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Cultural Atlas of the


edited by James Graham-Campbell

Colleen Batey, Helen Clarke,

R.I. Page, Neil S. Price
ISBN 0-51^0-3004-^ SHS-OO U.S
$55-00 CAN

Cultural Atlas of the

Viking World
edited by James Graham-Campbell

Colleen Batey, Helen Clarke,

R.I. Page, Neil S. Price

The Viking Age was filled with drama. It began in

the late 8th century, when pagan pirates from
Scandinavia fell upon the undefended monasteries

and settlements of western Europe in search of loot

and tribute, and ended in the 11th century, when
the Scandinavian peoples - converted by then to
Christianity - had come together to form the three
nation-states of Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
During this time,Viking sailors reached westward
across the Atlantic Ocean to Newfoundland,
colonizing the Scottish islands, the Faeroes, Iceland
and Greenland on the way; they raided and traded
along the coasts of western Europe as far as the
Mediterranean, fought repeated military campaigns
in England and France and founded settlements
there and around the Irish Sea; and they sailed
eastward along the river routes of Russia to the
shores of the Black and Caspian seas, founding
settlements, trading with Arabs and Bulgars, and
joining the mercenary armies of the Byzantine

The Cultural Atlas of the Viking World seeks to

explain and illustrate the wide-ranging world of the
Vikings. Part One looks at the physical background
of the Scandinavian homelands and traces the
history of human settlement there before the Viking
Age. Part Two examines the Viking Age in
Scandinavia: its social organization; the daily life of
its farmers, craftsmen and traders; its religion and

literature. Part Three considers the Viking

expansion overseas, and Part Four looks at the
Viking world at the end of the Viking Age.

Special featuresexamine key aspects of Viking Age

and the pagan
culture, such as ships, art styles,
gods, and highlight some of the most important
archaeologicalsites. Detailed maps show the
Vikings' network of sea crossings and river routes,
their military campaigns, and their political and
cultural development. The photographs reveal the
range of artifacts made - and raided and traded -
by rhe Vikings, as well as the variety of landscapes
in which their lives were led.

f^et picture Detail of a ship from a picture-stone

land: photo, Ted Spiegel.


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Cultural Atlas of the

Colleen Batey, Helen Clarke,
R.L Page, Neil S. Price

edited by
James Graham' Campbell


8 Chronological Table
10 Preface

Part One: The Origins of the Vikings

12 The Land, Climate and People

22 Scandinavia before the Viking Age

Part Two: Viking Age Scandinavia

38 Society, Kingship and Warfare
58 Daily Life
78 Towns, Trade and Crafts
100 Learning and Religion

Part Three: The Vikings Overseas

122 Western Europe
148 The Celtic World
164 The North Atlantic
184 Russia and the East

Part Four: The End of the Viking World

200 The Later Viking Age and After

224 Glossary
227 Bibliography
229 List of Illustrations
232 Gazetteer
235 Index
Special Features List of Maps
26 Bog Sacrifice 13 Physical features of Scandinavia
34 Royal Burials of the Vendel Period 14 Soils of Scandinavia
42 The Oseberg Ship Burial 15 Climate of Scandinavia
46 Gotland 17 Vegetation of Scandinavia
56 Royal Fortresses of Denmark 29 Iron Age settlement in Scandinavia
62 Life in the Home 49 Viking Age Scandinavia
64 Leisure 69 Burials in Viking Age Scandinavia
67 Costume 79 The Vikings as traders
76 Viking Ships 89 Manufacture and crafts
90 Woodcarving 115 The spread of Christianity
94 Ornamental Metalworking
126 Viking raids in western Europe, 8th and
98 Viking Art
9th centuries
102 Runes
129 The Viking campaigns in England, 865-885
108 The Pagan Gods
131 The Viking campaigns in England, 892—895
112 The Legend of Sigurd
134 The Scandinavian presence in England
138 Anglo-Scandinavian Styles
140 The recovery of the Danelaw
180 Viking Navigation
144 The Viking settlement of Normandy
202 Stave Churches
147 The Vikings in Brittany
153 The Scandinavian presence in the

Site Features Celtic world

167 Viking Age settlement in the Faeroe Islands
30 Eketorp 173 Viking Age settlement in Iceland
32 Helgo 176 Viking Age settlement in Greenland
80 Hedeby 177 Viking routes across the North Atlantic
82 Ribe 189 Scandinavian influence in the eastern Baltic
86 Birka and Russia
101 Iarlabanki's Causeway 196 The Byzantine empire and the
118 Jelling Abbasid caliphate
128 Repton Winter Camp 200 Scandinavia in the 11th century
136 York 206 Ingvar's journey to the east
150 Jarlshof
208 The renewal of Viking activity in England
158 St Patrick's Isle
211 The empire of Cnut the Great
162 Dublin
219 Northern Britain and Ireland in the
172 Stong
Late Norse period
174 Brattahlid
178 L'Anse-aux-Meadows
186 Rugen
190 Staraya Ladoga
192 Novgorod
204 Sigtuna
215 Orphir
216 Birsay
220 Thingvellir
SCANDINAVIA 790s Viking raids 800s Godfred, king of Denmark, 850s Kings Horik the Older and 948 Bishops appointed to Hedeby,
in western with Charlemagne;
in conflict theYounger permit Ansgar to Ribe and Arhus, Denmark
Europe begin builds second stage of the build churches at Hedeby and c.934-60 Hakon the Good, king
Danevirke and settles merchants Ribe; he revisits Birka of Norway; attempts to convert
from Rene at Hedebv c.870-c.940 Harald Finehair, his country
810 Murder of Godfred king of Norway
c.825 Danish coinage begins 880s Harald Finehair attempts to
in Hedeby unite Norway
820s Ansgar's first missionary c.890 Battle of Hafrsfjord, Norway
journevs to Denmark and to Birka
inSweden (829-31)
834 Oseberg ship burial, Norway

Picture-stone, Gotland, 8th— 9th century Ammal-head post, Oseberg ship-burial, c. 800-850 Bed plank from Gokstad, c.900

BRITAIN AND 793 Viking raid 830s Renewed Viking raids 850 First wintering of Vikings in 902 Vikings expelled from Dublin
IRELAND on Lindisfarne on England England 902-54 Anglo-Saxon recovery of
monasterv 839 First wintering of Vikings in 860s Intensive Viking activity in theDanelaw
790s First Viking Ireland England c.917 Refoundation of Viking
raids on Scotland 841 Viking longphort established 866 The Great Army lands in East Dublin
and Ireland atDublin Anglia 937 Battle of Brunanburh, England
867 Danish capture of York
870 Vikings kill Edmund, king of
East Anglia, later St Edmund
c.870 Establishment of the Earldom
871-99 Alfred the Great, king of
873—4 Viking winter camp at
Repton, Derbyshire
876—9 Vikings settle permanently
878 Battle of Edington and Treaty of
Wedmore; the partition of England

CONTINENTAL 799 Viking raids 800 Coronation of the Emperor 856-7 Paris sacked by the Vikings 911 Foundation of Normandy by
EUROPE begin on Frankia Charlemagne 859-62 Viking expedition to Spain the Viking chieftain Rollo
814 Death of Charlemagne and and into the western 912 Viking raiders on the
succession of Louis the Pious Mediterranean Caspian Sea
830s Viking raids on Frankia 861 Vikings again sack Paris 914 Viking conquest of Brittany
increase 862 Charles the Bald builds fortified 926—33 Expansion of Normandy
834—7 Annual raids on Dorestad bridges to block rivers in Frankia 930s Vikings expelled from
840s First Viking winter camps against the Vikings Brittany
established in Frankia c.862 Ronk/Ryurik, ruler of
844 Viking raid on Spain Novgorod
845 Sack of Hamburg and Paris 866 Viking raid on Spain
First Danegeld paid by the Franks c.882 Novgorod and Kiev united
885-6 Siege of Paris

NORTH c.800 Irish hermits in the c.860 Norse settlement in the 930 Foundation of the
ATLANTIC Faeroe Islands and Iceland Faeroe Islands Icelandic Althing
C.870-C.930 Norse settlement
of Iceland

958 9 Gorm the Old, king of c.1000 Battle of Svold and death 1047-66 Harald Hardradi, 1 103 Archbishopric at Lund for all

Denmark is buried at Jelling of Olaf Tryggvason king of Norway Scandinavia

958-98^ Harald Bluetooth, king of 1019-35 Cnut the Great, king of 1047-74 Svein Estridsson, king of
Denmark Denmark Denmark
c.960 Harald Bluetooth converted to 1027 First stone church at 1066 Harald Hardradi invades
Christianity Roskilde, Denmark England, defeated and killed
c.964-1000 Olaf Tryggvason, king 1028 Cnut encourages uprising Destruction of Hedeby by the Slavs
of Norway against Olaf Haraldsson, 1066-93 Olaf Kyrre, king of
968 Refortification of the Danevirke king of Norway Norway
c.9"^ Foundation of Sigtuna, Sweden 1030 Battle of Stiklestad and death 1070 Adam of Bremen's description
970' 1 Mammen chamber grave, of Olaf Haraldsson, later St Olaf of pagan temple at Uppsala
Denmark 1035-47 Magnus the Good, king c.1070 Urnes stave church built,
c.980 Construction of the Danish of Norway Norway
circular fortresses and Ravning Enge 1042^7 Magnus unites Norway 1086 Death of Cnut, king of
bridge and Denmark Denmark, later St Cnut (1100)
c.987-1014 Svein Forkbeard, king 1096-1103 Eric Ejegod, king of
of Denmark Denmark
c.995-1021/2 Olof Skotkonung, king
of Sweden, converted to Christianity;
establishment of bishopric at Skara
995 Olaf Tryggvason unites Norway

idbu helmet, 10th century Silver neck-ring, Gnezdovo hoard, 10th century Pendant cross, Iceland Wth-llth century Gunhild cross, walrus wory, c.1150

954 Eric Bloodax expelled from 1002 ^Ethelred orders massacre of 1066 Harald Hardradi, king of 1103 Magnus Barelegs, king of
York and killed at the battle the Danes in England Norway, killed at the battle of Norway, killed during an expedition to
of Stainmore 1014 Danish conquest of England Stamford Bridge, England Ireland
980 Renewed Danish attacks on by Svein Forkbeard 1066 Battle of Hastings: the 1117 Magnus, patron saint of Orkney,
England Battle of Clontarf, Ireland Norman conquest of England murdered on Egilsay
Battle of Tara, Ireland 1014-65 Thorfinn the Mighty, 1066-87 William I, king of England
c.985-1014 Sigurd the Stout, Orkney
earl of 1069 Danish fleet attempts to
earl ofOrkney 1016-35 Cnut the Great, king of conquer England
991 Battle of Maldon, England England 1079 Battle of Skyhill won by
1042 Death of Hardacnut, king of Godfred Crovan, king of Man
England 1085 Danish invasion of England
c.1050 Bishopric established in prepared, but abandoned

980-1015 Vladimir, prince of Kiev 1015-54 Jaroslav, prince of Kiev 1066 Norman invasion of England
980s Conversion of Russia c.1040 Ingvar's expedition to 1091 Norman conquest of Sicilv
Foundation of the Varangian guard the east 1096-99 The first crusade

c.985 Eric the Red settles c.1000 Iceland converted 1056 Creation of the first bishopric 1106 Holar becomes second bishopric
in Greenland Christianity in Iceland, at Skalholt in Iceland
Thjodhild's church built 1067-1148 Ari Thorgilsson, c.1125 Bishopric in Greenland, at
at Brattahlid historian of Iceland Gardar
Voyages to Vinland
in North America

The Viking Age was filled with drama both in the writers — and the runic inscriptions of Scandinavia
Scandinavian homelands and in the countries - throws much light on the Viking Age, as can also
overseas where the Vikings raided, traded and the famous saga literature written down in the 13th
settled by force. However, many of the lasting and 14th centuries, it is to archaeology that we
changes that it brought about were the result of must turn to fill out our picture of life during the
peaceful endeavors and gradual developments. This Viking Age. Recent decades have witnessed much
book is about peoples and places: a cultural atlas increased excavation throughout the Viking world.
of a widespread northern world, centered on This book has thus been written, for the most part,
Denmark, Norway and Sweden, but reaching by archaeologists to highlight many of the most
westward across the Atlantic Ocean, eastward to recent discoveries, particularly through the special
the shore of both the Black and the Caspian Seas, features that complement the main text.
and southward into the Mediterranean. The Viking This Cultural Atlas is the creation of Susan
world can be seen as a network of the sea crossings Kennedy and her team at Andromeda, listed on
and river routes that were traveled by the ships that page 2, given life by myself, but substance by a
have come to symbolize the Viking Age. team of four authors. Chapters 1-5 that set the
The Viking raids on western Europe began at the Scandinavian scene, both before and during the
end of the 8th century AD when these pagan Viking Age, were written by Dr Helen Clarke, my
pirates fell upon undefended monasteries, former colleague in Medieval Archaeology at
settlements and trading centers for loot and tribute. University College London, whilst Professor Ray
The Viking Age proper had lasted scarcely three Page, of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, has
centuries before the Scandinavians had ceased to given us the benefit of his particular expertise in
export violence to the west, even if the 12th contributing Chapter 6 on Scandinavian "Learning
century saw them conquering and crusading in the and Religion". Chapters 7 and 10, on the Vikings
Slav and Baltic countries to impose Christianity in western and eastern Europe, are the work of
It was the conversion of the
there by force. Neil Price, who studied the archaeology of the
Scandinavian countries to Christianity, Vikings in London and York, before embarking on
accompanied by the establishment of a literate a fieldwork career in Sweden; Chapters 8 and 9 on
culture, that represents one of the major the Scandinavian involvement in the Celtic west of
transformations of the Viking Age - a transition Britain and Ireland, and the Norse expansion
that involved several false-starts and piecemeal across the North Atlantic, were written by Dr
progression during the 9th to 11th centuries. Colleen Batey, of Glasgow Museums, who has
The Viking Age was also the period that saw the specialized in excavating and studying the Vikings
formation of the three European nation-states of in Caithness and Orkney. The final chapter, on
Denmark, Norway and Sweden, as a result of "The Later Viking Age and After" makes use of
processes of internal consolidation that had already contributions from both of these authors. Amongst
commenced before the beginning of the Viking Age. others who have helped with the production of this
Indeed, political problems at home, with enforced book, we are particularly grateful to Professor Sean
exile for rival claimants and dispossessed leaders, McGrail, of the University of Oxford, for advice on
may have had as much to do with the fact of Viking ships and for writing the feature on pp.
Scandinavian expansion as any threat of famine or 180-81. The features on pp. 42-43, 64-65, 90-91,
land-shortage in the homelands - or any of the 94-95, 98-99, 138-39 and 158-59 are my own
other explanations offered for this remarkable responsibility, as well as the captions to the
phenomenon. However, we shall never fully illustrations in the main text.
understand this aspect of the Viking Age, for there To end on an explanatory note: it is not possible
is very little written evidence about most of to be completely consistent in quoting Viking name
Scandinavia from before 1200, though archaeology forms and words. Where there is a recognized
is throwing light on state fortifications and other modern form of a personal name, we have used it:
monuments that reflect the growing centralization e.g. Eric Bloodax. Where there is not we have tried
ofpower in this period. to simplify the original form by removing
Scandinavia also experienced growing economic inflexional endings, accent marks or diacritics and
sophistication during the Viking Age, on the back replacing unusual letter forms by more common
of the wealth created by means of raiding and ones: e.g. instead of the Old Norse d and \) we have
trading. One of the most obvious impacts of this used the modern English equivalents d, th. So
process was the foundation of towns as centers for Haraldr Hardrddi appears as Harald Hardradi,
trade and manufacture. Recent archaeological work Sigvatr pordarson as Sigvat Thordarson (Old Norse
has revealed how this process was already words quoted being commonly in italic). If there is
underway, in Denmark at any rate, before the a standard modern form of a place-name we have
beginning of the Viking Age proper. used it. Otherwise we have used as far as possible
Though the study of contemporary sources, such the local or recorded form.
as the works of Anglo-Saxon, Frankish and Arabic James Graham-Campbell

The people known to us today as Vikings had their modern technology and communications.
homelands in the three countries that together make In Norway and Sweden, which together form the
up modern Scandinavia: Norway, Sweden and Den- Scandinavian peninsula, the underlying rock is pre-
mark. Together they cover a vast area, stretching from Cambrian granite, overlain in the west and north by
North Cape (Nordkapp) far into the Arctic Circle at a rather more recent folded and tilted rocks forming a
latitude of 71° southward to the border between chain of high mountains, and in the south mainly by
Denmark and Germany, at about 55° latitude. The limestone and chalk. During the period of glaciation,
total landmass is nearly 790,000 square kilometers. or ice ages, from about 1,500,000 to 13,000 years ago,
Not surprisingly, there is great diversity in landscape massive glaciers moved southward from the Arctic
and climate within this enormous area. The flora and regions to cover much of the northern hemisphere. At
fauna, the economic base and even the character of the their maximum extent they reached as far as central
inhabitants vary from district to district; this is true Europe, but over the millennia their range fluctuated.
today, and the differences must have been even more Nevertheless, during all this time they covered much
pronounced in earlier periods before the advent of of the Scandinavian peninsula. As they advanced in

Left Northern winters are long and

severe so that snow can lie for
months in inland valleys and
passes. It is hardly surprising that
skis originated in Scandinavia in
prehistoric times to maintain
communications under such
conditions, whilst sledges and
skates areknown to have been
mammmmmmmmt used during the Viking Age.
a other important city

Urn o.
Fjord A "*>'g Kattegat

J ut/and

4mus D
a Helsmgborg
Ros*° Copenhagen
^ &..„
Sj.„. nd °Malmo LITHUANIA
Fy n

Bornholrr^ (

Kaliningrad f i


o Hamburg


the coldest eras they flattenedand smoothed out the

land,and in places their weight forced it down to
hundreds of meters below its original level. When they
retreated during warmer phases the melting ice drop-
ped deposits of gravels and stones that had been
picked up and carried along on their advances south,
and left behind moraine ridges (eskers). Thus, much of
the peninsula is covered by infertile, gravelly soils
poorly suited to agriculture or even forestry. The
southern parts of Sweden (the modern provinces of
Skane and southern Halland) and Denmark were
covered by glaciers only when they reached their
maximum extent during the coldest periods, and they
have fewer glacial deposits and more fertile soils with
limestone and chalk overlain by clay, as well as the
glacial gravels.
When the glaciers melted the land beneath was
relieved of the great pressure that the weight of the ice
had placed upon it, and it began to revert to its original
level.This "eustatic change" or "land elevation" has
been a continuing process ever since the end of the last
ice age some 13,000 years ago, and is still going on,
quite rapidly in the north, less so farther south. In the
interior of the northern Scandinavian peninsula the
land is still rising at a rate of roughly 1 meter per
century. In the central regions of Norway and Sweden
the change is less pronounced but the rise is some 50
centimeters over a hundred years. There is hardly any
change in the height of the land in southern Scan-
dinavia where the impact of the glaciers was not so
strongly felt.

With the melting of the glaciers at the end of the last

ice age the sea level also rose, its increasing height
being most noticeable in southern Scandinavia where
the eustatic change was less pronounced. For example,
about 8000 BC Denmark was part of a single land-
mass that straddled the present countries of Britain,
Denmark and southern Sweden. It did not acquire its
present shape until several millennia later when the
land between western Jutland and England was flood-
ed by rising sea water to form the North Sea, and the
straits between the Danish islands and the 0resund,
the sound between Sjadland (Zealand) and Skane
(Scania), were formed.
As the glaciers melted people moved into Scan-
dinavia to settle on the new land, traveling slowly
northward as the ice retreated. Denmark, free from ice
by about 13,000 BC, was occupied first, but areas
farther north were not available for settlement until
some millennia later. However, by about 8000 BC
most of Scandinavia was open for settlement. These
first settlers were probably the ancestors of those

living in the region during the Viking Age (the three

centuries from aboutAD 800).
Scandinavia has seldom been subjected to fresh waves
of immigrant peoples, though it has always been open
to new cultural influences from the European main-
land. The exchange has not been all one way. Before
and during the Viking Age there was movement of
people and cultural influences from eastern Sweden
into southwest Finland and around the Baltic coast
(present-day Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania). In the
5th and 6th centuries AD there were population
movements from the western seaboard of Denmark
and (to a lesser extent) Norway to eastern England,
and in the Viking Age itself migrations from western
Scandinavia led to the setting up of new communities
in the North Atlantic: the Faeroes, Iceland, Greenland
and even America. As late as the 19th century, mass

migrations led to the transplanting of Scandinavian

culture to communities in the Midwest of the United
States and in Canada.
Even today the Scandinavian landmass supports a
population of little more than 17 million people. The
highest density of population is in Denmark, by far the
donate and soils of Scandinavia
For their latitude, the countries of smallest of the three countries, where about 5 million
Scandinavia en]oy a surprisingly people live in an area of something over 414,000
mild climate - the result of the
square kilometers. Norway, about eight times as large
moderating influence of the warm
« Hers of the Gulf Stream, which as Denmark, has only about 4 million inhabitants, and
are blown toward Scandinavia by Sweden, more than ten times the size of Denmark, has
westerly winds. Along the west
coast of Norway, the mountains a population of about 8 million. In the Viking Age the
force the warm air to rise and drop distribution was much the same, although there were
moisture [right, top). Farther

and much of the

many fewer people; they lived mainly in the southern
east is much drier,
precipitation falls in the form of parts of Scandinavia with an increasingly sparse and
snow. Influenced by the sea, the scattered settlement pattern toward the north. The
west coast has comparatively mild
winters and cool summers (right,
Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of Norway and Sweden
center and bottom); in the east, were, then as now, populated by the Lapps (or Saami),
where continental influences are ethnically different from the Scandinavian peoples
stronger, temperatures are more
extreme with long, cold winters
farther south. The Lapps kept their own essentially
and short, warm summers. The Stone Age culture and traditions until recent times and
mountain climates of Norway and
their natural and closest contacts were with their
Sweden are also harsh. The soils of
the region (left) are generally Lappish kinsmen in Finland and Russia rather than
podzolic - acidic, heavily leached with their alien southern neighbors.
and poor in quality; heavier gley
and peaty soils are found in
waterlogged areas. Norway
Norway is distinguished by its immensely long coast-
Below Norway's mountainous west
coast is cleft by f]ords that were
line — more than 20,000 kilometers in all — which is
carved by glaciers: Sogne f)ord is heavily indented by long narrow fjords (flooded
the largest of them all. These
dramatic sea-valleys provide
glacial valleys) stretching for many miles inland
sheltered pockets of land for between steep and towering mountains. Numerous
farming, whilst their usually calm islands lie off the coast. The country's predominantly
waters mean that otherwise
isolated settlements are readily
mountainous terrain has always made land travel
linked bv boat. difficult, and throughout the centuries of human

scale 1 : 22 500 000

20 ° -5
July temperature

-#- ^J\

mx 55

scale 1:22 500 000


occupation communications have largely relied on the

sea. Settlements were concentrated on habitable land
around the fjords, and many small communities grew
up in isolation from each other, each with their own
traditions and culture. A sturdy independence has
always characterized the fjord dwellers.
In the northern interior of Norway, winters are long
and severe with temperatures well below freezing
point; thick snow lies on the ground for many months
of the year. Along the coast the climate is far less
rigorous, with the Gulf Stream keeping harbors as far
north as Narvik free from ice throughout the winter.
The climate therefore also encouraged coastal settle-
ment, with fishing and whaling being the main means
of livelihood. Livestock (housed indoors during
winter) can be kept in the climatic conditions of
coastal western and northern Norway, and cattle,
sheep, goats and horses were and are bred for meat,
milk, cheese and transportation. Though relatively
mild temperatures along the coast allow the cultiva-
tion of fruit trees and some other crops where soil
conditions allow, crop-raising has never been of very
great account in the country as a whole and even today
only about 3 per cent of the land is devoted to arable
farming, mainly in the south and east.
Fish from the rich coastal fishing-grounds of the
North Atlantic and Arctic oceans has remained a
staple of the Norwegian diet up to the present day,
supplemented in earlier times with seabirds, found in
abundance along the coast, and their eggs. Up to the
end of the Middle Ages dried fish was the country's
most important export commodity. Sea mammals
such as seals and walrus were trapped for their skins,
and, in the case of walrus, ivory.
Norway is not heavily forested, as much of it lies at
heights above the tree-line, but what woodland there
is consists of coniferous forest of fir, pine and spruce.

Deciduous trees such as oak, ash and beech grow in

the south interspersed with conifers, and probably
never formed a very dominant feature of the vegeta-
tion. The far north is covered by tundra - a bleak,
open terrain of permanently frozen ground, suppor-
ting little vegetation, with taiga (coniferous forest), a
little farther south. Reindeer, elk and bear, together

with smaller fur-bearing animals such as Arctic fox,

marten, lynx and squirrel, are found in these northern
regions, and all have been hunted through the ages for
food, as well as for their fur or antlers. In the Viking
Age these raw materials were traded in exchange for
luxuries obtainable only from the more southerly and
industrially advanced countries of mainland Europe.

Above The coniferous forests of Vegetation of Scandinavia Right Inland lakes and waterways
Sweden has a total length of about 1,500 kilometers
Norway and Sweden provide the (top right) were important for communication
from north to south. Along its eastern border it shares natural habitat for fur-bearing Deciduous forest is the natural during the Viking Age in Sweden,
the mountainous terrain of Norway but most of the animals that were hunted for their vegetation of much of Denmark whether by boat in summer or over
winter coats. Furs were traded by and southern Sweden, gradually the ice in winter: Lake Siljan,
country is less than 500 meters above sea level with Viking merchants to the east and givingway to mixed woodlands. shown here, lies in Dalarna, an
low, undulating countryside, clothed in coniferous west in return for other luxury Unbroken coniferous forest (taiga) important area for iron <

forest, being the norm. There are numerous fresh- goods, such as silks and wine. covers nearly all the rest of the
region. Tundra - a treeless
water lakes and many navigable rivers, which have vegetation of grasses and
served as arteries for waterborne traffic over the lowgrowing shrubs - is found in
the permafrost areas of the far
centuries. An open landscape of tundra is found in the
north and mountainous areas
far north. above the treeline and below the
The lowest and flattest land lies in three distinct permanent snowline.

areas in central and southern Sweden: around Lake

Vanern in the west where there is the fertile plain of
Vastergotland and the river valley of the Gota; in the
east centered on the great lakes of Hjalmaren and
Malaren and bounded to the south by the plain of

Ostergotland and to the north by Dalalven; and in the

south where the flat lands of Skane and Halland have
•- --•

many of the characteristics of neighboring Denmark.

coniferous forest (taiga)
These areas, which naturally support deciduous
r: ;e; : -'- - woodland mainly of oak, birch and beech, are the
I !

deciduous forest
fertile, crop-growing regions of Sweden.
Until the 17th century, Skane was virtually cut off
from the land to the north by the dense woodlands of
Smaland. Until this time it was actually part of the
kingdom of Denmark, and its contacts and influences
derived from the south and west, the continental
mainland. The plain of Vastergotland was sur-
rounded by forest, except on the west where it was
connected with the coast through the valley of the
Gota, and its contacts were largely westerly, with
Denmark and Norway and to the North Sea and
beyond. The Malaren region formed another distinct
unit with contacts mainly eastward and southeast
across the Baltic and northward along the moraine
ridges that penetrated into the forests of the north and
carried some land transport. This has always been the
richest area of Sweden and it was here that the Swedish
state began to emerge as a consolidated power in the
centuries just before the Viking Age.
Finally, the two Baltic islands of Oland and Got-
land differ from the rest of the country in their
maritime situation and their geological makeup. Both
are limestone formations with shallow but fertile soils,
temperate climates and good potential for both pas-
toral farming and crop-raising. Gotland lies almost as
close to the lands of the eastern and southern Baltic as
to Sweden itself, and its strategic position in the
middle of the Baltic Sea led to it acquiring control of
trade routes over the centuries, and the consequent

accumulation of wealth. In the Viking Age and into Water-meadows, marshes and bogs flanked its
the Middle Ages it was virtually independent of the numerous streams and surrounded the lakes, most of
Swedish mainland. which have long since been drained.
Sweden's environment afforded the same natural Denmark's climate is more temperate and equable
resources as Norway's. Wild animals in the north were than the rest of Scandinavia, and this is reflected in its
trapped for meat and fur; seabirds and fish (but fewer flora and fauna; it lacks the fur-bearing mammals that
sea mammals) were caught along the coasts; its forests brought wealth to its more northerly neighbors in
and woodlands provided softwoods and hardwoods earlier periods. Agriculture has long provided its

for building and many other purposes. Sweden also economic base; arable crops could be grown on its
has abundant sources of iron ore which were exploited drier soils and livestock reared on the lush grass of its
in ever increasing amounts up to recent times; copper water-meadows. Fish and wildfowl came from the sea
was first mined in the Middle Ages. Though by no and from inland watercourses.
means densely populated, Sweden has always been Like Norway and Sweden, Denmark is divided into
able to support a greater population than has its a number of regions. The largest of these is the Jutland
Norwegian neighbor. peninsula, physically connected to the European
mainland. Throughout history, cultural innovations
Denmark from northwest Europe reached Jutland first, and
Denmark belongs to the same geological formation as from there were disseminated to the rest of the
southern Sweden and the flat lands bordering the country, and then to Norway and Sweden, often after
south coast of the Baltic Sea. It is low-lying - its a considerable lapse of time. In most periods it has
highest point is only 1 73 meters above sea level — with been the richest part of Denmark; it was not by chance
a long coastline in comparison to its landmass, which that Jutland became the main center of royal power
is made up of the Jutland peninsula and hundreds of when Denmark finally emerged as a unified state in the
large and small islands. Today, Denmark has wide 10th century.
expanses of arable fields and very little tree cover. This The Danishislands, particularly the largest, Fyn and
landscape is, however, mainly a product of the past Sjaelland,have distinct characters. In earlier periods,
200 years, during which time bogs have been drained, they had their own systems of chieftainship. The
heaths reclaimed, and woodlands cut down to make easternmost parts of Denmark had closer cultural
way for farmland. Until the end of the Middle Ages contacts with the peoples around the Baltic Sea than
much of Denmark was covered with deciduous trees. with those of northwest Europe, and many Slavic

Left The Jutland peninsula

connects lowlying Denmark to the
European mainland: its western
beaches, unlike Norway's mainly
sheltered coastline, are exposed to
the hall force of the sea, but this
was not a deterrent to Viking Age
sailors, whether raiders or

Above The landscape of central traits— for example, in pottery types and methods of Viking Age. Many Viking traits such as art styles,
Finland is characterized by
shipbuilding - are evident there in Viking times. The types of jewelry and weapons can be traced here from
coniferous forest and innumerable
lakes. Whilst Finland is the most island of Bornholm is different yet again, more akin to the 9th century onward, and for this reason Finland is
easterly of the Nordic countries the Swedish islands of Gotland and Oland than to considered here as a Viking country.
and people are not of

Scandinavian stock, its western and

Denmark proper. It lies far out in the south Baltic Sea, Geologically, Finland is very similar to central and
southern coasts came under the some 140 kilometers east of the east coast of Sjadland northern Sweden, though it has no mountain ranges. It
influence of Sweden and Gotland where Copenhagen, Denmark's modern capital, lies. was heavily glaciated during the ice ages, and most of
during the Viking Age.
It is thus something of an anomaly in an otherwise the land is covered with gravelly soil that is ill-suited to
fairly tight-knit country. However, it lies only 30 agriculture. In the far north there is open tundra, and
kilometers off the coast of Skane, which — with farther south coniferous forest interspersed with in-
Halland - was a Danish possession until the 17th numerable lakes characterizes the landscape. The
century. Unlike those two provinces, Bornholm re- Finnish landmass is somewhat larger than Norway,
mained politically affiliated to Denmark, if never about 363,000 square kilometers. The Arctic and
entirely culturally so. sub-Arctic north is still occupied by Lapps belonging
Overleaf The Lofoten islands
to the same cultural group as those of northern

toward the northern end of Finland Norway, Sweden and Russia, but most of the Finnish
Norway's Atlantic seaboard; population, which today numbers about 5 million,
Finland, on the other side of the Gulf of Bothnia from
despite their northerly situation,
they are kept mild and damp by the Sweden, was not a Viking homeland. Its people are not live along the western and southern coasts. This area
Gulf Stream, and have been of Scandinavian stock: the Finnish language, belong- was both visited by and partly occupied by Swedish
inhabited by fishing communities
ing to the Finno-Ugrian group of languages, is closely Vikings, and it is mainly there that the archaeological
from early times. Norway's
island-shielded and f|ord-indented associated with Estonian, spoken on the south coast of remains of Viking Age settlement are to be found.
west coast provided a searoute the Gulf of Finland, and is more distantly related to Finland subsequently became part of the medieval
from the south and thus gave rise
to the country's name, the
Hungarian and Turkish. However, southwest Finland kingdom of Sweden and remained a Swedish posses-
"North-way". was strongly influenced by Sweden particularly in the sion until the 19th century.

The first Scandinavians were an itinerant people, Left Ceremonial flint ax-heads
form a votive offering at
gaining their livelihood from hunting, fishing and Hagelb]erggard, S]a:lland,
gathering wild plants for food. Their settlements were Denmark, reflecting the important
role played by the stone ax in
temporary encampments, mainly situated along the
Neolithic society - over and above
coasts, on the banks of rivers, and on the shores of its fundamental use as a work tool
lakes to take advantage of their food resources — fish, for land clearance.

shellfish, marine mammals and seabirds, and the

Right The stone-lined entrance to a
animals that roamed the countryside nearby. They large "passage-grave" mound at

moved their camps game, and so left few

in pursuit of Gillhog, Skane, Sweden: passage
graves were used by Neolithic
remains apart from their tools and weapons, made farming communities for
from flint and other stone, and a few burials of depositing bones from skeletons
that had previously been exposed.
individuals who were interred beside the encamp-
ments. This migratory and widely scattered type of
existence continued for about 4,000 years and is
known to archaeologists as the Mesohthic or Middle
Stone Age.

The Neolithic revolution

A very great change took place about 4000 BC in
southern Scandinavia, when the growing of crops and
raising of cattle began to supersede hunting as the
main means of support. This change ushered in the
next great age of prehistory, the Neolithic or New
Stone Age, which lasted for over 2,000 years. The new
method of subsistence came to Scandinavia from the
south and may have been introduced by bands of the inhabitants over a wide area, for whom the Right The Bronze Age rock
immigrants from continental Europe. It is unlikely, communal tomb provided a focus. Society as we carvings of Scandinavia, such as
this group from Bohuslan in
though, that there was largescale immigration, and the understand it today was starting to evolve. western Sweden, provide
native population remained the same as the hunters of These early farming communities are best known mysterious testimony to cult
activity. They portray men,
the previous period. from southern Scandinavia (Denmark, south Sweden weapons and
animals, ships,
Once agriculture was adopted, the form of settle- and southeast Norway). Not only was the climate various symbols, the most
ment changed. People occupied their homes for longer -
milder here, but they came earliest into contact with of which are the "cup-marks"
shallow, round hollows chiseled
periods, cultivating the adjacent land that had been the new cultural and technological impulses spreading out of the rock face, either in
reclaimed from the primeval forest. But even these northward from the European mainland. In the forests groups by themselves, or in
settlements would not have been occupied for very and tundra farther north, hunting, fishing and food- association with other carvings.

many years, for the surrounding fields would soon gathering remained the primary means of livelihood,
have become unproductive from over-use and the lack and changes in economy and culture took place much
of fertilization, and the inhabitants would then have more slowly. Nevertheless, some tools and weapons
moved to a new site where more new land could be found in the north are of southern origin and show
cleared and crop-raising begin anew. These semi- that there were contacts between the two regions.
permanent settlements remained small, consisting Neolithic farmers used more diverse tools and
only of a few buildings to house not much more than a weapons than did their hunting forebears, but these
family group, and they were scattered sparsely were still made of locally occurring natural materials.
throughout the countryside, taking the form of iso- Flint and other stones were shaped into ax-heads,
lated farmsteads rather than villages. Nevertheless, which were fastened to wooden handles and used to
the burial customs of these early farming peoples show fell trees to clear the land. Sharp flint flakes were
that they had some idea of communal identity. They fashioned into the cutting-edges of sickles for harvest-
were buried in large and elaborate grave-monuments ing crops. Arrow-heads used in hunting were also
built above ground from enormous stones, known as made of flint. As time went on the shapes of some of
megaliths (as a consequence of which these structures the implements, particularly weapons, evolved into
are termed megalithic tombs). They consisted of a highly elaborate forms that must have demanded great
huge central chamber tall enough for someone to skill in their manufacture. Battle-axes of polished
stand erect, and a passage leading from it. The whole stone andMaggers of flint attest to the sophistication
was covered by a mound of earth encircled by a ring of that could be achieved by the craftsmen who worked
smaller, upright stones around the edge. Remains of in these apparently intractable materials. It was not
pottery vessels found within and around the entrance until the end of the Neolithic Age, in the second
to these tombs, which accommodated many indivi- millennium BC, that stone and flint began to be
dual corpses, indicate that the burial of a body was replaced by bronze for some simple weapons such as
accompanied by elaborate rituals involving feasting, flat axes and daggers. This change marked the transi-
and perhaps sacrifice, demanding the participation of tion to the Bronze Age.

The Bronze Age

Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. Both these metals
had to be imported into Scandinavia from central and
western Europe in the prehistoric period. The use of
bronze must have marked a pronounced change in the
economy of early Scandinavia, drawing it into a wider
network of cultural contacts and making it more open
to influences from outside.
The Bronze Age began in Denmark about 1800 BC
and lasted for over a thousand years. Its culture
penetrated the northern parts of the Scandinavian
peninsula much more slowly, though discoveries of
bronze objects of uniform type throughout Scan-
dinavia show that there were contacts between north
and south, as there had been in earlier periods. In the
Bronze Age these contacts were apparently fostered by
trade: raw materials, perhaps mainly hides and furs,
were exchanged for copper and tin to make bronze
locally, or for manufactured bronze weapons such as
swords and axes which were imported from central
Europe and the British Isles.
Most of our information for the Bronze Age in
Scandinavia comes from burials or from the hoards of
objects in bronze and precious metals that were buried
or deposited, probably as religious votive offerings, in
bogs, swamps, rivers and lakes. Many graves have
been excavated from this period. Individuals were
buried under mounds of earth (barrows) or piles of
stone (cairns). Some of the mounds in Denmark and
southern Sweden were huge, still standing today up to
3 or 4 meters in height, and were situated on high
ground so that they dominated the landscape for miles
around. Cremation, with the burnt bones placed in
pottery vessels beneath the mounds, was common in
the later centuries of the Bronze Age but in earlier

phases inhumation (burial of the unburnt body) was

predominant. These graves have much to tell us.
Denmark is particularly rich in the remains of
Bronze Age inhumation graves. In some, the
hollowed-out trunks of oak trees were used as coffins
to enclose the corpse, which was buried fully clothed
and accompanied by possessions including items of
personal hygiene such as razors and tweezers. In some
cases, damp soil conditions have preserved the woolen
garments of the deceased, and from these we have
learned that men wore belted tunics covered by cloaks,
and simple headgear. Women wore two-piece cos-
tumes and their hair was covered by an elaborate net
or bonnet. Thus we get a vivid glimpse of how some of
the people who lived in Scandinavia in these distant
times must have looked.
Remarkably little is known about settlement sites in
the Bronze Age, but what little evidence there is

suggests that the people at this time were basically

farmers who lived in long, rectangular farmhouses
with a cattle byre or barn at one end. Some farmsteads
were grouped together into small villages. Pottery
vessels, commonly used for storage and for preparing
food, were probably made by the women on the
farmsteads for their own use. At first farming im-
plements continued to be made of stone and flint, with
bronze being reserved for weapons or decorative
objects of status or display. By the end of the Bronze
Age, however - toward the middle of the first millen-
nium BC - bronze was being used for all implements
including the blades of sickles used for harvesting
Many of these bronze tools were probably made by
local craftsmen-farmers, but there must also have
been specialist metalworkers to make the more
elaborate objects that are most often found as votive
offerings in bogs.They include trumpetlike musical
instruments knownas lurs, which consisted of a tube,
mouthpiece and flat "bell"; pictures of lurs found on
Swedish rock carvings suggest they were used at ritual
ceremonies. Intricately decorated helmets, shields,
bronze and gold bowls and female jewelry have also
be,en found, indicating that the Bronze Age was a
period of great wealth over much of southern Scan-
dinavia. Bronze Age society seems to have been
dominated by a rich and powerful chieftain class.
Splendid grave-goods of both bronze and gold concen- lake-ore, these deposits could be raked up very simply Above An oak coffin has preserved
the fully-clothed body of a young
trated in a few male graves suggest that the men without having to be mined. The ore not of
itself is
woman (about 18-20 years old),
interred there belonged to a ruling class, and the high quality and contains many impurities, but the from the Early Bronze Age, at

presence of a single very large farm in a village of Scandinavians soon learned to extract serviceable iron Egtved, Jutland, Denmark. She was
wearing a string skirt and
shin a
otherwise smaller dwellings may also indicate some from it by smelting it in simple furnaces. At first the with elbow-length sleeves. Her
form of internal hierarchy. It has also been suggested tools and weapons made by the early Iron Age body had been placed on a
that the votive deposits of the Bronze Age were blacksmiths were few and simple, but the skills and cowhide and covered by a blanket
before the coffin was closed.
manifestations of chieftainship: the rich and powerful repertoire of the Scandinavian craftsmen increased
placated the local god or spirit who inhabited the place over the centuries until their products were on a par
with a splendid offering and at the same time secured with any made elsewhere in Europe.
their position over their rivals with a display of The Iron Age in Scandinavia lasted for about 1,500
conspicuous waste. years, and has been divided by archaeologists into a
number of distinct chronological phases. The Early
The Iron Age: the roots of the Viking Age Iron Age (also called the Celtic Iron Age or the
About the middle of the millennium BC a further
first pre-Roman Iron Age) spans the first 500 years of the
technological revolution took place, when iron re- period. The Roman Iron Age denotes the time when
placed bronze as the material for most tools and the Roman empire dominated the European mainland
weapons. The idea of using iron was, like the use of (from the 1st to the 4th century AD) and influenced
bronze, introduced from central Europe, but the metal Scandinavian culture, even though Scandinavia itself
itself did not need to be imported. Abundant sources never formed part of the empire. The 5th and 6th
of iron ore lay close at hand and easily obtainable on centuries are known as the Migration Period (referring
the beds of the lakes in central and southern Norway to the mass migrations of peoples from east to west
and Sweden and in Denmark. Known as bog-ore or across Europe); in Denmark this period is also called

the Early Germanic Iron Age. The 7th and early Sth There arc, however, signs that rural settlements
centuries are variously known as the Vendel Period (in were increasing in number and size toward the end of
Sweden), the Merovingian Period (in Norway), or the the Early Iron Age.Once again, the evidence comes
Late Germanic Iron Age (in Denmark). Then follows mainly from Denmark where a number of settlement
the Viking Age, the heginning of which is usually sitesoccupied during this period have recently been
placed ahout 800. The end roughly coincides with the extensively excavated. Hodde, Jutland, is typical of
adoption of Christianity into Scandinavia - during the the lst-century BC rural settlements found in that area
second half of the 10th century in Denmark, some- and has many traits that are present in Danish villages
what later in Norway and Sweden. right up to the beginning of the Viking Age. At its
greatest extent Hodde consisted of 27 farmsteads,
The Early Iron Age (5th-lst centuries BC) each composed of a longhouse with dwelling and
The first five centuries of the Iron Age in Scandinavia cattle-byre under the same roof and a couple of
remain comparatively obscure, for very few settle- smaller subsidiary buildings, perhaps barns or work-
ments are known from this period. Farming must still shops. Each building-complex was surrounded by a
have been the economic mainstay, but evidence of a fence, and the entire village was enclosed by a
deterioration in climate since the last centuries of the common fence pierced by gateways affording direct
Bronze Age suggests that productivity may have access from each farmstead to its fields. There was an
declined. Grontoft, a rural settlement in western open area (a "village green" or "village square") in the
jw A reconstruaion of an Early Jutland dating from about 200 BC, throws some light center of the settlement. One of the farmsteads was
> Age farm, comprising a typical on these early Iron Age farmers, who must have lived much larger than its companions and may have
re-aisled longhouse, together
r> its subsidiary buildings,
in buildings very similar to those of their Bronze Age housed the village chieftain, his family and retainers.
iding within a fenced enclosure. predecessors, grouped in villages surrounded by- Blacksmithing, pottery making, weaving and spinning

farm is to be seen at the fences. Grontoft probably housed about 50 people were common activities, but the basis of village life
torical Archaeological
>enmental Center at Le|re,
and about 60 cattle, but it is difficult to know whether was cattle breeding and crop-raising, following the
side Copenhagen. this was an average-sized community for the time. traditions of the Bronze Age, but on a larger scale.
Bog Sacrifice

We can today only guess at the reasons why in

Scandinavia from the Neolithic period onwards right
through the pre-Viking period the bodies of humans P-- ^Sfc
and animals, as well as a variety of artifacts including
weapons and even warships, were thrown into bogs,
lakes and streams. But we can be fairly certain that
they were placed there as votive offerings or sacrifices
jHk' ^^fffSB^KSmSK'
to the gods. From the number of depositions that have !

lv I ^^^S8B^ Mti&e£P^$!S$k.
been recovered, often course of draining land for
in the
farming, it is was very wide-
clear that the practice
spread. The different nature of the objects jettisoned
suggests that the offerings were made, perhaps accom- 1 ve^H V^ f • 11

panied by ritual prayers, to obtain a particular end -

such as an abundant harvest, or fertility in men,
women and animals, or success in battle.
The earliest depositions, made in the Neolithic '^^^^^4Kf 1 11
period, consisted mainly of stone and weapons. In
the Bronze Age more elaborate sacrifices were made. ;

Collections of personal and household objects such as

cauldrons were deposited, possibly to commemorate
the passing of a great or powerful individual. Bronze
weapons, particularly swords, were also sacrificed.
Very often the blades had first been bent back on
themselves or otherwise damaged, and it is argued that
this was done to represent a ritual "killing" of an
I Wk ^^Hnill ~" -'Hr^ I

enemy. Animals, particularly horses, were also slaugh-

tered as part of the ritual. Human sacrifice seems to < ^-•^V^n* 'ii-f^l

have become widespread in the 1st century BC: most

of our evidence for this practice comes from Denmark

where the bodies of the men and women killed in this i js^m
way have been preserved in the acid soils of peat bogs. B
The Roman Iron Age and the Migration Period saw a
return to predominantly weapon sacrifices. m> J&

Other sites in Jutland show that alongside such southern Sweden, but in the later part of the period are
villages there were also smaller agricultural settle- most common on the island of Gotland, occupying a
ments with only two or three farms, but we do not position in the middle of the Baltic Sea. The distribu-
know why there were such great variations in the scale tion of the finds shows the routes along which the
of settlement in the Danish countryside. trading commodities traveled from southern and
The practice of making votive offerings and sac- central Europe: along the rivers Elbe and Rhine and
rifices in bogs and lakes continued throughout the Iron then up the western seaboard to Denmark and Nor-
Age. By far the greater number of the recovered way, or along the Oder and Vistula to the Baltic coast,
offerings are of weapons, pottery or metal vessels Gotland and central Sweden. Jewelry, pottery and
containing food, and animals, but a number of coins {denarii) all attest to this trade. They had an
spectacular discoveries of human sacrifices have been important influence on the subsequent development of
made in the peat bogs of Jutland. These "Bog People" native Scandinavian artifacts and art styles.
— many of them displayed in fantastic states of It is difficult to be sure what Scandinavian products

preservation in Danish museums - enable us to were exchanged for the more long-lasting Roman
reconstruct with amazing accuracy the physique and objects, but furs from the north no doubt played an
appearance of some of the people who lived in the important role. Agricultural products, particularly
farming settlements of Early Iron Age Scandinavia. grain and cattle hides, were also in demand by the
Most of these bodies have been found accidentally Roman and probably made up the bulk of the
by people digging peat in the bogs of Jutland, though goods sent south. There is evidence to suggest that
some have also been found in similar situations on the agricultural activities increased in Scandinavia during
Danish islands and elsewhere in northwest Europe. these centuriesand it is more than possible that this
We know them to be sacrificial victims because their was response to a widening market. The villages of
feet and hands are bound and in some cases a noose Denmark multiplied in number, size and complexity,
has been fixed around their necks; some have also had and in Norway farming for the first time became an
their throats cut. The acidity of the peat soils has important aspect of the economy. New land was
preserved their skin and hair, and even the contents of settled and cleared for crop-raising and stock-
their stomachs, in such aremarkable state of preserva- breeding, and there is evidence of livestock being kept
tion that we are able to discover such details as how among some of the small, scattered fishing communi-
they dressed their hair or even what they ate. We ties north of the Arctic Circle.
know, for instance, that Grauballe man (so called It is in the centuries of the Roman Iron Age that we

because he was found in a peat bog at Grauballe, near can first trace the beginnings of the social and political
Silkeborg, Jutland) had eaten a final meal of porridge organization in Scandinavia that finally led to the
containing mainly barley, oats and emmer wheat with formation of kingdoms some hundreds of years later,
some weed seeds shortly before he had his throat cut and it is reasonable to suppose that trade and cultural
sometime in the 1st century BC. contacts with the Roman empire played their part in
these developments. The best evidence for incipient
The Roman Iron Age (1st—4th centuries AD) political centralization comes from Denmark where a
Though the deposition of sacrifices in wetlands con- class of warriors with wealth deriving both from
tinued throughout the Roman Iron Age, some marked control over trade and possession of land, and perhaps
changes in the nature of the offerings can be observed. also with religious responsibilities, emerged as chief-
Most of the objects belonging to this period are tains over distinct regions of the country.
weapons of war and - particularly in south Scan- A center from which one of these chieftains may
dinavia - are of Roman origin. It seems safe to assume have operated has recently been investigated at
Above Bronze ob|ects, from
about 500 BC, found at Hassle, that they were booty taken in battle and were thrown Gudme near the east coast of the island of Fyn,
Narke province, Sweden, must into lake, bog or stream as a thank-offering for victory Denmark. A settlement was established there in the 1st
once have belonged to a Bronze
in war. These depositions may, therefore, be taken as century BC and expanded in wealth and size over the
chieftain of that area. The
bronze cauldron, which contained indication that there were numerous skirmishes at this following centuries. It was at its most prosperous in
all the other finds, was made in
time between the Scandinavians and their neighbors to the late Roman Iron Age (the 3rd and 4th centuries
Greece; the ribbed cylindrical
buckets, the swords (which had the south who, though not part of the Roman empire, AD), though it continued in occupation at least until
been bent) and the roundels were allies of the Romans and armed with Roman the end of the 6th century. Excavations have shown
from a chariot) were
weapons. Some Scandinavians may also have left their that the settlement was made up of longhouses of the
manufactured in northern Italy or
the Alps. homelands to serve as mercenaries in the Roman usual rural type, but objects discovered within and
armies, returning home after their tour of duty with around it are radically different from those usually
Top left Tollund Man, now
valuable and luxurious items of Roman workman- found in farming settlements of this date. Gold fittings
in the Silkeborg
Museum, Denmark, was hanged by ship. Many of these objects eventually found their way from weapons, gold rings, and chopped-up pieces of
a hide rope before being submerged into graves, symbols perhaps of the adventurous life gold and silver show that this was not just an
in a bog. He had eaten what may
have been a sacrificial meal of and high status of the individuals buried there. agricultural center, and Gudme's exceptional
gruel, and was clothed only in a Not all the products of the Roman empire came to character is underlined by the discovery of small
leather cap laced around his chin,
Scandinavia through these means. Throughout the figurines stamped into gold foil, normally associated
and a leather girdle. He had a day's
growth of stubble on his chin. four centuries of the Roman era in mainland Europe with cult centers in the later Migration Period.
there was undoubtedly peaceful contact between the Gudme's name itself has religious connotations: it
Left The Nydam ship, which dates
from the 4th century AD. Built of
Scandinavian peoples and the Romanized areas to the means "the home of god".
oak, it is almost 23 meters long, south. Some of the more splendid items such as glass, A contemporary site lies at Lundeborg on the coast,
and is the precursor of the great
bronze and precious-metal drinking-vessels that have some 5 kilometers away. Investigations have shown
ships of the Viking Age. was It

found in a bog in Denmark been recovered may have arrived in Scandinavia that this was not a permanently inhabited settlement,
together with two smaller boats through the exchange of gifts between chieftain but was seasonally occupied, probably in spring and
and a large number of iron
families on either side of the border, but other more summer, and was a trading and manufacturing center
everyday objects no doubt arrived through trade. where luxury goods were imported, jewelry was made
They are found in Norway, Denmark and central and and ships were repaired. It consequently appears

if tofe
mjjt __vt_a

h}JJJ.j \J. J ,f XjrJJ J Aft

Above One of the most enigmatic

features of Scandinavian
archaeology from the Migration
Period to the Viking Age is a series
of gold foil figurines that are
interpreted as votive offerings.
About 2,300 of these tiny plaques
come from the settlement site of
Sorte Mulde, on the island of
Bornholm - a remarkable
discovery. One of those shown here
is of a man in a long cloak carrying
a staff, whilst the other has his
hand raised in greeting - or might
he be swearing an oath?
to have served both as a market or fair and as the place great migrations affected Scandinavia only slightly.
where visitors (many of them possibly pilgrims) would Some people set sail from western and southern Above left This Migration Period
"bracteate" from Sweden was
disembark for Gudme. Denmark to settle in eastern England; a few others clearly a prestige ornament — and
Dankirke, near the west coast of Jutland, seems to may have migrated westward to northern England may have been intended as a
protective amulet. Bracteates are
have served a similar function to Gudme, and may from southwest Norway. But, in contrast to what was
pendants in the form of
have been the power base of a chieftain who con- happening in most of northwestern Europe, the Mi- single-sided gold disks, originally
trolled the region of southern Jutland. Other sites of gration Period in Scandinavia appears generally to imitating Roman medallions with
the emperor's bust. The design was
similar type must have existed in Denmark and the have been one of stability and prosperity, with thriv- gradually transformed into
Scandinavian peninsula during the Roman Iron Age, ing agriculture and trade. Scandinavian styles, including the
had proliferation of the concentric-
but they are as yet undiscovered, though their Migra- In Norway, the agricultural expansion that
borders, as seen here.
tion Period equivalents are known. begun in the previous period continued. Many sett-
lements have been excavated in the southwest of the
The Migration Period (5th-6th centuries) country and seem to represent isolated farmsteads
The 5th century was a period of great turmoil on the devoted to stock-breeding, with some crops being
European mainland as the Roman empire broke up, to grown in neighboring small fields. The rectangular
be replaced later by new political groupings such as longhouses, built of stone, sheltered both people and
the Frankish kingdom (modern France and the Low cattle. A typical farm consists of one longhouse with
Countries) and the Visigothic kingdom of the Iberian several smaller outbuildings, all surrounded by a stone
peninsula. This process was initiated by the mass wall and with stonewalled droveways for cattle.
movement of peoples east-west across Europe, but the Similar farms are found on Oland and Gotland where
on IgC settlement in Scandinavia bistt to/' right this 6th
nlikt mainland Europe, the bronze plaque is one of a set of
Mums before the Viking \ge in four discovered on a settlement site
..indmaw.i were ones of stability, at Torslunda. on the Baltic island
jnng which agriculture and rural of Oland. They were made tor use
ttlement expanded steadil as dies to impress bron/e sheets tor
igan ritual- Mich as the deposition the ornamentation of helmets
t votive offeringsand human similar to those found at Vendel
icririce were widespread until the and Valsgarde. This example
itroduction of Christianity in the depicts two warriors taking part in
.king Age hough the connection
I a] dance. One wears a horned

:tvveen religion and trade still helmet ending in beaked heads and
wds investigation, it is clear from the other is clad in a wolf-head

le archaeological evidence that mask. The scene may be connected

centers began to be with the cult of Odin.
established in the Migration and
Yendel Periods, and these were
often associated with trading
outlets: the religious settlement of
Gudme had close connections with
Lundeborg only a few kilometers
awaj and Helgo, central Sweden,
was both a religious and
commercial site. Evidence from
,'ated pre-Viking !

such as Borg on Lofoten,

Hovgarden in central Sweden and
Hogom. farther north, shows them
to have been high-status sites,
possibly chieftains' residences.

Below Excavations revealed the

Eketorp extent of Eketorp II. Both the

encircling wall and the buildings

were built of limestone bedrock. It

is because the foundations were so
well preserved that the fullscale
reconstruction of the site could be

Eketorp, one of 16 definitely identified ring-forts on

the island of Oland off the coast of Sweden, is the only
one to have been completely excavated. It was first
built about 300 AD, and for the first 100 years of its
existence was sporadically occupied. The remains
"~^^**^^__ "

from this period are known as Eketorp I. In about 400,
a much larger area was surrounded by a stone wall and
filled with 53 buildings. This site is known as Eketorp
II. Though described as a fortification, it was essential-
ly an agricultural Between 150 and 200
inhabitants lived there in some 12 farmsteads and
raised sheep, cattle, pigs and horses. These were kept
indoors in winter, but in summer would have been
pastured in the surrounding countryside, where crops
of barley, wheat, rye and oats were grown. This diet
was supplemented by hunting and fishing, and the
occupants also made simple bronze objects and forged
iron tools and weapons. Eketorp II was abandoned
about 700. It was reoccupied in the late Viking Age in
about 1000, but on a much smaller scale; this is
known as Eketorp III.

Above The interior of a cattle shed Right Visitors to Eketorp are able
in the "livingmuseum" that has to gain an impression of what life
been reconstructed on the actual was defended Iron Age
like inside a
site of Eketorp II. As well as cows, village before the Viking Age. The
pigs, sheep and hens are kept and entire outer wall has been rebuilt,
roam at will in and out of the and can be seen in the background.
buildings. Each of the farmsteads consisted of
a dwelling-house, cattleshed and
outbuildings. Insome of the
reconstructed buildings visitors can
see pots being made and iron and
bronze being worked.

the same kind of husbandry was practiced. The

Right The circular wall of Eketorp scattered distribution of these farmsteads differen-
11 w.i> pierced by three gateways; i
tiates them from the village settlements of Denmark,
enclosed an area or about 5,000
square meters. The S3 buildings
which continued to grow in extent.
were arranged around the Commerce and crafts flourished in the Migration
periphery wall, and in a block in
Period. These activities appear usually to have been
the center A single well served all

the inhabitants.
combined at a single site, as at Helgo on Lake
Malaren, central Sweden. Here exotic imports such as
gold coins (solidi) from the eastern Roman empire and
a figurine of Buddha originating from northern India
have been found alongside the molds and crucibles
that were used to cast native bronze jewelry. Some
gold-foil figurines similar to those found at Gudme
have also been discovered at Helgo and suggest that
it, too, may have been the site of religious observances.

These gold-foil figurines - tiny plaques of thin gold

stamped with male or female figures — were votive
offerings, and have been found at many other places,
but the greatest known concentration is at Sorte
Mulde on the island of Bornholm southern
in the
Baltic, where an astonishing 2,300 were discovered
during excavations in 1986 and 1987 alone. Sorte
Mulde must have been the center of the chiefdom of
Bornholm, which controlled the waterborne trade of
the southern Baltic. It was the center of craft produc-
tion on the island and appears also to have been the
island's religious focus.
Sites such as Gudme, Helgo and Sorte Mulde
suggest that the rites associated with religious belief
were becoming concentrated in specific sites during
the Migration Period. The deposition of votive offer-
ings in bogs, lakes and rivers, the main manifestation
of the religion of earlier periods, stopped sometime in
the 6th century. After about AD 500, sacrifices were
usually in the form of human beings, and precious
objects such as the gold-foil figurines and gold
bracteates (coin-like pendants) were buried on dry
land, most often in the vicinity of an important
chieftain's residence. This fundamental change in
practice must signify a very deep change in ideas of
religion and society, and it has been argued that the
regional chieftains had a role both as religious and as
political leaders, acting in some way as intermediaries
between the gods and the people.
The Migration Period in most of Scandinavia was a
time of religious, political and social change taking
place within a background of increasing prosperity:
agriculture became more productive and trade ex-
panded. In contrast to mainland Europe, it must have
been a time of peace. And yet, some 1,500 defensible
forts were being built at more or less the same time.
Most of them are unexcavated and difficult to date
precisely, but the first phase of the fort of Eketorp on
Oland, for example, has been securely dated to the
4th and 5th centuries, and other investigated examples
indicate occupation at roughly the same date. The
building of forts is usually attributed to times of
unrest, but most modern scholars believe that the forts
of Migration Period Scandinavia were built for entire-
ly different reasons. They probably represent centers
of a well-organized society in which the regional
centers of power were demarcated and clearly visible
to the surrounding populations.

The Vendel Period (7th-8th centuries)

The last phase of the Iron Age before the advent of
Viking culture takes its name from a site in central
Sweden whose rich burials indicate the presence of a
royal dynasty in the years immediately preceding the


Excavations on Helgo, an island off Ekero in Lake

Malaren, have shown it to have been an important
trading and manufacturing site in the centuries im-
mediately before the Viking Age. It seems in particular
to have been a center for the production of the bronze
jewelry popular in the Migration and Vendel Periods,
for many thousands of molds used for the casting of
brooches and other decorative objects have been
found in the buildings that make up the site. Iron ore
was brought there from farther north in Sweden to be
worked into tools, weapons and objects of everyday
Below The sire on Helgo consists household use.
or several groups of buildings - An abundance of exotic and rich finds have been
shown here as rectangles -
standing on artificially constructed
found on the site, but the reasons for this have long
terraces on a north-facing slope of been puzzled over since in many other respects Helgo
the island. Each terrace supported seems to have been a perfectly ordinary agricultural
a number of long, rectangular
wooden buildings, some of which settlement: the buildings on the site are of the type
were dwellings and some found on Iron Age farms elsewhere in central Sweden,
workshops. Not all the building
and the grave-goods in the cemeteries that surround
groups were occupied
simultaneously - perhaps only two the site are not particularly rich. Part of Helgo's
were in use at any one time - for importance may lie in its having been a cult center for
though the settlement was occupied
the pagan religion. This view is supported by the
for some 400 years, the total
population could never have been presence of gold-foil figurines similar to those found at
great.The hillfort and most of the other religious sites, such as Gudme in Denmark. It is
cemeteries that surround the
habitanon site date from before the
probably not insignificant, either, that Helgo's name
settlement. means Holy Island.

settlement terraces

iron Age cemeteries

Ij Vikmg Age shoreline

present-day shoreline


• V Lake Malaren



Left The amazing wealth generated

by die inhabitants of Helgo is
illustrated by this hoard of 47
Roman gold coins, minted in both
the eastern and the western empire
in the 5th and 6th centuries. There
m.iv originally have been even
more, for the arm-ring was
probably made from gold derived
from melting down coins. It is
unclear how and why they reached
this remote island in central
Sweden. A possible explanation is
that Helgo was the focus
extensive trade in commodities
such as furs from the far north,
greatly in demand in the lands
around the Mediterranean.

Right This decorated head from a

bishop's crozier was found in
excavations at Helgo. It is of cast
bronze, richly ornamented with
inlays of glassand enamel, and has
a man's head gripped between the
jaws of a wild beast. All these
features indicate Celtic
workmanship, and it may have

been made in western Britain or

Ireland during the 8th century. As
with the other objects of remote
origin found at Helgo, its presence
there remains a mystery. It has
been suggested that missionaries
may have visited the island before
Christianity was formally
established in that part of Sweden.

Left This bronze statuette of

Buddha sitting on a lotus throne,
only 8.4 centimeters high, is
evidence of Helgo's extraordinarily-
far-flung connections. It was made
somewhere in north India in the
6th or 7th century AD, and
probably arrived at Helgo during
the latest phase of its settlement in
the Viking Age, possibly in the
baggage of a traveler who had
returned along the rivers of Russia
from the east. It seems to have been
regarded as an amulet: when it was
discovered, a narrow leather thong
was tied around the neck and one
Royal Burials of the Vendel Period

The center of the region of Uppland dominated by the

Svear was at Gamla Uppsala, some 10 kilometers
north of the modern town of Uppsala. Here are the
three great burial mounds, standing up to 20 meters
high, that are attributed to the Svears' 6th-century
kings. They were excavated in the 19th century and
found to contain cremation burials with rich grave-
goods such as garnet-encrusted gold jewelry dating
from the early Vendel Period. The place retained its
importance into the Viking Age, serving both as a
royal center and as the center of the "official" pagan
religion of the time. The association of royalty and
religion was always close, and the king himself was
probably the high priest. Vendel and Valsgarde, north
of Gamla Uppsala, are also thought to have been
important centers from about 600 to the end of the
Viking Age. Cemeteries have been found and ex-
cavated at both. In the 7th-century burials, the bodies
were placed within boats, and the mounds covering
the burials were quite low, in contrast to those at
Gamla Uppsala. From the quality of the grave-goods it
is clear that the people interred here were of extremely

high status — powerful chieftains, if not actually kings.


Viking Age. Centers of regional power had begun to

emerge in Scandinavia, particularly Denmark, during
the earlier phases of the Iron Age, and the political
entities of the Vendel Period should be regarded
therefore as merely the culmination of what had gone
before, and not as innovations. Their importance lies
in the fact that they provided a basis for what was to
come: the emergence of kingdoms proper in the
Viking Age and the true crystallization of the king-
doms of Sweden, Norway and Denmark at the
beginning of the Middle Ages.
The cemetery of Vendel in the province of Uppland
stands on the east bank of the river Fyris, which flows
southward to Lake Malaren. The rulers of the Svear, a
people or tribe mentioned by Latin writers of the
Roman period as being the dominant force in the
Baltic, and who gave their name to the later country of
Sweden, were buried in this cemetery. Their bodies
were placed in boats with their personal equipment
arranged about them as a sign of their rank. A similar
cemetery has been found at Valsgarde, a little farther
south on the same bank of the Fyris, and 27 kilometers
beyond, nearer to the Fyris's outflow into Lake
Malaren, stands Gamla Uppsala, the religious center
of the Svear, with its great burial mounds.
The opulent grave-goods - highly decorated armor,
horse trappings, glass drinking vessels and cooking
equipment, including cauldrons - and the profligate
use of boats in the burials at Vendel and Valsgarde
may be taken as evidence for the conspicuous creation
and consumption of wealth by a family or families
who controlled the lands and population over a large
area. They are the best examples we have of a royal
center at this time. The wealth and power of the Svear
probably resulted from their control of the trade that
flowed up and down the river Fyris, carrying furs and
iron from the north to centers in the south. Most
burials of this date in the same area contain poor-
quality grave-goods, and we may consequently as-
sume that the great bulk of the population living on
rural settlements enjoyed nowhere like the same
standard of living or luxuries as the occupants of the
Vendel and Valsgarde cemeteries.
The growth of strong central authorities in Scan-
dinavia during the Vendel Period led to other
developments, notably the establishment of market
and craftworking centers. Some of these - Ribe,
Denmark, for example — later developed into Viking
Above This mid 19th-century
Age towns, but others, such as Ahus in Skane, Sweden,
lithograph ofGamla Uppsala
shows the three "mounds of the flourished mainly in the 8th century and were later
kings" with the 12th-o abandoned. Largescale engineering works were also
church in the background. The
view is taken from the southwest,
undertaken at this time. The Danevirke, a great
and is lirtle changed today. defense work across the foot of the Jutland peninsula,
According to tradition, the east was begun before 737. It must have been a formidable
mound is the burial site of King
Egil, the central mound that of
obstacle, consisting of an earth rampart about 10
King Aun, and the west mound of meters wide revetted with timber, with a ditch (the
King Adds - all members of the
digging of which probably provided the earth for the
Yngling dynasty mentioned in the
Top An iron helmet, with bronze Above Many of the finds in the rampart) in front. The whole barrier extended south-
13th-century history of the kings of
decoration, found in a 7th-century Vendel cemetery were elaborately-
Norway, Heimskringla. west for about 7 kilometers from the western end of
boat burial at Vendel: it has a decorated with stylized patterns of
spectacle-shaped guard for the eyes interlaced animals, from which the the Schlei fjord. The digging of the Kanhave canal on
Left The cemetery at Valsgarde.
and nose. Some Viking helmets - Vendel style is named. It can be
The mounds, dating from
burial the island of Samso, in about 7 26, was equally
which did not have horns - would seen on this drawing of the central
the Vendel Period to the end of the
have been of a similar type to this. boss of a circular shield that was impressive. A passage about 1 kilometer long and 11
Viking Age, can be seen on the
ridge behind the modern house.
The burials at Vendel and found boat burial at Vendel.
in a meters wide was cut through a narrow isthmus in the
Valsgarde are noted for their The boss of iron plated with
The earliest burials contained the
bronze; the shield itself would have
north of the island and deepened to allow shallow-
magnificent armor. This warrior
richest grave-goods. The deceased
was buried with a shield, two been made of leather-covered wood draft ships to pass. Its sloping sides were revetted with
were laid in boats - suggesting they
swords and other weapons, all of and has rotted away. timber, and all in all the work required considerable
were making a (ourney - and were
the highest quality and finely-
supplied with food and cooking technical skill as well as the availability of a large labor
equipment. They were often
accompanied by horses and
force. All these achievements paved the way for the
hunting dogs. later developments of the Viking Age.
^iiir IT


The Vikings highly decorated metalwork that has been found in

For historians, the Viking Age conventionally begins some graves in Scandinavia. This early phase seems to
with the first recorded raid by a Norwegian fleet on the have been one of pure piracy: these raiders, who came
undefended monaster)' of Lindisfarne, an island off the mainly from Norway and Denmark, had discovered the
coast of northeast England, in 793 and ends in the 11th ease with which they could rob the rich sites ofwestern
century after the conversion of all the Scandinavian Europe, and their lightning attacks were aided by their
countries to Christianity. For archaeologists, who look fast and seaworthy ships.
to material evidence for signs of cultural change rather In the second half of the 9th century, a new pattern
than historical events to usher in new periods in human emerged - the Vikings turned from piracy to coloniza-
history, the dates are somewhat different. Cultural tion. Their ships now carried groups of settlers with their
change can result from many and manifest itself
factors domestic equipment and other supplies to new homes in
in different ways. Internal changes can produce a new the Orkneys and Shetlands, Iceland and Greenland, and
social organization, with new centers of power and later even as far away as North America. It was mainly
social hierarchies; these may derive from external the Norwegians who traveled in this direction. The
influences such as what is happening in adjacent lands, Danes turned their attention to the more populated
from invasions from outside, or from increased countries of England and France, first of all sending
knowledge of the outside world as a result of enlarging fighting expeditions and then settling there. The Swedes
spheres of exchange and trade. mainly looked eastwards; their journeys took them to
It is very obvious that such changes were taking place southwest Finland, to the southern and eastern Baltic,
in Scandinavia during the 8th century, very largely as a and then across Russia to Byzantium (Constantinople;
result of contacts with the Christian continental main-
land. There, highly organized kingdoms with their roots
in Roman were growing more powerful and
attempting to expand. They were casting their eyes
toward the lands of the pagan northerners whose
countries were the source of commodities much sought
after in the Christian south: furs, walrus ivory, amber,
for instance. The fact that the north was pagan was also
a challenge to the Christian church, and attempts at
conversion went hand in hand with political and
commercial interests. Thus, Scandinavia found itself
more and more open to influences from the continent.
We can see evidence of this, for instance, in changes in
the art-styles that decorated the jewelry and other
ornamental objects manufactured and used by the
Scandinavians at that time. Imported goods from the
south also show that Scandinavia was becoming more
closely involved with its continental neighbors. Pottery
and glass from the Rhineland is found in increasing
amounts, particularly in Jutland, and coins (a form of
exchange quite alien to the Scandinavians) began to
circulate in small quantities, and were even minted there
for a short time.
It is to things such as these that archaeologists turn
when defining a period of cultural change such as they
bebeved occurred in 8th-century Scandinavia. Thus, the Left This enameled mount from a
bronze bowl is of characteristic
beginning of the Viking Age can clearly be seen in the Irish workmanship, though found
move away from the lifestyle of the Vendel Period in a pagan Viking grave at

toward a different style - a different culture - in the Myklebostad in western Norway.

Such fine metalwork was amongst
second half of the 8th century. The raid on Lindisfarne in the loot taken back to Scandinavia
793 is thus the outward manifestation of a process that by the first Viking raiders who

had been going on throughout the previous 50 years - attacked monasteries and other
sites in the British Isles and western
the bringing of Scandinavia into Europe. Europe.
For about 50 years after the initial attack on Lindis-
farne the Vikings raided with ever-increasing frequency Page 36 Without the clinker-built
sailing ship there could have been
along the coasts of the British Isles and the western no Viking Age. Sea trials of
seaboard of mainland Europe, swooping down on full-sized reconstructions of Viking
ships have demonstrated their
defenseless monasteries where there were rich pickings
maneuverability, which gave them
in the form of church plate and other fine objects. We the ability to carry out surprise
can get some idea o what the Vikings seized from the attacks.


Above The Viking raiders and modern-day Istanbul)and to the Caspian Sea and as far the European mainland and in the British Isles visited by
armies would never have achieved
without first-rate
their successes
as Baghdad. A smallernumber of people from Vaster- the Vikings, many of which were known as "wic"
weaponry. This Norwegian array gotland in central Sweden, with access to the west, also (meaning trading settlement) - for example Ham wic
of 9th and 10th-century iron traveled to the British Isles. near modern Southampton, England and Quentovic in
swords, spear-heads and axblades,
together with a unique helmet from
All these people are commonly referred to today as northern France. In the 8th century there was tremen-
the chieftain's grave at Vikings. The derivation of the name is obscure. It is very dous commercial growth in northern Europe, and the
G|ermundbu, Norway, is displayed rarely mentioned in contemporary sources, and when it wealth of these towns would have made them attractive
on one of the 64 wooden shields
found in the Gokstad ship-burial. is it refers to men who had gone "a-viking", that is, who targets for piracy and colonization. Perhaps the Vikings
had left their homes and land up piracy in
to take were originally the people who visited these sites, either
preference to normal farming pursuits. "Vik" means as pirates or peaceful traders. To contemporary writers
creek or inlet in Scandinavian languages, and it may be in Europe the people from Scandinavia were not known
that the term "a-viking" derives from the places from as Vikings. They called them Norsemen or Northmen,
which the pirates set sail, or refers to the sheltered waters and it is from this that the term Norse derives, now
in which they hid before swooping down on their prey. It often used interchangeably with Viking. Whatever its
is possible, too, that "vik" refers to the trading places on derivation, Viking was never used of the Scandinavians

as a whole, and only came into common usage with the effects of malnutritionand heavy labor. Infant mortality Above A picture-stone from
rise of the Scandinavian nationalist movements in the was higher than today and life expectancy shorter, Gotland depicts seamen manning
the sail in the stern of a ship. They
19th century. At this period, the Vikings began to be though it was not unusual for individuals to live to are protected by a row of
depicted in the horned helmets that are inextricably between 40 and 50. Greater longevity was rare. The overlapping shields tied to its side.
The men who went "a-viking"
associated with their popular image today, but have no most common diseases, reflected in the skeletal remains,
perhaps looked like this.
basis whatsoever in historical fact. were rheumatism and arthritis, but there is little sign of
At the beginning of the Viking period Danes, Nor- the dental caries that so plague people in modern
wegians and Swedes all spoke roughly the same lan- societies, no doubt due to the Vikings' sugarfree diet.
guage known to themselves and to outsiders as the Even when the Viking raids were at their height, most
"Danish tongue" (but referred to by linguists today as of the population must have remained peaceably at
Old Norse). Belonging to the Germanic branch of home to tend their flocks and herds, grow a few crops or
languages that were spoken around the North Sea, it work as craftsmen. Why so many chose to leave
shared common roots with Anglo-Saxon and Old High Scandinavia at this time to take part in seasonal raiding
German, but had diverged from them sufficiently to be expeditions or settle overseas remains something of a
thought of by contemporaries as a separate language. mystery, but over-population in the homelands, lack of
During the course of the Viking Age more distinct, cultivable land, andconflicts between different warring
phonetic variations developed in the different regions of factions have all been put forward as reasons. Probably
Scandinavia. These dialects formed the basis of modern all these factors played a part in the great Viking
Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish, but could be emigrations of the 9th and 10th centuries.
understood by all Scandinavians (as is still true of their
modern derivatives). . The social hierarchy
Anthropological examination of the skeletons re- The evidence obtained from archaeology - especially
covered from inhumation burials indicates that the burials,with striking contrasts between the grave-goods
Vikings were on average a little smaller than the modern of the wealthy and the poor - rune-stone inscriptions
Scandinavian population. It is clear that some people, and scanty references in the written sources all suggest
we may assume from the upper ranks of society, were that Viking society was highly stratified. Within each
taller, sturdier and generally more healthy than the rest, territorial unit there was a strict hierarchy with a
whose skeletons show obvious deformations from the chieftain or king at the top and an aristocracy to support

Right A silver coin of the Danish him and provide fighting forces when necessary-. Below
king. SveinForkbeard d. 1014 .
were the lesser landowners - the farmers and merchants
minted c.995. This is one ot the
earliestScandinavian coins to have who made up a class of free men (and also served as the
been struck bearing a king's name pool of fighting men), and on the bottom layer of all
and with a symbolic royal portrait
were the slaves.
on the front: they imitate
Anglo-Saxon originals, with a cross Before the Viking Age, power was already becoming
on the reverse. concentrated among a handful of dynastic families who
controlled the wealth of an area. The local ruler was also
military leader, religious head, administrator and peace-
keeper within the area he controlled. Wealth was mainly
in the form of landholdings, the produce from that land,
and taxes paid in kind by the people who worked and
tenanted it, but as society developed and power became
centralized in the hands of a single ruling family, royal
income was also derived from towns in the form of
market tolls and customs dues. Representatives of the
king, who wielded great power on their own behalf, as
well as his, were stationed in the towns and elsewhere
around his lands.
One of the clearest ways in which a king could
proclaim his power was by minting coins. The fact that
coins were minted at Ribe and Hedeby in Denmark for
brief periods in the 8th and 9th centuries, though a
monetary system did not become firmly established in
Scandinavia until the 11th century, gives strong grounds
for supposing that there was royal control over these
two early Viking towns. It is particularly significant that
Olof Skotkonung (c. 995-1021/2), recognized as the
first king to control the whole of central Sweden, was the
first to strike coins at the town of Sigtuna, which he
founded, from about 995 onwards. Coins were first
minted in Norway at about the same time, by Olaf
Tryggvason 964—1000). As the countries became

more united and the kings more powerful in the 11th

century, the issuing of coins became commonplace.
Though royal power was hereditary', a smooth succes-
sion from father to son was by no means assured — any-
male member of the family might enforce his right to
succeed. This often resulted in family quarrels. Dynastic
feuding was particularly strong among the sons and
grandsons of Harald Finehair (reigned c. 870-c. 940),
the first recognized king of Norway. Sometimes poten-
tial claimants spent considerable periods in exile, ac-
cumulating wealth in campaigns abroad, in order to
recruit an army and return home to attempt to secure the Beside her in the burial-chamber was the body of an
succession by force. Compromises were sometimes older woman, possibly a sen-ant or slave.
reached whereby two kings could rule simultaneously, Just a little to the north of Oseberg, lies the largest
or the country was divided into regions, each with its concentration of great mounds Scandinavia at Borre,
own royal overlord, as frequently happened in Norway traditionally associated with the Viking Age royal house
in the 10th century. of Norway. When one of the mounds was destroyed by
The kings and their queens were buried in great style, gravel digging some 150 years ago, the remains of a ship
their bodies beneath great burial mounds
interred were recorded and some magnificent objects dating
sometimes more than 20 meters wide at ground level. from about 900 retrieved. Several great mounds have
Some of these graves have been excavated to reveal been investigated in Denmark. At Jelling, central Jut-
grave-goods of enormous magnificence. Some of the land, a site associated with the 10th-century kings of
most spectacular finds have been made in southeast Denmark, two mounds have been excavated. The
Norway, most notably at Oseberg and Gokstad on the wooden chamber in one has been dated by tree-ring
Oslo fjord. Excavations undertaken at Oseberg at the analysis to 958/9, and probably contained the burial of
beginning of the 20th century showed that a young King Gorm, the great pagan ruler of Denmark, who

woman, thought to have been a queen, had been buried was later reinterred in the adjacent church by his son
there in 834. It is possible to be so precise because Harald Bluetooth, who was a Christian. Striking grave-
tree-ring dating shows that the timber used to build her goods, indicative of great wealth and rank, have been
burial chamber came from trees felled in the fall of that found in a 10th-century burial chamber in a mound at
year. Her body had been placed inside a magnificently- Mammen, in Jutland. Tree-ring dating of the corner

carved ship together with all the splendid accoutrements posts of the grave chamber that enclosed the body and its
Abote A bucket made of yew with
brasshoops found in the Oseberg of her daily life: beds, bedding, and all manner of equipment including embroidered clothing and the
burial.It had been placed inside
household equipment. Other items she would have used famous Mammen ax) shows that the trees used to make
another bucket, which itself lav in
a barrel in the prow of the ship.
in life were also included; for example, sledges for them were felled in 970/1; the burial must have taken
Buckets of this type were imported. transport in winter and a wagon for summer journeys. place shortly afterwards.
The Oseberg Ship Burial

The Oseberg mound beside the Oslo fjord in southeast

Norway, excavated in 1904, was found to contain the
most richly furnished burial known from the Vikin
Age. It belonged to a woman who had been buried
with a companion in 834: we can be sure of that
because recent tree-ring dating has shown that the
oaks used to construct her burial-chamber were felled
that year. Though her jewelry had been robbed, the
quantity and quality of the surviving artifacts found
with her was extraordinary.
The burial-chamber was set behind the mast of an
elegant ship, perhaps providing transport for the
deceased. Also included were a wagon, four sledges
and 12 or more horses; the idea of making a long
journey is reinforced by the provision of a tent and
food, including an ox and a bucket of apples. There
were five beds, storage chests, oil lamps, a chair, a
tapestry wall-hanging, assorted kitchen and eating
utensils, and farming tools. In the chamber itself,
among various personal items, were the remains of
looms and a set of tablets for weaving a braid that had
been left unfinished. The sumptious nature of the
Oseberg grave-goods reveals the standing of the
woman whose family was able to dispose of so much
wealth in her honor — clearly she must have been
someone of the very highest status, possibly a queen.

Aboie Vessels and other utensils of

wood have rarely survived from the
Viking Age. This selection from
amongst the Oseberg grave-goods
includes two brass-bound buckets
from Ireland, the larger with
enameled mounts tor its handle.
These are in the form of human
figures in Buddha-like posture.

Top right Excavation of the

Oseberg ship in 1904 was directed
b\ Professor Gabriel Gustafson,
seen here sanding in tront of its
elegantlv decorated stern: the
bunal-chamber has already been
removed. The trench in which the
ship was placed was lined with'
blue clay, and this kept it and its
contents moist, preserving them
from decay. However, the weight
of the mound had crushed the
timbers into many pieces. These
have since been carefully

The lower ranks of society

Beneath the royal and aristocratic class were the free
men, a highly diverse group covering all ranks from the
king's close retainers to servants, that formed the largest
class in Viking Age Scandinavia. Most were farmers.
They had the right to own and bear weapons and to
attend and speak at the Thing, an assembly of all the free
men in a particular region that took place regularly (at
least once a year, sometimes more frequently) to make
laws, settle disputes about land and adjudicate in crimes
'.'j:' ''.'>-
of violence and theft. Decisions were taken by casting
lots. A number of Thing sites are known (the most
famous is at Thingvellir in Iceland), usually consisting of
aflat, low mound surrounded by a shallow ditch. Thing

is a frequent element in Scandinavian place-names,

indicating the presence of such a meeting place, and
similar evidence from Scotland and elsewhere in the
western Viking world shows that the Vikings carried this
form of government to their overseas settlements. In
Scandinavia, however, as royal power increased, the
king was able to use his authority to overrule or

manipulate the decisions of the Thing.
Wealth, in the form of land, was the chief determinant
of the relative status and importance of the free men.
'*^\ *" Some owned immense estates that were leased out and
worked by The farmsteads or manors that
stood at the centers of some of these great estates are still
visible today, usually marked by huge burial mounds.
Toward the end of the Viking Age many of the richest
landowners erected monuments that carried runic in-
scriptions glorifying themselves and their families.
The lowliest class in society were the about
whom we know though references in written

^^^^^ sources make it clear that they played an essential role in

the economy. They are difficult to pin down through the
archaeological record. Graves with few or no grave-
goods may be those of slaves, but it is doubtful whether
they were even allowed the dignity of being buried in a
cemetery. A dead slave had no worth, and was probably-
disposed of without ceremony. Some double graves
contain a richly furnished body and one with no
possessions, and these may be the burials of a master or
mistress and a slave slain as a human sacrifice. A
description of a Viking funeral on the river Volga in the
10th century, left us by Ibn Fadlan, an Arab merchant,
describes such an event:

What they do is this. ..if he (the deceased) is rich, they

gather together his wealth and divide it into three — one
part for his family, one part to provide clothes for him,
and a third part for nabidh which they drink on the day
that the slave woman is killed and burned together with
her master. ..When a chief has died his family asks his
slave women and slaves, "Who will die with him? " Then
one of them says "I will. " When she has said this there is
no backing out... most of those who agree are women
Lt>/if The four-wheeled Oseberg Above A narrow tapestry frieze / op A reconstruction of a bed that
wagon is far from being an was found in fragments in the was placed in the prow of the
everyday cart, though these were Oseberg burial-chamber. It was Oseberg head-planks are
ship. Its
certainly used for ordinary woven in colored wools in a variety carved into animal heads, which
The indigenous slave force was supplemented from time
transportation, but is richly carved of techniques. This scene shows a were originally painted. Four other
in a manner befitting a ceremonial procession of armed figures, both beds, including the one the dead to time by captives acquired in raids abroad. Some were
vehicle. Human heads terminate male and female, on foot and on woman was lying on, were found, brought back to the homelands as forced labor, others
the cradle that supports horseback, accompanied by as well as bedding stuffed with
were shipped on to be sold in the slave markets of the
detachable body. This is decorated horse-drawn wagons. This feathers and down. Beds did not
on the front with a scene of a man remarkable survival is a dramatic form part of normal household east, for slaves were an important commodity in the
surrounded by snakes, who some reminder of how little is now furnishings. The Oseberg beds are Vikings' trade with the Abbasid caliphate of Baghdad,
identify as the legendary hero known of the colorful hangings easily dismantled, and may have
sold in exchange for large quantities of silver.
Gunnar, thrown to his death in a that would have decorated the been used when traveling.
snake-pit. walls of the rich in the Viking Age.

The emergence of the Scandinavian kingdoms

The development of Denmark, Norway and Sweden
into unified countries each under a single ruler took

place during the Viking Age. The process is not well the norm. Excavation of an 8th- to 9th-century home-
documented, the written account being limited to stead at Borg in the Lofoten islands allows us a glimpse
scattered references in contemporary continental his- of the life led by some of these early Norwegian
tories. The Royal Prankish Annals occasionally mention chieftains. It must have been occupied by a family whose
Danish kings in the 8th and 9th centuries, and more wealth and position were derived mainly from the rich
information is given by Rimbert's Life of Ansgar written fishing grounds of the area. However, finds of glass and
at the end of the 9th century. The latest continental potten- from the Rhineland show that Borg was no
source for Viking Age Scandinavia is Adam of Bremen's ordinary fishing community, but a place occupied by a
History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen, which family of great status with contacts with the outside
was written at the end of the 1 1th century and based on world: the home of one of the lords of the North.
eyewitness descriptions given him by informants. As all The move to bring these independent chiefdoms
these works were written by Christian clerics about together into a single realm was a bloody and protracted
pagan lands we have to assume some prejudice on their undertaking that took 200 years to complete. The rich
part, but they seem on the whole to be fairly realistic burials inside the great mounds of Oseberg-and Borre
contemporary accounts. They give us the names of attest to the presence of a ruling dynasty in southeast
places, and of people, some of whom can be confirmed Norway in the 8th and 9th centuries, and we know from
by the later Icelandic sagas. The Icelandic sagas also references in poetry and the sagas that Borre was a center
provide a historical source, but were written mainly in of kingship in the Viking Age. The first king to achieve
the 13th century - that is, nearly two centuries after the any sort of unification was Harald Finehair, who
end of the Viking Age - and so must be treated with brought together Vestfold and the southwest of Norway
caution. Nevertheless, from these and from material in the 880s and in so doing seems to have alienated many
evidence such as the construction of great monuments of the people. This may have been the reason why so
and engineering works that obviously had royal direc- many emigrated to the Scottish islands and Iceland at the
tion behind them, it is clear that all had
three countries end of the 9th century. The north of Norway remained
emerged as separate powers by the end of the 11th out of this union and was independently ruled by a
century at the latest. family of earls based at Lade near Trondheim in
Most is known about Denmark, where it is possible to Trondelag, who must have achieved overlordship of the
discover the first indications of centralized royal power other chieftains there. The following centuries saw
in the foundation of the town of Ribe, the digging of the constant conflict between north and south, with the
Kanhave canal and the building of the Danevirke, all Danish kings at times playing a prominent part in the
perhaps instigated by King Agantyr, known to us from south. Sometimes the earls of Trondelag supported the
the biography of St Willibrord, bishop of Utrecht, who southern ruler, sometimes they did not, and the sagas tell
visited the "wild Danish people" in the early 8th century. of many battles and internecine quarrels.
Somewhat later, in 808, King Godfred is mentioned in At the end of the 10th century Olaf Tryggvason, great
the Royal Franktsh Annals in connection with the grandson of Harald Finehair, returning to Norway from
building of the second stage of the Danevirke, and he is exile abroad (where he had taken part in Viking attacks
also said to have settled merchants in the early Viking in England), used Trondelag as a base from which to
town of Hedeby (then in Denmark, now in Germany). consolidate his control over the whole of the west coast.
Other kings are mentioned in the 9th century, including But after his death (in a sea battle at Svold about the year
the joint kings Horik the Older and Horik the Younger, 1000 fighting against the allied strength of Olof
who allowed the German missionary Ansgar to build Skotkonung of Sweden and Svein Forkbeard of Den-
churches in Hedeby and Ribe in the 850s. mark) the country was once again fragmented and for
No kings are known by name for the next hundred the next 15 years rule was divided between the
years. In the mid 10th century a new dynasty, founded Trondelag earls in the north and Danish and Swedish
by King Gorm, arose with its center at Jelling in central kings in the south. The introduction of Christianity was
Jutland. Gorm, about whom little is known, was an important factor in the unification of Norway. Olaf
succeeded by his son Harald Bluetooth in 958/9. He set Tryggvason, converted during his exile in England,
up a great rune-stone in the churchyard at Jelling that attempted to impose the new religion (and was in-
proudly proclaimed he had acquired for himself all strumental in its introduction into Iceland) but there was
Denmark and Norway and made the Danes Christian. a resurgence of pagan belief after his death, and it was
During his reignHarald defended his realm by a chain of left to his successor Olaf Haraldsson (1015-30) to win
fortresses (sometimes referred to as the royal fortresses its general acceptance. After his death in the battle of
of Denmark) and initiated other great engineering works Stiklestad in1030 he was proclaimed a saint as St Olaf of
such as the bridge at Ravning Enge on the road to Jelling. Norway. More years of tumult were to follow, but by
He was deposed by his son Svein Forkbeard (d. 1014) the end of the 1 1th century Norway was a substantially
about 987, who later conquered England in 1013. Svein united and Christian country.
was the first of a line of kings to rule both Denmark and
England until 1042, and also control south Norway. Developments in Sweden and Finland
It is not clear whether Sweden was ever united under a

Norwegian unification single ruler in theViking Age. Most of the evidence for
With its long and indented coastline and high mountains an incipient royal dynasty comes from the previous
which made communications in the interior extremely period - from the great burial mounds of the Svear in
difficult, Norway was' a difficult country to bring under Uppland at Vendel, Valsgarde and Gamla Uppsala,
man. At the beginning of the Viking Age
the rule of one which was famous as a center of pagan worship in the
numerous chiefdoms were dotted around the Norweg- Viking Age. Similar great mounds with high-status
ian coast,from the Lofoten islands in the far north down grave-goods are known at Hovgarden on Adelso, an
to Vestfold and Ostfold around the Oslo fjord. Fiercely island in Lake Malaren where there are also the remains
independent, each was unwilling to submit to outside of a later medieval royal castle. For the Viking Age itself,
overlordship, and conflict rather than cooperation was though, there is scant information. Kings are mentioned

Above Excavations in Borg on from time to time; for example, we know rrom Rim- Fortifications
Vestvagoy, an island in Lofoten,
have revealed the remains of an
bert's Lifeof Ansgar that King Bjorn welcomed the The dynastic quarrels and armed struggles that ac-
early Viking Age chieftain's house, missionary to the town of Birka on the island of Bjorko companied the process of state formation must have
over 80 meters long; it is situated in Lake Malaren in the 820s, after he had visited Hedeby made the Viking Age a time of great uncertainty and
on the low hill in the left
foreground of this aerial view. Its
and Ribe in Denmark. But it is not until the late 10th unrest. Towns were becoming more prosperous, and
owners possessed gold ob|ects as century that we know of a king whose rule reached needed stronger defenses against pirate attacks. By the
well as pottery and glass from
beyond the land of the Svear. This is King Olof end of the 1 0th century the Vikings had become skilled
western Europe, reflecting their
high social standing. However, Skotkonung who extended his authority across the in the town ramparts. Before that time
construction of
most of the finds are of a domestic- whole of central Sweden from the east to the west coast. fortifications Scandinavia were built mainly to
nature, farming and fishing being
the basis of the family's livelihood.
It seems clear that, as in Denmark and Norway, define and protect boundaries or to provide places of
Christianity played a significant part in the unification of refuge for the population in times of trouble.
Sweden. Olof was a Christian, and founded the first The most striking example of a linear defense work
Swedish bishopric at Skara in Ostergotland. It was, was the Danevirke, the name given to the series of
however, left to his successors to complete the country's ramparts built at slightly different times that together
conversion to the new faith in the later 11th century. form a chain about 30 kilometers long across the
Finland remained pagan even longer, until the 12th southern neck of Jutland. In 808 the Danish king
century. Though "kings"are mentioned in later written Godfred extended the original earth rampart, begun
sources, the areasdominated by Swedish Vikings — the over 75 years earlier. The Royal Frankish Annals
southwest coast and the Aland islands - were probably claim that he built a line of defense from the Baltic to
ruled by a number of petty chieftains. Finland was in no the North Sea, but in fact his extensions stopped well
sense united until well after the Viking Age. short of the coast in the same extensive tract of boggy

In the Viking Age, the Baltic island of Gotland (a

province of Sweden since the Middle Ages) was
virtually an independent state. Its limestone soils
provided fertile land for farming, and it was to a large
extent self-sufficient, though raw materials for
manufacturing - iron ore, fine-grained stone for
making whetstones, glass cullet for beads, amber and
silver-had all to be imported from outside. Its culture
differed markedly in a number of respects from that of
the Swedish mainland; for example, picture-stones -
limestone slabs carved with mythological scenes and
depictions of ships and warriors - are unknown
outside Gotland. The jewelry that was made on the
island to beworn by women was also different in type
from the rest of Scandinavia. It was often of very high
quality and - together with the immense quantities of t

silver found in hoards concealed in the Viking Age —

provides evidence of the island's great wealth. Yet we
are not entirely sure how this was acquired. Though its
position in the middle of the Baltic Sea placed Gotland
at the center of trade routes in the later medieval
period, there is little to suggest that it had far-flung
trading connections in the Viking Age. Its closest
contacts seem to have been with the neighboring
island of Oland to the west and the coastal areas of the
The archaeology of Gotland
southeast Baltic. It has been suggested that the Got- Gotland is rich in pre- Viking and
land islanders became rich through piracy, by preying Viking monuments and
archaeological sites. Many are no
on the merchant ships that plied the Baltic Sea routes.
longer visible today, but some of
If so, they were truly the marauding Vikings of the island's forts - of which there
popular legend. are approximately 100 - are still

well preserved, notably the hillfort

of Torsburgen, which covers an
Below This drum-shaped brooch having plant decoration in the area of 156 hectares, and the
would have been worn by a Ringerike style. Brooches of this rampart around the settlement of
woman of Gotland as an ornament type are unique to Gotland, and Vastergarn on the west coast. Some
in the middle of her chest. It is emphasize its cultural distinction of the picture-stones erected as
characteristic of the high-quality from the rest of Scandinavia. memorials still stand in the fields,

jewelry produced by Gotland's but far more are now in the

native craftsmen in the Viking Age. museum, Gotlands Fornsal, in
The brooch is of bronze Visby, which also houses gold and
embellished with gold and silver. silver treasures that have been
the gold foils carrying human and discovered on the island.
animal ornament in filigree work
and granulation, and the silver

land where the original rampart had ended. Godfred's

Below About 700 Viking Age was placed in a bronze bowl and wall was only broken by the Army Road {hcervejen), a
hoards of silver coins [mainly buried about 140 beneath the

Arabic, English and German) and floor of farmhouse at Burge, It

prehistoric track or droveway, also known as the
jewelry have been (bund on consists of around $,000 German Road, that ran the length of the Jutland peninsula
Gotland. The) represent the coins, arm-rings and other jewelry
and passed through a well-defended gateway in the
accumulated wealth of the made on Gotland itself. More than
islanders, perhaps acquired half its weight is made up of silver rampart.
through piracy. This hoard, bars, many ot them trom Russia. Some 160 Age phase of
years later the final Viking
weighing more than 1(1 kilograms,
the Danevirke was completed by King Harald Blue-
tooth. He joined the first two walls to the newly
erected defense around the town of Hedeby at its
eastern end by building an immensely strong earth
rampart up to 13 meters wide, faced with turf and
surmounted by a timber palisade. In all these early
stages of building the Danevirke was made entirely of
earth and timber; it was not until the 12th century that
more durable materials such as stone and brick were
used. Nevertheless, the Danevirke proved an enduring
monument and so spectacularly successful in its
purpose of defense that it was refortified during the
Prussian-Danish war of 1864, and was even defended
with anti-tank barriers in World War II.
Also predating the great period of fortification in
the 10th century are the hillforts: almost 1,000 of
them in Sweden where they crown the tops of
rocky hillocks inbroken landscape and are
particularly numerous in the Malaren area. It is not
easy to date these monuments, which consist of rough
walls made of huge granite boulders, from the ar-
chaeological evidence; there are no written sources to
give us a guide, and at least some of them may be
earlier than the Viking Age. Many of them, however,
contain occupation remains from the Viking as well as
earlier periods, and were clearly used, or reused, by the
Vikings for communal defense.
Some of these Swedish hillforts, such as Stenbyborg
on the island of Adelso in Lake Malaren, where there
are also large burial mounds from the pre-Viking
period, have associations with royal power; others,
such as Gaseborg in Jarfalla near Stockholm, may
have served both as refuges and as religious cult
centers. A particularly spectacular example is the fort
of Runsa on a peninsula that juts out into the northern
part of Lake Malaren. It has an inner and outer
rampart, the latter running along what was the
lakeside in the Viking Age, and the inner enclosing the
remains of buildings. This fort may have been oc-
cupied sporadically for fairly long periods of time, but
it must also have served as a temporary refuge for the

surrounding rural population. A burial ground close

by contains an important burial marked by upright
Left The small market center ot
Paviken, reconstructed here, lay
stones (some up to 2 meters high) arranged in the
beside a sheltered lagoon on the shape of a ship. It is surrounded by other less
west coast ot Gotland, which was spectacular burials, and has been taken to suggest that
othervi ise hadlv provided with
good natural harbors. Here the raw Runsa may have had some cult significance.
materials to support crafts such as The town of Birka, on the island of Bjorko in Lake
bead-making and ironworking
Malaren, was already a flourishing center in the 9th
were imported, and ships were
built and repaired. century. The hillfort (Borg) close to its southern edge
must have served as a strongpoint and refuge until the
Right The people of Gotland first town was surrounded by defensive walls in the 10th
began to erect memorials in the
form of carved picture-stones in the century. The Birka fort consists of a rampart of earth
5th century, and did so throughout and stone encircling the landward side of a hill whose
the Viking Age. Stone sculpture
western edge is naturally defended by a steep rocky
was hardly practised anywhere else
m Scandinavia before the 10th cliff against the lake. The fort [Hochburg) overlooking
century. The vivid scenes they the town of Hedeby in Viking Age Denmark (now in
depict provide us with evidence
about such things as styles ot dress,
Germany) would have served a similar purpose. The
armor and the way ships were fort crowns an outcrop of diluvial clay to the north of
rigged. The example shown here is
the town, but because the countryside is generallv so
from rangelgarde in the north of
Gotland. flat, this type of monument is rare in Denmark.
The island of Gotland has about 100 forts, again

not all of Viking Age date. The largest is at Torsburgen

near the east coast. Its great limestone wall stretches
for 2 kilometers around the crest of a steep slope,
standing up to 7 meters high and 24 meters wide in
places, making it one of the most spectacular ar-
chaeological monuments in the whole of Sweden.
Excavations have shown that it originated in the 4th
century AD but was then reused in the early 10th
century. Another defensive site on Gotland of con-
siderable interest, though not a hillfort, is Bulverket in
Lake Tingstade Trask in the north of the island.
Standing in shallow water at the edge of the lake, it
consists of a series of cellular wooden platforms built
together to form the four sides of a square, each 170
meters long. They originally supported buildings. The
central square is open, and the whole structure is
surrounded by a palisade of closely set, heavy wooden
stakes. This site is remarkably well preserved because
of its waterlogged situation, and is unique in Scan-
dinavia. The methods used in its construction are
reminiscent of building techniques practiced by the
Slavic peoples of the southern and eastern Baltic, and
it may originally have been built by immigrants to

Gotland. Its purpose is not entirely clear, but the

place-name "Tingstade" suggests that it was part of a
Thing site in the Viking Age, when it was built and
occupied, and therefore not used exclusively as a
defensive structure.
The long narrow island of Oland has 16 pre- Viking
forts, of which at least two, Ismanstorp and Eketorp,
were also in use in the Viking Age. Both consist of a
circular enclosing wall of limestone with the remains
of buildings inside. Ismanstorp is 12"7 meters in
diameter; its wall survives to a height of 2.5 meters
and broken by as many as nine entrances. This
it is

number suggests that it cannot have been a very secure

fortification; nevertheless, it seems to have been used
as a refuge at the time of its construction and later in
the Viking Age itself.
The Iron Age Eketorp, abandoned as a
fort of
permanent settlement about AD 700 except for
sporadic use as a refuge, was reoccupied about the
year 1000 when the earlier stone buildings were
rebuilt in wood and the stone wall supplemented by an
outer defense. In contrast to Ismanstorp, Eketorp's fairly small earth bank no more than 3 meters high, Above The Danevirke - a system of
linear earthworks, built at various
wall was pierced by only three entrances and it gives which was crowned by a timber palisade, and it
times, that cut across the base of
the impression of having been a much more formid- reached its subsequent dimensions through repeated the Jutland peninsula - formed the
able fortification, perhaps serving as the headquarters rebuildings and refurbishments. When it attained its southern boundary of Denmark
during the Viking Age; it also
of a garrison charged with defending the south part of final height it probably no longer needed a palisade to
protected the developing town of
the island against seaborne attack. The finds from its make it defensible,and in this respect it seems to have Hedeby. Each of its various earthen
latest phase show that it was also a trading center of differed from other town walls. Its semicircular shape, ramparts earned a timber palisade
and was fronted by a ditch, with
considerable wealth and significance. Despite its though, extremely characteristic of the encircling
cross-border traffic confined to a
trading activities, it did not develop into a fortified Age towns.
defenses of Viking single gateway. It was thus a
substantial fortification.
Viking Age town. These were provided with defenses Hedeby had grown up along the shores of an inlet,
of quite a different nature. Haddeby Noor. The main objective of the defenses
was to protect the town from the land. The semicircu-
Town defenses larrampart therefore enclosed the area in which the
Before the 10th century Viking towns were undefend- its two ends running down to the
settlement lay, with
ed unless, as at Hedeby and Birka, they had a hillfort waters of the Noor, but the whole of the shore lay
some little distance away. The fact that the towns had open to raids from the sea. This danger was
been open settlements until then tells us that life must counteracted to some extent by the construction of an
have been fairly peaceful in the 8th and 9th centuries, underwater palisade to protect the eastern approaches
allowing urban activities to be carried on without to the harbor.
threat from outside. Conditions had clearly changed A similar arrangement can be seen at Birka, but the
in the 10th century, which witnessed a great campaign town wall here is much slighter than that at Hedeby
of wall-building. Hedeby, for example, gained the and must surely always have needed the added Overleaf The Danish Viking
fortress of Fyrkat in northeast
great rampart that connected it with the outer defenses protection of a palisade. It is also very likely that the
Jutland is one of a number built
of the Danevirke and is still visible today, standing up wall at Birka was never completed; only the northern during the reign of Harald
to 10 meters high in places. However, it began as a part is visible today, and the long stretch that would Bluetooth in the late 10th century.


Viking Age Scandinavia "

tbefcn IO0C
During the Viking Ago, Denmark
• town
and southern and central Sweden
D town with defenses
supported small agricultural
O other
villages with a mixed farming
torts built belore 1000 economy. In Norway, scattered
X royal tanning and fishing settlements
a other extended up the Atlantic coast and
along the fjord valleys. The first
bi dge Scandinavian towns were founded
• portage at the beginning of the Viking Age
X manne blockade as trading and manufacturing
Thing centers. More towns were founded
%* Danevirke in the 10th century; other
1 possible area of settlements were seasonal market

I I settlement, c 1000 centerswhere goods were

route ot Army Road
manufactured for local
consumption. Hillforts served as
defensive sites, but towns were not
defended with ramparts until the
10th century.


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have connected to the tort {Borg) was possibly never

it points for the army England under Svein
that invaded Right Practical and beautiful: four
built.The surviving length of wall describes a gentle Forkbeard in the early 11th century. However, the Viking Age swords from Sweden,
richly ornamented with inlaid
curve, suggesting that it was intended to enclose a tree-ring dating of timbers from the forts have since decoration on their hilts, including
roughly semicircular area with the north end of the shown that they were built about 980 when Harald animal ornament on the third from
the left. These were single-handed
rampart continuing as far as the Lake Malaren shore. Bluetooth, Svein's father and predecessor, was king of
weapons with double-edged blades,
The harbor was defended by a curving line of stakes Denmark. Excavation has shown that they were in the finest of which were pattern-
and blockading timbers. existence for only a very short period, probably no welded (like the one on the far left)
by Frankish smiths in the Rhine-
It is impossible to tell whether similar harbor more than 20 years at the most and perhaps much less land; their grips were finished with
defenses were built at Arhus in Jutland, a town than that. Moreover, had they been designed to house wood, which has perished in the
founded in the 10th century and surrounded by a warriors who attacked England from the sea, they ground.

substantial earth and timber rampart right from the would have been situated close to the coast beside the
beginning, since the modern harbor has wiped out all harbors where the fleets would have assembled. The
trace of a Viking Age predecessor. The shape of forts, however, lie adjacent to land rather than water
Arhus's defenses, however, conforms closely to those routes, with only Aggersborg on the LimfjOrd stand-
of Hedeby and Birka, as does the semicircular rampart ing beside a navigable fairway. They are all located in
that defended Vastergarn on the island of Gotland. the north and east of the country, and look toward the
Excavations have shown that this was also built in the Baltic rather than the North Sea.
10th century. Finally, recently discovered urban forti- Their role in the 11th-century conquest of England
fications at Ribe in Denmark suggest that this town, may therefore be discounted. All the evidence points
too, was surrounded by a semicircular defensive to Harald Bluetooth as being the individual who
system in the 10th century. Excavations have exposed commissioned them, probably to impose and main-
the remains of a ditch 1 meter deep and 8 meters wide, tain order in the kingdom that he had recently
with some vestigial traces of an associated earth bank, consolidated and converted to Christianity. They were
and the short stretches of the ditch that have been undoubtedly strongholds and probably garrisoned,
traced follow a curving line. but their inhabitants did not restrict themselves to
The consistency of the town defenses of Denmark, warlike activities. Living within their ramparts were
Sweden and Gotland in the 10th century is intriguing. gold- and silversmiths, and blacksmiths. Some of the
Their layout is so very similar that one is tempted to buildings were used as barns and stables.
think that they are all part of a common plan. But this The most likely explanation, therefore, is that the
is unlikely to have been the case. They are more likely Danish forts were centers of royal power from which
to represent spontaneous responses to the need for armed forces could quickly be dispatched to control
prosperous trading centers to defend themselves from the surrounding countryside and uphold the authority
attack by land or water, whether by Viking pirates or of the king. They would collect tribute and taxes in
bv Slav raiders, such as those who were to destroy kind from the rural population, and the forts both
Hedeby in 1066. served as treasuries where the king's accumulated
wealth could be kept safe and housed workshops
A common defense plan where it could be converted into precious ornaments
A group of sites in Denmark do, however, very for himself and his court.
definitely display a common plan. The so-called royal
fortresses of Denmark were all built in the second half Warfare and weapons
of the 10th century, occupied for a very short period The right to carry weapons in the Viking Age was
and then abandoned, never to be reoccupied. Three of enjoyed by all free men. They were expected to
the forts (Aggersborg and Fyrkat in Jutland and assemble when called upon to do so by their king or
Trelleborg on Sjadland) have been excavated and their overlord. In some areas, notably central Sweden, local
plans and buildings can be reconstructed in detail. The people would also be required to man and arm ships.
fourth (Nonnebakken) lies beneath the present town For this purpose, the land was split up into units
of Odense on Fyn and almost all traces of it have long containing a certain number of farms, each of which,
since disappeared. A fifth has recently been discovered when required to do so, had to provide a fully
at a site on the south coast of Skane, also called equipped ship.
Trelleborg. Its discovery was no great surprise; the The Vikings generally fought on foot. The fact that
coincidence of its name had always suggested to horses were buried with some rich Vikings suggests
scholars that a fort similar to that of Trelleborg in that there were some mounted warriors, but this was
Denmark might once have been built here. All the certainly not usual. The Viking warships were used
forts were exactly circular in plan although differing in mainly to transport armies to the scene of land battles;
diameter. The interior was surrounded by an earth maritime engagements were less common, though
and timber rampart with an external ditch, and some are mentioned in written sources. The best
divided into quarters by streets which crossed at right known of these is the battle of Svold about 1000.
angles at the exact center of the circle. Long buildings Accounts in English and Frankish sources of the
with curved sides were positioned within each quarter. land battles fought by the Vikings in western Europe
The similarity of the forts' plans, the precision with attest to the strength and skill of their fighting forces.
which they were laid out and the skill with which they The Vikings struck terror into their opponents and
were built single them out from all other Viking Age carried fire and sword throughout northwestern
fortifications, strongly suggesting that they were built Europe. The weapons that wreaked such havoc were
to the specifications of a single person. the sword, the spear and the battle ax. Short fighting
The purpose for which these remarkable forts were knives and bows and arrows were also used. Depic-
built has been a matter of controversy ever since tions in contemporary carvings, such as the memorial
Trelleborg in Denmark (the first to be located) was picture-stones found on Gotland, give us some idea of
excavated in the 1940s. The original suggestion was how these warriors looked fully armed for battle. We
that the forts were built as garrisons and assembly can learn much more from graves in the Scandinavian

countries and elsewhere, many of which contain the Swords were carried in scabbards made of strips of
weapons and armor of the fighting men who were wood covered and lined with fleece; the
in leather
buried in them. lanolin from the wool would have served to preserve
The sword was the finest of all the weapons, highly the blade from tarnishing and rust. The most splendid
prized for its fighting strength and as a status symbol; swords were kept in magnificent scabbards decorated
the higher the rank of the warrior, the more mag- with bronze or gilt mounts around the mouth and at
nificent would be hissword. Often the hilt would be the tip (the chape). Scabbard mounts have been found
richly decorated, but though an elaborate hilt denoted in many graves, though the organic materials of the
a powerful owner, it was the blade that was the most scabbard itself have usually disappeared.
important part of the weapon, for it was on this that The double-edged swords were used to slash at the
the life of its owner depended. The double-edged enemy, no doubt inflicting terrible wounds. The
blades, between 70 and 80 centimeters long, were light mutilated bones of skeletons unearthed at Hedeby and
and flexible, strong and sharp. Some of them were elsewhere give some idea of the sort of injuries caused.
imported from the Frankish empire but their hilts were Short, single-edged fighting knives were designed for
made and mounted in Scandinavia and they were thrusting at the opponent when engaged in close
often ornamented in the art styles favored by the combat, and the Viking warriors sometimes carried
Vikings. The most famous of the Frankish sword- both sword and knife. The most efficient thrusting
smiths' workshops was that of Ulfberht, whose name weapon of all was the spear with its slender, tapering
is inlaid on many blades. iron blade up 50 centimeters long attached to a
Blades of native Scandinavian workmanship were wooden shaft by means of a socket. Some spears, like
not inferior to the more exotic imported examples. the finest quality swords, must have been weapons of
They were also made in a method known as pattern- status. Their blades were pattern-welded with sharp
welding whereby long strips of iron of slightly differ- cutting-edges and point, and the sockets were inlaid
ent composition were welded together to form a core, with silver or bronze. Most of the spears that have
and a cutting edge of a harder and sharper steel was been found in graves, however, are simpler and
welded to the sides. Then the blade was polished and a undecorated - but nevertheless very efficient. Below Ax-blades and spear-heads
from the river Thames at London
longitudinal groove (known as a fuller) ground out Though the battle ax is popularly associated with are grim reminders of the return of
along the whole length. The purpose of the fuller was the Vikings, on the whole it seems to have been less Viking armies to England during
the reign of /Ethelred II
to lighten the blade without reducing its strength and favored as a weapon than the sword and spear. Fewer
(979-1016). Any ax could always
to increase its flexibility. After a thousand years in the have been found, and those mostly in western Scan- have been used as a weapon, but
earth, most of the sword blades that have been dinavia. They were made in a quite simple way: a those shown here, with their
elongated "bearded blades", were
recovered are now badly corroded but some of them sharp cutting-edge was welded onto a shaped block of developed specifically for use in
still display beautiful patterns on their surfaces. iron, and the butt end was then slotted over a wooden battle bv Scandinavian warriors.


Above Not all axes were merely handle and wedged tight. Most battle axes were other archaeological sites that it seems unlikely that
functional. This ceremonial ax has
undecorated and are indistinguishable from working they were ever commonly worn and were probably the
inlaid silver decoration on both
faces of its blade. It was buried in a axes; their attribution as battle axes results from the prerogative of the highest ranks of society. The only
high-status chamber-grave, fact that they have been found in graves with other helmet to have been preserved from the Viking Age
constructed 970, at Mammen

and may well have been

weapons. A few examples are much more splendid was found in a grave at Gjermundbu in Norway.
made in a royalworkshop of King and must have been made for ceremony or display. Clearly a very great man was buried here, for as well as
Harald Bluetooth. Its high-quality The finest by far is the ax from the royal or aristocratic a helmet he had a coat of chain mail and a fine sword
ornament has given its name to the
Mammen style of Viking art. burial at Mammen, Jutland. This is inlaid with silver with a hilt inlaid with silver and copper. Both helmet
in the elaborate patterns that give their name to the and mail coat were in a fragmentary condition when
Mammen art style, and it is imagine it ever
difficult to discovered, but the helmet has been reconstructed and
being used in battle; it was probably a symbol of is now in the Oldsaksamling Museum, Oslo. The iron

wealth, status and power. helmet is dome-shaped with a central crest and a sort
Bows and arrows were also used in warfare, but of visor to protect the nose and cheek-bones. Some
were probably most commonly used in hunting. Iron chain mail hung from the back to protect the neck. The
arrow-heads in various different shapes survive in rest of the chain mail was probably in the form of a
large numbers, though their wooden shafts have short tunic worn over a padded or leather jerkin to
nearly always disappeared. Wooden bows are rarer, as provide extra protection.
— being made of wood — they have usually decom- Other helmets are known only from pictorial
posed entirely in normal soil conditions, but a com- representations. The helmets of the warriors depicted
plete one has been found in waterlogged ground at on the Gotlandic picture-stones are invariably conical
Hedeby. It is 192 centimeters long and made of yew, a in shape and have a nose guard. A little figure from
strong, supple wood that was used to make bows Sigtuna in Sweden, carved in elk antler, also wears a
throughout the Middle Ages. conical helmet with a nose guard, which is decorated
The Vikings defended themselves in battle by carry- with a ring-and-dot motif. It is impossible to tell
ing circular shields that gave protection to the body whether these helmets were made of iron like the
from shoulder to thigh. They were made of wood, Gjermundbu example; they may have been of a less
often lime, and were sometimes covered in leather sturdy material such as leather. However, we do know
with the rim strengthened by an iron band. The shields that none of them carried horns.
might then be decorated with metal mounts and Equipment such as this probably belonged to the
symbols and were sometimes brightly painted. An iron rich and powerful among the Viking forces, or to the
boss in the center protected the carrying hand. Little of professional fighting men who made up the private
the wood from the shields has been preserved, but it is armies or bodyguards of kings and lords, particularly
possible to calculate their size from the metal fittings in Norway. The splendid swords with decorated hilts
that have survived. The shields found in the Gokstad and Frankish blades, the helmets and chain mail
ship burial, which were painted black and yellow, are tunics, would have been quite unknown to the vast
1 meter in diameter, and it is reasonable to assume that mass of fighting men, farmers and fishermen who were
this was the normal size. pressed into service at times of trouble to fulfill their
Another means of protection was provided by the duties to their overlord. These men would have been
helmet and body armor worn by at least some Vikings. simply armed, probably carrying only their working
However, such items are found so rarely in graves or ax to serve as a battle weapon.
Royal Fortresses of Denmark

The 10th-century fortresses ofDenmark are one of the plans of the forts are so similar that they can only have
clearest evidences we have of a centralized power been the work of a single organizing authority,
structure in Denmark in the late Viking Age. Five such presumably the king's, and given the regularity of the
fortresses are now known: Trelleborg on the island of layout, it not surprising that they were at first

Sjadland, Xonnehakken on Fyn, Fyrkat and Aggers- thought to have had a purely military function: the
horg in Jutland, and (only discovered in the late buildings, it was argued, must have served as barracks,
1980s) Trelleborg in Skane. Most of our information perhaps for the army assembled by Svein Forkbeard to
about the fortresses comes from Trelleborg in Sjsel- invade England at the beginning of the 1 1th century.
land and Fyrkat, which have both been extensively This view is no longer accepted. Excavation of the
excavated. The forts are precisely regular in plan. The buildings at Fyrkat showed that some were used as
circular earth and timber rampart is pierced by four dwellings, others as workshops where blacksmiths
equidistant entrances, and the axial streets divide the and jewelers worked. Women and children were
interior into four segments, or quadrants. At found to have been buried in the cemetery just beyond
Trelleborg and Fyrkat each of these quadrants was the rampart. Moreover tree-ring dating indicated that
filled with four long buildings arranged in a square: at the timber used in the buildings at Trelleborg came
Aggersborg there seem to have been 12 buildings in from trees felled about 980 - in the reign of Harald
each. At Trelleborg, a further 15 buildings were laid Bluetooth. Those at Fyrkat give similar results, and the
out concentrically to the rampart, but outside it, in an buildings show no sign of having been repaired,
outer defended area. All the buildings were of oak. and suggesting that they cannot have been in use for more
the streets were surfaced with timber. than 20 or 30 years. If, as is now supposed, the
Construction of the forts must have taken con- fortresses were used as centers of royal administration
siderable planning and engineering skill. To build the where taxes were collected, and as strongpoints for
fort at Fyrkat, for example, the site had first to be controlling the local population, their short life and
leveled and extended, and 10,000 cubic meters of turf rapid abandonment suggest that political changes at
and earth were shifted to construct the rampart. The the end of the centurv rendered them unnecessary.

Left Aerial view of Trelleborg,

Sjarlland,from the west. It stands
at the tip of a low peninsula that
was surrounded by marshy ground
in the Viking Age. The precisely
circular earth rampart with its four
entrances can be clearly seen, and
in theforeground there is a slighter
rampart enclosing an outer area.
The postholes of the buildings have
been marked in concrete, showing
their curved shape, and a full-scale
reconstruction of one of the houses
appears in the foreground.

Right This reconstruction of one of

the buildings at Fvrkat was erected
next to the site m'the 1980s. The
long walls are bowshaped. and as a
result the roof is also curved. Outer
posts slope up to support the top of
the walls. On the Trelleborg
reconstruction, the posts are
upright and form part of a
verandah or gallery round the
building, but evidence from the
excavations at Fyrkat and
reinterpretation of the
archaeological remains at
Trelleborg show that the Fyrkat
reconstruction must be correct.
The interior of the house is divided
into three rooms- a large hall in
the center and a smaller room at
each end.


Left The head of a battle-ax from a

grave at Fyrkat. Battle-axes were
particularly favored by the Vikings
of Norway and Denmark, and they
became the symbol of Norse
ferocity to the people of western
Europe who suffered their attacks.

Top This reconstruction gives an Above The regularity of Fyrkat's

artist's impression of the royal plan - with four long buildings
fortress at Fyrkat based on the symmetrically placed within each
findings of the excavations. The quadrant, streets crossing at right
outer face of the rampart was lined angles,and an exactly circular
with heavy tongued-and-grooved perimerer - gives the fortress a
timbers to prevent attackers from distinct!) military appearance, but
scaling it. One of the four recent investigations have shown
quadrants has not been exca\ ated. that it was not merely a barracks.
The buildings were used as
dwellings, workshops, stores and

Rural communities also important. In Norway it was limited to the south,

Most Vikings were farmers. Even those who went on and is known about the farms.
virtually nothing
raiding parties to western Europe or sailed east or west The most important cereals grown on Viking Age
as merchants generally returned home to the farm, farms inScandinavia were barley, rye and oats, with a
bringing their loot or profits with them. Since agriculture little wheat also being cultivated in Denmark. Although
was of such importance, it is strange that we know wheaten bread has been found in some of the graves at
comparatively little about it. The best evidence comes Birka, central Sweden, there is no positive evidence to
from Denmark, which had the largest area of cultivable show that wheat was grown in the vicinity of the town,
land. Many farming villages have been excavated there and it may have been imported as a luxury foodstuff.
in recent years, and several rural settlements are also Peas, beans, root vegetables and cabbage were also
known from central Sweden, where crop farming was commonly grown crops.
Above A selection of iron tools Archaeological investigation in Denmark has yielded The best-known of Denmark's excavated farming
used by Viking Age farmers, found
evidence of some of the fields where crops were grown, villages are at Shedding and Vorbasse in central Jutland.
in Norway. Sickle blades (center),
needed for harvesting, are those as well as some of the farmingmethods used. At Ribe Though not identical in plan or layout, these and others
most commonly found, in both simple scratchings have been found on the ground share a number of features in common. They consisted
male and female graves; other
surface beneath the Viking Age town. These show that of about six or seven individual farms, each of which
tools, such as scythe blades (top)
and plow shares (right) are more an ard was used to break up the soil preparatory to contained about eight or nine buildings of various size,
generally restricted to male burials. sowing. The ard is a primitive wooden plow that merely enclosed within a fenced compound. The largest build-
As well as hay, foliage was an
important source of winter fodder
cuts a groove through the earth and does not turn it; it ing was the dwelling house, which had a cattle byre at
for cattle, and special broad-bladed was in common use until the late Viking Age when a one end with stalls for up to 50 animals. The outbuild-
"leaf-knives" are known (bottom),
heavier plow with an iron-shod share was introduced. A ings included barns and smithies and a scattering of
but these are less commonly found
in graves. rare find was made at Lindholm Hoje in north Jutland in sunken-floored huts that may have housed the farm
the 1950-., when archaeologists removed the thick layer slaves or laborers. There was usually a wood-lined well
Left A massive drift of sand
covered this field at Lindholm Ho|e
of blown sand that had submerged the site, bringing within the compound. Each farm would have been
in northern Jutland sometime occupation to an end in the 1 1th century, and discovered occupied by a single family, and all give the impression
during the 1 1th century. When this beneath it a fossilized Viking Age field with its long, of having been very prosperous between the 8th and the
was removed, the field was
revealed exactly as it had been
slightly curving furrows still intact from its last plowing. 10th centuries. At Shedding the buildings within their
before the fatal storm, even down Other agricultural tools must have been very common fenced enclosures lie around a central open space that
to the footprints and wheel tracks
on all rural settlements, but have not survived in very was never built on and must have served as a communal
across the broad parallel beds that
are separated by narrow furrows. It
great numbers. Cereals and hay were harvested with "village green"; at Vorbasse the farms were laid out
is not known what crop was being iron sickles, and vegetation was cut for fodder with a along a village street, four to the north and three to the
grown here.
special implement known as a leaf knife. Wooden south, each with a gateway in the fenced enclosure
pitchforks and spades have been found, and flails and giving on to the central track. This difference in the
sieves for threshing and sifting the grain would also have overall layout suggests that the two settlements may
been made of wood. Barrels and baskets were used for have had dissimilar social functions.
storage, and hay grown for fodder may have been These settlements do not lie beneath the villages of
transported from the fields in carts. today, but are found a short distance away. During the
Denmark's Viking Age villages were surrounded by 300 years of the Viking Age they did not occupy a
arable fields, but they were also well placed for access to permanent site, but shifted to a new location a few
pasture. The rearing of animals was just as important as hundred meters away even' generation or so. The
crop growing, and indeed cattle farming was probably position of Denmark's farming villages only became
the predominant activity in many villages. Pigs and fixed with the coming of Christianity when a stone
sheep were also raised. On the Scandinavian peninsula church was built as the community's focal point. This
pastoralism was even more important, and trans- was at a time when population was increasing, and
humance (seasonal migration) was practiced in the there wasa shift toward greater arable farming. The
upland areas (as it still is today in some places). Flocks villagesfounded then have remained on the same site -
and herds would be driven up to the higher pastures in usually one that was close to the best land for growing
the summer when grazing was good and brought down crops - until the present day.
to the valley farms in the fall. Cattle would be kept under At one time it was thought that the Viking Age farms
cover during the hard winters and stall-fed with the hay of central Sweden were isolated from their neighbors, as
grown on the valley pastures in the summer and cut and they are today, and perhaps lay beneath today's farms -
stored as fodder for this purpose. in other words, it was suggested that the same farm sites
had been continuously occupied for over 1,000 years.
However, excavations of Viking Age villages at Pollista
and Sanda in the Malaren district have made it clear that
this was not the case, assuming that they are typical.
Though much smaller than the villages of Denmark,
each contained several farmsteads with a dwelling and
outbuildings, which are reminiscent of the Danish
groupings. The villages in the Malaren valley seem to
have moved from time to time, as they did in Denmark,
and are therefore unlikely to have been located where
the present farms now stand.
The communities of Viking Age Norway
remain elusive. Many farms from the pre- Viking period
have been discovered in the southwest of the country,
but the Viking Age itself is hardly represented. The
reason for this may be that here the farms were indeed
isolated and scattered, and so are difficult to find today.
One of the few Viking Age farms to have been excavated
in Norway is the 9th- and 10th-century settlement of
Ytre Moa at the inland end of the Sogne fjord. It is not a
village of Danish type, but a single isolated farmstead
consisting of several small roughly square buildings,
each used for a different purpose; for example, dwelling,
storehouse or cattle shed. The shapes of the buildings
and the methods of their construction also differ from
their Danish counterparts. All the Ytre Moa buildings
are no more than a few meters square, with thick walls
of stone and turf with wooden paneling on the internal
faces. The difficulty of locating Viking Age sites in the
Norwegian countryside means that much more work is
needed to be done before the agriculture of that country
can be fully understood.
In some parts of Scandinavia —
particularly along the
coasts of Norway - played an even more
important role than agriculture in the Viking Age
economy. Many fishing implements have been found
showing that nets, lines and harpoons were all used. Seal
and walrus were also caught in the northern waters.
Ivory from the tusks of walrus was highly prized
throughout Europe at this time; it was only in the 13th
century that it began to be replaced by elephant ivory in
large quantities, and the trade declined. Walrus hides
were cut into strips and twisted to make rope.
Lakes and rivers supplied freshwater fish. Salmon
were especially abundant in Finland, and regular fishing
expeditions were made to the north in the spawning
season when the rivers teemed with fish. That fish and
shellfish featured in the Viking Age diet is
evident from the large numbers of fish bones and shells
that have been recovered from household refuse heaps in
the towns. At Birka, for example, fish would have been
caught in Lake Malaren and the rivers that flowed into Left Iron fish-hook and barbed
fish-spear, with a stone net-sinker,
it, but it is also clear that they were transported from Norway. This fish-spear was
considerable distances from the sea, probably having found near a waterfall and may
been salted in barrels to preserve them. have been used for salmon fishing.

The Vikings of Scandinavia mostly built in wood,
though stone and turf were also used in some areas,
particularly Norway. Nothing remains of the houses
themselves above ground level, and we have therefore to
rely on the interpretation and reconstruction of archaeo-
logical evidence, recovered through excavation, to give
us a picture of the buildings in which the Vikings lived.
For example, the traces of postholes in the ground
(distinguishable from the surrounding soil by differences
of color and texture) allow archaeologists to estimate the
length and arrangement of a timber-framed building.
The basic shape of the buildings was the same

// j;



Above A river in central Sweden. throughout Scandinavia: rectangular, sometimes with a chieftain's dwelling. No royal halls, with the possible
Coastal and freshwater fishing
curving walls, and of variable length. Buildings ex- exception of one at Lejre and those in the 10th-century
contributed greatly to diet in
Viking Age Scandinavia, and there cavated at Saedding in Denmark are nearly 50 meters royal forts of Denmark, have been excavated.
was even some trade in fish long; at Borg in Lofoten, Norway, one even reached a In Denmark the deciduous woodlands provided oaks
length of 83 meters. The width, however, was seldom to build the framework of the houses and hazels and
more than 5 meters, and was dictated by the dimensions willows for weaving the wickerwork panels that filled
of the crosstimbers used to carry the roof. These were the spaces between the upright posts of the walls. These
supported on two rows of posts that ran the length of the were then covered with a mixture of clay and dung to
building and divided it longitudinally into three sections make them draft- and weather-proof. This type of infill
consisting of a central nave and two rather narrower side is known as wattle-and-daub. The buildings in the royal
aisles. Sometimes, though, the posts were set back into forts had solid timber walls but these have not yet been
the walls, and these then carried the ends of the roof discovered on any farming settlements; they used very
rafters. This latter arrangement provided an uninter- large quantities of oak and would probably have been
rupted internal space, and was the norm by the end of beyond the resources of the average farmer.
the Viking Age. Aristocratic halls would have most Few oaks Sweden and Norway, except in
are found in
likely resembled these rural buildings, except that they the far southand so softwoods (conifers) were used for
would have been larger and more richly furnished — the building. These provided the long straight horizontal
very great length of the house at Borg suggests that it was timbers that were piled one on top of another and
Life in the Home

Much of what we know about domestic life in Viking

Age Scandinavia comes from the household posses-
sions that were included as grave-goods in burials.
Often, though, these are found in the graves of
wealthy individuals, and it is likely that most ordinary
households - especially those in the countryside -
contained few possessions. What people had they
made themselves, from their clothes, toys and cooking
utensils to their own houses. Only iron implements
and items such as combs, brooches and necklaces were
provided by itinerant craftsmen or bought in the
towns in exchange for farm produce. Imported lux-
uries such as spices, wine, and silks were mostly
enjoyed by the cosmopolitan urban populations.
It is clear that men and women had distinct roles in
the household. The men worked in the fields and on
the farm, fished and hunted for game, while the
women prepared the food (including grinding the
grain for flour, baking and dairying), spun the wool
from the farm's sheep and worked at the loom or with
the needle. In wealthier households, servants and
slaves would have carried out many of the most menial
tasks. The men would often be away from home for
long periods as sailors, warriors or traders, leaving the
women to guard the house and to supervise the work
of the household.

Above Jnd right The iron cauldron

and griddle (top) were part of the
household equipment of a
Norwegian family. Gruel, stews
and boiled meat and fish would
have been prepared in the
cauldron, and the griddle was
probably used for making flat,
unleavened bread over the fire.
Wood was more common than
iron for household vessels, and
would probably have been carved
and shaped by the men of the
household. The small bucket
(center is made of staves of ash
bound together with osier hoops,
and the bowl [bottom) of elm. Its

handle is pierced so that it could be

hung up when not in use.
I eft I his full-size reconstruction of
Left This interior of a Viking Age
aViking Age town house from
house, based on one excavated at
Hedebv stands at Moesgard
Hedebv. has been reconstructed at
Moesgard Museum, Arhus,
Museum in Denmark. It measures
II h\ 5 meters and has wattle-
Denmark. The long open hearth is
and-daub walls in a timber
room: a source of
the focus of the
framework, with the weight of the
and the only means
heat and light,
thatched roof supported by
of cooking. An iron cauldron is
external buttresses. This Hedebv
suspended from the ceiling on a
house, built about 8~0, had a
chain; a soapstone bowl and a
central living room, between two
wooden bowl and ladle stand
other rooms, one of which
beside the fire. The furniture is very
contained a baking-oven.
sparse - covered by a
]ust a stool
sheepskin on the raised earthen
B< ;. This blockhouse
bench against one wall. Most
uction of horizontal logs
people slept on the ground. The
with Lipped corners is ]ust one of
two looms leaning against the walls
the many different methods of
would have been in daily use by the
building in wood that were utilized
women. The larger loom with its
in Viking Age Scandinavia.
stone loomweights to tauten the
warp (bottom left) was used for
weaving woolen cloth; the smaller
notched together at the corners to form firm joints. The
loom produced narrower bands of
finerwool, or perhaps linen (flax length of each building was dependent on the length of
was grown in southern tree trunks available, and so these houses were often
Scandinavia). The bone pins
[bottom right) were used for
made up of a series of independent rooms joined end to
adjusting the thread during end to form a single blockhouse. Sometimes, however, a
weaving. Finished products would
farm consisted of a scattering of small buildings, each
have been smoothed by rubbing
them on a whalebone board with a with its own function. The lowest timbers of the walls
glass smoother (below). usually rested on a row of stones that formed a sill and
this prevented the logs from rotting as they lay on the
damp ground. The sill might also support a timber floor,
which raised in this way provided some form of
insulation and was protected from decay. These sill
stones are often all the evidence that remains of the
buildings in a rural settlement.
One end of the dwelling houses was used as a barn for
storing crops or partitioned into stalls for cattle. Living
under the same roof as their animals provided a source
of heat for the inhabitants; a rather noisome form of
central heating. It also ensured that their beasts would be
safe from rustlers, as cattle were wealth. The living
quarters of the house had a hearth in the middle of the comes from Hedebv where waterlogged conditions have
and cooking facilities. There
floor to provide heat, light preserved the foundations and lower parts of the walls of
were no chimneys and the smoke from the hearth wooden buildings and even a complete gable of one
escaped through gaps in the roof, which was covered house, about 5 meters high. The Hedebv houses were
with thatch, turf or wooden shingles depending on the rectangular, about 12 meters long and 5 meters wide.
availability of local materials. Benches ran along the The walls were made of upright posts infilled with
walls. They were usually an integral part of the structure, wattle-and-daub and they were buttressed on the ex-
consisting of flattened banks of earth reinforced at the terior by sloping posts. There were three rooms; the
front with wickerwork. There was little other furniture, largest, central room contained the hearth and the
and the benches acted both as beds and as seating smaller rooms, one at each end, provided storage space
accommodation during the day. Simple crafts such as and working areas for the merchants and craftsmen of
spinning, weaving and basket-making were carried on at the town who occupied these houses.
the benches, but some farms had separate buildings for One of the Hedebv houses contains an oven in one of
particular activities. A forge has been found at Sodding, the small rooms, but ovens were not common in
for example, and many farmsteads must have had Scandinavia in the Viking Age, and the provision of a
similar provision for making and repairing essential separate kitchen is unusual. Most oi the light inside the
tools.The sunken-floored huts that are a feature of houses came from the fire in the central room, possibly
Danish Viking Age villages may also have been used as supplemented by oil lamps, but a couple of tiny
workshops for weaving, primitive potting and so on. windows would have let in a little daylight. Wood-
Buildings in towns did not need space for crop-storage fronted earth benches were set along the walls close to
or cattle, so they were shorter than those of the the hearth; the floors were of beaten earth. The solid
countryside. The we have of town houses
best evidence wooden doors to the houses could be locked.

Gambling games with dice have been played since Right Playing-pieces were made of

antiquity, and it is clear that the Vikings were no many materials and in all shapes
and sizes, both bottomed and
exception in finding relaxation and excitement in this with pegs, tor use on different
way — the dice found in Viking Age graves are often types of board. Sets ot pieces,
including "kings'" have been found
large and oblong. Gaming-boards have also been
inViking Age graves. These
found, including a double-sided one from the Gokstad various examples in glass, bone

ship-burial in Norway, as well as numerous gaming and stone were excavated from the
Swedish town of Lund.
pieces for playing games that combined luck and skill:
some were positional games, similar to nine-men's- Below Among the tew musical
instruments to have survived from
morris or three-in-a-row, but games of pursuit similar
the Viking Age are end-blown
to fox-and-geese were also played. A particular type of flutes, such as this one from
war-game played throughout Scandinavia during the Sigtuna in Sweden. They are
similar to the modern recorder and
Viking Age was known as hnefatafl. It appears from
were made from the long bones of
the many references to it in the Icelandic sagas to have animals or birds, with varying
been a game calling for real skill, but even so it did not numbers of finger-holes.

survive the advance of chess, which superseded it in

the early Middle Ages: the chessmen, carved from
walrus ivory and of Scandinavian origin, found on the
Isle of Lewis in the Hebrides, belong to the 12th
century, at the end of the Norse period. The rules of
hnefatafl are not recorded, but finds of playing pieces
and knowledge of later games indicate that it was
played between two players who had unequal forces
and different objectives- a king with a small army was
attacked by a larger army that tried to drive the king
into a corner.
Feasts provided indoor entertainment for the better-
off and were occasions not only for drinking and
general excess, but also for listening to recitations of
poems and stories by professional skalds, as well as for
music and dance. We know little of the latter,
however. Musical instruments have only rarely been
found because they were made of wood and other
perishable materials, but we know that the lyre or
harp were played, as were simple flutes and pan-pipes
and a form of fiddle.
Outdoor activities included contests of strength and
skill. The importance of training with weapons led

naturally to competition in fencing, spear-throwing

Lett Falconry was the sport of
and shooting with bow and arrow. Ball-games were noblemen. It may be portrayed on
played for pleasure, and were also enjoyed by spec- this 10th-century cross-shaft, an
Anglo-Scandinavian carving from
tators. Horse-fighting, too, was popular with
Sockburn in Co. Durham - though
audiences - contests in which specially selected stal- this horseman carrying a bird on
lions would be goaded on to fight with each other by his wrist,beneath a snake, has also
been interpreted as a depiction of
the sight and smell of tethered mares. The sport is
the pagan god Odin.
often referred to in Icelandic stories, since it frequently
gave rise to quarrels and fights between contending
owners. Clearly, though, relaxation could also be
sought in private, in such solitary pursuits as playing a
flute or whittling a stick.
Children had their toys and some of those that
survive, such as wooden weapons and toy boats, show
them engaged in imitative play. For adults, there was
often no sharp line to'be drawn between leisure and
doing things in earnest - animals were hunted both for
food and for sport, though the nobility had, as always,
more time for the latter, and falconry was a pursuit
reserved to the aristocracy. \X*e know from the sagas
that "swimming and board-plav" were sports to be
taught to a young jarl, or earl.
Top right This 11th-century
Swedish rune-stone shows two men
pining "at board" [at tafli): the
game may be nine-men's-morris,
which was widely played in the
Viking Age, or bnefatafl. The
wooden j'l board rigl't> was
found on a native Irish settlement
at Ballinderiy, Co. Wesrmeath. It

has a marked center and corners,

Belciu Horse-fighting as .1 \ iking and 7 ~ peg-holes; the style of
Age spectator sport may have had decoration suggests that it could
itsorigins in earlier horse cults. well have been made in

These fighting horses depicted on a 10th-century Dublin. The number

stone from Haggeby in Uppland, of pla\ mg spaces on the bnefatafl
Sweden, carved in the Migration board varied, though it was always
Period, have clearly had horns uneven - the Gokstad board has 15
attached to their heads. They are x 15, as has another from
being urged on by armed men. 10th-century York.

Domestic life Left Cut-away drawing of a box
padlock with T-shaped slot to
The house was the center of Viking life. Here people show how it was used with a
found warmth, food and shelter. Here they worked at distinctive form of sliding key that
their even-day tasks and relaxed by playing board worked by compressing a system of
leaf springs to open the lock. Such
games, making music and listening to poets telling 3 As the key is lifted it
locks and keys are common in
compresses the leaf springs
stories about the gods and the exploits of past heroes. to open the padlock
11th- and 12th-century
Scandinavia, and from there they
Life was carried on around the long central hearth. The
also reached England, Iceland and
brushwood fire rarely went out, but when required to be Greenland.
relit, it was done by striking flint against steel. Meat and

fish made up most of the diet. Domesticated animals

(cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and poultry) were supple-

mented with game and wild fowl. Both meat and fish
were smoked, dried or salted in the summer and fall to
ensure adequate provisions for the long winter months.
The meat was mostly cooked by boiling in coarse,
hand-made pottery or soapstone bowls embedded in the
embers of the fire, or in an iron cauldron suspended over
the flames by an iron chain. Iron hooks were used to fish
the meat out of the boiling liquid. Occasionally a
particularly tender joint might be roasted on a spit.
Bread was made from barley, rye and pulses, and (less
commonly) wheat. Flour was handmilled on circular
grindstones or querns. These have sunived in quanrity
and, particularly in south Scandinavia, were often made
of lava stone imported from the Rhineland in Germany.
The bread was unleavened and would have been baked
over the fire on a flat iron or stone plate to make a
thickish pancake or griddle cake. Vegetables were
grown in the adjacent fields and berries and other fruits
gathered in the forests, or even imported; the discovery
of plum stones in rubbish pits in Hedeby suggests they
were brought there from central Europe, for instance.
Cheese was made from cows', sheep and goats' milk,
mainly perhaps as a way of using the surplus. Meals
were washed down with large quantities of ale, made
with barley, and mead, made of fermented honey and
water. Bjorr, possibly a strong liquor made from
fermented fruit juice, was also drunk.
Drinking cups would have been of wood or pottery;
drinking horns were also used. Imported glass vessels
would have been used only by the upper strata of society.
Platters, bowls, spoons and ladles were made of wood,
and have mostly vanished, either through decay or
because broken wooden objects would have been
thrown in the fire as a convenient source of fuel. Some
examples, however, have been presened in waterlogged there are many examples of the baked clay or stone
ground. Most have the appearance of being hand- weights that held the vertical threads (the warp) tight.
caned, probably by members of the household, but Tablet-weaving was also done on small rectangular
some vessels were lathe-turned, suggesting that frames of wood or antler to produce intricately pat-
specialized woodworkers may also have produced terned bands, braid and nbbons to decorate clothing.
goods for the home. Cutting shears for the cloth and the combs used to card
From the grave-goods found in royal and aristocratic the wool before spinning were of iron; the whorls that
burial mounds we may deduce that many aristocratic weighed down the wooden spindle were of stone,
halls were furnished with and
tables, settles or chairs, pottery or occasionally amber. Needles and pins were of
possibly even beds: a chair and beds, for example, were iron or bone and were often carried by the women in
buried with the 9th-century queen interred at Oseberg in small containers suspended from their
Nonvay. Fragments of a woven tapestry, used as a brooches. Small glass bun-shaped objects found in
wall-hanging, were also found. However, ordinary women's graves may have been used to smooth seams,
people had few such possessions, making do with stools and it has also been suggested that can-ed whalebone
and chests in which valuables (such as jewelry, silver and plaques, nearly always found in wealthy female burials,
clothing) were kept under lock and key. Wrapped in were used as boards for smoothing or pleating cloth.
blankets or skins, they slept not in beds but on the fixed Spinning, weaving and sewing must have almost
benches: the closer to the hearth, the higher your rank in constantly occupied the women. The discover.- of
the household. gaming-pieces made of bone, antler, glass or amber
Occupying a place against the wall in most houses show that the men had more time for relaxing. Board
would have been the upright warp-weighted loom for games were much played, including a war-game known
weaving the woolen cloth used by the household and as bnefatafl. Wooden animals, boats, swords and spin-
also for making the sails of Viking ships. Being made of ning tops have been found in many places, showing that
wood, no complete Viking Age loom sunives. However, children had simple toys.

The social distinctions that are evident in so many

aspects of Viking Age life were reflected in the kind of
dress worn by individual men and women: the style Right Contrasting styles in male-
dress: [top) A man of the very
and cut of the garments themselves, the materials used
highest class wears an overshirt of
and the quality of the brooches or pins that fastened undyed linen above baggy
them made a clear statement about the wealth and knee-length trousers of fine
worsted yarn. His rectangular
status of the wearer. Dress accessories, of being made
woolen cloak is fastened at the
metal, have been recovered in large numbers from right shoulder. Another rich man
excavated Viking Age cemeteries and settlements, but wears a tailored and belted jacket
ed with fur over a linen shirt.
textile remains are much harder to come by. We can Strips of cloth ("puttees") bind his
learn a little from the cloth impressions left, as part of trousers below the knee [center). A
slave or servant's clothing was
the manufacturing process, on the back of cast bronze
made of coarsely woven woolen
brooches, but the best evidence we have comes from cloth.It was loose-fitting, being

some bundles of cast-off clothing found preserved in designed for work (bottom).

the mud of Hedeby harbor; they had been used as

Above Bronze brooches and pins
packing material or perhaps for tarring ships. They were worn on the shoulder to
provided a rare source of information about the fasten men's cloaks, but were
sometimes made of silver in large
different types and qualities of cloth in the Viking Age,
and elaborate designs. This bronze
and the methods of tailoring. Fashions changed slowly example from Denmark is quite
in this period so we can be reasonably confident that small and is decorated with the
heads of three Viking men with
the styles reconstructed from this discovery are
coiffed hair and drooping
representative of the Viking Age as a whole. mustaches.

Right Pairs of oval brooches

formed an integral part of female
dress, and are the commonest of all
brooches found in the Viking Age.
Most were of rather poor quality
bronze with simple designs; others
- like the pair shown here - were
gilded and decorated with intricate
animal patterns. At the bottom of
each of this pairis a perforated lug,

allowing strings of beads to be

hung between them. The trefoil
brooch fastened an outer garment.

Below Both men and women wore

leather shoes that were low-cut and
slipper-like in shape. Men also
wore ankle- and calf-high boots
that laced either at the front or the
side. The usual material was cattle
hide, but goatskin was used for the
very finest quality boots.

Right The dress of the high-status

woman [above] is held in place In
three brooches: the one at the neck
fastens her long-sleeved,
ankle-length tunic of finely pleated
linen, while the matching pair pin
the shoulder straps of her close
woolen pinafore
fitting, calf-length
Outdoor clothing tor the rich
was warm and weatherproof
[below). This woman is wearing a
long-sleeved outer garment of
high-quality wool that may have
been quilted with down.
Trimmings of braid in contrasting
colors, sometimes incorporating
gold thread, were often sew n
around the neck and down the
Depictions of men and women on various artifacts believed necessary to earn the deceased to the next

Above These burial mounds mark

was favored by both sexes; some one of the cemeteries that surround
indicate that long hair world, and burial with horses (mostly found in Den-
the Viking Age town of Birka in
men wore theirs tightly rolled into a bun at the nape of mark, and at Birka in Sweden) may suggest the same Sweden. Burial customs varied,
the neck, others had their hair shaved, while the women thing. However, it seems clear that burial with a boat or both regionally and socially, during
the Viking Age in Scandinavia, and
sometimes arranged their long flowing locks in rather wagon was reserved for wealthy individuals, and may both cremation and inhumation
complicated styles knotted on the crown of the head. merely have been the means of emphasizing the high were practiced. It is estimated that
Combs found in great abundance on excavated sites standing and importance of the deceased person. there are about 3,000 graves at
Birka, of which some 1,100 have
suggest that people lavished care and attention on their In rural communities in Norway and eastern central been excavated; many of these
hair, perhaps with the aim of eradicating head lice. Sweden cremation was the most common form of burial contain rich grave-goods that have
thrown much light on the lives and
Neatly groomed beards and mustaches were common- until the end of the period. Cremation graves under
activities of the settlement's
place for the men. Men wore trousers and a long tunic mounds cluster around the Viking Age farms, usually on occupants.
topped by a cloak, the women multi-layered ankle- rocky outcrops. Because these places are not suitable for
length garments in both wool and linen. A single cultivation, the graves have not been swept away by
ring-headed pin or ring brooch fastened the men's cloaks modern agriculture and are still clearly visible today. In
at the shoulder, while the women's garments were kept the absence of excavations to establish the presence of
in place by a pair of brooches (usually oval-shaped, farm buildings (only recently undertaken in Sweden and
though styles varied from region to region) worn one on stillalmost unknown in Norway) such graves provide
each shoulder, with another at the neck. the only indication of the sites of Viking Age farmsteads.
They have consequently been used to pinpoint centers of
Burial customs population and estimate the number of inhabitants,
For much of the Viking Age the Scandinavian peoples particularly in the Malaren region of eastern central
retained their traditional religious beliefs. They wor- Sweden, suggesting that the population may have
shiped pagan gods and buried their dead according to increased by a half during the Viking Age.
pagan rituals, and the objects that were interred with the In most cases, the body to be cremated was clothed
dead for, we assume, religious purposes, are today an and adorned with jewelry and fastenings for display or
invaluable source of information about the way they utility, and incinerated on a pyre. The cremated bones
Overleaf Some of the richest
lived. The Vikings practiced two types of burial: crema- and melted jewellery were then gathered together and Viking Age graves are boat-bunals,
tion and inhumation. The corpse seems to have been disposed of in various ways, suggesting that different but boat-shaped settings of stones
may have provided a symbolic
buried or burnt in everyday clothes, and was usually religious rituals were being observed. In central Sweden, alternative. These settings form
provided with the personal possessions and utensils that for instance, the burnt remains were usually carefully part of the cemetery at Lindholm
Ho|e northern Jutland. The
he or she would have used in life. Sometimes the corpse separated from the ash and charcoal of the funeral pyre in
stone outlines, which also include
was buried inside a boat or wagon. This leads to the and placed in a pottery vessel, which was then deposited circles, squares and triangles,
assumption that some form of transportation was in a pit dug into the earth; in parts of Finland they were surround cr
Burials in \ iking Age Scandinavia
Both cremation and inhumation were- practiced in
pre-Christian Scandinavia, the
former being the dominant method
in Norway, most of Sweden and

Finland, and the latter in southern

Sweden, Denmark and Gotland.
Unlike inhumations, cremations
were usually covered with mounds
or cairns, making them easier for
archaeologists to distinguish today.
The mounds might he circular,
square or triangular, or even
surrounded by a boatshaped setting
of stones; in some areas the
cremated bones were placed in
pottery vessels, in others they were
merely scattered on the ground. In
towns and settlements, burials were
concentrated in cemeteries a little

removed from the centers of

population; in rural areas they
usually lay close to the homesteads.
Great earth mounds were erected
over the burials of the rich and
powerful, some of whom were
interred in shipsand boats, as at
Oseberg and Gokstad in
Norway and Vendel and Valsgarde
in central Sweden. Such burials,

however, were not confined to the

highest ranks,and are particularly
common in coastal Norway.
Inhumed female corpses were also
sometimes placed in the bodies of
wagons and carts, perhaps
indicating a belief that the afterlife
could only be reached by making a

* | Loddekbpmge
s i*Uand n Vellmge J] Simris pre-Viking bunal lind
JaravallenU ^Valleberga
1 royal or aristocratic

Viking burial find

fl royal or anstocratic
QHedeby "'"""a"* F ^,er
1 ship

•nip bunals

dominant method of human bunal. 750 -1000



scale 1 : 7 700 000


Left A stone-paved roadway helped
travelers in the late Viking Age to
cross the Risby valley on S|aelland,
in Denmark. Excavations showed
that the river itself was crossed by
a wooden construction, beneath
which were discovered a wagon
wheel and a simple wooden sledge.

scattered on the ground. The cremated remains, whether covered by cairns of stones and earth. Inhumation
buried or scattered, were then covered by a mound of became common in southwest Finland in the 11th
earth or simplymarked by stones, which were arranged century, perhaps indicative of the encroachment of
in a number of different ways according to locality, Christian customs, but grave-goods continued to be
again indicating divergent religious practices. At Lind- buried in Finnish graves for another century.
holm Hoje in north Jutland, for instance, and at other Cremation of bodies was also commonplace in the
places, many of the graves aremarked by boat-shaped Viking Age towns of Norway, Denmark and Sweden.
arrangements of stones. In central Sweden they may be The cemeteries, which sometime comprise huge
marked by circular mounds, or by triangular settings of numbers of graves, were placed close to the settlement.
stones, sometimes with concave sides. In Birka, for instance, at least 3,000 graves are known
Right Wooden sledges provided an
The Swedish Viking influence on burials is clear on the from the 200 years of the town's existence (not all of important form of winter transport
Aland islands, where there are cremations under these are cremations), and there may have been up to during the Viking Age, the largest
of which were made to be pulled
mounds, but in Finland itself a fusion of traditions and 7,000 burials at Hedeby. Other Viking Age settlements, by draft animals. The Oseberg
practices is found. In the southwest, boat-burials were such as Kaupang in southeast Norway, are similarly ship-burial in Norway contained
no than four, of which three
common but no mounds were raised above the cremated encircled by huge grave fields. It is very probable that
(including this elegant example are
remains, which were merely scattered on the ground. cemeteries also surrounded Ribe in Denmark, but only a beautifully caned; the fourth is a

Farther inland both cremations and inhumations were few graves have so far been discovered. plain workaday model.
The practice of inhumation raises a number of ordinary men and women - some wealthier than others,
questions that are difficult to answer. With the introduc- whether belonging to the farming or the merchant
tion of Christianity it gradually replaced cremation community. The astonishing richness of objects found in
everywhere, but we know it had been adopted by some the huge burial mounds of royal or aristocratic in-
of the Scandinavian peoples by the beginning of the dividuals have been described in an earlier section of the
Viking Age. In southern Jutland, where inhumation was book. By the end of the 10th century the custom of
prevalent, thismay have been the result of influences burial with rich grave-goods had died out in Denmark
from the Christianized lands to the south, but elsewhere and was becoming less and less common elsewhere
itsuse is more problematic. Why, for instance, did (other than in Finland), no doubt as a result of the final
people on the Baltic island of Cotland turn over to this triumph of Christianity over the pagan religion. From
We shall probably never know.
essentially alien rite? then onward the practice of inhumation in east-west
Although inhumation was practiced outside these two orientated graves and without accompanying equip-
main areas, the archaeological evidence suggests that it ment became prevalent throughout Scandinavia, and
was a rite confined to the upper echelons of society, or to burials can no longer be used as a source of information
foreigners. The latter were most evident in the Viking about daily life as well as death.
Age towns; they brought with them their own rituals
and religious beliefs. Some of the best evidence we have Travel and communications
for inhumation graves comes from the towns of Birka In Viking Age Scandinavia, communication was
and Hedeby. In the former, foreign traders came mainly naturally by water, along the extensive coastlines of
from the east, from Russia or even farther afield. If the Norway and Sweden and threading between the
merchants were unfortunate enough to die at Birka they numerous islands along their shores. Natural harbors
were buried according to the customs of their homeland. along the coasts provided safe overnight anchorages
And they were mostly buried together in their own facilitating seaborne transport, and lake and river
cemetery near the fortress overlooking the town. systems could be used to penetrate far inland into the
Excavations at Birka in the 19th century uncovered heartlands of settlement. Stretches of impenetrable
numerous graves of the so-called "chamber grave" type. forest, bogs, and mountains posed innumerable ob-
A pit was dug into the ground and lined with timber. The stacles to land travel across much of Scandinavia.
body of the deceased was then placed, fully clothed, in Nevertheless, the Vikings did journey over land when
the chamber and was surrounded by objects of everyday necessary, a taskmade easier in winter, particularly in
use. Horses were sometimes placed in such graves, and the north, when wet and boggy ground was frozen
human sacrifices are not unknown. Similarly rich hard, and sledges, skis and skates could be used.
chamber graves have been found at Hedeby, and the Several different types of sledge are known. The
custom of interring bodies in subterranean chambers is was the ski-sledge. Consisting of
simplest and lightest
fairly common throughout Jutland, particularly in the a light body mounted on skis and pulled by hand, it
10th century. These burials are the most spectacular must have been used to transport light and compact
inhumations known from Viking Age Scandinavia, but loads such as the furs from animals trapped in
other forms of inhumation are also found. Bodies were the northern areas of Sweden, Norway and Finland.
buried in coffins, sunk into the ground in pits, or perhaps Heavier sledges were used to convey bulkier goods.
buried swathed in a birch-bark shroud. Because the They were dragged by draft animals, either horses or
bodies and their equipment were not cremated, the oxen, whose hoofs were studded with iron ice-nails or
metal objects buried with them are often in an excellent crampons to give a grip on the icy surfaces. Examples
state of preservation. of these sturdy sledges have been found in the ship
The burials described above contain the remains of burials at Oseberg and at Gokstad.
Left Bone skates for use over
winter ice are common finds, such
as these from Lund. They were
made from the metatarsals of
horses or cattle and were strapped
to the foot with leather thongs. The
skater used a stick, or sticks, like
the one shown here to propel
himself forward; sometimes they
were furnished with an iron tip

Skis were used in northern Scandinavia as early as negotiated by the traveler. Until the end of the Viking
the Bronze Age. At 100 examples from all
least Age, fords and causeways were the most usual form of
prehistoric periods are known from Finland alone, crossing. Freestanding bridges do not seem to have
about 30 of them dating from the Viking Age. Pine been built until the late Viking Age. Ravning Enge
was chosen to make the skis, which could be up to 2 bridge, some 10 kilometers south of the royal center of
meters long, since the natural resins in the wood Jelling in central Jutland, built about 980, is an
lubricated the underside to make them run more amazing structure. It is 700 meters long, 5 meters wide
smoothly over the snow-covered ground. Skates were and could carry a weight of 5 tonnes. More than 1 ,000
made from the longbones of horses, cattle or elks, supporting posts of oak were used in its foundations
flattened on each surface and tied to the foot. They and an incalculable number of timbers made up its
were not like skates as we know them today, but more superstructure. It cannot have been typical of bridges
like very short skis that fitted immediately under the built at this time; the amount of wealth and manpower
foot. The skater propelled himself over the ice using involved in its construction suggests that it was built
one or two iron-tipped sticks. for a specific purpose, probably by King Harald
At other times of the year, most people would have Bluetooth to enhance the entry into his royal center.
traveled on foot, with only the rich and important Other bridges are known from 11th-century
riding on horseback. Equestrian equipment — such as Sweden. They are mostly marked by rune-stones
stirrups, spurs and bridles - was commonly included recording the construction of the bridge, often by a
as grave-goods in high-status burials. The leather woman in memory of her son or husband or - as in the
bridles have decayed, leaving only the mounts, often case of Iarlabanki's bridge at Taby in central Sweden —
of ornately decorated gilded bronze, to show where by a landowner to enhance his local prestige. These
they had been. The decorations from wooden harness- bridges are what we would call causeways today, a
bows, probably used for harnessing horses to wagons, raised pathway of stones covered with sand or gravel
have also been found. An especially fine wagon was affording a dry passage across a stream or marsh. It is
found with the Oseberg burial, but more everyday interesting that the number of these "bridges" in-
examples are known from Denmark where, in the creases after the introduction of Christianity at the end
10th century, it was common practice for wealthy of the Viking Age. Perhaps we have not yet discovered
women to be buried in the detached bodies of wagons. many earlier bridges, but it seems more than likely that
Roads were built to facilitate overland travel. The with organized Christianity came the need for im-
Army Road running the length of the Jutland penin- proved rapid communication between priests and the
sula is the best surviving example. It follows the people they served.
highest ground keeping to the watershed, and comes
closest to what might be called a "main road" or Ships and shipbuilding
highway today, even though for most of its length it Heavy reliance on waterborne travel and transport led
was an unsurfaced track. Road surfaces (nearly al- to the Vikings becoming skillful shipwrights and
ways of wood) were only laid down across difficult excellent sailors. Their vessels ranged from the long,
country, such as boggy land, and at their simplest narrow, shallow-draft warships to the sturdier ships
consisted of brushwood and branches spread out to (strong enough to withstand the buffeting of the winds
provide a fairly stable surface. In other cases they and waves) that carried settlers and their equipment
might be built of closely set tree trunks or even westwards to the islands of the North Atlantic, and the
well-carpentered timbers. even sturdier cargo-carrying merchant ships. A variety
Throughout Scandinavia, the innumerable rivers of fishing boats, ferries, and boats for inland journeys
and streams that flow across the landscape had to be were also built. The stark difference in speed and
comfort between journeys by water and by land is well proportion to their length than the warships, had a
summed up by the German cleric Adam of Bremen hold that could accommodate goods, and relied on sail
writing about Sweden in the 1070s. He records that rather than oars for their propulsion. Speed was not
the sailing time from Skane in south Sweden to Sigtuna essential. The real need was for seaworthy vessels that
on Lake Malaren was five days, but that the overland could cross the seas without shipwreck or foundering;
trip took one month. oars were only necessary when the ship came into
Whether large or small, the Viking ships had harbor and had to be brought alongside the jetty. The
various features in common. They were clinker built; Askeskarr ship, for example, only had provision for a
that is, their hulls were made of overlapping strakes single pair of oars.
(planks), joined together with iron rivets and made These ships were designed to sail in the coastal
watertight by caulking, usually with animal hair. The waters around Scandinavia and in the open seas to the
hulls were built about a long and deep keel that west. The warriors and merchants who set out east-
formed the backbone of the ship; a keelson (or wards along the rivers of Russia to Byzantium and the
mast-fish) to support the base of the mast fitted above Caspian Sea needed vessels that were smaller and
it. The stems and sterns were elegantly curved; in the lighter than these sturdy ships, capable of being lifted
most prestigious vessels the prows ended in fierce out of the water and carried or dragged over portages
dragon heads or spirals embellished with glittering — specially constructed routes consisting of shallow
metal fittings. The rudders were like huge oars, gulleys lined with timber - to avoid rapids, rocks, and
attached to the starboard side of the stern and other such obstacles.
manipulated by the steersman using a tiller. The vast majority of vessels used by the Vikings
Both sails and oars were used to propel the ships, were not the long-distance warships and merchant
sometimes together. The genius of the Vikings was to ships but a variety of small boats designed for fishing
combine the two methods with a truly seaworthy hull or to carry people, goods, local news and gossip from
— the hull of a sail-driven vessel needs to be of wider one settlement to another; some traveled along the
beam and higher sided than that of a ship moved by coast but most plied the inland river and lake water-
oars alone. This problem was solved by the introduc- ways. We have surprisingly little evidence about these
tion of the keel, which gave the ships strength, stability vessels, but a small fishing smack or ferry boat was
and flexibility. In addition to this, the invention of a found in a reasonable state of preservation at Skul-
sailing mast that could be stepped and unstepped (put delev, and the ship in the Gokstad burial carried on
up and taken down) while the ship was in motion board three small rowing-boats including a four-
meant that vessels were less dependent on the vagaries oared fcering. This was no more than 6.5 meters long.
Below This pair of silver and
of the wind. Sails were introduced from farther south Fragmentary remains of small boats have also been
copper inlaid stirrups are from a
richly equipped horseman's burial in Europe just before the beginning of the Viking found in boat-burials in Norway, Denmark and
at N0rre Longelse on Langeland, Age. Ships with wide square or rectangular sails Sweden. One of these - a small rowing boat with five
Denmark. Though horse harness in
are depicted on Gotlandic picture-stones dating from pairs of oars from the cemetery of Valsgarde, central
general is common from Viking
Age burials throughout the 7th and 8th centuries, and there is no reason Sweden - has been reconstructed and tested.
Scandinavia, stirrups and spurs are to suppose that these differed from the sails used Other such reconstructions have helped experts to
more rarely found, being
high-status items; they mostly date
on Viking ships; none have survived, however. discover a great deal about the way Viking ships were
to the latter part of the period. Evidence of the variety of Viking ships comes to us built and how they were rigged to run before the wind
from the chance discovery of vessels in burials, as and to tack. For example, some of the ships found at
wrecks, or submerged in harbors where they once Skuldelev have been meticulously copied and given
formed part of the defenses. At Skuldelev, Roskilde extensive sea trials. In the late 1980s, a replica of a ship
fjord, on the Danish island of Sjadland, for example, discovered at Tingstade Trask on Gotland that may
five ships were sunk to form a blockade across part of was built and
well have sailed along the Russian rivers
the fjord in the early 1 1th century. Two of these ships rowed and dragged all the way to
successfully sailed,
were warships, and with another found as a wreck Byzantium (modern Istanbul) in Turkey, a journey
inside the harbor at Hedeby, they provide valuable that took about three months.
information about this type of vessel. All three are of Unfortunately no shipbuilding yard of the Viking
shallow draft, long (30 meters in the case of one of the Age has yet been discovered, but archaeological
Skuldelev wrecks) and narrow, with provision for a excavations have uncovered several sites where ship
sail. More importantly, they clearly had seats for up to repairs took place. At one such site at Paviken on the
18 pairs of oarsmen, and were obviously basically island of Gotland, traces were found of a "dry dock"
rowing boats with the addition of a sail that could be in which ships could berth while undergoing repairs,
hoisted or lowered at will. The oars gave added speed, together with innumerable ships' rivets and tools. A
but they also made the ships more maneuverable particularly interesting site has been explored on the
during delicate tasks like beaching or berthing. These Fribrodre river on the Danish island of Falster. Many
were the type of ship that the Vikings would have used fragmentary ships' timbers uncovered here suggest
for their startling raids upon the monasteries of that this was a breaking yard for ships; the timbers
western Europe. taken from the old vessels would probably be reused
The blockade at Skuldelev also contained the to patch up other ships. The site lies in the extreme east
wrecks of two freight-carrying merchant ships. The of Denmark close to the south Baltic coast, an area
larger was 16.5 meters long, built of pine, and was that shows frequent signs of Slavic influence. We can
capable of carrying about 40 tonnes of cargo; it might see this at Fribrodre, for example, in the use of wooden
well have transported furs and other commodities dowels to attach the strakes, a method favored by the
from the trading centers of Scandinavia to the markets Slavs, rather than the iron clenchnails usually prefer-
in the west. Remains of other similar merchantmen red by Scandinavian shipbuilders. A small vessel
have been found at Askeskarr in western Sweden, at excavated at Hedeby that shows a similar combina-
Kalstad near Kaupang, southwest Norway, and in the tion of Scandinavian and Slavic building techniques
harbor at Hedeby. All the ships were wider in was probably built in the eastern Baltic.
Viking Ships

Ships were not just regarded by the Vikings as

everyday means of transport: their significance is
shown in the role they played in the religious rituals of
the Viking Age. People of high social rank were
frequently buried with their ships. It was the excava-
tion of some of the great burial mounds of Scandinavia
in the 19th century that first revealed to modern eyes
the splendor and perfection of the Viking ship. The
magnificent vessel uncovered in the 9th-century burial Above Specialized merchant ships Below The magnificently decorated stern and bow. The light draft,
like the one known as Skuldelev 3 ship found in the 9th-century even when loaded, allowed ships to
at Oseberg, Norway (shown right) was essentially a
were deeper and broader in the bunal mound of a high-ranking go close into shore and far inland
"royal yacht", designed for coastal and inland waters. beam than the Viking warships, tc woman at Oseberg was never up shallow rivers, and the deep
For sheer shipwrighting skill, there is nothing to make room for cargo. Decking at intended as an ocean-going vessel. keel and steeply angled bottom
the ends was for the lookout It has nevertheless yielded valuable timbers reduced sideways drift
surpass the 9th-century ship found in a burial mound forward and the helmsman aft . evidence about Viking when tacking against the wind. On
at Gokstad, also in Norway. This was probably the There was little protection for the shipbuilding. A distinctive feature warships there were evenly spaced
crew, but the cargo was probably of all Viking ships was the oarports for oars the full length of
type of ship used by the early Vikings to cross the seas
covered with hides. symmetrically shaped hull, with each sides: merchant ships had oars
to their new lands in the west. curved stems of equal height at onlv at the end.
The Age ships was demon-
true diversity of Viking
strated in 195" when at Skuldelev, Denmark, a group
of working ships was recovered from the bottom of
Roskilde fjord, where they had lain since being
deliberately sunk in the 11th century to form a
blockade. Differences in shape showed that while two
were warships, others had specialized functions as
cargo-carrying vessels, fishing boats or ferries. Enough
details were preserved to suggest how the Skuldelev
ships had been built, providing information about the
species of timber chosen, the sequence of building
stages shown in the drawing at the top of the facing
page and the woodworking techniques used. It also
proved possible to deduce how the masts had been
supported, and the probable shape and size of the sails
(see the drawing of Skuldelev 3, top right). Recent sea
trials of fullsized reconstructions of three of the
Skuldelev ships have demonstrated how well they
handled under oars and under sail.

Above The 9th-centur) Gokstad preservation. Its seaworthiness \\ a^

ship can be seen in the Viking Ship demonstrated shortly alter its
Museum Bvgdoy. near Oslo,
at discovery in 1880 when a replica
which also houses the Oseberg was sailed from Norway to
ship. Though the Gokstad ship is America across the rough waters ot
less ornate, it was superblv crafted the North Atlantic.
and was found in a better state or

Trade and urban growth many significant innovations and changes were intro-
For more than 200 years the Vikings made use of their duced into Scandinavia during the Viking period. It was,
sailing skills and their ocean-going vessels to dominate for example, the development of a well-organized
the long-distance trade routes of northern Europe. system of trade with internal routes centering on points
Locally available raw materials — furs, feathers and of assembly and shipment that provided the stimulus for
down, timber and tar, iron ore, schist for making whet- early town growth. Before then most people lived in
stones (for sharpening blades), soapstone for domestic small, predominantly agricultural settlements.
cooking vessels, salt fish, sealskins and walrus ivory, and The first towns in Scandinavia were places with a
the amber found washed up along the coasts of the Baltic relatively dense concentration of people who gained
Sea - were all in great demand in western Europe. Furs, their living through trade and the manufacture of
honey, wax, ivory and slaves (some captured in the west) commodities mainly designed for the local market;
were exported to Byzantium and the east. The organiza- farming was of less importance. Some of these sites may
non ofthese goods for dispatch to foreign markets was have grown up spontaneously because they stood at the
an elaborate process: the raw materials had to be intersections of communication routes, but most seem to
collected at their place of origin, transported to the have been deliberately founded by a king or great
coast, and then assembled into cargoes to be loaded into landowner, no doubt with the intention of acquiring Below A lump of amber washed up
merchant ships. In addition, other goods were imported on a Jutland beach. Raw materials
revenue by imposing tolls on the commodities brought
formed the basis for trade from
from farther afield for trade. Silver was one of the most into and exported from the town. Before the beginning Scandinavia during the Viking Age,
important of these. Other imported goods included silk, of the 8th century there is little sign of incipient town and included such exotic luxuries
as walrus ivory from the Arctic
spices and jewelry from the east, and wine, glass, pottery growth in Scandinavia, though commerce and crafts
north and amber from the Baltic
and weapons from western and central Europe. flourished at a few sites such as Helgo and Lundeborg Sea. The latter was much used for

The image of Vikings as traders and merchants is less near Gudme, probably in connection with their role as beads, but also for amulets; they
were produced in urban workshops
romantic than their image as warriors, invaders and cult centers. This may reflect the lack of largescale both at home and abroad,
pirates, but it was through trade and commerce that trading before that time, but may also indicate the including Ribe and Dublin.
The Vikings as traders
In theViking Age, Scandinavia i

at the center ofan extensive

trading network. The Vikings'
going ships gave them
command of the seaways of
northwestern Europe, and smaller
and lighter craft enabled them to
igate the rivers of <

Europe and Russia to trade with

Byzantium and with the tribes who
controlled access to the great
overland trade routes of central
Asia. Scandinavia's raw materials
were exchanged for silver and
luxury goods: silks, spices and
honey to flavor their food, and
wine to wash it down were
especially valued, as were pottery
and glass vessels from the
Rhineland, and Frankish swords.

Below Silver was one of the most

coveted commodities in Viking Age
Scandinavia, and was obtained
from west and east by means of
raiding or trading. These
are from one of the
[magnificent silver hoards to
have been found on Gotland,
which contains nngs, brooches,
beads and pendants, together with
more than 1,000 Islamic, German,
Bohemian, Byzantine and English

O important trading center

trade route

goods traded by Vikings

linguistic group c.900

| |



| j

[ I

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Turkc and Iranian



Though archaeologists first began to investigate the Right The dominant feature in this
view of Hedeby - a pleasant
site at Hedeby at the beginning of the century, only
rural spot today - is the curving
about 5 percent of the area of the Viking town has so rampart, 1,300 meters long and in
farbeen uncovered. Nevertheless, this is a far greater placesstill standing to its original

height of 10 meters, which is now

expanse than has been investigated in any other
clothed in trees. To the east (right)
such Viking Age settlement. The layout of Hedeby's is the shallow inlet of Haddeby
wooden-paved streets can be traced in great detail, as Noor and at the top are the blue
waters of the Schlei fjord which
can the groundplans of the buildings that served as connected Hedeby to the Baltic
dwellings, workshops and stores for the inhabitants of Sea. A dense patch of woodland at
the north end of the rampart is the
this prosperous trading center. Its international
site of the hillfort that overlooked
character is reflected in the artifacts found there from the town; the light-colored
all over the Viking world and beyond, including some buildings at its foot house the
Viking Museum.
from as far east as Baghdad. Excavations within the
area of the harbor have greatly extended our
knowledge of the nature of Viking Age shipping and
the construction of jetties and harbor defenses.

Left Hedeby's busy waterfront as it

would have looked in the 10th

century. Merchant ships loading
and unloading cargoes of various
kinds are tied up alongside wooden
lerties that extend out into the
f the harbor with its

defensive barrier. Evidence for the

construction of the houses and
lerties has been provided by the
excavations that have taken place
over the past decades at Hedeby.

absence of rulers with power and authority to found

settlements. So we cannot really say that there were
towns Scandinavia before about 700. After that date
they certainly existed, and gradually increased in both
number and size.
The towns founded by the Vikings in the 8th and 9th
centuries were not like towns as we understand them
today. They had no great public buildings built in stone,
and we know little about how they were administered.
They consisted of groups of wooden buildings, each
containing a separate household with a dwelling-house
and outbuildings within a fenced yard. Apart from the
fact that the inhabitants gained their primary source of
income from manufacture, there was little to
distinguish their settlements from a village. Most of our
information about these early towns comes from three
sites in particular, all the subject of archaeological
excavations in recent years: Hedeby and Ribe in Jutland
and Birka in central Sweden. All three are mentioned by
name in the 9th-century biography of Ansgar, the
"Apostle of the North", who made two journeys, one in
the 820s and one in the 850s, from his monastery at
Corvey in north Germany to try to convert the bar-
barians of the north.

Centers of trade in Jutland

The site of Hedeby (known as Haithabu in German) lies
just south of the modern town of Schleswig in Germany.
Today there is nothing there but open fields, with only
the great semicircular rampart to the townshow where
once stood. Until the end of the 19th century its site was

unknown Mention is made of Hedeby

to archaeologists.
in a written source of 808, which says that the Danish
king Godfred settled a group of merchants there. This
has led historians to the view that Hedeby was founded
at the beginning of the 9th century. However, excava-
tions have uncovered a small settlement, dating from the
mid 8th century, to the south of what was later to
become the center of the Viking Age town. It was at least
partly rural in character at this date, containing some
long farm buildings in which cattle were kept. By the 9th
century it had been superseded by the so-called central
settlement clustered around the stream that flowed
through the site into Haddeby Noor, an inlet at the
southern end of the Schlei fjord. In the 10th century
Hedeby was surrounded by the very substantial rampart
that incorporated it into the Danevirke. At its greatest
extent, Hedeby covered an area of 24 hectares within the
ramparts and had a population of about 1,500 individ-
uals, bigger than other northern European trading
towns of this date, but nowhere near as large as the
long-established cities of the Mediterranean. An Arab
merchant, Al-Tartushi, who visited Hedeby in about
950, has left a graphic description of the place and the
customs of its people:
Above These silver coins, minted in

Hedeby about 825, are copies of

Frisian coins. The upper coin a large town at the very far end of the world ocean.
[It] is
carries a picture of a ship with high
It has freshwater wells within the city. Its people
curving stem and stern. The sail is
furled at the top of the mast. The worship Sirius except for a feiv who are Christians and
Above A plan of the 10th-century flowing out into the Noor. The
settlement. In the original mid only defense was the hillfort. By
lower coin shows the gable of a have a church there. ..The town is poorly provided with
house, the roof possibly covered
8th-century settlement, occupation the 10th century the semicircular property or treasure. The inhabitants' principal food is
with shingles and its crest crowned
was concentrated to the south rampart had been built up in stages which The people often throw a
with animal-head finials. The fish, is plentiful.
\SUdsiedlung) but by the 9th until it was at least 10 meters high
slanting lines on either side are newborn child into the sea rather than maintain it.
century its focus had shifted to an and enclosed an area of 24
probably wall-supports of a type
area around the mouth of a stream hectares.
that are commonly found in
buildings excavated at Hedeby. Hedeby's low-lying situation and the waterlogged
This coin has been pierced tor later
nature of the soil means that organic materials such as
use as a pendant.
wood, leather or textiles have survived in a remarkable
state of preservation. The foundations of the houses can
be clearly traced. It seems to have been a highly


Ribe is one of the earliest towns of Viking Age

Scandinavia. It lies about halfway down the west side
of the Jutland peninsula in a sheltered position on the
river Ribea, about 5 kilometers inland from the North
Sea. The small seasonal market center that grew up
here in the early years of the 8th century, with
temporary booths where craftsmen made and sold
their goods, was thus extremely well placed to develop
trading connections extending right along the North
Sea coast, and soon developed into a permanent

settlement. The many silver coins (sceattas) found at

Ribe, and probably minted there, show its importance
as a center of trade in the 8th century, and its role
continued for the next 200 years. From its earliest
beginnings, goods arrived there from western Europe
and the British Isles to be exchanged for the products
of Ribe's fertile hinterland — possibly mainly cattle
hides (deep deposits of cattle dung have been found
among the workshop sites of the earliest settlement).
Amber washed up along the Jutland shore would also
have been a highly prized commodity.
From the beginning, too, manufacture was an
Below Viking Age Ribe lay on the extremely important aspect of Ribe's economy. Ex-
north bank of the river Ribea cavation of the debris found within the Viking Age
(which did not then flow along its
present course) on a small sandy
town's industrial area has provided a wealth of
peninsula that was slightly higher information about 8th- and 9th-century production
than the surrounding wetlands.
methods. Craftsmen worked in the open air crouching
Excavations in 1989 uncovered a
stretch of the semicircular rampart over simple pit hearths that were protected by wind-
that appears to have been built to breaks. Here they cast bronze jewelry and decorative
strengthen its defenses to the north
and east in the 10th century. It
mounts of all descriptions and made the glass beads
probably surrounded a settlement that were produced in their thousands. Amber was
area of about 10 hectares. Later the worked into beads and pendants, and red-
focus of the town moved to the
south bank, where the medieval
deer antler was fashioned into the combs that were
town developed. always greatly in demand by Viking men and women.

Right Excavation of Ribe's
workshops has produced
considerable evidence about
manufacturing methods.
Bead-making was an important
craft. Raw glass (recycled
fragments of broken glass or glass
cubes imported from Italy) was

melted and then drawn out into
lengths that were softened and
wound around an iron rod. The
bead was molded into a round or
cylindrical shape before being
pushed off the rod. The debris
discovered in a bead-maker's
workshop in Ribe includes broken
beads, discarded lengths of colored
glass, some of them banded or
t -Drtour
twisted with trails of glass in other
JTc- present ri <er rjanks and islands
colors, and hardened drops of
area of settlement c 700 -1000 molten glass that fell to the ground

in the manufacturing process.

area ot settlement c 1000 onwards

organized settlement. Rectangular houses of two or

three rooms were arranged in yards surrounded by
ditches and wooden fences. The short sides of the yards
faced wooden-paved streets, probably essential in a
place that must frequently have been flooded. The
stream was canalized and lined with wooden planks. At
intervals along its length short flights of steps led from
the bank to the water, ending in small platforms where
clothes could be washed. An abundant supply of
drinking water was provided by wood-lined wells.
Within the harbor area wooden jetties or piers were built
out from the shore into deep water where merchant
ships could tie up to unload their goods. Together with
the harbor installations at other Viking Age towns, these
jetties provide convincing proof that Viking ships did

not always have to be beached, contrary to the view that

was held in the past.
Hedeby's quantity of well-preserved artifacts enable
us to build up a detailed picture of the manufacturing
and trading activities of its inhabitants. It is clear that a
local trading network was established in the immediate
hinterland, with simple objects such as combs and
jewelry being made and exchanged for essential food-
stuffs with the population of rural villages such as Kosel
to the east. But there is also ample evidence of Hedeby 's
place at the center of the expanding exchange of trade
between eastern and western Europe that developed
during the 9th and 10th centuries.
Goods such as silver and silk were brought to Hedeby
from the east on the merchant ships that crossed the
There they were exchanged for commodities
Baltic Sea.
from western Europe, including wine and the more
mundane lava stones used to make grindstones. No
waterways connect Hedeby to the North Sea. The goods
must, then, have been carried overland between Hedeby
and the west coast. The most probable route followed
the course of the Danevirke, and it is possible that the
building of the rampart that connects Hedeby to this
defense work was in some way connected with the
town's increasing trade and wealth. Hedeby was un-
doubtedly becoming an ever more attractive target for
attack. Icelandic sagas record a number of fierce as-
saults, culminating in its total destruction by a Slavic
force in 1066. Tree-ring analysis of timbers found
during recent excavations in the medieval core of the
nearby town of Schleswig show that building started
here as early as 1071. Could this have been the
replacement for Viking Age Hedeby, as historians have
long suspected?
The deserted site of Hedeby is in great contrast to the
Above The town of Ribe is still
dominated by the tower ol its modern and bustling town of Ribe on the west coast of
medieval cathedral, which stands Jutland. A small market center that sprang up on the
on the south bank of the river
north bank of the Ribe river in the first decade of the 8th
Ribea as it flows through the
lowlying countryside of west century grew to become the leading port on the west
Jutland toward the North Sea. Ribe coast of Jutland for the next 300 years. The cathedral
became a bishopric in 948. The site
of the Viking Age town of the 8th and the core of the medieval and modern town stand on
and 9th centuries lies in the the south bank of the river. For long archaeologists
wooded area on the north bank. It believed that the town visited by Ansgar in 854 must
was abandoned or relegated to the
status of a suburb when settlement have stood on the same site but successive excavations
moved across the nver to the area around the cathedral failed to reveal any Viking Age
around the cathedral.
remains. Was Viking Ribe a myth? Did Ansgar never
come there at all? The question was spectacularly
answered by excavations that began in the 1970s when
digging started at sites on the north bank of the river. It
has been going on there almost continuously ever since.
We now know that Ribe was indeed a flourishing
settlement by the 9th century, but its center lay north of
the Ribe river in an area that had declined to the status of
a suburb by the end of the Viking Age. In other words,

the Viking Age town was deserted and replaced by a A Viking town in Sweden
later settlement in another location. This movement is In 829 Ansgar, responding to an invitation to bring the
not as obvious as the shift from Hedeby to Schleswig, Christian mission to "the land of the Svear", set out to
but it is equally as important. sail to Birka in central Sweden. It proved a hazardous
Ribe stands at a crossing of land and water routes. journey. At one point his ship was attacked by pirates
The Ribea river connects the town to the North Sea and who seized all his possessions (church furnishings and
it lies on the land route that runs the length of Jutland books) and forced him and his companions to abandon
from north to south. It was thus in an ideal position to ship. Nevertheless, they did reach Birka, where they
control trade. By about ""00 a small village comprising were greeted by King Bjorn and Hengar, the king's
only a couple of farms stood on the riverbank. It was a representative in the town (praefectus, as Rimbert,
magnet for other settlers who arrived within the next 10 Ansgar's biographer, calls him). Initially, the attempt at
years. They set up booths and workshops there; the land conversion met with some success and Herigar was
was divided up into plots, which were separated from baptized. Some 18 months later Ansgar returned to
their neighbors by ditches and fences. At first, this area Germany, leaving a bishop and some priests behind him.
was occupied only seasonally, perhaps at the time of a He returned to Birka in the 850s when he obtained
market or fair in the summer months. Craftsmen came permission to build a church and was allowed some land
to make and sell their wares (glass beads, jewelry, on which to set up a house for his clergy. We know from
combs); farmers came with their cattle. The change from archaeological excavations that Birka, on the island of
farming village to market center was abrupt and Bjorko in Lake Malaren, was a flourishing settlement
well-organized, and it is tempting to think that there by the time of Ansgar's first visit. It was founded
must have been a controlling force behind it. Was there a sometime in the middle of the 8th century and continued
king of Denmark at that rime who felt that he would in existence for more than 200 years. Then the site was
benefit from a trading center on his land? The discovery abandoned and its commercial and administrative func-
of about 300 of the small silver coins known as sceattas tions replaced by Sigtuna, a town founded a short
dating from this period - far more than have been found distance away on the north shore of Lake Malaren, at
anywhere else in Scandinavia, and some of which may- the end of the 10th century.
have been minted Ribe itself — is further indication
in There is no town on Bjorko today. It is a green and
that the settlement was under royal control. As noted beautiful island, its grass sparkling with flowers in spring
earlier, the most likely king is Agantyr. and dotted with birch trees and juniper bushes. But there
The early 8th-century market center of Ribe was are still signs of itsThe ramparts of a
past greatness.
clearly a flourishing point of exchange between Scan- fortress {Borg) standon a rocky eminence near the lake,
dinavia and western Europe. Finds of pottery and glass another rampart runs from the north coast, and more
drinking vessels from the Rhineland show that wine was than 3,000 mounds mark the sites of Viking Age burials.
being imported from central and southern Germany, More than 1,000 of these mounds were excavated in the
along with grindstones from the same area. Whetstones 19th century and until recently provided most of our
were brought from Norway to be re-exported west- knowledge about Birka in Viking times.
wards. Cattle were taken to market for sale to the The graves show us that Birka was at its richest in the
Germans farther south. A permanent settlement began late 9th and 10th centuries, and at its largest contained
to grow up some 100 meters to the southeast of the as many as 900 people, including large numbers of
market site, consisting of some large post-built houses, a foreigners. These were probably merchants from the
number of smaller huts, a street and wells. This may countries to the east of the Baltic Sea, as grave-goods
have been the place where the governor of the market such as and amulets of eastern type
lived, and this could well have been the center around indicate. Silver from Byzantium and the east
and silks
which the later permanent town developed. were imported here for exchange with raw materials
By the mid 9th century, Ribe's fame and importance from northern Scandinavia, particularly furs and down.
must have grown sufficiently to persuade Ansgar to These commodities were also in demand among the
make the journey to visit it. By that time a ditch wealthy aristocracy of western Europe. They were
enclosing an area of about 12 hectares seems to have probably shipped there via Hedeby with which Birka
ji % -~ *
marked the edge of the town. It was too narrow and had close connections. Birka also housed craftsmen '

shallow to be a defensive feature, and was probably a manufacturing items such as combs and cast bronze
customs boundary or other legal delineation. Not until jewelry. As at Hedeby, most of these goods would be
the 10th century was this ditch replaced by a true distributed in the immediate hinterland in exchange for
defensive structure: a much more formidable moat and agricultural produce, as the island was not big enough to
an earth rampart. Before that, Ribe must have been provide all the food the settlement needed. Some
greatly exposed to attack. foodstuffs - such as wheat and fruit - may also have
We know less about Ribe in the 10th century than we been imported from farther afield.
do about its earlier history. Its defenses have been The reason for Birka's abandonment is far from clear.
revealed in part, but the layout of its streets and the It does not seem to have been devastated by outside

buildings flanking them have yet to be discovered. attack, as Hedeby was. Its geographical situation may-
However, we know from documentary sources that the have been an important factor in its decline. In the
first bishop of Ribe was appointed in 948. This may Viking Age Birka was accessible from the north by land
mark the occasion when the main area of settlement routes that ran along the north-south ridges of glacial
moved from the north bank of the river to the south side, gravels (eskers), or by water. At this time Malaren was
around the site where the cathedral now stands. In its not a lake as it is today, but an inlet of the Baltic Sea, and
new position Ribe continued throughout the Middle access for shipping was through the long narrow inlet
Ages as the most important ecclesiastical and commer- that reaches from the southeast, where the modern

cial center on the west coast of Jutland. It is the only- town of now stands. This inlet was cut off
town in Scandinavia to have maintained continuity of from the lake by a narrow isthmus, and so ships reaching
occupation from the 8th century up to the present day. Birka had to be dragged across a specially constructed

Above This aerial view shows the portage. The ships must have been fairly small and of Market centers
of the 9th-century trading
shallow draft to enable them to be manhandled in this Much more widespread than the towns (and sometimes
center ofKaupang, in southern
Norway, at the end of a f|ord way. At the time of Birka's foundation the water level mistakenly described as such) were the market centers,
protected from the open sea by relative to the land was some 5 meters higher than it is or emporia — places where manufacture and trade were
numerous small islands. Today the
sheltered harbor, in the center
today, but the land was steadily rising and by the end of carried on but where there was no permanent popula-
foreground, is silted up. The site is the 10th century it had become difficult for the portage tion or urban organization. (The early 8th-century
surrounded by numerous burial to be used by ships that were, at the same time, becoming settlement at Ribe, with its temporary booths and
mounds, now tree-covered,
containing rich grave-goods. There bulkier and Another route into Lake Malaren
heavier. workshops, would have been such a center.) One of the
is little to show us today where the had to be found, through the strait where Stockholm only written accounts we have of these trading settle-
settlement was, but excavations in
the meadow on the right of the
now stands. The ships using this passage had to thread a ments comes from a 9th-century English source, which
harbor have revealed something of tortuous path between myriad islands and skerries, and describes how Ottar, a Norwegian merchant, visited the
its buildings and jetties, as well as this fairway no longer took them directly to Bjorko but court of Alfred the Great of Wessex, in England. He enter-
evidence for its flourishing
manufacturing and trading
north of it, to the mouth of the Fyris river where the new tained his host with stories of his journeys, and Alfred was
activities. town of Sigtuna lay. Thus, Birka lost its essential lifeline careful to have them written down. So we learn of a voy-
and its economic importance. age Ottar made to Hedeby from the far north of Norway

Below Though glass beads were a

favorite part of female attire, glas-,

Birka was an exotic material in Viking

Age Scandinavia. These glass
playing-pieces were discovered in a
grave at Birka, but were probablv
made in Russia. They include a
figure that may represent a "king"
but looks more like a bear.

Very was known about the town of Birka on the


island of Bjorko in Lake Malaren until new investiga-

tions began in the so-called Black Earth area - the area
of soil darkened by its content of organic remains from
two centuries of human occupation - in 1 990. Impor-
tant early archaeological work had been carried out
here in the second half of the 19th century, but the
graves in the cemeteries that flank the town on the east
[Hemlanden) and the south soon proved a more
attractive area of investigation: more than a third of
Birka's estimated 3,000 burials were excavated at this
time, often with spectacular results. The grave-goods
from these burials provided an invaluable source of
information for archaeologists, enabling them to
establish a chronology for the Viking Age, to evaluate
the countries with which Birka had trading links, and
Below This great hoard of silver
and hacked-up pieces
coins, jewelry
even to reconstruct the clothing worn by the in-
was found in the town
of silver habitants of the town 1,000 years ago. But it is only
area of Birka as long ago as 1872.
since the beginning of the 1990s that archaeologists
Payment in Viking Age Scandinavia
was made hv weight of silver, and have known anything about Birka's buildings.
thishoard, which weighs more The town was divided into plots of land divided
than 2 kilograms, must represent
the accumulated wealth of a rich
from each other by passageways flanked by ditches. A
man, perhaps a merchant from the plot might contain one or two small wooden houses,
but one of the 450 coins
east. All
are Arabic in origin and were
approximately 5x8 meters in area, and several
minted in various places in the
outbuildings - workshops or stores. The buildings
Islamic world between about 718 were timber-framed with wattle-and-daub walls. The
and 977. The one non-Arabic coin
roofs were usually of wood or thatch, but sometimes
was minted in Byzantium sometime
between 948 and 959. Most of the turf was used. The objects discovered in these plots tell
rest of the hoard comprises silver us that some of the people living in Birka were
arm-rings, but there are also tiny
pendants and ear-rings. The hoard
craftsmen — jewelers and metalworkers. Some even
illustrates the close links that prepared the skins of foxes and squirrels to be used for
existed between Birka and the east garment trimmings. Very many were merchants, as is
up to the middle of the 10th
century when supplies of Arabic
suggested by the large quantities of Arabic coins and
coins began to dry up. silver bullion that have been found.

Above The earliest known

representation of Christ in
Scandinavia this little silver-gilt


filigree crucifix found in a

10th-century grave at Birka. The
figure of Christ is wearing trousers
and is bound to the cross with

Right An imaginative
reconstruction of the settlement at
Birka in the 10th century. The
town's timber buildings are
clustered within a defensive
rampart, which runs up to connect
with the rampart around the
hillfort that dominates the town at
its southern edge. The harbor is

also defended with a palisade that

straddles the mouth of the bay. The
danger of fire in towns with
predominantly timber buildings
can be seen here: smoke is rising
trom four burning houses at the
center of the settlement.


Mow The Viking Age town of R^f The "Black Earth" sire of
Rirka m the northwest of the island Rirka is toda) open meadowland
ot Bjorko was some 13 hectares in |ring on either side of the track
.ire.i .11 its maximum extent, but in that runsfrom the shoreline where
the 10th centun .1 r.iinp.irt the harbor lav to the modem
built to enclose only 7 hectares. At village at the edge ot the trees m
the rime of the Viking occupa the background. The wooded land
the island was smaller than it is beyond it is Grono, winch was a

todav as its shoreline has been separate island in the Viking Age.
altered b\ fluctuating land- and

/==* ^~Zm

w»* -J

carrying precious cargoes such as walrus ivory and Because the vestigial remains left behind by such Manufacture and crafts
hides. On his way he put in at a port, called Sciringesbeal impermanent structures are so hard to identify, we have The growing prosperity of Viking
Age Scandinavia led to increased
in the Old English report, which was five days' sailing no means of knowing how many other such market demand for manufactured goods,
time north of Hedeby. centers existed in sheltered spots around the coasts of both for utilitarian purposes and
for items of adornment such as
Sciringesbeal has been identified with Kaupang in Scandinavia. However, two such sites with somewhat
brooches, beads and bridle mounts.
Vestfold on Norway's southeast coast both on the basis better preserved remains are known at Ahus and Towns and seasonal market centers
of Ortar's description and on the archaeological finds Loddekopinge in Skane, now in Sweden but then part of were the most important
manufacturing centers, with
made there. The place-name Kaupang itself is sig- Denmark. Ahus, on the north bank of the Helge river, craftworking areas developing to
nificant. It is met with in various forms throughout the was founded in the first half of the 8th century as a supply the needs of the growing
Viking world, and also in Anglo-Saxon England. In seasonal market center specializing in craftworking, urban populations and of the
surrounding countryside.
Sweden it occurs as koping (as in Loddekopinge), and notably the manufacture of beads. The discovery of Excavation has shown other sites
in England as ceap (Cheapside in London) or ceping or some small silver coins or sceattas of the type found in to have served as centers of
production for tools, weapons and
cieptng (Chipping Sodbury). Basically it means market, such abundance in Ribe attest to its importance as a
objects in precious metals. Among
and this seems to have been what Kaupang was. trading center, but there are no indications that the these were the workshops housed
The name Kaupang is now attached to a farm and settlement was ever organized on a permanent basis. within the 10th-century royal
fortresses of Denmark. Even some
there is no visible sign of the 9th-century settlement, Traces of buildings are few, and these are of sunken- farmsteads - for example,
though the many burial mounds in the neighborhood floored huts that were easily and rapidly erected and Lundbjars and Fr6|el on Gotland -
are of mainly 9th-century date. Today a meadow slopes probably never intended for fulltime occupation. had craftsmen among their
inhabitants. These last two sites
gently down the shore of a fjord well protected from the After about 50 years the site at Ahus was abandoned specialized inmaking the
open sea by islands and skerries. Smallscale excavations and refounded a few hundred meters downstream on animal-head brooches favored by
Gotlandic women. The most
here have revealed a cluster of six buildings arranged virgin ground. This settlement covered an area of
common form of female jewelry,
roughly parallel to the shore. Finds of iron and bronze roughly 10 hectares and remained in existence from the found in large numbers over most
slag, crucibles and waste from glass bead-making sug- second half of the 8th century into the early 9th century of Scandinavia, were oval
brooches; round brooches were
gest that some at least were workshops for making iron when it was abandoned in its turn, probably to be resited favored mostly in Finland and
tools and simple jewelry, but the lack of domestic elsewhere. This second settlement was much more central Sweden. Clay molds used in
casting bronze jewelry have been
hearths and absence of household rubbish makes it substantial than the first, with numerous buildings and a
found in abundance in many urban
doubtful whether any of the buildings were permanently heavy dependence on bronze-working for its economy. sites. Some everyday objects,
occupied. The site of a ship-repairing yard has also been Sherds of pottery from the south Baltic coast and the notably combs made of deer or elk
antler,were probably made by
discovered; presumably it served the needs of travelers Rhineland show the extent of its trading contacts.
itinerant craftsmen who traveled
such as Ottar whose vessels had been damaged during Nevertheless, Ahus never acquired urban features. from center to center producing
the arduous journey along Norway's west coast. At least The same is Loddekopinge on the Lodde
true of goods on demand - this would
explain why the shape and
two wooden jetties jutted out into the water, their river in western Skane where a group of sunken-floored
decoration of combs are virtually
landward ends being built on stone foundations to buildings dating from the 9th century cluster within a identical throughout the Viking

secure them to the shore. A rope for tying ships alongside small area inside an encircling bank. Excavations have world. One of the most important
crafts would have been
was also found there. shown conclusively that these buildings were occupied ship-building, but archaeological
Kaupang's commercial activities may not have been intermittently, perhaps only for a short period of rime evidence for it is sparse. A number
of ship-repairing yards, however,
on the scale of Ribe, Hedeby or Birka, but they were each year or at even longer intervals. There is evidence to
areknown; for example at
certainly extensive and wide-ranging. Pottery from the suggest that trade was the main occupation at those Kaupang and Fribr0dre A. Few
Rhineland, the British Isles and the Baltic countries has times, since objects of both western European and Baltic mints were established before
1000; the number increased
been found there, as have balances and weights, the origin have been found there. The site had been significantly in the 11th century
essential equipment of a merchant. The imported goods abandoned by about 900 and permanent settlement with the centralization of royal
were probably exchanged for local raw materials, begun in a village, not a town, nearby.
notably schist and soapstone. The wreck of a ship with a Paviken on the island of Gotland seems to have been
cargo of schist whetstones has been found at Kalsund another seasonal market center. While excavations have
about 15 kilometers along the coast. Nevertheless, failed to reveal any traces of large permanently occupied
though only a tiny part of the site has been excavated, buildings, there is considerable evidence of trading and
the overall impression is that this was a seasonal manufacturing activity. Arabic coins and weights in-
encampment used only in the summer
for dicate that it had contacts with the east, and small glass
and trade. None of the characteristic features of a town, tesserae imported from northern Italy, which were used
such as an organized layout of streets and houses, are in bead-making, have also been found. As well as this, it
seen here. Kaupang differs from true towns in other had a ship-repairing yard and was a busy fishing center,
important ways: it never acquired any defenses, prob- if the number of fishing implements found there is

ably because it was no longer in existence when the need anything to go by. Though there were other similar sites
became pressing in the 10th century,
for fortifications on Gotland, which enjoyed trading links with Sweden
and it was not replaced by a later town. Kaupang's and the eastern Baltic, none have revealed the same
abandonment by about 900 may have been the result of wealth of evidence as Paviken. A few kilometers to the
sea-level changes or because its importance declined as south of Paviken lies Vastergarn, a site surrounded by a
Danish influence in southern Norway decreased (it had semicircular rampart. It may have been intended for the
clear links with the network of trade based on Hedeby). protection of Paviken, which was undefended, but the
Kaupang is not unique. A seasonal market existed at limited excavations that have taken place there allow us
on the north coast of the island of Sjadland,
Skuldevig, no certainty on this question.
Denmark, no doubt because its sheltered site provided a Seasonal market centers are also known to have
convenient harbor. There are signs of periodic occupa- existed in Finland. Recent excavations at Hameenlinna
tion from the 8th until the 12th century, but nothing to (Swedish: Tavastehus) on the shore of Lake Vanajavesi
indicate that there were ever any buildings. Open-air in thesouthwest interior of the country have uncovered
hearths and shallow clay-lined pits are all that remain of an area about 6 hectares in extent containing buildings,
this transitory market; the clay-lined pits may represent a harbor and a rampart. The site was occupied from
the floors of the temporary shelters or tents that were about 800 until the end of the 13th century and from the
erected when the market was in progress. nature of the finds clearly served as a market center for
site shown by enc3vatx>n lo be
9th-11th century manufacturing center

Ipe glprodud utat known

9 oval brooch

round brooch

M gmt-teadbfoodi


A bone hom

V pottery

• Shrps

area ot 9th and l Oth century

r ncl type •


1 round

=- ~a>ea:

• belorelOOO

• after 1000

scale! 7 700000
200 km

% Aland

# Sgi„-2
Malareo ix±m@

Sj«, tand
Right One of a pair of animal-head
posts, carved in high relief, which

Woodcarving was found with two others in

Oseberg burial-chamber. The
canine teeth are covered with metal

plates, as are the eyes, whilst the

decoration that fills all the
available surface is further
embellished with numerous tinned
nails. The animal ornament is net
confined to the underlying scheme
of oval panelling, but writhes

Wood was the natural medium for sculptors in the about in a way that makes it hard
to understand the designs, though
Viking Age to work in. Knives would always have they are in fact always kept under
been readily to hand, but a wider range of craftsmen"s control. This characteristically

tools - chisel, gouge and file - would have been vigorous style replaced the style
that is seen on the ship itself.
required to execute some of the masterpieces of wood-
carving that are rare survivals from this period.
Foremost among those that have been preserved are
the many different wooden artefacts from the Oseberg
burial, from the beginning of the 9th century. The rich
variety of their carving opens our eyes to the skill of
the artists who were working in wood at this time.
Study of the Oseberg objects shows that they are the
specialist work of several accomplished carvers, and
they probably represent the products of a single
workshop under royal patronage in southeast Nor-
way. One generation seems to have worked alongside
the next, for some of the carvings have an old-
fashioned appearance whilst others are in the fore-
front of the stylistic innovations that set the fashion
for much that followed in Scandinavian art during the
9th century. Some show a restraint in their execution
that is unusual in Viking art, whilst others have been
carved in elaborate relief, with superimposed patterns
visible one through the other. The surfaces were
sometimes smooth or finely detailed, sometimes
embellished with metal bosses — or the motifs were
picked out with paint.
The designs appear to have been largely ornamen-
tal, created from stylized animals or birds. Decoration

of this sort is clearly seen on the ship itself, and on the

sledges. The ceremonial wagon has elements of a more

complex iconography, but the unique series of five
animal-head posts provides us with even more of an
enigma. Without obvious function, they are generally
assumed to be cult objects. The placing of four of the
in the burial-chamber itself might well mean that they
were somehow possessed with protective powers.

Right The prow of the Oseberg

ship coils gracefully to 3 snake"s
head, turning the vessel into a true
"sea-serpent". Both faces of the
prow and stern are caned above
the waterline with friezes of
contorted animals, each slightly
different from the next, with which
it interlaces. There can have been
few ships so lavishly carved as this:
it was probably a royal yacht

designed for use in sheltered


the surrounding neighborhood: there isno evidence that

the site ever developed wider trading contacts.However,
two market centers on the coast -Turku (Swedish: Abo)
and Uusikaupunki (Swedish: Nystad) were drawn into
a larger network of trade through their proximity to
Sweden. Similarly, the Aland islands in the middle of the
Gulf of Bothnia midway between Finland and Sweden
traded extensively with mainland Sweden, Estonia and
Gotland, but though there was a market center in the
Viking period, no true town grew up there until early
modern times.

Viking crafts
As well as being farmers, sailors, traders and
marauders, the Vikings were skilled craftsmen pro-
ducing — in addition to items for everyday use — fine
jewelry, elegant and practical weapons, intricate
wood-carvings and incised stones. The high standard
of their workmanship can be seen in their handling of
many different materials, from precious metals to
antler and bone. Most of the archaeological evidence
shows that crafts were mainly carried on in the towns
and market centers, and a wide variety of skills was
practiced. Leather was tanned and made into shoes,
scabbards, belts and other articles. Wool and linen
were woven into cloth on upright looms and tailored
into garments. Wood was carved into a multitude of
household objects, particularly bowls and other con-
tainers, and also made into boxes and chests, many of
which were provided with locks and strengthened and
decorated with metal mounts. In contrast to later
periods, pottery was little used and evidence for urban
pottery-making is only fully attested in Hedeby; some
may have been made in the countryside in a very
primitive fashion. In many households the vessels used
in food preparation were of soapstone; it was quarried
in Norway, probably roughed out at the quarries
themselves, and finished at the places to which the
stone blocks were exported.

Iron was of paramount importance to the Vikings,
Above This figural scene is carved
on one long side of the Oseberg being used to make tools and weapons, for ship-
wagon -body (another is shown on building, and for many other purposes. The iron ore
the front). Pictorial representations
found in bogs and lakes was often of rather poor
are rare in Viking art. and the
significance of these is unknown. quality, but was nevertheless a valuable source of raw
The scene shows a woman ot material. The ore was smelted in simple bloomery
authority with flowing hair and an
furnaces close to its source in the countryside. The
elaborate necklace. She is

restraining an armed man from resultant raw iron was then fashioned into bars and
attacking a man on horseback, transported to centers either in towns or in the
who accompanied by his hound.

The rest of the wagon-body is countryside where smiths converted it into tools and
carved with ribbon-shaped other artifacts. The discovery of a wooden tool chest
animals, interlacing to form
in a bog Mastermyr on Gotland shows that a wide
decorative friezes.
selection of toolswas available to blacksmiths. The
Left One ot tour semi-naturalistic nails and rivets they produced would have been in
carved men's heads that form the
terminals ot the cradle that held the
great demand in the shipbuilding and ship-repairing
Oseberg wagon-body. Three- yards where some of the most skilled of all the Viking
dimensional carving and human craftsmen worked.
representation were both rare 111
Viking art. Though fearsome in
The most highly regarded craftsmen of all were the
aspect, the man's mask-like face, weaponsmiths on whose strong, sharp and flexible
with its staring eves, is shown with
swords and elegant but deadly spears the success of the
a sweeping mustache and well-
trimmed beard, whilst a close Vikings in battle depended. Working with intractable
fitting cap covers his hair. A materials under great difficulties, they had the highest
distinctive artistic personality can
status ofall Viking craftsmen and must have been well
be seen at work in the creation ot
these four heads, each ot which is rewarded for their labors and skill. They often worked
different. Their significance,
for an individual master, providing him and his
however, is lost to us today.
retainers with new weapons and refurbishing and
sharpening the old ones. Unfortunately, no workshop
used by a weaponsmith has yet been discovered; our


knowledge of the skill and techniques involved comes hacksilver) that have been widely found are also an Above A small selection of the
tools, including those usedboth for
from the finished products themselves. indication that commercial transactions were paid for
iron-working and for carpentry,
The weaponsmiths knew precisely the qualities of in silver by weight. Merchants' scales, used for contained in an oak chest that was
the materials in which they worked, selecting one type weighing cut pieces of silver, are frequently found in found at Mastermyr on Gotland.
The chest also contained raw
of iron for the core of the weapons, another for the Viking Age graves in Scandinavia.
materials, as well as part-
cutting-edges, and often welding strips of differing Until the middle of the 10th century, most of the manufactured and finished
hardnesses together to improve the flexibility of the silver entering Scandinavia came from the silver mines products - more than 200 objects
in all. Its owner was clearly a smith
blades, swords. This pattern-welding
particularly of Transoxiana in central Asia, then part of a great who could work in iron and
technique was most widely practiced in the earlier part territory ruled by Muslim Arabs that stretched from bronze, as well as being a |oiner
and wheelwright. He may have
of the period. Baghdad to the borders of India. The silver was
been a traveling craftsman who lost
brought to Scandinavia usually in the form of coins. his tools while crossing a great bog.
Gold, silver and bronzework These are known as Kufic coins from the script (named
Right Silversmiths melted coins and
Gold and silver were used to make jewelry and other after the town of Kufah in present-day Iraq) used for
scrap silver to fashion rings and
adornments for the high-ranking members of society. their inscriptions and would be melted down. Some brooches, as well as other types of
Gold was more prized than silver, being rarer, and was silver arrived in Scandinavia in the form of ready- ornament. Many of the neck- and
arm-rings are made of twisted, or
acquired by melting down jewelry (and perhaps coins) made jewelry, such as the Permian rings imported even plaited, rods, as can be seen
that originated in continental Europe. In the centuries from the Volga region of Russia. By the end of the amongst this selection from the
before the Viking Age, gold coins of the late Roman Sejro hoard, Denmark. Note also
period these supplies had been replaced by silver from
the filigree-decorated disk
period had arrived in large quantities in Scandinavia, mines in central Europe. brooches, as well as some
particularly Gotland and southern Jutland, and some Below the upper ranks of society, men and women hacksilver fragments used for
payment by weight. The Sejre
of these may have been used by Viking Age goldsmiths had to make do with jewelry of baser metals, usually hoard also contained 146 assorted
to make neck-rings and arm-rings, and also brooches, bronze, sometimes gilded in an attempt to make it coins, most of which are Arabic

which were elaborately decorated with filigree and seem finer. Fragments of clay molds used for casting (from central Asia) and date us
concealment to the second half of
granulation. bronze have been found on a number of sites, particu- the 10th century.
Silver was used to inlay patterns into other metals, larly in Ribe, Hedebv and Birka, suggesting that the
particularly iron, as on the Mammen ax, and was also bronzesmiths were predominantly urban dwellers.
used for brooches, pendants and chains as well as the They must have been important members of the
neck- and arm-rings of various standard weights that manufacturing community, producing not only
plainly served as a form of currency in a period when bronze jewelry but other objects of everyday use such
coinage was little used. They are mostly found in silver as pins and needles, keys and lock cases, and were
hoards: many are plain and simple, hut others consist called upon by the wealthier members of society to
of plaited and elaborately twisted silver wires. The supply decorative mounts for their harnesses and
innumerable scraps of chopped-up rings (known as plaques to attach to wooden chests and the like. On

the whole, however, their wares were not of very high charcoal, on which the bronze ingots or scrap would
quality and were probably made to meet the needs of be melted in crucibles, and an adjacent hearth in which
local consumers. a mold could be kept warm while the molten bronze
The best evidence we have for their methods of was being poured into it. The bronzesmith's portable
production comes from Ribe, where remains from equipment consisted of crucibles, molds, models for
bronzesmiths' workshops from about 800 have been the finished products, tongs for holding the red-hot
found in abundance. Here, and probably elsewhere, crucibles, and small files and chisels for retouching the
the bronzesmiths worked in the open air, protected finished product once it had cooled and had been freed
from the worst of the weather merely by a fragile from the mold.
windbreak. Little was needed in the way of furnish- The crucibles were made of sand-tempered clay to
ings: a small forge (usually a simple pit) fueled by withstand the intense heat needed to melt the bronze.

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Ornamental Metalworking

Much ornamental metalwork, women's brooches in Below Oval brooches were the Right This gold disc brooch (much
commonest type of Viking Age enlarged! is one of two found at
particular, was mass-produced during the Viking Age.
jewelry, used in pairs to fasten the Hornelund in Denmark (c.1000). It
This normally involved the manufacture of a series of shoulder straps of female dress. is made from two plates, the upper

clay molds from a common master, each of which was Most were mass-produced, cast in impressed with a die before being
bronze in two-pan clay molds, embellished with filigree work; the
then used once, rather than the repeated use of a single
which were discarded in pieces plant ornament is influenced by
mold. This is because the normal clay mold had to be after use, such as these from a styles from western Europe.
broken open in order to release the cast ornament workshop
jeweler's in Ribe,
Denmark. Below bottom right A jeweler's die
before it was finished by hand (see below). (patrice) of the type used for the
A mold for use in this way could be made from manufacture of gold filigree
ornaments, such as the pendant
either a newly-created model or, more often, an
from Hedeby shown on its right.
already finished object. However, during the latter
part of the Viking Age, there is evidence that mass-
production of ornamental metalwork was also carried
out by means of multiple casting in molds carved out
of antler, or even wood. These could be used for
casting lead alloys (pewter), which had a sufficiently
low melting point not to destroy the mold itself. The
cheap brooches produced in this manner seem to have
found a ready market in the developing towns.
Another form of mass-production was utilized by
jewelers working for wealthier patrons able to afford
gold or silver. A die was used to impress foils with
basic designs in relief, which were then decorated with
exquisite filigree work. Such ornaments - amongst the
most skillfully made products of the Viking Age
metalworker - can readily take their place alongside
the finest pieces from the Middle Ages.

Left The manufacture of a pair of

oval brooches required two clay
molds to be made, each in two
pans. First, a master mold
impressed with an old brooch (or
one newly shaped in wax) is used
wax models (1),
to cast a pair of
^ which are covered in clay (2). The
wax is melted and poured out, and
then wax pegs inserted for the pin
fittings (3). Next (4) a piece of
wax-impregnated cloth is pressed

into the mold to determine the

thickness of the final brooch; the
other side is then built up with clay

over the cloth (5), the mold heated

to run off the wax and the cloth
removed; finally, the two pans are
reassembled (6) and sealed ready
for use. The molten metal is poured
into the heated mold (7), which is

broken open once it has cooled

down (8), and the brooch is then
removed for finishing (9).

1 hey were usually roughly cylindrical in shape, with a

small lug near the lip that could be gripped by the
tongs. When the bronze was in a liquid state the
crucible was out of the glowing embers of the
forge with the tongs. A steady and careful hand was
needed to pour the molten metal into the neck of the
mold (the ingate) to make sure it rilled all the intricate
lines of the pattern that had been impressed into the
clay, and to avoid any air bubbles being formed. The
mold was then left to cool down gradually beside the
hearth. When the metal within it had cooled and
solidified, the mold was removed from the hearth and
broken open to reveal its contents. The newly cast
brooch or plaque was then finished off by filing away
any excess metal, and further decoration could be
added at this stage. If the object were to be gilded, it
too would be done at this time.
The broken pieces of the mold were usually just
thrown down on the ground around the hearth.
Thousands of discarded pieces have been found in
excavations, providing evidence of how the molds
were made. A model (often an actual brooch, or else a
specially made was pressed into a slab
lead prototype)
of prepared clay, or thin layers of clay were applied to
its surface, to produce a master. Liquid wax was then

poured into the master and removed when cold and

set. A number of identical wax positives could be
made from one master. The upper part of the mold
was made by pressing clay around the wax positive,
and heating it. As the wax melted, the design it carried
was left in the hardened clay. A piece of woolen cloth
covered in wax was placed in the hollow cavity of the
mold, and more clay pressed on top to form the back.
The whole was heated once more and after the wax
had melted out the two halves were separated and the
textile removed. The two parts of the mold were then
reassembled and covered with a thin mixture of clay
and water to fix them together firmly. The mold would
be placed in the hearth to heat it up before the molten
bronze was poured into the cavity left by the textile
plug. This prevented it from cracking with the heat of
the molten metal.
Using this method, many identical items could be
made from a single master cast. One of the most
common bronze ornaments was the oval brooch,
many hundreds of which have been found in upper-
class women's graves from the 9th and 10th centuries.
These brooches were not worn merely for ornament,
but were an integral part of a high-status woman's
apparel, one being worn on each shoulder to fasten her
dress. At least two of each design were therefore
usually made, but so many have been found bearing
were virtually
identical patterns as to suggest that they
mass-produced. Nevertheless, though an individual
bronzesmith may have been especially skilled in
making one particular type of object, the finds from
the workshops at Ribe show that he would have been
capable of turning his hand to practically anything
that demanded casting in bronze.

Glass beads were also made in their thousands. Most
evidence for the craft comes from the 8th and 9th-
century towns or market centers - Ribe, Ahus,
Paviken and Kaupang - and the methods used were
always identical. Sherds of glass from drinking vessels
originally imported from the Rhineland provided the
raw material (cullet) from which the beads were made,
and small cubes of brightly colored glass, sometimes

covered with gold leaf, were added to achieve different imported for use in this craft.
shades and hues. These glass cubes, or tesserae, were Like the bronzesmiths, the bead-makers probably
probably made in northern Italy for use in church worked in the open. Their equipment was also simple:
mosaics. They provide graphic evidence of the dis- a hearth, iron rods for forming the beads, and a
tances over which commodities were transported at number of small metal dishes. The cullet was melted
this period. Rough lumps of blue glass were also on the hearth, and a small lump of molten glass was

Left A selection of Viking Age

necklaces and pendants found on
Gotland, including gold, silver and
colored glass beads. At the top and
bottom are pendants of imported
rock crystal in delicate silver
mounts of Slavic character. The set
of i2 "fish-shaped" pendants
forming an elaborate collar, at
center, represents a lewelry fashion
unique to Gotland; they are made
ofgilt bronze with applied silver
plates inlaid with niello.

then transferred to an iron rod. This was twirled European influences came to dominate, and the last
around while the glass solidified slightly before being Viking styles were superseded by western European
rolled on a flat surface to form a cylindrical or Romanesque art and architecture.
spherical bead, which was then slipped off the rod to Most of our information on Viking art comes from
harden. Additional threads of colored glass could be the objects that were buried in graves. We thus have
applied at this stage to make polychrome beads and a rather a one-sided picture, because the things that
more complex technique was used to produce mosaic have survived are mainly of metal or stone. Only a few
beads, which involved fusing and then slicing multi- examples of wood-carving and decorated textiles have
colored rods of glass. Bead-making workshops can be fortuitously been preserved to show us that jewelers
recognized by the debris surrounding the hearths - were not the only artists and craftsmen to produce
blobs and thin threads of different colored glass that spectacular items. For the purposes of study and
fell to the ground in the manufacturing process. Some comparison, the art of the Vikings has been classified
of the iron rods have also been discovered. At Paviken, by experts into separate styles, named for the place
Gotland, one rod still had a bead attached to it; the where an object carrying the specific motif or group of
glass may have cooled down and hardened before it motifs that identifies that particular style was first
could be slipped off the rod. discovered. The beautiful and barbaric art of the
Beads were also made in other materials, notably Vikings can be enjoyed and appreciated for itself. It is
amber — the orange and tawny colored lumps of also a very useful tool for archaeologists who use the
fossilized pine resin that were picked up on beaches gradually evolving styles as chronological indicators
around the Baltic Sea and (in much smaller quantities) to date archaeological structures and features.
along the North Sea coast of Jutland. Although much The Broa style, named after a burial at Broa on
of it was sent overseas to the markets of the west, Gotland, decorates objects that were made and used in
many carved amber beads have been found in Viking the second half of the 8th and a little into the 9th
Age graves. Gaming pieces, pendants and amulets century. As with all the styles, it is made up of highly
were also carved out of amber. stylized animal motifs, either ribbon shaped and
entwined in tendrils or with more rounded bodies. A
Comb-making new type has little paws that grip - a motif that is
Combs are found in great numbers in all excavated called the "gripping beast". "Gripping beasts" are
Viking Age towns, and are also common in graves. also present in the Oseberg style, current from about
They must have been owned by all ranks of society: 800 to 875. The objects in the Oseberg ship burial,
some are extremely beautifully decorated (some of the dated to 834, that gives the style its name include most
finer ones even had bronze inlays), and others quite of the few wood-carvings preserved to us from the
plain. From the numbers found, the Vikings seem to Viking Age and convey some idea of the great wealth
have carried a comb with them at all times, and to of wood-carving that has been lost.
have both used and dropped them frequently. Some gilt-bronze harness mounts found in a burial
The comb-makers were highly skilled and specializ- mound at Borre, Norway, give their name to the Borre
ed craftsmen who must always have had a buoyant style, which was used to decorate articles of personal
market for their wares. Comb-making was pre- adornment for a hundred years after 850. It is a more
dominantly practiced in towns, and both the raw formalized and geometric style than those that went
material from which the combs were made (red deer before, one of its characteristic motifs consisting of a
Above Comb-making was a skilled
craft. Evidence of specialist antler insouthern Scandinavia, elk antler farther chain of interlocking circles and squares called the
workshops has been found in whole and fragmentary combs
north), together with ring-chain. The style is found not only in Scandinavia;
excavated Viking towns. The
methods of manufacture were
and semi-manufactured articles have been found. both the true Borre style and variants of it decorate
standardized and the single-sided The combs were made of a number of different objects that have been discovered in Viking settle-
shapes are very similar across the
pieces that utilized almost the whole of the antler. A ments overseas, from Iceland to Russia.
Viking world. Antler was the most
usual material, favored for its pair of back-plates was shaped from long straight The same is true of the four remaining Viking art-
natural strength; the back- and pieces, given a slightly curving ridge and decorated styles, though often objects found outside Scandinavia
toothplates were held together with
iron rivets.
with geometric patterns. They were then attached one display a debased and provincial form of the style. The
on either side of a series of thinner rectangular slabs, Jellinge style of the first half of the 10th century,
and these were finally filed into teeth. Whatever the named from a silver goblet found in the burial in the
material used, Viking Age combs are remarkably north mound at Jelling in Denmark (tree-ring dated
similar in shape and method of production, and 958/9), ischaracterized by S-curved ribbon-shaped
virtually identical examples have been found animals that interwine and overlap each other. An ax
throughout almost all the Viking world from Dublin unearthed from the Mammen burial, also in Denmark
in the west to Novgorod in the east. This has led to the and dated by tree rings to 970/1, typifies the Mammen
suggestion that the comb-makers were itinerant crafts- style of the second half of the 10th century. Like the
men, traveling from place to place to make and sell Ringerike style, largely confined to stone and named
their wares wherever there was a demand. after the district of southeastern Norway that was the
source of reddish sandstone used for carved stone
Art-styles memorials, it is noted for seminaturalistic animals
The Vikings loved ornament. All their artifacts, in- almost obscured by interlacing plant tendrils.
cluding their ships and buildings, were densely packed The final Viking Age style, the Urnes style,
with the restless movement of decoration, often taking originated about 1050 and continued throughout the
the form of highly stylized animals. The very Viking world into the 12th century. It is named from
characteristic art styles that they favored grew out of the 11th-century stave-church at Urnes on Sogne
what had gone before, but during the Viking Age fjord, Norway, whose magnificent wooden carvings
foreign influences were incorporated to produce high- are yet another reminder of the great skill of the Viking
ly original designs of typically Scandinavian form. It craftsmen. Its main motif consists of an elegant
was not until the coming of Christianity that quadruped in conflict with a snake-like creature.
Viking Art

Scandinavian art of the Viking Age was primarily

decorative, its patterns based on various stylized

animals, though there were periods when ribbon

interlace or plant motifs became popular. Viking art
was open to influence from western Europe, but
foreign ideas were borrowed selectively and adapted
to Scandinavian taste. The essential continuity in its
development can be readily traced, though there seem
to have been short periods of artistic innovation,
usually followed by longer periods of conservatism.
One such period of change took place during the 8th
century (the "Broa style"), laying the foundation for
Viking art proper that begins with the "Oseberg
style"; another was in the 10th century, with the
creation of the so-called "Mammen style", seemingly
under the patronage of King Harald Bluetooth and the
Danish court at Jelling.
It is customary today to divide the sequence of

Viking art into six successive styles: Oseberg-Borre-

Jellinge-Mammen-Ringerike-Urnes. But as a new style
came into fashion, it did not immediately replace the
old. At the same time, much of the mass-produced
jewelry was hardly in the mainstream of artistic
development. A major innovation during the late
Viking Age was the introduction of stone sculpture.
Earlier there had been only the picture-stones of
Gotland. Otherwise few pictorial scenes have survived
from Viking Age Scandinavia, the Oseberg tapestry
being a notable exception.

Far left Gilt-bronze Abore A pendant from a Swedish

harness-mounts from Broa, hoard (buried c.940 m the form

Gotland, of late Btfa-century date, of a Borre-style "gripping beast",

display a mixture of r with mask-like head, pretzel-
animal-art and of other animals shaped body and gripping paws.
and birds introduced from western The "gripping beast", probablv of
Europe, notably a distinctive Anglo-Saxon origin, entered
"gripping beast". The Broa motifs Scandinavian an during the 8th
are used for the Oseberg carvings, century, and long remained
as on the ship These form the
(left). popular, though in the Borrc style
basis for the 9th-centurv Oseberg geometric ribbon-interlace motifs
srvle. were much favored.

Below right The erected Below The final phase of Viking art
bv King Harald .it Jelling in the has been named the limes style for TIME CHART
960s a unique stone the magnificent wood carvings on showing approximate duration
monument in Denmark .it the time. the Urnes stave-church in Norway. of the Viking art styles

It was soon imitated, .is was the once again the

Stylized animals are
new motif that tills one of its faces: most important motifs and fo
a lion entwined by snake. This the basis tor elegant designs that
new dominance of a single motif is have the appearance of multi-loop
characteristic of the style named patterns. A fine example in

tor the ornament on the Mammen metalwork is provided by this

ax. which Bourished during the small silver brooch from Lindholm
second half of the 10th century, Ha]e Denmark, though such
developing a lush version seen on openwork brooches have been
the ivory panels of the Bamberg found throughout Scandinavia. The
casket, Germany (right). which originated during the
mid 1th century, continued in use

the 12th, when the fashion for

European Romanesque decoration
spread into Scandinavia.


Left The Jellinge style is named for

the S-shaped animals on the silver
cup from the royal burial-chamber
in the north mound at Jelling,
Denmark. These ribbon-like
animals are intertwined to form an
open interlace pattern, as seen also
along the length of a harness bow
(above left) from Mammen in
Denmark. This term
open-jawed animal-heads, each «*
having a "gripping beast" in its
mouth; the horse's reins passed
through the centra! hole. The
Jellinge style flourished during the
first half of the 10th century,

overlapping both the earlier Borre

and the succeeding Mammen

Left The Heggen weather-vane

from Norway is probably from the
prow of a Viking ship; this face
displays two lion-like beasts,
descended from that on the Jelling
{above center), but with
tightly clustered tendrils forming
their manes and tails in the manner
of the Ringerike style. This
hed during the first half of
the 1 1th century and a typical
example is provided by the Vang
stone (right), from southeast
Norway, on which the beast is of
lesser importance than the plant
motif. Foliate patterns of western
Europe origin were dominant
during this one phase of late Viking
Age art.

Left A fearsome mask adorns this

The oral tradition runestone from Arhus in Denmark:
It ishard for people brought up in a culture of books to the inscription relates that "Gunulv

understand how literature and learning can exist with- and 0got and Aslak and Rolf set
up this stone in memory of Fui,
out them. Yet, though the Vikings had no books until their partner. He met his death ...

they came under the influence of Christianity, this does when kings fought."

not mean they had no literature, or even learning of a

sort. Ari Thorgilsson (1067-1148) wrote his Book of
the Icelanders (a history of Iceland) in the early 12th
century and had to describe events that had taken place
some 250 years earlier. He had no written records to
guide him, so got his material, as he tells us, "from
the accounts of Teit, my foster-father, the most
knowledgeable man I ever knew, son of Bishop Isleif,
and of my uncle Thorkel Gellisson, whose memory went
far back, and of Thurid Snorradottur who was not only
well-informed but also completely trustworthy." In
other words, he relied on the testimony of witnesses
passed on by word of mouth from generation to
generation: the oral tradition.
The Icelander Snorri Sturluson also relied on folk-
memory to write his history of the Norwegian kings
early in the 13th century. In his introduction to the work
he informs us, "At the court of King Harald [about 900]
there were poets, and people still know their poems, and
the poems of court poets of all the kings who have since
ruled Norway. And we put most trust in what is said in
those poems recited before the rulers themselves or their
sons. We assume to be true what is said there about their
exploits and battles. Because it is the poet's custom to
praise most the man they are reciting to. But nobody
would dare to tell the man tales of adventures that
everyone - the man himself as for that - knew to be
nonsense or falsehood. That would show contempt, not
This is one sort of learning the cultured Viking had: a
knowledge of the history of the great men of his people,
as contained in the poems recited in the royal hall. The
songs of the skalds, the professional court poets, were in
very complex form, with elaborate rhyme, rhythm and
alliterative schemes. Sentences intermingled, and a
specialized wording was used, removed from the idiom
The poets often made reference to the
of daily speech.
adventures or characteristics of the pagan gods of
Scandinavia, which their listeners were expected to
recognize. To understand the poems was hard; to code of practice. A case could be lost if it were pleaded in

produce them very hard. A court poet needed lots of the wrong form, if assessors were wrongly chosen, if it
training and considerable memorized knowledge. So did were presented to the wrong court. Therefore success in
his audience. the law depended on learning gained by listening rather
Another range of learning was in the law. The Vikings than reading, by sitting at the feet of older lawmen, by
were a people who had great respect for the law — committing to memory the details of past judgments and
though that is not how they are usually thought of today. by observing the practices of the courts.
Law was made and administered by the local assembly
(thing), and preserved in the memories of its elder Runes
statesmen. It controlled society and kept in check the For all that they had no books, the pagan Vikings were
ambitions of great men if political power and authority not illiterate. They used a script composed of letters
were there to enforce it. If the Icelandic sagas are called runes. It is fashionable today to attribute to the
anything to go by, legal procedure was complicated and users of the runic alphabet all sorts of magical powers.
precise, and methods of judgment in both civil and This is nonsense. Runes were merely a simple al-

criminal cases - there was in effect no difference between phabetical script that could be adapted to various
them - depended on rigorous adherence to a proper purposes: memorial, legal, practical. Magic was only

one use the Vikings put it to, and not a specially

important one at that. Nor was runic specifically a Norse
larlabanki's script. Early runes are found in various parts of Europe -
in England, the Low Countries, Germany and central

Causeway Europe, as well as Scandinavia and the larger Viking

world. But it is in the north that runes survived longest
and have left most examples. They appeared there long
•" antfscauseway before Viking times and remained in use well after the
introduction of Christianity and the roman script,

larlabanki's causeway is a long, raised road that runs indeed into early modern times.
Taby and Vallentuna,
across clayey flatland between In Scandinavia, too, they developed characteristic,
some 15 kilometers north of Stockholm. It gets its much Runic script consists of
simplified letter forms.
name from a local landowner who had it built in the and is usually believed
straight lines rather than curves,
11th century. We know this because Iarlabanki also to have been developed for cutting on wood, since
erected a group of rune-stones celebrating his local straight lines are easier to cut into a material with a
importance and achievements. Four of the stones that strong grain. Soon runes were being used on other
survive mention his "bridge". Apparently they stood materials: on bone, metal, and stone. At one time the
in two pairs at either end of the causeway; two remain runic alphabet had 24 letters, but by the beginning of the
Below right The view looks down at its north end. They have closely related texts: Viking Age the number had been reduced to 16. These
the causeway from the northern
"Iarlabanki had these stones raised in his own lifetime, were not enough letters to represent all the sounds of the
end, which is flanked by the two
rune-stones still in their original and he made this causeway for his soul's sake. Alone Norse languages, so spelling was very idiosyncratic. This
position; they are 6.5 meters apart. he owned the whole of Taby. God help his soul." On makes Viking runic texts hard to interpret.
The standing stones seen farther
the other stones we learn that he owned the whole The most striking examples of Viking runic writing
along the causeway are
uninscribed; other, smaller stones district, made a meeting-place, and cleared a path. He are to be seen on the rune-stones. These may take the
once marked its length. The was clearly eager to record his personal fame and his form of free-standing upright stones or boulders, rock-
causeway was built of stones
covered with sand and gravel, act of Christian charity in helping travelers by improv- faces with texts cut on them, or groups of stones in some
nearly a third of a meter in depth. ing the road system of his neighborhood. ceremonial formation, one or more of which bears an
inscription. Most of the texts appear to have a memorial
purpose, though modern scholars suggest that some of
them may have legal implications. Typically, a rune-
stone inscription records publicly the death of an
important person (sometimes a death far from home)
and so makes it clear that the heirs take over the estates.
Often there is detailed reference to the lands the dead
man owned, and his relatives are named and the
relationship defined. Such an inscription found on a is

stone at Hallestad, Skane, Sweden: "Asgaut raised this

stone in memory of y£rra his brother; and he was Toki's
retainer. Now shall stand this stone on the mound."
But a runic text can be more elaborate than this, and
give details of a man's achievements, the circumstances
of his death, his relationship to important people, the
extent of his land-holding, and so on. For instance, the
Below larlabanki's stone is a
rune-stone from Dalum, Vastergotland, Sweden states:
Christian memorial, and
A " rsaioerj standing stones
appropriately has a central cross. "Toki and his brothers raised this stone in memory of
^- line ot Iarlabanki s causeway
The inscription, in "long-branch" their brothers. One of them met his death in the west,
runes, is on the bodies of two
snakes. The is in two sections,
and the other in the east." Or the mysterious Rada stone,
beginning at the snake's head and also from Vastergotland: "Thorkel set this stone in
curling round to the tail.
memory of Gunna his son, who met his death when the
kings did battle together." We can only wonder which
kings these were.
Sometimes runic epitaphs, like those of later times,
break into verse. One from Gnpsholm, Sodermanland,
Sweden, is part of a group recording a disastrous Viking
expedition to a place called Serkland (a region of
dark-skinned peoples - presumably Arab territory) that
ended with the death of a number of adventurous young
men, and runs like this:

Tola had this stone put up in memory of his son Harald,

Ingvar's brother:

Above A plan of larlabanki's Like men they traveled far for gold
causeway, based on an And in the east they fed the eagle,
archaeological survey made in the
In the south they died, in Serkland.
1930s. It is some 150 meters long.
The road from Stockholm to
Vallentuna Mill followed roughly Some rune-stones are avowedly pagan, ending with a
the line of the
causeway at the date
thissurvey was made, but has now
sentence such as "May Thor hallow these runes." But
been superseded by a modern road. rune-stones continued in Christian times, and there may

The Scandinavian runic alphabet has its own peculiar long-branch runes

letter order and takes its name, futhark, from its first
six characters. In the Viking Age there were two main
versions, but they were not kept distinct, and forms of
the one futhark sometimes invaded the other. The two
types are known as long-branch runes (sometimes
called Danish runes) and short-twig runes (also
known as Swedo-Norwegian or common runes).
Because they were designed for incising into wood or
stone, rather than being written with a pen, runes are
made up of straight lines
and one or more sloping staves or bows. No
- a single vertical ri\rHRN mi- 1M 1

i r
distinction is made between capitals and lower-case
letters. The short-twig runes are simpler than the
long-branch, and they may have developed for writing
less formal inscriptions — letters, ownership marks,
graffiti and so on.
The early futbarks were inefficient, for there are not
enough individual characters to represent all the
sounds of a language, and they were not well dis-
tributed. There were no letters for the two common
vowels o and e, for example, though there were two
variants of a. Among the consonants, there were no
specific characters for d, g and p — t,k and b were used
instead. Runic spelling was therefore imprecise, with
only approximate representations of sounds. Spelling
was also inconsistent, different rune-masters represen-
ting a word in different ways. As a consequence, runic
texts are often difficult to interpret. Toward the end of
the Viking Age this deficiency was noticed and new
runes were created to fill the gaps.

Top right Stylized drawings of Right This formal group of stones

long-branch and short-twig at Bjorketorp, Blekinge, Sweden
futharks. The forms that (formerly part of Denmark) still
distinguish one type from the other stands on its original site. Two of
are h, n, a, s, t, b and m. the stones bear no inscription. The
Long-branch runes (top) were third, which 4 meters high, has a

employed usually in Denmark and runic text whose language shows it

occasionally elsewhere, often on to be very old indeed, perhaps as
monuments. Short-twig runes early as the ~th century. Its runic
(below) were commonly used in letters are archaic in form. The
Norway and Sweden and their inscription is imperfectly
colonies. A mixture of the two understood, but it speaks of "runes
scripts seems to have been typical of might" and invokes a curse on
of runic monuments on the Isle of anyone who destroys the memorial.
Man. These two types, known The purpose of this stone setting is
together as the shorter futhark, unknown.
developed from the older futhark
of 24 letters in the century before Below A comb-case made from
the Viking Age. The two rune-rows deer's antler, from Lincoln,
were used throughout Viking England, tentatively dated to the
times, but were gradually 10th or 1 1th century. It has an
superseded by Roman script as inscription in long-branch runes:
Christianity penetrated the kamb: kopan: kiari: porfastr
Scandinavian world. ("Thorfastr made a good comb").

he an appeal to the Christian God, as on the Valleberga,

Skane, stone: "Sven and Thorgot made these monu-
ments m memory of Manni and Sveni; may God help
their souls,and they lie in London."
A lord might put up a stone in memory of a retainer
killed in his service, as a king did at Hedeby, south
Jutland: "King Svein set this stone m memory of Skarthi,
his man, who had traveled in the west hut now met his
death at Hedehy." This records the occasion in the 1th 1

century when the Danish king Svein besieged and

captured Hedeby from an occupying force. Sometimes it
a man did not trust his successors or lord to put up a
stone he raised one himself, like the one at Vasby in
Uppland, Sweden, which records that "AH had this stone
put up in his own honor. He took Quit's Danegeld in
England. May God help his soul." Taking part in a
Viking raid on England was hardly a Christian act, but
Ali thought it an episode in his life worth recording. For
the historian, it is important evidence that the Viking
army commanded by the Danish king Cnut had Swedish
mercenaries in its ranks.
And of course it was not only men who were
commemorated on rune-stones, though they certainly
predominate. The most splendid of the Norwegian
rune-stones comes from Dynna, Hadeland. It is a tall

slender pillar decorated with carvings of the three magi

(wise men), the Christ-child and the Christmas star. The
text records an act of Christian charity, building a bridge
to help the weary traveler: "Gunnvor, Thryrik's daugh-
ter, built a bridge in memory of her daughter Astrid. She
was girl in Hadeland."
the handiest [most skillful]
There are inscriptions on other objects than stone,
though these are often enough prosaic statements of
ownership, like the one on a box of Celtic workmanship
found in Norway (exactly where is unknown) with the
The Rok stone in Ostergotland is written bv Vann in mcmorv ot
text "Rannveig owns this box." More interesting is a among Sweden's most impressive Vaemod, his dead son - from the
verse text on a silver neck-ring from a Viking hoard rune-stones. It has the longest earl) Viking Age. It contains .\n

known inscription, which has been eight line verse as well as complex
found at Senja, Troms, Norway. It reads: tight packed into every available allusions to lost lavs and legends.
space. 1. arved ill short-twig runes,

We paid a visit to the Lids of Frisia it is a priceless literary document -

And ice it mis who split the spoils of battle.

Runic inscriptions are common in some parts of Viking could find a piece of wood anywhere, and he
Scandinavia, rare in others; why this should be we do would always have a knife at his belt. The letter forms
not know. It may be an indication of relative densities of are easy to learn and easy to cut. But the script could
population, but it is also likely to reflect social or hardly be used to write down longer texts, though
political conditions - some classes of society may have occasionally a poem of up to eight lines might be cut on a
been more conditioned to putting up runic memorials stick oreven a standing stone. A memorial to a Danish
than others; in some regions there may have been more leader Karlevi on the Swedish island of Oland
spare money to spend on such luxuries. It is estimated preserves a stanza in the elaborate verse form called
that some 2,500 runic inscriptions dating from before drottkvcett ("court meter"), much used by the skalds.
1300 survive in Sweden alone, many fewer in Denmark,
perhaps 350, and fewer still in Norway outside the late The Icelandic sagas
Viking Age towns that are now being excavated. Though one meaning of the Icelandic word saga is

However, the Vikings also left inscriptions in some of "history", not works we now call sagas are
all the
the areas they colonized: in west Russia, on the north historical in content. However, what historical accounts
German coast, in Orkney, Shetland and the Hebrides, in we have of Viking Age Scandinavia come largely from
Above This graceful rune-stone, Ireland and the Isle of Man, and in certain regions of the two principal types of prose narrative, the Kings'
nearly 3 meters high, comes from England and the mainland of Scotland. Yet there are Sagas (Kommga sogur) and the Sagas of Icelanders
Dynna, Hadeland, in Norway. On
surprising gaps, for there seem to be no Viking runic- (Islendingasogur). Because these were written mainly in
itstace are Christian symbols.
Above, the three magi ride their inscriptions from Iceland or Normandy, though both the 13th century, that is nearly two centuries after the
horses beneath the Christmas star; were settled by Vikings. The Isle of Man, in the Irish Sea, end of the Viking Age, their reliability as historical
below, shown sideways on. is the
is a special case, tor though it is tiny it has 30 or so evidence needs careful scrutiny.
nativm scene, with a kneeling
horse beneath. The runic surviving rune-stones and the names that appear on the The Kings' Sagas begin with some purely legendary-
inscription, commemorating a girl inscriptions suggest an intermingling of Norse and tales of earlyScandinavian rulers and continue with a lite
called Astnd, is incised along the
edge of the stone, and is read from
Celtic-speaking peoples. Here again the rune-stones of the king of all Norway, Harald Finehair, whose

the base upwards. have preserved historical information that is not government began, by traditional dating, in 870. Then
available to us from other sources. follows the hill succession of Norwegian kings to the end
The runic script was essentially a practical one, for a of the Viking Age and beyond. Harald had many sons.

Left A page from Harald Finehair's

saga in an early 14th-century
Icelandic manuscript of Snorn
Sturluson's Heimskringla - The
Circle of the World - written by
-(her tiar.^^btt^flrfttaaaWfef^^kalU ^ ^£s^'*fr&W^W&%WXtt$$i him about 1230. This prose
chronicle of the kings of Norway
from legendary times to 1 177 is the
masterwork of the Kings' Sagas,
na Wi jagi* fan ei£ fc-bafto rtj» junto i^4^ "fci^1latb»^i^^^^J^fim»n^B- furnished with liberal quotation
from skaldic poetry. In his
prologue Snorri explains the
tj#*$a- WH>am fitu^Vltjtbt Wna aia&fe- tnan^r^Hapm em^^-^vt^tt Julki importance of these poems as an
historical source, most particularly
"if the metrical rules are observed
in them and if they are sensibly
riA^t^)4W^^tn&ft-mnar|i?^eirl.-)soa A^>iJ>oar|>aWfl^t4'%j>€UmVftt»0i^ 1 interpreted".

af.&rjajff veoq wr twiy^.V fe v»i)viT7i <^j q e^l^rfv&v fta&. fpyrf eti&.kySilj J>a iaman
vfapA$ty%fetymih^®foz?$>$i&8i- ^UJjtfhn^aaiwan^K^jjafpjj^TOim^UJjt/^inr
WUf-U-jAvt^^alkvm0wliiwiV-l|\mal^ Rara)ftaBth^kwtja>lb^^'Wta^attrl(t^ji
\>«^'$iaramf.$-f-JnoS. ykviXiwXte&a. tui^tafota j^ufrt^rfjaar^^

* fe^fl^r^w^-FarW^d^toi *meja% ul>a?.f•f^jR-Jj^^t^JannikU-v_p"aU U>rbatfclr)

tkohnatwfeJavjTu wjgij«rc.| n^frj^talbtyjfo.

>ma-£f-l><iml£ Gi^j>wii^aT0o^ijwtjtTiats',fi|j:

fogan iawjmr^jvmtw|^ w£fc vt|& %u^.^bial

mxamiVklm Mtntt^ter olmanlttibtljiffitfiffiii |$r %va. fcyn ftn»i w ktora t>i^[ a5^<kw»rfc3v art

^Mb»^vUr^6|)fattmiEm^ttbVFar J> b^nvlvwtju'i^ttfkdlhttwi/wcfb^a'iwalljt^



roetmegiti eljaHj^ ojjtarc%r. Okiemi

-^Wijwok.^StjjalaiJilja^Kallro t«©\jmftwhift«j)aftot^oifail^^i5. ibakikD^

^ fcrfcnzr Jjat: tfjp&a 'ibyalW

t>akfe o^niotftaifo ttw^Haj^ltoj^
Wttteft»jaar&ttvf>-*J tbnl$*»> fct-^

and the subsequent history of the Norwegian monarchy those of the neighboring Scandinavian lands. Though
consists largely of dynastic strugglesbetween different the skaldic poems are frequently quoted to give his-
branches of the family, interspersed with troublesome torical authority to their statements, the saga narratives
periods when powerful non-royal families, like that of are episodic and full of personal anecdotes, giving
the great Earl Hakon of Lade (now a suburb of prominence to the adventures of Icelanders at the
Trondheim), controlled much of the country. There was Norwegian court.
often trouble with the powerful free farmers and The Sagas of Icelanders, on the other hand, tell stories
land-owners who dominated the provincial assemblies about the early colonizers of Iceland (in the period
of early medieval Norway. The sagas also tell something 870-930) and their successors over a couple of genera-
of the relationship between the rulers of Norway and tions. They are concerned with the nature of the early


- rune-stone was raised, settlement and the problems of survival in an in-

about 1000. in memory of a timidating environment, the attempt to impose the rule

p.irt of

Sibbe. at Karlevi
on the island of Oland. The List

inscription preserves the

onrj stanza of skaldic verse that
known to have been written during
of law, and the conflict between this and traditional
methods of settling disputes between powerful clans,
such as the blood-feud and payment of compensation.
the Viking Age. in the elaborate
Jrottkr.rtt meter.
They are often called Family Sagas because their plots
center on family relationships and marriage alliances.
They vary in length from a short tale to what almost
^tJf fffcjhzr] — -~2j??f ^ —**-

amounts to an extensive novel, as in the case of Njal's

Saga, for example. Some, like the Saga of Egil Skalla-
grimsson, tell of the exploits of Icelanders abroad,
fg ^^^^Sm
whether as merchants and adventurers or serving as
poets at the courts of Scandinavian rulers. Others, like
the Saga ofGisli Sursson, describe the hunted
outlaw in Iceland, and his struggle to survive.
again confine themselves to the early history of a
particular region, such as Eyrbyggjasaga,
the peninsula of Snasfellsnes in western Iceland.
The Sagas of
straightforward narrative
are written

This, together with their

of the

set in

and working conditions in medieval
details of daily life
them an air of authenticity that has led
Iceland, give
some readers to regard them as historically accurate
accounts of life in the Viking Age. Modern opinion,
however, tends to regard them more like historical
novels, often based on fact or local tradition but
elaborated with post- Viking invention. -

Skaldic poetry
Though skaldic verses were, as we have seen, occasional-
ly cut in runes on stones or sticks, most of our knowledge elaboration, sometimes with a refrain, sometimes not.
of them comes to us in quite another way. With the Clearly there was an etiquette involved in the way a
coming of Christianity, the Scandinavians acquired the poem was presented and it must have been important to
use of the script and soon began to write down
roman know which leader was entitled to a drdpa — that had a
texts in Norse language: the earliest surviving
the refrain - and which one could be fobbed off with a
transcripts we have
are from the 12th century, after the flokkr, that did not.
end of the Viking Age. One of the main topics that Unfortunately there are no contemporary reports of
interested the Scandinavians — in particular the how a skald performed his poem before his chosen
Norwegians and Icelanders - was the history of their leader and we have to rely on later stories. These may
own countries. As we have seen, this provided the contain a good deal of invention. Obviously a praise
subject matter of some of their most important medieval poem to a great king had to be performed in public —
prose literature, the Kings' Sagas and the Sagas of there was no profit in praising a man in private. This
Icelanders. To provide themselves with material, the meant that the poem must compete with all the hubbub
writers of these sagas turned to the poetry of the skalds of the royal hall, so it was common to begin with a
that dealt with historical topics, as the Icelander Snorri request for silence. Then would follow a series of stanzas
Sturluson tells us he did. defining the king's qualities, usually warlike and success-
As we have seen, skaldic poetry was written for public ful. It would be wise for the poet to praise the king's

performance and passed on by recitation and remember- generosity as well, for after all the poet was a profes-
ing. Its characteristic forms - the rhymes and alliterative sional and expected to be rewarded. A major poem
patterns — must surely have been developed to aid might have 20 or more verses and a three-part structure
memory by helping to keep the shape of each verse in the with parallel opening and closing sections framing a
reciter's mind. The 12th- and 13th-century saga-writers central group of stanzas and refrains.
quoted this poetry to illustrate their prose, add vigor to Not all poems contained praise, however. The skald
its action or justify their statements, and so it has been was less dependent on his patron than other courtiers,
preserved to us. Because the verse was difficult to for he was not a permanently attached member of the
understand and complex in form, later copyists wrote royal retinue, and so could sometimes be persuaded to
down stanzas without fully understanding them and pass on unpalatable advice to him. Sigvat Thordarson
often got bits of them wrong. Other prose writers would was the poet at the court of the 1 lth-centurv Norwegian
invent bits of verse to add weight to their stories or give king Magnus whose Olaf Haraldsson, had tried
them the appearance of authenticity , and these passages
to bring Christianity to Norway and had been killed in
must be distinguished from the genuine Viking quota- battle against rebel landowners at Stiklestad near Trond-
tions. For all these reasons the study of skaldic texts is heim in 1030. When Magnus came to the throne he
hill of problems. began to take revenge on those who had opposed his
Some of the poems that survive are what the father, and made himself exceedingly unpopular. A
Icelanders called "loose verses," single stanzas that group at court chose Sigvat for the task of pointing out
comment upon contemporary circumstances or inci- to Magnus the folly of his actions. In a poem called "The
dents. Others take the form of groups of stanzas that Plain-speaking Verses" Sigvat warned Magnus of the
make up longer poems, often recited in honor of kings or dangers he ran if he did not amend his ways, and defined
war leaders. They have different degrees of formal the qualities a good king should have.

Skaldic poetry differs from much other early Norse another type of early poetry, that of the Poetic (or Elder) Above Drangey Island in
Skagafprdur, northern Iceland,
literature in that the names of the poets are known; Edda. Eddie poetry is anonymous, and is usually much is

the location of an important

verses are attributed to individual skalds. What survives simpler in form than skaldic. The greater part of it is episode in Grettir's Saga. The hero,
comes mainly from western Scandinavia, and the poets preserved in a single manuscript called the Codex Grertir the Strong, is outlawed for
a killing and, as a last resort, takes
are Norwegian or, at a slightly later date, are often Regius, formerly in the Royal Library, Copenhagen, but
refuge on the remote island of
Icelanders. Some poems survive from the Danish court. now kept in Reykjavik, Iceland. Occasional poems of Drangey - a natural fortress, with
There were presumably Swedish skalds — though we do the same type are also found in a few other manuscripts. cliffs on all sides - where he is able
to feed on seabirds and their eggs,
not know their works - and minor courts, such as that of The Codex Regius was written in the 13th century but as well as the sheep put there for
the Orkney earls, also had their poets. the material it contains comes from a wide period of time the summer grazing. Ultimately his
enemies, unable to get at him any
and apparently from various countries. Some of it is
other way, contrive his death by
The Eddas almost certainly from the Viking Age. The poems are on witchcraft.
The difficult, often bizarre, language of skaldic poetry diverse topics. Some of them are mythological, relating
and the complexity of its meters led the poet and tales of the pagan gods of Scandinavia, of the beginning
historian Snorri Sturluson to assemble, perhaps in the and end of the world, and recounting traditional
1220s, a handbook for such young poets as wished to wisdom. Others are heroic, telling of the famous exploits
compose similar verse. This is the work called the Prose of the great kings and warriors of the early Germanic
(or Younger) Edda, one of the most important works peoples of continental Europe.
surviving from medieval Iceland. It is divided into three It is from the Eddie poems - and Snorri's retelling of

sections. The one is called "the list of meters" and

last them - that we get much of our information of the pagan
contains over 100 examples of different verse patterns myths and beliefs of early Scandinavia, including the
with Snorri's commentary and descriptions of them. The names of the gods, their relationship to one another and
first and second parts are concerned with the content their struggles with hostile powers. We have to be
and language of skaldic poetry. They provide an careful how we use the information, though, for our
explanation of the mythological and heroic references source is a literary not a scientific one. Some of the
contained in the poetry, and of the words that are used to poems may have been written after the coming of
define different poetic subjects. - nor should we assume that pagan
For much of his information here Snorri relied on mythology was the same in all parts of Scandinavia.
g 4 ! ».


v,,W ui no rt* iWimmo iVmdftf). v | )( »

ft lyndo Ifmu bd , dfe Mm fe |»i ft ^' WjJ. m UM
r«* »V » pull
8»MVnr, udlliiTUllrt
»bivird TiTn flcp rb linmti ? (UhiirtijjtKg
J ,+ |, P p„, IjW itnl

Iftm parr bu m>?fc V m, *

tonir. fibd*
fm9 ft r>f y
pa r>u aprr * tub ^
^fy U tu7 liio

Mr &. dlm^f! win £ fcni \\m*u $> ST fy b

row mMt-fthnftr in? rtlmrtmfliT $:
pftflttAMr ni; oIltT


[n^fr nan uahmjfc i)w, ic

inu b*u Gu> mibiV & Arfff p m»*fr M» JJT*
«t£* p«»ir «>torl* af|-ci.fp*ff |tt <)»*> wnHft fltetf 5 too

cpr pftd piv'l,,*,,,

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uJlVonilij* prJmttmm^^rt-'ocS'rhtntt^'^OoW
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mhtimi ? bunrth cCFBOt-i* tirT?r ftmnitpnr oR^ \tymM*$&mi Imi/V h

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tfr* I.** |,
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l,»«iMwrr« liopii^Tmi'^s at li,U (tdp If inMip-slifedntd -vt-e
prdlij* 0iiriringiiirt!i ? oSld>tifr Jjdr |«m ttiArgpalto puilcpfV*^

idlbtuldMiihl flu^olffn wartAiprpdaudiTctn I)f AnidtfaO

V frum
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9 ,r I* „, lnoR
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, vmvnr
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im^Tiir.W-r^ IcgRrr mavtia wild drff tuv p lidpiii cp
j ^ ^ 1 llokfl

f linkup ciigittCtuiltinfdi-drnioTd-d-'.lHliliptiJi^a.^
Few -oemT fitrtr
Ibn i«i^
rriSu rlhhi

* rlrlrht
fipfv Fjtti rtjii-Tf-p tttnMTi ?-rtU>.
dm n n rt*.n. nan-um Km^ hanlOi e % lag* UnJ bd Bl |-
./ igr>todrH|dlli;^pp>'pV'
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ilfv-nt: nTrl Dilc


bi|Njj bri^ur

t irnygu ftuh? vmfi '/ lltir fifCWfoWjjhc 5 ?»

•uaraflu M
^j'tHl'rl &ttPXC" 1)^J
viw/ucf.^lpm-^cp^ln^no'tttii-ii dtljua« hut au^Vpul
I mrd hefldr bum! U«f j ^ v-(Vdfrm pTdO(Vl?-ctetrdhiW m t\U dt>l<vnt,t vrn.dtiio
liunfydr Mfl nutid tdpridIM e^tmsa -wdnM tndi- Mid i»id * Idgfe
\fn{ lliTi v-jTi
"litim pa
ag'-jrpiriii ihr cdftd dr b fr imipm apld pTi e Un l)cf rtlltV r f V" ^H**
!3f &1 i»n % tj m o jidt-p - wj ot 1 ^.'j ro cti tmitri cp tv pq>irpita p* noH'or ftr mrvlrf pci*c chic
\yji di". cti d piidti d«c p L
*w9iIra^l.iWoJ*pfnn a&ru-lf ril'-ti: ivrldrtMti<kp~ iKvrft-ot-mJt-lniwr tnaib'jH.wl

pn\Vtdthlfli(olMdnaY put«4 drangd Ton eprjup ccM mrf ^u UpAT lew* tnd t^
ooir fueThifrfi ptr^Tcp^
ftdu c^- fn a- bio» B- it tjp^uo?- tmiid mil i*bc(Tmrcin <)

eir|>wi lidptGu^dlafitt- dtrd«t: ui!i tTfcv brd' itipafr' nu dr a- ttiirnc \»W Whr p'

be)ln.r< p"vc*ir v iuiinflS tvm e dW trtr rfr p-i tttittf did Pfl v fiiad m fpHjnrvtr oTk

j Ricrtt iuU tteprib? oldpr

Id ?o i U cir?flro,-iii c 1 tdtdr w- f yl«m «J^fl pn^edd fffl,

^ K'-^ztij* TTilthrildrtic diillnlSi' Mr ? gcF Ijf dr cngd dfhi • Sijjta a>" Vlp»- P $&> tMjmft fil'- Tan
Ifwdtr Ip* »iiiV,i/ ^ rrrfl[.]i fl tr il, th-fa-- Pyit "0^.
^udinc hint' fidrpdfti'd- (igA; fiifudr u)i^tiisr mtWl flop»iB«" til id
Ip-d'nd^ollum Iwiiu umrdafHrtnui avlyt) v pdtrerf- iniW- 'litfit'cii anntlc iidirtf limdif-eti IffVicsii' tn v ^o<V JJcd
Inn «p b;da^ l1i«(Tiir!|i^ii up" lu\urtliflr|r-o rfiTdrd iTehitr ftflfSrboaf mdt^ uni dlfd lilun-pnrWiaifMfnu nip t»if Tt^
1 lid ictn cvluflu lit^dupti [jtuPkriuirt^iiY to flt'wi lc~«dl irinp poMir rmuidfhj itio^fnic \Tmcn-nt oUy.r%6. rtp :

Ictrtvtril nr0pdJtelopauiVttr^irtJlt4clj'ua>ifcofr^d!)ni" >>i Id^iu ^u Ion i'lliftnA $»i!i9trm pN liiuu m^dlm

,nd (^lini'dthmi t)f oltdr %dr()dpd olfii) ti£yi»i'i'i-%!irfW •^|| ii<n.'rri ;*«tnr vt^ fncfnd t<si fiudllr. 4igi? Pr u bu
)b»udrl)dlpu naxni'd d-91^ Utuf f dpnlloi ((dgu tnThoiT ••^'•fitlfu m miM -s-li^pft: ifi lb"«d mmgf ftdi'pm Stlj"

Jnl po,>mo*i(tn^l % hidlp lU)tilivjrfcraTO0d dPcwid lipfg&j Tollpir p« oprlipd dr fcfl w dktrd IThft ci; ann^ c^ pctidp

buvr'd-p wotiSu u/llcthfltT- fuo miog dttuttfidii ic \>o?d li»V' c&tw rftmJH cji'rtmi mnVpuS" onrbiidr-pv rcirttri
iduaiim ttrdrlytai a^p^ftdlpClluf 6!o^c*prttar M-.S-K' n.l!/i
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Right A
14th-century Icelander's Til(»(tt& in dTr^Ir. P luo pujWddf- mcnidtr drdllcrrlicipiifi m- nl gcvtrrt ljuf -j'toVbuH* pTi c mrth' ^> >1fl<<StIj« ^rldoi-
impression of the death of St Olaf nm
Ui lidllafrjretd f Jitil* Ic ITlrtHrfc^ollJF/rifedcftiaiJ dlo&iilnwt FaC- flekpd % fdpa; tfin dr IjMjdpfc buirTjiii ra
in 1030, at the battle of Stiklestad
w®-\ic»riw oTorup pufr mr pyi^rtiiS.- is tiiviuni olapm ilVtool pd get 6 -gtr * I*d liudr ot Jidpfr flr- ITmTi pd- duMlv
in Norway, from the Flateyjarbok.
This miniature is framed in the i't^plffl^ idfru tnobnxr ni»cUidirrrPl)'v pi'ciicn.'-hrtS' W^ttr pn mirrdp Jv vciutt tmd^ii7iS lll»nIH'• <mV Km pot»oi
opening initial of the saga devoted ut^rr•dll)pIn^^:biBi'|ad^^'al|rt. tM^f^-JTtf JpTid •w«aiWittl-ot-ru"\idr4 |mN nf^d Kpifrjivrd Q\u-?5in
"fen WVMOlkuxr fr,* l >^ VcrtiT^ MiHi* bdpdf \*t6W.3d>r
to his life, written in the early i»jd dmt-'rjf Efl tottil' bri f^ir |i urvffiihj 3 rirbm; lu'mituu
13th century. The marginal i'f>ivrdllrpol?i jadudif lUrtip Stlwt ic"d»fbd«l>rcucw "mtnfl- J'pli flfi ctni o{Kt|ifiK chin j'dp of iuitt n\fm4i
illuminations at the bottom of the
page illustrate some of the 'tl cr of- v v>li( ucn-d gdindll "udrl^olliTifl -otiau flnu"

legendary exploits of the earlier v, W .ohbc Ctbcr utrt t dilnii- drgui fiw bdti nl
idpii ollftjr

Norwegian king, Olaf Tryggvason, Jyv -s

nind cv d^nioVrff Idnt. njp lmOjllu Cuii'
ivtii litni |

who is depicted killing a wild boar l)idiV pc tiair l»5 pud fuo imv(d7ii£-tJi tiioii ate mic tin Wliic pd Id ftuntu'dcbidrTvViiortirrdbhittiudt'rpiiiT&H
and a sea-ogress.
r* »cvtiilxti!jipd giiA- flcpfii Ijnnarr m (c'vd l.'inttf mi Mdr^v tt'ctm fuJttbiolrr i d(hl-l)nt*d ^dt: \u d* foul- mdi
Si.liiopdJI^ljdtiugiu fp"1i«{jcKdr(|<n l;<vlrc lutmid ^1
fdgAr If pi fu& cfb'crina«'ltf\Tr >licp df3^a <v ir*tlia'

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x>M VJuudJ/Di
lllit (V Krtv
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' litipuit anil 6g <!» i)p p?» p- 2-tuflnaf &hu ii-"c*.o»*<irtl dp" inr cp^rtj»iiiTcrbAtplcti(S r ff'bdii pi'^fr li'tr c bdirp dd>»
The Pagan Gods

The pagan gods and goddesses of Scandinavia form

two groups. Most belong to the race of Norse gods
called ALsir, but there is an important - and indeed
influential — smaller group known as the Vanir. The
two groups have very different qualities and ways of
behaving, and the distinction between them seems to
go back to pre-Viking times. In later Norse myth the
gods are shown as two warring tribes who, after a long
period of conflict, come to an agreement, each giving
the other hostages. This explains the presence of the
Vanir — the gods of wealth, fertility and physical
delight - among the ALsir.
Niord and his son and daughter, Freyr and Freyia,
are Vanir. Niord is a god of sea-travel and mercantile
enterprise, of money and property, while his offspring
are deities of fruitfulness and sexual love: Freyr and
Freyia have an incestuous relationship that is not
accepted among the Ash. The Vanir, and particularly
Freyia are connected with the practice of seidr, a form
of magic that enabled its practitioners to control
others and to gain special knowledge, but also brought
with it effeminacy, a condition that was unacceptable
to most Norsemen.
The larger group of gods, the Asir, includes some of
the most famous of Norse deities, notably the two
great gods Odin and Thor. These stand in contrast to
one another. Odin is a complex figure with many
attributes, some of them sinister. He is powerful but
treacherous, and skilled in magic. In disguise he often
intervenes in the affairs of men. He is something of a
god of war for he supports great warriors, but often
ends by betraying them to their deaths. In later stories
he is shown as the god of the professional soldier. His
famous weapon is a mighty spear Gungnir, and he
rides an eight-legged horse called Sleipnir. He dwells
in the hall Valholl, into which he gathers famous
fighting-men who are killed in battle in preparation
for Ragnarok, the final day.
Thor is a simpler and less intelligent deity, more the
god of the common man. He is physically powerful;
armed with his great hammer Miollnir, he fights giants
and demons and defends Asgard, the stronghold of the
gods. In some of his adventures he is accompanied by
the god Loki, who is an ambiguous figure, sometimes
appearing as a witty and mischievous companion, but
also as a wicked and treacherous figure whose actions
will eventually end the rule of the gods at Ragnarok. It
was Loki who arranged the killing of the god Baldr,
the beautiful and beloved.
Among the less well-known gods is Tyr, god of
warriors. Only one great myth survives about him - he
is one-handed because the wolf Fenrir bit off the other

hand when trying to escape from a snare set by the

gods. Another little-known god is Heimdall. He
guards the paths into Asgard, and will sound his
warning horn at the opening of the great day of
Ragnarok. We also know the names of numbers of
goddesses including Frigg, consort of Odin, Nanna,
who is Baldr's wife, and Sif, married to Thor. How-
ever, only Freyia figures largely in the surviving myths.

/ eft 1 his phallic figure probably Left A 10th-century pendant of

depicts the fertility god Freyr, from Sweden represents
whose idol in the temple of the figure ot a woman offering a
Uppsala was represented [says drinking horn. She is probably a
Adam of Bremen) with a great valkyrie, a word which means
erect penis. As a god ot rruitfulness "chooser of the slain", and is

Freyr was a patron of the farmer, welcoming a dead \

and particularly fertile fields would Odin's hall, Valholl. These

he named atrer him: Freysakr, supernatural women were charged
"Freyr's cornfield*. 11ns small with picking out the greatest
bronze figurine \6.S> centimeters fighters from among the men killed
high),comes from R.illinge, in battle, who would be needed for
Sodermanland, Sweden. Odin's army to fight the great
battle against the demons at

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Le/f This small bronze figurine (6.7 Above This from an
detail Right This figure ot a fighting-man
centimeters high) from northern 8th-century picture-stone from has a helmet surmounted by a
Iceland probably represents the god Tjangvide on the island of Gotland boar's figure. The god Freyr had a
Thor holding his hammer Miollnir shows a man riding an eight-legged boar called Gullinbursti
- one of the greatest treasures of horse; it probably represents ("Golden-bristled") crafted by the
the gods since it helps Thor defend Odin's horse, Sleipnir. Described as same dwarf who made Thor's
them against the giants and "the best of steeds" in an early hammer. It could gallop faster than
monsters who intend to destroy poem, Sleipnir was the result of a any horse and illuminated the
them. It was made by one of the union between the god Loki darkest night with the glitter of its

dwarfs, a race noted for their (disguised as a mare) and a giant bristles. The boar on this helmet
craftsmanship. Thor wields it both stallion. may indicate a fighter under Freyr's
and as a striking
as a missile protection. One Old Norse word
weapon, and it presumably for a noble fighting-man, tofurr,
represents the thunderbolt. literally means "wild boar".

in vain, and that he and all doomed. This is a

his kin are Left Legendary treasures in the
suitable mythology- for a warrior race, one in which Norse myths are often attributed to
thework of dwarves; here one such
killing and treachery are commonplace, and in which a dwarf is depicted at his forge, in a

great man displays his greatness by struggling against a detailfrom a 12th-century

baptismal font on the island of
fate that he knows is inevitable.
The Norse myth of the creation of mankind is a
primitive one. Three gods, Odin, Hoenir and Lodur,
were walking by the seashore and came upon two logs,
presumably driftwood. They picked them up and gave
them human shape, one male, one female. Then each
god added human characteristics: breath and life;
understanding and movement; speech, hearing and
sight. From two
these beings, says Snorri, descend all
people. But humans and there
are social animals
survives a curious poem, Rigsthula (The Lay of Rig),
which describes how social distinctions came about in
this world. The great god Heimdall was walking
through the world, and took on himself the name of
Rig. He went to three houses, belonging to a poor,
middling and rich couple in turn. In each he ate with
the couple and stayed three nights, sharing their bed.
In each case the wife gave birth to a child nine months
later. From the poor wife descended the slave class,
from the second the free working class, from the
wealthy the class of nobles and eventually royalty.
According to this myth, then, Heimdall was the
progenitor of humankind in its social capacity.
A number of myths relate to the gods themselves. Below This scene, on the
rune-stone at Altuna church in
One of the most powerful tells of the beloved god Uppland, Sweden, illustrates the
Baldr, of whom the sinister Loki was so jealous that he legend of Thor in which he goes
fishing for the World Serpent.
contrived his death. Baldr was invulnerable to
Thor's hammer is at the ready, but
weapons made from any material except mistletoe, been driven through
his left leg has

which was so insignificant it had not been included in the bottom planks of the boat, so
violent is the struggle when the
the oath not to harm the god. Loki learned of this, and
Serpent first seizes his hook, baited
contrived that the blind god Hod should shoot a with an ox-head.
Myth and legend mistletoe shaft at Baldr, which killed him. The gods
Among the most powerful Norse myths are those that tried in vain to bring Baldr back from the abode of
explain the beginning and end of this world. Not Hel, goddess of the dead, but he remains there until, in
surprisingly, neither is very precise. In the beginning one version, he shall return again after Ragnarok. This
there was nothing, a void only, but this lay between two is the "dying god" myth, familiar to students of
regions, one freezing and misty one hot
called Niflheim, comparative religion.
and sparkling called Muspell. A river flowed into the Another common myth-type is the "sacred mar-
great void, and froze over, layer upon layer. Where the riage", wherein the god of fertility mates with the
hot and cold areas touched, the ice melted and formed a earth to make it fruitful. This is represented in Norse
frost giant, Ymir, from whom are descended all the frost legend by a tale of the god Freyr and his love for a
giants of the world. Then it formed a cow, Audhumla, giant-girl Gerd. Freyr saw her first when he was sitting
that licked the salty frozen ice. As it licked, a figure of in Odin's great throne, Hlidskialf, from where the
human shape was formed out of the block, and this was whole world could be viewed. He fell so deeply in love
Bun, from whom most of the great gods are descended. with her that he could neither sleep nor drink, and sent
The gods Odin, Vili and Ve killed Ymir, and from his his servant Skirnir to make proposals to her. Skirnir's
body made the structure of this world, of the sea, the sky reward would be to receive Freyr's famous sword,
and clouds: within this world dwell a variety cf which could fight of its own accord. The messenger
creatures, the gods themselves, men, dwarfs, elves, made the dangerous journey to the giant-haunted
giants of various sorts. north, offeringsumptuous gifts to the giantess. When
There also live a number of sinister monsters who will them he resorted to threats, and at last got
she rejected
put paid to the gods on the final day, which is called Gerd's promise to be Freyr's bride. So the story had a
Ragnarok. The most famous are the wolf Fenrir and the happy ending - but it left Freyr without his sword, and
World Serpent, Midgardsorm, also called Iormungand. it to defend the gods at
thus he will not be able to use
For the greater part of rime these monsters are kept Ragnarok.
secure, Fenrir bound and chained to a rock, Iormungand For the poets who recorded these myths, the most
at the bottom of the sea. When Ragnarok comes they important concerned the poetic mead, the drink that
will emerge from their captivity and join with the forces gives the inspiration to create great poetry. was It

of darkness, the evil god Loki and an obscure group of originally compounded by and
a pair of dwarfs, Fialar
fire-demons and giants. These will attack the gods, who Galar, who killed a giant called Kvasir and mixed his
will fall after a valiant defense, and the world will be blood with honey, thus making mead. The drink later
consumed by fire. The gods have foreseen this, and came into the possession of a giant Suttung who kept it
indeed Odin has collected an army of great warriors in in three cauldrons. Odin coveted the mead and stole it
his great hall of Valholl from among the heroes killed in from Suttung by seducing his daughter Gunnlod, who
battle, but he knows before he starts that his resistance is let him have a drink from each cauldron. However,
Above Amongst the enigmatic Odin drained the contents dry, then flew away in the with Odin.) The 11th-century English homilist yElfric
scenes on one of the Gotlandic
form of an eagle. Suttung pursued him, also in eagle's wrote a sermon "On false gods" in which he pointed out
picture-stones from Ardre one is

that may illustrate an incident from guise, but Odin managed to get to Asgard (the realm of that Jupiter "is among some nations called Thor, one
the tale of Volund (Wayland) the the gods) and spewed the mead out into the pails and jars whom the Danish peoples love most of all."
Smith, recounted in the Edda.
Volund has been captured by a
that the gods had got ready. From there Odin is able to The only pagan temple of which we have detailed
king who forces him to work in the dispense it to any of his favorites. information is that at Gamla Uppsala, in central
royal smithy; he takes his revenge Sweden, which was described by the German church-
by killing the king's sons and
seducing his daughter before
Sacrifice, worship and belief man Adam of Bremen in the 11th century. He says that
escaping in the shape of a bird. On Today we have no way of knowing how far these literary the temple building was gilded throughout. The temple
the right of the smithy (indicated
myths represent what the Vikings actually believed or contained idols of three gods; the most powerful, Thor,
by the hammer and tongs), are two
headless corpses, whilst to the left
acted upon in their daily lives. The Vikings themselves sat in the middle with Odin and Freyr on each side.
is a bird-like form and the figure of did not record details of their pagan religion, and the Adam goes on to define the different attributes and
Christians who came into contact with them were qualities of these gods, as the Swedes believed them to
reluctant to describe paganism or give it any credit; if be. Thor presides in the governs thunder and

they did mention it, it was usually in pejorative terms. lightning, winds and rainstorms, fine weather and crops;
The 10th-century English chronicler /Ethelweard speaks his figure holds a scepter. Odin (whose name, says Adam
of Vuothen, the ancestor of the Anglo-Saxon kings, and correctly, means "fury"), controls warfare and courage,
says that "the unbelieving Northerners (which is to say and his idol is an armed figure. Freyr is the god of peace
the Danes, Norwegians and [Swedes]) are overwhelmed and physical delight, and his figure has an immense
by such great temptation that they worship him as a god penis. Each god has his own priests, and the people
even today." (ytthelweard is here equating Vuothen sacrifice to the gods for appropriate benefits, to Thor in
The Legend of Sigurd

The stories and characters that are the essential matter in hismouth to cool it, so drinking some of the heart Above The decorative doorway
of Norse legend derive from the Germanic tradition of blood. This instantly gave him the ability to under- from Hylestad church in Norway
contains scenes from the Sigurd
central Europe, but it is in the literature of medieval stand the language of the birds twittering to each other story. Left to right, they show: (1)
Scandinavia that they are most fully preserved. It was in the bushes nearby. They revealed that Regin Sigurd, helmeted as a hero should
be, testing Regin's swords by
to the Norse myths that the German composer intended to betray Sigurd and take the treasure for
chopping at an anvil with them.
Richard Wagner (1813—83) turned for the inspiration himself and suggested that Sigurd should cut off The first sword has just broken,
for many of his musical dramas and operas, par- Regin's head. He followed this counsel, and afterward and Regin in the background is
setting about making the second.
ticularly the adventures of the two great Germanic ate some of Fafnir's heart, before jumping on his horse
(2) With an assistant to blow the
heroes, Siegmund and Siegfried, father and son. The Grani - a magnificent animal that had been sired by bellows, Regin is working the
metal of the blade of the third
story of Sigurd (Siegfried) is told in several of the Odin's steed Sleipnir and chosen with Odin's advice.
sword. This was made from the
poems of and Snorri Sturluson also
the Poetic Edda, He traced the dragon's tracks back to its lair where he metal fragments of Sigmund's great
summarizes it in his Prose Edda. It is most easily found the heap of gold and other treasures - more sword Gram, which had only
shattered when Odin posed his
accessible to the modern reader in the 13th-century than two or three ordinary horses could carry between
spear before it in battle and broke
prose tale, the Saga of King Volsung and his descen- them, yet he was able to Joad all the treasure on to it. (3) Sigurd, protected by his
dants (Volsunga saga). Grani's back without difficulty. He did not know that shield from the dragon Fafnir's
venom, takes Regin's advice and
Sigurd was the posthumous son of the great hero the treasure had had a curse placed on it that would stabs upward at the serpent's belly.
Sigmund. He was put out to foster with a smith called bring disaster to anyone who possessed it. (4) Regin has fallen asleep, nursing
Regin, who came from a family skilled in magic. Regin Riding away, Sigurd came to a king's hall where he the sword, while Sigurd is roasting
Fafnir's heart, threaded onto a spit,
made Sigurd discontented with his lot in life and met a woman, Brynhild, with whom he fell in love, and over a fire. He has just burned his
encouraged him to improve it by seeking the treasure they exchanged rings and vows of mutual fidelity. hand, and is licking it to soothe it.
As he swallows the dragon's blood
that was guarded by a dragon called Fafnir. In fact, After lingering there for some time, Sigufd went in
he finds himself able to understand
Fafnir was Regin's brother and they had quarreled search of further adventures and came with his what the birds round about are
over the ownership of the treasure. Regin set about treasure to the court of a King Giuki who had three saying. (5) Sigurd takes the birds'
advice and slaughters Regin. The
making a sword for Sigurd to kill the dragon with, but sons, Gunnar, Hogni and Guttorm, and a beautiful written versions say that Sigurd
the first two he made shattered when Sigurd tried them daughter, Gudrun. He made a great impression and decapitated him, but here he takes
an independent line and simply
out, so Regin made him a third, out of the fragments of Grimhild, their mother, schemed to unite Sigurd to
slashes him in two. (6) Grani,
his father Sigmund's ancient sword. This proved to be their family. She gave him a magic potion that made Sigurd's splendid horse, carries
perfect - both sharp and tough. him forget Brynhild so that he fell for Gudrun and Fafnir's treasure on his back. Two
of the birds who have advised
Regin accompanied Sigurd to the heath where married her; to bind the alliance, Sigurd, Gunnar and Sigurd are sitting among the
Fafnir was lurking. They found the tracks that Fafnir Hogni swore an oath of blood-brotherhood. foliage.

made when he went to his watering-hole. They were In turn Gunnar set out to win Brynhild, and Sigurd
enormous, and Sigurd became apprehensive. Regin agreed to help him. She lived in a hall surrounded by a
advised him to kill the scaly monster by digging a pit barrier of fire and had vowed to marry only the man
and hiding in it so that when the dragon came to drink who could ride through the flames to claim her.
he could stab it in its soft underbelly. This Sigurd did. Gunnar could not do this, but Sigurd, with his great
When was dead, Regin came forward to
the dragon steed Gram, could. So Sigurd and Gunnar exchanged
claim some of the treasure since he had supplied the shapes and Sigurd, disguised as his friend, won
sword. Regin and Sigurd quarreled, but Sigurd finally Brynhild. They slept together, but Sigurd put a naked Right Like so many of the Swedish
rune-stones, this example from
agreed to Regin's request that he should cut out the sword between them to preserve their chastity. He Dravle, Uppland, has its inscription
dragon's heart, roast it and give it to Regin to eat. took from Brynhild the ring he had earlier given her cut on a serpent. The carver has
interpreted this as the dragon
Sigurd roasted the heart on a spit. When the juices when they became betrothed, and this he later handed
Fafnir and, at the top of the stone,
began to splutter out, he tested the heart with his finger over to his wife Gudrun. Gunnar and Brynhild were has carved Sigurd stabbing it in the

to see if was done. His finger was scalded and he put it married and came to live at Giuki's court. Not till then bellv.

did Sigurd's memory return, and he recollected his

earlier contract of love with Brynhild.
Gudrun and Brynhild quarreled over who had the
finest husband. Brynhild boasted that hers was the
greatest as he had ridden through a ring of fire for her,
and Gudrun then revealed the deception that had been
practiced on Brynhild - that it was Sigurd in Gunnar's
shape who had won her - and proved it by showing
Brynhild her own ring that Sigurd had passed on to
Gudrun. Brynhild was savagely angry and plotted
revenge. She told Gunnar that she knew that it was
Sigurd who had won her, and aroused his jealousy by
revealing that she and Sigurd had slept together within
the flame barrier, but did not mention the sword that
had lain between them. So she encouraged Gunnar to
plot Sigurd's death. He drew his brother Hogni into
his schemes, arguing that with Sigurd dead they would
succeed to his treasure and to the power that he
wielded. But as Sigurd's blood-brothers they could not
in propriety kill him themselves. Their third brother,
Guttorm, was not bound to Sigurd in any way, and he
agreed to do the killing in return for high honors.
Guttorm twice went to Sigurd's chamber while he was
still in bed, but each time Sigurd looked at him with his

piercing eyes, and he was afraid to do the deed. The

third time Guttorm approached him, Sigurd was
asleep, and Guttorm drew his sword and stabbed him.
Sigurd jerked awake and picking up his sword, threw
it at Guttorm. It sliced him in two. Gudrun, in bed

beside Sigurd, awoke drenched in blood to find him

dying in her arms. As she cried out, Brynhild heard her
and laughed aloud.
Brynhild now taunted the brothers by pointing out
that without Sigurd they would be greatly weakened
in battle, and she revealed to Gunnar that Sigurd had
put the sword between them as they lay together, and
so had kept faith with him. She collected her wealth
together, gave it all to her attendants, and stabbed
herself. As she lay dying she asked to be burned on the
funeral pyre beside Sigurd, with a drawn sword
between them. This was done, and the cursed treasure
remained with Gunnar and Hogni, waiting to achieve
its next nefarious deed.

time of famine and plague, to Odin for victory, to

Freyr for fruitful marriages.
According to Adam, the temple served as a center of
national worship. Every nine years there was a major
festival, which everyone from all the Swedish pro-
vinces, including baptized Christians, had to attend.
Sacrifices were made of male victims, including dogs,
horses and men, to placate the gods, and their bodies,
all mixed up together, were suspended from the trees
in the sacred grove near the temple. Adam quotes the
evidence of "i certain one of the Christians" who had
seen 72 bodies of various creatures strung up in the
grove.From this it seems that Adam had his account
from eyewitnesses, and that this pagan cult continued
in Sweden later than in other Scandinavian lands.
However, Adam may also have been influenced by
biblical accounts of temples.
The evidence of place-names provides some addi-
tional information about pagan sites. For instance,
Odense in is "Odin's w" (meaning
Fyn, Denmark,
Dc magnifico tcmplo Deorum Septentrionalium.
sanctuary). Torshov, a name that occurs several times
in Norway, means "Thor's temple". For the most
part, however, we are reliant on later Scandinavian
sources for the details of pagan worship and belief,
and these must be treated with great caution. In the
early part of his history of the Norwegian kings,
Heimskringla, Snorri Sturluson describes the customs
that Odin established for the northern peoples: "He
decreed that all the dead should be burned, and put on
the funeral pyre with all their possessions. He also said
that everyone should come into Valholl with all the
property that he had on the pyre, and he should also
enjoy the use of what he himself had buried in the
earth, and the ashes should be carried out to sea or
buried in the earth, and mounds should be raised in
memory of men of rank. ..And there should be a
sacrifice at the beginning of winter for a successful
year, and at midwinter for regeneration, and a third in
summer which was a sacrifice for victory."
Elsewhere Snorri tells the story of a sacrificial feast
that got the Christian king of Norway, Hakon the
Good (934-60), into trouble. It was the king's tradi-
tional role to preside at this feast, which was held each tion unreliable. Nevertheless, they strongly imply that Top This reconstruction of the
pagan temple at Old Uppsala is
year in the fall, and eat the ordained meal of horse- the Norse pagan religion was closely linked to the
from Olaus Magnus' History of the
flesh.However, Hakon could not reconcile this with yearly cycle and to the secular social hierarchy. The Northern Peoples, published in
his Christian faith - good Christians did not eat local leader was called a godi, a word originally 1555. It is based on the description
by Adam of Bremen, from the
horse-meat. He wished to sup apart with his friends, meaning "priest" but which, in Iceland at least, 1070s, who commented on the
but was forced to come into the great hall and sit in the denoted secular distinction as well. The word also golden chain that surrounded the
roof, as well as an adjacent
high-seat, the place of honor. Instead of pledging to turns up as a title of rank (perhaps a religious one) in a
evergreen tree and a holy spring in
Odin he made the sign of the cross over the drinking- Danish runic inscription. which human victims were
horn, and only escaped censure when a supporter gave The 13th-century Eyrbyggjasaga describes one such sacrificed by drowning.

the excuse that he was making the sign of Thor's local godi, and despite its late date, it probably con-
Above The god Thor was
hammer. Altogether it was a disastrous day for tains a good deal of genuine evidence that had been symbolized by his hammer: this
Hakon, and one that cost him dear in political passed on through the oral tradition. The saga tells of soapstone mold from Trendgarden
in Jutland, Denmark, meant that
support. The following winter when a major sacrificial a Norwegian landowner Thorolf, nicknamed Most- the local smith could give his
feast was held at Trondelag, the local farmers forced rarskegg, who was a great devotee of the god Thor - 10th-century customers a choice

Hakon to take part willy-nilly, to eat the pagan meal hence his name. He lived in the late 9th century, when between a Thor's hammer or a
Christian cross.
of horse-liver and to drink without signing the cross King Harald Finehair was bringing southern Norway
over the cup. under royal control at the expense of the old free-
Modern scholars have tended to play down the farmer families. Unhappy at political developments,
importance of the major celebrations so richly - and Thorolf consulted his "beloved friend" Thor who
perhaps imaginatively - described in the sagas, and to advised him to emigrate. Thorolf therefore collected
emphasize instead the more local aspects of worship. his dependents, and took down his "temple" - which
Like the Germanic peoples in general, the Scan- probably means the great hall of the family
dinavians had no distinct priestly caste: the priest was homestead. The main beams were loaded onto his ship
also a secular leader, the head of a household or of and the family group set off for Iceland.
local society. Here the Sagas of Icelanders are of As the ship approached the island, the posts that
particular importance, though again their late date had supported the seat of honor in the hall were
and Christian background may make their informa- thrown overboard. These represented Thorolf 's

authority as head of the household and also prohahly northwestern Europe. The Vikings would have come
as a priest of Thor; the figure of Thor (or possibly his into contact with Christianity in various forms and
name or symbol) was carved on one of them. The saga guises in the course of their journeys overseas as
tells us that "Thorolf made the agreement that they pirates, colonizers and traders; for example, the
would settle in Iceland wherever Thor directed them Vikings who made the long journey along the rivers of
to land. " Accordingly, when the posts were washed up Russia to the Black Sea would have encountered the
on aheadland on the west coast, a place that Thorolf churches of eastern Christianity when they visited
The spread of Christianity named Thorsnes (and which is still its name), Thorolf Byzantium to do business there, or else to serve in the
The earliest attempts to convert the Scandinavians to staked his claim to land here, and here he built a Greek emperor's personal guard. The sagas tell us that
Christianity were made in the 8th temple. The saga's description of the temple sounds Vikings trading in Christian lands were sometimes
centurv by Frankish missionaries to
suspiciously like that of a Christian church, and so is ready to accept token Christianity to ease their
Jutland. We have documentary
evidence or the missionary |ourneys not now generally accepted, but it contains some relations with their clients.
of Ansgai who visited Jutland and distinctive details: "In the middle of the floor stood a Norse settlers abroad were likely to be influenced by
central Sweden in the mid 9th
century, (bunding churches at
pillar like an altar, and on it lay a penannular ring, the local religion, and this seems to have led to an
Hedeby and Birka, but his efforts twenty ounces in weight, and all oaths should be intermingling of beliefs. One of the first colonizers of
do not appear to have been sworn on it. This ring the priest should wear on his Iceland was Helgi Eyvindarson, called Helgi the
long-lived and it was not until a
century later that the Danes arm at all legal meetings." (We know from other Skinny because he was brought up in the Hebrides and
became formally Christian in the sources that the swearing of an oath on a holy ring had as a ladwas very short of food. He was, we are told,
reign of Harald Bluetooth, who
particular importance in Norse society.) "On the "very mixed up in his faith; he believed in Christ, but
had his royal center at Jelling. It
was in western Europe that many pillar should also stand a sacrificial bowl, and in it prayed to Thor on sea-journeys and in tough situa-
Norwegians first came into contact sacrificial 'twigs'... they were used for sprinkling from tions." In the Isle of Man10th-century runic inscrip-
with Christianity, but though
exiled members of the Norwegian the bowl the blood that is called hlaut, that is the blood tions in the Scandinavian tongue appear on Christian
royal dynasty were converted there, shed by the beasts that were dedicated to the gods." cross-slabs, some of which have additional sculptured
often for political reasons, early-
The saga-writer mentions one further aspect of the scenes taken from pagan Norse myth, strongly sugges-
attempts to introduce the new faith
into Norway met with mixed holiness of this area, a sacred mountain nearby "that ting a confusion of religious beliefs. At Killaloe in
success: Lade in Trondelag was a he [Thorolf] called Helgafell [Holy Mount], and he Ireland a fragment of a stone cross commemorating a
particular center of resistance.
English missionaries were active in
believed that when he died he would go into that Norseman Thorgrim has inscriptions cut both in runes
Norway during the 10th century, mountain and all his family on the headland there." and in ogham, the old Celtic alphabet. Most remark-
but it was only after the death of
That Thorolf established his legal meeting-place on able of all, though Viking invaders killed the Anglo-
Olaf Haraldsson (St Olaf) at the
battle of Stiklestad (1030) that
the point of the headland where Thor, represented by Saxon Christian king of East Anglia, Edmund, in 870,
Christianity became the official the seat-posts, came to land, is confirmation of the by the end of the century Danish settlers in the region
religion. From Norway Christianity
close link between religion and social organization. were issuing a St Edmund memorial coinage.
spread to Iceland and Greenland at
the beginning of the 1 1th century. It is clear from a number of incidents that some
Sweden was the last country to The conversion to Christianity western leaders used Christianity as a means of
become Christian, and its
conversion was not completed until
By the beginning of the 9th century, Scandinavia was diplomacy to bring the Vikings over to their side. This
well into the 1 1th century. one of the last remaining strongholds of paganism in is what Alfred the Great of England did in 892/3 when,

scale 1 10 000 000


Left King Olaf Haraldsson

(1015-30), who was violent in the
repression of paganism in his
kingdom of Norway, met what
came to be regarded as a martyr's
death at the battle of Stiklestad.
Pilgrims were soon flocking to his
burial place at Nidaros
(Trondheim). This 14th-century
painted wooden panel,now housed
in the cathedral at Trondheim,
depicts the royal saint, symbolized
by an ax, surrounded by scenes of
his death and subsequent

according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, there were throne, in opposition to his elder half-brother Eric
two Viking armies operating in southern England, a Bloodax. Hakon ousted Eric in about 935, and tried to
smaller one camped at King's Milton and a large one bring Norway over to Christianity, but he came up
with a base at Appledore, both in Kent. In order to against the opposition of the Norwegian free-farmers
prevent them joining forces, Alfred and his deputy, who were suspicious of any innovations, fearing they
y£thelred, stood as godfathers to the two sons of were an attempt to infringe their rights. So Hakon was
Hastein, the leader of the smaller band of invaders, ultimately unsuccessful, and his funeral ode, compos-
binding him further by giving him money and extract- ed after his death from wounds received in battle in
ing oaths and hostages. But it did not work. Hastein 960, is pagan in tone. Nevertheless the presence of the
still ravaged Alfred's kingdom, and, says the occasional English name - Sigefridus of Glastonbury,
chronicler indignantly, even the province that was for instance - among those who became bishops in
administered by yEthelred. Over a century later the Norway in the 10th century suggests that a serious
English king yEthelred the Unready was more success- missionary effort by the English church took place at
ful. In 994 he made a pact with Anlaf (Olaf Trygg- about this time.
vason, later king of Norway) who in alliance with the From now on had an important role in
Danish king Svein Forkbeard had launched an assault Norwegian and politics, though Hakon's
on the kingdom. TEthelred gave Anlaf tribute, but also immediate successors were not particularly inclined
stood sponsor to him at his confirmation: "and", the toward it. Indeed, the great earl Hakon of Lade who
Chronicle adds, "Anlaf promised that he would never ruled the country toward the end of the 10th century Right The conversion of Sweden to
come back to England again with hostile intent - and was notorious for his pagan sympathies. He was Christianity can in part be charted
by the distribution of runic
what's more, he kept his promise." replaced in 995 by Olaf Tryggvason, a most charis- memorials incorporating crosses in
More far-reaching were the diplomatic strategies of matic leader who in the five years that he ruled their designs and Christian
sentiments in their inscriptions.
Athelstan, king of England from 924 to 939. Accord- Norway was, says tradition, eager to reintroduce This memorial (and combined
ing to the Icelandic Saga of Harald Finehair, he took Christianity. He had been converted during a long title-deed) is carved on a rock face

into his court the boy Hakon, Harald's son, a tradition exile abroad in early life (though there are several at Nora in Uppland. The text is
contained within the ribbon-like
that is consistent with the character of Athelstan as conflicting accounts of where this had occurred) and body of a one-legged beast that
given in English sources. Thus Hakon is nicknamed had - as we have seen - been confirmed in England. To balances on a central cross whilst
in combat with a snake. Its elegant
"Athelstan's foster-son" in Norse accounts. Athelstan what extent Olaf was a committed Christian,
composition forms a classic
brought the lad up as a Christian, and on the death of however, or to what extent he used the new religion as Urnes-sryle design of late
his father supported him in his claim to the Norwegian a means of political coercion to bring the free-farmers 11th-century date.

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Dominating the market town of Jelling in eastern

Jutland are two great mounds that are among the most
impressive monuments from Viking Age Scandinavia.
Between them stands a medieval stone church. The
mound to the north is the largest burial-mound in
Denmark, but its burial-chamber- dated to about 958
by tree-ring dating - is empty. The purpose of the
south mound is more uncertain: it never held a grave
and was probably a memorial. Midway between them
are two rune-stones. The inscription on the smaller
one reads: "King Gorm made these monuments in
memory of his wife Thyra, Denmark's adornment."
The larger one says: "King Harald ordered these
Below The r\vo great mounds at
monuments to be made after his father Gorm and his
Jelling are on either side of the
present churchyard surrounding mother Thyra. It was this Harald who won for himself
the medieval church. On a line that all Denmark and Norway and made the Danes
loins the top of the mounds, and
Christians." This stone clearly refers to Harald
exactly halfway between them,
stand the two rune-stones, one Bluetooth who became Christian about 960. The
erected byGorm, the other bv likeliest explanation is that after his conversion he
Harald. Below the south mound
are the remains of an earlier stone
moved the body of his father Gorm, a pagan, from the
setting. north mound to a grave in the church that he had built.
Above This silver cup is one of the
few objects found in the
burial-chamber of the north
mound. Elaborately decorated with
® animals, it is of high quality and
suggests the splendor of the
grave-goods that must have been
buried with Gorm.

Top right The two Jelling

rune-stones are an important
source of information about

) Denmark's 10th-century royal

dynasty. To
memorial erected by
the left is

the small
to his
queen. To the right is the boulder
that Harald put up to celebrate his
parents - and himself. It is
elaborately carved on all three of
its faces.

Right In this view of Jelling, the

nearer of the two mounds contains
Gorm's burial chamber. The rune-
stones can be seen just on the other
side of the church.

Below A cut-away of the north

mound. The burial-chamber was
dug into an existing mound,
perhaps of Bronze Age date. This
was covered with a layer of stone
packing and then with earth.

of Norway under royal control is a matter of inter-

pretation. Certainly his methods showeda muscular
approach to Christianity, with the burning of temples
and physical attacks being carried out on eminent
pagan leaders. After his death in battle in the year
1000, there was another anti-Christian reaction - at
least according to some Norse writers.
The triumph of the new religion came in the reign of
Olaf Haraldsson (1015-30), the king who was later to
become St Olaf of Norway. The many sagas that were
written after his death in battle at Stiklestad, north of
Trondheim, tell of his vigorous and often merciless
attacks on heathens in Norway. As one says: "King
Olaf held a meeting with the heathen sub-kings...
When he found that they were unwilling to accept
Christianity, he had nine kings taken prisoner one
morning; some he had blinded, some maimed in other
ways, some he outlawed. King Olaf laid such stress on
all men in his kingdom being Christians that he offered

them the choice: be killed, leave the country or take

baptism." More important is the fact that he managed
to bring Christianity into the legal codes of Norway
after a major council meeting held in Hordaland about
1024, and that he encouraged the activity of English
missionary bishops in Norway and its neighboring
lands — Sigafrid, Grimkil, Rudolf and Bernard are all
known to us by name. Olaf's death in battle came to be
interpreted as a martyr's death, and pilgrims thronged
to his place of burial at Nidaros (Trondheim).
Of the introduction of Christianity into Iceland we
have a more authoritative account, given us by the
historian Ari Thorgilsson in his Book of the Ice-
landers. As we have seen, Ari obtained his material
from oral accounts that can be traced back to the time
of the conversion. He tells how Olaf Tryggvason tried
to bring Christianity to Iceland, sending a turbulent
priest called Thangbrand on a mission of conversion.
The Icelanders, perhaps indignant that a Norwegian
king was trying to impose his authority on their
country, were in the main not sympathetic, though
some leaders of the community accepted the new
teaching. Thangbrand's departure from the country
under a cloud, after brawling with hostile Icelanders,
angered Olaf so much that he threatened reprisals
against anyone from Iceland who came to his court.
Two leading Icelanders responded to this pressure
by agreeing to put the case for Christanity to the
annual assembly at Thingvellir. In the debate that
followed, Christians and pagans concluded they could
not agree but must accept different religions and
different laws. At this point the "lawspeaker", the
chairman of the assembly, intervened. Though a
pagan, he argued that there could not be two legal
systems in the same land, as that would lead to
anarchy, and proposed a compromise that everyone
should become formally Christian, but that the pagans
should be allowed to retain some of their old customs
and to sacrifice to their gods in private. This was
accepted, but shortly afterward the concessions to
paganism were abolished. The first bishop of Iceland,
Isleif, was the son of one of the first converts. His son

succeeded him, settling the episcopal see at Skalholt in

the south of Iceland. Later a second bishop, Jon, was
consecrated, with his see at Holar in the north.
Christianity reached Greenland in a similar way,
introduced by Leif, son of the colony's founder Eric
the Red, in the early 11th century. Returning to
Greenland from Norway, where he had become a
Christian convert, Leif brought a priest with him to

teach the new faith.Despite a conflict of opinion with

his father, who clung to the old pagan ways, Leif's
party gained the ascendancy. An episcopal see was
established at Gardar in the south of the country, a
place described by a 15th-century pope as being "at
the end of the world".

German missionaries
The conversion of the eastern Scandinavian nations,
the Danes and the Swedes, took a different course.
Here the important forces were the Frankish empire to
the south, and the episcopal see of Hamburg-Bremen
at the neck of the Jutland peninsula in particular.
Tentative efforts were made to spread Christianity
northward in the 8th century,but it was not until the
9th, through the work of Ansgar, "the Apostle of the
North," that any success was achieved.
Of Ansgar, a monk of Corvey abbey in Westphalia,
Germany, we have a contemporary Latin biography
written by his colleague and successor, Rimbert. After
the exiled Danish king Harald Klak was baptized at
Ingelheim in the Rhineland in 826, Ansgar was given
the opportunity to travel with him to preach Chris-
tianity.The only success of this first ministry was the
founding of a small school, perhaps at Hedeby in the
south of Jutland. A second opportunity came in 829
when Ansgar was summoned to lead a more adven-
turous mission to Sweden. It was on this occasion that
he visited the influential trading town of Birka on Lake
Malaren, where he set up a mission station, converted
the local prefect, Herigar, and built a chapel. son and successor, Denmark was at least nominally Above The first face of the great
rune-stone set up at Jelling by King
Ansgar returned to the imperial court late in 831 Christian, with further bishoprics being established in
Harald Bluetooth of Denmark
and was made the first archbishop of Hamburg Roskilde and Lund. Indeed, in one of his Christian carries the major part of the runic
(moving to Bremen after Hamburg was destroyed by moments Svein sent an English bishop, Gotebald, to inscription that celebrates his
parents - and himself. The text
Vikings in 845). The pope entrusted Ansgar with the the church in Skane. Under Svein's son, Cnut (reigned
carries on around the bottom of
task of bringing the Danes and Swedes to Christianity, 1018—35), who was also king of England, the church the other two faces, one depicting
and a bishop, Gaudbert, was dispatched to Sweden received further reinforcement from English mis- the crucifixion of Christ (shown on
the previous page) and the other a
but later expelled "by the zeal of the pagans". In the sionaries - Bishops Bernard in Skane, Gerbrand in scene of a lion-like beast inter-
850s Ansgar returned to the north, founding a church Sjcelland and Reginbert in Fyn — and thereafter there twined with a snake (page 99).
at Hedeby to minister to the small Christian com- were both English and North German influences on
munity already there, and in 852 went again to Danish Christianity.
Sweden. The king and the local legal communities of In Sweden the process of conversion was later and
Birka and Uppsala authorized him to preach and build more drawn out. This was partly due to the divided
a church at Birka. A final journey to Denmark in 854 nature of its population. The people of Ostergotland
strengthened the church at Hedeby, and led to the and Vastergotland in the south were closer to the
founding of a second at Ribe. Yet the effects of Christianizing influence of mainland Europe, while
Ansgar's mission were to prove shortlasting, and by the Svear, living in central Sweden around Lake
the end of the 9th century Sweden and Denmark had Malaren, remained entrenchedly pagan. Individual
lapsed again into paganism. 10th-century kings admitted Christian missions to the
Political considerations led the Danes back to land, and King Olof Skotkonung (reigned 990-
Christianity - pressure from the German emperor on 1021/2) accepted baptism and extended the spread of
Denmark's southern border in the first half of the 10th Christianity, founding the first Swedish bishopric at
century. We know less than we would like to about Skara in Ostergotland.
this period of Danish history, and often have to rely on Successive rulers furthered the Christian cause, and
late sources. From these we learn that Archbishop the religion reached gradually into the various pro-
Unni of Hamburg-Bremen led a mission to the king of vinces of the land, with bishoprics being founded at
Denmark in the 930s, but he turned out to be an Uppsala and, at the end of the Viking period, at
obstinate pagan called Gorm. Not until the reign of his Linkoping. This spread charted in the inscriptions

son and successor, Harald Bluetooth, did the Danes on runic memorial stones. Texts incorporating Chris-
become formally Christian, about 960. According to tian sentiments appear from the early 1 1th century in
one version, Harald's conversion took place after the southern Sweden but a good deal later in the more
missionary Poppo had proved through an ordeal by central parts of the land, where forms of paganism
fire the greater power of his religion. It is this seem to have held out for a long time. Indeed, in the
conversion that Harald boasted of in his inscription on later 11th century there were times when Christian
the greater of the two Jelling rune-stones. Bishoprics bishops were scared to occupy their sees. The great
were established in Hedeby, Ribe (where Odinkar pagan temple at Gamla Uppsala appears to have lasted
ministered for 40 years in the early 1 1th century) and relatively long into the "Christian" period of Swedish
Arhus. Thereafter, despite a lapse in the early years of history, and it seems likely that it formed a center of
the reign of Svein Forkbeard (987-1014), Harald's opposition to the new faith.

The first raids in England, 793—865 Hoo warrior and his kinfolk were probably not Scan-
dinavian, there seems no doubt there was a conscious
~93: In this year dire portents appeared over Xorthum- association, through the use of objects and symbols,
hna and sorely frightened the people. They consisted of with a Scandinavian cultural tradition. The reasons
immense whirlwinds and flashes of lightning, and fiery behind this may lie in an identification with the- pagan
dragons were seen flying in the air. A great famine beliefs of the Scandinavian homelands. At the rime of the
immediately followed those signs, and a little after that Sutton Hoo burial, Christianity was gaining a strong
in the same year, on 8 June, the ravages of heathen men foothold in England, and the Swedish objects such as the
miserably destroyed God's church on Lindisfarne, with helmet — perhaps used as symbols of aristocratic or even
plunder and slaughter. royal power - can be seen as deliberate anti-Christian
statements of solidarity with the older, pagan ways. It
With these words, taken from the Anglo-Saxon Chroni- should not be forgotten that paganism persisted in
cle, the Vikings first appear in the annals of English Sweden well into the 11th century.
history. Over the next three centuries they were to This attempt to keep the early religions alive in
dominate events in the country to such an extent that the England failed, and by the end of the 8th century, when
Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were brought to the brink of the Viking raids occurred, the country had been

destruction. So strong an imprint was left on the English wholly Christian for well over a hundred years. If the
landscape by the Scandinavian presence that traces of it former identification with Scandinavia had not been
survive even today. forgotten, it was certainly not maintained. Indeed,
Though the raid on the monastery of Lindisfarne is contemporary English written sources, such as the
the one recorded in the documents that we possess,
first Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, make no distinctions between
it is likely that contacts between England and Scan- Scandinavians from Denmark, Norway or Sweden.
dinavia had existed for much longer. Even in the They are all usually referred to as Dene— "Danes" - or
pre- Viking period of the ~th and 8th centuries, certain more simply described as heathens.
resemblances between art-styles in England and Scan- Several enigmatic documentary references from
dinavia surely indicate a degree of contact across the around the time of the Lindisfarne raid may concern
North At this time England was divided into a
Sea. Viking activity. We know for example that King Offa of
number kingdoms and subkingdoms, and it is
of Merda in the center and south of the country, then one
possible that some of them may actually have been of the most powerful of the kingdoms, ordered the
founded by people of distant Scandinavian origin. The defense of the south coast against a threat from
most dramatic ev idence we have of this comes from East unspecified pagan warriors in 792, and an entry in the
Anglia. where certain objects, particularly the helmet Anglo-Saxon Chronicle for the year 789 tells us that
and shield, from the great th-century ship burial at sometime in the reign of King Beorhtnc of Wessex
Sutton Hoo are almost identical with those from (786—802) three ships carrying Scandinavians arrived at
contemporary Swedish sites such as the Uppland Portland in the southwest. These northmen were pos-
cemeteries of Valsgarde and Vendel. Though the Sutton sibly traders; their recorded killing of a royal officer may

Left The sculptor who caned the

weapon-brandishing warriors on
this 9th-century grave-stone from
the monastery at Lindisfarne may
have been deliberately evoking the
devastating Viking raid of "93. The
iconography of its other face is
most likely a reference to the Day
of Judgment- and the first Viking
raids on England were seen by the
church as a Judgment.

Right The 6th-century Sutton Hoo

helmet was very probably made in
Sweden and so serves as a reminder
of the Scandinavian links with
England that existed before the end
of the 8th century when the
violence of the Vikings first erupted
across western Europe.

m :?_M±*~&*

Left Offa's Dyke is the most

impressive structure of its kind in
Europe - a great bank and ditch
constructed during the reign of
King Offa of Mercia (757-96) as a
frontier against the Welsh.
However, the first phase of the
equivalent earthwork defense that
cuts across the base of the Jutland
peninsula, known as the
Danevirke, was probably built over
a generation earlier.

Below Viking loot: this gilt-bronze

mount, with its 8th-century
Anglo-Saxon ornament in the form
of a cross filled with interlace and
Stylized animals, was prised from
book for
the cover of a holy use as
a pendant.It was found in a

woman's grave at Bjarke in

western Norway.

well have been the result of a misunderstanding rather

than premeditated violence. Like the Lindisfarne raiders,
the Portland Vikings seem to have been Norwegians,
and there is a marked Norwegian element in many of the
early attacks on the However, even at this
British Isles.
early date it is Viking ship crews contained
likely that the
warriors of more than one nationality, adding further to
the English confusion about the identity of their
persecutors from the north.
As the news of the devastating Viking attacks spread,
was clearly one of horror and shock.
the English reaction
Shortly after the destruction of the church associated
with St Cuthbert at Lindisfarne, the eminent cleric
Alcuin, who was an official at the court of the emperor
Charlemagne at Aachen, wrote to the king of Northum-
bria: "Never before has such terror appeared in Britain
as we have now suffered from a pagan race, nor was it
thought that such an inroad from the sea could be made.
Behold, the church of St Cuthbert spattered with the
blood of the priests of God, despoiled of all its
ornaments; a place more venerable than all in Britain is
given as prey to pagan peoples." In 794, the year after
the Lindisfarne raid, a second Northumbrian monastery
at either Monkwearmouth or Jarrow (the annals are
unclear) was burned by Viking raiders. It was this

disregard for the sanctity of the church more than all

other aspects of the Vikings' ferocity that inspired such
dread in their Christian victims. As pagans, the Vikings
were regarded by many of the English annalists as a
judgment from God for the sins of the people, and the
predictions of the Prophet Jeremiah echoed through the
bitter wars that followed: "Out of the north an evil shall
break forth upon all the inhabitants of the land."

Wis It kn EUROP1
After the initial violence of the M raid, England was regular attacks continued, and in that year reference is
left in virtual peace for 30 years and more while the made for the first time to the payment of Danegeld - a
Viking tleets concentrated their attacks on Ireland. Iliis term used to describe a sum demanded from the English
was to be but a brief respite, since the 830s saw the by the Scandinavians as protection money, upon the
Scandinavians take a renewed and more lasting interest payment of which the people would be left in peace. The
in England. After a successful summer spent raiding Vikings had discovered that extortion was potentially
along the Frisian coast (the modern Netherlands) the even more lucrative than fighting, and had fewer
previous year, a large Danish force landed in 835 on the hazards. As with many such agreements in many
isle of Sheppey in the Thames estuary from where they cultures, the terms of the peace were as often broken as
ravaged the surrounding area. From then on until 850 kept, and the Danegeld of 865 was typical in this respect.
the south coast was devastated by a series of attacks, Following a payment made by the people of Kent, the
including raids on London and Rochester, Kent. Pitched Anglo-Saxon Chronicle tells us that "under cover of that
battles were fought with Vikings in Dorset and at peace and promise of money the army stole away inland
Southampton, and raids were also carried out on the east by night and ravaged all eastern Kent."
coast in the kingdom of Lindsey and farther north in The following year, in 866, the largest Viking army
Northumbria. yet seen in the country- arrived in England. The Anglo-
In 850 the Viking impact on England took a graver Saxon Chronicle refers to the host simply as the micel
turn. Before this date, the raiding fleets had been a purely here, an enigmatic phrase that is usually translated as
seasonal phenomenon, plundering during the summer "Great Army". After several years' fighting in the
as the opportunity arose and then returning to Scan- Carolingian empire, a large force of Danes had come to
dinavia for the winter; the raiders had also remained England in pursuit of a new objective — permanent
highly mobile, their success stemming in part from the settlement. The advent of the "Great Army" marked a
fast-response and shallow draft capabilities of their turning point in the Vikings' relations with England, and
longships, which enabled them to mount sudden attacks the beginning of what is often termed Phase Two of the
Below The account of the years
862—74 in the Anglo-Saxon deep inland along the river systems and then withdraw Scandinavian raids, the change from sporadic attacks to
Chronicle. This series of annals (or with the loot before an organized retaliation could be campaigning armies.
yearly entries of events) seems to
launched. However, in 850 a Viking force over-wintered
have been compiled initially in the
late 9th century, though it contains in England for the first time, on the island of Thanet at Viking armies in England and continental Europe
earlier material. It is the primary the mouth of the Thames. From this year until well into Almost all our contemporary accounts of the initial
historical text for our knowledge of
Viking activity in Anglo-Saxon
the 1 1th century, England was to be never entirely free Viking raids were written as the "official" histories of
England. from a Scandinavian presence. In the 15 years up to 865 particular kingdoms or states and, for the most part, by

upi ab1

— Jen- Wrwcatooiv mdti "miMiiimiun^^tiS^ivulf

4fcrwnon tmobeivv 4i\nmon T eAV\ ofT^w
MtMoihifc4Ti d\rvcm yevpVpe-w, 3JS*
'if^frfctm-Tiil-it tbipei Crtn-ni, Trttpw Wk^'rVup

± rtV iint- yone-\\0j^r- ohA-cfi-Oulifc-' -lmf-jn%nm onxr«n

crioynw -f^"t«i<tifvc^-iViAl|^>ai?-|*Vi«^nin Crriiti^-ionoVjiU


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, aifjirt •|y4i^iCTv(ui^YuTi^on -jtnvAirm f)i\\ ndmdrj :-

-|cmpft>Vitftibe- rct^on oVnihx ^A-rt-.viiiv

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m>rtliiS|fu^ y4Tve"f ^ ii-«. motiilt
V4>&it1c4Ti j"ije-nATnon c.fti6;t.c^ri:tr.eS
Vinnyetp •jHte4i<£pun hitpA
-(KteVntpuii Crn^ti-c^jo^^bynt-o^rhzr
liift-ul Cfanfeft ^o-npCnne-oj-bprkTr--|unt.fc- 'ly^""

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afiTOn •]t-4)\t, edp|- micet wfl fttritr t- Vioni

im^Wrct-triv- Vion -ipdioiij"

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ih4nre*pt' hfttiimtin>
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Viking r.uds in western Europe, Sth the people who were themselves the targets of Scan- Viking fleets numbered at least many tens of vessels. A
and k
>lh centuries
dinavian aggression. The picture they present may differ ship's fighting crew is conventionally estimated at
In the lastdecade of the Sth
century, raiders from Scandinavia
subtly from the reality. When referring to the Viking between 30 and 60 warriors, giving totals for the larger
struck .it targets in Bnt.iin, Ireland forces the English sources usually number them by the later S)th century of probably no more than
armies of the
and the Carolingian empire with
ship-load, and figures of 200 to 300 ships are not 1,000; this figure has recently been supported by
startling and unparalleled terocitv;
Lindisfarne,on the northeast coast uncommon. These figures are highly problematic, as calculations of the population capacities of Viking field
of England, was attacked in 79 >, they may represent a more-or-less accurate attempt to fortifications, such as winter camps, which also number
the tiny island of lona in the
Hebrides in 795, and the Frisian
record the true numbers, or be a wild exaggeration around 1,000. Such a small force might seem insufficient
coast m "99. The Vikings soon intended to minimize the failure of the Anglo-Saxon to threaten an entire country, but battles were usually
identified the rich monasteries and fought between armies of armored and experienced
armies (it is less humiliating to be defeated by over-
religious houses as prime sources of
loot, and these places bore the
whelmingly superior forces). There is also no reason to Scandinavian mercenaries on the one hand and hastily-
brunt of their aggression. In the suppose that the various annalistic entries are consistent organized Anglo-Saxon peasant militias on the other.
first decades of the 9th century it
with each other. Furthermore, the Scandinavians had the advantage of
was Ireland and Fnsia that suffered
most heavily, but after 835 the We cannot be certain how many armed warriors each surprise and mobility, while many terrified English
moved south to plunder
fleets ship held, both in terms of simple capacity and also people clearly perceived their pagan foe as agents of the
along the south coast of England
and around the Seine and Loire
bearing in mind the probability that space was taken up Antichrist; it is worth remembering that the Aztec
estuaries in France. From the by cargo, supplies, horses and non-combatants; clearly, civilization of Mexico was destroyed by a far smaller
middle of the century Viking forces
over-wintered both England and
too, ships differ in size. A more subtle bias is similarly Spanish force in similar circumstances.
in France, and the raids were present in the terminology of the English sources. When It is evident that a far greater level of organization and
planned with a high degree of the Chronicle mentions a here (normally translated as centralized control was present in the Great Army and
organization, the armies moving
across Europe and between
army or host) this may be intended as an exact statement other Viking forces campaigning in England after 865
England and France along a regular of size. However, we simply do not know what sort of than before it. Though we do not know precisely how
route of destruction. A few raiders numbers the writer had in mind. That an "army" may these hosts functioned, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
ventured as far as Spain. In 859
Bjorn Ironside and Hastein took a
have been very different from our modern conception of contains several enigmatic references that hint at the
fleet through the Strait of Gibraltar the word is shown by a reference in the 7th-century law networks of logistics and supplies that must have been a
and into the Mediterranean, where
codes of King Ine of Wessex, which describes any armed necessary part of the Great Army's movements: in 866
it spent two years looting in North

Africa, southern France and Italy force numbering more than 35 men as a here. Added to the East Anglians make peace with the Danes and
before returning toits base on the this, the documents' indifference to distinctions between provide them with horses, while in 896 a second army is
Loire in 862.However, the
Scandinavian nationalities has already been mentioned. mysteriously supplied with a full complement of ships.
organized and effective resistance
of the Arabs in Spain deterred Thus we are presented with information that depicts an In European sources such as the Annals of St Bertin, we
other Viking expeditions from undifferentiated mass of "Vikings", all intent solely on even find Danegeld payments specifically detailed to
entering the Mediterranean
through the Strait of Gibraltar, and murder and destruction, and of uncertain numbers. include food, wine and provisions. On several occasions
after 862 most of the raids were Archaeologists and historians are still unsure about the army was actively assisted by various disaffected
confined to France and central
many aspects of the nature of Viking military forces. factions among the English, and references in the
What is certain is that the uniform mass of raiders and Anglo-Saxon Chronicle to "great civil strife" may
conquerors described in the written sources conceals a conceal a level of political turmoil far greater than the
highly variable range of men (and perhaps women) of pro- Wessex annals would wish to make explicit. Even
different nationalities, leadership and
organization, more surprisingly, the sources also contain evidence of
motives. The were most probably carried
initial raids some degree of diplomatic contact between the Great
out by a few ships' crews on the look-out for opportunis- Army and the Wessex dynasty itself, for the occasion on
tic rewards. Their captains may have been minor which King Alfred the Great (reigned 871-99) and the
chieftains with their friends and retainers, perhaps ealdorman ^thelred (a high-ranking nobleman) stood
banding together with others of similar type to form as godfathers to the two sons of the army commander
small flotillas of four or five ships. Alternatively, the Hastein clearly involved negotiation. The larger Viking
raiders may have been confederations of warrior forces thus seem to have maintained themselves through
farmers and small landowners, joining together to outfit an combination of itinerant violence and
a ship and sharing the proceeds to supplement their extortion, and judicious diplomacy and collaboration.
agricultural income. Indeed, we know from runic in- As for the actual members of the armies, the combina-
scriptions that similar raids often took place within tion of political strife, increasing state control and
Scandinavia itself, with attacks on neighboring districts. centralized power, and changes in social organization
The composition of these early raiding fleets probably- within the Scandinavian homelands in the late 9th
changed from year to year, with some Vikings returning century must hav,e produced large numbers of young
again and again to familiar targets but others preferring men without land or hope of immediate inherited
subsequently to stay at home to take possession of their wealth, and plenty of exiled would-be kings to lead
inherited property or simply to settle down. Warriors them. That the large armies were perceived as an active
lost in combat would have been replaced by new threat to the Scandinavian kingdoms is undoubted, as
recruits. There seems no reason to postulate any par- major wars ensued on several occasions when exiles
ticularly organized or co-ordinated structure for the returned home after many years campaigning abroad,
fleets of the early-mid 9th century, in marked contrast to having won enough silver to recruit a large personal
those that fought in England after 865. army. The famous Viking leaders Olaf Tryggvason and
numbers of ships, there is a clear change in
In terms of Eric Bloodax both made attempts on the Norwegian
the documentary references at this time. Before this date, crown in this way. It is no coincidence that it is at this
the accounts talk of small groups of up to 23 vessels time that we see for the first time the names of individual
(perhaps an exact count), while after 865 larger rounded Scandinavian commanders recorded in connection with
numbers of between 80 and 350 are given. While these the army - their names distorted by Old English
latter may be decimal multiplications of the earlier spellings, but still recognizable as the same career
numbers, or vague approximations of a "big" fleet, there soldiers whose names also occur in European and even
is a marked correlation between the fleet sizes given in Arab sources - men such as Hastein (Haesten in the
both English and Frankish sources, indicating that the English sources, Hasteinn in Old Norse), Healfdene

Repton Winter Camp

After 850, the Vikings are known to have built winter Saxon mortuary chapel had been emptied and leveled
camps while campaigning in England or Frankia, hut to be reused for a mass burial of at least 249 people.
no such site had ever been found until archaeologists Their bones had been stacked around the walls, and at
excavating a fine Anglo-Saxon church at Repton in the center was the burial of a male Viking of very high
Derbyshire, England, unexpectedly uncovered a mas- status. The chapel had then been covered by a low
sive ditch and earthen rampart. This originally ran in a mound. Nearly all the bodies in the mass burial were
D-shape against the river bank to form a fortified male and of non-local physical type — presumably
enclosure centered on the church. Viking burials were members of the Viking army that wintered at Repton.
found around the church, and coins dated the features They did not die of battle injuries, so it seems likely
to around 873-74 - exactly the years, so the Anglo- that the army was devastated by disease that year. The
Saxon Chronicle tells us, that Repton was the site of a Repton winter camp is so far unique, and forms a rare
Viking winter base. West of the rampart, a former monument to the Viking wars with Wessex.



burials +



tombstone 25 50 m

50 100 150 ft

Left A school now occupies the site Above Among the Viking burials
of the Repton camp, raised on a near the church was that of a man.
bluff above the river Trent. age 35—40, killed bv a massi\e
Excavations were conducted there blow to the hip, who was buried
every summer between 1974 and with his weapons and equipment.
1988. As is dearly seen from the His grave was covered with a cairn
plan (above left), the D-shaped of stones. Among the finds were a
enclosure built by the Vikings used sword above left) and scabbard,
the natural landscape to its two knives, and an elaborate belt
advantage, being protected by the set. As a pagan, he wore a Thor's

cliff on the river bank and hammer necklace and had been
incorporating St Wystan's church buried with a small bag containing
as a fortified gateway. The mound the tusk of a wild boar and the
containing the mass burial would legbone of a jackdaw, perhaps .is

have been a prominent landmark magic charms.

outside the walls of the winter

kingdom boundary Sc6

area under Viking control by

3. SEA

Viking campaigns
* 865470
* B71-87S

CO land regained by Anglo-Saxons.

Danelaw boundary, 886


X major battle with date where known

o Viking winter camp, with date

Viking hoard dated

• 865-870

t 871-872

© 873-886

scale 1 3850 000

100 km

The Viking campaigns in England, (Halfdan) and Guthrum. By mapping the movements of different command structures, since an army fighting on
forces according to their named leaders, it has proved the Loire told Frankish messengers that they had no
In 865 the over-wintering of a large
Scandinavian army in England - possible to see at least traces of individual command commander but made their decisions on a communal
the "Great Army" - marked the unitswithin the armies. As members of the army basis,while a Danish army on a raid into Sweden is
beginning of a new phase in the
dropped out to return to Scandinavia they doubtless recorded as casting lots to decide on strategy. The Viking
Viking campaigns: for the next 30
years there was almost continual brought news of the rich pickings to be had in Europe, armies sometimes fought each other or combined in
fighting as the Scandinavians thus ensuring a steady flow of warriors to replace them. temporary pacts, and there was certainly a continual
consolidated their hold over large
parts of the country. The first area
The armies evidently did not operate in complete interchange of warriors between them. Thus in contrast
to into their hands in 866 was
fall isolation from civilian life, since the Anglo-Saxon to the two-dimensional picture of pagan killers convey-
Northumbna. The old Roman city ed by the written sources, we should see in the Viking
Chronicle contains several references to the Danes'
of York was made the base from
which the Vikings launched a series wives and children being left in protective fortifications armies a complex, shifting network of power structures
of campaigns against the other in Viking-held areas while the army was on campaign. and alliances, interacting on several levels with the
Anglo-Saxon kingdoms: first East
This is supported by the fact that females account for as peoples of England and continental Europe.
Anglia and then Mercia were
overrun, and in 878 it was the turn many as 20 percent of the skeletons excavated at the site
of the southern kingdom of of the winter camp at Repton occupied by the Great Armies and settlement in England, 866-892
Wessex. However, Alfred the Great
was able to rally his forces to
Army from 873-74; the tentative suggestion that these The landing of the Great Army in East Anglia in 866
defeat the Vikings at the battle of women are of a different physical type from the males marked the beginning of the long and bitter wars
Edington and later that year
intriguingly hints that they may have been native English between the Vikings and the kingdom of Wessex. The
secured their withdrawal through a
treaty made at Wedmore. In 885 camp followers who had taken partners among the turmoil and uncertainty of these \ ears can be seen in the
the Viking commander Guthrum Viking army, adding a further dimension to the nature of archaeological record, as large numbers of coin hoards
renewed the attack against Wessex,
Anglo-Scandinavian collaboration. have been found. These may have been buried in an
but the threat was again contained
and the treaty of 878 renewed, During the late 9th century several different Viking effort to make them safe from Viking attack. Coin
leaving the Vikings control of
in armies were operating in western Europe, each with an hoards are notoriously difficult to date accurately and
the north and east of England, an
area that came to be known as the
array of leaders, nationalities and objectives - righting, interpret - there are many reasons for hiding valuables,
Danelaw. for money, land and political power, or for a combina- and the hoards give few clues as to the identity of their
tion of these. These forces may even have had completely owners - but the fact that so many hoards were

unrecovered has grim implications for the fate of those withdrawing to London the following year.
who buried them. Although the entries for these years in The years 872-74 saw the Vikings change targets.
the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle are among the most detailed Their efforts were now directed against Mercia, which
for the whole period, we are still unable to follow the fell to them after three years of fighting. In 875 the Great

campaigns with precision. Given its nature as the court Army divided again, one part moving northwards from
history of the West Saxons (i.e. Wessex), it is not the Humber into southern Scotland to attack the Celtic
surprising that the Chronicle concentrates on events in kingdoms of Pictland and Strathclyde, while the other
southern England, but the geographic gaps that appear host maintained its grip on central England. This latter
in the annals may be due to an altogether different army was defeated by the West Saxons in 876, only
reason. During the late 9th century the West Saxon narrowly escaping to Exeter, but the northern Vikings
kingdom was seeking to expand its power over the began a process that was to have far-reaching effects:
neighboring English kingdoms of Mercia and East "and that year Healfdene [the Viking commander]
Anglia. The territories of the East and South Saxons and shared out the land of the Northumbrians, and they
the kingdom of Kent had already been absorbed by proceeded to plow and to support themselves^ is the
Wessex in the 820s, with Cornwall added 10 years later. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle's gloomy observation. For the
By the reign of /Ethelred I, who succeeded to the throne first time a Viking army had established permanent

in 866 at the time of the Great Army's arrival, the West settlements on English soil. In 877 the southern Viking
Saxons were already casting their eyes north and east. army followed the example of their comrades and
Thus the wars against the Vikings took place not solely divided out the Mercian lands.
in a context of national defense - there is no doubt that An embattled Wessex now stood alone. In 878 the
on many occasions the Wessex armies were fighting for southern Viking army commanded by Guthrum overran
nothing less than the independent survival of the that territory too. Alfred and the remnants of his forces
Anglo-Saxon people - but also in the context of an scattered into the fens and marshes of Somerset, in the Top The Latin legend on this

expansionist struggle against the other English king- southwest, from where they continued a desperate Viking silver coin invokes St
Edmund, the East Anglian king
doms. While this may perhaps diminish the heroic guerrilla war against the Danes. All through the early (the large A in the center stands for
stature usually afforded to Alfred and his descendants, it part of the year Anglo-Saxon refugees streamed into Anglorum - "of the Angles").
Though Edmund was murdered by
goes a long way to explain the readiness of the East Alfred's camp at Athelney, until all that remained of the
the Danes in 870, his cult as a
Anglians and Northumbrians to form alliances with the armies of Wessex and Mercia were united under his martyr swiftly became established
Scandinavians, and their preference for Danish rule command. Just after Easter the English counterattacked amongst them, and coins of this
type - copying a design from his
above control from the south. and met the Danes at Edington. The Vikings were own reign - were apparently being
Having made peace with the East Angles in 866, the decisively defeated, and Alfred made peace with them at struck in the Danelaw, principally

Viking host moved north the following year and laid Wedmore, Somerset, in a ceremony that involved the in East Anglia, by the 890s,
continuing into the early 10th
siege to the old Roman town of York. After heavy baptism of Guthrum and the other Scandinavian com- century.
fighting,both within the walls and outside, the Nor- manders. Between 879 and 885 Wessex was left in
Above King Alfred the Great
thumbrians suffered a devastating defeat. With all the (871-99) was not only a capable
English leaders killed in the fighting, the Vikings install- military leader who saved Wessex
ed a puppet king. For several decades after this the from the Vikings, but also a
distinguished scholar. This penny
Viking army was to have a secure base in Northumbria was struck for Alfred in London
(stretching from the Humber estuary to the Scottish after its re-occupation, probably in
the 880s, though some have argued
lowlands) from which to launch its on the rest of
that London had been retaken as
Britain. Having made an abortive attack on Mercia in early as 878, after the peace of

868, the Vikings consolidated their hold on Northumb- Wedmore.

ria the following year and in 870 launched a massive
Left Following his struggle for
campaign against the East Angles. The Anglian king, survival in the 870s, and his treaty
with the Danes, Alfred initiated a
Edmund, was killed and the whole of East Anglia fell
program for the revival of religion
quickly to the Danes. and learning in Wessex. The Old
The Viking army did not settle in one place, but English inscription around this
elaborate iewel is to be translated
moved around the country in the summer months
"Alfred had me made". The
fighting as they went, and building fortified camps in purpose for which the ]ewel was
which to spend the winter. They now controlled the made is unknown, but one
possibility is that it formed the
north and east of England, with only Mercia in the handle of a manuscript pointer
center and Wessex in the south still holding out. In 871, (cestel), such as Alfred caused to be

sent to even' bishop in his kingdom

after five years of war, the Viking army launched what it
with a copy of his translation of
must have hoped would be the final push against the the Pastoral Care of Pope

West Saxons. The Danes divided their forces into several Gregory I: in his preface, the king
lamented the decay of learning in
divisions and were met by the Wessex armies under King England. Another suggestion is that
^thelred, his brother Alfred and ealdorman /£thelwulf. it formed the head of a scepter or

The Danes and Saxons fought five battles in the early wand of office. The figure on the
jewel has been interpreted both as
summer, some only days apart. Both sides suffered a represention of Sight and of
heavy losses. Nine Viking jarlar (earls) were killed Christ in the personification of
Holy Wisdom. It was found near
together with one of their "kings" - in reality probably
Athelney, Alfred's one-time refuge
an exiled army leader - while the English lost five earls in the marshes of Somerset.

and many other prominent leaders including /Ethelwulf

and even a bishop who was fighting with the army. On
15 April King ^Ethelred died, and Alfred succeeded to
the West Saxon throne. Within a few months of his
succession Alfred's armies had met the Vikings nine
times, and at the end of the year the exhausted
opponents made a temporary peace, the Scandinavians




•"'"- " •


892-893 *^?i
* 894-895

major baffle, with date

Viking winter

Viking hoard 887-900

camp, with date

Danelaw boundary. 866

Anglo-Saxon bum controlled by

• Meroa

• Wessex

scale 1 3850000
100 km

The Viking campaigns in England, peace. Guthrum's forces withdrew to East Anglia ever-present threat to the north. During the last 10
where they settledand began to farm, and in 880 the years of his life, Alfred gradually rebuilt the centers of
The period of relative peace after
885 saw the construction of a greater part of the army crossed the Channel to easier religion, learning and culture that had been destroyed
chain of bttrhs, or fortified pickings in the Carolingian empire. or neglected during the long Danish wars, and ensured
strongpoints, across southern
England. Each one was within
The Vikings did not return until 885 when Guthrum their continued survival by means of a chain of
about 32 kilometers (12 miles), or broke the peace of Wedmore and sailed to England fortified strongpoints built across southern England.
a day's march of its neighbor. They with half the army, leaving the rest in Frankia. They These burhs seem to have been a combination of
proved highly effective in defense
when the Vikings under Hastein encamped at Rochester in Kent, and harried the refuge points for the population in time of war,
renewed their raids against Wessex surrounding region. Alfred was quick to respond, fortified markets and administrative centers. They had
in 892. For the next three years,
having had six years of comparative peace in which to permanent garrisons and carefully planned street
the English and Scandinavian
armies engaged in a series of consolidate his rule and prepare his forces. The layouts, usually on a grid system; it is in these
skirmishes as they chased each English fought the Vikings on land and in several sea settlements that we see the origins of many of the
other back and forth across the
battles (the latter with limited success, as the Danes earliest English towns.
country. In 894 the Viking armies
built a fortified camp on the river were more experienced in fighting at sea). By 886 the
Lea north of London, and it was threat was contained. The original treaty that had The second wave of Danish attacks, 892-900
here that Alfred decisively defeated
them, leading to their withdrawal been made in 878 was renewed, and we are fortunate The program of military and civil engineering in-
to Bridgnorth, and subsequently that its terms have survived in a later manuscript. The stituted by King Alfred after the treaty of Wedmore
back into the Danelaw.
Anglo-Scandinavian frontier was defined as running was to be fully tested at the end of his reign. In 892, the
"up the Thames, and then up the Lea, and along the section of the Danish army that had remained behind
Lea to its source, then in a straight line to Bedford, in 885 left Frankia and returned to England. Now
then up the Ouse to Watling Street". The land north under the command of the veteran warrior Hastein,
and east of this border was ceded to Viking control, the Vikings arrived in Kent in two armies, building
and became known as the Danelaw. fortifications and storming a burh that was under
From the establishment of the Danelaw until his construction. The following year saw a complex series
death in 899, Alfred ruled Wessex in a divided land of events, as the Vikings raided deep into Wessex.
with the armies of the Scandinavian Danelaw an fighting skirmishes everywhere with Alfred's troops

but rarely meeting in pitched battle. On occasion, the Anglia. As the Anglo-Saxon armies turned again and Above Some of the Wessex burhs
reused Iron Age or Roman forts,
East Anglians and Northumbrians seem to have followed the frontier southeastwards, Hastein's forces
others lay within the
fought side by side with Hastein's Danes, apparently gathered in Essex. Simultaneously, a division of the restrengthened walls of Roman
preferring to live under Danelaw rule than under the Viking army that had been attacking the southwest by towns. A number - such as
Wallingford in Oxfordshire - were
domination of Wessex. sea "turned homewards", as the Chronicle puts it,
new towns, built on open sites
Both the Scandinavians and the English had many sailing east to ravage Sussex. The two Viking forces within a rectangular rampart. This
forces in the field, but these often failed to intercept joined up on the Lea, and built a fortress there, from aerial view of Wallingford reveals
the rectangular outline of the
each other as they crossed and recrossed southern which they harassed the region. burh's Anglo-Saxon ramparts,
England. Despite many blunders on the English side, Throughout most of the following year, 895, the running down to the river Thames
order to control a crossing-point
the chain of burhs held firm and the Vikings made no Scandinavians remained in their base above London in
against the Danes; the line of the
real headway. Eventually the Wessex forces managed engaging in only minor skirmishings. However, in the High Street, parallel to the river, is

to coordinate their efforts and the Danes were success- late Alfred laid a complicated siege involving
fall The burhs were
also clearly visible.
the most effective weapon
fully besieged on the banks of the river Severn near the several fortifications and a blockade of the river,
employed by the English in their
Welsh border. After fierce fighting, the Scandinavians denying the Danes access to their ships. The Viking war against the Danes, probably
fled north to Chester with the English armies in army fled north, while the English captured or des- requiring as many as 27,000 men
to defend them. They also served as
pursuit. Using tactics familiar from more recent wars, troyed the entire Danish fleet. This seems to have been administrative and commercial
the Danes crossed into the safety of the Danelaw and a decisive victory, since the Viking army dissolved
moved across Northumbria and down into East itself the next year, its members joining their comrades

in the Danelaw and settling in East Anglia and The Danelaw

Northumbria; a few who could not afford to buy land The same problems that make it difficult to establish
and settle joined the Scandinavian armies that were the precise nature and organization of the Viking
righting on the continent. armies in England carry over into any attempt to
In the latter years of the 9th century, the power of explore the Scandinavian settlement of the Danelaw.
Wessex was consolidated yet further and its strength Healfdene's Vikings who shared out the land and
reinforced by a still more ambitious program of burh started to plow it in 876 are of course the same people
construction. Though the Danelaw remained firmly in who occupied the Danelaw during the later 9th
Scandinavian hands and seems to have functioned as a century. If we are unsure of their character as members
more-or-less cohesive unit, the English did not have of the army, then we are equally unsure as to who
to contend with a major army raiding beyond the actually settled in the conquered territories. The main
Above Amongst the first coins
Struck in the eastern Danelaw were frontier. Alfred died in 899, leaving a legacy of a questions center around the scale and density of the
clumsy - and lightweight - strong and unified English state gathering its forces for Scandinavian settlement, and the structure of
mutations of the coins or King
Alfred: this example is based on
the long process of recovery of the north and east. Danelaw society. We do not know how the Danelaw
one of his silver pennies minted in

Right The devastation of the

Northumbrian island monastery- of
Lindisfarne during the Viking raid
of 793 was far from complete, as is
demonstrated by the survival of the
relics of St Cuthbert (now in
Durham Cathedral), as well as of
the Lindisfarne Gospels (in the
British Library). This magnificent
gospel-book, written and
illuminated there about 700,
exemplifies the cultural
achievements of the "Golden Age
of Northumbria", which were
brought to an abrupt end by the
Danish conquest in the latter part I | -

of the 9th centurv.

>"} js: rf

The Scandinavian presence in

The archaeological evidence for the
Scandinavian settlement of England
- remarkably sparse by comparison
with the written sources -
nevertheless throws some light on
the occupation of the Danelaw. In
particular, the integrity of its

frontier is clearly shown in the

heavier concentration of different
types of Scandinavian place-names
in the north and east, with some
isolated patches in the west. The
same pattern is repeated in the
find-spots of hogbacks. The
excavated remains of Viking Age
towns and rural settlements,
together with burials containing
Scandinavian artifacts, present
many problems since the
identification of ethnic groupings in
archaeological material can be far
from certain. The notable lack of
large quantities of recognizably
Scandinavian objects, however,
almost certainly indicates the rapid
adoption of native English
customs, lifestyles and burial
practices by the incoming settlers.
The question of the density of
Scandinavian settlement and the
numbers of individuals involved is

still the subject of much debate.

was organized administratively and socially, and the and Derby); this suffix is found in places throughout
precise character of the relations between the native Denmark and southern Sweden where it usually refers
English population of the area and the newcomers are to a village, and in Norway where it refers to an
also far from clear. individual farm, or even an area of cultivation. We
The dramatic impact that the creation of the also find names containing Scandinavian personal
Danelaw made on the English land and people, names (forexample, Grimsby, "the village belonging
recorded confirmed by the
in the historical sources, is to Grim"), or descriptive topographical names
total lack of documentary information concerning the (Snaefell, "snow mountain"). A later type of place-
area during the later 9th and early 10th century. names with the ending -thorp (Swainsthorpe) may
Though the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle makes occasional indicate a phase of secondary settlements, perhaps
reference to Viking movements within the Danelaw, expanding outwards onto marginal land as prime
there are no surviving sources from within the region agricultural areas became heavily populated. Though
itself. Since the days of the Venerable Bede in the 8th the dating of these names is problematic, as some may
century, Northumbria had been a center of monastic come from the Middle Ages proper rather than the
scholarship and this complete dislocation of a literary Viking period, their distribution is striking. When
and of the ecclesiastical and administrative
tradition, combined on a single map, their distribution coincides
apparatus within which it functioned, are telling exactly with the known frontiers of the Danelaw, to
testimony to the totality of the Scandinavian takeover: such an extent that the border could be drawn with
to all intents and purposes, the Danelaw is a historical reasonable accuracy even if the terms of the Wedmore
black hole after 886. treaty had not survived.
The distribution of place-names that contain Scan- Further levels of information in the place-name
dinavian elements, as recorded in the Domesday Book evidence are more difficult to interpret. Firstly, we do
commissioned by William the Conqueror in 1085, not know if the named settlements were new founda-
supports this view. The names can be of many types, tions, or simply a new name for an existing place. Nor
each with a distinct meaning. Among the principal can we be sure that all such names were actually
groups are those with the ending -by (such as Selby coined by the Vikings, since it is likely that the English

language contained Scandinavian elements before the and workshops that housed the ordinary working
9th century, and this influence certainly continued population, allowing us to see behind the kings and
into the medieval period, long after actual ethnic- warriors recorded in the documents to the daily lives
distinctions had become blurred. Furthermore, place- of a Viking Age community.
names as they are recorded in official documents are Of life outside the towns, we know much less. Only
usually decided not by those living in a settlement, a handful of rural settlements have been excavated
who have no need to name it, but by outsiders who within the southern Danelaw and the Kingdom of
need to refer to it for purposes such as taxation. The York, and none of these can be definitely assigned to
Scandinavian place-names contain regional groupings Scandinavian occupation. In the north, the best
of different types, which seem to indicate expansion at preserved is a farmstead complex excavated at Ribble-
later stages of settlement and the transfer of land into head in Yorkshire. Here, a longhouse similar to those
private ownership. However, much work still needs to found in Norway lay adjacent to a small bakery and
be done before this information can be confidently smithy, at the center of a system of field enclosures.
ordered into a pattern and, as yet, this aspect of Similar sites have been investigated nearby at Bryant's
Danelaw studies remains inconclusive. Gill and Simy Folds, also in Yorkshire, and all three
The documentary sources, though meager, do shed settlements seem to have practiced a mixed economy
some light on the Scandinavian territories. The Anglo- of agriculture supplemented by limited craftworking.
Saxon Chronicle mentions a loose confederation of A further isolated cluster of longhouses has been
towns known as the Five Boroughs, which comprised found on Lindisfarne at Green Shiel, post-dating the
Derby, Stamford, Leicester, Nottingham and Lincoln, destruction and abandonment of the monastery after
all in central England. (A single reference to Seven the 793 raid. No artifacts have been found to shed
Boroughs may be the Five plus two others, or a light on the ethnic origin of its inhabitants, the
completely different group about which we know domestic finds being of everyday types common
nothing.) These centers were all fortified and seem to throughout early medieval Europe. The only other
have acted in a similar way to the Wessex burhs; non-urban site to have been investigated north of the
indeed, it is likely that the latter were used as the model Humber is the community at Wharram Percy, where a
for the Danelaw towns. Excavations in some of the number of small farming units seem to have gradually
Boroughs, notably Lincoln, have revealed tantalizing united into a nucleated village structure in the later
glimpses of urban communities, with town plots laid Viking Age.
out along planned streets and tenements. The houses Within the southern Danelaw, several sites have
and workshops indicate thriving mercantile sett- been excavated, but again without revealing the
lements, with both local and long-distance trade nationality of their occupants. Some of them consist of
networks stretching to the Scandinavian homelands a fortified enclosure surrounding a central long hall
and even beyond to Byzantium and the Middle East. with several ancillary buildings (for example, at
The fact that this trade centered on the areas under Goltho near Lincoln and Sulgrave in the south Mid-
Scandinavian control, as opposed to a countrywide lands); but it is not clear whether they belonged to

network, is demonstrated by the distribution of cer- Anglo-Saxon landowners seeking to defend their
tain artifact groups, such as pottery of the type that is property against Viking attack or were the sites of new
known Stamford ware. This is found almost
as settlements built by Scandinavian incomers. Whatever
exclusively in the area of the Five Boroughs and must the identity of their owners, these small fortified
surely reflect the range of their political influence. residences may almost certainly be regarded as the
Assuming that the pottery was made for local con- forerunners of the manorial complexes of the
sumption, then its restriction to this area is further medieval period and their establishment may reflect
confirmation of the Danelaw's boundary. widespread changes in the patterns of land division
Standing alone as a counterpart to the Five and ownership occurring at this time. A scatter of
Boroughs of the southern Danelaw was the kingdom small hamlets of the Wharram Percy type and some
of York, an area with flexible (and perhaps originally larger complexes have also been found in the
ill-defined) boundaries. Historically, we know much Danelaw, for example at Little Paxton, St Neots in
more about this northern kingdom than about the Five Cambridgeshire and Raunds in Northamptonshire.
Boroughs, partly due to its closer ties with the At a very small number of sites we may actually be
Scandinavian homelands and with the Viking colonies able to see the settlers themselves, in the finds of
in Ireland and the North Atlantic. Through the burials containing objects recognizablv Scan-
political upheavals of the 9th and 10th centuries the dinavian type. The fact that these graves contain
York changed from Danes to Norwegians,
rulers of artifacts at all marks them out as pagan, and therefore
and trading and political links shifted westwards distinguishes them from English burials of that date,
toward the Irish Sea and the Viking strongholds in for Christian burials do not include grave-goods. The
Dublin and the Isle of Man. During this period the limited numbers of such pagan burials in all probabili-
Kingdom of York also passed several times into ty testifies to the speed with which the Viking immi-
temporary Anglo-Saxon control. grants either adopted Christianity or at least followed
As a constant factor throughout this period of the local conventions regarding burial; most of their
disruption lies the city of York dominating the
itself, number are almost certainly interred in the church-
flat plains of the Vale of York, and commanding the yards of Anglo-Scandinavian England, and are
main north-south land route through England. The therefore archaeologically invisible to us. Amongst the
town was refortified by the Danes shortly after their burials that do survive are 1 7 graves containing typical
takeover, and flourished as one of the main defended male equipment such as weaponry and 3 inhumations
market centers of northern Europe, to which mer- with femak jewelry, together with a scatter of other
chants traveled from all over the Viking world. In burials with Scandinavian artifacts. Almost all these
recent years, excavation of the Coppergate site and graves are confined to the Danelaw, with the majority
others has revealed the cramped tenement dwellings within the Kingdom of York. All the burials are single


The old Roman city of York in the north of England is

located at the confluence of the Ouse and Foss rivers,
and lies on the main north—south landroute through
England. The town, first occupied by the Great Army
in 866, served as a Scandinavian stronghold in the
north for almost a century, except for brief periods
when it was recaptured by the English. York — which
Right The excavations at the they called Jorvik — was sometimes ruled directly by
Coppergate site in the late 1970s
the Vikings and sometimes by their puppet English
and early 1980s provided detailed
information about Viking York. rulers. Scandinavians seem to have settled in large
Four tenement plots were numbers, reorganizing the street plan (the roads
excavated, stretching from the
mostly have Scandinavian names, even today), repair-
street frontage back toward the
waterfronts on the Foss river. Over ing and extending the Roman city wall, and construct-
three periods of Anglo- ing waterfront quays. Excavations of Viking Age York
Scandinavian occupation from the
late 9th to 11th centuries,
have uncovered dozens of houses and workshops,
successive rectangular timber with all the material culture of a thriving market town
buildings lined Coppergate in rows.
and trading center: with other Danelaw towns like
sometimes two-deep, their short
sides facing towatd the street. The
Lincoln, York was the link with the merchants of the
clay floors and hearths were Scandinavian homelands, acting as the principal point
covered with the debris and
of import for goods such as German pottery and the
finished products left by the
craftsworkers who lived in them - wine it contained, Norwegian whetstones and Byzan-
leatherworkers, antler tine silks. Archaeologists have found objects from as
comb-makers, woodturners and
far away as the Arabian Gulf. Nearer at hand, trade
metal smiths [below right). In one
of the buildings the remains of a also seems to have been conducted with the English
com mint were found. The plot and
during lulls in the war. Mints were set up, producing
streetboundaries have survived
almost unchanged since the Viking coins bearing both Christian and pagan symbols — a
Age and, as the Jomk Viking duality reflected also in the stone sculpture of the
Center, the whole site has been
region. Several pieces of stone grave markers found
preserved in its original location in
the basements of the modern shops near the medieval cathedral bear elaborate carvings in
that are the successors to the Scandinavian styles, and Viking burials have been
Viking Age ones. Here visitors ride
through a reconstruction of the
excavated at St Man' Bishophill, a late Viking Age
lOth-centurv streets below . church and the oldest surviving church in the city.

inhumations (though sometimes found in small

groups of up to eight). However, the mass army grave
at Repton and a unique group of 60 hurial mounds at
Ingleby in Derbyshire, the only site where Viking
cremations have definitely been found in England, are
notable exceptions.

Cultural exchange
Consideration of the level of interaction between the
Scandinavian settlers and the native population pre-
sents a number of intriguing possibilities, and leads to
the conclusion that what took place was not just a
question of integration and assimilation, but led to the
creation of a distinctive Anglo-Scandinavian culture.
It isin the sphere of religion and belief that we see
this demonstrated most graphically. Apart from the
burials described above, there are very few instances
of recognizably pagan practice in Viking Age England.
However, considerable quantities of weapons and
other artifacts such as horse equipment have been
dredged from rivers, notably from the Thames at
London Bridge and Oxford. While these objects may
have been simply dropped or lost during battles, it
seems more likely that the deposits are deliberate
offerings to the gods, such as occur in large numbers in
the peat bogs of Denmark and southern Sweden. A
notable site of this kind has been excavated at Skerne
in Humberside in northern England, where the
skeletons of at least 20 horses, cattle, sheep and dogs

were found around the pile supports of a bridge, along
with metalwork and weapons.
Contrasting with this fragmented picture, consider-
able evidence of the Scandinavian conversion to
Christianity has survived, principally in the form of
stone sculpture. Anglo-Saxon England already had a
flourishing tradition of carved stone crosses and burial
markers by the time of the first large-scale Scandin-
avian settlements, but from the early 10th century
onwards we see new elements appearing in the
sculpture. New elements appear in the crosses, and
Scandinavian art-styles are found increasingly among
the decoration. Particularly striking are the new
iconographic images that the Scandinavians seem to
have introduced, including the depictions of armed
warriors shown surrounded by weapons that are

found on the Middleton crosses in North Yorkshire,
for example. They were perhaps intended as symbols

of military prowess and power, reinforcing the Scan-
Above This striking image of .1 which some of the newly-converted
dinavians' control over the area. In a still more graphic helmeted Viking warrior members of the Danelaw
example, a cross fragment from Weston, also in North surrounded by his weapons shield, anstocrao were commemorated
sword, ax and spear carved on on their 10th-century Christian
Yorkshire, shows an armed warrior grasping a female ,

one of the stone crosses at memorials. Presumably the

figure by the neck — incidentally the only contem- Middleton in North Yorkshire, intention was to reinforce their
porary depiction of violence against a woman found demonstrates the novel 1 authority over the local population.

anywhere in the Viking world.

The Scandinavians seem to have taken stone carving
out of its monastic preserve and placed it in a secular purpose was ascribed to the pagan imagery. A further
environment, using it for purposes of political type of stone monument, known as "hogbacks" from
ideology and propaganda as well as for conventional their distinctive ridge-back form, is found only in
commemorative purposes. Interestingly, several Britain and may be regarded as an example of Viking
ostensibly Christian monuments incorporate scenes colonial sculpture. Probably used as grave covers,

from pagan Norse mythology. For example, episodes
from Ragnarok - the end of the world in which all the
gods and people are destroyed - are shown on the
shaft of the great cross at Gosforth, Cumbria. It has
been argued that these scenes are intended to represent
the triumph of Christ over the devil and his agents,
here identified with the gods of the old religion, but
this is by no means certain, and the monuments may
even have served a dual role in which an active
many of the hogbacks are in the form of houses with
the roof and walls clearly depicted;
flanked by huge bears, grasping the "gables" of the

house. Though a very few have crucifixions carved on

them, most of the hogbacks include no Christian
iconographv at all and their religious orientation (if
any) is uncertain.
Taken together with the other archaeological and
place-name evidence, the stone sculpture suggests that
are also
AngloScandinavian Styles

Stone sculpture in the north of England bears witness Right This cross, still standing in
Gosforth churchyard in Cumbria,
to the cultural interchange that took place between the
reflects the conversion to
Anglo-Saxon population and the Scandinavian sett- Christianity of the 10th-century
lers. The former had a well-established tradition of Scandinavian settlers in northwest
England. The ring-headed form of
erecting carved stone crosses and Christian burial
the cross-head is of Celtic
markers, and these attracted the attention of the derivation, but the decorative

Viking overlords as they were themselves converted to motifs include a ring-chain pattern
inspired by the Scandinavian Borre
Christianity. York in particular was a lively center of style. The complex iconography
Anglo-Saxon carving and the craft continued to combines the Crucifixion with
episodes from Ragnarok - the end
flourish under Viking rule, absorbing elements of
of the world of the pagan
Scandinavian fashion. The sculptors were influenced Scandinavian gods.
by the late 9th- and early 10th-century Borre and
Below The sculptor rejected this
Jellinge styles of Viking art favored by their new
piece of work, carved on a slab of
patrons, who wanted the sculptures to depict them- limestone, before he had completed

selves as a warrior aristocracy as well as to show The fragment was excavated at


Coppergate in York and belongs to

familiar episodesfrom Norse mythology. The types of themid 10th century. It displays
stone monument did not change greatly, except for the two interlocked beasts, with
contoured bodies, characteristic of
introduction from the Celtic West of the ring-headed
the Scandinavian Jellinge style of
cross and the invention of the curious "hogback" - a animal ornament.
form of house-shaped tombstone. This blending of
Scandinavian taste with Anglo-Saxon tradition gave
rise to a distinctive 10th-century art in northern
England, also reflected in metalwork, that is properly
described as "Anglo-Scandinavian". A similar situa-
tion developed in southern England during the reign of
the Danish king Cnut in the 11th century, when the
Scandinavian Ringerike style was introduced. It is less
clear, however, why the later Urnes style should have
found some favor in post-Conquest England.

Above This gilt-bronze brooch Top right A group of 26 sculptures Right The Ringenke style
(much enlarged) was found at at Sockburn in Co. Durham, introduced into southern England
Pitney in Somerset in the south- northeast England, dates from the during the reign of Cnut had
west of England. Its classic 10th century when the burial sufficient similarities to the
combat-motif, executed in ground of an Anglo-Saxon contemporary English "Winchester
openwork, exemplifies the monastery was taken over by the style" for it not to be surprising
Anglo-Scandinavian version of the Vikings. This warrior, armed with that some Anglo-Saxon artists
Urnes style that was fashionable in a spear and wearing a helmet, drew upon it for inspiration. A
Scandinavia from the mid-1 1th to demonstrates clearly the tastes of psalter thought to have been
the beginning of the 12th < the new Scandinavian aristocracy at Winchcombe Abbey in
The central design consists of a who wanted to see themselves Gloucestershire has decorated
coiled ribbon-like animal, whose commemorated in stone. The initials in both Winchester and
plainbody has a beaded border, decorative schemes of the Sockburn Ringenke sryles- and some that
which is being bitten across the carvings are repeated on the are mixed. The animal-head on this
neck by a snake; the bodies of both sculpture found elsewhere in the letter "d" isclosely paralleled on
animals end in plant-like tendrils. area, and together represent the the stone from St PauPs churchyard
The scalloped border suggests products of a workshop operating (page 210); its tightly intertwined
Romanesque influence, giving it a in the Tees and Leven valkys. tendrils are also cha
late llth-cenrurv date. the true Ringenke style.

Left A fine example of a hogback

tombstone from Inglebv Arnclitte
in North Yorkshire, which has

large muzzled end-beasts clutching

the gable-ends of a house-shaped
monument, with a curved

c roofndge. Its form seems to have

been inspired by Chnstian
shrinetombs and other
house-shaped reliquaries: the
curious niche in the side rruv
imitate a shrine opening tor the
faithful to touch
Hogbacks onginated
in the 10th
centurv in the areas of
\ Scandinavian settlement in
northern England, especially
Yorkshire and Cumbna. from
where their use spread to Scotland.

The recover) of the Danelaw the Scandinavian settlers firmly and swiftly estab- Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian peoples were ex-
Between g o: and 921 the
Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex
lished themselves in their newly won lands and ruled hausted by decades of war. However, as the Danes
launched a determined series ot the Danelaw and Kingdom of York with a well- consolidated their hold on the Danelaw, Wessex -
miht.m campaigns with the dual
objective ol retaking the Danelaw
defined sense of identity and purpose. While the size of now ruled by Alfred's son Edward - began a slow
territories and expanding its their settlements is still not known to us with any campaign of attrition against the Danes, with con-
influence at the expense of its degree of accuracy, the English and Scandinavian tinual small incursions over the frontier. Major cam-
English neighbors, particularly
populations must clearly have interacted to a quite paigns were mounted in 903, 906 and 909 when the
Mercia. The successors of Alfred
the Great and the rulers of Mercia considerable extent, and in the northern and eastern Vikings allied with English leaders who were hostile to
continuously raided the parts of England we find compelling evidence of a the Wessex throne, but Edward's armies held firm.
Scandinavian-held areas, isolating
and neutralizing the different rapid cultural fusion and transformation. The English strengthened their frontier defenses
Viking armies one by one. The with an increased program of burh construction,
Scandinavian response was
The Anglo-Saxon recovery of the Danelaw, 902-954 securing an unbreakable line of retreat, and as the
rendered ineffective by the network
of fortified burhs. As the northern At the beginning of the 10th century, both the frontier was pushed slowly north they consolidated
territories fell, the Wessex dynasty
consolidated its hold over the
newly won lands by building more
burhs and settling large numbers of
people in them. This program was
also extended into Mercia. By 921,
only the Viking Kingdom of York
survived intact, saved by an
alliance withRagnald, the
Norwegian king of Dublin. In the
Midlands, Mercia had effectively
vanished and had been absorbed by
Wessex, which now ruled the
whole of England south of the
Humber estuary.

Right The Cuerdale hoard, buried

about 905 beside the river Ribble
in Lancashire, is the largest Viking
treasureknown from Britain or
Scandinavia, consisting of some
7,500 coins and a mass of hack
silver to a totalweight of about 40
kilograms of bullion. Amongst the
hack silver there is much of
Hiberno-Norse origin, suggesting
that a good part of its contents had
been transferred from Ireland to
northwest England after the
Vikings were expelled from Dublin
in 902. However, many of the

coins had been freshly minted in

the Viking Kingdom of York.
Perhaps some of the wealth of both
kingdoms was being gathered
together prior to an attempt to
reestablish the Vikings in Dublin.

the territory they had won back by building burbs as Left This early 9th-century fresco
they went. Both parties were troubled by external in the Oratory of St Benedict at
Malles in Italy shows a bearded
threats during this period; the Mercians were forced to Frankish nobleman holding his
repel attacks from the Celts in Wales, while the Danish sword. The early Viking raiders in

armies came under increasing threat from the Nor- mainland Europe rurned the
factional quarrels that divided the
wegian Vikings who had settled in Ireland. Some of Frankish warlords to their own
their number moved into western Northumbria and advantage.

the northeast Midlands after the Irish succeeded in

expelling the Norse from Dublin in 902. They quickly
began to compete with the Danes for power in the
north, and this internecine fighting certainly weaken-
ed the effectiveness of the Vikings' defenses against the
advancing English armies.
Mercia was allied to the West Saxon dynasty
through the marriage of Edward's sister /Ethelflasd to
the Mercian leader /Ethelred, but the process of
reconquest went hand in hand with the expansion of
Wessex. On /Ethelred's death in 911, Edward gained
control of the Mercian lands around the Thames
valley and used them as a base to reconquer the whole
of Essex by 916. The most dramatic events however
were to come the following year. In 9 1 7 Edward and
/Ethelflsed, who had assumed control of Mercia on her
husband's death, were ready to launch their decisive
campaign, and in the summer they marched north to
meet a Danish army that had been harrying across the
frontier of the Danelaw earlier in the year. By late fall
the Danish forces had collapsed in a chain reaction
leaving the English in command of the Midlands and
Cambridgeshire, with only East Anglia holding out
under Danish control, but this, too, fell in 918.
Two events in 918 and 919 set the pattern that was
to shape events in the rest of the century. The death of
/Ethelflsed led to the final consolidation of Wessex and
Mercia after the Mercian successor was quickly-
deposed, and shortly afterwards Danish power in of York again and imposed a series of puppet rulers. It
England suffered a grievous blow when Ragnald of was internal quarreling, however, that brought about
Dublin stormed York and took the city. The last of the the disintegration of the Norse kingdom, and in 954
Danelaw territories fell in 920. Wessex rule, now the last Viking king of York, Eric Bloodax, met his
synonymous with English rule, reached to the death at the battle of Stainmore.
Humber, and the Kingdom of York formed part of a Nearly a century after the Great Army had settled in
Hiberno-Norse power block extending across the England in 866, the Scandinavian conquest of Eng-
Irish Sea to Dublin with a Norwegian and Celtic land was finally halted. The political structure of the
cultural orientation that reached west and north to the country had been changed forever. The fragmented
Viking colonies of the North Atlantic. Anglo-Saxon kingdoms that had faced the Vikings in
The final stage of the English counterattack unfold- the 9th century had disappeared, and the process of
ed during the reign of Edward's son Athelstan, who recovery' had brought about the unification of England
came to power in 924. After strengthening the borders into the single kingdom we recognize today.
to the west, Athelstan launched a concerted attack on
the Kingdom of York in 927. Through a series of The Vikings in Frankia
judicious alliances with the Celtic rulers in Scotland
and Wales, Athelstan ruled a united kingdom that The number of ships grows: the endless stream of
extended far to the north of the modern English Vikings never ceases to increase. Everywhere the
border. However, in 937 this was threatened by a Christians are the victims of massacres, burnings,
massive alliance of the Dublin Vikings and the Celts plunderings: the Vikings conquer all in their path, and
who gathered from all over northern Europe to launch no one resists them: they seize Bordeaux, Perigueux,
a coordinated last-ditch campaign to restore the Limoges, Angouleme and Toulouse. Angers, Tours
Scandinavian conquests and defeat the English once and Orleans are annihilated and an innumerable fleet
and for all. The two armies met at an unidentified sails up the Seine and the evil grows in the whole
place, called Brunanburb in the accounts, in a clash so region. Rouen is laid waste, plundered and burned:
fierce that later Celtic writers who recorded the whole Paris, Beauvais and Meaux taken, Melun's strong
Right This page from the Annates
campaign in poetry and stories were to remember it fortress leveled to the ground, Chartres occupied,
Xantenses records some of the
simply as the "Great- War". After some desperate Evreux and Bayeux plundered, and every town besieg- events that took place in western
hours the English forces won the battle, with the result ed. " Ermentarius of Noirmoutier, c.860. Europe in 842: amongst them are
Viking attacks on Fnsia and
that opposition to English rule was neutralized for the Frankia, and also the death of one
remainder of the century. Nevertheless, the English Frankia, or the Frankish or Carolingian empire, all of their leaders. At the bottom of
the page, the sentence begins with
hold on the north remained insecure, and on Athels- describe the European territory ruled by the Carolin-
reference to one of their kings, by
tan's death in 939, it was temporarily lost to the gian dynasty of kings and emperors descended from name of Ronk {rex eorum nomine
Dublin kings who took direct control of the kingdom Charlemagne (P742-814). It reached its fullest extent RORIK).
. .


during the reign of Charlemagne's son, Louis the Pious on Frisia, in the area of modern Belgium and the
(778-840), when it stretched from the Pyrenees across Netherlands. At this time Frisia's coastal settlements
the whole of France to the present-day Low Countries, at Quentovic and Dorestad were among the major
into northern Cermany, and down into the Italian market centers of northwestern Europe, from where
peninsula. vessels sailed across the English Channel to Britain
first recorded Viking raid in Frankia occurred and eastward into the Baltic Sea. Frisian merchants
in 799, followed by isolated attacks on unprotected had been trading here with both Scandinavians and
targets through the first four decades of the 9th Slavs since long before the Viking Age, and evidence of
century. The raids followed a similar pattern to those their presence has been found at Hedeby and other
on England, and indeed the history of Viking involve- Viking settlements.
ment in Frankia is closely linked to events in the The wealth of the Frisian ports made them prime
Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. Periods of heavy Viking targets for Viking raids, and both Dorestad and
activity in England often meant a brief respite for the Quentovic were destroyed several times. The former
Franks - and vice versa - since the same Scandinavian seems to have borne the brunt of the onslaught - as
armies often campaigned on both sides of the English soon as the town was rebuilt after a raid, it would be
Channel, coordinating their efforts to exploit the attacked again, and the annals say that it was burned
riches of the Christian west to the full. As in England, to the ground four times in three years. Some Vikings
too, steps were taken to try to stop the Vikings. were settled temporarily in Frisia as early as 826, when
Charlemagne, for example, issued orders that the a grant of land to a Scandinavian commander called
major river bridges should be fortified as barriers Harald is recorded. The island of Walcheren at the
against the raiders' fleets. mouth of the river Scheldt served as a fortified Viking
The earliest Scandinavian raids were concentrated base, and the whole of Frisia was overrun on several
occasions. From about 838 onwards, however, the
focus of Scandinavian raiding moved farther west to
ami cxcratu Ih^umfarcgb^cora inttnit^fti
rftoniTiof - the Atlantic coast.
On the death of Louis the Pious in 840 the Frankish
muhommt rdicp utro fidon prekmtf uemebant ad eu fa&
. .
empire was divided among his sons Lothar, Louis the

Manz fcmn mentieritcf foHecamtflotkrmf hdmm German and Charles the Bald, and never again
reached the peak of cohesion and power that had been
atf anf karoiuf coTwenenmt ad tbiedbbofe ^fpoft corh .
* achieved in the early years of the 9th century. Soon
civil war had broken out and the empire was partition-
writ mum mpactdiftcflcmnt AftfLwo . I ccc-xhr.jiy ed still further as an ever increasing number of factions
appeared as contenders for the vestiges of Frankish
mpago uacrmaciojft ttmnnotuf ftcraf efr- fnmo^uam
- •
imperial power. These included the various descen-
dants of Louis the Pious, as well as a number of
nocttpalmarum- f^oinnocttfcarriurrrraomfapi -lok independent warlords, intent on carving out their own
amomufcif m bctfapmltfxfnno? imiafmmt* fed c&fimt territory. All of these elements had their own armies
and retinues, and fighting was frequent between
oceif afrtfiontbo ptuftyuam x\\~ Jllia yzrfcoru giuW^ fathers, sons and brothers. When the Vikings first
appeared in earnest on the European mainland, their
-nernnt/ibi^ccadcnim; aeifplufcpn? Ttyxam mn £eJ commanders were able to exploit this volatile situa-
wnm propter defidia kanoli dtdit afmuha rmlia
- pondem turned the fragmented state of the
tion, just as they
Anglo-Saxon kingdoms to their advantage in England.
ann tfargprm ur irent extra gilliam q uod tffatrnrttjz
- . After 841 two major Viking fleets operated in
Frankia, one based on the Seine, the other on the
men monaftma fwp plunmoru dirtna font. dTmnhofxfta Loire; several other independent Viking leaders acted
in isolation or joined the larger fleets for major raids.
nof captmofabduxeront; -fif ita <gfaf luimmcufrtxcon After the mid 9th century the highly mobile raiding
jgtspro exemtamagTio-Tterimitaduumoidof\uoixgm\- fleets no longer went every summer to Frankia; instead
the two main campaigning armies overwintered there,
lefcuro cogrmmffon-e contra h^fdrrexarmtrnfaxoma- just as happened in England, with a further force
tfrmfowf a mvmm <robf?def . (Tfcatrunt pace \x iltt
encamped on the Somme river. In 850, for example, a
Danish fleet under the command of Rorik - the
mgpro cla brother of the Harald who had settled in Frisia in the
conedfa YMtrmtrfuftfc dc fvcorm fofta uen>
830s - was ceded Dorestad in return for protecting the

de percuflj fumr prrdoncf . imp tffrwxyf feda^mrum -

northern coasts. This early parallel to the establish-
ment of Normandy was shortlived, but while it lasted
<p arpiamjfV loea fepredaae&trwrmnr rqgnltan ino^ the Danes of Dorestad proved just as treacherous as
the Norman Vikings were to do: Rorik's son Godfred
yemmtmt mmmt fonfibo emm mra> imfertmr foraf a<j raided from the Rhine to the Loire in the course of the

Acorti fiiorom falutem amfapn jfcbinflbit fed finef falafcn next decade.
However, though the empire as a whole was
ttr Tion ceaderont $ . mdmz amtm eof<pdam apnnoxpi -
severely harassed by the Scandinavians, with wide-
spread destruction of its monasteries and towns, the
ano coram J?jcpianorum foram ponemn: <pd<rft
lit Carolingians never faced a concerted Scandinavian
arnmr./rfilnhror ftrf o>mm cbbW. "June rcr eorom attempt at total conquest as happened in England.
Given the scale of the empire and the fragmented
nommc jlosliIo ana cum omi populo gtrralmm xmi- nature of its power structures such an undertaking
would have been unlikely to succeed, but a further
land granted by Carolingians


cz 924

933 English Channel

La Hague
site of archaeological find

type ot find


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\y,n.»«*»' S ..


• site with Scandinavian place-name

Bate de /a Seme •
I n. * V» » •— Oissel

Danes peoples

scale V1 900 000 . oS rT^r<^WrS «*' '*

^P > .^ ^S^esAdeys ate

f Ca

r :./••••
*p 'seu« . -r« • • >':

f^— *


The Viking settlement of

reason may
be found in the effect that this fragmenta- Viking activities in Frankia largely ceased after the The scatter of Scandinavian
place-names that survives in
tion had on the Scandinavians themselves. Certainly, end of the 9th century. When the Great Army shifted
Normandy today is an indication
the lack of a coordinated Frankish defense facilitated its focus of activity to England in the 890s, the of how thoroughly the region was
the Vikings' operations, but the numerous Carolin- orientation of Scandinavian interest in western occupied after 911. Settlement
appears to have moved outward
gian factions were able to play the Scandinavian Europe shifted with it. Only in the settlements estab- from two centers, with a
armies off against each other to such an extent that lished in the early 10th century in northern Neustria concentration of mainly Danish

they often found themselves fighting against each (later to become the duchy of Normandy), and in the names in the east around the Seine
estuary and a mix of
other in the civil wars. In these circumstances, instead short-lived Viking colony in Brittany did the Scan- Celtic-Norwegian names in the
of aiming at outright conquest, the larger Viking dinavian presence continue in mainland Europe. north of the Cotentin peninsula.

armies organized their efforts to effect a greater degree

of planning in their raids, moving across Europe
almost to a system along a regular route of destruction
and looting. Through a combination of simple raids
on wealthy monasteries, trading centers and villages,
and the extortion of protection money in the Danegeld
payments familiar from England, the Viking armies
were able to sustain themselves comfortably on a life
of peripatetic violence. In a very real sense, the Viking
operations in Frankia acted as a training ground and
sometimes a base for their attacks on England, since
all the forces involved in the wars with Wessex had

fought at some time in mainland Europe.

The Scandinavian impact on Frankia has left little
trace in the archaeological record, with almost all the
material confined to Normandy and Brittany in the
northwest. Indeed, the clearest evidence we have of
Viking activities in mainland Europe comes from
Scandinavia itself, where many Carolingian objects
have been found in hoards and in burials - almost
certainly seized as loot or forming part of the great
Danegeld payments. According to the Carolingian
documentary sources, more than 19,500 kilograms of
silver and 300 kilograms of gold were received by the
Vikings as part of these bribes. Though many Frankish
coins have been found in Scandinavia, the quantity is
nowhere near large enough to account for the massive
Danegelds recorded, implying that much of the
coinage was melted down and recast as silver objects.
It has, however, been suggested that the Viking armies

may simply have spent their money while campaign-

ing in the west.

Norman settlement, the immigrants seem to have

quarreled frequently among themselves, and the pro-
vince was severely wracked by feuding, culminating in
the murder of William Longsword in 942. But under
his successors it managed to maintain a high degree of
unity and cohesion, avoiding many of the problems
that had weakened other Viking colonies such as the
Kingdom of York.
As in England, interaction between the native
Franks and Scandinavians led to the rapid formation
of a distinctive local culture and a true Norman
identity, accelerated by an early conversion to Chris-
tianity in the mid 10th century. However, two burial
sites of Scandinavian character have left a material
record of the pagan beliefs of the first Normans. At
Pitres, near Rouen, a woman was buried with typical
Scandinavian oval shoulder brooches and pottery,
while a number of stone burial settings in the form of
longships were discovered on the beach at Reville
near Cherbourg in the 1960s. It is difficult to date
these monuments since they contain cremations and
there are no accompanying grave-goods, but the form
of the settings is exactly paralleled in burials found
throughout Viking Age Denmark and Sweden.
The Viking settlement of Normandy has left few
other recognizable archaeological traces, but a
notable exception is the remains of a large earthen-
banked fortress on the very tip of the Cherbourg
Above There is only slight Rollo and the settlement of Normandy peninsula at La Hague. This may have been a maritime
archaeological evidence on the
The early history of Normandy is far from clear, and base for a group of early 10th-century Vikings. The
continental mainland of western
Europe that bears witness to the must be pieced together from fragmentary later violence of the initial Scandinavian contact in the
Viking presence there. However, sources and tangential contemporary material such as region is attested by finds of contemporary swords,
this characteristic pair of standard
legal documents and property charters. At the begin- axes and spearheads dredged from the Seine and its
oval brooches dating to the
beginning of the 10th century was ning of the 1 0th century the Frankish ruler Charles the tributaries, either deposited there as thank-offerings
found in a Scandinavian woman's Simple (879—929), no doubt in desperation at the scale or lost in battle.
grave at Pitres on the river Andelle
in Normandy. of the depredations being carried on by the Viking The rapid integration of the Scandinavians and the
army based on the Seine, which had been raiding far native Franks, coupled with the pressing problems
upriver into the interior, offered them the grant of an that faced the Carolingian rulers elsewhere in the
area of land in the north of his kingdom if they would empire, hampered their efforts to reconquer Norman-
agree to settle there and defend it against other Viking dy. The settlement flourished and became the duchy of
attacks, in this way he hoped to neutralize them as a Normandy - the title dux ("duke") is first recorded as
threat in the future. The leader, a Norwegian named being used by the Norman ruler Richard II in 1006 —
Rollo in the Frankish sources (identified in later and the strength of the new duchy increased until it
Scandinavian sagas as Gongu-Hrolfr - "Hrolf the reached its zenith of power with the conquest of
Walker"), accordingly accepted the land between the England in 1066.
Epte and Risle rivers in the east of what is Normandy
today. According to a later Norman source the The Viking occupation of Brittany, 914—936
agreement was signed at St Clair-sur-Epte after a The tiny province of Brittany held a unique position in
battle fought at Chartres in 911, but though Rollo early medieval Europe, as its independent
initially kept his word and repelled a few shiploads of Celtic population had acted as a small thorn in the side
marauders, he soon led his followers on further raids of the Frankish kingdom since the Merovingian period
themselves, striking deep into the Frankish heartlands. (5th to 8th century). The Breton rulers continued to do
By 924, when he handed power to his son William the same in the 9th century. The first Viking raids on
Longsword, Rollo had gained control of an area Frankia coincided with the successful invasion and
reaching as far west as the river Vire. William conquest of Brittany by Charlemagne's armies. After a
completed this process of conquest in 933 when he series of consolidatory campaigns, Louis the Pious
seized the Cotentin peninsula, and Normandy ac- appointed a Breton called Nominoe as imperial
quired the geographic boundaries it has today. representative in the province. He remained loyal to
Though a Norwegian army seems
himself, Rollo's Louis as long as he lived, but after Louis' death in 840,
to have been principally composed of Danes. They the Breton leader rebelled. Throughout the remainder
appear to have dispersed rapidly through their newly of the 9th century the Bretons proved a major irritant
won lands, and to have settled in several enclaves to the Frankish rulers, acting as one more element in
broadly based around Rouen, Bayeux and Cherbourg, the complex network of vicious Carolingian power
to judge by the concentration of Scandinavian place- politics.
Left Amongst the quantity of
Carohngian silverwork carried off
names in these areas. On the basis of these names, it Brittany suffered the effects of the Viking raids in a
from Frankia to Scandinavia was would seem that there was a significant proportion of similar fashion to the rest of the empire, with fleets
this ornate 8th-century vessel. It
Celtic speakers among the Viking immigrants, per- fighting at various times against the Bretons or in
was found in a field at Feje,
Jutland, together with five smaller haps pointing to a Hiberno-Norse or Hebridean alliance with them in attacks on the Franks. The
drinking cups. element among the army. In the early days of the Carolingian rulers in their turn attempted to play off

the Scandinavians and Bretons against each other. of a circular fortress at Peran near St Brieuc. This
Brittany was particularly unfortunate in that the main seems to have been either defended or attacked by a
base of the Loire Vikings was situated at the mouth of Scandinavian force in the early 10th century. The
the river on the island of Noirmoutier - the site of the high, earthen ramparts of the fort have been burned,
once-prominent monastery that was destroyed by the vitrifying them in some places. Among the remains
Scandinavians early in the 9th century - close to the discovered there were a Viking sword and other
Breton capital at Nantes. weapons, bucket-like vessels similar to those found in
Though not immune to their own civil wars, the Groix ship, and a coin minted in Anglo-
Nominoe and his successors proved strong war Scandinavian York between 905 and 925. It is highly
leaders and kept the Viking armies in check, despite likely that the Camp de Peran was the site of a fierce
the province being temporarily over-run on several battle between Scandinavians and Bretons during the
occasions. However, with the death in 907 of the most liberation of Brittany in 936, and as such provides us
successful of the Breton rulers, Alain the Great, the with a unique frozen moment in the history of the
resulting power vacuum saw an immediate escalation Vikings in Frankia.
of Viking attacks. After the settlement of Normandy With the destruction of the Nantes army in 939 the
from 911, the possible targets for Viking looting Viking adventure in Frankia was over. Though
expeditions in the traditional manner had narrowed to isolated raids continued sporadically into the 11th
one - Brittany - and the remnants of the great century, fleets and armies on the scale of those
mercenary armies of the later 9th century seem to have employed in the 9th-century wars with the Franks
converged on the region. They were aided by Rollo's were never seen again. The empire and its Breton
Seine army and left well alone by the Franks who were neighbors had barely survived, like the Anglo-Saxon
only too happy to see their old enemies fighting each kingdoms across the sea. Unlike them, however, they
other. After seven years of increasingly severe assaults, would not have to face a second wave of Scandinavian
Brittany finally fell to a vast Norwegian army in 914. aggression in the early 1 1th century. Instead, a lasting
The Breton nobility and much of the clergy fled to the Scandinavian presence remained in mainland Europe
court of Athelstan in England, while the countryside in the shape of the duchy of Normandy, which would
was laid waste and many of the population enslaved. slowly form its own counterpart to Frankish rule and
From 914 until the end of the Viking colony in 936 come to dominate the whole of western Europe in the
we have no documentary sources whatsoever originat- later years of the century.
ing in Brittany. The character of the Viking takeover
seems to have been very different from that in other The Vikings in Spain and the Mediterranean
Viking colonies such as the Danelaw and Normandy: A number of the Viking raiding fleets that made their
there is no evidence of trading activities - normally so way down the Atlantic coast did not stop off in France
characteristic of the fiercely competitive Scandinavian but continued south to attack the territories of the
warrior-merchants — and no sign either of agricultural Arab Umayyad emirates (the Moors) in what are now
settlement or of newly established rural centers. Spain and Portugal. The first known raid occurred in
Instead the occupation appears to have been a purely 844, when several towns were sacked and Seville was
military one, an extended spree of violence and looting temporarily occupied. However, the Arab defenders
by the last truly Viking army operating in Europe. put up such fierce resistance that the Vikings were
Such an anachronism could not last for long, deprived quickly repulsed, their forces almost destroyed. This
as it was of allies, external trade and supplies. In 936 lack of success seems to have discouraged other
the exiled Bretons launched a seaborne invasion with Scandinavians from followng their example, and it
English aid and the grandson of Alain the Great, Alain was 15 years before another assault was made.
Barbetorte, drove the Vikings from Nantes. However, The second Scandinavian intervention in Spain
three more years of bitter fighting were needed before formed the prelude to the most ambitious Viking
the Scandinavian army was finally routed, and the voyage yet undertaken; indeed, only the journey of
Breton dukes restored to power. Ingvar the Far-Traveled to the Black and Caspian Seas
The short occupation, so unusual in the Viking in the 1 1th century stands comparison with it. In 859,
world, has left equally exceptional archaeological a fleet of 62 ships set out from the Viking bases on the
monuments. In the first half of the 10th century a Loire under the joint command of Bjorn Ironside and
magnificent ship grave was constructed on a headland Hastein - both famous Vikings who had fought with
facing the sea on the small island of Groix off the the Great Army in England and France - their
southern Breton coast. A longship with a smaller objective nothing less than to sack the city of Rome.
ship's boat inside was dragged along a processional The fleet ravaged all along the Spanish coast, pene-
way of standing stones to a specially cleared area of trating farther than the 844 raid and sacking many
turfs, and then filled with a rich assemblage of objects Moorish cities. Passing the straits of Gibraltar, the
including weapons, riding gear, gold and silver jewel- Vikings then raided along the North African coast,
ry, ivory gaming pieces, smith's tools and farming southern Spain and the Balearic Islands before winter-
equipment. The bodies of an adult male and an ingon an island in the Camargue in the Rhone delta,
adolescent - possibly a human sacrifice — were placed which gave them a base from which to plunder
in the ship,which was surrounded by 24 shields, and southern France.
the vessel was then set on fire, the ashes covered by a By this time, the Scandinavians were laden with
mound. The Groix ship burial is the only one of its almost more loot than their ships could hold. Their
kind in Europe, built at a time when the other Viking decision to press on to Rome had an element of
armies had already become and thus
Christian, conscious glory-seeking about it; fame was a pre-
throwback to a pagan past that
represents a glorious occupation of the Viking warrior, and Bjorn and
had been gone for more than a generation. Hastein's campaign must clearly be viewed in this
The second major archaeological discovery to have light. Reaching Italy, they sacked Pisa and finally
been made in Brittany in recent years is the excavation Rome itself - or so they thought: they had missed their
target by more than 300 kilometers, destroying Luna The passage - Bjorn and
difficulties of the Gibraltar
on the Ligurian coast instead. Their movements after Hastein were lucky to have got through - prevented
that are uncertain, but by 861 their fleet was again the western route to Byzantium from being opened up
attempting to pass Gibraltar. In the narrow straits for trade. Some trade may have developed between the
they fought a pitched battle with Arab ships equipped Spanish Moors and the Scandinavians - we know that
with Greek fire, a type of primitive napalm thrown a Moorish delegation was sent north after the 844 raid
from catapults that could set a ship ablaze in seconds: - but there is no archaeological evidence to support
the Vikings escaped only narrowly. The next year, the presence of such activity. Contacts between the
having raided along the French coasts on the way, Moors and the majus ("fire worshipers", as the Arabs
Bjorn and Hastein reached their base on the Loire called the Scandinavians) were minimal after the 9th
again. They had lost two-thirds of their ships, but had century.
come home fabulously wealthy.
The third and final Viking raid on Spain took place
in 866. A few towns in the far north of the country
were attacked, but the Arabs quickly ejected the
raiders. The effectiveness of the Arab armies and
fleets,together with the heavily fortified Moorish
towns, the towers of which were defended by missile-
throwing war machines that were unfamiliar to the
Vikings, meant that the Vikings met with little success
in Spain, with the exception of the 859 expedition.

The Vikings in Brittany

The Celtic population of Brittany
fought strongly to maintain their
independence from the domination
of their Frankish neighbors in the
Carolingian empire. During the 9th
century, the region's monasteries
and churches fell prey to frequent
Viking attack. The raiders followed
a well-traveled route westward fortification occupied
along the coast from Normandy site of weapon finds
and round into the mouth of the
Viking ship bunal
Loire, where the island monastery
of Noirmoutier was taken over as a
Viking base from 836. The attacks
intensified in the early 10th monastery

century, and in 914 the whole battle with date

region was overrun and occupied Viking raids 819-914

by a pagan Norwegian army.

area probably occupied by Vikings. 914-939
Brittany was the last of the
Scandinavians' colonizing efforts in
Europe, flourishing briefly at a time
when most other Vikings had long
since settled
and become Christian.

The Viking impact in Scotland Though some of their strongholds have been iden- Right The rocky coastline of one of
In common with many other areas of western Europe tified,they are difficult to distinguish from Pictish forts the tiny islands of the Inner
Hebrides, off the west coast of
at the end of the 8th century, Scotland suffered from farther east, and little is known about the Scots Scotland. Though the Northern
seasonal raiding by Vikings along its coasts. As in archaeological]}-. The Picts were given their name by Isles - Orkney and Shetland -
first Viking settlers
the Romans in the 3rd century AD (pictus is the Latin
attracted the
England and Frankia, church property was particu-
from Norway during the early 9th
larly at risk. Attacks are noted against a number of term for "painted") when it was applied to all the century, others soon established
monastic centers, and the abbey on the tiny island of peoples living north of the Antonine Wall, a substan- themselves in the Hebrides -
known to the Norse as "the
Iona, founded in 563 by the Irish St Columba, was tial turf embankment built by the Romans that ran Southern Islands" - which lay on
raided three times in a little over ten years, in 795 (two east-west from the Forth to the Clyde; the name the Viking sailing route from

years after the first recorded Viking attack on Lindis- possibly refers to their habit of body-painting or Norway to Ireland.

farne), 802 and 806: the danger was such that some of tattooing. To the Romans, the Picts were a problem,
the community retreated to Kells in Ireland (estab- and numerous raids across the wall are recorded.
lished in 807) for safety. Unfortunately the meeting in the 8th century between
Scotland at this time was inhabited by three distinct the Picts and the Vikings is less well documented, but
subgroups of the Celtic peoples, who were distributed the archaeological record suggests that it might not all
throughout northern and western Britain, the Isle of have been as violent as is often assumed.
Man and Ireland and had close cultural and linguistic The Picts were farmers, settled in lowland areas.
links with the Celtic population of Brittany in north- Their seamanship, which so troubled the Romans,
western France. The Scots formed the kingdom of was put to the best advantage in the exploitation of
Dalriada in the west of Scotland, the British inhabited fishing catches. Politically, they were a confederation
the kingdom of Strathclyde to the southeast, whilst the of tribal groups with highly distinctive traditions.
Angles of Northumbria (a non-Celtic group) occupied Their houses were often built in a cellular form,
the rest of lowland Scotland. The Picts were scattered resembling a clover-leaf or a figure-of-eight. They
throughout eastern and northern Scotland, being most buried their dead in kerbed cairns of rectangular or
concentrated between the Firth of Forth and the river circular shape, and have left a visible record of their
Dee and in the far north. presence in the form of carved stones, termed symbol
The Scots had originally occupied the present area stones, embellished with enigmatic animal and human
of County Antrim in Northern Ireland, known as figures. Christianized in the 6th and 7th centuries by
Dalriada, and crossed the short sea gap to Argyll in missionaries from Ireland, by the 8th century they
western Scotland some time in the late 5th centurv. were raising decorated crosses of Celtic design.

Left The ruined Broch of Gurness

(or Aikerness) on the mainland of
Orkney represents the remains of a
type of Iron Age fortification that is

characteristic of northern Scotland

and the islands. The site has
revealed evidence not only of
subsequent Pictish settlement but
Norse presence -
also of a
including a female Viking grave. In
the background, across Eynhallow
Sound, is the island of Rousay
where a complete Viking cemetery-
has been excavated at Westness.




The farming settlement of Jarlshof, on the West Voe of Right A man's head and a small
Sumburgh at the southern tip of Shetland, is one of the bird scratched on a slate found at
Jarlshof. This vivid sketch is
most impressive Viking sites in northern Scotland. Its possibly the portrait of a real
name, however, owes nothing to its Norse associa- person, thought perhaps to be
tions: it was invented by the 19th- century novelist Sir ._

Walter Scott in his novel The Pirate. Excavations at Below The earliest Viking
Jarlshof have revealed layer upon layer of occupation farmstead at Jarlshof, dating from
early in the 9th century, consisted
going back some 6,000 years: it was an attractive of a simple two-room dwelling
place to settle, as the Vikings who arrived in the 9th built of stone and turf- sufficient

century found. They used the stones of earlier Pictish for the needs of a single family -
with a number of outbuildings,
buildings to build their own farm complex. Jarlshof including a bath house or sauna, a
possessed several other advantages, including an smithy and storehouse. The byre
for the animals was at this time
abundant supply of peat for fuel and a quarry that
separate from the main building,
provided soapstone, an important commodity. The but in a later rebuilding it was
sheltered bay offered safe anchorage, and ships could incorporated into the dwelling
house - a true longhouse.
be manhandled over a narrow strip of land nearby to
avoid the dangerous waters to the south. The first
Viking settlers at Jarlshof probably came from south-
west Norway, and the indented coastline must have
seemed very similar to the fjords of home.

Right This aerial view clearly

shows the many phases of
occupation at Jarlshof, going back
thousands of years. Superimposed
on the round forms that date from
the Bronze and Iron Ages are the
long rectangular outlines of the
buildings of the Norse settlement.
Dominating the site are the
medieval ruins to which Sir Walter
Scott gave the romantic name of
"Jarlshof" or "Earl's i

Many of the everyday objects used by the Picts were evidence of occupation during the crucial centuries
unique to them and were sometimes incised with small around the arrival of the Vikings, though there are
symbols and ogham inscriptions. A number of signs of Pictish settlements and fields beforehand and
manufacturing centers have been identified. At one on of late Norse occupation afterward.
the Brough of Birsay in the northwest of Orkney, Study of the place-name evidence does however
penannular brooches (that is, in the shape of an almost Viking takeover of the native
clearly indicate that the
complete ring) appear to have been made that are areas of occupation was extensive. Place-names in-
similar to those found in the Pictish silver treasure cluding elements such as -bolstadr meaning a farm (as
hoard from St Ninian's Isle, Shetland. in Kirbister, Orkney; Scrabster, Caithness; or Embo,
Only a small handful of sites have so far produced Sutherland), -kvi, an enclosure for animals (as in
evidence of the actual meeting between the Picts and Quoyloo, Orkney) and -dalr, a valley (Scorradale in
Vikings. They present a varied picture. Discoveries at Orkney) are clearly of Scandinavian origin. The
Birsay (including the nearby site of Buckquoy on the distribution of such names is most concentrated in the
Orkney mainland) indicate that Pictish sites here were north. Virtually all the place-names in Shetland,
occupied by the Vikings, who seem to have adopted, Orkney and northeast Caithness are Scandinavian in
and adapted, local styles and may have intermarried origin,and only a few examples of the earlier Pictish
with the local population; there seems therefore to names have survived. The most notable of these
have been some sort of coexistence. At Skaill in the include the element papa ("father"), denoting the
east of Orkney, however, a more violent meeting is presence of monks or priests (as in Papigeo, Caith-
suggested, and this may also have been the case at the ness). The derivation of the Pentland Firth, the name
Udal in North Uist in the Outer Hebrides. At other that was given to the strait separating Orkney from the
sites (for example, Freswick Links on the east coast of Scottish mainland by the Vikings, is Pettlandsfjordr,
Caithness on the Scottish mainland) there is no or the Firth of the Picts. Scandinavian place-names are

beginning with the first raids in the 8th century and

coming to an end in the late 10th century) in Orkney is
a very short episode indeed in the long history of
Scandinavian influence there, which lasted until the
15th century. It is not surprising that the evidence is
somewhat fugitive for the primary period of actual
settlement, which ended, if the Saga of the Orkney
Islanders {Orkneyinga saga) is to be believed, as early
as 874 with the establishment of the earldom of
Orkney, including Shetland and Caithness. According
to its version of events:

One summer Harald Finehair sailed west to punish the

Vikings, as he had grown tired of their depredations,
for they harried in Norway during the summer, but
spent the winter in Shetland or the Orkneys. He
subdued Shetland and the Orkneys... he fought there
many battles and annexed the land farther west than
any Norwegian king has done since. In one battle fell
Ivar, the son of Earl Rognvald. But when King Harald
sailed home from the west, as compensation for his
son he gave to Earl Rognvald Shetland and the
Orkneys. Earl Rognvald, however, gave both lands to
his brother Sigurd...

The saga was of course written at a much later date,

but it is clear that the imposition of earls (usually
connected to the Norwegian royal house) marked the
beginning of an era of direct political control from
Norway, though limited raiding by individual war
leaders no doubt continued for some time.
Inconclusive as our information is about the early
Viking settlement of Orkney, the picture is never-
theless clearer here than it is elsewhere in Scotland.
Little is known about the start of settlement in
Shetland. However the primary phase of Viking
occupation at Jarlshof at the southern tip of Shetland,
the most visually impressive of all the Viking sites in
Scotland, has been dated by some to about 800,
though such an early date in the 9th century is
controversial. The farm complex at Jarlshof is part of
a multiperiod grouping of stone buildings with func-
tions varying from dwelling house to barns and byres.
Another site formerly identified with the early phase of
Viking activity in Shetland, Underhoull on Unst, is of
greater structural simplicity, and its building plan
suggests that it is more probably of Late Norse date. It
more generally scattered throughout Sutherland and seems to have been a smaller farm unit than Jarlshof,
the Hebrides. It is within all these areas that the bulk of though economically similar, and it was probably
the archaeological evidence for the Vikings in Scot- occupied for a shorter time-span.
land has been found. The dwelling house from the second phase of
building at Jarlshof, still in the Viking period, included
From raiders to farmers an integral byre for animals, an element of construc-
That Viking raiders were active in Orkney before any tion that was brought to Scotland from the more
largescale settlement took place there is indicated by a extreme climes of Scandinavia. In later rebuildings,
sentence in the Saga of King {Saint) Olaf. "It is related separate buildings again housed the animals, but it is
that in the days of Harald Finehair [c. 870-c. 940], the interesting to note that the integral byre - as in a true
king of Norway, the islands of Orkney, which before longhouse - remained in use in the north of Scotland
had been only a resort for Vikings were settled." The into the last century. From the limited evidence
date of the actual settlement is, however, open to available, the early Viking settlers appear to have
debate, though an Irish source relates that Rognvald, a practiced a mixed style of farming, raising cattle and
Norwegian chieftain who had been driven from home sheep with some cultivation of bere (barley) where
by trouble, became established in Orkney by about conditions allowed. Fishing, grew in importance as the
860. While these written references could easily relate settlements developed but was probably limited in
to events that took place after the initial settlement, it extent in these early days. This way of life would not
is certainly difficult to argue, on the basis of the have differed markedly from that followed in Norway
available archaeological evidence, for a date for at the time. Indeed, the topography of Shetland is quite
largescale settlement that is any earlier than the mid similar to the Scandinavian homelands: Orkney,
9th century. however, was a gentler environment, and consider-
The period of true Viking activity (conventionally ably more attractive to incoming settlers.

In the mainland areas of Scotland, known Viking has been excavated that is likely to relate to Viking
Age settlement is limited to a handful of sites. The Saga Age activity; it is probable, however, that there are
of the Orkney Islanders implies that settlement of more buildings at the site awaiting investigation.
Caithness took place from Orkney, probably in the Geographical distance placed the Hebrides outside the
10th century, which may seem surprisingly late. After political orbit of the earldom of Orkney, and (as with
all, the distance between Orkney and the mainland is Whithorn) contacts were mainly with the Viking
small — some 1 1 kilometers at the nearest point — and trading centers around the Irish Sea - in Ireland, the
the one can be clearly seen from the other. Further- Isle of Man, northwest England and Wales - ensuring
more, the island of Stroma, whose name means that there was a greater, or at least more obvious, bias
"island in the stream", would have acted as a stepping toward trading activities than elsewhere in Scan- The Scandinavian presence in the
Celtic world
stone for the move to Caithness. Yet despite extensive dinavian Scotland. The distribution of Scandinavian
excavation, it has not proved possible to identify That settlement in Scotland in the Viking period and place-names in northern and
western Scotland and around the
evidence of early Viking settlement in Caithness; it beyond was predominantly rural in character cannot
Irish Sea shows clearly the areas of
seems that the Saga of the Orkney Islanders may have be in doubt. To date, no concentrations of population greatest Viking influence. The
been accurate after all. that can be termed urban, such as existed at York in Scomsh islands and the Isle of Man
have a rich archaeological record,
The only other excavated site on the Scottish England or at Dublin in Ireland, have been identified. including settlement sites, carved
mainland that has yielded evidence of settlement in the The discover}- of buried hoards of silver and gold, stones, graves and hoards. In

Viking period, though not necessarily of a primary together with coins — mostly from England but also of contrast to the rural settlement of
Scotland, the Vikings in Ireland
nature, is at Whithorn in the southwest lowlands. Arabic origin - are indications that a barter economy founded a number of urban trading
Here the buildings are of wood and are clustered was in existence here as elsewhere in the Viking world: centers along the coast, the most
important of which was at Dublin.
tightly together. They differ in plan from others found many hoards contain items of jewelry, in some cases They traded extensively with the
so far in Scotland, and bear closer similarities to badly damaged or cut, as well as "ring-money" - native Irish, as is demonstrated by
Viking buildings excavated in Dublin, Ireland. The pieces of plain silver in the form of simple arm-rings the number of Viking Age coin
hoards found throughout the
site has yielded debris from the manufacture of antler that served as units of currency. The largest Viking country.
combs, while a number of cat skulls found there silver hoards in Scotland have both been recovered
indicate that cat skins were processed to make fur from Orkney, from Skaill and Burray. Payment by Below These massive brooches and
rings form part of the largest
trimmings for garments. weight of silver or gold would have been made Viking silver hoard known from
In the Hebrides, excavation at the Udal on North through merchants who carried portable scales for the Scandinavian Scotland: a
remarkable 10th-century treasure
Uist indicates early Viking settlement including a purpose. Such items are not common in the British consisting of over 8 kilograms of
small defensive site presumably against the native
Isles outside the major trading centers, such as York, prestige ornaments, together with

Rets superimposed on the distinctive Pictish cellular

. but a number have been found in pagan graves in the cut-up fragments and a few coins.
It was discovered by chance in
structures that have already been discussed. At Dn- Hebrides, supporting the view that trade was an 1858 in the mouth of a rabbit
more. South Uist, a single fragmentary stone structure important activity in the west of Scotland. burrow at Skaill, in Orknev.
# Vikmg settlemenl Undemoull^pC^berswick

Viking find
carved stone

© hoard, nng or brooch

• isolated bunal

• cemetery

Plcts tnbe or people

land over 200m


concentration ol Scandinavian

I I place-names in Scotland and the Isle ol Man

Viking influence in Ireland

Howlh Scandinavian place-name

area of settlement


Pagan graves provide one of our most accessible

sources of information for the Viking period in
Scotland. They are generally dated to the late 9th and
10th century and are distinguishable by the presence
of grave-goods of Scandinavian origin; in some cases,
locally produced items were also included in the
assemblage of goods. Such burials have a wide dis-
tribution in Scotland, and include the graves of men,
women and occasionally children. The evidence sug-
gests that the people buried in these graves were
members of early settlement groups rather than war-
riors killed in raiding skirmishes. For example, the fact
that the oval brooches in a woman's grave at Kneep in
Lewis. Outer Hebrides, had been repaired, or that
brooches of a rather earlier date are included, suggests
that these items were heirlooms.
Several rich graves have been excavated in Scotland.
Some, such as those at Castletown in Caithness and at
Kiloran Bay on Colonsay in the Hebrides, are con-
sidered to be isolated burials, but some at least are
parts of larger cemetery groups. Two boat graves
with male burials accompanied by weapons have been
excavated at Westness, Orkney, and a grave at Scar on
Sanday, also in Orkney, contained a single boat with
three occupants and very rich grave-goods, including a
rare whalebone plaque. Most of the objects recovered
from such burials are normally thought to come from
southwest Norway, the traditional homeland area of
the early settlers in Scotland. However, a much more
northerly origin is suggested for the plaque and a
brooch from Scar - perhaps even beyond the Arctic
Circle in northern Norway.
As in all parts of the Viking world, the total number
of known settlements and graves of Scandinavian
origin is grossly inadequate for the number of in-
dividuals who must have been settled in Scotland at
this time. However, cultural assimilation with the
native population makes it increasingly difficult, after
the initial period of settlement, to identify Scan-
dinavian burials with any degree of certainty from the
grave-goods alone, and clearly there is much that
remains to be discovered in this area.

The Isle of Man: a rich archaeological record

Located in the middle of the Irish Sea, off the
northwest coast of England, the Isle of Man is well
placed to attract cultural influences from a wide area.
A small island, only about 48 kilometers from north to
south by 16 kilometers east to west, its upland interior
is crowned by meaning "snow mountain" —
the name givenby the Vikings. A large coastal plain

lies to the north, and a relatively fertile coastal fringe

surrounds the island as a whole. Good agricultural

land and an abundance of natural harbors undoubt-
edly served to attract Viking adventurers, added to
which were a number of major monastic centers such
as Maughold. though these are unlikely to have been
as wealthy as those in Ireland or England. The
documentary record, however, is silent on early
Scandinavian activity in Man - a Viking attack on Inis
Patraic Patrick's Island) mentioned in the Irish An-
nals of "98 is now taken to refer to the island of that
name in Dublin Bay rather than St Patrick's Isle, Peel,
off the west coast of the Isle of Man. Nevertheless, the
material evidence of Viking occupation in the island is
very extensive: it is particularly rich in archaeological
sites, including settlements, burials, carved stones and
silver hoards.
There can be no doubt that the pre- Viking Celtic

I tft The onl) Viking cemetery to population of the island was Christian. This is clear
h.ivc been fully excavated in from the number of surviving carved stones with
Scotland is .it Westness on Rousay,
in Orkney. It included the richest
Christian symbols including a particularly fine
female grave known from Scotland, crucifixion slab from the Calf of Man. Additionally, a
as well as two m.ile boat burials: in
network of Christian sites - small chapels or keeills -
the one shown here the prow and
stern were packed with stones to has been identified on the island, several of them with
create .1 central chamber tor the associated cemeteries of stone lintel graves. At Bal-
body. Amongst other pagan graves
ladoole, a Viking boat burial is located immediately
atWestness was one of a woman
(bottom left). Her skull shows signs on top of an earlier cemetery. However, evidence of
of having been trepanned; she was pre-Viking domestic settlement is confined to a few
buried with a comb below her right
arm and spindle whorls by her side,
sites only. Some Viking buildings were constructed
and a
as well as with a sickle within the confines of already existing promontory
bronze brooch.
enclosures, such as at Cronk ny Merriu. At other
Right The Viking settlers on the Viking sites - for example, at the Braaid or Close ny
Isle oi Man were converted to Chollagh - the distinctive circular structures of pre-
Christianity during the 10th
century and adopted the use of
Viking settlements have been identified.
memorial stones. This fragmentary Though it has been argued that some elements of
cross-slabfrom Andreas is carved earlier settlements continued in use into the Viking
with a pagan scene on one face,
counterbalanced by a Christian period, the overwhelming preponderance of Norse
scene on the other. Here is place-names suggests that once again, as in northern
represented the triumph of Christ
Scotland, the local population was almost totally
over the Devil: a bearded figure
holding a cross and book tramples submerged by the Viking incursion. However, it is
a knotted snake underfoot. possible that many of these names are of a later date
than the Viking Age, and follow a naming tradition
that had been established by the Scandinavians. Some
place-name elements from the earliest phases of
Viking activity, such as -setr and -bolstadr, which are
widely found in Scotland, are rare in Man, and it has
been pointed out that -setr, meaning a shieling, an
upland summer pasture, could be more commonly
represented in Man by the Gaelic element -cergi (as in
Block Eary). The distribution of Scandinavian topog-
raphical names is widespread through the island; for
example, the flat northern plain is still known as the
Ayres, from the Norse meaning "a gravelly flat
expanse". Place-names ending in -by (as at Jurby or
Sulby) are also commonly found.
The known Viking Age settlements on Man are
varied in form. Cronk ny Merriu, as already mention-
ed, reuses an Iron Age promontory site; it is visible as a

Right The oval of stones marks the

outline of an important Viking
boat burial at Balladoole in the Isle
of Man; it is on the site of an early
Christian graveyard that lies within
an Iron Age enclosure. The vessel
was about 1 1 meters long and
contained the skeletons of both a
man and a woman. However, the
grave-goods - including stirrups
and spurs - showed this to have
been a male burial and the ,

accompanying female body may

provide evidence of the rite of
suttee, or female sacrifice -
possibly a slave.

Left The small promontory fort at

Cronk ny Merriu, Isle of Man,
overlooking the entrance to Port
Grenaugh, was first constructed in
the Iron Age. However, this aerial
view shows the excavated remains
of the later Norse house that was
built behind the massive rampart
a subrectangular building with
three doorways, side benches and a
central hearth.

small, almost rectangular building containing benches presence of the corn-drying kiln suggests that livestock
and a central fireplace: Close ny Chollagh, Cass ny farming was not the only activity. No doubt kilns
Hawin and Vowlan are similar sites. Farther inland, existed at other settlements on the island, but no other
sitesof greater complexity have been identified. At has yet been discovered.
Doarlish Cashen, some 210 meters above sea level, the It has been argued that the small size of the dwelling

grass-covered foundations of three buildings grouped at Doarlish Cashen, which measured only 7 by 3
around have been found. The settlement was
a yard, meters, indicates that it was a poor settlement, and
during a survey for potential shiel-
initially identified indeed the lack of objects recovered during excavation
ing or transhumance sites, and the fact that an area of does little to alter this view. Much larger buildings are
marginal agricultural land should have several struc- found lower down in the valleys where there was
tures visible was of great interest; excavation sug- probably more pasture and a less extreme climate to
gested that at least two of the buildings were likely to contend with: for example, one at the Braaid measures
be Norse in date. One small dwelling of almost 21 by 9 meters, and the house at Cass ny Hawin is also
rectangular form was found
to be a small Norse-type quite sizable - about 10 by 4.5 meters. The site at the
farmstead of a kind that is characteristic of the Isle of Braaid is somewhat controversial, for it has dwellings
Man. Though badly damaged, the threshold stones in the form of a substantial stone roundhouse (pro-
remained in place to show that there were doors in the bably of native Manx construction) with two adjacent
two long walls, with a possible third in one of the short rectangular ones. Use has been made of huge slabs, far
walls. There was a large area for the fire, the debris of larger than those seen at other sites on Man, and this,
which was scattered over most of the floor. Traces of a coupled with the overall massive scale of the complex,
bench to each side of the hearth completed the interior suggests that it may have been something more
arrangements of this small upland house, which had substantial than simply a farmstead.
its yard to one side. Nearby, a small corn-drying kiln The pagan burial evidence from Man is of great
was excavated, and the other buildings, which were interest. Boat graves such as those at Balladoole and
only surveyed, were suggestive of a larger farming Knock y Doonee are reminiscent of those at Westness
complex. A funnel-like entrance to the yard could and Scar in Orkney. The vessels are about 5 to 6
have assisted the management of cattle, but the meters in length and usually contain male burials,

Right An abandoned Norse

farmstead at the Braaid, Isle or
Man. comprises a large bow-sided
dwelling and a rectangular building
of massive construction. This mav
ha\ e been a second house, but was
more probably a large stable or
bvre. The ad]acent roundhouse, in

the native Manx style, was

presumably in use when the
Vikings took over. Unfortunately,
excavation revealed nothing, apart
from some constructional details,
to help in the interpretation of this

probably of Vikings who arrived in the first phase of divided in the island in the Viking period. The present
the island's settlement. The positioning of the grave parish system is thought to follow the Norse land
mounds, usually in a prominent location in sight of the divisions, and these may in part have been based on an
sea and overlooking good farming land, may indicate earlier system.
the location of the original farming settlements. Spears The landowners were probably the people who
and swords are commonly found in these burials; less commissioned some of the carved standing crosses
usual was the inclusion of a female companion, but and other stones that are one of the more significant
evidence of the rite of suttee, known to have been elements of the Norse legacy in the Isle of Man. Today
practiced elsewhere in the Viking world, is found in some of these stones are found inside the local parish
two Manx burials, at Balladoole and, most poign- churches, having been brought there from the sur-
antly, at Ballateare, where the young woman had a rounding area at some time in the past. Many are
badly slashed skull. She may have been a slave, but the pre- Viking in date and are worked with typically
archaeological record only reveals that she was buried Celtic, elaborate ring-headed cross motifs. However, a
without goods in the upper part of a mound erected larger number of Viking Age carved stones survive,
over her master's grave. chieflyfrom the 10th century.
Excavations on St Patrick's Isle, Peel, revealed the The remarkable skill of the craftsmen, combined
remains of a cemetery that includes six pagan Viking with the quality of the local slate and the rich elements
graves. Some of them are cut through early Christian of imagery that are portrayed, make these stones a
stone slab graves, suggesting the continuing use of a unique record for the period. The inclusion of motifs
pre- Viking cemetery. Among the Viking burials is the from Norse mythology, such as the dragonslaying
so-called "Pagan Lady of Peel", discovered in a stone from the Sigurd legend, on an elaborately carved
slab grave surrounded by a wide variety of grave- Christian cross highlights the degree of cultural ex-
goods, including a cooking spit, comb and beads. The change that took place with the native population.
significance of this find lies in the fact that it is the only Christianity had probably become the dominant
Norse female burial yet found on the island and religion of the Scandinavian settlers by the middle of
represents a rich addition to the corpus of graves from the 10th century, but some of those who adopted the
this period in the British Isles as a whole. Little is outward forms of Christianity would have found it
known about the position of women, but the nature of hard to give up the familiar stones of the gods they had
the grave-goods indicates that the "Pagan Lady of brought with them from the homeland (just as grave-
Peel" was someone of considerable importance, per- goods may have continued to be included in the
haps even a local landowner in her own right. The burials of nominal Christians). It may even be that
number of rich male graves on Man suggests very elements of paganism were consciously adapted to
strongly that there was a social hierarchy of influential convey parts of the Christian message - the dragon
landowners, each with an attendant household. There being associated with Satan, for example. Whatever
has been considerable debate about the way land was the case, pagan themes continued to hold a central

St Patrick's Isle

St Patrick's Isle, or Holmepatrick, at Peel is a tidal islet

that controls the entrance to the only sheltered harbor
Right For a short period during the
on the west coast of the Isle of Man - the site of Peel 1 1th century, silver pennies appear

Castle. Occupied since prehistoric times, in the late to have been struck for the rulers
of Man, in imitation of the
Norse period it became the site of the cathedral of the contemporary Hiberno-Norse

Norse diocese of Sodor and Man, under the arch- coinage of Dublin. The mint must
bishopric of Nidaros (later Trondheim) in Norway. have been linked to the seat of
Below Amongst the Viking Age political power - then most
burials excavated in the Christian The diocese, like the Kingdom of Man and the Isles probablv located on St Patrick's
cemetery was the only Norse (established in the 11th century), embraced all the Isle at Peel.
female grave to have been found
Man. The
Hebrides — the Sudreyjar or Sudreys. Recent excava-
the Isle of fully-dressed Below A spectacular necklace
body had been laid out in a on this major archaeological site have resulted in
tions containing over 60 glass and amber
slab-lined grave into which were numerous discoveries of all periods, including an early beads was around the neck of the
put a wide selection of grave-goods "Pagan Lady" when she was Right Within the walls of Peel
denoting the high-status of the
Christian cemetery that contained several well-
placed in her grave. Beside her was Castle are situated the roofless
so-called "Pagan Lady of Peel". furnished Viking Age burials. laid an iron cooking spit, a goose Gothic remains of St German's
wing and a bunch of herbs, as well cathedral, built in the 12th century.
as her workbag, which held a pair The early Christian cemetery was
of needles. She was equipped with discovered on its north side; it

her comb and household shears, continued in use throughout the

perhaps hanging together from a Viking Age into the medieval
belt. There were also two knives, period. The Irish-style round tower
one of which has a silver inlaid and its ad]acent church were built
handle. in the 10th or 1 1th <

place in the Norse culture of the Isle of Man, people to take the precautionary measure of hiding
producing some striking juxtapositions. On a slab at their valuables. The hoards recovered today are of
Andreas, for example, a depiction of Odin, shown course the ones that were never retrieved, suggesting
with spear and raven and his foot in the jaws of the that all too often there was a violent and tragic
wolf Fenrir, is counterbalanced by a Christian figure, outcome to events.
possibly a cleric, holding a book and a cross.
In several cases, runic inscriptions are an element of Wales: a staging post for trade
the crosses: on one of the earlier examples a man Some of the Viking raiders who were active in the Irish
named Gaut boasts that he "made this [presumably Sea area from the 790s onward turned aside to attack
the cross] and all in Man". It is likely that some Wales, particularly Anglesey and along the north
inscriptions were added later to the carvings. Wher- coast, and around the southwest coast into the Bristol
ever they appear, they provide a direct link between Channel. At this time, the native Celtic peoples of
the modern reader and both the carver and the literate Wales were divided into several kingdoms, including
Scandinavian settler who was his patron. Powys, Gwynedd and Dyfed. They were predomin-
Some 20 hoards of Viking Age silver have been antly farmers: no towns or similar concentrations of
recovered from the Isle of Man. Most combine population have been identified, and only a small
coinage with ornaments. The period when they were number of pre-urban centers have been distinguished.
buried stretches from the early 10th (more certainly Monasteries, however, housed large numbers of peo-
from 960) to the late 1 1th century. Periods of warfare ple; as in Ireland, they possessed extensive agricultural
and threats of attack from other Vikings in the Irish estates, as well as being centers of scholarship and
Sea area — at times in the 10th century the island came craftsmanship. Their wealth would have acted as
under the direct influence of the Dublin-based Norse - honey-pots to the Vikings, and there is evidence that
or even just from greedy neighbors, must have led some of the large monasteries such as Carmarthen,

Llancarfan, St David's, Caldey and Llantwit had been western searoute, close to Ireland and the Isle of Man
burned and plundered. and providing a staging post on trading routes to
Asser, the Welsh-born monk and biographer of centers of Scandinavian domination in England. It
King Alfred the Great, tells us that in 878 a Viking may be no coincidence that the largest silver hoard,
force over-wintered in Dyfed in the southwest, prob- probably associated with merchant activity, found in
ably for the first time. This was the beginning of a Wales came from near Llandudno, within easy reach
major Wales over the next few
series of raids against of Viking settlements in northwest England. The
decades. In 914 a great naval force led by two distribution of other coin and silver hoards is generally
Scandinavian earls sailed north from Brittany to coastal. Amongst the earliest is one from Bangor,
ravage the west coast; there were unsuccessful deposited about 925, which includes Arabic coins.
attempts to head inland. During the following 40 Isolated single coins are more scattered in their
years there was a respite, for the Welsh had a strong distribution and their presence is perhaps an indica-
leader in Hywel Dda (Howell the Good) of Gwynedd, tion of commercial activity. The Irish Annals suggest
and the Vikings kept away until after his death in 950. that Viking merchants from Dublin may have traded
By 980, however, the Viking menace had increased in in Welsh slaves, horses and probably honey and wheat
violence: the cathedral at St David's was sacked four in the 10th and 1 1th centuries, very likely in exchange
times between 982 and 989, and the raids continued for Irish furs, hides and coarse woolen cloth.
beyond the end of the century despite attempts to keep There must have been some actual settlement by the
the Scandinavians at bay by paying Danegeld. Even in Vikings in Wales, even if only confined to the coastal
the late 11th century St David's was subjected to a areas, but other than place-name evidence, there are
spate of attacks from Dublin-based Viking fleets. no records of this. The Scandinavian influence is
The significance of Wales to the Scandinavians lay particularly felt on place-names in southwest Wales:
in its geographical position - an integral part of the Colby for example combines a personal name with the

settlement element -by, and Scollock, Milton and extensive settlements within large enclosures, with
Fishguard also include Scandinavian elements. Given multiple churches to serve the religious and lay
the concentration of place-names in these areas, it populations of the monastic community. From the
seems likely that coastal trading centerswere estab- mid 10th century, stone towers became a distin-
lished, perhaps at Milford Haven and Swansea, with guishing feature of these sites. They served as belfries,
some inland rural settlement in Pembrokeshire. The but some people have suggested that they were also
names of islands and navigation points along the built as defenses in response to the Viking raids.
north coast of the Bristol Channel are also clearly Housed within the monasteries were the craftsmen -
Norse in origin: Lujidy (meaning "puffin island"), Flat stonecarvers, ornamental metalworkers, glass-
Holm, Steepholm and Skokholm (in which the ele- workers and scribes producing illuminated manu-
ment holm stands for a small island) and Skomer and scripts - whose artifacts are the most lasting legacy of
Caldy Islands all fall into this category. North Wales the rich culture of the early medieval Irish church.
has fewer Norse names, though Bardsey Island, Great These beautiful items, intended both for monastic
Ormes Head, Priestholm, and even Anglesey (Ongul's consumption but also to meet the demands of local
Isle) are Scandinavian in origin. Anglesey, lying off the patrons, brought the inevitable attentions of the
north coast, would have been a particularly vulnerable Vikings. The monastic centers contrasted sharply with
target for attack, prey to the Vikings based in the Isle the small, austere hermitages that were also typical of
of Man as well as those in Ireland, and so the recovery the Celtic church in Ireland and were found mostly on
of a hoard of Viking silver arm-rings and a possible the rocky west coast (as at Church Island or Skellig
Viking grave is no surprise. Michael, Co Kerry) but even these were not immune
Wales contains a number of finely-worked stone from Viking attack. It is clear that many precious
crosses whose decorative motifs reflect the way Celtic church objects were removed from Ireland to Scan-
Above This house-shaped shrine -
and Scandinavian influences merged around the Irish dinavia during the raiding period, but the scale of this with an unknown Norwegian
Sea. Particularly fine examples are found at Penmon removal is difficult to gauge and, indeed, our view is provenance - is of 8th-century Irish
(Anglesey) and Nevern and Carew (Pembrokeshire). type, though the style of decoration
colored by the fact that the written accounts of the
suggests that it was most probably
Even in the pre- Viking period, crucifixion slabs carved raids are provided by churchmen. made in the Scottish-Picttsh area. It

in Wales were strongly influenced by Irish patterns. In Until comparatively recently our understanding of appears never to have been buried,
whilstits contents demonstrate that
the Viking Age examples, panels of elaborate interlace the Vikings in Ireland was mostly based on the
it was serving its original function
patterns, reminiscent of styles seen in the Isle of Man discovery of isolated finds, together with scattered as a reliquary, or container for

and elsewhere with all the available areas around filled literary references. From these we know that the sacred Middle Ages.
relics, in the A
runic inscriptionon the base,
with carved motifs, are combined with the ring- Vikings established the first true towns in Ireland, at stating that"Rannveig owns this
headed cross so commonly found in the Celtic areas Waterford, Wexford, Limerick, Cork and Dublin. casket", shows it to have been in

around the Irish Sea. Norse hands bv about 1000.

These places served as trading posts on the long sea
route that linked the Scandinavian homelands and
The Vikings in Ireland their western colonies with westernn Europe and the
According to the Irish Annals, the first Viking raid Mediterranean. Here goods such as slaves and wolf
along the Irish coast took place in 795 at a place called hounds were gathered for export in exchange for
Rechru. This is now most usually identified as Rathlin silver. The rulers of the Viking towns therefore looked
Island lying just off the northeastern tip of Ireland. to the sea rather than the land for their livelihood,
Intermittent attacks followed until the 820s, when the which was got by raiding and trading around the Irish
was increased. Movement inland is
scale of attacks Sea. Close relations were maintained with the Scan-
recorded from about 830, the first overwintering is dinavians of Man and the Hebrides.
reported on Lough Neagh in 839, and the first The Viking occupation of Ireland was therefore
permanent settlements (known as longphorts) were different in kind from that of the other Scandinavian
established in 841 at Dublinand possibly at Annagas- colonies. There appears to have been little rural
san,Dundalk Bay. settlement. It is not impossible that Norse settlers in
There was plenty to attract the Vikings to Ireland. the countryside lived in buildings of adapted local
The greatest concentrations of settlements were the type. This means that they would be identifiable in the
large monastic complexes, sometimes termed "cities", archaeological record only by the recovery of Viking
which were located amidst a landscape of scattered artifacts. However, such finds can also be taken as
farms. Other major centers of wealth were located in evidence of cultural contact between the town-
the crannogs - man-made islands in marshy or wet dwelling Vikings and the local inhabitants, so it is
areas. One of these, at Lagore, is mentioned in the difficult to attribute rural settlements to either Vikings
Annals as being a royal center that suffered catast- or Irish with any certainty. The distribution of Viking
rophic damage at the hands of the Vikings in 934. pagan graves may be an indication of how far
Though the primary economic activity of the Celtic Scandinavian influence spread outside the towns in the
population was farming, finds of imported goods such early days of the settlement. Apart from major
as pottery from western France discovered on sites cemeteries at Kilmainham-Islandbridge near Dublin,
ranging from royal centers such as Lagore or Knowth however, graves are present only as isolated finds. A
to the more humble ring-forts, or enclosed mound burial at Donnybrook, also by Dublin, and a
homesteads, that were the predominant type of rural possible boat burial at Ballywillin, Co Antrim, repre-
settlement, show that Ireland was part of an extensive sent single examples of traditions that are seen much
trading network. On a number of sites, the discovery more widely elsewhere in the Irish Sea region, and
of such things as debris from antler working, tools for indeed in the larger Viking world.
smithing, crucibles and molds for working precious Outside the towns, Viking influence seems to have
metals and glass-making equipment provide evidence been restricted to the immediate hinterlands, where
of a variety of manufacturing activities. there must have been considerable interaction with the
The most important centers of craft production, rural population who supplied the townspeople with
however, were the monastic "cities". These were fresh produce. In Dublin, for example, cattle would be

driven into town from the countryside, and crops gold hoards are known in Ireland. These are indicative
would he exchanged for manufactured items. The of great wealth. Of the known hoards, 80 consist only
townspeople also relied on the surrounding area to of coins; many of these have heen found on native Irish
provide timber for building and raw materials for craft sites, and consequently support the view that
manufacture, so the interchange must have heen economic relations existed between the Vikings and
wide-ranging. Some 120 Viking Age coin, silver and the Irish. The Irish lacked a coinage before the 12th

Right Viking burials at

Kilmainham and lslandbridge,
upriver from the site of
10th-century Dublin, resulted from
the establishment of a longphort on
the Liffey in the mid-9th century,
most probably on the site of an
Irish monastery. This
contemporary painting illustrates
some of the grave-goods dug up
there in the 19th century, including
several swords with ornamented
hilts, spear- and ax-heads, shield
bosses and women's bronze
brooches, together with some
gaming pieces.


The excavations that have been carried out in the were built on the same site as the old: turf was laid
Wood Quay area of Dublin, on a site between the river down on the earlier foundations to provide a firm
Liffey and Christchurch cathedral, since 1960 have footing. As a result, there are several successive layers
uncovered evidence of the Viking Age town that is of of habitation within the Viking Age period of settle-
exceptional quality because of the waterlogged nature ment (c.920— 1190) — as many as 13 in Fishamble
of the ground. It has been possible to identify some of Street alone. Furthermore, when the Anglo-Normans
the wooden dwelling houses of the Viking inhabitants, reclaimed land at the river's edge in the 13th century,
which stood within fenced plots, together with ancil- they used the domestic debris of the Viking settlement
lary buildings - latrines, byres, animal pens, work- as infilling. The careful examination of all this
shops and storehouses. The swampy nature of the material has provided a rare insight into the everyday
ground was clearly always a problem: broken furni- life of the Viking Age town, providing evidence of
ture and doors were laid down as duckboards in the different activities such as wood- and bone-carving
Below A silk hairnet, found in
Fishamble Street, is evidence of
streets between the plots, which must have been and leatherworking. The wealthiest members of the
Viking Dublin's far-reaching trampled by the cattle brought in from the surround- Viking community, identifiable by their larger houses
contacts - the yarn, and probahh ing countryside. Being made of wood, the houses had and rich artifacts, appear to have lived in the area of
the method of manufacture,
suggest an origin in Byzantium or
to be rebuilt every 10 to 20 years, and because the the cathedral, on higher ground that would not have
larther east. property boundaries were unchanging the new houses been susceptible to flooding.

tin of Sihtnc Silkbeard, the

ruler ofViking Dublin who

established the first mint in Ireland

about 997.

century and the Dublin-based Vikings only started

nting their own coins in about 997. Consequently,
until the end of the 10th century the coin hoards
consist of imported coins from English, Prankish and
Arabic sources.
There are other indications of cultural interchange
with the local Irish population. The distinctive ringed
pin of the Irish was adopted and manufactured on a
arge scale by the Vikings. Examples have been found
as far north as Iceland and as far west as Newfound-
land. Brooches of penannular form, beautifully ex-
ecuted in Ireland, were also copied, often in much
cruder variants, by the Scandinavians. The Vikings
found much else to covet in Ireland, especially the fine
metalwork that was brought back to Norway from the
early raids. In the later Viking period, Scandinavian
styles of decoration such as the Ringerike and Urnes
were modified in Irish workshops. A sword cross-
piece from Smalls reef, southwest Wales, for example
has decoration in the distinctive Irish Urnes style, and
the Ringerike style can be seen on wooden artifacts
from Dublin. Though carved stone decoration shows
signs of modified Hiberno-Norse elements, this style is
not as common in Ireland as on the other side of the
Irish Sea. It may be, though, that wood was more
favored as a medium for carving than stone, and so
examples have not survived. Isolated runic inscrip-
tions on stone, such as one known at Beginish in the
west of Ireland, must suffice to fill this gap in the
material evidence.

The Vikings of Dublin

Much more is known about Dublin than about any of
the other towns of Viking Age Ireland, if only for the
reason that it is here that the bulk of archaeological
nvestigation has been carried out. The Vikings were
attracted to the site by its location at an important ford
on the river Liffey, which formed the boundary
between the kingdoms of Brega and Leinster. In 841
they established a longphort at a site that has not been
located, but which could well have been that of the
Irish monastery Kilmainham. No occupation levels
earlier than the 10th century have been discovered in
the extensive excavations undertaken in Dublin since
the 1960s. We know that the Norse were temporarily
expelled from their first settlement in Dublin in 902,
and that many of them settled in northwest England
and the Isle of Man. They returned in about 917, and it
is clear that Dublin was then refounded on the site that

it still occupies today.

During the 10th century Dublin grew rich on trade
with other centers around the Irish Sea, such as
Chester and Bristol. Excavations have revealed a
number of well-preserved wooden buildings from the
Viking Age. Many of these housed the workshops
where blacksmiths, leather-workers, comb-makers
and wood-carvers plied their trade. The wealthy rulers
of Dublin took advantage of the uncertain situation in
England at this time to extend their power across the
Irish Sea, claiming authority over the Isle of Man and
seizing control of the Kingdom of York from the
Danes. This they held until 952. In 980, however, they
were defeated by the Irish of Munster at the battle of
Tara, and a large tribute was exacted from the town.
Subsequent unrest amongst the Norse in Ireland led
the Waterford Vikings to assume control over Dublin
for a brief time in 994 and the latter was never again
able to regain the pre-eminent position it had
previously enjoyed among the Irish Norse.

As we have seen, a number of the Vikings who left

Norway to raid along the coasts of Scotland and
Ireland remained there as farmers. Soon some of them
— or some of the second generation of settlers — were
looking west again, this time to destinations in the
North Atlantic: the Faeroe Islands, Iceland and,
finally, Greenland and North America. Others made
the journey directly west from Norway. Many would
argue that chance played the most significant role in
the Vikings' westward migration, but from this dis-
tance in time it is hard to know how far necessity and
purpose, rather than just curiosity and the prevailing
winds, drove them on in the search of new lands.
There can be no doubt that the voyages were risky.
It was necessary to overcome the natural hazards of

the North Atlantic, such as icebergs, and not surpris-

ingly we hear of ships and their crews being lost en
route. \X'e know little about the Vikings' methods of
navigation. In coastal waters they would have used
known landmarks to steer by, and out of sight of land
they probably judged their position in relation to the
home port or point of destination by using some sort
of standard measure, such as a calibrated stick or
handspan, to estimate the apparent height above the
horizon of the sun by day or the Pole Star at night
("latitude sailing"). A body
of knowledge about
routes, sailing times between known points, tides,
winds and currents would have gradually been built
up to be passed on orally from generation to genera-
tion, but this would not have been available to the first
adventurers who crossed the unknown waters of the
North Atlantic. The saga writers were in no doubt
about their courage, whereas later successful landings
went unrecorded as commonplace events.
The significant factor about the westward move-
ment across the North Atlantic, as opposed to the
Viking voyages farther south, is that the prime motiva-
tion appears to have been settlement - land-taking and
exploitation — rather than raiding and looting. These
new lands were unpopulated. This affects the way we
view these events today. Unlike the Viking incursion
into western Europe, where contemporary chroniclers
from amongst the local populations were on hand to
describe their acts of piracy, there was no one to
provide a first-hand account of what happened in the
North Atlantic. Our documentary information is
supplied chiefly by the sagas, which — as has already-
been noted in earlier chapters - were written down
long after the event, and most likely after the story had
been embellished in transmission.
For all the sagas' celebration of Viking prowess,
Norse sailors were not the first people to have reached
the islands of the North Atlantic. The Irish monk
Dicuil, writing in France in 825, tells us in the Book of
the Measurement of the Earth (Liber de Orbis Men-
sura Terrae) that from about the year "00 it was the
custom for certain intrepid monks to cross the un-
charted waters in their frail vessels (probably simple
leather boats known as currachs), settling on whatever
uninhabited island they reached first and building

Btlou The midnight sun in Iceland populated and organized as an

is testimony to its northern independent republic The first
latitude, just touching the Arctic tanners had to bring their own
Circle.The first inhabitants of this livestock, as Iceland's isolation is

remote volcanic island in the North such that they encountered only
Atlanticwere Irish hermits itht one native mammal - the polar fox
Sth century, but the arrival - though seabirds (and their eggs)
Norse settlers in the ^th were numerous, providing them
caused them to tlee. By the with an important source of food.
mid- 10th century Iceland v

themselves simple cells in which to live as hermits, It is left to the Saga of the Faeroe Islanders [Fxreyinga Above The Faeroe Islands,
devoting their lives to God. The Vikings who en- saga) to provide us with the identity of the initial approximately midway between
Shetland and Iceland, must have
countered these monks in the Faeroe Islands, and in Norse settler: presented a bleak prospect to the
Iceland as well, called them the papar - the fathers. As first Norse settlers in the 9th
century. Sheer volcanic
befitted their lifestyle, the hermits apparently fled the There was a man called Grim Kamban; he was the first steeply from the sea,
cliffs rise

and the
incomers; Ari Thorgilsson tells us they left behind man to settle in the Faeroes. But in the days of King islands are naturally treeless due to
them books, bells and croziers. The evidence of their Harald Finehair a great number of people fled [from the strong westerly winds and
frequent storms.
occupation, however, is scanty. Beyond the writings of Norway] because of his tyranny. Some settled in the
Dicuil and Ari, there are only a few place-name Faeroes and made their home there, while others went Viking Age settlement in the Faeroe
survivals and fugitive archaeological remains. to other uninhabited countries.
In the Viking Age, as today,
settlement was restricted in the
The islands of sheep Despite the saga writer's assertion that he was a main narrow coastal
to the islands'
fringes. However, the distribution
It is Dicuil who provides us with our first historical Norwegian, the Celtic name form Kamban suggests of the place-name element cergi —
glimpse of the Faeroe Islands, a cluster of steep-sided thatGrim may have been a Scandinavian settler from meaning a shieling or upland
islands lying in the North Atlantic midway between the Hebrides or Ireland. grazing - strongly suggests that
some of the farming population
Shetland and Iceland: A number of simply incised cross-slabs, as found for moved to temporary shelters in the
example on Skiivoy, together with a scattering of summer when the flocks of sheep
There are many other islands in the ocean to the north place-names containing the element papa, have tradi- were taken to upland pastures. A
comparatively large number of
of Britain which can be reached from the northern- tionally been taken as supporting Dicuil's account of Viking Age settlements - both
most British Isles in two days' and nights' sailing, with the presence of Irish monks in the islands. However, individual farmsteads and groups
of dwellings - have been
full sails and an undropped fair wind... A certain holy no associated archaeological finds have been made at investigated, including in recent
man informed me that... he came to land on one of the sites of the papa names, and the simple form of the years some upland farms, but -
them. On these islands hermits who have sailed out incised crosses does not in itself prove their early date. except for Toftanes - they are
generally poor in finds from this
from Scotia [Ireland] have lived for roughly a hundred More recently has been argued that pollen samples
period.Only two groups of pagan
years. But... now because of Norse pirates they are from the island of Mykines show that cereals were Viking Age graves are known.

empty of anchorites, but full of innumerable sheep and being cultivated on the island in the 7th century.
a great many seafowl. However, the dating of the pollen samples has been
disputed. If all three elements of information could be
From this we learn that there were sheep on the established without doubt, the evidence to support
islands even before the arrival of the Norse in about Dicuil's account would be persuasive indeed. But in
860-870; it is consequently not surprising that the the light of our present understanding of the archae-
settlers named the islands F&reyjar, or Sheep Islands. ological record, it is not possible to argue the case

tor any settlement traces on the Faeroes earlier than

those of the Viking era.
The Saga of the Faeroe Islanders tells us the names
of the individual colonizers as well as the places where
they settled on the various islands: for example, we
know that a certain Thrand had his homestead at
Gotu on Eysturoy. Though the reliability of the source
as a whole is now questioned, and it cannot be used as
an accurate guide to the early settlement phase, or
landndm, of the Faeroe Islands, the locations named in
it have been plotted to reveal striking similarities to

modern settlement patterns. However, given that the

steep gradients of the islands, which rise abruptly from
the sea, restrict the area of land available for building,
this is perhaps unsurprising. While this corres-
pondence of settlement areas assists the archaeologist
in the identification of sites, it can also create prob-
lems, for few people are keen to have excavations
carried out within their houses or gardens.
Some 16 Norse sites have been excavated in the
Faeroes, but few have produced artifacts dating from
the initial Viking settlement; the bulk of the datable
objects recovered belong to the 11th century. The
earliest evidence of settlement, from the last years of
the 10th century, have been found at Kvivik and
Fuglafjordhur. However, part of the site at Kvivi'k,
built close to the shore, has been eroded away by wave
action, and it has been suggested that some earlier
settlement sites may have been destroyed in this way.
The farmstead at Kvivik is the best preserved of the
Viking Age remains to be seen in the Faeroes today. It
consists of a substantial subrectangular dwelling
house with thick stone and turf walls standing to a
height of about 1 meter and contains a large central
^JQS&£&: hearth and ember pit. Though one end of this structure
has been lost to the sea, a side entrance remains in one
of the surviving walls, leading out directly to an
adjacent stream. Immediately alongside this building

is a byre, also now incomplete because of sea erosion,

Kalsoy Kun °V
Vidoi which must have held about a dozen cattle in stone
stalls. Traces of the turf sods and birch bark that

Tjomuvik^ • formed the roof have been discovered — a method of

roofing that the settlers brought with them from
Fuglafjordhuf • Klaksvik.O Grov
Scandinavia and which remained in common use in
Strey^oy \
'^^O^O^rdoy the Faeroes until recent times. Carbon-14 dating of
Vestmanna r\
Vagar ^ • these traces confirms an early date in the settlement
Mykines Kvivikf}
• Eysturoy phase for the building. Houses in the Faeroe Islands

• QKaldbak
were also built with wooden and stone walls, con-
Mldvagur Sandavagur oThbrshavn structed in the same way as in the Scandinavian
62 homelands, though this required the importation of
• Nblsoy
timber to these treeless islands.
Both Kvivik and Fuglafjordhur, which is a similar
Faeroe though less well-preserved site, lie within the bound-
aries of modern settlements. At Toftanes, south of
O S0I UV,k
. Sandoy
Leirvik on Eysturoy, where a larger area was available

for investigation, four buildings, some showing signs
of having been rebuilt, have been excavated. These
Skuvoy •
Viking settlement
major excavations have added greatly to our unders-
tanding of the economy of the Faeroe Islands in the

9 rau P
C3 primary settlement phase. The complex consists of a
dwelling with central hearth, a storehouse and two
Viking tmd

© hoard D more structures, probably including a kitchen. An

cemetery Suduroy <f \ exceptionally large number of finds — some 500 in all -

[ 1 land above 200m ®


T< >? were recovered, including soapstone bowls (possibly

brought over from Scandinavia), glass beads, schist
whetstones and, most interestingly of all, because of
scale 1:1 000000
20 km the rare nature of the evidence, a number of well-
I5mi preserved wooden items, among them a gaming
board. Carbon-14 dating of these items confirms that

Belou Excavation at Kvivik on paved hearth; its interior would

Streymoy has revealed the classic have been lined with wood, whilst
example of a Faeroese Viking Age the roof of turf and birch bark was
d, comprising a dwelling, supported on two rows of posts. A
some 20 meters long, and - parallel toy horse was amongst the finds
to it - a byre for the cattle in made here (left), a stallion carved
winter, both built with thick out of fir wood; the toy boat of
of earth and stone. The house has a willow, shown above it, is from
side door, giving access To the another Viking Age settlement at
ad]acent stream, and a central Argisbrekka on Eysturoy.

the site was occupied in the 9th and 10th centuries. with turf walls, very different in construction from
The animals kept on the farm were predominantly other Viking Age buildings on the islands, have been
sheep, as the case in the islands today, but
is still some discovered, and it is suggested that this was a tem-
cow and pig remains have also been found. porary summer settlement, with the main farm in the
Toftanes was evidently a farming complex of con- vicinity of Eidhi, the nearest village.
siderable size and importance. In the spring and The recent discovery of a group of pagan graves at
summer months the animals would be taken from Sandur on the southern island of Sandoy has provided
farms like this to upland grazings or shielings. This fresh evidence of early Viking presence. Excavations
farming system, in use in Norway, was readily close to the church here have revealed extensive
adopted in other mountainous regions by Viking settlement remains, including an important series of
farmers; we have already seen its presence in Scotland early timber churches, the earliest of which is as-
and the Isle of Man. In the latter case, the Celtic sociated with anil th-century hoard of coins. This site
place-name element cefgi, may provide evidence of a occupies an area of low-lying, free-draining land, very
Viking Age shieling, and this is often the case in the different from the sheer volcanic basalt and tufa slopes
Faeroe Islands, too - possibly an indication that the of the more northerly isles, and it has clearly had a
original settlers came from western Britain, as Grim history of settlement as long as any in the Faeroes. For
Kamban may have done. Recent archaeological inves- all its notable concentration of Viking Age remains,
tigation has concentrated on these upland farms. At however, the site is not mentioned in the Saga of the

Argisbrekka, for example, a number of houses made Faeroe Islanders.


Until discovery of the pagan graves at Sandur, Iceland - the land of ice
virtually the only other known Yikmg hurials in the Iceland lies in mid Atlantic about 800 miles from
Faeroe Islands were at Tjornuvik, at the northernmost the coast of southwest Norway. It would have taken
point of Streymoy. Here a group of graves marked by some time between a week and a month for ships
stone settings was uncovered in an area of land- setting sail from the Scandinavian homelands to reach
slippage at the head of an inlet. They were so poorly- it. Even with stops in Shetland and the Faeroe Islands,

furnished with grave-goods that it has been suggested the journey would have been fraught with danger.
that the people buried there were the victims of a Iceland's largely inhospitable landscapes have been
Belou Iceland has the largest shipwreck. A simple bronze ringed pin of the 10th- formed by volcanoes and ice; lava fields and glaciers
glaciers and the greatest volcanic century Irish design that became a ubiquitous fashion cover nearly three-quarters of its surface, and farming
activity in Europe. Its interior
amongst the Vikings confirms the cultural identity of land is limited to the coastal fringe and valleys of the
consists largely of a barren plateau,
covered with ice. lava and ash, so these individuals. The distribution of these ringed pins south and southwest. Nevertheless, from about 860,
that settlement is mostly confined from Newfoundland to Scandinavia is evidence of a Viking settlers began to arrive here in very large
to the coastal areas, particularly in
the southwest and south where the
network of cultural contacts linking the Viking col- numbers, in a settlement movement that appears to
Gulf Stream moderates the climate. onies of the North Atlantic. have come about under very different circumstances

from those that brought Shetland and Orkney, or the of time, but whatever task a man wishes to perform,
Faeroe Islands, into the Viking sphere of influence. even to picking the lice out of his shirt, he can manage
Iceland's medieval historians believed that it was King it precisely as in broad daylight. They deal in fallacies

Harald Finehair's ruthless subjugation of Norway's who have written that the sea around the island is
free farmers that led many of them to seek political frozen... but after one day's sailing from there to the
freedom in the new land to the west; others have north they found the frozen sea.
argued that the colonization was prompted by land
shortages at home. There is no doubt, however, that This and other documentary references to the
some of the original settlers came from Britain and northern wanderings of Celtic saints such as St
Ireland. Once again it is Dicuil who provides the Brendan suggests that there was settlement on
earliest written account of the island. The accuracy of "Thule" (now identified as Iceland) some 60 to 70
his description of such natural phenomena as the years before the advent of the Vikings. However, there
midnight sun is convincing evidence of the reliability is no strong archaeological case to support a pre-

of his eyewitness sources: Viking presence in Iceland. A few papa place-names in

Below Geysers and hot springs
the southeast of Iceland have been the cause of much (like the one shown here) are a

It is now thirty years since priests [clerici] who have discussion, but recent excavations on the island of striking element of Iceland's varied
landscape - in marked contrast to
lived in that island from the first day of February to the Papey have failed to locate any traces of settlement
its glacier ice. Reykjavik - "Steamy
first day of August told me that not only at the summer that can definitelybe dated earlier than the 9th Bay" - the siteof one of the
solstice, but in the days on either side of it, the setting century. Evidence once supposed to support pre- earliest Viking settlements, was so
named on account of the vapor
sun hides itself at the evening hour as if behind a little Viking activity on the Vestmanna Islands is now rising from the many hot springs in
hill, so that no darkness occurs during that very period generally disputed. In the past, the presence of small the southwest of the island.

Right In 12th-century Iceland, bells in a few pagan graves was said to indicate a
remarkable book - known as
pre-Viking Irish presence in Iceland, but this too is
LmJnjnubok - was compiled to
provide an account ot the *>th- and now in question as no parallels have been found to
10th-century Norse settlers and exist in Ireland. The bells may have been amulets. In
their families, where they came
any event, as in the Faeroe Islands, the arrival of the
from and where they sertled on the
island. It contains invaluable Norse caused the papar to move away.
information about the country's The Norse arrival in Iceland is described in the Book
originsand earliest history, but
survives almost only in changed of the Icelanders (Islendingabok), written by An
and expanded later copies; this Thorgilsson, the so-called "Father of Icelandic his-
version was written out in the late
tory", in the early 12th century, but it makes no -

l~th century.
mention of the Scandinavians who are credited with
Below right This bronze disk the discovery of Iceland - the Swede Gardar Svavar-
brooch with long chains and
son and the Norwegians, Naddodd and Floki. Their
p-ndants - one of several such
found in Iceland - is of a names come to us through two early Latin sources, the
10th-century type that is most History of Norway (Historia Norvegiae), written eSg yiWkafes rcr c T .--* plain u.-pu Jv
common in northern Scandinavia.
about 1 170, and the History of the Antiquities of the
Kingdom of Norway (Historia de antiquitate regum f

Norvagiensium), about 1180. Floki is supposed to
have given Iceland its name - chosen because of the

harshness of the first winter he spent there and the

drift ice he saw to the north. It seems from this and
other stories that several voyages may have been made
to Iceland before the main period of settlement. The
Book of the Settlements (Landndmabok), originally
compiled by Ari with others in the first half of the 12th
centurv, is the main source of information we have

'- fee i-~ <Ur- < -

concerning the landndm or settlement phase, pro-

viding the names and biographies of 430 settlers with
details of their land-claims. It is thus a unique source,
or combination of sources, and among other things
has proved of great use to archaeologists in indicating
to them where the early settlements might be located.
According to the Book of the Settlements, the first
permanent settler on Iceland was a man called Ingolf.
When he sighted land he is reported to have flung the
carved wooden pillars of the high-seat that he had
brought with him from his home in Norway into the
ocean to see where they would wash ashore. It took
him two or three years to locate their landing place,
but he eventually found them at a place in the
southwest of Iceland that we know as Reykjavik. The
island's capital today, it gained its name, which means
"steamy bay", from the natural hot springs in the
vicinity. Though excavations in the heart of the old
town have uncovered Viking Age remains, nothing
has been found that links them directly with Ingolf's
original farm.
According to Ari Thorgilsson's information, the
settlement of Iceland was completed in 60 years
between 870 and 930. Many of the first settlers were
pagan, and a number of burials with fine grave-good
assemblages have been discovered. However, there are
nothing like enough to represent the original popula-
tion, for it has been estimated that some 20,000 people
came to Iceland during the settlement period, with the
population rising subsequently to about 60,000.
Every inch of fertile land was exploited by the Norse
farmers, and those arriving after the main period of
settlement were left with only a choice of poor land.
One such latecomer was Eric the Red, a murderer and
political outcast from Norway.

Below This hemispherical bowl

recovered in the excavations at

Stong Stong
tuft, a
made of local volcanic

more readily available

material than the soapstone that
was characteristically used to make
w& bowls of this type in the
Scandinavian homelands.

In 1939 excavations at Stong, in the Thjorsa valley of

southern Iceland, uncovered the remains of a small
farm complex dating from the Late Viking Age. It was
buried beneath layers of volcanic debris thrown out by
Mount Hekla. This had kept the turf walls, which had
been built on top of stone foundations, in an excellent
state of preservation. Investigations carried out at a
later date discovered structural remains from two
earlier phases of occupation beneath these buildings,
and it is possible that Stong, one of several Norse sites
in the area, dates back to the initial phase of the
Icelandic settlement, described in the Landndmabok.
In 1974, to coincide with the celebration of the
1,100th centenary of the Icelandic settlement, a
reconstruction of the hall at Stong was built in a more
accessible location a little way from the site.

50 100m

100 200 300ft

The Stong complex excavated in

-£ 1939 consisted of a main

separate byre with upright cattle
hall, a

stalls, a possible barn and a smithy

for working the local bog iron; an
enclosure for animals lay close to
the fast-flowing stream (above left'.
It is hard to imagine how the site
would have appeared in the Norse
period, as lava and pumice now
mask the original contours of the
land. Because the turf and stone
walls were so well preserved by the
protective layer of volcanic debris.
it has been possible to reconstruct
the hall at Stong with a high degree
of accuracy (left). Squares of turf
were stacked neatly on low stone
foundations to build the outer
walls: the roof covering was also of
rurf. The walls and roof were lined
with an insulating layer of timber.
The interior of the hall (above was )

divided into rwo main rooms, each

provided with a central hearth and
sleeping benches: this heat-
conserving arrangement is found in

later medieval houses in Iceland.

Two offshoots on one side of the
hall are conventionally described as
a dairv and a lavatory, but recent
investigation suggests that wool
processing took place in one of
them, and that urine was used to
prepare the fleeces.

Viking find

pagan grave

• excavated settlement

I 1 area of place-names
I 1 Irom Landnamabok

land above 500m


Viking Age settlement in Iceland Because so much of Iceland's interior was covered in dated to 1104 may in fact have occurred nearly a
Analysis of the landholdings of the
inhospitable ice or lava, Norse settlement was concen- century later.
first generation of settlers from
Scandinavia listed in the
trated in the coastal fringe and broad valleys, particu- One of the most significant aspects of the Viking
Landnamabok shows that they larly in the southwest of the island. The once densely settlement of Iceland was the establishment of a
were most concentrated in the
populated Thjorsa valley is today a wasteland covered general judicial assembly: the Althing. This was an
southwest and western coastal
fringes of the island and along the with layers of volcanic debris known as tephra, open-air meeting of all the island's free men, held
long river valleys of the north. This thrown out by Mount Hekla, one of Iceland's largest every summer for two weeks at a site that became
is strikingly corroborated by the
archaeological evidence as
volcanoes. This is known to have entered upon a phase known as Thingvellir. The Althing was presided over
demonstrated in the distribution of of activity at the end of the Viking period, and several by the lawspeaker, who was elected by the local
Viking Age burials and excavated
farmsteads belonging to the Viking Age and slightly chieftains or godar, and it provided the forum for
settlements. Occupation in the
early years of the Viking settlement later lie beneath a blanket of ash. In many cases it is making laws and dealing with complaints. Tradi-
was particularly dense in the lower possible to give a date to their destruction since tionally, the first meeting of the Althing was supposed
Thjorsa valley, then free of the
individual tephra layers have been identified with to have taken place in 930, and this date was held to
layers of tephra that overwhelmed
it when Mount Hekla erupted in documented eruptions, though the datings are not as mark the birth of Iceland as an independent nation,
the Middle Ages. accurate as was once thought. For a long time one of free from royal control of any kind: writing in the late
the most significant of these eruptions was thought to 11th century, Adam of Bremen noted that "the
have taken place in 1104. It was this that was Icelanders have no other king than the laws".
supposed to have brought about the abandonment of The Althing was the vehicle for all major decisions
the farmstead at Stong, at the northern end of the concerning the colony as a whole. Christianity, for
Thjorsa valley, first excavated in 1939. However, example, was officially introduced after lengthy dis-
recent reinvestigation has revealed that there were cussion at the Althing in 1000, though provision was
several successive periods of occupation of this site. made for pagan practices to be carried on in private by
Two structural groups underlie the one that was those who so desired. Below the level of the Althing
uncovered in the original excavation, and occupation were the regional Things, which met regularly to
continued into the 12th or 13th centuries. A distinc- decide local matters and hear grievances. It was at one
tive layer of tephra from a late eruption has been built of these, the Thorsnes Thing, that Eric the Red, whose
into one of the uppermost turf-walled structures, and fiery temper matched the color of his hair, was
current opinion suggests the cataclysm originally outlawed from Iceland in about 980 for murder.


It was at Brattahlid, on a steep slope overlooking

Eiriksfjord, that Eric the Red
built his farmstead at the
end of the Oth century. This was to become the center

of Greenland's Eastern Settlement. Known now by the

Inuit name Qagssiarssuk, meaning "Little Strange
Creek", the remains of three large farm complexes and
a meeting place, or Thing, are still visible there today.
Though one of the farm complexes has become popu-
Below Groundplan of the and
larly known as "Eric the Red's farm", most of the
stone building traditionally
described as Eric the Red"s farm. stone structures belong to the 13th and 14th centuries,
The walls are late in date, but are at the end of the Eastern Settlement's period of
builton earlier foundations. Its
small rooms and thick walls are a
occupation. Nevertheless, archaeologists have re-
response to the harsh climate. vealed the traces of earlier structures below the visible
Extra heat would have been ruins. More positively identified has been the site of
provided by the animal byre at the
end of the hall, the oldest part of the turf church built by Eric's wife Thjodhild after her
the building. conversion to Christianity by their son, Leif the Lucky.

Above The large farm complex to impressive, and in its present form
which the hall shown left belonged dates from the 14th century.
sprawled across a pleasant slope The other buildings shown here are
overlooking Eiriksfjord at byres, stables and livestock pens.
Brattahlid. The buildings visible To the south, nearer to the stream,
today were built over several is the site of the turf church that
centuries. The church, standing was built by Thjodhild on land
next to the hall, is the most awav from the main settlement.

Left Iron was a precious

commodity in Norse Greenland
and thus tools would have had to
have been looked after most
carefully: this wooden box for
sheep shears was found in a byre at
Sandnes in the Western Settlement.

Right Greenland's inner fjords

provided sheltered land for the
Norse settlers and scope for
agriculture. A period of
comparatively mild climate
throughout the North Atlantic
region during the Viking Age made
life there easier then than now, and

thus all the more attractive for

Greenland Greenland. Perhaps Eric has been somewhat malign- colonization.

After his banishment from Iceland, and unable to ed; when compared with the holding of poor land he
return to Norway, Eric sailed west once more to look had been given in Iceland, Greenland may well have
for an unnamed land that had been sighted, but not been appropriately named.
visited, some 60 years earlier by a man called Gunn- We are told that Eric collected enough volunteers to
bjorn Ulf-Krakuson who had been blown far off make up an expedition of 25 ships, and in about 985
course by wild storms on his way from Norway to these set from Iceland to Greenland. Only 14 of

Iceland. Eric was successful in his quest. Three years the ships completed the journey, rounding Cape
later he returned to Iceland with talk of a land that he Farewell to reach the sheltered fjords of Julianehab
called Greenland. He had come in search of settlers to bay, as it is called today, where there was safe
found a new colony there, and the saga tells us he gave harborage, good fishing and land for pasturage. Here
it this name to make it sound more attractive. This has the Eastern Settlement was established. Eric selected
been called the biggest confidence trick in history, yet the most favorable sites for himself, and his farm at
the summertime visitor to Greenland today is struck Brattahlid at the head of Eiriksfjord became the
by the amount of green land to be seen, especially settlement's political center. Some members of Eric's
along the coastal fjords and inland valleys of southern original band of settlers sailed on for some 650


kilometers along the coast until they reached the

shelter of Godthabsfjord (also its modern name). Here
they founded the Western Settlement - which is
actually farther north than the Eastern Settlement.
The written sources tell us that the Eastern Settlement
consisted of over 190 farms, and the Western Settle-
ment of about 90; between them lay a smaller cluster
of some 20 farms only, imaginatively termed the
Middle Settlement. In recent years extensive surveying
and excavation of Norse sites in Greenland have
indicated that these figures are far too low. The
remains of nearly 450 farms have been identified in the
Eastern Settlement alone, many of them thought to be
broadly contemporary.
In both major settlement areas the Norse farms
were clustered in the more sheltered parts of the inner
fjords where climatic conditions were less extreme
than on the coast. Climatologists believe that the
North Atlantic region as a whole experienced a
comparatively mild climate between the 9th and 12th
Above A loomweight incised with centuries, enabling land that is unproductive today to
Thor's hammer, found in a barn on be used to grow fodder crops so that livestock could be
Eric's farm. It probably dates from
the early days of the settlement,
reared and overwintered indoors. Nevertheless, con-
during the period of transition ditions in the Greenland colonies must have been
from paganism to Christianity.
hard, especially in the more northerly Western Settle-
Left The view from Brattahlid ment. Only in the Eastern Settlement did Norse
across the waters of Einksf]ord, occupation extend toward the coast, and areas of
which today is frozen from
gently rolling, comparatively low-lying pasture were
October to May. The landscape the
settlers found in Greenland was to be found. Here, at any rate, the statement recorded
treeless, and so the buildings were
by the 13th-century writer of the King's Mirror that
constructed of turf and stones and
lined with driftwood.
"there are large and fine farms in Greenland" seems to
have been accurate.
A study of the animal bones found on Norse
settlement sites in Greenland, together with other
evidence, shows that as well as sheep (still reared in
Greenland) cattle and goats were commonly kept, a
fact that seems surprising in view of the climatic
restrictions on their farming today. Nevertheless,
almost half of all the bones excavated on sites in the
Eastern Settlement, and over half of those in the Western

*T\.;~. -wr-£ '

"-' •

• • * - • :":..' ---1

% mapr Viking s

area ol settler

land above 500m

~H icecap

scale 1 12 500C



$f ^Gardat

Cape Farewell

Settlement, are of seals, particularly harp seals. Clear- followers. Eric,however, refused to abandon his Viking Age settlement in Greenland
ly hunting played a very important part Norse
in the pagan and Thjodhild refused to live with him
Greenland's extensive coastline is
economy. Caribou were also killed, and their meat thereafter, which — according to the saga writer — mostly inhospitable, except where
would probably have supplemented lamb in the Norse "annoyed him greatly". The settlement at Brattahlid sheltered f|ords penetrate a long
way inland. The Scandinavian
diet. Expeditions were made on a regular basis to the was not an isolated one. An extensive survey has colonizers consequently established
Norbrseta, the hunting grounds of the far north, where revealed the sites of many farms, some with associated three separate areas of settlement

the Norse settlers would have been in competition considerable distances apart along
churches, along the length of the Qordlortoq valley
the western coast. The largest of
with the indigenous Inuit hunter—gatherers for natural just to the north, which links Eiriksfjord to Isafjord. these, the Eastern Settlement, grew
resources. A settlement site at Sandnes in the inner fjord area of up around Eiriksf]ord, where Eric
the Red established his family
Most of the sites examined so far in Greenland the Western Settlement, which was established before
home at Brattahlid. The bishopric
belong to the Late Norse period. However, excavation the 12th century, has received much attention from of Gardar, founded in the early
of a farm at Narssaq in the Eastern Settlement suggests archaeologists in recent years. It consists of a group of 12th century, also lay in the
Eastern Settlement.
an occupation date in the primary settlement period. It farm buildings, including two very substantial byres
is a simple structure, similar to those of comparable and a smithy, as well as a small church, the latter now Viking routes across the North
Atlantic (right)
date in the Faeroe Islands. The most famous Green- submerged by the fjord. It seems clear that Sandnes The Vikings gradually expanded
land site is at Brattahlid, on a pleasant slope overlook- held territorial power in the inner fjord over a network westward from Scandinavia to
ing Eiriksfjord in the Eastern Settlement. Here a of other smaller farms. The permafrost conditions of Orkney, Shetland, the Faeroes and
Iceland by a process of "island
building known as "Eric the Red's Farm" can be seen, the soil have kept the remains at Sandnes in an hopping". Greenland was initially
together with the remains of two other farm groups. excellent state of preservation. The farm buildings sighted when a ship sailing to
Icelandwas blown off course. Eric
However none of these structures can be dated to were built of turf and stone, as in Iceland, and
the Red subsequently sailed west to
Eric's day and few traces, if any, of early occupation surviving wooden fragments show that the walls were confirm the existence of this new
phases are visible. At the heart of the complex is a sometimes boarded internally. The walls remain land, and colonization soon
followed. B|arni Heriolfsson, from
magnificent church. This replaced the simple turf standing to a considerable height. Wooden artifacts Her]olfsnes in the Eastern
structure to the south, which is barely distinguishable discovered on the site - for example, a sheath used for Settlement, was probably the first

today, that has been given the name of "Thjodhild's holding shears found in one of the byres - shed European to sight North America,
when his ship was also blown off
church", after Eric's wife. She became a convert to valuable light on the way of life practiced by the hardy course, and it was Eric's son Leif
Christianity after their son Leif returned to Greenland farmers of these remote Norse settlements. who retraced Bjarni's journey to
discover Vinland. Thorfinn
from Norway charged by King Olaf Tryggvason with
Karlsefm later established a
the task of introducing the new faith to the colony, and The Vinland settlement short-lived colony there.
had a small sod church built for herself and a few Among the settlers who sailed with Eric the Red's

Eric the Red, to make the landing there some ten


to fifteen years later. According to Eric's Saga, he set

out to retrace Bjarni's journey in reverse. Leaving the
Eastern Settlement he sailed up the coast of Green-
land, past the Western Settlement, until he reached
Disko Island. From there he crossed the Davis Strait to
reach Helluland, now identified as Baffin Island.
Turning south, he found the coast of Labrador
{Markland), forested as Bjarni had described it, and
then sailed on for two further days until he reached a
promontory of land to the southwest that he called
Vinland ("Vineland") after the wild grapes or berries
that were found growing there. Leif and his party
landed and spent the winter here before returning to
It is now generally accepted that the Vikings had

reached Newfoundland, off the North American

mainland. The sagas tell of more than one attempt to
establish a Norse colony here: indeed, the very next
year LeiPs brother Thorwald led an expedition to
Vinland, but was killed by an arrow in a skirmish with
a group of Native Americans. Thorfinn Karlsefni is
said to have established a settlement of between 60
Above The Vinland Map is a pen original group of settlers to Greenland in 985 were the and 160 people a few years later, but it seems to have
and ink drawing of the world
parents of one Bjarni Herjolfsson. Later that same lasted only about three years. The continued hostility
purporting to have been made in
the 15th century, though its year he set out with a cargo from Iceland to join them, of the indigenous population, whom the Vikings
authenticity has been hotly but his ship was blown off course and he sailed on called Skra?lingar, a somewhat derogatory term, was
disputed. It depicts Greenland most
westward across the ocean until he came in sight of a undoubtedly a factor in its collapse, but supply routes
accurately as an island and records
the discovery of Vinland by Bjarni flatland covered in trees, to which he gave the name with the home base in Greenland seem also to have
and Leif, but many now believe Markland ("Forestland"). Bjarni did not land, but been overstretched.
thismap to be an early
20th-century forgery.
turned northward up the coast, passing a moun- Until comparatively recently, it seemed that the
tainous barren land of rocks, Helluland ("Slabland"), Vikings had left no evidence of their physical presence
and then eastward to reach Greenland. in North America. Then in 1965 came the startling
Bjarni was probably the first Norseman to sight discovery of a map, apparently dating from the 15th
North America. It was left to Leif the Luckv, the son of century, that showed a land called Vinland lying to the

Viking route

> earliest voyage

Sq So 40 30~> gr A <y o N<s

Enk Ihe Red, c 985-6
— -- B|ami Herjolfsson, c 985-6

> Leil the Lucky, c 1001


EAnse-aux- Meadows

The Norse settlement of L*Anse-aux-Meadows lies on Right A view of the site, facing
north over Epaves Bay. The outline
the northernmost tip of Newfoundland; it provides
of the largest of the Norse houses
the single proof we have to date of the Viking presence can be seen within a fenced
in North America. The story of the site's identification enclosure to the left of the bus in
Tie site at
the right of the picture.
in the early 1960s resembles a modern-day saga. The
L'Anse-aux-Meadows must have
Norwegian explorer Helge Ingstad, seeking to estab- seemed welcoming to the Norse
lish the truth behind the stories of Leif the Lucky's sailors after their |ourney along the
barren coast of Helluland {Baffin
discovery of Vinland, became convinced that the Island)and the forests of Markland
prevailing sailing conditions would have brought Labrador However, hostility

from the local Native American

ships from Greenland to this part of the Newfound-
peoples may have been one reason
land coast. Local tradition recorded the memory of a whv the settlement was short-lived.
group of buildings at a site in Epaves Bay beside Black
Duck Brook. On investigation, the foundations of a
number of turf-built houses were uncovered, which
unmistakably resembled Norse buildings in Green-
land and Iceland.

Mi MJL j


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west of the island of Greenland. It was argued that this

could only have been drawn from the earlier charts of
Norse travelers, and so offered clear proof (if such
were needed) that they had reached North America.
However, many experts cast doubts on the authentici-
ty of the Vinland Map, arguing that no other contem-
porary map is known to depict Greenland as an island.
Subsequent tests showed that a pigment used in the ink
would not have been in use until after the end of the
19th century, and it is now generally held to be a
20th-century forgery.
The excitement and later controversy raised by the
Vinland Map deflected attention from the archae-
ological work then being carried on that provided
incontrovertible proof of the Norse presence in New-
foundland. During the 1960s the Norwegian Helge
Ingstad, in partnership with his wife, an archaeologist,
began to excavate a site at L'Anse-aux-Meadows, on
the tip of Newfoundland's northern promontory.
Over several seasons' digging, they discovered, facing
a shallow bay, a small complex of stone and turf
buildings in an arc, lying beside a freshwater stream.
Carbon- 14 dating showed that the site was occupied
in the Viking period, and the overwhelming balance of
evidence - not least a number of Norse artifacts,
including a bronze ringed pin - pointed to its being a
Norse settlement. Iron smelting and smithy work -
notably for the production of iron rivets, essential for
boat repairs — had been carried on here, and metals
were not used by the Native American groups in this
area in the late 10th and 1 1th centuries. The buildings,
too, were different in size, style and construction from
ndigenous ones.
But was this Vinland - the land of wild grapes? It is
certainly unlikely that grapes would have been found
growing in these northern latitudes, even in the milder
climatic conditions of the 10th and 11th centuries,
though they may have been in areas not much farther
south. There is some argument, however, as to
whether "Vinland" refers to vines at all, but to some
kind of berry, or perhaps has a different meaning
altogether. The discovery in Maine, to the south, of a
single silver coin of the Norwegian king Olaf Kyrri
(1066—93) does not throw much light on the identi-
fication of Vinland either. As with Norse artifacts
found in the Arctic regions of North America, it was
discovered on a native site, and is suggestive of trading
activities rather than local settlement. The most likely
suggestion is that L'Anse-aux-Meadows served as the
"gateway" to Vinland, but a more precise location for
Vinland itself must await the further discovery and
authentication of Norse finds in North America.
Whether or not the site at L'Anse-aux-Meadows
remains the single proof of actual Norse presence in
North America, it is clear that the settlement of
Vinland was small in scale and of short duration.
Unable to establish good relations with the Native
Americans, and with vital supply routes all too easily
severed by bad weather, life must have become
increasingly insecure for the colonizers living at the
very end of the Viking world, and we can easily
imagine the relief with which they pulled back to the
relative safety and security of Greenland - that is, if
their settlements were not wiped out by famine or
warfare. The slight possibility remains that some
Norse communities may have been absorbed into the
native population, but in that case their distinctive
material culture would have quickly become diluted,
leaving no trace in the archaeological record.

Viking Navigation

For more than 40,000 years humans have sailed across Right Evidence of the Vikings' sun
compass is based on this broken
the world's seas to explore, colonize, trade or raid.
wooden disk of spruce or larch,
The earliest voyages were coastal and between islands, dated to c. 1000 AD and excavated
when land was always in sight. In such conditions in 1946-48 by C
L. Veba?k from a
Norse near Uunartoq fjord
visual pilotage techniques are used — the seaman
site in

the Eastern Settlement of

checks his position by reference to landmarks such as Greenland. Several years after the
distinctive cliffs, an estuary or a prominent headland, find was made Captain C. V.
Solver recognized that two incised
or in relation to such coastal seamarks as shoals and lines on the disk's surface
reefs. By 1000 BC, however, voyages were being corresponded to gnomon curves -
the line traced out by the tip of the
undertaken across open sea, out of sight of land.
shadow cast by a gnomon a short
Without magnetic compass or chart, or any other wooden rod or cone, as on a
instrument, these early navigators used environmental sundial) between sunrise and
sunset. The curve varies according
methods of navigation to find their away across the to latitude and the season of the
trackless seas. A form of dead reckoning was used, year, and the two lines scratched
based on estimates of courses steered and speeds on the wooden half-disk — a
straight one and a curved one -
achieved. Directions were estimated relative to the sun appeared to match the sun's path
and the stars and to the direction of the wind and the at the equinoxes and at the summer
sea swell.Speeds were estimated using inherited
wisdom and personal experience of how boats be- Below Originally the object would
haved in a wide range of circumstances. Furthermore, have been a complete circle of
wood, c. 7 centimeters in diameter.
watched carefully for signs of
these early navigators
Notches all the way round the edge
weather changes, for shifts in the wind, and for marked the 32 points of the
evidence of land beyond the horizon. These simple compass, and the gnomon
projected vertically from the center
empirical methods of ocean navigation were used of the disk. To rind which way the
widely for millennia by many maritime civilizations: ship is heading, the disk is rotated
until the gnomon's shadow just
by the ancient Chinese, by the Phoenicians and Greeks
touches the appropriate curve, and
in the Mediterranean, and by the Vikings. It is the bearing is then read off the
generally thought that these non-instrumental tech- notches.

niques prevailed until the introduction of the

mariner's magnetic compass in the 12th century AD.
However it now seems possible that by the 9th or 10th
century AD Arab seamen in the Indian Ocean may
have used a simple wooden staff or tablet (kamal) to
measure the altitude of the Pole Star. As this is related
to the latitude of the observer, it was thus possible to
use a form of latitude sailing that greatly simplifies the
navigational problem.
Some scholars have suggested that the Vikings also
used latitude sailing techniques on their Atlantic
voyages, but whether they had some simple instru-
ment similar to the Arab kamal, or whether they could
estimate the altitude of the Pole Star by eye with
sufficient accuracy is unknown. In recent years, Cap-
tain Soren Thirslund and the Danish archaeologist C.
L. Vebsek have proposed that the Vikings may have
had a simple sun compass. The sun's apparent path
across the heavens from (near) East to (near) West
depends on the observer's latitude and on the time of
year. The only direction that is fixed, regardless of
latitude and of season, is the direction when the sun is
at the highest point (zenith) of its daily trajectory at
noon: this direction we call South. To estimate
directions when the sun is other than due South is not
easy, but on voyages of a few days' duration with little
change in latitude it can be done with tolerable
accuracy, using knowledge of the sun's movements
memorized on land before the voyage. Thirslund and
Vebsek's suggestion is that the Vikings' sun compass
allowed them to make much more accurate estimates
of direction, possibly as close as ±5°.

Right 1 he gnomon curves tor

latitude 60 North, dose to the
route would have been
followed by the Norse navigators,
rhe North-South alignment is
found b) drawing line From the

gnomon to connect the nearest

point ot each curve, where the
shuck™ is shortest at midday.

far right The markings on this

triangular piece ot soapstone found
at Vatnahverfi, also in the Eastern
Settlement, resemble a gnomon
curve. The hole could have held a
gnomon, and this object, too. may
have been a sun compass.

Below The Sjg.i is a modern

reconstruction ot one ot the ships
found at Skuldelev. In it was 1984
North Atlantic,
sailed across the
when number ot successful tests
were made using a sun compass
similar to the one found at

The Viking expansion overseas considered up to now on the Peene river in eastern Germany, and it is possible Right Crescent-shaped ear-rings
were a Slavic rather than a
has been confined to the west. The Scandinavians who that an elite group of Scandinavian warriors were
Scandinavian fashion during the
were predominantly from Nor-
sailed in this direction permanently settled on one bank of the river from where Viking Age. though these examples
way and Denmark — naturally enough, given their they may have controlled access to the town. were found in Sweden, as was the
crescent-shaped pendant (center).
geographical position and the long-standing westward For the Vikings, the significance of these western
This is of a type produced mainly
orientation of their cultural contacts. The Swedish was that they stood close to the
Slavic trading centers in western Russia, but possibly also

Vikings also traveled great distances during the 9th to mouths of the Oder and Vistula rivers, the great arteries in Poland.

11th centuries, hut they naturally looked eastward, of trade that gave access, via the Danube, to the Black
Below This silver mount and four
where they encountered very Beyond
different cultures. Sea, and Byzantium (medieval Constantinople and openwork tassels were found near
and eastern Baltic the
the Slavic lands of the southern modern Istanbul), and thus to the wealth of the the head of a man in a
10th-century grave at Birka.
area covered by eastern Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Byzantine empire. The portages along this route were
Sweden; they had been attached to
Latvia and Estonia today) their journeys took them quite difficult to traverse, and many Swedish Vikings, a cap that was made at least partly
through the Gulf of Finland to the great Russian river chose to travel to Byzantium by the more easterly route of silk. The geometric granulation
on the conical mount is
systems of the Volkhov-Lovat-Dmeper and the Volga, that went through the Gulf of Finland. Along the way characteristic of silverwork of
south and east to the rich lands of the Byzantine empire they encountered — and perhaps helped to establish — Kievan-Russian rvpe so that this
high-status hat will have been
and the Abbasid caliphate of the Arabs. From there they small coastal trading centers controlled by the eastern
made in the Dnieper region. It has
were able to connect with the ancient trade routes that Slavs at sites such as Druzno in eastern Poland, Kaup on been suggested that such caps were
stretched as far as India and China. the Kaliningrad coast, Grobin in Lama, and Tallinn in rewards for service in the guard of
the rulers of Rus.
Estonia. They then sailed their merchant ships up the
The Swedes in the eastern Baltic Neva Lake Ladoga and the mouth of the Volkhov
river to
The pagan Slavic tribes who lived around the southern river. From here they turned southwards to Novgorod
and eastern shores of the Baltic were becoming con- on Lake Ilmen, and thence entered the Lovat-Dnieper
solidated at this time into larger national groupings in a river road that led to the Black Sea and Byzantium.
way that resembled broadly what was happening in
Scandinavia. The tribes of the western Slavs - including
the Obotntes, W'iltzi and Rugieris in the territory of
eastern Germany today, and the W'olins and Pomeran-
ians in western Poland — maintained a number of coastal
settlements that were of great importance in the Baltic
trading sphere. They would have been well-known to
merchants from eastern Scandinavia and farther afield,
including the Arabs who sometimes sent embassies and
trading missions far to the north. Archaeology has
uncovered many of these settlements, and particularly
important discoveries have been made at Arkona and
Ralswiek on the island of Riigen in the southern Baltic,
the capital of the Rugieris, where the remains of a great
trading center, a fortress and one of the largest pagan
temples in the Slav lands have been found.
Other coastal market centers at Menzlin, Rostock,
Mecklenburg, Oldenburg (Germany), and W'olin, Truso
and Kolobrzeg (Poland) are of similar character to those
of eastern Scandinavia and Gotland. For example, at
W'olin, an island at the mouth of the Oder, archae-
ologists have uncovered the well-preserved remains of a
waterside town; the wooden houses and streets sur-
rounded by a rampart with palisade defenses closely
resembling those of the contemporary Viking towns at
Hedeby and Birka. The buildings contained debris from
a wide range of craft-working activities, with particu-
larly fine objects caned in Baltic amber. W'olin was also
a center for Slavic cult worship, and an elaborate temple
has been excavated, placed by tree-ring dating to around
966. The Scandinavians knew W'olin as Jomsborg, and
during the 10th century it may have been the base of the
semilegendary Viking warrior fraternity known from
sagas as the Jomsvikings. It seems likely that Scan-
dinavian merchants were permanently settled in some of
these Baltic market centers. A large number of Viking
graves have been excavated outside the town at Menzlin,



Riigen is a small island a few miles off the coast of imported objects from all over the Baltic area have
Rugen eastern Germany lying opposite the southern shores of been found there. On the nearby beach was a small
Sweden and within easy reach of the former Viking offering site, perhaps connected with sacrifices for
settlement at Hedeby. In the Viking Age it was a good sailing or trading. Over 400 burial mounds lie on
political center and trading outlet of the Rugieris, a higher ground to the east of the settlement, and many
powerful Slav Excavations have revealed two
tribe. of the grave-goods indicate that a sizable Scan-
main settlements on Riigen. A trading center at dinavian population was living alongside the native
Ralswiek, situated on Great Jasmund Bay, a large inlet Slavs. The second important site, the temple-fortress
in the north of the island, was occupied from the late at Arkona on a northern promontory, was the reli-
8th century until the 10th. Excavations have un- gious center of the Rugieris. Here lay the temple of the
covered a permanent settlement of about 20 house god Svantevit, to whom the Slavs prayed for fertile
plots consisting of one main dwelling with ancillary crops and for success in war. The harvest rites were
workshops and stores, laid out in a line along the also associated with a great market, and archaeologi-
water's edge. Each house plot had its own jetty, with a cal finds indicate that merchants from western Europe
series of unique shipping docks dug into the shore and were present on these occasions from the 9th century
strengthened with timber piles. A wide range of onward. Such activities seem to have been strictly
craftworking was carried on at Ralswiek, producing seasonal - Arkona does not appear ever to have been
finished goods to be traded with foreign merchants - continuously occupied.

/.c/it A shallow creek formed the

,v^ *
*»rt sheltered harbor of Viking Age
1 A
Ralswiek (today it is silted up).
= \ /
sandbank protected the entrance tt

^ J? 5 the docks, which had room for
\ \ r n*
several vessels. The layout
settlement, with house plots
of the

Bay olJasmund

^ \ ) i running
had much
down to the water's edge,
in common with
Scandinavian towns of the same

% -
/ ^'" date.

1 ^
""/,,m" u ""
t+y _Js~ j£ vl
\* !»ii»?i%.


( 1




*iiii< S

;; \ m
xx %
%«»m ,J
— \
mound graves

inhumation graves

occupied area. 3th-10lhcenfjry 250 500m m&$
x excavated ship
500 1000 1500lt ••

One of the most spectacular
findsfrom Riigen is this gold hoard
from Hiddensee, probably made in
Denmark in the late 10th century.
The cruciform pendants and filigree
spacers decorated with interlace
were probably part of a larger
necklace. The hoard also contained
a circular brooch and a plaited
neck-ring. Another hoard, found in
a woven basket in a house at »'
Ralswiek, contained 2,270 coins,
mostly from 9th-century Arabic
and Asian mints.

H^ Mil
Left The site of the temple-fortress Above Though nothing remains of sacrificial treasure, and also
at Arkona remains a dramatic the temple of Svantevit today, its describes the harvest rituals at
place today, situated on high cliffs appearance was probably similar to which food and
a priest offered
battered by the sea. The massive the Slavic cult building excavated drink to Svantevit, including a
earthen rampart constructed across at Gross-Raden in mainland special honey-cake the size of a
the narrow promontory on which Germany. This reconstruction man. Excavations at Arkona have
it is still easily visible and was
lay shows a double-walled building of uncovered massive deposits of
originally surmounted by a covered upright planks topped by carved animal bones that may be the
wooden walkway. Access to the human heads, surrounded by a remains of these feasts. The temple
enclosed area was gained by means fence. This rectangular enclosure is precinct housed the stable of a
of a fortified gate topped by a high like the one at Arkona described by large white horse, believed to be
tower. Much of the interior area of the Danish historian Saxo ridden by Svantevit when he waged
the fortress, including the site of Grammaticus about 1200. He war against the Rugiens' enemies;
the temple, has been destroyed by mentions the great idol of the god the god was served by a special
the action of the waves. occupying an inner chamber, hung company of 300 riders whose war
with purple robes and heaped with booty was dedicated at the temple.

The Russian settlements and the problem of the Rus Holmgardr - the "settlement on the islands" - situated Scandinavian influence in the
eastern Baltic and Russia
At the northern end of this route, on the approaches to in the watery landscape at the mouth of Lake Ilmen.
In the 9th and 10th centuries, the
lake Ladoga, stood one of the earliest trading centers of When the first Scandinavians reached the area in the eastern Baltic - peopled by Slavs
eastern Europe, at Staraya (Old) Ladoga. Called Aldeig- early Viking Age there only existed a small settlement on (Wiltzi, Rugieris, Wolins,
Pomeranians and Poles), Baits
juborg by the Vikings, Ladoga served as the first port- an island south of the modern city of Novgorod, known (Lithuanians, Letts, Kunans,
of-call in the long journey south throughout the history as Gorodisce. Excavations here have revealed a bustling Livians and Ests) and Finns - was
of Scandinavian contact with Russia, and the site grew defended market center that was occupied in the 9th and the meeting point of many cultures.
Scandinavian traders were frequent
from a small market center in the 8th century into a large 10th centuries by a mixed Slavic and Scandinavian visitors to the many settlements
fortified site with a princely residence and a military population. Its trading connections extended far to the and market centers along its
shores, and seem to have taken up
presence in the 10th. The archaeology of Ladoga and its west, whence the craft goods manufactured at the site
permanent residence in a number
hinterland provides valuable clues as to the kind of were transported in return for imports. In the mid 10th of them. As the Vikings moved
people these early explorers were and the nature of their century, the settlement expanded to the nearby site of eastward into Russia, many chose
to settle alongside the eastern Slav
relations with the native Slav population. The evidence Novgorod (which means "new fortress"), and Goro- tribes around Lake Ladoga and
of the cemeteries of varying types that surround the disce seems to have continued as a military and adminis- along the Volkhov, Lovat and
settlement suggests that Scandinavian women as well as trative center as well as the residence of the princes who Dnieper rivers, which - together
with the Volga - were their main
men were very likely present at Ladoga, and this ruled Novgorod. highways to the markets of
certainly implies a more settled and perhaps agricultural The whole area of islands and lagoons known as the Byzantium and Asia. The Slavs
described these northern travelers
existence than appears from the picture that is often "gates of Novgorod", which controlled the river access
as Rus. By the late 9th century
painted of the Russian Vikings as an exclusively male to the Byzantine empire and the Abbasid caliphate, Novgorod on the Volkhov had
class of intrepid warrior-merchants. Excavations of became the integrated center of the state that began to grown into the capital of a large
territory, the northern Rus state,
buildings within the town itself show how it expanded in evolve from the settlements of the northern Rus. The
ruled sometimes by Scandinavians
this period, and have much to tell us about the nature of capital was at Novgorod; satellite settlements such as and sometimes by Slavs. The Rus
the Vikings' early operations in Russia. Gorodisce and the nearby fortified site of Gorodok had territory embraced the lands of
many different Slavic tribes; the
The question of how far the the Vikings influenced the specialized roles in the developing political structure. A finds excavated in the region reflect
formation of the early Russian state and its towns is one religious element was from the early Slavic
also present, this cultural diversity.

of the most intriguing and controversial aspects of their pagan temple of the god Perun on an island near
role in the east. The Scandinavians who ventured and Gorodisce - perhaps the largest and most important Below Elizabeth, the daughter of
settled in the east were known as Rus or Rhos to the such site in the east — to the later network of Christian Prince Jaroslav the Wise of Kiev
(1016-54), is depicted on the left
people they encountered, and there is documentary churches that were built along the shores and islands at
of this 11th-century wall-painting
evidence that they used this name themselves; the the source of the Volkhov river. The wealth and sheer in the great church of St Sofia in
meanings or origins of the term are unclear, but its scale of the Novgorod power base has been demon- Kiev, built during his reign. She
married Harald Hardradi
obvious relationship to the name of Russia (that is, "the strated by 60 years of excavations
in the city by Russian (1015-66), the famous Viking
land of the Rus") is one reason why the debate has been some of the richest sites to have been
archaeologists, in adventurer in the east who served
in the Varangian guard of the
so intense. The word most likely has its roots in the found anywhere in the Viking world.
Byzantine emperor before
Bait/Finnish word Ruotsi meaning "Swedes", but which Novgorod formed the northerly of two major centers succeeding to the throne of
is derived from the Swedish word rodr, meaning a crew of Scandinavian activity on the Russian river-route, the Norway in 1047.
of oarsmen. Such a term would be a quite natural way
for the early Vikings to describe themselves when
meeting new peoples, as their world must at times indeed
have seemed limited to that of their own small ships
traveling alone into a vast and unknown land.
The debate about the ethnic origins of modern Russia
has raged in archaeological and historical studies for
decades, and has still not entirely disappeared. However,
most scholars today would avoid sweeping generaliza-
tions concerning the role of a particular ethnic group,
stressing instead the interaction and mutual activities of
all the peoples active in the eastern Baltic - Scan-

dinavians, Slavs, Baits and Finns. There is no doubt that

Scandinavian contact with the Slavic tribes stimulated
cultural change and overseas trading in the area, but few
would now argue (as was the case in the past) that the
Vikings were actually responsible for the establishment
of the early Russian towns and city-states. Rather, the
development of the fortified trading centers that grew up
in the Viking Age all around the shores of the Baltic from
Scandinavia to Russia may be seen as integral to a wider
European process of state formation, connected with the
centralization of power and the expansion of trading
networks and markets. Of all the peoples of the Baltic,
however, the Scandinavians were undoubtedly the ones
who traveled farthest, and their influence extended to
every part of the known world; the permanent presence
of Scandinavians in Russia, as revealed by the cemetery
evidence at Ladoga, is just one aspect of this larger
general process.
From Staraya Ladoga the Vikings sailed south up the
Volkhov, passing numerous Slavic settlements on the
flood plain, until they reached what they called


extent of the Rus state

9th-11th centuries

land gained by 12th century


scale 1 12 500

Staraya Ladoga

Staraya (Old) Ladoga was founded in the 8th century; varying rituals involved are an indication of the ethnic
it served a mixed population of Scandinavians and origin and status of the deceased, and thus it is
Slavs, and was the principal market of northern Russia apparent that each of the cemeteries had a specific
Below The plan of the settled areas in the early Viking period before the rise of Novgorod character, containing either rich or poor, Scan-
and excavated sites of Staraya and Kiev in the 9th and 10th centuries. Not a true dinavian or Slavic burials. The position of the
Ladoga, against the topographical
background of the Volkhov river town Ladoga was nevertheless a bustling craft
as such, cemeteries of each type is also important, as some are
and its tributaries, clearly shows center, and many specialized industries and trades more prominent than others. Taken with the settle-
the distribution and widely varying
were carried on in its narrow streets. Excavations have ment evidence, the combination of graves and for-
character of the cemeteries around
the settlement. The division into uncovered small workshops and house-yards in the tifications has been seen by some scholars to indicate a
three "ideological zones" central area, which was later enclosed by defenses. complex network of inter-relationships between the
postulated by the Russian
archaeologist Lebedev and others
After the conversion to Christianity no less than 8 native Slavs and the Scandinavian settlers, with the
translates the distribution of churches and monasteries were constructed in and Ladoga settlement carefully divided into ethnic,
settlement areas and graves into a
around the site. The whole settlement is ringed by political and religious zones of control. If correct, this
coherent pattern set out as a
deliberate statement of political cemeteries of different kinds, some with cremations may shed light on the sophisticated mechanisms
power and influence. under mounds and others with flat inhumations. The behind Viking Age expansion and colonization.

Right This bronze object of

uncertain function, dating to the
* "sopka" mound
8th century, is one of the finest
O cremation mound with standardized torm of bunal
pieces to have been excavated at
• other cremation mound Staraya Ladoga. It is only 5.4
a long mound centimeters long and may have
been a key; alternatively the hollow
lower shaft may have fitted on to a
church small stick for ritual use. The upper
Rus temple part is decorated with the head of a
—- bearded man with long, neatly
processional way
combed hair; two bird-headed
"sacred ritual' zone
| |
horns meet behind him, and he
"fortified" zone may represent Odin with his raven
servants. The head has been
CZ1 "princely" zone
pierced, perhaps for use as a
pendant amulet.


'" "^ .


The modern site of Staraya Ladoga

[above is dominated by the
pointed root of the medieval
fortress on the left. The earliest
mercantile occupation was located
along the bank ot the
in this area,
Volkhov where it is joined by the
Ladoshka tributary in the center ot
the picture. On the right ot the
Ladoshka is the secondary
settlement; it is here that a possible
Scandinavian temple has been
found on "Varangian street". The
so-called aristocratic area of
Ladoga lay further to the left, ]iist

out of sight. This photograph was

taken from the Scandinavian
cemetery of Plakun, where the low
graves are in marked contrast to
the high conical mounds known as
sopki on Ladoga's peripheries, such
as this one Jeft) in the Velema
cemetery. These mounds contain
Slavic objects buried in a manner
that is probably Scandinavian in

Right Excavation of the trading

center of Ladoga has produced
magnificent finds Mich as this hoard
of mid 8th-century smith's tools, so
well preserved that the tongs can
still be opened and closed. The
Odin amulet (center left) had been
placed on top ot the tools inside
the box in which they were found,
perhaps to protect the valuable
contents from thieves.


Settlement in the city of Novgorod, which lies in or administrative districts into which the town was
western Russia just north of Lake Ilmen, began in the divided - three on the Sofia Bank, and two on the
10th century when Scandinavians and Slavs moved Merchants' Bank; in the Viking Age, only three
there from the defended island of Gorodisce, which "ends" were present. Whether this system of self-
lay a few miles to the south. This had been occupied government was Scandinavian or Slavic in origin has
since the early Viking period. The Volkhov river, been hotly debated. The "ends" may also have
flowing north to Lake Ladoga, divides Novgorod into regulated merchant operations in the town and have
two - the Sofia Bank on the west side, and the been the centers for particular craft activities. Large-
Merchants' Bank on the east. At the heart of the scale excavations in the medieval city in waterlogged
settlement on the Sofia Bank is the citadel, or kremlin, deposits up to 6 meters thick have uncovered whole
which was surrounded by a rampart in the 10th neighborhoods of workshops and artisans' dwellings,
century and is still dominated by the cathedral of St each enclosed in a small town-yard and laid out along
Sofia, with its golden domes and towers, which was winding, paved streets. Among the numerous artifacts
built in the 1 1th century: this stone building replaced that have been recovered, many of them of wood and
an earlier wooden structure on the same site. Outside leather, is a famous collection of letters written on
the kremlin, only the Merchants' Bank was defended birch bark: these testify to a considerable degree of
in the Viking Age. literacy among the town's inhabitants. Children's
Though the early medieval city was nominally ruled and masks, furniture, clothes and
toys, religious idols
by a prince, in practice it was governed by a series of musical instruments have all been found, contributing
popular assemblies {veche), one for each of five "ends" to an unrivalled picture of Viking Age urban life.

Left Early medieval Novgorod, Above One of the most striking

showing the Sofia and Merchants" Novgorod
discoveries of the
Banks. The central area of the excavations is the network of
town around the bridge was timber roads found all over the
controlled by the kremlin and the town. Parallel lines of birch and
precincts of the Court of Jaroslav. pine were laid out along the route
The street layout shown here is like railroad tracks and then
derived from 10th- to 14th-century covered with a deck of cross
sources and from excavations: timbers: this formed the surface
precise dating of the streets is used by people, animals and
uncertain. The network of churches vehicles. The roads were repaired
can be seen to concentrate along often - up to 22 superimposed
the north/south street axis on the levels of street contraction have
Sofia Bank and in the southwest of been found in some areas. This
the Merchants' Bank - the areas fragmentary example comes from
dominated by administration and the Troitskiy site.

craft activities respectively.

+ surviving church

O site ol church known liom excavation 01



The combination oi well-preserved remarkable accuracy. This

timber rinds and manuscript prosperous, three-Storey dwelling
titrations Ins made it possible to stands within its yard compound,
reconstruct the appciraiKc ol surrounded by smaller workshops
Novgorod's buildings with and outbuildings: the elaborate
root and porch construction are
characteristic of early Ru
architecture. The structures shown
here date to the very end of the
Viking Age.

Above Among the treasures of St

Sofia is a massive pair of bronze
doors, decorated in relief with
small Biblical figures and i

and showing manv similarities of

art-style and design with the nearly
contemporary Baveux tapestry.
The doors may have been made tor
the church of St Olot in Sigtuna -
alsostill standing- and been

carried ott toNovgorod aher )

Russian raid on Sweden in the
early Middle Ages. An alternative
theorv places their origin in

Magdeburg, Germain

further, gaining a number of churches including the Left The Golden Gate of Kiev w
built during the reign of Jaroslav
magnificent Desyatinnaya church, completed in 966,
the Wise both as the main i

which was built by Byzantine craftworkers and marked to the city and as an integral part
the beginning of a truly Russian style of architecture. of its new fortifications. Originally
it stood to a height of 12.5 meters
Vladimir strengthened the town's defenses with the
(the same height as the ad|oining
construction of a strongly-defended citadel (kremlin) on rampart) but was later raised by
Starokievskaya. Excavations here have revealed the the addition of the Church of the
Annunciation to the top. The
remains of an extensive complex of administrative facade was refaced with specially
buildings and ceremonial structures, with residences for designed bricks when the original

court officials, priests and local warrior chieftains. These structure was restored in 1989.

were surrounded by more humble domestic housing,

Below After sailing south from
including structures with sunken floors. Industrial ac- Novgorod along the Lovat river,
tivity seems to have been deliberately confined to the and crossing two short portages,
the Scandinavians reached the river
lower town, segregated from the court of the-Kievan
Dnieper, which carried them down
princes. Kiev expanded still further during the reign of to the Black Sea and thus to
Jaroslav (1015-54), when it acquired even stronger Byzantium. Today, a statue of
Prince Vladimir (960-1015),
fortifications, and the monumental cathedral of St Sofia,
whose dynasty was founded by the
which is still standing,was begun. Scandinavian Rorik, overlooks the
Many other settlements within the area of the early city of Kiev, which was to replace
Novgorod as the center of the
Rtis state show indications of a Scandinavian presence. Russian state by the Middle Ages
Chief amongst these is the settlement and cemetery proper.

second being based on Kiev (Ukraine), which the

Vikings called Kcenugarr. The settlement grew up on
the banks of the Dnieper, the river that the Scan-
dinavians reached after sailing south from Novgorod
down the Lovat, and carrying their ships across two
short portages. The Dnieper connects directly with the
Black Sea, and from here the great city of Byzantium on
the Bosporus was within easy sailing distance.
Kiev developed in a similar way to Novgorod, and in
the 10th century seems to have been ruled by Scan-
dinavians, though with a mixed Slav population. The
early 12th-century Russian Primary Chronicle, one of
our main sources for the early history of the region,
states that the Kiev dynasty was founded in the 9th-
century by the Scandinavian Rorik and passed to his
successors Helgi, Ingvar and the latter's wife Helga. The
Chronicle records these names in their Slavic forms as
Ryurik, Oleg, Igor and Olga. During the 10th and 11th
centuries the rulers of Kiev begin to appear with Slavic
names such as Svjatoslav, Vladimir and Jaroslav, and
this almost certainly reflects a growing blurring of
distinctions between the Scandinavian and Slav popula-
tions, exactly as seen in the Viking colonies in England
and Normandy. From the mid 10th century we find
"Rms" being used as the usual term for the developing
state, though the culture is becoming increasingly Slav-
dominated. By the Middle Ages proper, Kiev had
replaced Novgorod as the center of the Russian state.
Excavations of Viking Age Kiev have dramatically
corroborated the evidence of the written stories concern-
ing its early development. The settlement developed
around three hills. One of these, the Starokievskaya, had
been the site of an important pagan temple in the
pre- Viking period, and by the 9th century had been
strongly fortified with timber structures built on its
slopes; there was secondary occupation of the other
hills. Starokievskaya continued to serve a ritual function
as the central cemetery for the growing town. In the later
9th and 10th centuries, traders and artisans settled
around the base of the hills (the Podol area) and during
the reign of Vladimir (980-1015) the town grew still

excavated at Gnezdovo, the predecessor of modern

Smolensk. This was located halfway along the route
from Novgorod to Kiev at the point where the Vikings
carried their ships from the Lovat to the Dnieper. Here,
Russian archaeologists have recovered many artifacts of
Scandinavian type, some of them of great richness and
quality, though Slavic objects predominate. Other
notable settlements of the Rtis include Pskov and
Izborsk on the Estonian border, which may have been
settled from Ladoga in the 10th century. Scandinavian
artifacts increase in number in western Russia from the
late 9th century into the 10th, but are not found in any
quantity farther east, with the exception of the Volga
settlements. This distribution provides striking confirm-
ation of the limits of direct Scandinavian activity in the
early Russian state.

The Viking road to Mikligardr

Though their settlements in Russia became one of the
most enduring legacies of the Viking Age, the Scandi-
navians are unlikely to have had colonization in mind
when they first set out along the river systems of eastern
Europe. Their aim was always to reach Byzantium, the
city founded by the emperor Constantine in AD 330.
The Roman empire, and the city of Rome itself, had
come under increasingly heavy attack from the nomadic
barbarian tribes of central Europe in the 5th century
and by the later 6th and 7th centuries the focus of power
had shifted to the eastern Mediterranean. Byzantium
had superseded Rome as the capital of the truncated
empire. By the Viking Age it spanned the Bosporus in a
massive conurbation that would have been easily the
biggest settlement that any Scandinavian had ever seen.
The city's great stone defensive walls, its magnificent
cathedral and churches, its exotic bazaars and, most of
all, the splendid court of the Byzantine emperor, cannot

have failed to impress these northern visitors, and they

called it simply Mikligardr - "the great city".
Byzantium was attractive to the Scandinavians for
several reasons. First and foremost it was a conduit for
trade and for the wealth that went with it. Into the city
poured goods from the eastern Mediterranean and
north Africa, and from the great expanses of Asia. Here
the Vikings could obtain silks and embroideries, exotic

Above The greatest Viking Age

silver hoard from Russia was found
at Gnezdovo in 1868. This
10th-century treasure consists
mainly of ornaments, most of
which are Scandinavian or Slavic in
character. Alongside the standard
twisted and plaited rod neck-rings
is a unique tubular ring with

filigree-ornamented knobs.

Right This fragment of red taffeta

silk,on to which have been stitched
yellow silk bands, was excavated at
Lund, Sweden. Though a few-
examples of Chinese silks have
been identified at Birka, most of
the silks found in Viking Age
Scandinavia are believed to have
been imported from Byzantium, as
is probably the case with this


• -;-zi~--:-jc.:':

|caiphaleo< Cordoba

Byzantine empire
I |

I [


fruits and wines, and fine jewelry. Evidence of this

spices empress and to have participated in a successful coup on The Byzantine empire and the
Abbasid caliphate
trade has heen found in abundance in Scandinavia and the throne; he would not have been the only Scan-
In the 9th and 10th centuries
throughout the Viking world. For example, textiles from dinavian to become directly involved in Byzantine Islamic rule extended as tar west as
Byzantium have been discovered as far away as England. politics. On at least two occasions, Scandinavians fought Spain and as far east as northern
India: in the eastern Mediterranean
Analysis of pieces of silk found in 10th-century levels in against the empire when Kievan war fleets attacked the
and Asia Minor, only the Byzantine
two different exavation sites, one in York and one in walls of Byzantium in the late Viking Age. Once the empire stood out against it:
Lincoln, has even shown that they came from the same Russian prince actually nailed his shield to the gates of Scandinavians fought as
mercenaries in the imperial armies
bale. In exchange for these luxuries, the Vikings traded the city, vividly demonstrating his contempt for the as the Greeks sought to extend
furs from the northern forests and other commodities, power of the emperor and for the Byzantines who were their empire and counter the

including slaves. Muslim threat to the south and

sheltering within.
east. Alter "50, following the
The empire offered other openings for the warriors The exact meaning of the name "Varangian" (Varjagi overthrow of the Umayyad dynasty
who had rowed and hauled their longships all the
sailed, inRussian sources, Varangoi to the Byzantine Greeks) as bv the Abbasids (except in Spain),
the center of Islamic power had
way across Russia and Ukraine. A continual supply of used of the eastern Vikings is not fully understood. It shifted eastward to Baghdad and
soldiers was needed for the armies that were either appears alongside "Rms" in the sources, but seems to many silver mines were opened up
fighting on the empire's borders or maintaining peace have had a more warlike association than the latter term. in central Asia. It was these rich
sources of silver, together with the
within them. The Byzantines recognized the fighting Varangians appear as mercenaries and bodyguards to networks of trade that stretched
qualities of the Vikings early on, and by the late 10th Russian princes in the 1 1th and 12th centuries and there overland from central Asia to India
and China and from Byzantium to
century the emperor's personal guard was composed have been attempts to trace the word to the Scan-
the Mediterranean and Africa, that
entirely of Scandinavian mercenaries, their loyalty dinavian vdr, meaning an oath of allegiance appropriate drew the Vikings down the great
bought with silver and a privileged position in the to professional soldiers. In Staraya Ladoga, a road-name rivers of Russia to the Caspian and
Black Seas.
imperial court. It may even have been one of these men, dating from medieval times and still in use today
Halfdan, who scratched his name in runes on a balcony meaning "Varangian street" may indicate that this was a
in the great church of Hagia Sofia later a mosque, now a Scandinavian quarter of the settlement. In a dramatic
museum in Istanbul. demonstration of the enduring place of the Scan-
The "Varangian guard", as they were called, were dinavians in the popular consciousness of the east, one
famed for their drinking and their terrible battle axes; of the largest aircraft earners of the former Soviet battle
membership of the guard became a recognized stepping- fleet was named "Varangian".

stone in the career of many a famous Viking. One of the For most of our knowledge about the actual river
best known of these was King Harald Hardradi of route taken by the Vikings to the Black Sea we must turn
Norway 1015-1066 who was a notable commander. to the Byzantine sources, and in particular to a secret
of the guard and campaigned in Sicily, Italy and Bulgaria document of the Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitos
for several years. According to the sagas. Harald outlining the empire's foreign policy strategies in the mid
Hardradi was said to have had an affair with the 10th century. This refers to the northern Rtis as acting as

buffers against the aggression of the hostile Slavic tribes. that have been found along the route; there is also no
The hazardous journey taken by the Scandinavians reason to rule out the possible presence of female
down the Dnieper each June after the ice had melted merchants. The Volga makes a great bend at Bulgar
comes vividly to life as we read of them carrying their (close to the site of the modern city of Kazan) as it turns
ships around the series of seven fierce rapids in the river south to the Caspian Sea. This marked the western end
and fighting off the attacks of Slavic bandits. Even in the of the Silk Road, the overland trade route that ran
Greek source, the rapids all have recognizable, descrip- through Samarkand and Tashkent to China, and here a
tive Scandinavian names: Essupi (the Gulper), great market place had developed controlled by the
Baruforos (Wave-force), Strukan (the Courser), Gelan- Bulgar tribes. We know that Scandinavian merchants
dri (the Yeller), Ulvorsi (Island-foss), Leanti (the must have encountered the caravans that traveled the
Laugher). The name given to one of the rapids — Aifur Silk Road because Chinese silks have been found in
(Ever-noisy) — is found on a Swedish rune-stone from graves at Birka in central Sweden. These finds, together
Pilgards, on Gotland, raised to the memory of a man with the figure of Buddha that has been found at the
S»^ named Hrafn by his four brothers who had accom- pre- Viking Site at Helgo may even allow us to speculate
panied him on an expedition east. Sweden's runic on the extraordinary possibility that Scandinavians
& inscriptions contain a number of references to the river themselves may have journeyed all the way to the
road to Byzantium. It is in tributes to people such as Chinese court or the Indian subcontinent.
Spialbodi "who met his death in Novgorod" (rune-stone Bulgar was the first of the markets at which the
from Sjusta, Uppland) and Rognvald "leader of a troop Scandinavians encountered the massive silver supplies of
of men in Greece" (Ed, Uppland) that the Viking push to the Arab world. The Volga trade may have begun as
the east has found some of its most lasting memorials. early as the late 8th century with agreements between
the Abbasid caliphate and the Khazar tribes of the lower
The Volga silver route and the Abbasid caliphate Volga. The Abbasids had swept to power in the Islamic
While some Swedes made the journey south from world around 750 by supporting popular revolt against
Staraya Ladoga into Russia and down to the Black Sea, the injustices of the previous ruling family, the
others followed an even more ambitious route directly Umayyads. After rejecting the old capital of Damascus
Khazar nomads
east to the lands of the Bulgar tribes, the in Syria as an Umayyad stronghold, the new dynasty
and finally to the deserts of Arabia and the seat of the eventually established its power base at Baghdad on the

Abbasid caliph at Baghdad. After Lake Ladoga these Tigris in modern Iraq. By the beginning of the Viking
voyagers joined the upper waters of the river Volga, Age the city had grown massively, thriving on the huge
passing through settlements at Beloozero, Jaroslavl, silver reserves of the caliphate's dominions. The main
Vladimir and Murom; Scandinavian artifacts have been mines lay in Afghanistan, discovered in the 9th century,
ARABIAN SEA found at all of these. The Scandinavians may have with the richest sources in the Panjshir valley. Other
traveled as family groups rather than as lone merchant mines were located in central Asia in what are today
expeditions, judging by the numbers of women's graves Uzbekistan, Kirghizia and Tajikistan. The output was

Right This worn runic inscription,

which was scratched on a marble
balustrade in the church of Hagia
Sofia in Byzantium, is only partly
legible, but the name "Halfdan"
has been deciphered. Other runic
graffiti have been discovered in the
same gallery.

enormous: most of the silver was rendered into coins,

and even the relatively unimportant mine at Radrad in
Yemen produced enough silver to mint over a million
coins a year. The Abbasids grew fabulously wealthy on
the silver trade, which reached as far as India, Sri Lanka,
China and Persia.
The Vikings seem to have begun to tap the Arab silver
sources in the early 9th century, acquiring coins that had
been minted a couple of decades earlier. It became their
main precious metal, and their appetite for it was
enormous. Over 60,000 Arab coins have been found in
over 1,000 hoards in Scandinavia alone, with many
others in the Viking colonies. It is clear that only a tiny
proportion of the silver imported in the form of coins
was kept as such; most was melted down and recast as
bullion or jewelry. The Vikings bought the silver with
similar items to those they traded at Byzantium - furs,
slaves, falcons, honey, wax, walrus ivory and strong
steel swords.
From the market at Bulgar the Volga river route
entered the lands of the Khazar nomads. Their capital
was Itil on the shores of the Caspian Sea and they
controlled the whole territory through which the
southern section of the Volga route passed. The politics
of the caliphs were much concerned with negotiating the
best outlets for silver through the competing Khazar and
Bulgar markets and both the caliphate and the northern Vikings had begun to look to European sources for their Above A heap of assorted silver
coins found in Sweden, mostly
merchants were eager to maintain good relations with supply of silver, particularly to new mines in the Harz
Arabic and Byzantine, serves as a
the Khazars. Khazar influences made their way back to mountains in central Germany. By 1015 the importation vivid reminder that silver - above
Sweden, where some fashions in jewelry and personal of Arab silver had ceased completely, and the eastern all else - was the magnet that drew
the Scandinavians eastward to raid
dress reflected eastern taste. This is evident, for example, link was broken. and trade in the Baltic region and
from many of the objects found in graves at Birka. Some During the period of the expanding silver trade, the down the Russian rivers. In the

eastern-inspired objects, such as the commonly found Abbasid caliphate sent many diplomatic and mercantile quest for Arabic silver, mined in
enormous quantities at this period,
twisted and plaited rings, were adopted throughout envoys into the northern lands to negotiate trading they even reached the Caspian Sea
Scandinavia. From Itil, the Viking sailors could cross the terms and to scout for new markets. These ambassadors by way of the Volga, though much
business was no doubt transacted
Caspian Sea and continue overland along the caravan of Islam were very often men of the highest education
higher up the river, in the great
route from Gorgan to Baghdad, and the caliph's court. and learning, and they have left detailed records of their market at Bulgar.
Again, artifacts that can only have originated in the heart journeys. Ibn Fadlan's initial impressions of a party of

of the caliphate have been found in Scandinavia, Scandinavian merchants that he met in 922 are well
including particularly fine examples of Arab pottery. worth quoting for its striking eyewitness testimony, the
Not all Scandinavian voyages to the east were peaceable, details of which accord so well with the archaeological
however, or made with commerce as the only object in evidence of Viking appearance:
mind. Viking raiders launched several expeditions in the
/ have seen the Riis as they came in on their merchant
area, including a major attack on Baku and the shores of
journeys and encamped on the Volga. I have never seen
the Caspian Sea in 912.
more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms,
The silver trade with the Abbasids gradually declined
blond and ruddy; they wear neither tunics nor caftans,
during the 9th century as the mines became exhausted
but the men wear a garment that covers one side of the
and the caliphate was torn apart by civil wars, foreign
body and leaves a hand free. Each man has an ax, a
campaigns and the drain of a series of extravagant
sword, and a knife, and keeps each by him at all
building projects such as the royal city of Samarra. This
times... Each woman wears on either breast a box of
stretched for 35 kilometers along the banks of the Tigris
iron, silver, copper or gold. ..each box has a ring from
and took 46 years to build. By 892, the Abbasid treasury
which hangs a knife. The women wear neck-rings of
was empty, but around this time massive new silver
gold and silver... their most prized ornaments are green
sources were discovered in Afghanistan and the Arab
glass beads.
economy slowly recovered. The client Samanid rulers of
Transoxiana, the region including the great trading cities After describing the offeringsmade to their pagan gods
of Bukhara and Samarkand north of the Oxus (Amu by these tough-sounding people in the hope of good
Darya) river, soon began to produce huge quantities of trading, Ibn Fadlan goes on to quote a Viking adven-
coins, which found their way west into Russia and the turer's pragmatic prayer: "I wish that you would send
Viking world. After the beginning of the 10th century, me a merchant with many dinars and dirhems, who will
coins from these sources are in fact found farther west buy from me whatever I wish and will not dispute
than those dating to the first phase of silver production anything I say." It is ironic that the most detailed
in the 9th century. In Russia alone, several hundred contemporary descriptions we have of the Vikings
thousand Arab coins have been recovered from hoards. should come from the periphery of their world. The
This even more massive export of silver from the Arab sources give us unparalleled information about the
caliphate continued almost unabated until around 965 dailylife of the Scandinavians on the move - their dress

when the Samanid mines, too, seem to have become and fashions, behavior, funeral rituals and warfare —
depleted. Though a trickle of coinage from the east still making the Viking expansion to the east one of the most
flowed into Scandinavia in the 980s and 990s, the vivid events of the period.

Scandinavia in the 11th century converted to Christianity, for several reasons. Firstly,
The 11th century saw the completion of the Scan- they saw the fact of a single faith in the land - as
dinavian kingdoms' transition to nation-states, a opposed to the highly diverse and variable customs of
process begun in the previous two centuries. Am- the old pagan religion - as a useful force for
bitious programs of urban foundation, the establish- unification in Denmark which, by drawing the popu-
ment of new mints, and the extension of church lace together, paralleled their attempts to establish a
patronage in the newly converted pagan north played single political state. A second reason may be found in Scandinavia in the 11th century
their part in the continued growth of centralized the ideology of kingship: generous patronage of the By 1000, the Scandinavian
countries had achieved a high
power and kingship. At the same time there was a church was an appropriate attribute for a monarch
degree of political cohesion, and
general expansion of the rural population, with cor- who wished to be treated as an equal by the kings of the first nation-states were forming.
responding movement of settlement onto more mar- mainland Europe. The decrees concerning the support In the course of the century, the
centralization and concentration of
ginal areas of land and some modification of agricul- of the church that Cnut the Great (d.1035) made as
power in thehands of kings was
tural practices. All these factors brought material king of England from 1016 and extended to Denmark reflected in the rapid development
changes to the Scandinavian landscape in the later when he succeeded to the throne there in 1018 of true urban centers - planned
towns laid out by royal command.
Viking Age. exemplified this pattern. The earliest known example New mints were founded and
of a stone church in Denmark is one founded in administrative centers and road
networks constructed at this time.
Denmark Roskilde by Cnut's sister in 1027. After that, stone
Christianity had become
As we have seen, urbanization was more advanced in became the principal material used for churches, and established throughout Scandinavia
Denmark than in the other Scandinavian countries at earlier timber buildings, such as that built at Jelling — in the 1 1th century, and the new
faith was quickly consolidated by
the end of the 10th century. A considerable number of perhaps by Harald Bluetooth to house his pagan
the establishment of bishoprics and
towns, roads, bridges and similar works were com- father's remains - were replaced in stone. widespread church-building. By
pleted during the reign of Harald Bluetooth in the mid By the later 1 1th century, the Danish kingdom had a 1100, the three Scandinavian
countries were firmly bound into
10th century, and for the most part this process was number of bishoprics, necessitating the building of the political and ideological orbit
continued by his son Svein Forkbeard (reigned cathedrals. At first craftworkers and masons from of Christian Europe.

c.987-1014) and the later 11th-century Danish kings.

However, it is clear that Bluetooth's civic engineering
programs were considered excessive by many of his
subjects, whose taxes had to bear the brunt of their
massive costs. It has been suggested that it was the
unpopularity of Harald's extravagant projects that led
his son to rebel against him, leading to Harald's
expulsion from the kingdom and Svein's succession.
Certainly Harald's circular fortresses such as
Trelleborg and Fyrkat, which may have been adminis-
trative centers for tax gathering, went out of use in
Svein's time. After Harald's reign, new construction
work was no doubt partly funded by silver obtained
from a massive renewal of raiding in England - a more
popular source of royal revenue than money raised
through taxation.
Though the town of Hedeby declined after 1000, its
functions were assumed by the nearby settlement of
Schleswig, and Ribe flourished under royal patronage,
as did Arhus, Lund, Odense, Roskilde and Viborg, all
founded before or around 1000. Excavations have
uncovered the 11th-century streets and buildings of
many of these towns, with particularly fine material
from Arhus, where the remains of cellared buildings
have been found, each with benches around the walls
and a hearth in one corner. Lund, too, has yielded
valuable information. Several levels of carefully laid
street surfaces have been preserved in the rich organic
soil; some roads were made entirely of leather off-cuts
discarded from manufacturing. Many wooden build-
ings have survived, along with their contents. The
finds include such familiar items as childrens' toys,
and even a tiny chair with a closable front to restrain a
small child and keep it from running about.
The Danish kings were eager in their support of the
church as it established itself in the territories newly


England and mainland Europe were employed in their There seems little doubt that both towns were
construction.Odense cathedral, for example, built in founded by royal command. Only centralized author-
the 1080s, incorporates features from Germany and ity such as the Norwegian kings possessed by this time

England, attributable to the presence of

Italy as well as could have established the protected trade zones that
English clerics there. As the country became fully enabled craftworking, other industrial activity and
integrated into the Christian cultural sphere of main- commercial enterprise to flourish. In effect, the entire
land Europe, its urban and rural environments altered towns may have been the king's personal property to
in ways that would have made them unrecognizable to be let out or rented to specialized communities of
a Viking of the later 9th century. artisans and royal officers. The relationship would
Aboi t A com of the English king,
have been a reciprocal one: in return for protection the
.Ethelred II ^""9-1016) - one of

several thousand that have been Norway king would have exacted his due share of taxes and
found in Scandinavia. Many of In contrast to neighboring Denmark, Norway did not tolls. The splendor of the royal court was also no
these are hkelv to have arrived
there in theDanegelds paid to the
experience urban growth on any scale until well int.) doubt enriched by the finest products these urban
new waves of Danish raiders the 1 1th century. For reasons not yet fully explained, centers had to offer. At their heart lay the royal
during the late 10th and early 1 1th small seasonal market centers such as Kaupang did residences, surrounded by the halls of the king's
centuries. In some 50 years the
English made payments of
not develop in Norway into towns, as they did retinues and bodyguards. Later in the century, these
£250,000 to the Vikings - a elsewhere in Scandinavia, and it was not until around were joined by mints, churches and cathedrals, all part
valuable source of revenue.
the year 1000 that real towns were established at of the apparatus of power and authority that would
Below The baptism of Harald Trondheim or Nidaros {Nidaross to the Vikings) in the have been considered appropriate for a great king.
Bluetooth, who is standing in a north and Skien and Oslo in the southeast. Trondheim Later towns were founded at Bergen and Stavanger on
large cask, is depicted on a
12th-century plaque in Tamdrup
in particular developed rapidly along the river Nid, Norway's west coast, and at Tonsberg near Oslo. All
church, Jutland - one of a series of and quickly became a royal seat of Norwegian kings. have produced archaeological material from the later
seven, made from gilded copper, Excavations in the waterlogged deposits beneath the 11th century.
that illustrate scenes from the life

of St Poppo. The saint is credited

present town have revealed the remains of carefully As noted earlier, Christianity played an essential
with having brought about the laid out building plots, houses and yards, together role in Norway's progress to nation-state in the late
Danish king's conversion to
with the waste from the manufacturing that went on 10th and 11th centuries. The first churches were
Christianity by impressing him
with his feat of carrying a redhot inside them. Oslo has produced directly comparable constructed of wood. No complete structures have
iron. structures dating to the early 1000s. survived from this period, but their plans are often
preserved as post-holes beneath their 12th and 13th-
century stone successors, and it is sometimes possible
to identify several phases of rebuilding since the
timber buildings were frequently destroyed by fire, or
the wooden planks set in the ground rotted and needed
replacement. The large numbers of elaborately
decorated wooden stave-built churches surviving
from the 12th century give us some idea of what these
first Norwegian churches were like. The finest, such as

Borgund and Urnes, both in western Norway, are

among the best-preserved wooden buildings from the
whole of medieval Europe. Sometimes timbers from
the earlier churches of the later Viking Age are actually
incorporated into their structure, and from them we
can gain a tantalizing glimpse of how magnificent their
carving must have been.

With the exception of Sigtuna, which seems to have
assumed the functions of the island town of Birka,
probably abandoned in the mid to late 10th century,
urbanization was not widely developed in Sweden
until the 12th century. Coin inscriptions indicate that
Sigtuna was almost certainly a royal foundation; it
was laid out in a ribbon development along an arm of
Lake Malaren. Excavations have demonstrated the
existence of several churches in the town, along with
urban tenements of the kind familiar from late Viking
towns in Denmark and Norway.
In a sense, Sigtuna can be seen as an early capital
functioning as a royal, ecclesiastical and administra-
tive center for the dynasty that controlled central and
eastern Sweden. While the transition of urban settle-
ment from Birka to Sigtuna may in part have been
prompted by the falling sea-levels that began to dry
out Birka's harbors, there were likely to have been
more complex reasons behind the decision to move the
largest settlement in Sweden. Occupation could have
continued at Birka without much difficulty for longer
than it did, but Sigtuna's situation, right at the heart of
the developing state, would have offered a more
Stave Churches

Left The church at Borgund, on the

The Viking culture has left many lasting traces of its
Sogne fjord in western Norway, is
brief heyday, but a class of particularly unusual without doubt the finest surviving
monuments has survived in the form of the wooden example of a stave church. Its basic
structure dates from the 12th
stave churches that are to be found in Norway and century; the magnificent
(though to a lesser extent) the other Scandinavian animal-headed finials and multiple
roofs were probably added a
countries. Stave construction was a late development
century later. Such elaborate
in Viking Age architecture, and began to be used for decoration is typical of the later
churches during the 11th century: the technique churches, and sometimes attained
an extraordinary sophistication
appears in some domestic buildings slightly earlier. In and beauty.
its simplest form, the stave-building method resembles

the construction of a barrel - a row of slightly curved,

interlocking vertical timbers is held in place by being
clasped between two horizontal grooved timbers
along the top and bottom of the wall. This has the
effect of raising the wall timbers off the ground, thus
protecting them from damp and rot - earlier wooden
churches, built of posts fixed in the earth, would have Below left The graceful interlacing
beasts that frame the
rotted away within a generation of their construction. keyhole-shaped door of the church
No stave churches have survived intact from the 11th at Urnes, not far distant from
Borgund, were carved in the 11th
century, but fragments of their carved timbers have
century, and have given their name
been found preserved in the fabric of their medieval to the Urnes art-style of the late

successors and in other buildings: notable examples Viking Age.

come from Flatatunga in Iceland and Hemse in Below The interiors of stave
Sweden. However, it was in the churches built at the churches were also carved - as here
end of the Viking Age and on into the 12th and 13th at Borgund - and the intricate
construction of the timbers adds an
centuries that stave construction reached its most element of simple elegance not
developed and sophisticated form. Stave churches of popularly associated with the
"warlike" Vikings. The
this date dot the Norwegian landscape where they
extravagant and highly ornate
stand as remarkable monuments to the architectural appearance of many stave churches
and artistic achievements of the early medieval Scan- gives us cause to wonder whether
Viking Age domestic buildings may
dinavians during their absorption into the cultural also have been covered with rich
orbit of Christian Europe. ornament of this kind.

plan, often with a small square

chancel added to the nave and, less
frequently, aisles. The later
churches embellished this design
and were usually centered around
four supporting posts set in a

square, which reached high up into

the building and raised the roof
level: Borgund [sht
cross-section on left) is a typical
example. The central post
arrangement was sometimes
developed into an arcade and the
whole structure was designed as a
series of successive squares (left,
and groundplan at top). Despite
these elaborations, the essentials of
the stave-construction technique
remained constant from the Viking
Age well into the medieval period:
the development of the method is

shown (above), from its origins in

earth-fast construction, through an
intermediate four-post and <

beam stage, to the final form in

which the entire structure is raised
above the ground.


Toward the end of the 10th century, perhaps around

970, the small town of Sigtuna was founded along a
northern branch of Lake Malaren in central Sweden.
Like Birka, which it succeeded, it was probably under
royal control. From its beginnings, Sigtuna was laid
out on a regular plan with a central street following
the lakeshore. Long, narrow tenements fronted the
street on both sides - possibly more than 100 of them
- with the king's residence occupying a site at the heart
of the town. From at least 995, King Olof Skot-
konung was issuing coins bearing the legend "God's
Sigtuna", and the site of the earliest mint in Sweden
has been excavated next to the royal residence.
Remains of goldsmiths' and other high-status craft
workshops have also been found here. Sigtuna was a
Christian town, and the probable sites of at least seven
churches have been identified, with a number of
cemeteries nearby. Many of the archaeological de-
Below The water level around
Sigtunawas 5 meters higher in the posits in Sigtuna are waterlogged, and preserve some
Viking Age than it is today,
late of the best Viking Age material in Sweden. Excava-
and occupation layers have been
tions near the royal enclosure have revealed four
located all along the early
shoreline. The spinal axis of the whole tenements, successively rebuilt in ten phases of
settlement survives today as Stora occupation from the 10th to 13th centuries. The street
gatan (Main Street); the former site
frontage was occupied by workshops and buildings
of the royal enclosure at its center
today beneath Sigtuna
lies with dwellings behind — sometimes up to five struc-
museum. The plan also shows the tures deep on one plot in the 1 1th century. The wealth
pagan mound burials and Christian
cemeteries surrounding the town,
of finds testifies to craftworking in metals, textiles,
and the distribution of churches. bone and antler and other materials.

11th-century settlement area

pagan cemeteries

Christian cemeteries
L church

I— "\| shoreline in 1000 AD (5m contour line)

L^'l I
present-day shoreline

• I

•+ -+


M ll//(L^
1 1 1 1 1
1 1

enclosure ol

royal residence
Like Maiaieri

XV ~'^
100 200 m
i / 300 600 It


ma's foreign contacts can

be seen in such rinds as this glazed
pottery egg. made in Kiev in the
earl\ 1th century. Eggs like this

seem to have been Christian

svmbols of the Resurrection, and
were distributed from Russia
throughout the eastern and
southern Baltic.

Right Naturalistic portraits are rare

in theYikmg Age. One of the most
famous is this caned head of a
warrior, made from elk antler and
found in the center of Sigtuna. His
conical helmet is decorated with
ring-and-dot patterns, and he
wears his hair neatly rolled at the
back of his neck. The long
mustache and carefully trimmed
beard were standard elements of
male fashion.

Below Together w ith the coin

inscriptions, the earliest mention of
Sigtuna's name comes from this
late 11th-century rune-stone, which
tells how a certain Sven brought a
female relative to the town.
favorable location for a center of royal power than an 11th centuries we know only that a Christian king,
isolated site in the middle of a lake, more suited to the Olof Skotkonung, was ruling in the west of the Ingvar's journey to the east
fragmented political structures of earlier centuries. country around 1000 and had set up Sweden's first One of the most ambitious
adventures of the entire Viking Age
Whatever the truth of the matter, Sigtuna is a special bishopric at Skara in 1014. A second, beleaguered
took place between 1036 and 1041
case. The many small trading settlements around the bishopric was established at Uppsala in the 1060s. when a young captain named
Baltic coast, at sites like Loddekopinge, Kopingsvik, There is no doubt that paganism was flourishing in Ingvar led a small fleet of ships
from central Sweden and headed
Paviken and Frojel, did not for the most part develop the plains of Uppland to the north even at the end of east down the great rivers of
into major urban centers. Exceptions are Visby on the 11th century. A certain king Svein seems to have Russia. What set this voyage apart
from other such forays was that
Gotland, which seems to have assumed Paviken's role led a pagan revival sometime after the reign of Olof, an
Ingvar and his followers seem to
in the 1 1th century, and the two towns of the western achievement commemorated in his nickname Blot- have traveled farther than others
Swedish lands at Lodose and Skara. Sven (blot meaning a pagan sacrifice). The great before or after them - not |ust to
Russia, Byzantium and the Caspian
In many respects, the political and religious or- pagan temple at Uppsala, perhaps the biggest cult Sea, but perhaps even deep into
ganization of Sweden in the later Viking Age is center in Scandinavia, described in horrified detail by Asia. An extraordinary series of
considerably more obscure than in the rest of Scan- Adam of Bremen in 1070, did not go out of use until runic memorial stones in central
Sweden records the deaths, far
dinavia. As already noted, our documentary sources around 1110, and it is likely that private pagan away, of many who took part in
are few, and are principally concerned with mis- worship continued for generations afterward. The the expedition. From the
distribution of the stones we can
sionary activity; the annals of western Europe pay church did not begin to extend its power fully in
learn much of the area covered by
little heed to events in eastern Scandinavia since they Sweden, always the wildest and most remote of the the ship levies that must have
had negligible effect in England or the Frankish Scandinavian lands, until after the Viking Age proper provided the crews for Ingvar's
and these raise the possibility
empire. We still know relatively little about the
was over. Virtually nothing is known of the early that the voyage was in fact an
growth of Swedish kingship and the process of Swedish churches. However, a few decorated wall organized military campaign of
conversion to Christianity. Ansgar's 9th-century mis- planks that survive from a handful of sites suggest that some kind. Icelandic sagas record
that Ingvar's |ourney ended in
sions to Sweden ended but in the almost
in failure, they were probably similar to the Norwegian stave- disaster, he and his men being
complete absence of written sources for the 10th and built structures. wiped out in the eastern wastes.

called, steersmen, ship's captains and

navigators; even Ingvar's brother Harald is com-
memorated on a stone put up by his grieving mother.
Ingvar was about 25 when he led his small fleet east in
1036, and later writers have preserved his nickname -
"the Far-Traveled".
Archaeologists have argued for years as to the
precise course of Ingvar's voyage, since the stones are
not specific and the only written source that mentions
the journey, a later medieval saga, is a fabulous story
full of monsters and beautiful princesses in which the

truth is hard to determine. It is likely, however, that

Ingvar followed the route to Byzantium, sailed around
the Black Sea and thence made his way overland to the
Caspian Sea. He may have gone farther, for it is clear
that his journey was thought so extraordinary as to
take on an almost mythical quality. The expedition
seems to have met with some terrible disaster in the
unknown lands of Asia, and few survivors returned to
the Malaren region to tell the tale. The stones erected
by the parents and friends of those who died, perhaps
put up many years later as the news of the catastrophe
filteredback to Sweden, serve both as a fitting tribute
to the Viking ideologyand as a memorial to a voyage
that was the equal and more of the great journeys of
the 9th and 10th centuries.

The final phase of Viking expansion

The emergence of Denmark and Norway as nation-
states in the first half of the 1 1th century set in motion
the final phase of Viking expansion against the west as
began to flex their political muscles and test
their kings
their a wider European stage. The first step
power on
in this processwas the renewal of the wars against
England. The Viking raids resumed again in 980, after
a lapse of nearly 30 years following the English
recovery of the Danelaw from its Scandinavian rulers
and the ousting of the last Viking king in York in 954.
The raids took the form of a double series of attacks
against the southern coast of England and against
north Wales. The latter were launched from the
Hiberno-Norse colonies in Ireland and around the
Irish Sea. They were probably not attempts at con-
quest, nor even a deliberate program of treasure-
hunting as has sometimes been claimed. It is much
more likely that the Irish-based Vikings had returned
to their practice of opportunistic seasonal looting,
which had been temporarily interrupted by the strong
Above A harpist plays, a smith The Ingvar stones leadership provided by the English king Edgar the
works at his anvil and a farmer Notwithstanding the dearth of conventional Peaceable (957—75). This resurgence of activity does
plows his fields with a team of
oxen. These scenes, in a manuscript documentary material, the hundreds of rune-inscribed perhaps lend some credence to the charge of weak
written about 1000 in Canterbury, stones, most of them dating from the 11th century, government made against /Ethelred II by the Anglo-
are intended to illustrate stories
from the Old Testament, but today
that dot the Swedish countryside in far greater Saxon Chronicle, though there is no doubt that the
provide us with glimpses of life in numbers than in any other part of Scandinavia are a source paints an excessively gloomy picture of his
England during the reign of unique source of evidence. Whether standing as reign. vEthelred's nickname of "the Unready" is a
-^ithelredII, at the time when the

Viking raids were being renewed

memorials to dead relatives, friends and comrades-in- mistranslation of the Old English unrced, which
with great ferocity. arms (often telling us as much if not more about those actually means "badly advised".
who commissioned the monuments than those they The attacks against England from the east were
commemorate) or acting as statements of land owner- clearly motivated by very different ambitions. We do
ship, deeds of inheritance and legal documents, they not know how far theDanish kings were involved in
contribute to our understanding of the ideas and the initial raids, but they began to take an active role in
attitudes current in late Viking Age Sweden and are the expeditions very soon after the resumption of the
almost our only contemporary source that comes from attacks in 980. As we have seen, by the later 10th
Scandinavia itself. century the supplies of silver rrom Russia and the
Among the most interesting of the inscriptions are Abbasid caliphate had dried up, and the new sources
those from a group of about 30 stones from central in Germany had only partially replaced them. Political
Sweden that celebrate a number of people who all died developments within Scandinavia, and the growing
together on a great expedition into the east led by a centralization of power, had begun to make the
captain called Ingvar. The Ingvar stones, as they are business of kingship very expensive - the high costs of
The renewal of Viking activity in

Between 980 and 1009 a new wave
of Scandinavian raids shook the
English kingdom, disrupting the
years of comparative calm and
expansion it had enioyed under
Edgar. During this renewed period
of fighting. Hiberno-N'orse raiders
attacked targets in the w est of

England and Wales, while in the

east and south massive fleets from
Scandinavia inflicted demoralizing
defeats on the English armies of
/tthelred II. After 1009 the attacks

took a graver turn as in a series of

campaigns the royal Danish fleets
of Svein Forkbeard and his son
Cnut waged all-out war in an
attempt to establish themselves
territorially in England.

Harald Bluetooth's ambitious programs of civil en- quite dramatically. The Viking fleets were large
and defensive works in Den-
gineering, road-building and operated under royal command as highly co-
mark have already been noted, and the royal military ordinated forces; in effect, as truly national armies. In
retinues also consumed large amounts of the new addition, a number of fleets led by disaffected royal
kingdom's wealth. claimants also took part in the raids. For example,
If the cost of kingship was too was the cost
rising, so Olaf Tryggvason, who became king of Norway in
of attempting to seize power. The would-be usurpers 995, led a fleet of 93 ships against the southeast of
and royal exiles who had been a prominent feature of England in 991. The English put up armed resistance
Viking politics since the early raids of the 9th century to the raids, but by the time of Tryggvason's campaign
would also have had a mounting need for money. they had decided to resume the policy of paying
These factors may go some way toward explaining the Danegelds in an attempt to stave off further attacks.
renewal of raiding in the later 10th and early 11th This followed their disastrous defeat at the hands of
centuries, for it is clear that those taking part had no the Danes at the battle of Maldon in Essex (their
interest in land-taking or conquest. The raids had one heroic but doomed defense is celebrated in one of the
objective only - the acquisition of as much portable most famous poems written in Old English).
wealth as possible. However, the payment of 4,500 kilograms (10,000
During the next ten years the raids intensified lbs) of silver to the Danes seems merely to have had the

effect of encouraging them to return in still greater men who had died fighting in England, and some
numbers, despite .Ethel red's desperate attempts to mention Danegelds. A stone from Yttergarde, for
mobilize the English. In 994 Olaf Tryggvason himself example, tells us that one Ulf was lucky enough to
was back, this time in alliance with Svein Forkbeard. receive three shares: "The first was the one that Tosti
Their enterprise was well rewarded with a payment of paid, then Thorkel paid, then Cnut paid." In addition
7,250 kilograms (16,000 lbs) of silver. to looting and extortion, some Scandinavians took a
The Danegelds continued, paid in escalating sums: third route to riches, for in 1012 and 1013a number of
11,800 kilograms (24,000 lbs) of silver in 1002, Vikings under Thorkel the Tall fought as mercenaries
16,000 kilograms (36,000 lbs) in 1007 and 22,000 on the English side.
kilograms (48,000 lbs) in 10 12. This was an enormous As the Scandinavians grew wealthy on England's
economic drain, and the increasing desperation of the silver, their horizons expanded accordingly and the
English government can be seen in the terrible order raids took on a further political dimension. Svein
given by ytthelred that all Danes living in England Forkbeard clearly began to conceive the idea of a
should be killed on St Brice's Day (13 November) full-scale conquest of England. Such a venture, if
1002; the reality of this command is confirmed by an successful, would have made him the most powerful
Oxford charter that refers to Danes seeking sanctuary king in Scandinavia. He does not seem to have
in a church. The archaeological record appears to participated personally in the campaigns of
confirm the uncertainty of these troubled times. A 1009-1012, but they were probably conducted on his
number of hoards dating to this period have been behalf, and in 1013 he returned to England himself
found in southeast England, suggesting that people with a massive fleet. The exhausted English were
were burying their wealth to preserve it from theft, unable to resist the onslaught and in 1013 Svein was
and there is a corresponding increase in the quantity of accepted as king by the people of the Danelaw; after
Below The causeway between English silver coinage found in Scandinavian hoards. /Ethelred escaped to France this recognition was
Northey Island and the mainland
coast of Essex near Maldon is More than 50,000 coins have been recovered in extended throughout England. However, yEthelred
covered at high tide. It was here, Gotland alone. was able to return in 1014, when the Atiglo-Saxon
during Olat Tryggvason's
campaign 991. that a Viking
It is clear that a number of the raiders came from Chronicle records the "happy event" of Svein's death.
force crossed to confront an Sweden, in contrast to the 9th-century attacks; this The last two years of ^Ethelred's reign were spent
English army under the leadership development would appear to be linked to the grow- fighting a losing war with Svein's son Cnut, who had
of Byrhtnoth. The massive defeat
inflicted on the English was to
ing centralization of the Russian state, which re- remained in the Danelaw with his army. On /Ethel-
prove a turning point in /£thelred's stricted the Swedes' scope for Viking operations in the red's death in 1016, his son Edmund put up a fierce
east. Several rune-stones from Sweden commemorate resistance to the Vikings, driving them back right

and monks as also of the associates and benefactors,

living and dead" of the New Minster at Winchester
shows Cnut and his wife Emma (^lfgyfu) presenting a
gold altar cross to the abbey. This is a rare portrait of a
Viking king. We see Cnut surrounded by angels; the
hand of God is pointing out his divine right of
kingship, but Cnut has kept one hand on his sword as

a reminder of the true source of his power.

Similar patronage was practiced in Denmark. Artis-
tic links clearly existed between the two countries.
One of Cnut's most significant introductions to Eng-
land was the Ringerike style then current in Denmark, Above Cnut the Great had coins
struck in his name on both
which was employed by English artists in new forms sides of the North Sea. This penny
such as manuscript illumination. A fragmentary bears the legend
gravestone that was found in St Paul's churchyard in + CNUTREXANGLORUM ("Cnut,
King of the English") and shows a
London in the 19th century provides one of the best crowned bust within a quatrefoil.
examples we have, in either England or Denmark, of Cnut set up a network of mints in
Denmark, which issued coins based
the style. A magnificent beast, originally painted in
on English Coins struck
red, white and black, strides across the stone, with a at Sigtuna, Sweden, that bear his
ribbon-like snake entwined around its legs. A runic name also follow English types.

inscription in Old Norse records that "Ginna and

Toki had this stone set up."
Cnut was drawn on a number of occasions into Left On becoming king of England
in 1016, Cnut married Emma of
fighting wars in Scandinavia and in 1026 was defeated Normandy (called /Elfgyfu by the
by an allied army of the Norwegian and Swedish kings English;, the widow of /Ethelred II.

Here the royal couple depicted

at the battle of the Holy River in Sweden. In 1028 he
is in

the Liber Vitae presenting an altar

took advantage of the quarrels between the cross to the New Minister in

Norwegian landowners and King Olaf Haraldsson to Winchester, blessed by Christ in

Ma|esty. By Cnut, Emma was the
foster direct revolt. Once again using English forces to
mother of Hardacnut, who
drive the king out, Cnut had himself proclaimed king succeeded for a short time to the
of Norway at Trondheim: Olaf Haraldsson was killed Danish and English thrones. Her
by /Ethelred was
eldest son
two years later at the battle of Stiklestad trying to Edward (the Confessor), who
regain his throne. Coins struck in Sigtuna that bear the became king of England in 1042.
inscription "Cnut, king of the Swedes" are an indica-
tion that his authority was also recognized in Sweden.
Cnut was present in Rome in 1027 at the coronation
of the emperor Conrad, when he was able to take his
place among the rulers of Europe, and on his death in

across the south of the country, and earning for

himself the nickname Ironside. However, he too died
later that same year and the English were left with no
choice but to accept Cnut as king. He immediately
divided up the country among his commanders. Cnut
and his Scandinavian successors were to rule England
for almost 30 years.

The empire of Cnut the Great

On Danish kingdom had passed to
Svein's death, the
Cnut's brother Harald while Cnut consolidated the
position of the Danes in England. When Harald died
in 1018, Cnut used English forces to wage a campaign
in Denmark to secure the throne for himself. Success-
ful in this goal by 1019, Cnut now ruled a greater
territory than any Viking before him, and he set about
forging an empire that would dominate the lands
around the North Sea. Most of his time was spent in
England, perhaps because this enhanced his prestige
and standing as a European ruler. To this end, too, and
to strengthen his support in England, he married
/Ethelred's widow and reissued jtthelred's legal code
under his own name. The minting of a common
coinage for England and Denmark emphasized the
merging of the two parts of his kingdom.
From his capital at Winchester in southern England
Cnut ruled as the model of a Christian monarch, and
made sure everyone knew it by lavishly supporting the
monasteries. A page from The Book of Life (Liber
Vitae), which contains "the names of all the brethren

claimed by Svein, son of Cnut's sister. Harald saw in

this situation an opportunity for himself, and formed
^ land ruled by Out. Oct 1016 an alliance with Svein against Magnus. On the latter's
death in 1047 Harald succeeded to the Norwegian
^ Nov 1016 throne and promptly turned on Svein. During the next
Dec 1018 20 years thousands were killed in countless battles as
Dec 1028 *°° both kings fought a vicious campaign of raids and
1 area under influence
counter-attacks, characterized by treachery and

I I of Cnut by 1030
revenge. Harald's famous banner Landeydan ("the
Landwaster") flew over much of Denmark, and even
Hedeby was burned. Nevertheless, the war ended in
stalemate and in 1064 the two rulers agreed to make
peace. By now Harald Hardradi was 50 years old, had
fought over most of the known world and had briefly
held power in every part of Scandinavia. In 1066 he
launched his final adventure - one that was to bring
the late Viking Age to a historical close, in spirit if not
in fact.
Edward had died without
the Confessor of England
an heir. Amid some
controversy Harold Godwinson,
who had been one of Edward's chief councillors, was
proclaimed king the next day. The news was greeted
eagerly in Norway, since Harald Hardradi saw an
opportunity to invade and claim England for himself
as the natural successor to Cnut's kingdom. He was
encouraged by Harold Godwinson's brother Tostig,
the former earl of Northumbria, who had been driven
The empire of Cnut the Great 1035 was justified in his claim to rule an empire that into exile from England the year before, and by the
In 1016, Cnut was ceded all of
extended over England, Denmark, Norway and earl of Orkney. Harald Hardradi revealed his great
central and northern England by
King Edmund Ironside. On the southern Sweden. military skills as a tactician by concealing his plans
latter'sdeath in the same year, As with many such enterprises built on personal from the English and gathering his forces in secret. In
Cnut became sole ruler of the
i country, and thereupon began a
ambition, however, Cnut's empire disintegrated on his the late summer, Harold Godwinson was taken com-
process of conquest and diplomacy death. His son, Hardacnut, who succeeded to both the pletely by surprise by the news that a Norwegian fleet
that was to make him the eventual
of 200 ships had sailed up the Humber estuary to land

English and the Danish thrones in 1040, did little to


ruler of a dominion spanning the

North Sea. In 1018 he succeeded to halt the decline.On his death at a drinking party in at Riccall on the river Ouse. It was soon joined by the
! the kingdom of Denmark, and his 1042, the English crown reverted to the old royal line
armies conquered Norway
1028; in
from around 1030 he also claimed
when Edward the Confessor, the only surviving son of
influence over much of Sweden. yEthelred II, was proclaimed king, having returned
There is no evidence that Cnut from 25 years in exile in Normandy.
believed himself to be the ruler of
an empire as such, though the term
is often used today to describe his Harald Hardradi and the invasion of England
possessions: he styled himself the
Almost the last episode in the story of direct Scan-
ruler of a number of separate

peoples. However, on his death he

dinavian involvement in England was precipitated by
commanded more territory than the death of Edward the Confessor in January 1066. It
any Viking before or after him, and
was instigated by Harald Sigurdarson, the king of
well-merited the name of Cnut the
Great that later generations of Norway who had fought his way to power with a
Scandinavians were to give him. savagery that had earned him the nickname Hardradi
— "the hard-ruler". Called "the thunder-bolt of the
north" by Adam of Bremen, Harald's career was one
Left This stone from St Paul's
of the most illustrious enjoyed by any Viking in the
churchyard in London once formed
part of a tomb. The decoration is 11th century, winning him a reputation that was the
one of the finest examples of the equal of that of Cnut; his pursuit of fame as an end in
Ringerike art-style anywhere in the
itself is vivid demonstration of the very clear idea that
Viking world. Who Ginna and
Toki, mentioned in the runic the later Viking kings had of their own mythology.
inscription, were is now unknown, The half-brother of Olaf Haraldsson, Harald had
but the tomb is believed to have
been erected during Cnut's reign.
been present at the battle of Stiklestad at the age of 15,
and had fled east to Sweden in the aftermath of Olaf s
Right The Vikings based in the death. From Sweden Harald journeyed to Russia,
Loire region of France ravaged
where he entered the service of Yaroslav of Kiev, but
Angers in the 9th century when St
Aubin was bishop: in this life of he soon ventured farther south to Byzantium to join
the saint, written about 1 100, they the emperor's Varangian guard. His many adventures
are depicted in their ship ready to
fighting in the emperor's service in the east were
attack. However, these warriors
are shown armed in the 1 1th- famous throughout the Viking world, but they came
century manner, with long mail- to an end in 1045 when he returned north to make a
shirts and kite-shaped shields of the
kind that were used by the
position for himself in
Normans at the battle of Hastings The death of Hardacnut in England had left a power
and are shown on the Bayeux
vacuum in Scandinavia. During his lifetime Harda-
tapestry. The artist has put the
steering-oar on the wrong side of cnut had granted sovereignty of his Danish territories
the ship! to the Norwegian king Magnus, but they were now

Left This scene from the Bayeux

tapestry shows Duke William in
council at Hastings after the
Norman landing at Pevensey on 28
September 1066. William - seated
between his half-brothers Bishop
Odo of Bayeux and Robert, Count
of Mortain - is holding his sword
with its point uppermost. The
tapestry, probably made for Bishop
Odo, is a unique record of the
events of the Conquest and a
valuable source of information
about the Norman descendants of
the Vikings, including their ships
and weapons.

fleets of Tostig and the earl of Orkney, making a the lucky survivors crossed the sea, Harold Godwin-
combined force of perhaps 300 ships and 9,000 son and the English army turned south, in response to
troops. Within a few days of landing, Harald Hard- the news that Harold had been dreading. Duke
radi's army had destroyed the Northumbrian militias William of Normandy had landed at Pevensey on the
at Gate Fulford. Hostages were taken from the people south coast of England, with a Norman army also
of nearby York and Harald settled to consolidate his intent on conquest.
hold on Northumbria before moving south. In mid-
September he encamped his army at Stamford Bridge, William of Normandy and the conquest of England
11 kilometers from his ships at Riccall and 12 While Harald Hardradi had been plotting his invasion
kilometers from York. in his capital at Trondheim, similar plans had been
Unknown to Harald, Harold Godwinson had be- laid in Duke William's stronghold at Falaise in
gun a desperate forced march north with as many Normandy. William had been born about 1027, the
troops as he could muster as soon as he heard of the illegitimate son of Duke Robert, the fourth in direct
Norwegians' landing. In only a few days his army was descent from the Viking Rollo who had been granted
at Tadcaster, just outside York. The Norwegians were Normandy in 911. William's father had died in 1035,
still unaware of his presence when on 15 September, and in the absence of a legitimate heir his childhood
after a march of 27 kilometers, the English army fell had been spent amid bitter political fighting that had
upon the Norwegians at Stamford Bridge. The first threatened to tear the duchy apart. On reaching
signal of their approachwas the glinting of the maturity, William had successfully asserted his right
morning sun on their weapons as they appeared on the to the succession and had stamped his authority on
horizon: "like the sun on a field of broken ice" was every aspect of Norman society. He campaigned
how a later Norse saga described it. At first Harald relentlessly against the Capetian kings of France on his
Hardradi tried to negotiate a truce in the old manner, borders, reorganizing the army and introducing the
promising not to fight if he were given the whole of the deployment of highly trained cavalry units so that by
north. Harold's answer has come down to us: "I will 1066 the Norman war-machine was probably unrivaled
grant vou seven feet of English ground, or as much in Europe. Like Cnut, William was a staunch patron of
more as you are taller than other men." the church. He built the magnificent abbey at
The battle was brutal, long and final. It was the Jumieges, among many other religious foundations,
biggest engagement on English soil since Brunanburh and at every rurn of events was anxious to show
in 937, and the two armies fought the whole day in himself a loyal servant of the pope in Rome. His
blazing sun. The Norwegian king called up rein- half-brother Odo was bishop of Bayeux.
forcements from the ships anchored at Riccall, who The dynasties of Normandy and England had been
ran the distance back in full armor. Despite their related by marriage in the reign of Cnut, and from this
efforts, the exhausted Norwegians were annihilated; alliance William derived a claim to the English throne.
Harald Hardradi, the last of the great Viking kings, He had taken the opportunity to press it even while
died leading a charge, an arrow in his throat. The Edward the Confessor was still alive. In about 1064
English pursued the fleeing Norwegians all night right Harold Godwinson had visited Normandy, where he
back to their ships at Riccall.So great was the had been the guest of Duke William. The circum-
slaughter that of the original 300 shiploads of in- stances of this meeting are now unclear - the most
vaders, only 24 were needed to carry the wounded likely explanation being that Harold was blown off
back to Norway. The dead were left on the battlefield, course by a storm on his way to Ireland. There is no
their bones remaining a landmark for generations. As doubt, however, that while he was there he was forced

to swear allegiance to William and agreed to support and were met with fierce resistance. Their horses
him after Edward's death. When William heard that slipped in the mud, and were driven
their infantry
Harold had assumed the throne himself, he was back by a rain of spears, rocks and sticks as the English
apparently so enraged that he threw his cloak over his threw anything at them that came to hand. The Breton
face and refused to speak. He immediately gave orders contingent of William's army broke and fled, taking
for the construction of a fleet to invade England, and many of the Norman troops with them. It looked as
was poised to do so by the beginning of September. though Harold had won two great victories in a
The same wind that had sped the Norwegian army fortnight. However, as the English levies left the ridge
across the North Sea to the Yorkshire coast kept the and streamed after them, William rallied his running
Norman ships confined to port in Dieppe on the north men and the Norman cavalry turned, cutting down
coast of France. By the time the fleet could set sail on half the English army in the valley floor.
27 September, Harald Hardradi was already dead at After this it was just As the English
a matter of time.
Stamford Bridge. Once across the Channel William's retreated back across the ridge, the royal guard
army made an unopposed landing and immediately set around Harold were packed so close together that the
about building a fortified base. From here they bodies could not fall as they were slain, said the
prepared to meet the English in battle for, unlike the Norman chroniclers. First Harold's two brothers were
Norwegians, William knew that Harold was coming. killed, and then Harold himself. Whether he was hit in
The English army marched from York to the south the eye by an arrow, as the rumor went after the battle,
coast, a distance of 400 kilometers, in nine days, we cannot be sure, but some Normans claimed that
unable to stop for reinforcements. The force num- William himself rode over the English shield-wall to
bered about 7,000 troops, a large proportion of them reach the king. The story of the battle is recounted in
peasant militias, and all of them exhausted from the many sources, English and Norman, but the most
battle of Stamford Bridge fought only a few days vivid record is depicted on the embroidery known as
before. William had about the same number of troops, the Bayeux tapestry. This was commissioned - prob-
but his forces included hundreds of archers and ably by Odo of Bayeux — from English needleworkers
companies of mounted knights. to commemorate the Norman triumph.
The two armies met on 14 October at a site on the After the victory at Hastings, William's army over-
edge of the modern village of Battle in Sussex, about ran the land northward with little resistance. On
14 kilometers from Hastings. The English army was Christmas Day 1066 he was crowned king of England
strung out along a ridge overlooking a marshy valley in Westminster Abbey in London, and thus he achiev-
where the Normans were stationed; at the center ed, as a fifth-generation Viking, what his ancestors in
Harold grouped his bodyguard around the dragon the north had failed to do for so long. The effects of the
standard of Wessex. At dawn the Normans advanced Norwegian disaster and the Norman conquest were

Right These 12th-century ivory

chessmen were carved in western
Norway, perhaps in Trondheim,
which was an important center for
the walrus-ivory trade. They
belong to the largest and most
important series of such piece-.
known from the Middle Ages,
comprising the remains of four
nearly complete sets. Their
discovery on the Isle of Lewis, in
the Outer Hebrides, highlights the
Western Isles of
fact that the
Scotland were still then politically
part of the kingdom of Norway.

wide-ranging. The losses at Stamford Bridge were so antler combs or soapstone vessels on many sites in
severe that no Norwegian king was able to mount any Scotland suggests that there was direct contact with
act of largescale aggression for more than a genera- Norway's developing towns and manufacturing
tion. Though a Danish fleet attempted to conquer the centers, and there can be little doubt that the
north of England in 1069 the Danish armies were Norwegian kings exercised a powerful political
similarly exhausted after 17 years of war with Hard- influence in their western colonies through the earls.
radi, and Swedish expansionist ambitions had been By the time of Earl Thorfinn in the 11th century the
neutralized in the same conflict. By 1098 Norway's earls had become important local leaders with wider
fortunes had recovered sufficiently for King Magnus territorial ambitions extending westward to the Irish
Barelegs to launch the last true Viking expedition in Sea. The Saga of the Orkney Islanders notes that in
the west, raiding around the Hebrides and the Isle of about 1037-39:
Man, and even fighting the Normans in Wales. But -
though Norwegian ships were still harrying the Irish Earl Thorfinn had his hands full with the men of the
coast as late as the 13th century - to all intents and Hebrides and the Irish, and he felt himself much in
purposes the Viking tradition in western Europe died need of help in the way of forces. ..Now early in the
with Harald the Hardradi at Stamford Bridge, and spring Earl Thorfinn sent a message to his kinsman
was finally laid to rest when his body was brought Earl Rognvald, asking him to go on a war-cruise with
home to Trondheim by his son in 1067. The arena of him, and to bring as many men as he could
power in northern Europe had shifted away from get... Thorfinn and Rognvald harried during the sum-
Scandinavia and the North Sea to the countries on mer round the coasts of the Hebrides and Ireland and
either side of the English Channel. far and wide round the coast of the west coast of
Scotland. Thorfinn laid the land under him wherever
The Late Norse legacy in Scotland he went.
The Scandinavian presence lasted much longer in
northwestern Britain than it did farther south. After the Saga of the Orkney Islanders that provides
It is

the initial period of raiding was ended in the isles of themost immediate documentary evidence we have of
Scotland and the northern mainland of Britain, the the Norse occupation of the islands in the 11th
Norse settlers put down deep roots that can still be century. Though the source needs to be treated with
traced today in place-name survivals and elements of the same caution as the other sagas, being written
the language: indeed, Norn - a regional variation of down after the events they describe, probably in
the Norwegian language — was spoken and under- Icelandic centers of learning, the Saga of the Orkney
stood in Orkney into the last century. Some local Islanders includes details that make it seem very likely
building styles, such as the use of birch bark in roof that usewas made of local informants. Only someone
construction, are also evidence of lasting Norse with first-hand knowledge of the hillsides around the
influence. Bu at Orphir, for example, could have provided the
As we have seen, the earldom of Orkney, Shetland accurate description it contains of that particular
and Caithness came into being at a very early date. The landscape. A collection of runic inscriptions that were
presence of distinctively Norwegian artifacts such as carved by Norsemen sheltering in the Neolithic


Left Aerial view of Freswick Links

on the northeast coast of mainland
Scotland where extensive evidence
has been found for occupation in
the Late Norse period, when
formed an

large-scale fishing

jiiflSiilflMff^-jjj important part of the local

economy. The area was one of
native Pictish settlement, but there
is nothing yet to indicate a

Scandinavian presence here in

Caithness during the early part of
the Viking Age.

Orphir on Orkney was one of the many high-status

Orkney during the Late
settlements held by the earls of
Norse period. A description is given in the Saga of the
Orkney Islanders of the residence Earl Paul Hakons-
son built there in the 12th century: "There was a great
drinking-hall with many huge vats of ale
. . . and in. . .
Below Orphir's round church is the Above An inscribed c.utk- rib
Belou Excavations have uncovered only circular medieval church in found in a midden at Orphir. The
the remains of a horizontal mill front of the hall, just a few paces away, stood a fine Scotland. Its design may have been runic inscription reads ". this . .

close to the site of the buildings church." Though a substantial range of buildings is based on the Church of the Holy bone was in ..." More informative
popularly identified as Paul Sepuleher in Jerusalem, following a are the thousands of cod bones and
popularly identified as the earl's hall (or Earl's Bu), it
Hakonsson's "drinking-hall" and visit to the Holy Land by Karl burnt grains of bere barley found
the round church. Farther away he belongs to many different periods. However, part of Hakon in the 12th century. It was in the midden, which gne us a

the mill pond, which may have the 12th-century church is still standing, and excava- demolished when a later
partially good idea of the diet ol Orphir's
been dammed in Norse times, and church - no longer standing- was Norse inhabitants.
the metal-working site, known as
tions have revealed a water mill and a large metal- built to its west, but a substantial
Lavacroon. working site from the Late Norse period. part of the rounded apse is intact.

100 200r

chambered tomb Maes Howe in Orkney brings us

at noted earlier, at many sites - for example at Birsay and
even closer to the men and women of the past. They Jarlshof — evidence of successive periods of
there is

tellof travelers and the seizure of treasure from the occupation, and the buildings from the 1 1th and 12th
burial mound, of winter weather and the need for centuries often overlie those of earlier Viking or even
shelter and comfort, of great loves left behind, afford- Pictish settlements. At Birsay, for example, the found-
ing us a human glimpse of these Scandinavian adven- ations of several subrectangular structures from a
turers with a yearning for home fires. number of periods of occupation are huddled around
A number of local power seem to have
centers a small 12th-century church. Sometimes, however -as
developed in the earldom during the 11th and 12th at Sandwick in Shetland - a site appears to have been
centuries, including Birsay (which Thorfinn made his occupied for the first time by the Scandinavians in the
permanent base) and Orphir on Orkney, Tuquoy on 11th or 12th century.
Westray, Westness on Rousay, Jarlshof on Shetland, Evidence of the way of life of these farmers and
and Freswick in Caithness. Excavations at these sites fishermen comes to us in a number of ways. A
have revealed a good deal of evidence about the nature horizontal mill, possibly used for grinding grain, has
of the Late Norse presence in Scotland. Many of the been excavated at Orphir, and pollen analysis carried
settlements are quite large and contain a number of out on several sites indicate that bere barley, oats and
buildings serving different economic functions (barns, flaxwere all grown as crops. Dense banks of fishbones
byres, kitchens, smithies as well as dwelling houses), and other debris found in middens excavated at
commonly constructed of coursed stonework. As Freswick show that there was largescale fishing.

Right The plan of the main site a!

Birsay shows the complex

Birsay multipenod grouping of structures
at the clill edge, with Norse
buildings superimposed on earlier
Pictish remains, in contrast to the
more simple outlines of the Norse
houses higher up the slope.

The small tidal island of the Brough of Birsay, which 12th-century church; a fine symbol stone, carved with
lies at northwest corner of the mainland of
the an eagle and three warriors — reputed to mark the
Orkney, has long been identified as a Norse site, for grave of three men - was found here. Higher up the
the Saga of the Orkney Islanders describes it as a slope the grass-covered stone foundations of several
major center of political and ecclesiastical power in clusters of Norse buildings are clearly visible. For
the 11th and 12th centuries. Excavation has shown practical purposes of drainage, these were aligned up
the Brough to have been an important site in the and down the slope; one settler who opted to build his
Pictish period also, when it was a manufacturing house across the slope may well have had cause to
center producing metalwork of a particularly high regret his decision. Isolated Pictish and Norse struc-
quality. Building remains from both periods are most tures have been identified in the rest of the island, and
Below Excavation of this simple concentrated on the landward, southern side of the several Norse burials and buildings have also been
clay and stone building found h\
itselfon a narrow tongue of land in
island. At the cliff edge, the Norse settlers built directly uncovered on the mainland facing the island. One of
the south of the Brough proved a on top of the Pictish settlement, utilizing stones from the most important of these, in the center of the
challenging task. Since it was built its structures, so that it is very difficult to distinguish modern village of Birsay, is a stone building over 1
in the 10th century, erosion has
helped to make its clifftop location
one building phase from the other. Pictish remains meter high in places and measuring at least 12 meters
extremely precarious. underlie the Norse buildings clustered around the in length.
Illr 1 All K VlklNC, A(.l- AND Al IrR

Below Ver) few artifacts have been Bottom The humpbacked shape oi
preserved in the claj soils ol thi- the Brought of Birsay at high tide. It

10 20 30m Brough, though traces ol soapstone is not certain whether the island
^-^ \ vessels, beads and clay molds have was completely detached from the
been found. These bone and other mainland in the Viking period, hut
pieces are distinctive: a Late Viking it clearl) afforded a good natural
comb, a pin, and a seal's tooth defensive site.

with rank characters.

ft, r-ff


Fishing weights, a wide variety of knives, spindle to have been involved in its construction. It is Above Around the year 1 150,

whorls and many other tools and articles of daily use according to the Saga of the
dedicated to St Magnus, the martyred Magnus
Orkney Islanders, "a very able
found on Late Norse settlements fill out the picture of Erlendsson, who was brought up in Orkney and man named Kolbein Hruga
a hard-working, subsistence economy. murdered on Egilsay about 1 1 17. He later became the farming on Wyre in Orkney ... had
a fine stone fort built there, a really
The life of these farming communities must fre- patron saint of Orkney. The fact that the cathedral
solid stronghold". Its remains,
quently have been disrupted by warfare and feuding. church of the Faeroe Islands, at Kirkjubour, is also known as Cubbie Roo's Castle, are
still to be seen there - a stone
There is evidence in the Late Norse period of a dedicated to St Magnus is indication of the enduring
tower, with domestic outhouses,
considerable increase in the use of defended set- strength of the ties between areas of Norse settlement within a rock-cut ditch -
tlements kastali such as Cubbie Roo's Castle in thewest and North Atlantic. Orkney and Shetland representing the earliest recorded
stone castle anywhere in Scotland.
Kolbein Hruga in the Saga of the Orkney Islanders) remained within the Scandinavian orbit of influence
on Wyre. These massive square, stone towers sur- for three centuries more, only becoming part of Northern Britain and Ireland in the

rounded by deep earthworks are very different from Scotland in 1468 when they were given away by the Late Norse period {right)
The earldom of Orkney, Shetland
the Iron Age brochs - circular drystone towers - that king of Denmark (to whom Norway and its posses- and Caithness (the Northern
are more widely found in northern Scotland and the sions had passed in 1397) as the dowry on the earldom; was under the authority
isles, but occupy similarly conspicuous hilltop posi- marriage of his daughter to James III of Scotland. of the kings of Norway in the Late
Norse period. Norway also laid
tions in the landscape. nominal claim to the Hebrides, but
The wealth and power of the Orkney earls is The Kingdom of Man and the Isles by the end of the 1 1th century
these had become absorbed into
reflected in the richness of their major ecclesiastical The attacks of Earl Thorfinn along the west coast of
the Kingdom of Man, whose
buildings. Considerable controversy surrounds the Scotland may well have reached as far as the Isle of influence also extended into
location of Thorfinn's minster at Birsay, mentioned in Man, though there is nothing in the documentary northern Ireland and parts of
northwest England. The Hebrides
the Saga of the Orkney Islanders: some people argue record to confirm this. Very little is known about
were divided into four groups for
that it was on the Brough of Birsay, others that it was political organization within Man until 1079 when administrative purposes, but in
156 Mull and Islay were taken
in the village of Birsay on the mainland by the modern Godred Crovan established his authority throughout 1

over by Argyll. By this time the

parish church. Much more solid and substantial are the island at the battle of Sky-hill, and founded a bishops of Man had accepted the
the remains of the round church at Orphir, and St dynasty of rulers in Man. He is credited with extend- authority of the archbishops of
Nidaros in Norway. Within a few
Magnus' cathedral at Kirkwall in Orkney. The ing the island's influence northward to the Hebrides,
years the Anglo-Norman invasion
resources needed to build these elaborate structures leading to the creation of the kingdom of Man and the of Ireland had brought an end to
and the distant influences that were brought to bear on Isles. At about time the diocese of Sodor and Man
this the Viking kingdom of Dublin and
the other Hiberno-N'orse towns. As
their construction suggests that Orkney had by this became established with its cathedral on St Patrick's the Norse presence in northwestern
time become a player on the European stage. While a Isle, the only sheltered harbor on the west coast of Britain and around the Irish Sea
was challenged and supplanted by
Scandinavian origin is possible for the round church at Man. When Nidaros (later Trondheim) became an
the growing strength of Scotland
Orphir. it has also been suggested that it was inspired archbishopric in 1152, Sodor and Man fell within its and England, the Norwegian
by the church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. This province and accepted its authority, thereby allying crown attempted to reassert its
authority over Man and the
became a popular model for churches in western itself to the Norwegian rather than the Scottish or
Hebrides, but its overwhelming
Europe after the city was captured from the Arabs by English church. Over the years St Patrick's Isle grew defeat by the Scots at Largs in
1263 ended ambitions
the army of the First Crusade in 1099, and suggests a into a major ecclesiastical center. its political
in the area. The Northern earldom
possible link with the crusading movement. In 1098 King Magnus Barelegs renewed Norway's remained in the Scandinavian orbit
The cathedral at Kirkwall is a magnificent claims to exercise political power in the Hebrides and until 1468.

Romanesque building that mirrors the architectural Irish Sea by leading an expedition to the west. Though
grandeur of the cathedral at Durham in northeast Magnus was ultimately unsuccessful, his warlike
England, and indeed masons from Durham are known progress through the isles is graphically described in a
1 1 11 1 All K VIKINC. A(.l AND Al UK

element in its at Tynwald on the Isle of

name suggests)
Man: would have been the most
these representatives
powerful members of Norse society. As the wealthiest
and most important island, Man sent 16 represen-
tatives, and each of the island groups in the Hebrides
sent four each, making another 16. However, in 1156,
after a descendant of Crovan, Godred II, was defeated
in a battle off the small island of Colonsay, the
southern groups of Mull and Islay were lost to
Somerled, the ruler of the Argyll coast on the Scottish
mainland. The number of representatives from the
Hebrides was therefore reduced to eight, making 24 in
all — still the number of representatives in the lower

house of the island's modern parliament, the House of

Keys. Directly descended from the Thing, it is a living
link with the island's Scandinavian past.
Challenged by the English presence in Ireland from
the 12th century and the growing strength of the
mainland kingdom of Scotland in the 13th century,
Norse influence in the Irish Sea area was coming to an
end. Norway's attempt to reimpose its authority over
the Hebrides and the surrounding area led to its defeat
by the Scots at the battle of Largs in 1263. Three years
later Norwegian interests in Man and the Isles were
formally purchased by the Scottish crown.

The Norse in Ireland

In Ireland, the growing weakness of the Dublin Norse
was confirmed by the battle of Clontarf in 1014 when
theirarmy, allied with Scandinavian forces from
Orkney, the Isle of Man, Iceland and Normandy, was
decisively defeated by the Irish led by Brian Boru, the
king of Munster and the then high king of Ireland. A
number of Irishmen from Leinster had fought along-
side the Dubliners, fearing the supremacy of Boru's
Munster kingdom. Though Boru — who was killed in
the fighting - has been- hailed by later writers as
Ireland's savior from the Norse, his death gave rise to a

Right The hilt of an Irish sword poem by his court-poet Bjorn Cripplehand in a
found, in its scabbard, in Lough
Derg, Co Tipperary: this
manner that recalls the Viking raids of old:

Anglo-Scandinavian in form, with

itscurved pommel and guard and The hungry battle-birds were filled
scalloped inner edges to the mounts
around its grip, though the nature
In Skye with blood of foemen killed,
of their fine inlaid decoration And wolves on Tiree's lonely shore
indicates Irish workmanship of Dyed red their hairy jaws in gore....
about 1100. Irish craftsmen of this
period had absorbed influences On Sanday's plain our shields they spy:
from the Ringerike and Urncs From Islay smoke rose heaven-high
styles of late Viking art.
Whirling up from the flashing blaze
The king's men o'er the island raise.
South of Kintyre the people fled
Scared by our swords in blood dyed red,
And our brave champion onward goes
To meet in Man the Norsemen's foes.

In the days of the kingdom of Man the Hebrides

were known as Sudreyjar (the Sudreys or Southern
Isles) to distinguish them from Nordreyjar (the Nord-
reys or Northern Isles) — Orkney and Shetland. For
administrative purposes the Sudreys were divided into
four groups centered on the islands of Islay, Mull,
Skye and Lewis. All the islands sent representatives to
the central parliament or Thing, which met (as the first


Thingvellir (meaning "parliament plain") in south- Thing in southwest Norway and then by the Thorsnes
west Iceland is the most famous of the many Thing Thing in Iceland, established his own Thing close to
sites, or places of public assembly, in the Viking world. the settlement he founded at Brattahlid in Greenland.
It was here that the Althing, the national assembly of Gardar, a short distance away, also had its own Thing
the Icelanders, met in the open air for two weeks every site. In northern Scotland, the names of Dingwall

summer: the site, about 48 kilometers east of Reyk- (Sutherland) aricl Tingwall (Orkney) testify to the
javik, was accessible to all the settlers, though many former presence of meeting places, and Tynwald, in
would have had to make a long journey on horseback the Isle of Man, is still the site where the Manx
to reach it. There was also a system of regional Things parliament meets, having retained its legal significance
that were under the authority of the godar, the local for over 1,000 years.
leaders. The godar also had an influential role in the The traditional date given for the founding of the
Althing: each godi would be expected to argue the Althing (930), however, enables Iceland to lay claim to
cases of the men from his area at the Althing, and in having the oldest national assembly in Europe, though
return could call upon their armed support in his feuds it has not enjoyed its powers without a break; it was

with other godar. abolished for a period during the 19th century and
The essential function of the Thing in Norse society later revived in response to the growing nationalist
as the placewhere all the free men in a region were able movement in Iceland. In the Viking period, the most
to meet, discuss issues and settle grievances is reflected momentous decision made by the Althing was that
in the way that the system was transported from the taken in about 1000, when - after a lengthy debate -
Scandinavian homelands to many parts of the Viking Christianity was recognized as the official religion in
world. Eric the Red, outlawed for murder by the Jseren the colonv.

BWonThis vivid reconstruction of legends, to Iceland. Collingwood period of dynastic turbulence and political infighting
a meeting of Iceland's Viking Age reproduced the topograph) ot the in which the Viking towns placed themselves in the
tanners .it the Althing .it sitewith painstaking accuracy, and
service of first one Irish king and then another. Their
Thingvelhr was painted bv the allthe details in the picture were
English artist \V. G. Collingwood based on thorough research, usefulness to the Irish lay in their fleets and their
in the early 1870s when he reflecting the state ot know ledge control of the seaways. Often they fought against each
accompanied William Morris, then current. The 1 awspeaker
author of a number of long verse stands on the rock in the center ot other. For example, the men of Dublin attacked and
based on the Norse the picture. burned Waterford in 1087, and an allied force from
Dublin, Wexford and Waterford made an unsuccess-
ful assault against Cork a year later.
Despite their growing involvement in the political
affairs of the Irish, and a degree of cultural integration
(reflected in the use of the Ringerike and Urnes styles
by Irish craftsmen) the Scandinavians remained dis-
tinct from the Irish population in a number of
significant ways. They retained their own language,
laws and customs and, furthermore, continued to live
and trade in the towns, while the Irish remained
unurbanized. After the Scandinavians had become
Christian, in the course of the 10th century, they did
not adopt the Irish form of ecclesiastical organization,
based on the monasteries, but sent priests (initially
Irish to judge by their names) to England to be
consecrated as bishops for the towns by the arch-
bishop of Canterbury.
In the 12th century the Anglo-Norman rulers of
England were beginning to show increasing interest in
the affairs of Ireland. They were encouraged by the
church authorities who were anxious to extend their
influence in Ireland and carry through reform of the
Irish church. The walled Viking towns were obvious
keypoints from which to launch an invasion, serving
as readymade fortresses and enabling supply routes to
be maintained with England. In 1169 an Anglo-
Norman force led by Richard de Clare (nicknamed
Strongbow) seized Waterford, Wexford and Dublin.
Led by Ansculf, the last king of Dublin, the Dublin
fleet escaped, but was defeated when it returned in
1171, augmented by allies from Man and the Isles -
the last time a Norse army fought in Ireland. Later that
year the English king Henry II held court in Dublin,
handing over the town for colonization by English
settlers. The Viking presence in Ireland disappeared,
to be replaced in the towns by the English. From then
on the history of Ireland lay in an entirely different

The end of Icelandic independence

For more than 200 years after its foundation the Norse
colony on Iceland thrived, proud of its independence
from the Norwegian homelands. By 1 100 the popula-
tion was between 70,000 and 80,000, a number not
exceeded until the beginning of the 20th century.
Government of the country was in the hands of the
Left The massive lava cliffs of
Thingvellir - one of the most
godar, the local leaders who were responsible for
spectacular and evocative sites in administering the law in their own districts. Through
the Norse world - today, viewed in
the role they had held in pagan society as religious
the opposite direction from that in
Collingwood's picture. The rock leaders and guardians of the local temples they were
(Logberg, or Law Rock) from able to retain ownership and control of the local
which the elected Lawspeaker
churches. In time, individual godar became very
presided over the proceedings of
the assembly is indicated by the powerful as more and more land was concentrated in
white staff. fewer hands. The Icelandic sagas relate the many
rivalries that sprang up between them, leading to
Right This T-shaped bronze crozier
head was found at Thingvellir. The damaging quarrels and feuds. This growing political
decoration is in the Urnes style, turmoil allowed the Norwegian kings greater oppor-
and it dates from a few generations
after the conversion to Christianity,
tunity to intervene in Iceland's affairs.
confirmed by the decision of the With the establishment of the archbishopric ot
Althing in about 1000.
Nidaros, the ecclesiastical authorities in Norway
increased their efforts to end the independence of the
Icelandic church. Ownership of church lands was.

removed t'rom the lay godar, and tithes (a church tax)

were levied. Iceland's small farmers were already
under mounting economic pressure. Overgrazing of
pastureland in parts of the island had brought prob-
lems of soil erosion and, coupled with the growing
severity of the climate, was reducing the amount of
land available for farming. Life was becoming increas-
ingly difficult for many in the colony.
The debate and uncertainty over the dating of
Mount Hekla's eruptions — once thought to have
caused the abandonment of many farms in the densely
populated Thjorsa valley at the end of the Viking Age
- have already been discussed in a previous chapter in
connection with the dating of the Stong farmhouse. As
noted there, recent studies of the valley's tephra
deposits suggest that the major eruption that was
responsible for making parts of the valley unin-
habitable did not take place until the beginning of the
13th century. Recent excavations of settlement sites in
the valley have corroborated these findings: in par-
ticular, the discovery- of distinctive artifacts such as
imported pottery and antler combs provide evidence
of Late Norse activity in this area. But it is likely that
the farmers here were facing increasing poverty, and
the demand for tithes may have hastened the demise of
many of them, as it did elsewhere in the island.
By 1238 Norwegian bishops occupied all the epis-
copal sees of Iceland, providing a solid platform of
support for the kings of Norway. Icelandic shipping
was already in the hands of Norwegian merchants
who imported all the goods on which the island
depended. Iceland's few remaining godar were unable
to resist the strength of Norway's demands any longer,
and one by one transferred their allegiance to King
Hakon IV 1204—63;, thus sealing the fate of the

Icelandic republic. Among those who wavered was established at Gardar in the Eastern Settlement about Above An episcopal seat was
established at Gardar, in the
Snorri Sturluson, one of the most learned of the many 1 125, and the great barns and byres that surround the
Eastern Settlement, following the
Icelandic scholars of the time and the author of the cathedral complex are evidence of the importance of consecration in Lund of a bishop

Prose Edda, among the greatest of Iceland's medieval the church in the life of the colony. These stored the for Greenland in about 1 125. A
flagged pathway led to the door of
works of literature. As a result of his hesitation, he was tithes — paid in the form of agricultural produce and the bishop's residence, which was
murdered at Reykholt in 1241. The extinguishing of walrus ivory - that the resident Norwegian bishop ad|acent to the cathedral, as well as
to his bvres and barns.
Icelandic independence was in stark contrast to the levied from his parishioners. The tiny colony on the
initial hopeful founding of the colony. very edge of the known world was thus incorporated
into the organizational structure of the Catholic
The collapse of the Greenland colony church. In 1260 Greenland followed the example of
Climatic deterioration had an even more catastrophic Iceland and formally submitted to the Norwegian
effect on the population of Late Norse Greenland than king, bringing a greater degree of interference into
it did in Iceland. We know that the colony in both the Greenland's affairs, and reinforcing its integral part in
Eastern and Western Settlements was active and Europe's trading and political networks. The central
flourishing well into the 13th century. A diocese was role played by the church is clearly visible in the

/ eft On the bare top of the island archaeological record. Apart from the cathedral com- areas between Greenland and North America for
oi Kingigtorssuaq, off the west
plex at Gardar, 17 churches are known in the Eastern some time after the abandonment of the Vinland
coast oi Greenland (at almost 73°
North), are the collapsed remains Settlement alone. Several of them were obviously colony. There certainly seems to have been a gradual
oi three small cairns, or piles ot finely constructed stone buildings, similar in structure expansion from the Western Settlement up the Green-
rock, erected by three 14th-century
Norsemen who behind
also left
to the churches that were built in Norway at the time. land coast to Disko Island and Upernavik, and the
them this runic inscription on a It is a Norwegian Greenland about
priest serving in recovery of items such as a number of small wooden
piece ot slate no more than 10
1350, Ivar Bardarson - the source of much of our figures in "European" dress, found on Baffin Island on
centimeters long. It ends with si\
cr\ptic runes that have never been
detailed knowledge about affairs in Greenland — who a Thule Eskimo site of the 13th century, suggests there
Satisfactorily interpreted, though it first tells us of the desertion of the Western Settlement was some form of contact across the Davis Strait. This
has been suggested that thev might
at this time. As climatic conditions intensified in is supported by a scattering of metal objects, including
indicate the vear. which could be
1333. severity with the onset of what meteorologists have a fragment of mail armor, that have been found in the
termed a "Little Ice Age", life had become untenable Canadian Arctic.
Below This caped hood ot woolen
cloth with its linpipe, or
for the settlers in this far northern outpost, already It is likely that such objects were acquired when the
exaggerated tail, was found living on the margins of existence. Excavation of a Inuit came into sporadic contact with the Norse on
wrapped around the teet ot a settlement site at Nipaitsoq in the Western Settlement, long-distance hunting trips rather than in the course of
skeleton in the churchyard at
Henolfsnes, in the Eastern
where occupation ended about 1350, gives us a vivid regular trading. With the deterioration in the climate
Settlement. Its distinctive design picture of the conditions under which it was abandon- these trips would obviously have become fewer and
shows that the Late Norse
ed: the last occupants had obviously hung on until the less enterprising. Nevertheless there is evidence that
Greenlanders were well aware of
the 14th-century European last cow and calf, and even the dogs too, had been the Norse were still venturing into the Nordrseta, the
fashions in dress - as they killed and eaten. northern hunting grounds of Greenland, as late as the
continued to be through the 15th
Before the worsening conditions and the increase in 14th century. A runic inscription found at Kingigtors-
century, despite their geographical
remoteness and increasing pack ice made such journeys dangerous it seems likely suaq, virtually at latitude 73° North, records that three
isolation. that a tenuous presence was maintained in the Arctic Norsemen were there at the end of April, presumably-
having overwintered at the site. It may be that
desperation had driven them this far north as the
struggle for survival forced them into direct competi-
tion with Inuit hunter-gatherers, who were themselves
moving farther south in search of food resources.
During the "Little Ice Age", Greenland experienced
a cooling of at least 2° Celsius. This would have had
the effect of extending the southern limit of the Arctic
pack and increasing the incidence of huge icebergs
in the seas around Greenland. As a result of these
hazards the European traders who worked the Atlan-
tic waters - by the 14th century they came mainly
from English ports rather than those of western
Norway or the Baltic - were persuaded to look
elsewhere for fur and ivory. The bishops appointed to
Gardar became increasingly reluctant to visit their
far-flung diocese. Isolated, short of essential supplies
of iron, timber and grain, the Greenland colony
gradually faded away. We know almost nothing about
its last, lingering years, or even when it finally came to
an end. A surviving scrap of information tells us that in
1406 a party of Icelanders was blown off course to
Greenland and remained there for four years (prob-
ably because of pack ice) before returning to Iceland.
After this the written record stutters to a close.
Archaeology provides a little more information. A
rare insight into the end of the Greenland colony
comes from the excavation of the graveyard and
buildings of Bjarni Herjolfsson's family farm at Her-
jolfsnes.Permafrost conditions have preserved the
burial clothes of its last inhabitants in an excellent

state. Some
items are worn and patched, but some of
the bodies were wearing the distinctive long, tapering
liripipehoods that were at the height of European
fashion in the 14th century. Much can be learnt from
comparing the woolen garments of the people buried
at Herjolfsnes with the clothing found on a near-
contemporary Inuit site at Qilakitsoq. The bodies here
were dressed in furs and hide. Thus the archaeological
record hints at one of the reasons why the Norse
settlement collapsed. It was
quite simply a question of
the survival of the Unlike the indigenous Inuit,

the Norse inhabitants of Greenland failed to adapt to

changing conditions and so the most remote of the
settlements in the west was finally extinguished,
bringing a lingering end to the world of the Vikings.
Abbasids An Arab dynasty of caliphs (rulers) burh Any ANGLO-SAXON fortification, but the Viking Age Denmark (now in Germany).
descended from al-Abbas, uncle of the Prophet term is more normally used for the defended Timbers in its construction have been dated by
Muhammad. It supplanted that of the settlements built by King Alfred and his TREE-RING DATING to about AD 737; recent
UMAYYADS in AD 749 and was based in successors against the Danes. research suggests they were replacement
Baghdad until 1258 when it was sacked by the Byzantine empire The eastern half of the timbers, and its first building phase may be
Mongols in 1258. Roman empire, based on Byzantium (later assumed to have been still earlier. The total
Althing The national assembly of Icelanders Constantinople, now Istanbul), an ancient length of its various ramparts is about
who met annually, for two weeks, in the open Greek settlement on the European side of the 30 kilometers.
air at Thingvellir. Bosporus. It was inaugurated in AD 330 by the dendrochronology: see TREE-RING DATING
Angles A GERMANIC people from the Danish Emperor Constantine and survived the collapse drottkvsett ("court meter") An elaborate verse
peninsula of Jutland who, with the Saxons, of the Western empire until overrun by the form much used by the skalds, the professional
formed the majority of the settlers who came to Ottoman Turks in 1453. The Eastern Christian poets of Viking Age Scandinavia.
Britain in the 5th century AD, following the empire preserved much of Greek and Roman
Roman withdrawal. They gave their name to culture, whilst introducing eastern ideas to the ealdorman An ANGLO-SAXON noble or man of
England, its people and their language. high rank who was an administrative official.
Anglo-Saxon A general term describing the earl An English title of nobility (eorl), derived
majority of the GERMANIC settlers in Britain, Carbon-14 (or radiocarbon) dating Carbon- 14 in the Viking Age from the Old NORSE jarl, a
derived from the two main groups who isa radioactive isotope produced in the royal official or an under-king.
migrated from the European continent - the atmosphere that is continuously being absorbed Edda The name of two collections of Old
Angles and the Saxons. It is most often used by all living things, but when a plant or animal NORSE literature: the Elder (or Poetic) Edda
chronologically, for the period from the first dies its intake ceases and the carbon-14 steadily consists of early poetry on mythological and
Germanic invasions in the 5th century AD until declines according to a known rate. It is heroic themes, some of Viking Age date,
the Norman Conquest in 1066, but also for the possible to measure the remnant carbon-14 in whereas the Prose (or Younger) Edda is a
language of the Anglo-Saxons in England (also organic matter such as wood and bone and handbook for aspiring poets assembled by the
known Old English).
as thus calculate how long ago death took place. Icelandic poet and historian Snorri Sturluson,
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle A compilation of There are uncertainties involved in making such perhaps in the 1220s.
annals (or yearly entries of events), begun measurements and thus radiocarbon dates are
during the reign of King Alfred the Great quoted with a plus-or-minus factor or probable filigree A
technique for decorating gold and
(871-99) and continued thereafter, that error that limits their use in the medieval silver jewelry with fine wires, both plain and
provides the major historical source for Viking period. beaded, which are soldered to the surface of the
military activity in England. Carolingians The ruling dynasty that replaced ornament - often used in combination with
Anglo-Scandinavian A term used following the the Merovingians when Pepin II became king of GRANULATION.
9th-century Scandinavian settlement in England the FRANKS in AD 751. The Carolingian Five Boroughs The territory of the Five
of the resultant cultural mixture (eg. Anglo- empire, which was the creation of Charlemagne Boroughs (Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby,
Scandinavian art). (or Charles the Great), king of the Franks Leicester and Stamford) comprised the central
Asgard The stronghold of the gods in NORSE (771-814) and Emperor of the West (800-14), part of the DANELAW area of England.
mythology. included much of the former territory of the Franks A GERMANIC tribe originally settled to
/£s/> A race of NORSE gods that includes both Western Roman empire, stretching from the who expanded west from
the east of the Rhine,
Odin and Thor. North Sea to Italy; it was divided into three AD. The Frankish
the later 3rd century
parts in 843, but soon fell apart. In general kingdom was increased in size by Clovis
bere (or bear) The original English name for cultural terms, "Carolingian" is used for the (481-511) to occupy much of Roman Gaul,
barley, retained for 6- or 4-row barley (the period c. 750—c. 900 in western Europe. but reached its greatest extent under
number of vertical rows of grains up the ear), Celt/Celtic Term used in language studies for a Charlemagne (see CAROLINGIANS). They gave
which is coarser and hardier than ordinary once widespread group of Indo-European their name to Frankia, and thus to France.
2-row barley and was thus better suited for languages, including in northwestern Europe Frisians The inhabitants of
the North Sea
growing in the north. both Irish and Scots Gaelic, as well as Welsh, and islands between the
coastal plain
Black Earth An area of distinctive soil Manx, Cornish and Breton — hence of the Rhineland and the Elbe (Frisia), who were
coloration resulting from intensive human peoples speaking these languages, their art and renowned merchants in the 8th century AD.
settlement activity, as at the Viking town of culture. Their important trading center at Dorestad
Birka in Sweden. crannog An artificial island for a wooden house became a target for Viking raids. Frisia was
bog sacrifice Name given to human bodies, built in or beside a lake, in Ireland and absorbed into the Frankish kingdom, its
animals and artifacts, chiefly weapons, found Scotland; they have prehistoric origins, but conquest being completed by Charlemagne.
deliberately deposited in peat bogs and other were also in use in the medieval period, hithark The runic alphabet, so named from its

watery places, most notably in Denmark, but crozier The crook or pastoral staff of a bishop first six symbols.

also elsewhere in northwestern Europe. or abbot.

bracteate A disk-shaped pendant of thin metal, Germanic The Germanic languages form one
resembling a coin or medal. Danegeld Tribute paid to the Danish invaders branch of Indo-European (see also CELTIC and
broch A circular tower-like building of by their victims in western Europe, especially SLAVIC), comprising two main groups: the
dry-stone, found in northern and western England, to buy off further attacks. Scandinavian languages of northern Europe,
Scotland, including the islands, that originated Danelaw The name that came to be given to and - in western Europe - German, Frisian,
in the mid 1st millennium BC. Most brochs, that part of England settled by the Danes in the Dutch and English. The term is extended to the
however, seem to date from around the late 9th century AD, following its partition in peoples speaking these languages, and to their
beginning of the Christian era. the 880s by Alfred and Guthrum, which was art and culture.
Bronze Age The period in the Old World thus affected by Danish custom and culture. godi (pi. godar) An Old NORSE word originally

during which bronze (an. alloy of copper and The maximum area of Danish dominance meaning a pagan "priest", but as Viking Age
tin) provided the main material for the consisted of the area to the north and east of priests were secular leaders, it seems also to
manufacture of tools and weapons. The dates Watling Street, the Roman road that ran from have been a title of rank.
for the Bronze Age vary from area to area, but London to Chester. granulation A
technique of decorating gold and
for Europe in general it conventionally Danevirke A multiperiod series of earthen silver jewelry by soldering small spheres
comprises the period from about 2000—700 ramparts that cut across the base of the Jutland (granules) of metal onto it, often in conjunction
BC. peninsula, forming the southern boundary of with FILIGREE.
Great Army The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle the case of the ALTHING, Iceland's national funerary chamber; they are generally covered
describes the Danish armies of 865 and 871 as assembly, it is known that the Lawspeaker was with round barrows (mounds),
"great"; the latter eventually settled in an elected official who held his paid office for patrice A jeweler's die with a raised pattern
Norrhumbria, Mercia and East Anglia three years in the first instance. used to impress either a gold or silver foil
(876-80), resulting in the establishment of long-branch One of the two main versions of before embellishment with FILIGREE, or a clay
what became known as the DANELAW, the Scandinavian runic alphabet (cf. mold for casting ornamental metalwork.
"gripping beast" A stylized animal-motif with SHORT-TWIG) used during the Viking Age; pattern-welding A technique particularly used
gripping paws that was popular in the Oseberg sometimes called Danish RUNES. by swordsmiths for producing blades that were
and Borre Viking art;
styles of its origins lie in longhouse This term is properly applied to an both strong and decorative. Strips of metal of
the 8th-century Broa style. oblong building incorporating a dwelling and a varying hardness and color (sometimes twisted)
byre under the same roof, the two halves were welded together and hammered out so as
hacksilver The fragments of ornaments and generally being separated by a cross-passage. to produce a blade with a patterned
ingots that form a major part of many Viking The byre was for housing cattle during the appearance. The finest examples have been
silver HOARDS, having been deliberately cut up winter, while providing warmth for the human attributed to FRANKISH workshops,
inorder to be weighed out for the purpose of inhabitants. penannular Almost annular (ie. a not fully
making payments, before the use of coins as longphort The term used 9th-century Ireland
in complete ring); in the Viking Age the term is
counted money. for the first winter-bases of the Vikings, which used of a type of brooch that has a gap in its
Hiberno-Norse A term used following the 9th- took the form of shore forts for the protection hoop through which the pin is passed to fix it
century Scandinavian settlement in Ireland of of their ships. in place, as also in connection with
the resultant cultural mixture {Hibernia being RING-MONEY.
the Latin name for Ireland). Migration Period The period of large-scale Picts The native inhabitants of Scotland, north
hnefatafl The Old NORSE name for a movement of peoples during the 5th and 6th of a line between the Forth and the Clyde, who
board-game played throughout Scandinavia centuries AD (including the ANGLO-SAXON are first mentioned in Roman sources in the late
during the Viking Age; the rules are not settlement of England). These are associated 3rd century AD (as the Picti), though they must
recorded, but it was a form of wargame, with the collapse of the Roman empire, though have been well established before this date. In
requiring skill, for two players. the GERMANIC migrations had in fact started the mid 9th century they were absorbed by the
hoard The term used for any collection of earlier. SCOTS who had migrated from Ireland into
objects buried usually at one time, whether as a western Scotland during the 5th century AD.
votive offering (cf. BOG SACRIFICE) or for safety Neolithic Meaning the New Stone Age, the picture-stone The term used for the unique
at a time of threat (as was the case with most term used for the period following the series of engraved memorial stones (bildstenar)
Viking silver hoards). The deposition dates of Mesolithic that was marked by the introduction that were raised on the Baltic island of Gotland
hoards containing coins can normally be of a farming economy, with the use of ground between the 5th and the 1 1th centuries AD.
estimated from them and thus hoards form a and polished stone tools, as well as of pottery. portage The overland transport of ships
particularly useful source of evidence for both It iswidely used, but refers to different periods between navigable waters,
commercial and military activity during the in different areas (beginning c.4000 BC in posthole The pit dug into the ground to hold
Viking Age. southern Scandinavia). the base of a timber post. After the post has
hogback A form of house-shaped tombstone, Nordreyar The Old NORSE name (meaning the rotted away, the posthole is archaeologically
with a curved ridge, which originated in the North Isles) applied to the Orkneys and recognizable from the shadow of the rotted
areas of Scandinavian settlement in northern Shetlands - the Northern Isles of Scotland. wood, surrounded by its associated packing
England in the 10th century. Nordrseta (anglicized as Nordsetur) The material. A pattern of postholes may provide
Northern Encampments, or hunting grounds, the only evidence for the size and shape of
inhumation The practice of burying the dead - to the north of the Western Settlement in houses and other wooden structures. The
as opposed to the cremation or exposure of a Greenland, where the Greenlanders went for American term for posthole is "postmold".
corpse. seals, caribou and polar bears, and for the ivory
interlace Ornament that consists of twisted and tusks of walrus and narwhal. Ragnarok In NORSE mythology, the final day
plaited ribbons forming geometric patterns, or Norse The Viking Age language of Scandinavia when and
the gods will be defeated by monsters
of intertwined strands extending from animal is loosely known as Old Norse and so this term giants and the world consumed by fire.
and plant motifs. has become widely applied, though strictly reliquary The container in which the relics of a
Iron Age The period during which iron formed speaking it refers to Norway. However, saint or other holy person are kept.
the main material for making tools and differences did exist: West Norse was spoken in ring-money Plain silver arm-rings, PENANNULAR
weapons (following on from the BRONZE AGE). Norway (and Iceland), and East Norse in in form, used by weight as a form of currency.
In Europe this began during the earlier 1st Denmark and Sweden, with further differences Romanesque The term (suggesting a link with
millennium BC and is generally taken to end developing between the latter during the Viking the Roman style) used since the 19th century
with the expansion of the Romans, although period. for the style of architecture and art that was at
outside the empire (as in Scandinavia) the term itsheight during the 12th century,
continues to be used until the MIGRATION ogham A writing system invented by the Irish runes The characters of a GERMANIC script
PERIOD of the 5th and 6th centuries AD, or about the 4th century AD, but later used also consisting of straight lines designed for incising
even later. by the PICTS. The
letters consist of groups of into wood or stone.
parallel straight lines cut toand across a base rune-stone A stone incised with an inscription
jarl: see EARL line — (and Wales) usually the vertical
in Ireland in RUNES.
corner of a stone monument. Rus The name given to the Scandinavians who
keeill A small chapel on the Isle of Man. There ventured and settled in the east — and the origin
are over 170; the majority appear to date to the papar The name given to the Irish Christian of Russia (the land of the Rus).
period of the NORSE adoption of Christianity hermits living in Iceland when the Vikings
(from the mid 10th century onwards). arrived, which survives there
such in saga The name given to medieval Icelandic or
place-names as Papey, but also on the Faeroe Scandinavian prose narratives, both fact and
landnam The Old NORSE term for land-taking Islands, theOrkneys and Shetlands. fiction, including stories of life in the \ iking
or settlement. passage grave One of the main categories of Age.
Lawspeaker The Scandinavian regional THING megalithic tomb (made of large stone slabs) sceat(pi. sceattas) A small silver coin minted in

(assembly) seems to have been presided over by found in prehistoric Europe in which there is a southern England and in Frisia during the 8th
an office-bearer known as the "lawspeaker". In separate entrance passage leading up to the century AD, originating in the late 7th.
Scots A people ,the Scotti, from northeast god Odin where lived an army of heroes killed
Ireland who established themselves in western in battle, ready to defend the gods at
Scotland in the 5th century AD, at the expense RAGNAROK.
of the PICTS, forming the kingdom of Dalriada. valkyrie The war-maidens of NORSE myth who
In the mid 9th century they absorbed the conducted dead heroes from the battlefield to
kingdom of the PICTS and hence gave their VALHOLL.
name to Scotland. Vanir A group of NORSE gods - the deities of
shieling A summer pasture to which livestock wealth, fertility and physical delight: Niord and
are driven - and the associated huts or his son and daughter Freyr and Freyia.
temporary accommodation for seasonal use. Varangian guard The Scandinavian bodyguard
short-twig One of the two main versions of the of the later BYZANTINE emperors.
Scandinavian runic alphabet cf. LONG-BRANCH Vendel Period A term applied to the 7th and
in use during the Viking Age; sometimes called 8th centuries AD in Scandinavia, being the last
Swedo-Xorwegian or common RUNES. phase of the IRON AGE before the Viking Age; it
skald The Old NORSE word for a poet; skalds takes its name from a site in central Sweden
were professional court poets who composed with rich burials.
and recited complex poetry from memory Viking The Old NORSE term often used in
during the Viking Age. general of the peoples of Scandinavia — and of
Slavs The peoples of central and eastern Europe Scandinavian origin — during the Viking Age,
speaking the Slavic group of Indo-European but Vikingr strictly meant a seaborne raider or
languages, who emerged in the 1st millennium pirate.
AD. Viking Age The period of Scandinavian historv
Stamford ware An ANGLO-SAXON potterv from the 9th to 1 1th centuries AD that begins
industry centered around Stamford in with the first Viking raids on western Europe at
Lincolnshire that produced well-made glazed the end of the 8th century.
ceramics. They were much in demand in the Vinland The Old norse name, \ inland
9th to 13th centuries and were sometimes (meaning Wineland), given to the region of
traded abroad. North America where the Norsemen are said to
stave church A church built of wooden sta\e^. have found grapes and wheat growing wild.
consisting of split logs either set directly into
the ground or into a wooden sill (horizontal wattle-and-daub Intertwined boughs (wattle)
beam . plastered with clay or mud (daub) used as
stone setting A setting of stones marking out a walling material.
grave, known in various shapes, including whorl A circular object with a central
ships. perforation used to weight the end of a spindle
Sudreyjar The NORSE name meaning the South
i and act as a fly wheel, giving momentum to its

Isles) given to the Hebrides - the Western Isles rotation while spinning thread.
of Scotland - as seen from Norway. It survives
in the name of the bishopric of Sodor and Man.
Svear The people of central Sweden who were
to give their name to the country. Little is
known about their political history in the
Viking Age.

tephra Solid material ejected during a volcanic

tessera? The small pieces of glass (or marble,
of which a mosaic is made.
Thing The Old NORSE term for an assembly
(see also ALTHING).
tree-ring dating (dendrochronology) The age of
trees can be calculated by counting their annual
growth which vary in size according to
the weather. These variations allow correlation
of the tree-ring patterns between old trees, dead
trees and timber from archaeological sites so
that a continuous sequence can be built up.
Under ideal conditions of timber preservation,
ithas become possible to date precisely wooden
structures from the Viking Age.
trepanning The surgical removal of a small
piece of bone from the skull.

Umayyads The first dynasty of Arab leaders

(caliphs^, descended from a Meccan merchant

who had submitted to the Prophet Muhammad.
The Umayyads seized power in the 7th century
AD, but were supplanted bv the ABBASIDS in

Valholl The great hall in ASGARD of the NORSE

The first section of this list consists of general T. Sjevold,The Iron Age Settlement of Arctic H. Clarke and B. Ambrosiani, Towns in the
works, in English, covering most aspects of the Norway, vo\.l,Tromso, 1962. Viktng Age, Leicester, 1991.
Viking Age in Scandinavia and overseas. Many ot M. Stenberger, Sweden, London, New York, W. Duczko, Birka V: The Filigree and
these books have extensive bibliographies that will 1963. Granulation Work of the Viking Period,
guide the reader to such works in other languages, M. Stenberger and O. Klindt-Jensen, Vallhay,ar: A Stockholm, 1985.
as well as to specialist studies. lt is worth noting
Migration Period Settlement on Gotland, Sweden, E. Fridstram, "The Viking Age woodcarvers: their
that it is common
academic publications in the
for Stockholm, 1955. tools and techniques", Universitetets
Scandinavian languages to be accompanied by Oldsaksamltngs Skrifter 5, Oslo, 1985.
summaries in English or German.) Subsequent Daily Life and State Formation in Viking Age B. Hardh, "Trade and money in Scandinavia in
sections consist of selected suggestions for further Scandinavia: Chapters Three, Four and Eleven the Viking Age", Meddelanden frdn Lunds
reading on particular themes and individual P. Anker, The Art of Scandinavia, vol. 1, London, Universitets Historiska Museum, 1977-78.
topics; this has also been restricted, for the most New York, 1970. A. E. Herteig et al, Archaeological Contributions
pan, to works in English. J. Brondsted, "Danish inhumation graves of the to the Flarly History of Urban Communities in
Viking Age", Acta Archaeologica 7, Copenhagen, Norway, Oslo, 1975.
The Vikings: general works 1936. S.Jensen, The Vikings of Ribe, Ribe, 1991.
B. Almgren et al, The Viktng, Gothenburg, 1967. A. Bugge, Norwegian Stave-churches, Oslo, 1953. S.O. Lindquist (ed), Society and Trade in the
H. Arbman, The Vikings, London, 1961, rev. G. Bugge, Stave-churches in Norway, Oslo, 1983. Baltic during the Viking Age, Visby, 1985.
1962; Boulder, 1961. O. Crumlin-Pedersen (ed), Aspects of Maritime N. Lund (ed), Two Voyagers at the Court of King
P. G. Foote and D. M. Wilson, The Viking Scandinavia AD 200-1200, Roskilde, 1990. Alfred, York, 1984.
Achievement, London, 1970, rev. 1980; New O. Crumlin-Pedersen and M. Winner (eds), Sailing H. B. Madsen, "Metalcasting: techniques,
York, 1970. into the Past, Roskilde, 1986. production and workshops", Ribe Excavations
J. Graham-Campbell, Viking Artefacts: A Select A.-S. Graslund, Birka IV: The Burial Customs. A 1970-76 (ed M. Bencard), Esbjerg, 1984.
Catalogue, London, 1980. Study of the Graves on Bjorko, Stockholm, D. M. Wilson and O. Klindt-Jensen, Viking
J. Graham-Campbell, The Viking World, London, 1980. Art, London, Ithaca, 1966; Minneapolis, rev.
1980, rev. 1989; New Haven, New York, 1980. K. Krogh, "The royal Viking-age monuments of 1980.
J. Graham-Campbell and D. Kidd, The Vikings, Jelling in the light of recent archaeological
London, New York, 1980. investigations: a preliminary report", Acta Learning and Religion: Chapter Six
J. Jesch, Women in the Viking Age, Woodbridge, Archaeologica 53, Copenhagen, 1982. W. H. Auden and P. B. Taylor (trans), Norse
1991. E. Nylen and J. P. Lamm, Stones, Ships and Poems, London, 1981.
G. Jones, A History of the Vikings, Oxford, Symbols: The Picture Stones of Gotland from the C. J. Clover and J. Lindow, Old-Norse Icelandic
New York, 1968, rev. 1984. Viking Age and Before, Stockholm, 1988. Literature: A Critical Guide, Ithaca, 1985.
M. Magnusson, Vikings!, London, 1980. O. Olsen and O. Crumlin-Pedersen, Five Viking H. R. Ellis-Davidson, Gods and Myths of
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Abbreviations t = top,tl = top left, tr = top La Necropole de Vendel by H. Stolpe and 65 br Hnefatafl board: National Museum of
right, c = center, b = bottom etc. T.J. Arne, Stockholm 1927 Ireland, Dublin
36 Replica ship: TS 66 Artwork by the Maltings Partnership
Key 37 Figurine, amber, Viking Age, Feddet, East 67 t Penannular brooch, Danish: NMC
IoA Institute of Archaeology, London University; S]xlland (NMC): WFA 67 c Brooch fastenings: IoA/UOO
NMC National Museum of Denmark, 38 Myklebostad mount, copper alloy, enamel, 67 bl Shoes: Kulturen, Lund
Copenhagen; NMC2 National Museum of millefiori, Norway, 8th-9th century, 67 r Artwork by the Maltings Partnership
Denmark, Greenland Secretariat; RIKS Hiberno-Saxon: Historisk Museum, Bergen 68 t Birka cemetery: Prof. James Graham-
Riksantikvarieambetet, Stockholm; SHM Statens (photo Ann Mari Olsen) Campbell
Historisk Museum, Stockholm; TS Ted Spiegel; 39 Helmet, swords and shield: UOO (photo 70-71 Ship settings at Lindholm Hoje: TS
UOO Universitetets Oldsaksamling, Oslo; WFA Kojan og Krogvold) 72 Road at Risby: IoA/Moguns Schou Jorgenson,
Werner Forman Archive, London; YAT York 40 Gotland picture-stone, detail of ship: TS Copenhagen
Archaeological Trust 41 Sven Forkbeard coin: NMC 73 Sledge from the Oseberg burial, Norway, 9th
41 bl Artwork by John Fuller century: UOO
Endpapers: reconstruction of Oseberg tapestry: 42 tr Excavation at Oseberg: UOO 74 Skates: Kulturen, Lund
UOO 42 cl Oseberg buckets: Museum of National 74—75 b Stirrups, iron with copper and silver
Antiquities, Oslo inlay, Langeland: NMC
2—6 Artwork by Marion Cox, freely adapted from 42 b Oseberg wagon: Viking Ship Museum, 76 bl Gokstad ship: Ancient Art and Architecture
Viking decorative motifs. Bygdoy/UOO Collection/L. Ellison
8-9 Artwork by John Fuller 43 t Oseberg bed: UOO 76—77 Artwork by the Maltings Partnership
11 Horsehead ornament, Bronze Age, Jutland 43 b Tapestry (UOO): Knudsens Fotosenter, 78 Amber on Jutland beach: TS
(NMC): WFA Oslo 79 The Folhagen hoard, silver, gold, Gotland, end
12 Winter landscape, Harvedalen: Jan 44—45 Borg, Lofoten: Sigrid Christie, Oslo of 10th century: SHM/Kungliga Myntkabinettet,
Rietz/Tiofoto,Stockholm 46 bl Drum-shaped brooch, bronze with gilding, Stockholm
14—15 Norwegian fjord: Zefa, London silver, gold and niello, Mzrtens, Gotland, 11th 80 Artwork by the Maltings Partnership
16 Bear: Ragnar Andersson/Tiofoto, Stockholm century: SHM 81 t Aerial view of Hedeby site: Archaologisches
17 Lake Silvian at Mora, Sweden: B. C. & 46 br Paviken reconstruction: from Gutar och Landesmuseum, Schleswig
Alexander, Dorset Vikingar ed. by Ingmar Jansson, from Historia i 81 cr Hedeby coins: Frances Lincoln Publishers,
18 Danish coast: Knudsens fotosenter, Oslo Fickformat series, 1982: SHM London
18-19 Finland: Zefa 47 t Hoard of jewelery from Burge I, Gotland: 82-83 t Ribe from the east: Den Antikvariske
20-21 View of Andoya, Lofoten: Bildhuset/Per SHM Samling, Ribe, Denmark
Klaesson 47 br Picture-stone, Gotland, 700-800 AD: SHM 82—83 b Glass bead manufacture: Den
22 Flint axes, Hagelbjerggaard, Sjselland, c. 3000 48 The Danevirke: IoA/Wikinger Museum, Antikvariske Samling, Ribe (photo Rita
BC: NMC Haithabu Fredsgaard Nielsen)
23 t Passage grave: Gerry Johansson/Bilhuset, 50—51 Fortress at Fyrkat, Denmark: TS 84-85 Kaupang: UOO
Stockholm 53 Swords (SHM): IoA 86 tr Gaming pieces with bear, Birka: SHM
23 b Rock carvings, Bohuslan, Sweden: Robert 54 Axes and spears found in the River Thames: 86 c Birka crucifix: SHM
Harding Picture Library, London Museum of London 86 bl Silver hoard, Birka: Carl Lofman/Promedia,
24 Egtved girl, costume, c. 1400 BC: NMC 55 Mammen ax, National Museum, Copenhagen Hasselby
25 Iron Age village, Lejgre, Sjazlland, Denmark: (NMC): WFA 86—87 b Artwork by the Maltings Partnership
Hans Hammarskiold/Tiofoto, Stockholm 56 b Aerial view of Trelleborg: Forkild 87 tr Aerial view of Birka: TS
26-27 Bronze Age offering of imported goods, Balslev/Nordam-UUitz &
Balslev, Hjorring 90 Ship prow detail, Oseberg: UOO (photo Erik
Hassle, Narke, Sweden: SHM 56—57 t Artwork by the Makings Partnership Irgens Johnsen)
26 tl Tollund Man: NMC 57 c Battle ax, iron, 10th century, Fyrkat: NMC 90—91 First Baroque post, hardwood, probably
26 b The Nyland ship: Archaologisches 57 b Reconstruction of building at Fyrkat: lime c. 800-850, Scandinavian (UOO): WFA
Landesmuseum, Schleswig. Karsten Kristiansen, Morke 91 c Carving detail, Oseberg (UOO): WFA
28 Gold disk, Migration period, Sweden (SHM):
1 58 Field at Lindholm: Aalborg Historiske 91 b Carved head of man, Oseberg (UOO): TS
WFA Museum 92 Mastermyr tool set: SHM
28 tr Plaque, gold, Sorte Mulde: from Fra Stamme 59 Leaf knife, sickle, scythe, plow share, iron, 93 Hacksilver, Birka, buried c. 975: SHM
til Stat i Danmark, 2 Viking Age, Norwegian: UOO 94 tr Mold for metal casting, Ribe, c. 800: Den
28 cr Plaque, gold, Sorte Mulde: from Fra Stamme 60—61 t River Jamtland, Sweden: Christer Antikvariske Samling (photo Rita Fredsgaard
til Stat i Danmark, 2 Fredriksson/Bruce Coleman Ltd. London Nielsen)
29 Plaque, gold, Torslunda, Oland, 6th century: 60 b Fish-hook, fish spear and sinker, iron, stone, 94 bl Artwork by the Maltings Partnership
WFA Norway, Viking Age: UOO 95 t Gold brooch from Hornelund: NMC
30 cl Reconstruction of hut, Eketorp: RIKS 62 t Central room in the reconstructed Hedeby 95 b Filigree brooch and patrice: Wikinger
30-31 1 Aerial of Eketorp: RIKS (photo Bengt house: Forhistorisk Museum, Moesgard Museum, Haithabu/Archaologisches
Edgren) 62 bl Artwork by John Fuller Landesmuseum, Schleswig
30-31 b Reconstruction of fort, Eketorp: RIKS 62 be Spindle whorls: YAT 96 Necklaces found in Sweden: SHM
32-33 Gold coins, Helgo (SHM): Studio Granath, 62 br Pins: Studio Granath, Sweden 97 Comb, Birka: Carl O. Lofman/Promedia,
Stockholm 63 cl Artwork by John Fuller Hasselby
33 b Buddha, Helgo (SHM): Studio Granath, 63 t Hedeby house: Else Roesdahl, Arhus 98-99 Mammen harness bow, mid 10th century,
Stockholm Universitet Danish: NMC
33 t Crozier head, Helgo (SHM): Studio Granath, 63 cr Timber joints: Bengt Olof Olsson/Bildhuset, 98 bl Broa mounts, bronze, c. 800 Gotland:
Stockholm Stockholm SHM
34 t Lithograph of Gamla Uppsala, Sweden, 64—65 t Gaming pieces: Kulturen, Lund 98-99 Artwork by John Fuller; diagram by Chris
1857-1859 by Carl Johan Billmark: University 64 c Flute, Sigtuna Museum: YAT/Simon Ian Hill Munday
Library, Uppsala FRPS 99 t Bamberg casket, ivory, gilt copper, wood,
34 b Aerial of Valsgarde cemetery: RIKS (photo 64 b Nobleman hunting, Sockburn: YAT second half of 10th century, Scandinavian:
Jan Norrman) 65 t Rune-stone drawing of men at board: Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich
35 t Vendel helmet (SHM): WFA YAT/Sten. M-Rosenlund 99 b Heggen vane, gilt copper, 1000-1050 AD,
35 b Shield boss from the Vendel burials: from 64—65 b Horse fighting, stone, Haggeby: YAT Scandinavian: UOO (photo T. Teigen)


100 Runic stone, c. 1000 AD: Forhistonsk 130 c Alfred penny, silver, London: Ashmolean 163 tl Finial or crook in Hiberno-Norse style:
Museum, Moesgard Museum, Oxford National Museum of Ireland, Dublin
101 c! Jarlabanki's causeway: R1KS photo Bengt 130 b Alfred jewel: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 163 tr Excavation at Wood Quay, Dublin: TS
A. Lundberg 132 Aerial of Wallingford: Cambridge University 163 b Trial piece, bone, Dublin: National
101 bl Runic stone from Jarlabanki's causeway: Collection Museum of Ireland, Dublin
RIKS photo Bengt A. Lundberg 133 tl Danelaw penny, silver: Ashmolean 164—5 Midnight sun in northern Iceland: Dr
102 c Three rune-stones, Bjorketorp: R1KS (photo Museum, Oxford Eckart Pott/Bruce Coleman Limited, London
Bengt A. Lundberg 133 b Lindisfarne Gospels, Cotton MS Nero D. iv 166—7 Faeroe Islands: W. Ferchland Zefa,
102 b Comb case, antler. Lincoln, 10th century 210b: British Library
f. London
Scandinavian: British Museum 13 6-"t Coppergate excavation: YAT 168 c Excavation at Kvivik, Faeroes Islands:
103 r Rok stone; Jan Rietz Tiofoto. Stockholm 136-" b Combs, cases and pins, Coppergate: Prof. Chris Morris
103 Norwegian rune-stone from Dynna,
1 YAT 168 t Toy horse and boat, wood, Viking Age,
Hadeland, showing the Three Magi: UOO 136 Street scene from Jorvik Center, York: Faeroe Islands: Feroya Fornminnissavn,
104 Page from Snorn Sturluson's Heimskrtngla, YAT Torshavn
Codex Frisianus, fol. 10v., Iceland, 14th century: 13" Middleton cross: Manx Museum CM. 169 Volcanic landscape, Iceland: Zefa, London
Den Arnamagnaeanske Samling, Copenhagen Dixon, Canterbury 170-1 Hot springs, Iceland: Robert Harding
105 Karlevi stone, Oland: RIKS photo Bengt A. 138 bl Coppergate fragment of animal carving: Picture Library, London
Lundberg) YAT 171 Brooch, bronze, 10th century, Iceland:

106-10" Drangey Island: Mats Wibe 138 r Gosforth cross: CM. Dixon, Canterbury National Museum of Iceland, Reykjavik
Lund Icelandic Photo and Press Service. Reykjavik 139 tl Pitney brooch, Somerset, bronze-gilt, 11th 171 r Page from Landnamabok, 17th-century
lu~ Fljteyiarbok: Stofnun Arna Magnussonar. century: IoABnnsh Museum copy: Stofnun Arna Magnussonar, Reykjavik
Iceland 139 tr Sockburn warrior: CM. Dixon, 172 t Bowl: National Museum of Iceland,
108-109 Artwork by John Fuller Canterbury Reykjavik
1 10 tl Dwarf figure from baptismal font. Gotland, 139 br Anglo-Saxon manuscript showing use of 172 b Stong farmhouse: Mats Wibe
12th century (SHM): WF Ringerike style, 11th century: Cambridge Lund Icelandic Photo and Press Service, Reyk|avik
110 br Rune-stone from Alruna. Uppland, University Library. MS ff 1.23. f.37 v. 1 74 Wooden case for shears: NMC2
Sweden, 1 1th century: RIKS photo Bengt A. 139 b Hogback tomb, Ingleby Arncliffe, 175 View of Brattahlid: YAT

Lundberg) N. Yorkshire, early 10th century: The Dean 175 tr Inscribed stone: NMC
1 11 Picture-stone from Gotland showing Odin and Chapter of Durham Cathedral 175 b View of Greenland: Mats Wibe
! HM WFA : 141 Cuerdale hoard: British Museum Lund Icelandic Photo and Press Service,
1 12—113 t Series of carvings showing scenes from 142 Frankish nobleman, fresco, Oratory of Reykjavik
'ie legend of Sigurd, Hvlestad church, Norway: St Benedict, Rome: Scala, Florence 177 Vinland map: ©
1965 Yale University
WFA 143 Annates Xantenses, 9th century, Codex 178—9 t General view of site, L'Anse-aux-
1 13 bl Legend of Sigurd on the Dravle stone, Cotton Tiberius CXI: British Library Meadow: Parks Canada/B. Wallace
L'ppland: RIKS photo Bengt A. Lundberg 144 Carolingian cup: NMC 178-9b Reconstructed hall, L'Anse-aux-
114 t Reconstruction of the temple at Uppsala 145 Pitres brooches, 9th century, bronze: Musee Meadows: R. Baumgartner Explorer, Pans
from Olaus Magnus' History- of the Xorthem departemental des Antiquites de Seine-Maritime, 179 b Pin, copper alloy, L'Anse-aux-Meadows,
Peoples, 1555: Bodleian Library. Oxford Rouen (photo Yohann Deslandes) Newfoundland, c. 1000: Parks Canada
114 c Mold, cross and Thor's hammer, 10th 148 Broch of Gurness: Historic Scotland 180 t Sun-bearing compass: NMC
century: NMC 149 View of Mull, Scotland: Geoff Dore Bruce 180 b and 181 ct Artwork by the Makings
116 The Martyrdom of St Olaf, wooden panel, Coleman Limited. London Partnership
14th century, Trondelag. Norway: The 150 tr Graffito of man and bird, Jarlshof: Trustees 181 tr Soapstone with gnomon curve: NMC
Restoration Workship of Nidaros Cathedral, of the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh 181b Saga Siglar, replica ship in Roskilde harbor:
Trondheim 151 tl Aerial view of Jarlshof: Historic Scotland Rex Features/Rob Walls
11" Christian runic inscription, Nora, Uppland: 152 Skaill hoard, Orknev: TS 182-3 View of Disko Bay, Greenland:
RIKS photo Bengt A. Lundberg) 154 t Westness boat grave: YAT ZefaHunter
118 t Jelling cup:\'MC 154 b Westness burial: YAT 184 Tassles from Magyar cap (SHM): Studio
118 b Artwork by the Makings Partnership 155 t Andreas slab, Isle of Man: Manx National Granath, Stockholm
1 19 tr The rune-stones of Harald and Gorm, Heritage, IoM 185 Slavic jewelry from Scandinavia: SHM
Jelling: NMC 155 b Baladoole, Isle of Man: Manx National 186-7 View of Riigen: Klaus Hamann, Berlin
1 1 8-1 1 9 b Aerial of the mounds, Jelling: Io A T. Heritage, IoM 187 tr Gold hoard from Hidensee:
Balslev 156 Cronk ny Mernu. Isle of Man: Manx Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz
120 Harald's rune-stone. Jelling: YAT National Heritage, IoM (photo V. Iserhardt)
121 Whalebone plaque: Historic Scotland 157 Braaid, Isle of Man: Manx National 187 br Artwork by the Makings Partnership
122 Lindisfarne stone: TS Heritage, IoM 188 Fresco of Elizabeth, daughter of Jaroslav,
123 Sutton Hoo helmet: British Museum 158 t Coin, Hiberno-Manx, Kirk Michael hoard: 1 lth century, St. Sophia, Kiev: TS
124 t Offa's dyke: Cambridge University Manx National Heritage, IoM 190 Amulet or key, from the smith's tools,
Collection Crown Copyright 158 c Beads: IoA St. Patrick's Isle (Isle of Man) Staraya Ladoga, mid 8th century: Hermitage
124 b Book mount, gilt-bronze. Northumberland, Archaeological Trust Museum, St Petersburg
8th century: Histonsk Museum, Bergen (photo 159 Aerial view: St. Patrick's Isle (Isle of Man) 190-1 Sopka mound, Staraya Ladoga: Neil Price,
Ann Man Olsen Archaeological Trust Stockholm
125 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. MS 173 ft. 13b-14: 160—61 Ranvaik's casket, Irish or Scottish 191 t View of Staraya Ladoga: Neil Price,
Corpus Chnsti College, Cambridge enamel on yew, 8th
reliquary, copper, tin, Stockholm
128 c Artwork of sword by John Fuller century: NMC 191 br Smith's tools, iron, bronze, mid 8th
128 r Artwork of grave by the Makings 161 r Swords found at Kilmainham-Islandbridge, century: Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
Partnership, based on drawing by Prof. Martin watercolor, 19th century: NMC 192 Wooden path, Novgorod: Neil Price,
Biddle and Birthe Kjolbye-Biddle, Oxford 162 cl Hairnet, silk: National Museum of Ireland, Stockholm
128 b Aerial of Repton site: Prof. Martin Biddle Dublin 193 t Reconstruction from V.A. Kolchin, Drevnya
and Birthe Kjolbye-Biddle. Oxford 162 c Coin struck by Sihtnc Silkbeard: National Rus: Gorod, Zamok, Selo, Nauka, Moscow, 1985
130 t East Anglian penny: Ashmolean Museum, Museum of Ireland, Dublin 193 bl Church of the Transfiguration, Novgorod:
Oxford 162 b— 163 Artwork by the Makings Partnership Neil Price, Stockholm


193 br Sigtuna doors, Novgorod: Neil Price, 11th- 12th century, Sigtuna, Sweden: TS 218 Cubbie's Roo Castle: Historic Scotland
Stockholm. 206 Stone, Gripsholm: IoA/Sten. M-Rosenlund 219 Hilt of an Irish sword, Anglo-Scandinavian:
194 t Golden Gate, Kiev: YAT 207 Winchester style MS, c. AD 1000: Bodleian National Museum of Ireland
194 b View of Dnieper: TS 1 ibrary 220 View of Thingvellir: Mats Wibe
195 t Gnezdovo hoard, silver, gold, niello, bronze, 209 The Northey Island causeway, Maldon, Lund/Icelandic Photo and Press Service
gilding, iron, glass, 10th century: Hermitage Essex: Linda Proud, Oxford 221 tl Thingvellir, Meeting of the Althing by

Museum, St Petersburg 210 tl Cnut and Emma from the Liber Vitae, William Collingwood: British Museum
195 b Byzantine textile, gold-embroidered silk: Winchester c. 1031: British Library, Stowe MSS 221 b Bishop's crozier, Thingvellir, bronze,
Kulturen, Lund 944 c. 1 100: National Museum of Iceland, Reyk|avik

197 Halfdan runes in Hagia Sofia: TS 210 tr Cnut coin: British Museum, London 222 t Rune-stone from Kingigstorssuaq: NMC2
198 Arabic coins (SHM): WFA 210 b St. Paul's churchyard stone: WFA 222 c Pathway at Gardar: NMC2
199 The Aby crucifix, gilded copper sheets on 211 Norse raiders, English MS, 11th century: 223 Greenland costume: NMC2
oak, Jutland, Denmark, c. 1100: NMC Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris
201 tl Danegeld coin, vtthelred II: NMC/Coin 212 Scene from Bayeux tapestry: Michael
All site plans drawn by John Brennan
Department Holford, London
201 bl Harald Bluetooth's baptism, from altar, 213 The Lewis chessmen: Michael Holford,
Tamdrup church, Jutland, 12th century: NMC London Map acknowledgements: Primary source for map
202 t Borgund church: WFA 214 Freswick Links: Colleen Batey on page 167, A.C. Larsen, Vikingetidsgdrde i
202 bl Urnes carving: TS 215 t Rune bone, Orphir: Colleen Batey Nordatlanten, Specialeafnandling til

202 br Borgund interior: Zodiaque, St Leger 215 c View of Round Church, Orphir: Historic Magisterkonferens 1992, Institute of Prehistoric
Vauban Scotland and Classical Archaeology, University of
203 Artwork by the Makings Partnership 216-217 View of Birsay: Historic Scotland Copenhagen, unpublished, 1993. Primary source
204 Resurrection egg, Sigtuna: Sigtuna Museum 216 bl View of excavation at Birsay: Prof. Colin for map on page 173, V. orn Vilhjalmsson, De
204—205 b Runic inscription (Sigtuna Museum): Morris aeldste garde pa Island, Arkaeologisk analyse af
YAT/Simon Ian Hill FRPS 217 tr Bone, comb, pin and tooth: Historic byggetraditioner og bosaettelsesmonstre i

205 Tine terminating in warrior's head, horn, Scotland landnamstidens Island, unpublished, 1993.
An entry includes a descriptive term it Belle lie (France 1.4" 20 N 3 10 V* 14" . Carolingian Empire , 126. 129, 131, Doarhsh Cashen (UK), 54=10N Ereswick (I'K), 5835 N 3 06 \X', 153
it is a physical feature and the modern Beloozero (Russia), 59=58 N 3" 49 E, 144, 147 4'42W, 153 Fribrodre A (Denmark), 54'53'N
country name eg Jura (is/), UK I
i. An 189 Carthage (Tunisia I, 36=54 N I0=16E, Dol (Frjn«), 48°34'N 1°37'W, 147 12'04'E, 89
entry followed by an asterisk Benevento, Duchv of, 126 196 Domnonee*, 147 Fnsia', 126
indicates a territorial unit eg a BenfleetfUKI, 5,=3.3N 0=34E, 131 Cashtal Ballgawne (UK), 54=12N Don(r), 189, 196 Fr6|el (Sweden), 57=24 N 18=14 E,
province, kingdom or region. BenllechlUKi. 53=18 N 4 15 \V. 134 5 4 s \X. 153 Donets (r), 189 46,89
Berezan Island Ukraine), 46°39'N ( Lass nvHawinl UKl, 54°06'N Dorestad (Xetherlands), 52°04'N Fuglafiordhur (Denmark), 62°14'N
Ahhasid Caliphate', 126 }2 38 E, 189 4°36'W, 153 5°07E,79, 126 6=49W, 167
Aggersborg [Denmark), 5~-"00'N Berezanv Ukraine). 46 C 38'N
( Catholme (UKl, 52=45'N l°44"w-, Drammen (Norway), 59°45'N Fuglov(isl), (Denmark), 62=2 IN
9 16 E.49, 89 32 38 E, "9
134 10°15E, 13 6°15'W, 167
Ahus {Sweden), S5°5S N 14 20 E, 29, Bergen (Noway), 60=23 N 5°20 E. Caucasus Mountains, 43°00'N Drava(r), 196 Furness UK), 54°08'N 3° 1 5'W, 219

49,79,89 13,79, 115.200 44°00E. 196 Dnmore (UK), 57°17-N7°24'W, 153 Fyn(/s/),(Denmjr4),56°15'N
Akrar(D«imar*),61°28'N 6=45 W, Bergthotshvoll (Iceland), 63'36'N Chartres (France), 48°27'N 1°30E, Droitwich (UK), 52=16N 2°10'W, 10°30W, 13,29,49.69, 89, 115
16" 20=18 W, 173 126 129 Fvrkat (Denmark), 56°39'N 9'59'E,
al-Andalus {Spain), 37°55'N 445 W, Berlin (Germany), 52 32 N 1325 E. Chernigov (Ukraine), 5 U30N Dublin (Ireland), 53=2 IN 6°18W, 49,89
196 13 31 1SE. 189 79,140,153,219
al-Muhammadivah (/ran), 35=36'N Beuzit (France), 48 30 =
N 4 16 VC , 147 Cherson (Ukraine), 44=36'N 33=3 IE, Duleek (Ireland), 53°39N 6°26'W, Gainsborough (UKl, 53°23'N
5 1'E, 196 Birka [Sweden), 59=23 N 1" :
4" 196 126 0°46'W, 208
Aland [Finland), 60 ION I9°53'E, 49 :
79,89, 115, 189 Chester (UK), 53°12'N 2=53 W, 131, Dunseverick [UK), 55°13'N 6°20 W, Galicia and Asturias*, 126
Aland (isls), [Finland), 60=O0N Birsay (UK), 59°08 N3 18 W, 153 134 126 Galloway*, 208, 219
20°00'E, 13,29,49,69,89, 189. Blavet (r), 147 Chester', 219 Dursev Island (Ireland), 51°36'N Gamla Uppsala [Sweden), 59°55'N
200 Block Eary (UK), 54°17T4 4 2S \V. Chichester (UKl, 50°50'N 0°47W, 10 12 W. 153 17°38'E,29,69, 115
Alborg \Denmark). 57°03'N 9' $6 E. 15.3 131 Dver, Cape [Canada), 66=40'N Gammelbv (Denmark), 55°28'N
13, 89,200 47°36TM
Blois (France ), 1 20 E. 126 Chippenham (UKl, 51°27N 2 o 07-W, 61° 10W, 176 8°35'E, 69
Met {France ), 48 58 N l°55 W, 147 Blondudalunn. 173 129 Dyfed', 131,134,208 Gardar(De.imjrfe),61°00'N
Alexandria {Egypt), 1 s N 1 1 Bogcviken (Sweden), 5 42 N Chisburv (UK), 51 =26N l°38"w*, 131 45=23 W, 115, 176
29°55 E, 196 is 44 E.46 Chorezm (Uzbekistan), 42
20N Eashing (UK), 5 ri4N0°41W, 1.31 Gaseborg [Sweden), 59°25'N
Alskog [Sweden), J7°19'N 18°33'E, Bolstadir (Iceland), 65=02N 59°59'E, ^9 East Angha*, 115, 126, 129, 131, 17°54'E,49
46 22 2 s"
W, 173 Christchurch (UK), 50=44N 1°45'W, 134, 140 Gavle [Sweden), 60°41'N 17=10'E, 13
Amiens [France), 49°S4t*2°l 8 E, Bonhuntl UK 52 04 N 0=1 IE, 134
i, 131 Eastern Settlement*, 1 7 6 Gdansk (Poland), 54°22'N 18°38'E,
Bordeaux (France), 44=50N 0=34W, Claughton Hall (UKl, 53=46N Eastern Slavic Tribes*, 126 13
Amu Darya (r), 79, 196 -9, 126 2°42W, 34 1 Eaton Socon (UK), 52=13N 0°18'W, Ghent (Belgium), 51°02'N 3°42'E,
Ange {Sweden), 62=3 N 5=40 E, 46 1 1 Bordov (Denmark), 6215'N
(isl), Clermont-Ferrand (frjnirel, 45=47'N 134 126
Angers [France), 47°29'N 32 W, 6 HTW, 167 3°05'E, 126 Ebro(r), 126 Glama (r), 1 3, 29, 49, 69, 89, 200
"4, 12b Borg (Norway), 68=06 N 13 20 E. 29. =
Clibberswick (UK), 60=49N 0°50W, Ed (Sweden), 59°27'N 17°58E, 49 Ghrtertind (mt), (Norway), 61°40'N
Anundshog {Sweden), 59°37'N 49 153 Edington UKl, 5 1 = 1 7N 2°07-W, 129
I 8=32'E, 13
16 ii>E,49 Borglum (Denmark), 57=3 IN Clonfert (Ireland), 53°15'N 8°06W, Eidhi (Denmark), 62° 1 8'N 7°06"W, Gloucester (UKl, 51=53'N 2=14'W,
Arabia*, 196 IOWE, 200 126 167 129
Archenfield (UK), 52'03'N 2=42'W, Bornholm (isl), (Denmark), 55=02N Clonmacnolse (Ireland), 53"26'N Eigg(«/I, [UK), 56°53'N6°09'W, 153 Gnezdovo (Russia), 55°00'N 32=04E,
140 15 00 E. is. 29. 49, 69, 89 7°57'W, 126 Eiriksfjord [fiord), (Denmark), 79,189
Ardre {Sweden), S7°22 N 18 58 r.4* Borre (Norway), 59 24 N io 29 =
t. Clontarf (Ireland), 53°23N 6=07W, 61°05N 45=26 W, 176 Gokstad (Noway), 59°04'N 10°02'E,
Arhus (Denmark), 56 ION 10 1!E, 29,69 219 Eiriksstadir (Iceland), 65°08'N 69
13,49,89, lis". 2on, 2)1 Borremose (Denmark), 56=49'N Close nv Chollagh (UK), 54=04N 2 1 =40' W, 173 Goltho (UK), 53°14'N 0°17W, 134
Arkels Tingstad (Sweden), 59"30'N 9 J2 E. 29 4=40W, 153 Eketorp (Sweden), 56°15'N 16°30'E, Gooderstone (UK), 52=37'N 0=1 9'E,
18 06 E, 49 Bothnia. Gulf of, I 3. 29, 49, 69, 79, Clyst UKl, 50=44 N3=26W, 208 49 134
Atklow (Ireland), 52=48 6=09'W, N 89,189,200,211 Colchester (UKl, 51=54 N 0=54E, Elbe(r), 13,29,49,69,79,89,126, Gorgan (Iran), 36°50'N 54°29'E, 79
1 53 Boulogne (France I, 50=4.3 N 1 J7 E. 140 196 Gosforth (UK), 54°26'N 3°27W, 153
Arminivah (Armenia), J9°S0 N 129 Cologne (Germany), 50°56N 6 57E, Elbeuf (France), 49°17TM 1=01E, 144 G6ta(r), 13,29,49,69,89
44-4H E, |9h Bourbnac (France), 48=29 N 3 1 1 W, 126 Eldev (isl), [Iceland), 63=44N Goteborg (Sweden), 57 45N
Arran, Isle of (UK), 55°35 N 5=15 W, 147 Colonsav (is/l,( UK I, 56°04-N 22°58'W, 173 12°00'E, 13
153 Bourges (France), 47°05'N 2 2 J E, 6 I3"W, 153,219 Ehsenhof [Germany), 54=29N Gothemsan (r), 46
Arzon (France), 47°33 N 2 54 W, 147 126 Connaught*, 153,219 9=04'E, 49 Gotland (isl), [Sweden) 57°30'N
Ashdown( UK), 5 1°22'N l°35~w\ Braaid (UK), 54 09'N 4=34W, 153 Copenhagen (Denmark), 55=43'N Enekrogen [Denmark), 55°04'N 18=30E, 13,29,46,49,69,89,
129 Braddan UK), 54°09 N 4=30 W, 1 53
12=34 E. 13 15°09E,69 115,189,200
Aspatna (UKl, 54=45 N 3=18W, 153 Brattahhd (Denmark), 61=00N Cordoba, Emirate of*, 126 England*, 208, 21 1,219 Gralich, (UAramfl, 51°12N 25°00'E,
Athelnev UK si 03 N2"56'W, 129
i, 4s 25"W, 176,177 Cordoba, Caliphate of, 196 Englefield (UK), 51=28'N 1°10'W, 189
Athens Greece), }8°00'N23 44 E,
I Breidhat'iordhur (bay), (Iceland), Corinth |Gr«al, 37=56'N 22°55'E, 129 Grampian Mountains UK), 56°55'N

196 65°I8N23 o 20Ya. 173 196 Eorpeburnan [UK), 5T02N 0°42E, 4=00 W,153
Augerum (Sweden), 56 OS N 5 47 E, 1 Bremen (Germany), 53°05'N 8°48'E, Cork (Ireland), 5U54N 8°28'W, 131 Granastadir [Iceland), 65°19'N
69 115 126,153 Ephesus [Turkey), 37°55'N 27-19'E, lS^O'W, 173
Aulne in, 147 Bridgnorth (UKi, 52'33'N 2°25 W, Cornouaille*, 147 196 Grauballe (Denmark), 56°13'N
A vranches (Franc*), 48°42'N 21 W, 1 131 Cornwall', 126 Erne, Lough [UK), 54=28N, 7=48'W, 9=38E,29
144 Bndport (UKl, 50=43N 2=45 W, 131 Corseul (France), 48°30'N 2'11'W, 153 Great Ouse (r), 129, 131, 134, 140,
Axbridge (UK), 51 is N 2 49 W, jj , Brirtanv', 126 147 Euphrates (r), 79, 196 208
Bro (Sweden), S7°40TM 18=24E,46 Corsica (isl), (France), 42°00'N Eure(r), 144 Gredelby [Sweden), 59°4TN 17°40'E,
Badelundeviken (Sweden), 57°1TN Broa (Sweden), 57°30'N 18=25E,46 9°10E, 126 Evreux (F ranee), 49°03'N 1 = IE,1 49
I8°35 E.46 Brobv (Sweden), 59 ss N 17 J4 E. 49 Cotentin [pen), (France), 50=1 IN 126,144 Greenland [Denmark), 68°00'N

Battin Island iCjiijJji, 68=40'N Brough of Deerness (UK), 58°58'N 0°30'Vt\ 144 Exeter (UK), 50°43'N, 3°.31'W, 129, 40°00'W, 115,176, 177
"HiliiT, l~6, 177 2=44'W, 153 Coutances (France), 49°03'N 1 =29W, 131,208 Grelutoltir (Iceland), 65°47'N
Baghdad (Iraq), 33=20 N 44 26 E, 79, Broweroch*, 147 144 Evsruroy(isl), (Denmark), 62=14N 23°30'W, 173
196 Brvant s Gill (UK), 54=23 N 2=56W, CtickladelUKi, 5U39N 1°51'W, 6°59'W, 167 Grey Abbey (UK), 54°32"N 5°33"W,
Baku (Azerbaijan), 40=22'N 49=53 E, 134 131 219
196 Buckden UKl, 52= 8'N 0" 1 SW, 1 34
( 1 Cronk nv Mernu (UK), 54°0TN Faeroe Islands (Denmark), 62°00'N Grimsev [isl), [Iceland), 66°33'N
Balearic Islands [Spam), 39=2 IN Buckingham (UKl, 52=00N fOO'W, 4'34W, 153 7°00W,79, 167,177 18°00W, 173
5 03 E, 126 131 Cuckamsley (UK) 51°30'N 1°21W, Fair Isle (UK), 59=32'N f38'W, 153 Grobin (Latvia), 56=31'N 21°15'E,
Balkhash. Lake (Kazakhstan), Bug (r), 189 208 Falaise (France), 48°54'N 0=11 W, 189
4,. 40 N ~5 no E, 196 Bukhara (Uzbekistan), 39=4 7'N Cumbria', 219 144 Grodbvgard (Denmark), 55°04'N
Ballaugh (UKl, 54=18 N 4=28 "W, 153 64=26E,79, 196 Cvrene (Libya), 32=48'N 2154 E, Falster (isl), (Denmark), 54°30'N 14°56'E,69
Ballinabv (UKl, 55 46 N 6 s4 W, S3 =
1 Bulgar (R«ssw), 54=12'N 48°36'E, 79, 196 12=00'E,49,69,89 Grodno [Belarus), 53°40'N 23°50'E,
Bamhurgh (UK), 55 36 N 1=41W, =
196 Farewell, Cape (Denmark), 59°45'N 189
2 18 Bulverket (Sweden), 57°44N Dal(r), 1 3, 29, 49, 69, 89, 200, 206 43 C 30'W, 176, 177 Groix [France), 47=39N 3=2TW, 147
Bangor (UK), 54=39 N S°41*W, 126, 18=34 E.46, 49 Dalnada',153 Farndon (UK), 53°06'N 2=53'W, 134 Grev (Denmark), 6U13N 6°34W,
219 Burgsvik (Sweden), 57=05 N 18=14 E, Damascus (Syria), 33°30*N 36=19E, Farnham (UK), 51 = 1 3N0°49W, 131 167
Bardnev {UK), 53 3 N 0=19 W, 140 I 46 196 Far6<is/),(Su*dV«),57°55'N Gudingsakrarna (Sweden), 57°36'N
Barra [isl),[UK), 56°59N 7=28 W, Burpham (UK), 50°52'N 0=33 W. 131 Danish Mercia', 134,140 19°10'E,46 18°47'E,46
153 47°51'N 2=58 W, 147
Busalt if ranee), Dankirke (Denmark), 55M9N 64°25'N
Faxafloi (bay), (Iceland), Gudme [Denmark), 55°09'N 10°43'E,
Barton Blount UK), 52°53'N I Buttington (UK), 52'41'N 3°07'W, 8 4" E, 29
22°40'W, 173 29
1 4h W, 34 1 131 Danube (r), 79, 126. 189, 196 Fecamp (France), 49°45'N 0°23'E, Guerande [France), 47°20'N 2°25'W,
Basing (UK), Jl 16 N 05"W, 129 1 Byzantine Empire', 126, 189, 196 Davis Strait, 176,177 144 147
Basra (Iraq), 30=30 N47°50E, 196 Bvzantium (Turkey ), 41 (12 N Dean (UKl, 5U55N 1°50W,208 Finland, Gulf of, 1 3, 29, 49, 69, 79, Guildford (UK), 5fl4N0°35"W,
Basse-Indre {France), 47°12N 28<58'E,79, 189, 196,206 Dee(r), 153,219 89, 189 129
1 45 W. 147 Derby (UK), 52=55N 1°28'W, 1.34, Fleury (France), 47°56'N 1°55E, 126 Gurness (UK), 59=06N 3°04W, 153
Bath I UK i. 51 23N222W, 131, Cadiz (Spam), 36=32'N 6°18'W, 126 140 Flintinge (Denmark), 54°47'N Gwent*, 134
208 Caen (France), 49° ) IN 0=22 W, 144 Derg, Lough (Ireland), 52 C 5TN 11 53'E, 69 Gwynedd*, 131,134,208,219
Bat? (France), 48 45 N 4°00'W, 147" Caithness', 15.3,219 8=18'W, 15.3 Fole [Sweden), 57"39N 18°28'E, 46
Bavaria', 126 Cambridge (UK), 52°13'N 0°08E, Dieppe (France), 49°55N 1=05E, 144 Folkestone (UK), 51°05'N 1° 1 IE, 208 Halikko (Finland), 60'24'N 23°05E, 49
Bayeux iFrj*<:e),49=16'N 0°42'W, 129, 140,208 Dimnaf|ordhur (channel), (Denmark), Folklandstingstad [Sweden), 59=41N Halwell [UK), 50=26N 3=41 W, 131
126, 144 Camphill (UK), 54= 14N 1=23 \X', 134 M4iN'6=40'W, 167 18°04'E,49 Hamar [Norway), 6 1°06N 10 o 2TE,
Bedale (UK), 54°17'N 1=35 W, 134 Canterbury (UK), 51°17-N l 05 E, Disko (isl), (Denmark), 69°45'N Forth, Firth of (UK), 56° ION 89, 200
Bedford (UK), 52°08'N 0°29'W, 129, 129,208 5.3'OOW, 176, 177 2=56 W, 153 Hamburg (Germany), 53=33'N
1J4, 14H Carinthia*, 126 Dives (r), 144 Foulum (Denmark), 56°33'N 9°23'E, 10°00'E, 13,79, 115
Beggars Island (Ireland), 52°12N Carlingford [Ireland), 54=02'N Dnieper (r), 79, 189, 196,206 69 Hameenlinna [Finland), 61°00'N
6°22 W, 126 6 11 W, 153 Dniester (r), 189, 196 Freneuse (France) 49=14N 0=41E, 144 24=25E,49,89
3 ) 9

(.A/I I'll I K

Hammars (Sweden), S7°4rN laravallen (Sweden), " iS'N Langport (UK), si 02 N 2 5 1 \\ , l 5 I

Ma (I K), N .' Os \\, Nottingham (UK), 52 57 N l
10 W,
I8°50'E,46 Is II l,r,9 Lanlerl (France), 48 5S N 1 OO'W, 129, I (4, 140
Hardanger Fjord, (Nonvay), 62 00 N [arlshof (UK), 59°54'N 1 1 4' W, 153 147 Malmii (Sweden), ^^ !6 N I I 00 1 , Novgorod (Russia), 58 10 N il 20 1 .

S 00'E, J, 29, 49, 69, 89

I jaroslavl (Russia), S7 14 N39°S2'E, Largs(UK), ss 48 N4 52 W.219 I I '9, 15". 206
Hastings (UK), SO Sl'NO 36E, 131 189 Urne(Ulfrecksfjord),(l K), >4 51 \ Mammen (Denmark), si. I5'N Novgorod Severskis (Ukraine),
Hebrides (isU),( VK), S8 00 N lelling (Denmark), " 45 N9°29 E, 5 44 W, 1
5 4 s 69 i i , S2 00 N n is l , 189
~ OO'W, 79, 177,219 69, 115,200 Lavrei (France), 48 sins OO'W, Man, Isle of (UK), 54°15'N4 tO'W, Nydam (Denmark), S4 56 N 9 42 I,
Hedcbv |(„v», 54 52 N 9 (4'E, |erusalem (Israel), 11 47*N is" I 5 E, 115,129,131, 153,208,219
4 J 69, 79, 89,
. 15,200 1 196 WM.insi, ),48 "I NH 10 I , Markland*, 177
Heinum {Sweden), S7°41'N 18°42'E, Jokuldalur (r), 173 126 Martens (Sweden), S7°08'N18 I7'E, Odense (Denmark), ss 24 N
|6nkoping (Sweden), S7°45'N LeSaim (Fi 1,48 07 N 1 34 W, 46 10 25'E, 1 1,49,89, 15,200, 21 I I

Hekla, Mount [Iceland), 64°00'N 14 10'E, I ! 147 Masserac (France), 47 41 N 55'W, I Odei oi, 1 !, 24,44,1,4, -4, 89, |89,
I9°45W, 173 [ostedalsbreen (mts), (Norway), Lea (r), 124, 131, 140 147 196
Hdgo {Sweden), S9 I5N 17°44'E, 62 HON - 10'E, 1 I
Lea (UK),51°49 02 NO W, I 31 Masterm) r (Sweden), 57 I5'N Odessa (Ukraine), 46 30 N 10 4h I ,

29,49,79,89, IS 1 )
[umieges (France), 49 ss so I, NO Lehon (France), 48°27'N 2°03'W, is I3'E,46 189
Hdluland*. 177 144 147 Maughold (UK), S4°18 N4 4 \\ 1
, Oissel (France), 49 21 N 1 06 I . 144
Helsinnborn (Sweden), 56 05 N |ura (UK), 55 S8 N 5 SS'W, 153
(is/), Leicester (UK), 52°38'N l°05 W, 129, 153 Oka in, 189
I2°45'E, 13 Jutland (pen), (Denmark), SfcWN I 54, 140 Maxant (France), 47 58 N 2 01 W, Oland (isl), (Sweden), 56 50 N
Helsinki (Finland), 60 OS N 25°00'E, 9°00E, 13, 115,200 Leigh on Sea (UK), SI »3'N 0°40'E, 147 16 SO'E, I 3,29,49,69,89, 189,
I S4 Meath ,219 200
Heradsvom (r), 173 Kaldbak (Denmark), 62 04 N Leinster , 155,214 Meaux (France), 48°58'N 2°54 I, 126 Omglrd (Denmark), 56 07 N 8 26 1 ,

Hereford (CM, 5204N 2°43'W, 131 6°49"W, 167 Leixlip (Ireland), S3 22 N 6 30'W, Mercia*, 115, 126, 124, 31, 34, I 1 44
Herjolfsdalur {Iceland), 63°25'N Kaliningrad (Russia), 54°40'N 153 140 Onega, ake (Russia), 62 00 N

20 I5'W, 173 20°30'E, 13 Lejre(Denmark), 55°34'N 12 '()() E, Mersea (UK), 51 4S No 55 I. !1 I 35 30 E, 3, 189 1

Herjolfsnes (Denmark), 60°04'N Kalmarsand (Sweden), 59 32 N 49 Middle Harling (UK), 52 38 N Orebro (Sweden), 59 I7'N 15°13'E,
44 41 W, 176, 177 17°34'E, 49 LesAndelys (France), 49°31'N 0°42'E, 134
Hermoutier (France), 48°43'N Kalsoy (is/), (Denmark), 62°18'N 1°25E, 144 Middle Settlement*. 176 Orkney (isls), (UK), S9 00 N ! 10 \\ ,

5=44 W, 147 6°47'W, 167 Lewes (UK), 50= 52'Ntr OLE, 131 Midvagur (Denmark), 62 03 N 153, 177,219
Heysham [UK), 54°03 N 2 S3 W, 1 34 Karlskrona (Sweden), 56°10'N Lewis (is/), (UK), 58°10'N 6°40'W, - 13'W, 167
Orleans (France), 47 S4 N I 54 E,
Hinnov (is/), (Norway), 68 30 N =
15°35'E, 1 153,219 Mikkeli (Finland), 61 44'N 27 is 1, 74, 126
16°00'E, 13,29,49,69,89 Kattegat (channel), 13, 29, 44, 69, 54 Lezayre (UK), 54°09'N 4°25'W, 153 49 Ornes(r), 144
Hms (Finland), 60°12'N 21°55'E, 89 Kaupang (Norway), 59°04'N Lim F|ord (Denmark), 57°00'N Milton (UK), 51 is N0°54 E, 131 Orphir(UK), ss s h N 3 OS W, 153
Hialmaren (lake), (Sweden), 59°10'N 10-02E.49, 79, 89 o
9 30'E, 13,69 Minsk (Belarus), S3 SI N r 30'E, Oseberg (Nora/ay), 59 16 N 10 25 E,
15°45'E, 29, 69, 89 Kehnekaise (mt), (Sweden), 67°55'N Limerick (Ireland), 52°40'N 8°37'W, 13, 189
Hofsjokull (snowfield), (Iceland), 18°35"E, 13 153 Misr(Egypr), 30 00'N 31 20"E, 196 Oslo (Norway), 54 s h N io 4S E, 13,
64°50N 19°00'W, 173 Kem(r), 13 Lincoln (UK), 53°14'N 0°32'W, 129, Mjesa (lake), (Norway), 60 50 N
Hofstadir (Iceland), 65°42'N Kemi(r), 13,29,49,69,89 134, 140 10°50'E, 13,29,49,69, S4 Ostergotland*, 15, 200 1

17°09"W, 173 (Denmark),

Ketilsfiord (fiord), Lindholm Haje (Denmark), 57°05'N Mont St Michel (France), 4838'N Ottarshogen (Sweden), 60 1 3 N
Hogom (Sweden), 62°15'N 17°25'E, 6012'N45°10'W, 176 9°54E, 49 1°29'W, 144, 147 17 50 E,24
Khurasan*, 196 (is!), (UK), 55°41'N
Lindisfarne Mo 126 Oulu (Finland), 65°00'N 25 26 E, I 3

Holar (Iceland), 65°44'N 19°07"W, Kiel (Germany), 54=>20'N 10°08'E, 13 1°47W, 126, 153 Moray, Argyll of' , 214 Oulu, Lake (Finland), 64 30 N
115, 173 Kiev (Ukraine), 50°28'N 30°29"E, 79, Lmkoping (Sweden), 58°25'N Moray Firth, (UK), 57°40'N 3°50'W, 27°00'E, 3, 24, 44, 69, S4 I

Hominde (Denmark), 54°42'N 189, 196,206 15"35-E, 13, 115,200 153 Onsen 124, 31, 34,208 i, | I

1T24E,49 Kildale (UK), 54°28'N 1°04'W, 134 Lisbon (Portugal), 38°44'N 9°08'W, Moray*, 219 Outer Hebrides (isls), (UK), 57 40 N
Hook Norton (UK), 52°02'N 1°35'W, Kiloran Bav (UK), 56°04'N 6°12'W, 126 Morgannwg', 131, 134 7°35'W, 153
134 153 Lisieux (France), 49°09'N 0°14E, Moscow (Russia), 55°45'N 37°42'E, Oxford UK), 5 =45 N ( 5'W, 131, 1 I

Herby (Denmark), 56°40'N 9°.i6'W, Kingigtorssuaq (Denmark), 72°53'N 144 189

29 56°00'W, 176 Little Minch (strait), (UK), 57°40'N Mouais (France), 47°40'N 1
34 W,
Hornavan (lake), (Sweden), 66°1S'N Kirk Andreas UK), 54°22'N 4°26"W,
( 6°50W, 53 147 1'ail.inne (lake). (Finland), 6l='30'N
17°40'E, 13,29,49,69,89 153 LittlePaxton (UK), 52°20'N 0°1 l'W, Mull (isl), (UK), 56°28'N 5 56'W, 25°30E, 13,29,49,69,89
Hov (Denmark), 55°55'N 6°45'W, Kirk Michael (UK), 54°17'N 4°35'W, 134 1 53, 2 1 Paimpoint (France), 48°01'N 2 10 W,
167 153 Locmine (France), 47"56'N 2°S1'W, Munster', 153 147
Hovgarden (Sweden), 59°20'N Kirkjubour (Denmark), 61°58'N 147 Murmansk (Russia), 68°59N Papa Stour (is/), (UK). 6020 N
16°11'E,29, 69 6°47'W, US, 167 Loctudy (France), 47'50'N 4°1 l'W, 33°08E, 13 T42W, 153
Howth (Ireland), 53°23'N 6°04'W, Kirkwall (UK), 58°59'N 2°58'W, 1 15, 147 Murom (Russia), 55°04'N 42 04 E, Papey (isl), (Iceland), 64°36'N
153 153 Loddekopinge (Sweden), 55°49'N 189 14 11 W, 73 1

Hoxne (UK), 52°21'N 1°12'E, 129 K|oIen Mountains (Norway), 12°50"E,49, 69 Mvkines (isl), (Denmark), 62°08'N Paris (France), 4S 52 =
N2 =
20 E, 79,
Hudson Strait, 177 7 38W, 167
62°03'N8°39'E, 13 L6d6se (Sweden), 57°44'N 12°55'E, 126
Humber(r), 134, 140,208 Klaksvik (Denmark), 62°73'N 200 Mvrdalsiokull (snowfield), (Iceland), Parville (France), 49 Oh N 1=05 E,
Hunafloi (bay), (Iceland), 65°50'N 6°34'W, 167 Lofoten (isls), (Norway), 6S 1 S'N 63°40'N 19°00'W, 1 S 144
20°50-W, 173 Klar(r), 13,29,49,69,89 13°50'E, 13,29,49,69,89 Paviken (Sweden), 57°29'N 18°19'E,
Huntingdon UK), 52°20'N 0°1 l'W,
Klaufanes (Iceland), 65 52'N Logovsk (Belarus), 54°16'N 26 50 E, Nantes (France), 47= 14 N 1
35 W, 4h,44, "4, S4
140 18°40'W, 173 189 126, 147 Peipus, Lake (Russia/Estonia),
Hvalsoy (Denmark), 60°55'N Klepp (Norway), 58°43'N 5°40'E, 29 Loire (r), 79, 126, 147 Nantes', 147 58°30 27 o 30'E, 15, 24, 44, 69,
45°43'W, 176 Kola (r), 13 Lolland (isl), (Denmark), 54=50N Narhonne (France I, 4 I
1 1 N 3°()0'E, 89, 189
Hvita(r), 173 Kolobrzeg (Poland), 54°10'N 11°30'E, 13,29,49,69,89 126 Penselwood (UK), S I
us N 2=27'W,
Hvita(r), 173 15°35'E, 189 Lombard)-*, 126 Narssaq (Denmark), 6 l°00'N 208
Hvitarholt (Iceland), 64 09 N Kcipavogsthingstadir (Iceland), London (UK), 51°32'N 0°06'W, 79, 4h OO'W, 176 Pentland Firth (UK), 58 40 N
20°16'W, 173 64°06'N2r53'W, 173 126, 129, 131, 134, 140,208,211 Narvik (Norway), 68°26'N 17°25'E, 3 OO'W, 153

Kopingsvik (Sweden), 56°57'N Lorrha (Ireland), 53°00'N 8°20'W, Peran (France), 48 26'N 2°48'W, 147
Iarlabanki (Sweden), 59°30'N 16°45E,49 126 Nasi (/afee),(Fm/am/),61°30'N Perevaslav (Ukraine), 50=05 N
18°06'E,49 Korselitse (Denmark), S4°47'N Lothian*, 208 23 SO E, 5,24,44,69,89 1 51 2s E, 189
Iceland (is/), (Atlantic Ocean), 11°53'E,29 Louth (Ireland), 53°45'N 6°30'W, Neagh, Lough (UK), 54°36'N Perigueux (France), 4S°I2'N ()°44'E,
64°45"N18°00'W,79, 115, 177 Kosel (Germany), 54°28'N 9°50'E, 49 126 6=26 W, 153 126
Ifnqiyah (Tunisia), 35°48'N 10°38'E, Kovno (Lithuania), 54°52'N 23°55'E, Lovat(r), 189 Neman (r), 13,29,69,89, 189 Per 196
196 189 Lule(r), 13,29,49,69,89 Nene(r), 129, 131, 134,208 I'lets, Kltmdomofthe 126 ,

Ilchester (UK), 51°00'N 2°41'W, 129, Kragelund (Denmark), 56°12'N Lulea (Sweden), 65°35'N 22°10'E, 13 Newfoundland (isl), (Canada), Pielmen (lake), (Finland), 63 20 N
140 9°25'E, 29 Luna (//j/v),44°04'N 10"06'E, 126 48°30'N 56°00'W, 177 29 SO E, 5,24, 44, 69, 89 I

Illerup (Denmark), 55°15'N 9°20'E, Kristiansand (Norway), 58=08 N Lund (Sweden), 55°42'N 13 '10 44, 1 , Nicomedia (Turkey), 40°48'N Pilton I UK i, si | ON 2 35 W, 131
29 8°01E, 13 89,115,200,211 29°55'E, 196 Pinhoe (UK), 50 44 \ i 29W.208
Ilmen, Lake (Russia), 58°14'N Krokdalur (r), 173 Lundbjars (Sweden), 57°47'N Nidaros see Trondheim Pinsk (Belarus), S2 08'N26 01 E,
31°22'E, 189 Kungshallet (Sweden), 59"22'N 18°23'E,46, 89 Nile in, 196 189
Inari, Lake (Finland), 60°00'N 16°31'E,49 Lundeborg (Denmark), 55°07'N Nipaitsoq (Denmark), 64°33'N Pisa (Italy), 43°43'N 10=24 E, 126
28°00'E, 13,29,49,69, 89 Kunoy (isl), (Denmark), 62=18 N 10°45'E, 29 50"00'W, "6 1 PisamaIa"hti(Fin/a»rf),61 38 N
Indre (France), 47°06'N 1°37'W, 147 6°39'W, 167 Lutsk (Ukraine), 50 42'N25°15'E, Noirmoutier lis/), (France), 47°00'N 27°42'E, 49
Indus (r), 196 Kursk (Russia), 51°45'N 36°14E, 189 2 IS W. 126, 14" Pitres (France), 49° 1 8'N l°16'E, 144
Ingleby (UK), 52°44N U30W, 134 189 Lvdford (UK), 50 o 39'N 4°06'W, 131, Nolsoy (isl), (Denmark), 6 1°58'N Plougonvelin (France), 48°23'N
Inishmurray (is/), (Ireland), 54°26'N Kutaisi (Georgia), 42° 1 S'N 42°44'E, 208 6°37'W, 167 4".3rW, 147
8°41W, 126 206 Lvmpne (UK), 5 TOS'N 1°02'E, 131 Nonnehakken (Denmark), 55°24'N Plouneour-Menez (France), 48°27 N
Iniebreck (UK), 54°15'N4°30'W, 153 Kvivik (Denmark), 62°07'N 7°04'W, Lyng (UK), 51 = 1 IN 2°57'W, 131 10°25'E,49 3°54'W, 147
Iona (isl),(UK), 56°20'N 6°25'W, 167 Lvsuf|ord (fiord), (Denmark), Nordovri (Denmark), 62°12'N To (I I. -4, 126, |4h
126,219 63°50'N 53°00 W, 176 6°30'W, 167 Polhsta (Sweden), 59°35'N I7°29'E,
Ipswich (UK), 52°04N T09E, 134, La Hague (France), 49°44"N Sh \\, Lvubech (Ukraine), 51 53 =
N 3T07'E, Nordragotu (Denmark), 62 12 N =
208 144 6°46'W, 167 Polotsk (Belarus), ss 30'N 28 43'E,
Isaf|ord (fiord), (Denmark), 61°10'N Labrador*, 177 L An North Cape, (Norway), 71= 10 N 189
45°50'W, 176 Ladby (Denmark), 55°27N 10°39'E, 25°45'E, 13,29,49,69,89, 7 I Pool UK), 59° 1 S'N 2= 3'W, S 3
( 1 I

Islay (is/), (UK), 55°45N 6°20'W, 69 North Elmham (UK), 52°45'N Porlock (UK), 51° 1 3°36'W, 140 4N
153,219 Lade (Noway), 63°27N 10°57E, 115 Madinat al-Salam (7rj<j), 33°20'N 0°56'E, 134 Portchester (UK), 504S N 06 W, 1

Isleifstadir (Iceland), 64°43'N Ladoga, Lake (Russia), 61°00'N 44°30'E, 196 North Minch (strait), (UK), 58 10 N 1 5|
2T28W, 173 32°00'E, 1 3, 29, 49, 69, 89, 1 89, Maere (Norway), 64°07'N 1 1°19'E, 5°50'W, 5 3 1 Portland Bill UK i, 50 i 31 N 2"27'W,
Ismanstorp (Sweden), 56°52'N 206 29 North Uist («/),( UK), 57»35'N 126
16°50'E,49 Lahti (Finland), 61 °00'N 25°40'E, 49 Mainz (Germany), 50°00'N 8°16'E, 7°20'W, 153,219 Poutrocoet*, 147
ltil (Russia), 46°22'N 48°00'E, 79, Lamhav Island (Ireland), S3°30'N 79 Northampton (UK), 52°14'N Powys*, 54 I

196 6°0rW,153 Malaren (lake), (Sweden), 59°30'N 0°54'W, 134, 140 Prague (Czech Republic), 50°06'N
Ivigtut(De«mdrfc),61°10'N Landevennec (France), 48° 8'N 1 17°00'E, 13,29,49,69,89, 189, Northern Hunting Grounds*, 176 14 2h E.79
48°00'W, 176 4°I7W, 147 200, 206 Northumbna*. 115, 126, 129, 131 Pnpet |rl, 189
Izborsk (Estonia), 57°48'N 26°54'E, Langiokull (snowfield), (Iceland), Maldon (UK), 5T43N 0°41'E, 208 Norwich (UK), 52 38 N I7'E, 134, I
Pronsk (Ri,ssi.ll. 54-07 N 54 Jfi £,
189 64°43'N 20°03'W, 173 Malew (UK), 54°06'N 4°39'W, 153 208 189
. 3 4 1


St Melaine {France), 48 UNI 37"W, Smerwick {Ireland), s2 12 N rhjorsa(r), 173 Vatnaiokull (snowfield), (Iceland),
48N28°26E,189 10 2s \\. 153
Thomey (UK), 52°37)N0 0" \V, 131 '.
17 OO'W, 173
Purivl (Ukrain, , 5 1'2 IN 33°53E, St Nazaire {France), 47 I7N2 12 W. Smiss {Sweden), 4s s"
N Is 2s F.4h Thorshaxn [Denmark), 62 02 N Vattern {lake), {Sweden), 58 50'N
147 '
I5N 18 53 E, 4h 6 4 W, 167 14 50'E, 13,29,49,69,89,200
Pvaozero, Lake {Russ 66 N W, I 54 Smolensk (Russia), 54 49'N 52 04'E, ITiorsnes [Iceland), 64 <4 \ Vaxjo {Sweden), 56 s2 N 14 50 F.
LI! St Omer (France), 50 4s \ 2 15'E, 189 22 34 \V, 173 200
126 Sodertalje Sweden), si 1 1 N Tigris(r), "4. |9g Vellinge {Sweden), SS 28 N 1 5 OLE,
Qilakirsoq (Demnarl ,70 ; " \ St Patricks Isle (UK), s"4 14\ 17 59 F.44 Tirconnell*, 214 64
S2 45'W, 176 4 42 \\ 53 . I Sogdiana 196 . Tiree {isl), {UK), 56 50N6 so\\, Vendel {Sweden), 60 I3N 17°50'E,
Quentovu \ I 57"E, St Petersburg Russia), 59 55 N Sogne Fjord, {Norway), 61 00'N is; 24,64
79, 126 i'E, 1 4°30'E,1 ; .24. 44, ^4, s4 Tirowen*\ 214 Vemon (France), 49 12 N I 2s h.
Quimper - M 4°06'W, I.VN4 57~W,208 Selruvik [Denmark), 61 53 N T|nrnuvik [Denmark), 62 I7"N 144
14" " 04 \\",
St Philiben {France), 46 59'N 6 s"4 W, 167 |67 Ycrtou (France), 47 12 N 2s" F, 147 I

Quimperle {France), 4 S5N I 51 W, 147 Solway F.rth, UK), s4 SON Tmutorokan [Russia), 45 ;

I \ Vesteralen isls), {Norway), 68 55'N

5 5IW, 147 St Pol de - 42 N 5 4s \\. Is; 36°39 F. 189 Is" OO'E, s. 24, 44. 64, S4

4 00~W, 147 Sonning (UK), 51°29 NO 55 W, 134 roftanes {Denmark), 62 14 \ Vestmanna [Denmark), 62 09 N
Rampsid< I
W, ^v 56N1 S5"W, Sorte Mulde [Denmark), ss 04'N 6 44 \\. 167 " II V, 167
134 147 I5°09 F.24 Tollund [Denmark), 55 56 N9°09 F. Yestmanna Islands (Iceland), 63°30>N
147 St Tudv {France), 47 54 \4 16 W, Servagur {Denmark), 62 04 N 29 20°20'W, 115,173
" r\\. 167
Rapola (Fin/ami), 6 147 Tonsbers [Norway), 59' 16 N Viborg {Denmark), S6 28 N 4 25 F,
44 Frana ,4s 4^\ South list isl), UK), 57-15'N 10 2s F.s4 49,89, Is". 200. 21

- 2 >\V. is;. 214

Rathlin bland (UK ,55 I8N 1 147
12 \Y. Topozero, Uke {Russia), 65°45 N Vidoy {isl), (Denmark), 6220'N
6 126,153,219
12 \V. StWandrille Franc. .44 J2 N Southampton (UK), 50 54 N 23 W, 1 52°00'E,13 6 s0\Y. 167
Raunds(UK), S2°21'N0°33 W, 134 2". 144 79, 131 Torksey(UK), 53 IS No 4s" \X\ 124 Yike.r, 115
Reading (UK), 51 2TN S7W, 129, Salisbun UK), 51 "4 \ 4s \Y. I Southwark [UK), SI 50'NO 06-W, Torne [r), 13,29,49,69,89 Vilaine(r), 147
134 I29,i08 131 Toropets {Russia), S6°30 N si 40 E. Vilnius (Lithuania), s4 40 N25 14 F,
Redon (Frana .4" 19N2 - \\ Saltee Islands {Ireland), s2 18 \ Spey(r), 153,219 189 13
147 6 36 W, 153 K), 52 4s \: ,,-\\, 134 Torsburcen [Sweden), 5 26 \ Vmland*, 177
K), 55 52 N4°23'W,219 Samarkand {Uzbekistan), 59 40 N Stamford (UK), s2 59TM0 29"W, is 4s F, 46,44 Vire(r), 144
Rennes (France), 48 06 N l°40'W, -- 57>E,79, 196 1 34, 1 Toulouse (France), 43"37'N 1
2" F, Visby {Sweden), 57 5TN IS 20E,
14" Sanda {Sweden ,59 t5"N 17 45E.49 Staraya Ladoga [Russia), 59 54 N 126 46, I.S4, 200
Renncs . I4~ Sandavagur {Denmark ,62 I3'N 52 4"F. "4. 189 Tours [France), 47 23 N 42 F, 126 Vistula (r), 13,29,69,79,89, 189,
\ 1 52 W, 129, 167 , Staraya Russa [Russ Traebjerg {Denmark), s6 12 N 146
I s4 Sandnes Denmark 1, 64 2 N
1 31 22 F. 189 4 ooe.49 Vitebsk (Belarus), SS ION 50 14 F.
Reville {France), 49 i'M |5 \v. 50 I6W, 176 Starodub {Russia), 52 55 N 52 46 F. Trans (France), 48 50'N 35"W, 147 1 IS4
144 N 189 Trebizond lT«rt.-vi. 41°00 N Vladimir (Russia), 56 08 N 40 2s" F,

.{Denmark), 61 50
Revkholt {Iceland), 64 40N 6 4s W. 167 Stavangei N 5 4s" F. 59°43'E, 1S4, |46 189
2I°15 \V. 173 Sandur(De»mari),61 SO N 6 4s \\ . 13,200 Trcguier [France), 48 4" N s 14 W, Vladimir (Ukraine), 50 51 N
Reykjavik {Iceland), 64 167 Steinfinnastadir [Iceland), 63 4s" N 147 24 |4F, 189
21 58 W, 173, 177 Sandwich (UK), S1°16'N 1°21'E,208 14 4s W. 173 Trcllebors {Denmark), S5 l"N Volga (r), 79, 189, 146,206
Rhine(r),79, 126, 196 Sandwicl :4\Y. Stenbyborg {Sweden), 59 24 N llls-L. 44. S4 Volkhov (r), 1S4
Rhone |s"; 17 2S L. 44 TrellcborE [Sweden), 55°22'N Vorbasse (Denmark), 55 36 N
RihhleheadTTs.. s4 M\: I4W, Santon Downham ! IK I, 52 56 N Sriklestad {Norway), 64 09 N 1
s I0'E,49 4 os E. 44
22 I F. 134 12 OO'E, 115 Trent (r), 124, i;i. 134. 140,208 Vowlan(UK), 54°20'N 4°23' W, 153
Ribe (Dewnarfe), 55 |9'N8 4"F.44. Sardinia {isl), Utah -
Stockholm {Sweden), 59 20"N Tromsi. {Norway), 69 40 N 4 OOF, 1 Vygozero, Lake iRiissul, 63°30'N
79,89, 115,200,211 126 15 Os F, 13 is 54 50'E, 13
Riga (Latvia 56 53'N 24 I8E, 13,
. s . 51 54N0 42 W, 131 Stong {Iceland), 64 ION 19°41'W, Trendelag*, I 1 S
-4, |g9, |9« 126 173 Trondheim (Nidaros), [Norway), Wales 126

Ringsrcd Denmark'. 55°28'N Irgyll of .214 Storsjon {lake), {Sweden), 63 ION 6; 56'N lo 2U, 13,89, 115,200, Wallingford (UK), 51°36'N POTW,
11 ^^ £,49, 89, 2 Scotland . 3 14 2o F. 13,29,49,69,89 211 129, 131, 20S
E, 144 Strangford VK 54 28'N 5 55"W, . Truso {Poland), 54 22 N is 58 E.79, Waltham (UK), 50°57'N 1

Roherrshaven t/K),58 I9N3°01'W, 1 5'N I

J (89 Walthamstow (UK), 5 1°42'N I
153 13 4 if. 13 Stransnas [Sweden), 59 04 N Tuloma (r), 13 134
Rogaland Seme in. 126. 144 16°35 F. 20'i Tuna Alsike [Sweden), 58°45'N Wareham (UK), 50*41 N2 ;
0S \\ ,

Rome(/'a/v),41 S4N-12 29'E, 79, Seme. Bale dc la bay . f'.;>.v, . Strathclyde and Cumbria*, 208 17 4S F. h4 124, 131
146 NO 50"W, 144 Strathclyde 12h, Is; . Tuna Badelunda [Sweden), 58°41'N Warsaw (Poland), 52° 1 5'N 21
Roskilde (D<w7urfc,. 55 59 N strevmov {isl), {Denmark), 62 II N 16 ;;f,64 13
12 OTE, 13,89, 115,200,211 17 50'E, 13,29,49,69, sm " "\\. 167 Warwick (UK), 52° 17N 1°36'W, 131
Tune {Norway), S9°15'N I0°55 F,64 ,

R.^s. Argyll of*, 219 Severn (r), 129,131, 134, 140,208 Suduroy [isl), [Denmark),6\ 52 N Tungnaa (r), 173 Wasit(/raal,32°17'N44M0 E, 196
Ross ,153,219 Shaftesburj UK), 51 00"N2 12W, " 15 W, 167 Tuquoy(UK),59 20 N 3 OO'W, 153 Watcher (UK), 51M0N 3°20'W, 131,
Rostock iGfrmiinvl, s4 06 N 131 Suir(r), Is'; Turku {Finland), 60 2" N 22 15 F. 208
Sulgrave (UK), 52 0TN
I2 09 E, sm I Shannon (r), 153,219 1 (IS W, 134 13,49 Waterford (Ireland), 52°16'N
Rouen [France), 49 2* N l°05 E.79, Sherson(UK s") 41 N2 I2W.208 . Sundsvall [Sweden), 62 22 N Turov [Belarus), S2°04iN 2 40 F, 7 6 08'W, 53 1

126, 144 Shetland (is/- 17 2o t. Is 1S4 Wedmore UK), 51 ° 1 4'N 2°49'W,


Roum (Denmark), 56 50N8°48'E, 1 ls-\V. -4. |26, 153, 177,219 Suteska, {Poland), 50 43'N23 15 F. Tyne(r), 124, 131, 153,208 129
:^ Shoebury( UK), 51 11 NO 49E, 131 189 Tvnemouth (UK), 55°01'N 24 W, 1 Wenslev (UK), 54°19'N 2°04'W, 134
Ruffiac (France),
47 4s N2°15'W, Sicily {isl), {Italy), 57 50^ - Sutherland*, 153 126 Wessex .lis", 126, 124, 131, 134.
I4 126 Suzdal {Russia), $6 23 N41 21 F. Tynwald {UK), 54 5 N 4 36"W, 153 1 140
Ruacn [is/1, {German 4 JON .
Sigtuna {Sweden), S9 56 17°44'E, N 189 Wesr Dvma (r), 3, 29, 69, 79, 89,

13 JOE, 13,29,49,69,79, 89, 49,89, 115, 189,200,211 Svinoy isl), {Denmark), f>2 '
1" N Udal, The {VK), 57°40'N 7°22"W, 189, 196
189 Silian /... SON h is\\. (67 153 Wesrern Settlement*, 176
Rum (is/), 20'W, 14 40 E. 13,29,49,69, S4 Sydrgeru [Denmark), h2 13 N LMfrecksfjord see Lame \Yesrern Slavic Tribes*, 126
153 Simns [Sweden), 55 55'N 14°20'E, 69 6°44-W, 167 Lister-, s3, 219
i Westness (UK), 59»09'N 3=04 AX'. 153
i9 52N18 I2E, Simy Folds (UK), s4 55'N 2 I9TP, SvrDarv-. Ume(r), 13.24,44,69,89 Wexford (Ireland), 32'20'N 6 2s \\ .

44 134 I'nderhoull [UK), 60=49 N 0°59'W, 153

Sirmium [Yugoslavia), 44 42 N Taby [Sweden), 59 29'N 18°04 E. 44 <>
Is" 3 Wharram Percy (UK), 54°01'N
Saaremaa (isl), |Es« 14 16 I Tafta [Sweden), S7°31 N IX 06 F,4h Uppland', 200 0°43W, 134
22 50'E, 1 5, 24. 4-. -4 Siarlland [isl), {Denmark), SO 50 N ragus(r), 126, 146 Uppsala [Sweden), 59°55'N r 58 F, Whithorn (UK), s"4 44N4 2s\Y.
Sabhall (UK), 54 2IN5 43W.2I9 ll°45 E, 13,29,49,69,89, 115 Talacre (UK), S3°20N 5 24 \X'. 134 lis. 200,206,211 153,219
Szdding (Dramar*:), 55 28'N 8 28'E, Skart.ur:. 173 Tallinn {Estonia), 59°22'N 24°48E, Utrecht {Netherlands), 52 04'N Wicklow|/rWjnd\52=59N.
44 Skacerrak {channel), 5, 24. 44, 69, S4 1 13,189 5°07E, 126 is-;

Saffron Walden {UK), 52 12 N Skaill (UK), 58 S6'N2 43"W, 153 Tamnaren {lake), [Sweden), 60°10'N Uusikaupunki {Finland), 60°48'N Wight, Isle of (UK), 50°40'N 1
" W.
15'E, 134 Skalholt(/cetflm/),64 08 N20 51 W, I7"25'l 21 50'E, 49 124, 20S
..'tj'i. hi 2" N lis. 173 Tampere irmhmh. 61 52 N23 4s" F. Williton (UK), s|04N3 = 20'W, 129
Skallakot {Iceland), 64 I7"N 13,49 Vi {Sweden), 56 09"N 13 4s' F.24 Wilton(UK), SI 05 N I°52-W, 124,
47 Is" N l°27"W, 2-' 00~w\ 173 Tamworth (UK), S2°39 S T40W, Vaasa {Finland), 6306 N 21 56 F, 13 131. 20S
147 Skane . 1 I i 134 Vagar (is/), (Denmark), 62° ION Winchester (UK), 51 04'N l'l^W,
(UK), 54°29'N3 36'W, 219 Skara Sweden), 58 22 N I3°25 Tanuelgardc [Sweden); $7 44 \ - 15 W. 167 131,208.211
St Bee's F.
StBrieuc (France), 48 31 N2°45'W, lis. 2nM,211 is 40 F. 46 Valence(Frj.u-ei. 44 56'N 4 S4E, 126 Wolin (Poland), 53°51 N 14
147 Skellig Michael [Ireland), S1°47"N Tashkent [Uzbekistan), 41 16 N VaUeberga [Sweden), 55°23'N "4, 184

St Clair-sur-Epte [France), 49 12 N 10 5CW.126 64 I3E.79 14 04 F. 64 Worcester (UK), $2 I 1 N 2 1 3 \Y.

1 41 F. 144 Skelhcs, The [isls), {Ireland), sl4 N Tavistock (UK), s"o ;;\4 us W. Valsgarde [Sweden), 60°1 IN 131
Saintes I 18 W, 10 50"W, 153 208 1" 11 L. 24. 64 Wroxeter (UK), 52°41 N 2 34 \Y.
126 •
I 2 N 4 J6E, 44. I r. r), 153 Vanem i/jfcc 1. (Suwden), s"4=00'N 140
StEulalia Spain 42 4" \ 8 S3 W, . Tbilisi [Georgia), 41 4; \ 44 4s L. 13 LsF, 13,29,49,69,89,200 Wye(r), 134
126 Skopunartinrdhur {channel), Vanhalinna {Finland), 60 56 N
St George's Channel, 12s. 124. H, i Denmark), 61"55 Nh v'W. 167 Tees(r), 129,131, 134, 140. Is3,208 22 34 E, 44 Yngaren (lake), (Sweden), 58
1 14, 140 Skuldelev {Denmark), 55 4s \ Teigmon [UK), 50 53'N 3 50 W, 208 Vannes {France), 47 40 N 2 44¥, 16 55 I

N -os w. -4.
St Gildas-de-Rhuis 12 '12 1-.44 Teltenhall (UK), 52 42 N 2 ? 1
\\ . 147 York(UK), S3 ss 1

2 5 I
W, 147 Skiivoy [isl), iDemnjrk\. h I 4 N 140 Vaskinde (Smeaen), S7°41'N 18 22 F. 124. 134, 140. 20S. 211.214
St |acut • : 1 W, 6°48-W, 167 Tempsford (UK), s2 06 NO 2s F. 46 York, Kingdom of*, 134, 140
147 skve. Meoi |UK), 57 20N6 I5'W, 140 Vasteras [Sweden), S9 36 N 16 32 E, Ytre Moa (Noway), 60 52 N7 15 F.

St Kilda {isl), {UK), 57 44 s s ;4 \\ . 153,219 Thames (n. 124. 131, 134, 140,208 200 49
153 Skyhill (UK), M 14 \ 4 2 > \\. 214 Thanet (UK), 51 22 N 1 IS F. 124 Yasrcrearn [Sweden), 57°24'N
ana ,48 59 \ ; Slagelse {Denmark), S5°24'N Thetford (UK), S2°2S NO 45 F. 124. is 14 F. 46.44
147 i:m •
134, 140 N'asrergorland', 113,200
48 U'N2°12 W, Slusegard {Denmark Thingvellir {Iceland), 64 Is N Yastcrheide [Sweden), 57 ; s'
7"E,69 21 06 W, lis, 173 18° HE. 46

igures in italics refer to map Arabs 43, 12~, 146, 147, 184, Bjorketorp rune-stones 74,84,86,97, 118, 135, Charles the Bald, king of
and illustration captions. 189, 19--19S, 198 (Sweden) 102 154, 157, 158, 161, 169, Frankia 143
Arctic 12. 15, 16, '. 65, 223
/ Bjorko, Sweden 45, 47, 84, 171, 184, 197, 198 Charles the Simple, king of
Ardre picture-stone (Gotland) 85,86, 87 inhumation 24, 68, 69, 73 Frankia 145
ill Bjorn, king of Sweden 45, 84 markers 122, 136, 137, 137, Chartres, France 142, 145
Argishrekka, Faeroe Islands B|orn Cripplehand (court poet) 138, 155, ISS, 169 Cherbourg, France 145

A 168, 168
Argyll 14S, 219,
Arhus, Denmark
52, 100, 120,
Bjorn Ironside (Viking leader)
127, 146, 147
Neolithic Age 22, 22, 26
pagan 34, 135, 152, 154,
155, 156-157, 160,
chess 64, 11 i

Chester, England 132, 163

chieftains 24, 27,28,31,45
Abbasid caliphate 43, 184, 200 Black Sea 115, 146, 184, 194, 168-169,204 China 184, 195, 197, 197,
188, 197-198, 197,207 Ari Thorgilsson (Icelandic 196, 197,197,207 passage-grave 22 198
Adam of Bremen (German historian) 100, 119, 171 Block Eary, Isle of Man 155 rite of suttee 157 Christianity
churchman) 44, 75, 109, Arkona temple-fortress see bog sacrifice see sacrifice royal graves 34, 35, 41, 44, burials 118, 135, 138, 138,
111, 114, 114, 173,206, Riigen Bohuslan, Sweden 22 69,73 139, 155, 157-158, 158,
211 armies 125, 127, 127, Book of the Icelanders Vendel Period 31, 35 204
Adelso, Sweden 44, 47 129-132, 129, 131, 141 (Islendingabok) 100, 119, Viking Age 38, 40, 41,42, churches 99, 118, 118, 136,
^Ifric (English homilist) 1 1 Army Road (Ox Road), 171 42-43, 43, 47, 54, 68, 68, 188, 188, 192, 193, 194,
/Ethelflxd, daughter of Alfred Denmark 74 Book of Life, The (Liber 69,70-73, 75,84,86, 118, 194,200-201,200,201,
the Great 142 art styles 38, 55, 90, 97, 98, Vitae) 210, 210 118, 128, 135, 137, 145, 202, 202-203, 206, 212,
/Ethelred (leader of Mercia) 98-99, 137, 138, 138-139 Book of the Measurement of 148, 152, 154, 155, 155, 215,218,222-223
142 Askekarr ship (Sweden) 75 the Earth (Liber de Orbis 161, 168-169, 171, 190, introduction of 25, 38, 44,
yEthelred I, king of England Asser (biographer of Alfred the Mensura Terrae) 164, 166 190-191,223 45,52,59,73,74, 100, 101,
130 Great) 159 Borg, Lofoten islands 29, 44, wagon burials 34, 35, 68, 105, 106, 111, 114-116,
/Ethelred II (the Unready), Athelney, England 130, 130 45,61 69, 74, 90, 91 115, 116, 119-120, 122,
king of England 54, 116, Athelstan, king of England Borgund, Norway 201, 203 Burray silver hoard (Orkney) 124, 137, 145, 173, 176,
127,201,207,207,208, 116, 142, 146 Bornholm, Denmark 19, 28, 152 190, 200, 200, 201, 206,
209,209,210,210,211 axes 39, 52, 54-55, 54, 57 31 Byzantine empire 184, 188, 220,221,221,222-223,
jEthelweard (English flint 22, 22 Borre, Norway 41, 44, 97 195-198, 197, 198 222
chronicler) 111 Ayres, the, Isle of Man 155 Borre style 97, 98, 98, 99, 138, Byzantium (Constantinople/ missionaries 32, 84, 116,
vtthelwulf, eolderman 130 138 Istanbul/ Mikligardr) 39, 75, 119, 120, 148
Afghanistan 197, 198 Bothnia, Gulf of 19, 91 78,79,84,86, 115, 135, writings and artworks 44,
Agantyr, king of Denmark 44, Braaid, Isle of Man 155, 156, 136, 147, 184, 189, 194, 86, 101, 102, 103, 193,207
84 157
Aggersborg fortress (Denmark)
B bracteates 28
Brattahlid, Greenland 174,
195, 195, 196, 197, 197,
climate 12, 14, 15, 16, 18,25,
222, 223
Clontarf, battle of (1014 AD)
agriculture 16, Baffin Island (Helluland) 177, 174,175,176,176,220 219
27,28,31,48,58-60,59, 1 223
78, Bremen, Germany 120 Close ny Chollagh, Isle of Man
151, 164, 166, 167-168,
174, 175,222
Ahus, Sweden 35, 88
Baghdad, Iraq 39, 43, 80, 197,
Baku, Azerbaijan 198
bridges 48, 74
Bristol, England 163
Bristol Channel 158, 160
c 155, 156
clothing and hairstyles 24, 24,
67,67,68,86, 184,205,
Al-Tartushi (Arab merchant) Balearic Islands 146 Brittany 144, 145-146, 146, Caithness, Scotland 148, 150, 223, 223
81 Balladoole, Isle of Man 155, 147, 148, 159 151, 152, 154,214,214, Cnut the Great, king of
Alain the Great, ruler of 155, 156, 157 Broa style 97, 98, 98 215,219 England and Denmark 103,
Brittany 146 Ballateare, Isle of Man 157 brochs 148,218 Caldey, Wales 159, 160 120, 138, 139,200,208,
Aland Islands, Finland 45, 72, Ballinderry, Ireland 65 Bronze Age 22, 23-24, 24, 26, Calf of Man, Isle of Man 155 209-211,210,211,212
91 Ballywillin, Ireland160 26,29, 150 Camp de Peran, France 146, Codex Regius 106
Alcuin (English churchman) Baltic Sea 14, 18, 19,27,38, bronzework 88, 92-93, 95 146 coins 27, 31, 33, 38,41,47,
124 45,46,48,84,96, 184, 188, brooches 32, 46, 67, 67, 68, Carew stone cross (Wales) 160 79,81,82,84,86,86,88,
Alfred the Great, king of 189 88, 92, 93, 94, 95, 95, 99, Carmarthen, Wales 158 92, 93, 129, 130, 132, 136,
Wessex85, 115, 116, 127, Bamberg casket (Germany) 139, 145, 152, 154, 163, Carolingian empire 125, 127, 141, 144, 152, 158, 158,
129, 130-131, 130, 131, 99 171 131, 142, 143, 144, 145, 159, 161, 163,187,
132,132, 133, 141, 159 Bangor, Wales 159 Brunanburh (battle, 937) 142, 145, 147 197-198,198,201,204,
Althing, the 173,220,221 Bardsey, Wales 160 212 carvings 209,210,210
Altuna rune-stone (Sweden) Bayeux, France 145 Bryant's Gill, England 135 crucifixion slabs 138, 155, Colby, Wales 159
110 Bayeux tapestry 212, 213 Buckquoy, Orkney 150 160 Collingwood, W.G. (English
amber 78, 78, 82, 96 bead-making 78, 82, 82, 86, Bulgar 197, 198, 198 ivory 213 artist) 221
Andreas stone (Isle of Man) 88,95-96,96, 158, 184 Bulverket lake fort (Gotland) stone and rock 22, 24, 47, Colonsay, Hebrides 154, 219
155, 158 Bede, the Venerable (English 48 91,97,98, 116, 122, 136, combs and comb-making 68,
Angers, France 211 historian) 134 Burge hoard, Gotland 47 137, 137, 138, 138, 139, 82,88,96-97,97, 102
Angles 148 Beginish, Ireland 163 burhs 131,131, 132, 132, 155, 155, 157-158, 160, compass 180, 180-181
Anglesey (Ongul'sIsle), Wales Beloozero, Russia 197 133, 135, 141-142, 141 163 Constantine Porphyrogenitos,
158, 160 Beorhtric, king ofWessex 122 burial customs wood 64, 90, 90, 91, 91,97, emperor of Byzantium 195,
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 116, Bernard (English bishop) 119, boat burials 26, 34, 35, 42, 99 196
122, 125, 125, 127, 128, 120 42-43, 55, 64, 68, 68, 69, Caspian Sea 39, 75, 146, 197, cooking 66
129, 130, 132, 134, 135, Birka, Sweden 45, 47, 48, 48, 72, 74, 75, 76, 76, 90, 198, 198,206,207 utensils 26, 62, 144, 146
207, 209 52, 58, 60, 68, 68, 72, 73, 90-91, 122, 146, 146, 154, Cass ny Howin, Isle of Man Copenhagen, Denmark 19
Anglo-Scandinavian styles see 81,84-85,86,86,87,92, 155, 155, 156, 160 156 Cork, Ireland 160,221
England, cultural exchange 118, 120, 184, 195, 197, Bronze Age 23-24, 24, 26 Castletown burial (Scotland) crafts 31, 38, 41,46, 46, 62,
Annagassan, Ireland 160 198, 201, 204 Christian 118, 135, 138, 154 63, 82, 82, 84, 86, 88, 88,
Annates Xantenses 142 Birsay,Orkney 150,215,216, 138, 139, 155, 157-158, Celtic Iron Age see Early Iron 91-97,92,93,94,96,97,
Annals of St Bertin 127 216-217,218 158, 204 Age 136, 136, 138, 138, 139,
Ansculf, king of Dublin 221 Bjarni Herjolfsson (Viking cremation 23, 68, 69 Celts 32, 138, 138, 142, 147, 160, 162, 184, 184, 186,
Ansgar (missionary) 44, 81, sailor) 176, 177,223 grave-goods 24, 34, 35, 35, 148-163 190, 198
83,84, 115, 120,206 BJ0rke book-mount (Norway) 38,40,41,42,42,43,44, Charlemagne, Emperor 124, Cronk nv Merriu, Isle of Man
Appledore, Kent 116 124 54, 59, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 142, 143, 145 155, 156

Cubbie Roo's Castle, Orknev Dnieper river 184, 184,189, runic inscriptions 101, 158, Freswick Links, Scotland 150, 119, 173,219,220,220
218,218 194, 194, 195, 197 160,210,211 214,215 Grauballe, Denmark 27
Cuerdale hoard (England) 141 Doarlish Cashen, Isle of Man stone sculpture 136, 137, Fribredre river, Denmark 75, "Great Army" 125, 127,
156 138,138,139,210 88 129-130, 129, 136, 142,
Domesday Book 134 Viking raids and campaigns Frisia 125, 126, 142, 143 144, 146
domestic life 62, 62-63, 66, 38,44,52,54, 103, Frojel, Gotland 88, 206 Great Orme's Head, Wales

D 66,68
Dorestad, Fnsia 143
Drangey Island, Iceland 106
115-116, 122-133, 122,
124, 125, 127, 129, 130,
Fuglafjer ur, Faeroe Islands
furniture 43, 63, 66
Green Shiel, Lindisfarne,
England 135
daggers and knives 22, 52, 54 Dravle rune-stone (Sweden) renewed attacks furs and skins 78, 84, 88 Greenland 177
daily 58-77
life 113 (c.980-1016) 200, 207-210, futhark 102, 102 agriculture 175
Dalalven, Sweden 17 Drimore, South Uist, Hebrides 208,209 Fyn, Denmark 18, 27, 56, 120 hunting 176
Dalnada, kingdom of 148 152 Norwegian invasion (1066) Fyris river,Sweden 35, 85 landscape 1 74
Dalum rune-stone (Sweden) Druzno, Poland 184 211-213 Fyrkat fortress (Denmark) 48, Late Viking Age 222-223,
101 Dublin, Ireland 97, 135, 141, Viking settlement 129-131, 52, 56, 56-57, 200 223
Damascus 197 142, 152, 153, 158, 158, 133-141, 134 religion 115,119-120,174,
danegeld 103, 125, 127, 144, 159, 160, 162, 162, 163, Eric Bloodax (Viking leader) 222-223, 222
159,201,208-209 163,219,219,221 116, 127, 142 runic inscriptions 223, 223
Danelaw 129, 131-137, 131,
132, 134,137, 141-142,
Dyfed, Wales 158, 159
Dynna rune-stone (Norway)
103, 103
Eric the Red (founder of
Greenland) 119, 171,
173-174, 174, 176, 176,
G Viking settlements 14, 38,
164, 174-176,174,175,
Danevirke, Denmark 35, 44, 177, 220 Gamla (Old) Uppsala, Sweden 223
45,47,48,48,81,83, 124 Eric'sSaga 177 34,35,35,44, 111, 114, Grettir's Saga 106
Dankirke, Denmark 28 Ermentarius of Noirmoutier 120 Grim Kamban (Faroese settler)

Davis Strait 177,223 (Frankish monk) 142 Gardar, Greenland 120, 176, 166, 168
Denmark 12 Essex, England 132, 142, 208, 220, 222, 222, 223 Gnmkil (bishop) 119
agriculture18,22,48, 209 Gaseborg hillfort (Sweden) 47 Grimsby, England 134
58-59, 59 Early (Celtic/Pre-Roman) Iron Estonia 14, 91, 184, 195 Gaudbert (bishop) 120 Gripsholm rune-stone
burial customs 26, 26, 68, Age 24-25, 25, 27 Exeter, England 130 Gaut (stone-carver) 158 (Sweden) 101
69,72,73,75, 118 Early Germanic Iron Age see Eyrbyggjasaga 105, 114 Gerbrand (bishop) 120 Grobin, Latvia 184
churches 115, 118, 118, Migration Period Eysturoy, Faeroe Islands 167, Germany 84, 101, 103, 120, Groix ship burial (France) 146,
200-201,201 East Anglia, England 122, 127, 168 136, 198,201,207 146
engineering 56, 200, 208 129-133, 129, 142 see also Riigen Grentoft, Denmark 25
flora and fauna 16, 18 Eastern Settlement, Greenland Gibraltar 146, 147 Gross-Raden, Germany 187
fortifications 35, 45, 47, 48, 174-176, 176, 177, 182, Gillhog passage-grave Gudme, Denmark 27, 28, 29,
48, 52, 56, 56-57, 61 183,222,222,223,223 (Sweden) 22 31,32
geology 14, 18 Ed rune-stone (Sweden) 197 Gjermundbu helmet (Norway) Gunnbjorn Ulf-Krakuson
history before Vikings 22, Eddas (Elder and Younger) 39,55 (Viking sailor) 174
23, 24, 25 106, 111, 112,222 Faeroe Islands 14, 164, glasswork 38, 95-96, 96 Gurness, broch of (Scotland)
houses 61, 63, 63, 81, Edgar the Peaceable, king of 166-169, 166, 168, 170, Gnezdovo (Smolensk), Russia 148
83-84 England 207, 208 171, 176,218 195, 195 Gustafson, Professor Gabriel
iron ore 24 Edington, battle of 129, 130 falconry 64, 64 Godfred, king of Denmark 44, (Norwegian archaeologist)
landscape 18, 18 Edmund, king of East Anglia Fejo, Denmark 145 45, 47, 81, 143 42
Later Viking Age 200-201, (St Edmund) 115, 130, 130 Finland Godred Crovan, king of Man Guthrum (Viking leader) 129,
207-209, 210, 213 Edmund II Ironside, king of burial customs 68, 72, 73 218 129, 130-131
nation-state, as 207 England 209, 211 flora and fauna 19, 19 Godred II, king of Man 219 Gwynedd, Wales 158, 159
population movements 14, Edward the Confessor, king of geology 19 gods 108, 109, 110-111,
15,28 England 210, 211, 212-213 landscape 19, 19 114-115, \37 see also
pre- Viking settlements 25, Edward the Elder, king of language 19 Christianity and paganism
raids and piracy 38, 125,
England 141, 142
Egilsay,Orkney 218
Egrved, Denmark 24
population 14, 19
power 44, 45
Gokstad ship burial, Norway
39, 41, 55, 64, 69, 73, 75,
208-209 Eidhi, Faeroe Islands 168 settlements 88, 91 gold 32, 92, 152, 161, 187 Hagelbjerggard,Denmark 22
religion 38, 44, 111, 114, Eiriksfiord,Greenland 174, territory 19, 19 Goltho, England 135 Haggeby carved stone
115, 118, 120,200 174, 17 S, 176, 176 trade 88, 91 Gorm, king of Denmark 41, (Sweden) 64
roads 72, 74 Eketorp, Oland 30,30,31, travel and communication 44, 118, 118, 120 Hakon, earl of Lade 104, 116,
royal power 18, 35, 43-44, 31,48 73-74 Gorodisce, Russia 188, 192 215
52,56,56-57,118,200, Elizabeth, wife of Harald Viking settlement 19, 60 Gosforth cross (England) 137, Hakon the Good, king of
207, 208, 210 Hardradi 188 Finland, Gulf of 19, 184 138 Norway 114, 116
rune-stones 100, 102, 102, Emma (/Elfgyfu), wife of Cnut Fishguard, Wales 160 Gota river, Sweden 16, 17 Hakon IV, king of Norway
120, 118, 118, 197 210,210 18,44,48,60,61,
fishing 16, Gotebald (bishop) 120 222
settlements 38-39, 48, 48, England 14, 28 151,215,218 Gotland, Sweden 17-18, 19, Halland, Sweden 14, 17, 19
52, 58-59, 63, 83-84, 88, burial customs 128, 128, Five Boroughs 135 19,31,69,73, 197,206 Hallestad rune-stone (Sweden)
200 134, 135, 137, 138, 138 Flatatunga, Iceland 202 archaeological finds 46, 101
territory 17, 135 crafts 135, 136 136 Flateyjarbok 107 46-47, 75, 79, 91, 92, 96, Hamburg, Germany 120
trade 27, 88 cultural exchange 134, 137, flutes 64, 64 110 Hameenlinna, Finland 58
travel and communication 138,141,201,210 food 64, 66 crafts and industries 46, 46, Hamwic (Southampton),
48,72,74, 184 danegeld 103, 125, 127, 31,31,35,
fortifications 30, 88,96,184 England 39
Derby, England 134, 135 159,201,208-209 45,47-48,48,52,148, 156 fortifications 47-48, 52 Harald (Viking leader in
Dicuil (Irish monk) 164, 166, Norman conquest 212-214, Danish royal fortresses 44, picture-stones 40, 46, 47, Frisia) 143
170 212 56, 56-57, 88 52,55,64,75,98, 109,111 Harald Bluetooth, king of
Dingwall, Scotland 43, 150, place-names 39-40, 43, 88, France 28, 38, 127, 142-147, as trading center 27, 46, 88, Denmark 41, 44, 47,48,52,
220 134-135, 134, 155 148,211,212 91, 184 55,56,74,98,99,115,118,
Disko Island, Greenland 177, religion115-116,115,122, Frankia28, 120, 128, 131, Gotu, Faeroe Islands 167 118, 120,120,200,201,
223 124, 130, 137 142-146, 142, 145, 164 government and laws 43, 100, 208,210
Harald Finehair, king of History of the Northern 135, 141, 142, 152, Kaupang, Norway 72, 85, 88, Lindholm H0)e, Denmark 59,
Norway 41,44, 103, 104, Peoples 114 160-161, 161, 162, 162, 88,95 59, 68, 72, 99
114, 116, 151, 166, 170 Htston,' of Norway (Historia 163, 170,207,219,219, Kells, Ireland 148 Lindisfarne, England 38, 122,
Harald Klak, king of Denmark Norvegiae) 171 221 Kent, England 130, 131 122, 124, 127, 133, 135,
120 66
bnefatafl 64, 65, Irish Annals 154, 159, 160 Khazar nomads 197, 198 148
Harald Sigurdarsson Hodde, Denmark 25 Irish Sea 152, 153, 154, 158, Kiev (Konugardr), Russia 184, Lindisfarne Gospels 133
(Hardradi), king of Norway hogbacks 134, 137, 138, 139 160, 163,207,218,219, 189, 190, 194, 194, 195, Lindsey, England 125
188, 196, 211-213,214 Hogom, Sweden 29 219 196,205 Linkoping, Sweden 120
Hardacnut, king of Denmark Holar, Iceland 119 IronAge 24-28, 29, 32, 148, Killaloe cross (Ireland) 115 literature 44, 100, 103-106,
210, 211 Holmgardr 188 150, 156,218 Kilmainham-Islandbndge 106, 107, 112-113, 113,
Harold Godwinson, king of Holy River, battle of (1026 iron ore 24, 78, 91 cemeteries (Ireland) 160, 114-115
England 211-213 AD) 210 iron-working 91-92, 92, 174 161, 163 Lithuania 14, 184
Harz mountains, Germany 198 Horik the Older and Younger, Isafjord, Greenland 176 Kiloran Bay, Hebrides 154 Little Paxton, England 135
Hassle, Sweden 26 kings of Denmark 44 Islay, Hebrides 219 Kingigtorssuaq, Greenland Llancarfan, Wales 159
Hastein (Hasteinn) (Viking Hornelund brooch (Denmark) Isleif (first bishop of Iceland) 223, 223 Llandudno, Wales 159
leader) 116, 127, 127, 131, 94 119 King's Milton, England 1 16 Llantwit, Wales 159
131, 132, 146, 147 horses 64, 64, 74, 75 Ismanstorp fort (Oland) 48 King's Mirror 175 locks 66
Hastings, battle of (1066 AD) horse equipment 74, 75, 98, Italy 96, 127, 143, 146-147, Kings' Sagas 103, 104, 105 Loddekopinge, Sweden 88,
212, 213 99 201 Kirbister, Orkney 150 206
Healfdene (Halfdan) (Viking houses 60-63, 62, 62-63, 81, Itil (Khazar capital) 198 Kirkiubaur, Faeroe Islands 218 Lodose, Sweden 206
leader) 127, 130, 133 83-84,156,157,168,172 Ivar Bardarson (Norwegian Kirkwall, Orkney 218 Lofoten islands 19, 29, 44, 45
Hebrides (Sudreys, Southern Hovgarden, Sweden 29, 44 priest) 223 Kneep, Lewis, Hebrides 154 Loire river, France 127, 129,
Isles) 103, 115, 148, 150, Humber river, England 142, ivory (walrus) 78, 88, 213 Knock v Doonee, Isle of Man 143, 146, 147, 147,211
151, 152, 154, 158, 160, 211-212 Izborsk, Russia 195 156 London, England 54, 125,
213,214,218-219,219 Hvalsey, Greenland 223 Knowth, Ireland 160 130, 130, 132, 137
Hedeby, Denmark (modern Hylestad church (Norway) 113 Kolbein Hruga (Cubbie Roo) Lough Derg, Ireland 219
Haithabu, Germany) 45, 47, Hywel Dda (Howell the Good) 218,218 Lough Neagh, Ireland 160
81, 83-84, 85, 103 ruler of Gwvnedd 159 Kopingsvik, Sweden 206 Louis the Pious, Frankish
archaeological excavations Kosel, Denmark 83 emperor 143, 145
54, 55, 63, 63, 66, 67, 75, Kolobrzeg, Poland 184 Lovat river, Russia 184, 189,
80, 80-81 James III, king of Scotland Kvivik, Faeroe Islands 167, 194, 194, 195
burialcustoms 72, 73 218 168 Luna, Italy 147
church at 115, 120 Jarlshof, Shetland 150, 150, Lund, Denmark 64, 74, 120,
crafts and industries 41, 91, 151,215 195,200,222
92,94 Iarlabanki's causeway Jaroslav the Wise, ruler of Kiev Lundbjars, Gotland 88
decline 200, 211 (Sweden) 74, 101, 101 188, 194, 194,211 Lundeborg, Denmark 27, 29,
fortifications 47, 48, 48, 52, Ibn Fadlan, Arab envoy 43, Jaroslavl, Russia 197 78
80, 80-81 198 Jarrow, England 124 Lundy, England 160
harbor 75, 80, 80 Iceland Jelling, Denmark 41, 44, 74, La Hague, France 145 lurs 24
houses 63, 63, 81 agriculture 222 97,99, 115, 118, 118,120, Labrador 177, 178
as trading center 44, 80, 81, government and laws 173, 120,200 Lade, Norway 44, 114, 115
83, 88, 143 220,221 Jellinge style 97, 98, 99, 138, Ladoga, Lake, Russia 184,
Heggen weather-vane
(Norway) 99
Heimskringla (The Circle of
landscape 165, 169, 170
Late Viking Age 221-222
religion 44, 114-115, 115,
Bronze Age 24
188, 189, 192, 195, 197
Lagore, Ireland 160
Landndmabok 171, 173
the World) 35, 104, 114 119,221-222 Migration Period 28, 31, 32 L'Anse-aux-Meadows, Canada Maes Howe, Orkney 215
Hekla, Mount, Iceland 172, sagas 44, 64, 100, 103-106, Roman Iron Age 27 176, 178,178, 179 Magnus Barelegs, king of
173, 222 106, 107, 114-115, 171, Vendel Period 32, 34 Lapp (Saami) people 15, 19 Norway 105,211,213,219
Helga (Olga), ruler of Kiev 206, 111, 222 Viking Age 38, 46, 46, 67, Largs, battle of (1263 AD) Magnus Erlendsson (St
194 Viking settlement of 14, 38, 67, 82, 86, 88, 91, 92, 93, 219,219 Magnus) 218
Helge (Oleg), ruler of Kiev 194 44, 163, 164, 165, 166, 94, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 98, Late Germanic Iron Age see Malaren, Lake, Sweden 17,
Helgi Eyvindarson (Helgi the 169-173, 170, 171, 173, 152, 184,187,195, 198 Vendel Period 31,32,35,44,45,47,60,
Skinny) 115 176,219,221-222 Jomsvikings 184 Later Viking Age 200-223 68,75,84,85,86,120,201,
Helgo, Sweden 29, 31,32, Ilmen, Lake, Russia 184, 184, Jon (bishop of Holar) 119 Latvia 14, 184 204, 207
32-33, 78, 197 192 Jorvik see York Lea river, England 131, 131, Maldon, battle of (991 AD)
Buddha figurine 31, 33, 197 India 32, 184, 198 Jurby, Isle of Man 155 132 208, 209
helmets 40 Ine, king of Wessex 127 Jutland, Denmark 14, 18, 18, Lebedev (Russian Mammen, Denmark 41, 55,
Bronze Age 24, 29 Ingelheim, Germany 120 25, 27, 35, 38, 45, 47, 48, archaeologist) 190 55, 97, 99
Viking Age 35, 52, 55, 122, Ingleby, England 137, 139 52,56,73,74,81,83-84, Leicester, England 135 Mammen an style 55, 55, 97,
122,197 Ingolf (Icelandic settler) 171 92,96 Leif the Lucky, son of Eric the 98,99
Hemse, Sweden 202 Ingstad, Helge (Norwegian Red 119-120, 174, 176, Mammen ax (Denmark) 41,
Henrv II, king of England explorer) 178 176,177,178 55, 55, 92, 99
221 Ingvar (Igor), ruler of Kiev 194 Leinster, Ireland 163, 219 Man, Isle of 43, 102, 103,
Herigar, prefect of Birka 84,
Herjolfsnes, Greenland 176,
Ingvar the Far-Traveled 101,
146, 206, 207
Inuit 174, 176, 223
K Leirvik, Faeroe Islands
leisure 64,
Denmark 61
167 115,135,152,153,
154-158, 155, 156, 157,
158, 158, 160, 163,200,
223, 223 Iona, Hebrides 148 Kalstad ship (Norway) 75 Lewis, Isle of, Hebrides 64, 213,218-219,219
Hiddensee hoard (Germany) Ireland 33, 153,219 Kalsund shipwreck (Norway) 154,213,219 market centers 85, 88, 88, 91,
187 burial customs 160-161, 88 Life of Ansgar 44, 45 184, 188
History of the Antiquities of 161 Kanhave Canal, Denmark 35, Liffey river, Ireland 161, 162, Mastermyr tools (Gotland)
the Kingdom of Norway craftsand industries 38, 162 44 163 91,92'
(Historia de antiquitate runic inscriptions 163 Karlevi rune-stone (Sweden) Limerick, Ireland 160 Maughold, Isle of Man 154
regum Norvagiensium) 171 Viking raids on 125, 127, 103, 105 Limfjord, Denmark 52 Mecklenburg, Germany 184
History of the Archbishops of 214 kastali218 Lincoln, England 102, 135, Mediterranean Sea 127,
Hamburg-Bremen 44 Viking settlement 65, 103, Kaup, Russia 184 136, 196 146-147, 194
Menzhn, Germany 184 164, 176-179, 176,178. 12". 1"6, 208, 209,209 plaques, whalebone 62, 66, Rigsthula [The Lay of Rig)
Merc.a. England 129, 130, 223 Oland Island, Sweden 17, 19, 154 110
141, 142 North Atlantic 164-181, 176 29,30,31,46,48,103 poetry 64, 100,103,110, Rimbert (author of Life of
Merovingian Period see Yendel North Sea 14, 45, 96 Oldenburg, Germany 184 218-219 Ansgar) 44, 45, 84, 120
Period Northumbna, England 122, Olof Skotkonung, king of Eddie 106, 111, 112,222 Ringerike style 46, 97, 98, 99,
Mesolithic (Middle Stone) Age 124, 125, 129, 130. 132, Sweden 41, 44,45, 120, skaldic 104, 105-106, 105 138,138,163,163,210,
22 133, 133, 134, 142. 148, 204, 206 Poland 184 219,211,221
metalworking 91-92, 92, 94, 212 Orkney, earls of 21 1,212, Pollista, Sweden 60 Risby,Denmark 72
94. 138, 1 "4,216 Norway 12 215,218 Pomeranian people 184, 189 roads 48, 72, 74, 101, 101,
Middle Settlement, Greenland agriculture 16. 22. 2", 28, Orkney Islands (Nordreys, population distribution 14—15, 200
175 48, 60, 164 Northern Isles) 38, 103, 24,28 Robert, duke of Normandy
Middleton crosses. North burial customs 68, 69, 72, 106, 148, 148, 150, 151, Port Grenaugh, Isle"of Man 212
Yorkshire, England 137, 75 152, 154, 170,176,214, 156 Rochester, England 125, 131
137 chiefdoms 44 215,215.216,216-21", Portland, England 122, 124 Rognvald, earl of Orkney 151,
Migration Period Early I
churches 201. 202. 202-203 218,218,219,219 Portugal 146 197, 214
Germanic Iron Age 24. 26. fishing 16,44,48,60,60 Orphir, Orkney 214, 215, 215. pottery 27, 38, 91, 135 Rok rune-stone (Sweden) 103
27,28,28,29,31,32, 64 flora and fauna 16, 16 218 Powys, Wales 158 Rollo (Gongu-Hrolfr), ruler
Milford Haven. Wales 160 geologv 14 Oseberg ship burial. Norway Pre-Roman Iron Age see Early- of Normandy 145, 146,212
Milton, Wales 160 history before Vikings 22 41,41,42, 42-43, 44, 69, Iron Age Roman empire 27, 28, 28, 38,
mints 41, 88, 136, 136. 162. houses 60-61 73, 73, 74, 76, 76, 90, Pre- Viking Age 22-55 136, 148, 195
200. 204 iron ore 24 90-91,97,98,98 Pnestholm, Wales 160 Roman Iron Age 24, 26,
monks and monasteries 12~. landscapes, 15-16, 19 Oseberg style 97, 98, 98 Pskov, Russia 195 27-28
147, 158-159, 160, 164, language 214 Oseberg tapestry 43, 66, 98 Romanesque stvle 97, 99,
166,210 Late Viking Age 201. 20". Oslo, Norway 201 139
Monkwearmouth, England 211-214.218,219. Oslo fiord 42, 44 Rome, Italy 146, 195,210
Mull, Hebrides 219. 219
Munster. Ireland 163.219
nation-state, a

population movements 14,

Ostergotland, Sweden 17,
103, 120
Ottar (Norwegian merchant)
Q Rorik (Ryurik), ruler of Kiev
142, 143, 194, 194
Roskilde, Denmark 76, 120,
Murom, Russia 197 15 85,88 Qagssiarssuk, Greenland 174 183,200
musical instruments 24. 64, 64 raidsand piracy 38, 124, Ouse river, England 131, 136, Qilakitsoq, Greenland 223 Rostock, Germany 184
Mykines, Faeroe Islands 166 151,20", 208,211-212, 212 Qordlortoq Valley, Greenland Rouen, France 145
Mvklebostad mount (Norway 213-214 Oxford, England 137, 132. 176 Rousay, Orkney 215
38 religion 38,44, 111, 114, 209 Quentovic, France 39, 143 Royal Frankish Annals 44, 45
myths and legends 106, 108, 115, 116, 119,201 Oxus Amu Darva! river 198 Quoyloo, Orkney 150 royal power 18, 27, 34, 35,
109, 110-111. 110. roval power
35, 35, 43—44, 35, 41, 43-45, 52, 56,
112-113. 113. 137 103-104, 104, 114, 116, 56-57, 103-104,104, 114,
151.201.208,211 116, 118, 151,200,200,
rune-stones 102, 102, 103
settlements 16,28,38,48. R 201,206,207,208,210,

N 85,88, 135, 148. 164,201

trade 16, 27, 84, 88
travel and communication
paganism 32, 34, 38, 44, 45,
68,73, 101, 106, 108, 109,
Rada rune-stone (Sweden) 101
Radrad, Yemen 198
Rudolf (bishop) 119
Germany 184, 186,

Nantes, France 146 73-74, 184 111, 114-116, 114. 116. Ragnald, king of Dublin 141, Rugiens people 184, 186,189
Narssaq, Greenland 1~6 unification 44 119-120,122,124,137, 142 rune-stones 65, 100, 101, 101,
Narvik, Norway 16 whaling 16 145,173,188,200,206 raids and piracy 38-39, 40, 102, 102, 103, 103, 105,
Native Americans (skrcelin^s Nottingham, England 135 burials 34, 135, 152, 154, 75, 124, 125, 127, 143-144, 110,113, 118,118, 120,
X—.178 Novgorod, Russia 97, 184, 155, 156-157, 160, 147, 148-151, 198,200, 120, 197,205,206,207,
navigation 164, 176, 180, 188, 189, 190, 192, 168-169,204 207-209,208,211-212, 209
180-181 192-193, 194, 194, 195, Papey, Iceland 170 213-214 runes 100-101, 102, 102-103,
Neolithic New Stone Age 22. 197 Papigeo, Scotland 150 Rallinge, Sweden 109 103, 115
26 Nvdam ship Denmark) 26 Pastoral Care 130 Ralswiek see Rugen runic inscriptions 100, 101,
Neva river, Russia 184 Patrick's Island, Ireland 154 Rathlin, Ireland 160 103, 103, 105, 116, 120,
Nevern cross Wales) 160
, Paul Hakonsson, earl of Raunds, England 135 120, 158, 160, 163, 197,
Newfoundland, Canada 163, Orkney 215, 215 Raving Enge, Denmark 44, 74 197,206,207,210,211,
Nidaros see Trondheim.
o Paviken, Sweden 47, 75,
95, 96, 206
Peel Castle, Isle of Man

Reginbert (English bishop) 120
religion see Christianity
Runsa fort (Sweden) 47
Riis people 184, 188,189,
Nipaitsoq, Iceland 223 Obotrite people 184 158 Repton, England 128, 128, 194, 196, 198
Njal's Saga 105 Odense, Denmark 52, 114, Pentland Firth, Scotland 150 129, 137 Russia
Noirmoutier, France 146. 14~ 200 Pevensey, England 212, 212 Reville, France 145 burial customs 190,
Nominoe, Breton leader 145, Oder river, Germany 27, 184 Pictland 130 Reykholt, Iceland 222 190-191
146 Odinkar bishop of Hedebv)
| Picts 148-152,148, 160,214, Reykjavik, Iceland 106, 170, and
crafts industries 190
Nonnebakken fortress 120 215,216,216 171 indigenous peoples 15, 184,
(Denmark) 52, 56 Odo (bishop of Baveux) 212, picture-stones 40, 46, 47, 52, Rhineland 38, 44, 66, 79, 88, 188
Xordrseta 1"6, 223 212,213 55,64,75,98,109,111 95, 120, 160 religion 190
Nora rune-stone (Sweden) 116 Offa, king of Mercia 122, 124 Pilgards, Gotland 197 Ribblehead, England 135 runic inscriptions 103
Normandv 143. 144. 144. Offa's Dyke, England 124 pins 67 Ribe, Denmark 35, 41, 44, 45, trade 79, 92, 190, 115, 184,
145, 145. 146,212-213. Olaf Haraldsson, king of ringed 163, 169,178 52,72,81,82,82,83-84, 188,207
219 Norway (St Olaf) 44, 105, Pisa, Italy 146 83, 85, 88, 92-93, 94, 95, Viking settlements 39,
Normans 145, 212-214, 212, 107, 115, 116, 119,210, Pitney brooch (England) 139 120, 200 184-195,189,190-193,
111 211 Pitres burial (France) 145, 145 Riccall, England 212 195,209,211
Nerre Longelse burial Olaf Kvrre, king of Norway place-names 39-^0, 43, 88, Richard II, duke of Normandy waterways 75, 184, 189,
1-9' 145 194, 195, 197,206
(Denmark) 7S 114, 134-135, 134, 144,
North Atnca 127, 146, 195 Olaf Tryggvason (Anlaf), king 150-151, 153. 155, Richard de Clan (Strongbow) Russian Primary Chronicle
North America 14-15, 38, of Norway 41, 44. 107, 116, 159-160, 166, 168, 170 221 194
5 9

place-names 150-151, 153 Sciringesheal 88 Svein I (Svein Forkbeard), king Thorkel the Tall (Viking
runic inscriptions 105, 214, 74
sL.s 12, 73, of Denmark 41, 44, 52, 56, mercenary) 209
215 Skokholm, Wales 160 103,116,120,200,208, Thorolf Mostrarskegg (settler
sacrifices 31, 41, 114, 114 Viking raids 127, 148-151, Skomer, Wales 160 209,210 in Iceland) 1 14-1 15
bog 26, 26, 27 214 Skudelev ship blockade Svein II, king of Denmark 2 1 1 Thorsnes, Iceland 115, 173,
Sasdding, Denmark 5 1
*, 61, 63 Viking settlement 44, (Denmark) 75, 76, 76, 181 Svold, battle of (c. 1000 AD) 220
Saga of Egil Skallagrimsson 150-154,213,214,215, Skuldevig, Denmark 88 44,52 Thorwald (brother of Leif the
105 215,218,219 Skiivoy, Faeroe Islands 166 Swainsthorpe, England 134 Lucky) 177
Saga of the Faeroe Islanders Scrabster, Scotland 150 Skye, Scotland 2 1 Swansea, Wales 160 Thyra, wife of King Gorm 1 18
(Faereyinga Saga) 166, 167, sculpture see carvings Skyhill, battle of (1079 AD) Sweden 12 Tingstade Trask, Gotland 48,
168 Seine river, France 127, 142, 218 agriculture 22, 48, 59-60 75
Saga of Gislt Sursson 105 143, 145, 146 slaves 43, 62, 78 burial customs 34, 35, 68, Tingwall, Orkney 150,220
Saga of Harald Finehair 116 Sejru, Denmark 93 Slavic peoples 19,75,83, 143, 69, 72, 75 Tjangvide picture-stone
Saga of King (Saint) Olaf 15 1 Selby, England 134 184, 184, 186, 187, 188, churches 206 (Gotland) 109
Saga of King Volsung and his Senja hoard (Norway) 103 189, 190, 192, 194, 195, fishing 18,60,61 TJ0rnuvik, Faeroe Islands 169
descendants (Volsunga saga) settlements 196, 197 flora and fauna 16, IS Toftanes, Faeroe Islands 166,
112 Bronze Age 24 sledges 12, 73, 73 fortifications 47^48, 52 167-168
Saga of the Orkney Islanders defenses 48,52 Smaland, Sweden 17, 48 geology 14, 17 Tollund Man 26
151,152,214,215,216, IronAge 25, 29, 30, 32 Snaefell, Isle of Man 134, 154 history before Vikings 22, T0nsberg, Norway 201
218,218 market centers 48, 85, 88, Snorri Sturluson (Icelandic 23 tools
Sagas of Icelanders 103-105, 91, 184, 188 writer and historian) 100, iron ore 18, 24 agricultural 59, 59, 174
114 Neolithic Age 22 104, 105, 106, 110, 112, landscape 16—17 Bronze Age 24
Saga Siglar (replica Viking rural 30, 58-60 114,222 Late Viking Age 201, 206, iron 91-92, 92, 174
ship) 181 urban 48, 48, 52, 63, 78, social hierarchy 40-43 209 Iron Age 24
St Brendan 170 81,83-85,200,201,206 Sockburn carvings (England) population 15, 18 Neolithic 22
St Clair-sur-Epte, France 145 see also undernames of 64, 139 pre- Viking settlements 31 Viking Age 41, 59, 91-92,
St Columba 148 countries and towns Sodertalje, Sweden 84 raidsand piracy 209 191
StCuthbert 124, 133 Seven Boroughs 135 Sodor and Man, diocese of 38,45, 111, 114,
religion Torsburgen hillfort (Gotland)
St David's, Wales 159 Seville, Spain 46 158,218 115,116, 120,206 47,48
St Edmund see Edmund, king Sheppey, Isle of, England 125 Sogne fjord, Norway 14, 60, royalpower 34, 35, 35, Torslunda plaque (Oland) 29
of East Anglia Shetland Islands (Nordreys, 97, 202 43-45, 201, 206 Tostig, earl of Northumbria
St Magnus see Magnus Northern Isles) 38, 103, Selver, Captain C.V. 180 rune-stones 65, 102, 102, 211,212
Erlendsson 148, 150, 150, 151, 170, Somerled, ruler of Argyll 219 103,105, 110, 113, 116, towns 48, 48, 52, 63, 78-85,
St Neot's, England 135 176,214,215,218,219, Somme river, France 143 197, 205, 206, 207, 209 88, 200, 201, 206
St Ninian's Isle, Shetland 150 219 Sorte Mulde, Denmark 28, 31 settlements 30, 30, 31,48, toys 64, 66, 168
St Olaf see Olaf Haraldsson, shields 24, 39,55 Southampton, England 39, 52,84-85,88,201 trade 27, 31, 32, 38,43,48,
king of Norway shipsand ship-building 38, 40, 125 territory 19 78, 78, 79, 81, 83-85, 88,
St Patrick's Isle 74-75, 76, 76, 79, 88, 88, Spain 127, 146-147, 197 trade 18,27,31,32,88,91 91, 135, 159, 160, 184, 188,
(Holmepatrick), Isle of Man 91, 164, 180,180-181 spears 39, 52, 54, 54, 91 traveland communication 189, 195-198, 206 see also
154, 157, 158, 158,218 Sigafnd (bishop) 119 Stainmore, battle of (954 AD) 73-74, 184 under names of countries
St Paul's rune-stone (London) Sigefridus of Glastonbury 142 unification of 44-45 and towns
139,210,211 (bishop) 1 16 Stamford, England 135, 212 waterways 16, 17, 73-74 Transoxiana 92, 198
St Poppo 120, 201 Sigtuna, Sweden 41, 44, 55, Stamford Bridge, battle of swords 26,'26, 39, 52, 52, 54, travel and communication 72,
St Willibrord, bishop of 64, 75, 84, 85, 201, 204, (1066 AD) 212, 213 79,91,128,219 73-75, 73, 184, 194, 195,
Utrecht 44 204-205, 206, 210 Staraya (Old) Ladoga Syria 197 197
Samanid dynasty 198 Sigurd, legend of 112-113, {Aldeigjuborg) 188, 190, Trelleborg fortress, Sja?lland
Samara, Russia 198 113 190-191, 195, 196, 197 (Denmark) 52, 56, 56, 200
Samarkand, Uzbekistan 198 Sigvat Thordarson (court-poet) Stavanger, Norway 201 Trelleborg fortress, Skane
Samso, Denmark 35
Sanda, Sweden 60
Sandnes, Greenland 176, 174
Sihtric Silkbeard, king of
Dublin 162
stave-churches 99, 202,
SteepHolm, England 160
T (Sweden) 52, 56
Trondelag44, 114, 115
Trondelag, earls of 44
Sandoy, Faeroe Islands 168 Siljan,Lake, Sweden 16 Stenbyborg hillfort (Sweden) Taby, Sweden 74, 101 Trondheim (Nidaros), Norway
Sandwick, Shetland 215 136,184,
silk 79, 83, 84, 47 Tadcaster, England 212 104,116, 119, 158,201,
Saxo Grammaticus (Danish 195-196,195, 197 Stiklestad, battle of (1030 AD) Tallinn, Estonia 184 210,212,213,214,218,
historian) 187 Silk Road 197 44, 105, 107, 115, 116, 119, Tamdrup church (Denmark) 219,221
Scandinavia silver 46, 47, 78, 79, 83, 84, 210,211 201 Truso, Poland 184
climates and soils of 15 91,93,141,145, 152, 152, Stockholm, Sweden 85, 101, Tara, battle of (980 AD) 163 Tuquoy, Orkney 215
in the 11th century 250 158, 158, 159, 161,184, 101 Thames, river, England 54, Turku, Finland 91
Iron Age 29 195, 197-198,197, 198, Stong, Iceland 172,172, 173, 125, 131,132, 137, 142 Tynwald, Isle of Man 43, 219,
vegetation of 16 207, 208-209 222 Thanet, Isle of, England 125 220
Viking Age 49 Simy Folds, England 135 Strathclyde, Scotland 130, 148 Thing, the 43, 48, 100, 174,
burials in Sjaelland (Zealand), Denmark Strevmoy, Faeroe Islands 168, 219, 220 see also Althing
see also names of countries 14, 18, 19,52,56,56,75, 169 Thingvellir, Iceland 43, 119,
Scar burial (Orkney) 154, 156
Schlei fjord,
Denmark 35, 80,
88, 120
Sjusta rune-stone (Sweden)
Stroma, Scotland 152
Sulgrave, England 135
Surby, Isle of Man 155
173, 220, 221
Thirslund, Captain Soren 182
"Th]odhild's Church",
Schleswig, Germany 81, 83, Skaill (Orkney) 150, 152, 152 Sussex, England 132 Greenland 174, 174,175, Udal, North Uist, Hebrides
84, 200 Skalholt, Iceland119 Sutherland, Scotland 148, 150, 176 150, 152
Scollock, Wales 160 Skane (Skania), Sweden 14, 151 Thjorsa valley, Iceland 172, Ulfberht (Frankish
Scorradale, Orkney 150 17, 19,35,56,75,88, 101, Sutton Hoo ship burial 173,173,222 swordsmith) 54
Scotland 120 (England) 122, 122 Thorfinn, earl of Orkney 214, Umayyad dynasty 146, 197,
Celts 142, 148 Skara, Sweden 45, 120,206 Svear people 34, 35, 44, 45, 215,218 197
churches 2 1 skates 12, 73, 74, 74 84, 120 Thorfinn Karlsefni (leader of Underhoull, Shetland 151
Late Norse Age 213, Skerne, England 137 Svein (Blod-Sven), king of Vinland settlement) 1 76, Unni, archbishop of
214-215,214,218,219 Skien, Norway 201 Sweden 206 177 Hamburg-Bremen 120
Unsikaupunki, Finland 91 Walcheren, Frisia 143
Upernavik, Greenland 223 Wales 142, 158-160, 207
Uppland, Sweden 34, 35, 44, Wallingford, England 132
103, 116, 122, 197,206 warfare 52, 54-55
Uppsala, Sweden 109, 120, Waterford, Ireland 160, 163,
206 221
Urnes, Norway 97, 99,201, weapons
202 Bronze Age 23, 24, 26
Urnes style 97, 98, 99, 116, iron91-92
138,138, 139, 163,202, IronAge 24
219,221,221 NeolithicAge 22
Uunartoq fjord, Greenland Roman 27
180, 181 Viking Age 39, 52, 52,
54-55, 54, 55, 57, 64,
91-92, 137, 137
weaving 63, 66, 91

V Wedmore, England 129, 130,

131, 134
Wessex, England 127, 129,
Valleberga rune-stone 129, 130-133, 130,131,
(Sweden) 103 132, 141-142,141,213
Valsgarde 29, 34, 35, 35, 44, Western Settlement, Greenland
69,75,122 174, 175, 176,177,222,
Vanajavesi, Lake, Finland 88 223
Vanern, Lake, Sweden 16 Westness burial (Orkney) 148,
Vang stone (Norway) 99 154, 155, 156,215
Varangian guard 188, 196, Weston cross (England) 137
211 Wexford, Ireland 160, 221
Varpsund rune-stone (Sweden) Wharram Percy, England 135
206 whetstones 78, 84, 88, 136
Vasby rune-stone (Sweden) Whithorn, Scotland 152
103 William of Normandy, Duke
Vastergarn, Gotland 47, 52, (William the Conqueror)
88 134,212-214,212
Vastergotland, Sweden 16, Wiltzi people 184, 189
17,39, 101, 120 Winchester, England 210, 210
Vatnahverfi, Greenland 183 Winchester style 139
Vebsk, C.L. (Danish Wohn (Jomsborg), Poland 184
archaeologist) 180, 180 Wolin people 184, 189
Vendel, Sweden 29, 34, 35, 35,
44, 69, 122
Vendel Period (Merovingian
Period/Late Germanic Iron
Age) 25, 29, 31,32,35,35,
38, 145
Vendel style 35 Yemen 198
Vestfold, Norway 44, 88 York Gorvik), England 129,
Vestmanna Islands, Iceland 130, 135, 136, 136, 138,
170 141, 141, 142, 163, 196,
Viborg, Denmark 200 207,212,213
Vinland (Vineland) 176-179, YtreMoa, Norway 60
176, 178, 223 Yttergarde rune-stone
Vinland Map 177, 179 (Sweden) 209
Visby, Gotland 47, 206
Vistula river, Poland 27, 184
Vladimir, Russia 197
Vladimir, ruler of Kiev 194,
Volga river, Russia 43, 92,
184,189, 195,197-198,
Volkhov river, Russia 184,
188, 189, 190, 191, 192
Vorbasse, Denmark 59
votive offerings 22, 23, 24, 26,
Vowlan, Isle of Man 156

Wagner, Richard (German
composer) 112

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James Graham-Campbell is Professor i

Archaeology Archaeolog) a
at the Institute of
University College London, where he specializes in
the art and archaeology of the Vikings and of Late
Celtic Britain and Ireland. He has been academic
consultant to three international exhibitions about
the Vikings, mounted in England, Scandinavia and
the United States. The several books he has written
or edited on the Vikings include The Viking World
(1980, revised edition 1989), published in Britain
and the United States and translated into German,
Norwegian and Swedish. He lectures extensively in
Britain and abroad and has been Visiting Professor
at the University of Minnesota.

Colleen Batey is Curator of Archaeology at
Glasgow Museums. She has excavated extensively
on Viking and Late Norse sites in Scotland and has
published a number of books and articles. She
gained her doctorate at Durham University and has
held teaching posts at Leeds University and
University College London.

Helen Clarke, formerly Senior Lecturer at

University College London, is currently Director of
the Society of Antiquaries of London and
consultant to the Birka excavation project, Sweden.
She has served as Visiting Professor at the
Universities of Arhus, Denmark, and Kiel,
Germany. Her publications include The
Archaeology of Medieval England (1984, 1986)
and Towns in the Viking Age (1991).
R. I. Page was formerly Elrington and Bosworth
Professor of Anglo-Saxon at the University of
Cambridge and Librarian of Corpus Christi
College. He has written extensively on aspects of
early English and Scandinavian language and
society; his books include Runes (1987) and Norse
Myths (1990).
Neil S. Price studied early medieval archaeology at
London University and at York. He has excavated
and lectured in many and
parts of the Viking world
•published anumber of academic articles and papers
on the Viking Age. He directs a research project in
Russia and is currently a senior consultant with
Arkeologiconsult AB, based in Uppsala, Sweden.
Cultural Atlas of the

An authoritative and highly readable account of
the Vikings, and of the world they encountered
and changed

The text by leading archaeologistsand

examines their origins in the
Scandinavian homelands, their raiding, trading
and colonizing activities, and their daily life,
warfare, art and religion

Speciallydrawn maps trace the Vikings' spread

overseas from the Caspian Sea to the coast of
North America and southward to the
Mediterranean, and throw light on their
political and cultural development

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