : ['get','delete']},
The middleware will protect the resource named by req.url, pick the user from
req.session.userId and check the permission for req.method, so the above would be
equivalent to something like this:
The middleware accepts 3 optional arguments, that are useful in some situations. For
example, sometimes we cannot consider the whole url as the resource:
In this case the resource will be just the three first components of the url (
It is also possible to add a custom userId or check for other permissions than the
1. addUserRoles
### addUserRoles( userId, roles, function(err) )
Adds roles to a given user id.
userId {String|Number} User id.
roles {String|Array} Role(s) to add to the user id.
callback {Function} Callback called when finished.
2. removeUserRoles
### removeUserRoles( userId, roles, function(err) )
Remove roles from a given user.
userId {String|Number} User id.
roles {String|Array} Role(s) to remove to the user id.
callback {Function} Callback called when finished.
3. userRoles
userId {String|Number} User id.
callback {Function} Callback called when finished.
4. roleUsers
### roleUsers( rolename, function(err, users) )
Return all users who has a given role.
rolename {String|Number} User id.
callback {Function} Callback called when finished.
5. hasRole
### hasRole( userId, rolename, function(err, hasRole) )
Return boolean whether user has the role
userId {String|Number} User id.
rolename {String|Number} role name.
callback {Function} Callback called when finished.
6. addRoleParents
### addRoleParents( role, parents, function(err) )
Adds a parent or parent list to role.
role {String} Child role.
parents {String|Array} Parent role(s) to be added.
callback {Function} Callback called when finished.
7. removeRoleParents
### removeRoleParents( role, parents, function(err) )
Removes a parent or parent list from role.
role {String} Child role.
8. removeRole
### removeRole( role, function(err) )
Removes a role from the system.
role {String} Role to be removed
callback {Function} Callback called when finished.
9. removeResource
### removeResource( resource, function(err) )
Removes a resource from the system
resource {String} Resource to be removed
callback {Function} Callback called when finished.
10. allow
### allow( roles, resources, permissions, function(err) )
Adds the given permissions to the given roles over the given resources.
11. removeAllow
### removeAllow( role, resources, permissions, function(err) )
Remove permissions from the given roles owned by the given role.
role {String}
resources {String|Array}
permissions {String|Array}
callback {Function}
12. allowedPermissions
### allowedPermissions( userId, resources, function(err, obj) )
Returns all the allowable permissions a given user have to access the given resources.
It returns an array of objects where every object maps a resource name to a list of
permissions for that resource.
userId {String|Number} User id.
resources {String|Array} resource(s) to ask permissions for.
callback {Function} Callback called when finished.
13. isAllowed
### isAllowed( userId, resource, permissions, function(err, allowed) )
Checks if the given user is allowed to access the resource for the given permissions (note:
it must fulfill all the permissions).
14. areAnyRolesAllowed
### areAnyRolesAllowed( roles, resource, permissions, function(err, allowed) )
Returns true if any of the given roles have the right permissions.
roles {String|Array} Role(s) to check the permissions for.
resource {String} resource to ask permissions for.
permissions {String|Array} asked permissions.
callback {Function} Callback called with the result.
15. whatResources
### whatResources(role, function(err, {resourceName: [permissions]})
role {String|Array} Roles
callback {Function} Callback called with the result.
whatResources(role, permissions, function(err, resources) )
role {String|Array} Roles
permissions {String|Array} Permissions
callback {Function} Callback called with the result.
16. middleware
### middleware( [numPathComponents, userId, permissions] )
Middleware for express.
To create a custom getter for userId, pass a function(req, res) which returns the userId
when called (must not be async).
numPathComponents{Number} number of components in the url to be
considered part of the resource name.
userId{String|Number|Function} the user id for the acl system (defaults to
permissions {String|Array} the permission(s) to check for (defaults to
17. backend
### backend( db, [prefix] )
Creates a backend instance. All backends except Memory require driver or database
instance. useSingle is only applicable to the MongoDB backend.
db {Object} Database instance
prefix {String} Optional collection prefix
useSingle {Boolean} Create one collection for all resources (defaults to
Helmet helps you secure your Express apps by setting various HTTP headers. It's not a
silver bullet, but it can help!
Node is an interesting beast with a budding community that is anxious to get a good
handle on security; luckily, tools like Helmet provide a set of controls that can really help
with that.
Helmet is not the end-all, be-all of Node.js security--it's just one layer of protection
against a slew of issues--but it gives a great baseline of protections that allow you to
start out well.
Helmet provides most of its protection by adding headers with restrictive defaults
or by removing the unnecessary ones. The npm site has documentation on how to
customize the headers. Please note that the X-XSS-Protection header does not protect
you from all XSS attacks and should be used with caution and in addition to security best
practices for preventing XSS.
loaded by javascript or the site is rejected. This is a good way to make sure you know
what content is being loaded onto your site. It also helps to prevent XSS attacks.
Since all of these components use headers in some way, shape, or form, they are
relatively easy to see in action and understand. Helmet also provides great references to
documentation so you can decide what header settings best suit your environment.
In all of the Node.js applications been tested recently, at least one of these
vulnerabilities is present, causing complications with compliance, security, and
development progress. One aim of security is never to hold up the development
process, and implementing something like Helmet requires minimal development effort
and configuration. And it's modular, so one can enable some or all of the protections.
The biggest win here is preventing the ad-hoc fix mentality when some of these
simple vulnerabilities pop up. All too often, since many of these vulnerabilities are
considered annoyances and hiccups to real development work, they are remediated in a
way that does not necessarily consider future development or components that are not
implemented. By implementing Helmet as middleware, all the data that enters and exits
an application is seen and evaluated by Helmet, allowing to avoid the mistake of
accidentally bypassing our own security controls.
How to install?
Helmet requires express(), which is the most common "routing framework" for
Node.js thus far, so it's likely you'll use it, but it's as simple as this:
Quick start
First, run npm install helmet --save for your app. Then, in an Express (or Connect) app:
// ...
You can also use its pieces individually:
If you're using Express 3, make sure these middlewares are listed before app.router.
How it works
Helmet is really just a collection of 9 smaller middleware functions that set HTTP
How to use Helmet to mitigate this: Set an appropriate Content Security Policy. If you
want to learn how CSP works, check out the fantastic HTML5 Rocks guide and the
Content Security Policy Reference.
// Specify directives as normal.
directives: {
defaultSrc: ["'self'", ''],
scriptSrc: ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'"],
styleSrc: [''],
imgSrc: ['', 'data:'],
sandbox: ['allow-forms', 'allow-scripts'],
reportUri: '/report-violation'
// Set to true if you only want browsers to report errors, not block them
reportOnly: false,
// Set to true if you want to disable CSP on Android where it can be buggy.
disableAndroid: false
You can specify keys in a camel-cased fashion (imgSrc) or dashed (img-src); they are
There are a lot of inconsistencies in how browsers implement CSP. Helmet sniffs the
user-agent of the browser and sets the appropriate header and value for that browser. If
no user-agent is matched, it will set all the headers with the latest spec.
Note: If you're using the reportUri feature and you're using csurf, you might have errors.
Check this out for a workaround.
Limitations: CSP is often difficult to tune properly, as it's a whitelist and not a blacklist. It
isn't supported on old browsers but is pretty well-supported on newer browsers.
How to use Helmet to mitigate this: The X-XSS-Protection HTTP header is a basic
protection against XSS. It was originally by Microsoft but Chrome has since adopted it as
well. Helmet lets you use it easily:
This sets the X-XSS-Protection header. On modern browsers, it will set the value to 1;
mode=block. On old versions of Internet Explorer, this creates a vulnerability (see here
and here), and so the header is set to 0 to disable it. To force the header on all versions
of IE, add the option:
Limitations: This isn't anywhere near as thorough as CSP. It's only properly supported on
IE9+ and Chrome; no other major browsers support it at this time. Old versions of IE
support it in a buggy way, which we disable by default.
// Only let me be framed by people of the same origin:
app.use(helmet.frameguard()) // Same-origin by default.
Limitations: This has pretty good (but not 100%) browser support: IE8+, Opera 10.50+,
Safari 4+, Chrome 4.1+, and Firefox 3.6.9+. It only prevents against a certain class of
attack, but does so pretty well. It also prevents your site from being framed, which you
might want for legitimate reasons.
How to use Helmet to mitigate this: This middleware adds the Strict-Transport-Security
header to the response. This tells browsers, "hey, only use HTTPS for the next period of
time". (See the spec for more.)
This will set the Strict Transport Security header, telling browsers to visit by HTTPS for
the next ninety days:
maxAge: 123000,
includeSubdomains: true
Chrome lets you submit your site for baked-into-Chrome HSTS by adding preload to the
header. You can add that with the following code, and then submit your site to the
Chrome team at
maxAge: 10886400000, // Must be at least 18 weeks to be approved by Google
includeSubdomains: true, // Must be enabled to be approved by Google
preload: true
Note that the max age is in milliseconds, even though the spec uses seconds. This
middleware will round to the nearest full second.
Limitations: This only works if your site actually has HTTPS. It won't tell users on HTTP to
switch to HTTPS, it will just tell HTTPS users to stick around. You can enforce this with
the express-enforces-ssl module. It's somewhat well-supported by browsers.
Express is sent in every HTTP request coming from Express by default. Disabling this
won't provide much security benefit (as discussed here), but might help a tiny bit. It will
also improve performance by reducing the number of bytes sent.
How to use Helmet to mitigate this: The hidePoweredBy middleware will remove the
X-Powered-By header if it is set (which it will be by default in Express).
You can also explicitly set the header to something else, if you want. This could throw
people off:
Limitations: There might be other telltale signs that your site is Express-based (a blog
post about your tech stack, for example). And if a hacker wants to hack your site, they
could try Express (even if they're not sure that's what your site is built on).
How to use Helmet to mitigate this: Set the X-Download-Options header to noopen to
prevent IE users from executing downloads in your site's context.
Limitations: This is pretty obscure, fixing a small bug on IE only. No real drawbacks other
than performance/bandwidth of setting the headers, though.
How to use Helmet to mitigate this: Use Helmet's noSniff middleware to keep Chrome,
Opera, and IE from doing this sniffing (and Firefox soon). The following example sets the
X-Content-Type-Options header to its only option, nosniff:
MSDN has a good description of how browsers behave when this header is sent.
How to use Helmet to mitigate this: Use Helmet to disable this kind of caching. This sets
a number of HTTP headers that stop caching.
This sets four headers, disabling a lot of browser caching:
How to use Helmet to mitigate this: Pass the "Public-Key-Pins" header to better assert
your SSL certificates. See the spec for more.
var ninetyDaysInMilliseconds = 7776000000;
maxAge: ninetyDaysInMilliseconds,
sha256s: ['AbCdEf123=', 'ZyXwVu456='],
includeSubdomains: true, // optional
reportUri: '' // optional
reportOnly: false // optional
Limitations: Don't let these get out of sync with your certs!
var express = require('express')
var helmet = require('helmet')
// Specify directives as normal.
directives: {
defaultSrc: ["'self'", ''],
scriptSrc: ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'"],
styleSrc: [''],
imgSrc: ['', 'data:'],
sandbox: ['allow-forms', 'allow-scripts'],
reportUri: '/report-violation',
// Set to true if you only want browsers to report errors, not block them
reportOnly: false,
// Set to true if you want to disable CSP on Android where it can be buggy.
disableAndroid: false
app.use(helmet.xssFilter({ setOnOldIE: true }))
app.use(helmet.frameguard()) // Same-origin by default.
maxAge: 1234000,
setIf: function(req, res) {
return Math.random() < 0.5;
app.use(helmet.noCache({ noEtag: true }))
var ninetyDaysInMilliseconds = 7776000000;
maxAge: ninetyDaysInMilliseconds,
sha256s: ['AbCdEf123=', 'ZyXwVu456='],
includeSubdomains: true, // optional
reportUri: '', // optional
reportOnly: false // optional
Validation / Express-Validation
express-validation is a middleware that validates the body, params, query, headers and
cookies of a request and returns a response with errors; if any of the configured
validation rules fail.
express-validation supports validating the following:
Strict validation of incoming data is very essential and expected part of any software
system. You must be very sure about the nature of data especially the one which is
coming from another source.
We all do validation for simple data like email, name, date of birth etc but while
development there are many occurrence where we need to validate other stuff as well
(JSON, Base64, UUID etc).
Node validator:
true }. If allow_display_name is set to true, the validator will also match Display
Name <email-address>. If allow_utf8_local_part is set to false, the validator will
not allow any non-English UTF8 character in email address' local part. If
require_tld is set to false, e-mail addresses without having TLD in their domain
will also be matched.
isFQDN(str [, options]) - check if the string is a fully qualified domain name (e.g. options is an object which defaults to { require_tld: true,
allow_underscores: false, allow_trailing_dot: false }.
isFloat(str [, options]) - check if the string is a float. options is an object which
can contain the keys min and/or max to validate the float is within boundaries
(e.g. { min: 7.22, max: 9.55 }).
isFullWidth(str) - check if the string contains any full-width chars.
isHalfWidth(str) - check if the string contains any half-width chars.
isHexColor(str) - check if the string is a hexadecimal color.
isHexadecimal(str) - check if the string is a hexadecimal number.
isIP(str [, version]) - check if the string is an IP (version 4 or 6).
isISBN(str [, version]) - check if the string is an ISBN (version 10 or 13).
isISIN(str) - check if the string is an ISIN (stock/security identifier).
isISO8601(str) - check if the string is a valid ISO 8601 date.
isIn(str, values) - check if the string is in a array of allowed values.
isInt(str [, options]) - check if the string is an integer. options is an object which
can contain the keys min and/or max to check the integer is within boundaries
(e.g. { min: 10, max: 99 }).
isJSON(str) - check if the string is valid JSON (note: uses JSON.parse).
isLength(str, min [, max]) - check if the string's length falls in a range. Note: this
function takes into account surrogate pairs.
isLowercase(str) - check if the string is lowercase.
isMACAddress(str) - check if the string is a MAC address.
isMobilePhone(str, locale) - check if the string is a mobile phone number, (locale
is one of ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'en-ZA', 'en-AU', 'en-HK', 'pt-PT', 'fr-FR', 'el-GR',
'en-GB', 'en-US', 'en-ZM', 'ru-RU', 'nb-NO', 'nn-NO', 'vi-VN', 'en-NZ', 'en-IN']).
isMongoId(str) - check if the string is a valid hex-encoded representation of a
MongoDB ObjectId.
isMultibyte(str) - check if the string contains one or more multibyte chars.
isNull(str) - check if the string is null.
isNumeric(str) - check if the string contains only numbers.
isSurrogatePair(str) - check if the string contains any surrogate pairs chars.
isURL(str [, options]) - check if the string is an URL. options is an object which
defaults to { protocols: ['http','https','ftp'], require_tld: true, require_protocol:
false, require_valid_protocol: true, allow_underscores: false, host_whitelist:
false, host_blacklist: false, allow_trailing_dot: false, allow_protocol_relative_urls:
false }.
blacklist(input, chars) - remove characters that appear in the blacklist. The
characters are used in a RegExp and so you will need to escape some chars, e.g.
blacklist(input, '\\[\\]').
escape(input) - replace <, >, &, ', " and / with HTML entities.
ltrim(input [, chars]) - trim characters from the left-side of the input.
normalizeEmail(email [, options]) - canonicalize an email address. options is an
object which defaults to { lowercase: true, remove_dots: true,
remove_extension: true }. With lowercase set to true, the local part of the email
address is lowercased for all domains; the hostname is always lowercased and
the local part of the email address is always lowercased for hosts that are known
to be case-insensitive (currently only GMail). Normalization follows special rules
for known providers: currently, GMail addresses have dots removed in the local
part and are stripped of extensions (e.g.
becomes and all addresses are
normalized to
rtrim(input [, chars]) - trim characters from the right-side of the input.
stripLow(input [, keep_new_lines]) - remove characters with a numerical value <
32 and 127, mostly control characters. If keep_new_lines is true, newline
characters are preserved (\n and \r, hex 0xA and 0xD). Unicode-safe in
toBoolean(input [, strict]) - convert the input to a boolean. Everything except for
'0', 'false' and '' returns true. In strict mode only '1' and 'true' return true.
toDate(input) - convert the input to a date, or null if the input is not a date.
toFloat(input) - convert the input to a float, or NaN if the input is not a float.
toInt(input [, radix]) - convert the input to an integer, or NaN if the input is not
an integer.
toString(input) - convert the input to a string.
trim(input [, chars]) - trim characters (whitespace by default) from both sides of
the input.
whitelist(input, chars) - remove characters that do not appear in the whitelist.
The characters are used in a RegExp and so you will need to escape some chars,
e.g. whitelist(input, '\\[\\]').
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="ISO-8859-1">
<title>Node Validator</title>
<center>Login Form</center>
<center><form id="main_form" action="validateform" method="post">
<label>Name :</label><input type="text" name="user_name"><br>
<label>Email : </label><input type="TEXT" name="email"><br>
<input type = "submit" value ="Submit">
<input type = "reset" value ="reset">
var express = require("express");
var validation = require("validator");
var bodyParser = require("body-parser");
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/form.html');
console.log("Listening at PORT 4000");
OAuth 2.0
It is difficult to use OAuth 1.0 for an application that is not the web application. In
addition, the procedure is too complicated to produce the OAuth implementation
library, and the complicated procedure causes an operational burden upon the Service
OAuth 2.0 improves these weak points. It is not compatible with OAuth 1.0 and still
has no final draft. However, many Internet services companies have already adopted
OAuth 2.0.
The terminology used by OAuth 2.0 is totally different from that of OAuth 1.0. It will
be better to understand that the two protocols have the same purpose but they are
totally different. However, the final draft has not yet been made; therefore, just
understand the characteristics of OAuth 2.0.
Even though 2.0 is an improved version of OAuth and it is becoming one of the key
elements in the current Internet ecosystem, the former lead author and editor of the
OAuth specifications doesn't think so. I recommend you to familiarize yourself with his
explanations and recommendations about what version of OAuth it is good to stick with.
Imagine... just one standard authentication technology... and it is changing the entire
Internet industry.
OAuth is sometimes described as a 'valet key for the web'. In the same way as a
valet key gives restricted access to a car, allowing the valet to drive it but not open the
trunk or glovebox, OAuth allows a client application restricted access to your data at a
resource server via tokens issued by an authorization server in response to your
The API Gateway uses the following definitions of basic OAuth 2.0 terms:
Resource Server: The server hosting the protected resources, and which is capable of
accepting and responding to protected resource requests using access tokens. In this
case, the API Gateway acts as a gateway implementing the Resource Server that sits in
front of the protected resources.
Authorization Server: The server issuing access tokens to the client application after
successfully authenticating the Resource Owner and obtaining authorization. In this
case, the API Gateway acts both as the Authorization Server and as the Resource Server.
Used to control access to the Resource Owner's data when requested by a client
application. You can validate the OAuth scopes in the incoming message against the
scopes registered in the API Gateway.
The following diagram shows the roles of the API Gateway as an OAuth 2.0 Resource
Server and Authorization Server:
The API Gateway ships with the following features to support OAuth 2.0:
Client applications, for example, JavaScript running in the browser or native mobile or
desktop apps, run on a user's computer or other device. Such apps are able to protect
per-user secrets, but, since they are widely distributed, a common client secret would
not be secure. The user-agent flow allows these applications to obtain an access token:
JSON Web Token (JWT, pronounced as the English word 'jot') is a JSON-based security
token encoding that enables identity and security information to be shared across
security domains.
The OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token Flow defines how a JWT can be used to request an
OAuth access token from Salesforce when a client wishes to utilize a previous
authorization. Among other data, the JWT contains the username for which an access
token is required, and the client_id of the requesting app. Authentication of the
requesting app is provided by a digital signature applied to the JWT.
JWT Bearer Token Flow supports the RSA/SHA256 algorithm; you must upload your
app's signing certificate to its connected app configuration so that Salesforce can verify
its JWT tokens.
Token Refresh
Testing in Node.js
Testing allows you the peace of mind to know that the code you wrote is actually
performing the operations that it was intended to do. Node.js offers a native
implementation for writing some form of unit tests, and the Node.js community has
created several robust libraries to aid you in your test-driven development process.
Once you have built the tests that you need for your Node.js application, you will
learn how to report on the tests that you have created and integrate them into your
There are a plethora of options for you to utilize when you are creating a Node.js
testing implementation. Let’s see a small sampling of the number of frameworks,
including the following:
Node.js assert
The assert module provides a simple set of assertion tests that can be used to test
invariants. The module is intended for internal use by Node.js, but can be used in
application code via require('assert'). However, assert is not a testing framework, and is
not intended to be used as a general purpose assertion library.
The API for the assert module is Locked. This means that there will be no additions
or changes to any of the methods implemented and exposed by the module.
Stability Index
The Node.js API is still somewhat changing, and as it matures, certain parts are
more reliable than others. Some are so proven, and so relied upon, that they are
unlikely to ever change at all. Others are brand new and experimental, or known to be
hazardous and in the process of being redesigned.
Stability: 0 - Deprecated
This feature is known to be problematic, and changes are planned. Do not rely on it.
Use of the feature may cause warnings. Backwards compatibility should not be
Stability: 1 - Experimental
This feature is subject to change, and is gated by a command line flag. It may change or
be removed in future versions.
Stability: 2 - Stable
The API has proven satisfactory. Compatibility with the npm ecosystem is a high priority,
and will not be broken unless absolutely necessary.
Stability: 3 - Locked
Only fixes related to security, performance, or bug fixes will be accepted.
JSON Output
Stability: 1 - Experimental
You want to implement testing into your Node.js development process. To do this,
you need to discover the best testing solution available to meet your testing needs.
The first thing that you should consider when you are choosing a testing framework
is the types of tests you are trying to make. There are two generic categories to describe
testing styles, which can then be broken down into smaller categories.
First, there is the classic test-driven development (TDD). TDD is useful because you
take a code requirement, write a failing test for that aspect of the requirement, then
create the code that will allow that test to pass.
The evolution of TDD is behavior-driven development (BDD). BDD takes not only a
functional unit of code that can be tested, but also a business use case that can be
tested, protecting both the code and the end user’s experience.
Your framework choice depends not only on the style of testing that you would
prefer, but also on the types of testing that you wish to encounter. You might want to
do some simple assertion testing only on critical values in your application. You may
want to provide a code coverage summary to let you know where you can refactor and
remove extraneous code from your application.
Method Description
assert.deepEqual(actual, Tests for deep equality. This tests beyond the ‘===’ operator and
expected, message) checks dates, regular expressions, objects, and buffers in the
assert.doesNotThrow(block, Expects that the provided code block will not throw an error.
[error], [message])
assert.equal(actual, expected, Tests to see if the actual value is equal to the expected value by
message) using the ‘==’ operator., expected, Throws an assertion exception by showing the message and the
message, operator) actual and expected values separated by the operator.
Tests to see if the value is not false, and throws an assertion
assert.ifError(value) exception if it is. This is used to test if an error argument is
provided by a callback.
assert.notDeepEqual(actual, Tests for deep nonequality. This tests beyond the ‘!==’ operator
expected, message) and checks dates, regular expressions, objects, and buffers in the
assert.notEqual(actual, expected, Tests to see that the actual value is not equal to the expected
message) value by using the ‘!=’ operator.
assert.notStrictEqual(actual, Same as .notEqual with the exception that this compares the
expected, message) values with the ‘!==’ operator.
assert.ok(value, message) Tests to see if the value passed is a truthy value. If not, the
message will be logged with the assertion exception.
assert.strictEqual(actual, Same as .equal with the exception that this compares the values
expected, message) by using the ‘===’ operator.
assert.throws(block, [error], Expects the provided block to throw an error.
If value is not truthy, an AssertionError is thrown with a message property set equal to
the value of the message parameter. If the message parameter is undefined, a default
error message is assigned.
const assert = require('assert');
assert(true); // OK
assert(1); // OK
// throws "AssertionError: false == true"
// throws "AssertionError: 0 == true"
assert(false, 'it\'s false');
// throws "AssertionError: it's false"
assert.ok(true); // OK
assert.ok(1); // OK
// throws "AssertionError: false == true"
// throws "AssertionError: 0 == true"
assert.ok(false, 'it\'s false');
// throws "AssertionError: it's false"
"Deep" equality means that the enumerable "own" properties of child objects are
evaluated also:
const assert = require('assert');
const obj1 = {
a : {
b : 1
const obj2 = {
a : {
b : 2
const obj3 = {
a : {
b : 1
const obj4 = Object.create(obj1);
assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj1);
// OK, object is equal to itself
assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj2);
// AssertionError: { a: { b: 1 } } deepEqual { a: { b: 2 } }
// values of b are different
assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj3);
// OK, objects are equal
assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj4);
// AssertionError: { a: { b: 1 } } deepEqual {}
// Prototypes are ignored
If the values are not equal, an AssertionError is thrown with a message property set
equal to the value of the message parameter. If the message parameter is undefined, a
default error message is assigned.
assert.deepEqual({a:1}, {a:'1'});
// OK, because 1 == '1'
assert.deepStrictEqual({a:1}, {a:'1'});
// AssertionError: { a: 1 } deepStrictEqual { a: '1' }
If the values are not equal, an AssertionError is thrown with a message property set
equal to the value of the message parameter. If the message parameter is undefined, a
default error message is assigned.
If an error is thrown and it is the same type as that specified by the error parameter,
then an AssertionError is thrown. If the error is of a different type, or if the error
parameter is undefined, the error is propagated back to the caller.
The following, for instance, will throw the TypeError because there is no matching error
type in the assertion:
function() {
throw new TypeError('Wrong value');
However, the following will result in an AssertionError with the message 'Got unwanted
exception (TypeError)..':
function() {
throw new TypeError('Wrong value');
If an AssertionError is thrown and a value is provided for the message parameter, the
value of message will be appended to the AssertionError message:
function() {
throw new TypeError('Wrong value');
// Throws: AssertionError: Got unwanted exception (TypeError). Whoops
assert.equal(1, 1);
// OK, 1 == 1
assert.equal(1, '1');
// OK, 1 == '1'
assert.equal(1, 2);
// AssertionError: 1 == 2
assert.equal({a: {b: 1}}, {a: {b: 1}});
//AssertionError: { a: { b: 1 } } == { a: { b: 1 } }
If the values are not equal, an AssertionError is thrown with a message property set
equal to the value of the message parameter. If the message parameter is undefined, a
default error message is assigned.
assert.ifError(0); // OK
assert.ifError(1); // Throws 1
assert.ifError('error') // Throws 'error'
assert.ifError(new Error()); // Throws Error
const obj1 = {
a : {
b : 1
const obj2 = {
a : {
b : 2
const obj3 = {
a : {
b : 1
const obj4 = Object.create(obj1);
assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj1);
AssertionError: { a: { b: 1 } } notDeepEqual { a: { b: 1 } }
assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj2);
// OK, obj1 and obj2 are not deeply equal
assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj3);
// AssertionError: { a: { b: 1 } } notDeepEqual { a: { b: 1 } }
assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj4);
// OK, obj1 and obj2 are not deeply equal
If the values are deeply equal, an AssertionError is thrown with a message property set
equal to the value of the message parameter. If the message parameter is undefined, a
default error message is assigned.
assert.notDeepEqual({a:1}, {a:'1'});
// AssertionError: { a: 1 } notDeepEqual { a: '1' }
assert.notDeepStrictEqual({a:1}, {a:'1'});
// OK
If the values are deeply and strictly equal, an AssertionError is thrown with a message
property set equal to the value of the message parameter. If the message parameter is
undefined, a default error message is assigned.
assert.notEqual(1, 2);
// OK
assert.notEqual(1, 1);
// AssertionError: 1 != 1
assert.notEqual(1, '1');
// AssertionError: 1 != '1'
If the values are equal, an AssertionError is thrown with a message property set equal to
the value of the message parameter. If the message parameter is undefined, a default
error message is assigned.
assert.notStrictEqual(1, 2);
// OK
assert.notStrictEqual(1, 1);
// AssertionError: 1 != 1
assert.notStrictEqual(1, '1');
// OK
If the values are strictly equal, an AssertionError is thrown with a message property set
equal to the value of the message parameter. If the message parameter is undefined, a
default error message is assigned.
assert.strictEqual(1, 2);
// AssertionError: 1 === 2
assert.strictEqual(1, 1);
// OK
assert.strictEqual(1, '1');
// AssertionError: 1 === '1'
If the values are not strictly equal, an AssertionError is thrown with a message property
set equal to the value of the message parameter. If the message parameter is
undefined, a default error message is assigned.
function() {
throw new Error('Wrong value');
Custom error validation:
function() {
throw new Error('Wrong value');
function(err) {
if ( (err instanceof Error) && /value/.test(err) ) {
return true;
'unexpected error'
Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and the
browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun. Mocha tests run serially, allowing
for flexible and accurate reporting, while mapping uncaught exceptions to the correct
test cases.
Mocha is created to be a simple, extensible, and fast testing suite. It's used for unit
and integration testing, and it's a great candidate for BDD (Behavior Driven
Synchronous Code
When testing synchronous code, omit the callback and Mocha will automatically
continue on to the next test.
describe('Array', function() {
describe('#indexOf()', function() {
it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {
Asynchronous Code
Testing asynchronous code with Mocha could not be simpler! Simply invoke the callback
when your test is complete. By adding a callback (usually named done) to it() Mocha will
know that it should wait for completion.
describe('User', function() {
describe('#save()', function() {
it('should save without error', function(done) {
var user = new User('Luna'); {
if (err) throw err;
To make things even easier, the done() callback accepts an error, so we may use this
Alternately, instead of using the done() callback, you may return a Promise. This is useful
if the APIs you are testing return promises instead of taking callbacks:
beforeEach(function() {
return db.clear()
.then(function() {
return[tobi, loki, jane]);
describe('#find()', function() {
it('respond with matching records', function() {
return db.find({ type: 'User' }).should.eventually.have.length(3);
Arrow functions
Passing arrow functions to Mocha is discouraged. Their lexical binding of the this value
makes them unable to access the Mocha context, and statements like this.timeout(1000);
will not work inside an arrow function.
Mocha provides the hooks before(), after(), beforeEach(), and afterEach(), which can be
used to set up preconditions and clean up after your tests.
describe('hooks', function() {
before(function() {
// runs before all tests in this block
after(function() {
// runs after all tests in this block
beforeEach(function() {
// runs before each test in this block
afterEach(function() {
// runs after each test in this block
// test cases
Describing Hooks
All hooks can be invoked with an optional description, making it easier to pinpoint
errors in your tests. If hooks are given named functions, those names will be used if no
description is supplied.
beforeEach(function() {
// beforeEach hook
beforeEach(function namedFun() {
// beforeEach:namedFun
Asynchronous Hooks
All "hooks" (before(), after(), beforeEach(), afterEach()) may be sync or async as well,
behaving much like a regular test-case. For example, you may wish to populate database
with dummy content before each test:
describe('Connection', function() {
var db = new Connection,
tobi = new User('tobi'),
loki = new User('loki'),
jane = new User('jane');
beforeEach(function(done) {
db.clear(function(err) {
if (err) return done(err);[tobi, loki, jane], done);
describe('#find()', function() {
it('respond with matching records', function(done) {
db.find({type: 'User'}, function(err, res) {
if (err) return done(err);
Root-Level Hooks
You may also pick any file and add "root"-level hooks. For example, add beforeEach()
outside of all describe() blocks. This will cause the callback to beforeEach() to run before
any test case, regardless of the file it lives in (this is because Mocha has a hidden
describe() block, called the "root suite").
beforeEach(function() {
console.log('before every test in every file');
If you need to perform asynchronous operations before any of your suites are run, you
may delay the root suite. Simply run Mocha with the --delay flag. This will provide a
special function, run(), in the global context.
setTimeout(function() {
// do some setup
}, 5000);
Pending Tests
The exclusivity feature allows you to run only the specified suite or test-case by
appending .only() to the function. Here's an example of executing only a particular suite:
describe('Array', function() {
describe.only('#indexOf()', function() {
// ...
describe('Array', function() {
describe('#indexOf()', function() {
it.only('should return -1 unless present', function() {
// ...
Warning: Having more than one call to .only() in your tests or suites may result in
unexpected behavior.
Inclusive Tests
This feature is the inverse of .only(). By appending .skip(), you may tell Mocha to simply
ignore these suite(s) and test case(s). Anything skipped will be marked as pending, and
reported as such. Here's an example of skipping an entire suite:
describe('Array', function() {
describe.skip('#indexOf()', function() {
// ...
Or a specific test-case:
describe('Array', function() {
describe('#indexOf()', function() {
function add() {
return, curr) {
return prev + curr;
}, 0);
describe('add()', function() {
var tests = [
{args: [1, 2], expected: 3},
{args: [1, 2, 3], expected: 6},
{args: [1, 2, 3, 4], expected: 10}
tests.forEach(function(test) {
it('correctly adds ' + test.args.length + ' args', function() {
var res = add.apply(null, test.args);
assert.equal(res, test.expected);
$ mocha
✓ correctly adds 2 args
✓ correctly adds 3 args
✓ correctly adds 4 args
Chai is a BDD / TDD assertion library for node and the browser that can be
delightfully paired with any javascript testing framework.
Chai is available for both node.js and the browser using any test framework you like.
There are also a number of other tools that include Chai.
Chai has several interfaces that allow the developer to choose the most
comfortable. The chain-capable BDD styles provide an expressive language & readable
style, while the TDD assert style provides a more classical feel.
"devDependencies": {
"chai": "*",
"mocha": "*"
}, "//": "mocha is our preference, but you can use any test runner you like"
Currently supports all modern browsers: IE 9+, Chrome 7+, FireFox 4+, Safari 5+.
Please note that the should style is currently not compatible with IE9.
Assertion Styles
The assert style is exposed through assert interface. This provides the classic
assert-dot notation, similar to that packaged with node.js. This assert module, however,
provides several additional tests and is browser compatible. In all cases, the assert style
allows you to include an optional message as the last parameter in the assert statement.
These will be included in the error messages should your assertion not pass.
The BDD style is exposed through expect or should interfaces. In both scenarios, you
chain together natural language assertions.
var expect = require('chai').expect
, foo = 'bar'
, beverages = { tea: [ 'chai', 'matcha', 'oolong' ] };
Expect also allows you to include arbitrary messages to prepend to any failed
assertions that might occur.
var answer = 43;
This comes in handy when being used with non-descript topics such as booleans or
The should style allows for the same chainable assertions as the expect interface,
however it extends each object with a should property to start your chain. This style has
some issues when used Internet Explorer, so be aware of browser compatibility.
var should = require('chai').should() //actually call the function
, foo = 'bar'
, beverages = { tea: [ 'chai', 'matcha', 'oolong' ] };'string');
First of all, notice that the expect require is just a reference to the expect function,
whereas with the should require, the function is being executed.
var chai = require('chai')
, expect = chai.expect
, should = chai.should();
The expect interface provides a function as a starting point for chaining your
language assertions. It works on node.js and in all browsers. The should interface
extends Object.prototype to provide a single getter as the starting point for your
language assertions. It works on node.js and in all modern browsers except Internet
should extras
Given that should works by extending Object.prototype, there are some scenarios
where should will not work. Mainly, if you are trying to check the existence of an object.
Take the following pseudocode:
Provided you assigned should to a var, you have access to several quick helpers to
keep you out of trouble when using should.
1. config.includeStack
@param {Boolean}
@default false
User configurable property, influences whether stack trace is included in Assertion error
message. Default of false suppresses stack trace in the error message.
chai.config.includeStack = true; // turn on stack trace
2. config.showDiff
@param {Boolean}
@default true
User configurable property, influences whether or not the showDiff flag should be
included in the thrown AssertionErrors. false will always be false; true will be true when
the assertion has requested a diff be shown.
3. config.truncateThreshold
@param {Number}
@default 40
User configurable property, sets length threshold for actual and expected values in
assertion errors. If this threshold is exceeded, the value is truncated.
Modified Package.json
"name": "converter",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "./node_modules/.bin/mocha --reporter spec"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"chai": "^3.4.1",
"express": "^4.13.3",
"mocha": "^2.3.4",
"request": "^2.67.0"
"directories": {
"test": "test"
"devDependencies": {
"mocha": "^2.3.4"
exports.hexToRgb = function(hex) {
var expect = require("chai").expect;
var converter = require("../app/converter");
Try to access the converter folder from terminal and type mocha to perform the
functional test.
But unlike express, Kraken adds support for environment-aware and dynamic configuration,
advanced middleware capabilities, application security and lifecycle events. By default, Kraken
includes dust for templates, LESS for CSS preprocessing, RequireJS for JavaScript modules and
Grunt for task handling. Application and middleware configuration is stored in JSON files. From a
security perspective, Kraken sets up a number of defaults, including cross-site request forgery
support (CSFS), XFRAMES headers that prevent clickjacking and content security policy that
allows developers to restrict what type of resources are allowed and enabled for a Web
The Kraken implementation Node.js is being used within PayPal to create to make it easier
to create applications where the user experience is likely to evolve iteratively. Originally built on
top of the Javascript runtime developed for the Google Chrome browser, node.js is rapidly
gaining adherents across the developer spectrum because it’s optimized to provide an
event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that is both lightweight and efficient. That doesn’t mean
another programming environment won’t borrow those concepts someday. But for now,
application development frameworks based on Javascript are increasingly becoming the Web
tool of choice.
What's included?
Designed to be lightweight and style agnostic, Kraken includes just the essentials.
Essential Components
Lightweight, style-agnostic components to kick-start your next project.
A responsive, mobile-first grid
A well-designed, fluid typographic scale
CSS buttons
Simple table styling, with pure CSS responsive tables
Common form components
Developer Tools
Kraken is powered by Gulp.js, a build system that minifies and concatenates your Sass and
JavaScript, auto-prefixes your CSS, runs unit tests on your scripts, optimizes your SVGs, and
creates SVG sprites.
It also includes a style guide generator to help you quickly bring your team or clients
While the base boilerplate is deliberately lightweight, a growing collection of add-ons lets you
make Kraken as robust—or simple—as you want it to be. Create custom-built sites and
applications faster.
Kraken is a lightweight boilerplate for front-end web developers. It's built to be flexible and
modular, with performance and accessibility in mind.
Ugly on purpose
Kraken isn't supposed to be a finished product. It's a starting point that you can adapt to any
project you're working on. Add components. Remove components. Tweak the colors and font
stack. Make Kraken your own.
Kraken is built mobile-first. The base structure is a fully-fluid, single-column layout. It uses
@media (min-width: whatever) to add a grid-based layout to bigger screens.
Kraken also includes feature detection for things like SVG support. Just like the layout, those are
served to browsers that support them, while fallback text is supplied to older and less capable
Throughout the stylesheet, you'll see base styles and modifying styles. For example, .btn sets the
default button styles and behavior, while .btn-secondary changes the color and .btn-large
changes the size. A big button with secondary colors would look like this:
1. Switched to Normalize.css
Meyer's CSS reset is great, but it can create styling issues when doing things like inlining critical
path CSS. Normalize.css is a lightweight alternative that nudges and tweaks browser styles
instead of resetting everything to zero.
2. Table Styles
In previous versions of Kraken, table styling was an optional add-on. Now, they're baked right in,
and include CSS-only responsive tables for smaller viewports.
3. Search Form Styling
Kraken now includes classes for custom search form styles.
4. Switched to LibSass
Now that LibSass supports most Sass 3 APIs, it's time to make the switch. This gets you faster
builds, and no Ruby dependency.
5. Removed directionless space nudge-and-tweak classes
The .no-margin and .no-padding classes are gone. You should use .no-padding-top,
.no-margin-bottom, and so on to suite your needs.
Browser Compatibility
The web is for everyone, but support is not the same as optimization.
Rather than trying to provide the same level of functionality for older browsers, Kraken uses
progressive enhancement to serve a basic experience to all browsers (even Netscape and IE 5).
Newer browsers that support modern APIs and techniques get a better layout, more visually
attractive elements, and an enhanced experience.
Kraken works in all browsers, but it's optimized for modern browsers and IE 9+.
Vendor Prefixing
Kraken uses Autoprefixer, and is configured to only add prefixes if required by the last two
versions of a browser.
If a feature isn't working (for example, the grid does not work in Firefox 28 and lower), it may
simply need a vendor prefix. You can add these manually, or adjust the Autoprefixer settings in
gulpfile.js if you're working with the source code.
| | | |—— svg.js
| | | |—— # Your feature detection scripts
| | |—— main
| | | |—— kraken.js
| | | |—— # Your JavaScript plugins
| |—— sass/
| | |—— components/
| | | |—— _buttons.scss
| | | |—— _code.scss
| | | |—— _forms.scss
| | | |—— _grid.scss
| | | |—— _normalize.scss
| | | |—— _overrides.scss
| | | |—— _print.scss
| | | |—— _svg.scss
| | | |—— _tables.scss
| | | |—— _typography.scss
| | |—— _config.scss
| | |—— _mixins.scss
| | |—— main.scss
| |—— static/
| | |—— # Static files and folders
|—— test/
| |—— coverage/
| | |—— # various files
| |—— results/
| | |—— unit-tests.html
| |—— spec/
| | |—— spec-myplugin.js
| | |—— # Your Jasmine JS unit tests
|—— .travis.yml
|—— gulpfile.js
|—— package.json
Modules of Kraken
Grunt vs Gulp
Grunt and Gulp do exactly the same thing. Grunt has been around longer and you’ll find far
more help, plug-ins and resources. It’s a great project — if you’re successfully using it now,
there’s little reason to switch.
However, nothing is ever perfect and Gulp.js has been developed to solve issues you may have
encountered with Grunt:
Grunt Gulp
Grunt is a Node.js-based task runner. A task runner which uses Node.js.
Grunt plug-ins often perform multiple tasks. Gulp plug-ins are designed to do one thing
Grunt requires plug-ins for basic functionality Gulp has them built-in.
such as file watching.
Grunt uses JSON-like data configuration files. Gulp uses leaner, simpler JavaScript code.
Sample Gruntfile.js
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
concat: {
options: {
separator: ';'
dist: {
src: ['src/**/*.js'],
dest: 'dist/<%= %>.js'
uglify: {
options: {
banner: '/*! <%= %> <%=
("dd-mm-yyyy") %> */\n'
dist: {
files: {
'dist/<%= %>.min.js': ['<%= concat.dist.dest %>']
qunit: {
files: ['test/**/*.html']
jshint: {
files: ['gruntfile.js', 'src/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.js'],
options: {
// options here to override JSHint defaults
globals: {
jQuery: true,
console: true,
module: true,
document: true
watch: {
files: ['<%= jshint.files %>'],
tasks: ['jshint', 'qunit']
grunt.registerTask('test', ['jshint', 'qunit']);
grunt.registerTask('default', ['jshint', 'qunit', 'concat', 'uglify']);
The most important Gulp concept is streams. Think of your files passing through a pipe; at
one or more points along that pipe, an action is taken. For example, we could insert all our
JavaScript files into a scripts pipe which:
Data is input into one method. That method outputs new data — which is used as input for the
next method. It’s reminiscent of jQuery chaining which applies different actions in sequential
order, e.g.
$("#element").text("hello world!").addClass("myclass").fadeIn();
Sample Gulpfile.js
Install gulp: npm install gulp -g
var gulp = require('gulp');
var pkg = require('./package.json');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var minify = require('gulp-minify');
var jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
gulp.task('compile', function(){
// concat all scripts, minify, and output
gulp.task('test', function(){
// lint our scripts
gulp.task('default', function(){'test', 'compile');, function(){'test', 'compile');
2. Lints code
3. Concats javascript
4. Minifies it
5. Runs again if files are changed
Gulp does nothing but provide some streams and a basic task system. Gulp has only 5
functions you need to learn
1. gulp.task(name, fn)
It registers the function with a name. You can optionally specify some dependencies if other
tasks need to run first.
Runs all tasks with maximum concurrency
3., fn)
Runs a function when a file that matches the glob changes. Included in core for simplicity.
4. gulp.src(glob)
This returns a readable stream. Takes a file system glob (like grunt) and starts emitting files
that match. This is piped to other streams.
5. gulp.dest(folder)
This returns a writable stream. File objects piped to this are saved to the file system
This will create a node_modules folder within test where Gulp and plug-in code resides.
Finally, create an empty gulpfile.js configuration file within the test folder. This is used to
define our tasks.
Open your gulpfile.js configuration file in a text editor and add the following JavaScript
// include gulp
var gulp = require('gulp');
// include plug-ins
var jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
// JS hint task
gulp.task('jshint', function() {
Save gulpfile.js and run this task from the command line using: gulp jshint
You’ll see any errors in the command console. Example output containing an error is
shown below.
Note that the build folder will be created automatically, the above image is the
representation of the same.
Next, add them as dependencies to the top of our gulpfile.js configuration file:
Similarly, we can minify all HTML files in the root of src using the gulp-minify-html
npm install gulp-minify-html --save-dev
Then, add a htmlpage task to gulpfile.js:
// include plug-ins
var minifyHTML = require('gulp-minify-html');
Too easy? Let’s build our production JavaScript by concatenating all source files, stripping
console and debugger statements, and ripping out whitespace using the plug-ins:
npm install gulp-concat --save-dev
npm install gulp-strip-debug --save-dev
npm install gulp-uglify --save-dev
Finally, let’s complete our operations by concatenating the CSS files, adding any
required vendor prefixes, and minifying with the following plug-ins:
The autoprefixer plug-in is passed a string or array indicating the level of browser
support — in this case, we want the current and previous versions of all mainstream
browsers. It looks up each property at and adds additional vendor-prefixed
properties when necessary. Very clever — I challenge you to do that by hand every time
you make a CSS change!
I’ve used a small number of useful plug-ins in these examples, but you can find many
more at Others of interest include:
But that’s still too much hard work! Gulp can monitor your source files using the watch
method, then run an appropriate task when a file change is made. We can update the
default task to check our HTML, CSS and JavaScript files:
// default gulp task
gulp.task('default', ['imagemin', 'htmlpage', 'scripts', 'styles'], function() {
// watch for HTML changes'./src/*.html', function() {'htmlpage');
The process will remain active and react to your file changes. You won’t need to type it
again — press Ctrl+C to abort monitoring and return to the command line.
Step 7: Profit!
Applying the processes above to a simple website reduced the total weight by more
than 50%. You can test your own results using page weight analysis tools or a service
such as New Relic which provides a range of sophisticated application performance
monitoring tools.
3. Create a project
Once installed, you can create a basic project using the generator. Type yo kraken and
follow the prompts:
Your kraken application will start up on port 8000. You can visit it at
http://localhost:8000. If all goes well, your very polite application will say hello.
Structure of a Project
Language specific content bundles
Common libraries to be used across your app
Web resources that are publicly available
Server and browser-side templates
Grunt tasks to be automatically registered by [grunt-config-
Unit and functional test cases
Application entry point
Let's say you want to create a simple application. As your application grows, this
becomes unmanageable and messy. Kraken helps you stay organized by imposing a
sound structure and strategy.
next(null, config);
/* more options are documented in the README */
port = process.env.PORT || 8000;
Kraken's configuration can be found in the config/config.json file.
This JSON file contains key value pairs that are loaded at runtime. The advantage of
this is that all your application configuration is in a single, well-known place; and you can
swap it out without having to touch a single line of code.
This config file is also where you can define middleware and specify it's load-order.
To find out more, check out middleware.
Security is provided out-of-the-box by the Lusca module. Lusca is middleware for
express, and it follows OWASP best practices by enabling the following
request/response headers for all calls:
Kraken moves the routing logic into separate files in the controllers folder, allowing
you to group routes by functionality.
For example, a route for your home page, would use a controllers/index.js file that looks
as follows:
'use strict';
This file would define the routes and the logic for the home page. The advantage of
keeping routes and logic segregated in individual files starts to show as the application
grows. If something fails, it's very easy to pinpoint where things went wrong.
Kraken is built on top of express, so the rest of the logic should be familiar to Node
New to 1.x, your controllers are given an instance of your top-level router instead of
the app instance, and routes are automatically determined for you based on
folder-structure. For example, if you wanted to specify a handler for /users, simple drop
this in /controllers/users/index.js:
'use strict';
Kraken also separates data models from the controller logic, resulting in cleaner, more
organized code. Data models live in the models folder.
When a new controller is created, the framework will also create a simple model for
you. While not very complex, this model serves as a base to build upon.
'use strict';
Kraken uses LinkedIn's Dust as the templating language of choice. Adaro is the
module responsible for rendering and managing the templates.
Templates are loaded from the public/templates directory. Because they reside in
the public folder, this allows kraken to use the same templates on the server side as well
as the client side, allowing you to reuse code.
<h1>Hello {name}!</h1>
Thanks to Makara, kraken has the ability to load content bundles on the fly, based
on the request context. If we wanted to greet a user in their native language (e.g.:
Spanish), we can simply add this context to the response before rendering the template:
res.locals.context = { locality: { language: 'es', country: 'ES' } };
var model = { name: 'Antonio Banderas' };
We would also change our template as follows, using a @pre type="content" tag:
<h1>{@pre type="content" key="index.greeting"/}</h1>
This instructs the framework to pick up the index.greeting string from one of the locale
content bundles.
The locales directory holds these bundles, organized by country and language. The
bundles are nothing more than simple key=value .property files. If our sample
application caters to English and Spanish speakers, we would create two bundles:
locales/US/en/ to hold index.greeting=Hello {name}!
locales/ES/es/ to hold index.greeting=Hola {name}!
So, in the above example, since the language and country are set to es and ES
respectively, the framework would pick the second bundle and display:
Grunt tasks