The Integrity and The Dignity of The Legal Profession and Support The Activities of The Integrated Bar
The Integrity and The Dignity of The Legal Profession and Support The Activities of The Integrated Bar
The Integrity and The Dignity of The Legal Profession and Support The Activities of The Integrated Bar
Second, it is not Section 90 of RA 7160 but Section 7(b) (2) of RA Respondent is strongly advised to look up and take to heart the
6713 which governs the practice of profession of elective local meaning of the word delicadeza.
government officials. While RA 6713 generally applies to all
Lee vs Tambago 544 SCRA 393 (2008) The Civil Code requires that a will must be acknowledged
before a notary public by the testator and the
witnesses. The importance of this requirement is highlighted
FACTS: by the fact that it was segregated from the other
1. Complainant, Manuel L. Lee, charged respondent, Atty. requirements under Article 805 and embodied in a distinct
Regino B. Tambago, with violation of Notarial Law and the and separate provision.
Ethics of the legal profession for notarizing a wil.
An acknowledgment is the act of one who has executed a
2. The will was alleged to be spurious in nature in deed in going before some competent officer or court and
containing forged signatures of his father, the decedent, declaring it to be his act or deed. It involves an extra step
Vicente Lee Sr. and two other witnesses, which were also undertaken whereby the signatory actually declares to the
questioned for the absence of notation of the Residence notary public that the same is his or her own free act and
Certificates that are known to be a copy of their respective deed. The acknowledgment in a notarial will has a two-fold
voter's affidavit. purpose: (1) to safeguard the testators wishes long after his
demise and (2) to assure that his estate is administered in
3. In addition to such, the contested will was executed the manner that he intends it to be done.
and acknowledged before respondent on June 30, 1965 but
bears a Residence Certificate by the Testator dated January A cursory examination of the acknowledgment of the will in
5, 1962, which was never submitted for filing to the Archives question shows that this particular requirement was neither
Division of the Records Management and Archives Office of strictly nor substantially complied with. For one, there was
the National Commission for Culture and Arts (NCAA). the conspicuous absence of a notation of the residence
certificates of the notarial witnesses Noynay and Grajo in
4. Respondent refuted that all allegations were falsely the acknowledgment. Similarly, the notation of the testators
given because he allegedly exercised his duties as Notary old residence certificate in the same acknowledgment was a
Public with due care and with due regards to the provision clear breach of the law. These omissions by respondent
of existing law and had complied with elementary invalidated the will.
formalities in the performance of his duties and that the
complaint was filed simply to harass him based on the result Notaries public must observe with utmost care and utmost
of a criminal case against him filed by complainant in the fidelity the basic requirements in the performance of their
Ombudsman that did not prosper. duties, otherwise, the confidence of the public in the
integrity of notarized deeds will be undermined.
5. However, he did not deny the contention of non-filing a
copy to the Archives Division of NCAA. Defects in the observance of the solemnities prescribed by
law render the entire will invalid. This carelessness cannot
6. In a resolution, the court referred the case to the IBP be taken lightly in view of the importance and delicate
and the decision of which found respondent guilty of nature of a will, considering that the testator and the
violations of pertinent provisions of the old Notarial Law as witnesses, as in this case, are no longer alive to identify the
found in the Administrative Code. The violation constituted instrument and to confirm its contents. Accordingly,
an infringement of legal ethics, particularly Canon 1 and Rule respondent must be held accountable for his acts. The
1.01of the Code of Professional Responsibility (CPR). validity of the will was seriously compromised as a
consequence of his breach of duty.
7. Thus, the investigating commissioner of the IBP
Commission on Bar Discipline recommended the suspension
of respondent for a period of three months.
In June 1943, Bayot advertised in a newspaper that he helps people in securing marriage licenses; that he does so
avoiding delays and publicity; that he also makes marriage arrangements; that legal consultations are free for the
poor; and that everything is confidential. The Director of Religious Affairs took notice of the ad and so he sued Bayot
for Malpractice.
Bayot initially denied having published the advertisement. But later, he admitted the same and asked for the court’s
mercy as he promised to never repeat the act again.
HELD: Yes. Section 25 of Rule 127 expressly provides among other things that “the practice of soliciting cases at law
for the purpose of gain, either personally or thru paid agents or brokers, constitutes malpractice.” The advertisement
he caused to be published is a brazen solicitation of business from the public. .” It is highly unethical for an attorney
to advertise his talents or skill as a merchant advertises his wares. The Supreme Court again emphasized that best
advertisement for a lawyer is the establishment of a well-merited reputation for professional capacity and fidelity to
trust. But because of Bayot’s plea for leniency and his promise and the fact that he did not earn any case by reason
of the ad, the Supreme Court merely reprimanded him.
Pangan V Ramos
93 SCRA 87 – Legal Ethics – Lack of Candor by a Lawyer – Proper name to be used by a lawyer
In 1979, a pending administrative case filed by Santa Pangan against Atty. Dionisio Ramos was delayed because
Atty. Ramos allegedly appeared before a court in Manila. When the records of the said case was checked (one which
Atty. Ramos appeared in), it was found that he used the name “Atty. Pedro D.D. Ramos”. In his defense, Atty. Ramos
said he has the right to use such name because in his birth certificate, his name listed was Pedro Dionisio Ramos.
“D.D.” stands for Dionisio Dayaw with Dayaw being his mother’s surname. However, in the roll of attorneys, his name
listed was Dionisio D. Ramos.
HELD: No. The attorney’s roll or register is the official record containing the names and signatures of those who are
authorized to practice law. A lawyer is not authorized to use a name other than the one inscribed in the Roll of
Attorneys in his practice of law. The official oath obliges the attorney solemnly to swear that he will do no falsehood.
As an officer in the temple of justice, an attorney has irrefragable obligations of truthfulness, candor and frankness. In
representing himself to the court as “Pedro D.D. Ramos” instead of “Dionisio D. Ramos”, respondent has violated his
solemn oath and has resorted to deception. The Supreme Court hence severely reprimanded Atty. Ramos and
warned that a similar infraction will warrant suspension or disbarment.