Profile 2019

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Shelton-Mason County Journal

Mark Reed Grant Angle

“Your Mason County Almanac”

MGH&FC advances its
Mission of Patient-First care

3D Mammography
is here!
Mason General Hospital joins the top 20
American cancer hospitals that offer Hologic®
3D Mammography! The Diagnostic Imaging
Department at Mason General presents the
Selenia® Dimensions® 3D Mammography
System – a technological breakthrough that
revolutionizes mammogram screening with
a new level of comfort and safety!
• Unsurpassed patient comfort and safety
• Rapid scan time and low-dose exposure
• Superior, 3D scanning for more
detailed images and earlier detection
• Detects 20-65% more breast cancers
than 2D
The Selenia® Dimensions® • Reduced need for re-screenings and
unique paddle that conforms breast biopsies
to natural contours of the
breast, combined with even Using low-dose imaging technology similar detail than its 2D predecessor. The results
pressure over the cushioned to a CAT scan, 3D breast tomosynthesis are a clearer view of abnormalities and
mammo pad, offer a whole generates a series of scans to create a final better images of dense breast tissue, often
new level of comfort. picture with sharper images and more eliminating the need for call-backs and breast
Annual mammograms are recommended to
women over 40 and younger women who are
a higher risk for breast cancer.* To schedule
your mammogram, call MGH&FC’s Diagnostic
Imaging Department at (360) 427-9590.
*Don’t have adequate insurance to cover your
Jody Olsen, RT, R, M, mammogram? Apply for assistance through the
stands behind the protective Karen Hilburn Cancer Fund by calling
screen while scanning. (360) 426-3868. • 901 Mountain View Drive, Shelton, WA 98584 • (360) 426-1611, from Allyn (360) 275-8614, Toll free (855) 880-3201, TTY/TDD (360) 427-9593 • Equal Opportunity Provider • Free Translation
Services Provided/Se habla español • MGH&FC complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, sex or sexual orientation.

Page 2 - Profile
It all started in 1792.
eorge Washington was president, will find fascinating.
and editor Robert B. Thomas In the following pages, you’ll
published the first issue of The find tax information, elected of-
Farmer’s Almanac. ficials’ salaries, school information
More of a pamphlet, the almanac pre- and fire district data. You’ll see
dicted astronomical events, how much revenue our
weather, tides and more. marijuana businesses
It wasn’t the only source of have collected. You
information for farmers in can see which Mason
the late 1700s, but Thomas’ County businesses
formula produced a more employ the most indi-
accurate forecast than his viduals.
competitors. According to And that’s just the
modern almanac staff, that beginning.
formula is locked away in The Profile mea-
a black tin in Dublin, New sures facts and
Hampshire. figures. Similarly to
Later renamed The Old The Old Farmer’s
Farmer’s Almanac, the annual infor- Almanac, it provides a tool for
mation helped farmers predict natural readers to better understand
phenomena so they could improve their their surroundings.
crops each year. He helped a young We hope you spend some
country bolster its economy, providing time going through the follow-
Americans with information that they ing pages. If you like data, be
learned to trust. prepared to sift through the
While we don’t have an extensive next 52 pages like a farmer
formula to help modern farmers, the sifts through topsoil.
Shelton-Mason County Journal’s annual
Profile issue does include facts, figures n Adam Rudnick, editor in
and information that we think residents chief, Shelton-Mason County Journal

Profile - Page 3
Shelton-Mason County Journal

Active listings Home sales Home sales

Last 12 months, by month Past 12 months, For last five years in county, by price
April 2018 195 by price in county 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
May 246 Area Sale price, median $0-$49,999 71 45 39 28 12
June 291 North Mason $331,750 $50,000-$99,999 190 184 137 108 56
July 322 Harstine Island $325,000 $100,000-$149,999 201 198 213 218 110
August 333 South Shore $287,000 $150,000-$199,999 210 251 239 292 254
September 333 Arcadia/Kamilche $280,000 $200,000-$249,999 125 124 197 265 289
October 297 SW Mason County $255,500 $250,000-$299,999 74 99 127 174 217
November 256 Belfair/Hood Canal $255,000 $300,000-$349,999 49 57 83 102 126
December 236 Mason Lake Region $230,000 $350,000-$399,999 29 48 66 87 87
January 2019 202 Agate $217,750 $400,000-$449,999 11 21 25 47 66
February 177 Shelton $215,000 $450,000-$499,999 12 14 18 31 45
March 165 NW Mason County $169,950 $500,000-$549,999 7 7 18 13 17
$550,000-$599,999 1 7 13 12 25
Note: Data courtesy of Northwest 2018, by price in county $600,000-$649,999 4 6 2 13 16
Multiple Listing Service; compiled by Area Sale price, median $650,000-$699,999 2 0 3 4 15
Andy Conklin, broker, Realtor, CRS, North Mason $320,000 $700,000-$749,999 2 2 1 3 5
Windermere Realty Harstine Island $285,000 $750,000-$799,999 2 0 3 6 2
South Shore $279,750 $800,000-$849,999 0 1 0 1 5
Arcadia/Kamilche $278,000 $850,000-$899,999 1 0 1 1 4
The sign below appears on a home in SW Mason County $250,078 $900,000-$949,999 0 1 1 3 0
the Shelton Springs development in Belfair/Hood Canal $249,000 $950,000-$999,999 0 0 0 0 0
Shelton. Journal photo by Justin Mason Lake Region $232,500 $1,000,000+ 0 0 0 1 3
Johnson Agate $224,950 Note: Data courtesy of Northwest Multiple Listing Service; compiled by Andy
Shelton $201,500 Conklin, broker, Realtor, CRS, Windermere Realty
NW Mason County $170,000
Months’ supply*
2017, price in county
Area Sale price, median Of housing inventory in Mason County
North Mason $270,450 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
South Shore $270,000 January 10.7 8.8 5.4 3.4 2.4
Arcadia/Kamilche $229,500 February 12.9 6.7 4.2 3.3 2.4
Belfair/Hood Canal $223,500 March 8.3 7.6 4.4 3.1 2.1
Harstine Island $220,000 April 8.6 5 4.3 2.6 2
SW Mason County $215,750 May 7.3 6.8 4.9 2.6 2
Mason Lake Region $199,500 June 9.5 7.1 4 2.4 2.1
Agate $192,000 July 7.3 4.8 3.9 2.9 2.1
Shelton $170,750 August 6.4 5.3 3.5 2.4 2.1
NW Mason County $166,000 September 6.2 4.6 4.2 2.8 3.2
October 6.3 4.7 4.1 2.6 2.3
Note: Data courtesy of Northwest November 7.3 5.8 4.8 3 2.7
Multiple Listing Service; compiled by December 7 5 3.3 3.1 2.6
Andy Conklin, broker, Realtor, CRS, *Months of inventory: How many months it would take to sell current inventory
Windermere Realty if no new inventory comes on the market. Six months is a balanced market. Less
Page 4 - Profile than six months is a sellers’ market; more than six months is a buyers’ market.
Profile - Page 5
Shelton-Mason County Journal

Mason County Deaths

Population, 2017 In Mason County
63,710 2018: 478
2017: 530
2016: 472
Population increase 2015: 478
2014: 463

In Mason County, from

120 Autopsies
In Mason County
Shelton 2018: 51
2017: 61
2016: 46
City Population, 2017 2015: 60
10,146 2014: 49

Number Of Coroner reports

Households, Mason County Of suicide and drug overdose
(as of July 2017) in Mason County, 2018
33,451 Suicides: 24
Source: United States Census Bureau Drug overdoses: 3

Median Household Prison Population

Income in Mason County, 2018 Capacity at Washington
$53,087 Corrections Center, Shelton
(Male inmates)
1,268 Mary M. Knight Saturday Basketball coach Mike Bateman, right, shows Macy
Per Capita Capacity at Mission Creek
Masteller where to shoot in February at Mary M. Knight High School. Journal
photo by Justin Johnson
Corrections Center, Belfair
Personal income, 2013-17 (Female inmates)
$26,312 321

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Profile - Page 7
Shelton-Mason County Journal

Unemployment Unemployment Median Nonfarm Industry

Rates for Washington, January Rates for Mason County, Gross monthly rent, 2013-17 Employment, not seasonally
2018 through February 2019 January 2018 through $925 adjusted, Mason County,
January 2018: 5.4 percent January 2019 Source: United States Census Bureau January 2017- January 2019
February: 5.3 January 2018: 7.4 percent January 2017: 13,230
March: 4.8 February: 7.5 Employment January 2018: 13,680
April: 4.3 March: 6.8 January 2019: 13,420
May: 4.2 April: 6.3 Number of civilians in labor
June: 4.4 May: 6 force, Mason County Source: Washington state Employment
July: 4.3 June: 6 February 2019: 24,679 Security Department
August: 4.2 July: 5.8 2018: 23,744
September: 4 August: 6 2017: 23,873
October: 4.1 September: 5.6 2016: 23,536
November: 4.4 October: 5.6 2015: 22,991
December: 4.8 November: 6 Source: Washington state Employment
January 2019: 5.3 December: 6.8 Security Department
February: 5.2 January 2019: 7.4
Source: Washington state Employment Source: Washington state Employment
Security Department Security Department

Sam Pettis with

Mason County
PUD 3 removes
snow from the
agency’s parking
lot in February.
Journal photo
by Gordon

Page 8 - Profile
Profile - Page 9
Shelton-Mason County Journal

Shelton Police Mason County Calls to 911 Parking

Major crime reports, 2018 Crime reports to sheriff’s By district, 2018 (police) Citations in City of Shelton
Murder: 0 office, 2018 Total calls: 421 2018: 2
Manslaughter: 0 Total: 2,058 Angleside: 21 2017: 6
Rape: 18 Aggravated assault: 39 Beverly Heights: 10 2016: 1
Sodomy: 0 All other larceny: 331 Capitol Hill: 13 2015: 12
Sexual assault with object: 0 Arson: 5 Downtown: 54
Fondling: 11 Burglary/breaking in Downtown Business: 76
Aggravated assault: 36 and entering: 371 Downtown School: 2
Simple assault: 132
Intimidation: 5
Counterfeiting/forgery: 36
Credit card/ATM fraud: 82
Hillcrest: 44
Hillcrest Business: 11
Citations Issued
Kidnapping (unlawful imprisonment):4 Destruction/damage/ Manke Addition: 1
By Shelton police, 2018
Incest: 1 vandalism of property: 224 Mason County Sheriff: 30
Total: 1,522
Statutory rape: 1 Drug paraphernalia violations: 16 Moore Hill: 1
Criminal non-traffic: 409
Human trafficking: 0 Drug/narcotic violations: 82 Mountain View Business: 58
Criminal traffic: 450
No-contact order violation: 52 Fondling: 51 Mountain View East: 36
Infraction non-traffic: 22
Robbery: 3 Impersonation: 33 Mountain View North: 30
Infraction traffic: 639
Burglary: 104 Intimidation: 11 Mountain View School: 2
Parking: 2
Larceny/theft: 523 Kidnapping/abduction: 11 Mountain View West: 19
Arson: 3 Motor vehicle theft: 110 Northcliff: 7
2017 Total: 1,028
Vandalism: 111 Murder/non-negligent Shelton Police Department: 3
2017 to 2018 Increase: +494
Counterfeit/forgery: 40 manslaughter: 4 Terrace Heights: 3
Fraud: 40 Pocket picking: 2
Embezzlement/extortion/bribery : 0 Purse snatching: 4
Possession of stolen property: 11 Rape: 9 Shelton Police Department and Washington State Patrol personnel search a vehicle
Animal cruelty: 0 Robbery: 13 in March at the southbound on-ramp of U.S. Highway 101 and East Wallace
Drugs/narcotics: 147 Shoplifting: 31 Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton. Journal photo by Michael Heinbach
Drug equipment: 125 Simple assault: 231
Gambling: 0 Stolen property offenses: 28
Pornography: 0 Theft from building: 17
Prostitution: 0 Theft from coin-operated
Weapons law violations: 16 machine/device: 1
Theft from motor vehicle: 105
Traffic Accidents Theft of motor vehicle
parts or accessories: 18
Violation of no-contact/
In City of Shelton protection orders: 127
2018: 200 Weapon law violations: 65
2017: 189
2016: 195
2015: 187

Page 10 - Profile
Profile - Page 11
Shelton-Mason County Journal

Mason General Hospital & Family of Clinics staff members break ground on a new clinic in October. Journal photo by Dana Kampa

Diseases Credit Unions

Newly diagnosed cases in Mason County, 2018 In Mason County Union Branch
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 320 E. Dalby Road, Suite A, Union
HIV 3 1 5 4 4 Kitsap Credit Union
Hepatitis, Chronic 170 146 180 106 * Belfair Branch Elma Branch
Chlamydia 177 198 230 234 221 51 NE state Route 300, Suite D, 306 S. Seventh St., Elma
Giardiasis 4 4 4 8 5 Belfair
Gonorrhea 14 38 40 48 37 Peninsula Credit Union
Herpes, genital 6 7 10 11 20 Our Community Credit Union Shelton Branch
P & S Syphilis 0 0 4 6 4 Shelton – Mountain View branch 521 W. Railroad Ave., Shelton
Meningococcal 0 0 0 0 0 2948 Olympic Highway N., Shelton 360-426-1601
Pertussis 7 0 4 2 4
Salmonellosis 9 6 9 7 4 Shelton – downtown branch Belfair Branch
Shigellosis 1 0 0 1 * 526 W. Cedar St., Shelton 23550 NE state Route 3, Belfair
Tuberculosis 3 0 0 2 * 360-275-6066
*Data suppressed due to small numbers
Source: Mason County Public Health and Human Services.
Data for 2018 unavailable.
Page 12 - Profile
VirtCareScopeInsert 3’19 Size 49x64Picas=Specialist Guide


Profile - Page 13

History Square Miles Parks

Mason County, established, City of Shelton In Mason County
named 6.13 Coulter Creek Picnic Area, 55 acres
1854 Foothills Park, 80 acres
After Charles Mason, first secretary of Harvey Rendsland County Park (Jiggs
Washington Territory Garbage Collection Lake), 8 acres
Jacoby (Shorecrest) Park, 2.8 acres
City Administration City of Shelton
Latimer’s Landing Boat Launch, 0.59 acres
Mason County Recreation Area, 40 acres
The City of Shelton privatized garbage Mason County Skate Park, 0.5 acres
City of Shelton administrators collection July 1, 2017. Mason Lake County Park, 17.36 acres
Jeff Niten, city manager Menard’s Landing, 0.4 acres
Donna Nault, city clerk Oakland Bay Historical Park, 81.87 acres
Craig Gregory, public works director Meeting Times Phillips Lake County Park, 0.04 acres
Sandhill County Park, 30 acres
Mark Ziegler, director of community
development Sunset Bluff Park, 36 acres
Shelton City Council
Truman Glick County Park, 35.46 acres
The Shelton City Council meets at 6 Union County Boat Launch, 0.16 acres
p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the Union County Park, 1.92 acres
month at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 Walker County Park, 5.04 acres
W. Cota St. Watson Wildwood View Park, 36 acres
William O. Hunter Park, 0.15 acres

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Page 14 - Profile

Residential Water Utility Accounts Parks

Basic monthly charge, City of Shelton, 2018 City of Shelton
City of Shelton 3,828 Brewer Park, 220 W. Franklin St.
$11.66 Callanan Park, 400 W E St.
3/4-inch meter, per cubic foot, rates Revenue Huff ‘n’Puff Trail,
are tiered 3600 Shelton Springs Road
From property tax, Johnson Park, 325. E Poplar St.
City of Shelton, 2018 Kneeland Park, 100 Turner Ave.
$2 million Loop Field, 1020 W. Franklin St.
Stormwater Fee Sewer Overlook Park,
1200 Olympic Highway South
Sixth St. Park, 330 S. Sixth St.
Monthly Basic monthly charge,
City of Shelton City of Shelton
$12.10 $44.50

Profile - Page 15

Taxable Retail Sales Tax Park Visitors

Sales, Mason County (through City of Shelton To Olympic National Park,
third quarter, 2018) 2.3 % 2018
$558,411,683 3,104,455

Registered Voters Revenue 2017

In the Nov. 6, 2018 From City of Shelton sales tax,
2018 2017 to 2018 Change
general election
$2.3 million - 297,541

Property Tax History

Per $1,000 valuation, Platted as
City of Shelton Sheltonville (1886)
$3.07 Source: City of Shelton

Page 16 - Profile

Tax Rate Tax Rate Square Miles

Business and occupation, Property per $1,000 of Water,
City of Shelton valuation for current expense, Mason County
0.1 percent Mason County 92

Sales Tax Square Miles

Portion of, Mason County 2018, Mason County
0.2 percent Mason County 1,133
Revenue Revenue Shoreline
Total from sales, use taxes in From business and occupation, Miles of,
Mason County, 2018 City of Shelton in 2018 Mason County
$5,487,711 $678,576 709

We Make Good Impressions

Printing | Promotions | Office Supplies

Profile - Page 17

Tax Rate Taxes Garbage

Property per $1,000 of Total property collected for all Transfer stations
valuation for county roads in county jurisdictions, 2018 Eells Hill Transfer Station: 501 W.
Mason County, 2018 $91,164,197 Eells Hill Road, Shelton. Open Monday
$0.17 through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Property Taxes Meeting Times Belfair Drop Box: 1611 NE Sand Hill
Road. Open Tuesday through Saturday,
Revenue for road fund, For Mason County 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Mason County, 2018 Board of Commissioners
$1.17 9 a.m. every Tuesday; 6 p.m. on Union Drop Box: 1391 E. McReavy
Road. Open Sunday and Monday,
Property Taxes fourth Tuesday of the month.
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sales Tax Rate Hoodsport Drop Box: 260 N.
County share, collected in
2018 current expense Total, Mason County Hoodsport Park Road. Open Friday and
$11,618,386 8.5 percent Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Community Powered
Always providing safe, reliable, economical service, 24/7.
Page 18 - Profile

County Staff Auditor Superior Court

Paddy McGuire Judge, Pos. 1, Mason County
Elected officials, $79,032.48 Amber Finlay
with annual salaries $172,571.04
District 1 Clerk
Mason County Commission Sharon Fogo Superior Court
Randy Neatherlin $79,032.48 Judge, Pos. 2, Mason County
$83,192.16 Monty Cobb
Coroner $172,571.04
District 2 Wes Stockwell
Mason County Commission chair $79,032.48 Superior Court
Kevin Shutty Judge, Pos. 3, Mason County
$83,192.16 Prosecutor Daniel Goodell
Michael Dorcy $172,571.04
District 3 $172,571.04
Mason County Commissioner District Court
Sharon Trask Sheriff Judge, Mason County
$83,192.16 Casey Salisbury George Steele
$96,419.76 $164.313.12
Patti McLean

Profile - Page 19

In Mason County Mt. Olive Lutheran Church 360-426-6353 Feline Friends 360-866-0599 or Dan Tuteberg 360-427-9670 ext. 686
Moose Lodge 360-426-6917 Mountain View Alliance 360-426-3294 Humane Society 360-275-9310 Boys & Girls Club 360-362-1855
Morning Star Lions Club 360-432-1351 New Beginnings 360-426-2907 Kitten Rescue 360-426-2455 Boy Scouts 360-275-4122
Mt. Moriah Masonic Lodge #11 360-951-2281 New Community Church of Union 360-898-7855 Mason County Sheriff - Animal Control 360-427-9670 Girl Scouts (800) 541-9852
North Mason Rotary 877-278-8900 New Hope Assembly of God 360-426-6402 ext. 313 Cooperative Preschool 360-432-5410
North Mason Lions Club 360-277-3520 New Horizons Church of God 360-426-9594 City of Shelton Animal Shelter 360-427-7503 Head Start 360-426-2898
P.E.O. Sisterhood 360-426-4700 North Mason Bible Church 360-275-4555 North Mason Little League 360-731-4035
Pioneer Kiwanis 360-432-0136 North Mason United Methodist 360-275-3714 Arts and Shared Interests Mason County Youth Baseball 360-426-4582
Shelton Kiwanis 360-426-0512 Prince of Peace Catholic 360-275-8760 Amateur Radio Club 360-426-7486, 360-426-3018 North Mason Youth Soccer 360-536-7089
Centennial Lions Club 360-489-4277 St. David Episcopal Church 360-426-8472 American Truck Historical Society 360-866-7716 Save Our County’s Kids (SOCK) 360-432-0815
Shelton Rotary 360-427-3478 St. Edward Catholic Church 360-426-6134 Anna’s Bay Center for Music 360-898-5000 South Mason Youth Soccer 360-426-9791
Shelton Skookum Rotary 360-426-8597 St. Germain Episcopal Church 360-877-9879 Christmastown Quilters 360-426-0439 Soccer Park 360-432-0560
United Way 360-426-4999 St. Hugh Episcopal 360-275-8450
Union City Masonic Lodge #27 360-877-5964 St. Nicholas Episcopal 360-275-7141 Harstine Island Theatre Club 360-426-8823 Community Organizations
Seventh-Day Adventist Church 360-426-2776 Historical Society and Museum 360-426-1020 Allyn Community Association 360-275-5002
Churches Shelton Bible Church 360-877-6176 Jolly Jesters 360-426-6411 Grapeview Community Association 360-277-3456
Belfair Assembly of God 360-275-2858 Shelton Christian Church 360-426-4697 Library, Timberland Friends of the Library Harstine Island Community Club 360-427-9516
Belfair Community Church 360-275-6031 Shelton Church of Christ 360-426-1169 Hoodsport: 360-877-9339 Harstine Island Women’s Club 360-426-8112
Belfair Kingdom Hall 360-275-0815 Shelton Church of the Nazarene 360-426-1298 North Mason: 360-275-3232 Lilliwaup Community Club 360-877-2235
Bridge Community Church 360-426-6352 Shelton First Baptist 360-426-8461 Shelton: 360-426-1362 Little Skookum Community Club 360-427-3926
Calvary Chapel 360-866-0996 Shelton Kingdom Hall 360-426-4286 Mason County Concert Association 360-426-1842 Mason-Benson Community Club 360-426-6824
Christ Lutheran 360-275-3354 Shelton Presbyterian Church 360-432-8696 McReavy House 360-898-1717 Tahuya Community Club 360-275-9865
Church of Jesus Christ of LDS (Shelton) 360-426-9459 Shelton Rivers of Grace 360-438-8531 Peninsula Art Association 360-426-1842 Timberlakes Community Club 360-427-8928
Church of Jesus Christ of LDS (Belfair) 360-275-9734 Skokomish Community Church 360-426-4079 Sweet Adelines barbershop 360-426-1175 Trails End Community Club 360-275-6995
Elma First Baptist 360-482-3455 Shelton United Methodist Church 360-426-4174 Towne Cruisers Car Club 360-426-9940 Union Tourism Association
Faith Lutheran Church 360-426-8611 Spring Road Chapel Church of God 360-427-6998 Yesteryear Car Club 360-427-1235
Gateway Christian Fellowship 360-426-2758 Calvary Fellowship360-426-7021 Mason County Master Gardeners 360-427-9670, ext. 688 Environmental Groups
Grace Baptist 360-462-1611 Great Peninsula Conservancy 360-373-3500
Grapeview Timberland Comm. Church 360-275-3750 Animal Concerns Children’s and Youth Organizations Hood Canal Environmental Council 360-275-5459
Hood Canal Community Church 360-877-9688 Adopt-a-Pet 360-432-3091 4-H Kathy Fuller 360-427-9670 ext. 681 H.C. Salmon Enhancement Group 360-275-3575

Page 20 - Profile

Local Government Mason General Hospital Foundation 360-427-3623 Care Net Pregnancy Center of Mason County Turning Pointe 360-426-1216
Mason County 360-427-9670 Mason County Senior Activities Center 360-426-7374 360-427-9171 United Way of Mason County 360-426-4999
City of Shelton 360-426-4491 Narcotics Anonymous 360-754-4433 Community Food Pantry 360-552-2303 Washington Information Network 211 (425) 264-0300
Skokomish Tribe 360-426-4232 Orthopedic Guilds 360-275-1245 Economic Development Council–MC 360-426-2276 WorkSource 360-552-2303
Squaxin Island Tribe 360-426-9781 Planned Parenthood 800-769-0045 Evergreen Rural Water of Washington 360-426-9287
Senior Services for South Sound 360-526-3405 Friends of the William G. Reed Library 360-426-1362 Fraternal and Service Organizations
Political Involvement TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) 360-427-0803 Habitat for Humanity–Mason County 360-426-8134 Belfair Kiwanis 360-229-9556
League of Women Voters 360-427-1956 360-275-2179 LOVE Inc. 360-426-5684 Daughters of the Pioneers of WA 360-426-3588
MC Democrats 360-427-2731 Sports and Leisure Mary E. Theler Community Center 360-275-4898 Eagles Club
MC Republicans 360-432-1111 Back Country Horsemen 360-426-3771 Mason County Literacy 360-426-9733 Shelton: 360-426-0507
Equestrienne of Mason County 360-426-3001 Mason County Ministerial Association 360-426-2776 North Mason: 360-275-6885
Regional Promotion/Information Good Sam RV Club 360-426-6028 Mason County Senior Activities Association Elks 360-426-2322
Hood Canal Visitor Center 360-877-2021 360-877-5721 360-426-7374 The Granges
North Mason Chamber of Commerce 360-275-4267 Nimrod Club 360-426-8178 Crossroad Housing 360-427-6919 Agate: 360-426-9369
North Mason Visitors Information 360-275-4267 Shelton Rifle & Pistol Club 360-427-1102 Mason Transit Authority 360-427-5033 Matlock: 360-426-8909
Shelton-Mason County Chamber 360-426-2021 Shelton Rock and Mineral Society 360-427-5255 North Mason Homeless Advocate 360-552-2303 Skokomish: 360-426-2426
Economic Development Council 360-426-2276 Shelton Yacht Club 360-426-1012 North Mason Chamber of Commerce 360-275-4267 Harstine: 360-426-5665
North Mason Resources 360-552-2303 Twanoh: 360-275-9646
Senior and Health-Related Groups Veterans Organizations Olympic College Shelton 360-432-5400 Hood Canal Kiwanis 360-877-5381
Alcoholics Anonymous 360-352-7344 40 et 8 360-426-5060 Port of Allyn 360-275-2430 Hood Canal Lions Club 360-898-4922/701-2464
American Red Cross 360-352-8575 American Legion 360-426-4546 Port of Hoodsport 360-877-9350 Hood Canal Masonic Lodge #288 360-275-4711
Behavioral Health Resources 360-552-2303 American Legion Post 200 360-552-2303 Port of Shelton 360-426-1151 Knights of Columbus 360-275-3350
Crisis Clinic 24-hour line 360-486-2800 Veterans of Foreign Wars 360-426-1805 Pioneer Food Bank 360-426-6352 Kristmas Town Kiwanis 360-426-5637
Crisis Clinic from North Mason (800) 627-2211 Disabled American Veterans Chapter 22 360-552-2303 Retired Senior & Volunteer Program 360-943-2773, Mason County Optimist Club
Faith in Action HUB Center 360-275-0535 ext. 21
Harmony Hill 360-898-2363 Service and Public Entities Shelton Mason County Chamber of Commerce
Health-related support groups 360-426-1611 A Gift for Special Children of Mason County 360-426-2021 If your organization is not listed, email news@
Mason County Relay for Life/ 360-427-7058 ShoreBank Enterprise Cascadia 360-427-2875 The Journal will include it next year.
American Cancer Society (253) 820-4198 The Saints’ Pantry Food Bank 360-427-8847


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Profile - Page 21

Top 50 Employers
In Mason County
Employer Employees
1. Little Creek Casino Resort 782
2. Mason General Hospital 701
3. Shelton School District 694
4. Washington Corrections Center 684
5. Taylor Shellfish, Inc. 400
6. Mason County 393
7. North Mason School District 367
8. Sierra Pacific Industries 280
9. Squaxin Island Tribe 273
10. Walmart 271
11. Island Enterprises 202
12. Alderbrook Resort & Spa 195
13. Fred Meyer Marketplace 165
14. Skokomish Indian Tribe 146
15. Fir Lane Health & Rehabilitation 136
16. Mason County PUD 3 128
17. Pioneer School District 125
18. Safeway – Belfair 124
19. Exceptional Foresters, Inc. 120
20. Fungi Perfecti 101
21. Our Community Credit Union 100
22. City of Shelton 91
23. Safeway – Shelton 91
24. Seattle Shellfish Company 90
25. Catholic Community Services 90
26. QFC 86
27. Shelton Health & Rehabilitation 80
28. Alpine Way Continuing Care Community 80
29. Mason Transit Authority 78
30. Alta Forest Products, Inc. 76
31. Peninsula Credit Union 70
32. Green Diamond Resource Co. 65
33. Hood Canal School District 64
34. Sims Vibration Laboratory 60
35. Manke Lumber Co. 56
36. Continental Floral 56*
37. Stretch Island Fruit 54
38. Belco Forest Products 50
39. South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency 49
40. Washington State Patrol 48
41. Gillis Auto Center 47
42. Techwood 47
43. Hood Canal Communications 40
44. Mary M. Knight School 40
45. Builders First Choice 40
46. Suspended Brands 38
47. Brady Trucking 37
48. Olympic College 36
49. M & R Distributing 34
50. Grapeview School District 34
Page 22 - Profile

Post Offices Buildings

In Mason County Operated in Mason County
Allyn Building 1, 411 N. Fifth Street —
18329 state Route 3 Assessor, Auditor, Civil Services,
360-275-6504 Commissioners, Support Services,
Belfair Building 2, 410 N. Fourth Street —
60 NE Ridgepoint Blvd. Public Defense
360-275-6266 Building 3, 426 W. Cedar Street —

Coroner, Juvenile Court Services
Grapeview Building 4, 303 N. Fourth Street —
4290 Grapeview Loop Road WSU Extension

360-275-8553 Building 5, 521 W. Alder Street —
Information Services
Hoodsport Building 6, 414 N. Fifth Street —
76 N. Lake Cushman Road Modular Courtroom
360-877-5552 Building 7, 521 N. Fourth Street —
Prosecutor We can help you make a fresh
Lilliwaup Building 8, 615 W. Alder Street — start, take control of your
28611 N. U.S. Highway 101 Building, Fire Marshal, Planning
360-877-5472 Building 9, 423 N. Fifth Street — financial life, and rebound.
Board of Equalization Hearing Room,
Matlock Human Resources
17490 W. Shelton Matlock Road
Courthouse, 419 N. Fourth Street —
County Clerk, District Court, Superior
Looking for a second
Juvenile Detention Center, 317 N. Fifth
218 Mark E. Reed Way Street — Juvenile Detention Get immediate help • Start Saving
360-426-1476 Mason County Jail, 411 N. Fourth Payoff debt • Rebuild your credit
Union Public Works Facility, 100 Public Works
310 E. Dalby Road
Drive — Emergency Management,
Public Works, Utilities and Waste
“ I LOVE this place, from the customer service to
the warm personal attention, I feel so
comfortable when I come in to talk about my

Mason County Sheriff’s Office, 322 N.
Third Street finances.
Melissa, Port Orchard

The leaves are a radiant red on trees in September in front of the Shelton Civic
Center. Journal photo by Gordon Weeks
521 W Railroad Ave.

Federally insured by NCUA

Profile - Page 23

Arts Commission Historic

City of Shelton Preservation Board,
Charlotte Bales City of Shelton
Elinor Lindquist Tristen Star
Amy Cooper Kathleen Waugh
Stan Yantis Justin Cowling
Dave Salzer A pig enjoys
Bill Busacca pumpkins in
Historic Forrest Cooper October at Hunter
Farm in Union.
Journal photo
Preservation Board, by Gordon
Mason County
Rick Calvin (chair) Equalization Weeks

Michael MacSems
Marty Harrell (vice chair) Board of, Mason County
Stephanie Neil Deborah Reis (chair)
Ed Huber Janice Loomis
Steve Rose Kevin Frankenberger
David Willard Kim Wilson (alternate)

Page 24 - Profile
Sun - Thurs: 9 am - 8 pm
Fri & Sat: 9 am - 10 pm

Mason Transit Planning

Authority Board of Advisory Committee,
Commissioners Mason County
The 10-member board of Aaron Cleveland, Brian Smith, Deborah
commissioners sets policy and Soper, Marilyn Vogler, Morgan Ireland
direction for the Mason Transit
Authority, and meets at 4 p.m. the
third Tuesday of the month at the Transportation
MTA Transit Community Center,
601 W. Franklin St., Shelton. Call Improvement Program Citizen
360-426-9434 or 800-374-3747, Advisory Panel, Mason County
or email Mary Jo Cady, Pete Butkus, Don
or visit Pogreba, Mark Carlson, Jeff Carey,
Jack Johnson, Philip Wolff, Diane
Sheesley, Sarah Grice, Loretta
Chair Kevin Shutty, Mason County Swanson, Dave Smith
Wes Martin, Grapeview School District Thank you all for voting
Lodging Tax
John Campbell, North Mason School
Kevin Dorcy, City of Shelton
commissioner Advisory Committee
Terri Drexler, Mason county Shaun Tucker, Nathan Welch,
commissioner Stephanie Rowland, Heidi McCutcheon,
Randy Neatherlin, Mason county Duane Wilson
commissioner MASON
Deborah Petersen, Hood Canal School COUNTY
Don Pogreba, Southside School District Housing Authority 2018
Sandy Tarzwell, Shelton School District
Bobby Joe Murray, labor union Board of Commissioners,
representative (non-voting), Mason County

International Association of Machinists Kathy Haigh (chair), Gary Gordon (vice SHELTON-MASON COUNTY

and Aerospace Workers, District Lodge chair), John Boelender, Marilyn Vogler,
160 Gary Yando for CANNABIS RETAIL
in the Shelton area

3 6 0. 462.4025
90 W St. Route 10 8 She lto n , WA

Warning - May be habit forming. Unlawful outside Washington State.

It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of marijuana.
Smoking is hazardous to your health.
Crews prepare Olympic Highway North in Shelton to be paved in April from C to
Seventh streets. Journal photo by Gordon Weeks Profile - Page 25

Board of Health Historical Society

Mason County Mason County
The board supervises all matters pertaining to the preservation The society aims to discover, compile, preserve and publish Mason
of residents’ quality of life and health, advising the Mason Public County history, meeting monthly throughout the county. For more
Health Department. Members meet at 3 p.m. the fourth Tuesday information about the Mason County Historical Society Museum,
of every other month in the Mason County Building 1 Courthouse call 360-426-1020, email, visit
Annex, located at 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton. Visit or stop by Fifth St. and Railroad Ave. in downtown Shelton, open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Members: Tuesdays through Fridays and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays.
Sharon Trask, Mason County commissioner Board members:
Randy Neatherlin, Mason County commissioner Del Griffey, vice president
Kevin Shutty, Mason County commissioner Billie Howard, recording secretary
Kathy McDowell, City of Shelton commissioner Dave Dally, treasurer
Peggy VanBuskirk, Public Hospital District 2 Mike Fredson, past president
Scott Hilburn, Public Hospital District 1 Frank Gray, Hoodsport director
Gary Plews, Mason County Fire District 4 Peter Replinger, Cloquallum director
Keri Davidson, Shelton School Board Ray Kimbel, Shelton director
Steve Bloomfield, Shelton director
Charles Fisher, Pickering director
Vern Honstain, Shelton director

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Page 26 - Profile

Chambers Oakland Bay

County chambers of commerce Pam Volz, chairman of the board Clean Water District Dose Jason, City of Shelton
Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Kim Johnson, vice president and chair Advisory Committee John Bolender,
Commerce elect Mason Conservation District
The committee, facilitated by the Mason
Established: 1922 Cherie Cloud, secretary
County Department of Public Health, Vicki Kirkpatrick,
Phone number: 360-426-2021 or 800- Leah Pokraka, treasurer
Greg Oldham, member at large
is a group of residents, governmental Mason County Public Health
576-2021 (toll free)
Location: 215 W. Railroad Ave., Shelton Jeromy Hicks, past chair organizations, businesses and nonprofits Matt Barnhart,
Website: that focuses on environmental issues Mason County Public Works
Board of Trustees Executive Committee: Elma Chamber of Commerce related to Oakland Bay. Members meet Steve Bloomfield,
Heidi McCutcheon, executive director Established: 1955 quarterly at 9 a.m. at Mason County Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers
Lisa Perry, president Phone number: 360-482-3055 Public Works at 100 W. Public Works Tom Bloomfield, Chelsea Farms
Will Johnson, past president Location: 222 W. Main St., Elma Drive, Shelton. Call Alex Paysse at 360- Duane Fagergren,
Marty Crow, president-elect/treasurer Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mondays 427-9670, ext. 279, or visit www. Puget Sound Partnership
through Fridays Jason Ragan, Taylor Shellfish Company
North Mason Chamber of Commerce & Website: 2019 meeting dates: March 6, June 5, John Konovsky, Squaxin Island Tribe
Mason County Visitor Information Center Director: Connie Brown Sept. 4, Dec. 4 Lydia Wagner, Washington state
Established: 1967 Board of Directors officers: Committee members: Department of Ecology
Phone number: 360-275-4267 Susan Shultz, president David McEntee, Simpson Timber Co. Lawrence Sullivan, Washington state
Location: Suite 103, 30 NE Romance Scott Phillipi, vice president
Patti Case, Green Diamond Department of Ecology
Hill Road, Belfair Jill Warne, secretary
Terry Hull, Enterprise Cascadia Teri King, Washington Sea Grant/
Website: Nichole Pas, treasurer
Board of Directors: Bernadette Bower, past president Robert M. Johnson, citizen University of Washington
Stephanie Rowland, president and CEO Janis Snoey, citizen Bob Simmons, WSU Mason Extension

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Profile - Page 27

Congress Congress Congress

U.S. Senate U.S. Senate U.S. House, 6th District
Maria Cantwell Patty Murray Derek Kilmer
(D-Washington) (D-Washington) (D-Gig Harbor)

Congress Legislative Legislative

U.S. House, 10th District 35th District State Rep., 35th District State Rep.,
Denny Heck Pos. 1 Pos. 2
(D-Olympia) Dan Griffey Drew MacEwen
(R-Allyn) (R-Union)

From left, state Rep. Dan Griffey, Ted Trask and Sharon Trask smile as they chat during election night in November at Smoking M’s restaurant in downtown Shelton.
Griffey went on to be re-elected to his state legislative seat, while Trask was elected on to the Board of Mason County Commissioners. Journal photo by Gordon
Page 28 - Profile

Legislative Hospital District 1 Hospital District 2

35th District State Senator Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners
Tim Sheldon Governs Mason General Hospital & Established in 2007, the district works
(D-Potlatch) Family of Clinics. Commissioners with Harrison Medical Center, 21 NE
Gayle Weston (president), Don Wilson Romance Hill Road, Belfair, concerning
(secretary) and Scott Hilburn (trustee) local health care issues. Commissioners
City of Shelton meet at 8 a.m. the second and fourth
Tuesday of every month in the Ellinor
Patty Stone (position 1, financial
officer), Tommy Thombs (position 2,
meeting room at Mason General secretary), Peggy VanBuskirk (position
City Council Hospital, 901 Mountain View Drive, 3, president), Kaye Massie (position
Mayor Bob Rogers Shelton. Call 360-427-9551, email 4) and Herb Gerhardt (position 5),
Deputy Mayor Deidre Peterson or and Superintendent Sandy Robertson
Gary Cronce visit meet at 7 p.m. the fourth Tuesday
Kathy McDowell board-of-commissioners. of the month at the medical center.
Kevin Dorcy Call 360-275-2517, email sandy@
Eric Onisko or visit
Joe Schmit

A butterfly alights on a thistle in August next to a pond

along the railroad tracks west of downtown Shelton.
Journal photo by Gordon Weeks

Profile - Page 29

Hood Canal Mary M. Knight Pioneer Southside

School Board School Board School Board School Board
Edie Resclusado President Cynthia Brehmeyer Ginny Beech, president Don Robbins
Deb Petersen Vice President Patti McLean Mike Felton, vice president Laurie Cox
Frank Longshore Jennifer House Tonya Hamel Andrea Bishsel
Gary Hedger Shawn Donnelly David Daggett Don Pogreba
Annie Robbins Robert Bonnett Edward Haigh

Grapeview North Mason Shelton Hood Canal

School Board School Board School Board School District, at a glance
Tom Anderson Art Wightman, District 1 President Sandy Tarzwell Kindergarten through eighth grade,
Pamela Berger Leanna Krotzer, District 2 Keri Davidson enrollment is about 300 students;
Michael Dekker Laura Boad, District 3 Sally Brownfield Shawn Batstone is the superintendent;
Wes Martin John Campbell, District 4 Sally Karr about 60 employees; school board
Casey Breeze Craig Patti, District 5 Dan Cooling meets at 5 p.m. the fourth Tuesday
of the month; 360-877-5463; www.

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Page 30 - Profile

Hood Canal Grapeview Grapeview

School, at a glance School district, at a glance Middle school, at a glance
Kindergarten through eighth grade, The Grapeview School District serves Grades 6-8. Operates in classrooms
111 N. state Route 106, Shelton; the 220 students, kindergarten through adjacent to main building. Participates
school was built in 2007; the mascot the eighth grade, and employs 12.6 in Tri-County Athletic League.
is the Orcas; Michael Moore is the FTE certificated staff and six FTE
principal. classified staff. The board of directors
meets at 6:30 p.m. the fourth Tuesday
Mary M. Knight
Grapeview of the month in the school library
at 822 E. Mason Benson Road, Rates for Mason County
Grapeview. Superintendent Ellen Grades pre-kindergarten through the
Elementary school, at a glance Perconti joined in 2018. Call 360-426- 12th grade; about 200 students;
Grades K-5. Main building recently 4921 or visit Ellen Perconti is the superintendent;
remodeled with new classrooms, the school board usually meets at
commons area and administrative 6:30 p.m. the fourth Monday of each
offices. month; 360-426-6767.

Profile - Page 31

Mary M. Knight North Mason Sand Hill

Elementary school, at a glance School district, at a glance Elementary school, at a glance
Grades pre-kindergarten through the Student count of 2,270 as of May Enrollment of 477 students,
eighth grade; 2987 W. Matlock- 2018. The board meets at 6:30 p.m. kindergarten through fifth grade.
Brady Road, Elma; Lisa Horsley is the the third Thursday of the month in Principal Jason Swaser. Located at 791
principal. the administrative building at 71 E. NE Sand Hill Road, Belfair. Call 360-
Campus Drive, Belfair. Superintendent 277-2330 or visit www.nmsd.wednet.
Dana Rosenbach. Call 360-277-2300 edu/4/home.
or visit
Mary M. Knight Source: Office of Superintendent of
Public Instruction
High school, at a glance Belfair Middle school, at a glance
Grades nine through 12; 2987 Enrollment of 472 students. Principal
W. Matlock-Brady Road, Elma; the Elementary school, at a glance Jo Warren. Located at 300 E. Campus
mascot is the Owls; Lisa Horsley is the Enrollment of 536 students. Principal Drive, Belfair. Call 360-277-2302
principal. Dan King. Located at 22900 NE state or visit
Route 3, Belfair. Office hours 8:30 a.m. home.
to 4:30 p.m. Call 360-277-2233 or

Page 32 - Profile

James A. Taylor North Mason Pioneer

High School, at a glance High school, at a glance Primary school, at a glance
Provides education for nontraditional Enrollment of 722 students. Principal Kindergarten through the fifth grade;
learners with interactive, computer- Chad Collins. Located at 150 E. North 490 students; 611 E. Agate Road,
based learning system. Enrollment Mason School Road, Belfair. Call 360- Shelton; Jodi Schaefer is the principal.
of 48 students. Also provides North 277-2303 or visit www.nmsd.wednet.
Mason HomeLink online, enrollment edu/1/home
of 15 students. Principal Anne Crosby.
Located at 90 E. North Mason School
Road, Belfair. Office hours 8 a.m. to
Pioneer Pioneer
2:50 p.m. Monday to Thursday. Call
office coordinator Amalea Hendrickson School district, at a glance Intermediate/middle school,
at 360-277-2329 or visit www.nmsd. Kindergarten through the eighth grade; at a glance 730 students; John Gummel is the Grades six through eighth; 611 E.
superintendent; the school board has Agate Road, Shelton; 240 students;
study sessions at 4 p.m., the regular Joshua Stoney is the principal; the
board meetings at 5:30 p.m. the mascot is the Eagles.
fourth Tuesday of the month; 360.898.2481

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Profile - Page 33

Shelton Bordeaux Mountain View

School District, at a glance Elementary school, at a glance Elementary school, at a glance
Kindergarten through the 12th Kindergarten through fifth grade, Kindergarten through fifth grade,
grade; 4,194 students; Alex Apostle until fall 2019, when it becomes until fall 2019, when it becomes
is the superintendent; 627 regular kindergarten through the fourth grade; kindergarten through the fourth grade;
employees, plus 123 substitute 350 University St., Shelton; 592 534 E K St., Shelton; 625 students;
teachers, coaches and pool employees; students; Maryann Marshall is the Mary Johnson is the principal.
the school board meets at 6 p.m. the principal.
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
month at Oakland Bay Junior High Evergreen Olympic
School, and then the Shelton High
School library beginning in fall 2019; Middle school, at a glance
Elementary school, at a glance Grades six and seven, until fall 2019,
360-426-1687; www.sheltonschools.
Kindergarten through fifth grade, when it becomes grades five and six;
until fall 2019, when it becomes 800 E K St., Shelton; 578 students;
kindergarten through the fourth grade; Carey Murray is the principal.
900 W. Franklin St., Shelton; 553
students; Kent Nixon is the principal.

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Page 34 - Profile

Oakland Bay Shelton Mason County

Junior School, at a glance High School, at a glance Christian School, at a glance
Grades eight and nine, until the fall of Grades 10 through 12, until the fall of 470 E. Eagle Ridge Drive, Shelton;
2019, when it becomes grades seven 2029, when it becomes grades nine grades kindergarten through the
and eight; 3301 N. Shelton Springs through 12; 3737 Shelton Springs ninth grade; 360-427-7616; www.
Road; 660 students; the mascot is Road; 952 students; the mascot is the
the Timberwolves; Eric Barkman is the Highclimbers; Jennifer Deyette is the
principal. principal. Shelton Valley
Southside Christian School, at a glance
CHOICE School District, at a glance
201 W. Shelton Valley Road, Shelton;
grades kindergarten through the
Kindergarten through the seventh eighth grade; 360-426-498; www.
High School, at a glance grade; Doris Bolender is the
Grades 10 through 12; 807 W. Pine
St., Shelton; 185 students; the mascot
is the Wildcats; Stacey Anderson is the
superintendent; the mascot is the
Bobcats; the school board usually Olympic College
meets at 7 p.m. the last Thursday of
principal. each month; 360-426-8347. Shelton, at a glance
937 W. Alpine Way, Shelton; 360-


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Page 36 - Profile

Marijuana Marijuana
2019 data for Mason County, Retailers at a glance
at a glance TJ’s Cannabis, Buds, Edibles, Oils & More North Bay Marijuana Bayshore Cannabis Co.
Number of producers/processors: 33 Shelton Allyn January excise tax $35,692
Number of retailers: 9 January excise tax $82,348 January excise tax $25,318 Total excise tax $203,059
January excise tax: $239,057 Total excise tax $3,170,299 Total excise tax $1,125,275 January retail sales $96,464
January retail sales $222,562 January retail sales $68,428 Total retail sales
Total excise tax: $8,763,149
Total retail sales $8,582,218 Total retail sales $3,041,282 $548,807
January consumer purchased:
$885,156 Batstone Bud Shop Ganja Vita Shelton Cannabis Company
Retail sales/person: $14.58 Shelton Belfair January excise tax $10,824
January producer/processor sales: January excise tax $16,620 January excise tax $32,652 Total excise tax $56,091
$1,571,068 Total excise tax $1,030,604 Total excise tax $871,220 January retail sales $29,253
January retail sales $44,919 January retail sales $88,249 Total retail sales $151,598
Note: Information about Elevation, a Total retail sales $2,785,418 Total retail sales $2,360,799
marijuana retail store operated by the Evergreen Meadows
Squaxin Island tribe, was unvavailable The Root Cellar Mari Mart January excise tax $4,879
Shelton Belfair Total excise tax $32,592
January excise tax $26,061 January excise tax $4,663 January retail sales $13,186
Total excise tax $1,364,826 Total excise tax $286,444 Total retail sales $88,085
January retail sales $70,436 January retail sales $12,603
Total retail sales $3,695,898 Total retail sales $774,180

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Profile - Page 37

Producers/processors Mayflower Partners
at a glance Shelton
*Producers included if they sold January sales $2,392
product in 2018 Total sales $104,909

M and R Distributing Og Farms

Shelton Shelton
January sales $318,414 January sales $121,808
Total sales $13,804,869 Total sales $5,551,410

The Hollingsworth Cannabis Company Pinnacle NW

Shelton Shelton
January sales $40,795 January sales $8,079
Total sales $1,711,466 Total sales $592,562

Platinum Enterprises Stone Age Gardens

Elma Shelton
January sales $27,783 January sales $7,916
Total sales $983,650 Total sales $957,631

Hazy Daze Stonehenge Gardens

Belfair Belfair
January sales $15,479 January sales $400
Total sales $1,484,698 Total sales $87,008

! Newly Renovated! Blacksmith Farms The Raucus Group

For information email Terri Shaw at
Book Now! 360-426-7374 - Center line Belfair Tahuya
January sales $28,562 January sales $12,277
Total sales $1,513,665 Total sales $428,795

Suspended Brands Wicked Delights

Belfair Shelton
Dining seating for up to 400 Theater style seating for 500+
Sound System
January sales $411,738 January sales $3,503
Large Ballroom
Conference Room
Commercial Kitchen
Video Projector & Screen
Total sales $7,990,333 Total sales $23,315
Garden Courtyard Ample Parking

Mac Garden Evergreen Herbal

ACTIVITIES CENTER January sales $7,419 January sales $452,649
Senior Nutrition Fitness & Health Total sales $197,216 Total sales $625,540
Community Services Activities • Classes
Gift Shop Personal Enrichment
Day Trips Hobbies & Games Lost Lake Gardens Tokeland Products
Shelton January sales $65,312
and Better 360.426.7374
January sales $2,669
Total sales $238,506
Total sales $158,310
Activities Mason County Senior Activities Association,
PAVILION Center Senior Activities Center and the Pavilion 360-426-7374
Street: 190 W. Sentry Drive, Shelton
Mailing: P.O. Box 1066, Shelton

Page 38 - Profile

at a glance Toucan Farms
*Producers included if they sold Shelton
product in 2018 January sales $7,467
Total sales $373,959
CS Inc.
Shelton Synchronic
January sales $65312 Shelton
Total sales $158,310 January sales $1,039
Total sales $114,557
Triple R Farms, LLC
Shelton *Only producer/processors who
January sales $35,367 reported sales in 2018 were listed
Total sales $463,037

The sun makes a brief, dim appearance between rain showers, with hints of snow,
Feb. 22 at Belfair State Park. Journal photo by Gordon Weeks

Profile - Page 39

Port of Allyn Port of Dewatto Trails End Cemetery District 1
At a glance At a glance Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners,
Facilities include Allyn Waterfront Park, Maintains Dewatto River Campground. Functions as a municipal corporation Belfair
North Shore Dock, Allyn Kayak Park Established 1927. Board operating a water supply and Maintains Twin Firs Cemetery. Founded
and gazebo. Established 1921. Board commissioners Raymond Mow (chair), distribution system. Established 1966. 1955. Commissioners Linnie Griffin
commissioners Judy Scott (District Richard Edwards and David Haugen Board commissioners Deb Watson (chair) and Ken VanBuskirk meet 6:30
1), Ted Jackson (District 2) and Scott meet at 6 p.m. the third Wednesday (president), Sarah Carlson (secretary) p.m. the third Monday of the month
Cooper (District 3) meet 6 p.m. the of the month at 2501 NE Dewatto and Joe Morris (treasurer) meet at 7 at 700 NE Sand Hill Road, Belfair. Call
first Monday of the month in the port Road, Tahuya. Hours of operation p.m. the second Tuesday of the month 360-710-2053 or 360-801-9049,
office at 18560 E. state Route 3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays at Trails End office located in the email or visit
Allyn. Office hours 11 a.m. to 4:30 and Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Everett Sears Building at 2411 E. Trails
p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Wednesdays. Call 360-372-2695, End Drive, Belfair. Call 360-552-2503,
Fridays. Call 360-275-2430, email email or visit email or visit or visit www.

Residential - Commercial

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Page 40 - Profile

Port of Grapeview Port of Hoodsport Port of Shelton
At a glance At a glance At a glance
Maintains Fair Harbor public boat Formed: 1957 Formed: Sept. 27, 1948
launch. Established 1923. Board Budget 2019: $129,715 Budget 2019: $2 million
commissioners John Anderson (District Employees: 0 Employees: 7
1), Glenn Carlson (District 2 - chair) Commission: Commission:
and Jean Farmer (District 3) meet at John O’Laughlin Kristy Buck
7 p.m. the third Tuesday of the month Mike Petz Dick Taylor
in the Horton Community Center Terry Brazil Sue Patterson
at 4350 E. Grapeview Loop Road, Meetings: 9 a.m. the second Meetings: 2 p.m. the first and
Grapeview. Call 425-610-6552, email Wednesday of each month at the third Tuesday of the month in the or visit Hoodsport Port Commission office, commission chambers, 21 W. 24113 N. Highway 101, Hoodsport Sanderson Way, Shelton
Website: Website:

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Profile - Page 41

Mason County Mason County
Public Utility District 1 Public Utility District 3
at a glance at a glance
Address: 21971 U.S. Highway 101, Address: 2621 E. Johns Prairie Road,
Potlatch Shelton
General manager: Kristin Masteller Manager: Annette Creekpaum
Budget 2019: $10,054,833 Budget 2019: $75.5 million
Commissioner meetings: 1 p.m. the Commissioner meetings: 10 a.m.
first and third Tuesday of each month according to the annual schedule on
at 21971 U.S. Highway 101, Potlatch the website at the PUD Skookum Kids and adults create waves and beat the heat in July on Lake Limerick.
Website: Auditorium, 2621 E. Johns Prairie Journal photo by Gordon Weeks
Commission: Road, Shelton
District 1: Mike Sheetz Website:
District 2: Ron Gold Commission:
District 3: Jack Janda District 1: Linda Gott
District 2: Tom Farmer
District 3: Bruce Jorgenson

Page 42 - Profile

William G. Reed Shelton North Mason Timberland Hoodsport Timberland Library,
Timberland Library, at a glance Library, at a glance at a glance
Address: 710 W. Alder St., Shelton Location: 23081 NE state Route 3, Address: 40 N. Schoolhouse Hill Road,
Library manager: Donna Feddern Belfair Hoodsport
Hours: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, Hours: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesdays- Library manager: Donna Feddern
Tuesday; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursdays; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fridays Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday,
Wednesday to Friday; 10 a.m. to 5 and Saturdays Wednesday
p.m. Saturday; closed Sunday Phone number: 360-275-3232 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday
Website: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday
north-mason Closed Monday, Friday, Sunday
Manager: Jenny Grenfell
Established: 1998
Total circulation: 116,238
Physical checkouts: 86,879
Digital downloads: 29,359
Borrowers per month (High): 805
Borrowers per month (Low): 616






3841 WA-3 Shelton
At the bottom of Johns Prairie Rd

1528 Olympic Hwy. S. Shelton




Profile - Page 43

Mason County Fire Districts

North Mason Station 25: 121 E. Christmas Tree Place, Fire District 3 (Grapeview) Station 2: 3280 SE Lynch Road
Regional Fire Authority Belfair at a glance Station 3: 7340 SE Lynch Road
at a glance Station 27: 60 NE Collins Lake Drive, Established: 1949 Station 4: 3660 Old Olympic Highway
Formed: 1946 as Belfair Volunteer Fire Tahuya; Call 360-275-9487 Area served: 11 square miles; includes Station 5: 4441 SE Bloomfield Road
Department Station 81: 14880 NE North Shore most of Grapeview Loop Road and the Station 6: 130 W. Golden Pheasant Road
Service area: 140 square miles Road, Tahuya; Call 360-275-6478 roads branching off, including Island View, Station 7: 290 SE Olympic Highway S.
Population served: 22,000 Station 82: 9550 NE Belfair Tahuya Krabbenhoft and Pickering Road, and Fire/EMS calls in 2017:
2018 budget: $4,115,675 Road, Tahuya communities of Stretch Island and Treasure Commissioners meet: Commissioners
Paid personnel: 24 Station 83: 620 NE Hurd Road, Tahuya Island Nancy Montgomery (chair), Mike
Volunteers: 78 Total calls in 2018: 2,574 Population served: 1,500 (up to 2,500 in Creighton and Randy Grauer meet at 7
Fire chief: Beau Bakken Board of Fire Commissioners: Meets the summer) p.m. the third Wednesday of the month in
Stations: twice a month at 5 p.m. the second and 2018 budget: $583,550 the meeting hall.
Station 21 (Main Office): 460 Old third Tuesday of every month at Belfair Number of full-time paid personnel: 5 For more information: Call 360-275-
Belfair Highway; Call 360-275-6711 Fire Station 21, and quarterly at Tahuya Fire chief: Patty Graeber 4483 or 360-427-6421, or visit www.
Station 22: 3541 NE North Shore Road, Fire Station 81 Meeting hall: 4350 Grapeview Loop Road,
Belfair Citizen’s Advisory Committee: Meets Grapeview
Station 23: 1801 NE Trails End Drive, at 5 p.m. the second Monday of every Office hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays-
Belfair other month at Collins Like Fire Station Fridays
Station 24: 101 NE Tiger Lake Road W., 27 Grapeview Stations:
Belfair Station 1: 2970 SE Arcadia Road

Page 44 - Profile

Mason County Fire Districts

Fire District 4 (Kamilche, Station 4-3: 7340 SE Lynch Road Central Mason Fire & EMS Station 5-5: 6011 E. Agate Road,
Arcadia) at a glance Station 4-4: 3660 Old Olympic (Shelton, Mason County) Shelton
Area served: 52 square miles, Highway Fire District 5 Station 5-6: 21 E. Grosser Road,
including Squaxin Island Tribe and Station 4-5: 4441 SE Bloomfield at a glance Shelton
areas up to Thurston and Grays Harbor Road Area served: 157 square miles Station 5-7: 1741 E. Pickering Road,
county lines Station 4-6: 130 W. Golden Pheasant Population served: 35,752 Shelton
Population served: Approximately Road 2019 budget: $9,677,130 Station 5-8: 122 W. Franklin St.,
7,900 Station 4-7: 290 SE Olympic Number of paid personnel: 51 paid, Shelton
2018 budget: $1.3 million Highway S. 25 volunteers Station 5-9: 3190 E. North Island
Number of paid personnel: 8 full time, Commissioners meet: At 7 a.m. the Fire/EMS calls in 2018: 6,351 calls Drive, Shelton
6 part time, 25 volunteers first Wednesday of the month at Stations: Station 5-10: 2610 E. Johns Prairie
Fire/EMS calls in 2017: 1,278 Station 4-1, 2970 SE Arcadia Road, Station 5-1: 18411 state Route 3, Road, Shelton
Stations: and 6 p.m. the third Wednesday of Allyn Station 5-11: 2260 E. Harstine Island
Station 4-1: 2970 SE Arcadia Road the month at Station 4-1 Station 5-2: 4141 E. state Route Road S., Shelton
Station 4-2: 3280 SE Lynch Road 302, Allyn Commissioners meet: 3 p.m. the first
Station 5-3: 2520 E. Mason Benson and third Wednesday of the month
Road, Grapeview at Station 5-8, 122 W. Franklin St.,
Station 5-4: 21 E. St. Andres Drive, Shelton

Profile - Page 45
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Page 46 - Profile
Shelton-Mason County Journal

Mason County Fire Districts

Fire District 6 (Union), West Mason Fire District Fire District 11 (North Fire District 12 (Matlock),
at a glance (Skokomish Valley, West Shelton), at a glance at a glance
Area served: 10 square miles Shelton-Dayton), Area served: 9 square miles Area served: 176 square miles
Population served: 1,736 at a glance Population served: Approximately Population served: Approximately
2019 budget: $750,000 Area served: About 92 square miles 3,500 1,400
Number of paid personnel: 3 Population served: About 5,629 2018 budget: $443,086 2019 budget:
Fire/EMS calls in 2018: 378 2019 budget: $629,834 Number of paid personnel: 2 full time, Number of paid personnel: 1 non-
Stations: Number of paid personnel: 2 paid, 16 16 volunteers firefighting paid; 10 part-time
50 E. Seattle St., Union volunteers Fire/EMS calls in 2018: 894 calls for firefighters
1091 Manzanita St., Union Fire/EMS calls in 2018: 655 (Fire service Fire/EMS calls in 2018:
Commissioners meet: 10 a.m. on the District 16), 283 of which were in Fire Station: 130 E. Island Lake Road, Station: 2950 Matlock-Brady Road,
third Tuesday of the month at 50 E. District 9 Shelton Elma
Seattle St., Union * Fire districts 9 and 16 merged in Commissioners meet: 6 p.m. the Commissioners meet: 6 p.m. the third
2018; fire/EMS calls second Monday of each month at the Wednesday of the month at Station 1,
Stations: 2320 W. Skokomish Valley fire station, 130 E. Island Lake Road, across from Mary M. Knight School
Road, Shelton Shelton
51 E. Roadrunner Drive, Shelton
4650 W. Dayton Airport Road, Shelton
150 W. Shelton Valley Road
Commissioners meet: Second and fourth
Wednesday at noon, 16-1 W. Dayton
Airport Road, Shelton, 360-426-7343

A brush fire burns

near Cloquallum Road
in April in Shelton.
This photograph was
taken by a drone.
Journal photo by
Shawna Whelan

Profile - Page 47
Shelton-Mason County Journal

Mason County Fire Districts Historic Sites

Fire District 13 (Cloquallam), Fire District 17 (Lilliwaup- Fire District 18 (Lake List of locations on Mason County Historic
at a glance Colony Surf/Jorsted Creek), Cushman), at a glance Preservation Register
Area served: 64 square miles at a glance Area served: 16 square miles McReavy site,
Population served: Approximately Area served: 12 square miles, Population served: 1,684 10 E. Second St., Union
3,000 including north of Lilliwaup to the 2019 budget: Fire - $230,619.25; Allyn Church,
E. 18510 state Route 3, Allyn
2019 budget: $444,750 Jefferson County border EMS - $65,713
North Hamma Hamma
Number of paid personnel: 2 paid, Population served: Approximately 570 Number of paid personnel: 1 full time,
River Bridge, Eldon
about 20 volunteer 2019 budget: $125,000 1 part time, 16 volunteers South Hamma Hamma
Fire/EMS calls in 2018: 223 calls Number of paid personnel: 4 part time Fire/EMS calls in 2018: 472 River Bridge, Eldon
Stations: Fire/EMS calls in 2018: 154 Stations: 240 N. Lake Standstill Drive, Community Hall, North Island Drive and
13375 W. Cloquallum Road, Elma Stations: Hoodsport East Harstine Island Road North
26 W. Lost Lake Road, Shelton Stations: Station 17-1 – 34571 U.S. Commissioners meet: At 4 p.m. on Hamma Hamma Guard Station, Forest
2000 W. Cloquallum Road, Shelton Highway 101 N., Lilliwaup the first and third Wednesday of each Service Road 25, Olympic National Forest
Commissioners meet: 9 a.m. the 17-2 — 426 U.S. Highway 101 N. month at 240 N. Lake Standstill Drive, Big Creek Archeological Site,
second and fourth Thursdays of the Commissioners meet: 6:30 p.m. the Hoodsport address restricted
month at 13375 W. Cloquallum Road; first Tuesday of each month at Station Cushman No. 1 Hydroelectric Power
board does not meet for the second 17-1, 34571 U.S. Highway 101 N. Plant, south end of Lake Cushman
meeting of the month in November Cushman No. 2 Hydroelectric Power
Plant, Skokomish River
and December
Taba das, address restricted
High Steel Bridge, Forest Service Road
2340, South Fork,
Skokomish River
Adams, Almerion, Barn,
2320 W. Shelton Valley Road, Shelton
Libby, Willard, Barn,
1090 E. Libby Road
Oakland Site, three miles northeast of
Shelton on state Route 3
Dalby Waterwheel,
6920 E. state Route 106
at Dalby Creek
Sunset Farm,
420 E. Wingert Road, Shelton
Grant School,
151 E. Community Club Road, Shelton
Schafer State Park,
1365 W. Schafer Park Road, Elma
Kamilche Cemetery,
90 W. state Route 108, Kamilche
Malaney-O’Neil House,
1570 E. Agate Bay Road, Shelton

A firefighter walks past a truck fire in January in Shelton. Journal photo by Shawna Whelan
Page 48 - Profile

Historic Sites
List of locations on Mason List of locations on Shelton Robert H. Allan House, Govey House, 321 N. Second St.
County Historic Preservation Historic Register 130 W. Pine St. Emil Paulson Building,
Register J.C Penny Building, 205 W. Cota St. White/Fredson House, 109 S. Second St.
Twanoh State Park, 12190 E. state Grant Angle House, 629 W. Cota St. 204 W. Pine St. Kneeland-Draham House,
Route 106, Union Mason Hotel, 111 E. Railroad Ave. The Mark E. Reed Residence 218 S. Second St.
Sargent Oyster House, 18560 state Old Shelton Hotel, (Colonial House), 222 W. Pine St. Old Masonic Lodge, 218 N. Third St.
Route 3 (temporary location) 101 W. Railroad Ave. E.H. Needham House, Sol Simpson House, 403 N. Third St.
Twin Firs Cemetery, Heckman-Schick Building, 626 W. Pine St. Edward Hiller House, 514 N. Third St.
700 NE Sand Hill Road, Belfair 121, 123 W. Railroad Ave. W.H. Snelgrove House, Gabriel House, 720 N. Fourth St.
Middle Skokomish School (grange Old State Bank of Shelton, 611 W. Birch St. Dunbar-Gunderson House,
hall), 2230 W. Skokomish Valley 203 W. Railroad Ave. H.A. Ahlskog House, 624 W. Birch St. 529 N. Fifth St.
Road, Shelton Tollie Caboose, 230 W. Railroad Ave. Mayor Frank Travis House, Ray Bailey House, 326 S. Fifth St.
Pioneer Cemetery, Govey Building, 331 W. Railroad Ave. 704 W. Birch St. J.F. Brokaw House, 628 N. Sixth St.
East Wondervue Drive, Union Old Town Hall & Library, Charles Lewis House, Cyrus Gilbert House (The Spring
Jarrell’s Cove Cemetery, 3020 E. 427 W. Railroad Ave. 706 W. Birch St. House), 909 S. Seventh St.
North Island Drive, Shelton Old Shelton City Hall, Fred Short House, 728 W. Birch St. Richard Saeger House,
122 W. Franklin St. Allan Bell House, 621 W. Laurel St. 1028 Buena Vista Ave.
*Source: Mason County Historic St. David of Wales Church, L.D. Hack House, 223 N. Second St. Ravenna Way Trail, no address
Preservation website 324 W. Cedar St. George Grisdale House, Shelton Memorial Park,
309 N. Second St. 1605 Van Buren St.

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Profile - Page 49
Page 50 - Profile
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