Bond of Deformed Bars in Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Under Cyclic Loading

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The Intemational Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete, Volume 8, Number 4 November 1986

Bond of d e f o r m e d bars in steel fibre

reinforced concrete under cyclic
A. K. Panda*, R. A. Spencer-/-and S. Mindesst

Synopsis The bond between reinforcing steel and steel fibre reinforced concrete under reversed cyclic
loading was studied. This loading simulates the conditions that may occur at an interior beam-column joint of a
concrete frame structure during an earthquake. An analytical study was carried out, which included an
assessment of the stresses and deformations in both the concrete and the steel. The results of an extensive
experimental programme indicated that the behaviour of specimens under reversed cyclic loading was quite
different from that under monotonic loading. In addition, under reversed cyclic loading, specimens containing
steel fibres exhibited much better anchorage bond characteristics and a decreased rate of crack development
as compared to specimens without fibres.

Keywords Bond stress, beams (supports), reinforced concrete, reinforcing steels, fibre concrete, steel
fibres, cyclic loads, numerical analysis, finite elements, anchorage bond, cracking (fracturing), structural
members, earthquake resistant structures, ductility.

INTRODUCTION which could be significant in the beam-column joints of

During an earthquake, alternate yielding of the reinfor- ductile moment resistant frames under earthquake load-
cing steel in tension and in compression can occur at the ing conditions. ©ther possible improvements in the
interior beam-column joints of high-rise moment behaviour of earthquake resistant buildings as a result of
resisting reinforced concrete frame structures. This may using steel fibre reinforced concrete were not
cause penetration of the yielding into the anchorage investigated.
zone, thereby reducing the effective length available to Even with modern techniques, major difficulties
develop the yield strength of the reinforcing steel. exist in measuring the mechanical behaviour of concrete
Indeed, anchorage bond failure in the beam-column surrounding a reinforcing bar. The bond between steel
joints has been the cause of severe local damage and and concrete is a complex, nonlinear process. Therefore,
even collapse of some structures during eathquakes [1 ]. in the present work, an analytical study was first carried
ACI-ASCE Committee 352 has pointed out the need for out. An elastic, axisymmetric finite element program
research in making recommendations for the anchorage was developed that could take into account slip and
of continuous beam bars passing through beam-column separation between the reinforcing bar and the concrete,
joints of ductile moment resisting reinforced concrete as well as cracking in the concrete itself. To complement
frames subjected to reversals in the inelastic range such the analytical study, an experimental programme was
as might occur during earthquakes [2]. ACI Committee carried out on the bond behaviour of reinforcing steel in
544 has, in addition, suggested the need for research steel fibre reinforced concrete (sfrc) under conditions of
on fibre reinforced concrete for seismic resistance, to loading simulating seismic motions. The main objectives
allow development of design procedures for structural of the experimental work were to study the bond
elements such as ductile joints [3]. This research was behaviour of specimens representing an idealised model
undertaken to investigate whether the use of steel fibre of a beam reinforcing bar passing through a beam-
reinforcement might lead to an improvement in bond column joint, and to explore the desirability of using sfrc
in these joints.
* Steel AuthorityoflndiaLtd RourkelaSteeIPlant, Rourkela, Orissa,
t Department of Civil Engineering, Universityof British Columbia,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada ANALYTICAL STUDY

© Longman Group UK Ltd 1986 Finite element model

The model considered was that of a smooth round bar
0262-5075/86/08404239/$02.00 embedded in a concrete cylinder having a diameter

Bond of deformed bars in steel fibre reinforced concrete under cychc loading Panda, Spencer and Mindesd


\ \\ \ \ ""

_ _ . . . . . , .

~ , - ~ 25mm f~
Reinforcing bar
j_ 500ram __

Figure1 Idealised finite element model

seven times the bar diameter, and held fixed at the outer Element stiffnesses were suitably modified in the case
longitudinal surface. An idealisation of the problem is of cracking or crushing of the concrete, and the structural
shown in Figure 1. It was assumed that with a ratio of stiffness matrices reformed. Slip at the interface nodes
cylinder diameter to bar diameter of 7.0, the boundary was calculated from the computed bond stresses, using
conditions at the support would not significantly affect the stress vs. slip relationship obtained from the experi-
the results obtained for local stresses around the reinfor- mental data and given in Equation 5. The slip values
cing bar, at the steel-concrete interface. The elements obtained were incorporated as input in the computation
considered were rings of triangular cross-section, as of stresses in the subsequent step, and so on.
shown also in Figure 1. The application of a push-in The mechanical properties of the steel and of the
pull-out load to the reinforcing bar was effected by concrete were assumed to be:
applying suitable equal displacements to the nodal points
on the outer surface of the bar. The finite element mesh Concrete Steel
consisted of 422 elements and 274 nodes, with the modulus of elasticity 30 GPa 206.8 GPa
provision of dual nodes at the steel-concrete interface. It Poisson's ratio 0.1 5 0.30
tensile strength 5.5 MPa -
should be noted that the exact shape of the ribs on a
reinforcing bar was not simulated in the mesh, because In the absence of experimental data from the
of their small size compared to the overall size of the present investigation for the evaluation of the local bond
model. Had the ribs been considered in detail, the stress vs. slip relationship, some previously published
computational effort would have been prohibitive. data obtained in other investigations [5-1 2] were used in
Although the effect of different types of rib was not the analytical study. There is, however, considerable
considered, the model did use a relationship between variability in these published results, as may be seen
bond stress and slip which was derived experimentally from the different empirical equations for monotonic
for the ribbed reinforcing bars used in this study. The pull-out loading that these researchers derived from their
criteria used for crushing of the concrete were those of data:
Hannant [4}.
Nilson (5):

U = 0.57S \ f~'(d + 2667) (11

Houde (6) U = 529S - 251 x I0:'S:' ~-
585 x 10"S: - 547 x
Method of analysis 104S~(vahd only for
Two different cases were considered in the finite S < 0.03 ram) (2)
element analysis. In the first case, perfect bond between Hungspreug (9): U = 480.4S- 137S~' +
the reinforcing bar and the concrete was assumed all 189 3S:; (3)
along the length of the bar; the push-in pull-out load was Lutz (10): U = 361 9S {for early
applied to the outside nodes of the protruding ends of the stage of slipl (4)
bar. In the second case, an incremental step-by-step where U = local bond stress (MPa)
loading procedure was adopted, to account for nonlinear S = local slip (mm)
behaviour due to cracking of the concrete, and due to slip f,', = crushing strength of concrete (MPa)
between the steel and the concrete at the interface d = depth of concrete cover (mm)

Bond of deformed bars in steel fibre reinforced concrete under cycflc loading Panda, Spencer and Mindess

Further, other studies [13, 14} have shown that the

slip resulting from monotonic pull-out loading depends
upon variables such as concrete strength, bar diameter,
deformation pattern of the bar, bar spacing, amount of
confining reinforcement, transverse pressure, rate of
pull-out, and so on. Therefore, it was considered to be
inappropriate simply to use a formula from the literature
without verification. Instead, using a trial and error
procedure, a formula similar in form to that used by
Nilson [5], but with a different constant, was found to
give reasonably good agreement with the experimental Le,X /
results. / /" 8
U = 1.425S V (f--/~.)(d+ 26.67)
where f~, the average crushing strength of the concrete,
was found from tests on 150ram x 300mm cylinders.
The different constant reflects the fact that the Figure2 Definition of the four component stresses
relationship between bond stress and slip is influenced considered
by factors, such as the shape of the ribs on the
reinforcing bars, the presence of steel fibres and the
method of load application, which are not taken into satisfactory agreement at the ends of the specimen.
account in the formula. The constant used by Nilson was The lack of agreement in the central region illustrates
multiplied by 2.5, indicating less slip at a given bond the limitations of a method of analysis that does not
stress in these tests. include factors such as the shape of the ribs, splitting
cracks and the effect of steel fibres acting as closing
forces. The increase in the lack of agreement as the
Analytical results stress increases is due to the fact that nonlinear
behaviour of the concrete in front of the ribs due to
Case I: No slip, perfect bond A push-in pull-out load of crushing is not accounted for.
_+6.7 MPa was applied to the protruding ends of the bar. . There is some indication of the formation of a conical
The four component stresses, m, cr~, o-z, "rrz(Figure 2) and crack at a distance of about 6 0 m m from the pull-out
the principal stresses were computed in both the steel end at an applied stress of about 300 MPa. In the
and the concrete, as shown in Figure 3. The salient experimental study [15}, such cracks were observed
features of Figure 3 are described below: only at an applied stress of about 500 MPa.
1. Large circumferential and longitudinal tensile
stresses exist in the concrete at the pull-out end. The
presence of large tensile adhesion stresses in the
concrete indicates that separation should occur with a EXPERIMENTAL I N V E S T I G A T I O N
further increase in the load. The experimental phase of this investigation consisted of
2. High stress concentrations in the bar exist at the testing 24 concrete specimens with a single, centrally
loaded ends of the cylinder. placed reinforcing bar subjected to simultaneous push-in
3. There are indications that internal diagonal cracks and pull-out loading applied at the protruding ends. This
would form at an applied stress level of 48 MPa. model may be considered as a very simplified rep-
resentation of a beam-column joint. The experimental
procedures are detailed elsewhere [15]. They may be
Case I1: Slip and separation It is clear that if slip occurs, summarised as follows:
then the adhesion will be destroyed. Therefore, radial
separation between the steel and the concrete was
permitted to occur. The following results were obtained
from the analytical study: Materials
1. internal diagonal cracks developed at an applied
CSA Type 30 (corresponding to ASTM Type III) high early
stress level of 40 MPa in the concrete surrounding the strength portland cement, 10mm pea gravel, and ordin-
reinforcing bar at the pull-out end. With a further ary river sand were used for the concrete. Two types of
increase in load, more and more diagonal cracks
steel fibres, 3 0 m m and 50mm long, with crimped ends *
developed. Some crushing was predicted at the and aspect ratios of 60 and 100, respectively, were used.
push-in end at a stress level of about 80 MPa.
The mix proportions are given in Table 1. The deformed
2. The bond stress and the steel stress distribution at
steel reinforcing bars used had a nominal yield stress of
the steel-concrete interface at various stress levels, 414 MPa and a nominal diameter of 25mm.
along the length of the cylinder, are shown in Figures
4 a n d 5, respectively A comparison of these results
with those obtained experimentally I151 indicates Produced byN V Bekaert, Belgium

Bond of deformed bars in steel fibre reinforced concrete under cychc loading Panda, Spencer and Mindess

Applied stress = 6.9 MPa
! (Zero slip assumed) O'zs~ 0.827

,:c i

5.53 0.553

Q.. 2 76 O. 2 7 6 n°

CO 03
LLI -- W
n.- 6.9 MPo 6.9 MPo
03 / f n"
C~c - Circumferential stress in concrete
-0.276 - 2.76
O-zc - L o n g i t u d i n a l stress in c o n c r e t e
rc - Shear s t r e s s in c o n c r e t e

-0553 _i o-zs- Longitudinal stress in s t e e l - 5.53

-0827 500ram -8.27


-1. I00

Figure3 Principal stresses at the steel-concrete interface (arrows on the curves refer to either the right hand or the left
hand scales}

I Experimental 7
" Analytical study Applied stress 3 1 0 M P a ~ |
207 M Pa~ ~ - ~ . , --
~ . ' "",,
n~ I~ ,o 3MPa,'~.
C) 6.89


500mm ,..ll

I- I 7
Figure4 Comparison of theoretical and experimental bond stress distributions

Bond o f deformed bars in steel fibre rein forced concrete under cyclic/oading Panda, Spencer and Mindess



_j - 1 3 8
~lied stress 510MPa

/ 207 MPo

n- 138 Experimental
.... Analytical study




Figure 5 Comparison of theoretical and experimental stress distributions

Test specimens specimens were subjected to four basic types of loading

All but two of the specimens had the dimensions 250 x histories:
250 x 90@mm; the other two specimens had the 1. Reversed cyclic loading, in which, for each incremen-
dimensions 250 x 375 x 900mm. A threaded connector tal increase in the peak loading, one cycle was applied.
was welded to each protruding end of the reinforcing bar, 2. Reversed multiple cyclic loading, in which multiple
in order to facilitate attachment to the loading system. cycles were applied for each incremental increase in
Strain recordings along the test reinforcing bar were loading.
carried out by using electric resistance strain gauges 3. Repeated loading, in either tension or compression
spaced at 38ram on centres, mounted in grooves only.
(5.1 mm wide x 2.5mm deep) machined on opposite 4. Monotonic loading.
sides of the bar. Displacements were measured relative
to the centerline of the specimen, using linear variable
differential transformers (LVDT's).
The test results are given in detail elsewhere [15]. The
Test procedure most significant findings are described below.
The test frame, and the method of mounting the
specimens for testing, have previously been described
[16]. The loading conditions are shown schematically in Strain distribution in the reinforcing bar
Figure 6. A servo-controlled hydraulic system was used The strain distribution diagram for a typical specimen
to apply the loads, and the data were recorded using a subjected to reversed multiple cyclic loading is shown in
data acquisition system and a mini-computer. The test Figure 7. The general trend of the strain distribution

Table 1 Concrete mix proportions

Steel Gravel Water Air

Specimen fibre Cement Sand 10 mm Water reducer entrainment
Type (kg,'m3) (kg/m 3) (kg/m 3) (kg/m 3) (kg/m 3) (ml/m 3) (ml/m 3)
Plain concrete Nil 417.0 878.0 878.0 192.2 774 258
Steel fibre 62.3 443.7 840.6 840.6 205.8 774 310
reinforced (0.79% by
concrete volume)

Bond of deformed bars in steel fibre reinforced concrete under cyclic loading Panda, Spencer and Mindess

diagrams for the push-in pull-out loading indicated a

greater bond resistance at the push-in end than at the
pull-out end. This was primarily due to cracking and
separation of the concrete around the bar at the pull-out
end. A few loading cycles at a relatively high load
amplitude, especially beyond yielding of the bar, caused
an increase in strain values at any particular location in
the reinforcing bar, indicating deterioration in the stress
transfer capacity. An increase in the peak amplitude of
loading increased the length of the tensile strain zone as
compared to the length of the compressive strain zone
by about 10 to 35%. This implied that the push-in force
could be transmitted within a much smaller length than
could the pull-out force. Further, an increase in the peak
amplitude of loading caused bond deterioration at a
lower stress level in the subsequent cycle. This is shown
by curves 2 and 3 in Figure 7, which are for the same
force applied in the third and seventh cycles,

Bond stress
The bond stress distribution curves at various stress
levels for a typical specimen subjected to monotonic
Figure6 Schematic representation of test specimen and loading are shown in Figure 8. It may be seen that, at low
loading conditions. applied stress levels, the peak bond stress occurs at both

12000 o°-~

/" \
o o

I0000 o o ~
; z o o o, ~, (~
8000 - \
, ~-

,/ \ %
0 \
2000 ~---(~.. "'4\
"-'~ ~"~'~"-~ _~--=--"-4~-'
ol I I I I I I I I ] ~ "",4 ~ i [ I
0 25 62.5 I00 137.5 175 212.5 2 5 0 287.5 3 2 5 3 6 Z•5 - 4 0 ~ 4 3.~...~
75 ~ ' ~ 4 7 5i 500
GAUGE L O C A T I O N , mm "\".~
-2000 - I \ -


,Figure7 Strain distribution diagram under reversed cyclic loading

Bond o f deformed bars in stee/ fibre rein forced concrete under cyclic loading Panda, Spencer and Mindess

:~ 700

a- 300 ,, g /
3- ,,oo ,,
4- 500 ,,, • 545 / ~ _
20 i

5- 600 j5 ~ j

o 0
z 0 50 IOO 150 200 250 300 :550 400 450 ~500
P O S I T I O N , mm

Figure8 Bond stress distribution curves under monotonic loading

ends of the specimen. However, when the applied Cracking and failure mode
stress level is increased, the peak bond stress shifts For all specimens, the first radial splitting crack occurred
towards the centre of the specimen, with the largest at approximately the same applied stress level (300-400
values generally ocCurring at the push-in end. This MPa). With an increase in the peak load, more radial
suggests that there is greater bond resistance at the splitting cracks emerged, some of which propagated
push-in end. further as longitudinal cracks. The emergence of a

Applied stress vs. displacement relationship

In order to explain the overall response of the specimens
to reversed cyclic loading, the hysteretic behaviour of the
specimens must be examined. The definition of terms
pertaining to the hysteretic curves for an applied stress
less than the yield stress in the steel is given in Figure 9.
The experimental results indicate a severe reduction in
t KTI z

stiffness and resistance capacity of the specimens under k

reversed cyclic loading. A specimen subjected to mono- / // UNLOADING
tonic loading could sustain a push-in pull-out load up to a LOADING STIFFNESS
stress level in the steel of greater than 700 MPa, while a STIFFNESS
companion specimen subjected to only a few cycles of
reversed loading failed at a stress level of 540 MPa,
indicating a decrease in load resisting capacity of more
than 24%. This loss is mainly due to deterioration in the KCL ~ _ / LLOADING
stress transfer mechanism, because of inelastic defor-
mation, cracking in the concrete, a n d the Bauschinger
effect in the reinforc!ng steel. 7,'/ STIFFNESS

A few cycles of reversed loading even at stress

levels as low as 200-300 MPa caused a noticeable
reduction in the loading stiffnesses, though no signifi-
cant changes in stiffness KTi and KCI (Figure 9) were
observed. However, an increase in the load beyond the
yield stress level in the steel caused a severe reduction in Figure9 Definition of terms pertaining to hysteretic
the stiffness, and an increase in the displacement. curves

Bond of deformed bars in s tee/fibre reinforced concrete under cyclic loading Panda, Spencer and Mindess

(l) (:b
D I S P L A C E M E N T , mm
..,,AAAAAo I
/ ®
:~ 50O -

"' 400 -

o 300- I

.oo -',,#,,fi//X ,J/I/ll/I,,"ill / / ', -
O0 z i

I # I I
' /,,H//////
, i,/l~l ~ *'///NEt 0 .... O ~ ~ , N CO . ¢ R E T E

,,, o O O ~ o

'1V2V3V4 VsV 6 vTvBvgVllll171273 ¢,;,7'II6v 17¢¥CLES


Figure 10 Hystereticbehaviourofplain and fibre reinforced concrete under reversed cyclic loading

Bond o f deformed bars in steel fibre reinforced concrete under cychc loading Panda, Spencer and Minde'ss

circumferential conical crack on the pull-out end of the During the tests, it was observed that longitudinal
specimen indicated the onset of pull-out bond failure. splitting in the concrete due to circumferential tension
After the formation of a conical crack, the anchorage was quite common. The development of such splitting
capacity of the specimen depended on the remaining cracks relaxes the pressure between the concrete and
length of embedment, corrected for any cracking that the steel, leading to bond degradation. It may be
might have occurred at the outer end. The diameter and hypothesised that the presence of the steel fibres
the depth of the cone were observed to be smaller for inhibits both crack propagation and crack opening. The
specimens containing steel fibres than for those made of fibres would thus enable some stress to be transferred
plain concrete. For plain concrete specimens, only a few across cracked sections, allowing the affected parts of
wide, radial and longitudinal cracks occurred, whereas the composite to retain some post-cracking strength,
for fibre reinforced specimens many narrow radial and and to withstand greater deformation [17].
longitudinal cracks developed under identical loading Both the 30mm and 50mm long fibres (volume
conditions. fraction = 0.79%) had essentialy the same effect on
anchorage bond performance, as is evident from the
applied stress vs. displacement curves. However, it
E f f e c t of s t e e l f i b r e s shoud be noted that during casting, the concrete contain-
The steel fibre reinforced concrete specimens exhibited ing the 50mm fibres was found to be less workable than
better anchorage bond characteristics than did the concrete containing the 30mm fibres.
specimens without any fibres, particularly under
reversed cyclic loading. This may be seen from a Bond effectiveness
comparison of the hysteretic behaviour of the sfrc The improvement in bond capacity of an sfrc specimen
specimens and the plain concrete specimens, under compared to a plain concrete (pc) specimen can be
identical loading conditions. Beyond the yield stress level expressed in terms of a bond effectiveness parameter,
in the steel, the displacements on the pull-out side were defined as
higher for the plain concrete specimens than for the sfrc bond effectiveness = [1 - Asfr,;] x 100
specimens. Moreover, the sfrc specimens could sustain Apc
many more cycles before failure than could the plain where Asfrc = area under the strain distribution
concrete specimens. This is shown in Figure 10, which diagram for sfrc for the length of bar
compares the hysteretic behaviour of typical plain con- in tension or compression.
crete and sfrc specimens. It can be seen that the Apo = area under the strain distribution
displacement of the bar in the sfrc specimen after 17 diagram for plain concrete for the
cycles was approximately equal to that of the bar in the length of bar in tension or
plain concrete specimen after only 9 cycles. compression.
4000 l-

l~""\~ B - 200N/mm 2
3 0 0 0 [-- ~ c - 300 ,,
\ D - 400 ,,
L__ E - 450 ,, &
.E. 2000 ~ ~ ~ --- -~~: ~
- C" ~ ~

~- I 0 0 0 ""- N
Q1 0 25 62.5 I00 137.5 175 212.5 250 2875 525
t-- 5 475 1500
o9 I 562.5

Plain concrele i
-2000 -- Fibre reinforced concrete E

-5000 L_

Figure 11 Strain distribution diagrams for plain and fibre reinforced concrete under reversed cyclic loading

"Bond of deforrned bars in steel fibre reinforced concrete under cyclic loading Panda, Spencer and Mindess

1.7 Figure 12 Bond degradation ratio

- f (BDR) for plain and fibre
Applied stress 538MPa //
reinforced concrete
1.6 - /
t- /
- p /
rr 1.5
/ ~
z Fibre reinforced,= ,.=
0 ono,e,.
C-- 1.4
rr 1.3
uJ = ..-Plain /'N ,.,,.~
/" J c o n c r e t e /,,7 . - ' ~ t '~"

0 ~'~" 1 I I I I I I I
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0


A smaller area indicates more effective bond. For ex- fibres in restraining crack growth, bearing stresses at the
ample, in Figure 11, the strain distribution diagrams for ribs of the reinforcing bar, and the failure mode of
both a plain concrete specimen and a sfrc specimen are concrete under a triaxial state of stress could be included
superimposed. Based on the area calculations, the sfrc in the analysis.
specimens generally have smaller areas under the strain 2. Reversed cyclic loading causes a much greater reduc-
distribution diagrams. For the two specimens shown in tion in stiffness and load resistance capacity than does
Figure 11, the improvement in bond effectiveness for the monotonic loading.
sfrc was 20-26%.
3. The loading history has a significant effect on bond
deterioration. An increase in the peak amplitude of
loading causes bond deterioration at a lower stress level
Bond degradation ratio in subsequent cycles.
While it is very difficult to get a quantitative measure of
the extent of bond degradation, one possible approach is 4. Specimens containing steel fibres exhibit better
to correlate bond degradation with respect to anchorage bond characteristics, improved deformational
displacement at different numbers of loading cycles. The characteristics, and greater damage resistance than do
bond degradation ratio (BDR) at a particular stress level specimens without fibres. Steel fibres are effective in
may then be defined as retarding the rate of bond degradation under mutiple
cycles of reversed loading.
displacement in the Nth cycle
BDR = 5. The improvement in bond characteristics found in
displacement in the 1st cycle these tests due to the use of steel fibres suggests that
The BDR values for specimens subjected to identical their use in the joint regions of earthquake resistant
loading at peak stress levels of 536 MPa are plotted in ductile concrete frames should be investigated further.
Figure 12. This indicates a much higher rate of bond
degradation for a plain concrete specimen compared to
sfrc specimens. This suggests that steel fibres are ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
effective in retarding the rate of bond degradation. This work is based on the Ph.D. thesis of DrA. K. Panda.
It was supported in part by a grant from the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

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