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Study of Castellated Beam Using Stiffeners: A Review: Siddheshwari. A. Patil, Popat. D. Kumbhar

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


Siddheshwari. A. Patil1, Popat. D. Kumbhar2

PG Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, RIT Rajaramnagar, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, RIT Rajaramnagar, Maharashtra, India

Now-a-days the use of castellated beam has been admired due to its beneficial functions like light in weight, easy to erect,
economical and stronger. The castellated beam is manufactured from its parent solid I beam by cutting it in zigzag pattern and
again joining it by welding, so that the depth of the beam increases. Hence, due to increase in depth of beam load carrying
capacity of the parent I section is increased with same quantity of material. The increase in depth of castellated beam leads to
web post buckling and lateral torsional buckling failure when these beams are subjected to loading. There are many other modes
of failure like formation of flexure mechanism, lateral torsional buckling, and formation of vierendeel mechanism, rupture of the
welded joint in a web post and shear buckling of a web post which needs to be taken care of. Study shows that use of stiffeners in
the web portion of beam helps in minimizing these failures. Therefore, a detailed study in respect of number of stiffeners, size of
stiffener and there locations in the web portion of castellated beam needs to be carried out. Hence, in the present paper an
attempt has been made to review existing literature, concerned with strength of beam using stiffeners. The literature survey
indicates that use of stiffeners in web portion of castellated beams helps in increasing the strength and also minimizing the
deflection. Researchers have suggested using stiffener along the edges in order to reduce the stress concentration along

Key Words: openings, castellated beam, cellular beam, stiffener, thickness.


1. INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Castellated Beams

Beams which are provided with opening in the web portion Castellated beams are classified according to their shape of
are nothing but castellated beams. Generally the opening openings provided in the web portion. Most common shapes
provided for castellated beams are circular shaped or for the openings are hexagonal, circular also called as
hexagonal shaped openings, which are dispersed at regular cellular opening, octagonal, diamond, etc. However due to
intervals on the web portion of castellated beam [1]. These simplicity in fabrication mostly hexagonal and circular
are made from hot rolled I-Section which is being cut along openings of beams are used in industries. Also, most of the
certain pattern and then both halves are shifted and re research on optimization of hexagonal and circular shape is
welded such that its depth increases [2]. The beam section done. Following figures gives idea about openings provided
obtained is 50% deeper than the parent I-Section that is 1.5 for castellated beam.
times the depth of original section [3]. Long span structures
as well as vibration characteristics are served best using
castellated beam.

Fig-3: Castellated Beam with Hexagonal Shaped opening

Fig-1: Fabrication process of Castellated Beam with Fig-4: Castellated Beam with Circular Shaped opening
hexagonal openings.

Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 50
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

different strength that of the web of the beam.

[6]. Transverse stiffener: These stiffeners are used at end
and stiffeners at internal supports should normally be
doubled sided and symmetric about the centerline of
the web [6].

Fig-5: Castellated Beam with Diamond Shaped Opening There are some stiffeners which may be effective for
performing behavior one or more functions of other
stiffeners for which it is designed [5].

Various research studies are carried out for analysis and
design of castellated beams with and without the use of
stiffeners are presented in the following section:
Fig-6: Castellated Beam with Octagonal Shaped Opening
Hideo Takabatake, et.al., (1991) [7] experimentally
1.1 Stiffeners investigated the lateral buckling behavior of I beam with
and without using stiffeners in the web portion of the beam.
Stiffener are those structural components which are used to The beams provided with stiffeners and batten plates were
strengthen shear and moment resistance of steel plates along placed at different positions along the length of the beam.
the longitudinal, transverse [Fig – 7, Fig - 9] or/and along The beam was restrained against twisting and lateral
the edge of opening [Fig – 8, Fig - 10] [4]. But if the translation. From the experimental study it was observed
castellated beams are subjected to concentric loading (for that lateral buckling of I beam was delayed due to web
example Gantry girders) in such case castellated beam prove stiffeners and battens
to be inappropriate. In such cases castellated beams must be
reinforced at the places where these load concentrations Sung C. Lee, et. al., (2002) [8] analyzed three models of
occur. For example by inserting plates called as stiffeners, plate girder without stiffener using software program. And
into one or more of the web openings by additional fitting the same model providing with three plates stiffener are
and welding work. evaluated. The post buckling behavior of shear web panel
was explained using model called as shear analogy It was
It is observed that there is no regulated knowledge of how a found that the transverse stiffeners are not subjected to
beam with web openings would behave if a stiffener is compression force. But the strength of the intermediate
placed. A computational finite element (FE) analysis and a transverse stiffener is very important parameter as it
parametric study of a stiffened castellated beam with web provides strength to the web of the beam.
openings, is essential to understand its behaviour
The various types of stiffeners are used for I Beam or Ehab Ellobody (2011) [9] studied the interaction of buckling
castellated beam are as listed below [5]: modes in castellated beam with hexagonal opening
analytically as well as experimentally. 96 models of
[1]. Intermediate transverse web stiffener: Intermediate castellated beam were developed with all non linear material
transverse stiffener may be placed either at one side of properties in ABAQUS Finite Element programming
web portion or can also be provided on both side of software. The parametric study was extended in order to
web portion. The buckling strength of web can be study the effects on the beam when the geometries of the
increased due to these stiffeners. specimen is changed also the length of the beam was
[2]. Load carrying stiffener: Load carrying stiffeners are considered. The strength of the steel and the non
allowed when the load applied to the section is greater dimensional slenderness of failure mode were also other two
than that of the buckling strength of the web. These parameters considered in order to study the effect. The study
stiffeners are so designed that the buckling of web can showed that load of failure of the beam is reasonably
be avoided, which is caused because of intense reduced due to presence of web distortional buckling. The
loading. load carrying capacity is directly proportional to the strength
[3]. Bearing stiffener: Bearing stiffener are placed where of steel hence offers considerably increase in failure load. It
the capacity of the web is less than that of the load was observed that normal strength castellated beam
applied on the flange portion. These stiffeners helps to generally fails in lateral torsional buckling, while high
minimize the local crushing which is caused because of strength castellated beam fails by web distortional buckling.
the loads applied to the specimen.
[4]. Torsion stiffener: Torsion stiffener is provided in such Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis and Cedric D’Mello (2011)
manner that the tensile force can be simply transmitted [10] studied the performance, modes of failure and the load
through the web portion. carrying capacity of various types of cellular beams
[5]. Diagonal stiffener: Diagonal stiffeners are provided in analytically as well experimentally, providing web openings
order to bear the shear applied which more than that of at close spacing. The beams were stiffened with stiffener at
the web of the beam. The stiffener provided have support as well as at the mid span of the specimen in order
Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 51
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

to prevent lateral torsional buckling. The beams were simply at the loading point increases. In order to avoid this, study
supported and monolithic loading was applied at the mid was also carried out by provision of diagonal stiffeners and
span of section. A High shear was detected at web post also with diagonal and vertical stiffeners (i.e. combined
along with heavy distortion of web openings and also the form) in the openings. The results indicate that minimum
additional deformation was examined at the loading point. deflections occur in the castellated beam provided with
Investigators conclude that no absolute study has been diagonal and vertical stiffeners (combined form).
carried out on the stability of stiffeners and equilibrium
problem. Delphine Sonck and Jan Belis (2014) [2] investigated lateral
torsional buckling behavior of cellular beams for various
M. R. Soltani et. Al., (2011) [1] investigated behavior of spacing of cellular openings using ABAQUS Software and
perforated beam in order to study the web post buckling The was validated using experimental result where only lateral-
shapes considered for the openings were hexagonal and torsional buckling failure was considered. The specimens
octagonal shapes. The researchers have developed a were simply supported and two point loadings were applied.
mathematical model was developed by the researchers in It was observed that I section with evenly spaced circular
order to determine the buckling failure of that perforated web opening proved to be the best in strong axis bending
beam by using MSC/NASTRAN software. The analytical also it proved to be holding good in experimental results.
study was carried out considering the factors such as depth Study was extended to the parametric study for new design
of opening, dimension of web and yield stress of the approach using current convention method and considering
material by varying each of these factors and by keeping European code guidelines.
others constant. Similar study was also carried out on
castellated beam which was provided with intermediate Jamadar A. M. and Kumbhar P. D. (2015) [13] carried out
plates (stiffeners). The boundary condition for all beams experimentally as well as analytically using Abaqus (CAE
which were tested was supported simply while the load was 6.13) of castellated beams provided with circular and
applied at top of the flange. The experimental tests were also diamond shaped openings by following the guidelines given
carried out for better results and validation. The results in EUROCODE 3. The software results were validated by
showed that thin webbed castellated beam exhibits web post comparing it with experimental results. The result indicates
buckling with limited plastic zone. that the castellated beam with diamond shaped opening
suffers least amount of local failure as more shear transfer
Ehab Ellobody (2012) [11] analyzed the castellated beam area is available as compared to the castellated beams with
with circular openings by nonlinear analysis, where the circular opening. Also load carrying capacity is greater for
combined modes of buckling of these beams were diamond shape than circular opening.
considered. The behavior was checked for high strength of
beam by considering the parameters like imperfection of Ajim S. Shaikh and Harshal R. Aher (2015) [14], studied
geometry, remaining stresses and also non linear material basic behavior of the cellular beam using finite element
properties of material were considered. The non linear finite method for two point loading where the boundaries were
element method helped in predicting deflection, failure simply supported. During investigation it was observed that
modes and also the loads causing failure. The result of on top of openings and below openings stress concentration
parametric study shows the cellular beam fails because of was developed in more amounts. So, it was suggested to add
combined action of web distortional as well as due to web extra plates to overcome the stability problem during
post buckling mode which shows considerably decrease in erection.
failure load. Lateral torsional buckling was observed in
cellular beams with normal strength while distortion of web Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis and Grigorios Galiatsatos
and also the web post buckling was observed in cellular with (2015) [4] studied computational models of cellular beams
high strength. using Finite Element Program. The behavior of cellular
beams was done on the basis of opening of cellular beam.
Wakchaure M.R. et. al. (2012) [12] carried out experimental The behavior of these web openings was studied by other
investigation on simply supported hexagonal castellated two parameters namely thickness of web and thickness of
beam under two point loading. Modes of failure of the stiffener of 20mm which were placed at the top and bottom,
castellated were examined for different depths of openings. between flange and web connection. It was recommended
From the experimentation, researchers conclude that the that the stiffeners are viable only for s/d ratio between 1.2
castellated beam behaves satisfactorily up to a maximum and 1.3. It was also suggested to provide ring stiffener
depth of 0.6 times the depth of opening (0.6D). Investigators (along edge of opening) [Fig-10] for opening with s/d > 1.3.
recommend for providing reinforcement (stiffeners) in order Also behavior of transverse stiffener full or partial depth
to avoid Vierendeel effects caused due to openings. was recommended for further studies.

B. Anupriya and Dr. K. Jagadeesan (2013) [3] studied 3. RESEARCH GAP

analytically shear strength and deflection properties of
castellated beams with hexagonal openings using From the literature survey, it can be observed that a lot of
ANSYS14. Study shows that, as the depth of castellated study has been carried out in optimizing the dimensions of
beam increases, the stress concentration at corners as well as perforated web steel beams with hexagonal, octagonal,
square, circular, etc opening in respect of flexural behavior.
Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 52
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

But it has been observed that due to simplicity or ease of the

fabrication hexagonal and the circular type of openings are
employed maximum in industries.

Also, most of the studies have indicated that the failure of

web perforated beams has occurred due to local failures in
the web portion. However, very little work has been done to
avoid failure of castellated beams, it has been suggested to
provide stiffener with proper dimensions and locations. The Fig-8: Hexagonal Castellated Beam provided with
strength enhancement is important in case where load Stiffeners along edge of openings
concentration is observed in the beam. The castellated beam
is good in carrying distributed loads but fails to carry high
concentrated loads. The behavior and failure modes are
necessary to be checked using stiffeners in the appropriate
place so that the efficiency of the beam is increased in worst
condition of stress concentration. In Indian standards there
are no provisions for the stiffeners for castellated beam
while it is to be studied in detail from the other codes and
guidelines are needed to be developed for the design of the
stiffeners. Fig-9: Cellular Beam provided with stiffener in transverse
The future scope defined by few researchers in papers give a
rough idea of good performance of the castellated beam
using stiffeners. Also this performance will enhance strength
and torsional behavior when designed with stiffeners.

Study and optimization of the castellated beam is done by
many researchers. From the research gap we can frame a Fig-10: Cellular Beam provided with Stiffeners along edge
conclusion that the study of the behavior of the castellated of openings
beam with stiffener is not yet understood. But on the other
hand the day by day use of the castellated beam is increasing REFERENCES
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Siddheshwari A. Patil, PG Scholar (Civil
Structure), Department of Civil Engineering,
RIT Rajaramnagar, Sangli, Maharashtra,

Popat D. Kumbhar, Associate Professor,

Department of Civil Engineering, RIT
Rajaramnagar, Sangli, Maharashtra, India.
Email: Popat.kumbhar@ritindia.edu

Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 54

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