Mamography ppt
Mamography ppt
Mamography ppt
A mammogram is specialized medical imaging that
uses a low-dose of x-ray to examine the breast for the
early detection of cancer and other breast diseases. It is
used as both a diagnostic and screening tool.
Mid 1950s – Jacob Gershon Cohen uses mammography
to screen healthy women for breast cancer. Late 1950s
– Robert Egan developed a new method of screening
mammography. He published his results in a paper in
1959 and in a book in 1964. 1960s – Mammography
became a widely used diagnostic tool.
Three recent advances in mammography include digital
mammography, computer-aided detection and breast
also called full-field digital mammography (FFDM)
in which the x-ray film is replaced by electronics that
convert x-rays into mammographic pictures of the
breast .
These detectors convert the x-rays that pass through
them into electronic signals that are sent to a computer.
The computer then converts these electronic signals
into images that can be displayed on a monitor and also
stored for later use.
Mammograms are used as :
1-as a Screening Mammography to detect early breast
cancer in women experiencing no symptoms.
2- as Diagnostic Mammography breast disease in
women experiencing symptoms such as a lump, pain,
skin dimpling or nipple discharge
The same machines are used for both types of
However, diagnostic mammography takes longer to
perform than screening mammography and the total
dose of radiation is higher because more x-ray images
are needed to obtain views of the breast from several
The technologist may magnify a suspicious area to
produce a detailed picture that can help the doctor
make an accurate diagnosis.
Schedule the mammogram when patient’s breasts are
not tender or swollen to help reduce discomfort and get
good pictures.
Do not wear deodorant, talcum powder or lotion under
the arms or on breasts on the day of the exam. These
can appear on the mammogram as calcium spots.
Obtain the prior mammograms and make them
available to the radiologist if they were done at a
different location. This is needed for comparison with
the current exam.
During a mammogram, a patient’s breast is placed on a
flat support plate and compressed with a parallel plate
called a paddle.
An x-ray machine produces a small burst of x-rays that
pass through the breast to a detector located on the
opposite side.
The detector can be either a photographic film plate,
which captures the x-ray image on film, or a solid-state
detector, which transmits electronic signals to a
computer to form a digital image.
The images produced are called mammograms.
On a film mammogram, low density tissues, such as fat,
appear translucent (i.e. darker shades of gray approaching
the black background)., whereas areas of dense tissue, such
as connective and glandular tissue or tumors, appear whiter
on a gray background. In a standard mammogram, both a
top and a side view are taken of each breast, although extra
views may be taken if the physician is concerned about a
suspicious area of the breast. An adult’s approximate
effective radiation dose in women is (0.4 -0.7)mSv
The effective doses are typical values for an average-sized
adult.The actual dose can vary substantially, depending on a
person's size as well as on differences in imaging practice.
Compression holds the breast in place to minimize
blurring of the x-ray image that can be caused by
patient motion.
Also, compression evens out the shape of the breast so
that the x-rays can travel through a shorter path to reach
the detector. This reduces the radiation dose and
improves the quality of the x-ray image.
Finally, compression allows all the tissues to be
visualized in a single plane so that small abnormalities
are less likely to be obscured by overlying breast tissue.
A radiologist will carefully examine a mammogram to search for high density
regions or areas of unusual configuration that look different from normal tissue
like cancerous tumors, non-cancerous masses called benign tumors, complex
Radiologists look at the size, shape, and contrast of an abnormal region, all of
which can indicate the possibility of malignancy (i.e. cancer).
They also look for tiny bits of calcium, called microcalcifications. While
usually benign, sites of microcalcifications may occasionally signal the
presence of a specific type of cancer.
If a mammogram shows one or more suspicious regions that are not definitive
for cancer, the radiologist may order additional mammogram views, with or
without additional magnification or compression, or they may order a biopsy.
Another alternative may be referral for another type of non-invasive imaging
A false-negative mammogram looks normal even
though breast cancer is present.
A false-positive mammogram looks abnormal even
though there’s no cancer in the breast.
Overall, screening mammograms do not find about 1 in
5 breast cancers.
Women with dense breasts have more false-negative
Limitations of Mammograms
A false-positive mammogram looks abnormal even though
no cancer is actually present. Abnormal mammograms
require extra testing (diagnostic mammograms, ultrasound,
and sometimes MRI or even a breast biopsy) to find out if the
change is cancer.
False-positive results are more common in women who are
younger, have dense breasts, have had breast biopsies, have
breast cancer in the family, or are taking estrogen.
About half of the women getting annual mammograms over
a 10-year period will have a false-positive finding.
The odds of a false-positive finding are highest for the first
mammogram. Women who have past mammograms available
for comparison reduce their odds of a false-positive finding
by about 50%.
You should do a breast self exam (BSE) every month if
you are over the age of 20 and it's a good idea to have a
complete breast exam every 3 years as well. If you are
over 40 years old then you should get a mammogram
every year.