UAS Theory of Translation Danu

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Bayazid Danu Bisthami

1B – 2018130135

Annotation Translation into Indonesian Language

Viet Thanh Nguyen’s Novel : The Refugees

Audience Design
The readers of this novel are teenagers to adults. Therefore, I translated for them with easy
language. Because I want them to enjoy the story without foreign language and complicated

Target Source Target Text

By the time Victor Devoto chose me, I had Pada saat Victor Devoto memilih saya, saya
resigned myself to being one of those writers telah mengundurkan diri untuk menjadi salah
whose names did not appear on book covers. satu penulis yang namanya tidak muncul di
His agent had given him a book that I had sampul buku. Agennya telah memberikannya
ghostwritten. sebuah buku karangan saya.

Explanation :
Ghostwritten is the past participle form of Ghostwriter (Verb) According to this site A person whose job it is to write
material for someone else who is the named author. Which means similar as ‘author’ that can be
translate as ‘penulis, pengarang, pencipta & pengubah’.
So i translate the word ‘Ghostwritten’ as ‘Karangan’ because according to this site The root word from ‘Karangan’ is ‘Karang’ which means : mengarang,
menulis, mengubah, menciptakan, mengada – ada, dan merangkai (cerita, musik) dll.
So, i translate Ghostwritten as Karangan, that is fits the context of the sentence from this novel
written as an author or writer. I translated that word by using Semantic Translation.
Source Text Target Text

my mother warned me, once, twice, three ibuku memperingatkanku, sekali, dua kali,
times. “We don’t want to end up like that tiga kali. “Kita tidak mau berakhir seperti
family tied down at gunpoint. They burned keluarga mereka yang di ancam dengan
the baby with cigarettes until the mother todongan pistol. Mereka menyundut bayi
showed them where she hid her money.” dengan rokok sampai ibunya memberitahu
dimana ia menyimpan uangnya.”

Explanation :
At gunpoint is phrase (Noun) According to this site . Which mean while threatening someone
or being threatened with a gun. So i translate At gunpoint as Todongan pistol, because
according to this site todong/menodong which mean : mengarahkan
senjata (pistol dan sebagainya) sebagai ancaman untuk merampok, merampas, dan sebagainya.
So i translated word “At gunpoint” as “Todongan pistol” that is fit the context of the sentence
from this novel by using Idiomatic Translation.

Source Text Target Text

It was the light shining into my dark eyes as I Itu adalah cahaya yang menyinari mata
looked to the sky and saw the smoldering tip hitamku sebagaimana saya menatap langit
of God’s cigarette. dan melihat bara api rokok yang sangat

Explanation :
According to this site God’s is the almighty conceived of as
the supreme being, creator deity, and principal object of faith, and i think the meaning of God’s
cigarette is the supermassive cigarette. So i translate “God’s cigarette” as “Rokok yang sangat
besar” because this translated is very connect and relate the context of the sentence from this
novel by using Semantic Translation.
Source Text Target Text

Footfalls of an invisible giant stomping the Suara langkah kaki dari mahluk besar yang
eart. tak terlihat menghentak bumi.

Explanation :
Footfall is (Noun). According to this site
Which mean the sound of a footstep or footsteps. So i translated “Footfall” as “Suara langkah
kaki” because the term of “suara langkah kaki” is connect and relate the context of the sentence
from this novel by using Idiomatic Translation.

Soure Text Target Text

The man who came onto the porch was taller Seorang pria yang datang ke teras itu lebih
than my father by six or seven inches. tinggi dari pada ayahku sekitar 15 sampai 18

Explanation :
According to this site Six or seven
inches is equal to 15 sampai 18 sentimeter, so i converting “inch” to “centimeter” because in
this country the unit of inch is not commonly use, its often uses unit of centimeter. I translated by
using Adaptation Translation.
Source Text Target Text

They drove through a neighborhood with Mereka berjalan melalui sekitar trotoar yang
bustling sidewalks, trafficked by people of ramai dilalui beberapa macam orang.
several colors. They were Kebanyakan dari mereka adalah orang kulit
mostly whites and Mexicans. putih dan orang Mexico.

Explanation :
According to this site “white” is (Adjective)
which mean one of the color and also belonging to or denoting a human group having light-
coloured skin (chiefly used of peoples of European extraction) and relating to white people. The
context of the sentence are talking about several color of people. So I translated “white” as
“orang kulit putih” by using Communicative Translation.

Source Text Target Text

After turning onto a street lined with parked Setelah berbelok ke arah jalan yang dipenuhi
cars jammed fender-to-fender, Marcus oleh barisan mobil dengan kemacetan yang
swung the sedan nose-down into the sloping padat, Marcus membanting stir mobil sedan-
driveway of a narrow two-story house. nya memasuki jalan melandai dari rumah
bertingkat dua yang sempit.

Explanation :
According to this site “fender” is
(Noun) which mean mudguard a curved piece of metal or plastic above the wheels of a bicycle or
motorcycle that prevents dirt from getting on the rider. I think “fender” in Indonesia is “bemper”.
So “fender-to-fender” in Indonesia is “bemper ke bemper” which explain that is very close and
so crowded, i translate “fender-to-fender” as “yang padat” because that fit the context of the
sentence. And then, according to this site
story “Two-story” is (Adjective) which mean that having two floor or levels, in Indonesia is
“Bertingkat dua” cause it fit the context of the sentence that the house having two floor.
So I translated both by using Free Translation.

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