Vector 2 and Vector 2S
Vector 2 and Vector 2S
Vector 2 and Vector 2S
Owner’s Manual
Agent™, fēnix , Garmin Connect™, USB ANT Stick™, and Vector™ are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without
Exustar Enterprise Co. Ltd. Mac is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Shimano is a registered trademark of Shimano, Inc. Training Stress Score™
® ®
(TSS), Intensity Factor™ (IF), and Normalized Power™ (NP) are trademarks of Peaksware, LLC. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and other countries. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
This product is ANT+ certified. Visit for a list of compatible products and apps.
Table of Contents i
Introduction Move your bike chain to the largest chain ring and the
smallest cassette gear.
WARNING The bike chain should be in the outermost position to
Read all instructions carefully before installing and using the determine proper clearance between the pedal pod cable and
Vector system. Improper use could result in serious injury. the chain.
See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the NOTE: There must be at least 5 mm clearance À between
product box for product warnings and other important the chain and the crank arm.
Go to for the latest information
including bike compatibility, software updates, and video
Thank You
Thank you for your Vector or Vector S purchase. This manual
covers both Vector systems.
Vector was designed for cyclists, by cyclists, to provide an
outstanding experience of owning a precision power
measurement system for your bike.
Vector is simple, accurate, and easy to use.
For software updates, video tutorials, and everything you need
to get years of service out of your Vector, go to Installing the Pedal and Pedal Pod This procedure is for the Vector system. For the Vector S
system, see Installing the Left Pedal and Pedal Pod, page 2.
Now it's time to put the power under your feet and get out there
and ride. NOTE: The left and right pedal pods are the same.
1 Install the left pedal first.
Getting Started 2 Apply a thin layer of grease on the pedal spindle threads À.
1 Install the Vector components (Installing the Vector
Components, page 1).
2 Install the shoe cleats (Installing the Shoe Cleats, page 2).
3 Pair Vector with your Edge device (Paring Vector with Your
Introduction 1
Installing the Left Pedal and Pedal Pod 5 Tighten the cleat firmly to the shoe.
This procedure is for the Vector S system. NOTE: Garmin recommends torque of 4 to 6 lbf-ft. (5 to 8 N-
1 Apply a thin layer of grease on the pedal spindle threads À. m).
Adjusting the Release Tension
Do not overtighten the release tension screw on the bottom of
the pedal. The release tension should be adjusted equally for
both pedals.
Use a 3 mm hex key to adjust the release tension of each
2 Insert the spindle into the crank arm Á. There is a window on the back of the pedal binding that
3 Hand tighten the spindle. shows the allowable range.
NOTE: The left pedal spindle has a left-handed (reverse)
thread. Paring Vector with Your Edge 1000
4 Use the pedal wrench to tighten the spindle. Before you can view Vector data on the Edge device, you must
pair the devices.
NOTE: Garmin recommends torque of 25 to 30 lbf-ft. (34 to
Pairing is the connecting of ANT+ wireless sensors. This
40 N-m).
procedure contains instructions for the Edge 1000. If you have
5 Clean all excess grease from the spindle using a clean cloth
another compatible device, see Other Compatible Devices,
and soapy water or isopropyl alcohol.
page 6, or go to
6 Place the pedal pod  on the spindle.
1 Bring the Edge device within range (3 m) of the sensor.
NOTE: You must carefully bend the cable à out of the way.
NOTE: Stay 10 m away from other ANT+ sensors while
The pedal pod should be flat against the crank arm.
TIP: Power and cadence calculations are not impacted by the
orientation of the pedal pod. Garmin recommends placing the
2 Turn on the Edge device.
pedal pod on the leading edge of the crank. When the crank 3 From the home screen, select > Sensors > Add Sensor >
is in the forward position, the pedal pod should be pointing Power.
downward. 4 Rotate the crank arm a few times.
7 Firmly plug the cable into the spindle. 5 Select your sensor.
8 Insert the screw Ä into the pedal pod, and use the 2.5 mm When the sensor is paired with your Edge device, a message
hex key to tighten the screw. appears, and the sensor status is Connected. You can
9 Rotate the crank arm to check for clearance. customize a data field to display Vector data.
The pedal pod should not interfere with any part of the bike. Pedal Pod Status LED
Installing the Right Pedal Multiple green LED flashes indicate a system issue that requires
your attention.
This procedure is for the Vector S system.
NOTE: When the pedal pod battery is low, the status LED
1 Apply a thin layer of grease on the pedal spindle threads.
flashes red, instead of green.
2 Insert the spindle into the crank arm.
LED Activity Status
3 Hand tighten the spindle.
1 green flash every 10 The Vector system is working properly.
4 Use the pedal wrench to tighten the spindle. seconds.
NOTE: Garmin recommends torque of 25 to 30 lbf-ft. (34 to 2 flashes every 10 seconds. The pedal is not connected.
40 N-m). 3 flashes every 10 seconds. The pedal pod is connected, but it
cannot communicate with the Edge
Installing the Shoe Cleats device.
NOTE: The left and right cleats are the same. 4 flashes every 10 seconds. The pedal pod is searching for the
other pedal pod.
1 Apply a thin layer of grease on the cleat bolt threads. 5 flashes every 10 seconds. The installation angle is not set or
2 Align the cleat À, washers Á, and bolts Â. cannot be detected.
6 flashes every 10 seconds. There is a hardware installation error.
7 flashes every 10 seconds. There is a software update in progress.
1 red flash every 10 seconds. The pedal pod battery is low.
2 Introduction
1 Rotate the pedals a few times in order to activate Vector.
2 From the home screen, select > Sensors > > Sensor
Details > Crank Length.
3 Enter the crank length, and select .
Setting the Installation Angle
Before you set the installation angles, you must set the Edge
data fields to display power and cadence.
1 Go for a short ride on a trainer or on the road.
2 Ride until the cadence is nearly 70 rpm.
3 Accelerate smoothly to approximately 90 rpm.
When the installation angles are successfully set, a message
appears and data fields display power data on the Edge
device (1000, 810, and 510 only).
3 If necessary, hold a data field à to change it (Customizing
Customizing the Data Fields the Data Fields, page 3).
This procedure contains instructions for the Edge 1000, 810, NOTE: The two data fields at the bottom of the screen can be
800, and 510 devices. If you have another compatible device, customized.
see Other Compatible Devices, page 6.
You can send the ride to your Garmin Connect™ account to view
1 Hold a data field to change it. additional cycling dynamics data (Sending Your Ride to Garmin
2 Select a category. Connect, page 3).
3 Select a data field. Power Phase Data
Power phase is the pedal stroke region (between the start crank
Training angle and the end crank angle) where you produce positive
Pedal-Based Power Platform Center Offset
Vector measures pedal-based power. Platform center offset is the location on the pedal platform where
Vector measures the force you apply a few hundred times every you apply force.
second. Vector also measures your cadence or rotational
pedaling speed. By measuring the force, the direction of force, Maintenance Tips
the rotation of the crank arm, and time, Vector can determine
power (watts). Because Vector independently measures left and NOTICE
right leg power, it reports your left-right power balance. Some bike tools may scratch the finish of Vector components.
NOTE: The Vector S system does not provide left-right power • Use wax paper or a towel between the tool and the hardware.
• After any bike adjustments, rotate the crank arm to check for
Cycling Dynamics • Keep Vector components clean.
Cycling dynamics metrics measure how you apply power
throughout the pedal stroke, and where you apply power on the • When moving Vector to another bike, clean the threads and
pedal, allowing you to understand your particular way of riding. surfaces thoroughly.
Understanding how and where you produce power allows you to • Go to for the latest updates
train more efficiently and evaluate your bike fit. and information.
Using Cycling Dynamics
Before you can use cycling dynamics, you must pair the Vector Vector Data
power meter with your device (Paring Vector with Your Edge
1000, page 2). Your ride data or history is recorded to your Edge device or
another compatible Garmin device. This section contains
NOTE: Recording cycling dynamics uses additional device instructions for the Edge 1000.
NOTE: History is not recorded while the timer is stopped or
1 Go for a ride. paused.
2 Scroll to the cycling dynamics screen to view your peak When the device memory is full, a message appears. The
power phase À, total power phase Á, and platform center device does not automatically delete or overwrite your history.
offset Â. You should upload your history to your Garmin Connect account
periodically to keep track of all your ride data.
Training 3
Device Information
Vector Device Care
Keep the components clean and free of debris.
Do not use a sharp object to clean the device.
2 Plug the small end of the USB cable into the USB port on the Avoid chemical cleaners, solvents, and insect repellents that can
device. damage plastic components and finishes.
3 Plug the large end of the USB cable into a computer USB Do not submerge or pressure wash the components.
Do not store the device where prolonged exposure to extreme
4 Go to temperatures can occur, because it can cause permanent
5 Follow the on-screen instructions. damage.
Garmin Connect Replace components with Garmin parts only. See your Garmin
dealer or the Garmin website.
You can connect with your friends on Garmin Connect. Garmin
Connect gives you the tools to track, analyze, share, and
encourage each other. Record the events of your active lifestyle Removing the Pedal Pods and Pedals
including runs, walks, rides, swims, hikes, triathlons, and more.
To sign up for a free account, go to NOTICE
/start. Do not attempt to pry the cable from the spindle.
Store your activities: After you complete and save an activity NOTE: This task is for the Vector 2 system.
with your device, you can upload that activity to Garmin
Connect and keep it as long as you want. 1 Use the 2.5 mm hex key to remove the screw from the pedal
Analyze your data: You can view more detailed information
about your activity, including time, distance, elevation, heart 2 Use the pedal wrench À to slowly loosen the pedal Á.
rate, calories burned, cadence, an overhead map view, pace
and speed charts, and customizable reports.
NOTE: Some data requires an optional accessory such as a
heart rate monitor.
Plan your training: You can choose a fitness goal and load one NOTE: The spindle and crank for the left pedal has a left-
of the day-by-day training plans. handed (reverse) thread.
Share your activities: You can connect with friends to follow As you unscrew the pedal, the pedal pod cable disengages
each other's activities or post links to your activities on your from the spindle.
favorite social networking sites. NOTE: When you install Vector again, you must recalibrate
the system.
Disconnecting the USB Cable
If your device is connected to your computer as a removable Replacing the Pedals and Cartridges
drive or volume, you must safely disconnect your device from
your computer to avoid data loss. If your device is connected to NOTICE
your Windows computer as a portable device, it is not
1 Complete an action: grease. Other compatible tools can be used. Use care not to
• For Windows computers, select the Safely Remove damage any of the Vector components.
Hardware icon in the system tray, and select your device.
If your pedals are damaged or show significant wear, you can
• For Mac computers, drag the volume icon to the trash.
replace the pedals, cartridges, and related hardware
2 Disconnect the cable from your computer. components.
NOTE: Pedal and cartridge replacement is the same for the
Vector and Vector S systems. You should keep the left pedal
parts separate from the right pedal parts.
1 Remove the pedals and pedal pods from your bike
(Removing the Pedal Pods and Pedals, page 4).
2 Use the cartridge axle tool to unscrew the pedal body from
the cartridge À.
4 Device Information
NOTE: The right pedal has a left-handed (reverse) thread. Water resistance IPX7
Do not submerge or pressure wash the
Vector Specifications
Battery type User-replaceable CR2032, 3 volts
Battery life Minimum 175 hours of riding time
NOTE: The pedal pod used on the right crank will
drain the battery faster than the left crank.
Operating From -4° to 122°F (from -20° to 50°C) 4 Wait 30 seconds.
temperature range 5 Insert the new battery into the cover, observing polarity.
NOTE: Do not damage or lose the O-ring gasket.
6 Replace the cover, making sure the arrow points to unlocked.
Device Information 5
7 Use a coin to twist the cover clockwise back into place, NOTE: Stay 10 m away from other ANT+ sensors while
making sure the arrow points to locked. pairing.
8 Wait 10 seconds. 2 Turn on the Edge device.
After you replace the pedal pod battery, you must set the 3 Hold MENU.
installation angle on your Edge (Setting the Installation Angle, 4 Select Settings > Bike Settings.
page 3).
5 Select a bike.
6 Select ANT + Power.
Other Compatible Devices 7 Enable the sensor, and select Search.
8 Rotate the crank arm a few times.
Edge 810 and 510 Device Instructions
When the sensor is paired with your Edge device, a message
Pairing Vector with Your Edge 810 or 510 Device appears, and appears solid on the main menu. You can
1 Bring the Edge device within range (3 m) of the sensor. customize a data field to display Vector data.
NOTE: Stay 10 m away from other ANT+ sensors while Entering the Crank Length
pairing. The crank length is often printed on the crank arm.
2 Turn on the Edge device. 1 Rotate the pedals a few times in order to activate Vector.
3 From the home screen, select > Bike Profiles. 2 Hold MENU.
4 Select a profile. 3 Select Settings > Bike Settings.
5 Select . 4 Select a bike.
6 Enable the sensor, and select Search. 5 Select Bike Details > More > Crank Length > Manual.
7 Rotate the crank arm a few times. 6 Enter the crank length.
When the sensor is paired with your Edge device, the sensor
status is Connected. You can customize a data field to display Customizing the Data Fields
Vector data. This procedure contains instructions for the Edge 500 device.
1 Bring the fēnix device within 3 m of the sensor. 4 Select ANT+Power > Yes > Restart Scan.
NOTE: Stay 10 m away from other ANT+ sensors while 5 Rotate the crank arm a few times.
pairing. When the sensor is paired, a message appears, and
appears solid on the screen.
2 Hold MENU.
3 Select Settings > Sensors > Power. Customizing the Data Fields
4 Rotate the crank arm a few times. 1 Select MODE > Settings > Bike Settings > Data Fields.
5 Select your sensor. 2 Select a page to edit.
6 Select Status > On. 3 If necessary, edit the number of data fields.
When the sensor is paired with your fēnix device, the sensor 4 Select a data field to change it.
status changes from Searching to Connected.
Entering the Crank Length
Customizing the Data Fields The crank length is often printed on the crank arm.
1 Hold MENU. 1 Rotate the pedals a few times in order to activate Vector.
2 Select Settings > Sensors > Activity > Bike > Data Pages. 2 Select MODE > Settings > Bike Settings.
3 Select Add Page, and follow the on-screen instructions to 3 Select your bike.
add a new page (optional). 4 Select Bike Details > More > Crank Length.
4 Select a page to edit. 5 Enter the crank length.
5 Select Edit to change the data fields.
Entering the Crank Length Upgrading Vector 1 to Vector 2
The crank length is often printed on the crank arm.
NOTE: The upgrade process is similar for the Vector and Vector
1 Rotate the pedals a few times in order to activate Vector. S systems. The Vector S system has a pedal-only installation for
2 Hold MENU. the right pedal. You should keep the left pedal parts separate
3 Select Settings > Sensors > Power > Crank Length. from the right pedal parts.
4 Enter the crank length, and select Done. 1 Remove the existing pedals and pedal pods (Removing the
Pedal Pod and Pedal, page 7).
Forerunner 920XT Device Instructions
2 Replace the existing cartridges (optional Replacing the
Pedals and Cartridges, page 4.
Pairing Vector with the Forerunner 920XT Device 3 Install the pedals, upgrade washers, and new pedal pods
1 Bring the Forerunner device within 3 m of the sensor. (Installing the Pedal, Upgrade Washer, and New Pedal Pod,
NOTE: Stay 10 m away from other ANT+ sensors while page 8).
pairing. 4 Check the LED status messages (Pedal Pod Status LED,
2 Select > Settings > Sensors and Accessories > Add page 2).
New > Power. 5 Update the Vector software to the latest version (Updating
3 Rotate the crank arm a few times. the Software Using Vector Updater, page 9).
4 Select your sensor. 6 Pair the Vector system to your Edge device and calibrate the
When the sensor is paired, a message appears. Vector system (Your First Ride, page 2).
Customizing the Data Fields Removing the Pedal Pod and Pedal
1 Select > Activity Settings > Data Screens.
2 Select a screen.
Do not attempt to pry the cable from the spindle.
3 If necessary, select Status > On to enable the data screens.
4 If necessary, edit the number of data fields. Use the pedal wrench À to slowly loosen the pedal Á.
5 Select a data field to change it.
Entering the Crank Length
The crank length is often printed on the crank arm.
1 Rotate the pedals a few times in order to activate Vector.
2 Select > Settings > Sensors and Accessories.
3 Select your sensor.
4 Select Crank Length.
5 Enter the crank length.
NOTE: The spindle and crank for the left pedal has a left- Registering Vector
handed (reverse) thread. Help us better support you by completing our online registration
As you unscrew the pedal, the pedal pod cable disengages today.
from the spindle. • Go to
When you install Vector again, you must recalibrate the system. • Keep the original sales receipt, or a photocopy, in a safe
Installing the Pedal, Upgrade Washer, and
New Pedal Pod Power Data Fields
NOTE: The left and right pedal pods are the same. NOTE: This list contains power data fields for the Edge 1000
1 Install the left pedal first. device. If you have another compatible device, see your device
owner's manual.
2 Place the blue upgrade washer À on the spindle.
NOTE: Data fields that display pedal smoothness, torque
effectiveness, and balance data are not supported by the Vector
S system.
Balance: The current left/right power balance.
Balance - 10s Avg.: The 10-second moving average of the left/
right power balance.
Balance - 30s Avg.: The 30-second moving average of the left/
right power balance.
3 Apply a thin layer of grease on the pedal spindle threads Á. Balance - 3s Avg.: The three-second moving average of the
left/right power balance.
4 Insert the spindle into the crank arm Â.
Balance - Avg.: The average left/right power balance for the
5 Hand tighten the spindle. current activity.
NOTE: The left pedal spindle has a left-handed (reverse) Balance - Lap: The average left/right power balance for the
thread. current lap.
6 Use the pedal wrench to tighten the spindle. Cadence: The number of revolutions of the crank arm or
NOTE: Garmin recommends torque of 25 to 30 lbf-ft. (34 to number of strides per minute. Your device must be
40 N-m). connected to a cadence accessory for this data to appear.
7 Clean all excess grease from the spindle using a clean cloth Cadence - Avg.: The average cadence for the current activity.
and soapy water or isopropyl alcohol. Cadence - Lap: The average cadence for the current lap.
8 Place the new pedal pod à on the spindle. PCO: The platform center offset. Platform center offset is the
NOTE: You must carefully bend the cable Ä out of the way. location on the pedal platform where you apply force.
The pedal pod should be flat against the crank arm. PCO - Avg.: The average platform center offset for the current
TIP: Power and cadence calculations are not impacted by the activity.
orientation of the pedal pod. Garmin recommends placing the PCO - Lap: The average platform center offset for the current
pedal pod on the leading edge of the crank. When the crank lap.
is in the forward position, the pedal pod should be pointing
downward. Pedal Smoothness: The measurement of how evenly a rider is
applying force to the pedals throughout each pedal stroke.
9 Firmly plug the cable into the spindle.
Power: The current power output in watts.
10 Insert the screw Å into the pedal pod, and use the 2.5 mm
hex key to tighten the screw. Power - %FTP: The current power output as a percentage of
functional threshold power.
11 Rotate the crank arm to check for clearance.
Power - 10s Avg.: The 10-second moving average of power
The pedal pod should not interfere with any part of the bike. output.
12 Repeat steps 2 through 11 to install the right pedal and pedal Power - 30s Avg.: The 30-second moving average of power
pod. output.
Power - 3s Avg.: The three-second moving average of power
8 Appendix
Power - Avg.: The average power output for the current activity. Troubleshooting
Power - IF: The Intensity Factor™ for the current activity.
Updating the Software Using Vector Updater
Power - kJ: The accumulated work performed (power output) in
Before you can run the Vector Updater application, you must
have a USB ANT Stick (included), an internet connection, and
Power - Lap: The average power output for the current lap. the pedal pods must have functioning batteries installed.
Power - Lap Max.: The top power output for the current lap. 1 Go to, and download the
Power - Last Lap: The average power output for the last Vector Updater application.
completed lap. 2 Bring Vector within range (3 m) of your computer.
Power - Max.: The top power output for the current activity. 3 Open the Vector Updater application, and follow the on-
Power - NP: The Normalized Power™ for the current activity. screen instructions.
Power - NP Lap: The average Normalized Power for the current Tips for Using Vector Updater
lap. If Vector Updater is not functioning properly, you can try these
Power - NP Last Lap: The average Normalized Power for the tips.
last completed lap. • Insert the USB ANT Stick directly into a USB port on your
Power Phase - L.: The current power phase angle for the left computer. USB hubs are not recommended.
leg. Power phase is the pedal stroke region where you • If you are also running the ANT Agent™ application on your
produce positive power. computer, you can either insert another USB ANT Stick or
Power Phase - L. Avg.: The average power phase angle for the close the ANT Agent application.
left leg for the current activity. • If Vector Updater cannot find your device after more than two
Power Phase - L. Lap: The average power phase angle for the minutes, remove the batteries from each pedal pod, wait 20
left leg for the current lap. seconds, and replace the batteries.
Power Phase - L. Peak: The current power phase peak angle If Vector Updater still cannot find your device, you should
for the left leg. Power phase peak is the angle range over install new batteries into each pedal pod.
which you produce the peak portion of the driving force.
Updating the Vector Software Using the Edge 1000
Power Phase - L. Peak Avg.: The average power phase peak Before you can update the software, you must pair your Edge
angle for the left leg for the current activity. 1000 device to your Vector system.
Power Phase - L. Peak Lap: The average power phase peak
1 Send your ride data to Garmin Connect using a USB or
angle for the left leg for the current lap. Wi‑Fi connection.
Power Phase - R.: The current power phase angle for the right Garmin Connect automatically looks for software updates
leg. Power phase is the pedal stroke region where you and sends them to your Edge device.
produce positive power.
2 Bring your Edge device within range (3 m) of the sensor.
Power Phase - R. Avg.: The average power phase angle for the
right leg for the current activity. 3 Rotate the crank arm a few times.
Power Phase - R. Lap: The average power phase angle for the The Edge device prompts you to install any pending software
right leg for the current lap. updates.
Power Phase - R. Peak: The current power phase peak angle 4 Follow the on-screen instructions.
for the right leg. Power phase peak is the angle range over
Understanding the Multiple Status LED Flashes
which you produce the peak portion of the driving force.
The red LED always indicates the pedal pod battery is low.
Power Phase - R. Peak Avg.: The average power phase peak Multiple red LED flashes indicate the pedal pod battery is low
angle for the right leg for the current activity. and there is a system issue (Pedal Pod Status LED, page 2).
Power Phase - R. Peak Lap: The average power phase peak • For multiple red LED flashes, replace the pedal pod batteries
angle for the right leg for the current lap. first (Replacing the Pedal Pod Battery, page 5), and then
Power - TSS: The Training Stress Score™ for the current activity. address the system issue.
Power - watts/kg: The amount of power output in watts per • For 2 LED flashes, make sure the pedal pod cable is plugged
kilogram. in properly, and there is no damage to the cable or pins.
Power Zone: The current range of power output (1 to 7) based • For 3 LED flashes, make sure the pedal pod cable is plugged
on your FTP or custom settings. in properly, and there is no damage to the cable or pins.
Time Seated: The time spent seated while pedaling for the You can also remove and reinstall the pedal pod batteries
current activity. (Replacing the Pedal Pod Battery, page 5).
Time Seated Lap: The time spent seated while pedaling for the • For 4 LED flashes, wait for the pedal pod to find the other
current lap. pedal pod.
Time Standing: The time spend standing while pedaling for the If the pedal pods display different status LED flashes, you
current activity. may need to update the Vector software (Updating the
Time Standing Lap: The time spend standing while pedaling for Software Using Vector Updater, page 9).
the current lap. • For 5 LED flashes, set the installation angle (Setting the
Torque Effectiveness: The measurement of how efficiently a Installation Angle, page 3).
rider is pedaling. Your Edge device displays a message, and you can follow
the on-screen instructions.
• For 6 LED flashes, make sure you are using Vector 2 pedal
pods and pedals.
To upgrade your Vector system, go to
Appendix 9
• For 7 LED flashes, wait for the pedal pods and pedals to
complete the software update.
NOTE: Do not disconnect the pedal pod or remove the pedal
pod batteries during a software update.
Performing a Static Torque Test
The static torque test is intended for advanced cyclists and
installation experts. This test is not required under normal
circumstances to achieve good results with the Vector system.
This test is available for the Edge 1000, 810, and 510 devices.
Garmin recommends performing the static torque test a
minimum of three times and averaging the reported torque
Go to, and click on the FAQs
link for detailed instructions.
Following repeated static torque tests, if the reported torque
value is consistently different than the expected value, you can
enter a scale factor for one or both pedals. The scale factor is
stored in the pedal and adjusts the power value that is
calculated on the pedal. The scale factor is sent to the Edge
device and stored on Edge device.
Crank Compatibility
The Vector system works with most crank arm types, including
carbon. It fits most crank arm sizes with either the standard (12
to 15 mm thick) or large (15 to 18 mm thick) size. The Vector
system is compatible with crank arms up to 44 mm wide.
Third-Party Devices
For a list of devices that are compatible with Vector, go to
10 Appendix
battery 2, 9
life 5
replacing 5
type 5
calibrating 2, 3, 6, 7
cleaning the device 4
cleats 2
compatibility 10
customizing the device 3, 6, 7
cycling dynamics 3
storing 3, 4
transferring 3, 4
data fields 3, 6–8
Edge 2, 6
fēnix 6, 7
Forerunner 7
Garmin Connect 3, 4
history 3
sending to computer 3, 4
installing 1, 2, 8, 9
memory 3
pairing 2, 6, 7, 9
pedal pods 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8
pedals 1–4, 7, 8
platform center offset 3
power 3
power (force), meters 3
power phase 3
product registration 8
registering the device 8
replacement parts 4
software, updating 9
specifications 5, 10
storing data 3, 4
storing the device 4, 5, 7
tools 1
training 3
troubleshooting 9, 10
updates, software 9
USB, disconnecting 4
USB ANT Stick 5, 9
water resistance 5
Index 11
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