Fabaceae (Leguminosae) : The Pea, Bean and Mimosa Family
Fabaceae (Leguminosae) : The Pea, Bean and Mimosa Family
Fabaceae (Leguminosae) : The Pea, Bean and Mimosa Family
Characteristic features:
- Herbs, vines, trees, and shrubs with usually
alternate, stipulate, pinnately to palmately
compound leaves (sometimes unifoliolate or
- High nitrogen metabolism w/ unusual amino
acids, often with root nodules with N-fixing
bacteria; leaf and leaflet pulvinuses well-
- Flowers: a short, cup-like hypanthium
present; usually 5 sepals & petals, free or
connate; petals all alike or the uppermost 1
differentiated (banner), the lower 2 forming
a keel or flaring apart; 5 or 10 to many
Distribution: stamens, if connate then monadelphous or
Cosmopolitan family, absent only from diadelphous; 1 carpel on a short stalk
Antarctica. Many genera are extremely (gynophores).
widespread, while others are endemic to single - Fruit: a legume, though sometimes modified.
countries. The family has diversified in most Endosperm often lacking.
major land biomes from arid to wet tropical,
grassland and coastal. References for further inquiry:
- Doyle, J.J. & Luckow, M.A. The rest of the iceberg.
Economic Uses: Legume diversity and evolution in a phylogenetic
- Third largest family of flowering plants and context. Plant Physiology 131: 900-910 (2003).
second only to the cereals in economic - Heywood, V.H., Brummitt, R.K., Culham, A., &
importance. Seberg, O. Leguminosae (Fabaceae). Pp. 185-188.
- Many species in this family are cultivated for In: Flowering Plant Families of the World. New
food, such as beans, peas, peanuts, and York, Firefly Books (2007).