Case Title// Same Ruling With Other Cases (GCF) What Was Asked by Atty. Pague What Was Cited in The Book Relevant Rulings
Case Title// Same Ruling With Other Cases (GCF) What Was Asked by Atty. Pague What Was Cited in The Book Relevant Rulings
Case Title// Same Ruling With Other Cases (GCF) What Was Asked by Atty. Pague What Was Cited in The Book Relevant Rulings
G.R. No. 102998 July 5, 1996 Nature of replevin: Replevin, broadly understood, is the court cannot render any judgment
both a form of principal remedy binding on the defendants spouses
Replevin, broadly understood, is and of a provisional relief. It may for having allegedly violated the terms
BA FINANCE both a form of principal remedy refer either to the action itself, and conditions of the promissory note
CORPORATION, petitioner, and the contract of chattel mortgage
and of a provisional relief. It may i.e., to regain the possession of
vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS and on the ground that the court has no
refer either to the action itself, personal chattels being jurisdiction over their persons, no
ROBERTO M. REYES, respondents.
i.e., to regain the possession of wrongfully detained from the summons having been served on
personal chattels being plaintiff by another, or to the them. Consequently, because the
wrongfully detained from the provisional remedy that would principal debtors were not brought
plaintiff by another, or to the allow the plaintiff to retain the before the jurisdiction of the court for
provisional remedy that would thing during the pendency of the failure to serve summons, there can
allow the plaintiff to retain the action and hold it pendente lite. be no cause of action against Reyes
thing during the pendency of the The action is primarily who is merely an ancillary debtor.
action and hold it pendente lite. possessory in nature and
The action is primarily possessory generally determines nothing
in nature and generally more than the right of JUST BE DEPRIVED OF HIS
determines nothing more than possession. POSSESSION, LET ALONE BE
the right of possession. BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THE
The applicant need not be the CHATTEL MORTGAGE CONTRACT,
owner of the property. It is SIMPLY BECAUSE THE MORTGAGEE
enough that he has right to its BRINGS UP AN ACTION FOR
possession. REPLEVIN.
G.R. No. 79021 May 17, 1993 Will replevin lie in a property in Replevin is not available when 1. It is a basic tenet of civil
custodial legis? NO. the the property is under procedure that replevin will
custodia legis, under attachment not lie for property
ROMEO S. CHUA, petitioner, vs. THE It is a basic tenet of civil or seized pursuant to law. The in custodia legis. A thing is
HON. COURT OF APPEALS, DENNIS in custodia legis when it is
procedure that replevin will not reason posited for this principle
CANOY AND ALEX DE shown that it has been and is
lie for property in custodia legis. is that if it were otherwise, there
LEON, respondents. subjected to the official
A thing is in custodia legis when it would be interference with the
custody of a judicial executive
is shown that it has been and is possession before the function of
officer in pursuance of his
subjected to the official custody the law had been performed as
execution of a legal writ. The
of a judicial executive officer in to the process under which the reason posited for this
pursuance of his execution of a property was taken principle is that if it was
legal writ. The reason posited for otherwise, there would be
this principle is that if it was we rule that where personal interference with the
otherwise, there would be property is seized under a search possession before the
interference with the possession warrant and there is reason to function of the law had been
before the function of the law believe that the seizure will not performed as to the process
anymore be followed by the filing under which the property was
had been performed as to the
of a criminal and there are taken. Thus, a defendant in an
process under which the conflicting claims over the seized execution or attachment cannot
property was taken. property, the proper remedy is the replevy goods in the possession
filing of an action for replevin, or of an officer under a valid
an interpleader filed by the process, although after the levy
Government in the proper court, is discharged, an action to
not necessarily the same one which recover possession will lie.
issued the search warrant;
however, where there is still a
probability that the seizure will be
followed by the filing of a criminal
action, as in the case at bar where
the case for carnapping was
"dismissed provisionally, without
prejudice to its reopening once the
issue of ownership is resolved in
favor of complainant" (emphasis
supplied), or the criminal information
has actually been commenced, or
filed, and actually prosecuted, and
there are conflicting claims over the
property seized, the proper remedy is
to question the validity of the search
warrant in the same court which
issued it and not in any other branch
of the said court.
G.R. No. 86792 March 21, 1990 PURPOSE OF REPLEVIN BOND "the damages awarded by the trial
Same same same
court were based on Articles 19 and
A replevin bond is simply 20 of the New Civil Code and not on
SPOUSES MARINO AND LINA JOEL intended to indemnify the the deprivation of personal
SAPUGAY, petitioners, properties subject of the replevin
defendant against any loss that
vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, MOBIL bond. Moreover, no judgment was
he may suffer by being compelled entered for the return of the
CARDENAS, respondents.
to surrender the possession of properties subject of the replevin
the disputed property pending bond to the defendant, the latter
the trial of the action. He cannot never having raised the issue of
recover on the bond as for a rightful possession to the said
reconversion when he has failed properties."
to have the judgment entered for
the return of the property. Nor is A replevin bond is simply intended
to indemnify the defendant
the surety liable for payment of against any loss that he may suffer
the judgment for damages by being compelled to surrender
rendered against the plaintiff on the possession of the disputed
a counterclaim or punitive property pending the trial of the
action. He cannot recover on the
damages for fraudulent or
bond as for a reconversion when
wrongful acts committed by the he has failed to have the judgment
plaintiffs and unconnected with entered for the return of the
the defendant's deprivation of property. Nor is the surety liable
possession by the plaintiff. for payment of the judgment for
Indeed, even where the damages rendered against the
judgment was that the defendant plaintiff on a counterclaim or
was entitled to the property, but punitive damages for fraudulent or
no order was made requiring the wrongful acts committed by the
plaintiff to return it or assessing plaintiffs and unconnected with
the defendant's deprivation of
damages in default of a return, it
possession by the plaintiff. Indeed,
was declared that until judgment even where the judgment was that
was entered that the property the defendant was entitled to the
should be restored, there could property, but no order was made
be no liability on the part of the requiring the plaintiff to return it
sureties. or assessing damages in default of
a return, it was declared that until
judgment was entered that the
property should be restored, there
could be no liability on the part of
the sureties.
A.M. NO. P-07-2384 June 18, 2008 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE 5 Being an officer of the court, Andres
DAY LEEWAY? must be aware that there are well-
KENNETH HAO v. ABE ANDRES, defined steps provided in the Rules of
SHREFIFF IV, RTC 16, DAVAO CITY To give chance to the defendant Court regarding the proper
implementation of a writ
to object to the sufficiency of the
QUISUMBING: of replevin and/or an order of
bond or the surety or sureties seizure. The Rules, likewise, is explicit
thereon or require the return of on the duty of the sheriff in its
the property by filing a implementation. To recapitulate what
counterbond. should be common knowledge to
sheriffs, the pertinent provisions of
Rule 60, of the Rules of Court are
quoted hereunder:
SEC. 4. Duty of the sheriff.Upon
receiving such order, the sheriff must
serve a copy thereof on the adverse
party, together with a copy of the
application, affidavit and bond,
and must forthwith take the
property, if it be in the possession
of the adverse party, or his agent,
and retain it in his custody. If the
property or any part thereof be
concealed in a building or enclosure,
the sheriff must demand its delivery,
and if it be not delivered, he must
cause the building or enclosure to be
broken open and take the property
into his possession. After the sheriff
has taken possession of the
property as herein provided, he
must keep it in a secure place and
shall be responsible for its delivery
to the party entitled thereto upon
receiving his fees and necessary
expenses for taking and keeping
the same.(Emphasis supplied.)
G.R. No. L-59906 October 23, 1982 IS THE ORDER FIXING THE The amount fixed in the order is only The order of fixing the amount of
AMOUNT OF SUPPORT FINAL? provisional. It is not final in character support pendente lite is not final in
BUENAVENTURA SAN NO. in the sense that it can be the subject character in the sense that it can
JUAN, petitioner, of modification, depending on the be the subject of modification,
vs. HON. MANUEL E. VALENZUELA, changing conditions affecting the depending on the changing
Judge of the Court of First Instance of ability of the obligor to pay the conditions affecting the ability of
Rizal and DOROTEA amount fixed for support. the obligor to pay the amount
MEJIA, respondents. fixed for support.
Under normal
circumstances, JEWM would be
correct in their averment that the
GR No 196894 lack of legal standing on the part of
March 3, 2013 Spouses Crisologo in the case
prevents the latter’s recourse via
Rule 65. However, is an exception.
In many instances, the Court has ruled
that technical rules of procedures
should be used to promote, not
frustrate the cause of justice. Rules of
procedure are tools designed not to
thwart but to facilitate the attainment
of justice; thus, their strict and rigid
application may, for good and
deserving reasons, have to give way
to, and be subordinated by, the need
to aptly dispense substantial justice in
the normal cause.
G.R. No. 175723 February 4, 2014 Does CTA have the authority to Also, in accordance with the liberal The CTA has jurisdiction over a
issue Petition for certiorari? spirit pervading the Rules of Court special civil action for certiorari
and in the interest of substantial assailing an interlocutory order
THE CITY OF MANILA, represented by justice, this Court has, before, issued by the RTC in a local tax case.
MAYOR JOSE L. ATIENZA, JR., and MS. a court may issue a writ of certiorari in treated a petition for certiorari as a In order for any appellate court to
LIBERTY M. TOLEDO, in her capacity as aid of its appellate jurisdiction if said petition for review on certiorari, effectively exercise its appellate
the City Treasurer of Manila, court has jurisdiction to review, by particularly (1) if the petition for jurisdiction, it must have the
Petitioners, appeal or writ of error, the final orders certiorari was filed within the authority to issue, among others, a
vs. or decisions of the lower court. reglementary period within which writ of certiorari. In transferring
HON. CARIDAD H. GRECIA-CUERDO, in to file a petition for review on exclusive jurisdiction over appealed
her capacity as Presiding Judge of the certiorari; (2) when errors of tax cases to the CTA, it can
Regional Trial Court, Branch 112, Pasay judgment are averred; and (3) reasonably be assumed that the law
City; SM MART, INC.; SM PRIME when there is sufficient reason to intended to transfer also such
HOLDINGS, INC.; STAR APPLIANCES justify the relaxation of the rules as power as is deemed necessary, if
CENTER; SUPERVALUE, INC.; ACE when there is a significant issue of not indispensable, in aid of such
HARDWARE PHILIPPINES, INC.; jurisdiction appellate jurisdiction. There is no
WATSON PERSONAL CARE STORES, perceivable reason why the transfer
PHILS., INC.; JOLLIMART PHILS., should only be considered as
CORP.; SURPLUS MARKETING partial, not total.
Respondents. Consistent with the above
pronouncement, the Court has held
PERALTA, J.: as early as the case of J.M. Tuason
& Co., Inc. v. Jaramillo, et al. [118
Phil. 1022 (1963)] that “if a case
may be appealed to a particular
court or judicial tribunal or body,
then said court or judicial tribunal
or body has jurisdiction to issue the
extraordinary writ of certiorari, in
aid of its appellate jurisdiction.”
This principle was affirmed in De
Jesus v. Court of Appeals (G.R. No.
101630, August 24, 1992) where the
Court stated that “a court may issue
a writ of certiorari in aid of its
appellate jurisdiction if said court
has jurisdiction to review, by appeal
or writ of error, the final orders or
decisions of the lower court.
G.R. Nos. 217126-27, November 10, A petition for certiorari filed by a In this case, the Rule 65 petition
2015 for certiorari in CA-G.R. SP No. 139453
city mayor before the CA in order
was filed by Binay, Jr. before the CA in
to nullify the preventive order to nullify the preventive
CAPACITY AS THE suspension order issued by the suspension order issued by the
OMBUDSMAN, Petitioner, v. COURT OF Ombudsman is in order because Ombudsman, an interlocutory
APPEALS (SIXTH DIVISION) AND the order of suspension is an order,148 hence, unappealable.149
JR., Respondents.
interlocutor order, hence,
In several cases decided
unappealable. after Fabian, the Court has ruled that
DECISION Rule 65 petitions for certiorari against
unappelable issuances150 of the
PERLAS-BERNABE, J Ombudsman should be filed before the
CA, and not directly before this Court:
G.R. No. 220598 Did the SC take cognizance of the The special civil action for certiorari is
petition for certiorari? Yes. generally not proper to assail such an
Invoked expanded power. interlocutory order issued by the trial
court because of the availability of
another remedy in the ordinary course
GLORIA MACAPAGAL of law. Moreover, Section 23, Rule 119
ARROYO, Petitioner, of the Rules of Court expressly
vs. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES AND provides that “the order denying the
THE SANDIGANBAYAN, (First motion for leave of court to file
Division), Respondents demurrer to evidence or the demurrer
itself shall not be reviewable by
appeal or by certiorari before
judgment.” It is not an insuperable
obstacle to this action, however, that
the denial of the demurrers to
evidence of the petitioners was an
interlocutory order that did not
terminate the proceedings, and the
proper recourse of the demurring
accused was to go to trial, and that in
case of their conviction they may then
appeal the conviction, and assign the
denial as among the errors to be
reviewed. Indeed, it is doctrinal that
the situations in which the writ
of certiorari may issue should not be
limited, because to do so “x x x would
be to destroy its comprehensiveness
and usefulness. So wide is the
discretion of the court that authority
is not wanting to show
that certiorari is more discretionary
than either prohibition or mandamus.
In the exercise of our superintending
control over other courts, we are to be
guided by all the circumstances of
each particular case ‘as the ends of
justice may require.’ So it is that the
writ will be granted where necessary
to prevent a substantial wrong or to
do substantial justice.”
G.R. No. 231658 July 4, 2017 What is any appropriate During the oral argument, the
proceeding petitioners theorized that the
REPRESENTATIVES EDCEL C. LAGMAN, jurisdiction of this Court under the
et al., Petitioners To conclude that the "appropriate third paragraph of Section 18, Article
vs. HON. SALVADOR C. MEDIALDEA, et proceeding" refers to a Petition for VII is sui generis. 87 It is a special and
al, Respondents Certiorari filed under the expanded specific jurisdiction of the Supreme
jurisdiction of this Court would, Court different from those
DEL CASTILLO, J.: therefore, contradict the clear enumerated in Sections 1 and 5 of
intention of the framers of the Article VIII.
Constitution to place additional It is settled that jurisdiction over the
safeguards against possible martial subject matter is conferred only by the
law abuse for, invariably, the third Constitution or by the law. 89 Unless
paragraph of Section 18, Article VII jurisdiction has been specifically
would be subsumed under Section 1 of conferred by the Constitution or by
Article VIII. In other words, the framers some legislative act, no body or
of the Constitution added the tribunal has the power to act or pass
safeguard under the third paragraph upon a matter brought before it for
of Section 18, Article VII on top of the resolution. It is likewise settled that in
expanded jurisdiction of this Court. the absence of a clear legislative
The jurisdiction of this Court is not intent, jurisdiction cannot be implied
restricted to those enumerated in from the language of the Constitution
Sections 1 and 5 of Article VIII. For or a statute.90 It must appear clearly
instance, its jurisdiction to be the sole from the law or it will not be held to
judge of all contests relating to the exist.91
election, returns, and qualifications of
the President or Vice-President can A plain reading of the afore-quoted
be found in the last paragraph of Section 18, Article VII reveals that it
Section 4, Article VII.102 The power of specifically grants authority to the
the Court to review on certiorari the Court to determine the sufficiency of
decision, order, or ruling of the the factual basis of the proclamation
Commission on Elections and of martial law or suspension of the
Commission on Audit can be found in privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.
Section 7, Article IX(A).
The standard of review in a petition for
The unique features of the third certiorari is whether the respondent
paragraph of Section 18, Article VII has committed any grave abuse of
clearly indicate that it should be discretion amounting to lack or excess
treated as sui generis separate and of jurisdiction in the performance of his
different from those enumerated in or her functions. Thus, it is not the
Article VIII. Under the third paragraph proper tool to review the sufficiency of
of Section 18, Article VII, a petition filed the factual basis of the proclamation or
pursuant therewith will follow a suspension.
different rule on standing as any
citizen may file it. Said provision of the Section 18, Article VII is meant to
Constitution also limits the issue to the provide additional safeguard against
sufficiency of the factual basis of the possible abuse by the President in the
exercise by the Chief Executive of his exercise of his power to declare
emergency powers. The usual period martial law or suspend the privilege of
for filing pleadings in Petition for the writ of habeas corpus. Reeling
Certiorari is likewise not applicable from the aftermath of the Marcos
under the third paragraph of Section martial law, the framers of the
18, Article VII considering the limited Constitution deemed it wise to insert
period within which this Court has to the now third paragraph of Section 18
promulgate its decision. of Article VII.
In fine, the phrase "in an
appropriate proceeding" appearing To give more teeth to this additional
on the third paragraph of Section safeguard, the framers of the 1987
18, Article VII refers to any action Constitution not only placed the
initiated by a citizen for the President's proclamation of martial
purpose of questioning the law or suspension of the privilege of
sufficiency of the factual basis of the writ of habeas corpus within the
the exercise of the Chief Executive's ambit of judicial review, it also relaxed
emergency powers, as in these the rule on standing by allowing any
cases. It could be denominated as a citizen to question before this Court
complaint, a petition, or a matter to the sufficiency of the factual basis of
be resolved by the Court. such proclamation or suspension.
Moreover, the third paragraph of
Section 18, Article VII veritably
conferred upon any citizen a
demandable right to challenge the
sufficiency of the factual basis of said
proclamation or suspension. It further
designated this Court as the reviewing
tribunal to examine, in an appropriate
proceeding, the sufficiency of the
factual basis , and to render its
decision thereon within a limited
period of 30 days from date of filing
The most important objective,
however, of Section 18, Article VII is
the curtailment of the extent of the
powers of the Commander-in-Chief.
This is the primary reason why the
provision was not placed in Article VIII
or the Judicial Department but
remained under Article VII or the
Executive Department.