Acta 2019 1 PDF
Acta 2019 1 PDF
Acta 2019 1 PDF
– Bulletin of
ROMANIA Dragoș UȚU, University Politehnica TIMIŞOARA – TIMIŞOARA
Vasile ALEXA, University Politehnica TIMIŞOARA – HUNEDOARA
Sorin Aurel RAŢIU, University Politehnica TIMIŞOARA – HUNEDOARA
Vasile George CIOATĂ, University Politehnica TIMIŞOARA – HUNEDOARA
Simona DZIŢAC, University of Oradea – ORADEA
Valentin VLĂDUŢ, Institute of Research-Development for Machines & Installations – BUCUREŞTI
Dan Ludovic LEMLE, University Politehnica TIMIŞOARA – HUNEDOARA
Emanoil LINUL, University Politehnica TIMIŞOARA – TIMIŞOARA
Virgil STOICA, University Politehnica TIMIŞOARA – TIMIŞOARA
Cristian POP, University Politehnica TIMIŞOARA – TIMIŞOARA
Sorin Ștefan BIRIȘ, University Politehnica BUCURESTI – BUCURESTI
Mihai G. MATACHE, Institute of Research-Development for Machines & Installations – BUCUREŞTI
Adrian DĂNILĂ, “Transilvania” University of BRASOV – BRASOV
Peter KOŠTÁL, Slovak University of Technology in BRATISLAVA – TRNAVA
Otakav BOKŮVKA, University of ŽILINA – ŽILINA
Tibor KRENICKÝ, Technical University of KOŠICE – PREŠOV
Beata HRICOVÁ, Technical University of KOŠICE – KOŠICE
Peter KRIŽAN, Slovak University of Technology in BRATISLAVA – BRATISLAVA
HUNGARY Tamás HARTVÁNYI, Széchenyi István University in GYŐR – GYŐR
Arpád FERENCZ, Pallasz Athéné University – KECSKEMÉT
József SÁROSI, University of SZEGED – SZEGED
Attila BARCZI, Szent István University – GÖDÖLLÓ
György KOVÁCS, University of MISKOLC – MISKOLC
Zsolt Csaba JOHANYÁK, Pallasz Athéné University – KECSKEMÉT
Krisztián LAMÁR, Óbuda University BUDAPEST – BUDAPEST
Loránt KOVÁCS, Pallasz Athéné University – KECSKEMÉT
Valeria NAGY, University of SZEGED – SZEGED
Sándor BESZÉDES, University of SZEGED – SZEGED
Milan RACKOV, University of NOVI SAD – NOVI SAD
Eleonora DESNICA, University of NOVI SAD – ZRENJANIN
Aleksander MILTENOVIC, University of NIŠ – NIŠ
Milan BANIC, University of NIŠ – NIŠ
Slobodan STEFANOVIĆ, Graduate School of Applied Professional Studies – VRANJE
Sinisa BIKIĆ, University of NOVI SAD – NOVI SAD
Masa BUKUROV, University of NOVI SAD – NOVI SAD
Živko PAVLOVIĆ, University of NOVI SAD – NOVI SAD
BULGARIA Krasimir Ivanov TUJAROV, “Angel Kanchev” University of ROUSSE – ROUSSE
Ognyan ALIPIEV, “Angel Kanchev” University of ROUSSE – ROUSSE
Ivanka ZHELEVA, “Angel Kanchev” University of ROUSSE – ROUSSE
Atanas ATANASOV, “Angel Kanchev” University of ROUSSE – ROUSSE
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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
ISRAEL Abraham TAL, University TEL-AVIV, Space & Remote Sensing Division – TEL-AVIV
Amnon EINAV, University TEL-AVIV, Space & Remote Sensing Division – TEL-AVIV
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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
BRAZIL Alexandro Mendes ABRÃO, Universidade Federal de MINAS GERAIS – BELO HORIZONTE
Márcio Bacci da SILVA, Universidade Federal de UBERLÂNDIA – UBERLÂNDIA
Sergio Tonini BUTTON, Universidade Estadual de CAMPINAS – CAMPINAS
Leonardo Roberto da SILVA,Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica – BELO HORIZONTE
Juan Campos RUBIO, Universidade Federal de MINAS GERAIS – BELO HORIZONTE
The Scientific Committee members and Reviewers do not Acceptance without any changes – in that case the
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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering principles before finalizing their manuscripts
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Manuscripts submitted (original articles, technical notes, brief
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by the members of the Editorial Board or by qualified outside ISSN: 2067-3809
reviewers. Only papers of high scientific quality will be accepted copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
for publication. Manuscripts are accepted for review only when Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
they report unpublished work that is not being considered for 5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
publication elsewhere. The evaluated paper may be
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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
12. Bianca Ștefania ZĂBAVĂ, Gheorghe VOICU, Nicoleta UNGUREANU, Mirela DINCĂ,
15. Eugen MARIN, Marinela MATEESCU, Dragoş MANEA, Gheorghe GHEORGHE – ROMANIA
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A CTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
18. Gabriela Cristina SIMION, Mirela Nicoleta DINCĂ, Georgiana MOICEANU, Mihai CHITOIU – ROMANIA
23. Marius Remus OPRESCU, Sorin Ştefan BIRIŞ, Eugen MARIN, Cristian SORICĂ,
24. Mirela Nicoleta DINCĂ, Mariana FERDEȘ, Gigel PARASCHIV, Nicoleta UNGUREANU,
The ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering, Bucharest, ROMANIA, between 26–28 October, 2017. The
Tome XII [2019], Fascicule 1 [January–March], includes current identification number of the papers are the #11–12,
scientific papers presented in the sections of: #15–19 and #21–24, according to the present contents list.
— The ISB-INMA TEH' 2017 International Symposium Also, the ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of
(Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering), organized by Engineering, Tome XII [2019], Fascicule 1 [January–March]
University “POLITEHNICA” of Bucharest – Faculty of includes original papers submitted to the Editorial Board, directly
Biotechnical Systems Engineering, National Institute of by authors or by the regional collaborators of the Journal.
Research-Development for Machines and Installations
Designed to Agriculture and Food Industry – INMA
Bucharest, Scientific Research and Technological
Development in Plant Protection Institute (ICDPP), National
Institute for Research and Development for Industrial
Ecology – INCD ECOIND, Research and Development ISSN: 2067-3809
Institute for Processing and Marketing of the Horticultural
Products “HORTING” and Hydraulics, Pneumatics Research copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
Institute INOE 2000 IHP, University of Agronomic Sciences Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (UASVMB) – Faculty of 5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
Horticulture and Romanian Society of Horticulture (SRH), in
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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Mike GOVERNMENT RABBONI, 2. Onyekachi Stanley AGU, 3John Ariyo OLOWOKERE
Abstract: Polymer composites are known to have improved outstanding properties compared to pure materials. Polymeric
material based composite was compounded from flame of forest pod flour (FFPF) and high density polyethylene (HDPE). The
manufactured flame of forest pod flour-high density polyethylene (FFPF-HDPE) composite was studied based on the influence of
particle size and content of FFPF on its mechanical properties. The pure HDPE, FFPF and FFPF-HDPE composite was examined
using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) to know the functional group/bonds characteristics present. The results obtained from this
work shows that the particle size and mass content of FFPF influenced the properties of the FFPF-HDPE composite. With this
outcome, this composite can be applied for domestic purposes based on the limit of its properties.
Keywords: FFPF, FFPF-HDPE, mechanical properties, FTIR
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
strength. These mechanical properties were evaluated based There are crests of the wavelength from 2923.32-2663.97 cm-
ASTM procedure [23]. 1
that distribute COOH active group for HDPE, FFPF and the
— FOURIER INFRA RED TEST (FTIR) composite. The peaks from 2415.79-2145.79 represented P-
The analysis for FFPF, HDPE and FFPF-HDPE composite was OH stretching compounds as shown in Figure 1-3.
determined using Shimazdu FTIR machine (model no 8400S). The Figure 2-3 gives the attribute of C=O stretching aliphatic
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION which transmits from the wavelength of 1732.46 to 1732.86
— FTIR CHARACTERIZATION cm-1 at 4.458 to 5.567% during the inclusion of FFPF into HDPE
The FTIR of raw HDPE, FFPF and FFPF-HDPE composite were for production of FFPF-HDPE but invisible in Figure 1. The
captured in Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, respectively. availability for C=O stretching aromatic is discovered at peak
There are many display of OH group found in 3878.73-3362.51 of 1698.26-1682.82 cm-1 from 10.833 to 5.496% in Figure 1 to
cm-1, 3868.08-3390.34 cm-1, 3616.84-3362.64 cm-1, for Figure 1, Figure 3. The NH2 bending was domiciled in FFPF to FFPF-
Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. For the HDPE, FFPF and HDPE at 1651.63 to 1622.34 cm-1 with a displacement in the
FFPF-HDPE composite, the transmittance took a shift from intensity of transmission, this is totally unavailable in the raw
9.589 to 10.38 %, 8.403 to 3.519% and 5.579 to 5.506%, HDPE. The features of the crests dormant at 1645.83-
respectively. This is the conditions of the peaks when HDPE 1607.74cm-1 formed C=H stretching found in the Figure 1-3.
and FFPF are in their raw state, and both combinations also The influence of C-Cl radicals was dominating in the peaks of
leads to the reduction of intensity during the formation of 592.07-402.3 cm-1 in Figure 3 was completely absence in
composite as shown in the Figure 1-3. Figure 2 and 1.
10 Figure 4 (a) shows a graphical description of the impact of the
Transmittance (%)
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
HDPE compsite (MPa)
2000 µm HDPE
5 0 10 20 30 40 50
0 FFPF Content (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 (e)
FFPF Content (%)
Figure 4. FFPF content on the (a) tensile strength (b) elongation
(a) (c) Young’s modulus (d) impact strength (e) Brinell hardness
number of FFPF-HDPE composite.
425 µm 850 µm
FFPF-HDPE composite (%)
12 This novel filler from FFPF was used as a reinforcing agent for
Elongation at break of
2000 µm HDPE
10 the development of FFPF-HDPE composite, and the FFPF was
fully exploited in this research. The FTIR analysis of the crude
FFPF, HDPE and FFPF-HDPE composite presents
6 distinguishing structural properties for the raw fiber,
4 thermoplastic and the composite, with displaying evidence
2 of changes in transmittances percentage, disappearances of
0 radicals and visible presence of additional new bonds in the
0 10 20 30 40 50 output product which is totally absence in the input. The FFPF
FFPF Content (%) content and size had a great influence on the mechanical
properties of the FFPF-HDPE composite. Specifically, the
introduction of FFPF into HDPE polymer has tremendously
0.8 improved the mechanical-characteristics of FFPF-HDPE
composite with exception of elongation and tensile strength.
Tensile modulus of FFPF-
HDPE Composite (GPa)
0.6 The data and information realized in this work indicates that
0.5 the composite can be recommended for domestic use.
0.4 References
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[16] Zaini, MJ; Fuad, MYA; Ismail, Z: Mansor, MS and Mustafah, J:
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properties of polypropylene/oil palm wood flour copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
composites, Polymer International, 0959-8103/96 (Great Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
Britain), 1995. 5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
[17] Obidiegwu, MU; Nwanonenyi, SC; Eze, IO and Egbuna, IC:
The effect of walnut shell powder on the properties of
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Institute of Materials Flow and Logistics, Otto Von Guericke University, GERMANY
Abstract: The decision making has great importance in the formulation of prevention and recovery policies against technological
accidents in the chemical process industry and companies that handle hazardous substances. The main objective of management
of technological risks in storage and transport activities along the supply chain, is the search of alternatives to reduce or mitigate
the major hazards without eliminating the obtaining of benefits. The objective of this research is to develop a general procedure
and its methodological instruments for the management of risks of major accidents in activities of storage and distribution of
hazardous substances. It includes multicriteria analysis, risk measurement methods and control tools to identify, characterize and
hierarchize the storage areas and distribution routes of greater danger. The application of the procedure enables the reorientation
of organizational efforts supported by information technologies and ensures a continuous improvement approach. This research
takes as case of practical study the logistics network of Fuel Trading Company of Villa Clara and uses the strategy of multiple
explanatory cases in different companies that operate with hazardous substances in the province. As a result, a ranking was
obtained of the activities where dangerous substances are manipulated, for the execution of evaluation and mitigation actions.
Keywords: risk management; hazardous substances; multicriteria analysis; control tools
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Several methodologies have been developed to study
technological risks in logistics processes. According to
different probable risk scenarios and their interaction with the
environment, those methodologies have progressed towards
a dynamic direction [8].
Technological risk management depends on the
measurement of the level of risk associated with the identified
hazards. It also depends on the degree of precision with
which the variables that condition it and its synergy are
determined [11]. The risk profiles should show the existing
Figure 1. Methodology to determine
situation and allow the classification and prioritization of the level of technological risk
activities. ⧉ Identify activities of logistics process
The choice of risk metrics is critical since it selects the type of This step constitutes the basis to determinate the scenarios of
information included in the study and legitimizes the results major accident occurrence considering the hazard of
[9]. Consequently, the assessment of risk level must be technological risk. All activities and relations between
deployed by various levels of analysis: risk activities, logistics different organizations belonging to the supply chain are
processes and supply chains. Some advantages reported in delimited. Once the flows of existing materials have been
the reference [3, 4, 11, 13] of use of risk indexes in security analyzed, a unique inventory of hazardous substances is
management systems are: made. This inventory relates all substances with potential to
— Reducing the complexity of risk management at the trigger a major accident, causing damage to people (workers
company level and make it possible to measure their and surrounding communities), industrial or public property
social and environmental performance. The information is and environmental components.
synthesized and expressed by a numerical value including The experts will assess the physical-chemical nature of
parameters and/or variables of risk management. inventoried substances and type of potential damage
— Evaluate and support decisions regarding environmental (explosives, flammable-toxic liquids, and flammable-toxic
and social impact allowing the observation of evolution in gases), forms of containment, associated activities (storage,
the time and study trends about disaster situation. processing, and distribution), possible initiating events,
— Fulfillment of accomplish with social and environmental disasters events that can be triggered and routes of
laws. propagation.
— Operability of the strategies. It shows the limits for ⧉ Characterize probable scenarios of major accident
acceptable operations that can lead to better efficiency of In this step, the group of experts must establish a sequence
process and serve as basis for planning inspections and of accidents that can be triggered considering the
establishing prevention measures. occurrence of an initiating event:
— Improvement of performance. It facilitates internal — Spillage of toxic liquids: due to loss of fluid containment, it
communication and helps to maintain a high degree of can generate toxic effects, fires and/or explosions,
awareness about prevention of major accidents. depending on the nature of the substances.
Facilitates the efficient and optimal allocation of limited — Exhaust of gases: due to loss of fluid containment, it can
resources for risk assessment around the classification and generate toxic effects, fires and/or explosions, depending
prioritization of different scenarios. on the nature of the substances.
Reference [2] states that determining the level of risk requires — Fire: combustion of multiple forms of the contained or
the use of different mathematical and empirical models. emitted fluids generates harmful thermal radiation, when
Reference [8] provides an explanatory overview of risk metrics the substances are flammable.
related to the study of major accidents. — Explosion: prior to the emission or after the fire, generates
At the same time, it shows in most cases these are pressure or overpressure waves, and the propagation of
conditioned to estimate certain variable within the risk projectiles.
assessment process, making it difficult to prioritize the The process is supported by the software ALOHA (Areal
sources of technological risks within a supply chain. Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres). This computer
METHODOLOGY TO DETERMINE THE LEVEL OF program designed for models key hazards-toxicity,
TECHNOLOGICAL RISK IN LOGISTICS PROCESSES flammability, thermal radiation (heat), and overpressure
In this section we will show how to determine the current risk (explosion blast force) - related to chemical releases that
level in the logistics processes. To achieve this goal we will result in toxic gas dispersions, fires, and/or explosions. Its
follow the procedure shown in figure 1. chemical library contains information about the physical
properties of approximately 1 000 common hazardous
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
ALOHA allows to determinate the radius of affectation in the The descriptors proposal was made based on a bibliographic
event of a major accident taking into account: type of compilation of risk indicators proposed by other
substance, form of containment and description of how the methodologies to assess physical risk, socioeconomic
chemical is escaping from containment, and weather fragilities and resilience lack (table 1).
conditions. The software will display the threat zones in red,
Table 1. Descriptors of socioeconomic fragility
orange, and yellow. The red threat zone represents the worst and lack of resilience
hazard and the orange and yellow threat zones represent Perspective Descriptors Criteria
areas of decreasing hazard. Population density XFS
⧉ Estimate level of technological risk Presence of community areas XFS
In this step, the level of technological risk will be assessed in Social Level of human development XFR
logistics activities. The risk level estimation must quantify the Reaction capacity XFR
damage caused within the affected radius, delimited in the Perception of risk XFS
previous step. A holistic assessment of risk takes into account: Vulnerable environmental receptors XFS
1) the physical damage: number of victims and economic and Reversibility of damage – recovery XFR
environmental losses (first-order effects) 2) the conditions Potential losses XFS
related to the social fragility and the resilience lack of Financial resilience XFR
communities that favor the occurrence of accident or Institutions within the radius of
aggravate the impact of these (second-order effects). affectation
The analytical structure of indicators systems for holistic Physical condition of constructions XFS
Nearby facilities that handle
evaluation of technological risk (IRT) in an activity i is XFS
hazardous substances
expressed as the sum for each possible event e (fire, Structural
Protection of facilities XFS
explosion, spill, escape), considering their occurrence Evacuation system XFR
probability 𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑒 and probable physical consequences 𝐶𝐶𝑒𝑒 within Structural reconstruction XFR
the radius of affectation. It is affected by a coefficient of Presence of aggravating non-
aggravation of the impact 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶, which depends on conditions XFS
Not structural units
of socioeconomic fragility and lack of resilience of the structural High density traffic routes XFS
community (equation 1). Non-structural reconstruction XFR
Security practice XFR
IRTi = (1 + Caii ) ∑(pei ∗ Cei ) (1) Emergency plans (internal and
The consequences respond to the determination of the external)
physical damage before an event e in activity i. This is Operability the emergency XFR
evaluated using the equation 2. Firefighting brigades XFR
Hospital services XFR
Cei = ∑n=1 wXCne ∗ X Cne (2)
These descriptors used in holistic risk assessment have
where X Cne represents the physical risk factors, wXCne the different units. To standardize the gross value of the
weights of these factors and p is the total number of factors descriptors, transforming them into commensurable values,
to be considered in the calculation. We propose the must be used transformation functions with the pattern
quantification of victim’s number, economic losses and shown is Figure 2.
environmental damage, with an equivalent weight.
The coefficient of aggravation Caii depends on the weighted
sum of a set of aggravating factors in the social, economic,
ecological, structural, nonstructural and functional
perspective; associated with the fragility of community X FSi
and the resilience lack of context X FRj, being wXFSi and
wXFRj the weights of each factors.
Cai = ∑m n
i=1(wXFSi ∗ X FSi ) + ∑j=1�wXFRj ∗ X FRj � (3)
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In this section the results will be shown according the
methodology established in the previous section. This model
uses the strategy of multiple explanatory cases in different
companies that operate with hazardous substances in the
province of Villa Clara. The provincial is subdivided into 13
municipalities, with a total of 124 evaluated facilities.
The inventory of hazardous substances in the province and
the evaluation of the activities carried out (storage,
processing and distribution) allowed the analysis of 240
potential hazards. The total risk is evaluated in each analysis
units as a function of exposure factor, (social, economic and
environmental consequences) and the aggravating factor
through Equation 1.
The figure 4 shows the results of the evaluation carried out in
companies located in Villa Clara, divided by municipalities. In
this the possible radio of affectation is delimited, and the
Figure 3: Weight`s network of socioeconomic fragility descriptors evaluation of the level of risk is expressed in low, medium and
and resilience lack descriptors high scale (green, yellow and red). When comparing the
results of technological risk in four possible scenarios of major
The table 2 presents the results of application of AHP method.
accident, it is observed that Santa Clara municipalities have
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the highest technological risk index. On the other hand, the This research takes as case study the logistics network in Fuel
municipalities of Quemado de Güines, Camajuaní and Trading Company of Villa Clara. This logistics network
Ranchuelo are those exposed to a lower level of technological includes the Fuel Trading Company and the technological
risk. The figure 4-7 shows the affectation radio of different warehouse of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), 53 gas station,
possible accident. 11 stores the sell gas (LPG). These analyzed entities constitute
fuel storage and sale centers. This logistics network includes
a total of 22 routes by highways and 2 routes by railways.
The highest risk index in storage activities is in the storage
area from the Fuel Trading Company, and the most
dangerous route is the RFC-02 route corresponding to the
transportation of fuel by trains from the Camilo Cienfuegos
Refinery in Cienfuegos, to warehouse of the Fuel Trading
Company in Santa Clara. This route crosses the center of the
town of Cruces, which increases the index of associated
vulnerability factor. These results are shown in figure 8 and 9
of technological risk level.
Figure 4: Radio of affectation and level risk. Exhaust of toxic
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
CONCLUSIONS [12] Sujan, M: How can health care organizations make and
The proposed technological risk index considers the effect of justify decisions about risk reduction? Lessons from a cross-
existing physical risk given the occurrence of a destabilizing industry review and a health care stakeholder consensus
event, as well as the worsening of the impact due to development process. Reliability Engineering and System
socioeconomic conditions and the resilience lack of the Safety, 161, 1–11, 2017
involved area. It provides a scientific basis for risk-based [13] Tixier, J.; Dusserre, G.; Salvi, O.; Gaston, D: Review of 62 risk
approach and the development of a proactive culture of analysis methodologies of industrial plants. Journal. Loss
prevention, improvement and protection. Prevention Process Industries, 15,291–303, 2002
The indexing of the technological areas and plants depends
on existing risk level in the occurrence of major technological
accidents. At same time, facilitates the documentation of
involved processes in risk management and decision making
for the planning of preventive actions.
The analysis of technological risk level in storage and
transport activities supports the decision making process.
This analysis is based on the characterization and
hierarchization of storage areas and distribution routes of
greater danger. The application of the procedure allows the
reorientation of the organizational efforts and guarantees an
approach of continuous improvement.
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20 | F a s c i c u l e 1
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
P. MANIKANDAN, 2. Faheem Ahmed KHAN
Abstract: Power Capacitors plays a vital role in reactive power compensation. When the capacitors are connected to the
transmission line, it improves the reactive power. Although the reactive power is improved, there is a possibility for sub
synchronous resonance created by this capacitors in the transmission line can travel to the generator side. The sub synchronous
resonance causes electro-mechanical stress in the generator shaft which ultimately leads to malfunction of the entire system. It is
necessary to find out operating modes of the generator and turbine when the line is compensated with capacitors. Once the
operating modes are clear, torsion analysis will give the weak points in the turbine generator shaft which is encountered
immediately when sub synchronous resonance arises. It is possible to damp the sub synchronous resonance when the weak points
are monitored continuously. In this paper, three phase generator is coupled with a prime mover and the line is compensated with
the series capacitors. The stress on the turbine is analyzed based on the torque of two rotating machines. Finite element method
gives the weak points in the turbine generator shaft system.
Keywords: finite element method, ANSYS, Capacitors, fatigue, MATLAB, shaft, series compensation
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The simulation software breaks the complex structure into Figure 6 shows the equivalent stress happening between the
tiny parts that interacts which each other. Modelling of the rotating mass and the point which connects the shaft and
static or dynamic structure is the first step in the analysis. rotating mass. The stress originates from the center of the
Boundary conditions are marked and the equilibrium circular rotating mass and flows circularly towards the edge.
equations are solved. From the values of the nodal The shaft which connects the rotating mass gets more
displacement, the stress and strain are analyzed. In this stresses when compared to the rotating mass.
research paper ANSYS software package is used for modelling
and analysis for the parameters identified in the experimental
set up. The shaft which connects the two machines in the
experimental set up is modelled in SOLID WORKS with the
exact dimension. The coupler is designed in such a way it
improves mechanical strength and also it automatically
adjust the misalignment.
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Abstract: In this paper, an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference (ANFIS) based neural direct torque control (DTC-ANN) controlling of an
induction machine (IM) is proposed. In this method control the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) used to replace the switching table
and the speed of the IM is controlled by using the ANFIS controller. The entire proposed system is implemented in
MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. And simulation results are also presented to demonstrate the attractive performance of the
proposed ANFIS based DTC-ANN speed control of the induction machine. The comparison between proposed scheme control
and classical DTC, show the proposed control reduced the torque ripple, stator flux ripple and Total Harmonic Distortion value
(THD) of stator current of IM drives.
Keywords: IM, DTC, ANFIS, ANN, THD
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A two-level conventional electrical energy inverter can attain (-1, 0, 1) and the output of stator flux hysteresis comparator
7 divide positions in the phase corresponding to the 8 are (0, 1).
sequences of the electrical energy inverter. These positions DTC-ANN CONTROL WITH ANFIS SPEED CONTROLLER
are illustrated in Figure 2. In the accumulation, Table. 1 shows The essential of DTC-ANN command with ANFIS speed
the sequences for each situation, such as: Si= 1,…,6, Si are the regulator for IM drives is shown in Figure 5. ANN have self-
areas of localization of stator flux vector [10]. adapting compatibilities which makes them well suited to
handle non-linarites, uncertainness and parameter
modifications. A multilayer feed forward ANN constructs a
global expertises to non- linear input-output mapping. ANN
are capable of generalization in regions of the input space,
where little or no training data are available [11]. The principle
of ANN techniques DTC command is similar to traditional DTC
command. However, the switching table is replaced by the
ANN controller.
The structure ANN has three layers. Input layer has 3 neuron,
output layer has only 3 neuron and hidden layer has 30
Layer 2
0 W
Figure 4. Flux hysteresis comparator.
Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the torque and stator flux controllers, Figure 7. Structure of layer 1
respectively. The output of torque hysteresis comparator are
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to obtain the table rules [14]. On possible initial rule base, that
can be used in drive systems for a fuzzy regulator, consist of
49 linguistic rules, as shown in Table 2 [15, 16], and gives the
0 W
a{1} change of the produit of fuzzy regulator in borne of two input:
Delays 1 LW{2,1} + the error (e= wref – w) and change of error (∆e).
b netsum purelin a{2} The simulations of the neural DTC with ANFIS regulator of IM
drive are compared with classical DTC command. A 3-phase,
1MW, 3 pole, IM with parameters of Rs=0.228Ω, Rr=0.332Ω,
Figure 8. Structure of layer 2 Ls=0.0084H, Lr=0.0082H, Lm=0.0078H, J=20 Kg.m2 are
In this paper, the PI controller of speed is replaced by the
ANFIS regulator. The Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
(ANFIS) controller is one of the popular neuro-fuzzy
techniques that is the mixture combination of ANN and is
based on Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy inference system (FIS) [12].
The ANFIS is urbanized using Matlab ANFIS editor [13]. The
block diagram for ANFIS based PI regulator is shown in Figure
Then the designed ANFIS has 2 inputs namely, the reference
speed (w ref) and speed of motor (w) while the output is the
Cem ref. The construction of ANFIS PI regulator is shown in
Figure 10.
1 K1
(w_ref -w)
Input NNET Output K3 1
2 K2
d(w_ref- w)/dt
ANN controller
The fuzzy regulator design is based on connaissance and Figure 11. Performances of classical DTC command
simulation. These values compose a training set which is used
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a) Classical DTC
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Therefore, proposed DTC command is an excellent solution motor drives using PI and intelligent controllers, »
for general purpose IM drives. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,
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ISSN: 2067-3809
copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Abstract: In this study, the design of experiment for response surface methodology (RSM) was used to analyse and optimise the
simultaneous effect of adsorbent dose, contact time and pH of solution during the removal of Pb(II) ion from aqueous solution
using activated carbon developed from groundnut shell as adsorbent. Groundnut shells were collected from a dust bins and
thoroughly washed with distilled water; sun-dried and pulverized. It was thereafter carbonated using a muffle furnace at 500oC for
1 hour, after which the carbonated groundnut shell was sieved to attain 0.425mm or less before activation using nitric acid. A
three-variable and three-level Box-Behnken factorial design was used to develop a statistical model to describe the relationship
between percentage removal of Pb2+ and the selected independent variables. The selected parameters were then optimised using
RSM. The model was statistically significant (p<0.0001) with a low standard deviation of 0.76 and did not show lack of fit (R2=0.9768).
The optimum values of adsorbent dose, contact time and pH of the solution obtained from RSM were 0.94 g, 5115.36 min and
5.42 respectively. The observed results indicate the viability of activated carbon from groundnut shell for removal of Pb2+ from
aqueous solution and industrial wastewater.
Keywords: Groundnut-shell, activation, Box-Behnken design, Response surface methodology, Optimization
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— Preparation of Aqueous Solution where Yi is the predicted response, Xi and Xj are the
Stock solution of Pb (II) ion was prepared by dissolving independent variables, bo is offset term, bi and bij are the single
analytical grade Pb(NO3)2 in an appropriate amount of and interaction effect coefficients and E is the error term.
distilled water. From this stock solution a working solution of Based on RSM, this equation was used to evaluate the linear,
100 mg/L of Pb (II) ion was prepared which was used for the quadratic and interactive effects of independent variables on
batch adsorption process. the chosen response. For the model, the calculations from the
— Adsorption Experiment linear and cross regression were performed. The R2 value, the
Batch adsorption experiments were carried out for the residual error, the pure error calculated from the repeated
removal of Pb2+ from aqueous solutions onto the adsorbent measurements and the lack of fit were calculated. ANOVA
to study the effect of some specific process parameters. The was utilized to estimate the measurable attributes of the
effects of adsorbent dosage, contact time and pH were model fitting. The total test outline and results comprising of
investigated for the adsorption onto groundnut shell. coded levels, real factors, and responses are given in Table 2.
100mg/l of concentration of lead(II) ions was used as the Keeping in mind the end goal to guarantee a good model, a
working solution. The adsorption was carried out at ambient test for criticalness of the relapse model and individual model
temperature and shaking speed of 250 rpm in an orbital coefficients was performed together with the absence of-fit
shaker. After filtrations, the residual concentrations of Pb(II) test. Regularly, the huge components can be positioned in
were determined using atomic adsorption light of the F-value or p-value. The bigger the extent of the F-
spectrophotometer (AAS). value and correspondingly the smaller the p-esteem, the
The percentage removal of Pb2+ is defined as: more critical is the comparing coefficient (Yi et al., 2010).
Re % = × 100 (1) The complete experimental design and results consisting of
where: Re (%) is percentage removal of Pb(II) ions, Ci is the coded levels, actual variables, predicted and experimental
concentration of Pb(II) ions before adsorption (mg/l); Cf is the responses are given in Table 2.
concentration of Pb(II) ions after adsorption (mg/l) Table 2: Box Behnken design matrix for the optimization of
— Experimental Design variables and the response values
Factors Response
A 3-stage-three-element Box-Behnken factorial layout was
Percentage Pb(II) ion
accomplished using design Expert, version 7.1.6 (Stat-Ease Run Coded values Actual values
Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA) to determine the best No.
x1 x2 x3 X1 X2 X3 Experimental Predicted
combination of adsorption variables for the yields of Pb(II) 1 0 0 0 0.6 65 4 90 91.66
ions. 2 0 1 1 0.6 120 6 99.1 99.11
3 -1 -1 0 0.2 10 4 98 98.02
The variable input parameters were pH of the solution, 4 0 -1 1 0.6 10 6 98.8 98.88
contact time and adsorbent. As shown in Table 1, 5 1 -1 0 1 10 4 96.65 96.55
independent variables had three levels which were based on 6 0 0 0 0.6 65 4 91.5 91.66
preliminary experiments. 7 0 0 0 0.6 65 4 92 91.66
8 0 0 0 0.6 65 4 92.5 91.66
Table 1: Independent variables and their levels for BBD 9 0 -1 -1 0.6 10 2 97.75 97.74
experimental design 10 1 0 1 1 65 6 99.8 99.82
Independent Coded and Actual Levels 11 1 0 -1 1 65 2 98.4 98.5
Variable -1 0 1 12 1 1 0 1 120 4 99.02 98.996
Adsorbent dose (g) X1 0.2 0.6 1 13 0 0 0 0.6 65 4 92.3 91.66
Contact time (min) X2 10 65 120 14 -1 1 0 0.2 120 4 96.79 96.89
Ph X3 2 4 6 15 -1 0 1 0.2 65 6 99 98.9
16 -1 0 -1 0.2 65 2 98.8 98.78
The response was percentage removal of Pb(II) ions. The 17 0 1 -1 0.6 120 2 98.9 98.82
relation between the coded values and actual values are
As appeared in Table 2, the entire plan comprised of 17 trial
described as follows:
X −X focuses, and five duplicates (run 13– 17) at the focal point of
xi = i∆X 0 (2) the outline were utilized for evaluating the trial blunder
entirety of squares.
where xi and Xi are the coded and actual values of the
Investigation of fluctuation (ANOVA) is a measurable strategy
independent variable respectively. Xo is the actual value of the
that subdivides the aggregate variety in an arrangement of
independent variable at the centre point and ΔXi is the step
information into segment parts related with particular
change in the actual value of the independent variable. The
wellsprings of variety to test speculations on the parameters
following generalized second order polynomial equation was
of the model (Francesc and Julia, 2014).The results of the
used to estimate the response of the dependent variables.
analysis of variance (ANOVA) which are given in Table 3.
Y = b0 + ∑ bi Xi + ∑ bii Xi 2 + ∑ ∑ bij Xi Xj + E (3)
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Table 3: ANOVA table for quadratic model According to the monomial coefficient value of regression
Sum of Degree of Mean F P value model Eq. (4), X1 = ´-27.4349; X2= ´-0.13092 and X3 = -8.28381
squares freedom square value prob>F
(pH), and the order of priority among the main effect of
Model 171.11 9 19.01 32.73 <0.0001
X1 0.2 1 0.2 0.35 0.5714 impact factors is X1 > X3 > X2
X2 0.85 1 0.85 1.47 0.2653 The created information was examined to decide the
X3 1.02 1 1.02 1.75 0.2277 connection between's the genuine and anticipated esteems
X1X2 3.2 1 3.2 5.52 0.0512 as appeared in Figure 1.
X1X3 0.36 1 0.36 0.62 0.457
X2X3 0.18 1 0.18 0.31 0.5945
X12 42.01 1 42.01 72.32 <0.0001
X22 32.92 1 32.92 56.67 0.0001
X32 73.61 1 73.61 126.71 <0.0001
Residual 4.07 7 0.58
Lack of fit 0.0055 3 0.018 0.018 0.9961
Pure Error 4.01 4 1
Cor Total 175.18 16
Std dev 0.76 R2 0.9768
Mean 96.43 Adjusted R2 0.9469
C.V (%) 0.79 Predicted R2 0.9592
PRESS 7.14 Adequate precision 13.952
ANOVA table proposes whether the condition is sufficient to
depict the connection amongst reaction and other Figure 1: Plot of predicted against actual lead ion percentage
autonomous factors. The model can be considered as removal.
factually noteworthy, if the estimation of p is lower than 0.05 From Figure 1 it is watched that the information focuses are
with a bigger F-value (Ravikumar et al., 2013. From the ANOVA conveyed close to the straight line showing that the
table it is observed that the model fitted well with the quadratic model could be utilized as the noteworthy model
information created and can be considered as factually for anticipating lead (II) ions removal over the autonomous
noteworthy since the F-value is large. (32.73) and p value is information factors.
lesser than 0.0001. The goodness of the model was assessed The effects of contact time and adsorbent dose, pH of
through the lack of fit test. The P-values for the lack of fit test solution and contact time, and pH of the solution and
was not significant (p>0.05) demonstrating that the model adsorbent dose on Pb(II) ions percentage are shown in the
was fit for predicting the adsorption of Pb(II) ions onto response surface plots presented in Figures 2- 4.
activated carbon planned from groundnut shell. A good fit
means that the generated models adequately explained the
data variation.
An R2 value of 0.9768 means that 97.68 % of the variations for
percent lead ion adsorption are explained by the
independent variables and this also means that model does
not explain only 2.32 % of the variation. Predicted R2 is a
measure of how good the model predicts a response value.
The predicted R2 value of 0.9592 is in reasonable agreement
with an adjusted R2 value of 0.9469. The coefficient of
variation, C.V. obtained was 0.79 %. . C.V is an indication of the
degree of precision with which the treatments were carried Figure 2: Response surface plots showing the effect of adsorbent
out. A low value of C.V suggests a high reliability of the dosage and time on Pb(II) ion removal
experiment (Montgomery, 2005; Mason et al., 1989). "Adeq
Precision" measures the signal to noise ratio. A ratio greater
than 4 is desirable (Cao et al., 2009 ), therefore the ratio of
13.952 indicates an adequate signal
Design Expert software was used to calculate the coefficients
of the second-order fitting equation and the model suitability
was tested using the ANOVA test. Therefore, the second order
polynomial equation should be expressed by Eq. (4`)
Re = 120.04394 − 27.43494X1 − 0.13092X2 −
8.28381X3 + 0.040682X1 X2 + 0.37500X1 X3 −
1.93182X10−3 X2 X3 + 19.7421X11 +
9.24380X10−4 X2 2 + 1.04531X3 2 (4.) Figure 3: Response surface plots showing the effect of time
and solution pH on Pb(II) ion removal
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Flavius BUCUR
Abstract: This paper focuses on the influence of chemical composition upon the hardness mechanical characteristics of
phosphorous cast irons. The casting of the parts is done by meeting specific chemical and mechanical parameters. Data collected
from a cast iron foundry has been used for analysis, resulting in a series of graphic and analytical correlations created with the
Matlab application. The resulting regression areas and level curves allow the identification of the optimal areas of variation in
chemical composition of the cast irons with the purpose of obtaining an optimal hardness degree.
Keywords: phosphorous cast iron, hardness, brake block, quality
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structure upon the hardness of the cast iron in order to avoid the melting pot are taken and checked with a spectrometer
obtaining a phosphorous cast iron which would be too hard (figure 3).
and which would prematurely wear the wheel dressing of the
train. However, a too soft phosphorous cast iron would lead
to increased consumption of brake blocks due to premature
wear [9,10].
— Manufacturing Brake Blocks
In order to analyse the influence of chemical composition on
the hardness quality characteristics of brake blocks, a number
of 70 charges of cast iron have been observed in the industrial Figure 3: Determining the chemical composition
practice, which were produced by a company that of analysed samples [4]
manufactures cast iron parts. The brake blocks manufacturing Hardness checking [3] is done at both ends and through the
process involves obtaining phosphorous cast iron and then cross section, in three points, as shown in figure 4.
casting it. Scrap, cast iron waste and worn brake blocks are
used to obtain cast iron. The load at the charging points that
were analysed was: 10–20% first–fusion cast iron; 30–60% cast
iron waste (worn brake blocks); 20–30% steel waste. The
cutting–to–dimension of the load plays an important role in
its production in induction furnaces, which means that the
load needs to be cut according to the size and melting
capacity of the furnace. The recharging of the furnace is done
periodically, usually by bucket, ensuring a continuous melting
process, with a minimum energy consumption. When using
small waste metal parts (chips, splinters), these are briquetted
(pressed) or minced and a continuous line load is ensured.
The cast iron thus obtained is poured into casts on the
manual casting line, as shown in figure 2.
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Abstract: From the iron and steel industry always results a series of waste that are not capitalized enough with the rest of them
being stored in stockpiles and ponds. Considering the fact that these waste contain iron and that – being unrecycled – they
represent a polluting factor to the environment, it is imperial to find solutions to process them in a manner that will make them
useful as raw or auxiliary material in manufacturing or other branches of the economy. The current paper presents the experimental
research made in laboratory regarding the processing of pulverous ferrous waste through pelletizing with the purposes of making
a new product that can be used as raw material in the iron and steel industry.
Keywords: waste, sludge, capitalizing, pellets
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The steps from the processing procedure and the procurence The laboratory experiments we performed lead to the
of sub–products are presented in figure 3. The experimental procurance of experimental by–products – pellets that can
pellets/micro–pellets were put under hot–tempering in the be used as raw material in the siderurgy.
oven according to figure 4. The chemical composition of the The main benefit of a granular product over raw fines is the
obtained pellets/micro–pellets is shown in table 2. improved product performance. In this sense, the pellets
performance can be improved in a variety of ways as a result
of agglomeration. Granular soil amendments, for example are
more likely to deliver targeted results over their powdered
form, because they do not become windblown and are much
easier to accurately apply. Also, the pelletized products are
much easier to handle and apply over raw material fines.
Pellets are easier to feed, due to improved and more
consistent flowability. Moreover, the pellet products are also
much less dusty. Some materials may even be pelletized prior
to landfilling in order to reduce dust loss during transport and
handling, as well as to avoid material becoming windblown.
Figure 4. The pellets hardening diagram The production of pellets from different wastes can be made
(T– hardening temperature, [0C]; t – hardening time,[min]) according to the range of recyclable waste available, the
Table 2. The chemical composition of the pellets
addition of binding substances, water and the granulometric
Chemical composition, [%] ASTM E 1479/2016 finesse of the waste. The values obtained at the test for
Al Ca Cu Cr Mg Mn Ni resistability at astriction for the raw and burnt pellets show
1.16 3.44 0.13 0.06 0.63 0.41 0.03 that the product has the necessary resistance for being
Si Fe W S Na Anothers manipulated and transported to the iron processing plant.
3.13 75.18 1.68 0.13 0.26 13.76 Reintroduction these ferrous materials in the economic circuit
represents an advantage from an economic and ecological
From each batch of pellets we chose pellets sized 12–15 mm point of view.
in diameter for which we tested compression strength of References
pellets. The result of the experiment are presented in table 3. [1] Costoiu, M., Ioana, A., Semenescu, A., Constantin, N., Florea,
Table 3. Compressive strength of pellets B., Rucai, V., Dobrescu, C., Polifroni, M., Păunescu, L.,
Compressive strength of pellets [daN/pellet] Environmental performance indicators for decision making
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 and stakeholder interests, Environmental Engineering And
178 172 167 157 175 Management Journal, Vol. 15, Nr. 10, pp. 2279–2284, 2016.
The results show that compressive strength of pellets for raw [2] Constantin, N., Stanasila, O., Stanasila, C., Alternative iron
making technologies, Metalurgia International, Vol. 14, Nr.
and burnt pellets confirm the fact that the waste can be
7, pp. 5–7, 2009.
capitalized through pelletizing since the obtained pellets
[3] Buzduga, R., Constantin, N., Ioana, A., Solutions to reduce
have the necessary astriction for manipulation and
the environmental pollution by the producers of
transportation from the manufacturing agent to the ovens at refractories, University Politehnica Of Bucharest Scientific
the steel plant. Bulletin Series B–Chemistry And Materials Science, Vol. 80,
FINAL RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Nr. 1, pp. 231–244, 2018.
This paper present the obtained by–products (pellets/micro– [4] Rucai, V., Constantin, N., Dobrescu, C., Experimental
pellets) while processing the analysed waste. After laboratory research program regarding the influence of thermo–time
experiments a balance pan device was used and as binding treatment of multicomponent ni–base melting on their
agent bentonite and slag LF (max 10%). properties in solid phase, University Politehnica Of
The pulverous, small sized waste can be capitalized in the Bucharest Scientific Bulletin Series B–Chemistry And
contemporary iron and steel industry and there is a need to Materials Science, Vol. 77, Nr. 4, pp. 359–364, 2015.
continue research in order to establish the most performing [5] Costoiu M, Ioana A, Semenescu A, Constantin N, Florea B,
procedures, capitalization methods that are good both from Rucai V, Dobrescu C, Polifroni M, Păunescu L 2016
an economical and an ecological point of view. Environmental performance indicators for decision making
The constant preoccupation to respect legal norms regarding and stakeholder interests, Environmental Engineering and
the environmental protection and the need to harmonize Management Journal, 15(10) 2279–2284
them with the requirements of economic progress, the [6] Buzduga R, Constantin N, Ioana A 2018 Solutions to reduce
reasonable segmentation of material and energetic resources the environmental pollution by the producers of
should lead to the capitalization of waste through refractories, University Politehnica Of Bucharest Scientific
technologies that can be deemed as the optimal solution Bulletin Series B–Chemistry And Materials Science, 80(1)
economically and ecologically.
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
ISSN: 2067-3809
copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
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Abstract: In the present investigations, wear test is conducted on pin on disc device at room temperature for both the age
hardening and without age hardening conditions. Al7075 has chosen as the matrix material. HMMCs are produced utilizing stir
casting route for enhancing the wear behavior and hardness number. The reinforcement used is silicon carbide with 5%, 10% and
15% weight percentage and Al2O3 as the reinforcement in 5%, 10% and 15% weight percentage. In the aluminum matrix
Microstructural characterization reveals the homogeneous mixing of reinforcements. This investigation shows the enhanced in
wear resistance is due to the increment weight fraction of reinforcement. By raising the sliding speeds there is a reduction in the
rate of wear and it reduces with increment in sliding distance. As an increase in weight fraction there is decrement in rate of wear
of composites. In general tribological property enhances because of the addition of the two reinforcements.
Keywords: Al7075/SiC–Al2O3, Dry sliding wear, wear rare, HAMMCs
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reinforcements, volume/weight fractions, aging behaviour surface [16]. Amro M. Al–Qutub et al [17] investigated the
and size with aluminium based MMCs are a blend of two properties of Al6061 matrix reinforced with 10% volume
phases: one is referred as matrix, and the other as the fraction of Al203. Cui Y Geng [18] observed that, an
reinforcement. Singla et al [4] developed aluminium alloy/ aluminum matrix composite was viably gotten using the self
SiCp composites of varying weight fractions of silicon carbide proliferating high temperature silicon carbide particles. The
(5–30%) by stir casting techniques using a two step–mixing composite was seen to be better in mechanical exhibitions to
method. Results showed that impact strength and hardness those of the composite with the normal status evaluation
increased with an increment in weight percentage of silicon silicon carbide particles. From the outcome it is reported that
carbide. Rajesh A M et al [5–7] conducted experimentations between aluminum–SiC their exist a high strength interfacial
like hardness, wear behavior at as–cast and age hardened bond.
conditions etc on aluminum hybrid metal matrix composites. It is noticed from the literature that more research conducted
The matrix material considered is Al7075, and reinforcement on the wear characteristics of Al–SiCp, Al–Li/SiC MMCs. In this
material is SiC and alumina. From the results it is clear that the background, the research gaps indicate that there is a lot of
HAMMCs have better properties as compared to scope for current researchers for investigation with the use of
unreinforced aluminum alloy. a combination of silicon carbide and aluminium oxide as
M K Surappa et al [8] studied the Al–Si composite for their reinforcement. Therefore this research work will focus on
tribological behavior. For the study, they considered the wear behaviour of aluminum hybrid metal matrix reinforced
automobile brake in pin on disc tribometer. Aluminum metal MMCs. Main aim of the proposed research work is to develop
matrix composites were utilized as a disc whereas brake pad the hybrid MMC in–order to improve the strength and wear
material forms the pin. Form the outcomes it is observed that resistance characteristics of the material that generate
the coefficient of wear and the fraction is varied with the load. Mechanically mixed layer.
Also as the coefficient of fraction decreases wear rate MATERIALS AND PROCESSING
increases. R. L. Deuis et al [9] surveyed the wear behaviour of — Materials
the materials and the development of fine equiaxed wear Al–7xxx alloys, for instance, 7075 are commonly used as a part
debris is related with a stable tribo–layer on the worn of applications including transport, automobile, marine and
surfaces. The critical parameters for adhesive wear are applied also in aerospace, because of their high strength and low
load, sliding velocity, the surface hardness of worn surface weight. The main constituents in the Al7075 are Si=0.4%, Zn
and morphology in relative to the theories of wear = 6.1%, Mg=2.9%. The properties of the Al7075 are density =
encuontered by the materials. 2.85g/cc, ultimate strength = 480MPa, elastic modulus =
Radhika et al. [10,11] has conducted the experiments to 75GPa, Poissons’ ratio = 0.33, melting point = 6500C.
evaluate the wear characteristics of Al/Gr/Al2O3 hybrid MMC Silicon carbide is a ceramic material also known as
and suggested that the graphite reinforcement has boost up carborundum, denoted as SiC. It is a blend of silicon and
the resistance to wear. This increment is due to the forming a carbon. It is an outstanding abrasive material utilized to
protective layer between the counterface & pin. Addition of prepare grinding wheel and other abrasive parts. Now a day,
the reinforcement Al2O3 has considerable influence in the SiC material is formed into a technical grade better quality
reducing rate of wear of the composite. Saleemsab ceramic with excellent mechanical/physical properties. Some
Doddamani et al [12] conducted experimentation on wear of the key properties of silicon carbide utilized here are
behaviour of Aluminum–graphite MMC. From the results it is Density –3.1 g/cc, melting point –27300c, molecular mass –
found that the adding of particles of graphite has increased 40.10 g/mol, grit size –16–100grit, Appearance –Black in color.
the resistance to wear of the MMC. Also it is reported that Aluminum oxide, commonly known as alumina (Al2O3) is
addition of particles of graphite in aluminum reduces the corundum in its crystalline form is widely used in industry. The
friction then that of the base alloy. alumina (Al2O3) as a reinforcement is steadier with aluminium
Heat treated material demonstrate the resistance to wear [13]. and withstand higher temperatures. Some of the key
Because of the higher ductility and strength of the aluminum properties of aluminum oxide utilized here are
matrix, the effectual stress connected on material surface density=3.69g/cc, melting point –20720C, mesh size=100–
along with the wear progression is less on account of the 200 mesh, appearance – White in color.
heat–treated alloys. This occurrence caused a reduction in the — Processing
cracking propensity of the material surface when contrasted Al7075–SiC/Al2O3 samples are formed at varied weight
with the as–cast alloy [14]. The heat treatment didn’t fractions of SiC/Al2O3 (5%, 10% and 15%) utilizing stir casting
drastically modify the morphology, but rather the matrix technique. The aluminum slabs were melted in the furnace.
hardening by age hardening occurred, which prompted In the wake of liquefying, liquid aluminum was superheated
greater strength & hardness [15]. The yield strength and to 7500C temperature [5,6]. The required measures of
higher hardness of the material after this heat treatment SiC/Al2O3 particles were added to the liquid aluminum while
condition may have the benefit of keeping generation of mixing with a stirrer at 600rpm speed. The liquid Al7075–
aluminium debris & reduction in its exchange to the steel SiC/Al2O3 was filled a permanent mold and it was permitted
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to set. The Al7075–SiC/Al2O3 composite bars were taken out tribological properties such as the good machinability, low
from the mold. The samples were set up from as–cast wear rate, high damping capacity, and their outstanding
combinations for investigation of required properties. properties.
Shearing temperature (6200C) and shearing speed (600 rpm) — Age Hardening
were the two process parameters which affect the The as–cast composite specimens were heat treated at a
composites. To examine the effect of processing parameters temperature of 4650C for 02 hrs taken after by quickly
tests were conducted. The different process parameters were quenched in cool water. After quenching the specimens,
chosen to exert a hydrodynamic force on the molten material these are subjected to an age (precipitation hardening) by
and to retain best possible fluidity for the casting. heat–treatment the specimens to 1200C, maintaining this
temperature for 05 hrs and after that taken after cooling in air
to room temperature.
To determine the chemical composition of the Al7075–SiC,
alumina composites, EDX measurements are carried out in
the SEM on individual specimens. The EDX analysis indicates
the foremost composition of Al7075–SiC, alumina
composites silicon, magnesium, Fe, carbon and aluminum.
Small amount of oxygen are also observed. The signals of
oxygen may arise from the contamination of the aluminum
oxide. Table in the Figure 2 describes the atom percentage of
Si, magnesium, carbon, and aluminum. These outcomes
Figure 1. Scanning Electron Micrograph shows a uniform specified that the chemical compositions of the Al7075–SiC,
distribution of particles of SiC/Al2O3 (a) As cast Al7075 (b) 5% alumina is consistent. The atomic percentage of carbon is
SiC/Al2O3 (c) 10% SiC/Al2O3 (d) 15% SiC/Al2O3 high than compared to silicon and magnesium. The presence
In the microstructure, shown in Figure 1, of the Al7075– of carbon indicates the adding up of SiC, alumina
SiC/Al2O3 particulate composite confirms uniform reinforcement with the Al7075 matrix. The content of Silicon
distribution of the reinforcement. In the process of the (0.63 to 0.91) and Magnesium (0.6 to 2.54) indicates that the
mixing, a whirling of molten material is formed from the presence of Si and Mg in the Al7075 alloy.
rotation of the stirrer through which the SiC/Al2O3 particles From the EDX analysis (Figure 2), it is found that Al7075– SiC,
are drained into the melt. The force gave by mixing the alumina MMCs are rich in both Si and Mg. The existence of
molten material with a mechanical stirrer beats the surface MgAl2O4 at interfaces was confirmed in a detailed study on
vitality hindrance because of poor wettability of SiC/Al2O3 by the interfaces in discontinuously reinforced metal–matrix
Al composite. Once the SiC/Al2O3 particles are moved into the composites. In all the compositions of Al7075– SiC, alumina,
molten aluminium, the dissemination is firmly influenced by oxygen (O) content has been obtained. The content of O is
certain flow transitions. From the momentum transfer and due to the formation of Al2O3 on the top of the pits as the
the outspread flow of melt, lifting of SiC/Al2O3 particles will main compound on the surface. The analysis of mechanically
take place and also causes prevention of particle settling in mixed layer was carried out by utilizing EDX to study the
the matrix. Meanwhile, local hydrodynamic forces are degree of exchange of material from the disc to pin. O–
induced on the particle grouping of SiC/Al2O3 particulates. mapping, in addition, is performed to know if any sample of
These forces induced are capable of separating the clustering oxidation tested at Along with Fe, O was likewise in age
of SiC/Al2O3 particles which in turn leads to homogeneous hardened Al7075 reinforced with Sic and alumina specimens.
microstructure all through the cast segment. The O presents in an O2, though, no clarity though it is a FeO2
A strong homogeneous microstructure between the or Alumina.
reinforcement and matrix helps in the load exchange from WEAR ANALYSIS
the reinforcement to the matrix. Thus, the break happens in The dry sliding wear behaviour of Al7075/SiC–Al2O3 HAMMCs
the composite via the reinforcement and not along the and heat treated (T6) Al7075/SiC–Al2O3 HAMMCs conducted
interface. Despite the fact that the SiC/Al2O3 is a non–load according to ASTM G–99 standard testing procedure. Dry
bearing ingredient, a solid particle/matrix interface helps the sliding wear experiments were conducted using a
SiC/Al2O3 particles install themselves into the matrix computerized Pin–On–Disc (POD) wear apparatus (Model:
legitimately, enhancing the crack resistance. It has been Wear & Friction Monitor TR–20) supplied by DUCOM. The dry
reported that during solidification, an enhancement in the sliding wear tests are conducted by weight loss
interfacial relationship between the aluminum matrix and measurement technique and data obtained from the
SiC/Al2O3. By reason of the uniform distribution and good experimentation for different loads, speeds and different
bonding of SiC/Al2O3 particles in the aluminium matrix, compositions for as–casted and age hardened conditions.
Al7075–SiC/Al2O3 particulate composites have greater
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Figure 3a. Volumetric wear rate vs sliding distance Al7075 Figure 4b. Volumetric wear rate versus sliding distance Al7075
HAMMCs at load of 2kg [as–cast] HAMMCs at 4kg load [age hardening]
Figure 3b. Volumetric wear rate vs sliding distance Al7075 Figure 4c. Volumetric wear rate versus sliding distance Al7075
HAMMCs at a load of 4kg [as–cast] HAMMCs at 6kg load [age hardening]
From Figure 3 to 4 it was observed that the volumetric wear
loss decreased in heat treated 7075 HAMMCs increased Sic
and Al2O3 reinforcement (10%). When compared with the
7075 HAMMCs.
In aged HAMMCs the volumetric wear loss was further
reduced when compared with 7075 HAMMCs. Remarkably
the lowest volumetric wear loss was observed in heat treated
Al7075–10%SiC + 10%Al2O3– with ageing when compared to
7075 HAMMCs. Wear behavior of AA6092–SiC composite
which is heat treated, highlighted the improvement in
hardness due to T6 heat treatment, which lead to the
improved wear resistance of MMCs.
Figure 3c. Volumetric wear rate vs sliding distance Al7075 — Outcome of functional load on the volumetric wear
HAMMCs at a load of 6kg [as–cast] rate
The wear properties of 7075 HAMMCs and heat treated 7075
HAMMCs were discussed on the basis of volumetric wear rate
with applied load. From Figure 5 to Figure 6 it was observed
that, with an increase in load from 2 kg (19.62N), 4 kg (39.24N)
and 6 kg (58.86N) the volumetric wear rate increased in 7075
HAMMCs and heat treated 7075 HAMMCs proportionately.
In heat treated 7075 HAMMCs, the volumetric wear rate was
less when compared with the 7075 HAMMCs Also the lowest
volumetric wear rate was observed at Al7075–10%SiC +
10%Al2O3, at a load of 2 kg(19.62 N). The cumulative volume
loss increases with increasing applied normal load [96]. The
parameters like time 5minutes, track diameter 90mm is
Figure 4a. Volumetric wear rate vs sliding distance Al7075
considered for all the wear specimens without heat treatment
HAMMCs at a load of 2kg [age hardening]
and age hardening.
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From Figure 5a, for sliding velocity 0.9424m/s, the volumetric automotive application [89]. The addition of reinforcement in
wear rate will increases as there is increase in applied load. an aluminium matrix increases the load bearing capacity and
Also the lowest volumetric wear rate was seen at higher wear resistance. The role of silicon carbide and
Al7075+10%Sic + 10%Al2O3, from Figure 5b, sliding velocity is alumina are responsible for improving the wear resistance of
1.884 m/s the Volumetric wear rate will be less for 10% the hybrid composites. Because of increase in load rate of
reinforcement at a speed of 400 RPM is applied. From Figure wear incremented as material contacting pressure is more.
5c, for sliding velocity2.827 m/s, the volumetric wear rate will Pressure raise influenced the wear depth this is seen from the
decreases for 15% reinforcement when load is applied and it Figure 5 to 6.
is less for 10% reinforcements.
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when 4kg load is applied and it is less for 15% reinforcement In Al7075–10%Sic–10%Al2O3 HAMMCs reported the least
when 6kg load is applied. Silicon carbide reinforced wear rate at 58.86 N load. From Figure 7a to Figure 7c it was
aluminum alloy composite observed that the useful effect of seen that the wear rate reduced drastically with sliding
particle reinforcement is reduced with load increment. The distance from 282.47m, 565.48m, and 848.23m for 200, 400,
effect of each reinforcement particle is able to carry a bigger 600rpm in base alloy Al7075 HAMMCs and heat treated
portion of load. Al7075 HAMMCs Further increase in sliding distance, the wear
— Result of sliding distance (sliding speed) on wear rate rate reduces gradually, beyond sliding distance of around
In the Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) increase wt% of SiC 848.23 m, the wear rate remains almost unchanged. This
and Al2O3 reinforcement improves the hardness. At larger clearly reflects that the wear stabilization called critical point
sliding distances, the rise of the sliding surface temperature is and the corresponding sliding distance and wear rate are
unavoidable. Addition of hard particulate reinforcement in considered to be critical, beyond which the wear stabilization
the composites restricts the composites from getting soft was observed.
which results in the reduction in wear rate. A Similar trend was
observed in case of Al7075–Sic–Al2O3HAMMCs as shown in
Figure 7 to Figure 8.
Figure 8c: Wear rate vs sliding distance for HAMMCs a load of 6kg,
after a sliding distance of 848.23 m [age hardening]
Figure 7c: Wear rate vs sliding distance for HAMMCs at applied The reduced wear rate was observed in heat treated HAMMCs
load of 6kg, after a sliding distance of 848.23 m [as–cast] with increment in SiC and Al2O3 reinforcements as shown in
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Figure 10c. Cause of load on the wear rate of HAMMCs for a speed
of 600 RPM [age hardening]
From Figure 10a, for, sliding velocity 0.9424m/s, wear rate
decreases as the % of reinforcement increases up to Figure 11c. Outcome of load on weight loss of HAMMCs for a
10%.From Figure 10b, for, sliding velocity 1.884 m/s Wear rate speed of 600 RPM [as–cast]
will be less for 10% reinforcement of silicon carbide and
aluminium oxide. From Figure 10c, for, sliding velocity 2.827
m/s wear rate will be less for 5% reinforcement at 4kg of load.
But when 6kg load is applied the wear rate will decreases for
10% reinforcement. In the present investigation similar trend
was observed. The enhancement of hardness of the
composites in improvement of wear and seizure resistance.
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Friction coefficient reduced with an increment in percentage particulate metal matrix composite. Journal of Minerals &
volume of Sic particles, wear and friction in Copper reinforced Materials Characterization & Engineering, 8(6), 455–467.
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friction with increase in alumina content. From Figure 12a, for matrix composites”, Materials Science and Engineering 149
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[6] Rajesh A M, Mohammed Kaleemulla, “Experimental
reinforcement when 4kg of load is applied. From Figure 12b, investigations on mechanical and wear behavior of hybrid
for sliding velocity of 1.884 m/s, the weight loss will be less for aluminium alloy”, Volume: 05, Issue: 13, 2016, pp 128–131.
5% reinforcement compared to other percentages of [7] Rajesh A M, Mohammed Kaleemulla, “Effect of heat
treatment on hybrid aluminum metal matrix composites”,
reinforcement when 6kg load is applied. From Figure 12c, for International Journal of Emerging Research in
sliding velocity 2.827m/s, the weight loss will be less for 5% Management &Technology, Volume–6, Issue–5, 2017, pp
reinforcement when 4kg of load is applied but when the load 548–551.
[8] M.K. Surappa, R.K. Uyyuru., S. Brusethaug, “Effect of
is increased to 6kg the weight loss is reduced for 10% reinforcement volume fraction and size distribution on the
reinforcement. tribological behaviorof Al–composite/brake pad
CONCLUSIONS tribocouple”, Wear260, 1248–1255, 2006.
From the investigation the following conclusions were drawn [9] R.L. Deuis., C. Subramanina., J.M. Yellup., “Dry sliding wear of
aluminium composites – a review”, Compos Sci Technol.,
on the mechanical and wear performance of as–cast and T6 Vol. 57; 1997: pp. 415.
aging of HAMMCs–Al7075–SiC–Al2O3. Wear resistance of [10] Radhika N, Subramanian R, Venkat Prasat S 2011,
Al7075/Al2O3+SiC composites incremented with weight „Tribological Behaviour of Aluminium /Alumina/Graphite
Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite using Taguchi’s
percentage. The reduction in rate of wear with sliding Techniques‟, Journal of Minerals & Materials
distances, composition. It enhances with loads for age Characterization & Engineering, vol.10, no. 5, pp.427–443.
hardening & without age hardening. The age hardened Al– 69.
[11] Radhika N, Subramanian R, Venkat Prasat S, Anandavel B
7075/Sic+Al2O3 Composite shows excellent resistance to 2012, „Dry sliding wear behaviour of
wear while compare to Al7075/ Al2O3+SiC it has the aluminium/alumina/graphite hybrid metal matrix
distinctive property as addition of Silicon–carbide and composites‟, Journal of Industrial Lubrication and
Aluminium–oxide. The microstructural characterization Tribology, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 359–366.
[12] Saleemsab Doddamani, Mohamed Kaleemulla, Yasmin
discovered that the homogeneous circulation of the particle Begum, Anand K J, “An Investigation on Wear Behavior of
in the matrix system with minimal amount of porosity. The Graphite Reinforced Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites”,
micro–structural study of SEM and EDX techniques shows the JoRSTEM, Sp issue; 2017: pp. 1–6.
[13] Vencl, A., Bobic, I., Arostegui, S., Bobicd, B., Marinkovic, A.,
homogeneous distribution of the particulates in the hybrid Babic, M. (2010) “Structural, mechanical and tribological
composites. properties of A356 aluminium alloy reinforced with Al2O3,
In T6 heat treated (age hardening) Al7075–10wt%SiC+10wt% SiC and SiC, graphite particles”, Journal of Alloy and
Compound, 506: 631–639.
Al2O3 HAMMCs, improved the wear resistance was observed [14] S Sawla, S Das “combined effect of reinforcement and heat
when compare with base alloy. Highest resistance to wear treatment on the two body abrasive wear of aluminium
was observed in Al7075–10wt%SiC+10wt% Al2O3 due to the alloy and aluminium particle composites”, pp 555–
presence of reinforcements. Further decrement in wear rate [15] Gomes E.G., Rossi, Sept 2001, Key Engg. Materials, Vol.189–
with increment in weight percent of reinforcement for the 191, pp. 496–502.
desired sliding distances. From the investigation, it was [16] N Singh, Shweta Goyal, Kishore Khanna, July 2010. “Effect of
concluded that, composites containing 10% weight of silicon Thermal Ageing on Al Alloy Metal Matrix Composite”,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, M.E. Thesis,
carbide and 10% weight of aluminium oxide reinforcements ThaparUniversity, Patiala, India.
with ageing exhibited superior mechanical and tribological [17] Amro M. Al–Qutub, Effect of heat treatment on friction and
properties. wear behavior of Al6061 composite reinforced with 10%
submicron Al2O3 particles, Department of Mechanical
Acknowledgement Engineering King Fahd University Of Petroleum And
We wish to thank University B.D.T. College of Engineering Minerals Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
(Davangere), VGST–K FIST facility for melting and Material [18] Cui Y Geng, May 15 1997, journal of Materials Science
Testing (SJMIT, Chitradurga) for their support in providing Letters Vol. 16, N10, pp.788– 790.
facilities for various characterizations of materials and helped me [19] C.S. Ramesh, A.R. Anwar Khan, N. Ravikumar, P.
to complete my research work. This research received no specific Savanprabhu, (2005) “Prediction of wear coefficient of
grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or Al6061–TiO2 composites”, Wear, Vol. 259, pp. 602–608.
not–for–profit sectors. [20] Abdulhaqq A. Hamid, P. K. Ghosh, S. C. Jain, Subrata Ray,
(2008), “The influence of porosity and particles content on
References dry sliding wear of cast in situ Al(Ti)–Al2O3(TiO2)
[1] ASM Handbook, “Composites”, ASM International, 21 composite”, Wear, Vol. 265, Issues 1–2, pp. 14–26.
[2] Sannino, A. P., Rack, H. J. (1995). “Dry sliding wear of
discontinuously reinforced aluminum composites: review ISSN: 2067-3809
and discussion”, Wear, 189(1): 1–19. copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
[3] Williams, J. A. (2005). "Wear and wear particles – Some Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
fundamentals." Tribology International 38(10): 863–870 5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
[4] Singla, M, Dwivedi, DD, Singh, L, Chawla, V. (2009).
Development of aluminium based silicon carbide
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Anca-Elena IORDAN
Abstract: In this article are rendered the requisite stages for the accomplishment of a game. The design of the game is
accomplished by the next two unified modelling language diagrams: use-case diagram and class diagram. By achieving these
types of diagrams, the game is described in an obvious and concrete approach, without ambiguousness. There have been
identified seven specific concepts of this game, and then there have been implemented corresponding classes for these concepts.
For the game development on the Android platform it will be used computer science branches as object oriented programming
and computational geometry, and as programming language it will be used Java Standard Edition with Android application
programming interface. The CASE tool used to represent the diagrams was ArgoUML, and the source code was written in Eclipse
integrated development environment.
Keywords: Game, UML, ArgoUML, Java SE, Android API, Eclipse IDE
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The “Principal” class, which inherits the attributes and [14], it can be noticed that an object of “Reguli” type can be
methods of “Activity” class, has in its composition three formed from a “Bundle” type object and an “Intent” type
attributes and three methods. The structure of this class is object.
presented in figure 7. In this figure are represented the two GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE
existing composition relations, which means that an object of The main user graphical interface of the game is an object of
the “Principal” class is composed from an object of “Intent” „Principal” type [15], having the graphical representation
type and two objects of “Button” type defined in the which is showed in figure 9.
android.widget package. Also in the same figure are
represented four aggregation relations. Their meaning
consist in the fact that an object of the “Principal” class can
contain: an object of “Menu” type, an object of “MenuItem”
type, an object of “MenuInflater” type and an object of tip
“Bundle” type.
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
ISSN: 2067-3809
copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Petinrin M. OMOLAYO, 1,3Adegbola A. ADEYINKA
Abstract: The fully developed laminar heat transfer of a Newtonian fluid flowing between two parallel plates where the bottom
plate is fixed and the top plate is moving in an axial direction at constant speed was analyzed taking into account the viscous
dissipation of the flowing fluid. Applying the velocity profile obtained for the plane Coutte-Poiseuille laminar flow, the energy
equation with the viscous dissipation term was exactly solved for the boundary conditions of constant wall heat flux at one wall
with the other insulated. Special attention is given to the shear produced by the movable top plate over and above the viscous
dissipation due to internal fluid friction. The reason behind the behaviour exhibits by the temperature profile obtained at different
velocities can be attributed to the effect of viscous dissipation coming into play due to the shear stress within the fluid layer
induced by the movement of the upper plate.
Keywords: heat transfer, parallel plates, viscous dissipation, velocity profile, boundary conditions
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temperature is kept at 283.15K while the temperature of the attributed to the effect of viscous dissipation coming into
upper plate is kept at 303.15K. Since it was assumed there is play due to the shear stress within the fluid layer induced by
no heat flux to in direction of shear, thermal insulation was the movement of the upper plate.
applied to the two boundaries of the gap between the plates
with velocity symmetry boundary condition.
The velocity distribution when upper plate velocity is at
10m/s and when both plates moves in opposite direction
with velocities at 10m/s are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2
respectively. In this paper, the effect of viscous dissipation
term on a fluid between two moving parallel plates, where
the bottom plate is fixed and the top plate is moving in an
axial direction at a constant speed has been analysed. The
velocity is an important parameter governing the heat
transfer and fluid flow in a channel between two plates
moving in opposite direction. Actually, it is a dimensional way Figure 3: Temperature distribution
of representing the effect of viscous dissipation. when upper plate velocity is at 10m/s
360 v=0
350 v=1
Temperature (K) v=2
330 v=3
320 v=4
310 v=5
300 v=6
290 v=7
0 0.001 0.002 0.003
Distance From Lower Plate (m)
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Ancuţa NEDELCU, 2.Cristina COVALIU, 1.Lucreţia POPA, 1.Radu CIUPERCA,
Alexandra ANGHELET, 1.Ana ZAICA, 1.Mircea COSTIN
Abstract: Nowadays, the biomass produced by the energetic plants is rather criticized, because these plants need large culture
surfaces, thus competing with the agricultural land allotted to food production. One of the current trends of scientific biological
researches with practical goal is the cultivation of algae designed to obtain the algal biomass as an important raw material used
in biotechnologies for production of alternative fuel. This paper presents the most up-to-date technologies and installations for
industrial cultivation of microalgae together with INMA researches results materialized in the installation of open culture systems
growing, of waterfall type.
Keywords: algae, cultivation technologies, biomass, biofuels
INTRODUCTION Recently, large quantities of red, brown and green and blue-
Production of vegetal biomass at large scale means to green algae are being cultivated. Algae make efficiently use
cultivate numerous species of plants. According to specialty of solar energy conserving it in biomass. (Marchin T.. s.a.. 2015).
literature (R. Şumălan. 2011), biomass is a very important More recently, algae industrial growing increased in the
component of carbon cycle and the carbon from atmosphere whole world as a source of renewable fuels. According to
is turned into biological matter (biomass) by photosynthesis. estimates, from the 50,000 of microalgae species cultivated,
By vegetal matter combustion, the carbon returns into the about 10 are being grown at industrial scale in order to obtain
atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Biomass is biodegradable and some products such as: Spirulina, Crypthecodinium cohnii,
renewable. Production of biomass is continuously extending Chlorella, Dunaliella salina, Ulkenia sp, Haematococcus
due to increased interest in alternative energy sources. pluvialis, Schizochytrium, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae,
Biomass is a renewable energy that supplies biofuels, Euglena and Odontella aurita.
generally of solid type and liquid biofuels. (I.R. Pecingina. 2011). Among the 10 species industrially cultivated, the species
Biofuels are fuels produced by bio-renewable sources coming Chlorella, Spirulina and Cryptecodinium have the biggest
from nature that, after their combustion in the engine contribution, as it results from the studies of specialists in
produce less noxious emissions to the environment. domain. (S. Dobrojan s.a.. 2016; Egardt J. Lie O. 2013).
According to European and national laws and literature A strategic trend that is more and more spread lately is based
(Carăuş I. 2007; I.R. Pecingina. 2011; M. Pavnutescu. 2011) on on obtaining biodiesel and biogas from algal biomass.
improving environment quality, the general goal is to limit MATERIAL AND METHOD
the quantity of fuel related to harvests and orient towards the Large-scale cultivation of algae is achieved by means of
biofuel coming from non-food sources, such as waste and various installations in terms of size, design and shape. There
algae. were designed very simple installations consisting of
The higher price of oil, as well as, the growing food crisis has channels of small depth made in the soil, lined with
led to an increased interest in algae culture, from which result polyethylene foil, but also special installations of big size were
vegetal oil, biodiesel, bioethanol, biobutanol and other fuels. built, these ones comprising concreted circular or other
This new energy source has many advantages among which shape basins endowed with systems of agitation of algal
the fact that it does not harm the environment, when storing suspension, aerating systems, harvesting systems and even
it randomly and it does not affect fresh water stock, being devices of adjusting the growing parameters (including
biodegradable. automated systems).
According to quantitative criterion, algal biomass represents Industrial-scale cultivation of microalgae is being achieved by
about 20% out of world aquaculture production (S. Dobrojan different systems, as they are shown in the scheme from
and. so on, 2016). The advantages and very good results Figure 1.
obtained by applying at different fields algal biomass make
imperative the necessity of growing algae.
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rays on both sides. The bags with algae are hung from the
ceiling and the roof protects them against the rain. Due to
sunlight exposure algae productivity increases, as well as
extracted oil yield. At the same time, algae contamination
must be avoided. Another type of bioreactor is the tubular
reactor, built of transparent pipes placed in parallel. In Figure
4 is presented a vertical tubular bioreactor (M. Farieda. s.a..
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method consists in passing a thin algae layer on a transparent light dissipation of heat, easy cleaning and maintenance.
panel made of glass, plexiglass or polycarbonate. A special Algae culture is recirculated and slips on transparent panels
attention was given to flat photobioreactors due to big ratio in a thin layer of 3…35 mm.
between surface-volume and high density of cells. Algae growing technology includes a series of processes,
methods and techniques that must be respected and applied
for obtaining algal biomass:
— Ensuring the nutritive environment;
— Algae inoculation is accomplished by special methods
varying according to culture growing characteristics, level
of adaptation to concrete cultivation conditions;
— Ensuring the conditions of cultivation-temperature,
illumination, stirring;
Figure 6 – Photobioreactor with flat vertical panels — Biomass obtaining.
Flat panels have generally the advantage of being able to be The researches on algaculture in the installation of waterfall
placed vertically or inclined towards sunlight, for a better type are being in course of developing.
illumination. A microalga cultivated in this installation is Chlorella. This
As a general rule, the algaculture installations of any type microalgae is rich in proteins and essential fatty acids,
comprise: photobioreactors, energy sources, feeding minerals, vitamins, fibres. Chlorella is the richest source of
systems, stirring systems, illuminating systems, harvesting chlorophyll known up to present, but it is cultivated also as a
systems, automating and control systems of working process. rich source of ribonucleic (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid
In order to study an innovative technology for obtaining algal
biomass in laboratory conditions, a functional model of
installation for growing algae in open system of waterfall
type, has been performed within INMA Bucharest.
Installation is made of one or several flat open reactors
working in waterfall system, one collecting compartment,
illuminating system, stirring system, algae recirculation
system, as it is presented in Figure 7.
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— Microscopic algae could represent the newest and most [3] S. Dobrojan, V. Şalaru, V. Melnic, G. Dobrojan. (2016). Algae
viable and profitable generation of biofuels, outrunning culture. Monography (Cultivarea Algelor. Monografie). State
the traditional fuels, natural oils and wood. University from Moldavia. Laboratory of Scientific Research
— Microalgae are microscopic aquatic organisms that feed “Algology”. Chisinau. ISBN 978-9975-71-736-6
by photosynthesis. [4] Egardt J., Lie O. (2013). Aulie J., Myhre P. Microalgae a market
analysis carried out as part of the Interreg KASK IVA project:
— In order to cultivate algae at industrial scale for obtaining
Blue Biotechnology for Sustainable Innovations. "Blue Bio".
biomass, three systems are viable: open, closed and hybrid Sweden. 79 p.
systems, characterized by specific technologies and [5] M. Farieda. M. Samera. E. Abdelsalam. R.S. Yousef. Y.A. Attia.
installations. A.S. Ali. (2017). Biodiesel production from microalgae:
— Installation for algae growing in open system, of waterfall Processes. Technologies and recent advancements.
type can be appropriately sized according to production Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79. pp. 893–
expected and is designed both to grow algae at lab-scale 913. Ed. Elsevier. London/U.K.
and industrial scale. [6] Alternative fuels: biodiesel from algae Tag Archives:
— Installation proposed is mainly made of one or several flat algaculture for fuel (Combustibili alternativi: biodiesel din
open reactors on which the algae culture slips in a thin alge. Tag Archives: cultivarea algelor pentru combustibil).
layer, enabling the direct sunlight, light dissipation of heat,
easy cleaning and maintenance. The advantage of system combustibil/
above is that to reach a high biomass density and a big [7] Marchin T., Erpicum M., Franck F.(2015). Photosynthesis of
productivity due to big ratio between surface and volume. Scenedesmus obliquus in outdoor open thin-layer cascade
system in high and low CO2 in Belgium. Journal of
— Biomass will be capitalized through the pilot station for
Biotechnology. Issue 215. pp.2-12. Ed. Elsevier. London/U.K.
biogas production endowed by INMA.
[8] M. Pavnutescu. (2011). Exclusively GR: Green oil from sea
algae. (Exclusiv GR: Petrol “verde” din alge marine). Green
The research work was funded by the NUCLEU Programme of
the Ministry of Research and Innovation through financing
contract no. 8 N / 09.03.2016 –Act.Ad.2/2017 for the project " PN
[9] I.R. Pecingina. (2011). Biotechnology for Obtaining
16 24 04 04 „Researches regarding the development of an innovative
Alternative Fuels From Seaweed. Annals of the „Constantin
technology for obtaining advanced biofuels from non-food
Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu. Engineering Series. Issue
3/2011. pp. 418-426.
[10] R. Şumălan. (2011). Biomass-source of renewable energy.
This paper is based on the paper presented at ISB-INMA TEH'
2017 International Symposium (Agricultural and Mechanical Agriculture Journal (BIOMASA-Sursă de energie
regenerabilă. Gazeta de agricultură).
Engineering), organized by University “POLITEHNICA” of
Bucharest – Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering,
National Institute of Research-Development for Machines and energie-regenerabila/11375-biomasa-sursa-de-energie-
Installations Designed to Agriculture and Food Industry – INMA regenerabila.html.
Bucharest, Scientific Research and Technological Development
in Plant Protection Institute (ICDPP), National Institute for
Research and Development for Industrial Ecology – INCD
ECOIND, Research and Development Institute for Processing and
Marketing of the Horticultural Products “HORTING” and
Hydraulics, Pneumatics Research Institute INOE 2000 IHP,
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of
Bucharest (UASVMB) – Faculty of Horticulture and Romanian
Society of Horticulture (SRH), in Bucharest, ROMANIA, between
26 – 28 October, 2017.
[1] A.C. Apel. C.E. Pfaffinger, N. Basedahl. N. Mittwollen. J. Göbel.
J. Sauter. T. Brück. D. Weuster-Botz. (2017). ” Open thin-layer
cascade reactors for saline microalgae production evaluated
in a physically simulated Mediterranean summer climate”.
Algal Research. Issue 25. pp.381-390. Ed. Elsevier. ISSN: 2067-3809
London/U.K. copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
[2] Beverley Mitchell. Freeway Algae Garden Turns CO2 Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
Emissions into Energy in Switzerland. (2014). 5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Bianca Ștefania ZĂBAVĂ, 1.Gheorghe VOICU, 1.Nicoleta UNGUREANU, 1.Mirela DINCĂ,
Gigel PARASCHIV, 1.Mariana MUNTEANU, 1.Mariana FERDES
Abstract: Biogas is a product of anaerobic ferment of organic products. Among the fuels from vegetal biomass, biogas has a great
importance and can successfully replace fossil fuels for obtaining electricity and heat; the use of biogas exists for a few years also
in the field of transport. Biogas formed in the methane fermentation process contains about 50÷60% of methane. Other
ingredients such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, water, water vapour and small amounts of nitrogen and oxygen are
compounds that lower the energy value of biogas. In this paper are presented the main methods of biogas purification.
Keywords: biogas, purification, methane
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increasing its calorific value but also for standardizing the into elemental sulfur or sulfate. These systems are designed
quality (Krzysztof B. et al..2011). to ensure a high‐density microbial community and maximize
There are small amounts of biogas present in certain contact between the microorganisms and the feed gas (Y.
compounds that due to their oxidising or incombustible Zhu, 2001).
properties have to be eliminated to favor a good combustion A biological filter combines water scrubbing and biological
process. During the conditioning process, these compounds desulfurization. As with water scrubbing, the biogas and the
that inhibit the combustion process are reduced in quantity separated digestate meet in a counter-current flow in a filter
or totally eliminated, depending on the final use of biogas. bed. The biogas is mixed with 4% to 6% air before entry into
Figure 2 shows the most commonly used methods of biogas the filter bed.
conditioning: pressure adsorption, biogas purification with Biofiltration systems can be set up in three different
water under pressure, physical and chemical absorption, configurations: bioscrubber, biofilter, and biotrickling filter
membrane separation and cryogenic separation. These (Figure 3).
methods largely involve the removal of hydrogen sulfide, carbon
dioxide and water vapor.
(a) (b)
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adsorbents are generally highly porous with high surface area be offset by the use of a single-pass water scrubbing system,
which greatly increases their removal capacity. since other processes require a regeneration stage. Water
Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is a method for the separation scrubbing is the most applicable CO2 scrubbing process for
of carbon dioxide from methane by adsorption/desorption of use in an agricultural setting because of its simplicity, low cost
carbon dioxide on zeolites or activated carbon at alternating and low toxicity.
pressure levels. Commonly used adsorbents are zeolite, carbon Another advantage of water scrubbing over some other
molecular sieve, silicagel and activated carbon, due to their low processes is that water is fairly easy to dispose of whereas the
cost, large specific area and pore volume and excellent thermal chemicals used in some of the other processes may require
stability (Siriwardane RV. Et al., 2003). These adsorbents are special handling and disposal when spent.
designed to have a specific pore size thus enabling selective
adsorption of molecules that are smaller than the designed pore
size. Figure 4 shows a four-vessel swing adsorption adsorption
system using carbon molecular sieves that circulate between
absorption and regeneration (Zhao Q. ei al.. 2010).
It is important that the H2S be removed prior to the removal
of the CO2. as H2S is highly corrosive and would result in Adsorption ** / - ** * ** **
decreased life and higher maintenance of the subsequent Water
** -- -- ** ** ** --
compressors required in the CO2-removal step. Cleaned Scrubbing
biogas can contain > 96% CH4 after drying (Liangcheng Y. et Biofiltration ** -- -- ** / / --
al., 2014). Refrigeration / - - / ** * **
The disadvantage of water scrubbing is that it is less efficient Legend: ** High removal (intended) * High removal (pre-removal
than other processes, both in terms of CH4 loss and energy. by other cleaning technology preferred) / Partial removal - Does
However, some of the energy inefficiency of the process may not remove -- Contaminant added R Must be pretreated
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Next, a comparison is made between three methods of [4] Krischan J., Makaruk A., Harasek M. (2012). Design and scale-
eliminating undesirable compounds from the biogas up of an oxidative scrubbing process for the selective
composition. Each of these technologies is able to treat different removal of hydrogen sulfide from biogas. J Hazard Mater
contaminants in different degrees (Table 2). 2012;215–216:49–56;
CONCLUSION [5] Krzysztof BIERNAT, Izabela SAMSON-BRĘK.(2011). Review of
technology for cleaning biogas to natural gas quality.
Biogas is a product of anaerobic ferment of organic products.
Automotive Industry Institute PIMOT. Warsaw;
Among the fuels from vegetal biomass, biogas has a great [6] Liangcheng Yang, Xumeng Ge, CaixiaWan, FeiYuc, YeboLi.
importance and can successfully replace fossil fuels for obtaining (2014) Progress and perspectives in converting biogas to
electricity and heat; the use of biogas exists for a few years also transportation fuels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy
in the field of transport. Biogas formed in the methane Reviews;
fermentation process contains about 50÷60% of methane. [7] Matthew D. Ong..Robert B. Williams. Stephen R. Kaffka
Other ingredients such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, DRAFT. (2014). Comparative Assessment of Technology
water, water vapour and small amounts of nitrogen and oxygen Options for Biogas Clean‐up. California Biomass
are compounds that lower the energy value of biogas. Collaborative University of California. Davis;
Biogas purification is the operation of retention of unwanted [8] Paraschiv G., Dincă M.N., Ungureanu N., Moiceanu G., Toma
biogas components before it is used in the combustion M.L. (2017). Waste recycling plants (Instalații pentru
reciclarea deșeurilor). Editura POLITEHNICA PRESS.
process. Whatever the ultimate way of using biogas, it is
impossible to use it in the raw state. The only recyclable
[9] Siriwardane RV. Shen MS. Fisher EP (2003).
component is methane. .AdsorptionofCO2. N2. And O2 on natural zeolites.
Raw biogas needs to be cleaned to remove toxic and harmful EnergyFuels2003;17:571–6.
constituents (e.g.. hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, VOCs, halides, [10] Thomas Hoerz, Pedro Krämer, B. Klingler, C. Kellner, Thomas
moisture, siloxane, particulates,. etc.) to meet regulatory and Wittur, F. v. Klopotek, A.Krieg. H. Euler. Biogas Digest
technical standards. The principle cleaning techniques Volume I Biogas Basics. Information and Advisory Service on
used currently include adsorption, biofiltration, water Appropriate Technology
scrubbing (an absorption process) and refrigeration. [11] Y. Zhu. (2001). The Environmental and Industrial Gas
The method of conditioning the raw biogas must be Purification Technology. Chemical Industry Press.
determined from the construction of the biogas plant for the Beijing;
fact that it may require some specific details in the [12] Zhao. Q., E. Leonhardt., C. MacConnell, C. Frear and S. Chen.
(2010). PurificationTechnologies for Biogas Generated by
construction of the plant.
Anaerobic Digestion. Climate Friendly Farming Puyallup.
This paper is based on the paper presented at ISB-INMA TEH' WA: Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural
2017 International Symposium (Agricultural and Mechanical Resources.
Engineering), organized by University “POLITEHNICA” of [13] ***BIOGAS an introduction. Fachagentur Nachwachsende
Bucharest – Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering, Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR) Agency for Renewable Resources. 2013
National Institute of Research-Development for Machines and [14]
Installations Designed to Agriculture and Food Industry – INMA
Bucharest, Scientific Research and Technological Development
in Plant Protection Institute (ICDPP), National Institute for
Research and Development for Industrial Ecology – INCD
ECOIND, Research and Development Institute for Processing and
Marketing of the Horticultural Products “HORTING” and
Hydraulics, Pneumatics Research Institute INOE 2000 IHP,
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of
Bucharest (UASVMB) – Faculty of Horticulture and Romanian
Society of Horticulture (SRH), in Bucharest, ROMANIA, between
26 – 28 October, 2017.
[1] Bejan Mircea, Rusu Tiberiu. (2007) A renewable energy
source - the biogas of organic waste (O sursă de energie
regenerabilă – biogazul din deşeurile organice). Buletinul
AGIR nr. 1;
[2] Dilea M., Paraschiv G., Voicu Gh., Biriş S.Şt., Ungureanu N.,
Toma L. Ionescu M.(2013). Biogas. The most effective ISSN: 2067-3809
technology for biomass. Bulgaria; copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
[3] Ioan Bitir Istrate, Eduard Minciuc. (2003). Utilization of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
biogas for the production of electric and thermal energy 5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
(Valorificarea biogazului pentru producerea energiei
electrice si termice). Cartea Universitară.
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Abstract: Traditionally EMSs are implemented across all operations at a facility simultaneously. This way of implementation works
well for industry and smaller businesses and offices where operations are easily delineated and there is a simple chain of command
structure in place. The University is able to implement the EMS strategy similarly. Environmental Management System is an
integrated organized set of policies and procedures under which the University can remain compliant with applicable
environmental regulations, and in addition, manage and lessen our impacts on the environment, thereby improving the
University's overall environmental performance. The University's EMS will require continual evaluation of the University's activities
to ensure the University is doing as much as possible to reduce its impact on the environment and to remain environmentally
compliant. This paper describes present situation and approach of universities to implementation of EMSs in Slovakia and into
university management in abroad. The main principles and key requirements of the organisation management in accordance with
the sustainable development are not only safety and quality managing of all activities in organisation in both manufacturing and
services (education) but also environmental appropriate access.
Keywords: Environmental Management System (EMS) strategy, continual evaluation, implementation
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The most commonly used framework for an EMS is ISO 14001 levels of achievement, linked to each stage of EMS
standard. An integral part of the EMS is the detailed development:
systematic control of all documents including policies, Phase 1: Planning (Bronze)
procedures, training records, reports, permits, and all other — Senior management commitment
relevant environmental information, Figure 2. — Environmental awareness training
INTO UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATION — Draft environmental policy
Environmental management system is an integrated Phase 2: Implementing (Silver)
organized set of policies and procedures under which the — Legal & other requirements
University can remain compliant with applicable
— Significant environmental aspects
environmental regulations, and in addition, control and lessen
— Objectives, targets & programs
our impacts on the environment, thereby improving the
University's overall environmental performance. This may — Environmental policy
sound complicated, but the concept is relatively simple. As Phase 3: Operating (Gold)
coordinated teams, Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) and — Resources, roles, responsibility & authority
each department at the University systematically and regularly — Competence, training & awareness
evaluate the department’s operations for environmental — Communication
regulatory compliance and environmental impacts. — Documentation
Operations are modified as necessary to meet the — Control of documents
requirements of the regulations. Identified environmental — Operational control
impacts are ranked and investigated to find ways to prevent, — Emergency preparedness and response
lessen, or eliminate these impacts. Phase 4: Checking & Correcting (Platinum)
⧉ Policy and strategy — Monitoring & measurement
An EMS enables an organization to manage its environmental — Evaluation of compliance
performance in a comprehensive, systematic and — Nonconformity, corrective action & preventative action
documented manner. It serves as a tool to reduce the impact,
— Control of records
both immediate and long-term, of an organization’s
— Internal audit
operations on the environment. It encourages the allocation
of resources, assignment of responsibility, and ongoing — Management review
evaluation of practices, procedures and processes with a view
to continual improvement of the system [4].
For universities, the introduction of EMS mean improving the
image of the public and it also may be proof of its quality and
social responsibility. It can reform the education of the
students to a better and also open up new opportunities for
obtaining research grants and supporting cooperation
between faculties [2].
⧉ Eco Campus
One of the schemes, which enables to colleges and
universities to be recognized for addressing key issues of
environmental sustainability is Eco Campus [1]. Eco Campus
is a scheme which offers a flexible phased approach to
implementing an environmental management system for the
higher and further education sector.
Eco Campus provides a modular, phased, incremental
Figure 3. Stage of the process Eco Campus
approach to developing an EMS in line with both BS8555 &
ISO 14001. Participants gain recognition at each stage of the BS 8555
process through a series of awards from bronze Eco Campus is closely aligned to ISO 14001, the international
through silver, gold and platinum. The platinum award environmental management standard, and BS 8555, the
conforms to the requirements of the international British guidance standard.
environmental management standard ISO 14001 (see the The British Standard BS8555 (full title: Guide to the phased
Figure 3). implementation of an environmental management system
The scheme enables colleges and universities to be including the use of environmental performance evaluation,
recognized for addressing key issues of environmental Figure 4) describes how to implement a generic EMS and can
sustainability 6]. Eco Campus provides awards relating to 4 be used as a route towards ISO14001 and EMAS.
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
ISSN: 2067-3809
copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Emeka Segun NNOCHIRI, 2.Oluwaseun Adedapo ADETAYO
Abstract: This study assesses geotechnical properties of lateritic soil using corn cob ash (CCA). Preliminary tests were carried out
on the soil sample for classification purposes. California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) and
compaction tests were performed on both the soil sample and the stabilized lateritic soil, which was stabilized by adding CCA in
percentages of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 respectively by weight of the soil. The results showed that the addition of CCA reduced the values
of Maximum Dry Density (MDD) from 1345kg/m3 at 0% CCA to 1284kg/m3, the Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) increased from
14.95% to 20.20%, both at 10% CCA. The unsoaked CBR values increased from 9.25% at 0% CCA to 28.20%, the UCS values increased
from 495kN/m2 to 560kN/m2, for both CBR and UCS, the peak values were at 8% CCA. It was therefore concluded that CCA performs
satisfactorily as a cheap stabilizing agent for stabilizing lateritic soil especially for subgrade purposes.
Keywords: Atterberg limits, corn cob ash, lateritic soil, stabilization, strength tests
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largest maize producer having 52 % of world production. The corncob was collected from a large corn farmland. The
Africa produced 7% of the world maize. Corn cob ash can be cobs were dried thoroughly, cut into smaller sizes and burnt
obtained by drying the cobs thoroughly and burning them for about ten hours using open air burning at 6000C. Finally
intensively using open air burning. Thereafter, the product the product was sieved through BS Sieve 75µm Sieve.
would be sieved using sieve number 200. Potable water was gotten from the running taps in the
The soil sample was air-dried for two weeks at the
Geotechnical Laboratory of Federal University of Technology,
Akure before analyzing the soil sample. The Corn Cob Ash
(CCA) was added to the natural soil sample at varying
proportion of 2,4,6,8 and 10% by weight of soil, the following
tests were carried out on the mixes: Atterberg limits test,
compaction tests, unconfined compressive strength and the
California Bearing ratio tests. The procedures for the various
tests were carried out in accordance with BS 1377 (1990) and
BS 1924 (1990).
Figure 1: Corn Cob DISCUSSIONS
LOCATION AND GEOLOGY OF THE STUDY AREA The sum of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 for Corn Cob Ash gives
According to Ogunribido (2011), the study area Akure lies 80.44%, which is greater than 70% recommended by ASTM
within longitude 70 181 N and 70 161 N North of Equator and C618 (2003), for the classification of pozolanic materials.
between latitude 50 091 E and 50 11.51 E of Green Winch Table 1. The chemical composition test results of Corn Cob Ash
meridian. The study area occurred within the Precambrian Elemental oxides Weight percentages
Crystalline rocks of the basement complex of Southwestern CaO 10.24
Nigeria. The predominant rock types in the study area are SiO2 64.90
charnockites, granite, gneiss and migmatitic rocks. In some MgO 2.08
places in the study are these rocks have undergone deep Na2O 0.43
weathering. Al2O3 10.79
Fe2O3 4.75
SO3 2.53
K2O 4.23
Source: Owolabi et al., (2015)
Table 2. The preliminary test results of lateritic soil
Property Amount
Natural moisture content (%) 13.20
Percentage passing BS No 200 Sieve 52
Liquid limit (%) 53
Plastic Limit (%) 18
Plasticity Index (%) 35
Specific gravity 2.70
Maximum Dry Density (kg/m3) 1345
Optimum moisture content (%) 14.95
California bearing ratio (Unsoaked) (%) 9.5
Unconfined Compressive Strength (kN/m2) 495
AASHTO Classification A-7-6
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Table 3: Strength test results cementitious properties calcium silicate cement with soil
CCA MDD OMC UCS CBR (Unsoaked) particles.
(%) (kg/m3) (%) (kN/m2) (%)
2 1340 15.80 510 11.10 60
4 1335 16.70 525 18.05
6 1320 18.10 542 24.64
8 1301 19.10 560 28.20 40
W.C (%)
10 1284 20.20 550 26.10
— Compaction 20
With the increased addition of CCA, the Maximum Dry LIQUID LIMIT
Density (MDD) reduced. This reduction may be attributable to 10 PLASTIC LIMIT
the replacement of soils by the CCA in the mixture which has 0
lower specific gravity of 1.05, this is less than that of the 0 2 4 6 8 CCA 10
lateritic soil (2.70). The CCA therefore fills the voids in the
lateritic soil. The reduction in MDD may also be attributed to Figure 3: Graph showing effects of CCA on Water Content (W.C.)
coating of the soil by the CCA which result to large particles CONCLUSIONS
with larger voids and hence less density (Fattah et al., 2013). From the results of the investigation carried out in this study,
With the increased addition of CCA to the lateritic soil sample, the following conclusions can be drawn:
the Optimum Moisture Content increased in value this may
— The lateritic soil was classified under A-7-6 group.
be attributed to the addition of CCA, which decreases the
— Liquid Limit and Plasticity Index values reduced
quantity of free silt and clay fraction and coarser materials
considerable from 53% at 0% CCA to 43% at 10% CCA and
with larger surface areas were formed, these process need
from 35% at 0% CCA to 20% at 10% CCA respectively.
water to take place. This implies also that more water is
needed in order to compact soil-CCA mixtures (Fattah et al., — The treatment of the lateritic soil resulted to the decrease
2013). in Maximum Dry Density (MDD) and increase in Optimum
Moisture Content (OMC) with the addition of CCA.
— California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests
It was observed that the gradual increase in addition of CCA — The Unsoaked CBR values increased with the addition of
led to increase in value of Unsoaked CBR till it got to its CCA to the lateritic soil sample to an optimum value of
optimum value of 28.20% at 8% CCA. 28.20% at 8% CCA by weight of soil from 9.25% at 0% CCA.
With the further addition of CCA that is at 10% the value in — The UCS values increased with the addition of CCA to the
CBR reduced. The increase in CBR may be because of the lateritic soil sample to an optimum value of 560kN/m2 at
gradual formation of cementitious compounds in the soil by 8% CCA by weight of soil.
reaction between CCA and some amounts of Calcium As a consequence, one can conclude that the Corn Cob Ash
hydroxide present in the soil. The decrease in CBR at 10% CCA (CCA) performs satisfactorily as a cheap agent for stabilizing
may be due to extra CCA that could not be mobilized for the lateritic soil especially for sub-grade purposes in road
reaction which occupies spaces within the sample. This construction.
reduces the bond in the soil-CCA mixture (Okafor and References
[1] Ademeso, O. A. (2009) Deformation Traits in Charnockitic
Okonkwo, 2009).
Rocks of Akure Area, Southwestern Nigeria. Asian Journal of
— Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) tests
Earth Sciences, 2: 113-120.
As more CCA ash was being added to the soil, the values of [2] American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) C618
Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) increased to its (2003). Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and raw or
optimum value at 8% CCA by weight of soil. Thereafter, it calcined natural pozzolan for use in Concrete. American
reduced at 8% CCA. Increase in values of UCS and decrease at Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM International: West
10% CCA can be explained as it was in the case of California Conshohocken, PA.
bearing ratio. [3] Amu, O. O. and Adetuberu, A. A. (2010) Characteristics of
— Atterberg limit Bamboo Leaf Ash Stabilization of Lateritic Soil in Highway
Figure 3, shows the relationship between the addition of CCA Construction. International Journal of Engineering and
to the lateritic soil and its effects on the Atterberg limits Technology, Vol. 2(4), Pp 212-219.
(Liquid limit, Plastic limit and Plasticity Index). It was observed [4] Bello, A.A. Ige, J.A. and Ayodele, H. (2015) Stabilization of
that there was a general reduction in values of liquid limit, and Lateritic Soil with Cassava Reel Ash. British Journal of
Plasticity Index. While the plastic limit values increased. Applied Science and Technology, 2015, 7 (6): 642-650, 2015,
According to Fattah et al., (2013), decrease in liquid limit and Article no BJAST.
plasticity index is an indication of improvement of the soil, [5] British Standards (BS) 1377 (1990) Methods of Test for Soils
since CCA reaction forms compound possessing for Civil Engineering Properties. London: British Standard
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A CTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
ISSN: 2067-3809
copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Eugen MARIN, 1.Marinela MATEESCU, 1.Dragoş MANEA, 1.Gheorghe GHEORGHE
Abstract: INMA Bucharest designed, produced and tested an experimental model of technical equipment for working the soil in
the row of fruit trees along with root cutting to moderate shoots growth and precision foliar fertilization, within the innovative
technology of fruit plantation maintenance in the rural areas. The paper presents experimental research with the aggregate of the
TD 80D New Holland tractor and the ETR technical equipment for determining the qualitative working indexes of soil working and
root cutting. The results obtained generate valid solutions for the achievement of a significantly improved product within the fruit
plantation maintenance technology and offer to the interested economic agents an efficient product, adapted to the specific
heavy conditions in the country.
Keywords: soil working, root cutting, fruit trees
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and adjusting the working depth of a right plough body for calculated. Table 1 shows the average values of root cutting
ploughing, a support for an articulated guide and means for depth. The coefficient of variation is defined as the ratio
adjusting the cutting depth and blocking in the vertical between the value of the standard deviation and the average
cutting direction of a disc-type working part with a large value and is given as percentage (Marin E. et al.. 2012).
diameter for root cutting (Marin E. et al.. 2015) and a device
for precision foliar fertilization.
The main technical characteristics of the ETR technical
equipment are:
— power source: 80 HP wheeled tractor
— strip width, 250 mm
— strip depth, 150..200 mm
— working depth of the large diameter disc knife, 10...250 Figure 2 – Measuring root cutting depth
mm — The Distance from the trunk to the root cutting disc was
— cutting distance from the trunk, 500...600 mm
determined by means of measuring tape by measuring
The experiments made in laboratory-field conditions to the distance between the trunk and the rim of the large
determine the qualitative and energetic indices of ETR technical diameter disc knife active part (Figure 3). Measurements
equipment, were performed on the INMA Bucharest were made in 5 points at intervals of 4 meters between
experimental plot according to the specific test procedure trees for three working speeds (small, medium and
made for this purpose. The following measuring and control maximum) of the ETR technical equipment. Based on the
equipment and instruments were used to test the ETR measurements, the average distance from the trunk to the
equipment: metallic tape, mechanical timer, device for root cutting disc was calculated.
measuring plow depth, rulers, set squares, poles, stakes. etc. Table 2 shows the average values of the distance from the
The following qualitative working indexes were determined trunk to the root cutting disc.
under laboratory conditions: Table 2. Average values of the distance from the trunk
— root cutting depth; to the root cutting disc
— distance from the trunk to the root cutting disc; d dm
S-standard Cv- variation
Repetition deviation coefficient
— soil working depth; cm cm cm %
— distance from the trunk to the soil working plough body. Working speed: 3 km/h
2 56
— The root cutting depth was determined using the
3 54 56.4 3.33 5.90
measuring tape by measuring the distance between the 4 58
surface of the non-worked field and the rim of the large 5 56
diameter disc knife active part (Figure 2). Working speed: 5 km/h
Table 1. Average values of root cutting depth 1 60
S – standard Cv- variation 2 58
a am 3 56 59.3 4.51 7.61
Repetition deviation coefficient
cm cm cm % 4 62
Working speed: 3 km/h 5 60
1 19.6 Working speed: 7 km/h
2 19.4 1 54
3 19.4 19.42 0.29 1.49 2 52
4 19.2 3 50 53.5 4.51 8.47
5 19.5 4 56
Working speed: 5 km/h 5 54
1 19.4
2 19.3
3 19.6 19.36 0.27 1.39
4 19.3
5 19.2
Working speed: 7 km/h
1 19.2
2 19.3
3 19.4 19.20 0.37 1.95
4 18.9 Figure 3 - Measuring the distance from the trunk
5 19.2 to the root cutting disc
Measurements were made in 5 points at intervals of 2 m — Soil working depth was determined by means of measuring
between them, for three working speeds (small, medium and tape by measuring the distance from the level of the soil
maximum) of the ETR technical equipment. Based on the resulting from the work to the bottom of the furrow
measurements, the average depth of root cutting was (Figure 4). Measurements were made in 5 points at
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within the agrotechnical requirements corresponding to — The energetic indexes achieved during the
each individual work. The values of the variation experimentation of the ETR technical equipment fall
coefficients were below 10%. which is admitted by the within the agrotechnical requirements corresponding to
agrotechnical requirement, as follows: each individual work.
— Variation coefficient values of root cutting depth — Experimental research has enabled the technical and
depending on the working speed are graphically technological validation of the solutions addressed when
represented in Figure 6; designing the components of the ETR technical
— Experimental results make it possible to develop a useful
recommendation for farmers applying innovative
maintenance technology for fruit plantations.
Acknowledgement: The results presented were achieved with
the support of the Ministry of Research and Innovation.
Programme NUCLEU, contract no. 8N/09.03.2016. Addendum
no. 2/2017. Project PN 16 24 02 04 – “Innovative technology for
Figure 6 - Variation coefficient of root cutting depth fruit plantations maintenance in the rural areas by soil works,
root cutting and precision foliar fertilisation”.
depending on the working speed Note: This paper is based on the paper presented at ISB-INMA
— Variation coefficient values of the distance from the trunk TEH' 2017 International Symposium (Agricultural and
to the root cutting disc, depending on the working speed, Mechanical Engineering), organized by University
“POLITEHNICA” of Bucharest – Faculty of Biotechnical Systems
are graphically represented in Figure 7; Engineering, National Institute of Research-Development for
Machines and Installations Designed to Agriculture and Food
Industry – INMA Bucharest, Scientific Research and
Technological Development in Plant Protection Institute
(ICDPP), National Institute for Research and Development for
Industrial Ecology – INCD ECOIND, Research and Development
Institute for Processing and Marketing of the Horticultural
Products “HORTING” and Hydraulics, Pneumatics Research
Institute INOE 2000 IHP, University of Agronomic Sciences and
Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (UASVMB) – Faculty of
Horticulture and Romanian Society of Horticulture (SRH), in
Bucharest, ROMANIA, between 26 – 28 October, 2017.
Figure 7 - Variation coefficient of the distance from the trunk
to the root cutting disc depending on the working speed [1] Caba I.L., Biriș S., Selvi K.C., Bungescu S., Vlăduț V., Nițu M.
— Variation coefficient values of soil working depth (2013). Researches on improvement of working process of
depending on the working speed are graphically fibrous forages shredding parts. INMATEH Agricultural
Engineering. Vol. 39. No. 1. Bucharest. Romania;
represented in Figure 8; [2] Dorais M., Ehret D.L. (2008). Improving the Health-Promoting
Properties of Fruit and Vegetable Products. A volume in
Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science. Technology
and Nutrition. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Research
Branch. pages 346–391. Canada;
[3] Hoying A. (2017). Orchard Crops. Encyclopedia of Applied
Plant Sciences (Second Edition). Pages 246-254. Vol. 3. Cornell
University. Ithaca. NY. USA;
[4] Marin E., Toderaşc P., Manea D., David A. (2015). Technical
equipment for tilling the soil and root pruning row of trees.
Patent application RO-BOPI 6/2015;
Figure 8 - Variation coefficient of soil working depth [5] Marin E., Sorica C., Manea. D. (2012). The establishing of corn
depending on the working speed with the equipment for soil tillage and sowing in narrow
strips. Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering: Proceedings
— Variation coefficient values of the distance from the trunk of the 40. International Symposium on Agricultural
to the soil working plough body depending on the Engineering. Opatija. Croatia. 21-24 February 2012 2012
working speed, are graphically represented in Figure 9. pp.231-241 ref.9;
[6] Mateescu M., Marin E., Vlăduț V., Manea D., Gheorghe G.,
Cârdei P., Tudor A., Boruz S., Sărăcin I., Stoian F.. (2016).
Solidworks 3d parametric modelling technique for root
cutting equipment declining growth of shoots in orchards.
Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture.
Montanology. Cadastre Series. Vol. XLVI. Craiova;
[7] Tecusan N., Ionescu E. (1982). Tractors and motor cars.
Didactic and Pedagogic Publishing House. Bucharest.
. 2011.
Figure 9 - Variation coefficient of the distance from the trunk
to the soil working plough body depending on the working speed
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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Mihaela Elena NAGY, 1.Constantin COȚA, 1.Nicolae CIOICA,
Abstract: Biocomposite materials with improved properties can be obtained by reinforcing a biodegradable matrix with natural
fibers. In order to obtain the biodegradable matrix a viable solution are thermoplastic starch based polymers. A method to avoid
the inconveniences of using thermoplastic starch (poor mechanical properties and low resistance to moisture) can also be the
reinforcement with natural fibers. The composite material studied was obtained by the reactive extrusion of various mixtures of
starch, glycerol, poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) and Miscanthus fibers as reinforcing material. This paper presents
the results of water uptake and FT-IR spectroscopy investigations for 4 samples of composite material with thermoplastic starch
matrix and reinforced with Miscanthus fibers in different concentrations (up to 20%).
Keywords: composite, thermoplastic starch, Miscanthus fibers, degradation
AT+ Glyc)
AT+ Glyc)
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
hours (Figure 2), after which they were dried for 6 days at 25°C. 2.4
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Time [min]
0 50 100 150 200
Time [min]
Figure 3 –Sample mass with water uptake after 72 h – a;
detailed view for the first 3 hours – b
Figure 2 –Samples after 48 h of submerging Also the sample with higher fiber content absorbed the
in distillate water lowest amount of water. The samples reinforced with
RESULTS different ratio of fibers keep their integrity for 72 h but the
Table 2 presents the samples mass with uptake water sample P0 (no fibers reinforcement) start to degrade after 24
absorbed after 24/48/72 h of hydration by four composite h (Figure 3.a) Also the sample with higher fiber content
materials samples with different formula presented in Table 1. absorbed the lowest amount of water. The samples
The sample P0 which has the formula with no fibers (0%) reinforced with different ratio of fibers keep their integrity for
reached the maximum water uptake with higher velocity (in 72 h but the sample P0 (no fibers reinforcement) started to
24 h) and that started to degrade. degrade after 24 h (Figure 3.a)
The sample P5 which has the formula with lower fibers In order to study the samples by FTIR spectroscopy we
content (5%) absorbed the highest amount of water (~28% recorded and compared the IR spectra of samples P0-P20
of sample mass) in 48 h and then started to degrade. The before and after hydration-drying. Due to the observation
lowest quantity of water (~16% of sample mass) was regarding water uptake, we analyzed the spectra of samples
absorbed by the sample P20 (with 20% Miscanthus fiber) in P0 (no fiber content). P5 (5% fibers absorbed the highest
48 h. amount o water) and P20 (20% fibers absorbed the lowest
Table 2. The sample mass after hydration and water uptake amount o water).
Sample P0 P5 P10 P20
Dry sample [g] 2.17 1.59 1.58 1.55
Distilled water [g] 20 20 20 20
0 P0_HD
Water uptake [g] 0.46 0.44 0.40 0.25
fibers (P0).
Figure 4 – FT-IR spectra of P0 sample: initial state-P0_init and after
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
— Biocomposite materials with improved properties can be
obtained by reinforcing a biodegradable matrix with
natural fibers.
— Samples were prepared by reactive extrusion with a
laboratory twin-screw extruder.
— Raw materials used are: native corn starch, glycerol, PBAT
and Miscanthus fibers.
— All the samples regardless of the fiber content absorb
most of the water in the first 3 hours.
— Miscanthus fiber content decrease the speed of water
— The sample with higher fiber content absorbed the lowest
amount of water.
This paper is based on the paper presented at ISB-INMA TEH'
2017 International Symposium (Agricultural and Mechanical
Engineering), organized by University “POLITEHNICA” of
Bucharest – Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering,
National Institute of Research-Development for Machines and
Installations Designed to Agriculture and Food Industry – INMA
Bucharest, Scientific Research and Technological Development
in Plant Protection Institute (ICDPP), National Institute for
Research and Development for Industrial Ecology – INCD
ECOIND, Research and Development Institute for Processing and
Marketing of the Horticultural Products “HORTING” and
Hydraulics, Pneumatics Research Institute INOE 2000 IHP,
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of
Bucharest (UASVMB) – Faculty of Horticulture and Romanian
Society of Horticulture (SRH), in Bucharest, ROMANIA, between
26 – 28 October, 2017.
[1] Averous L., Fringant C., and Moro L. (2001). Plasticized
starch-cellulose interactions in polysaccharide composites.
Polymer vol. 42. pp.6565-6571
[2] Bastioli C. (1998) Biodegradable materials—present
situation and future perspectives. Macromol Symp. Vol.130.
[3] Carvalho A. J. F., Curvelo A. A. S. and Agnelli J. A. M.. (2002).
Wood pulp reinforced thermoplastic starch composites. Int.
J. Polym. Mater. Vol.51. pp. 647-660
[4] J. Gironès. J. P. López. P. Mutjé. A. J. F. Carvalho. A. A. S.
Curvelo and F. Vilaseca. (2012).Natural fiber-reinforced
thermoplastic starch composites obtained by melt
processing. Key. Eng. Mater. Vol.72. pp.858-863.
[5] Hanselka H. (1998) Fiber composites of raw renewable
materials for the ecological lightweight design.
Materialwiss Werkst vol.29. pp. 300-311
[6] Hermann A.S., Nickel J., Riedel U. (1998) Construction
materials based upon biologically renewable resources.
Polym.Degrad.Stab. vol.59. pp.251-261 ISSN: 2067-3809
[7] Yeh J. T. , Tsou C. H. et all.(2010). Compatible and copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
crystallization properties of poly(lactic acid)/poly(butylene Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
adipate-co-terephthalate) blends. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
Vol.116. pp.680-687
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A CTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
ISSN: 2067-3809
copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Gheorghe VOICU, 1.Gabriel Alexandru CONSTANTIN, 1.Elena-Mădălina STEFAN,
Paula TUDOR, 1.Mariana Gabriela MUNTEANU, 2.Tomasz ŻELAZIŃSKI
Abstract: Aseptic packaging of food products is necessary to prolong their validity and to preserve their original qualities, but also
for obtaining higher quality products. Aseptization must be done both for the product to be packaged and for packaging, but also
for the enclosure where packaging takes place (the packing machine). There are many ways to sterilize package, but the
sterilization procedure usually begins with the packaging material which must be maintained under sterile conditions until the
package is made, but also during filling and closing. For the product to be packaged, the most used sterilization methods are
thermal treatments, while for packing machines both thermal treatments are used (with steam and hot air) but also combined
treatments (thermal and chemical). For packaging material, the most commonly used sterilization procedure is spraying with
hydrogen peroxide or peracetic acid solution.
Keywords: food products, aseptic packaging, sterilization
INTRODUCTION the entire system. The packages are closed under the liquid
Aseptic packaging is defined as the filling of a sterile food level, filling is thus complete and, in this way, the content is
product intended for marketing in sterile containers, under completely protected against oxidation and at the same time
sterile conditions and closing the containers so that the package is used with maximum efficiency. For products
reinfection is prevented (hermetic closure). It is obtained, that require agitation, filling may be incomplete.
therefore, high quality products with a high shelf life. MATERIAL AND METHODS – ASEPTIC PACKAGING
Aseptic packaging involves both sterilization of the product PRINCIPLES
and of the materials and package used. Sterilization of The food products are altered depending on the speed at
products for aseptic packaging is carried out, in general, by which the micro-organisms multiply. Multiplication of micro-
HTST or UHT procedures which allow both the destruction of organisms occurs rapidly in a warm environment and slows
microorganisms and the inactivation of enzymes (Turtoi M., at low temperatures. It results that, when the food product is
2003; Ramos et al. 2015; Tran et al. 2008; Nema & Ludwig, 2010)). frozen, micro-organisms cannot multiply at all, being
Aseptic term implies absence or removal of any unwanted completely destroyed when a very high temperature is
micro-organism from the package, product or other applied (Okawara. 2008; Office of Compliance, 2004).
characteristic areas, while the term hermetic is used to By controlling and destroying micro-organisms, the food
indicate mechanical properties corresponding to the products are kept longer. Sterilization methods used in
exclusion of penetration phenomenon of microorganisms aseptic processing of food are HTST (high temperature - short
into a package, but also of water vapor or gas in / out of the time) or UHT (ultra-high temperature).
packaging. The HTST process is defined as being sterilization by heating
Aseptic packaging is used for many reasons: the product at an elevated temperature between a few
— the use of unsuitable packages for sterilization in the seconds and a few minutes depending on the temperature
package; value. The UHT process is a thermal sterilization treatment in
— thermal treatments used allow achieving of a high continuous flow to a temperature that may vary between
temperature for a relatively short time, thus increasing the 130-150°C with a maintenance time of 2-8 seconds. The
efficiency of treatment in comparison to lower maximum temperature is used for products with low
temperature but long-term treatments; viscosity, (for example milk) and the minimum value is used
— prolonging the shelf life of food products stored at normal for products with high viscosity. Thermal treatment must
temperatures. reach 135°C for a period of one or more seconds (Ramos et al.
At aseptic packaging, the product is transported to the 2015; Tran et al. 2008).
packaging machine in a closed system, presterilized and then Milk products and fruit juices must be packaged under
aseptically dosed in packages that is formed inside the aseptic conditions to preserve the microbiological qualities
machine. Filling takes place in the aseptic area of the conferred by the thermal treatment applied.
machine, packages sterilization being performed with sterile When sterilizing food products through processes HTST or
air under pressure. The aseptic area of the machine in which UHT problems with inadequate enzyme inactivation may
is realized the filling is small with few moving elements. This occur. This is specific especially to vegetal enzymes (ex.
is a very important factor which contributes to the integrity of peroxidases), namely proteases and bacterial lipases.
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It is noteworthy that, bacterial enzymes have a much higher bacteria, which means that packaging machines must be
resistance to temperature as compared to spores of Bacillus sterile as before and after the packaging process is
stearothermophilu, which are reference spores in thermal completed.
Aseptic packaging is used for food products such as:
— whole milk / partially skimmed / dietetic milk pasteurized
or sterilized (UHT);
— milk based drinks (milk with flavours, milk with cocoa, milk
with chocolate);
— milk enriched with vitamin and mineral salts for children,
athletes and future mothers;
— consumer cream, sweet or fermented;
— acid dairy products, such as yoghurt, beaten milk, etc.;
— natural mineral water with flavours or purified water;
— specific beverages for athletes;
— simple or mixed fruit juices;
— beverages based on fruit juice;
— alcoholic beverages;
— cold tea;
— coffee and coffee based drinks with added milk;
— soups, flavoured sauces;
— vegetable oil and oil based products (creams, mayonnaise,
liquid margarine, dessert sauces).
Tetra Pack aseptic packaging consists of successive cardboard
layers, aluminium foil and polyethylene. This combination
provides safety and convenience in the use of the product. Figure 1 – Principle of aseptic packaging (a) (Turtoi. 2003) and
Each type of packaging material has its specific function in complex material for aseptic packaging (b)
protecting the food. Combination of cardboard, polyethylene RESULTS
and aluminium foil varies according to the product to be — Sterilization of the surface of packaging material in
packaged; in all cases, however, the only material that comes contact with food products
in direct contact with the food is polyethylene for food use. For the sterilization of packaging material used in aseptic
Thus, for a product packaged in Tetra Brik Aseptic, there is the packaging three methods can be used, singular or in
following combination of materials: combination: thermal treatment, chemical treatment and
— 75% paper from renewable sources that gives firm irradiation.
packages and stability; A. Sterilization of the surface of the packaging by thermal
— 25% polyethylene to prevent reinfection of the product treatments
with micro-organisms, which confers resistance to the a. Sterilization with saturated steam
aggression of external factors; The safest thermal agent for sterilization is saturated steam.
— 5% aluminium, which is a barrier to air and light, helping When using it, the following problems may occur:
to preserve the taste and nutritional qualities of the food — an enclosure is required in which the packaging must be
kept under pressure in order to reach sufficiently high
product. temperatures at which sterilization can take place in a few
Aseptic packages have different shapes and are accessible to seconds;
any type of consumer. It is necessary, however, that — avoid the penetration of fake air into the sterilization space
everything is sterile in the manufacturing process, food as far as possible otherwise it can influence heat transfer
products, packaging material, equipment and environment from the steam to the surface of the packaging;
in which packaging is carried out. Aseptic packaging is UHT — steam condensation may remain on the surface of the
sterilized before heat-treated food product is introduced, packaging by diluting the food product.
resulting in a food with a life span of over 3 months. b. Steam sterilization with superheated steam
As a method of sterilization, the passage of the packaging Overheated steam can be used for sterilization of aluminium
material can be used through a hydrogen peroxide bath, in metal cans and tin plate.
concentration of 30%, heated to 70oC for 5-6 seconds. It has the advantage that it can be used for sterilization of
Hydrogen peroxide is then removed from the packaging by packaging, as well as packaging materials under normal
pressing rollers or hot air. The environment in which foods are pressure conditions, reaching temperatures of 220-225°C, for
thermally processed and sealed must be, also, lacking
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35–45 s depending on the material from which they are polypropylene etc.) can be reached temperatures of 180-
made. 230°C, which are kept for up to 3 minutes so that the
c. Hot air sterilization packaging is sterilized. Variations in retention time of the
As with overheated steam, hot air sterilization has the granules inside the extruder and uneven temperature
advantage that the necessary temperatures can be obtained distribution cannot guarantee, however, the sterility of all the
at atmospheric pressure. This simplifies the problems of particles.
mechanical design of the sterilization system. For this reason no reduction in microbial spores greater than
This process is used for the sterilization of complex aseptic 3-4 D can be achieved and the packaging thus obtained can
cartons made from cardboard / aluminium foil / plastic only be used for acidic food products with a pH below 4.5. If
material. At the surface of the material, the temperature 145°C after the extrusion a sterilization with hydrogen peroxide is
can be reached for 180 s. under the conditions in which the made of the packages, they can also be used for products
hot air used for sterilization has a temperature of 315°C. Even with a pH> 4.5.
if the working temperature is high, hot air treatment can only B. Sterilization of the packaging surface through chemical
be used for packaging where acidic food is packaged. treatments
a. Sterilization with hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is used for a long time in treating
the surface of the packaging to destroy the micro-organisms
in combination with the effect of heat, because at the
ambient temperature neither the concentrated solutions
have a fatal effect. For the short-term destruction of the most
resistant spores on the packaging material, the minimum
temperature must be at least 80 ° C. and the concentration is
at least 30%. There is also the danger that hydrogen peroxide
used to sterilize packaging and packaging material will reach
the food.
The packaging material is sterilized, mostly, by immersion in
hydrogen peroxide with concentration 30-33% or by spraying
Figure 2 – State Diagram of Water (Pressure - Temperature)
on the surface of the packaging, followed by hot air drying in
(Okawara. 2008) both cases.
d. Sterilization with hot air and steam To reduce the amount of oxygenated water used and
It is a combined process that is used to sterilize packages from increase the efficiency of treatment, we can use a series of
stable materials to lower temperatures (about 160°C),, such as combinations of heat and / or radiant or irradiated energy.
the sterilization of the inner surfaces of glasses and caps made Thus, for lethal effects of 3-5 D. the hydrogen peroxide
from polypropylene, in which case the hot air blows inside concentration drops below 5% for which the possibility of
the glasses through a nozzle that evenly heats both the hydrogen peroxide in the packaged product decreases.
bottom and the walls of the glass (Akers. 2010).
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involves exposing the food to a stream of ionizing rays that sterilization of the three elements involved in the packaging
can be generated by a radioactive source. Foods can be process: product, packaging, packaging environment.
irradiated with gamma or with X ray. Radiation-beam Both processors, as well as manufacturers of packaging or
technology uses radioactive substances. 60Co or 137Cs. Here, packaging materials together with manufacturers of
the processors should however have a great responsibility, packaging machines must work together to meet the goal
because doctors draw attention to the danger of these of producing aseptic food products with a longer
treatments (Bogdan et al. 2011). conservation period and improved qualities.
This paper is based on the paper presented at ISB-INMA TEH'
2017 International Symposium (Agricultural and Mechanical
Engineering), organized by University “POLITEHNICA” of
Bucharest – Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering,
National Institute of Research-Development for Machines and
Installations Designed to Agriculture and Food Industry – INMA
Bucharest, Scientific Research and Technological Development
in Plant Protection Institute (ICDPP), National Institute for
Research and Development for Industrial Ecology – INCD
ECOIND, Research and Development Institute for Processing and
Marketing of the Horticultural Products “HORTING” and
Hydraulics, Pneumatics Research Institute INOE 2000 IHP,
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of
Bucharest (UASVMB) – Faculty of Horticulture and Romanian
Society of Horticulture (SRH), in Bucharest, ROMANIA, between
26 – 28 October, 2017.
[1] * * * - (2004). Sterile drug products produced by aseptic
Figure 7 – The principle of sterilizing autoclaves
processing — Current good manufacturing practice. Office
of preserved foods (Cumings. 2004) of Compliance in the Center for Drug Evaluation and
Research (CDER) in cooperation with the Center for
Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) and the Office of
Regulatory Affairs (ORA). Rockville. USA;
[2] * * * - (2008). Sterilizing technology by superheated steam.
Okawara MFG. Co..Ltd.. Japan
[3] Akers M.. (2010). Sterile drug products: Formulation.
Packaging, manugacturing and quality. Informa Healthcare.
New York.
[4] Barbosa-Cánovas G.V. and Juliano P.. (2008). Food
sterilization by combining high pressure and thermal
energy. Food Engineering: Integrated Approaches.
Figure 8 – Sterilization of milk with steam injection Springer. XXIV. Hardcover;
CONCLUSIONS [5] Bhavya M.L., Umesh-Hebbar H. (2017). Pulsed light
To ensure high quality food products and preserve its processing of foods for microbial safety. Food Quality and
quality for a long time, processors are forced to use aseptic Safety. Vol.1. Iss. 3. pp.187–202.
packaging technology lines. It is necessary to sterilize both [6] Bogdan A. et al. (2011). Elements Microbiology. Editura
food product, before filling the packages, as well as sterile Asclepius Publishing, Bucharest.
packaging, but for aseptic packaging it is also necessary to [7] Cumings B. Sterilization process: Water steam spray batch
sterilize the packing machines and the enclosure where retort, batch autoclave sterilizer. Pearson Education. Inc..
filling and closure takes place. 2004
There is an essential difference between hermetic and [8] Falguera V., Pagán J., Garza S., Garvín A., Ibarz A. (2011).
aseptic. The aseptic term implies the absence or elimination Ultraviolet processing of liquid food: A review. Part 2: Effects
of any unwanted organism in the product, packaging or on microorganisms and on food components and
other specific areas, while the term hermetic is used to properties. Food Research International. Vol.44. pp.1580–
indicate mechanical properties corresponding to the 1588;
[9] Nema S., Ludwig J. (2010). Pharmaceutical dosage forms:
exclusion of the microorganism penetration into a
Parenteral medications. Vol.2: Facility design, sterilization
packaging and of the gases or water vapours into and out of
and processing. Informa Healthcare. London.
the packaging. So, it is not sufficient to seal the packing to
[10] Ramos M., Wurlitzer N., Machado T., Sucupira N., Modesto A.
ensure the quality of packaged products, but also the (2015). Validation of an aseptic packaging system of liquid
89 | F a s c i c u l e 1
A CTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
ISSN: 2067-3809
copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
90 | F a s c i c u l e 1
ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Gabriela Cristina SIMION, 1.Mirela Nicoleta DINCĂ, 1.Georgiana MOICEANU, 1.Mihai CHITOIU
Abstract: At the basis of the evolution and development of modern human society lies the energy, being one of the input
components for most production processes and comfort offered to people. Energy can be analyzed from a safety perspective
through the availability of energy resources for the economy, sustainability, the impact of using different energy sources on the
environment and competitiveness, at the level of attracting energy sources. The paper explores the analysis of renewable energy
resources: biomass, wind, solar energy and its current development at national and European level.
Keywords: renewable energy, biofuels, biomass, wind energy, solar energy, biogas, fermentation
INTRODUCTION that the Sun doesn’t offer constant energy in any place on
The concept of energy security is in connection with Earth.
sustainable development by identifying and exploiting Not to mention the rotation of the planet, the day-night
alternative energy sources, reducing environmental temperature difference, the solar light can be used for energy
pollution, upgrading and modernizing existing transport only for a short part of every day. Another setback of using
routes. The European Union is increasingly exposed to this type is that of the cloudy days, when the energy potential
instability and rising prices on international energy markets, drops because of the blocking of the solar light.
as well as, to the consequences of the fact that hydrocarbon Hydro-energy represents the capacity of a system (water) to
reserves are gradually being mobilized by a small number of make energy from the passing from one state to another. In
holders. practice, this is the energy produced in hydro stations with
Renewable energy refers to forms of energy obtained the help of the movement of water, caused by the level
through energetic transfer of the resulting energy from difference between the accumulation lake and the station.
natural renewable processes. Therefore, solar energy, wind Biomass represents the renewable resource which is most
energy, flow waters energy, that of biological processes and abundant on our planet. This includes absolutely all the
geothermal heat can be taken by humans using different organic matter produced through metabolically processes of
procedures. The types of energy that are not renewable the living organisms. Biomass is the first form of energy used
include nuclear energy, as well as, the energy generated by man, once with the discovery of fire.
through burning of fossil fuels, like oil, charcoal and natural At the present day, in the European Union, the Renewable
gases. These resources are, evidently, not renewable, as they Energy Directive sets rules for the EU to achieve its 20%
are found harder each year. From the renewable energy renewables target by 2020.
sources we can find-wind energy, solar energy, water energy,
biofuels and biogas. All of these forms of resources are been MATERIAL AND METHOD
used for generating biofuels, electric current, hot water, etc. From the 1990, the UE has put itself in an ambitious plan to
Wind energy is generated through the transfer of wind become a worldwide leader in the renewable energy domain.
energy by a wind turbine. Winds form because the Earth is For example, the UE disposes at the present day of a capacity
heated unevenly by the energy radiated by the Sun which to create wind energy the equivalent of 50 coal based
reaches our planet. This variable warming of the air layers factories, to which their costs have been reduced to half in
produces different air density zones, which, in turn, creates the past 15 years. The renewable energy market of the UE has
movement of the air. The kinetic energy of wind can be used an annual business number if 15 billion EURO (half of the
by the wind turbines, which are capable of generating entire worldwide market), an average of 300000 workers and
electricity. Some wind turbines are capable of producing up is an important exporter. At the present day, the renewable
to 5 MW of electric energy, even though they require a energy is beginning to compete, from the cost point of view,
constant speed of the wind of about 5.5 m/s. or 20 km/h. with fossil fuels.
There are only a few areas on Earth which have those In 2001, EU decided that the electricity percent produced
attributes, especially at high altitude and oceanic areas. from renewable resources should reach 21% by 2010. In
The concept of solar energy refers to the energy that is 2003, it was decided that at least 5.75% of the entire
directly produced through transfer of solar energy radiated by quantity of gas and diesel should be made from bio-fuels
the sun. This can be used to generate electric energy or to by 2010. A few countries record a rapid rise in usage of
warm the air inside a building. Even though this type of renewable energy through support national policies. But
energy is reusable and easy to produce, the main problem is
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
according to the actual times< EU will be around 1-2 remained at the theory levels. In present the market
percent below the fixed targets. conditions do not favor their direct competition. The closest
For the EU to fulfill its long term objectives of climatic to a commercial use are applications that use biomass, micro-
changes and reduce its dependency for the import of fossil hydro, geothermal resources.
fuels, it must reach and even top those objectives. The In the present day, the electric energy that comes from
renewable energy occupies the third place for producing renewable sources is 42.29%. Therefore, hydro is 29.88%, wind
electricity and still has risen potential, with all the is 11.07%, solar photovoltaic is 1.18% and biomass is 0.16%
advantages for the environment. [].
An efficient measure for preventing climatic changes Both the energy law and the energy efficiency law stimulate
represents an urgency and the EU must continue to keep the development of renewable energy and the ANRE has in
control as a leader through examples and act for extending plan the completion of a specific program.
as much as 92possible the international action. Europe must RESULTS
be ambitious and act in an integrate way and promote the Renewable energy resources that compete directly with fossil
Lisbon objectives. fuel are biomass and wastes from agriculture.
The EU made already its first steps in the direction of limiting Since biomass is the only carbon-based renewable fuel, its
the economic rise from the energy usage increment. The EU application becomes more and more important for climate
initiative combined legislative initiatives and energy protection. Among the thermochemical conversion
efficiency programs which encourage competition and the technologies (i.e.. combustion, gasification and pyrolysis),
efficient usage of renewable energy. The EU engagement of combustion is the only proven technology for heat and
preventing climatic changes is a long term one. power production. Biomass combustion systems are available
For reducing the rise of global temperature to a maximum in the size range from a few kW up to more than 100 MW. The
of 2 degrees over the pre-industrial levels, the gas efficiency for heat production is considerably high and heat
emissions with greenhouse effect should reach the from biomass is economically feasible[14]
maximum value until 2025 and then they should be Biomass represents the renewable resource which is most
reduced by at least 15%, preferably at most 50% abundant on our planet. This includes absolutely all the
comparative to those levels from 1990. This challenge organic matter produced through metabolically processes of
means that Europe should react now, especially in the the living organisms. Biomass is the first form of energy used
fields of energetic efficiency and renewable energy. by man, once with the discovery of fire.
Aside from the prevention of climatic changes, measures Biomass has a worldwide interest as a renewable energy
regarding renewable resources and the energetic efficiency resource that can make a big contribution to rural
will contribute to the rising of this energy usage and lowering development and to the implementation of sustainable
the UE dependency to average energy. Also this policy will energy supply systems at local, regional and global level. The
create numerous workplaces of good quality in Europe and current primary energy conversion technologies contained in
will maintain the no.1 place as a leader in technology, for a biomass are the following: direct burning, gasification,
worldwide sector in full development. pyrolysis, biological fermentation.
From this perspective, the UE plan of Emission Energy security and climate change mitigation are core
Commercialization creates a flexible frame from the point of elements in current European energy policy. The EU countries
view of costs for a cleaner production of energy. This plan is are mandated to meet by 2020 a target of 20% renewable
also the nucleus for the worldwide market of CO2. resources in the energy supply and 10% renewable resources
The maximum potential will be exploited only through a long in energy in the transport sector [4]. The latter corresponds to
term engagement for development and installation of a replacement of 50 billion liters of fossil transportation fuels.
renewable energy. The Energy Strategy 2020 [3] of the European Commission
calls for increased use of renewable resources in the energy
Table 1. A synthetic analysis of the resources
and their potential on the market in Romania
system and the European Council has presented a long term
Level of resource target for the EU and other industrialized countries of 80 to
Technology Market Potential 95% cuts in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. A cornerstone
Wind 2-3 2 in renewable energy projections of the European Union is
Solar Photovoltaic 2-3 1 biomass, which is expected to account for 56% of the
Solar Thermal 2-3 2-3 renewable energy supply in the EU by 2020
Micro-hydro 3 3 When biomass is used as a fuel, instead of fossil, the same
Biomass 3 3 amount of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. If
Geothermal 3 2-3 the use of biomass is to produce energy, it is considered a
Energy valued waste 2 2 neutral carbon fuel, due to the drastic reduction of gas
emissions into the atmosphere by producing methane
In Romania there is a technical and scientifically experience
instead of CO2. Carbon represents about 50% of the dry
important in the domain of renewable resources, but that
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vegetal mass and is part of the atmospheric carbon cycle. » maize stalks and corn hammers – 17,286 thousand tons /
Biomass fixes CO2 from the atmosphere during growth after year
carbon dioxide is released as a mixture of carbon dioxide » sunflower – 7,350 thousand t / a
(CO2) and methane (CH4), depending on the last use of the » vineyards – 255 thousand tons / year
plant material.[1] » flax and hemp pocket – 5,590 thousand t / a
Almost all the resulting agricultural residues can be used as The resulting agricultural biomass traditionally has three
resource for renewable energy, but considering the possible uses, namely:
possibilities of collection and baling for transportation, only » re-use in agriculture (animal husbandry)
the following types of agricultural residues are considered: » raw materials in the pulp and paper industry
» straw » fuel
» maize stalks What is not consumed by one of these forms is burnt in the
» corn hammers field, embedded in soil or stored for biological degradation.
» sunflower – strains, capite and seed husks In areas with a lot of arable land, biomass can play an essential
» vineyards role in energy production.
» flax and hemp pocketing
Table 3. Energy potential of biomass
In the category of "straw" were included the residues resulting Parameter UM Technical Economical
from the harvesting and treatment of the main crops of grain a) Vegetal biomass
cereals – wheat, barley, rye, oats. It is obvious that depending Thermal/ TJ/year 471,000 289,500
on the species and the variety, the weight of the straw in electrical Thousant
relation to the weight of the grain varies widely. Under these 11,249 6,915
energy tep/year
conditions it was considered that an average of straw weight b) Biogas
is about 90% of the grain weight. [4] Thermal/ TJ/year 24,600 14,800
Corn stalks are the plant, as harvested less. The weight of the electrical Thousand
587 353
maize strains is very varied depending on the maize variety energy tep/year
and the humidity at harvest. Corn ham is the support of corn c) Urban waste
grains in the pot. The weight of corn ham is on average equal Thermal/ TJ/year 22,800 13,700
to the weight of the grain. The flakes and hemp are the electrical Thousand
544 327
remains of the plant stems after the fibers have been energy tep/year
extracted. The weight of the cases is approx. 50% of the TJ/year 518,400 318,000
TOTAL Thousand
weight of the plants. [20] 12,382 7,595
Table 2. The biomass potential by sorts, regions
Urban waste thousand
Wood waste thousand
thousand tones/year
thousand tones/year
Agricultural biomass
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still has rise potential, with all the advantages for the Raport 222. Suedia. Universitatea de stiinte agricole.
environment. Uppsala. ISSN 0283-0086;
For the potential to be reached, the web of policies must [9]
support and stimulate competitiveness of such sources of f(2011) Treaty regarding the EU functioning. European
energy. Some internal sources of low CO2 emission are Directive2009/28/CE regarding the promoting of
already available, others, such as wind energy, wave energy renewable sources energy
still require support for entering the market. /Tratatul privind funcţionarea Uniunii Europene Directiva
The maximum potential will be exploited only through a long 2009/28/CE privind promovarea utilizării energiei din surse
term engagement for development and installation of regenerabile European Comission Bruxelles;
[10] Bent Sørensen.(2004) Renewable Energy. Its physics,
renewable energy.
engineering, use, environmental impacts, economy and
planning aspects. Third Edition. Elsevier Science;
This paper is based on the paper presented at ISB-INMA TEH'
[11] EUROPEAN COMMISSION - EUR 21350 (2005). Biomass -
2017 International Symposium (Agricultural and Mechanical
Green energy for Europe. Luxembourg: Office for Official
Engineering), organized by University “POLITEHNICA” of
Publications of the European Communities. 2005;
Bucharest – Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering,
[12] Demirbas A.. Combustion characteristics of different
National Institute of Research-Development for Machines and
biomass fuels.(2004) Progress in Energy and Combustion
Installations Designed to Agriculture and Food Industry – INMA
Science 30 (2004) 219–230;
Bucharest, Scientific Research and Technological Development
[13] Van Loo S. and J. Koppejan (2002) Handbook of Biomass
in Plant Protection Institute (ICDPP), National Institute for
Combustion and Co-firing. Twente University Press. 2002;
Research and Development for Industrial Ecology – INCD
[14] Thomas Nussbaumer (2003) Combustion and Co-
ECOIND, Research and Development Institute for Processing and
combustion of Biomass: Fundamentals. Technologies and
Marketing of the Horticultural Products “HORTING” and
Primary Measures for Emission Reduction Energy & Fuels
Hydraulics, Pneumatics Research Institute INOE 2000 IHP,
2003. 17. 1510-1521.
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of
Bucharest (UASVMB) – Faculty of Horticulture and Romanian
Society of Horticulture (SRH), in Bucharest, ROMANIA, between
26 – 28 October, 2017.
[1] Renewable
energy resource Sursa de energie regenerabila;
[2] Commission E: Energy (2010).2020 A strategy for
competitive, sustainable and secure energy. European
Commission. Brussels. BE;
[3] Bentsen N.S., Felby C. (2012). Biomass for energy in the
European Union- A review of bioenergy resources
assessments. Biotechnology for Biofuels;
[4] Ros V., Chira T., Balc G., Fechete L. (2004). Method for
evalation of energetic potential in a farm Metoda de
evaluare a potentialului energetic dintr-o ferma agricola.
vol.5. ISSN 1312-5443
otential_energetic.pdf (2006) Studiul privind evaluarea
potentialului energetic actual al surselor regenerabile de
energie in Romania(solar. vant. biomasa. microhidro.
geotermie). identificarea celor mai bune locatii pentru
dezvoltarea investitiilor in producerea de energie electrica
neconventionala. ICEMENERG SA. Bucuresti;
[6] http://leg-
009_28_CE.pdf(2009) Directiva 2009/28/CE privind
promovarea utilizarii energiei din sursele regenerabile.
Jurnalul oficial al Uniunii Europene. L140/6; ISSN: 2067-3809
[7] Chum H.L,. Overend R.P.(2001). Biomass and renewable fu- copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
els. Fuel Processing Technology 71 2001. 187–195; Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
[8] Hovelius K. (1997)- Eneregy and analysis of biomass 5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
production/Energia si analiza productiei de biomasa.
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Abstract: This paper demonstrates the non-Newtonian flow behavior of a nanofluid under the permeability of a porous medium.
In particular, this investigation focused on the flow properties of Silica (SiO2) nanofluid subject to the buoyancy driven Casson fluid
flow. The volume fraction of nanoparticles influences the velocity and temperature field. The higher percentage of volume fraction
thickens the thermal boundary layer which in turn reduces the growth of velocity boundary layer. The effects of rheological
parameters such as Prandtl number, thermal Grashof number, permeability, Casson parameter, Nusselt number and skin friction
coefficient has been explored abundantly. The quantitative comparison of this study with the already existing results produces an
excellent correlation.
Keywords: Casson fluid; Moving vertical plate; Silica; Nanofluid; Porous medium
INTRODUCTION was analyzed that the larger blood vessel with the elevated
Non-Newtonian fluids are processed under laminar flow rate of shear demonstrates the Newtonian characteristics of
conditions owing to their high consistency. The wide ranges the fluid; whereas the smaller diameter arteries uplift the
of applications are found in the non-Newtonian fluids which apparent viscosity and betraying the non-Newtonian
unveil a pseudoplastic flow. In other words, the fluid exhibits characteristics.
a decrease in viscosity with increasing rate of shear. The paint, Over the years, nanofluids drew attention of many scientists.
printing inks and disperse systems are the most renowned Choi initiated the term called nanofluid; accordingly nano
examples of this kind of flow behavior. However, on account technology based heat transfer was evolved [Das et al. (2007),
of poor flow at low shear rate, the pseudoplasticity is Choi et al. (1995)]. Silica nanofluids have enormous findings in
objectionable in some way [Cross (1965)]. the literature. Generally, this kind of fluid serves as a flow
The yield stress of a non-Newtonian fluid involves in the agent in powdered foods and pharmaceutical products.
rheological characteristics. A substance driven by a yield Hydrated silica can be utilized as a rough material in removal
stress and generating a nonlinear flow curve is often called as of plaques. Theoretically, Blasius and Sakiadis problem for
the yield-pseudo plastic material. This type of material nanofluids was explained by Ahmad et al. (2011). Das et al.
exhibits infinite apparent viscosity with zero shear rate. At (2015) examined the hall current and thermal radiation effects
very low apparent viscosity, the rate of shear drastically on a water based nanofluid containing Al2O3, Cu and Ag
achieves an infinite value. This viscoplastic behavior nanoparticles under rotating frame of reference over an
associated with the Casson fluid model. Consequently, oscillating porous plate. Noghrehabadi et al. (2011) and
Casson fluid is described as a non-Newtonian shear thinning Noghrehabadi et al. (2012) inspected the heat transfer
fluid with a yield stress. Also, this model has been used for enhancement in SiO2 water nanofluid under the variation of
expounding the shear stress and shear rate behaviour of volume fraction and compared the results with Ag water
blood, yoghurt, tomato puree, molten chocolate, many food nanofluid over a stretching sheet.
stuffs and biological materials [Chhabra and Richarson According to Shi et al. (2017), the thermal resistance of
(1999)]. miniature heat pipe radiators was lowered for the 0.6%
The Casson flow model was invented by Casson. The volume fraction of SiO2 water nanofluid and this nanofluid has
constitutive equation which is formulated for this model is strengthen the performance of radiators comparing to the
used to effectively illustrate the flow curves for suspension of results of DI (Deionized) water. Ullah et al. (2016) studied the
pigments in printing inks and silicon suspensions. By virtue of effects of chemical reaction and thermal radiation on MHD
its possible applications, many researchers made their focus free convective Casson nanofluid flow past a nonlinearly
of attention on this flow model. Hussanan et al. (2014) derived stretching sheet saturated in a porous medium with slip and
the exact solution of Newtonian heating Casson fluid over an convective boundary conditions. Casson nanofluid flow
oscillating vertical plate. The notable conclusion of this article through a cone which is rotated and fixed in a rotating frame
is that an increase in the value of Prandtl number and Casson filled with ferrous nanoparticles was numerically studied by
fluid parameter regulate the flow separation. Venkatesan et al. Raju and Sandeep (2017). Haq et al. (2014) concentrated on
(2014) developed a numerical modelling of Casson fluid the MHD effects with suction/injection of Casson nanofluid
through a mild bell shaped stenosis at lower shear rates. It past a shrinking sheet and the numerical results were
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discussed for the flow properties. Meybodi et al. (2015) flow equations mentioned in [Tiwari et al. (2007)] can be
centralized their priority to viscosity. Least squares support expressed as
vector machines method is adopted to predict the viscosity ∂u µ nf 1 ∂2u (ρβ* ) nf
in this analyzes. Muthucumaraswamy et al. (2011) found the = 1 + 2 + g (T′ − T∞′ )
∂t * ρnf β ∂y ρnf
exact solution of incompressible viscous fluid flow over an (1)
oscillating plate with thermal radiation and chemical reaction. − nf u
Rayleigh’s problem described the fluid flow along a moving kρnf
horizontal plate. On account of practical applications, ∂T′ k nf ∂ T′ 2
= (2)
convective flow over an impulsively started vertical plate has ∂t *
(ρc p ) nf ∂y 2
been studied in this article. The most prominent distinctive Suitable initial and boundary conditions of the problem are
aspect distinctive aspect of this work is the non-Newtonian
t * ≤ 0, u = 0,T′ = T∞′ for all y
flow configuration that has been dealt with the SiO2 -water
nanofluid past a permeable impulsively started semi-infinite t * > 0, u = u 0 ,T′ = Tw′ for y = 0 (3)
vertical plate. The complexities pertaining to the non-linearity u → 0,T′ → T∞′ as y → ∞
of the rheological characteristics are represented graphically.
where β* is the thermal expansion coefficient, µ nf and ρnf
To assure the reliability and accuracy of the solution, the
investigation is directed towards the comparison with the are the dynamic viscosity and density of nanofluid
results of Soundalgekar (1977). Certainly, the correlation respectively.
discloses an appreciable and extremely good match.
Consider a convective Casson fluid flow over a nanofluid past
a permeable moving semi-infinite vertical plate. Assume that
the plate is at rest initially. Hence, it is evident that the fluid
temperature remains ambient temperature. The plate
suddenly starts to accelerate vertically upwards with a
constant speed u 0 at t * > 0 . This impulsive motion results in
the velocity and temperature. At this time level the
temperature of the plate raised to T' (> T' ) . Eventually, the
w ∞
fluid encounters the heat transfer near wall. For the case that
the flow is far away from the plate, the velocity and
temperature gradually drops to zero. The fluid motion is taken Figure 1. Schematic representation of the flow model
along x direction vertically and the y direction is normal to The expressions for the nanofluid parameters are defined as
the plate. The velocities u and v are described along vertical [Ahmad et al. (2011)]
and horizontal directions respectively. The schematic µ
representation is shown in figure 1. µ nf = f 2.5 , ρnf= (1 − φ)ρf + φρs ,
(1 − φ)
The effect of viscous dissipation is negligible in the energy
(ρc p ) nf = (1 − φ)(ρc p )f + φ(ρc p )s ,
balance equation. The expression for the flow configuration
of Casson fluid can be defined by a constitutive relation (ρβ* ) nf= (1 − φ)(ρβ* )f + φ(ρβ* )s
[Makanda et al. (2015), Arthur et al. (2015), Raju et al. (2016) Effective thermal conductivity is described by [Oztop et al.
and Ullah et al. (2016)]. (2008), Hamilton and Crosser (1962)]
Py k nf (k s + 2k f ) − 2φ(k f − k s )
2 µ B + eij , π > πc =
2π kf (k s + 2k f ) + φ(k f − k s )
τij =
Py Here φ is the volume fraction coefficient, ρs is the
2 µ B + 2π eij , π ≤ πc
c nanoparticle density, ρf is the density of the base fluid, (c p )f
Here, π =e e and eij is the (i, j)th component of the shear rate. and (c ) are respectively the heat capacity of base fluid and
ij ij p s
πc is the critical value of π concerned with the model. µ B is nanoparticle. The thermophysical properties of various
materials at 250C are taken from [Hussein et al. (2013)] and the
the plastic dynamic viscosity and Py is the yield stress of the
nanoparticles considered in this investigation are spherical
fluid. shaped nanoparticles. Non dimensional quantities employed
The governing boundary layer equations of the mathematical on the coupled partial differential equations (1), (2) and (3) are
model that encompasses the above assumptions, taken as
constitutive equation, Boussinesq approximation and the u yu 0 t * u 02 T′ − T∞′
= U = ,Y = ,t = ,T
u0 υf υf Tw′ − T∞′
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Y 2
2 aB t πaB1t
viscosity of the base fluid. 1
Non dimensional form of (1), (2) and (3) are Y 2 Y
+ erfc
∂U 1 ∂ U 2
2aB1t 2 aB1t
=+1 B1 2 − B1 + B2 Gr T (4)
∂t β ∂Y K Gr B2 t Y B4
+ − erfc
∂T 1 ∂ 2T (aB1B4 − 1) 2 aB t
= B3 (5) Y 2 B4
∂t Pr ∂Y 2 + Y B4 e− 4B1t
Appropriate initial and boundary conditions are πaB1t
t ≤ 0, U =0,T =0 for all Y Y2B Y B4
− 4
t > 0, U =1,T =1 for Y =0 (6) 2aB1t
2 aB t
U → 0, T → 0 as Y → ∞ where
Solutions of the equations (4) and (5) together with the initial (ρβ* )
(1 − φ) + φ * s
and boundary conditions (6) are acquired by =
Laplace B1 =
,B2 (ρβ )f ,
transform technique. The expressions which explicate the ρ ρ
(1 − φ) + φ s
(1 − φ)2.5 (1 − φ) + φ s
flow characteristics are obtained as follows. ρf ρf
— Temperature distribution k nf
B3 =
(ρCp )s
Y Pr k f (1 − φ) + φ
(ρCp )f
T(Y, t) = erfc
2 B3 t
Pr B B5 1
B4 = , B5 = 1 , B6 = , a= 1+
— Velocity distribution B3 K aB1B4 − 1 β
⧉ Case (i): Heat transfer can be analysed from the Nusselt number
If K is finite expression with the various values of Pr .
e B6 t F (Y, t) + F (Y, t) k nf Pr
1 2
−F (Y, t) − F (Y, t) Nu =
2 3 4 kf πB3 t
Gr B2 1 Skin friction coefficient is given by
U(Y, t) = − [ F5 (Y, t) + F6 (Y, t) ]
B5 2 1 1 ∂U
Cf =
− 1 +
B4 Y (1 − φ) 2.5 β ∂Y
+erfc Y =0
2 t
1 To establish the validation of the current results, an extensive
+ [ F5 (Y, t) + F6 (Y, t) ] comparison has been done with the solution of Soundalgekar
B5 + B6
Y (1977) for
where F1 (Y, t) e
= erfc − (B5 + B6 )t Y . The
2 aB t =t 0.2,
= Pr 0.71,Gr
= 5 &10, K → ∞ , β → ∞
= ,φ 0 and
= η
1 2 t
B5 + B6
exact solution obtained in this study manifests the wonderful
F2 (Y, t) = e
erfc + (B5 + B6 )t
2 aB t match which is illustrated in figure 2.
Figure 3 demonstrates the effects of K, t, Pr and Gr on the
B4 Y
=F3 (Y, t) e
− y B4 B6
erfc − B6 t velocity of SiO2 nanoparticles with the fixed volume fraction
2 t
φ =0.02 . The rise in the permeability leads to the increase in
y B B
B4 Y velocity. Physically, this is due to the bulk behaviour of the
=F4 (Y, t) e 4 6 erfc + B6 t
2 t fluid which is strongly depending on the porous medium
structure. Velocity is uplifted by the larger time level due to
Y the impulsive motion of the plate with constant velocity. The
=F5 (Y, t) e erfc − B5 t
2 aB t higher values of Prandtl numer exhibit decrease in the
velocity boundary layer as a result of resistance in the fluid
=F6 (Y, t) e aB1
erfc + B5 t flow caused by the viscosity. The greater external cooling of
2 aB t
1 the plate improves the flow speed.
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Oluwayomi Ife AKINYEMI, 1.Titus Adeyemi ALONGE,
Olumuyiwa Idowu OJO, 2.Oyetola OGUNKUNLE
Abstract: The concept of climate has gained much relevance because of its dynamic and complex nature and the significant
influence it has on various aspects of the environment including the increasing threat of global climate change. The varying pattern
does not encourage the stable practice of agriculture, thereby causing an increase or decrease in their yield. Data were collected
from Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET) for rainfall, temperature and relative humidity data for the period of 38 years and
were analyzed in order to generate geo-spatial trend maps of climate variability to aid smart agricultural crop production. The
mean temperature, average rainfall and average relative humidity for each year of the study period were calculated. Imagery shape
file was also extracted from South West Nigeria maps. The weather data and Imagery shape file were then imported into Arc GIS
9.0 for geo-spatial maps for Rainfall, Temperature and Relative Humidity. The analysis showed prolonged variability in average
annual rainfall received over the climatic zone across the three climatic factors. The results indicated a temperature higher than
27°C cause under-development of anthers and loss of viability of pollen. Higher temperature disturbs the photosynthesis and
respiration and these may result in low production. Rainfall pattern reveals that rainfall in South West has been highly varied.
Relative humidity pattern between the years tends to either increase or decrease in the result by (±3) with a relative stability in the
last 5 years of this study period thereby aiding the easy prediction of the shelf life of agricultural products.
Keywords: climate factors; climatic variability; agricultural production; south-west of Nigeria
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In the south, it’s a different case as the long wet season that to cope with the environmental changes in the context of
starts in mid-March and last till July is a season of heavy rains farm management and precision farming.
and high humidity. Plants and pasture are fresh and green DATA AND METHODOLOGY
grasses and weeds grow rapidly and look attractive. Plant — Description of study area
development depends on high atmospheric humidity in the South West Nigeria, as shown in Figure 1, constitute of six
sense that many plants have the ability to directly absorb states namely, Ogun, Oyo, Osun, Ekiti, Ondo and Lagos. The
moisture from unsaturated air of high humidity. area falls between longitude 2° 31ʹ and 6° 00ʹ East and latitude
This percentage tells how close the air is to being saturated. If 6° 21ʹ and 8° 37ʹ North with a total land area of 77,818 Km2 and
the relative humidity is 50%, the air contains half the water a projected population of 28,767,752 in 2002. The states are
vapour required for it to be saturated. If the amount of water part of few states that participated in Agricultural production
vapour in the air increases, the relative humidity increases, in Nigeria. The study area is bounded in the East by Edo and
and if the amount of water vapour in the air decreases, the Delta states, in the North by Kwara and Kogi states, in the west
relative humidity decreases. However, relative humidity is by the Republic of Benin and in the south by the Gulf of
dependent on air temperature, too. If the water vapour Guinea (Agboola, 2004). Between March and October, the
content stays the same and the temperature drops, the prevalent winds in the region is the moist maritime South-
relative humidity increases. If the water vapour content stays west monsoon which blows inland from the Atlantic Ocean,
the same and the temperature rises, the relative humidity this is the period of rainy season. November to February is the
decreases. This is because colder air doesn’t require as much period of dry season when the dry laden winds blow from the
moisture to become saturated as warmer air (Monteith and Sahara desert. The mean annual rainfall of about 1,205 mm,
Unsworth, 2008). fell within an approximate period of 109 days with two rainfall
According to 2004 estimate the value of agriculture peaks in June and September.
production constituted 30.8%; industry, 43.8% and services
25.4%, of the nation GDP, respectively. The nation’s GDP real
growth rate stood at 7.1% (CIA World Factbook, 2004).
Temperature rise is likely to result in reduced food production
within the next couple of decades in regions already facing
food insecurity. To determine the correlating effects of these
two climatic factors, a model will be used to study the
processes taking place in the soil-plant-atmosphere
continuum and carry out scenario testing. This approach
permits revisiting of the past, simulating the present and
predicting the future, thus, made it flexible in all situations.
With an upgraded capability to environmental parameters,
proper management intervention could be done to minimize
risk in the future. The rainfall pattern can simply be accessed
using simulation models. Another issue is the spatial and
temporal dimension of water productivity. A spatio-temporal
analysis could broaden the role of models in exploring
improved water use in agriculture (Ines et al., 2002). The use
of Geographic Information System (GIS) and crop models
permits more efficient analysis because the temporal and
spatial dimensions could be examined at once.
This study focused on the assessment of climate variation in
South Western region of Nigeria based on the variations in Figure 1: Map of the study area (Southwest, Nigeria).
Adapted from Ojo and Olawale, 2014
rainfall, relative humidity and temperature within the period
1970-2007. The aim is to assess climate change in south-west — Data collection and analysis
of Nigeria as it may likely affect agricultural crop production. The data used for this project were secondary and were
This study helps to address the research gap by providing an collected from Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET). The
assessment of the overall effect of climatic variability on data cover relative humidity, temperature and rainfall of the
agricultural production through analysis of some climatic south-west of Nigeria from 1970 to 2007. The data were
conditions data associated with crop production. recorded on monthly basis, that is, from January to
Rainfall, temperature and relative humidity seems to be the December. Imagery shape file was also extracted for the study
main contributor to agricultural crop production in the south area. Rainfall data was subjected to various statistical
western part of Nigeria. The analysis will help farmers on how techniques to arrive at valuable result.
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— Temperature Pattern mean annual temperature of the study area was stable with
The mean yearly temperature variation is shown in Figure 3a. slight fluctuations in years 1987, 1998 and 2007 within the
The lowest average temperature value of 23°C was recorded period.
within the period under study in year 2007. The minimum — Relative humidity pattern
value of 26°C was recorded in years 1971, 1974, 1975, 1976, The relative humidity trend is shown in Figure 4a. It can be
1978 and 1980, which shows that these years were relatively observed that there is a slight difference in the trend pattern
cooler. from year to year. However, the trend of relative humidity
varies at the early stage of the study period 1970-1972. There
28 was a stable trend over the period 1973-1975. The (highest)
28 peak relative humidity was in year 1979, with other high
values recorded in the year 1976 and 1978. Also the lowest
years were years 1983, 1992, 1993, 1998, 2000 and 2002
27 relatively 79%. Other varies trend falls within the highest value
26 and the lowest. This shows the variation of relative humidity
within a predictable range for agricultural practices. The geo-
26 spatial variation of map of annual relative humidity for South
25 West is shown in Figure 4b.
25 86
Figure 3a: Trend line for mean yearly temperature variation
Figure 4a: Trend line for mean yearly relative humidity variation
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
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A CTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
ISSN: 2067-3809
copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Abstract: Mathematical simulation model is a suitable tool for understanding the hydraulic behavior of an open irrigation canal
and obtaining information on actual hydraulic parameters of water flow. In this paper, a simulation model of an open irrigation
canal created using hydraulic software HEC-RAS is presented. The model was calibrated with observed flow data in steady state
conditions and optimal roughness value and actual canal carrying capacity were determined. Сomputer simulations for different
values of roughness and operating discharge were carried out in order to diagnose the condition of the lining and defining the
limits of the hydraulic parameters of the studied canal.
Keywords: irrigation canal, simulation model, hydraulic modeling, diagnostics, analysis
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The roughness coefficient cannot be measured directly and a simplified geometry and the cross sections can be
therefore it is necessary to determine it by other methods. introduced with four points and a value of the coefficient of
One of the methods used to assess the roughness is by roughness. Since two of the canal sections are not completely
simulation with a mathematical model. The classic approach lined, they were introduced with six points and changes in
for evaluation and calibration of the parameter roughness is the lining are recorded by entering two values of the
associated with modeling of the steady flow in the canal roughness coefficient for the lined and unlined part of the
(Malaterre et al, 2010). bank (Figure 2a). As boundary conditions rating curve at the
The computational procedure is iterative and simulations head of the canal and critical depth at the end were set.
with the irrigation canal model are carried out for a series of
roughness values. For the determination of the roughness
coefficient, the values of the hydraulic parameters in the
observation points along the irrigation canal course and the
numerical results of the computer experiments are compared
according to a certain criterion. Nguyen and Fenton
investigate the application of three main types of target
function and show that least squares minimization gives the
best results (Nguyen and Fenton D., 2004). The best match
between the observed and calculated values for the hydraulic
parameter, according to the selected criterion, determines
the optimal roughness value.
Description of the studied canal
The studied canal is a first part of an existing irrigation canal -
the main canal M1-1 of „Sredna Tundja“ irrigation system, in
length 7.586 km, which starts from an attachment facility from
the Binkus bent on the Tundzha river from an elevation of 185
m to a distribution shaft in the region of village Gavrailovo
7.586 km in length (fig. 1.) The canal is designed up to
discharge 41 m3/s.
The canal has trapezoidal cross-section and consists of 3
sections, two of them lined with concrete 2.642 km and 3.403 Figure 2 - Canal cross sections
km in length with 2 m bottom width, a side slope of 1.5, the Calibration of HEC-RAS model of the M1-1 canal for
average bottom. roughness coefficient n.
The HEC-RAS model of the M1-1 canal was calibrated using
data for observed inlet water discharge and one depth at the
end of the canal before the distribution shaft in the area of
the village of Gavrailovo. Calibration data was selected from
the daily operational information for canal depth
measurements during the period from 14th of May to 29th of
July 2012 under steady state of canal conditions.
The model has been used to simulate the steady flow in the
canal M1-1 for increasing values of the roughness coefficient
of the lined part of the canal cross sections in the range of
0.014 to 0.04 and the roughness coefficient equal to 0.035 for
the unlined part and the rocky section in the steady state
conditions. The initial value of the roughness for concrete
Figure 1 - Map of main canal M-1-1 of „Sredna Tundja“ irrigation lined canal and grassed surface of unlined part of the banks
system and vicinity area ( were selected in tables published in (Chow, 1959). A total of
RESULTS 20 experiments were conducted.
Hydraulic simulation model of the studied canal was created The simulated and measured values of the depth in the end
using hydraulic software HEC-RAS. It was built on the basis of of the canal for different values of the roughness coefficient
the design parameters of main irrigation canal M 1-1. When are presented in Table 1. The simulated depth hydrographs
creating the simulation model a realistic representation of the were compared with observed depth hydrograph using
existing situation was sought. To reproduce the real linear regression. No significant deviation between the
geometry of the canal, three cross sections are set - at the measured and estimated values is available and high
canal inlet, at the head of rocky canal section and at the head correlation (R2˃0.9) between the observed and simulation
of lined canal section in the canal end. The irrigation canal has depths was achieved for the respective water discharges. An
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optimum value of the roughness n = 0.037 is determined for condition of the lining and study the parameters of flow in
which the correlation coefficient is the highest (Figure 3). canal and determining their limits. For several values of the
Table 1. Measured and simulated depth hydrographs roughness coefficient of the lined part of the cross section:
for different values of the roughness coefficient n=0.017, 00.025, 0.035, 0.037 and inlet water discharge 18.5
Qin - inlet discharge, ho - measured depth in canal end, hs - m3/s, a steady flow in the canal was simulated.
simulated depth in canal end, n- roughness coefficient The analysis of the modeling results shows the influence of
Qin , hs, m the roughness on the flow parameters in the irrigation canal.
ho , m
m3/s n=0.014 n=0.025 n=0.035 n=0.037 Figure 5 shows a longitudinal profile along the canal axis and
3.5 0.83 0.69 0.76 0.81 0.82
water surface profiles for the different values of roughness
9.5 1.39 1.15 1.24 1.31 1.33
coefficient. Increasing the roughness in the canal leads to an
12.5 1.61 1.33 1.42 1.49 1.51
increase in canal depths. With further increases in roughness,
15.68 1.66 1.48 1.58 1.65 1.67
the depths in the canal will reach the maximum of 3.3 m, set
18.44 1.78 1.59 1.69 1.77 1.78
at design with the height of the lining. Therefore, in the poor
condition of the irrigation canal lining the operating
Main canal M1-1 "SrednaTunja" Irrigation discharge should be reduced.
1.9 The simulated water surface profiles obtained can be used as
Simulated values of depth, m
WS n=0.035
WS n=0.037
WS n=0.025
WS n=0.017
Canal Bed
0.5 186
0.5 1 1.5 2
Measured values of depth, m 184
Elevation (m)
Crit PF 1 shown:
Ground For roughness coefficient equal to 0.037 there is a good
Levee match to the simulated with the measured values of the
Bank Sta
depth at the end of the canal at a high degree of correlation
(R2= 0.987).
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
By determining the estimated value of the canal roughness,
Station (m)
an actual value of the canal carrying capacity 20 m3/s can be
Figure 4 - Canal cross section plot for roughness coefficient n determined. A 50% reduction in capacity shows a significant
=0.037and inlet discharge Qin =20 m /s. 3 worsening of the operational performance of the canal.
Simulation of steady flow in the canal for different value of With the increase of the coefficient of roughness, which
roughness coefficient n. simulates the deterioration of the lining, the depth in the
With the model of canal M1-1 simulations were conducted canal increases and it can reach the maximum determined
for different values of roughness in order to diagnose the during design.
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A CTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
ISSN: 2067-3809
copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Cosmin SPIRCHEZ, 1.Alina LUNGULEASA, 2.Maria PRUNĂ, 1. Liviu GACEU,
Abstract: Romania is a country with a great potential in the field of biomass energy. At the level of 2016, an area of 229973 km2
was used for agricultural and forestry purpose of which the forest area was 4.7%. The lands covered by the forest are widely
exploited and the waste resulting from the processing of cut wood is often left to degrade producing water pollution. Renewable
energy resources represent one of the replacement variants for fossil fuels in Romania and worldwide with high development
perspectives in the future. Presently, biomass contributes by approximately 12% to the production of primary energy in worldwide
and in the developing countries this occupies 40-50% of the necessary energy. Biomass resources presently represent the raw
material resulted from wood processing, agricultural, municipal waste and animal dejections. The determination of the calorific
value for wood is similar to that of coal (as solid fuel) and with little differences as compared to liquid fuel (benzene) or gaseous
one (natural gas, biogas).
Keywords: biomass, hardwood, calorimetric bomb, calorific value
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Research performed in the field of energy proves that The assessment procedure of the calorific value of the wood
electrical energy and heat can be produced from biomass by mass refers first to all to the preparation of the raw material
conversion processes. In 2009, biomass ensured and the equipment, then to the proper said assessment and
approximately 10% (50 EJ) (1EJ=1018 J) of the entire primary finally to the obtainment of the final result. The preparation of
energy produced worldwide. the wood mass for testing consists of sampling a small part of
Biomass takes part in the carbon cycle in nature by use of a approximately 0.6 – 0.8 grams of the entire material
carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide participates to the weighted with a precision of 0.0002 g. The sample must be
photosynthesis processes during the growth, but it is the clean originating from freshly cut wood because old wood
component determining a more complete burning during does not have all volatile and flammable substances, fact that
wood combustion (Aghamohammadi. 2011). might influence its calorific value. This sample is placed in a
Presently, biomass contributes by approximately 12% to the porcelain crucible and placed in a laboratory autoclave to
production of primary energy in worldwide and in the allow drying at a temperature of 103±2 oC.
developing countries this occupies 40-50% of the necessary The obtainment of the anhydric state of the wooden mass is
energy. checked by successive weighting until the difference
Romania holds a surface of 6300 thousand hectares between the two successive weightings becomes smaller
representing 27% of the existing territory. than the double of weighting precision or covers for a piece
Biomass resources presently represent the raw material of such size of at least 2 hours of keeping the piece in the
resulted from wood processing, agricultural, municipal waste autoclave.
and animal dejections (Cleveland. 2009). After drying, the samples are kept in exsiccator to cool down
Biomass differs from the other renewable sources by the fact and maintain the humidity content until its placement into
that it represents a rich raw material which can be the calorimetric bomb.
transformed by various conversion processes in liquid,
gaseous and solid fuel. Biomass is divided in 4 categories
described in the Regulation SR EN 14961-1:
— Forestry production: wood, waste resulted from wood
cutting, sawdust, shrubs;
— Waste resulted from agricultural production, cereal waste.
— Energetic cereals: crops from short term processing, starch
crops (corn, wheat, barley), sugar crops (sugarcane, sugar
beet), fodder crops (grass, alfalfa), oleaginous crops
(sunflower, soy, safflower)
The determination of the calorific value for wood is similar to
that of coal (as solid fuel) and with little differences as
compared to liquid fuel (benzene) or gaseous one (natural
gas, biogas). Figure 1 - Equipment for the assessment of the calorific value of
the wood biomass with calorimetric bomb with own soft
The equipment used for the determination of the calorific
In industrial practice there are manufacturing by remains
value of the wood biomass was the calorimeter with
from all wood species that can be processed. Therefore, in the
explosive burning type XRY-1C, manufactured by Shanghai
research process the indigenous broadleaf category was
Changji Geological Instrument Co. din China (Fig1).
used: Acer Pseudoplatanus and Salix Alba.
Before performing the proper said attempt, the calorimetric
The inferior calorific value of wood is determined on basis of
bomb is calibrated with benzoic acid with a known calorific
higher calorific value: by means of the ratio:
value (usually 26 463 kJ/kg (1kJ/kg=1J/g) with slight
PCIi=PCSs-6·(U+9·h) [kJ/kg] (2)
differences of maximum ±3% as compared to this value) in
where: PCs- superior calorific value (kJ/Kg); U- dampness of
order to assess the k calorific coefficient of the calorific
the wood sample (Kg/Kg); h- hydrogen content of the wood
(t −t ) sample (3.6%).
PCSs = k ∙ � f i � − The preparation of the equipment for the trial refers to the
ml (1)
qs − qb [kJ/kg]; checking of the water quantity from the calorimeter or hod
where: k – calorific coefficient determined by calibration with Cu (so as not to exceed by 1-2 mm the lid of the calorimetric
benzoic acid, expressed in kJ/grad; tf – final temperature, in bomb). The water Ap agitator A from the hod, the computer
degrees; ti – initial temperature, in degrees; ml – wood mass, software C. the exterior thermometer of the calorimeter T and
in kg; qs – heat consumed for the burning of the nickeline wire the gas pressure in the oxygen tank Bo. The test sample 1 is
in kJ; qb – heat obtained by burning of the cotton thread, in connected to the cotton thread 2 and placed in the
kJ. calorimeter crucible 3. The nickeline spiral thread is tied 4 to
the cotton thread after which the protection lid is properly
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placed. 5. The crucible is connected to the calorimetric values recorded during this period vary depending on the
bomb’s lid 6 by means of two electrodes 7 and 8 which burning time of the combustible material in the
continue with the connective electric wires of the calorimetric bomb. The number of values may vary in the
calorimetric bomb 9 and 10. By screwing in the lid of the range of 19-42 temperature values recorded during this
calorimetric bomb, the bomb is connected 11 by screw 12 to period.
the oxygen tank, entering 30 atmospheres. The bomb is — The after period ("after") has the purpose of determining
placed in the equipment calorimeter Cu, it is connected by the average temperature variation in the calorimetric pot
means of the two electric wires. The calorimeter’s lid is closed due to heat exchange with the exterior after the burning.
and the thermostat T is placed inside to determine the Just like in the fore period, the temperature is displayed
temperature (Figure1). every half minute for a period of 4-5 minutes, being
Next, the computer software is accessed filling in the type of recorded an average of 8-10 temperature variation values.
test (assessment or calibration), sample name, sample mass
of the nickeline and cotton thread, as well as further necessary
information. After this, the operation for the assessment of
the calorific value begins by selection and activation of the
“START” button from the computer program displayed on the
computer display (Figure2). This is the start moment of the
calorific value assessment.
The final result of wood biomass burning is expressed by
calorific value, notion by which is understood the quantity of
heat obtained by burning of the mass unit. For combustible
materials with high hydrogen and water content such as the
wood biomass, two calorific values can be distinguished,
namely the superior calorific (PCS) and inferior calorific value
(PCI). PCS is determined directly by means of the calorimetric Figure2 - Description of the process
bomb where the water vapors are formed by burning of the for determining the calorific value
hydrogen contained in the wood, as well as the ones formed For acer pseudoplatanus for 0% humidity was obtained the
by decomposition of the water are condensed in the bomb. superior calorific value 18802 kJ/kg. and inferior calorific value
Discharging approximately 2 510.4 kJ (600 kcal) for every kilo 18336 kJ/kg; for 10% humidity was obtained the superior
of condensed water vapors (the so-called condensation heat). calorific value 16805 kJ/kg and inferior calorific value 16618
PCS cannot be used, practically due to the fact that the water kJ/kg; for 20% humidity was obtained the superior calorific
vapors are discharged outside by a funnel and only the PCI value15041 kJ/kg and inferior calorific value 14668 kJ/kg; for
can be used effectively. 50% humidity was obtained the superior calorific value 9749
RESULTS kJ/kg and inferior calorific value 9166 kJ/kg.
The test contains three distinct stages (Figure2), namely: In Figure 3, is presented the variation calorific value function
— the fore period ("fore"). Its purpose being the moisture content for Acer pseudoplatanus.
determination of the temperature variations in the 20000
calorimetric pot due to heat exchange with the exterior 18569 PCS = PCS0 - 176,4*MC
before the burning. During this period, usually lasting 5 16618 16805 PCI = PCI0 -195,1*MC
15000 15041
minutes, the temperature is displayed and read every
Calorific value, kJ/kg
minute using the precision thermocouple meter. The last 9749
temperature from the fore period represents in fact the 10000
first temperature from the main period. The values of the
recorded temperature in this period are usually seven. 5000
After recording the sixth value, the burning of the material
takes place (Figure 2) and it is displayed on the menu bar 0 0 0
(”Burning time”). 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
— The main period ("main") starts by ignition of the sample PCS,kJ/kg
having as consequence the temperature rise in the Humidity,%
calorimetric pot due to burning of the wood particle and
heat discharge. In order to determine the final Figure 3 - The graphic calorific value
temperature, the temperature values are displayed every for Acer pseudoplatanus
minute. The final temperature is given by the maximum For salix alba for 0% humidity was obtained the superior
value of the temperature, because after its decrease, the calorific value 20830 kJ/kg. and inferior calorific value 20224
calorimetric pot is not receiving heat from the bomb. The kJ/kg; for 10% humidity was obtained the superior calorific
113 | F a s c i c u l e 1
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
value 17846 kJ/kg and inferior calorific value 17259 kJ/kg; for [2] Aghamohammadi N., Sulaiman N., Aroua M.K. (2011)
20% humidity was obtained the superior calorific value14862 Combustion characteristics of biomass in South East Asia,
kJ/kg and inferior calorific value 14294 kJ/kg; for 50% humidity Biomass and bioenergy, vol.35;
was obtained the superior calorific value 6364 kJ/kg and [3] Astbury G.R. (2000) A review of the properties and hazards
inferior calorific value 4944 kJ/kg. of some alternative fuels. Process safety and environment
In figure 4 is presented the variation of calorific value function protection, vol. 86, pp. 397-414, 2008.
moisture content for Salix Alba. [4] Beldeanu C.E. (1999) Forestry products and wood study. Ed.
Universităţii "Transilvania", Publishing Braşov;
25000 [5] Beldeanu C.E. (2004) Sanogene characteristic species from
20527 forestry fund. Ed. Universităţii "Transilvania" Publishing,
20000 17846 Braşov;
PCS = PCS0 - 268,1*MC [6] Berkesy C., Begea A., Berkesy L., Crăciun M., Andreica M.,
Calorific valiue,kJ/kg
PCI = PCI0 -326,8*MC
15000 17259 Someşan M. (2011) Aspects of biomass production cominf
14294 from forests. Ecoterra. No.28;
10000 [7] Cleveland J.C. (2009) Dictionary of energy. University of
Boston Press;
5000 [8] Dănilă A., Prună M., Spîrchez C. (2014) Dynamic models
4944 0 identification of the fireproofing wooden waste burning
0 process, International Symposium Istanbul, 28-30 April
0 20 40 60 0 80 2014. Turkey
PCS, kJ/kg Humidity,% [9] Eisentraut A., Brown A. (2012) Technology Roadmap-
PCI, kJ/kg Bioenergy for Heat and Power, Ed. Corlet, Paris;
[10] Lunguleasa A., Costiuc L., Paţachia S., Ciobanu V. (2007)
Figure 4 - The graphic of calorific value for Salix alba Ecological combustion of wood biomass, Ed. Universităţii
CONCLUSIONS "Transilvania" Publishing, Braşov;
— The wood biomass burning is a non-ecological process, [11] Lunguleasa A. (2008) Management of wood biomass
but indispensable to human activity due to the thermal quality, Ed.Universităţii "Transilvania" Publishing, Braşov;
energy it produces; [12] Swithenbank J., Chen Q., Zhang X., Sharifi V.,
— Wood biomass is twice renewable, first by being part of Pourkashamiani M. (2011) Wood would burn, Biomass and
the vegetal world obtained by photosynthesis and bioenergy, vol.3.
secondly by trees recycling the carbon in the nature;
— For Acer Pseudoplatanus for 0% humidity the superior
calorific value is 18802 kJ/kg and for 50% humidity the
superior calorific value is 9749 kJ/kg; for Salix Alba for 0%
humidity the superior calorific value is 20224 kJ/kg; for
50% humidity the superior calorific value is 6364 kJ/kg;
— The research shows that as the humidity of the wood is
lower the superior calorific value is higher.
Note: This paper is based on the paper presented at ISB-INMA
TEH' 2017 International Symposium (Agricultural and
Mechanical Engineering), organized by University
“POLITEHNICA” of Bucharest – Faculty of Biotechnical Systems
Engineering, National Institute of Research-Development for
Machines and Installations Designed to Agriculture and Food
Industry – INMA Bucharest, Scientific Research and
Technological Development in Plant Protection Institute
(ICDPP), National Institute for Research and Development for
Industrial Ecology – INCD ECOIND, Research and Development
Institute for Processing and Marketing of the Horticultural
Products “HORTING” and Hydraulics, Pneumatics Research
Institute INOE 2000 IHP, University of Agronomic Sciences and
Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (UASVMB) – Faculty of
Horticulture and Romanian Society of Horticulture (SRH), in
Bucharest, ROMANIA, between 26 – 28 October, 2017. ISSN: 2067-3809
References copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
[1] Abbasi S.A., Nipaney P.C., Schaumberg G.D. (1990) Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
Bioenergy potential of eight common aquatic weeds, 5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
Biological Wastes, vol.3, No.4, pp. 359-366;
114 | F a s c i c u l e 1
ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Marius Remus OPRESCU, 2.Sorin Ştefan BIRIŞ , 1. Eugen MARIN, 1.Cristian SORICĂ,
Nicoleta UNGUREANU, 1. Elena SORICĂ, 1.Iulian DUMITRU, 1.Ion GRIGORE, 3.Vică BĂLAN
Abstract: Lately, there is a decrease in arable land surface while the population grows, therefore the need to increase agricultural
production per unit of surface is a must to meet food needs. Water resources are reduced and therefore it is important to promote
techniques and technologies that efficiently utilize water from various sources with low energy consumption. In sapling crops,
directing water along the plant line or uniform storage is achieved with continuous or interrupted (compartmentalized) furrows.
The paper aims to analyse the construction and operation of several types of equipment for opening compartmentalized furrows
and how they work.
Keywords: efficient capitalization of water, technical equipment, interrupted furrow
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— on landscaped lands for sprinkling with fixed or mobile recommend the best constructive solution that can be
installations and with uneven or sloping streams causing considered.
water leakage and pouring into microdepreses; RESULTS
— on lands with kneaded microrelief with small slopes, not The open furrow work is known as soil processing by
arranged for irrigation and in which rainwater flows rapidly ridgeplowing (soil modelling) and was initially made with the
downstream, being not used by the plant and producing help of some trailed animals.
the phenomenon of erosion [2]. This operation is done with a machine that works in
MATERIAL AND METHOD aggregate with a tractor, the machine on which is mounted
Watering is both an important technological sequence in the equipment for continuous furrows or specialized equipment
crop culture agro technology, as well as the most important for making interrupted furrows.
technical means of eliminating the water of the soil, The machine equipped for the execution of the continuous
constituting the infrastructure of sustainable development. furrows is made up of ridgeplows which make the tringhiular
Technologies to combat the effects of climate change have section of the furrow and the modifiers that make the
evolved to reduce the water consumption of plants (dripping, parabolic section and the finishing of the furrow; the machine
micro-spraying). of the superior capitalization of water by equipped for the execution of the interrupted furrows is
reducing losses and associating with other works (fertilization, composed of the same ridgeplows, the rotors with blades
herbicides, etc.) and using other sources of water waste from and a mechanism for controlling the rotors for interruption of
animals or rural, urban and industrial environment). the furrows and the execution of some digestions (plugs);
To meet water requirements, it is necessary to adopt new both equipment is mounted on a frame with supporting
technologies that reduce water consumption by associating wheels. The number of workstations is selected based on the
with other works, storing water from other sources, sowing pattern, the section spacing and the row between the
distributing water near plant roots, increasing watering processed rows (on each interval or at two intervals). The
efficiency etc. The rational use of water in agriculture implies most commonly used seed sowing scheme is 6 or 8 rows and
prioritization of water use in critical situations (droughts. etc.), the maximum number of machined intervals is 5 and 7
the adoption of measures to impose the application of respectively, which must coincide with the number of
reference models, the application of innovative solutions for workstations.
reducing water losses, the quality control of water for the In the case of continuous or interrupted furrows, it is
reduction of environment pollution. A superior valorisation of important to obtain an enlarged section of the furrow (Figure
the water from the rainfall and also of the water obtained by 1) to transport and accumulate a larger volume of water
the sprinkler irrigation method is obtained by modelling the respectively.
soil surface.
In the case of continuous or interrupted furrows, it is intended
to obtain as many sections of the furrow as necessary to carry
and accumulate as much water as possible. Interrupted
brasses are executed to reduce the erosion phenomenon
resulting from rainfall, slope or creep. Depending on the
sowing scheme, interrupted watering grooves can be
performed on sowing crops between plant rows, alternately
or on each interval.
Furrows used in agriculture are of great importance for
agricultural production and are a major component of the
Figure 1 - Continuous compartmented furows after rain [2]
agricultural ecosystem [3] [4] [5] and [7].
It is estimated an increase in agricultural production per
hectare by 20% in agricultural crops with broken furrows. This
is explained by the infiltration of a larger amount of water at
the plant roots and by the reduction of the soil erosion
phenomenon [1]. Water management along the plant line or
uniform storage is achieved with continuous or interrupted
furrows (compartments).
For the constructive and functional analysis of mechanically
operated equipment for open furrows used in owing crops
technology and viticol and fruit plantations, it is necessary to
study the constructive characteristics of these equipments, Figure 2 - Equipment for continuous open furrows [2]
the functioning of the working parts and the working process Aspects during working with a broken open furrow are
carried out by them so that at the end to be able to shown in Figure 3-6.
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Tome XII [2019] | Fascicule 1 [January – March]
Mirela Nicoleta DINCĂ, 1.Mariana FERDEȘ, 1.Gigel PARASCHIV, 1.Nicoleta UNGUREANU,
Bianca ZĂBAVĂ, 1.Mariana IONESCU, 1.Georgiana MOICEANU
Abstract: Waste treatment involves all chemical, physical and biological processes that have the role of modifying certain
characteristics of the waste in order to reduce their volume and hazardousness, thus facilitating their recovery. Among the available
technologies, composting is presented as one of the most promising options for recycling the organic fraction into a valuable
organic fertilizer called compost. In the present paper are presented the main composting methods, namely: passive composting
in piles, turned windrow composting, passive aerated windrows, aerated static pile and in – vessel composting.
Keywords: waste treatment, composting methods, aerobic fermentation, organic waste
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Maturation phase of substrate is the most important method ranges from 3 to 9 weeks (depending on the
operation in the composting technique. The process is taking composted material), after that the maturation phase begins
place in several phases and is decisively influenced by the (Figure 3) (http://esrd.,
composition, homogeneity and humidity of the organic
substrate used and by the amount of air used in the
decomposition process. The start-up phase of the maturing
phase is the production of raw compost, the purpose of the
operation being on the one hand ventilation and on the other
hand the mixing of the raw materials at different stages of
decomposition. In this phase, fresh compost is in a state of
advanced decomposition, being semi mature. The mature
compost is obtained after all organic components have been
transformed into soil and humus aggregates, appearing in
the form of black, loose and fine soil Figure 3 - Turned windrow composting (Bachert et al.. 2008)
( Passive aerated windrows does not require turning, the
Properly storing the finished compost product is the final step aeration being accomplished by passive air movement
of the composting process. The finished compost should be through the perforated pipes placed in the porous layer (peat
stored in a manner that prevents dust or odours from moss, straw or matured compost) at the base of the pile
developing and prevents contamination of the product from (Figure 4). The porous layer can have a height of 15-20 cm and
weeds, leachate or other contaminants a width of 3 m. The main feature of this porous layer is to allow
( a uniform distribution of air in the pipes, but also to insulate
This paper was aimed to present the main composting the pile, which will ensure the optimum temperature during
methods used for organic waste treatment, namely: passive substrate degradation. The top layer (aprox. 15 cm) consists
composting in piles, turned windrow composting, passive of peat moss or matured compost, which has the role of
aerated windrows, aerated static pile and in – vessel retaining moisture and unpleasant odors released during the
composting. decomposition process (Graves et al.. 2010;
Composting methods differ in duration of decomposition,
the potential for stability and maturity, depending on the
type of substrate used (Mengistu et al.. 2017). The main five
methods of composting developed for use in large-scale are
passive composting piles, turned windrow composting,
passive aerated windrows, aerated static pile and in-vessel
Passive composting pile is the simplest form of composting Figure 4 - Passive aerated windrow (Graves et al.. 2010)
and does not require special equipment, being used in 1 – perforated pipe; 2 – base layer (compost. peat moss or straw base);
principle for composting the leaves. The compost pile should 3 – coating layer (compost or peat moss)
be periodically turned for determining the porosity of the Aerated static pile is one of the most used methods for
substrate. Aeration is done by passive air movement through composting and can last from 3 to 6 months, depending on
the compost pile (Figure 2). This method requires that the pile the substrate used (Figure 5). The main difference between
be small enough to allow the passive air movement, passive aerated windrow and aerated static pile is that the
otherwise the anaerobic zones will form (Graves et al.. 2010). aerated static pile uses blowers that either suction air from the
pile or blow air into the pile using positive pressure (Stentiford.
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At the base of the composting pile there are located for periodic turning. In the case of rotating drum, the
perforated pipes for aeration connected to blowers that composting time is reduced to 2 – 3 weeks. These two
introduce or suck air from the composted substrate. The systems require less work than windrows because they use an
pipes are covered with a porous material made of wood chips automated turning process or a self-turning mechanism
or straw to allow a uniform air distribution in the pile. The final (Graves et al.. 2010).
coating layer (15 cm) of the compost pile is often made of CONCLUSIONS
mature compost or sawdust to absorb unpleasant odors and Composting cannot be considered a new technology, but
moisture (Graves et al.. 2010; amongst the waste management methods it is gaining In this case, the interest as a suitable option for organic waste with economic
composting pile is not turned. The dimensions of such a and environmental benefits. This process reduces the risk of
compost pile are: height between 1.5 and 2.5 m, the width of spreading pathogens and weed seeds and the final product,
3 – 5 m, while the length of the pile is limited by the air called compost, can be used to improve soil quality and
distribution in the pipes, but it should not be more than 21 - fertility.
27 m. Note
In – vessel composting involves the closure of organic waste in This paper is based on the paper presented at ISB-INMA TEH'
a container. Composting process can be done in bins (Figure 2017 International Symposium (Agricultural and Mechanical
6) provided with aeration systems similar to those of aerated Engineering), organized by University “POLITEHNICA” of
static piles or in bins without aeration systems to which it is Bucharest – Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering,
necessary the regular turning of the substrate in order to National Institute of Research-Development for Machines and
maintain the aerobic conditions (Graves et al.. 2010). Installations Designed to Agriculture and Food Industry – INMA
Bucharest, Scientific Research and Technological Development
in Plant Protection Institute (ICDPP), National Institute for
Research and Development for Industrial Ecology – INCD
ECOIND, Research and Development Institute for Processing and
Marketing of the Horticultural Products “HORTING” and
Hydraulics, Pneumatics Research Institute INOE 2000 IHP,
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of
Bucharest (UASVMB) – Faculty of Horticulture and Romanian
Society of Horticulture (SRH), in Bucharest, ROMANIA, between
26 – 28 October, 2017.
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Abstract: Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) is a technology employed in collection, storage, processing and
retrieval of medical imaging data within the medical world like hospitals and medical diagnostic facilities across separate
geographic locations. PACS breaks down the physical and time barriers associated with traditional film-based image retrieval,
distribution and display. Added features may include compression of the captured images: without losing its functionality and
hence enhance speed of transfer and time of communication, reduced storage space and memory usage. This feature is observed
to be absent in the present model and implementation of picture archiving and communication system. Furthermore, images are
store away with little description of the features and observation of practitioners on the image so stored; this has made PACS very
limited in its uses in telediagnosis and distance teaching (education) of young radiologist. With the identified limitations with the
existing model of PACS, an improved model for PACS was developed. This work developed an improved model for PACS with the
incorporation of new features into the existing model. Its objectives were achieved implementing multimedia PACS; a reduction
in transmission time and storage space requirements of radiological images was noticeable when compared with the existing
model of PACS.
Keywords: medical images; teleradiology; Computed Tomography (CT); telediagnosis; work stations
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different imaging modalities through the database gate way achieved from intensive study of related cases or examples of
and acquisition gateway, the flow of data is controlled by the past activities.
PACS controller and archive server, the users or client can WORKINGS OF THE PROPOSED MODEL
then log on to use the stored images and data for the purpose The physical layout of PACS as shown in figure 3 is the
of research or consultation or teaching of students as the case physical representation of how several modalities interacts to
may be. This is achieved via a webserver and application form the Picture Archiving and Communication System. The
software installed for such purposes. input modality comprises of the scanners, digitizers, CT scan,
MIR scan and other means of capturing images. The images
are captured from any of the clients or server and are stored
on a dedicated database. Any user at a remote area can have
access to these images wirelessly.
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for teaching purposes during ward round, the referrals are The technical evolution toward more integrated systems and
done on a secured network. the shift toward Web-based technology are rapidly merging
the two concepts of PACS and teleradiology in global image
management and communication systems. PACS has been of
tremendous help by helping to show patients their radiology
images, by reducing the time spent finding images for review,
by reducing the time spent finding radiology reports, by
making consultations more time efficient. For clinicians whose
practice is heavily dependent on radiology images, such as
orthopedic surgeons and respiratory physicians, the advent of
MPACS has made a substantial difference to the conduct of
their clinics. PACS has made tremendous changes on the
conduct of ward rounds.
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Figure 4: Conceptual frame work of PACS archiving and communication systems of the world Part 2.
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[5] Taira R.K., Breant C.M., Chan H.M., Huang L., & Valentino D.J.,
(1996). Architectural design and tools to support the
transparent access to hospital information systems,
radiology information systems, and picture archiving and
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Radiology, 225, 500–5.
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