Word Bank Week 9

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Vocabulary Builder Week: 9

Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4 Word 5

What is the word? Lengthy Repel Lease Randomly Influx

What is the word Adjective Verb Noun adverd. Noun

Can you define it? Long time time, To keep away, A contract to pay Without any A flowing in
duration or To fight againgst. to use property for specific pattern.
distance. an amount of
time. Or to make a
contract to use
Can you translate Largo Repeler Arrendamiento Al azar Afluencia
Which syllable is Len - gthy Re – pel Lea - se Ran – domly in - flux
Does it have other Lengthier, Repelled Sublease Nonrandomly.
word forms? Lengthiest, rerelease No other
lengthy. Repelling ribonuclease word forms.
Can you add No prefixes Sublease Nonrandomly
prefixes or Repelled rerelease No suffixes
suffixes? No suffixes ribonuclease Randomes
Repelling release
please Randomly
Repels No prefrixes

Does it have Extended, king Beat off, rebut, game affluence, income,
synonyms? Lent, rent.
size, long repulse, turn inflow.

Does it have Accept. Not lent fixed

antonyms? Brief, Curt, Short, Outflow
Shortish. To lent
the lent
What words does it To lengthy To lent Verb randomly Influx of
often collocate Not repel
(appear) with? Of lengthy the lent Influx with
With repel

Noun repel
To repel An influx

Can you write a After lengthy Faulty products They decided to We randomly AN influx of new
personal or discussions, the repel repeat lease the property made our chefs is constantly
memorable chain person was customers. rather than but it. selections from the needed to fill open
sentence? reelected for menu. jobs.
another term.

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