Aci Structural Journal 1 PDF
Aci Structural Journal 1 PDF
Aci Structural Journal 1 PDF
Past President Board Members 157 Energy-Based Hysteresis Model for Reinforced Concrete Beam-
Anne M. Ellis
James K. Wight Column Connections, by Tae-Sung Eom, Hyeon-Jong Hwang, and
Kenneth C. Hover Hong-Gun Park
Executive Vice President 167 Ductility Enhancement in Beam-Column Connections Using Hybrid
Ron Burg
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, by Dhaval Kheni, Richard H. Scott,
Technical Activities Committee S. K. Deb, and Anjan Dutta
Ronald Janowiak, Chair
Daniel W. Falconer, Staff Liaison 179 Behavior and Simplified Modeling of Mechanical Reinforcing Bar
JoAnn P. Browning
Catherine E. French
Splices, by Zachary B. Haber, M. Saiid Saiidi, and David H. Sanders
Fred R. Goodwin
Trey Hamilton 189 Bond-Splitting Strength of Reinforced Strain-Hardening Cement
Neven Krstulovic-Opara Composite Elements with Small Bar Spacing, by Toshiyuki Kanakubo
Kimberly Kurtis
Kevin A. MacDonald and Hiroshi Hosoya
Jan Olek
Michael Stenko 199 Wide Beam Shear Behavior with Diverse Types of Reinforcement,
Pericles C. Stivaros
Andrew W. Taylor by S. E. Mohammadyan-Yasouj, A. K. Marsono, R. Abdullah, and
Eldon G. Tipping M. Moghadasi
A 300 square 445 24.8 9 × 11.3 one way; 15 × 11.3 other way 479 1781
Shen (No. of pile: 4; pile arrangement: determinant; pile diameter, 50 mm)
200 square 250 24.6 6 × 9.53 each way 549
250 square 350 25.9 8 × 9.53 each way 1019
Suzuki and Otsuki25 (No. of pile: 4; pile arrangement: determinant; pile diameter, 150 mm)
200 square 290 20.4 9 × 9.53 each way 353 755
Chan et al.26 (No. of pile: 4; pile arrangement: determinant; pile side length, 150 mm)
C(Chan) 200 square 200 30.74 12 × 10 each way 480.7 870
Ahmad et al. (No. of pile: 4; pile arrangement: determinant; pile diameter, 150 mm)
A(Saeed) 150 round 230 20.68 10 × 12.8 + 6 × 6.5 each way 480
, :413
F(Saeed) 150 round 230 27.6 12 × 12.8 + 6 × 6.5 each way 560
Blévot and Frémy28 (No. of pile: 4; pile arrangement: determinant; pile side length, mm: except that 9A3 is 140, others are 350)
4N1 500 square 670 37.3 8 × 32 + 7 × 16 each way :276.2; :279.3 7000
4N1b 500 square 680 40.8 8 × 25 + 7 × 12 each way :440.3; :516.7 6700
:250.6; :281.2;
4N3 500 square 920 34.15 4 × 32 + 4 × 25 + 8 × 12 each way 6500
:484.5; :446;
4N3b 500 square 920 49.3 4 × 25 + 4 × 20 + 8 × 10 each way 9000
9A3 150 square 470 34.4 16 × 12 450.25 1700
Blévot and Frémy (No. of pile: 3; pile arrangement: equilateral triangle; pile side length, 350 mm)
B20A1/1 350 square 500 27.4 3 × 12.5 each way 591 1512
B20A1/2 350 square 500 33.0 3 × 12.5 each way 591 1648
B20A3 350 square 500 37.9 3 × 12.5 each way 591 1945
B20A4 350 square 500 35.6 3 × 12.5 each way 591 2375
B30A4 350 square 500 24.6 3 × 12.5 each way 591 2283
Chao and Bo (No. of pile: 9; pile arrangement: determinant; pile diameter, 150 mm)
CTA 300 square 314 24.88 6 × 16 + 5 × 14 each way :374; :369 1900
Notes: ♂ is no reinforcement data provided in the literature; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi; 1 kN = 0.225 kip.
there is a statement in Reference 18 that says, “As there’s With respect to T441, no description of the test phenomenon
no law about the crack distribution of PC454 in the limit is provided in literature. But, be it TPM or ACI CSM, CRSI
state, it’s hard to say whether the pile cap failure is caused and JGJ94-94, or the evaluation in Reference 31, whose
by bending or punching from the final crack shape.” So this author and test conductor of T441 are in the same project
calculating deviation is probably due to a bending failure. group,31 Pe/Pp values all tend to be small. Furthermore,
Fig. 6—Maximum interstory drift distribution. Ground motions designated as JMA-Kobe and JR-Taka-
tori, recorded in the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake,
Joint shear demands for both interior and exterior joints were adopted as the input base motions. The North-South-
were calculated considering force equilibrium on a hori- direction wave, East-West-direction wave, and vertical-
zontal plane at the midheight of the joints, in accordance direction wave were input to the y-direction, x-direction, and
with ACI 318-11. Joint shear demands calculated including vertical direction of the specimen, respectively. The inten-
the contribution of slab flexural tension reinforcement within sity of input motions was gradually increased to observe
the ACI 318 effective flange width were found to be approx- damage progression. The adopted amplitude scaling factors
imately 20 to 40% higher than demands computed ignoring for JMA-Kobe were 10, 25, 50, and 100%. Following the
the slab contribution. Note that ACI 318 does not require JMA-Kobe motions, the JR-Takatori motion scaled to
consideration of the slab reinforcement in calculations of 40 and 60% was applied to impart large cyclic deformations.
joint shear demand. Regardless of whether slab contribution Figure 5 presents the acceleration response spectra for the
was taken into account, all joint design shear strengths, based input motions. JMA-Kobe 100% has a strong intensity in the
on ACI 318-11, exceeded joint shear demands. Because short-period range corresponding to the natural period of the
joints were only confined by hoops without crossties, the specimen, as can be seen in Fig. 5. The JR-Takatori 60% has
maximum center-to-center horizontal spacing between hoop a strong intensity in the longer-period ranges corresponding
or crosstie legs was larger than the ACI 318-11 limit of to estimated damaged specimen periods.
350 mm (14 in.). The provided hoop spacing in the joints
of 140 mm (5.5 in.) was larger than the maximum spacing TEST RESULTS
allowed by ACI 318-11 of approximately 25 mm (1 in.) for Maximum recorded story drift and global behavior
the provided arrangement of hoops without crossties (limited White-noise inputs were applied prior to each main test.
by minimum volumetric reinforcement ratio requirements). From these, the initial natural periods of the test building
Other joint detailing satisfied ACI 318-11 requirements, were found to be 0.43 seconds in the frame direction and
including those for longitudinal bar anchorage. 0.31 seconds in the wall direction, which compare favor-
Figure 4 shows column-beam nominal moment strength ably with periods estimated using ASCE 7-10 Eq. 12.8-7
ratios. Below the roof, all strength ratios for exterior columns (0.44 seconds in the frame direction and 0.31 seconds in the
Fig. 12—Hysteretic behavior based on overturning moment. (Note: 1 kN-m = 0.737 k-ft.)
Although confinement was not required by the ACI 318 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
provisions, the wall boundaries nonetheless contained A full-scale, four-story, reinforced concrete building struc-
confinement reinforcement satisfying the ACI 318 special ture was tested on the E-Defense shake table. The structure
boundary element requirements at Axis A and nearly satis- was designed in accordance with the present Japanese seismic
fying them at Axis C. The observed concrete spalling and design code. Minor adjustments to the design were made to
longitudinal reinforcement buckling exceeded expectations bring the final structure closer to U.S. practice and thereby
of some of the authors, and may suggest a need for improved benefit a broader audience. The structure was subjected to a
detailing requirements. series of multi-directional seismic base motions including
The nominal shear-friction strength at the wall-foundation three high-intensity motions. The following key observa-
interface, calculated in accordance with ACI 318-11, was tions were made:
2140 kN (482 kip) for both walls combined. Shear demands 1. The structure remained stable throughout the tests, even
on the first story were estimated to be 1400 kN (315 kip) though lateral drift ratios exceeded 0.04. Thus, the structure
based on the JMA-Kobe 100% ground motion being the satisfied a collapse-prevention performance objective. The
design motion, 1800 kN (405 kip) based on pushover anal- structure did, however, sustain severe damage in the walls
ysis, and 3000 kN (675 kip) based on recorded data. Measured and beam-column joints.
base shear demands were 40% larger than the calculated 2. At times of maximum base shear, the distribution of
shear-friction capacity of the wall-foundation interface. Test lateral inertia forces was approximately uniform over height,
data therefore indicate that improvements on methods for unlike the inverted triangular distribution used to design
estimating peak shear demands on wall systems should be the structure. The nearly uniform lateral force distribution,
sought. Notably, the effects of higher modes and localized along with other factors, resulted in a significant increase in
damage on the vertical distribution of lateral loads should be the maximum base shear during the tests. Test data therefore
considered when estimating peak story-shear demands. indicate that improvements on methods for estimating peak
The interior beam-column joints sustained significant shear demands on wall systems should be sought.
damage during the earthquake simulation tests. Impli- 3. Both walls suffered significant damage in their
cations for ACI 318 are not readily extracted, however, boundary regions, including wall boundary crushing, longi-
because the beam-column joint designs did not satisfy the tudinal reinforcement buckling, and lateral instability. Walls
ACI 318 requirements. Deficiencies included deficient ratios had tightly spaced hoop reinforcement at the boundaries that
of column-beam flexural strength ratios and deficient volu- satisfied all ACI confinement requirements at Axis A and
metric ratio of joint transverse reinforcement. nearly satisfied them at Axis C. ACI 318-11 provisions for
the transverse reinforcement of special structural walls may
need to be adjusted if more limited damage is desired, partic-
ularly for thin walls with relatively large cover.
Contrary to rectangular deep beams, inverted-T beams are loaded In the past two decades, many structural design codes
on a ledge at the bottom chord of the beam. This loading configura- have adopted strut-and-tie modeling (STM) as a more trans-
tion induces a tension field into the web and the resulting complex parent option for the design of deep beams and other struc-
strain distribution renders sectional design provisions inadequate. tures with discontinuities. The current STM provisions were
The applicability of strut-and-tie modeling (STM), developed for
developed for rectangular deep beams and simple structures
rectangular deep beams and simpler, two-dimensional designs, was
with two-dimensional strain distributions, but have not been
evaluated. An experimental study was conducted in which 33 tests
were performed on 22 large-scale reinforced concrete inverted-T experimentally investigated for more complex structural
beams and the effects of the following variables were investigated: elements such as inverted-T beams.
ledge geometry, quantity of web reinforcement, number of point Due to scarcity of experimental research on inverted-T
loads, member depth, and shear span-depth ratio. It was concluded beams, a comprehensive large-scale experimental program
that strut-and-tie modeling, although developed for much simpler was undertaken to examine the behavior of such structural
structural components, offers a simple and accurate design method elements and assess the validity of implementing STM
for the more complex strain distributions in inverted-T beams. design. Thirty-three specimens were tested as part of the
The STM provisions developed for rectangular beams accurately research program. Unlike those found in the literature,
captured both failure mode and ultimate capacity and are recom- the test specimens in this program were considered more
mended for use in inverted-T beam design, as a major conclusion
representative of inverted-T beams designed in practice in
of this research.
terms of their size, geometric and loading properties, and
Keywords: D-region; inverted-T beam; laboratory testing; large-scale; reinforcement details. This paper presents the STM design
nonlinear design; reinforced concrete; shear; shear span; strut-and-tie. provisions as applied to inverted-T beams, the laboratory
test results, and the corresponding design recommendations.
Inverted-T bent caps are often used in construction to RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
reduce the overall elevation of bridges and/or to improve Significant diagonal web shear cracking of inverted-T
available clearance beneath the beams, as shown in Fig. 1. bent caps may represent a risk both in terms of strength
The bent caps are beams that support bridge girders on and serviceability. Due to the nonlinear distributions of
ledges near the bottom of the beam, effectively loading the strains in inverted-T beams, STM offers a safe, lower-bound
cap along its tension chord. Within a given cross section design alternative to examine forces and predict the failure
(transverse direction), the loads are transferred from the mode in an element. Current strut-and-tie provisions were
ledges to the bottom of the web and then “hung” vertically developed for rectangular deep beams and have not been
to the compression chord, generating tension fields in the investigated for the three-dimensional state of stress present
web at the loading points. The loads are then transferred in these structures. The research presents an extensive large-
in the longitudinal direction to the supports, as in a typical scale experimental program aimed at assessing the accuracy
compression-chord-loaded beam. This three-dimensional and conservatism of strut-and-tie modeling for the design of
flow of forces, in addition to the deep beam loading condi- inverted-T bent caps. The unique experimental data presented
tions commonly encountered in bent caps, generate regions in this paper and the assessment of STM design provisions
of stress discontinuities that are traditionally designed using is considered to be significant contributions to the literature.
empirical equations and rules of thumb.
Significant web shear cracking of recently built inverted-T BACKGROUND AND STRUT-AND-TIE MODELING
straddle bent caps has been reported in Texas, according to Typically for reinforced concrete beams, a designer makes
the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), trig- the assumption that plane sections remain plane, referred
gering concerns about the current design procedures. Most to as the Bernoulli hypothesis or beam theory. Within this
inverted-T bent caps in Texas are designed using sectional theory, the strains in the beam are presumed to vary linearly
provisions for the web and a series of checks for the ledges through the depth of a section; thus, the beam is said to be
that closely follow the procedures found in the AASHTO dominated by sectional behavior. As shown in Fig. 2(a),
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.1 Due to the load and
ACI Structural Journal, V. 112, No. 2, March-April 2015.
geometric discontinuities in inverted-T beams, this beam MS No. S-2013-064.R1, doi: 10.14359/51687403, received June 10, 2014, and
theory is not valid; thus, sectional design provisions cannot reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2015, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
be used to properly design such structures. obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
angular deep beam behavior to improve upon the current well these provisions captured the strength and behavior of
STM provisions and recommend modifications to both the inverted-T beams with their additional tension field.
the ACI 318-116 and AASHTO LRFD1 codes. Potentially, The effectiveness of the Birrcher et al.4 STM design provi-
the most significant modifications that affect the design sions were demonstrated by using an extensive database of
of inverted T-beams focused on the node strength. This rectangular deep beams. Improvements were made in the
procedure simplifies the design of struts by considering overall conservatism and accuracy as well as simplicity of
the strut-node interfaces, which implicitly accounts for the STM for deep beams as compared to current ACI 318-116 and
strut capacity and eliminates redundant stress checks at the AASHTO1 procedures. However, the application of STMs
same location. was not investigated experimentally for more complicated
In Birrcher et al.,4 the design strength of the node, Fn, is deter- three-dimensional structures such as inverted-T beams. Due
mined by the limiting compressive stress at the faces of the node to their unique geometry, certain assumptions not addressed
by the concrete efficiency factor ν in the following equation. in the current STM procedures had to be made in the design
of inverted-T beams.
Fs = 0.85νfc′Acn (4)
Strut-and-tie modeling of inverted-T beam specimens
The appropriate concrete efficiency factor, ν, is used to Inverted-T beams transfer load in three dimensions: from
reduce the compressive strength of the concrete in the node the ledges to the web, from the tension to the compression
depending on the type of node (CCC, CCT, or CTT) and chord, and from the loading points to the supports. To capture
face (bearing face, back face, strut-node interface) under this behavior, it is necessary to consider a three-dimensional
consideration. The factors developed by Birrcher et al.4 are strut-and-tie model. To simplify the analysis, the model is
summarized in Table 1 along with the existing factors in divided into two compatible two-dimensional models.
Appendix A of ACI 318-11.6 It should be noted that Birrcher The STM design of an inverted-T beam is often iterative,
et al.4 recommended removing reference to CTT nodal as many factors are interdependent. First, the overall geom-
regions as they are typically smeared nodes and emphasis etry was determined based on the experimental variables
for deep beam design should be placed on the more critical under consideration, and the preliminary loads and corre-
CCC and CCT nodal regions. The cross-sectional area of the sponding reactions were calculated. The STMs were then
node, Acn, such as the strut-node interface shown in Fig. 3, is detailed to carry the required loads. Diagonal shear cracking
limited in the perpendicular direction by either the width of was a primary concern in this study, thus the beams were
the bearing plate or web width bw. designed to ensure a shear failure.
For bearing areas smaller than the width of the struc- Defining geometry of longitudinal strut-and-tie model—
tural member, the concrete strength for all the faces in that An example of a simple longitudinal STM for an inverted-T
node was increased to account for triaxial confinement. The beam with two shear spans is shown in Fig. 4. Each tie was
triaxial confinement factor, m, is in Article 5.7.5 of AASHTO aligned with the centroid of the reinforcing bars. Vertical
LRFD1 and Section 10.14.1 of ACI 318-11.6 hanger bars were placed at each load point with the tie corre-
It can be noted from Table 1 that the efficiency factor for sponding to the center of the bearing pad. A 45-degree spread
a strut-node interface is given as the same for both CCC and on the ledge under the loading plates defined the width of
CCT nodes according to the recommendations put forth by hanger ties.7 For cut-off ledges, load spread was limited on
Birrcher et al.4 These provisions do not reduce the nodal one side, as shown in the STM.
strength due to the presence of a tension field in an inverted-T The horizontal tie along the bottom of the beam was
beam as the node below the applied load is a CCT node, aligned with the centroid of the flexural reinforcement. The
rather than a CCC node. It was of interest to observe how width of the tie was assumed to be twice the distance from
Specimen description
A large testing program was required to fully evaluate all
of the experimental variables. The width of the beams was
proportioned to maximize the cross-sectional area of the
specimen, while keeping it narrow enough to ease instal-
lation and removal from the test setup. Typical dimensions
and reinforcement layouts are shown in Fig. 8 and bearing
plate sizes are given in Table 2. Flexural reinforcement
was comprised of 12 No. 11 (No. 36) bars for the 42 in.
(1067 mm) specimens and 22 for the 75 in. (1905 mm)
specimens. Hanger reinforcement was comprised of No. 6
(No. 19) bars and was detailed based on the estimated
ultimate load. Ledge reinforcement was either No. 5 or 6
(No. 16 or 19) bars, depending on the depth of the ledge and
the resulting demand. The web width was kept constant at
21 in. (533 mm) for each beam in the experimental program,
including the 75 in. (1905 mm) beams. The width of the
ledge was also the same, 10.5 in. (267 mm), on each side. All
other dimensions varied. To distinguish between the speci-
mens in Table 2 and their respective variables, the following
Fig. 6—Scaled cross sections of literature specimens with corre- nomenclature was developed
sponding reference number, current specimens, and in-service
bent caps. (Note: Dimensions in inches; 1 in. = 25.4 mm.) Sample specimen designation: DC1-42-1.85-03
did show limited bias to ledge length and reinforcement friction, ledge tie failure, and punching shear occurred. In
ratio, but produced conservative results in all cases with these few cases, the failure mode was related to the second
reasonable safety margins. weakest element in the STM, which changed depending
Overall, the STM procedures offer a more transparent of the experimental variables. Nonetheless, each of the 33
approach to designing inverted-T deep beams than sectional specimens carried loads well above the calculated web shear
design, as they inherently consider all failure modes for the capacity and thus, the strength estimates were conservative.
ledges, web, and bearing points. The web shear failure mode The statistical results for the strength ratios of the 33 test
predicted by the STMs, either crushing of the strut-node specimens in the experimental program are summarized in
interface or yielding of the intermediate tie, was observed in Table 3. As shown in the table, the design method yielded
all specimens except for the five shaded in Table 2, in which conservative and accurate estimates of strength with a
flexure (crushing of the compression stress block), shear
Fig. 4—Variation of energy dissipation ratio according to bond parameters: exterior connections.A20-A28
θu = θ y + θbu + θ ju (6)
M c1 = λ M M mp and M c 3 = λ M M mn (10)
where θbu is the maximum plastic rotation angle of the beam;
and θju is the maximum shear angle of the joint. The values where (θmp, Mmp) and (θmn, Mmn) are plastic deformation
of θbu and θju are specified in ASCE/SEI 41-06.37 By the defi- angles and moments at the peak points CP and CN, respec-
nition, θju excludes the yield rotation θy. tively, where the unloading behavior starts; and λθ and λM
For more accurate analysis, the maximum plastic deforma- are coefficients defined as the functions of the energy dissi-
tion angle θu at EU can be determined from other advanced pation ratio κ, as follows.
methods.51 The plastic deformation angle θr at ER, which
defines the post-peak descending slope of the envelope λ θ = −0.95κ + 0.5 (11)
curve, was determined from the existing test results. For
simplicity, θr was approximated as θr = 2.0θu.
Figure 6(c) shows the cyclic curve of the moment-plastic λ M = 1.5κ − 0.12 (12)
deformation angle relationship, connecting six characteristic
points CP, C1, C2, CN, C3, and C4, which are defined such The coefficients λθ and λM are defined such that the energy
that the area enclosed by the cyclic curve is the same as the dissipation per load cycle EII enclosed by the cyclic curve
predicted energy dissipation.31-36 CP (θmp, Mmp) and CN (θmm, (C1-CP-C2-C3-CN-C4) is the same as κ Eep, where Eep is the
Mmm) denote the positive and negative peak points, respec- energy dissipation by the elastic-perfectly plastic behavior
tively, where the unloading and reloading behaviors begin. between CP and CN (refer to Fig. 6(c)). Curve fitting
C2 (θc2, Mc2) and C4 (θc4, Mc4) denote the points where the between the cyclic curves of Fig. 6(c) and the test results was
unloading stiffness significantly decreases, causing pinching performed for various κ values and drift levels. On the basis
in the cyclic response. C1 (θc1, Mc1) and C3 (θc3, Mc3) denote of the results, λθ and λM were defined as the linear functions
the points where the reloading stiffness is recovered. To of κ, in Eq. (11) and (12). The validity of Eq. (11) and (12)
ease the use in practice, the cyclic curve including stiffness was verified in Appendix B. In the existing test results in
and strength degradations was proposed by modifying the Tables A1 and A2, as the κ value ranges 0.15 to 0.54, λθ and
Pinching 4 model of OpenSees.38 λM vary from 0.36 to –0.01 and from 0.11 to 0.69, respec-
The unloading behavior continues from points CP to C2 tively. The cyclic curve defined in Eq. (7) through (12) is
and from points CN to C4, where the moments are zero applicable to both interior and exterior connections.
(Mc2 = Mc4 = 0; refer to Fig. 6(c)). The unloading stiffness kup Strength degradation can occur during repeated load
and kun are defined as cycles between the peak points CP and CN, which is
defined as the cyclic strength degradation in FEMA 440.52
kup = (1 − γ k ) k yp and kun = (1 − γ k ) k yn (7) The cyclic strength degradation (that is, a delay in strength
envelope curves, My, Mu, and Mr, were determined from reinforcement details and load conditions were determined
section analysis of the beam cross sections: the nominal from ASCE/SEI 41-06.37
flexural strength Mn was used for My; by using βu = 1.25 and The cyclic curves of the rotational spring elements were
βr = 0.2, Mu and Mr were determined as 1.25My and 0.2My, determined from the properties of Eq. (7) through (12),
respectively. As mentioned, the yield deformation angles θy which were defined as the functions of the energy dissipa-
at EY of the specimens were defined as the sum of the elastic tion ratio κ in Eq. (4a) and (4b). The κ values of the speci-
shear deformation γy of the joint and the yield rotation θby mens are presented in Table 1. Detailed calculations for the
(=0.85εy) of the beam plastic hinge: θy = γy + 0.85εy. The envelope curves and the cyclic curves are presented in the
γy values (0.0014 to 0.0049 rad) were determined by using Appendix D. In Table 1, for instance, the predicted κ of the
the empirical equation proposed by Kim and LaFave49,50 specimen Ehsani 2 was 0.397, which was very close to the
instead of using elaborate nonlinear analysis methods such test result 0.391. For the specimen Chutarat SA, the predicted
as the compression field theory and the softened truss model. κ was 0.474, which was very close to the test result 0.510.
Table 1 presents the θy values of the test specimens. The θy This result indicates that the proposed model predicted the
ranged from 0.0034 to 0.0079 rad, depending on the design test results with reasonable precision.
variables such as concrete strength, beam reinforcement Figures 7 and 8 compare the predicted cyclic responses
yield strength, beam reinforcement ratio, and joint hoop of the interior and exterior connection specimens with the
ratio. The maximum plastic deformation angles θu of the test results. As shown in the figures, the proposed lumped
connection specimens were determined by using Eq. (6): plasticity method using the proposed energy-based hyster-
θu = θbu + θju + θy. Table 1 presents the maximum beam plastic esis model predicted the cyclic responses of the specimens
rotation angles θbu, and the maximum joint shear angles θju with reasonable precision, including the energy dissipation,
of the connection specimens. θbu and θju corresponding to the pinching, and strength and stiffness degradations during
In the first part of this study, 36 prisms made of plain concrete, tested four full-scaled exterior precast beam-column joint
steel fiber-reinforced concrete, and hybrid fiber-reinforced concrete under cyclic loading in order to identify a suitable tech-
(HyFRC) were tested under quasi-static load to account for variability nique for connecting precast beam and column components.
in fiber specifications. Two types of steel fibers with hooked ends and Nie et al.8 tested six beam-column joints comprising three
two types of polymer fibers—namely, polypropylene and polyester—
interior and three corner joints to develop a new connec-
were used. The HyFRC prisms exhibited approximately 10 to 15 times
tion system for concrete-filled steel tube composite column
the enhancement in toughness compared to similar plain concrete
prisms up to failure. In the second part of the experimental program, and RC beams. Park and Mosalam9 carried out both exper-
four types of beam-column connections were tested under cyclic imental and analytical studies to develop a shear strength
loading. Test results established that the addition of hybrid fiber in the model and a moment-rotation relationship (backbone curve)
joint region of the specimens is effective in enhancing their displace- of unreinforced corner beam-column joint. It was observed
ment ductility and energy dissipation capacity. Detailed measurement that consideration of the flexibilities for unreinforced joints
of strain distributions along the main reinforcement of the specimens is important for seismic assessment of older-type RC build-
showed that there was substantial reduction in strain levels in the ings with unreinforced joints.
specimens with HyFRC in the joint region. The main thrust of the present investigation was to enhance
the displacement ductility of the beam-column connections
Keywords: beam-column; cyclic loading; damage; gauged bar; hybrid
fiber-reinforced concrete; toughness. rather than seek increases in strength. It is known that the
ductile steel fibers in concrete continue to carry stresses
INTRODUCTION beyond matrix cracking.10 However, the effect of steel fibers
During past devastating earthquakes, it has been noted on the compressive strength of concrete is variable. The range
that beam-column connections act as one of the weakest of increase was from negligible in most cases to 23% for
links in moment-resisting reinforced concrete (RC) framed concrete containing 2% by volume of fiber.11 The compres-
structures. Behavior of reinforced concrete frame structures sion stress-strain curves for steel fiber-reinforced concrete
during earthquakes throughout the world has highlighted (SFRC) showed that using steel fibers does not necessarily
the consequences of poor performance of beam-column increase the peak stress dramatically, but the post-peak
connections and it has been observed that exterior connec- descending slope of SFRC is significantly less steep than
tions suffer more in comparison to interior ones. For some that of plain concrete. Ultimate flexural strength generally
years, the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati has increases in relation to the fiber volume fraction and aspect
been involved in a major research project to investigate ratio. Concentrations less than 0.5 volume percent of low
seismic effects on exterior reinforced concrete beam-column aspect fibers have negligible effect on static strength proper-
connections because large parts of India lie in highly active ties. However, the gradual and multi-scale nature of concrete
seismic zones, making issues related to the failure of these implies that different types of fibers may be combined to get
connections of particular relevance.1,2 Some of the important enhanced response from the structure. The use of both steel
studies on beam-column connections are reviewed in this fibers (macrofibers) and polymer fibers (microfibers) was
section. Paulay et al.3 examined the behavior of beam- found to be very effective as both microcracks and macro-
column joints under seismic actions. The existence of two cracks are arrested, leading to enhanced impact strength
shear-resisting mechanisms—one involving joint shear and toughness.12 Investigations were carried out12-14 using
reinforcement and the other a linear concrete strut—were different types of steel and polypropylene fibers to determine
postulated and the effects of reversed cyclic loading on these the optimal volume fraction of these fibers in concrete. There
mechanisms, in both elastic and inelastic range of response, is good enhancement in displacement ductility and energy
were discussed. Durrani and Wight4 reported results of an absorption capacity of a beam having hybrid fiber-reinforced
experimental investigation on the performance of an interior concrete (HyFRC), where the optimum ratio of steel to poly-
beam-column joint under earthquake-type loading. Abdel- olefin fiber is 0.6:0.4.15 However, incorporation of steel
Fattah and Wight5 studied the relocation of plastic hinging
zones for earthquake-resistant design of reinforced concrete ACI Structural Journal, V. 112, No. 2, March-April 2015.
MS No. S-2013-286.R2, doi: 10.14359/51687405, received June 21, 2014, and
(RC) buildings. Chutarat and Aboutaha6 investigated a solu- reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2015, American Concrete
tion for relocating potential beam plastic hinge zones by the Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
use of headed bars in the exterior RC joints. Joshi et al.7 closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Steel (SF2) 1.38 (35) 0.0216 (0.55) 64 Macro 159.27 (1100)
fiber decreases the workability considerably. This situation gation was needed to arrive at the best possible combination
adversely affects the consolidation of the fresh mixture and of steel and polymer fibers and their volume fraction due to
the fiber volume at which this situation is reached depends likely variations in the locally available product used for the
on the length and diameter of the fiber. An investigation had experimental investigation. The combinations showing best
been carried out16 to find the proper dosage of plasticizer possible enhancement in toughness as compared to a similar
using different combinations of fibers. Parra-Montesinos17 plain concrete specimen up to failure were selected for use
presented an overview of applications of tensile strain- in beam-column connections.
hardening, high-performance fiber-reinforced cement As part of the extensive main test program, strain-gauged
composites (HPFRCCs) for earthquake-resistant design U-bars manufactured at Durham University, UK, were
of structural elements such as beam-column connections, incorporated as part of the main beam reinforcement in four
low-rise walls, and coupling beams. Numerous types of beam-column specimens. The intention was to use the very
FRCCs reinforced with steel, polymeric, glass, and carbon comprehensive strain information generated by these bars
fibers were evaluated for structural applications. With regard to give detailed comparisons of the displacement ductility
to twisted steel fibers, high-performance tensile response and energy dissipation in the three specimens with different
could be achieved with a 1.5 to 2.0% volume fraction. fiber combinations and one conventional reinforced concrete
Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene in volume frac- specimen. Detailed measurement of strain distribution along
tions ranging between 1.5 and 2.0% was found to exhibit the reinforcement of the specimens would also show the
excellent tensile response with multiple cracking patterns. extent of the reductions in strain levels in the main reinforce-
Zohrevand and Mirmiran18 used two promising materials ment in the specimens with HyFRC in the joint region.
to develop a new hybrid system. Engineered cementitious
composites (ECCs) allow optimization of the microstructure RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
of the material to achieve ultra-high strength, ductility, and It is expected that use of HyFRC in the joint region of
fracture toughness, while fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) beam-column connections would delay crack formation
tubes help to eliminate the need for lateral steel reinforce- and crack growth, which in turn would reduce strain level
ment for confinement and shear in RC columns. Kumar in the reinforcing bars. This would result in enhancement
et al.19 carried out detailed studies to improve seismic perfor- of displacement ductility of the connections due to delayed
mance of bridge columns using self-consolidating HyFRC bond-slip failure. In this study, comprehensive strain
(SC-HyFRC) composite. It was observed that SC-HyFRC measurements were also made for objective assessment of
columns exhibited better damage resistance and superior reduction in strain in main reinforcing bars and the measured
load-carrying capacity in spite of a 50% reduction in trans- reinforcing bar strain data were observed to be correlated to
verse reinforcement. Bedirhanoglu et al.20 investigated the the enhancement of displacement ductility and energy dissi-
seismic behavior of deficient RC exterior beam-column pation of the beam-column specimens using HyFRC.
joints constructed with low-strength concrete and plain
reinforcing bars before and after retrofitting with prefab- TEST FOR SELECTION OF FIBERS
ricated high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious A detailed experimental exercise was carried out for the
composite (HPERCC) panels. Tests showed that retrofitting selection of the type and volume fraction of the fibers to be
with prefabricated HPFRCC panels provided considerable used in the concrete for the enhancement of toughness.21
enhancement, both in strength and in displacement capacity, Steel fibers of two different aspect ratio (length/diameter)
provided that the panels were properly anchored to the joint synthetic polymer fibers, such as polyester and polypro-
core and the slippage of the beam longitudinal bars in the pylene, were used in the concrete mixtures, and the geomet-
joint core was prevented. Thus, while the existing literature rical and mechanical properties are shown in Table 1.
clearly demonstrated that the use of hybrid fibers led to the Thirty-six specimens of size 5.9 x 5.9 x 27.56 in. (150 x
development of improved energy dissipation and a more 150 x 700 mm) were cast for the evaluation of toughness
ductile mode of failure of the specimen, a detailed investi- of the HyFRC element having different types of fibers with
different volume fractions. Twelve different combinations Specimen 2: SF1 (0.5%) + SF2 (0.5%) + PP (0.15%)—
of the mixtures were considered with three samples for steel fibers + polypropylene
each combination. The target strength of concrete used for Specimen 3: SF1 (0.5%) + SF2 (0.5%) + PE (0.15%)—
the plain as well as all the specimens with different types steel fibers + polyester
of fibers is 4.35 ksi (30 MPa). Table 2 shows volume frac- Specimen 4: SF1 (0.5%) + SF2 (0.5%)—steel fibers only
tion and type of fibers used for each combination along with The fiber contents shown are percentage by total volume
average toughness obtained from the test. Flexural toughness of the concrete. Specimens 2 and 3, containing two types of
tests were carried out according to ASTM C1609/C1609M.22 fiber (steel and polymer) were termed “hybrid” specimens.
Prisms were tested in third-point loading with middle third Concrete with the aforementioned combinations was placed
of 7.87 in. (200 mm) under constant flexural demand. in the D-region (ACI 318, Section A.123) only, whereas
Displacement control test was performed and, hence, the test normal concrete was used in the B-region (ACI 318,
could be carried out to track the post-crack behavior until Section A.123), representing remaining parts of the specimen
almost complete loss of load-carrying capacity of the prism as shown in Fig. 1(a).
specimens. The area under the load-displacement curve was The four beam-column connection specimens were
used to evaluate the total strain energy stored or equivalent designed following the provisions of ductile detailing
toughness of the specimen. according to IS 1392024 and satisfying the condition of
The 12 combinations (Table 2) considered in the present strong column-weak beam flexural design. Columns had a
study demonstrated that the best toughness was achieved 7.87 x 7.87 in. (200 x 200 mm) cross section, and beams
with a combination of steel fibers (two different aspect were 9.45 in. (240 mm) deep by 7.87 in. (200 mm) wide.
ratios) with 0.5 (SF1) and 0.5 (SF2) volume fraction (%) Confining reinforcement according to the provisions of
and 0.15% polypropylene by volume fraction. The enhance- IS 1392024 was provided in the joint region. Specimens were
ment in toughness was found to be about 15 times that of cast using concrete with a target strength of 4.35 ksi (30 MPa)
the plain concrete specimen. HyFRC, comprising two basic for 5.9 in. (150 mm) cube. The concrete mixture proportion
types of fibers (steel fibers and synthetic polymer fibers was 1:1.84:3.18 with a water-cement ratio (w/c) of 0.59,
[polypropylene, polyester]), performed very well in general, and the observed standard deviation in cube test results was
as a substantial improvement in toughness was observed. All approximately 0.36 ksi (2.5 MPa). Portland cement Type IP
these specimens were also observed to undergo much higher as per ASTM C595/C595M25 was used and the maximum
ultimate displacements compared to plain concrete speci- aggregate size was 0.63 in. (16 mm). The reinforcement was
mens, thus leading to a more ductile type of failure pattern. equivalent to UK Grade B500C,26 which has a yield stress
of 72.46 ksi (500 MPa), and elongation at ultimate load is
DETAILS OF BEAM-COLUMN CONNECTIONS 7.5%. Details of the specimens and the reinforcement layout
To ascertain the efficacy of different fibers and their combi- are shown in Fig. 1(b). The beam reinforcement from top
nations in enhancing ductility in beam-column connections, (two side bars of 0.39 in. [10 mm] diameter) was bent down-
four different cases were considered. The beam-column ward in the beam-column connection up to the requirement
specimens considered for the experimental investigations of development length. Similarly, beam reinforcement from
were of a two-thirds scale. The fiber contents in the four bottom (two side bars of 0.39 in. [10 mm] diameter) was
strain-gauged specimens were determined as follows: bent upward in the beam-column connection. The middle
Specimen 1: No fibers—used as a control specimen bar of the beam (0.47 in. [12 mm] diameter) was the gauged
U-bar. Each U-bar contained 31 electric resistance strain
The improvement in displacement ductility of concrete
through the use of different fibers and their combination is
fairly well-known. However, specific applications of HyFRC
in beam-column connections with detailed measurements of
strain development were carried out to further understand
Fig. 14—U-bar strains at 1.837 in. (46.67 mm) displace- how steel strain is reduced while displacement ductility is
ment. (Note: 1 mm = 0.0394 in.) improved. Four tests were performed on exterior beam-
column connections subjected to seismic loading, each of
at arresting microcracking, thus leading to overall enhance- which contained a strain-gauged U-bar as part of the main
ment in toughness. The performance of Specimen 4 (with beam reinforcement. Specimen 1 was cast without the addi-
steel fibers only) was thus relatively inferior compared with tion of any fiber in concrete and was considered as the control
Specimens 2 and 3. The addition of polymer fibers proved to specimen for comparison, whereas Specimens 2 and 3 were
Bridge seismic design codes do not allow mechanical reinforcing newer and more innovative bridge columns in earthquake-
bar splices in regions expected to undergo significant inelastic prone areas.
deformations during earthquakes, thus severely limiting precast Although previous studies have used mechanical splices
and innovative bridge column construction that uses such splices. in plastic hinge zones,8 there is little information as to the
The uniaxial behavior of two commercially available mechanical
deformation characteristics of mechanical splices and their
splices under different loading conditions was investigated
effects on local and global member behavior. Researchers
experimentally in this study with emphasis on deformation
response. Tests were performed with static, dynamic, and cyclic have studied the uniaxial behavior of mechanically spliced
loading. The performance of the splices was satisfactory under bar assemblies, but these studies have focused primarily on
all loading conditions in that bar fracture occurred outside the how strength is affected by fatigue loading,9 bar diameter,9
splice. Furthermore, the results revealed the effect of the relatively and blast loading rates.10 It was suggested by Haber et al.8
high stiffness of mechanical couplers. The responses of individual that the length of a splice is a critical factor that affects the
splices were used to interpret data from a series of cyclic tests on post-yielding flexural behavior of a member. That is, splices
half-scale bridge columns employing mechanical splices in plastic with smaller LSp/db ratios (<4) are less likely to change the
hinge zones. Lastly, a simple method was proposed and validated plastic hinging mechanism, where LSp is the length of the
for modeling these devices in reinforced concrete members. mechanical splice, and splices with larger ratios (>14) may
Keywords: accelerated bridge construction; acceptance criteria; coupler;
adversely affect hinge formation and behavior. The objective
ductility; mechanical splice; repair; seismic; shape-memory alloy. of this study was to evaluate the deformation characteristics
of two commercially available mechanical splices under
INTRODUCTION static, dynamic, and cyclic loading. The correlation between
Mechanical reinforcement splices have been used in cast- component- and system-level behaviors was addressed
in-place concrete construction when long, continuous bars by comparing uniaxial test results with a series of half-
or reinforcement cages are required. Unlike lap splices, scale bridge column test results conducted by the authors.
which can require lengths greater than 30 bar diameters (db), Lastly, experimental test data is used as a foundation for a
mechanical splices can be used to join bars at discrete locations. simple method to incorporate mechanical splices in member
Some of the mechanical reinforcing bar splices commercially deformation and capacity calculations.
available in the United States1 are shown in Fig. 1. Bridge
and building design codes use acceptance criteria such RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
as International Code Council (ICC) AC1332 and ASTM Previous studies have identified a number of applications
A1034/A1034M3 to quantify the ability of a splice to transfer for mechanical reinforcing bar splices in plastic hinge
load, withstand load reversals, and resist slip. Furthermore, regions. However, there is little understanding as to the local
some state departments of transportation (DOTs) have deformation response of these devices and how that response
developed their own acceptance criteria.4 After evaluation, can affect the global behavior of a ductile reinforced concrete
mechanical splices are given a performance classification member. This paper provides much-needed data and
compatible with the corresponding code provision of interest, insight into the local deformation behavior of mechanical
which is used to restrict placement in a structural member reinforcing bar splices through a series of uniaxial tests.
or limit stress/strain demands on spliced bars. In the United Using test data, a simple method for analytical modeling of
States, there is one significant difference between bridge mechanical splices in with concrete members is proposed
and building code requirements for mechanical splices. and validated with large-scale experimental test results.
ACI 318-025 allows Type 2 mechanical splices, which must
be able to develop the full tensile strength of the spliced bars EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION
to be placed at any location within a member regardless of Specimen details
local inelastic demands. On the other hand, bridge design Two of the commercially available mechanical reinforcing
codes such as the AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications6 bar splices, shown in Fig. 1, were investigated in this study:
and Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria (SDC)7 prohibit
all mechanical splices from being placed in plastic hinge ACI Structural Journal, V. 112, No. 2, March-April 2015.
MS No. S-2013-319.R3, doi: 10.14359/51687455, received June 11, 2014, and
regions, which are subjected to high inelastic demands. Such reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2015, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
provisions have prevented the use of mechanical splices in obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
plastic hinges of bridge columns and have been a barrier to closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Five different loading protocols were used to evaluate load was reversed until the specimen reached a compression
the uniaxial behavior of the spliced bars. Three specimens stress of 20.7 MPa (10.5 kN). Both specimen types had long
per splice type were tested for each protocol with exception unsupported lengths. Thus, a low compression stress target
of the cyclic loading tests. The loading protocols and was selected to prevent buckling.
associated nomenclature were: monotonic static loading Elastic slip tests were conducted in accordance with
until failure (S), monotonic dynamic loading until failure Caltrans and AASHTO methods, which are used to determine
(D), slow cyclic loading until failure (C), single-cycle elastic the permanent relative deformation between the reinforcing
slip (SCS) loading, and multi-cyclic elastic slip (MCS) bar and mechanical splice. In single cycle slip tests (SCS),
loading. Specimens are identified by splice and loading samples were loaded to an initial stress of 3 ksi (20.7 MPa)
type, respectively. For example, a grouted splice specimen and the elongation over the sample measurement gauge
tested under monotonic dynamic loading would be identified length (DInitial) was measured. Samples were then stressed
as “GC-D.” to 30 ksi (207 MPa), held for 30 seconds, and subsequently
Loading was displacement-controlled for monotonic destressed to 3 ksi (20.7 MPa). Upon distressing, a final
static and dynamic tests. The loading rates for monotonic elongation measurement (DFinal) was recorded. The resulting
static tests were determined according to ASTM A370.13 slip, DSlip, is defined as the difference between final and initial
For HC-S specimens, pre- and post-yield displacement elongation measurements. After completing the single cycle
rates were 0.00625 and 0.05 in./s (0.159 and 1.27 mm/s, test, samples were subjects to three to five additional cycles
respectively. For GC-S specimens, pre- and post-yield to determine if slip increased with additional loading. This
displacement rates were 0.01875 and 0.15 in./s (0.476 and sequence is referred to as the multi-cycle slip test (MCS).
3.81 mm/s), respectively. The dynamic loading protocol The maximum permitted elastic slip for splices with No. 8
was selected to subject specimens to strain rates in the range (D25) bars according to Caltrans and AASHTO are 0.028
of those imposed by an earthquake event.14 A target rate and 0.01 in. (0.71 and 0.25 mm), respectively.
of 0.07 in./in./s was selected knowing that achieved rates
would be approximately 80 to 120% of the target.15 The EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
corresponding displacement rates, which are based on LClear, A summary of test results is provided in Table 1, along with
for HC-D and GC-D specimens were 1.575 and 1.75 in./s the measured material properties for unspliced reinforcing
(40 and 44.5 mm/s), respectively. bars. On the day of testing, the average measured grout
The effect of tension-compression load reversals was strength for GC specimens was 18.5 ksi (128 MPa).
studied by applying cyclic loads. Although the widely used
ICC AC332 test criteria requires cyclic testing, spliced bars Monotonic static tests (S)
are only subjected to reversals up to five times the specified As would be expected, the average elongation over LCR
yield strain of the bar (5ey). Testing in this study subjected (otherwise referred to as the coupler region) was reduced
splices to load reversals beyond this level and was continued due to the presence of the threaded steel collars joining the
until failure. Cyclic tests were conducted in load control deformed heads. The average elongation at failure over
mode at rates of 1 kip/s (4.45 kN/s) during tensile loading and the coupler region was 7.70%, which was 53% less than
at 0.5 kip/s (2.22 kN/s) during compression loading, which that of the reinforcing bar. Figure 3 shows representative
correspond to stress rates of 1.27 and 0.635 ksi/s (8.72 and constitutive relationships for HC-S tests. The stress-strain
4.36 MPa) for tension and compression, respectively. Each curve for the coupler region exhibited a stiff initial slope
cycle of loading consisted of a single tensile and compression up to approximately 10 ksi (69 MPa), which subsequently
cycle. For each cycle, the peak tensile load was increased by softened and remained linear up to yielding of steel. Softening
increments of 0.2fy from 0.5fy to 1.1fy followed by increments occurs as the precompressive force on the deformed heads,
of 0.1fy thereafter. After the target tension was reached, the which is a result of the initial torque on the threaded collars,
which are expected due to differences in clamping forces at Cyclic loading tests
the grips. Previous studies have shown that dynamic loading Two HC-C specimens were tested, one with the
does not have a significant effect on the elastic modulus of manufacturer’s minimum specified torque applied to the
mild steel reinforcing bars.19 threaded collars, denoted as “HC-C1,” and a second with
In HC-D tests, the average yield and ultimate stresses collars hand-tight, denoted as “HC-C2.” The measured yield
increased 6% and 3%, respectively, compared with HC-S test and ultimate stresses of both specimens were within 2% of
results. In GC-D tests, the average yield and ultimate stresses those tested under monotonic static loading. Furthermore,
increased 6% and 2%, respectively, compared with GC-S the elongation over the coupler region was also comparable
test results. Similar to the static tests, both HC-D and GC-D with static tests. The cyclic stress-strain response for the
specimens exhibited reduced elongation over the coupler coupler region and the bar assembly of HC-C2 is shown in
region compared with measurements from the spliced Fig. 6(a) and (b), respectively, which indicate that the stress-
reinforcing bars. The average elongation at failure over the strain backbones for both the coupler region and reinforcing
coupler region was 45% and 66% lower in HC-D and GC-D bar are nearly identical to those from monotonic static tests.
specimens, respectively. All HC-D and GC-D specimens Both HC-C specimens failed due to ductile reinforcing bar
failed due to ductile reinforcing bar fracture away from and rupture away from and without damage to the splice.
without damage to the splices. This indicates that increased Once each peak stress level was reached, the load was
yield and ultimate stresses caused by dynamic loading were reversed to a target compressive stress of –3 ksi (–20.7 MPa).
sustained by both splice types without an adverse effect on During unloading, the slope of the stress-strain curves for the
the failure mode. Similar the GC-S tests, GC-D specimens coupler region and the reinforcing bar were approximately the
were inspected after testing and evidence of strain penetration same, indicating the reinforcing bars control the unloading
into the grouted sleeves was found in all specimens. Lastly, stiffness of the device. Once the load in the bar approached
dynamic loading did not affect the stress-strain curves in the zero, a distinct, instantaneous deformation occurred. It was
coupler regions of HC-D and GC-D specimens. hypothesized that separation of the deformed heads (otherwise
referred to as gap opening) within the steel collars occurred
Slip tests once precompression from the applied torque was overcome.
The maximum slip recorded for HC-SCS and GC-SCS Cyclic loading confirms this behavior and a relationship
samples were 0.007 and 0.0175 in. (0.178 and 0.044 mm), between peak stress and gap length can be established. The
respectively. The multi-cycle slip tests for each splice gap length, Dgap, was defined as the deformation during the
type did not indicate cumulative slippage with application transition between tensile and compressive force within the bar.
of three or more cycles. Both HC and GC splices passed There was an approximately linear relationship between the
single- and multi-cycles slip tests according to both Caltrans peak stress in the bar and the gap length between the deformed
and AASHTO maximum slip criteria, which are 0.028 and heads. The peak stress versus gap length plot (Fig. 6(c)) also
0.01 in. (0.71 and 0.25 mm), respectively. indicates elastic slip limits allowed by Caltrans and AASHTO.
It can be observed that these limits are significantly exceeded
even before yielding of the reinforcing bar. Further discussion
of this behavior is provided in subsequent sections.
Strain-hardening cement composites (SHCCs) show excellent steel-reinforced SHCC elements that are associated with
mechanical behavior that is characterized by tensile strain hard- splitting of cover matrix. The use of high-strength materials
ening and multiple fine cracks. A suitable application of SHCC causes the increment of reinforcement ratio and increases the
for bond improvement involves reducing the cover thickness and transmission of stress from the reinforcement to the matrix.
bar spacing of the main bars. To investigate the bond behavior of
Bond failure associated with splitting of concrete cover is
reinforced SHCC elements and to propose a predicting method
often observed in RC elements that have a large amount of
for bond strength, the pullout bond test and beam bond test are
conducted in which small cover thickness and bar spacing are used. longitudinal reinforcement under seismic loading. Concrete
The results of the pullout bond test show that the bond strength cover shows splitting because of ring tension caused by the
of SHCC is higher than that of conventional concrete, which is bearing force from deformed bars.4 Therefore, the bridging
expected by the “partly cracked elastic stage” of the cylindrical stress of the fiber can resist the ring tension by restricting the
model by Tepfers. It is considered that the tensile stress distribution expansion of the splitting crack. Hence, it is considered that
of SHCC surrounding main bar corresponds to the “plastic stage.” bond strength and ductility can be improved using SHCC.
The results of the beam bond test also show that the bond strength Many researchers have studied bond behavior between
of SHCC has a higher value. A prediction methodology is proposed deformed bars and fiber-reinforced cementitious composites
as the summation of the bond strength exhibited by SHCC and the (FRCCs), including fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC). For
confinement of lateral reinforcement.
example, Hota and Naaman5 investigated the bond stress-slip
Keywords: beam bond test; bond splitting; confinement effect; cylinder relationship of deformed bar embedded in FRC. The bond
model; pullout bond test; tensile strength. strength and ductility of FRC show a remarkable increase
compared to conventional concrete. Concerning HPFRCC,
INTRODUCTION Chao et al.6 also studied the bond stress-slip relationship
Strain-hardening cement composites (SHCCs), which is of deformed bar embedded in HPFRCC. They mentioned
grouped into similar composites such as high-performance that the superior bond response in HPFRCC can be directly
fiber-reinforced cement composites (HPFRCCs) and engi- related to its tensile strain-hardening behavior, which distin-
neered cementitious composites (ECCs), show excellent guishes it from conventional concrete or conventional FRC.
mechanical behavior characterized by tensile strain hard- In fact, the bridging stress distribution along the inner crack
ening and multiple fine cracks.1 Examples of practical has been considered based on the direct tension characteris-
applications of SHCC have been reported in the literature.2 tics of HPFRCC in the literature.
SHCC (ECC) is applied in the coupling beams of center core The other way to appropriately use SHCC for bond
systems used in high-rise reinforced concrete (RC) buildings. improvement involves reducing the cover thickness and
The coupling beams are designed in compliance with the bar spacing. SHCC, which can provide excellent bond
following two requirements: 1) no substantial load degrada- strength and ductility, has the potential to produce enough
tion at a translational angle as high as 4%; and 2) no cracks bond response in spite of smaller cover thickness and bar
influencing durability with a width greater than 0.3 mm spacing. Furthermore, SHCC, in which coarse aggregate is
(0.012 in.) after an earthquake. It is difficult for conven- not required, is able to reduce bar spacing when the fibers
tional RC beams to keep the crack opening under 0.3 mm in SHCC are distributed uniformly in the element section.
(0.012 in.) after the elements have deformed at an angle Asano and Kanakubo7 also investigated the bond properties
of 4%. The finely distributed cracking behavior of SHCC of SHCC (ECC), focusing on the size effect. The pullout
has also been exploited to use SHCC for surface repair of bond test was conducted using SHCC block specimens in
concrete dams, water channels, and retaining walls.3 which slits were inserted to vary the cover thickness. The
The advantages of using SHCC lie in the appropriate test results show a definite increase in bond strength as the
use of its tensile property. The flexural performance of size of the specimen decreases. The smallest tested cover
structural elements can directly be improved by the strain- thickness is 5 mm (0.20 in.), which is smaller than the fiber
hardening and multiple-cracking behavior of SHCC. In the
case of shear elements such as coupling beams and shear ACI Structural Journal, V. 112, No. 2, March-April 2015.
walls, the bridging effect of the fiber in SHCC can transmit MS No. S-2013-322.R3, doi: 10.14359/51687228, received May 26, 2014, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2015, American Concrete
shear stress through multiple cracks. This paper focuses Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
on improvement of the bond behavior, especially for the closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
σs · db · ℓb = σt · 2C · ℓs (1)
Fig. 12—Bond stress-slip curves from beam test (6-D13).
the experimental results of cantilever-type specimens, while τbc = σs · cotα (2)
Orangun and Jirsa formulas were built by the results from
beam specimens. The Orangun and Jirsa formulas include the 2C s
τ bc = σ t ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ cot α (3)
effect of bond length, whereas the Morita and Fujii formulas db b
do not include the term of bond length. Figure 16 shows the
comparisons of bond strength between experimental and
where σs is the splitting stress; db is the diameter of deformed
calculated values by two formulas. Clearly, experimental
bar; ℓb is embedded length; σt is the tensile strength of
bond strengths are quite higher than the calculated bond
SHCC; C is the half-length of bar spacing or cover thickness
strengths. The calculated values from the Orangun and Jirsa
(2C = [b – Nt · db]/Nt); ℓs is the splitting length; τbc is the bond
formulas are higher than those from Morita and Fujii due to
strength provided by SHCC; α is the angle between principal
the difference of bond length influence.
bearing stress and axial direction; b is the width of the beam;
and Nt is the number of main bars.
The confinement effect of the lateral reinforcement has to
be considered to evaluate the bond strength of the specimens
The test results of the pullout bond test indicate that the
with stirrups. Yasojima and Kanakubo14 proposed a predic-
stress distribution of SHCC corresponds to the “plastic stage”
tion method of bond splitting strength for conventional RC
model suggested by Tepfers. This assumption is understand-
elements. The bond strength provided by the confinement
able for SHCC, which retains tensile stress after cracking.
effect is predicted by considering compatibility conditions
Though the non-uniform tensile stress distribution is
between the splitting crack opening and deformation of
assumed by Chao et al.6 or Asano and Kanakubo,7 a uniform
the lateral reinforcement. The bond strength is given at the
stress distribution can be assumed in the case of small cover
compressive failure of concrete bearing with the rib of the
thickness or bar spacing, as shown in Fig. 17. Furthermore,
deformed bar. The identical situation can be considered in
the bond stress-slip curves from the pullout bond test show
the case of the SHCC element because the tensile behavior
very ductile behavior over the slip of 1/10 the bar diameter.
of SHCC has no effect on these phenomena. Equation (4) is
b ⋅ pw hr
τ bs = 0.018 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ Est ⋅ σ B ⋅ cot α (4)
N t ⋅ d b 9d w
of the beam bond test also show that the bond strength of
SHCC has a higher value. A prediction methodology is
proposed as the summation of the bond strength provided
by SHCC and the confinement of lateral reinforcement. The
predicted bond strength shows good agreement with the
experimental results.
ACI member Toshiyuki Kanakubo is an Associate Professor at the
Department of Engineering Mechanics and Energy, University of Tsukuba,
Tsukuba, Japan, where he received his PhD. His research interests include
high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites, the structural
Fig. 17—Cylinder model for plastic stage. behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer reinforced concrete structures, and
bond properties of reinforcement and concrete.
The authors wish to express their gratitude and sincere appreciation to the
Techno Material Co., Ltd. for providing SHCC materials.
1. RILEM TC 208-HFC, “Strain Hardening Cement Composites: Struc-
tural Design and Performance,” State-of-the-Art Report of the RILEM Tech-
nical Committee 208-HFC, SC3, 2013.
2. Kanda, T.; Tomoe, S.; Nagai, S.; Maruta, M.; Kanakubo, T.; and
Shimizu, K., “Full Scale Processing Investigation for ECC Pre-cast Struc-
Fig. 18—Comparison with predicted bond strength. tural Element,” Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering,
V. 5, No. 2, 2006, pp. 333-340. doi: 10.3130/jaabe.5.333
CONCLUSIONS 3. Kunieda, M., and Rokugo, K., “Recent Progress on HPFRCC in Japan;
Required Performance and Applications,” Journal of Advanced Concrete
To investigate the bond-splitting behavior of reinforced Technology, V. 4, No. 1, 2006, pp. 19-33. doi: 10.3151/jact.4.19
SHCC elements and to propose a predicting method for 4. Tepfers, R., “A Theory of Bond Applied to Overlapped Tensile
bond strength, a pullout bond test and beam bond test were Reinforcement Splices for Deformed Bars,” Publication 73:2, Division
of Concrete Structures, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg,
conducted with small cover thickness and bar spacing. Sweden, 1973, 328 pp.
The test results of the pullout bond test show that the 5. Hota, S., and Naaman, A. E., “Bond Stress-Slip Response of
bond strength of SHCC is higher than that of conventional Reinforcing Bars Embedded in FRC Matrices under Monotonic and
Cyclic Loading,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 94, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1997,
concrete, which is expected by the “partly cracked elastic pp. 525-537.
stage” of the cylindrical model by Tepfers. It is considered 6. Chao, S. H.; Naaman, A. E.; and Parra-Montesinos, G. J., “Local
that the tensile stress distribution of SHCC surrounding the Bond Stress-Slip Models for Reinforcing Bars and Prestressing Strands
in High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Cement Composites,” Antoine E.
main bar corresponds to the “plastic stage.” The test results
Items of investigation
After curing the specimens for 28 days under laboratory
conditions, the specimens were tested and their perfor-
mances were measured in terms of midspan displacement,
crack pattern, concrete and steel strain, ultimate load, and
mode of failure. At the same time, cylindrical concrete spec-
imens were tested and, for each bar stock, randomly selected
samples were used to determine the standard stress-strain
curve of the steel bars.
where Av is the area of shear reinforcement; sv is center-to- VRd , c = [0.18(1 + 200 /d )(100ρw ⋅ f ck )1/ 3 ]bw d (MPa) (7a)
center spacing of shear reinforcement measured in direction
parallel to longitudinal tensile reinforcement; and fys is yield VRd , c = [4.96(1 + 7.87 /d )(100ρw ⋅ f ck )1/ 3 ]bw d (psi) (7b)
strength of stirrup.
Research6,7 has shown that, with a decrease in the trans- with a minimum shear capacity of
verse spacing of stirrup legs across the section in wide beams
with substantial flexural reinforcement, the shear behavior is
VRd , c min = [0.035(1 + 200 /d )3/ 2 f ck ]bw d (MPa) (8a)
improved. Other research14 has indicated that the transverse
spacing of web reinforcement shown in ACI 318-08 limited
to the lesser of: a) the effective depth d; or b) 600 mm [24 VRd , c min = [0.42(1 + 7.87 /d )3/ 2 f ck ]bw d (psi) (8b)
in.] is adequate when the nominal shear stress does not
where characteristic cylinder strength of concrete fck is taken
equivalent to the specified compressive strength of concrete
VRd , s = × df ys cot θ (9)
Notes: Pu,ACI is total capacity of each specimen by ACI 318 from design stage; Pu,EC2 represents total capacity of each specimen by Eurocode 2 from design stage; Pu,experiment is
ultimate load that caused failure to each specimen.
Notes: Pflexural crack is load under which first flexural crack was observed; Pshear crack is load under which first shear crack was observed; and ∆u,experiment is final deflection of the wide
beam midspan at Pu,experiment.
the failure load of WB4 to approximately 79 kN (17.76 kip). Consequently, loads for first flexural cracks were observed
Due to the change in reinforcement concentration, maximum to be in a close range and were not very different. In all the
midspan displacement of WB4, shown to be 3.5 mm (0.138 specimens, after a certain load for flexural cracks, diag-
in.), was greater than the maximum midspan displacement onal shear cracks began at an angle of approximately 45
of WB1, which was 2.6 mm (0.102 in.). degrees. Specimens WB1 and WB4, with almost the same
Load-displacement responses of the specimens, however, load for first flexural crack (216 and 210 kN [49 and 47 kip],
indicate that middepth horizontal shear reinforcement respectively), revealed different load for first shear crack. It
moderately improves the shear capacity and maximum appeared that stirrups in other specimens influenced the first
midspan displacement of wide beams. In addition, the beam flexural cracks to initiate at a lower load; however, the first
with banded main reinforcement achieves a larger failure flexural cracks in WB3—with mid-depth horizontal shear
load than the beam with evenly distributed main bars. reinforcement—also appeared at a lower load.
Results also showed that independent bent-up bars enhance Shear reinforcement—In WB1, only two diagonal shear
the shear capacity of wide beams like stirrups, and an even cracks occurred; soon after the first shear crack, a brittle
higher maximum midspan displacement and final load for failure occurred due to the second shear crack. In WB3, more
a wide beam using only independent bent-up bars can be diagonal cracks were observed; however, the last crack,
achieved. A combination of independent bent-up bars and similar to WB1, caused a brittle failure to the specimen. All
stirrups induce a reasonable performance of the wide beam shear cracks in WB1 and WB3 occurred on only one side
with a high shear capacity. of the specimens, started at middepth, and then propagated
to the column face and support. Table 4 shows a higher
Crack development and mode of failure load capacity than that of the design prediction. Principal
Final crack patterns for the specimens are shown in Fig. 5. diagonal shear cracks in WB2, WB5, and WB6 appeared
To compare against the capacity of the specimens, values symmetrically on both the left and right sides of the beam
of loads for first flexural crack, first shear crack, and the part after loading, and ductile failure for these specimens
value of total load carried by each specimen from appear- was observed. The resisted load after first shear crack in
ance of first shear crack until ultimate load are presented in WB2 was greater than in other specimens, which indicated
Table 4. It is important to note that a review of the type of a good shear capacity of bent-up bars. In WB5, stirrups of
cracks was based on the visual crack monitoring during the 150 mm (5.9 in.) longitudinal spacing improved the spec-
test process and taking into account the cracks visible to the imen and had a first shear crack load higher than WB1 to
eye. In all the specimens, first cracks propagated at midspan WB3; however, the load after this crack to failure was less
in flexure mode and then developed upward and symmetri- than those in WB2 and WB6. A combination of bent-up bars
cally on the left and right sides. Middepth horizontal shear and 300 mm (11.8 in.) longitudinal spacing stirrups influ-
reinforcement was placed in position with neutral axes and enced the first shear crack in WB6 to appear under a 480 kN
could not influence flexural capacity of WB3 significantly. (108 kip) load, which was greater than in WB1 to WB5.
Testing wide beam specimens with a larger number and
smaller size of independent bent-up bars in combination
with stirrups is recommended. It is also recommended to
test specimens using independent bent-up bars for punching
shear, if acceptable. The use of independent bent-up bars as
shear reinforcement is faster and easier than other types of
shear reinforcement. In both cases, the results will contribute
new practical guidelines to improve shear capacity of wide
beams and slabs using independent bent-up bars.
The behavior of reinforced concrete wide beams with
diverse types of reinforcement was investigated under this
experimental study. The results revealed that using indepen-
dent bent-up bars significantly improved the shear capacity
of wide beams. The combination of independent bent-up bars
with stirrups led to higher shear capacity and gradual failure
of the specimen. Independent horizontal bars increased the
shear capacity to some extent, but the beam was less ductile
Fig. 7—Load-midspan defection of experimental and FE
through failure. The results also indicated that the beam with
analysis for Specimen WB2.
To observe the effect of axial compression on the shear behavior tions for Vc to axial compressive stress greater than 0.15fcʹ,
of high-strength reinforced concrete columns, eight shear-critical experiments9 were performed using 38 members with fcʹ
high-strength columns were tested under cyclic shear with an axial ranging from 22 to 27 MPa (3120 to 3950 psi) subjected
compressive stress of 0.3fcʹ to 0.4fcʹ and compared to eight columns to axial compressive stress ranging from zero to 0.7fcʹ. Of
tested in a previous study with an axial compressive stress of 0.1fcʹ
the 38 members tested, 23 were subjected to axial compres-
to 0.2fcʹ. Test results showed that the increase rate of concrete
sive stress exceeding 0.15fcʹ. The ACI code equations for Vc
shear strength tended to decrease with increasing axial compres-
sion and reached an upper limit at high axial compression. Most proved to be conservative for axial compressive stress up to
columns under axial compressive stress of 0.3fcʹ to 0.4fcʹ failed at 0.7fcʹ. However, these studies were limited to normal-strength
the same drift as diagonal cracking. This suggests the minimum concrete. Test results10,11 of reinforced concrete beams with
shear reinforcement equations of the ACI Building Code need to fcʹ values ranging from 21 to 93 MPa (3000 to 13,500 psi)
include the effect of axial compression. Based on a test database of showed that the degree of conservatism of the ACI Code
77 high-strength columns and the biaxial behavior of high-strength equations for Vc reduced with increasing fcʹ. Experimental
concrete, this study proposes concrete shear-strength equations studies12 of 24 concrete elements with fcʹ ranging from 30 to
incorporating the weakening effect of axial compression. 87 MPa (4300 to 12,600 psi) under various combinations of
shear and axial compression showed that ACI Code equa-
Keywords: axial compression; columns; cyclic loading; diagonal cracking;
double curvature; high-strength concrete; high-strength reinforcement; tions for Vc were nonconservative for highly axially loaded
reinforced concrete; shear. reinforced concrete elements. The study recommended that
the axial compression term Nu/Ag in the simplified ACI shear-
INTRODUCTION strength equation should be limited to 20 MPa (3000 psi).
The advantages of high-strength concrete combined The equation for shear strength provided by shear rein-
with high-strength steel have been demonstrated in prac- forcement (Vs) of the ACI Code2 was developed based on the
tical use. They are commonly used in high-rise buildings truss analogy.8 A limit of 414 MPa (60,000 psi) was imposed
to reduce the dimensions of columns in lower stories to for fyt because test data showed that shear reinforcement
increase available floor area and to relive reinforcement with high fyt was not able to develop its yield strength. Test
congestion. Advanced technology has enabled the develop- results of 87 beams with fyt ranging from 484 to 1454 MPa
ment of high-strength materials in Taiwan. High-strength (70,000 to 211,000 psi)3,13,14 showed that shear reinforce-
concrete with specified compressive strength up to 100 MPa ment may not be able to develop its yield strength when fyt
(14,500 psi) and high-strength deformed reinforcement with ≥ 700 MPa (102,000 psi) and fcʹ < 40 MPa (5800 psi), or when
specified yield strength of 685 and 785 MPa (100,000 and fyt is very high—for example, fyt = 1454 MPa (211,000 psi).
114,000 psi) for main and transverse reinforcement,1 respec- Test results for 42 columns with fyt ranging from 846 to
tively, are now commercially available. However, in shear 1447 MPa (123,000 to 210,000 psi)13-15 showed that many
design for columns, the current ACI Building Code2 limits of the columns did not show yielding of shear reinforcement.
concrete compressive strength fcʹ to 70 MPa (10,000 psi) The presence of axial compression appeared to decrease the
(ACI 318-11, Section 11.1.2) due to the lack of test data and effectiveness of shear reinforcement to resist shear.
practical experience with fcʹ ≥ 70 MPa (10,000 psi). More- This study tested eight large-scale columns with high-
over, the yield strength of shear reinforcement (fyt) is limited strength steel and high-strength concrete. The columns
to 420 MPa (60,900 psi) (ACI 318-11, Section 11.4.2) to were tested under double-curvature cyclic loading with high
control diagonal crack width and to ensure yielding of shear axial compression to simulate seismic loading conditions
reinforcement before shear failure.3 in typical lower-story columns in high-rise buildings. Test
The equations for shear strength provided by concrete results of the eight columns and test data from literature
(Vc) of the ACI Code2 for nonprestressed members subject were then used to examine the effects of axial compression
to axial compression were developed based on the results on shear strength of high-strength concrete columns.
of studies4-7 of 67 specimens under axial compressive stress
ranging from 0.02fcʹ to 0.81fcʹ, which were reported by Joint ACI Structural Journal, V. 112, No. 2, March-April 2015.
ACI-ASCE Committee 326.8 However, only four specimens MS No. S-2013-365.R2, doi: 10.14359/51687300, received May 1, 2014, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2015, American Concrete
had axial compressive stress higher than 0.15fcʹ, and the fcʹ Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
values ranged from 14 to 41 MPa (2000 to 6000 psi). For obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
further assessment of the applicability of the ACI Code equa- is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Fig. 1—Specimen design: (a) Specimens C-1, C-2, D-1, and D-2; (b) Specimens C-3, C-4, D-3, and D-4; and (c) cross section.
(Note: 1 mm = 0.0394 in.)
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE the specimen design. The locations of strain gauges installed
Columns in the lower stories of high-rise buildings typi- in the longitudinal and shear reinforcement are also shown
cally carry large axial compression. By using high-strength in Fig. 1. Further details of instrumentation can be found
concrete and steel, designers can control the column dimen- elsewhere.16 The columns had a square cross section of
sions and increase the available floor area. However, current 600 x 600 mm (23.62 x 23.62 in.) and a clear height of
ACI Code equations for shear-strength limit concrete 1800 mm (70.87 in.). The columns were reinforced with
compressive strength to 70 MPa (10,000 psi) and limit the D32 (No. 10) SD685 high-strength deformed bars for longi-
yield strength of shear reinforcement to 420 MPa (60,900 psi). tudinal reinforcement and D13 (No. 4) SD785 high-strength
This study tested high-strength concrete columns under high deformed bars for shear reinforcement, and were cast with
axial compression and compared test results with those of high-strength concrete with two levels of fcsʹ. Table 2 lists the
high-strength columns reported in the literature to develop concrete mixture proportions. Two levels of axial compres-
shear-strength equations for designing columns with mate- sion ratio—30% (Column C series) and 40% (Column D
rial strengths that exceed the ACI limitations. series)—were examined. The axial compression ratio is the
ratio of applied axial compressive load to fcʹAg. The fcʹ was
EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM obtained from the average of three 150 x 300 mm (6 x 12 in.)
Specimen design and test setup concrete cylinders. Two levels of shear reinforcement
Eight large-scale columns were tested. Table 1 lists the spacing—450 mm (17.72 in.) and 260 mm (10.24 in.)—
design parameters of the columns. The columns were tested were studied with shear reinforcement ratios of 0.16% and
approximately 1 year after fabrication. Figure 1 illustrates 0.28%, respectively. The spacings were selected to ensure
shear failure before longitudinal reinforcement yielding.
Notes: W is water; B is binder; C is cement; S is slag; FS is fly ash; FA is fine aggregate; CA is coarse aggregate; HRWRA is high-range water-reducing admixture; and SL is slump;
1 MPa = 145 psi; 1 kgf = 2.2046 lbf; 1 m = 39.37 in.; 1 cm = 0.394 in.
Fig. 6—Crack pattern at peak applied load for Specimens: (a) C-1; (b) C-2; (c) C-3; (d) C-4; (e) D-1; (f) D-2; (g) D-3; and
(h) D-4.
equations of the ACI Code. For columns that had the ulti- column shear failure to a larger drift and, hence, increased
mate condition at a larger drift than the diagonal cracking shear reinforcement stress at the ultimate condition.
condition (Series A and B columns and Column C-3), no Table 3 also lists experimental shear strength Vtest, steel
columns showed yielding of shear reinforcement at the ulti- shear strength Vs_test, and concrete shear strength Vc_test under
mate condition. This observation is consistent with the liter- the diagonal cracking and ultimate conditions. The Vtest is the
ature,13-15 as mentioned previously. Note that test results also load (shear) applied to the column. The Vs_test was calculated
showed that a higher amount of shear reinforcement delayed using Eq. (1), where σst was determined by the stress-drift
Av σ st d
Vs _ test = cot θ (1)
M m = M u − Nu
( 4h − d ) (5)
0.29 N u
Vc = 0.29 f c′bw d 1 + (MPa)
Ag (6)
Vc = 3.5 f c′bw d 1 + (psi)
500 Ag
Av f yt d
Vs = (7)
Fig. 9—Stress of shear reinforcement.
Although Eq. (3) to (6) are used to estimate nominal shear
C-3 because the shear reinforcement of these columns failed
strength in the ACI Code, they were originally derived based
to permit redistribution of internal forces, as noted previ-
on shear corresponding to diagonal cracking.8 The Vc_test at
ously. In other words, shear reinforcement did not function
two conditions—diagonal cracking and ultimate shear condi-
effectively in these columns. Equation (7) obtained a conser-
tions—were compared to the simplified (Eq. (3)) and detailed
vative estimate for Column C-3 even though shear reinforce-
(Eq. (6)) shear-strength equations (Table 4). Note that the
ment stress was below yield stress (Table 3). The estimate
ACI Code limit on concrete compressive strength (fcʹ ≤ 70
was conservative because actual shear crack angles were
MPa [10,000 psi]) was not applied when using the above ACI
much smaller than 45 degrees, as assumed in Eq. (7), leading
Code equations. Equation (3) yields conservative prediction
to a larger actual steel shear strength. As noted previously,
for most columns except Columns D-2 and D-4, but becomes
shear reinforcement stress can be further increased at peak
less conservative as axial compression increases. In the
applied load by increasing the amount of shear reinforce-
detailed shear strength calculation, the Mm values (Eq. (5))
ment. This should be properly considered when determining
are negative for all columns. This means that the moment
the limit value of shear reinforcement stress to be used in
effect is small and, hence, Vc is independent of moment. In
Eq. (7). Further research is needed to address this issue.
this case, Vc is governed by Eq. (6). Comparisons with the
Equation (6) originated from Eq. (8), which was derived
test results show that Eq. (6) is not conservative for Vc at the
based on the principal stress equation at the point of diagonal
diagonal cracking and ultimate conditions for all columns.
cracking. The effects of axial load and shear were consid-
When Eq. (7) is used with the actual yield strength of
ered. The effect of moment was assumed to be small and,
shear reinforcement (Table 1), it does not yield conserva-
hence, was neglected.8
tive results for Series A and B columns (the last column in
Table 4) because, at peak applied load, stress in shear rein-
forcement was far from yield (Table 3). Equation (7) cannot ft ′ Nu
Vc = bw d 1 + (8)
be evaluated in Series C and D columns except for Column F2 f t ′ bw d
Based on test data,8 ftʹ/F2 was set to 0.29√fc′ (MPa) or of Vc_test to Vc predicted by Eq. (3), (6), and (9), respec-
3.5√fc′ (psi). The ft′ was assumed to be 0.62√fc′ (MPa) or tively. Whereas Eq. (3) yields conservative predictions for
7.5√fc′ (psi). Thus, Eq. (8) becomes Eq. (9). most columns, Eq. (6) yields nonconservative predictions
for 48 columns. The number of nonconservative results is
1.6 N u greatly reduced to 17 if Eq. (9) is used.
Vc = 0.29 f c′bw d 1 + (MPa) Figure 10 shows the relationship between Vc at diagonal
f c′bw d (9) cracking and axial compression for each of the 77 columns.
0.133N u The figure also shows the Vc predicted by various models.
Vc = 3.5 f c′bw d 1 + (psi) Note that each model generates different relationships for
f c′bw d
different fcʹ in Fig. 10. Only two relationships corresponding
to fcʹ of 100 and 130 MPa (14,500 and 18,800 psi), respec-
For simplicity, 1.6/√fc′ MPa (0.133/√fc′ psi) was replaced tively, which cover most data, are shown for each model.
by a constant value of 0.29 MPa (0.002 psi), which corre- Figure 10 also shows that, although Eq. (3) is conservative
sponds to an fcʹ of approximately 30 MPa (4400 psi). More- for most columns, the linear correlation with axial compres-
over, bwd was approximated by Ag. With these two changes, sion described by Eq. (3) significantly differs from behavior
Eq. (9) becomes Eq. (6). The simplification made in Eq. (6) revealed by the test data. The test data indicate that Vc
by assuming fcʹ is equal to 30 MPa (4400 psi) leads to an increases with axial compression, but the rate of increase
overestimation when fcʹ exceeds the assumed value. In the tends to decrease. At high axial compression, Vc appears
case of fcʹ = 100 MPa (14,500 psi) and Nu/fcʹAg = 0.4, design to reach an upper limit. For instance, Vc test data from this
parameters for Columns D-2 and D-4, the simplification study show an upper limit at axial compression of 0.3fcʹAg to
causes a 30% overestimation of Vc. 0.4fcʹAg. The Sakaguchi13 data show an upper limit of 0.4fcʹAg
Based on experimental results (Table 3) and the litera- to 0.5fcʹAg. The Maruta15 data show that the increase in Vc
ture,1,13,15,17-23 a test database of Vc_test at diagonal cracking substantially slows when axial compression is increased
from 77 shear-critical high-strength columns was estab- from 0.3fcʹAg to 0.6fcʹAg. Equations (6) and (9) are better for
lished (Table A1 in the Appendix*). Because the value of capturing the increasing trend of test data but cannot reflect
Mm (Eq. 5) is negative for all 77 columns, Eq. (6) governs the upper-limit phenomenon at high axial compression.
detailed shear-strength calculation instead of Eq. (4). The To address the aforementioned Vc behavior under varying
12th, 13th, and 14th columns of Table A1 show the ratio axial compression, Eq. (8) was modified to include the
reduction in principal tensile strength, ftʹ, caused by the
The Appendix is available at in PDF format, presence of compressive stress acting in the other principal
appended to the online version of the published paper. It is also available in hard copy
from ACI headquarters for a fee equal to the cost of reproduction plus handling at the direction.24-28 The principal compressive stress increases
time of the request. with increasing axial compression of the column.
σ σ
α = 1 − 0.85 c for 0 ≤ c ≤ 0.6 (11)
f ′
c f c′
2 2
σ c = u + u + c (12)
2 Ag 2 Ag bw d
Fig. 11—Tensile strength degradation of high-strength After defining the reduction factor, Vc can be calculated
concrete. using Eq. (13), which is based on Eq. (9) with reduced prin-
cipal tensile strength σt (Eq. (10)) substituted for ftʹ.
Figure 11 shows test data for concrete under biaxial loading
for high-strength concrete26,28 (69 to 100 MPa [10,000 to
14,500 psi]). The decrease in principal tensile strength due 2 Nu
Vc = 0.29α f c′bw d 1 + (MPa)
to compressive stress in the other principal direction can be α f c′bw d (13)
described by the following equation.
0.17 N u
Vc = 3.5α f c′bw d 1 + (psi)
α f c′bw d
Nb / t
Due to cracking of the concrete chords at ultimate limit nb / t = (10)
state (secondary bending moments), the stiffness of the Ab / t � f c
cross sections in the web opening corners is reduced. The
decrease of stiffness should be considered in the calculation where ρl,t/b (ρ′l,t/b) are the flexural tensile (compression) rein-
of shear force distribution between the bottom and top chord. forcement ratios of top and bottom chord, respectively. In
Barney16 described an approach using effective stiffnesses addition to the aforementioned methods, an approach for the
Ii,t/b. In the cracked state of the concrete, the shear force effective stiffness of the chord at failure was developed taking
is distributed according to Eq. (5) and (6). The approach into account the effects of normal forces on the bending stiff-
usually provides conservative results (Vb + Vt > V). If a full- ness. Beside these complex calculations, simple assumptions
depth crack appears at the bottom (tensile) chord, the entire for the distribution of the shear force may be taken. Leon-
shear has to be carried by the top (compression) chord. hardt18 suggests the following distribution at failure
Notes: fc,cyl is cylinder compression strength; fct,sp is splitting tensile strength; Ec is Young’s modulus of concrete; As,A,L is vertical reinforcement at opening edges; lOm is distance
between support and midspan of opening; Vmax is maximum shear force; and Vcalc is calculated load-bearing shear force for local bending failure.
Load-deflection characteristics
The load-deflection curves of all tests are presented in
Fig. 8. To eliminate the influence of different spans, the
deflections were related to the span and plotted over the
applied shear force V. Initially, the first test on each spec-
imen (DE-1.1, DE-2.1, and DE-3.1) had a small impact on
Fig. 6—Test setup of Test DE-2. the load averted opening, on which the second beam test
(DE-1.2, DE-2.2, and DE-3.2) was performed. In fact, the
deflections of the beams at the service load level, different averted opening was preloaded by a shear force of approxi-
approaches were used.18,19 From a loading of 70% of the mately 30% of the predicted load-bearing capacity. Conse-
predicted load-bearing capacity, the beams were loaded quently, certain initial cracks of low width were detected in
under displacement control until failure. Figure 6 shows the the tensile chord and in the joint between the web and the
test setup for Test DE-2. bottom chord. Due to that preloading impact, the stiffness
The deflections of the beams at the load introduction were of each second beam test (DE-2.2 and DE-3.2) was lower
measured using a linear variable transducer (WAxx). The compared to the first one. The tests with higher concrete
steel and concrete strains at surface were measured by elec- strength (DE-3.1 and DE-3.2) had higher stiffness and load-
trical resistance strain gauges. To determine the curvature bearing capacities. A sufficient ductility and good load-
at each edge of the opening, the steel strain of the longi- bearing behavior was observed throughout the entire test
tudinal reinforcement (SLxx) and the strain of concrete in series. The load-bearing capacities, however, were reached
compression (using strain gauges) and tension (using linear at different vertical deflections.
transducers) were measured. The strains of the stirrups
(SBxx) were recorded at the four corners of the opening, Cracking characteristics
the midspan of the top chord, and in the web. The strains at The cracking behavior of the beam is strongly influenced
the concrete surface were measured in three directions in the by the secondary bearing mechanism of the web opening.
midspan of the top chord. The arrangement of the instrumen- The crack patterns of the tested beams after failure are
tation is shown in Fig. 7. presented in Fig. 9. Caused by secondary bending moments
at the opening edges, the first bending cracks appeared in
TEST RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the top chord of the concrete beam. The cracking of the
Failure characteristic top chord started simultaneously on its lower surface at
In the following, results of the performed beam tests are the opening edge next to the load introduction and on its
described. The global failure of each beam test (except upper surface at the opening edge next to the support. With
reference Test DE-1.2) was initiated by a local failure in the increasing load, transverse shear cracks occurred in the
area of the web opening. Tests DE-1.1 and DE-2.2 failed slender web of the beam around the opening. The shear
by exceeding the bending capacity of the top chord in one cracking began approximately at the service load level.
web-opening corner (Failure Mode 1). In tests with higher At the moment of their formation, the shear cracks had a
concrete strength (DE-3.1 and DE-3.2) and the test with width of 0.1 to 0.2 mm (0.004 to 0.008 in.). The angle of the
Fig. 8—Shear force V over related deflection f/l3: Test: (a) DE-1; (b) DE-2; and (c) DE-3.
τ = γG = γ (13)
2(1 + ν)
M global (1 − ν2 )
M global = σ x Az ⇒ Ec = (14)
Az (e x + νe x )
Fig. 17—Distribution of applied shear force carried by
The acting shear force in the top chord results from the inte- top chord.
gration of the shear stress over the cross section. As refer-
ence, the tensile forces in the vertical reinforcement at the CONCLUSIONS
load-allocated edge of the opening were calculated by the The results of the experimental investigations confirm the
measured strains. In the case of distinctive crack formation, capability and technical feasibility of the developed floor
the sum of these forces equaled the shear force carried by slab system as a structural element in multiple-use buildings.
the top chord. The results of these calculations are presented Based on the results of the experimental investigation on
in Fig. 17. With increasing load, both methods led to the beams with large web openings, the following conclusions
same values. As expected, the strains of the reinforcement can be drawn:
were small at low load levels because the beam remained 1. In the uncracked stage (service load), a considerable part
in an uncracked state. Thus, the shear force of the top chord of the global shear force is carried by the bottom (tension)
was underestimated by the evaluation of the reinforcement’s chord. However, at failure, approximately 90% of the shear
strains. The values calculated by the strain gauge rosette on force is carried by the top (compression) chord indepen-
the concrete surface remained nearly constant over the entire dent of the position of the opening (M/V ratio), the concrete
load range. Similar results were already detected in tests by strength, and the cross section of the vertical reinforcement
Twelmeier24 and Tan.25 at the edge of the opening (shear concentration factor).
Due to the measured compression strain with the strain 2. The load-bearing capacity of the beams is reached with
gauge applied in a –45-degree direction in Test DE-1.1, a the formation of a plastic hinge at one of the opening corners
significantly lower value of the shear force acting in the of the top chord. A ductile failure could be stated for all
top chord was detected. At higher load levels, however, tests. The use of higher-strength concrete led to an increase
the values calculated by the strains of the reinforcement lie of the load-bearing capacity, but at a subproportional rate
between the values of the other tests. compared to concrete tensile and compressive strength.
Higher degrees of vertical reinforcement at the edge of 3. The load-bearing capacity of the joint between the web
the opening (Tests DE-2.2 and DE-3.2) led to higher shear and the bottom chord, due to the manufacturing process, may
forces carried by the top chord compared to the other tests be decisive for the global load-bearing capacity when using
with only two bars 10 mm (0.4 in.) in diameter as vertical high-strength concrete and openings close to the support.
reinforcement. With the exception of Test DE-3.1, the 4. For the investigated conditions, the arrangement of
measured shear force carried by the top chord was deter- openings between the transition length of the prestressing
mined to be approximately 90% of the acting shear force in steel had no adverse influence on load-bearing capacity
ultimate limit state. These results fall between the predicted and deformation behavior. All beams with openings under
values in References 13 and 18. moment-shear loading led to higher deformations when
Bond-Slip-Strain Relationship in Transfer Zone of Pretensioned Concrete Elements. Paper by Ho Park and
Jae-Yeol Cho
Discussion by José R. Martí-Vargas
Professor, ICITECH, Institute of Concrete Science and Technology, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain
The discussed paper presents an interesting study on a Guyon’s theory.12 Specimen A seems to show a combination
novel bond-slip-strain relationship for a strand in the transfer of both uniform and linear bond stress distributions, which
zone of a pretensioned, prestressed concrete member, as well would correspond to an intermediate case with a certain
as equations for the distributions of the bond stress, slip, α value (α = 2.67 and α = 2.44 have been also proposed
and strand strain. To this end, test specimens with various in theoretical and experimental studies26,27,34). Finally,
test variables, such as concrete compressive strength, Specimen C depicts an atypical bond stress distribution.
cross section size, cover thickness, strand diameter, curing What was the transfer length for Specimen C?
method, and debonded region, were fabricated, and strand 4. The measurements on the cut-end sides were also
strains were measured in the pretensioning and detensioning excluded from the analysis, not to consider an effect of
process. The authors should be complimented for providing dynamic impact. However, in light of the differences in
a detailed paper that is useful for calculating transfer length, transfer lengths at both ends of one similar specimen, as
end slip, and maximum bond stress in the transfer zone. The shown in Fig. 2, the discusser encourages the authors to
discusser would like to address the following comments and carry out further studies and to include measurements on the
questions for the authors’ consideration and response. cut end because these measurements are more unfavorable
1. There are several relevant, complete, and recent for strength capacities, and code equations usually do not
references that have not been considered by the authors, reflect manufacturing methods.
such as extensive collections of equations for transfer 5. The authors have assumed that the distribution of
length, including comparatives and new equations concrete and strand strains has a similar shape. However,
considering concrete compressive strength25 and strand- it is noteworthy that the distribution of concrete strains
free end slip,26 which were available prior to the submission presents a certain retardation in relation to the distribution of
date. Furthermore, the authors considered one reference by strand strains. Transfer length is defined as the distance over
Balázs14 in their comparisons (Table 3), whereas another which the strand should be bonded to concrete to develop
related, complementary study was ignored.27 Moreover, the effective prestress in prestressing steel.28 This effective
ACI 318-081 is used and referenced by the authors, whereas stress is completely transferred to concrete when concrete
there is a later edition.28 stresses are assumed to take a linear distribution, which
2. The authors detail that variations in cover depth, cross occurs outside dispersion length.35 As the authors obtained
section dimensions, and the level of prestressing force transfer length by applying the 95% average maximum
have very little effect on bond characteristics, whereas strain (AMS) method9 to the curves of the tendon strain (as
a recent study29 has found that concrete cover may also shown in Fig. 3) instead of curves of the concrete strain, it
markedly affect transfer length in pretensioned members. seems that the authors determine a shorter transfer length.
It has been stated that bond strength reduces as concrete 6. To obtain a bond-slip-strain relationship for a strand, a
cover increases,30 whereas increases in bond strength with basic form of the equation is adopted from a previous bond
increased concrete cover thickness by using pullout tests model,17 devised for reinforced concrete. The bond stress
have been also reported,31 and the same conclusion was in the model is composed of a slip function and a strain
drawn for prestressing strands32 by using the ECADA function. It seems that the slip function is obtained from
test method.33 Fig. 4. Furthermore, the authors detail that the slip at a point
3. In addition to the 16 specimens listed in Table 2, more in a member is obtained by integrating the relative difference
specimens were originally fabricated, which were excluded of concrete and the strand strain. As only strand strains were
from the analysis because: 1) only concrete strains were measured and the authors applied the 95% AMS method9 to
measured; or 2) the specimens seemed to have bond the tendon strain curves, can the authors detail how the slips
deficiencies. The authors detail that only strand strains were were obtained?
measured for the test specimens analyzed in this work. 7. The bond stress was derived from the equilibrium
To offer a better understanding, can the authors provide condition along the strand according to Eq. (6). The discusser
additional details on how the bond stress distributions were notes that nominal perimeter πdp is used instead of actual
obtained for the excluded specimens in which only concrete perimeter (4/3)πdp.25,36
strains were measured? Furthermore, it seems that some 8. The authors conclude that slip distribution presents an
specimens were excluded for their lower bond stress values initial value in the transfer zone, which corresponds to the
compared to Specimen 4. It is noteworthy that bond stress initial value of bond stress at the begining of transfer length.
distributions, as offered by Specimens B and D, are also However, as seen in Fig. 7(a), an initial bond stress value
possible, which would correspond to a bound case (α = 2) is observed, whereas an initial slip value is not observed
according to Guyon’s theory,12 whereas Specimens 4, 9, 10, in Fig. 7(c). The discusser notes that the slip distribution
and 16 displayed a linear bond stress distribution that, in along the transfer length shown in Fig. 7(c) seems to
turn, coincides with the other bound case (α = 3) according to qualitatively agree with the slip distribution model recently
25. Martí-Vargas, J. R.; Arbeláez, C. A.; Serna-Ros, P.; Navarro-Gregori,
J.; and Pallarés-Rubio, L., “Analytical Model for Transfer Length Prediction
of 13 mm Prestressing Strand,” Structural Engineering and Mechanics,
V. 26, No. 2, 2007, pp. 211-229.
26. Martí-Vargas, J. R.; Arbeláez, C. A.; Serna-Ros, P.; and Castro-
Bugallo, C., “Reliability of Transfer Length Estimation from Strand End
Slip,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 104, No. 4, July-Aug. 2007, pp. 487-494.
27. Balázs, L. G., “Transfer Length of Prestressing Strand as a Function
of Draw-in and Initial Prestress,” PCI Journal, V. 38, No. 2, Mar.-Apr.
1993, pp. 86-93.
28. ACI Committee 318, “Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete (ACI 318-11) and Commentary,” American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, MI, 2011, 503 pp.
29. Oh, B. H.; Lim, S. N.; Lee, M. K.; and Yoo, S. W., “Analysis and
Prediction of Transfer Length in Pretensioned, Prestressed Concrete
Members,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 111, No. 3, May-June 2014, Fig. 13—Strand strain distribution of Specimen C. (Note:
pp. 549‑559. 1 mm = 0.039 in.)
30. Ichinose, T.; Kanayama, Y.; Inoue, Y.; and Bolander, J. E., “Size
Effect on Bond Strength of Deformed Bars,” Construction and Building rate of transfer length decreases when the cover depth is
Materials, V. 18, 2004, pp. 549-558. increased. In the equation proposed by Oh et al.,29 transfer
31. García-Taengua, E.; Martí-Vargas, J. R.; and Serna-Ros, P., length is inversely proportional to cover depth. It means that
“Statistical Approach to Effect of Factors Involved in Bond Performance
of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 108, No. 4,
the effect of cover depth rapidly diminishes with the increase
July-Aug. 2011, pp. 461-468. in cover depth. Ichinose et al.30 concluded that the size effect
32. Martí-Vargas, J. R.; Caro, L. A.; and Serna-Ros, P., “Size Effect on on bond strength is reduced with increasing confinement due
Strand Bond and Concrete Strains at Prestress Transfer,” ACI Structural to larger cover depth. Martí-Vargas et al.32 also showed that
Journal, V. 111, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 2014, pp. 419-429. the increasing rate of average bond stress is reduced when
33. Martí-Vargas, J. R.; García-Taengua, E.; Caro, L. A.; and Serna-
Ros, P., “Measuring Specific Parameters in Pretensioned Concrete Members cross section is increased.
Using a Single Testing Technique,” Measurement, V. 49, 2014, pp. 421-432. 3. The specimens for which only concrete strains were
34. Viula, D.; Lucio, V.; Pinho, G.; and Martí-Vargas, J. R., discussion measured were excluded from the analysis because the bond
of “Pull-out and Push-in Tests of Bonded Steel Strands,” Magazine of stress distributions could not be obtained. Specimens A to
Concrete Research, V. 65, No. 18, 2013, pp. 1128-1131.
35. CEN, “Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures—Part 1-1: General
D were excluded to develop a basic bond model for the
Rules and Rules for Buildings. (EN 1992-1-1:2004:E),” Comité Européen favorable bond condition. The proposed model is capable
de Normalisation, Brussels, Belgium, 2004. to consider different types of bond stress distributions by
36. Tabatabai, H., and Dickson, T., “The History of the Prestressing modifying the coefficient a0. As the value of the coefficient
Strand Development Length Equation,” PCI Journal, V. 38, No. 5, Sept.- a0 becomes smaller, the resulting bond stress approaches a
Oct. 1993, pp. 64-75.
37. Martí-Vargas, J. R.; Hale, W. M.; García-Taengua, E.; and Serna- uniform distribution. Strand strain distribution and transfer
Ros, P., “Slip Distribution Model along the Anchorage Length of length of Specimen C is provided in Fig. 13.
Prestressing Strands,” Engineering Structures, V. 59, 2014, pp. 674-685. 4. The authors agree with the discusser’s opinion on the
importance of transfer length at the cut end.
AUTHORS’ CLOSURE 5. The assumption of a similar shape between the
The authors would like to thank the discusser for his distributions of concrete and strand strains was made based
interest in the paper and valuable comments. The authors’ on the measured strain data. In another paper,18 the authors
item-by-item response is presented in the following text: showed that both strain distributions had a very similar shape
1. Over last decades, many equations for transfer lengths for the given specimen configurations. It can be justified by
have been proposed by various researchers. Because it was the following references. According to CEB-FIP MC90,38 the
impossible to consider all of the equations in the paper, the difference between the transfer length and the dispersion
most representative and frequently cited equations were length vanishes for a cross section with the total depth less
chosen to be compared with the experimental results and the than 80% of transfer length. In the authors’ experiment, the
proposed model. Equations incorporating the term of end depth of the test specimens was less than one-fourth of the
slip26,27 were not included in the comparison because the measured transfer lengths. Buckner39 and Den Uijl40 have
measured end slip data were found to be unreliable. There is demonstrated by means of finite element analysis that the
no difference in the calculation of transfer lengths according deviation of strain distributions at concrete surface and at the
to the 2008 and the 2011 editions of ACI 318.1,28 strand was not significant for members with a cross section,
2. As mentioned by the discusser, concrete cover depth which is small in relation to the transfer length.
greatly affects transfer lengths in the pretensioned concrete 6. The concrete strain distribution was generated based on
members. The authors stated that cover depth has little effect the assumption of a similar shape between the distributions
on bond characteristics if there are no splitting cracks. Many of concrete and strand strains. The ratio of concrete to strand
researchers indicated that the influence of cover depth on strain at any point was given as Eq. (8). The slip distribution
transfer length is reduced with increasing cover depth. Den along the strand was obtained from Eq. (9) and (10).
Uijl15 stated that transfer length decreases with increasing 7. The authors followed the approach given in Balázs14 and
cover depth but no further reduction occurs beyond the cover Cousins et al.2,41 In their analyses, the nominal perimeter of
depth of 3 to 4dp. Oh and Kim11 reported that the reduction strand was used for the calculation of bond stress.
Fire Protection for Beams with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Flexural Strengthening Systems. Paper by Nabil
Grace and Mena Bebawy
Discussion by W. L. Gamble
FACI, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
This paper adds useful information and data about the AUTHORS’ CLOSURE
behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) in fire situations, The authors thank the discusser for his interest in the paper
but it also presents some puzzles. It is unfortunate that there and the published work. The discussion focuses on three
apparently were no tests of the reinforcing bars because main points: 1) the moment capacity of the beam; 2) the
both a measured yield stress and a measured stress-strain rupture of the steel in Beam B-DH-C/F; and 3) the removal
curve would have been helpful in understanding some of the of the entire load in Beam B-CF-G/F. The authors will try to
results. The 80 ksi (551 MPa) yield stress implied from the address all three points.
strain measurements for Beam B-U-O/A seems high but is For the first point, it should be noted that due to the
plausible for a small bar. nature of the fire testing, a special support system was used
However, even this high stress does not explain the throughout the entire experiment, even for beams tested at
behavior of this beam. At 10 kip (44.5 kN) force (the reported ambient temperature. As shown in Fig. 13, the beam was
yield force), the applied moment is approximately 31.3 ft-kip resting on two 12 in. (305 mm) wide steel plates at its ends.
(42.4 kN-m), including the small dead-load moment. However, Therefore, for the purpose of moment calculations, the
the computed value of Mn is approximately 25.4 ft-kip effective span should be taken as 10 ft (3.05 m) as the beam
(34.4 kN-m) when fc′ = 7.3 ksi (50 MPa) and fy = 80 ksi rotated around the interior edges of the support plates. By
(551 MPa). At the maximum force of 12.92 kip (57.5 kN), considering an effective span of 10 ft (305 mm), the moment
the applied moment is approximately 40.1 ft-kip (54.4 kN-m). due to dead load will be equal to 0.935 ft-kip (1.27 kN-m).
The difference between the observed yield moment and the At steel strain of 3000 µɛ, the depth of the NA is 2.26 in.
computed nominal capacity seems too large, as does the differ- (57.4 mm) and the theoretical yield moment is 25.72 ft-kip
ence between the observed yield and maximum applied loads. (34.87 kN-m). By subtracting the moment due to dead load
The computed strain at Mn is less than 0.02, which implies from the yield moment, the moment due to the concentrated
some strain hardening but probably not 29%. load becomes 24.79 ft-kip (33.61 kN-m), which is equiv-
A possible source of the differences is restrained elonga- alent to a moment due to a concentrated load of 9.91 kip
tion. The longitudinal restraint applied at the bottom surface (44 kN). It is worth noting that the beam was resting freely
of the beam that is able to increase the moment capacity on the supports and no significant longitudinal restraint
from 25 to 40 ft-kip is not too large. The support system is was provided.
not well described other than Fig. 2 showing a roller under
one end of the beam.
Beam B-DH-C/F is reported to have collapsed due to frac-
tured reinforcement. The statement that “the reinforcement
of the beam melted” cannot be true because the melting point
of steel is much higher than either the fire temperature or the
steel temperature at the time of collapse. This suggests some
flaw in the reinforcement, or perhaps some exothermic reac-
tion involving the epoxy. Was a sudden flare-up observed?
Beam B-CF-G/F was loaded to a significant load for
only 15 minutes, and then unloaded. It is not clear whether
the remaining load was only the dead load of the member
and the loading column or some larger load. This load reduc-
tion was described as equivalent to the removal of the live
load, but this is not consistent with actual reinforced concrete
buildings. In most reinforced concrete buildings, the dead
load exceeds the live load, so a representative case might
involve removing half of the applied load, but not a major
fraction. The fact that this beam was able to resist major
loads after cooling is an important piece of information. Fig. 13—Beam B-U-O/A under three-point loading setup.
Analysis and Prediction of Transfer Length in Pretensioned, Prestressed Concrete Members. Paper by Byung
Hwan Oh, Si N. Lim, Myung K. Lee, and Sung W. Yoo
Discussion by José R. Martí-Vargas
Professor, ICITECH, Institute of Concrete Science and Technology Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain
Based on three-dimensional finite element analyses and along transfer length, which coincides with a bound case
experimental tests conducted to obtain transfer lengths in (α = 2) according to Guyon’s theory,28 whereas a recent
pretensioned, prestressed concrete members, the discussed study27 proposes a linear bond stress distribution which, in
paper explores the important factors that affect transfer turn, coincides with the other bound case (α = 3) according
length and proposes a realistic prediction equation for a more to Guyon’s theory.28 An intermediate case (α = 2.44)26,31 has
rational design of pretensioned members. In particular, it has been also proposed. Therefore, in light of the interest of
been found that transfer length decreases with increased these topics, the discusser suggests further analyses to be
cover depth, and also with increased concrete compressive addressed to obtain: 1) the corresponding α value from the
strength. Then these two parameters, as well as prestress authors’ experimental data; and 2) as there is a wide range
magnitude and strand diameter, have been included in a of strand-end slips that correspond to the same transfer, and
new equation for transfer length determination. The authors vice versa, the quantification of the number of cases out the
should be congratulated for producing a detailed paper. allowable free-end slip and the predicted transfer length
Some findings are interesting for the discusser, who would according to the main codes is recommended.32
like to address the following comments for the authors’ 4. The authors found that concrete cover may also
consideration and response. markedly affect transfer length in pretensioned members,
1. Regarding the references related with this paper, the whereas a recent study27 provides details that variations
discusser would like to point out that: a) ACI 318-0217 is in cover depth, the dimensions of the cross section, and
referenced by the authors, whereas there are later editions the level of prestressing force have very little effect on
available prior to the paper submission date23; and b) bond characteristics. It has been stated that bond strength
there are several relevant, complete, and recent references reduces as concrete cover increases,33 whereas increases
that were not considered by the authors, such as extensive in bond strength with greater concrete cover thickness by
collections of equations for transfer length, including using pullout tests34 have also been reported, and the same
comparatives and new equations considering concrete conclusion was obtained for prestressing strands35 by using
compressive strength24,25 and strand free-end slip.26 the ECADA test method.36
2. The authors detail that bond stress-slip relations have 5. The discusser notes that variation in the slip values
been obtained from the measurement of strains. In particular, along the distance from the end of the pretensioned members
the strand-to-concrete slip has been obtained from measuring shown in Fig. 15, which were obtained from finite element
concrete strains at two adjacent points using Eq. (5). It is analyses, qualitatively agrees well with the slip distribution
noteworthy that, at a point within transfer length, slip is model recently derived from experimental tests.37 However,
obtained by integrating the relative differences of the concrete it seems that the end slip values obtained by the authors are
and strand strains when prestress is transferred.8,27 However, higher than in other studies,27,37 which perhaps is related with
it seems that Eq. (5) considers only the differences between the specific procedure used, as mentioned in remark No. 2.
the concrete strains at two locations, regardless of strand
strains. To offer a better understanding, can the authors REFERENCES
23. ACI Committee 318, “Building Code Requirements for Structural
provide additional details on how slips were obtained? Concrete (ACI 318-11) and Commentary,” American Concrete Institute,
3. The authors state that there are good correlations between Farmington Hills, MI, 2011, 503 pp.
the transfer lengths and end slip values in pretensioned 24. Martí-Vargas, J. R.; Arbeláez, C. A.; Serna-Ros, P.; Navarro-
members and, hence, it may be possible to calculate transfer Gregori, J.; and Pallarés-Rubio, L., “Analytical Model for Transfer Length
length from the end slip value. The discusser notes that Prediction of 13 mm Prestressing Strand,” Structural Engineering and
Mechanics, V. 26, No. 2, 2007, pp. 211-229.
there are earlier studies on this possibility,28,29 that most 25. Martí-Vargas, J. R.; Serna-Ros, P.; Navarro-Gregori, J.; and
experimental standards26 are based on this method, and that Pallarés, L., “Bond of 13 mm Prestressing Steel Strands in Pretensioned
it has been proposed as a simple nondestructive assurance Concrete Members,” Engineering Structures, V. 41, 2012, pp. 403-412.
procedure by which quality bond can be monitored within 26. Martí-Vargas, J. R.; Arbeláez, C. A.; Serna-Ros, P.; and Castro-
Bugallo, C., “Reliability of Transfer Length Estimation from Strand End
precasting plants.11 Furthermore, several researchers have Slip,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 104, No. 4, July-Aug. 2007, pp. 487-494.
conducted experimental studies to obtain transfer length 27. Park, H., and Cho, J. Y., “Bond-Slip-Strain Relationship in Transfer
from the strand free-end slip in hollow-core slabs, beams, Zone of Pretensioned Concrete Elements,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 111,
piles, and prisms, while some authors11,30 have established No. 3, May-June 2014, pp. 503-513.
an allowable free-end slip as the strand-end slip, which 28. Guyon, Y., Pretensioned Concrete: Theoretical and Experimental
Study, Paris, France, 1953, 711 pp.
results in a transfer length equal to that computed by the 29. Thorsen, N., “Use of Large Tendons in Pretensioned Concrete,” ACI
ACI 318 provisions for transfer length. Despite all these Journal Proceedings, V. 53, No. 6, June 1956, pp. 649-659.
previous works, the authors have compared their data with 30. Wan, B.; Harries, K. A.; and Petrou, M. F., “Transfer Length of
only the Logan22 equation, which showed no agreement with Strands in Prestressed Concrete Piles,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 99,
No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 2002, pp. 577-585.
the good regression equation between transfer length and 31. Viula, D.; Lucio, V.; Pinho, G.; and Martí-Vargas, J. R., discussion
strand-end slip (Eq. (11a)) obtained by the authors. It seems of “Pull-out and Push-in Tests of Bonded Steel Strands,” Magazine of
that Logan22 considered a uniform bond stress distribution Concrete Research, V. 65, No. 18, 2013, pp. 1128-1131.
Flexural Testing of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Recycled Concrete Aggregates. Paper by Thomas H.-K.
Kang, Woosuk Kim, Yoon-Keun Kwak, and Sung-Gul Hong
Discussion by Bhupinder Singh
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India
The authors should be complimented for carrying out a 6. The beam specimens with 2-D10 tension reinforcement
thorough and a meticulous investigation of flexural behavior would in effect be doubly reinforced because of the presence
of reinforced concrete beams made with recycled concrete of 2-D10 hanger bars near the top face of the beam, which
aggregates (RCAs). The discusser invites the authors to will effectively act as compression reinforcement. Because
comment on the following issues: of the presence of this compression reinforcement, this
1. The replacement levels of the coarse RCAs used by beam is likely to show very large ductility compared to other
the authors are too closely spaced and, at the considered beams and, hence, its behavior would be an outlier.
replacement levels variations in mechanical and structural 7. In Fig. 7, the characteristic (or the measured) flexural
properties, are unlikely to manifest themselves distinctly. strength of the RCA beams have been compared with
2. Only one stand-alone specimen has been tested by the predictions of the ACI Code, which are based on factored
authors for each parameter under investigation. Toward material strengths. Such a comparison would be biased
ensuring repeatability of results, it is desirable that at least toward giving conservative flexural strength predictions for
two companion specimens should be tested and their results the RCA beams. If a suitable strength reduction factor is
compared before arriving at any conclusion. applied to the experimental results plotted in Fig. 7, then it
3. The authors have not mentioned in the paper how will be seen that many of them would fall below predictions
grading of their RCA particles compares with that of the of the ACI Code. It would be interesting to know how the
coarse natural aggregate (NA) particles. Were the RCA experimental results plotted in Fig. 7 would compare with
particles graded to confirm to a particular range given, for ACI Code predictions made using characteristic material
example, in any of the current design codes? Further, no strengths. In the backdrop of such an exercise, the authors
mention has been made in the paper of the source of the may like to revisit some of the conclusions in the paper.
waste concrete from which the RCA was derived. Was the
waste concrete obtained from a demolition project or was it AUTHORS’ CLOSURE
sourced from waste laboratory specimens? The authors would like to thank the discusser for the
4. Table 2 does not give information with respect to two interest in the paper and comments. Responses to the
important physical properties of RCA—namely, residual discusser’s comments are selectively provided, as the
mortar content and aggregate crushing value. The residual discusser suggested and as already explained in the paper.
mortar content controls water absorption of the RCA In response to Comment 3, the used RCA has a solid
particles and the aggregate crushing value is a good indicator volume percentage for shape determination of 58.3%,
of strength. The moisture state of the RCA particles used in exceeding the minimum value (55%) specified by Korean
the concrete mixtures was not mentioned in the paper. To Standard (KS F 2573; Korean Standard 2011), but slightly
maintain a nominally constant free water-cement ratio (w/c) lower than that (60.1%) of the used natural aggregate. The
across comparable concrete mixtures, one would expect the authors note that the RCA was obtained from a commercial
RCA particles to be used in the saturated surface-dry (SSD) company that is no longer in business. To the best of the
state. The authors are invited to clarify. authors’ knowledge, this company acquired the aggregates
5. The usual silica fume dosage in a concrete mixture is from demolition projects.
approximately 10% of the weight of cement. The dosage of In response to Comment 4, the authors agree that the
43% used by the authors is unusual. Such a dosage would residual mortar content affected the water absorption rate
severely impact concrete workability and require the use of of RCA. Though it was reported that “the larger water
high-range water reducer (HRWR) dosages. absorption rate of RCA affected the total water content of the
Fig. 8—Crushing tests of natural aggregate (first test = 18.6 kN [4.2 kip]; second test =
17.5 kN [3.9 kip]).