Notations: Pastor's Notes
Notations: Pastor's Notes
Notations: Pastor's Notes
Pastor’s Notes
Sunday was another
GREAT day at Woodruff
Church of God. Three
more souls came to Christ and we received
5 new members. We’d like to welcome
Richard & Lori Crocker, Lyndsi Adams,
Thomas Peebles and Darryl Crowe.
WELCOME HOME! We are so honored
that they have united with us and are looking forward to great ministry together.
The service Sunday night was absolutely wonderful. Great things happen when God’s
people praise Him. Although the service was differently put together, the praise was
fantastic and the presence of the Lord was AWESOME! Many have commented that the
service was “just for them” because of things they are going through or facing. God is an
“on time God, yes He is…”!!!!!! Don’t forget that you do not have to be in a church
service to praise Him. Praise Him in your car, in the bed, in the yard…. wherever….
I failed to mention this last week but want to this week. The newly reorganized class
called RECONNECT, started a new series of lessons
dealing with prayer. The series is called “Seven
Steps To A Deeper Prayer Life”. If you have an
interest in prayer or want to have a deeper prayer life,
you would be welcomed to join in this class during
these lessons. You will enjoy the ministry of Brad
Burnett and Danny Knight. Once you come into the
lobby of the church, just follow the “RECONNECT”
We will be paying special honor to all Veterans and their
families in the service Sunday Morning. Please join us in
church Sunday so that we can pay special honor to these great
men and women. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!!!
We are manning the clothes closet the month of November. I’m sure that Alysia Hayes
would love MORE HELP! What a wonderful opportunity to
spend a few hours fellowships with some fellow church people,
working for the Lord and ministering to our community. If you
would like to help, please sign the list in the long hall as you
leave the church lobby.
Please check the cloak room for coats, Acts T-Shirt, dishes and look in the “Lost &
Found Box” to see if anything belongs to you. This area will be cleaned out soon!!!!!
Thanks to everyone who made “TRUNK OR TREAT” a huge success. We gave out 388
hotdogs and had many, many more people than that who went through for the candy. We
showed our community genuine love and kindness! Thanks for all you did. Special
thanks to the Children’s Ministry for sponsoring this event, cooking the hotdogs and
popcorn. Thanks to all their workers and volunteers!!!!!
CHILDREN’S CHURCH NEWS: Ages 6-12 will go bowling Saturday,
November 6th, so this age group needs to be at the church at 10:15 A.M. Ages 2-5 will
have a playtime in the gym from 10:30 - 12 Noon and lunch will be provided. The bus
will not run, so parents need to bring children to the CLC and plan to pick them up there
also. Children should bring socks! !
EXTREME KIDZ are taking donations to make “thankful baskets” for shut-ins for
Thanksgiving. They need packs of peanut butter crackers, travel size toiletries, sugar free
candies, and any other items that would fit into a small basket. Contact Donna at
382-9212 for more information.
They also need COSTUMES from 1940,1950,1960,1970,1980, and 1990. If you have
any items from these time periods and would let the children use them, see Donna
Burdette or Deanna Burgess. Thanks in advance.
PRAYER LIST: Debbie Tillman, Carol Richards, Teresa Johnson, Tanner Fowler,
Wayne Arnold, Pat Brown, Bo Hoyt, Rita Johnson, Jimmy Robinson, Kathy Richards,
Owen Garcia, JoAnn Westmoreland, Annette Kerr, Ruth Mayher, John Thomas Taylor,
David Rhodes, Bryce Morrow, Athan Robinson, Tony Skinner, Charlie Schinck, Billy
Smith, Tammy Morrow, Jackie Ann Jacobs, Rhonda Roach, Darrell Mindars, Shut Ins,
Those in Nursing Homes.
Christian sympathy and prayers are extended to Brenda Parker on the death of her
brother, to Kenneth Freeman on the death of his sister, to John Thomas Taylor on the
death of his brother, and to Phoebe Waddell on the death of her father-in-law. May God
bless and comfort these families.