Word Bank Week 2

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Vocabulary Builder Week: 2

Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4 Word 5

What is the Ache Borrow Clap Disturb Fold
word form?
Can you define The feeling The moment The action of Try to find Is the action
it? when you when the bank make sound the way to of Split
get an injury. give you money with our fight with something.
with conditions hands or an another
or anything. explosive person.
Can you Dolor Prestar dinero o Aplaudir o Molestar Doblar.
translate it? cualquier cosa. estruendo.
Which syllable A - che Bo - rrow Clap Dis - turb Fold
is stressed?
Does it have Aching Borrowed Disturbing Folding
other word No other
forms? Ache Borrowing word forms Disrtubed Folded

Can you add No suffixes Unborrow No suffixes No suffixes No suffixes

prefixes or
suffixes? No prefixes No prefixes No prefixes No prefixes

Does it have Pleasure mediocre Cheers Annoy Crease

synonyms? paudits
Peace Trouble Duplicity

Tease Double
Does it have Soft Poor Humdrum Busieague Narrow

What words Legs ache. Borrow money. Clap her Disturb me. Fold paper.
does it often hands.
collocate Stomach Borrow a car. Disturbed Fold Paper.
(appear) with? ache. Clap of sleep.
Borrow a thunder. Fold one leg.
Arms ache. pencil. Disturbed
children. Fold up a
Head ache. map.
Can you write Aching with Borrowing a Clapped his The noisy We fold a
a personal or sadness cup of sugar friend on the lawnmower letter.
memorable form a neighbor shoulder disturbed
sentence? their sleep.

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