D ESD Series Installation&Maintenance PDF
D ESD Series Installation&Maintenance PDF
D ESD Series Installation&Maintenance PDF
Table of Contents
D-ESD Installation, Operation & Maintenance 502.969.8000
Installation on Actuator
Orientations, Normal and Reverse Acting
Normal acting is full clockwise when the process valve is closed and counterclockwise when the process valve is open. Reverse acting is full
clockwise when the process valve is open and counterclockwise when the process valve is closed.
90° indicator dome assemblies are designed to accommodate any mounting arrangement and can be adjusted up to 9° off axis if needed.
45° indicator dome assemblies can only accommodate normal acting applications that are mounted parallel ±9°. Consult your local distributor
or factory representative for 45° reverse acting or mounted perpendicular applications.
TopWorx has numerous mounting bracket kits, both rotary and linear, available to meet your specific application. Consult your local distributor or
factory representative for ordering information. The illustration below shows a direct NAMUR mount on a quarter turn valve. Refer to your mount-
ing kit documentation for specific mounting instructions.
Mounting Assembly
Installation Notes
1. Use caution not to allow undue axial (thrust) load on the shaft.
2. Cycle the valve a couple of times prior to final tightening of the mounting kit hardware. This allows the shaft to
self-center in the pinion slot, or coupler. Refer to the dimensions and materials section of this document for
appropriate tightening torque.
3. Always use sound mechanical practices when applying torque to any hardware or making pneumatic
connections. Refer to the Integrated Pneumatic Control Valves section for detailed information.
4. This product comes shipped with plastic plugs in the conduit entries in an effort to protect the
internal components from debris during shipment and handling. It is the responsibility of the
receiving and/or installing personnel to provide appropriate permanent sealing devices to
prevent the intrusion of debris or moisture when stored or installed outdoors.
5. It is the responsibility of the installer, or end user, to install this product in accordance
with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) or any other national or regional code defining
proper practices.
Cast A360 aluminum with dichro-
mate conversion coating inside &
out, epoxy coated exterior rated for
250 hrs salt spray per ASTM B117
304 Stainless Steel standard
316 Stainless Steel optional
D-ESD Installation, Operation & Maintenance 502.969.8000
D-ESD Installation, Operation & Maintenance 502.969.8000
Interior Assembly
Indicator Assembly
Indicator Dome,
+ 5O adjustable
Polycarbonate 10-32 Captive screws,
with keyed mask. Stainless (x4)
Several rotation and
form options.
4-Way Spool Valves Temperature Range
Refer to Product Nameplate Marking
Available in Latching/Non-Latching
Manual Override
5 1 3 Push Type & Palm Actuator Type
5 1 3
Available in Hardcoat Anodized
Valve Body
Aluminum, 304, or 316 Stainless Steel
4 2
Spool Seals: Buna-N
Valve Body Seals available in
4 2 Valve Seals Buna-N, Silicone, EPDM & Viton.
5 1 3 ColdTemp™ Spools are lap-joint
technology containing no seals.
4 2
Don’t forget!
TopWorx has a complete line of
Always install vents
or speed controls
breathers, flow controls, regulators
Supply Supply
and filters.
5 1 3 5 1 3
Check out www.topworx.com or call
us at 502.969.8000 for more details
4 2 4 2
Highly Recommended
TopWorx highly recommends Locktite 567 brand thread seal-
ant. Do not use a hard setting pipe compound. If Teflon DID YOU KNOW?
TopWorx manufactures the Yes
thread seal tape is used, start the wrap on the second thread
globally-known GO Switch Leverless
from the leading thread of the fitting. This will prevent tape Limit Switch, which comprises a full line
shreds from contaminating the spool valve seals. of harsh environment sensors. If your
application is very cold, very hot, under
Breathers (AL-M31) should be installed in the exhaust ports water or in a caustic atmosphere, then
to keep debris from falling into the spool valve and damaging GO Switch has the answer.
the seals. This must be addressed prior to installation, or
*Note that the following instructions assume the valve is FAIL CLOSED and the direction of travel from CLOSED to OPEN is CCW.
Wiring Connections:
Pilot valve solenoid power return 24VDC- Valve Position 2 COM, tie it to Valve Position 1 COM
Power for electronics module 24VDC+ Valve Pos 2 switch NO contact, needs path back to DC
Power for electronics module 24VDC- Add a 250 Ohm 1/2W resistor to path
Optional external diagnostic signal. If wired, will pass pulses out the
same as the LED flashes for the calibration diagnostic (see pg 13)
Optional external signal COMMON, tie it to the Valve Pos 1 and 2 COM
Optional external alarm signal. If wired, will close if PST calibration fails
1. Terminals 1 and 4: External power source for switching the internal solenoid valve. Type and voltage level must match type of solenoid
selected. Typical is 24VDC.
2. Terminals 2 and 3: Pre-wired to the internal solenoid valve. Do not change these connections
3. Terminals 5 and 6: Power for electronics module. 5 MUST be +24VDC and 6 MUST be –24VDC.
4. Terminals 7 and 8: Connection to external calibration and partial stroke test button (if installed). Can be used to remotely trigger PST and
Calibration from a DCS.
5. Terminals 9 and 11 (10 is not used): Source and return for valve position 1 limit switch. Typically connected to DCS for limit switch sensing.
For bench calibration or use in applications where alternate means of sensing valve position are used these 2 terminals must still be
provided with source and return. The source and return for the electronics module power can be used, but a 250 Ohm 1/2W resistor MUST
be installed between terminals 6 and 11 to prevent damage to the limit switch contacts from excess current slow.
6. Terminals 12 and 14 (13 is not used): Source and return for valve position 2 limit switch. Typically connected to DCS for limit switch sensing.
For bench calibration or use in applications where alternate means of sensing valve position are used these 2 terminals must still be pro-
vided with source and return. The source and return for the electronics module power can be used, but a 250 Ohm 1/2W resistor MUST be
installed between terminals 6 and 11 to prevent damage to the limit switch contacts from excess current slow.
7. Terminals 15 and 16: Pre-wired to the GO Switch. Do not change these connections.
8. Terminals 17, 18 and 19: External PST status signals:
A. Terminal 17: PST status signal. In combination with terminal 18, it forms a dry contact that closes of the PST fails.
B. Terminal 18:Source terminal for status and diagnostics signal output. Should be wired to DCS as source.
C. Terminal 19: PST diagnostic signal. In combination with terminal 18, delivers a pulse train illustrated is Fig. Y that corresponds to
the output table on pg 17.
1. The default partial stroke time tolerance range is set to 20%. This value can be selected as 20%, 30% or 40% anytime.
The value will be recorded in the EEPROM (memory) of the micro controller.
2. Press and hold the push button for ten to fifteen seconds to set the partial stroke time tolerance range to 20%.
If the value is saved to memory successfully, the LED and diagnostic relay will flash message code 5-1.
3. Press and hold the push button for within fifteen to twenty seconds to set the partial stroke time tolerance range to 30%.
If the value is saved to memory successfully, the LED and diagnostic relay will flash message code 5-2.
4. Press and hold the push button for more than twenty seconds to set the partial stroke time tolerance range to 40%.
If the value is saved to memory successfully, the LED and diagnostic relay will flash message code 5-3.
5. If there is a writing value to memory failure, the LED and diagnostic relay will flash message code 6-6.
The Pass/Fail relay will be turned OFF.
Hardware Configuration:
1. Ensure that the valve is in the CLOSED position.
2. Refer to Fig. X which shows the correct orientation of the GO Switch target
Fig. X
and sensor cams for FAIL CLOSED valves which are normal acting (see page 2).
3. If the unit conforms to this configuration, you may proceed to calibration.
If not, complete Hardware Configuration steps 4-7
4. Lift the target against the springload and rotate it such that the magnet is
counterclockwise from the GO Switch
5. Slide the magnet in the target wheel so as to position it approximately
one inch from the edge of the GO Switch
6. Press down on the lower cam and rotate it such that it is squarely aligned
to the front of the electronics module. The red light on the module should come on
7. Lift up on the upper cam and rotate it such that it is 90º clockwise from the electronics module.
1. Before performing calibration, make certain the valve is fully open, and the target button is set to the proper partial position.
*NOTE: If the valve is not fully open, the test will abort and the LED and diagnostic relay will flash message code 7-7
indicating that the valve is not fully open. The Pass/Fail relay will be turned OFF.
2. Press and hold the calibration button on board for five to ten seconds.
3. The activation relay will be turned ON to initiate valve closing.
4. The valve will move until the GO Switch detects the partial stroke position.
5. The GO Switch will send feedback indicating that the pre-determined position is reached.
6. The time required to move the valve from the “fully open position” to the “partially open position” is the partial stroke time of the
valve. The acceptable time ranges are from fifty milliseconds to eight seconds. This “partial stroke calibration time” will be re-
corded in the EEPROM (memory) of the micro controller. EEPROM will retain the value until your next calibration.
7. If the calibration is successful, the Pass/Fail relay will be turned ON and both the LED and diagnostic relay will flash message
code 3-3.
8. After the LED flashes code for three times, both the LED and diagnostic relay will be steady, signifying that the calibration is com-
plete. Reset of the flashing LED and the diagnostic relay may be performed at anytime while the LED is flashing by pressing the
calibration button.
1. Before performing the Partial Stroke Test (PST), make certain the valve is fully open.
*NOTE: If the valve is not fully open, the test will abort and the LED and diagnostic relay will flash message code 7-7 indicating that the valve is not fully open.
The Pass/Fail relay will be turned OFF.
2. If using the onboard module calibration button, press the button and hold it for more than half a second and less than five seconds.
If using the optional external PST button, push firmly once.
3. The activation relay will be turned ON to initiate valve closing.
4. The valve will move until the GO Switch detects the partial stroke position.
5. The time required to move the valve up to the partial stroke position will be compared against the “partial stroke calibration time”
value stored in EEPROM (memory). The acceptable time ranges from "(1-tolerance range value) x partial stroke calibration time"
to "(1+tolerance range value) x partial stroke calibration time". For example, if the partial stroke calibration time is 6 seconds and
the tolerance range value is 20%, the acceptable PST time ranges are from 4.8 to 7.2 seconds.
6. If the time required for moving the valve to the Partial Stroke position is outside the acceptable range of the “partial stroke calibra-
tion time”, the test will be aborted, indicating valve failure. The Pass/Fail relay will remain OFF and both the LED and diagnostic
relay will flash message code 5-5 if the valve has moved. If the valve has not moved, the Pass/Fail relay will remain OFF and both
the LED and diagnostic relay will flash code 4-4. CAUTION: Before recalibration, make sure failure type is addressed (see
table pg.13).
7. If the time required is within the acceptable range, the Pass/Fail relay will be turned ON and both the LED and Diagnostic Relay will
flash message code 2-2 .
8. After the LED flashes code for three times, both the LED and diagnostic relay will be steady, signifying that the Partial Stroke Test
is complete.
*Note: Partial Stroke Time Tolerance Range Selection, Calibration or Partial Stroke Test cannot be performed when the LED is flashing. Before re-running the test,
please wait for the LED to become steady or clear it by pressing the button.
D-ESD Installation, Operation & Maintenance 502.969.8000
Is device calibrated?
Yes Yes
Write uncalibrated status to memory Set partial stroke time
Is device calibrated?
tolerance range to 30%
Is writing status value to No
No memory successful?
Is stored calibrated
value for partial stroke time Yes
within range? Is writing
No Set partial stroke time
Valve closes tolerance
range value to tolerance range to 40%
Valve closes
Is maximum Is partial successful?
No No
allowed time stroke position
(8s)passed? reached? Yes
Is partial stroke No Is calibrated Yes
position reached? time passed? Yes
No Is minimum
allowed time (50ms)
Is minimum allowed No Is writing Is writing
Valve opens Yes tolerance tolerance
time (50ms) passed?
range value to No range value to
Yes Valve opens Valve opens memory memory
successful? successful?
Has valve moved?
Yes Yes
Is writing No
Valve opens Yes calibrated value
to memory
LED displays LED displays LED displays LED displays LED displays
valve is not valve closing valve has not valve is not valve closing
calibrated code time failure code moved code fully open code time failure code LED displays writing LED displays writing
1-1 Pass/fail 5-5 Pass/fail 4-4 Pass/fail 7-7 Pass/fail 5-5 Pass/fail error code 6-6 Pass/ error code 6-6 Pass/
relay state 0 relay state 0 relay state 0 relay state 0 relay state 0 fail relay state 0 fail relay state 0
Before operation, the ESD must be calibrated (see Calibration below). After calibration, a partial stroke test may be performed (see Partial Stroke
Test below). The partial stroke time tolerance range can be selected as 20%, 30% or 40% (see Partial Stroke Time Tolerance Range Selection
below). A single switch (on board and external) is used to perform the calibration, the partial stroke test and the tolerance range selection. These
operations can be initiated from the control room with no need to shut down the entire plant. Non-volatile memory stores the calibration value and
the selected tolerance range value allowing for retention, even in the event of loss of power. The LED, both onboard and in the control room,
flashes unique visual indicators to signal pass/fail of tests and possible maintenance issues (please see ESD Conventional Flow Chart and
Message Table for ESD Conventional on pg.16 for more details).
*Note that the following instructions assume the valve is FAIL OPEN and the direction of travel from CLOSED to OPEN is CCW.
Wiring Connections:
Pos1Pos1 switch
switch COMCOM, wire this back
Pilot Pilot
solenoid power
solenoid 24VDC+
power 24VDC+
wire to terminal
this back to5Terminal 5
1 9
for electronics module
for electronics 24VDC+
module 24VDC+
5 13 Valve Pos 2 switch NO contact, needs path back to DC-
AddPos 2 switch
a 250 NO contact,
Ohm 1/2W resistor needs path back to DC
to the path
for electronics module
for electronics 24VDC-
module 24VDC- 14 Add a 250 Ohm 1/2W resistor to path
7 15
External cal switch
PST button (prewired)
(prewired) PSP Switch connection (prewired)
BLACK GO Switch connection (prewired)
8 17 18 19 16
Optional external diagnostic signal. If wired, will pass pulses out the
Optional external diagnosticsame as the
signal. LED flashes
If wired, will passfor the calibration
pulses diagnostic
out the same (see pg 13)
as the LED
flashes for the calibration diagnostic (page 13 of the IOM)
Optional external signal COMMON, tieexternal signal Pos
it to the Valve COMMON,
1 and 2 tie
COM it to the Valve Pos 1 and 2 COM
1. Terminals 1 and 4: External power source for switching the internal solenoid valve. Type and voltage level
must match type of solenoid selected. Typical is 24VDC.
2. Terminals 2 and 3: Pre-wired to the internal solenoid valve. Do not change these connections
3. Terminals 5 and 6: Power for electronics module. 5 MUST be +24VDC and 6 MUST be –24VDC.
4. Terminals 7 and 8: Connection to external calibration and Partial stroke test button(if installed). Can be used to remotely trigger PST and
Calibration from a DCS.
5. Terminals 9 and 11 (10 is not used): Source and return for valve position 1 limit switch. Typically connected to DCS for limit switch sensing.
For bench calibration or use in applications where alternate means of sensing valve position are used these 2 terminals must still be pro-
vided with source and return. The source and return for the electronics module power can be used, but a 250 Ohm 1/2W resistor MUST be
installed between terminals 6 and 11 to prevent damage to the reed switch contacts from excess current slow.
6. Terminals 12 and 14 (13 is not used): Source and return for valve position 2 limit switch. Typically connected to DCS for limit switch sensing.
For bench calibration or use in applications where alternate means of sensing valve position are used these 2 terminals must still be pro-
vided with source and return. The source and return for the electronics module power can be used, but a 250 Ohm 1/2W resistor MUST be
installed between terminals 6 and 11 to prevent damage to the reed switch contacts from excess current slow.
7. Terminals 15 and 16: Pre-wired to the GO Switch. Do not change these connections.
8. Terminals 17, 18 and 19: External PST status signals:
A. Terminal 17: PST status signal. In combination with terminal 18, it forms a dry contact that closes of the PST fails.
B. Terminal 18: Source terminal for status and diagnostic signal output. Should be wired to DCS as source.
C. Terminal 19: PST diagnostic signal. In combination with terminal 18, delivers a pulse train illustrated is Fig. Y that corresponds to
the output table on pg 17.
D-ESD Installation, Operation & Maintenance 502.969.8000
Hardware Configuration:
1. Ensure that the valve is in the CLOSED position.
2. Refer to Fig. Y which shows the correct orientation of the GO Switch target and Fig. Y
sensor cams for FAIL OPEN valves which are normal acting (see page 2).
3. If the your unit conforms to this configuration, you may proceed to calibration.
If not, continue on through the configuration steps that follow.
4. Lift the target against the spring load and rotate it such that the magnet is
clockwise from the GO Switch
5. Slide the magnet in the target wheel so as to position it approximately one inch
from the edge of the GO Switch.
6. Press down on the upper cam and rotate it such that it is squarely aligned to
the front of the electronics module. The green light on the module should come on
7. Lift up on the upper cam and rotate it such that it is 90º counterclockwise from the
electronics module.
1. Before performing calibration, make certain the valve is fully closed, and the target button is set to the proper partial position.
*NOTE: If the valve is not fully closed, the test will abort and the LED and diagnostic relay will flash message code 7-7 indicating
that the valve is not fully open. The Pass/Fail relay will be turned OFF.
2. Press and hold the calibration button on board for five to ten seconds.
3. The activation relay will be turned ON to initiate valve opening.
4. The valve will move until the GO Switch detects the partial stroke position.
5. The GO Switch will send feedback indicating that the pre-determined position is reached.
6. The time required to move the valve from the “fully closed position” to the “partially closed position” is the partial stroke time of the valve.
The acceptable time ranges are from fifty milliseconds to eight seconds. This “partial stroke calibration time” will be recorded in the
EEPROM (memory) of the micro controller. EEPROM will retain the value until your next calibration.
7. If the calibration is successful, the Pass/Fail relay will be turned ON and both the LED and diagnostic relay will flash message code 3-3.
8. After the LED flashes code for three times, both the LED and diagnostic relay will be steady, signifying that the calibration is complete.
Reset of the flashing LED and the diagnostic relay may be performed at anytime while the LED is flashing by pressing the calibration button.
1. Before performing the Partial Stroke Test (PST), make certain the valve is fully closed.
*NOTE: If the valve is not fully closed, the test will abort and the LED and diagnostic relay will flash message code 7-7 indicating that
the valve is not fully open. The Pass/Fail relay will be turned OFF.
2. If using the onboard module push button, press the button and hold it for more than half a second and less than five seconds.
If using the optional external Partial Stroke Test button, push firmly once.
3. The activation relay will be turned ON to initiate valve opening.
4. The valve will move until the GO Switch detects the partial stroke position.
5. The time required to move the valve up to the partial stroke position will be compared against the “partial stroke calibration time” value stored in
EEPROM (memory). The acceptable time ranges from "(1-tolerance range value) x partial stroke calibration time" to "(1+tolerance range
value) x partial stroke calibration time". For example, if the partial stroke calibration time is 6 seconds and the tolerance range value is 20%, the
acceptable PST time ranges are from 4.8 to 7.2 seconds.
6. If the time required for moving the valve to the Partial Stroke position exceeds the acceptable range of the “partial stroke calibration time”, the
test will be aborted, indicating valve failure. The Pass/Fail relay will remain OFF and both the LED and diagnostic relay will flash
message code 5-5 if the valve has moved. If the valve has not moved, the Pass/Fail relay will remain OFF and both the LED and
diagnostic relay will flash code 4-4. CAUTION: Before recalibration, make sure failure type is addressed (see table on pg.13).
Is device calibrated?
Yes Yes
Is minimum
allowed time (50ms)
Is minimum allowed No Is writing Is writing
Valve closes Yes tolerance tolerance
time (50ms) passed?
range value to No range value to
Yes Valve closes Valve closes memory memory
successful? successful?
Has valve moved?
Yes Yes
Is writing No
Valve closes Yes calibrated value
to memory
LED displays LED displays LED displays LED displays LED displays
valve is not valve closing valve has not valve is not valve closing
calibrated code time failure code moved code fully open code time failure code LED displays writing LED displays writing
1-1 Pass/fail 5-5 Pass/fail 4-4 Pass/fail 7-7 Pass/fail 5-5 Pass/fail error code 6-6 Pass/ error code 6-6 Pass/
relay state 0 relay state 0 relay state 0 relay state 0 relay state 0 fail relay state 0 fail relay state 0
D-ESD Installation, Operation & Maintenance 502.969.8000
1-1 Device not calibrated Need to perform the calibration procedure before the partial stroke test
1300ms 500ms
The Pulse Train will repeat 3 times. In order to use this diagnostic
relay output, control logic should count the number of positive When the Partial stroke test buttonis pressed for less than 5 seconds the test
transitions in order to get the message number. Clear the count begins and the Pass/Fail Relay opens (low). The Pass/Fail Relay closes again
register in the logic when you see a logic low (open) for more than once the unit completes and passes the Partial Stroke Test.
one second. The Pulse Train can be reset anytime by activating
the Calibration Switch or the PST/Calibration Activation Input.
D-ESD Installation, Operation & Maintenance 502.969.8000
Proof Testing
The user is required to carry out ‘proof testing’ at specified intervals in order to verify the absence of any failures and hence meet the required
PFDave. (This is normally done for the entire safety function in order to exercise every device in the safety-instrumented system. Proof tests are
described in IEC 61511-1, clause 16).
The PFDave depends on the failure rate (symbol ‘l’) of the chosen ESD valve and it’s actuator and can be calculated from the formula:
T= 3 x PFDave
(1.2 x 10 + λVALVE + λACTUATOR ) x 2.738 x 10-6
As a guide, the following table gives proof test intervals for the Topworx ESD valve controller together with the selected valve and
actuator failure rates in order to achieve 50% of the total PFDave required for SIL3 (5 x 10-4).
λVALVE + λACTUATOR Proof test interval
(per hour) (hours)
1 x 10-4 2,327
The proof test procedure should verify the ESD valve 5000
controller allows the ESD valve to function 100% on
command, and that any failures related to the valve,
0 1x10-4 1x10-5 1x10-6 1x10-7
actuator or partial stroke test function are revealed.
Failure Rate λ
Please visit our website to download a copy of the Sira Functional Safety Assessment Report for TopWorx ESD Valve Controller at
For Explosion Proof installations, the internal ground connection shall be used and the external ground connection, if supplied in
addition, is supplemental bonding allowed where local authorities permit, or is required.
When installing with a third party listed nipple-mount solenoid, it is the responsibility of the installer to provide fittings, and appara-
tus, suitable for the area classification in accordance with the National Electrical Code.
All cable entry devices or conduit stopping boxes shall be certified in type of explosion protection ‘d’, suitable for the conditions of
use and correctly installed.
The IIC enclosures are excluded from use in Carbon disulphide atmospheres.
The air pressure to the valve block, when fitted, shall not exceed 7 bar.
Preventative Maintenance
TopWorx Valvetop’s are designed to operate for one million cycles without servicing. Call TopWorx when you are approaching
this milestone for a preventative maintenance kit and instructions.
Cl I Div 1 Grps C,D; Cl 1 Div 2 Grps A,B,C,D Type 4, 4X
Ex d IIB+H2 T6 –40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 60°C, IP67
1 B,V,S or E (WITH & W/O)
SIRA 07ATEX1273X IECEx SIR 07.0093X
Electrical Rating: 250mA/24Vdc, 120Vac
Ex d IIC T6 –40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 60°C, IP67
C B,V,S or E (WITH & W/O) SIRA 07ATEX1273X SIRA IECEx SIR 06.0093X
Electrical Rating: 250mA/24Vdc, 120Vac
W B,V,S or E (WITH & W/O) NEMA 4, 4X
D-ESD Installation, Operation & Maintenance 502.969.8000
© 2010 TopWorx, Inc. All rights reserved. TopWorx, Valvetop, GO Switch, and Leverless Limit Switch are all trademarks
of TopWorx, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Information herein – including product
specifications – is subject to change without notice.
ES-00936-1 R8