SJ March 2022 V. 119 No. 2
SJ March 2022 V. 119 No. 2
SJ March 2022 V. 119 No. 2
MARCH 2022
Managing Director, Engineering and 139 Local Bond-Slip Behavior of Reinforcing Bars in High-Performance
Professional Development Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beams, by Rita-Elizabeth Saikali,
Michael L. Tholen S. J. Pantazopoulou, and D. Palermo
Managing Editor
Lauren E. Mentz
Associate Editor Contents continued on next page
Kelly Dudley
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y / 4 f c 57.4 w t e s db bars (0 to 20); αt is coefficient for transverse bar diameter (0.5 for D25 to 1.0 for
1.83 cw K atr / db D50); cm = max(cso, csi); η3 = (25/db)0.3 is coefficient for bar diameter (≤1.0); and η4
ACI is coefficient for bar yield strength (0.68 to 1.2). In fib Model Code 2010, ls varies
(cw + Katr)/db ≤ 4.0 between 0.7ld and 1.0ld according to the area ratio and tensile stress of spliced bars
408R-0311† w = 0.1(cmax/cmin) + 0.9 ≤ 1.25 within the lap splice length, and a partial safety factor is applied to concrete for
K atr 6 f ctd Atr / st ns structural design.
ζl is coefficient for lap splice ratio within 1.3ls (1.2 to 1.6); ζa is coefficient for
td = 0.03db + 0.22
reinforcing bar properties (=1.0 for prestressed steel); γ1 = 1.10 for ribbed bars with
reinforcing bar diameter above 25 mm; γ2 = 1.25 for epoxy-coated steel bars; γ3 =
f y db l0
ld 2 3 1.10 for bars that are easily disturbed during construction; γ4 = coefficient for the
4 f bd 1.5 ratio of design longitudinal reinforcement area to the actual longitudinal reinforce-
ment area (1.0 for structures with seismic requirements or directly under dynamic
212‡ α2 = 0.7 ≤ 1 – 0.15(cd – db)/db ≤ 1.0
loads); γ5 is coefficient for cover concrete thickness (0.80 for 3db to 0.7 for 5db); α is
α3 = 0.7 ≤ 1 – K(∑Atr – As)/As ≤ 1.0 coefficient for reinforcing bar geometry (0.16 for round bars and 0.14 for deformed
fbd = 2.25η2[0.7(0.3)(fc′)2/3] bars); and fct is specified concrete tensile strength (0.91 MPa for C15 concrete to
2.22 MPa for C80 concrete).
f y db
ld = #
αd is coefficient related to reinforcing bar diameter (= 1.1 for D19 bars or less, 1.0
4 f mbd for D22 to D29 bars, and 0.9 for D32 bars or greater); cw + Katr is coefficient-related
transverse bars specified in ACI 408R-03; Es is elastic modulus of reinforcing bar
fib Model fmbd = (αm2 + αm3)fbd0 < 2.5fbd0 < f c′ (=200,000 MPa).
Code fbd0 = 0.35η3η4 f c′ Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 ksi = 6.90 MPa.
m2 cd / cm cm / cd
fs 31 2 f y
u 1 f / s1
1 u
1.4 1 f / s1
Fig. 2—Definition of concrete cover and bar spacing.
f 1.47ld2 u l
1 0.007 d 0 of moment gradient and shear force on the bond strength of
Hwang et s1 Es d b f c f c
al. model15# bar splices, three-point loading tests were also performed.
cw K atr / db
u 0.91 d Moment gradient and shear force are simultaneously applied
2.5 to the lap splice region in the three-point loading test spec-
16 6C11 u imens. Stirrups were placed to avoid shear failure in shear
2 u
16 6C1u 2 span length (that is, the shear strength-demand ratio was 1.9
to 3.8 and 2.1 to 4.6 for three-point loading and four-point
C1 ld2 / 1 0.003 f c Es db
loading test specimens, respectively).
Regarding the specimen names, the first letter “L” and
λ is lightweight factor (0.75 to 1.0); ψt is reinforcement location factor (1.0 to
“D” denotes four-point loading and three-point loading
1.3); ψe is coating factor (1.0 to 1.5); ψs is bar diameter factor (0.8 to 1.0); ψg is bar
yield strength factor (1.0 to 1.3); cb is thickness of the bottom cover concrete; cso is tests, respectively; “D18” and “D25” denote the diameter of
thickness of the side cover concrete; csi is one-half of the center-to-center spacing of longitudinal bars; the following number 0, 2, or 4 denotes
bars; Atr is total area of confining reinforcement within spacing st across the potential
the clear spacing of spliced bars (that is, 0db for contact lap
splitting plane; ns is number of bars being developed or lap spliced along the splitting
plane; and st is center-to-center spacing of transverse bars. The confinement term splices, and 2db or 4db for noncontact lap splices); and the
(cf +Ktr)/db is limited to 2.5 considering pullout failure. When lap splices are used, last letter “s” denotes the bar splices confined by stirrups.
the required lap splice length ls is defined as 1.0ld or 1.3ld for the Class A or B splice
For specimens with stirrups, a D8 bar (diameter = 8 mm
[0.31 in.] and cross-sectional area = 50.3 mm2 [0.08 in.2])
was used for stirrups at a spacing of 200 mm (7.9 in.) in the (43.3 in.). In three-point loading tests, vertical loading was
lap splice region. applied to the midspan (that is, edge of the bar splices).
Linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs) were used
Materials and testing method to measure the midspan deflection and support deflection.
Table 3 shows the yield strength fy and tensile strength fu Four strain gauges were attached to the bottom flexural bars
of reinforcing bars. For D18 and D25 bars, the yield strength to measure the reinforcing bar strain at the edge of the lap
was 460 to 480 MPa (66.7 to 69.6 ksi). Table 4 shows the splice length.
concrete mixture proportions. Compression tests of cylin-
ders (Φ150 x 300 mm [Φ5.9 x 11.8 in.]) were performed on TEST RESULTS
the day of each test. The measured compressive strength of Four-point loading tests
the concrete cylinders was fc′ = 24.4 to 31.6 MPa (3.54 to Figure 5 shows the moment-deflection relationships of
4.58 ksi). test specimens under four-point loads. The predicted flex-
Figure 4 shows the test setup of simply supported beam ural strength was calculated from the section analysis using
specimens under four-point and three-point loads. A the reinforcing bar stress estimated from ACI 408R-03,11 the
force-controlled load was applied using a hydraulic jack modified Kent and Park model16,17 for confined and uncon-
with a capacity of 1000 kN (224.8 kip). Each loading step fined concrete, and the elasto-plastic model for reinforcing
was increased by 5% of the peak strength predicted by ACI bars. Using the stress-strain relationships of materials, the
408R-0311 until failure. The loading increment between each moment-curvature relationship was determined, and then
step was constant, which was monitored constantly during the beam moment corresponding to a given reinforcing bar
the test. The test was terminated when the load decreased stress was estimated. The nominal strength was calculated
to 85% of the actual peak strength or the specimen lost using the measured reinforcing bar yield strength.
its load-carrying capacity. In four-point loading tests, two In the specimens without stirrups, the peak strength
concentric loads were applied at a distance of 1100 mm decreased as the clear spacing of spliced bars increased.
developed bond stress of D18 bars confined by stirrups length. For this reason, the bond strength of D18 bars in
increased by 17.7% on average in noncontact lap splices. On noncontact lap splices increased. However, the effective lap
the other hand, compared to contact splices of D25 bars with splice length was significantly decreased in the noncontact
stirrups, the developed bond stress of D25 bars in noncon- lap splices of D25 bars, which decreased the bond strength.
tact splices with stirrups decreased by 11.9%. This result
may be attributed to significant local bond failure due to Effect of stirrups
the insufficient lap splice length of D25 bars. The lap splice In general, transverse reinforcement improves the bar
length for D25 bars in this study was only approximately bond strength in the lap slice length. As shown in the test
30% of the requirement of ACI 408R-03,11 while the lap results, compared to the specimens without stirrups, the peak
splice length for D18 bars was approximately 70% of the strength of the specimens with stirrups increased by 26.2% on
requirement. The clear spacing of spliced bars decreased the average, and the maximum increment was 63.4%. Figure 10
effective lap splice length in noncontact lap splices due to compares the ratio of the bar stress of specimens with stir-
the diagonal crack distribution (Fig. 1). On the other hand, rups to the bar stress of specimens without stirrups. For D18
the inner concrete between the spliced bars developed addi- bars, compared to specimens without stirrups, the average
tional confinement, which increased the bond stress. In bar stress decreased by 3.4% in contact splices, but increased
the noncontact lap splices of D18 bars, the bond strength by 7.4% and 30.0% in noncontact splices with the spacing of
increment due to the confinement was greater than the bond 2db and 4db, respectively. For D25 bars, compared to spec-
strength degradation due to the reduced effective lap splice imens without stirrups, the average bar stress increased by
Fig. 10—Comparison of reinforcing bar stress of lapped Fig. 12—Reinforcing bar stress ratio of two different loca-
bars with/without stirrups. tions in three-point loading specimens.
Fig. A1—Bar stress ratio of test specimens with moment gradient factor according to concrete strength.
Fig. A2—Bar stress ratio of test specimens without moment gradient factor according to concrete strength.
Current codes limit the maximum shear strength in reinforced beam may cause inaccuracies, because the maximum shear
concrete beams to prevent possible sudden shear failure due strength of the beam test specimen would be configured with
to over-reinforcement. The ACI 318-19 limit is criticized to be a larger amount of longitudinal reinforcement to avoid flex-
over-conservative, especially for high-strength concrete beams. ural failure and obtain the test data of the beam’s maximum
Based on the force-transfer mechanism of the beams, this paper
shear strength. ACI 318-191 requires that the tensile strain of
investigates this issue by deriving a model to determine the shear
the outermost longitudinal tension reinforcement shall not
strength of rectangular beams with a shear span-depth ratio
exceeding 2. According to the proposed model, it is found that there be less than 0.004 when the beam is at the nominal flex-
are two influential parameters of the maximum shear strength for ural strength. This limit of 0.004 expects the beam to have a
beams—that is, concrete strength and longitudinal tension rein- better deformability, so that the longitudinal reinforcement
forcement. Considering the softening phenomenon of reinforced of the beam is constrained to be under-reinforced. Therefore,
concrete, the use of √fcꞌ in the ACI 318-19 limiting equation seems beam test specimens with maximum shear strength usually
appropriate for high-strength concrete beams. However, the ACI do not meet the ACI 318-191 longitudinal reinforcement
318-19 limit on the maximum shear strength of beams seems requirements. It may not be appropriate to count different
conservative for beams with a larger amount of longitudinal beam experimental data for extrapolation applications.
tension reinforcement. Therefore, an analytical model is preferred, which is derived
Keywords: force-transfer mechanism; maximum shear strength; shear
according to the shear force-transfer mechanism and verified
failure mode; softened concrete strength. by the experimental data, for the maximum shear strength of
the beam.
INTRODUCTION Due to urbanization, there have been an increasing number
The designed maximum shear strength of reinforced of high-rise buildings, and the harsher environmental loads,
concrete beams should avoid brittle shear failure by concrete such as larger wind speeds or bigger earthquake loadings,
crushing under high shear force, which leads to the sudden have greatly increased the reinforcement used in high-
failure of beams before the shear reinforcement yields. rise buildings, so the beam size may be controlled by the
However, the relevant provisions of the current specifica- maximum shear strength regulations. If the maximum
tions are inconsistent, and the identification of relevant shear strength of the beam is overestimated, there would be
impact parameters is also different. U.S. Code ACI 318-191 safety concerns, but if the regulations are too conservative,
limits the maximum shear strength by √fcꞌ, Japan’s AIJ-992 designs would lose economic efficiency. In addition, high-
uses the maximum amount of shear reinforcement ρt,max to strength concrete is often used in high-rise buildings, but
limit the maximum shear strength, while AASHTO LRFD3 the maximum shear strength regulated by ACI 318-191 is
and CSA A23.3-144 both limit the maximum shear strength similar to ACI 318-63.7 The dated regulations are based on
with fcꞌ. observations of normal-strength concrete beam experiments,
The existing research results suggest different methods and whether they are applicable to existing high-strength
to limit the maximum shear strength of the beam. Lee and concrete beams is precarious. Therefore, it is necessary to
Hwang5 compared experimental observations with existing examine the maximum shear strength limit of the beam and
literature and recommended limiting the maximum shear seek a set of more precise limits.
reinforcement ρt,max to avoid brittle shear failure of beams In this paper, the analytical model of beam shear strength
by concrete crushing. Proestos et al.6 also compared exper- prediction is developed based on the shear force-transfer
imental observations with existing literature and recom- mechanism of the beams, suggested by MacGregor,8 and
mended using the provisions of AASHTO LRFD3 and CSA the application of the softened strut-and-tie model.9,10 It is
A23.3-144 to limit the maximum shear strength with fcꞌ. suggested that the model divide the shear failure of the beam
Both Lee and Hwang5 and Proestos et al.6 suggest that the into three types: the shear compression failure of concrete
maximum shear strength provision in ACI 318-191 is too crushing, the shear tension failure controlled by the trans-
conservative for high-strength concrete beams and should verse reinforcement yielding, and the shear balanced failure
be revised and improved. that occurs when shear compression and shear tension
Using experimental observations to formulate design
ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
equations is a method commonly used in reinforced concrete MS No. S-2020-286.R1, doi: 10.14359/51734375, received August 2, 2021, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
technology. For example, ACI 318-191 and AIJ-992 use Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
empirical formulas. However, using experimental observa- obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
tion directly to determine the maximum shear strength of the is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Av f yt d
Vn , ACI Vc Vs 8 s w1/ 3 f cbw d (fcꞌ in psi) SHEAR FORCE-TRANSFER MECHANISM OF
in which Vc is the shear strength provided by concrete; Vs is Reinforced concrete members change in their cross-
the shear strength provided by shear reinforcement; λs is the sectional dimensions, or where concentrated loads and reac-
size effect factor; fcꞌ is the compressive strength of concrete; tion forces act, which causes the internal force transmission
ρw is the ratio of the area of longitudinal tension reinforce- to be disturbed and the phenomenon of stress concentration
ment to bwd; bw is the web width of the beam section; d is the to appear. The range in which the internal force is disturbed
distance from the extreme compression fiber to the centroid is called the D-region,1 and its length is one or two times
of longitudinal tension reinforcement; Av is the area of trans- the member depth from the discontinuity of the cross-
verse reinforcement within spacing s; fyt is the yield strength sectional scale or the location of the concentrated load distur-
of transverse reinforcement; and s is the center-to-center bance. The part of the component in the middle of the two D-
spacing of transverse reinforcement. regions is the B-region,1 and its internal force transmission
has not been disturbed, so it is in a state of uniform stress
The strut-and-tie index K can be used to calculate the effi- where n is the ratio of the elastic modulus of reinforcement
ciency of the secondary strut transferred by transverse rein- to the elastic modulus of concrete. It is noted that compres-
forcements in the D-region of the beam according to10 sion reinforcement in a beam would reduce the depth of
the compression zone, leading to a reduced shear strength
K tan A cot A 1 0.14 B 1.64 (7a) according to the softened strut-and-tie model. This result
seems contrary to what is expected. For this reason, the
authors propose to use Eq. (10) regardless of whether the
t f yt t f yt beam has compression reinforcement.
A 12 1 ; B 30 1 (7b)
f c f c The approaches to determine as near the loading ends are
shown in Fig. 2. For a simply supported beam loaded with
where ρt is the area ratio of transverse reinforcement. two bearing plates (Fig. 2(a)), only half of the bearing plate’s
According to Hwang and Lee,9 the softening coefficient of length (ap/2) is included for making a contribution to as in
cracked reinforced concrete12 ζ can be simplified as addition to kd.13 Because the other half of the bearing plate’s
Figure 7(a) shows the effect of the concrete strength fcꞌ amount of ρw. This suggests that the parameter ρw used in
on the estimations of maximum shear strength by various the ACI 318-191 limit (Eq. (3)) might need reconsideration.
models. On the whole, the predictions of the softened strut- Figure 8 presents further study of the effect of the concrete
and-tie model are consistent and reasonable for a broad strength fc' on the estimations of maximum shear strength.
range of concrete strengths. ACI 318-191 produces consis- The ratio of the longitudinal tension reinforcement ρw of
tent but conservative estimations. However, the AASHTO 3.4% is the average value of the beam specimens listed in
LRFD3 and Lee and Hwang5 methods overestimate the Table 2. As shown in Fig. 8, the softened strut-and-tie model
maximum shear strengths of the high-strength concrete with ρw = 3.4% follows the trends of AASHTO LRFD3 and
beams (Fig. 7(a)). This might be attributable to the use of the Lee and Hwang5 for normal-strength concrete beams but
concrete strength rather than the square root of the concrete bends down for the high-strength concrete beams. According
strength as the limiting parameter for the high-strength to Eq. (8), the proposed model suggests that the maximum
concrete beams (Eq. (4) and (5)). On the contrary, the soft- shear strength is a function of the concrete strength fcꞌ or
ened strut-and-tie model and ACI 318-191 adopt the square normal-strength concrete beams with fcꞌ < 42 MPa (6 ksi) and
root of the concrete strength as the primary variable and thus that the maximum shear strength is a function of the square
Eq. (12) and (3) can serve the limiting purpose well for the root of the concrete strength √fcꞌ for high-strength concrete
high-strength concrete beams. It is thus concluded that the beams with fcꞌ ≥ 42 MPa (6 ksi), as shown in Eq. (11) and
more pronounced softening phenomenon of high-strength (12), respectively.
concrete should be considered. If concrete crushing capacity To estimate the concrete crushing capacity for beam shear,
is evaluated, the softened concrete strength ζfcꞌ should be the area of the concrete crushing zone is also an important
used instead of the concrete strength fcꞌ alone. For high- factor, which is related to the amount of longitudinal tension
strength concrete, the parameter of ζfcꞌ is well presented by reinforcement of the beam. For the softened strut-and-tie
√fcꞌ . model, the calculated maximum shear strength decreases as
Figure 7(b) shows the effect of the longitudinal steel the area ratio of the longitudinal tension reinforcement ρw
ratio ρw on the estimations of maximum shear strength by decreases. A new curve of the proposed estimation with the
various models. The softened strut-and-tie model yields value of ρw = 1.7% is shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen from
consistent and reasonable estimations for a broad range of Fig. 8 that the maximum shear strengths according to ρw =
ρw. On the other hand, ACI 318-191 tends to underestimate 1.7% are lower than that of ρw = 3.4%.
the maximum shear strengths of the beams with a larger
232 (4)-7 5.10 0.27 20 275 1.04 B (44.6°) — 1.17 1.02 0.93
233 (4)-8 180 × 400 3.0 5.54 0.27 20 282 1.07 B (44.6°) — 1.21 1.06 0.96
234 (4)-9 6.92 0.40 20 314 1.17 C (45°) 1.17 1.34 1.17 1.06
Kokusho et al.41
245 B-210-6.0 0.31 20 241 0.87 C (45°) 0.87 1.00 0.86 0.78
246 B-210-7.4 0.48 20 279 1.01 C (45°) 1.01 1.16 1.00 0.91
247 B-210-9.2 0.74 20 322 1.16 C (45°) 1.16 1.34 1.15 1.05
248 B-210-11.0 1.06 20 356 1.28 C (45°) 1.28 1.48 1.27 1.16
251 B-360-6.0 0.31 38 366 1.09 T (25°) — 1.12 0.71 0.68
252 B-360-7.4 180 × 400 3.0 3.16 0.48 38 368 0.80 C (45°) 0.80 1.13 0.71 0.68
253 B-360-9.2 0.74 38 460 1.00 C (45°) 1.00 1.41 0.89 0.85
254 B-360-11.0 1.06 38 510 1.11 C (45°) 1.11 1.57 0.99 0.95
257 B-570-7.4 0.48 54 485 0.95 B (40.1°) — 1.24 0.65 0.64
258 B-570-9.2 0.74 54 549 1.01 C (45°) 1.01 1.41 0.74 0.73
259 B-570-11.0 1.06 54 593 1.09 C (45°) 1.09 1.52 0.80 0.79
Takagi et al.42
266 B-80-046 0.46 34 378 1.06 T (25°) — 1.12 0.74 0.71
200 × 400 4.0 3.09
267 B-80-058S 0.58 34 418 1.02 B (26.0°) — 1.24 0.82 0.78
281 210-0.59 0.59 23 330 1.01 C (45°) 1.01 1.19 0.95 0.88
282 210-0.89 0.89 23 378 1.16 C (45°) 1.16 1.36 1.09 1.01
283 210-1.18 1.19 23 424 1.30 C (45°) 1.30 1.53 1.22 1.13
284 210-1.18-U 200 × 400 3.0 2.88 1.19 23 412 1.26 C (45°) 1.26 1.48 1.19 1.10
285 210-1.18-135 1.19 23 437 1.34 C (45°) 1.34 1.58 1.26 1.17
286 360-0.89 0.89 37 462 0.95 C (45°) 0.95 1.31 0.83 0.80
287 570-0.89 0.89 66 652 1.20 B (25.6°) — 1.39 0.65 0.65
Iwai et al. 45
301 0.40 20 271 0.96 B (42.2°) — 1.03 0.88 0.81
302 0.59 20 291 0.99 C (45°) 0.99 1.11 0.95 0.87
303 200 × 400 4.0 2.88 0.89 21 371 1.21 C (45°) 1.21 1.39 1.16 1.07
305 0.59 33 440 1.08 B (40.5°) — 1.33 0.89 0.85
306 0.89 29 456 1.14 C (45°) 1.14 1.45 1.03 0.98
Average (AVG) 3.41 — — — 1.08 — 1.10 1.37 0.91 0.86
Coefficient of variation (COV) 0.23 — — — 0.12 — 0.13 0.16 0.21 0.19
Note: C is compression failure; B is balanced failure; T is tension failure; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 MPa = 145 psi; 1 kN = 224.8 lb.
As shown in Fig. 8, it is of interest to note that ACI 318-191 high-rise buildings, it is suggested that a modification factor
yields conservative estimations of the maximum shear for the beams with a larger amount of longitudinal tension
strength for the beams with ρw = 3.4% by the SST estima- reinforcement can be included in the ACI 318-191 limit.
tion, but closer to that of the beams with ρw = 1.7%. The The maximum shear strength of T-shaped beams and deep
ACI 318-191 limit on the maximum shear strength of beams beams are not in the scope of this study. It is noted that the
is often criticized to be overly conservative. Based on this flange can enhance the shear capacity of T-shaped beams,47
study, the over-conservatism might be attributable to the and more studies are needed to address this issue. As for the
over-reinforced longitudinal tension reinforcement, espe- maximum shear strength of the deep beam, the inclination
cially for the laboratory beam tests for shear strength, not angle θ plays an important role,13 and this topic is studied in
due to the high-strength concrete. For the application of a companion paper.48
The authors express their gratitude to the Ministry of Science and Tech-
nology of Taiwan and the National Center for Research on Earthquake
Engineering for the supporting funds provided throughout this study.
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Fig. 8—Model comparison of maximum shear strength. 17. Shen, W.-C.; Hwang, S.-J.; Li, Y.-A.; Weng, P.-W.; and Moehle,
J. P., “Force-Displacement Model for Shear-Critical Reinforced Concrete
AUTHOR BIOS Columns,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 118, No. 1, Jan. 2021, pp. 241-249.
Shyh-Jiann Hwang, FACI, is a Professor of civil engineering at National 18. Mattock, A. H., and Wang, Z., “Shear Strength of Reinforced
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. He received his PhD from the University Concrete Members Subject to High Axial Compressive Stress,” ACI
of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. He is a member of Joint ACI-ASCE Journal Proceedings, V. 81, No. 3, May-June 1984, pp. 287-298.
Committee 352, Joints and Connections in Monolithic Concrete Structures. 19. Elzanaty, A. H.; Nilson, A. H.; and Slate, F. O., “Shear Capacity of
His research interests include seismic behavior of reinforced concrete Reinforced Concrete Beams Using High-Strength Concrete,” ACI Journal
members and seismic retrofitting of reinforced concrete structures. Proceedings, V. 83, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1986, pp. 290-296.
20. Johnson, M. K., and Ramirez, J. A., “Minimum Shear Reinforcement
Yu-Hsuan Yang is a Structural Engineer at King-Le Chang & Associates, in Beams with Higher Strength Concrete,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 86,
Taipei, Taiwan. She received her MS in civil engineering from National No. 4, July-Aug. 1989, pp. 376-382.
Taiwan University. Her research interests include the shear behavior of 21. Sarsam, K. F., and Al-Musawi, J. M. S., “Shear Design of High- and
reinforced concrete beams. Normal Strength Concrete Beams with Web Reinforcement,” ACI Struc-
tural Journal, V. 89, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1992, pp. 658-664.
Yi-An Li is an Assistant Professor of civil engineering at National Chung
Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan. He received his PhD from National
Bayes’ theorem for predicting the posterior distribution of c 0
a parameter (p(θ/D)) is shown as follows15 e t (4)
Ee t
p D / p
p / D (1) c t c 0
p D / p d cr t (5)
Ee t
sh t shu (6)
f tdr
where εe(t), εcr(t), and εsh(t) are the elastic, creep, and
shrinkage strains, respectively; σc(0) and σc(t) are the
concrete stresses at the initial and long-term conditions,
respectively; tdr is the time from the end of initial curing; f
and α are the shrinkage constants (f = 35 and α = 1.0 for
7-day moisture-cured concrete3); and εshu is the ultimate
shrinkage strain (εshu = 780 × 10–6 for a typical service envi-
ronment3). It is assumed that the shrinkage is uniform across
the concrete section.19,20 The elastic moduli of concrete at
variable times may be obtained from3,21
Ec 0 E f 0
Ee t (8) E fe t (15)
1 t t t0
1 k1
Ec 0
Ee t (9) Formulation
1 t t
Short-term behavior—The GFRP-reinforced column
where Ec(0) is the initial modulus of elasticity with concrete depicted in Fig. 2 is supposed to carry axial compression
strength fc′; and Ee(t) and Ee′(t) are the effective and the and bending moments consisting of Eq. (16) to (18)
age-adjusted effective moduli at time t, which are a function
of the creep (Eq. (10)) and aging (Eq. (11)) coefficients3,22 N dA N c N f (16)
t t0
N c Ec dA (20)
t Ac
f t 1 k1 cr f 0 (14)
f0 N fi
where tcr is the creep time (tcr = t – t0); τf0 is the reference time N f Afi E f (21)
i 1
(τf0= 1.0); and k1 and k2 are material constants (k1 = 0.48 and
k2 = 0.41 for GFRP bars under compression, respectively).
Combining Eq. (12) to (14) yields M xc yc dA yEc dA (22)
Ac Ac
N fi
N fi
M y M 310 M 32 x M 33 y (28) I xyT I xy n f 1 Afi x fi y fi (43)
i 1
N fi
N fi
M 11 Ec Ac Afi E f (29)
i 1
I xT I x n f 1 Afi y 2fi (44)
i 1
N fi
N fi
M 12 Ec Ac y Afi E f y fi (30)
i 1
I yT I y n f 1 Afi x 2fi (45)
i 1
xc x 0 J CR t
M 31t M 32t M 33t M 0 I
y yc y
N fi
M 31 Ec Ac x Afi E f x fi (35) (46)
i 1
N fi J sh t Ee t Ac sh t (47)
M 32 Ec Ac xy Afi E f x fi y fi (36)
i 1
t t 1
J CR t Ec 0
N fi
M 33 Ec Ac x 2 Afi E f x 2fi (37) (48)
i 1
1 t t
M 11 M 12 M 13 N
bh3 N fi
1 y x M 21 M 22 M 23 M x (38) I xc Afi y 2fi (50)
12 i 1
M 31 M 32 M 33 M
34 ACI Structural Journal/March 2022
hb3 N fi for brevity). The converged simulation results were then
I yc Afi x 2fi (51) incorporated to determine the elastic modulus of concrete
12 i 1
(Eq. (7), Fig. 3(b)) that was necessary for calculating the
The elements of the time-dependent matrix [Mt] are the same short- and long-term responses of the column. Likewise, the
as those enumerated in Eq. (29) to (37), except that Ec and Ef Bayesian inference procedure was performed with all other
are replaced by Ee′(t) and Efe(t), respectively. Similarly, the parameters to address potential uncertainties.
effective modular ratio (nf′ = Ef(t)/ Ee′(t)) is used in place of
the modular ratio (nf) for Eq. (40) to (45) alongside Eq. (39) Validation
with Ee′(t). It is worth noting that Eq. (49) to (51) are based Figure 4 shows the validation of the modeling approaches
on an untransformed section to determine the cross-sectional against experimental data. Due to the absence of long-term
area and the moment of inertia of the concrete (Ac, Ixc, and testing in the literature, short-term column responses were
Iyc). The stress of the concrete section at time t (σc(t)) is evaluated under concentric10,14 and uniaxial-eccentric7,25
calculated using loadings. The material and geometric properties of the spec-
imens are listed in Table 2. It should be noted that the cover
J CR t depth was assumed to be 20 mm (0.8 in.) when missed and
c t Ee sh c 0 (52) that the elastic modulus of concrete was calculated as per
Ec 0
ACI 318-19.21 Figures 4(a) and (b) are concerned with the
behavior of the concrete and GFRP subjected to concentric
Application of Bayesian theory compression. The predicted strains agreed with the measured
In accordance with Eq. (2), the posterior distributions of values up to 40% of the ultimate capacity, beyond which
the individual parameters constituting a GFRP-reinforced a bifurcation was noticed because of nonlinear damage in
concrete column are theoretically inferred using the statistical the columns. Given that the present modeling is coupled
properties enumerated in Table 1. The prior distribution of a with a service load level, which is related to the ordinary
parameter that represents existing knowledge was defined operation of column members, such discrepancy would not
by its own distribution type and the coefficient of variation cause a problem from a practical standpoint. The compres-
(Table 1). The likelihood distribution was constructed on the sive and tensile strains of the reinforcement under eccen-
basis of Monte Carlo simulations, which randomly generate tric loading are plotted in Fig. 4(c) and (d). Similar to the
parameter values. Thereafter, the most probable value concentric-loading case, good agreement was made between
acquired from the parameter’s posterior distribution was the measured and calculated strains within the service range.
sequentially updated in tandem with the analytical equations
detailed in the preceding sections. Figure 3(a) describes IMPLEMENTATION
randomly sampled data for concrete strength fc′ and corre- Employing the formulated models, an extensive analytical
sponding posterior distributions (selected graphs are shown study is conducted to explore the implications of consti-
tuting variables on the time-dependent behavior of GFRP-
Table 1—Statistical properties of major parameters reinforced concrete columns loaded in concentric, uniaxial,
and biaxial manners. The prediction range spans up to 100
Parameter Distribution COV Reference
years, and long-term loading is applied at 28 days after
Compressive strength of concrete casting. It is again noted that the applicability of the
Normal 0.125 Nowak and Collins28
concrete, fc′
models is limited to non-slender columns without cracking.
Elastic modulus of GFRP,
Normal 0.037 You et al.29
Ef Benchmark column
Geometry of concrete
Normal 0.03 Okeil et al.30
A square column designed by Zadeh and Nanni26 was
section taken as the default member for numerical investigations.
Geometry of GFRP Normal 0.015 Kulkarni31 The column section, consisting of 500 x 500 mm (20 x
Fig. 3—Bayesian inference: (a) posterior distributions for concrete strength; and (b) predicted elastic modulus of concrete.
20 in.), was intended to carry structural loads specified in to concentric and uniaxial-eccentric loadings, respectively.
ASCE/SEI 7-1027 with the following properties: compres- As stated earlier, the level of eccentricity was increased
sive strength, elastic modulus, and modulus of rupture from 0%h (concentric) to 20%h (eccentric), where h is the
for concrete were fc′ = 35 MPa (5080 psi), Ec = 28 GPa dimension of the column section (Fig. 5(a), inset), until
(4060 ksi), and fr = 3.7 MPa (535 psi), respectively, and the the concrete stress reached the preset limit of either 40%fc′
elastic modulus of GFRP was Ef = 46 GPa (6670 ksi). The or fr. The sign convention used herein is that positive and
ultimate strength and rupture strain of GFRP adopted herein negative strains represent tension and compression, respec-
were ffu = 1030 MPa (150 ksi) and εfu = 2.24%, respectively, tively. Under the concentric loading (0%h in Fig. 5(a)), the
which were within the bounds of generic GFRP properties concrete strain was –106 × 10–6 at all corners; however, a
stated in ACI 440.1R-15.5 The primary reinforcement was bifurcation was noticed with the increased eccentricity. The
eight No. 8 GFRP bars (cross-sectional area [Af] = 510 mm2 response slope of Corners B and C differed between 0%h
[0.79 in.2] each), as depicted in Fig. 2(c), and discrete No. 3 and 5%h when a transition occurred from compression to
ties (cross-sectional area [At] = 71 mm2 [0.11 in.2] each) were tension; afterward, their strain profiles were mirror imaged.
placed at a spacing of 200 mm (8 in.). For consistency with It should be noted that strain magnitudes at Corners B and C
the validation section, the service structural loading was set were the same as those at Corners D and A on account of the
to 750 kN (170 kip), which was 40% of the axial load at the symmetric behavior under the uniaxial loadings. The GFRP
ultimate limit state. A variety of loading schemes (Fig. 2(b)) strain was uniform at 0%h, as in the case of the concrete
were applied at incremental eccentricities within a concrete strain, and began to rotate about the geometric centroid
stress range varying from 0% to 40%fc′ in compression. (Fig. 5(b)). These observations align with the fact that plain
sections remain plain. The reinforcing bar in the tension zone
Short-term behavior (Bar No. 1 at abscissa = –187 mm [–7.4 in.]) experienced an
Multi-axial loadings—Figures 5(a) and (b) exhibit the abrupt increase in strain due to the presence of eccentricity
concrete and reinforcing bar strains of the column subjected (5%h). Concrete strains resulting from the biaxial loadings
Fig. 7—Time-dependent material properties: (a) creep coefficient of concrete; (b) shrinkage strain in compression; (c) effective
modulus of concrete; and (d) effective modulus of GFRP.
applied, is provided in Fig. 8(a), contingent upon uniaxial were interacted in the long-term stress (Eq. (52)). Conse-
eccentricity varying from 0%h to 20%h. Contrary to the quently, concrete stresses were employed to better present
concrete strains under the short-term loading with the the ramifications of shrinkage and creep. As shown in the
linear stress-strain relationship, multiple strain components noticeable stress reduction from 0%h to 5%h, the eccentric
Fig. 10—Long-term behavior under biaxial loading: (a) ratio between long- and short-term stresses; (b) ratio between biaxial
and uniaxial stresses; (c) reinforcing bar strain with eccentricity; and (d) reinforcing bar strain with uniaxial and biaxial
The use of lightweight autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) block in factories, AAC blocks exhibit variability in strength prop-
masonry is gaining popularity in earthquake-resistant infilled rein- erties due to several manufacturing parameters, such as
forced concrete (RC) frame buildings due to its various benefits. temperature, humidity, curing conditions, constituent mate-
Therefore, appropriate knowledge of the strength properties of rials, proportions of the mixture, geometry, and supervision
AAC block masonry is necessary for a reasonable evaluation of the
(Bhosale et al. 2019). However, modeling the nonlinearity
seismic behavior of such buildings. In the present study, the uncer-
and uncertainty in the structural properties of AAC block
tainties related to the two most critical parameters that control the
resistance capacity of infilled masonry are investigated through masonry has not received any research attention, while these
laboratory experiments, and the best-fitted probability density two parameters constitute the primary input to assess the
functions are recommended. Furthermore, the in-plane seismic seismic safety of building structures. Similar studies with
performances of typical RC frame buildings infilled with AAC other building materials, such as reinforced concrete (RC),
block masonry are evaluated in a probabilistic framework consid- burnt clay, and fly ash brick masonry, are well reported by
ering the recommended probability density functions showing the many researchers (Sahoo et al. 2020; Sahu et al. 2019, 2020;
ineffectiveness of an assumed normal distribution for this purpose. Sherafati and Sohrabi 2016; Kilinc et al. 2012). Although
Although lightweight AAC block masonry slightly increases the the application of probabilistic methods in engineering
seismic risk of the building compared to traditional brick masonry design still is in the formative stages, efforts have been made
due to its lower strength properties, it can be safely used as an
(to varying degrees) to introduce such techniques into the
infill material in areas with high seismicity, as it achieves the code-
practice of earthquake-resistant design. Many international
prescribed reliability index.
codes and standards (ASCE/SEI 41-17 2017; ASCE/SEI
Keywords: autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) block masonry; compres- 7-16 2016; IS 1893-1:2016 2016, and so on) now accept a
sive strength; fragility curve; infilled frame; seismic reliability; shear-bond probabilistic structural design that considers uncertainties in
strength. demand and capacity.
The present study aims to assess the in-plane seismic
INTRODUCTION performance of AAC block-infilled RC frame buildings in
Autoclave aerated concrete (AAC) block masonry is a probabilistic framework. To accomplish this, a series of
commonly used for the construction of load-bearing and laboratory experiments are conducted to develop the uncer-
framed structures due to its several advantages over tradi- tainty and nonlinearity models of AAC block masonry. The
tional brick masonry. Very low density, high fire resistance, suitable probability distribution model for the compressive
better finishing, and convenience of handling are some of and shear-bond strength of AAC block masonry is evaluated
the important benefits of AAC block masonry in building from the statistical analyses of the experimental results. The
construction (Raj 2020; Bhosale et al. 2019; Ravichandran available force-deformation backbone curve (Panagiotakos
2009). Increased use of AAC block can help to preserve the and Fardis 1996) is used to model the nonlinearity of AAC
natural agricultural clayey soil used for building materials. block masonry with experimentally obtained parameters.
Also, the energy consumption for burning clay bricks in An accepted probability-based seismic assessment method
developing countries can be decreased significantly by the (Vamvatsikos and Cornell 2002; Ellingwood 2001) is used
increased use of AAC blocks. The porous structure and low to study the effect of AAC block masonry on the seismic
thermal conductivity of AAC can offer better sound and safety of infilled RC frame buildings. The suitability of the
thermal insulation. A detailed description of the composi- assumed normal distribution of strength properties of AAC
tion and manufacturing process of AAC blocks can be found block masonry is also investigated. Further, the relative
elsewhere (RILEM Technical Committees 78-MCA and in-plane seismic performance of RC frame buildings infilled
51-ALC 1993).
It is the general perception of practicing engineers that
due to its reduced mass density, AAC block masonry can ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
reduce the inertia force and thereby reduce the seismic risk MS No. S-2020-343.R3, doi: 10.14359/51734329, received May 22, 2021, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
of an infilled frame; however, this perception has not been Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
validated by any research findings. Although manufactured closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Fig. 3—AAC block masonry strength data histogram. (Note: 1000 psi = 6.895 MPa.)
Table 4—GOF test results for compressive strength of AAC block masonry
Distribution Statistic Rank Statistic Rank Statistic Rank Total statistics Final rank
Normal 0.146 5 0.234 2 1.649 5 1.673 5
Lognormal 0.109 1 0.281 3 0.199 2 0.361 1
Gamma 0.111 2 0.228 1 0.274 3 0.373 2
Weibull 0.111 3 0.364 4 1.540 4 1.587 4
Gumbel maximum 0.125 4 0.414 5 0.174 1 0.467 3
Gumbel minimum 0.199 6 0.878 6 1.656 6 1.885 6
Table 5—GOF test results for shear-bond strength of AAC block masonry
Distribution Statistic Rank Statistic Rank Statistic Rank Total statistics Final rank
Normal 0.205 5 1.426 4 0.019 2 1.441 4
Lognormal 0.138 2 0.622 1 0.527 5 0.827 2
Gamma 0.172 4 1.060 3 0.024 3 1.074 3
Weibull 0.134 1 2.192 5 0.459 4 2.243 5
Gumbel maximum 0.147 3 0.746 2 0.015 1 0.760 1
Gumbel minimum 0.266 6 3.619 6 2.930 6 4.664 6
Note: UD is uniformly distributed; T is top reinforcement; and B is bottom reinforcement. 1 m = 3.28 ft.
Note: UD is uniformly distributed; T is top reinforcement; and B is bottom reinforcement. 1 m = 3.28 ft.
E t sin 2
h h w (6)
4 Ec I c hw
where Ew, hw, and t are the modulus of elasticity, height, and
thickness of the infill panel, respectively; Ec and Ic are the
modulus of elasticity and the second moment of area of the
adjacent columns, respectively; and θ represents the infill
panel aspect ratio indicated in Fig. 7(a). The force-defor-
mation backbone curve for modeling the nonlinearity of the
equivalent strut adopted from published literature (Panag-
iotakos and Fardis 1996) is shown in Fig. 7(b). In the
absence of a specific model for AAC block masonry, the
aforementioned modeling approach is adopted in the present
study. A similar approach for modeling the equivalent strut
is also adopted by previous literature (Ravichandran 2009)
to analyze AAC block masonry-infilled frames.
The column end at the foundation is modeled by consid-
Fig. 5—Geometry of selected frames: (a) 6S3B; and (b)
ering fixity at the top of the foundation. All permanent mass
8S4B. (Note: 1 m = 3.28 ft.)
that moves with the structure is lumped at the appropriate
softening effect is used to model the concrete. Steel nodes as per Mazzoni et al. (2006). This includes the mass
reinforcing bars are modeled with isotropic strain- of beams, columns, slabs, infill walls, and the mass corre-
hardening properties as per Menegotto and Pinto (1973). sponding to the appropriate part (25%) of the live loads
Further details about the selected materials (that is, expected to be present in the structure during the ground
Concrete02 and Steel02) are available in the OpenSees shaking. The present study uses Rayleigh damping, which
material library (Mazzoni et al. 2006). Due to the complexity formulates the damping matrix as a linear combination of
of the micromodeling approach, the present study considers the mass matrix and stiffness matrix. As per the published
the macromodeling approach using double-bracing diag- literature and standards (Kaushik et al. 2006; EN 1998-
onal strut elements for modeling infill walls in line with the 1:2005 2005; FEMA-306 1999), out-of-plane collapses are
published literature (Wijaya et al. 2020; Bhosale et al. 2018; not common for infill walls of low slenderness value (ratio
Celarec et al. 2012). The equivalent width of the strut (w) is of the smaller of length or height to a thickness smaller than
formulated (IS 1893-1:2016 2016; Stafford Smith and Carter 15) and when walls are sufficiently confined in an RC frame,
1969) in terms of a nondimensional relative stiffness param- as is the case with most of the RC residential infilled frame
eter (λh) buildings. Therefore, the present study considers an in-plane
analysis of a representative two-dimensional middle frame
w = d(0.175λh–0.4) (5)
Fig. 7—Modeling of infill masonry: (a) schematic presentation of equivalent strut; and (b) backbone curve.
in the loading direction ignoring the torsional effects and Acc-475, is used to carry the nonlinear pseudodynamic
out-of-plane response. time-history analysis, and the roof displacement history
As discussed earlier, RC moment frames infilled with is recorded. Figure 8 shows the comparative plot between
AAC block masonry have been studied experimentally the roof displacement records of the experimental work
against static and quasi-static lateral loading by a few conducted on the ICONS infilled frame and the computa-
researchers (Milanesi et al. 2018; Celik 2016; Penna et al. tional results obtained from the present study. From this
2008). However, in the absence of the necessary information figure, it can be concluded that the modeling approach used
regarding the building models, nonlinear material character- in the present analysis will yield accurate behavior of the
istics, loading, and response history of those experiments, the infilled RC frame subjected to earthquake ground motion
modeling approach considered in this study is validated with with reasonable accuracy.
the results of a pseudodynamic experimental test conducted The uncertainty in the seismic loading is modeled consid-
at the European Laboratory for Structural Assessment for a ering a suite of earthquake ground motions. In the absence of
three-bay, four-story, clay brick-infilled full-scale RC frame sufficient ground-motion records in the Indian region where
(ICONS infilled frame). Details of the test specimens, mate- the buildings are assumed to be located, those recorded else-
rial properties, loading schemes, and response histories are where (California) with similar site conditions are consid-
available in Carvalho et al. (1999). A ground-motion record, ered for the present study, as recommended by Chopra
(for all selected distributions and frames) results in a higher traditional masonry due to its lower mass density. However,
value of the constant a, which corresponds to a higher value it is not really the true representation of their seismic
of ISD, leading to the higher vulnerability of the buildings. characteristics.
The values of βD|IM and R2 indicate that the dispersion in ISD
is more or less in a similar range for all considered frames, Fragility curves
and the power-law assumption of PSDM is quite acceptable. The fragility curves are developed for all the frames for
The building frames are additionally analyzed considering the selected performance limit state and are presented in Fig.
only the mass of the masonry, ignoring their strength and 12. The results presented in Fig. 12 support all the findings
stiffness contribution as usually done by practicing engi- of PSDMs shown in Fig. 10. The AAC-infilled RC frame is
neers. The resulting PSDMs of the two selected building found to be the most fragile among all the selected infilled
frames are presented in Fig. 11. Figure 11 shows the lowest frames. The order of the frames with different infill in
drift demand for the AAC in the open frame compared to terms of increasing probability of failure is fly ash < clay <
Fig. 14—Reliability curves for selected infill masonry materials at LS (ISD = 0.5%).
Table 12—Reliability indexes at selected limit state
Mean annual probability of occurrence of ground motions
Frame Infill type 50% in 50 years 20% in 50 years 10% in 50 years 2% in 50 years
AAC_BF 4.750 3.912 3.493 3.118
6S3B Clay 4.994 4.053 3.569 3.128
Fly ash 5.395 4.275 3.685 3.161
AAC_BF 4.454 3.768 3.422 3.105
8S4B Clay 4.796 3.975 3.531 3.127
Fly ash 4.804 4.011 3.576 3.165
engineering properties of AAC block masonry are reported in best-fitted probability density function for the compressive
the published literature. However, no studies on modeling the and shear-bond strength of AAC block masonry; and 2) the
uncertainty in key strength properties of AAC block masonry effect of AAC block masonry on the in-plane seismic resis-
are available in the published literature. This information is tance of infilled RC frame buildings. The most appropriate
essential for the formulation of limit state design criteria and statistical distributions for the compressive and shear-bond
probability-based seismic analysis of AAC block masonry strength of AAC block masonry prisms are proposed based
structures. The lightweight nature of AAC block masonry on experimental data and goodness-of-fit (GOF) tests (KS/
is believed to improve the seismic resistance of infilled RC KSL, AD, and CS). Only two-parameter distributions suit-
frame buildings, although there are no reported studies to able for brittle material properties are considered in this
justify this general assumption. Therefore, the present study study.
focuses on two aspects: 1) experimental evaluation of the
In this study, an analytical model using the strut-and-tie concept shear stress distribution over an entire wall cross section
was developed to predict reinforced concrete (RC) low-rise wall was uniform which is only valid for RC low-rise walls with
shear strengths. In the model, the failure mode considered was boundary elements having Hw/Lw less than 1.0.10,11 More-
crushing of the diagonal compression strut. To accurately determine over, the calculation of RC low-rise wall shear strengths
the strut area, a formula for calculating depth of compression zone
using their models needs an iterative procedure to obtain a
at the bottom of wall was derived with the aid of nonlinear finite
solution that satisfies equilibrium and compatibility condi-
element analysis. A total of 100 RC low-rise wall specimens failing
in shear obtained from available literature were used to verify the tions as well as constitutive law of materials. Thus, it may
accuracy of wall strength predictions of the proposed strut-and- not be practical to be used by engineers to estimate the shear
tie model. Furthermore, strength predictions from building codes strength of RC low-rise walls.
and other analytical models were also included for comparison In this study, an analytical model for predicting RC
purposes. The analysis results show that the proposed strut-and-tie low-rise wall shear strengths was developed based on the
model is conservative and it has the lowest coefficient of varia- strut-and-tie concept. RC low-rise walls having Hw/Lw less
tion as compared to other methods in predicting the shear strength than 2.5 can be categorized as disturbed regions where a
of RC low-rise walls. In addition, the predictions of the proposed plane section does not remain plane. In this case, the strut-
model are quite consistent and less scattered for wide ranges of and-tie model is considered as a rational approach to predict
wall height-length ratios and concrete compressive strengths.
the strength of disturbed regions.14 Later on, experimental
Keywords: building code predictions; reinforced concrete (RC) wall shear wall strengths obtained from available literatures were used
strengths; strut-and-tie. to verify the accuracy of the proposed strut-and-tie model.
In addition, strength predictions from building codes4,5 and
INTRODUCTION other strut-and-tie models15,16 were included as well for
The use of reinforced concrete (RC) walls has become comparison purposes.
increasingly popular nowadays due to their superior perfor-
mance against lateral loads such as wind and earthquake RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
loads.1 In addition, not only for lateral loads, RC walls This study focused on the development of an analytical
can also be used to resist gravity loads as well. Thus, it is model based on the strut-and-tie concept to predict RC
important to be able to determine the strength of RC walls low-rise wall shear strengths. It is expected that the model
accurately to provide safe and economical design, as these could serve as a rational yet simple approach for predicting
are two major concerns for structural engineers. Previous the shear strength of RC low-rise walls. Furthermore, the
studies by the authors2,3 show that the flexural strength of study conducted here provides a new formula for calcu-
RC walls can be reasonably well predicted using flexural lating the depth of the compression zone at the bottom of
theory for members subjected to axial load and bending RC low-rise walls in which the assumption of plane section
moment. However, for the shear strength, empirical building remains plane (linear strain distribution) is not valid. The
code formulas4,5 underestimate RC wall shear strengths by formula was developed with the aid of nonlinear finite
a significant margin, especially for high-strength concrete element analysis (FEA) using ATENA software.17 This is
(HSC) walls, and the overall predictions are quite scattered. important to accurately predict the shear strength of RC
Therefore, there was a need to develop an analytical model low-rise walls.
based on rational theory to accurately predict the shear
The rational theory for predicting RC members’ shear MODELS
strength was developed in early 1900s based on the truss ACI 318-194 and Eurocode 85 are two reference building
analogy.6,7 The theory was further developed to predict the codes that are adopted in many countries. As such, those two
shear strength of RC members more accurately.8,9 For RC
low-rise walls having a height-length ratio (Hw/Lw) less
ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
than 2.5, many researches have been conducted to predict MS No. S-2020-477.R1, doi: 10.14359/51734330, received July 3, 2021, and
the shear strength.10-13 All those theories are able to predict reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
the shear strength of RC low-rise walls with certain accu- obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
racy. However, in their truss models, it was assumed that closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Kassem’s model
Kassem16 proposed a strut-and-tie model and closed-form
design formula for predicting the shear strength of squat
walls. The model uses three shear-resisting mechanisms—
that is, diagonal, horizontal, and vertical mechanisms—
similar to Hwang-Lee’s model.15 In this model, a parametric
expression to calculate the shear strength of squat walls was
developed and calibrated using data of 645 walls obtained
from literature. The design formulas developed are as
follows (in SI units):
For walls with rectangular cross section
Fig. 2—Equilibrium of proposed strut-and-tie model.
Vn = 0.27 f c′ ψks sin ( 2θ) + 0.11ω h H ′ + 0.30ω v cot (θ) tw d w ≤ 0.83 f c′tw d w mechanism, a resultant force R is used to replace the axial
dw load P and tension force T in the equilibrium equation. The
(5a) resultant force R and lateral load V are equilibrated at point
A by diagonal compression force D and thus, it forms a strut-
For walls with flanged cross section and-tie model. The diagonal compression force D is equil-
ibrated at point B by compression force C and horizontal
Vn = 0.47 f c′ ψks sin ( 2θ) + 0.15ω h H ′ + 1.76ω v cot (θ) tw d w ≤ 1.25 reaction force that is equal to V. The governing failure mode
f c′tw d w
dw of the model is crushing of diagonal compression strut
(5b) which represents shear failure of the wall web. The internal
and external forces equilibrium of the model is described as
In this study, an analytical model for predicting RC
low-rise wall shear strengths was developed based on the R = C = Dsinθ (6)
strut-and-tie concept. The behavior of RC low-rise wall
having a height-length ratio (Hw/Lw) less than 2.5 is domi- V = Dcosθ (7)
nated by shear mode18,19 and it can be categorized as a
disturbed region where a plane section does not remain Determination of depth of compression zone at
plane and shear stress is not uniform within the wall panel. bottom of wall
Thus, the strut-and-tie model is considered a more appro- In this model, depth of compression zone at the bottom
priate approach to predict the strength as compared to the of wall c as displayed in Fig. 2 has to be determined first
sectional design model which includes concrete resis- before calculating the diagonal compression strut capacity.
tance to shear Vc due to tensile stresses in concrete.14,20 In Initially, the authors calculated the depth of compression
contrast to Hwang and Lee’s softened strut-and-tie model15 zone c based on flexural theory with the assumption of
that uses three compression struts, the model developed in linear strain distribution along the wall cross section. Never-
this study uses only one diagonal compression strut to be theless, this assumption led to inaccurate predictions of RC
simple. Furthermore, the contribution of web reinforcement wall shear strengths. This was because the assumption might
is accounted in terms of confinement effect to the diagonal not be valid for RC low-rise wall that can be categorized as
compression strut. disturbed region in which a plane section does not remain
plane. Thus, in this model, the value of c is calculated using
Equilibrium of proposed strut-and-tie model a formula that was derived using nonlinear FEA.
Initially, a typical RC low-rise wall with axial load P and First, some parameters that influence the depth of the
lateral load V as displayed in Fig. 2 has reaction forces at the compression zone were identified. Based on flexural theory,
bottom of the wall—that is, horizontal reaction force that these parameters are concrete strength fcꞌ, vertical reinforce-
is equal to V, vertical reaction force, and bending moment ment area in the edge column or boundary element Asb, and
that can be represented by a combination of tension force value of axial load P. Referring from the flexural theory for
T and compression force C. To simplify the load transfer a member subjected to axial load and bending moment, it is
Fig. 6—Values of c/Lw obtained from nonlinear FEA plotted against Asb/Aw: (a) cases for bf = 120 mm (4.72 in.); (b) cases for
bf = 250 mm (9.84 in.); and (c) cases for bf = 500 mm (19.69 in.).
Fig. 8—Relationships between c and varying parameters with average regression lines and their equations.
5 to 7 by plotting regression lines for each data series. From the figure, the values of c2, c3, and c4 were determined as
the equations of the regression lines, the constants were 0.5, 6.0, and –0.4, respectively. Subsequently, the value of c1
obtained and then the average constant value from all data was obtained by trial-and-error approach to achieve the most
series was calculated. The average regression lines as well suitable values of c that were in good agreement with the
as the average constant values are presented in Fig. 8. From values of c obtained from nonlinear FEA. Thus, the value of
No. Specimen ID fcꞌ, MPa P/(fcꞌAg) Hw/Lw ρvfyv, MPa ρhfyh, MPa ACI 318-19 4
Hwang-Lee15 Kassem16 Proposed model
Barda et al.26
10 B1-1 29 0.00 0.46 2.72 2.48 1.65 3.94 1.23 0.99 1.52
11 B2-1 16 0.00 0.46 2.76 2.50 1.51 3.45 1.72 1.06 1.39
12 B3-2 27 0.00 0.46 2.72 2.56 1.48 3.23 1.18 0.93 1.29
13 B6-4 21 0.00 0.46 1.24 2.48 1.25 2.72 1.39 1.22 1.33
14 B7-5 26 0.00 0.21 2.65 2.51 1.56 4.64 1.09 0.98 1.11
15 B8-5 23 0.00 0.96 2.64 2.48 1.24 2.24 1.82 1.02 1.57
Cardenas et al.19
16 SW-7 43 0.00 1.00 3.44 1.12 1.30 2.06 0.88 1.45 1.03
17 SW-8 42 0.00 1.00 13.45 1.26 1.36 2.02 0.97 1.28 0.96
Corley et al.27
24 B10 46 0.09 2.40 1.35 2.92 0.90 1.56 0.81 0.80 1.17
Maeda 28
27 MAE03 58 0.03 0.55 3.83 3.83 1.46 2.82 1.02 0.96 1.09
28 MAE07 58 0.03 0.55 6.42 6.42 1.52 2.38 1.10 1.10 1.11
Okamoto 29
29 W48M6 82 0.02 0.74 4.44 4.44 1.10 1.99 0.88 0.70 1.16
30 W48M4 82 0.02 0.74 4.12 4.12 1.12 1.97 0.86 0.68 1.14
31 W72M8 82 0.02 0.74 7.24 7.24 1.33 1.89 1.20 0.95 1.41
32 W72M6 82 0.02 0.74 6.65 6.65 1.30 1.93 1.17 0.93 1.38
33 W72M8 102 0.02 0.74 7.24 7.24 1.23 1.93 1.14 0.88 1.40
34 W96M8 102 0.02 0.74 9.41 9.41 1.44 2.04 1.33 1.03 1.49
35 S-1 79 0.00 1.00 5.45 2.89 1.11 1.58 0.99 0.61 1.03
36 S-2 65 0.07 1.00 5.45 2.89 1.96 2.24 1.32 1.06 1.55
37 S-3 69 0.13 1.00 5.45 2.89 2.28 2.28 1.23 1.21 1.53
38 S-4 75 0.00 1.00 8.00 2.89 1.58 2.16 1.43 0.82 1.32
39 S-5 73 0.06 1.00 8.00 2.89 2.10 2.43 1.42 1.10 1.49
No. Specimen ID fcꞌ, MPa P/(fcꞌAg) Hw/Lw ρvfyv, MPa ρhfyh, MPa ACI 318-19 4
Hwang-Lee15 Kassem16 Proposed model
40 S-6 71 0.13 1.00 8.00 2.89 2.59 2.60 1.40 1.37 1.62
41 S-7 71 0.06 1.00 5.45 5.45 1.52 2.05 1.41 1.12 1.56
42 W-08 103 0.09 1.18 5.75 5.75 1.48 1.93 1.35 1.10 1.89
43 W-12 138 0.09 1.18 5.75 5.75 1.46 1.95 1.21 1.02 1.99
44 No. 1 65 0.13 1.18 1.58 1.58 2.25 2.19 1.11 0.91 1.48
45 No. 2 71 0.12 1.18 2.75 2.75 1.90 1.93 1.18 0.99 1.55
46 No. 3 72 0.12 1.18 4.22 4.22 1.60 1.84 1.23 1.08 1.59
47 No. 4 103 0.14 1.18 4.22 4.22 1.84 1.88 1.22 1.11 1.70
48 No. 5 77 0.11 1.76 4.22 4.22 1.41 1.50 1.07 0.94 1.55
49 No. 6 74 0.12 1.18 9.31 9.31 1.45 1.86 1.26 1.09 1.34
50 No. 7 72 0.12 1.18 7.92 7.92 1.57 2.01 1.34 1.18 1.50
51 No. 8 76 0.11 1.18 11.52 11.52 1.66 2.13 1.45 1.25 1.45
Farvashany et al.31
52 HSCW1 104 0.04 1.25 6.74 2.51 2.20 2.36 1.56 1.00 1.62
53 HSCW2 93 0.09 1.25 6.74 2.51 2.60 2.48 1.60 1.18 1.78
54 HSCW3 86 0.09 1.25 4.01 2.51 1.96 1.85 1.19 0.91 1.38
55 HSCW4 91 0.22 1.25 4.01 2.51 2.68 1.99 1.13 1.23 1.56
56 HSCW5 84 0.09 1.25 6.74 4.01 1.93 2.07 1.42 1.18 1.66
57 HSCW6 90 0.05 1.25 6.74 4.01 1.77 1.94 1.49 1.06 1.63
58 HSCW7 102 0.08 1.25 4.01 4.01 1.85 1.94 1.39 1.08 1.67
Burgueno et al. 32
59 M05C 46 0.08 2.25 6.54 8.14 1.85 2.68 2.46 1.68 1.62
60 M05M 39 0.09 2.25 6.54 8.14 2.14 3.23 2.76 1.89 1.81
61 M10C 56 0.06 2.25 7.00 8.71 1.56 2.19 2.22 1.46 1.39
62 M10M 84 0.04 2.25 7.00 8.71 1.53 2.09 2.43 1.62 1.51
63 M15C 102 0.03 2.25 7.07 8.80 1.27 1.77 2.09 1.45 1.37
64 M15M 111 0.03 2.25 7.03 8.75 1.38 1.98 2.33 1.65 1.54
65 M20C 131 0.03 2.25 6.44 10.69 1.11 1.72 1.92 1.43 1.35
66 M20M 115 0.03 2.25 6.44 10.69 1.34 1.95 2.27 1.59 1.49
Cheng et al.33
67 M60 39 0.00 0.94 1.39 1.39 0.92 1.76 0.69 1.24 0.93
68 M115 38 0.00 0.94 1.21 2.41 0.68 1.14 0.68 1.23 0.83
69 H60 44 0.00 0.94 3.89 3.89 0.87 1.37 1.08 1.81 1.12
70 H115 44 0.00 0.94 3.30 3.30 0.88 1.39 0.99 1.70 1.13
71 H60X 42 0.00 0.94 3.89 3.89 0.88 1.41 1.10 1.85 1.14
72 J1 103 0.05 1.00 1.71 1.71 2.85 3.25 1.62 1.29 1.65
74 J3 111 0.05 1.00 1.71 4.34 2.09 2.36 1.71 1.51 1.87
76 J5 103 0.05 2.00 1.71 1.71 1.73 4.36 1.07 0.88 1.07
78 J7 111 0.05 2.00 1.71 4.34 1.46 2.58 1.23 1.24 1.52
No. Specimen ID fcꞌ, MPa P/(fcꞌAg) Hw/Lw ρvfyv, MPa ρhfyh, MPa ACI 318-194 EC85 Hwang-Lee15 Kassem16 Proposed model
Baek et al. 34
79 NS2 37 0.07 2.00 5.17 4.37 1.34 2.10 1.98 3.36 1.72
80 HS2 37 0.07 2.00 3.74 4.54 1.30 2.04 1.93 3.31 1.72
81 NS2L 37 0.07 2.00 3.10 2.16 1.40 2.57 1.31 2.46 1.43
82 HS2L 37 0.07 2.00 2.80 2.27 1.45 2.63 1.41 2.64 1.54
Baek et al. 35
83 NS1M 53 0.07 1.00 5.17 4.37 1.26 1.77 1.37 2.21 1.31
84 HS1M 53 0.07 1.00 4.67 4.54 1.17 1.64 1.28 2.06 1.22
85 NS0.5M 45 0.07 0.50 4.32 4.37 1.50 2.33 1.19 2.55 1.25
86 HS0.5M 37 0.07 0.50 3.87 4.54 1.54 2.40 1.29 2.74 1.29
Baek et al. 36
87 SW1 20 0.00 2.50 0.82 1.14 0.91 1.90 1.36 2.25 1.30
88 SW2 20 0.25 2.50 0.82 1.14 1.14 2.36 0.92 1.62 1.28
89 SW3 20 0.00 2.50 0.97 1.08 0.90 1.90 1.30 2.15 1.21
90 SW4 20 0.25 2.50 0.97 1.08 1.17 2.48 0.92 1.63 1.26
91 SW5 37 0.14 2.50 0.82 1.14 1.20 2.86 0.79 1.42 1.06
92 SW6 37 0.14 2.50 0.97 1.08 1.21 2.95 0.79 1.41 1.02
Hube et al. 37
93 WSL1 29 0.00 1.00 1.21 1.21 0.85 1.31 0.77 1.29 0.87
94 WSL3 29 0.00 1.00 1.56 1.56 1.01 1.50 1.02 1.70 1.13
95 WSL4 29 0.00 1.00 0.88 0.88 1.13 1.80 0.92 1.51 1.03
96 WSL5 29 0.00 1.00 0.89 0.89 1.00 1.58 0.82 1.34 0.91
97 WSL6 29 0.00 1.00 0.62 0.62 1.12 1.86 0.84 1.34 0.92
98 WSL7 29 0.00 1.00 1.51 1.51 0.89 1.34 0.87 1.46 1.00
99 WSL8 29 0.00 1.00 1.07 1.07 0.94 1.49 0.80 1.34 0.93
100 WSL9 29 0.00 1.00 1.12 1.12 1.07 1.67 0.92 1.54 1.07
Statistical parameters
Specimen J5 data:
Concrete compressive strength, fcꞌ = 103.3 MPa r = 243.31 mm
Wall gross cross-sectional area, Ag = 196,000 mm2
Axial load applied at top of wall, P = 1012 kN (compression) Calculate θ using Eq. (14)
Wall height, Hw = 2000 mm H′
Wall length, Lw = 1000 mm θ = tan −1
Lw − r − 0.5c
Astr = as × tw
ζ = 0.6 (1 − fc'/250) × 0.80 (1 + 1.6αwωw) ≤ 0.85
Astr = c × sinθ × tw
ζ = 0.6 (1 − 103.3/250) × 0.80 (1 + 1.6 × 0.4 × 0.09)
Astr = 408.23 × sin59° × 100
ζ = 0.30
Astr = 34,992.14 mm2
3. Calculate Dn using Eq. (9)
2. Calculate ζ using Eq. (10):
Calculating αw using Eq. (11) Dn = ζfc'Astr
α w = 1.6 ≤ 0.4 Dn = 0.30 × 103.3 × 34,992.14
Dn = 1077.18 kN
α w = 1.6
100 4. Calculate Vn using Eq. (15)
αw = 3.2 Vn = Dncosθ
Analytical procedures for enhanced nonlinear finite element aging and damaged concrete structures that employ rational
analysis of shear-critical reinforced concrete structures affected analytical procedures, with appropriate constitutive models
by alkali-silica reaction (ASR) are presented. A novel model that for degradation mechanisms and are capable of analyzing
addresses the directional variations in the mechanical properties of structures under general loading conditions, represent a
ASR-affected concrete is developed; in it, the residual mechanical
fundamental research topic for modern structural appraisal.
properties are evaluated based on the sustained long-term stress
The work presented in this paper is centered in the realm
condition and on the severity of the expansion. The proposed model
is implemented within a nonlinear finite element analysis program of macro-modeling, where the emphasis lies on the global
and validation analyses are carried out to examine the accuracy of behavior of a structure. Therefore, the ASR-induced defor-
the methodology proposed, as well as to identify mechanisms that mations, stresses, and deterioration of the mechanical
have a significant influence on the analysis of ASR-affected spec- properties need to be considered appropriately. There are
imens that are prone to brittle failure. It is found that more accu- numerous models in the literature; the majority of them were
rate predictions are obtained when considering directionality in the implemented within the framework of an FE method. The
mechanical properties using the model developed. The results also kinetics of the reaction is typically based on experimental
indicate that for ASR-affected structures in the field, material infor- studies, while the behavior of concrete is simulated as either
mation from either damaged or undamaged concrete can be used linear elastic or nonlinear. Some approaches presented in the
as valuable information for numerical analysis.
literature adopt an elasto-plastic behavior for concrete2 or a
Keywords: alkali-silica reaction (ASR); beams; direction-dependent visco-elasto-plastic damage model,3 while others are based
mechanical properties; finite element analysis; panels; shear walls. on a smeared fixed crack model.4,5
Esposito and Hendriks6 proposed a classification of the
INTRODUCTION ASR models available in the literature based on the level
Concrete is one of the most used materials in the world as at which the input and output parameters were defined. The
it continues to be the material of choice in the construction goal of this comprehensive review was to identify models
industry. However, concrete is vulnerable to several factors that could be used for structural analysis. A total of 40
that can cause premature deterioration. The most common modeling approaches were grouped based on concrete expan-
and severe forms of deterioration are usually caused by a sion, internal pressure, gel production, and ions diffusion-
combination of factors and are linked with the volume reaction. Apart from the models based on concrete expan-
expansion of concrete and reinforcing bars. Among these sion, the other three categories were found to not be directly
deterioration mechanisms are endogenous chemical reac- applicable to the evaluation of the structural response of
tions such as alkali-silica reactivity (ASR), which lead to ASR-affected structures. In addition, the models based on
expansion and cracking of concrete that in turn may result in concrete expansion, which have structural assessment as
cover spalling and corrosion of the embedded reinforcement. their primary goal, were found to require a large number
As such, structures in need of assessment and advanced of input parameters that in many cases were not available.
modeling are oftentimes existing buildings experiencing The study concluded that reliable computational modeling
different levels of distress. of the effects of ASR on the behavior of structures remains
Population growth together with economic development an unsolved issue.
will exert significant strain on resources. The OECD1 report The ASCET (Assessment of Structures Subjected to
on the projection of global material resources estimates that Concrete Pathologies) program was organized by the Cana-
material use will rise from 89 Gt in 2017 to 167 Gt in 2060. dian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and by the U.S.
This growth will be reflected in all major types of materials. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S. NRC) to address
Greenhouse gas emissions are strongly linked to material aging management of nuclear concrete structures, taking
use policies; today, concrete manufacturing accounts for into account the effect of ASR on structural deterioration. As
9% of the total greenhouse gas emissions, and it is projected part of the ASCET benchmark exercise, researchers around
that in 2060, 12% of the emissions will be due to concrete
ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
production. MS No. S-2021-012.R2, doi: 10.14359/51734331, received April 4, 2021, and
The current environmental and economic climate dictates reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
a trend of prudent maintenance, assessment, and rehabilita- obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
tion of existing structures. Finite element (FE) analyses of closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
AF3 3.31 0.42 — 38.2 18,300 4.34 0.53 6.99 6.50 2.32
AF4 3.31 0.84 — 41.3 18,600 4.32 0.35 9.77 7.37 Jobe-Newman
AF5 3.31 0.42 — 52.5 21,000 3.96 0.33 6.99 6.67 1.23
AF6 3.31 0.84 — 52.1 20,100 4.32 0.49 9.63 7.39 Spratt
AF7 3.31 0.42 1.69 46.3 21,200 4.90 0.50 7.33 7.07 2.49
AF8 3.31 0.84 1.69 47.1 19,400 5.67 0.87 10.42 7.83 Jobe-Newman
AF9 3.31 0.20 — 46.9 18,900 3.90 0.25 4.79 3.81 2.36
AF10 3.31 1.66 — 50.9 21,200 5.21 0.48 10.79 ‡
5.98 Jobe-Newman
Expansion primarily attributed to swelling due to water absorption.
Edge failure.
Tested under cyclic loading.
Note: 1 MPa = 145 psi.
As such, kASR.i, lASR.i, and mASR.i are defined as the direction VecTor2 dated November 2019, and were constructed with
cosines for the orientation of the principal stress field with VecTor2’s pre-processor software, FormWorks 4.3.15 The
respect to the global reference axes at the end of the ASR post-processor Augustus26 was used to process and visualize
analysis; i = 1, 2, 3 represent the principal directions where the results.
f3 < f2 < f1 (compression negative). Similarly, the direction
cosines ki, li, and mi are defined for the current orientation of PANEL ELEMENTS
the principal stress field with respect to the global reference A set of 10 reinforced concrete panel elements tested by
axes; i = 1, 2, 3 represent the principal directions where f3 < Ferche and Vecchio16 were investigated as part of the vali-
f2 < f1 (compression negative). dation studies. The panels, 890 mm (35 in.) square x 70 mm
For two-dimensional analyses, the modification factors (2.7 in.) thick, contained varying amounts of in-plane and
corresponding to the current first and second in-plane prin- out-of-plane reinforcement, and were cast with either nonre-
cipal directions, kj.1c and kj.2c (j = fp, Ec, ft), are evaluated as active, reactive fine (Jobe-Newman), or reactive coarse
(Spratt) aggregate. The specimens were conditioned under
k j .1 k1kASR.1 l1lASR.1 m1mASR.1
2 elevated humidity and temperature to accelerate the reaction
rate. At the end of the conditioning period, the panels were
k j .1c k j .2 k1kASR.2 l1lASRR.2 m1mASR.2 (15) tested under in-plane pure shear loading conditions. The
following properties and test results are shown in Table 1
k j .3 k1kASR.3 l1lASR.3 m1mASR.3
for the panel specimens: the reinforcement ratios ρx, ρy, and
ρz; the concrete compressive strength and modulus of elas-
k j .1 k2 kASR.1 l2 lASR.1 m2 mASR.1
ticity fcp and Ec; shear stress and strain at cracking νcr and
k j .2 c k j .2 k2 kASR.2 l2 lASRR.2 m2 mASR.2 (16)
2 γcr; ultimate stress and strain νu and γu; the ASR expansion
measured on accompanying prisms specimens εASR; as well
k j .3 k2 kASR.3 l2 lASR.3 m2 mASR.3
as the type of reactive aggregate used in the mixture.
Each panel was modeled as a single four-node plane
where kj.1, kj.2, and kj.3 are the modification factors calculated stress rectangular element. The analyses were performed in
along the principal directions at the end of the ASR analysis, force-controlled conditions. The shear stress was increased
considering long-term sustained loading conditions only, by 0.10 MPa (14.5 psi) at each analysis step for the mono-
according to the model proposed. tonically tested panels and by 0.20 MPa (29 psi) for the
For a two-dimensional analysis procedure, the modifica- cyclically loaded panel. The reinforcement was modeled
tion factors calculated in the out-of-plane direction remain as smeared reinforcement with the mechanical properties
constant throughout the analysis, and m1 = m2 = 0.0. measured from coupon tests, summarized in Table C.1
Given in Appendix B is the nonlinear analysis algo- of Appendix C. Also summarized in Appendix C are the
rithm employed in VecTor2. Highlighted with red are the concrete and reinforcement stresses at the end of the condi-
steps where ASR strains are calculated and included in the tioning period, before the beginning of the shear test (Table
concrete prestrains vector, {εco}, and where the mechanical C.2). The concrete compressive stresses in the x-direction
properties modification factors are evaluated. varied between 3.74 and 6.06 MPa (542 and 879 psi), while in
Validation studies were performed on ASR-affected speci- the y-direction they were in the 0.89 to 3.33 MPa (129 to 483
mens to obtain an indication of the accuracy of the proposed psi) interval, depending on the reactivity of the mixture and
model. All the analyses were performed with the version of
Discussion—panel elements
The results are summarized for the monotonically
Fig. 4—Numerical versus experimental response for Panel
tested reactive panels in Table 2. For each type of analysis
AF3. (Note: 1 MPa = 145 psi.)
performed, the mean and coefficient of variation are shown
the concrete stresses fcx and fcy, the total strains ε and for the cracking shear stress ratio νcr.Calc/νcr.Exp, the ultimate
ε, and the concrete strains εx.ASR and εy.ASR in the x- and shear stress ratio νu.Calc/νu.Exp, and the ultimate shear strain
y-directions. The reported measured strains and stresses ratio γu.Calc/γu.Exp.
were based on measurements of total surface strains using The anisotropic mechanical properties model employed
Zurich gauges. The data show that the ASR expansion with the Charlwood model for ASR expansion yielded
model influenced the calculated initial stress and strain state superior predictions compared to the rest of the analyses,
significantly, compared to the approach taken to model the followed closely by the model using the cylinder properties.
mechanical properties, which had a marginal effect. In this The analyses performed with the Saouma and Perotti model
case, the Saouma and Perotti (labeled S&P) predictions for overestimate the cracking strength, whereas the ultimate
the ASR-induced strains matched the experimental measure- shear strength matched well with the experimental capacity.
ments to a closer degree than did the Charlwood model. Reactive Panel AF10 was subjected to cyclic shear loading.
As expected, neglecting the ASR expansion resulted in no The target peak shear stress of each cycle was 10.8 MPa.
initial strains and stresses for the panel specimens. The panel failed after 15 cycles. Shown in Table C.6 are the
Shown in Fig. 4(a) are the results obtained for Panel AF3 results obtained for each different analysis performed. The
using the Charlwood model for expansion. In terms of the cracking strength, post-cracking stiffness, and the number
of cycles to failure were better captured using either the
The validation analyses examining the proposed model for
the mechanical properties of ASR-affected concrete included
large shear-critical beam specimens tested by Deschenes
et al.17 The reactive specimens were cast with Jobe-Newman
fine aggregate and two nonreactive specimens were used as
a basis of comparison for long-term structural performance.
The specimens were structurally identical, with a width of
533 mm (21 in.) and a height of 1067 mm (42 in.). Two inde-
pendent shear tests, a deep beam shear test and a sectional
shear test, were performed on each specimen; one at each
end. The shear span-depth ratio was 1.85 for the deep beam
tests and 3.0 for the sectional shear tests. The longitudinal
reinforcement ratio of 3.1% was chosen such that a shear
failure would be obtained. The minimum amount of trans-
Fig. 7—Numerical versus experimental responses for selected
verse reinforcement was provided to ensure that the spec-
shear walls. (Note: 1 kN = 0.225 kip; 1 mm = 0.04 in.)
imens represented the least conservative field scenario:
reactive ASR A1 wall. For both specimens, the initial stiff- 0.31% for the deep beam tests and 0.15% for the sectional
ness, peak load, ductility, and failure mode were captured shear tests. The specimens were conditioned outside, with a
well by the FE analysis. Shown in Table 3 is the summary sustained load applied to simulate long-term service loading.
of results for all wall specimens in terms of peak force The FE model constructed to represent these specimens,
Pu and ultimate displacement δu ratios for calculated-to- showing the support conditions and the load application
experimental values. Note that the calculated and experi- for the deep beam test scenario, is illustrated in Fig. 8. The
mental ultimate displacements were reported as the displace- longitudinal reinforcement was represented using discrete
ments recorded before a reduction higher than 15% in the truss bar elements, whereas the stirrups and the crack control
horizontal load was measured. The peak loads of all wall reinforcement were smeared within the concrete elements.
specimens were matched well by the analytical results, with The mesh size used was 50 x 50 mm (2 x 2 in.). A monotoni-
the general tendency for the predictions being on the conser- cally increasing displacement-controlled load was applied
vative side. The ultimate displacements were reasonably well in increments of 0.25 mm (9.8 × 10–3 in.) until failure. For
captured for the nonreactive walls and for the reactive wall the reactive specimens, the load applied during the condi-
ASR B2; however, for walls ASR A1 and ASR B2, greater tioning phase was introduced as nodal loading active during
dissimilarity was noted between the calculated and the the ASR analysis only. Additionally, the dead load of the
specimens was simulated as gravity loading during both
ASR analysis and shear testing. Perfect bond was assumed and R2. The simulated crack patterns match sufficiently well
between concrete and reinforcement. the observed crack patterns, capturing the reduced crack
The reinforcement properties specified in the analysis distribution observed for the reactive specimens.
were the yield strength, the modulus of elasticity, and the
ultimate strength, as summarized in Appendix E. The DISCUSSION AND FUTURE WORK
concrete mechanical property specified was the compres- The proposed model provided reasonably accurate results
sive strength. Two analyses were performed for the reactive over the range of conditions examined. However, there are
specimens depending on the model for the mechanical prop- aspects in need of further study.
erties of concrete. In one case, the compressive strength as The material-level program that served as a basis for the
determined at the test date, from standard 100 mm (4 in.) Φ development of the model investigated a limited set of stress
cylinder tests, was used in the analysis. The second analysis conditions and expansion levels. Additional tests on concrete
employed the proposed anisotropic model for the mechanical subjected to long-term multi-axial stresses and undergoing
properties of concrete in conjunction with the compressive ASR expansion will potentially lead to a more refined model
strength of sound concrete at test date. Table 4 summarizes for the mechanical properties of ASR-affected concrete.
the concrete compressive strengths used in the analyses, fcp, Additionally, mechanical tests on concrete specimens that
and the ASR expansion strains considered for the ASR analysis have experienced ASR under environmental field conditions
phase εASR. For the anisotropic analyses of the reactive speci- would be a valuable addition to the current database. Central
mens, the compressive strengths measured from the nonre- to this suggested investigation is the ability to estimate the
active specimens nR1 DB and nR1 SS were used. long-term stress condition.
Shown in Table 4 is a summary of the results presented in Data from the literature suggest that ASR-affected
terms of shear strength for each test. Note that the ultimate concrete exhibits a continuous increase in the Poisson’s ratio
shear strength was reported to be the shear force acting at the with the increase of normal stress. This can potentially have
midspan of the test region. Both analyses matched well the a significant influence on the level of confinement induced.
experimentally measured shear strengths. The methodology proposed in this study does not address
The differences between the results obtained using the this phenomenon. Future work on this topic could provide
anisotropic model versus the cylinder properties were negli- further valuable insight on the behavior of ASR-affected
gible for these specimens. One reason behind this was the structures.
reinforcement configuration of the beam specimens. The
transverse reinforcement provided confinement of the core CONCLUSIONS
of the beams, and therefore had a beneficial effect on the The proposed model for the mechanical properties of alkali-
overall strength of the specimens. Experimental observa- silica reaction (ASR)-affected concrete is shown to be a
tions noted that ASR-induced cracks did not penetrate within viable approach for modeling reactive shear-critical rein-
the structural core of the specimens. It is of interest for future forced concrete elements. There is unequivocal evidence
work to analyze the response of ASR-affected beams or slab that the concrete mechanical properties are differently
strips with no transverse reinforcement. affected by ASR-induced damage. Moreover, the deterio-
The reactive specimens were found to have a markedly ration of mechanical properties is direction-dependent. The
different progression of cracking compared to the nonreac- proposed model, compatible with smeared crack formula-
tive specimens. The reactive specimens developed diagonal tions, considers this anisotropy through empirically deter-
cracks at higher applied shear load and the density of cracks mined modification factors applied to the compressive
was considerably reduced in comparison to the nonreactive strength, modulus of elasticity, and tensile strength of unaf-
specimens. These test observations are in good agreement fected concrete. The following conclusions are derived from
with the observations on the behavior of the panel speci- this work:
mens tested as part of this work. Shown in Fig. 9 and 10 1. The proposed anisotropic model yields results that
are the experimental and analytical crack patterns at failure closely match experimental observations when used with
following the deep beam tests performed on specimens nR1 the Charlwood model for ASR expansion. The validation
The present study investigated nonlinear modeling parameters Ishikawa and Kimura (1996), and Shimazaki (2004) studied
for reinforced concrete coupling beams. Based on a review of the the cyclic behavior of short and long coupling beams. The
existing test results of 79 coupling beams, modeling parameters effects of concrete type (that is, normal-weight and light-
of varying aspect ratios and transverse reinforcement ratios were weight concrete), main reinforcement layouts (that is,
proposed. First, the effective stiffness and yield deformation were
conventional reinforcement, diagonal reinforcement, and
formulated as functions of aspect ratio. Second, the deformation
both), and transverse reinforcement details on the strength
capacity varying with reinforcement details was examined, and its
design equation was defined as a function of transverse reinforce- and ductility were investigated. Xiao et al. (1999) investi-
ment ratio. Third, the energy dissipation ratio to define hysteresis gated the behavior of high-strength concrete coupling beams
loop under cyclic loading was suggested as a function of aspect under cyclic loading. The tests showed that longitudinal
ratio and reinforcement details. For verification, the modeling reinforcements distributed across the beam section height
results of load-deformation relations were compared with the significantly improved the hysteretic energy dissipation and
existing test results. The predicted load-deformation relations ductility by reducing an accumulation of longitudinal elon-
showed good agreement with the test results. Finally, practical gation deformations. Accumulated longitudinal elongation
applications to computer modeling are discussed. and its effects on cyclic behavior were investigated by Lee
and Watanabe (2003) and Eom and Park (2013), respectively.
Keywords: coupled wall; coupling beam; effective stiffness; modeling
parameters; nonlinear modeling. Naish et al. (2013a, 2013b) studied the cyclic behavior
and modeling methods of conventionally reinforced and
INTRODUCTION diagonally reinforced coupling beams. Based on the results,
Reinforced concrete coupling beams used in tall buildings they proposed modeling parameters, including the effects of
develop large chord rotation under seismic loads owing to the aspect ratio l/h. Eom et al. (2009) studied a nonlinear
differences in vertical displacements Δ of the coupled walls truss model and hysteretic energy dissipation of diagonally
(refer to Fig. 1(a)) (Paulay 2002; Moehle et al. 2012). Such reinforced short coupling beams. Based on the results, they
coupling beams usually have low aspect ratios (length-to- proposed energy-based cyclic models for coupling beams,
height ratios, l/h) between 1 and 4, and their behavior can with emphasis on an accurate estimation of the hysteretic
be dominated either by shear or by flexure depending on l/h energy dissipation. Lim et al. (2016a, 2016b) studied seismic
(American Society of Civil Engineers 2017; Paulay 2002): behavior and strut-and-tie models of conventionally rein-
for coupling beams with l/h ≤ 2.0, behavior is controlled by forced and diagonally reinforced coupling beams with short
shear (ACI Committee 318 2019); for coupling beams with and intermediate aspect ratios (that is, 1 ≤ l/h ≤ 4). Park et al.
l/h ≥ 4.0, on the other hand, behavior is controlled by flexure; (2020) studied the seismic performance of coupling beams
and for coupling beams with 2 < l/h < 4, the behavior mode with different transverse reinforcement details. Ameen et al.
changes from “shear” to “flexure” as l/h increases. Further, (2020) studied the effects of high-strength steel bars on
the coupling beam behavior can be affected by reinforce- coupling beam behavior.
ment details, such as diagonal and transverse reinforcements In ASCE/SEI 41-17, modeling parameters for coupling
(Naish et al. 2013b; Galano and Vignoli 2000). Thus, when beams, such as effective stiffness (that is, flexural rigidity
determining modeling parameters for coupling beams, the 0.3EcIg and shear rigidity 0.4EcAw), deformation param-
effects of these design variables need to be addressed. eters (θd = 0.008 to 0.30 rad and θe = 0.014 to 0.05 rad),
There have been many studies on the behavior of coupling and residual strength ratio (c = 0.2 to 0.8), are specified
beams. Barney et al. (1978) investigated the effects of l/h, in Tables 10-5, 10-19, and 10-20 (refer to Fig. 1(b)). For
reinforcement details, and confined core size on the cyclic modeling in accordance with ASCE/SEI 41-17, its behavior
responses of coupling beams. The test results showed that mode (“controlled by flexure” or “controlled by shear”)
diagonal reinforcements significantly improved the perfor- needs to be defined; then, the modeling parameters θd, θe,
mance of coupling beams, although the level of improve- and c are determined, considering reinforcement details and
ments differed according to l/h; and larger concrete core shear stress level. Although ASCE/SEI 41 has updated these
size also improved ductility. Tegos and Penelis (1988) and ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 3, March 2022.
Galano and Vignoli (2000) studied the behavior of short MS No. S-2021-040.R1, doi: 10.14359/51734139, received August 1, 2021, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
coupling beams with various reinforcement details under Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
monotonic and cyclic loadings. Kanakubo et al. (1996), closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Kanakubo et al. NX7L 41.7 0.95 1.89 2.80 0.33 Diagonal (X) High
(1996) NHPL13 79.5 1.81 — 2.40 0.22 Conventional Low (pinched)
LPH 37.9 2.84 — 2.80 0.80 Conventional Low (pinched)
LX7L 37.9 0.95 1.89 2.80 0.33 Diagonal (X) High
S-No.1 54.0 0.99 1.98 2.50 0.21
S-No.2 51.0 0.99 1.98 2.50 0.32
S-No.3 54.0 0.99 1.98 2.50 0.21
S-No.4 51.0 0.99 1.98 2.50 0.32
Shimazaki (2004) Diagonal (X) High
S-No.5 51.0 0.99 1.98 2.50 0.64
S-No.6 64.0 0.99 1.98 2.50 0.64
S-No.7 48.0 0.99 2.85 2.50 0.64
S-No.8 32.0 0.99 1.98 2.50 0.64
IK-No.1 42.2 0.59 1.15 1.78 0.24
IK-No.2 45.9 1.17 1.72 1.78 0.24
IK-No.3 45.1 1.17 1.72 1.78 0.24
IK-No.4 48.2 1.17 1.72 1.78 0.24
Galano and P13 47.5 0.52 0.52 1.50 0.55 Diagonal (DX) NA (Monotonic)
Vignoli (2000) P02 44.5 1.14 — 1.50 0.84 Conventional Low (pinched)
P07 54.0 0.28 1.05 1.50 0.39 Diagonal (X) High
P12 41.6 0.28 1.05 1.50 0.31 Diagonal (X) High
P14 45.0 0.52 0.52 1.50 0.55 Diagonal (DX) High
C1 20.3 0.66 0.66 2.47 0.41 Diagonal (DX) Low (pinched)
C2 21.0 1.31 — 2.47 0.41 Conventional Low (pinched)
C3 20.5 0.66 1.31 2.47 0.41 Diagonal (DX) Low (pinched)
Barney et al. C4 24.1 0.66 1.31 2.47 0.41 Diagonal (DX) Low (pinched)
(1978) C5 21.7 1.31 — 2.47 0.41 Conventional Low (pinched)
C6 18.1 0.16 1.56 2.47 0.41 Diagonal (X) High
C7 25.6 1.31 — 4.94 0.41 Conventional Moderate
C8 23.9 0.16 1.56 4.94 0.41 Diagonal (X) High
Naish et al. CB24F-PT 50.0 — 3.99 2.40 0.92 Diagonal (X) High
(2013a) CB24F-1/2-PT 48.2 — 3.99 2.40 0.46 Diagonal (X) High
CB33F 47.3 — 3.33 3.33 0.92 Diagonal (X) High
CB33D 47.3 — 3.33 3.33 0.34 Diagonal (X) High
FB33 41.4 1.22 — 3.33 0.92 Conventional Moderate
CB10-1 34.5 0.57 3.24 1.00 1.52 Diagonal (X) High
Lim et al.
CB20-1 52.1 0.84 3.43 2.00 1.27 Diagonal (X) High
CB20-2 52.2 3.73 — 2.00 1.81 Conventional Low (pinched)
CB30-C 47.9 3.58 — 3.00 1.27 Conventional Low (pinched)
CB30-DA 39.7 0.34 4.24 3.00 0.63 Diagonal (X) High
Lim et al. CB30DB 38.4 0.48 4.24 3.00 1.27 Diagonal (X) High
(2016a)‡ CB30-H 58.0 2.21 2.12 3.00 1.27 Diagonal (X) Moderate
CB40-C 58.0 3.43 — 4.00 1.27 Conventional Moderate
CB40-H 59.0 2.82 0.77 4.00 1.27 Diagonal (X) Moderate
CCB 66.5 0.74 1.90 2.00 1.27 Moderate
Park et al.
CCBWC 66.5 0.74 1.90 2.00 0.63 Diagonal (X) Moderate
SFRCWC 62.5 0.74 1.90 2.00 0.63 Moderate
CB1 41.0 — 4.00 1.89 0.73 High
Ameen et al. CB2 50.0 — 1.96 1.89 0.73 Moderate
Diagonal (X)
(2020) CB2D 43.0 — 1.96 1.89 0.73 Moderate
CB3D 43.0 — 2.94 1.89 0.73 Moderate
Reinforcement layouts “Conventional,” “Diagonal (X),” and “Diagonal (DX)” refer to Fig. 6.
Energy dissipations are qualitatively classified as “Low (pinched),” “Moderate,” and “High,” based on shapes of cyclic curves. Refer to Fig. 7(a).
Specimens failed by shear before flexural yielding are excluded.
Note: 1 ksi = 6.90 MPa.
difficult to distinguish or measure the contributions of shear The values of αf and αs in Fig. 2 are calculated as follows.
and flexure accurately. For this reason, in current seismic αf in Fig. 2(a) is defined by dividing the measured Ke by the
evaluation and design guidelines, the overall behavior of a coupling beam flexural stiffness (6EcIg/l) without consider-
coupling beam is represented by using either a flexural model ation of shear stiffness; αf = Ke/[6EcIg/l]. On the other hand,
(refer to Fig. 2(a)) or a shear model (refer to Fig. 2(b)). In αs in Fig. 2(b) is defined by dividing the measured Ke by
each model, the overall stiffness and deformation represent the coupling beam shear stiffness (0.5GAwl) without consid-
the combined behavior of flexure and shear. ering flexural stiffness; αs = Ke/[0.5GAwl]. Ec is the elastic
Figure 2 shows the effective stiffness factors αf for flex- modulus of concrete, taken as 4700√fc′, and Ig is the second-
ural modeling and αs for shear modeling, varying with order moment of inertia of the uncracked concrete section.
aspect ratio l/h. Solid (+) and void (–) circles indicate the The shear modulus G is taken as 0.4Ec and Aw = bwh. The
test data under positive and negative loadings, respectively. values of αf in Fig. 2(a) show an increasing trend from 0 to
Effective stiffness
Figure 4(a) shows an idealized model for coupling beams.
Assuming a linear elastic behavior, the chord rotation of the Fig. 3—Yield rotation of coupling beams according to aspect
coupling beam can be simplified as the sum of flexural and ratio.
shear deformations as follows.
Ke f
Kf f K f (2)
M M M 1
f s or s K s
K e f K f s K s (1)
Ke s
where Ke is overall stiffness, including contributions of s
Ks K
flexure and shear; Kf is flexural stiffness (6EcIg/l, refer 1 s s
(3) f Kf
to Fig. 2(a)); and Ks is shear stiffness (0.5GAwl, refer to
Fig. 2(b)). In Eq. (1), βf and βs are factors accounting for By substituting βf = 0.3, βs = 0.04[l/h], and Kf/Ks = 2.5[h/l]2
a reduction in flexural and shear rigidities due to concrete into Eq. (2) and Eq. (3), αf and αs can be expressed as follows.
cracking, respectively. For a rectangular section of width bw
and height h, Ig and Aw are bwh3/12 and bwh, respectively,
and by taking G as 0.4Ec, Kf/Ks yields 2.5[h/l]2. Given that 0.3 0.3
f (4)
h h
3 3
flexural cracking occurs mostly at the beam ends regardless
1 18.8 1 20
of whether the beam span is slender or short, the reduction l l
factor for flexural rigidity can be approximate as βf = 0.3,
which is the same as that for ordinary reinforced concrete l l
0.04 0.04
beams. On the other hand, if l/h increases progressively, s h h
shear cracking reduces as the coupling beam behavior is 1 l 1 l
3 3
1 1 (5)
governed more by flexure than by shear. Thus, in this study, 18.8 h 20 h
the reduction factor for shear rigidity is approximated as
βs = 0.04[l/h], which is linearly proportional to l/h (refer to
As shown in Fig. 4(b) and (c), the predicted αf and αs
Fig. 2(b)).
plotted as the dashed lines trace the test results varying with
From Eq. (1), the effective stiffness factors αf and αs can
l/h. αf in Eq. (4) approaches 0.3 as l/h increases to 5; αs in
be defined as follows.
EI e f Ec I g 0.3Ec I g (6)
GAe s GAw 0.04 GAw (7)
Yield deformation
The yield rotation θy of coupling beams can be calculated
using the effective stiffness Ke (= αfKf), as follows (refer to Fig. 5—Comparison of predicted yield rotations with test
Fig. 1(b) and Eq. (4)). values.
y In this section, the effects of aspect ratio (l/h), reinforce-
f Kf 0.3 6 Ec I g
ment layouts, transverse reinforcement ratio (ρt) on the
1 20 h / l l
deformation capacity (θd) in Fig. 1(b) were investigated
1 20 h / l M u l
3 as follows.
Figure 6 shows the values of θd varying with l/h and ρt.
1.8 Ec I g Figure 6(a) and (b) are the test results of conventionally rein-
where Mu is the measured maximum load of coupling beams forced and diagonally reinforced coupling beams, respec-
(that is, end moment). tively. θd is defined as the deformation at the post-peak point,
Figure 5 shows the values of θy,pred/θy,test varying with l/h, where the load is degraded to 80% of the maximum load
where θy,pred and θy,test are the calculated and measured yield (that is, 0.8Mu, refer to Fig. 1(b)). θd includes elastic defor-
rotations, respectively. The mean and covariance of θy,pred/ mation before yielding. In Fig. 6(a1) and (b1), correlations
θy,test are 0.97 and 0.26, respectively. The yield rotations of between θd and l/h are poor for both conventionally rein-
coupling beams are affected by reinforcement anchorage slip, forced and diagonally reinforced coupling beams. Particu-
flexural and shear cracking, and shear stress level, in addi- larly in Fig. 6(a1), θd tends to decrease as l/h increases. This
tion to l/h. Thus, Eq. (8) estimates the yield rotations with trend is contrary to expectations for the following reasons.
reasonable precision, although the scatter is relatively large. Generally, the flexural strength Mn of a coupling beam is
For design, the yield rotation of coupling beams can be proportional to ρbwh2. Thus, the shear force Vy (= 2Mn/l)
calculated by substituting the nominal flexural strength Mn corresponding to Mn increases with ρbwh2/l. This implies that
for Mu in Eq. (8). the shear stress v (= Vy/[bwh]) is inversely proportional to
l/h: v ∝ ρ/[l/h]. For this reason, the deformation parame-
ters d and e defined in ASCE/SEI 41-17 increase if the shear
stress level (that is, V/[bwh√fc′]) is low.
Fig. 11—Cyclic load-deformation relations of conventionally reinforced coupling beams: predictions versus tests. (Note:
1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 k = 4.45 kN)
with the test results. Further, the accuracy of the predicted with the test results, except ultimate rotations θd. As shown
hysteresis loops defined by the values of κ was satisfactory, in Fig. 6, the design equation of θd is defined as the lower
although the unloading and reloading stiffnesses loops do bound for measured ultimate deformations.
not accurately capture the pinched cyclic curves. Figure 12 Consequently, for NX7L, LX7L, IK-No. 1, IK-No. 2, and
compares the predicted load-deformation relations of diag- IK-No. 4, the values of θd calculated by Eq. (9) are less than
onally reinforced coupling beams with test results. The the measured ones. Note that the κ values and consequent
predicted envelope relations and hysteresis loops agree well hysteresis loops are different depending on reinforcement
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102 ACI Structural Journal/March 2022
Title No. 119-S32
Keywords: first-order reliability method (FORM); Monte Carlo simulation between these factors is required.3 Screw anchors have
(MCS); reliability analysis; screw anchors; strength reduction factors. different failure modes based on the undercut degree and the
embedment depth. Anchors with high embedment depth and
INTRODUCTION small undercut degree exhibit a pullout failure mode, while
Post-installed anchorage systems are generally classi- anchors with a shallower embedment and high undercut
fied into two main categories: bonded anchors, which use experience concrete breakout failure. Between these two
a bonding agent with concrete to develop tensile resistance; extreme failure modes, a mixed pullout/breakout failure
and mechanical anchors, which use friction and mechanical mode is exhibited.3
interlocking with concrete to develop tensile resistance.1 The design of screw anchors was recently adopted in
Mechanical screw anchors can be described as steel anchors ACI 318-19.4 Strength reduction factors associated with
with threads that cut into concrete during installation to post-installed anchors in ACI 318-19 are based on the prob-
provide mechanical interlock (Fig. 1). Screw anchors are abilistic study by Farrow and Klingner in 1995.5 However,
considered a relatively new anchorage system that is gaining their study does not consider the reduction of the anchor
greater attention in the industry for their reliable perfor- capacity to the 5% fractile required by the ACI Standard.
mance and ease of installation.2,3 In contrast to adhesive Also, this study implemented several assumptions for
anchors, which require detailed hole-cleaning steps, screw simplification that are considered a deficiency, such as
anchors can be installed—and removed—easily in a drilled considering live load only, using simple distribution, and a
hole with a hand or impact wrench. limited number of simulations. Moreover, the database used
Similar to other types of anchors, the tensile capacity in Farrow and Klingner includes only anchors embedded
of screw anchors is a function of the embedment depth, in uncracked concrete and does not include screw anchors.
concrete strength, and the undercut degree. The undercut Accordingly, a reliability analysis is needed to assess the
degree is defined by the difference between the outer diam- ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
eter of the screw anchor and the hole diameter and represents MS No. S-2021-054.R2, doi: 10.14359/51734190, received September 6, 2021, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
the part of the threads that interlock with the concrete2,3 Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
(Fig. 1). A higher undercut degree results in higher capacity obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
but also increases the installation difficulty; thus, a balance is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
In ultimate limit state assessment, the design strength DESIGN OF ANCHORS FOR TENSILE
of the anchorage is based on the nominal resistance to all CONCRETE BREAKOUT
possible failure modes, and the lowest resistance failure The concrete cone breakout capacity is calculated using
mode controls the design. Failure modes include steel anchor the concrete capacity design model (CCD) proposed by
failure, concrete breakout, side blowout, pullout or pull- Fuchs et al.7 The CCD model was adopted by the European
through failure, concrete pryout, and concrete splitting, all Organisation for Technical Assessment (EOTA) in 1997 and
under applicable shear and/or tension loading. ACI 318-19 by ACI 318 in 2002.3 The model is based on the concrete
provides ϕ factors for anchorage design depending on the failure of a 35-degree cone originating at the end of the
following parameters: 1) failure mode; 2) type of loading anchor, as shown in Fig. 2, where hef is the effective embed-
(that is, tension or shear loading); 3) type of anchor installa- ment depth. The CCD basic mean breakout strength of single
tion (that is, cast-in or post-installed anchors); 4) sensitivity post-installed anchors loaded in tension is given by Eq. (2),
of the anchor to installation effort; and 5) the presence or where kc = 35 (13.5 for SI units) for uncracked concrete and
absence of supplementary reinforcement. Table 1 shows the kc = 24.5 (9.45 for SI units) for cracked concrete; fc′ is the
Table 1—ACI 318-19 anchor strength reduction factor governed by concrete breakout
Strength reduction factor ϕ
Type of anchor Anchor category from ACI 355.2 or Tension breakout, bond, or side-face Shear (concrete
Supplementary reinforcement installation ACI 355.4M blowout breakout)
Cast-in anchors Not applicable 0.75
Fig. 4—Comparison of data set for various anchor types under tension loading: (a) single screw anchor in uncracked concrete;
(b) single screw anchor in cracked concrete; (c) screw anchors with edge effects; and (d) group of anchors.
mean value (mean capacity); ν is the coefficient of variation maxi[P(Fi)] ≤ P(F) ≤ 1 – Πi[1 – P(Fi)] (5)
(COV); and the K value is a factor for one-sided tolerance
limits for normal distributions,9 corresponding to a 5% prob- where P(Fi) is the probability of failure of mode i; and P(F)
ability of non-exceedance with a confidence of 90%. is the probability of failure of the actual series system.
In design, if the anchor was detailed according to Code
F5% = Fm(1 – Kν) (4) provisions (for example, ACI 318) to preclude side blowout,
splitting failure, and steel failure (for example, limiting
edge distance, member thickness, anchor steel diameter, and
SYSTEM RELIABILITY UNDER MULTIPLE so on) and to ensure that cone breakout will be the most
FAILURE MODES probable mode of failure,11 the probability of failure of the
As discussed earlier, the anchor capacity in concrete is a series system can be defined to be approximately equal to the
function of its failure modes. In the anchor design proce- concrete cone failure (that is, P(F) ≈ P(Fconcrete cone)).
dure, the capacity for each failure mode is calculated, and
the mode with the lowest capacity governs the design. Thus, Load model
all these failure modes perform as a series system in which Load combinations (Eq. (6)) were considered in the load
the probability of failure of a single anchor can be defined by model in the reliability analysis. It should be noted that
the failure of one or more of these modes10 (Fig. 5). ACI 318-19 includes various load cases that may apply to
The probability of failure of the aforementioned series anchor design; however, to reduce the complexity of the anal-
system can be evaluated using probability bounds (that is, ysis, only the load cases in Eq. (6) are considered. According
lower and upper bound of the probability of failure), on the to Nowak and Collins,12 the dead load is normally distrib-
assumption that the failure modes in the series are some- uted with a bias factor and a COV of 1.05 and 0.1, respec-
where between fully dependent and completely independent tively. The live load follows the extreme value distribution
(Eq. (5)).10 (Type I) with a bias and COV of 1.00 and 0.18, respectively.
VR2/ Rn V R 2 VP2 VM2 VF2 VQ2 (8b) where Q is a quality control modification factor; PW is the
probability of having bad workmanship; and S is the sensi-
where R, P, M, F, and Q are the mean values of resistance, tivity of the anchor to installation effort.
professional factor, material factor, fabrication factor, and According to CEB,16 anchors can be grouped into three
sensitivity factor, respectively. classes based on their sensitivity to installation effort. Each
To obtain the uncertainty in resistance due to material and sensitivity class can be described by a beta distribution
fabrication errors, Monte Carlo simulations (MCSs) were with four parameters, the first two describing the shape of
performed on the nominal resistance model (that is, concrete the distribution and the last two representing the lower and
cone breakout model) given the statistical properties (bias, upper bounds as follows
COV, and the distribution type) of the design parameters. • Class I: System with low sensitivity to installation
Table 3 summarizes the statistical properties of the design effort: S~Beta (10; 4; 0.9; 1)
parameters. According to Bergmeister,13 the variability • Class II: System with normal sensitivity to installation
in the embedment depth is considered very small; thus, effort: S~Beta (3; 3; 0.75; 1)
embedment depth can be considered a deterministic value. • Class III: System with high but acceptable sensitivity to
The same observation can be made regarding the spacing installation effort: S~Beta (5; 11; 0.65; 1)
between the anchors, and, therefore, spacing is also consid- The professional factor can be obtained from a compar-
ered a deterministic value.13 Assessing the uncertainty in ison of the experimental strength and the predicted strength
concrete compressive strength, fc′ is more difficult and Rexp/Rn (MacGregor et al. 1983). According to MacGregor
requires the consideration of variability in concrete strength et al. (1983), the variability of the professional factor can be
within the structure, the age of the concrete at first loading, obtained by subtracting the uncertainty due to impression in
and variation in in-place compressive strength compared the test method Vtest and the variability of errors introduced
due to differences between the strength measured in actual combinations introduced in the design codes (for example,
and control conditions Vcond from the variation of the exper- ACI 318-19).
imental-to-predicted strength VRexp/Rn (refer to Eq. (11)). Vtest
and Vcond are hard to calibrate, and it is assumed herein that RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF SINGLE ANCHOR
Vtest and Vcond are equal to 0.02 and 0.04, respectively. BREAKOUT IN CRACKED AND UNCRACKED
One of the objectives of reliability analysis is to calibrate
V Vtest Vcond (11)
2 2
Rexp / Rn the strength reduction factor ϕ to obtain certain target reli-
ability over the range of practical design and loading condi-
Based on the observations from the worldwide anchor tions. Generally, the target reliability level is set based on the
database, the VRexp/Rn was approximately 0.15 and 0.3 for consequence of failure, cost of construction, and experience
uncracked and uncracked concrete, respectively. with similar existing construction.12 As discussed earlier, the
targeted reliability index for screw anchors in this study is set
Limit state function at 3.5.5,6 The first-order reliability method (FORM)18 is used
The limit state function for a single screw anchor can be in this reliability analysis, following the steps outlined here:
written in the following form • Define the distribution of λR, λD, and λL.
• Transform and standardize the variables R, D, and L to
G = R – D – L = λRRn – λDDn – λLLn the independent standardized normal variables r, d, and
• Transform G(R, D, L) to G(r, d, l).
R L • For various values of Ln/Dn (that is, calibration points)
Dn R n D L n
Dn Dn and selected ϕ, compute the reliability index, β.
• Select ϕ that minimize the objective function (β – βT)2,
where βT is the targeted reliability index.
1.2 Dn 1.6 Ln L Figures 6 and 7 show the results of the reliability analysis
Dn R D L n (12)
Dn Dn for different strength reduction factor values and different
λR, λD, and λL represent the bias of the resistance, dead load, sensitivity classes for single anchors embedded in uncracked
and live load, respectively. The bias terms are random vari- and cracked concrete, respectively. As shown in the figure,
ables with their distribution. The distribution of λR is derived the optimal ϕ for anchor design is highly dependent on the
using the Monte Carlo technique presented in the previous sensitivity classes. Additionally, it is shown that current
section, and λD and λL follow the normal and extreme value strength reduction factors adopted by ACI 318-19 lead to a
distribution Type I, respectively (refer to Table 3). Rn, Dn, conservative result, with reliability exceeding the selected
and Ln represent the nominal resistance, dead load, and live threshold. Proposed strength reduction factors ϕ for screw
load, respectively. The nominal values are assumed to be anchors governed by breakout failure were chosen to achieve
deterministic and based on the resistance model and load the selected reliability index, as shown in Table 4, and have
been rounded to the nearest 0.05.
Fig. 7—Reliability index β versus load ratio for single anchors in cracked concrete with different ϕ: (a) for class I system:
system with low sensitivity to installation effort; (b) for class II system: system with normal sensitivity to installation effort; and
(c) for class III system: system with high but acceptable sensitivity to installation effort.
where N is the Avogadro constant (6.02 × 1023 mol–1); e is Water, kg/m3 (lb/ft3) 185 (11.6) 185 (11.6)
the quantity of electric charge (1.6 × 10–19 C); m is the linear *
Saturated surface-dry moisture state.
mass density of steel (the measured linear mass density of
12 mm [0.5 in.] HRB400 was 0.838 g/mm [0.047 lb/in.]); M After the fatigue failure of each beam, two longitudinal
is the molar amount of electrolytic steel (56 g/mol [0.1 lb/ tensile reinforcements were removed and then cut at each
mol]); and r is the radius of steel (6 mm [0.2 in.]). section of 300 mm (11.8 in.), as shown in Fig. 4. Three
Fig. 4—Schematic diagram of sampling corroded reinforcement. (Note: Dimensions in mm; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.)
Table 5—Mass loss percentage and fatigue life of tested beams
Expected mass loss Measured mass loss
Beam No. Stress range ∆σ, MPa (ksi) Corrosion duration, h percentage, % percentage, % Fatigue life N, 104 cycles
NAC 312 (45.2) 0 0 0.00 45.1
B0 312 (45.2) 0 0 0.00 43.1
B1 312 (45.2) 48 2 2.10 41.7
B2 312 (45.2) 96 4 4.10 35
B3 312 (45.2) 144 6 5.88 34.3
B4 312 (45.2) 192 8 10.58 6.7
B5 312 (45.2) 240 10 18.02 2.8
B6 312 (45.2) 288 12 23.20 0.3
C0 240 (34.8) 0 0 0.00 163.1
C1 240 (34.8) 48 2 4.48 115.6
C2 240 (34.8) 96 4 7.26 78.2
C3 240 (34.8) 144 6 9.30 60.1
C4 240 (34.8) 192 8 11.91 58.6
C5 240 (34.8) 240 10 15.40 32.6
C6 240 (34.8) 288 12 22.30 5.8
Note: B and C represent Group B test beams and Group C test beams, respectively. 0-6 indicates that the beams are ordered according to corrosion duration in each Group.
sections of steel from one longitudinal tensile reinforcement where m1 and m2 denote the mass of corroded bars after
were subjected to static tensile test to study its mechanical acid solution cleaning and the mass of uncorroded bars,
properties under the coupling of corrosion and fatigue load. respectively.
Six sections of steel from another were cleaned with 12%
hydrochloric acid solution to remove attaching rust products, Fatigue test
then the measured mass loss percentage of each segmented After the accelerated corrosion, the fatigue test was carried
reinforcement was calculated according to the method out by MTS hydraulic servo loading system, as shown in
proposed in GB/T 50082,33 which could be expressed by Fig. 5. Auxiliary apparatus at both ends of each beam were
Eq. (2). The average measured value of six steel samples used to prevent shifting of the beams on the supports during
was regarded as the measured mass loss percentage (ƞ) of cycling. Three displacement gauges, two of which were
the corroded beam. Table 5 lists the mass loss percentage placed on the supports to measure their settlement, and the
and corresponding corrosion duration. other was used to measure the midspan deflection of the
beam. Repeated loading with constant amplitude acted on
m2 m1 the midspan of beam. The fatigue load was performed using
100% (2)
m2 a sinusoidal wave with a frequency of 4 Hz.
E-mail any questions to
Title No. 119-S35
This paper presents the results of a comprehensive experimental a nonzero normal compressive stress, σlat, in the cementi-
study on the impact of the tensile properties of high-performance tious component of the composite is required for equilib-
steel fiber-reinforced concrete (HPFRC) on the characteristic local rium (Fig. 1(b)). Stress σlat acts as internal confinement in
bond-slip relationship of steel reinforcement. Due to the tensile the composite (Chasioti and Vecchio 2017). From previous
toughness of the material, hoop stresses develop in the cover when
experimental studies, the internal confining pressure
the bar ribs displace relative to the surrounding concrete. This hoop
generated by the fibers was found to be of the same order
action enhances the overall bond-slip performance. To quantify
this effect, 13 beam specimens comprising HPFRC and containing of magnitude as the post-cracking tensile strength of the
a short embedment length of a 16 mm (0.63 in.) diameter, deformed HPFRC (Georgiou and Pantazopoulou 2018). The presence
reinforcing bar were investigated to quantify experimentally the of an internal confinement in the bulk cementitious mate-
average local bond strength and bond stress distribution over the rial offers several avenues to be investigated regarding the
anchorage. Two study variables were considered: a) the concrete structural response of HPFRC materials when implemented
cover (1Db and 2Db) as the exclusive confining factor; and b) the in construction, such as detailing for flexure, shear, and rein-
tensile strength and toughness of the mixtures used as the concrete forcement anchorage. Of those, the latter is the most funda-
matrix. The average bond strength was found to be proportional mental, as it pertains to the essence of the composite action
to the equivalent flexural tensile strength of concrete, reaching of reinforced concrete. Confining pressure imparted by the
a peak value up to 20 MPa (3 ksi) and a substantial bar-slip of
fibers in HPFRC is considered to contribute to the develop-
19 mm (0.75 in.) at the end of testing. The smaller concrete cover
ment capacity of anchorages through the same mechanism
provided sufficient confinement to develop bar yielding over an
anchorage length of 5Db without additional transverse reinforce- as stirrups in conventional concrete (which was quantified
ment. Increasing the cover resulted in a tougher pullout-splitting through the Ktr coefficient in ACI 408R-03).
failure mode with reduced deterioration over the cover. Anchorage and development capacity depend on the
reinforcement-to-concrete bond strength, which in conven-
Keywords: anchorage; bond-slip law; development; high-performance tional concrete is controlled by several design variables,
steel fiber-reinforced concrete (HPFRC); pullout; strain-hardening concrete. including bar cover, bar diameter, concrete tensile strength,
and the presence of confinement. These aspects are reflected
INTRODUCTION in the local bond-slip law of reinforcement embedded in
The toughness of high-performance steel fiber-reinforced conventional concrete (ACI 408R-03, fib Model Code 2010).
concrete (HPFRC) is manifested by significant flexural However, the local bond-slip behavior of reinforcement
strength that is sustained after cracking, up to deformation embedded in HPFRC has not been thoroughly quantified in
levels that can be more than a hundred times greater than the terms of the salient variables. Given that bond controls the
cracking strain of plain concrete (Habel et al. 2008; Schmidt composite action of reinforced concrete (Chao et al. 2009),
et al. 2004; Doiron 2017; Sritharan et al. 2018). These prop- complementing the experimental database to support the
erties are mainly due to the essential role of the steel fibers, establishment of local bond-slip relationships, which could
which act as randomly distributed reinforcement in the be used in the design and assessment of HPFRC structures,
densely packed cementitious mortar, where coarse aggre- is an important milestone for its practical implementation.
gates have been eliminated to maximize the impact of fibers In the present study, beam-type specimens are used to
in bridging flaws and cracks. Fibers engaged in tension characterize the local bond stress-slip relationships repre-
cause—by virtue of equilibrium—passive compressive sentative of HPFRC matrixes. Because the test bar is
stress in concrete (Manita and Pantazopoulou 2002; Susetyo developed in the presence of a flexural tension strain gradient,
et al. 2013; Archontas and Pantazopoulou 2015). this test setup is considered to be particularly relevant to the
The passive stress is referred to as internal confinement state of bond that develops in the tension zones of actual
and can be derived from the equilibrium of an infinitesimal flexural members. The experimental program investigated
element of HPFRC under shear, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The the effect of two parameters that affect the mechanics of
HPFRC material is a composite comprising: a) fibers that are
stressed in tension when bridging cracks; and b) the cemen- ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
MS No. S-2021-058.R2, doi: 10.14359/51734334, received August 22, 2021, and
titious gel-sand mortar (that is, no coarse aggregates). After reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
cracking, at an arbitrary section oriented in the y-direction Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
through the element, tensile fiber stresses ff are revealed; closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
f b ( x) = f b (r ⋅ Db ) = ε o ⋅
Db Es Ω e
− ΩrDb
+ eΩDb (r − 2 q) ) cover (Tepfers 1979; Tastani and Pantazopoulou 2013).
The two components are depicted in Fig. 2(b) and (c). In
4 (
1 − e −2 ΩqDb ) plain concrete cover, radial splitting occurs when the hoop
Figure 2(d) plots the variation of fb(x) for different values strength of the cover is exceeded, whereas confinement
of q (r is the independent variable–coordinate along the enhances bond strength and bar development capacity to
anchorage length, r ≤ q) for a bar with Db = 16 mm (0.63 in.). the extent that cover splitting may be suppressed and bar
Bond distributions correspond to elastic bar behavior (for pullout failure may prevail (Malvar 1992; Pantazopoulou
bar strain at the onset of yielding, that is, εo = 0.002), and and Papoulia 2001; ACI 408R-03; Kabir and Islam 2004;
elastic bond-slip law for C = Db; lines correspond to different Dominguez 2005; Tastani and Pantazopoulou 2010; fib
available anchorage lengths (q = 3 or Lb = 3Db in light blue; Bulletin 72 2014).
q = 5 or Lb = 5Db in black; and q = 10 or Lb = 10Db in gray). In the case of fiber-reinforced cementitious composite, the
Note that the difference between the bond values at the steel fibers enhance bond of embedded bars without external
beginning and the end of the anchorage length indicates how confinement (Harajli et al. 2002; ACI Committee 408 2022).
intensely nonuniform is the bond stress distribution (and In HPFRC, the dense concrete matrix, which in fresh condi-
therefore fb,ave in these cases is significantly less than fb,max, tions is also self-consolidating, generally has an improved
which is sought through the tests). It is noted that this differ- quality interface with the reinforcement; whereas, due to its
ence diminishes for smaller q (or Lb) values tending towards strain-hardening behavior after cracking, it arrests the prop-
a more uniform distribution. This finding underscores the agation of splitting failure in the cover, thereby enhancing
importance of using small anchorage lengths for the fb,ave bond strength and toughness to bar slip, altering the mode
to be a realistic approximation of fb,max. For an estimated of failure from splitting to pullout (Spasojević 2008; Wille
maximum bond strength equal to 20 MPa (2.9 ksi) (which is et al. 2012; Bandelt and Billington 2014; Georgiou et al.
the estimated required fb,ave at the onset of bar yielding), at a 2017). Using the thick-ring analogy, it was previously illus-
limiting slip of 1 mm (0.039 in.), followed by a plastic bond- trated that the internal confining effect of HPFRC effectively
slip behavior (refer to Fig. 2(d)), the distribution of bond increases the fracture energy of the cover, thus enabling a
Fig. 5—(a) Frame holding linear potentiometer for midspan deflection; (b) camera and lighting setup for midspan deflection
with DIC; and (c) frame holding linear potentiometer for bar slip measurement.
Material characteristics—Of the three HPFRC matrixes The dry F-mixture comprised portland cement, fine sand,
studied in this experiment program, two were proprietary and silica fume at a ratio of 1:1:0.25 per weight (with 910
pre-blended products (Series K and F) and one was devel- kg/m3 [56.81 lb/ft3] of cement in the concrete). The w/c was
oped in-house (Series I) following a previous mixture design 0.22, and a high-range water-reducing admixture was added
by Shao (2016). The three mixtures comprise fine aggregates at a ratio of 4.2% per weight of cement. Two types of steel
solely. fibers were used in Series F: 1% of 20 mm (0.79 in.) long
The dry K-mixture comprises portland cement, quartz straight steel fibers with a diameter of 0.2 mm (0.008 in.)
sand, and silica fume at a ratio of 1:0.6:0.2 per weight (with (fiber aspect ratio lf/df = 100) and 1% of 25 mm (0.98 in.)
1000 kg/m3 [62.43 lb/ft3] of cement in the concrete). Liquid long hooked-end steel fibers with a diameter of 0.3 mm
admixtures were added at a ratio of 3.5% of the cement (0.01 in.) (fiber aspect ratio lf/df = 83.3).
weight. The water-cement ratio (w/c) was 0.25; however, it The I-mixture was prepared using GUL cement (containing
was added 50% in liquid form and 50% in solid (ice) form. 6 to 15% limestone powder), silica sand (maximum grain size
Short, 0.2 mm (0.008 in.) diameter, 13 mm (0.51 in.) long of 0.530 mm [0.02 in.]), slag, and silica fume at a weight ratio
steel fibers (fiber aspect ratio lf/df = 65) were added at a volu- of 1:0.92:0.5:0.167, containing 724.13 kg/m3 (45.21 lb/ft3)
metric ratio of 2%. of cement in the concrete. The w/c was 0.33, whereas a poly-
carboxylate high-range water-reducing admixture with 40%
solid content was added at a low ratio of 1.55% of the weight mm2 (43.75/in.2) long fibers for K, I, and F mixtures, respec-
of cement to reduce the risk of segregation. Short, 0.2 mm tively. These values are good approximations of the average
(0.008 in.) diameter, 13 mm (0.51 in.) long steel fibers (fiber numbers of fibers per unit area counted through sections
aspect ratio lf/df = 65) were used for Series I with a volu- cut from the prism specimens after testing, as illustrated in
metric fraction of 2.5%. Fig. 6(a) and discussed by Saikali (2019).
Fibers used in all cases were brass coated. The reinforcing The tensile strength is a function of bond strength along
bars used in the specimens had yield and nominal tensile the fiber and the length of available anchorage, whereas
strengths of 425 and 584 MPa (61.64 and 84.70 ksi), respec- for straight fibers, this cannot exceed half the fiber length,
tively, measured from uniaxial tension tests. lf/2. Considering that fiber slip rather than fiber rupture is
To interpret the differences in the experimental responses the preferred mechanism in HPFRC to create the apparent
of the different matrixes, the number of fibers embedded strain hardening in the response, it may be concluded that
in 1 m3 of material was estimated from the total volume of the maximum attainable post-cracking tensile strength in the
fibers used, divided by the volume of a single fiber (πdf2 ∙ HPFRC composite may be estimated from the product
lf/4): K-mixture had 2% × 109mm3/(0.22 × 0.785 × 13) = 49 ×
106 fibers/m3 (0.785 = π/4); I-mixture had 61.2 × 106 fibers/ fr = Vf ∙ (lf/df) ∙ τb (6)
m3; and F-mixture had 15.9 × 106 of 20 mm straight fibers,
and 5.66 × 106 of 25 mm hooked fibers/m3. Therefore, the where τb is the interfacial bond strength that develops between
F-mixture had the smallest total number of fibers per unit fibers and the matrix (τb is in the range of 1 to 3 MPa [0.15
volume, where approximately 25% of those fibers had mark- to 0.45 ksi] or more for smooth fibers and 3 to 6 MPa [0.45
edly greater anchorage strength owing to their hooked ends. to 0.9 ksi] or more for hooked fibers [Pantazopoulou et al.
However, it is noted that a significant amount of slip (and a 2019]). Using these values, the estimated passive confining
commensurate crack width) would be required to mobilize stress fr is 1.3 ÷ 4 MPa (0.18 ÷ 0.55 ksi), 1.6 ÷ 5 MPa (0.23 ÷
the anchorage strength. Assuming only 50% of the fibers to 0.7 ksi), and 3.5 ÷ 8 MPa (0.51 ÷ 1.15 ksi) for the three
be effective at any given cross section, the number of fibers, mixtures (K, I, and F), respectively (Table 2). The different
nf, crossing a unit area through HPFRC is estimated from numbers of fibers actively engaged in tension through a
the cross-sectional area of a single fiber having a diameter critical failure plane, considering their different lengths of
(df) and the volumetric ratio of the fibers, Vf, (Georgiou and anchorage and anchoring conditions, suggest that I-mix-
Pantazopoulou 2016) as nf = 0.64Vf/(df)2. For the HPFRC ture is expected to have higher tensile strength compared to
materials considered in the present study, the estimated Κ-mixture on account of the larger fiber content; whereas
number of fibers crossing a unit area is 0.32/mm2 (200/in.2), F-mixture is expected to be more compliant, owing to the
0.4/mm2 (250/in.2), and 0.16/mm2 (100/in.2) short and 0.07/ smaller number of fibers overall, but more resilient and
Note: P-S is pullout-splitting; M is multiple splitting cracks; and P-S/M is m-type split with pullout; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi; 1 kN = 0.2248 kip.
Fig. 8—Load-versus-midspan deflection measured from linear potentiometer and DIC for: (a) and (b) Series K; (c) and (d)
Series I; and (e) and (f) Series F.
of the instrumentation readings in comparison to the DIC region between the point at first crack and the peak load in the
intervals, some local disturbances in the resistance curves response curves of the beams became wider and higher with
occurring upon the opening of cracks could only be captured increasing strain toughness in the tensile stress-strain curve of
by the instrumentation. the material, Δεt (Table 2). On average, Series I attained a 12%
In all cases, the onset of visible cracking occurred in the higher peak load than Series K, whereas the corresponding
ascending branch of the response curve, at approximately difference in the deformation at peak load was 26% for the
70% of the peak load. The effect of the material type is illus- two series. Similarly, the corresponding values for Series F
trated by the comparison of the resistance curves of otherwise were 33% and 96% higher than the respective values of Series
identical specimens but comprising different cementitious K. The same trends were also observed for the beams with
matrixes, as presented in Fig. 8(a), (c), and (e) for Series a concrete cover of 2Db, as shown in Fig. 8(b), (d), and (f).
K, I, and F with a concrete cover of 1Db, respectively. The Due to the high tensile strength and strain toughness of the
Fig. 11—Summary of experimental values: (a) peak average bond stress and corresponding free-end slip; (b) free end slip at a
residual load of 35 kN (7.88 kip); (c) bond strength normalized with fcr; and (d) bond strength normalized with √fc′.
same color code are used in Fig. 11(b) to define the average concrete, the bearing action it exerts on the bar due to flex-
bond stress and slip magnitude corresponding to a residual ural curvature is sustained, while in conventional concrete,
load of 35 kN (7.88 kip) in the beam resistance curve. Note cover splitting and yield penetration have a rapid deprecating
that although bar yielding was sustained at or beyond the effect on bond strength, which breaks down immediately in
peak load carried by several beams, the behavior is charac- the absence of stirrups.
teristically different from that of plain concrete, where yield Because bond strength, fb,ave, is obtained from the
penetration in the absence of stirrups is accompanied by developed bar force as per Eq. (5), the effect of post-cracking
rapid debonding and loss of anchorage development capacity. strain toughness of the material—which was noted on the
Because of the tensile strain-hardening toughness of the cover resistance curves of the specimens—is also reflected in the
An approach is provided to modify model uncertainty related to and revised according to the actual conditions of each
punching shear resistance of flat slabs. Model uncertainty of six country. Among the mechanical models, the critical shear
shear strength models in different design codes are investigated crack theory (CSCT) developed by Muttoni9 has shown
systematically. Based on 452 punching tests of concentrically wide consistency and generality, serving as a basis for the
loaded slabs, the computational accuracy of six punching shear
punching provisions of fib Model Code 2010 (MC2010).10
strength models is compared. Characteristic values of model
Based on the previously developed beam shear model, Ghali
uncertainty with different specific assurance rates are determined
based on the probabilistic characteristics of computational model and Gayed11 advocated the universal design as a supple-
uncertainties. The comparison shows that the accuracy of the draft ment to ACI 318. Schmidt et al.12 clarified the contribution
of the next generation of the Eurocode 2 model is superior to the of concrete or steel in RC slabs and compared it to design
Chinese, American, and Canadian code models, which usually provisions based on Eurocode 2 (EC2),13 MC2010, and
underestimate the punching shear resistance of flat slabs. Further- the draft (of April 2018) of the next generation Eurocode 2
more, the model uncertainty of the Chinese, American, and Cana- (prEC2).14 To account for the impacts of warping, Rashwan
dian code models follow a normal distribution, whereas the model et al.15,16 introduced a new factor to the ACI equation for
uncertainty of the other three models obey lognormal distribution. checking punching shear. It has been demonstrated that
punching tests should be performed with warping effects
Keywords: design code; model uncertainty; punching shear strength model;
reinforced concrete slab-column connections; statistical characteristics. in mind to prevent underestimating the maximum punching
shear strength demand.
INTRODUCTION This paper covers the data from 452 tests of punching
Because of the advantages of simple structures and low shear resistance of RC slab-column connections. The
cost, reinforced concrete (RC) floors without beams have design provisions according to concrete codes including
been widely used in commercial and residential build- ACI 318, EC2, MC2010, GB50010-2010,17 CSA A23.3-
ings. However, the slab-column connections are prone to 14,18 and prEC2 are summarized. The model uncertainty
punching shear failure, which has no obvious signs before statistics were derived by comparing the mean predicted
occurring and can easily lead to the collapse of the whole punching shear resistance to the measured punching shear
structure. Therefore, the calculation of the punching shear resistance by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test. More-
resistance of flat slabs is considered one of the important over, the punching shear strength of a slab-column connec-
links in the design of RC beamless floors. tion depends on many parameters, such as slab thickness,
In the past few decades, researchers have proposed concrete strength, and shear reinforcement. Einpaul et al.19
various theoretical strength models to provide a theoretical advised that slenderness has an important influence on the
background for the punching shear strengths of slab-column punching strength of slabs with shear reinforcement, despite
connections. Yankelevsky and Leibowitz1 and Nielsen2 the fact that it is neglected in many codes of practice. There-
developed strength models based on the theory of plas- fore, it is necessary to compare the deviation degree between
ticity. Park et al.3 developed a strain-based strength model the punching bearing resistance of RC slat and column joints
to forecast the punching shear strength of interior slab- in various national codes to lay a foundation for accurately
column connections. Alexander and Simmonds4 proposed a predicting the punching shear resistance.
strut-and-tie model for slab-column connections. Johansen,5
Bažant and Cao,6 and Kueres et al.7 developed design equa- RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
tions based on fracture mechanics. Hegger et al.8 performed At present, most of the calculation formulas for punching
experimental studies on concrete footings and found that bearing resistance stipulated in concrete codes (such as
the failure shear crack angle of footings is steeper than that ACI 318-14,20 CSA A23.3, and EC2) are developed based
of slender slabs, and proposed a new shear strength model on existing test results. When dealing with practical prob-
addressing the test results. lems, uncertainties in model predictions are unavoidable,
Because the problem of punching is so intricate, no widely
ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
accepted design model is available for design practice. The MS No. S-2021-063.R1, doi: 10.14359/51734376, received June 28, 2021, and
semi-theoretical and semi-empirical algorithms are adopted reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
in the design codes of concrete structures in various coun- obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
tries, and then the punching calculation formula is adjusted is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
0.083 2 + f c′b0 d
α d
ACI 318-14 0.33√fc′ d — — Vc , ACI = min 0.083 s + 2 f c′b0 d
b 0
0 . 33 3 f ′b
c 0 d
1 0.19c f c b0 d
CSA A23.3-14 0.38√fc′ d — — Vc ,CSA min s 0.19 c f c b0 d
0.38c f c b0 d
which leads to a certain degree of uncertainty in the input EC2 are much larger than ACI 318, MC2010, GB50010,
parameters and the calculated output response. This paper CSA A23.3, and prEC2. More detailed background infor-
presents the statistical characterization of model uncertainty mation, provisions for detailing, and derivations of the
in six concrete code predictive models for punching shear. design concepts are available in the sources provided in the
The results could serve as a basis for the development of references.
punching shear design in the future.
PUNCHING SHEAR STRENGTH MODELS To analyze the uncertainty of the calculation model of
The punching shear design provisions for flat slabs the aforementioned RC slab punching resistance model,
according to ACI 318-14, EC2, MC2010, GB50010, CSA 452 groups (listed in Table A1 in the Appendix) of RC
A23.3, and prEC2 are briefly summarized, focusing on the slab punching shear resistance test data were collected
determination of concrete and steel contributions (Table 1). from the database22 and Yi et al.23 It is impossible to calcu-
For the calculation of rotations around the supported area, late the result of the model specification, so some data has
MC2010 proposes a different level of approximations been omitted. All of the specimens were RC slab-column
(LoA).2 For assessing the physical parameters of the design connections without shear reinforcement that were subjected
equations, LoA I offers uncomplicated and safe assump- to concentric punching shear loads. The essential design
tions21 that will suffice for most preliminary design purposes; factors influencing the punching shear strength of flat slabs
hence, LoA I is applied for the evaluations presented in this are discussed in terms of their frequency of occurrence. The
paper. range of major parameters for these specimens including the
The primary parameters affecting the punching shear compressive strength of the concrete (fc), the tension rein-
strength of the slab-column connection are the compres- forcement ratio (ρ), the edge length of the column section
sive strength of the concrete (fc), the size effect, the edge (c), and the effective depth of the slab (d) are shown in
length of the column section (c), and the effective depth of Fig. 2. The data identified herein represent ranges for each
the slab (d). EC2, MC2010, and prEC2 address the effect of parameter separately considered—that is, without referring
the tension reinforcement ratio (ρ) in their evaluation of the to associated values of different parameters among various
punching shear strength. The current design codes also differ specimens within the database. The distribution of the main
in the definition of the location of the critical section of the characteristics of the specimens covers the effective depth
slab-column connection. Figure 1 shows the definition of the range of 29 to 300 mm, the edge length of the column section
perimeter of the critical section when the column is circular, ranges from 50 to 901 mm, and the flexural steel ratios range
square, or rectangular. The critical sections specified in between 0.1 and 7.3%. The typical ranges of normal- and
Fig. 2—Distribution of influencing parameter values of specimens (452 tests). (Note: 1 mm = 39.4 × 10–3 in.; 1 MPa = 145 psi;
and 1 kN = 1000 N = 224.8 lb.)
high-strength concrete are 11 to 127 MPa, respectively. It slab thickness. To uniformly describe the uncertainty that
should be noted that the actual measured parameters, rather exists in the bias between the calculated value and the exper-
than notional values, are used in the computations. The best imental test value, the computation of the model uncertainty
estimate model predictions are achieved when the design is defined as
model is used to forecast punching shear resistance while
ignoring all conservative bias or safety factors added for θ = Vt/Vcal (1)
design objectives.
where Vt is the actual measured value of the punching shear
DEFINITION OF MODEL UNCERTAINTY resistance; and Vcal is the calculated value of the punching
Due to the different basic assumptions adopted by the shear resistance.
punching shear strength models and the significant differ-
ences in the influencing factors considered, there is a large ASSESSMENT OF MODEL UNCERTAINTIES IN
deviation between the calculated results of each model and PUNCHING SHEAR RESISTANCE PREDICTION
the experimental test values. For example, Fig. 3 shows the Visual presentation of model uncertainty
influence of various factors on the punching shear resistance realization using histograms
of flat slabs. The calculation results of different models also The comparison and analysis of each model’s calcu-
have different responses at different intervals according to lated and tested resistance values are shown in Fig 4. The
the concrete strength. When the concrete strength is 20 ≤ 45-degree line indicates that the calculated value of the
fc′ < 40 MPa, the average value of punching shear resis- model is equal to the experimental test value, and the +40%
tance obtained according to the EC2 model is 1.05, and the and –40% lines indicate that the ratio of the model calculated
standard deviation is 0.05, indicating that the EC2 model value to the experimental test value is 1.4 and 0.6, respec-
predicts the punching shear resistance of flat slabs in this tively. The calculated value of the EC2 model deviates little
range for calculating concrete strength. GB50010, ACI 318, from the experimental value, and the scattered points are
and CSA A23.3 neglect the influence of the flexural rein- distributed near the 45-degree line. Some scattered points in
forcement ratio, implying that the design value of punching the GB50010 model are distributed outside the –40-degree
shear resistance of RC slabs is the same regardless of the line, which proves that the calculated value of the model is
flexural reinforcement ratio, which is contrary to reality. The lower than the actual punching shear resistance.
GB50010 model has a considerable complication when it To a large extent, both the design equations specified in
comes to effective depth: the measured value and the calcu- the design code and some of the product’s particular perfor-
lated value exhibit a substantial variance, regardless of the mance attributes used in the design are based on experimental
Table A1—Source of punching shear data
h0, mm c, mm ρ, % fc′, MPa Vt, kN
Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Author Year n limit limit limit limit limit limit limit limit limit limit
Yi et al.23 2016 9 150 150 250 250 0.860 1.730 23.46 55.39 443 860
Parra 2011 1 165 165 152 152 0.752 0.752 45.00 45.00 600 600
Widianto et al. 2009 2 126 126 406 406 0.493 1.046 28.10 31.40 311 401
Ozden et al. 2006 6 100 100 200 200 0.727 2.264 20.00 75.00 188 489
Guandalini 2005 9 96 210 130 260 0.219 1.496 27.70 40.50 118 1024
Birkle 2004 3 124 260 250 350 1.100 1.539 31.40 36.20 483 1046
Timm 2003 3 172 246 175 250 1.186 1.242 32.80 40.70 668 1356
Oliveira et al. 2003 15 106 109 120 120 0.962 0.990 54.00 67.00 240 446
Ospina et al. 2003 1 120 120 250 250 0.838 0.838 36.80 36.8 365 365
Ospina 2001 1 109 109 400 400 0.922 0.922 29.80 29.80 541 541
Li 2000 4 100 300 200 200 0.758 0.971 39.40 39.40 330 1381
Matthys and Taerwe 2000 17 86 126 80 230 0.188 3.764 26.30 96.70 142 347
McHarg et al. 2000 1 125 125 225 225 0.974 0.974 30.00 30.00 306 306
Ozawa et al. 2000 4 60 75 100 100 1.100 1.950 29.10 39.00 120 180
Ghannoum 1998 3 127 127 225 225 0.958 0.958 37.20 67.10 301 443
Sistonen et al. 1997 10 170 177 201 901 0.434 1.117 24.10 32.70 478 1111
Hallgren 1996 5 194 201 250 250 0.625 1.257 85.70 112.90 889 1041
Ramdane 1996 15 98 102 150 150 0.581 1.272 33.60 127.00 169 405
Urban 1994 13 90 104 80 320 0.757 1.503 18.30 36.80 176 360
Theodorakopoulos and
1993 4 100 100 100 200 0.353 0.530 43.10 45.80 137 191
Tomaszewicz 1993 8 88 200 100 150 1.745 2.618 70.20 119.00 330 1450
Alexander and Simmonds 1992 6 107 134 200 200 0.499 0.625 26.00 35.60 257 343
Marzouk and Hussein 1991 17 70 125 150 300 0.493 2.377 30.00 80.00 178 645
Lovrovich and McLean 1990 5 83 83 102 102 1.752 1.752 40.00 40.00 129 479
Lunt 1998 1 112 112 250 250 0.105 0.105 29.30 29.30 207 207
Rankin and Long 1987 27 35 54 100 100 0.423 1.995 34.80 47.10 29 126
Regan 1986 41 64 200 54 250 0.748 1.625 11.90 53.30 105 1099
Schaefers 1984 1 113 113 210 210 0.834 0.834 23.10 23.10 280 280
Swamy and Ali 1982 1 100 100 150 150 0.557 0.557 46.60 46.60 198 198
Pralong et al. 1979 1 171 171 300 300 1.176 1.176 27.10 27.10 626 626
Ladner et al. 1977 4 80 80 100 320 1.795 1.795 37.50 41.90 183 324
Marti et al. 1977 1 143 143 300 300 1.483 1.483 43.20 43.20 628 628
Criswell 1974 8 121 127 254 508 0.750 1.560 26.60 35.70 273 580
Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Author Year n limit limit limit limit limit limit limit limit limit limit
Ladner et al. 1973 1 109 109 226 226 1.201 1.201 39.60 39.60 362 362
Nylander and Sundquist 1972 4 96 201 120 240 0.711 1.175 26.80 32.00 183 661
Hawkins et al. 1971 3 117 121 114 152 0.752 0.860 25.90 29.50 314 320
Corley and Hawkins 1968 2 111 111 203 254 1.008 1.512 18.70 20.40 266 334
Mowrer and Vanderbilt 1967 2 51 51 152 152 1.670 2.200 12.40 15.20 113 123
Base 1966 20 102 124 203 203 1.000 1.900 14.00 41.40 242 531
Manterola 1966 12 107 107 100 450 0.367 1.057 24.20 39.70 165 397
Taylor and Hayes 1965 8 61 64 51 152 0.873 1.851 23.00 32.40 64 136
Moe 1961 7 114 114 152 457 1.050 1.519 20.80 27.60 311 433
Kinnunen and Nylander 1960 12 117 128 150 300 0.529 2.290 30.70 39.30 255 540
Elstner and Hognestad 1956 25 114 121 254 356 0.496 3.806 12.80 50.50 178 578
Forssell and Holmberg 1946 7 101 111 140 140 0.637 0.700 15.40 15.40 172 198
Richart and Kluge 1939 14 130 130 51 356 0.724 0.724 26.20 26.20 151 249
Graf 1938 1 271 271 300 300 1.037 1.037 16.40 16.40 1165 1165
Note: 1 mm = 39.4 × 10–3 in.; 1 MPa = 145 psi; and 1 kN = 1000 N = 224.8 lb.
Vehicle collisions with reinforced concrete (RC) columns
supporting overcrossings, undercrossings, separations,
interchanges, and viaducts have recently drawn much atten-
tion due to their non-negligible occurrence probability
and large economic and life losses. Vehicular impact can
induce large damage or even structural failure of the pier
column, resulting in potential superstructure collapse due to Fig. 1—Images of RC columns subjected to vehicular colli-
loss of the vertical member. For instance, in April 2009, a sion: (a) after impact; and (b) after repair.
multi-column bent supporting structure of the overpass at
the intersection between the G4 Expressway and the S322 Do et al. 2018; Chen et al. 2020), which can potentially
Highway in Hunan Province in China was hit by a cement induce the sudden loss of vertical bearing capacity and the
tanker truck (Fig. 1(a)). The collision led to the separation of failure of the superstructure. Hence, there is a growing need
the impacted column from the foundation and bent cap, the to implement effective retrofit strategies to improve the
subsequent failure of the adjacent columns, and, finally, the impact-shear resistance of RC pier columns against vehicle
local collapse of the superstructures itself; it also caused two collision. Degradation of long-term performances of RC
deaths and closure of the road for more than 60 days with columns may increase the demand for such retrofit.
very large direct and indirect costs (Chen and Xiao 2012). On the other hand, fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)
The repaired structure is shown in Fig. 1(b). Similar traffic composites have been extensively used for retrofitting RC
collisions were largely documented in the literature (Buth et structural members due to their excellent performances, such
al. 2010; Chen and Xiao 2012; Chen et al. 2021). Therefore, as lightweight, high-strength, corrosion resistance, and easy
attention should be paid to the development of the design installment. Several studies found that FRP strengthening
and retrofit of RC bridge columns subjected to vehicular ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
impact loads accounting for dynamic effects to reduce this MS No. S-2021-068.R1, doi: 10.14359/51734335, received August 14, 2021, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
large risk. Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
RC pier columns subjected to vehicular impacts were obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
demonstrated to be prone to shear failure (Buth et al. 2011; is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Fig. 7—Impact process of truck collisions with unstrengthened and CFRP-wrapped RC pier columns: (a) case C0-M8-V100;
and (b) case C4-M8-V100.
second peak impact force induced by cargo impact as the including layer number, type, and fiber orientation of FRP
first peak induced by engine impact, as shown in Fig. 8(a). wraps, were considered to investigate their effectiveness
Because the focus of this study is to investigate the in reducing damage during vehicular impact. Final failure
effectiveness of FRP strengthening to improve the impact modes of the directly impacted column C1 for all the cases
resistance of RC pier columns under vehicle collisions, the are given in Table 1. Note that column C1 may be considered
variations of engine mass, cargo mass, and cargo stiffness to fail in shear if it suffers visible lateral displacement and
are not considered in the following parametric analyses on clear diagonal shear crack.
FRP-strengthened RC columns. As presented in Fig. 7, the damage evolution of RC pier
Effect of FRP properties—Continuous wrapping using columns in C4-M8-V100 was compared with the un-retro-
unidirectional fiber sheets was adopted for strengthening fitted RC column C0-M8-V100. Before 0.15 seconds, when
the RC column, C1, along its entire height. Three variables, the engine impact was dominant, both cases presented
Fig. 8—Dynamic time histories of column C1: (a) impact force; and (b) displacement at 1.2 m (47.2 in.) height. (Note: 1 kN =
0.225 kip; and 1 mm = 0.039 in.)
Fig. 9—Concrete damage of unstrengthened RC pier columns at 0.3 seconds: (a) C0-M8-V80; (b) C0-M8-V100; (c) C0-M8-
V120; and (d) C0-M16-V80.
Fig. 11—Damage states of directly impacted column C1 at 0.3 seconds in typical cases.
C2O3-M8-V110 with two layers in 135/45 degrees orienta- actual shear strength than two-layer CFRP wraps, despite the
tion showed relatively increased shear damage. Also, adding same confinement stiffness.
two more layers, as in the case of C4-M8-V110, could Figure 12 shows the effects of FRP wrapping on the impact
control shear failure making the response to flexure mode. force, shear force, and moment at the bottom of column C1.
With a further increase in velocity to 120 km/h (74.5 mph), Impact characteristic tendencies and close peak values of
column C1 in case C4-M8-V120 suffered shear failure at impact force, shear force, and moment at the bottom of the
an elevation lower than that in case C2-M8-V110, while RC column during bumper and engine impacts remained
cases C8-M8-V120 wrapped with four more layers of FRP independent, that is, similar to that of the non-retrofitted
seemed to respond in a local or flexure mode. At an impact RC column no matter the number of FRP wraps. However,
velocity of 140 km/h (86.9 mph), the column bottom in case visible differences during cargo impact were noted. The
of C8-M8-V140 appeared to fail in a flexure-shear mode. differences may be ascribed to the enhancement of impact
Under the same impact characteristics, two layers of resistance by the number of FRP wraps, whereby the column
GFRP wraps in case G2-M8-V100 led to more serious shear can completely sustain the former bumper and engine
damage than that in case C2-M8-V100, which is attributed impacts and have residual resistance against cargo impact.
to lower contribution of shear strength and weaker confine- Retrofitting with CFRP or GFRP led to almost the same
ment stiffness from GFRP wraps when using the same dynamic response in regard to impact force, shear force, and
amount as CFRP. Conversely, case G6-M8-V100 presented moment for cases C2- M8-V100 and G2-M8-V100.
slighter local damage and less fractured FRP wraps than case Time histories of displacement at the height of 1.2 m
C2-M8-V100, because six-layer GFRP wraps had stronger (47.2 in.) for column C1 from 0.1 to 0.35 seconds were
chosen and plotted in Fig. 13. With an increase in the
Fig. 13—Effects on displacement at 1.2 m (47.2 in.) height of column C1: (a) velocity, layers, and types of FRP; and (b) velocity
and fiber orientation. (Note: 1 mm = 0.039 in.)
number of FRP layers, the horizontal displacement for the than GFRP wraps when using the same amounts, due to
RC column decreases significantly compared to its non- larger confinement stiffness and shear strength. However, the
retrofitted counterpart under the same loading conditions. A column in case G6-M8-V100 deflected less than that in case
comparison between cases C2-M8-V100 and G2-M8-V100 C2-M8-V100, as listed in Table 1, because the actual shear
indicates that CFRP wraps can reduce displacement better
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Materials | Pavements | Structures Building the Future
m0 mN
m 100% (4)
where m0 and mN are the mass of the specimens before SFC
and after N SFC, respectively
f cu f cu , N
f cu 100% (5)
f cu
where fcu and fcu,N are the cubic compressive strength of the
specimens before SFC and after N SFC, respectively (%).
The RDME, Δm, and Δfcu of the specimens after SFC are
shown in Fig. 11. The RDME of the specimens presented
a downward trend after SFC and was characterized by
two phases. In the first phase—namely the process of SFC
Fig. 11—RDME, Δm, and Δfcu versus number of SFC. increasing from 0 to 100—the RDME of the specimens
decreased by 4.08%, 2.42%, 5.57%, and 4.7%, respectively.
RDME, mass loss, and cubic compressive strength loss— Microcracks occurred and developed within the mortar and
The RDME, mass loss (Δm), and cubic compressive strength interfacial transition zone (ITZ) of concrete due to repeated
loss (Δfcu) of the specimens are calculated according to SFC,31 indicating cumulative salt-frost damage in the spec-
Eq. (2), Eq. (4), and Eq. (5), respectively imens. When SFC increased from 100 to 125, namely the
second phase, the RDME of the specimens decreased by
Before SFC, the impact or their combined action, the capacity (517.47 kN [116.3 kip]) was defined as a correc-
axial capacity of the intact RC columns could be obtained tion factor ϕ1 in this paper, which was applied to modify the
by Eq. (7) and (8). In the uniaxial compression test, the calculated axial capacity of RC columns. The corrected axial
measured bearing capacity of the RC columns after SFC, capacity of intact RC columns (Nc') was calculated by the
the impact or their combined action was defined as the following Eq. (9)
residual axial capacity (Nu). Undoubtedly, there is a certain
gap between the calculated axial capacity and the measured N c 1 N c (9)
axial capacity for intact RC columns. For instance, regarding
column SFC0-IL0 without salt-frost and impact damage, where ϕ1 = 1.26 is the correction factor; and Nc' is the correc-
the calculated axial capacity Nc = 517.47 kN (116.3 kip) tion value of the calculated axial capacity.
is smaller than the measured axial capacity, which is equal Three damage factors DFsalt, DFimp, and DFi+s were defined
to the residual axial capacity Nu = 652.00 kN (146.6 kip), to investigate the influence of the SFC, the impact, and their
as shown in Table 7. Therefore, the ratio of the measured combined action on the Nu of the RC columns, respectively,
axial capacity (652.00 kN [146.6 kip]) to the calculated axial which were all calculated according to Eq. (10)
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EI e 0.2 n s Ec I g and 0.3Ec I g EI e 0.7 Ec I g
where n and ls/h are the axial compression ratio and shear
span ratio, respectively.
Figure 4(a) shows the variation of EIe,test/EIe,calc with n.
EIe,calc is the effective stiffness value calculated by Eq. (8)
and EIe,test is the measured value obtained from the backbone
curves. For comparison, the values of EIe,test/EIeASCE are also
plotted in Fig. 4(b). When comparing the values of EIe,test/
Fig. 2—Definition of effective stiffness and yield drift ratio. EIe,calc (that is, proposed method) and EIe,test/EIeASCE (that is,
ASCE 41-17), the mean values of the proposed method are
specimens with a high axial compression ratio of n = 0.35,
comparable to those of ASCE 41-17 (that is, 1.01 ~ 1.04),
the values of EIe,test/EcIg increase almost in a linear fashion
whereas the coefficients of variance (= 0.12 and 0.13) of the
with ls/h. Based on the trends in Fig. 3, the effective flexural
proposed method are significantly less than those (= 0.22
rigidity was approximated as follows
and 0.29) of ASCE 41-17.
a C B (19)
b E B (20)
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea
(NRF-2018R1A6A1A07025819) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
and Transport of Korea (20CTAP-C157615-01). The authors would like to
thank I. Kim and S. Cho for their comments and advice on the proposed
models during the development of the KCI nonlinear modeling guideline
for performance-based seismic design of RC building structures.
ACI Committee 318, 2019, “Building Code Requirements for Struc-
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Performance Assessment for 3D Structures, User Guide (Version 7),” CSI,
ments with existing test results. Further the yield deforma- Berkeley, CA.
tions calculated using EIe also showed good agreements with Elwood, K. J., and Eberhard, M. O., 2009, “Effective Stiffness of
existing test results. Reinforced Concrete Columns,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 106, No. 4,
July-Aug., pp. 476-484.
2. The deformation parameters of the envelope relation Elwood, K. J., and Moehle, J. P., 2005, “Axial Capacity Model for
were defined as the deformations at the development of Shear-Damaged Columns,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 102, No. 4,
post-yield shear failure and axial load failure, respectively. July-Aug., pp. 578-587.
Eom, T.-S.; Hwang, H.-J.; and Park, H.-G., 2015, “Energy-Based Hyster-
The modeling results of the proposed method showed good esis Model for RC Beam-Column Connections,” ACI Structural Journal,
agreements with the measured backbone curves. Further, the V. 112, No. 2, Mar.-Apr., pp. 157-166.
predicted envelope relations of the proposed method agreed Eom, T.-S.; Kang, S.-M.; Park, H.-G.; Choi, T.-W.; and Jin, J.-M., 2014,
“Cyclic Loading Test for Reinforced Concrete Columns with Continuous
well with those of the ASCE/SEI 41-17 model using statis- Rectangular and Polygonal Hoops,” Engineering Structures, V. 67, May,
tical equations. pp. 39-49. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2014.02.023
3. To define the cyclic relation including hysteresis loop Eom, T.-S., and Park, H.-G., 2010a, “Evaluation of Energy Dissipa-
tion of Slender Reinforced Concrete Members and Its Applications,”
and unloading/reloading stiffness, an energy-based cyclic Engineering Structures, V. 32, No. 9, pp. 2884-2893. doi: 10.1016/j.
model using the energy dissipation ratio (κ) was proposed. engstruct.2010.05.007
Energy dissipation ratios for rectangular and circular Eom, T.-S., and Park, H.-G., 2010b, “Elongation of Reinforced
Concrete Members Subjected to Cyclic Loading,” Journal of Structural
columns were formulated. Deficient energy dissipation in Engineering, ASCE, V. 136, No. 9, pp. 1044-1054. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)
columns with inadequate reinforcements was also addressed ST.1943-541X.0000201
using empirical reduction factors. The predicted cyclic Eom, T.-S., and Park, H.-G., 2013, “Evaluation of Shear Deformation and
Energy Dissipation of Reinforced Concrete Members Subjected to Cyclic
responses agreed with the measured ones. Loading,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 110, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. pp. 845-884.
In this study, the modeling parameters such as effective Eom, T.-S.; Park, H.-G.; and Kang, S.-M., 2009, “Energy-Based Cyclic
stiffness, yield deformation, ultimate deformation, and Force-Displacement Relationship for Reinforced Concrete Short Coupling
Beams,” Engineering Structures, V. 31, No. 9, pp. 2020-2031. doi:
failure deformation were proposed based on the test results 10.1016/j.engstruct.2009.03.008
of rectangular columns. Thus, for the nonlinear modeling of Ghannoum, W. M., and Matamoros, A. B., 2014, “Nonlinear Modeling
circular columns, further study is required. Parameters and Acceptance Criteria for Concrete Columns,” Seismic
Assessment of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings, SP-297, K. J.
Elwood, J. Dragovich, and I. Kim, eds., American Concrete Institute, Farm-
AUTHOR BIOS ington Hills, MI, pp. 1-24.
Tae-Sung Eom is a Professor at Dankook University, Yongin, Gyeonggi, Kim, C.-G.; Eom, T.-S.; and Park, H.-G., 2020, “Cyclic Load Test of
South Korea. He received his BS, MS, and PhD in architectural engineering Reinforced Concrete Columns with V-Shaped Ties,” ACI Structural
from Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea. His research interests Journal, V. 117, No. 3, May, pp. 91-101.
include experiment and analysis of reinforced concrete and composite Kim, C.-G.; Park, H.-G.; and Eom, T.-S., 2018, “Seismic Performance
structures with an emphasis on performance-based seismic design. of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Lap Splices in Plastic Hinge
Six squat walls were tested under cyclic loading to investigate the ACI 318 nominal shear strength (the mean over-strength
effects of flanges and high-strength reinforcing bars on the shear factor of wall specimens with barbells or flanges1,3-6,8,13,15,36-39
strength. Test parameters were the grade of reinforcing bar, wall was 1.95). In particular, for squat walls, vertical reinforcing
geometry, and reinforcement ratio. The strength and deformation bars contributed to shear strength through the strut-tie mech-
capacity of the specimens with high-strength reinforcing bar were
anism. Based on existing test results, ASCE/SEI 43-0540 and
comparable to that of normal-strength reinforcing bar specimen
Gulec and Whittaker24 proposed shear strength equations
with identical design strength. The shear strength of flanged walls
was two times the nominal shear strength of ACI 318-19, regardless that included the effect of vertical reinforcing bars for squat
of the web reinforcement ratios. The test results showed that the walls, which equations are currently used for the seismic
vertical reinforcing bar and concrete in the flanges contributed to evaluation of shear walls in NPPs. In the equations, vertical
the shear strength. Shear strength was calculated using a multiple reinforcing bars in web and flanges significantly increase
shear panel model, which included the effect of flanges. The results wall shear strength. However, the number of existing tests
showed that the strength contribution of the flanges accounted for for squat walls with boundary elements is limited, partic-
40% of the overall shear strength. This result indicates that for ularly for the condition of NPP walls with relatively thick
the economical design of squat walls, the effect of flanges can be flanges and high reinforcement ratios. Thus, the applica-
considered. bility of the design equations to such conditions of NPP
Keywords: cyclic loading tests; flanged walls; high-strength reinforcing
walls should be verified. Further, several studies regarding
bar; shear strength; squat walls. squat walls18,21,41,42 reported that, unlike walls with moderate
aspect ratio,25 the web crushing strength (that is, maximum
INTRODUCTION shear strength of 0.67√fc'Acv [8√fc'Acv]) of ACI 318 signifi-
Existing experimental studies for squat walls (height- cantly underestimated the peak shear strength of squat walls.
to-length ratio ≤ 1.0)1-21 have focused on the evaluation of The present study performed cyclic shear tests to investi-
shear strength according to failure modes.1,20,22-29 While gate the effect of flanges on the shear strength of squat walls
the majority of existing studies have focused on isolated with high-strength reinforcing bars. Several specimens were
rectangular walls,2,16-20,22,23,26,27,30-33 the reality is that many designed with high reinforcement ratios that exceeded the
buildings have walls with flanges. In particular, safety-re- current maximum limitation, to verify the effect of flanges
lated auxiliary buildings in nuclear power plants (NPPs) on the walls with a high reinforcement ratio. On the other
consist of grid-type squat walls. In this case, the shear hand, several specimens were designed with minimum hori-
strength contribution of flanges may be significant. If the zontal or vertical reinforcements, to investigate the effect of
shear strength contribution of flanges is considered for the flanges on the walls with low reinforcement ratios.
design of walls, the constructability and economy of walls
can be improved, particularly for NPPs, using the high rein- RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
forcement ratio of large-diameter reinforcing bars. Further, Current shear design methods of walls are based on
in the recent version of ACI 318 (ACI 318-1934), the use of existing test results for rectangular walls. However, when
a high-strength reinforcing bar (Grade 690 MPa [100 ksi]) the effect of flanges and high-strength reinforcing bars are
was permitted for the shear design of walls. Thus, if in addi- considered for walls with flanges, the area of shear rein-
tion to the effect of flanges, the effect of a high-strength rein- forcement can be reduced, which improves economy and
forcing bar is considered, the economy and constructability constructability, particularly for NPP walls with high rein-
can be further improved. For this reason, existing studies forcement ratios of large diameter reinforcing bars. The
have conducted tests on the use of high-strength reinforcing present study provides experimental evidence of the effect
bars in walls.16,18,21,35 The results demonstrated that the of flanges and high-strength reinforcing bars on the shear
tested shear strength of walls with high-strength reinforcing strength of squat walls.
bars was equivalent to that of normal-strength reinforcing
bar walls provided that the design shear strength was iden-
ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
tical (that is, the same Vs). MS No. S-2021-101.R1, doi: 10.14359/51734142, received August 2, 2021, and
Regarding the effect of flanges, Kim and Park21 reported reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
that the shear strength of walls with boundary elements obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
(barbells or flanges) was significantly greater than the is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Note: DT is diagonal tension failure; WC is web crushing failure; 1 kN = 0.225 kip; 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.
uniformly distributed along the wall length, to evaluate the slip (10). The global lateral displacement was measured by
effect of uniformly distributed vertical reinforcing bars. LVDT 11 located at the center of the top slab. Strains were
also measured by 30 foil type linear strain gauges attached
Test procedure and instrumentation to reinforcing bars in the web and flanges (Appendix A).*
Figure 3 shows that a reversed cyclic lateral load was
applied to the top slab under displacement control. The TEST RESULTS
loading protocol was planned considering the maximum drift Failure modes
ratio of the shear failure specimen.43 Reversed cyclic load- Figure 4 shows the failure mode and crack pattern of the
ings were repeated three times for a given drift ratio. Axial specimens. All specimens failed in shear, as intended in
load was not applied to the specimens because in low-rise the design. In the web, diagonal cracks were propagated.
buildings, the axial force demand is low. Figure 3 shows Due to the diagonal crack mode of the web, shear defor-
that 11 linear variable displacement transducers (LVDTs) mations were observed at the upper part of the tension
were installed to measure the deformation. Two LVDTs 1 flange and lower part of the compression flange. However,
and 2 were diagonally placed in the web to measure shear depending on the web reinforcement ratio, two types of
deformation. Four vertical LVDTs 4 to 7 were placed in the failure modes occurred. For Specimens N1, H1, and H2
flanges to measure flexure deformation. Horizontal LVDT 3
was used to measure the relative shear sliding between the
The Appendix is available at in PDF format,
wall and base. Three LVDTs were placed at the wall base
appended to the online version of the published paper. It is also available in hard copy
to measure the possible foundation rocking (8 and 9) and from ACI headquarters for a fee equal to the cost of reproduction plus handling at the
time of the request.
Fig. 5—Lateral load-displacement relationships of test specimens: (a) N1; (b) H1; (c) H2; (d) H3; (e) H4; and (f) H5. (Note:
1 kN = 0.225 kip; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.)
Fig. 7—Displacement components to lateral deformation: (a) N1; (b) H1; (c) H2; (d) H3; (e) H4; and (f) H5.
Fig. 7(c) to (e) shows that specimens with a low vertical after diagonal cracking without flexural yielding. Thus, the
reinforcement ratio showed a relatively greater contribution shear deformation accounted for approximately 60% of the
of shear sliding at the early stage of loading. overall lateral displacement for all specimens, including
the rectangular wall (Fig. 7). For this reason, the crack
Strains of horizontal and vertical reinforcement in width in the web and tension flange was the greatest, which
web cause large strains in the web. This result indicates that the
Strain gauges were placed at three locations of each rein- vertical reinforcing bars resisted shear, as well as flexural
forcing bar to measure the strain distributions. Figure 8 moment. Also, in the case of the horizontal reinforcing bars,
shows the locations of the strain gauges. Each mark in the the average strain was greatest at the mid height of walls
figure indicates the average of the strains measured at the (Fig. 8(b)), though local peak strains occurred along the
same height at peak strength (Appendix A provides the strain diagonal cracks. For specimens with a high reinforcement
distributions of all strain gauges at each loading step). For ratio (H1 and H2), the horizontal reinforcing bars remained
all specimens, the strains of vertical reinforcing bars in the elastic at peak strength. This result agreed with the existing
web and tension flange near the mid height of the wall were test results of squat walls by Luna and Whittaker20 and Kim
greater than those at the bottom of the wall (Fig. 8(a) and and Park.21 On the other hand, for specimens with a low
Appendix A). This is because the specimens failed in shear
Fig. 8—Average shear strain at peak strength: (a) vertical reinforcing bars; and (b) horizontal reinforcing bars.
reinforcement ratio (H3 and H4), several horizontal rein- wall. For this reason, the crack angle was not significantly
forcing bars near diagonal cracks exceeded the yield strain. different, regardless of the reinforcement ratio.
To compare the strain distributions between specimens,
average crack angle (with respect to the vertical axis, Fig. 4) CONTRIBUTION OF FLANGES TO SHEAR
and crack width were evaluated. The average crack angle in STRENGTH
the web was estimated from the major diagonal cracks prop- Shear strength predictions of existing design
agated over more than half the height of the wall, following methods
Luna and Whittaker.20 The average crack width was esti- The shear strengths of the test specimens were compared
mated based on the diagonal deformation (measured using with the predictions of ACI 318-19,34 ASCE/SEI 43-05,40
LVDTs 1 and 2) and the number of major cracks propagated and Gulec and Whittaker,24 which are used in the evaluation
over more than half the height of the wall: the diagonal of the shear wall strength in NPPs (ACI 318 [or ACI 349] for
deformation divided by the number of major cracks. Table 2 squat rectangular walls and ASCE 43-05 or Gulec and Whit-
summarizes the crack angle and average crack width at the taker equations for squat flanged walls). Figure 9 plots the
peak strength of each specimen. over-strength factors Vtest/Vn of the test specimens according
In three specimens in which the horizontal reinforce- to the effective horizontal reinforcement ratio normalized by
ment ratio was the same as the vertical reinforcement ratio the concrete strength (ρhfyh/√fc'; normal-strength reinforcing
(N1: 0.98%, H1: 0.63%, and H4: 0.32%), the average crack bar Specimen N1 was excluded from the figure because the
angles were 40 degrees. Specimen H3, in which the hori- difference between N1 and H1 was negligible). As reported
zontal reinforcement ratio (0.32%) was lower than the in the previous study,21 the design equations generally under-
vertical reinforcement ratio (0.63%), showed greater strains estimated the shear strength of flanged walls (N1 to H4).
of horizontal reinforcing bars and smaller crack angle (38 The mean over-strength factors of the flanged wall speci-
degrees). Rectangular Specimen H5 showed the lowest mens were 1.89 (ACI 318-19), 1.94 (ASCE 43-05), and 1.70
vertical strains in the web, due to the greatest vertical rein- (Gulec and Whittaker), respectively. For rectangular wall
forcement ratio (2.53%), resulting in the lowest crack angle Specimen H5, the over-strength factors were 1.56, 0.85,
of 37 degrees. Due to the small aspect ratio (=1.0) of the and 1.00. In particular, the equation of ACI 318-19 signifi-
squat wall specimens, the major shear crack was propagated cantly underestimated the tested shear strength, owing to the
diagonally connecting the top and bottom corners of the conservative web crushing criteria (that is, the permissible
Fig. 10—Equivalent shear panel model to calculate shear strengths of web and flanges: (a) crack patterns of web and flanges;
and (b) proposed model.
Fig. 11—Estimation of shear strength contribution of web and flanges: (a) prediction based on measured strains; and (b)
prediction based on MCFT. (Note: 1 kN = 0.225 kip.)
at peak strength were used for input values. The horizontal where f1 = 0.33√fc'/(1 + √500ε1).
strain was estimated from the three input values γ, θ, and εv. Consequently, the shear strengths of the web and flanges
Using Mohr’s circle of strains in the cracked concrete of specimen H1 were calculated as follows: τw = 6.34 MPa,
panel,41,45 the average shear strains of the horizontal rein- τtf = 2.69 MPa, and τcf = 3.52 MPa. Due to the flexural
forcing bars εh and the principal strains ε1 and ε2 were calcu- compression, the shear stress in the compression flange τcf
lated as follows was greater than that of the tension flange τtf. The effect of
compressive stress was considered through the steeper crack
ε2 = γtanθ/2 − εv (2) angle. Considering the dimensions of the web and flanges,
the shear resistances provided by each element were calcu-
lated: Vw = (6.34 MPa × 1200 mm × 200 mm) = 1522 kN, Vtf
εh = {εv + (1 − tan2θ) ε2}/tan2θ (3) = (2.69 MPa × 200 mm × 800 mm) = 430 kN, and Vcf = (3.52
MPa × 200 mm × 800 mm) = 563 kN. The overall predicted
shear strength was Vpred. = 1522 + 430 + 563 = 2515 kN,
ε1 = εv + εh + ε2 (4) while Vtest = 2797 kN (Vtest/Vpred. = 1.11). Following the same
procedure, the shear strength of the web and flanges of all
For example, Table 3 presents the input (measured) and the flanged wall specimens were calculated.
output (estimated) strain values of Specimen H1. It was Figure 11(a) shows the test results (black circle), numer-
assumed that the three shear panels (web, tension flange, and ical analysis (white circle), and the contributions of the
compression flange) are subjected to the same shear strain web (cross mark) and the flanges (X-mark) of the numer-
(γ = 0.0078). The estimated strain of the web horizontal rein- ical analysis based on the measured strains. The percent-
forcing bar (3800 με) yielded a reasonable estimate, when ages in the figure indicate the shear strength contributions
compared to the measured strain distribution of horizontal of the web and flanges. The numbers in parenthesis present
reinforcing bars in Fig. 8(b). the strength ratios of Vtest to Vpred. In general, the numer-
Using the force equilibrium of each panel with the average ical analysis results agreed with the measured peak shear
strain values, the shear stress of cracked concrete for the strength (mean over-strength factor of 1.11 for the five spec-
given strain state was calculated as the sum of the tensile imens). In the numerical analysis, the flanges significantly
strengths of the horizontal reinforcement and concrete increased the shear strength of walls, accounting for approx-
(Eq. (5)). For the tensile stress of cracked concrete f1, an imately 40% of the overall shear strength. The contribution
empirical tension stiffening model41 was used was greater for the specimens with a low horizontal rein-
forcement ratio in the web (H3 and H4). However, consid-
v = (f1 + ρhfsh)cotθ = f1 + ρsEsεhcotθ (5) ering that the sectional area of flanges accounts for 57% of
The side-face blowout area of two-layer headed bars in an exte- f y ψ e ψ p ψ o ψ c 1.5 f y ψ e ψ p ψ o ψ c 1.5
rior beam-column joint could be overlapped by each headed bar ldt , ACI = db (MPa) = db (psi)
and, therefore, the anchorage strength of the individual headed bar 31 f c′ 75 f c′
could be reduced. However, ACI 318-19 and previous studies did
not consider the effects of layer-to-layer spacing. To evaluate the
anchorage strength of two-layer headed bars in the exterior beam-
column joint, a simulated exterior beam-column joint test was f dt , ACI = 31ldt
f c′(MPa) =
f c′(psi)
1.5 1.5
conducted with 43 mm (No. 14) headed bars of 550 MPa (80 ksi) of ψ e ψ p ψ o ψ c db ψ e ψ p ψ o ψ c db
design yield strength. The effects of layer-to-layer spacing, embed-
ment length, and side cover on the anchorage strength of two-layer
headed bars were experimentally estimated. Degradations of the
anchorage strength due to overlapping failure area are very similar where ldt,ACI is the development length of the headed bar; fc′ is
to the degradation of the side-face blowout strength of the group the compressive strength of concrete; fy is the yield strength
anchor subjected to tension, and the side-face blowout strength of of the headed bar; db is the bar diameter; ψe, ψp, ψo, and ψc
two-layer headed bars can be predicted by using a spacing factor. are factors of reinforcement coating, parallel tie reinforce-
A design equation for the development length of two-layer headed ment, side cover and confinement, and concrete strength,
bars is proposed by applying the spacing factor developed in this respectively (refer to Table of ACI 318-19)2; and
study into a design equation for the single-headed bar developed fdt,ACI is the anchorage strength of the headed bars in ACI
from a previous study. 318-192 rewritten from ldt,ACI.
Chun et al.3 performed simulated exterior beam-column
Keywords: exterior beam-column joint; headed bar; side-face blowout
failure; two layers. joint tests to evaluate the side-face blowout strengths of
single-headed bars of maximum diameter 57 mm (No. 18).
INTRODUCTION The test setup is notably similar to that of the hooked bar
A headed bar is mainly used for multi-layer bars, such tests conducted by Marques and Jirsa,4 from which the
as beam-column joints and slab-wall joints. At the beam- ACI 318-145 provisions for hooked bars were developed. A
column joint, the upper reinforcing bars are mainly designed tensile force is applied to the headed bars, which is the longi-
as two layers, and the strain of the outer reinforcing bars tudinal beam reinforcement terminated in the column. The
is larger than that of the inner reinforcing bar. However, in compression zone of the beam is simulated with a steel plate
the ultimate state, the strains of both reinforcing bars greatly bearing against the face of the column. Test variables include
exceed the yield strain, so the anchorage of both bars should the bar diameter of 43 or 57 mm (No. 14 or 18), embedment
be designed for the same yield strength. As shown in Fig. 1, length of 7 to 16db, side cover of 1 or 2db, concrete compres-
the side-face blowout strength of two-layer headed bars on sive strength of 42 or 70 MPa (6 or 10 ksi), and the presence
the exterior beam-column joint is smaller than twice the or absence of transverse reinforcement. The specimens were
strength of a single-headed bar due to the overlapping failure designed to induce side-face blowout failure of the exterior
area of the individual headed bars. Based on the simulated beam-column joint and prevent joint shear failure, and the
beam-column joint tests by Shao et al.,1 ACI 318-192 regu- flexural or shear failure of columns. From the tests, Eq. (3)
lates the design equation Eq. (1) of the development length was proposed for predicting the side-face blowout strength
for headed bars. Design parameters for the development of the single-headed bar, including the effects of embedment
length include the yield strength of headed bars, concrete length, side cover, and transverse reinforcement. Equa-
compressive strength, bar diameter, location of headed bars, tion (3) also does not consider the effects of layer-to-layer
presence or absence of bar coating, and the effects of trans- spacing of two or more layered headed bars
verse reinforcement within joints. However, Eq. (1) does not
consider the effects of layer-to-layer spacing of two or more
layered headed bars. Equation (2), rewritten from Eq. (1),
shows the relationship between the expected strength of ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
headed bars and given conditions MS No. S-2021-107.R1, doi: 10.14359/51734338, received August 21, 2021, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
f dt ,1 = 3 dt + 30 ψ1 f c′(MPa)
= 36 dt + 360 ψ1 f c′(psi))
d b
cso K
ψ1 = 0.75 + 0.25 + 0.4 tr
db db
where ldt is the embedment length of a headed bar; fc′ cannot
be greater than 80 MPa (11.6 ksi); cco is the clear cover, and
cannot be less than 1.0db, nor greater than 3.0db; Ktr is the
transverse reinforcement index defined in Eq. (
of ACI 318-19,2 and cannot be greater than 1.0db; and ψ1
cannot be greater than 1.5.
In Chapter 17, Anchoring to Concrete, of ACI 318-19,2 the Fig. 2—Equivalent single-bar method.
side-face blowout strength of a group of anchor subjected to
tension includes the effects of overlapping of the failure area RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
of each individual anchor. When the failure areas overlap, In the exterior beam-column joint with two-layer headed
the strength does not increase in proportion to the number of bars, the side-face blowout area of each headed bar may be
anchors. The side-face blowout strength of the group headed overlapped. The overlap of the failure area causes a reduction
anchor is determined by multiplying the side-face blowout in the side-face blowout strength of the individual headed
strength of the single anchor by a spacing factor if the anchor bar. Twenty-four simulated exterior beam-column joints
center-to-center spacing is less than 6ca1. The capacity of were tested for two-layer headed bars. The test results show
each individual anchor is less than that of the single anchor. that the layer-to-layer spacing of headed bars affects the
In two-layer headed bars, the side-face blowout strength of side-face blowout strength, and the failure area is larger than
the individual bar may also be reduced due to the overlap- that of a group anchor under the same conditions. The equa-
ping failure area. However, the amount of overlapped failure tion including the layer-to-layer spacing factor of headed
area can be different between headed anchors and headed bars was developed by analyzing test data compared with
bars, and it is necessary to investigate the effects of layer-to- the equation of a previous study.3 The proposed equation
layer spacing of two-layer headed bars. provides a safe anchorage design for a two-layer headed bar.
In this study, the effects of the layer-to-layer spacing of
headed bar were examined, which has not previously been METHODS FOR EVALUATING FAILURE AREA
reported. To evaluate anchorage strengths with varying OVERLAPS IN TWO-LAYER HEADED BARS
embedment length, side cover, and layer-to-layer spacing of To predict the side-face blowout strength of two-layer
headed bars in the joint, a simulated exterior beam-column headed bars, two methods (the equivalent single-bar method
joint test was conducted for two-layer headed bars with a and the spacing factor method) are suggested.
design yield strength of 550 MPa (80 ksi). The structural
behavior and strengths of two-layer headed bars were inves- Equivalent single-bar method
tigated, and the side-face blowout strength of two-layer The equivalent single-bar method was suggested with
headed bars was predicted by applying the spacing factor of reference to Section on bundle reinforcement of
group anchor to the proposed equation of the previous study3 ACI 318-19.2 Figure 2 shows that two-headed bars can be
and the design equation of ACI 318-19.2 Finally, a design assumed to be a single bar having twice the cross-sectional
equation for the development length of two-layer headed area of a headed bar. The equivalent diameter db,eq becomes
bars is proposed. 2db, and the equivalent side cover cso,eq can be calculated
( )
N sb = 13ca Abrg λ f c′(MPa)
accordance with ACI Committee 3527 to prevent both flex-
ural and shear failures of the column. The breadth (B) of
= (160c a )
Abrg λ f c′(psi) specimens was set so as not to interfere with the two center-
hole-hydraulic rams. The width (H) was minimized as the
where ca is the distance from the center of the anchor to embedment length plus the side cover and thickness of the
the edge of concrete in one direction; s is the center-to- head, so that a compressive strut at the joint restrained the
center spacing of the anchor; Abrg is the net bearing area of headed bars.
the anchor bolt; and λ is a modification factor to reflect the
reduced mechanical properties of lightweight concrete, rela- Test procedure
tive to normal weight concrete. Figure 6 shows the test setup, which was the same as that
If the layer-to-layer spacing of the two-layer headed bars of the study by Chun et al.3 For test convenience, the column
is narrow, the failure areas of the individual headed bars was laid down. The exterior beam-column joint was simu-
overlap, and the side-face blowout strength of the individual lated by applying a tensile force to the headed bars termi-
headed bar decreases. If the side-face blowout behavior of nated on the column and forming a compression region
the two-layer headed bars is similar with that of the group induced by the moment of the beam. The beam concrete was
anchor, the whole side-face blowout strength of two-layer not cast so as to directly apply a tensile force to the headed
headed bars can be obtained by multiplying the strength of bars. Two headed bars were terminated at each front and
rear side of the column, and a total of four headed bars were
loaded. Two headed bars of 43 mm (No. 14) at each side
were connected to the upper flange of the connecting frame.
Two connecting frames were installed and a rod of 57 mm
(2.24 in.) diameter was connected to the lower flange of
each connecting frame, and a tensile force was applied with
a center-hole-hydraulic ram of 3000 kN (674 kip) capacity.
The two hydraulic rams were connected to a pump, and the
same load was applied. The applied loads were measured
with center-hole load cells placed under the hydraulic rams.
If one of the two sets of front and rear headed bars failed,
the oil of the ram connected to the failed set was cut off,
and only the other side of the headed bars was loaded. In
addition, if the 57 mm (2.24 in.) rods break during the test,
it is very dangerous. For test safety, when the load reached
1400 kN (315 kip) of the actual yield load of the 57 mm
(2.24 in.) rod, the test was stopped.
Crack propagation and failure mode
Concrete compressive strengths were tested on the
test days. A 100 x 200 mm (4 x 8 in.) cylinder was used
for the concrete compressive test. Table 2 summarizes Fig. 4—Head dimension.
the compressive strengths by specimen series. The yield for safety reasons, after the applied load reaching 1400 kN
strength, tensile strength, and elastic modulus of the headed (315 kip). The structural behavior of the side-face blowout
bars were 620 MPa (89.92 ksi), 782 MPa (113.42 ksi) and failure of the two-layer headed bars was the same as that of a
204,421 MPa (29,648 ksi), respectively. previous study for single-headed bars.3 Figure 7(a) shows that
The side-face blowout failure occurred in all specimens initial cracks along the headed bars occurred from the column
except for three specimens for which testing was stopped face, and those cracks progressed towards the heads of the
Figure 14 compares Eq. (9) with the tests, and the average is compared with Eq. (9) in Fig. 14, and gives the average
and COV of the test-to-prediction ratios are 1.02 and 6.3%, and COV of test-to-predictions of 1.01% and 8.72%, respec-
respectively. Figure 15 shows the test-to-prediction ratios tively. For design purpose, a safety factor of 5% fractile
for bar spacing according to embedment lengths. As the bar coefficient is introduced,10 which corresponds to a 5% prob-
spacing increased, the safety level looks a little decrease. ability of non-exceedance with a confidence of 90%. The 5%
However, the average test-to-prediction ratios of the speci- fractile coefficient using these data is 0.84. Incorporating the
mens with 2db, 3db, and 4db spacing are 1.04, 1.01, and 1.00, 5% fractile coefficient into Eq. (9), and solving for the devel-
respectively, meaning that the safety level is maintained for opment length of headed bars, yields Eq. (10)
the large spacing condition.
ldt , p fy
db 2.5ψ1ψ 2 f c′
A set of a total of 107 data, including a previous study (10)
on a single bar3 as well as the test presented in this study, fy
= − 10(psi)
30ψ1ψ 2 f c′
Fig. 10—Ratio of test-to-predictions with varying embed- Fig. 11—Ratio of test-to-predictions with varying side cover.
ment length.
cso K s
ψ1 = 0.75 + 0.25 + 0.4 tr , ψ 2 = 0.5 + (11)
db db 15ca1
where ldt,p is the proposed development length of the headed
bar; fc′ cannot be greater than 80 MPa (11,600 psi); cso/db
cannot be less than 1.0 nor greater than 3.0; Ktr/db cannot
be greater than 1.0; ψ1 cannot be greater than 1.5; and ψ2 is
used only for multi-layer headed bars and cannot be greater
than 1.0.
To evaluate the anchorage strength of two-layer headed
bars in the joint, simulated exterior beam-column joint
tests were performed with headed bars of 550 MPa (80 ksi)
design yield strength. The conclusion can be summarized
as follows: Fig. 12—Ratio of test-to-predictions with varying bar
1. In two-layer headed bars, the failure area of the side- spacing.
face blowout of each bar overlaps and therefore, the side-
face blowout strength of each bar decreases compared to the increase, the bar stress increases, which are included in the
strength of a single-headed bar. design code2 and the previous model.3 While increasing
2. The results of 24 simulated exterior beam-column joint the layer-to-layer spacing of headed bars also results in an
tests show that as the embedment length and side cover increase in the bar stress, the increase is not significant.
Yail J. Kim, Steven Nolan, and Antonio Nanni
Barzin Mobasher and Flávio de Andrade Silva
+1.248.848.3700 •
Title No. 119-S42
Fig. 14—Lateral drift ratio along height of shear walls. (Note: 1 mm = 0.0394 in.)
Existing strength models of spiral-steel confined natural aggregate ITZ between the adhered mortar and the aggregate.15 As a
concrete (NAC) are based on the Richart et al. model. Furthermore, result, when recycled aggregates are used to produce RAC,
scant work related to the strength model of spiral-steel confined the ITZ increases and results in inferior/lower performance
recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) is available in the literature. of RAC than NAC.16 Approximately 30 to 40% reduction
This paper focuses on developing a unified strength model for
in compressive strength of RAC is reported in the literature
spiral-steel confined circular NAC and RAC columns based on
compared to NAC.7
the Hoek-Brown peak strength criterion. The Hoek-Brown peak
strength criterion applies to the strengthening of concrete members Different methods are adopted by researchers to enhance
with existing damage and can be extended to the performance the performance of RAC. In this context, the porous mortar
enhancement of RAC through spiral-steel confinement. The perfor- attached to recycled aggregates was removed through
mance of existing and proposed models is evaluated through a mechanical,17 chemical,18 and thermal19 treatment tech-
test database comprising the wide-ranging experimental results niques. Similarly, strengthening of porous adhered mortar
of spiral-steel confined circular concrete columns. Results show of recycled aggregates through self-healing,20 surface
that the proposed model can effectively predict the peak strength coating,21 and carbonation22 techniques was also explored
of spiral-steel confined circular NAC and RAC columns, leading to by the researchers. Several mixing approaches (including
structural applications of RAC. sand-enveloped mixing, single mixing, double mixing,
Keywords: concrete columns; confinement; Hoek-Brown peak strength
two-stage mixing, and mortar mixing) and mineral admix-
criterion; recycled aggregate concrete; steel spirals; strength. tures were also investigated to enhance the RAC perfor-
mance.23 Although these methods improve the performance
INTRODUCTION of recycled aggregates and RAC, the handling of the high
Being a highly consumed material, 25 billion tons of amount of materials, required infrastructure, associated cost,
fresh concrete are produced annually worldwide.1,2 On the carbon dioxide emissions, and quality control are the short-
other side, many countries are dealing with the landfilling comings to adopting the treatment techniques on an indus-
issues of construction and demolition waste. Annually, 77, trial scale.24
325, and 510 million tons of construction and demolition Generally, strength enhancement due to confinement by
waste are generated in Japan, the United States, and Europe, lateral reinforcement is not considered in the current design
respectively.1,3 To consume such massive waste material, practice of concrete structures.7,25 Recently, Munir et al.25
many countries recycle the construction and demolition explored the use of strength enhancement through confine-
waste as aggregates to produce recycled aggregate concrete ment by spiral-steel reinforcement to overcome the strength
(RAC).4,5 In 2019, the municipal administration level of reduction of RAC. Results showed that confinement by
Shanghai, China, made it mandatory to use 15 to 30% of lateral reinforcement can significantly improve the perfor-
recycled aggregates to produce concrete for new construc- mance of RAC, and the increase in the confinement level
tion projects.6,7 RAC has also been used in the construction increases the peak stress of RAC. The strength reduction
of the Waldspirale complex in Germany; a housing project related to the use of recycled aggregates is also lower for
in Madrid, Spain; building Council House 2 in Melbourne, confined RAC samples than unconfined RAC samples.7 The
Australia; and Zürich’s largest school in Birch, Switzerland.3 lateral steel reinforcement is commonly used in the construc-
Although the demand for recycling construction and tion of reinforced concrete structures. Therefore, the idea of
demolition waste is increasing day by day, RAC applications using the confinement by spiral-steel reinforcement to over-
are still quite limited.8,9 The biggest hurdle in using RAC is come the strength reduction of RAC is not only effective but
its inferior performance compared to traditional concrete.10 is also practically possible for recycling the construction and
The poorer properties of RAC compared with natural aggre- demolition waste in the construction of concrete compres-
gate concrete (NAC) are owed to the inferior properties of sion members.
recycled aggregates compared with natural aggregates11,12;
the porous mortar adhered to the recycled aggregates results
ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
in the poorer characteristics of recycled aggregates.13 The MS No. S-2021-132.R1, doi: 10.14359/51734340, received August 16, 2021, and
interfacial transition zone (ITZ) is the link between the reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
aggregate and cement paste and is considered the weakest obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
point of concrete.14 The recycled aggregates already have an is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
f cc 21 f l 2 f y As
Shah et al.28 = 1 + 1.15 + fl =
f co f co f co Dp
f le = 0.5keρs f y ; ke = 2D
f cc f f
Mander et al.29 = 2.254 1 + 7.94 le − 2 le − 1.254 1 − ρcc
f co f co f co 4A 4 Al
ρs = s ; s ′ = p − d sp ; ρcc =
Dp πD 2
ρs f y p
f l ′= 1−
El-Dash and f cc f′ 2 1.25 D
= 1 + k1 l
Ahmad30 f co f co
f d sp
4 As
k1 = 5.1 co ρ ; ρs =
fy s Dp
f cc ρs f y 4 As
Hoshikuma et al.31 = 1 + 3.83 ρs =
f co f co Dp
Razvi and f cc f 2 f s As
= 1 + k1e l fl = ; k = 6.7 f l −0.17
Saatcioglu32 f co f co Dp 1e
f cc f rp 16 f y As 2 f y As
Assa et al.33 = 1 + 3.36 f rp = max. ,
f co f co 6p
Dpf co 0.34 e D
f le = 0.5keρs f y ; ke = 2D
1 − ρcc
4 Al 4A
f cc f f ρcc = ; ρs = s ; s ′ = p − d sp
Bing et al.34 = 2.254 1 + 7.94α s le − 2α s le − 1.254 πD 2 Dp
f co f co f co f le
α s = 3.1 for f co > 52 MPa
f co
α s = ( 21.2 − 0.35 f co ) le for f co ≤ 52 MPa
f co
UNIFIED STRENGTH MODEL BASED ON HOEK- where ft is the tensile strength of NAC. It is well established
BROWN PEAK STRENGTH CRITERION in the literature that ft is a function of fco. Table 2 shows the
Model for spiral-steel confined circular NAC relationships between the tensile and compressive strengths
columns of NAC presented by different building standards and
Previously, Wu and Zhou37 developed a unified strength researchers. Based on these relationships, Eq. (9) can be
model for fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) confined square written as
and circular NAC columns based on the Hoek-Brown26 peak
strength criterion. A similar methodology is adopted in this 2 n
m m2 4 f co (10)
study to develop the unified strength model for spiral-steel C
confined circular NAC columns. For NAC with no consid-
where n and C are the coefficients to be determined. The
erable defects, s = 1.0, and to evaluate the peak strength of
parameter m value can be determined by simplifying Eq. (10)
spiral-steel confined circular NAC columns, Eq. (4) can be
written as
f co n C
m n (11)
f cc f f C f co
l m l 1 (8)
f co f co f co After considering a wide range of experimental data on
confined circular NAC columns, Girgin et al.51 also reported
Similarly, Eq. (8) can be written as the dependency of the parameter m of the Hoek-Brown26
peak strength criterion on the compressive strength of NAC.
m m 2 4 (9)
f co 2
The findings of Girgin et al.51 are in agreement with Eq. (11).
Considering Eq. (11), Eq. (8) can be written as
Discussion of results
The existing and proposed peak strength models of spiral-
steel confined circular NAC columns are evaluated through
the aforementioned statistical indexes, and the results
are presented in Table 4. For comparison purposes, EIs
of proposed and existing peak strength models for spiral-
steel confined circular NAC columns are also presented in
Fig. 1. The performance of the models is categorized into
three different groups: Group I (EI ≤ 15%), Group II (15% <
EI ≤ 30%), and Group III (EI > 30%), as presented in Fig. 1.
Results show that most of the strength models have good Fig. 1—EIs of strength models for spiral-steel confined
accuracy and are within Group I. circular NAC columns.
To better understand the error distributions of the proposed model is based on the Hoek-Brown26 peak strength
proposed and existing models, the comparison between the criterion.
experimental results and predictions of models for spiral-
steel confined circular NAC columns is presented in Fig. Model evaluation for application to spiral-steel
2. The Hoshikuma et al.31 model from Group III signifi- confined circular RAC columns
cantly underestimates the peak strength of spiral-steel As previously discussed, the Hoek-Brown26 peak strength
confined circular NAC columns, with 68% of the test data criterion applies to strengthening concrete members with
having EI > 15%. However, the Shah et al.28 model belongs existing damage. Therefore, the developed model based on
to Group II and overestimates the peak strength results of the Hoek-Brown26 peak strength criterion can be extended
spiral-steel confined circular NAC columns, with 61% of the to predict the peak strength of spiral-steel confined circular
test data having EI > 15%. Both the Hoshikuma et al.31 and RAC columns. To evaluate the developed model for appli-
Shah et al.28 models are developed based on their own exper- cation to spiral-steel confined circular RAC columns, a
imental data, which is why these models are not very accu- test database including a total of 153 test columns is used
rate in predicting the peak strength of spiral-steel confined in this study, as shown in Table 5, which comprises the
circular NAC columns. wide-ranging experimental results of spiral-steel confined
Figures 1 and 2 show that the model predictions of Wei circular RAC columns. It covers different types and replace-
and Wu,35 Munir et al.,36 and the proposed model are more ment ratios of CRA, fl varying from 1.8 to 3.8 MPa, and fco
accurate compared to the other models. Moreover, these varying from 26 to 62 MPa. The damage index s varies from
models show the uniform distributions of the error for the 0.33 to 0.94, which is determined through Eq. (6) using the
whole range of results. Based on Fig. 1 and 2, it is consid- peak strength of the NAC and RAC from the original refer-
ered that the proposed model based on the Hoek-Brown26 ences. The lower value of the damage index s represents the
peak strength criterion is suitable to predict the peak strength RAC samples having peak strength significantly reduced by
of spiral-steel confined circular NAC columns. It is worth adding RCA and vice versa.
mentioning that both the Wei and Wu35 and Munir et al.36 Recently, Munir et al.36 developed a model to predict the
models are based on the Richart et al.27 model, whereas the peak stress of spiral-steel confined NAC and RAC columns,
Various strength models of spiral-steel confined natural
aggregate concrete (NAC) are available in the literature.
However, limited studies are available related to the strength
model of spiral-steel confined recycled aggregate concrete
(RAC). Furthermore, most of the existing strength models
of spiral-steel confined NAC are based on the Richart et al.27
model. This paper focuses on developing a unified strength
model for spiral-steel confined circular NAC and RAC
columns based on the Hoek-Brown26 peak strength crite-
rion. The Hoek-Brown26 peak strength criterion applies to
strengthening or repairing concrete members with existing
damage or defects. Therefore, this criterion can be extended
to the performance enhancement of RAC through spiral-
steel confinement. A test database comprising the wide-
ranging experimental results of spiral-steel confined circular
concrete columns is used to evaluate the performance of
existing and proposed models in this study. Results show
that the proposed model can effectively predict the peak
strength of spiral-steel confined circular NAC and RAC
columns, leading to structural applications of RAC.
Fig. 3—Performance of strength models for spiral-steel Muhammad Junaid Munir is a Research Assistant in the School of Engi-
neering at RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. He received his
confined circular RAC columns: (a) Munir et al.33 model; BSc from Mirpur University of Science and Technology, Mirpur, Azad
and (b) proposed model. Kashmir, Pakistan; his MSc from the University of Engineering and Tech-
nology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan; and his PhD from RMIT University. His
research interests include concrete materials and structures.
This work was supported by the Australian Research Council
(DP200100631) and the Victoria-Jiangsu Program for Technology and
Innovation R&D by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs,
Transport and Resources, the state of Victoria, Australia. All the data and
models used in this study appear in the submitted paper.
Fig. 4—Distribution of error.
Table 6—Evaluation of strength models for spiral-steel confined circular RAC columns
Model EI, % ((fcc/fco)ana./(fcc/fco)exp.)Avg. SD COV, % ((fcc/fco)ana./(fcc/fco)exp.)Max. ((fcc/fco)ana./(fcc/fco)exp.)Min.
Munir et al. 36
6.5 0.96 0.10 7.6 1.12 0.70
Proposed 6.8 1.04 0.07 7.0 1.21 0.86
Carl A. Nelson
Eric Jacques and Mi G. Chorzepa
+1.248.848.3700 •
Title No. 119-S44
0.58 0.221
Vn 0.85 f c1ble
0.88 a / le
Mattock and Gaffar For embedded steel sections as
0.58 0.221
(1982) Vn f b1ble brackets
0.88 a / le
0.58 0.22
ANSI/AISC 341-16 For monolithic steel coupling beams
Vn 4.04 f c wall 1b f le 1
(2016) b 0.88 Lcs with a wide-flange section
Note: fc′ is compressive strength of concrete; b is width of steel coupling beam; le is embedded length of steel beam; le_min is required minimum embedded length of steel beam; a
is shear span; e is equal to l/2 + leff/2 + cc; leff is equal to le – cc; cc is spalled cover concrete; e1 is equal to le/2+a; twall is thickness of wall; β1 is ratio of depth equivalent rectangular
stress distribution to depth of flexural compression zone as specified in ACI 318-19; fb is bearing strength of concrete; Vu is ultimate shear strength; Vp is plastic shear strength of steel
coupling beam; be is effective width of steel coupling beam; bf is width of flange; and Lcs is clear span of coupling beam.
with the concrete damage. According to Lim et al. (2016), a wall system. Also, premature concrete wall failure, such
reduction of the embedment length might cause the pullout as concrete cover spalling, can bring about a sudden drop
failure of the embedded steel beam. This failure mode could of the strength, and this leads to a low energy dissipation
lead to degradation of the strength, stiffness, energy dissi- capacity (Park and Yun 2005). To prevent such performance
pation, and/or deformation capacity of the coupled shear degradation caused by the premature wall failure in the early
for the walls as per ASTM C39/C39M (2018). The design ratios of HCB1A, HCB2A, HCB3A, HCB3, and EL600A
compressive strength of concrete was 35 MPa (5.1 ksi) and were 0.47, 0.29, 0.21, 0.21, and 1, respectively.
the strength of concrete measured on the testing day was 38
MPa (5.5 ksi). Design of bolted connections between embedded
beam and steel coupling beam
Shear strength ratio In this study, double shear simple connections were used
The shear strength ratio, one of the primary test param- to connect the steel coupling beam and the embedded steel
eters, was determined by intentionally creating the web beam (Fig. 2). For manufacturing the connections, steel
opening in the steel coupling beam and indicates how much plates (Fy = 300 MPa [43.5 ksi] and Fu = 400 MPa [58.0 ksi])
the shear capacity was reduced in comparison to the full with a thickness of 20 mm (0.8 in.) were used. The overall
capacity. The shear strength ratio (Vpo/Vp) was defined as the height and width of the connection were 400 and 120 mm
ratio of the plastic shear strength (Vpo = 0.6Fywtw(h – dw)) (15.7 and 4.7 in.), respectively.
of the coupling beams with the web opening to the plastic The bolted connection was designed as a slip-critical
shear strength (Vp = 0.6Fywtwh) of EL600A (control spec- connection in accordance with Section J3 of ANSI/AISC
imen without web opening). Here, Fyw is the specified yield 360-16 (2016). The design strength of the slip-critical connec-
strength of the web; tw is the thickness of the web; h is the tion is defined as the minimum value among the slip resis-
net height of the web (= H – 2tf); H is the overall height of tance (= ϕμhfT0Ns) of the high-tension bolts, design shear
the beam section; tf is the thickness of the flange; and dw is strength (= ϕnbFnvAbNs) of the bolts, and design bearing
the diameter of the web opening. The reason for adopting the strength (= ϕ1.2LctFu ≤ 2.4dtFu) of the bolt holes. Here, ϕ is
net distance between the flanges in the calculation of shear the strength reduction factor (0.75); μ is the mean slip coef-
strength is that the built-up steel beam was used. ficient; hf is the factor for fillers; T0 is a minimum fastener
For HCB1A, HCB2A, and HCB3A, the diameters of tension; Ns is the number of shear planes required to permit
web openings were 200, 268, and 300 mm (7.9, 10.6, and the connection to slip; nb is the number of bolts; Fnv is the
11.8 in.), respectively. The web opening diameter of HCB3 nominal shear strength of the high-tension bolts; Ab is the
was the same as that of HCB3A, but HCB3 did not have nominal area of the bolt; Lc is the net distance between the
the top-seat angles. The web openings were located at a end of the hole and the end of the material to be connected or
distance of 382 mm (15.0 in.) from the wall surface. The the end of the adjacent hole; t is the thickness of the connec-
plastic shear strengths of HCB1A, HCB2A, HCB3A, HCB3, tion; Fu is the tensile strength, and d is the nominal diameter
and EL600A based on the measured material strengths of the bolt. The design strength of the bolted connection was
(Table 3) were calculated as 227.6, 140.7, 99.8, 99.8, and taken as the design slip resistance of the high-tension bolts,
483.4 kN (51.2, 31.6, 22.4, 22.4, and 108.7 kip), respectively which was equal to 948 kN (213.3 kip).
(Table 2). Accordingly, the corresponding shear strength
Specimens Vy+, kN y, mm y, % k y+, kN/mm Vy−, kN y , mm y , % k y−, kN/mm
HCB1A 248.9 21.8 3.0 11.4 –239.3 –24.5 –3.4 9.8
HCB2A 149.3 13.1 1.8 11.4 –153.6 –18.0 –2.5 8.5
HCB3A 102.1 4.1 0.6 25.0 –102.0 –7.0 –1.0 14.6
HCB3 111.6 20.2 2.8 5.5 –112.8 –20.4 –2.8 5.5
EL600A 352.7 21.4 3.0 16.5 –374.2 –28.4 –3.9 13.2
Vpeak/Vp Mpeak/Mp μ, Δf/Δy Ω, Vpeak/Vd Cd, Δf/Δd
Specimens (+) (–) (+) (–) (+) (–) (+) (–) (+) (–)
HCB1A 1.1 1.05 0.67 0.64 1.6 1.5 1.56 1.49 3.24 2.61
HCB2A 1.23 1.19 0.49 0.47 2.5 1.9 1.75 1.69 14.86 2.60
HCB3A 1.32 1.24 0.38 0.36 8.4 5.0 1.88 1.76 15.49 12.15
HCB3 1.31 1.25 0.38 0.37 1.9 2.0 1.86 1.78 4.57 3.57
EL600A 0.83 0.82 1.03 1.01 1.8 1.4 1.18 1.17 1.86 1.65
Note: 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 kN = 0.225 kip; 1 kN/mm = 5.71 kip/in.
For a lateral load-resisting system subjected to cyclic loads,
stiffness is a crucial factor to describe the inelastic defor-
mations of the system. For the coupled shear wall system
studied in this paper, stiffness is highly dependent upon the
boundary condition at the bolted connection between the
coupling beam and the side face of the wall. According to
previous research (Lim et al. 2016, 2018), the stiffness of the
hybrid steel coupling beam with top-seat angles is suggested
to be 75% of the stiffness (= 0.6ke) of the monolithic coupling
beam system, where ke is the elastic stiffness obtained from
the effective moment inertia (Ie = 0.6Ix/[1 + 36(Ix/Awe2)]),
which was suggested by Harries et al. (2000). Here, Ix is the Fig. 9—Energy dissipation. (Note: 1 kN-m = 0.738 kip-ft.)
moment of inertia of the coupling beam section, Aw is the web dissipation was defined as the enclosed area of the load-
area of the coupling beam section, and e is the clear span (ln) displacement curve obtained from the third cycle for each
plus the concrete cover (cc). The clear span represents the target displacement (ACI T1.1-01 2001). Figure 9(a)
length of the coupling beam between both walls. compares the cumulative energy dissipation up to 4.5% drift
Figure 8 depicts secant stiffness degradation, which was ratio, which was obtained by adding the absorbed energy at
obtained using the strength and displacement at the first each target displacement.
cycle of each target drift ratio (ACI T1.1-01 2001). For Test results revealed that the cumulative energy dissipation
comparisons, only test data in the positive loading direction is highly dependent on the shear-to-moment capacity ratio of
obtained from 0.5 to 5.5% drift ratio were used. At a 0.5% the steel coupling beam as indicated through the compar-
drift ratio, the stiffnesses of HCB1A, HCB2A, and HCB3A ison with the load-drift ratio relationship in Fig. 5. For the
specimens were 65.3%, 77.1%, and 65.3% of the stiffness of specimens with top-seat angles, the energy dissipations were
EL600A, respectively. However, when top-seat angles were quite comparable up to the drift ratio of 2%, but after 2.5%
not provided in the hybrid coupling beam system, the initial drift ratio, the energy dissipation of HCB1A increased more
stiffness was approximately 43% of that of EL600A. This rapidly than that of the others. At 4.5% drift ratio, the cumu-
result indicates that top-seat angles play an important role in lative energy dissipation of HCB1A was approximately 23%
increasing the stiffness of the bolted hybrid coupling beam. and 38% higher than that of HCB2A and HCB3A, respec-
The stiffness of the specimen with top-seat angles was up to tively. On the other hand, HCB3 (without top-seat angles)
50% higher than that without angles (HCB3: 17.9 kN/mm showed low energy dissipation capacity. At 4.5% drift ratio,
[102.2 kip/in.]), even though the stiffness of the coupling beam the energy dissipation of HCB3 was approximately 30%
with web opening (HCB1A: 27.2 kN/mm [155.3 kip/in.], lower compared to HCB3A although both specimens had
HCB2A: 32.1 kN/mm [183.3 kip/in.], HCB3A: 27.2 kN/mm similar shear capacities.
[153.3 kip/in.] at 0.5% drift ratio) was much lower than the The effects of web opening and top-seat angles become
stiffness (= 0.6ke = 69 kN/mm [394 kip/in.]) proposed by more prominent in normalized energy dissipation presented
Harries et al. (2000). in Fig. 9(b), in which the cumulative energy dissipation of
each specimen was divided by that of EL600A. For the spec-
Cumulative energy dissipation capacity imens with the web opening and top-seat angles (HCB1A,
To evaluate the capability to absorb the seismic energy, HCB2A, and HCB3A), the maximum value of the normal-
the cumulative energy dissipation capacity of the coupled ized energy dissipation ranged from 29 to 34% of that of
shear wall system was calculated. Herein, the energy
This paper proposes two novel reinforcement details for glass and shear reinforcement in BCCs under cyclic loading was
fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) reinforced concrete (RC) exte- investigated in a few research studies.13-17 These studies
rior beam-column connections. Four RC exterior beam-column concluded that FRP-RC BCCs are capable of sustaining load
connections with different connection details (SH-bend, GH-bend, reversals without degradation of the tensile strength of FRP
Z-bend, and U-bend) were tested under reversed cyclic loading.
bars. The plastic deformation of the FRP-RC BCCs was low
The two conventional connection details (SH-bend and GH-bend)
due to the linear elastic behavior of FRP bars. Moreover,
comprised three 90-degree hooked bar anchorages for longitudinal
reinforcement of the beam and four rectangular stirrups (steel or the FRP-RC BCCs provided sufficient strength, ductility,
GFRP) within the connection region. In the two novel connection and energy dissipation before the failure of the connection.
details (Z-bend and U-bend) proposed in this study, U-shaped bars The current design codes of FRP-RC BCCs such as CSA
were used as anchorage at the end of the longitudinal reinforce- S806-12(R2017)18 and ACI 440.1R-1519 are based on strong
ment of the beam. The Z-bend detail contained four extra Z-shaped column-weak beam concepts, which ensures a balance
bars and one rectangular stirrup, and the U-bend detail contained between strength and ductility of BCCs by allowing the flex-
four additional U-bars and four rectangular stirrups at the connec- ural failure due to the crushing of concrete at the compres-
tion. Experimental results revealed that the U-bend detail achieved sion face of the beam before other failure mechanisms.
higher load capacity, ductility, and energy dissipation than those of This design approach prevents brittle tension failure due to
the Z-bend and conventional connection details.
the rupture of FRP bars in the beam and helps to achieve
Keywords: beam-column connection; cyclic performance; diagonal bars; adequate performances of FRP-RC BCCs. Due to the lack
drift ratio; glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars; reinforced concrete. of research data, the design codes18,19 of FRP-RC structures
do not provide complete guidelines for the design of BCCs
INTRODUCTION under cyclic loading. For example, flexural strength ratio,
Harsh exposure conditions adversely affect the dura- design connection shear stress, and connection reinforce-
bility of reinforced concrete (RC) structures and require ment detail are critical parameters in the design of exterior
repairing and rehabilitation during the service life of RC BCCs. However, design provisions on connection reinforce-
structures. One such harsh exposure condition is chloride ment detail have not been addressed in current design codes
attack in marine environments, which initiates the corrosion of FRP-RC BCCs such as CSA S806-12(R2017)18 and ACI
of steel reinforcement in RC structures.1-3 As a result, the 440.1R-15.19 Therefore, it is important to investigate the
service life of RC structures is reduced due to the loss of effects of connection reinforcement detail on the strength and
structural capacity and durability.4,5 In this regard, sustain- ductility of FRP-RC BCCs under cyclic loading to develop
able RC structures are designed to minimize maintenance design guidelines for FRP-RC beam-column connections.
costs by replacing steel reinforcement with fiber-reinforced The major factors influencing the cyclic behavior of
polymer (FRP) bars.6 This replacement eliminates the FRP-RC beam-column connections are confinement, design
corrosion problem in the harsh environment owing to the connection shear stress, axial load level on the column,
strong resistance of FRP bars against chloride and chemical concrete strength, anchorage type at the end of the longitu-
attacks.6,7 FRP bars are anisotropic in nature, having linear dinal bar of the beam, and connection details. The confine-
elastic behavior with low modulus of elasticity, high tensile ment effect of adjoining beams on the behavior of exterior
strength, and low compressive strength. Previous studies8-12 GFRP-RC BCCs under reversed cyclic loading was studied
on RC members reinforced with FRP bars revealed that glass by Ghomi and El-Salakaway20 and found that confined
fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bar reinforced members connection could resist connection shear stresses equal to
achieved adequate strength and ductility under monotonic 1.1√fc′ and sustain 6.0% drift ratio. Hasaballa and El-Sal-
loading. However, the application of FRP bars as internal akawy21 tested six exterior GFRP-RC BCCs by varying the
reinforcement in moment-resisting frames (MRFs) demands design connection shear stress level and concrete strength.
investigation of the performance of beam-column connec- The BCCs tested in Hasaballa and El-Salakawy21 were
tions (BCCs) under cyclic loading.
ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
The performance of BCCs of RC members reinforced MS No. S-2021-146.R, doi: 10.14359/51734342, received August 22, 2021, and
with FRP bars (FRP-RC) is an important design consider- reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
ation to ensure the structural integrity of MRFs under cyclic obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
loading. The performance of using FRP bars as flexural closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Specimen SS-H-CD0 was 88.8 (786 For the Flexural strength ratio (FR) is an important design param-
GFRP-reinforced specimens, the ratio between the tensile eter, which is the ratio of the sum of the flexural capacities
reinforcement ratios (ρf) and the balanced reinforcement of column sections to the sum of the flexural capacity of the
ratio (ρfb) was greater than 1 to avoid brittle tension failure beam section adjoining at a connection. To satisfy the strong
of the beam. The flexural capacities of Specimens GG-H- column and weak beam concept for the design of connec-
CD0, GG-U-CD1, and GG-U-CD2 were 118.7, 122.8, and tions, the CSA S806-12(R2017)18 specifies that FR ≥ 1.0.
130.5 kN.m (1050.6, 1086.9, and 1155.1, respec- In the design of specimens, the flexural strength ratio was
tively. Specimen GG-U-CD2 had additional diagonal bars kept at approximately 2.0 for steel and GFRP specimens.
from column to the beam at the interface (Fig. 1(e)) that leads However, the flexural strength ratio of steel and GFRP
to higher moment capacity. The longitudinal reinforcement reinforced specimens was 2.9 and 2.2, respectively, using
ratio of the GFRP column was kept greater than the balance the measured material properties during the testing period.
reinforcement ratio to prevent the rupture of the bars. The Maximum connection shear stresses (τcs,max) were obtained
axial force-bending moment (Pc-Mc) curve of GFRP column by dividing the maximum horizontal connection shear force
section was computed according to the procedure presented (Vcs,max) with the effective connection area (Ac). The Vcs,max
in previous studies.34-37 To compute a point on the Pc-Mc was calculated from Eq. (1)
curve, the depth of the neutral axis is assumed to get the
strain distribution over the cross-section of the column. Then L L + 0.5hc
Vcs , max = Pnb b − b (1)
tensile and compressive forces are found by using the stress- Jb Hc
strain relations. The axial load and moment are obtained by
applying the equilibrium equations. The depth of the neutral where Pnb is the nominal design load of the beam; Lb is the
axis is varied to get the different points of the axial force- length of beam from the face of the column to the loading
bending moment interaction curve for the column section. point; hc is the depth of column; Jb is the moment arm
The flexural capacity of the column was calculated from between tensile and compressive forces of the beam section;
the axial force-bending moment interaction diagram corre- and Hc is the height of column between the lateral supports.
sponding to the applied axial load of 280 kN (63 kip).
Note: 1 mm = 0.039 in.; 1 mm = 0.0155 in. ; 1 GPa = 145 ksi; 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.
2 2
Fig. 6—Instrumentation: (a) inclinometers and LVDTs for measuring beam relative rotation; (b) top view of LVDT attachment
at beam surface; (c) LVDT set for measuring column rotation; and (d) LVDT for measuring connection distortion.
specimens consisted of two phases of loading, as adopted in reinforced specimens was calculated by considering their
a few research studies.45-47 In the first phase, a single cycle serviceability limit states. According to CSA A23.3-19,31
of estimated cracking and service loads was applied at 200 the serviceability limit of the steel-reinforced specimen is
mm from the free end of the beam under load control, as assumed to be reached when the tensile strain of the longitu-
shown in Fig. 7(a). The cracking load cycle amplitude for dinal bar is 60% of the yield strain. The concrete strain limit
all the specimens was 15 kN (3.4 kip), which was calculated of 0.001 at the top compression fiber was considered as the
using the transformed section properties of the beam. The serviceability limit for GFRP specimens.48 The loading rate
service loading cycle amplitude for GFRP and steel speci- was 5 kN/min (1.1 kip/min). The aim of the first phase was
mens was 25 and 35 kN (5.6 and 7.9 kip), respectively. The to predict crack initiation load and check the proper working
amplitude of the service loading cycle of steel and GFRP of the instruments.
Displacement ductility
One of the main parameters to assess the cyclic perfor-
mance is the ductility of the connections. The displacement
ductility represents the capability of a structural element to
sustain inelastic deformations without substantial loss of
its strength before failure. For a steel-reinforced connec-
tion, ductility can be calculated by dividing the ultimate
displacement (Δu) by the equivalent yield displacement (Δy).
However, this definition is not valid for an FRP-reinforced
connection due to the absence of yielding in the tensile
Fig. 9—Hysteresis envelopes for all specimens. behavior of FRP bars. To compute the displacement ductility
of the FRP connection, the virtual elastic displacement (Δe)
The cracking patterns of Specimens GG-H-CD0, GG-U- can be considered as a transition point between the elastic
CD1 and, GG-U-CD2 were similar to that of Specimen and inelastic behavior, which is the serviceability limit state
SS-H-CD0, as shown in Fig. 10(b) to (d). The cracks initi- at which concrete reaches the compressive strain of 0.001.48
ated in the virtual plastic hinge region of the beam and prop- Under cyclic loading, connection yielding and ultimate
agated along the length of the beam with increasing drift displacements are difficult to observe due to the cracking or
levels. For GFRP-RC specimens, the virtual plastic hinge yielding of connection parts. The procedure to estimate the
can be defined as the top or bottom region of the beam near ductility index for a steel-reinforced connection as proposed
the column face where large elastic deformation of the longi- by Park50 is shown in Fig. 11(a). The yield displacement (Δy)
tudinal bars of the beam occurs. Small shear cracks started is found by drawing a perpendicular on the horizontal axis
to appear in the connection at 2.33% drift ratio for all the through the intersection point of the secant line at 75% of
GFRP specimens. The failure of Specimen GG-H-CD0 initi- the maximum load (Pmax) and horizontal line at the Pmax. The
ated with concrete crushing and spalling of concrete chunks ultimate displacement (Δu) is the deflection corresponding to
near the bottom edges of the beam at 4.0% drift ratio. The 20% loss of Pmax. For the GFRP connection, the displacement
concrete spalling continued at the top and bottom of the corresponding to the intersection point of the secant stiffness
beam in subsequent drift ratios and the major crack at the passing through service loading point (Ps) and the horizontal
beam-connection interface propagated across the depth of line at Pmax is Δe, as adopted in previous studies,51,52 and
the beam at 6.55% drift ratio. The observed failure modes deflection corresponding to Pmax is considered Δu, as shown
of Specimen GG-U-CD1 with proposed Z-bend detail in Fig. 11(b).
were concrete crushing, major crack opening, connection The computed displacement ductility indexes for all the
concrete spalling, as shown in Fig. 10(c). During the first specimens in the pushing and pulling direction are listed in
cycle of 6.55% drift ratio, the anchorage failure of the beam Table 4. The average ductility index of the control Specimen
longitudinal bars with explosive sounds was observed. Spec- SS-H-CD0 was 2.93, while the GFRP-reinforced specimens
imen GG-U-CD2 with the proposed U-bend detail showed ranged between 1.98 and 2.60. The average ductility indexes
diagonal cracks at the connection region and followed by of Specimens GG-H-CD0 with conventional connection
concrete crushing in the virtual plastic hinge region of beams detail and GG-U-CD1 with Z-bend detail were 2.15 and
Fig. 11—Definition of ductility index: (a) control specimen; and (b) GFRP specimens.
higher than the cumulative energy dissipation of GFRP spec-
imens due to the yielding of steel bars, which increased the
pinching length and area of the hysteresis loops. Specimen
GG-H-CD0 with conventional connection detail showed
an increase in the cumulative energy dissipation up to 5%
drift ratio. At 5% drift ratio, the cumulative energy dissipa-
tion of Specimen GG-H-CD0 was 30% higher than Spec-
imen GG-U-CD1 with the proposed Z-bend detail. Then,
a sudden increase in the cumulative energy was observed
for Specimens GG-U-CD1 and GG-H-CD0 at 6% drift ratio
due to excessive damage caused by concrete crushing and
anchorage failure. On the other hand, Specimen GG-U-CD2
with the proposed U-bend detail showed a higher cumulated
energy dissipation up to 5% drift ratio compared to Speci-
mens GG-H-CD0 and GG-U-CD1 before failure, as shown
in Fig. 13. Specimen GG-U-CD2 was able to dissipate more
energy up to 6.55% drift ratio without any sudden collapse
Fig. 12—Degradation of secant stiffness. of the connection. The high cumulative energy dissipation
is desirable for MRFs before the collapse of the connection.
all the specimens is shown in Fig. 14. In general, the slope Hence, the cyclic performance of Specimen GG-U-CD2 in
of the cumulative energy dissipation curves increases with terms of cumulative energy dissipation is better than Speci-
the damage level towards high drift ratios. The cumulative mens GG-H-CD0 and GG-U-CD2.
energy dissipation of Specimen SS-H-CD0 was significantly
Fig. 16—Decomposition of total drift angle: (a) SS-H-CD0 (b); GG-H-CD0; (c) GG-U-CD1; and (d) GG-U-CD2.
GFRP reinforced specimens due to the absence of yielding bar. The contribution to the total drift angle of column rota-
and plastic hinge for the steel reinforced specimen. tion and connection distortion was approximately 6 to 8%
For the control Specimen SS-H-CD0, the percentage of because of small deformations in the connection and column.
contribution to total drift angle due to plastic hinge rota- Specimen GG-H-CD0 with conventional connection
tion was approximately 36 to 45% throughout the loading, detail and Specimen GG-U-CD1 with Z-bend detail showed
as shown in Fig. 15(a). However, rotation due to the main similar behavior in regards to the contribution to total drift
crack at the column face remained approximately at 12% angle at all levels of loading, as shown in Fig. 16(b) and
of the total drift angle up to 2% drift ratio. Afterwards, the (c). The percentage contribution to the total drift angle of
percentage contribution to the total drift angle increased to the virtual plastic hinge and main crack at column face was
19% until 5% drift ratio due to slipping and yielding of the approximately 48 to 62% and 52 to 70% for Specimens
This paper presents the results of eight large-scale high-strength capacity (ACI Committee 318 2019). Early studies, such as
concrete (HSC) columns reinforced internally with glass fiber- Mirmiran et al. (2001), suggest that fiber-reinforced polymer
reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars and spirals. The effects of the (FRP)-RC columns are more susceptible to the slenderness
slenderness ratio and the eccentricity-to-diameter ratio (e/D) on effect due to the lower modulus of elasticity of FRP reinforce-
the behavior of HSC columns that meet the minimum code require-
ment. Therefore, it was suggested that the slenderness ratio
ments are evaluated. Additionally, the column behavior was inves-
limit for FRP-RC short columns be reduced to 17, compared
tigated under pure flexural loading. Test results indicated that
increasing the e/D or the slenderness ratio resulted in a decrease to 22 for steel-RC columns. Numerous codes and guidelines
in the axial and lateral stiffness and the axial capacity of the HSC are currently available providing a reference for designers
columns. All tested columns exhibited a material-type failure, to incorporate FRP into structural elements. Many of these
which is characterized by the crushing of concrete. Furthermore, guidelines have maintained a high level of conservativeness
compressive strains measured in the GFRP bars indicated their regarding compression members. Among other codes, the
contribution to the column axial capacity. In addition, an interac- Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CSA S6-19 2019)
tion diagram was developed and compared to the predictions of the allows the use of FRP in members subjected to combined
available codes and guidelines. flexural and axial loads while limiting the strains in the FRP
bars in compression to 0.002. On the other hand, the ACI
Keywords: bending; eccentric loading; glass fiber-reinforced polymer
(GFRP) bars and spirals; high-strength concrete (HSC); short columns; 440.1R-15 guideline (ACI Committee 440 2015) provided
slender columns. recommendations not to consider FRP bars in compression
members or compression zones in flexural members. Further
INTRODUCTION limitations regarding slender compression members were
The effectiveness of glass fiber-reinforced polymer introduced by CSA S806-12 (2017), prohibiting the use of
(GFRP) reinforcement has gained increasing recogni- FRP entirely in such members.
tion over the past few decades. Researchers were able to In efforts to alleviate code restrictions, significant research
verify their viability as internal reinforcement for concrete has been carried out to map and define the behavior of
structures in comparison to their traditional steel counter- FRP columns. The behavior of FRP-RC short columns has
parts (Ali and El-Salakawy 2016; Ghomi and El-Salakawy been studied in recent literature (De Luca et al. 2010; Afifi
2016; El-Gendy and El-Salakawy 2016; Mahmoud and El- et al. 2014; Hadhood 2017; Barua and El-Salakawy 2020;
Salakawy 2016; Hadhood 2017; Rahman et al. 2017; Elchalakani et al. 2020). These studies showed similarities
Abdelazim 2020). In addition, the corrosion-resistant in the behavior of the FRP-RC columns and their steel-RC
nature of GFRP bars makes their use more favorable in counterparts. Additionally, the studies presented consistent
structures exposed to harsh conditions (Bakht et al. 2004; data showing a small increase in axial capacity and a more
ACI Committee 440 2015). The inevitability of corrosion pronounced increase in ductility with increasing FRP longi-
in steel-reinforced concrete (RC) means more costs are tudinal and transverse reinforcement under different eccen-
incurred in mitigating or repairing affected members (ACI tricities. However, recent studies have focused on slender
Committee 222 2019). Thus, eliminating the corrodible FRP-RC members due to the increasing need for FRP mate-
component of the structural element increases its service life rials in a wider range of structural applications. Abdelazim
and, consequently, reduces life-cycle costs. (2020), Khorramian and Sadeghian (2020), and Barua
Circular columns, compared to rectangular columns, et al. (2021) investigated normal-strength concrete (NSC)
provide uniform confinement and a more aesthetic appear- slender columns reinforced with GFRP bars. They found
ance. This makes their use in structures, such as bridges and that the mode of failure of columns with lower eccentricities
parking garages, more common. More critical to the perfor- showed a material-type failure characterized by the crushing
mance of a compression member is the slenderness ratio of the concrete. However, larger eccentricities caused the
(λ), which is defined as the ratio of the member’s effective columns to fail due to the development of excessive cracks
length to its radius of gyration (kℓ/r), where k, ℓ, and r are the
ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
effective length coefficient, unbraced length, and radius of MS No. S-2021-150.R2, doi: 10.14359/51734343, received September 21, 2021, and
gyration, respectively. As the slenderness ratio increases, the reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
column is subjected to larger lateral deflections. This creates obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
secondary moments, which directly affect the column axial closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
GFRP reinforcement were provided by the manufacturer, as Table 2—Mechanical properties of GFRP
shown in Table 2. The manufacturer obtained the properties reinforcement
through certified tests that were carried out according to the Area, mm2 Elastic
CSA S807-19 (2019). tensile Tensile Ultimate
Nominal Annex modulus, strength, strain,
Test setup and procedure Bar size diameter Nominal A* GPa MPa %
The columns were tested using a 5000 kN capacity No. 16
hydraulic machine. The load was applied at a displace- (Straight 15.9 199 235 64 ± 1.49 1558 ± 47 2.40
ment-controlled rate of 1.5 mm/min. The columns tested bar)
under axial loading were fitted with two heavy steel collars No. 10
9.5 71 83 58 ± 1.50 667 ± 41 1.14
and were grouted to ensure confinement of the column ends. (Spiral)
A pin-pin boundary condition was simulated by welding a *
Area according to test method in CSA S806 Annex A.
pin and socket to collars and the loading machine, respec- Note: 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 GPa = 145.04 ksi; 1 MPa = 0.14504 ksi; 1 mm2 =
tively, to ensure no transfer of moment. The location of the 0.00155 in2.
Fig. 4—Strains in longitudinal bars in axially loaded columns. (Note: 1 kN = 0.225 kip.)
to 0.26 was still above the theoretical balance point found 0.17, 0.26, 0.34, and 0.43, respectively. This was due to
on a typical axial load-bending moment interaction diagram. the reduced depth of the compression zone in the concrete
Further decrease in the axial capacity (or increase in e/D) with increasing the eccentricity. The increase in the moment
resulted in a consistent decrease in the moment at failure. because of increasing the eccentricity means the neutral axis
Barua et al. (2021) tested NSC columns with identical shifted further toward the compression side, thus increasing
dimensions and λ = 28. It was observed that increasing the the tensile strains in the tension side. However, the compres-
e/D from 0.0 to 0.085, and further to 0.17 and 0.34, caused sive strains in the compression side bars were very close in
a decrease in the specimen axial load capacity by 29, 37, value and approached the maximum design compressive
and 69%. In addition, increasing the e/D from 0.17 to 0.34 strains of the outer compression fibers of the concrete. The
resulted in a 46% reduction in the axial capacity, which is measured strains on the bar on the compression side were
less than the 54.7% observed for HSC columns in the current –3020, –2400, –2480, and –2640 με for columns with e/D
study. On the other hand, for slender columns (λ = 33) with of 0.17, 0.26, 0.34, and 0.43, respectively. Similarly, for
80 MPa concrete strength, Abdelazim (2020) reported a the “S14” series, an increase was observed in the strain
similar decrease in the axial capacity of 51 and 54% when measured in the bar on the tension side when increasing
the e/D increased from 0.16 to 0.33 and 0.66, respectively. the e/D. These tensile strains were 550, 1390, and 3130 με
This means that the axial capacity of GFRP-RC columns is in columns with e/D of 0.17, 0.26, and 0.34, respectively.
significantly affected by the concrete strength. Correspondingly, the compressive strains in the GFRP
Figure 4 shows the measured strains in the GFRP bars. bars were –3050, –2880, and –2860 με in columns S14-17,
Strains in the outermost bars on the tension side increased S14-26, and S14-34, respectively.
linearly up to the peak load as the e/D increased. As observed Concrete compressive strains (Fig. 5) were close to or
in Fig. 4, the tensile strains in the bars for the “S28” series exceeded the design strains of –3000 με specified in ACI
at peak load were 480, 2020, 3820, and 7490 με for e/D of 440.1R-15 (ACI Committee 440 2015) and –3500 με
Fig. 8—Axial displacement of axially loaded columns. (Note: 1 kN = 0.225 kip; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.)
Moreover, as the e/D increased, the lateral displacement further to 0.43, respectively. This behavior was expected, as
of the columns increased. As shown in Fig. 7, the maximum increasing the eccentricity was shifting the response of the
displacement for column S28-17 (e/D = 0.17) was 8.87 mm. column to a more flexural behavior. Because there was more
Increasing the e/D to 0.26, 0.34, and 0.43 resulted in an applied bending moment, the column showed much larger
increase in the lateral displacement by 10.0, 74.0, and deformations.
175.0%, respectively, with reference to column S28-17. The Similarly, the load-axial displacement relationship was
shorter specimens, S14-17, S14-26, and S14-34, showed linear up to failure, as shown in Fig. 8. The axial displace-
a lateral displacement of 2.36, 3.75, and 5.30 mm, respec- ment at the peak load decreased as the e/D increased. The
tively. Accordingly, the measured lateral stiffness decreased axial stiffness of the short columns decreased by 13.0 and
with increasing the e/D. For short columns, the lateral stiff- 32.0% when the e/D increased from 0.17 to 0.26 and 0.34,
ness decreased by 8.3 and 17.0% as the e/D increased from respectively. For slender columns, increasing the e/D from
0.17 to 0.26 and further to 0.34, respectively. The decrease in 0.17 to 0.26, 0.34, and further to 0.43 resulted in a reduction
the lateral stiffness for slender columns was 15.0, 57.0, and in the axial stiffness by 10.0, 43.0, and 60.0%, respectively.
81.0% when the e/D increased from 0.17 to 0.26, 0.34, and
fc = stress in concrete
2. As the eccentricity-to-diameter ratio (e/D) increased, the fc′ = maximum concrete stress obtained from testing standard
concrete cylinders
axial load capacity was greatly reduced. This was observed fs = stress in concrete strip “n”
for both the short and slender columns. n
Kn = normalized axial load
3. Based on the measured strains, the longitudinal bars k = effective length factor (controlled by column boundary
have actively contributed to the axial capacity of the column. ℓ = unbraced length of column
The strains in the GFRP bar on the compression side reached Mn = nominal moment
approximately the same values observed in the concrete. Mu = experimental ultimate moment
Pn = nominal axial load
Furthermore, only the short column under e/D = 0.17 showed Pu = experimental ultimate axial load
failure of the GFRP bar and spiral on the compression side. Rn = normalized bending moment
4. As the slenderness ratio increased, the axial capacity r = radius of gyration
Δ75 = corresponding axial displacement obtained by extending linear-
of the column decreased for all e/D. Although the primary elastic range (from 0 to 75% of peak load) to peak load
moment capacity decreased in the slender columns, the δ = lateral deflection of column
secondary moment showed a significantly large increase that εc = strain in concrete
ε0 = strain in concrete corresponding to fc′
could reach 172%. λ = slenderness ratio, defined as kℓ/r
5. The column under pure flexural loading reached a ρf = GFRP longitudinal reinforcement ratio
maximum load of 318 kN, which represents a moment of ρfs = GFRP transverse reinforcement ratio
150 kN∙m. No signs of failure were observed in the GFRP
bars or spirals. The GFRP bars were able to develop substan- REFERENCES
Abdelazim, W. M. A., 2020, “Behavior of Slender Concrete Columns
tial compressive and tensile strains, indicating active contri- Reinforced with GFRP-Bars And Spirals Under Concentric and Eccentric
bution to the specimen capacity. Loads,” PhD thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Université de Sher-
6. The interaction diagrams showed that the capacity of brooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 243 pp.
ACI Committee 222, 2019, “Guide to Protection of Metals in Concrete
both the short and slender columns exceeded the predictions Against Corrosion (ACI 222R-19),” American Concrete Institute, Farm-
of the Canadian standards (CSA S806-12 [2017] and CSA ington Hills, MI, 60 pp.
S6-19 [2019]) and the American guidelines (ACI Committee ACI Committee 318, 2019, “Building Code Requirements for Struc-
tural Concrete (ACI 318-19) and Commentary (ACI 318R-19),” American
440 2015), with CSA S6-19 (2019) and ACI 440.1R-15 Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 624 pp.
(ACI Committee 440 2015) giving the closest predictions at ACI Committee 440, 2015, “Guide for the Design and Construction of
different regions of the interaction diagram. Structural Concrete Reinforced with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars
(ACI 440.1R-15),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI,
88 pp.
AUTHOR BIOS Afifi, M. Z.; Mohamed, H. M.; and Benmokrane, B., 2014, “Axial
ACI member Mu’taz Almomani is an MSc Student at the University of Capacity of Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and
Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada. He received his BSc in civil engineering Spirals,” Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, V. 18, No. 1, Feb.,
from the Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan. His p. 04013017. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000438
research interests include the behavior of reinforced concrete columns
Title No. 119-S47
A mechanics-based analytical method for obtaining the complete others15-20 provide guidance for how to obtain the complete
moment-curvature-deformation response of ultra-high-perfor- flexural response. While the need to predict the complete
mance concrete (UHPC) beams post-tensioned with internal flexural response of PT NSC members has been met, there
unbonded tendons is presented. The proposed procedure does not is currently no efficient methodology to predict the complete
rely on empiricism other than what is included in the assumed
flexural response of PT UHPC members whose behavior is
material constitutive models and provides the means to determine
significantly different from that of their NSC counterparts.
the variation of curvature and deflection as the beam is loaded
to failure, thus providing an avenue to quantify ductility at the Dogu and Menkulasi21 recently presented a flexural design
cross section and member level. The influence of various consti- methodology for PT UHPC beams. However, the goal of the
tutive models for the compressive and tensile domain of UHPC, study was limited to offering an approach for predicting
prestressed and non-prestressed reinforcement ratio, loading the ultimate flexural capacity of such members, which is of
configuration, and tendon profile on the complete beam flexural interest for collapse prevention but does not provide insight
behavior is quantified. The most influential parameters for cross in terms of their complete flexural response from the onset of
section- and member-level ductility are the ultimate UHPC strain loading to failure. Nonlinear finite element analysis (NFEA)
in tension and loading configuration, respectively. can be used to obtain the complete flexural response of PT
UHPC beams; however, the creation and analysis of reliable
Keywords: ductility; moment-curvature-deformation; post-tensioning;
ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC); unbonded tendons. models even for simple beams requires considerable time.
The goal of the research provided in this paper is to present
INTRODUCTION an efficient analytical method for obtaining the complete
Post-tensioned (PT) concrete flexural members have moment-curvature-deformation response of PT UHPC
the ability to offer enhanced rentable space, architectural beams by taking into consideration the lack of bond between
freedom, and adaptable structures by offering floor systems tendons and concrete and the unique domains of UHPC in
that feature very few columns. This characteristic has been tension and compression. The proposed method can capture
well explored in the construction industry, and PT concrete the variation of strand stress, curvature, and deflection at
floors with unbonded tendons are the system of choice in various stages of loading without requiring the definition of
many midrise and high-rise building structures. The ability to empirically obtained elastic and inelastic design parameters
offer slender structures in general and slender floor systems in such as bond reduction coefficients and plastic hinge length.
particular can be further enhanced if the PT flexural member However, it can facilitate the use of approaches that employ
is constructed with ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced these parameters by helping formulate them without having
concrete, herein referred to as UHPC, which in addition to to rely on extensive experimental testing or time-con-
its high compressive strength also offers considerable tensile suming finite element analysis. This study addresses simply
strength. According to the Federal Highway Administration supported PT UHPC beams with a rectangular cross section
(FHWA),1 “UHPC-class materials are cementitious based that features straight and draped tendons.
composite materials with discontinuous fiber reinforcement,
compressive strengths above 22 ksi (150 MPa), tensile RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
strengths above 0.7 ksi (5 MPa), and enhanced durability via PT UHPC members can offer span-depth ratios that are
their discontinuous pore structure.” In this study, the FHWA1 beyond the capabilities of their NSC counterparts. There is
definition for UHPC is adopted, although the variability of currently no efficient approach to predict the complete flex-
key parameters in the constitutive model is considered to ural response of UHPC beams post-tensioned with internal
evaluate their impact on PT beam behavior. unbonded tendons to gravity-induced loading. An analytical
The determination of the complete flexural response of procedure capable of supplying this response is presented.
a PT member is related to the determination of unbonded The proposed procedure is non-empirical and can be used
strand stress at various stages of loading. Various approaches to characterize cross section and member level behavior in
have been used to determine this stress and consequently the
ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
complete flexural response for normal-strength concrete MS No. S-2021-151.R2, doi: 10.14359/51734344, received September 16, 2021, and
(NSC) members. Some2-14 include the determination of reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
strand stress at discrete points and limited ranges such obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
as ultimate limit state and service, respectively, whereas is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Compressive strength of UHPC (fc′) is 22 ksi (152 MPa). The in many of these cases, the peak load was achieved prior to
prestressing strands are assumed to be low relaxation steel the attainment of the maximum usable tensile strain, εt1, for
with 270 ksi (1862 MPa) ultimate tensile strength (fpu). The UHPC. Six out of the 12 additional constitutive models for
beam features two 0.24 in. (6 mm) and two 0.4 in. (10 mm) the tensile domain of UHPC did not meet strain-based or
diameter mild steel bars in tension, and two 0.24 in. (6 mm) curvature based minimum ductility requirements provided
diameter mild steel bars in compression. The yield stress of in North American codes for NSC and FRC. Therefore,
mild steel is assumed to be 60 ksi (414 MPa). for these beams, adjustments must be made in the amount
of unbonded or bonded reinforcement to elevate cross-
Effect of constitutive model for UHPC on flexural sectional ductility to the required level. In general, the influ-
strength and ductility ence of the tensile domain on flexural strength and ductility
The impact of various UHPC constitutive models (Fig. 2 is a function of the slope of the strain hardening branch and
and Table 2) on flexural strength and ductility is illustrated in the slope of the descending branch after the peak tensile
Table 3. The baseline cases are the beams designated as B-T stress is achieved.
and B-C for the tensile and compressive domains, respec- The consideration of the additional two stress-strain curves
tively. It is worth noting that the impact of the 12 additional for UHPC in compression (C1-C2) resulted in up to a 17.5%
constitutive models (T1 to T12) for the tensile domain of change in flexural capacity (Table 3). It should be noted that
UHPC on flexural strength was contained to at most 8.6% the failure mode for the beam specimen with the benchmark
change in nominal moment capacity compared to the bench- stress-strain curve in compression was selected intentionally
mark (bilinear) tensile curve. The use of UHPC formulations to be a compression-controlled failure, and therefore, the
with strain hardening characteristics in the tensile domain beam exhibits no ductility (that is, ductility < 1). The inclu-
(that is, trilinear model) generally resulted in a decrease in sion of descending branches in the compression domain
ductility compared to the benchmark bilinear model because switched the failure mode from compression-controlled to
steel tension-controlled, because the reinforcement yielded in Table 4 and Fig. 7(a) suggest that ±50% change in εt1
prior to the crushing of UHPC in compression. As a result, causes only a marginal change in flexural capacity, because
the inclusion of residual branches in the compressive domain a significant increase in εt1 causes only a small decrease
resulted in an increase in ductility in addition to the increase in the neutral axis depth (Table 4), which in turn causes a
in flexural strength. The benchmark constitutive models for marginal increase in the tension force provided by UHPC
the tensile and compressive domains were used to further (Fig. 8(a)). In addition, UHPC is not the only component
investigate the influence of certain parameters in the consti- providing tensile resistance to an applied external moment,
tutive model as well as the influence of loading configura- therefore a certain percentage increase in εt1 cannot have a
tion, tendon profile, and prestressed and non-prestressed proportional increase in the moment capacity of the beam.
reinforcement ratio on flexural strength and ductility. This is illustrated in Fig. 8(a), which shows the tensile force
provided by UHPC, tendons, and mild steel as εt1 increases.
Effect of εt1 on flexural strength and ductility Table 4 and Fig. 7(a1) to (a3) suggest that εt1 has a direct
It has been previously demonstrated21 that PT UHPC influence on cross-sectional and member-level ductility,
members exhibit a tension-controlled failure, which is although the degree of this influence varies from cross-
characterized by fiber pullout in tension before concrete sectional to member level. At the cross-sectional level,
crushes in compression. Fiber pullout in tension is charac- when ACI 318-19’s29 and AASHTO’s30 strain-based defi-
terized by a reduction in UHPC’s ability to sustain tensile nition for ductility is used, εt1 has a proportional influence
stresses accompanied by an increase in strain. The tensile as illustrated by the lines ε_Point, ε_Two point, and ε_distributed. A
strain at incipient fiber pullout is hereby called maximum 100% increase in εt1 typically results in a 100% increase in
usable tensile strain, εt1, and is considered to be a parameter με. When the Canadian28 curvature-based definition is used,
worthy of investigation because its attainment represents εt1 has a slightly smaller influence on curvature ductility
the point when the beam reaches its maximum load-car- but still a very strong one as illustrated by the lines φ_Point,
rying capacity, especially in UHPC formulations whose φ_Two point, and φ_distributed. Out of the nine beams consid-
tensile domain can be idealized using a bilinear model. The ered in Table 4, only the ones that featured an εt1 equal to
influence of εt1 on flexural strength and ductility of UHPC 0.005 failed to meet minimum cross-section level ductility
beams post-tensioned with unbonded tendons is shown in requirements provided in American29,30 and Canadian stan-
Table 4 and Fig. 7(a). The magnitude of εt1 was varied from dards28 for NSC and FRC, respectively. This suggests that
0.005 to 0.015 in increments of 0.005. The results shown either the design of the UHPC formulation should be chosen
such that there is a sufficient amount of fibers so that εt1 is tendon profiles exhibit slightly higher ultimate tendon stress
at least equal to 0.006, or the area of strands and tension compared to beams with draped tendon profiles since the
mild steel should be adjusted accordingly. It is worth noting overall tendon deformation is larger when the tendon is
how the influence of εt1 on member-level ductility (Δ_Point, closer to the most extreme tension fiber. This member-level
Δ_Two point, and Δ_distributed) is not nearly as strong as that on dependency results in slightly larger moment capacities at
cross-sectional-level ductility, especially for beams that the ultimate limit state for beams with straight tendon profiles
feature one point and two-point loading when the ratio of (Fig. 7(c1)). However, these differences are marginal. The
Δu/Δy is used to quantify ductility. For a distributed loading greatest influence of tendon profile on moment capacity is
configuration, the influence of εt1 on member-level ductility exhibited in beams subject to a two-point loading configu-
remains strong, suggesting that ductility at the member level ration because in these beams, the weakest section may be
is highly dependent on the loading configuration. This obser- at the location of point loads rather than at midspan due to
vation is further corroborated when member-level ductility the draping of the tendons and the reduced effective depth.
is evaluated using the L/Δu ratio, as shown in Table 4 and Tendon profile appears to have some effect on cross section-
Fig. 7(a3). Beams with two-point loading and distributed level ductility, with beams featuring a straight tendon profile
loading configurations exhibit much larger deflections at typically featuring higher ductility values compared to those
incipient failure than beams with a point load at midspan. with draped tendons.
Table 6 and Fig. 7(c2) and (c3) suggest that the influence
Effect of fcr on flexural strength and ductility of loading configuration on ductility varies from mild to
Table 5 and Fig. 7(b) illustrate the influence of UHPC strong at the cross section and member level, respectively.
cracking stress, fcr, on flexural capacity and ductility. The At the cross section level (Fig. 7(c2)), curvature ductility
investigated beams featured a range of fcr from 0.15√fc′ is barely influenced by loading configuration or tendon
(0.39√fc′) to 0.32√fc′ (0.84√fc′) where fc′ is 22 ksi (152 MPa). profile. Strain-based cross-sectional ductility appears to be
A certain percent change in the fcr causes a proportional slightly influenced by loading configuration when draped
change in the magnitude of the tension force provided by tendon profiles are considered and barely influenced when
UHPC (Fig. 8(b)). The influence of fcr on flexural capacity beams with straight tendon configuration are considered. It
is more pronounced than that of εt1 because of the more is interesting how at the member level (Fig. 7(c2) and (c3)),
significant impact that fcr has on the tension force provided loading configuration appears to have a marked influence
by UHPC (Fig. 8(b)). Table 5 and Fig. 7(b) suggest that fcr with beams featuring a two-point and distributed loading
has almost no marked effect on cross section- and member- configurations possessing higher ductility than those with
level ductility. All 12 investigated beams exhibited similar one point-loading configuration.
levels of ductility and they all met minimum cross section-
level ductility requirements provided in American29,30 Effect of ρps on flexural strength and ductility
and Canadian standards28 for NSC and FRC, respectively. Table 7 and Fig. 7(d1) to (d3) show the influence of longitu-
Figure 7(b3) suggests that when the ratio L/Δu was used to dinal unbonded reinforcement ratio, ρps, on flexural strength
evaluate member-level ductility, an increase in fcr corre- and ductility. The investigated total longitudinal reinforce-
sponded with a slight increase in ductility (that is, a lower ment ratio ρtotal (or ρt) was varied from 1.00 to 1.47%,
L/Δu). while the unbonded reinforcement ratio ρps was varied from
0.51 to 0.98%. The bonded tensile reinforcement ratio,
Effect of loading configuration and tendon profile ρstension, was kept constant at 0.49%, which is greater than
on flexural strength and ductility the 0.22% required minimum ratio specified in ACI 318-1929
Table 6 and Fig. 7(c) illustrate the influence of loading for bonded reinforcement in NSC members post-tensioned
configuration and tendon profile on flexural strength and with unbonded tendons. While an increase in ρps causes a
ductility of PT UHPC beams. The beams with straight significant increase in flexural capacity (Fig. 7(d1)), this
Fig. 8—Variation in the tension force provided by each component as function of: (a) εt1; (b) fcr; (c) ρps; and (d) ρstension.
Table 7 shows that the influence of ρps on flexural capacity and Canadian28 standards for NSC and FRC, respectively.
is stronger than the influence of fcr for a given percentage Figures 7(d2) and (d3) suggest that for beams with point and
change in these parameters from the baseline values. Table 7 two-point loading configurations, ductility decreased as ρps
and Fig. 7(d2) and (d3) suggest that an increase in ρps typi- increased, whereas the ductility of the beams with a distrib-
cally results in a decrease in cross section- and member- uted loading remained essentially unaffected by the increase
level ductility, although all nine investigated beams met in ρps.
minimum ductility requirements provided in American29,30
Note: ρtotal = ρstension + ρps; ρstension = Astension/(bwds); ρps = Aps/(bwdps); ρmin_stension_ACI = 0.22% (Astension_min_ACI = 0.004Act).
Effect of ρstension on flexural strength and ductility beam was heavily reinforced and the longitudinal reinforce-
Table 8 and Fig. 7(e) show the influence of the bonded ment ratios were well beyond practical limits for concrete
longitudinal reinforcement ratio in tension, ρstension, on flex- beams posttensioned with unbonded tendons.
ural capacity and ductility. The investigated total longitu-
dinal reinforcement ratio ρtotal varied from 1.00 to 3.08%, CONCLUSIONS
while the reinforcement ratio for bonded tension steel, ρsten- 1. The proposed procedure is based on structural mechanics
sion, varied from 0.49 to 2.57%. The unbonded reinforcement and is capable of reliably and efficiently computing the
ratio, ρps, was kept constant at 0.51%. Similar to the influ- complete moment-curvature-deformation response of
ence of ρps on flexural capacity, while an increase in ρstension post-tensioned (PT) ultra-high-performance concrete
causes a proportional increase in the tension force provided (UHPC) beams and offers insight about their ductility at the
by mild steel, it does not cause a proportional increase in cross section and member level. This information is useful in
flexural capacity due to the contribution of tendons and cases when a performance-based design approach is selected
UHPC. In general, Fig. 8(d) illustrates how the contribution and a characterization of member behavior under different
of each component that provides tensile resistance varies for load intensities is desired. This includes cases when the
different scenarios. As ρstension is changing, there is no signif- determination of deflection under a given load and subse-
icant difference in the tensile resistance provided by UHPC quent determination of compliance with specified criteria is
and prestressing tendons. Table 8 and Fig. 7(e1) show that desired, or when the quantification of deflection at incipient
while the influence of ρstension on flexural capacity is not as failure is of interest. The latter has been recently reported31
strong as the influence of fcr and ρps for a given percentage as an important warning of failure metric.
change from the baseline values, ρstension is still an influential 2. The proposed method does not require the definition of
factor on flexural capacity. Table 8 and Fig. 7(e2) and (e3) empirically obtained elastic and inelastic design parameters
suggest that ρstension has a similar effect with ρps on cross-sec- such as bond reduction coefficients and plastic hinge length.
tional and member-level ductility, with higher ρstension values However, it can facilitate the use of approaches that employ
resulting in lower ductility. All 12 investigated beams these parameters by helping formulate them without having
met minimum cross section-level ductility requirements to rely on extensive experimental testing or time-consuming
provided in American29,30 and Canadian standards28 for finite element analysis.
NSC and FRC, respectively. One of the beams exhibited a 3. Cross section-level ductility was generally higher than
curvature-based cross section-level ductility of 2.08, which member-level ductility. Additionally, strain-based computa-
is close to the 2.0 Canadian limit28; however, this beam had a tions resulted in higher levels of cross section-level ductility
ρtotal of 3.08% and a ρstension of 2.57%, which suggest that the compared to curvature-based computations. Most beams
Note: ρtotal = ρstension + ρps; ρstension = Astension/(bwds); ρps = Aps/(bwdps); ρmin_stension_ACI = 0.22% (Astension_min_ACI = 0.004Act).
met minimum cross section-level ductility requirements State University. His research interests include the behavior of post-ten-
sioned ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) members.
specified in American and Canadian standards for normal-
strength concrete (NSC) and fiber-reinforced concrete ACI member Fatmir Menkulasi is an Assistant Professor at Wayne State
(FRC), respectively. University. He received his BS from Middle East Technical University and
his MS and PhD from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
4. The influence of the considered constitutive models for Blacksburg, VA. He is a member of ACI Committees 123, Research and
the tensile and compressive domains was contained to an Current Developments, and 239, Ultra High-Performance Concrete; ACI
8.6% and 17.5% change in flexural capacity when compared Subcommittee 239-C, Structural Design on UHPC; and Joint ACI-ASCE
Committee 423, Prestressed Concrete. His research interests include
to the benchmark stress-strain curves. Most members exhib- behavior of reinforced and prestressed UHPC structures.
ited a fiber tension-controlled failure.
5. The most influential parameter for cross section-level DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
ductility is εt1. A minimum value of 0.006 is recommended All or part of the data including the algorithm for obtaining the
for εt1 to meet existing minimum ductility requirement set moment-curvature-deformation response can be obtained from the corre-
sponding author upon reasonable request.
forth for NSC and FRC members. Additionally, while εt1 is
an important parameter related to the failure mode of UHPC
beams post-tensioned with unbonded tendons, its variation REFERENCES
1. Russel, H. G., and Graybeal, B. A., “Ultra-High-Performance
does not cause a marked difference in flexural capacity. Concrete: State-of-the-Art Report for the Bridge Community,” Federal
6. The most influential parameter for member level Highway Administration, Washington, DC, 2013.
2. Balaguru, P., “Increase of Stress in Unbonded Tendons in Prestressed
ductility is the loading configuration, especially when Concrete Beams and Slabs,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, V. 8,
the ratio L/Δu was used as the metric for evaluating such No. 2, 1981, pp. 262-268. doi: 10.1139/l81-033
ductility. The proposed methodology provides a framework 3. Naaman, A. E., and Alkhairi, F. M., “Stress at Ultimate in Unbonded
Prestressing Tendons Part 1: Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art,” ACI Struc-
for accurately determining the deflection at incipient failure, tural Journal, V. 88, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1991, pp. 641-651.
Δu. The influence of loading configuration on cross section- 4. Naaman, A. E., and Alkhairi, F. M., “Stress at Ultimate in Unbonded
level ductility was much smaller than that exhibited at the Prestressing Tendons Part 2: Proposed Methodology,” ACI Structural
Journal, V. 88, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1991, pp. 683-692.
member level. 5. Harajli, M. H., and Kanj, M. Y., “Service Load Behavior of Concrete
7. The most influential parameters in terms of increasing Members Prestressed with Unbonded Tendons,” Journal of Structural
flexural capacity are the longitudinal unbonded reinforce- Engineering, ASCE, V. 118, No. 9, 1992, pp. 2569-2589. doi: 10.1061/
ment ratio, ρps, followed by the UHPC cracking stress, fcr, 6. Pannell, F. N., “The Ultimate Moment of Resistance of Unbonded
and the longitudinal bonded reinforcement ratio, ρstension, Prestressed Concrete Beams,” Magazine of Concrete Research, V. 21,
when the impact of these parameters for a given percentage No. 66, 1969, pp. 43-54. doi: 10.1680/macr.1969.21.66.43
7. Tam, A., and Pannell, F. N., “The Ultimate Moment of Resistance
change from the baseline case was considered. While of Unbonded Partially Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Beams,” Maga-
a change in fcr did not influence ductility at any level, an zine of Concrete Research, V. 28, No. 97, 1976, pp. 203-208. doi: 10.1680/
increase in ρps and ρstension resulted in a decrease in cross macr.1976.28.97.203
8. Au, F. T. K., and Du, J. S., “Prediction of Ultimate Stress in Unbonded
section- and member-level ductility. Prestressed Tendons,” Magazine of Concrete Research, V. 56, No. 1, 2004,
pp. 1-11. doi: 10.1680/macr.2004.56.1.1
AUTHOR BIOS 9. Harajli, M. H., “On the Stress in Unbonded Tendons at Ultimate: Crit-
ACI member Mehmet Dogu is a Structural Engineer at Emay Engineering ical Assessment and Proposed Changes,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 103,
and Consultancy, Istanbul, Turkey. He received his BS from Middle East No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2006, pp. 803-812.
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, and his MS and PhD from Wayne 10. Harajli, M. H., “Effect of Span-Depth Ratio on the Ultimate Steel
Stress in Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Members,” ACI Structural
Journal, V. 87, No. 3, May-June 1990, pp. 305-312.
The superior performance of steel fibers (SFs) in enhancing the improve the shear strength of concrete and reach a possible
shear capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) beams supports their reduction in the stirrups’ volume ratio. ACI 318,1 for
use in regions that would otherwise require minimum shear rein- example, permits the use of deformed SFs as a replacement
forcement (stirrups). Subsequently, several researchers proposed for the minimum stirrups. The positive effect of SFs on
different predictive models to capture the contribution of SFs to
concrete’s shear strength is attributed to the fact that SFs act
the shear capacity of RC beams without stirrups. However, most of
as crack arrestors that delay the initiation and propagations
these models were empirically developed using respective limited
data sets, restricting their generalizability. Artificial intelligence- of diagonal cracks.2 Once diagonal cracks are developed, SFs
based models have shown high efficacy in imitating the behavior prevent the latter’s localized widening and help to transfer
of complex systems based on large data sets; however, such stress across crack faces through bridging mechanisms to
models are usually criticized for being impractical for design the surrounding concrete. SFs may also behave similarly to
and too complex to use. To address this issue, a new methodology elongated aggregates that form a special type of aggregate-
was adopted in this paper using multi-gene genetic program- interlock mechanism that contributes to increasing the fric-
ming (MGGP)—a class of artificial intelligence techniques—to tion along the diagonal cracks and preventing slippage.3
develop an elegant shear strength prediction model for steel fiber- Adding SFs to concrete in beams that already satisfy the
reinforced concrete (SFRC) beams. Guided by mechanics and design requirements for tensile and shear reinforcement
previous research findings, the governing parameters and their
can also boost their ductility, energy absorption capacity,4
key combinations were first identified and selected for the model
impact resistance,5 and fatigue life,6 and provide a margin of
development. Subsequently, the model was trained, validated,
and tested using observations from 752 experimental tests, and safety against accidental tensile force demands.
different measures were applied to assess its performance and Despite the structural benefits achieved through intro-
generalizability. The MGGP-based model developed in this study ducing SFs to RC beams, no procedure currently exists to
outperformed 15 shear strength prediction models developed in facilitate their adoption in relevant design standards, which
previous studies and is also presented in a standards-ready format limits the proliferation of SFs in the construction industry.
to facilitate adoption. The outcomes from this study demonstrate To close this knowledge gap, several researchers carried out
the promising capability of a mechanics-guided artificial intelli- experimental and analytical studies to propose models to
gence approach to develop interpretable models that can efficiently predict the shear strength of steel fiber-reinforced concrete
predict complex structural behaviors of other components and (SFRC) beams.7-15 The most simplified model was proposed
by Sharma7 to empirically estimate the shear strength of
Keywords: data-driven empirical models; genetic programming; sensi- SFRC beams based on the tensile strength of concrete only,
tivity analysis; shear strength prediction; steel fiber-reinforced concrete considering 48 SFRC beams. Although this model was
(SFRC) beams. recommended by ACI 544.4R-88,16 it can be argued that
the model ignored key influencing factors of relevant beam
INTRODUCTION shear strength, including the tensile reinforcement ratio, the
Shear failures in reinforced concrete (RC) beams present volume, aspect ratio, and shape of fibers. A function only
high risk as they occur abruptly with little to no advanced of the concrete tensile strength, the model is also unable to
warning. The serious consequences of such failures have differentiate between the shear strength of beams cast with
been attracting substantial concerns from practicing engi- various concrete mixture types.
neers as well as building code and design standards commit- Narayanan and Darwish9 considered the factors neglected
tees to carefully consider associated design provisions. As by Sharma7 in their model, in which the tensile reinforce-
such, adequate shear reinforcement (for example, stirrups) ment ratio, fiber-matrix interfacial bond strength, fiber
is usually provided to arrest diagonal cracks, compensate volume, aspect ratio, and shape were considered. In addi-
for the low diagonal tension strength of concrete, and safe- tion, a non-dimensional arching factor (e), similar to that in
guard against catastrophic failures. The use of congested Zsutty’s equation,17 was included in the model to account for
shear reinforcement in zones subjected to high stress levels
also presents a construction challenge as casting and consol- ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 2, March 2022.
MS No. S-2021-165.R2, doi: 10.14359/51734345, received September 7, 2021, and
idating of concrete would then be difficult. In their attempts reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
to find effective solutions for these issues, several studies obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
identified steel fibers (SFs) as an effective alternative to closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Fig. 1—Forces along inclined shear crack in SFRC beam without stirrups.
volume of fibers in the taken strip 2 f vc (5) where Df is the shape factor taken in this study as 0.5, 0.75,
volume of a single fiber 2 and 1 for straight, deformed (for example, crimped and
d l
4 f f hooked), and indented fibers, respectively, similar to those
suggested by Narayanan and Darwish9; and c3 represents
where φ2 is a factor assumed to consider the nonunifor- the rate of growth or decay in the fiber-matrix interfacial
mity of fiber dispersion within the matrix; ρf is the volume bond strength with changing the compressive strength of the
percentage of fibers; df is the fiber diameter; lf is the fiber surrounding matrix. From Eq. (3) to (8),
length; vc is the volume of concrete strip taken and is calcu-
lated as vc = b × lc × lf; b is the beam width; lc is the length of
the crack path (= dv/sinθ); dv is taken as 0.9d; d is the effective 2 f bd v
3l f D f f c (9)
shear depth; and θ is the crack’s angle, which is assumed in T f pullout 1n f Af 1
d f sin
different models as 45 degrees for simplification, but from
the literature, the θ value was found to have a wide range
from 20 to 40 degrees. Accordingly, nf can be evaluated as The total contribution of fibers to the shear strength of
SFRC beams can be summarized as
2 f bd v lf
D f f c 3 cot bd v
nf (6) V f T f pullout cos 412 3 f
d 2f sin df
Fiber surface area (Af)
To estimate the bridging capacity of fibers, the surface where ρf(lf/df)Df = F (fiber factor).
area of a single fiber (Af) must be identified. The value of Af In previous models, the influence of fiber factors (F) was
is taken as (πdfla), where df is the fiber diameter, and la is the taken as proportional to F c4, where c4 was commonly taken
anchorage length of the fiber. Fibers typically have different as 0.5 or 1. By taking C = 4φ1φ2φ3cotθ, the relationship
anchorage lengths at the cracked section. In the available between the fibers’ contribution and the shear strength of
literature, the anchorage length of fibers was commonly beams can be simplified as
assumed as one-quarter of the fiber length (lf).9 In this study,
however, la was not assumed as a specified value but instead vu Cf cc3 F c4 (11)
taken as a percentage of the fiber length—that is, la = φ3lf,
where φ3 is a factor assumed to consider the nonuniformity Shear span-effective depth ratio (a/d)
of the fibers’ anchorage length at the cracked section. As Several studies reported the high influence of the a/d on
such, each fiber’s surface area can be calculated as the shear capacity of SFRC beams. As shown in Fig. 2(c),
the shear strength appeared to exponentially decrease with
Af d f 3l f (7) increasing the a/d values. This is attributed to the arch
action that occurs when a load is applied at a relatively short
Fiber-matrix interfacial bond strength (τ) distance from a support such that a considerable portion
The available literature contains different values proposed of the load is directly transferred to the support through
for τ. For example, τ was suggested to be equal to 4.15, 5.12, fan-like diagonal compression. Therefore, the contribution
and 6.8 MPa for straight, crimped, and hooked fibers, respec- of arch action increases as the value of a/d decreases. The
tively.18,29,30 However, assuming such constant values for τ relationship between vu and a/d can be expressed as
(based on the fibers’ shape) and ignoring the characteristics
Allowable fitness value 1.0 vu K 6.7s 0.5 F 0.25
f c (16)
Multi-gene related
Number of genes 3 where K, λ, ρs, d/a, and F are dimensionless, while fc′ is in
MPa units.
optimality of the resulting solution. It should also be noted Figures 4(a) and (b) show the correlation between the
that the convergence rate of MGGP is governed by the inter- MGGP-based model’s estimates against the experimental
play between the population size and the maximum number observations for the training and testing subsets. The figures
of generations specified. A large population size is typically show that the model successfully captures the complex rela-
used to increase the possibility of obtaining the optimal tionship between the governing parameters and the shear
solution at earlier generations49; however, model diversity strength of SFRC beams with an R2 value of 0.94. The model
introduced by crossover and mutation may increase the predictions were both accurate and precise, in which the vuexp/
computational time required.50,51 Therefore, the selection vuGP ratios had a mean (μ) of 1.04, standard deviation (SD)
of the population size and maximum number of generations of 0.30, and coefficient of variation (CoV) of 28.6%. The
is typically carried out iteratively such that the MGGP is model also showed an excellent performance for the testing
subset (R2 of 0.96, as shown in Fig. 4(b)), even with a higher MAE, and CoV) and the score increases above 1 as the R2
precision as the vuexp/vuGP ratios had μ, SD, and CoV of 0.97, value decreases or the RMSE, MAE, and CoV increases,
0.24, and 24.4%, respectively. These measures support the indicating lower performance. An overall rank was then
predictability and generalizability of the model. assigned to each model based on the corresponding average
score. From Table 3, the MGGP model proposed in this
Model performance comparison study outperformed the existing models with R2, RMSE, and
The performance of the proposed MGGP-based model MAE values of 0.94, 1.06, and 0.78, respectively. In addi-
was compared to that of 15 existing models proposed by tion, the vexp/vpred ratios obtained by the proposed model had
other researchers (all models are listed in Appendix A). a mean value of 1.05 with the lowest SD and CoV values
For each model, the accuracy of predictions (vpred) against (0.29 and 27.6%, respectively) among all models, which
the experimental results (vexp) was evaluated by calculating indicate the high accuracy and the consistent prediction
the coefficient of determination (R2) and RMSE values, capability (supported by the lower dispersion around the
together with the mean absolute error (MAE). The values mean value). The superiority of the proposed model, even
of μ, SD, and CoV of the vexp/vpred ratios yielded by each when compared to the other two models developed using
model were also obtained. All these measures are presented classical GP, can be attributed to the comprehensive data set
in Table 3 for all models, along with the model performance used in the current study, which has never been employed in
ranking. The ranking system used a score of 1 for the best full to develop any of the existing models. In addition, the
performing model (that is, the highest R2 and lowest RMSE, mechanics-guided approach adopted in this study enabled
Residual analysis
Because the shear strength model developed in the present
study (that is, Eq. (16)) resulted from regressively combining
three GP-based mathematical expressions, a residual analysis
is essential to ensure that the model residuals are indepen-
dent and identically distributed. This requires the model
errors to be independent and identically distributed (IID)
through following a normal distribution and being indepen- Fig. 6—Effect of parameters studied on shear capacity of
dent of the model estimates. The relationships presented SFRC beam, where V refers to any independent variable
in Fig. 5 support that the MGGP model residuals are IID, from Eq. (16).
and thus justifies the validity of the pseudo-linear relation-
ship presented in Eq. (16) as an SFRC beam shear strength contribution of compression zone in resisting shear force,
predictive model. but also implicitly accounts for the fiber-matrix interfacial
bonding strength, as explained in Eq. (3) to (11).
Parameter analysis
The relationships between the studied parameters and the Sensitivity analysis
ultimate shear strength of SFRC beams are shown in Fig. 6. Identifying the parameters governing the variability of
This figure was drawn by changing only a single parameter vu within the model predictions has been one of the key
within the considered range, while the other parameters objectives behind this study. Conducting a global sensi-
were set at their corresponding mean values. Figure 6 shows tivity analysis (GSA) is thus key to investigating the vari-
the positive correlation between vu and ρs, fc′, and F, where ability in the model output for the whole range of the input
increasing these parameters boosts the contribution of dowel parameters, especially considering the input-output highly
action, compression zone and fibers, and subsequently the nonlinear relationships. In the present study, a variogram-
beam’s overall shear resistance. On the other hand, the and a variance-based GSA were applied following the proce-
increase in a/d decreases the contribution of the arch action dures described in Razavi and Gupta52,53 and Saltelli et al.,54
in resisting the applied shear force, which yields a reduction respectively. The former enables assessing the output vari-
in the beam’s shear capacity. The increase in the beam depth ability at different perturbation scales of the inputs, whereas
(d) (corresponding to a decrease in the K value) also reduces the latter is concerned with the infinite perturbation of the
vu due to the size effect. It should be noted that the compres- inputs.53 It is important to note that both GSA approaches
sive strength in the developed model not only refers to the consider the interaction (not the interdependence) between