The document announces the 9th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility to be held in Timisoara, Romania from September 3-5, 2014. It provides information on the workshop's aims, themes, program, registration fees and deadlines for abstract submissions and full paper submissions. The workshop will cover various aspects of electromagnetic compatibility and effects.
The document announces the 9th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility to be held in Timisoara, Romania from September 3-5, 2014. It provides information on the workshop's aims, themes, program, registration fees and deadlines for abstract submissions and full paper submissions. The workshop will cover various aspects of electromagnetic compatibility and effects.
The document announces the 9th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility to be held in Timisoara, Romania from September 3-5, 2014. It provides information on the workshop's aims, themes, program, registration fees and deadlines for abstract submissions and full paper submissions. The workshop will cover various aspects of electromagnetic compatibility and effects.
The document announces the 9th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility to be held in Timisoara, Romania from September 3-5, 2014. It provides information on the workshop's aims, themes, program, registration fees and deadlines for abstract submissions and full paper submissions. The workshop will cover various aspects of electromagnetic compatibility and effects.
Timioara - Romania 3 5 September 2014
We have the honour to invite you to participate to the 9 th International Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility CEM 2014 organized by the National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering INCDIE ICPE-CA, Bucharest, Romania.
The workshop will be a good reason for the dissemination and promotion of the Romanian and foreign scientific research results, knowledge of the newest achievements in the approached thematic domain, direct contact among the specialists, starting, developments in the new research areas, identification and creation of possible consortia with the polarization of valid research forces for approaching some large projects and participations in European research programs.
The Workshop will cover the following aspects: - electromagnetic compatibility in the domains: electronics, communications systems, industrial systems; - biocompatibility; - human exposure effects of electromagnetic fields; - electromagnetic non-destructive evaluation; - standardization issues.
The CEM 2014 PROGRAMME will consist of contributed papers (structured in oral or poster sessions) on sections and invited papers. The presentations should not exceed 15 minutes (contributed papers), respectively 30 minutes (invited papers), discussions included.
The official language of the workshop is English and, consequently, all the papers must be written in English.
ABSTRACTS (max. 150 words, Word, Times New Roman, 12) will be sent to the Secretariat, by e-mail, the deadline being June 20, 2014. The letter of the abstracts acceptance and the paper will be sent to the authors till June 30, 2014.
DEADLINE Abstracts: June 20, 2014 Communication of the approved papers after the peer review:
June 30, 2014 Papers in extenso: August 25, 2014 The papers will be published in the journal Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, accepted in ISI Thomson database, after a selection process. The best poster and The best communication at oral presentation session for a junior participant will be awarded. ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION
PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Marcel OPRI president Romania Gilbert DECAT vice president Belgium Adrian GRAUR vice president Romania Elya JOFFE - member Israel Florin Teodor TNSESCU - member Romania Andrei MARINESCU - member Romania Ladislau MATEKOVITS - member Italy Nicolae MUNTEAN - member Romania Luis Adriano DOMINGUES - member Brasil Jolanta KARPOWICZ - member Poland Michel IANOZ - member Switzerland Jaroslav LELAK - member Slovak Republic Liviu COEREANU - member Romania Hannes TPFER - member Germany Gheorghe SAMOILESCU - member Romania Mihai BDIC - member Romania Alexandru MOREGA - member Romania Dan RUCINSCHI - member Romania Uwe FLOR - member Germany
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Georgeta ALECU INCDIE ICPE - CA, Bucharest, Romania Alexandru HEDE "POLITEHNICA" University of Timioara, Romania Andreea VOINA INCDIE ICPE - CA, Bucharest, Romania Gabriela OBREJA INCDIE ICPE CA, Bucharest, Romania Aldo DE SABATA "POLITEHNICA" University of Timioara, Romania Jana PINTEA INCDIE ICPE - CA, Bucharest, Romania Ciprian ONICA INCDIE ICPE CA, Bucharest, Romania Marian GRECONICI "POLITEHNICA" University of Timioara, Romania Ionu BLAN INCDIE ICPE CA, Bucharest, Romania Cristian MORARI INCDIE ICPE CA, Bucharest, Romania Ioan LIE "POLITEHNICA" University of Timioara, Romania
ON-LINE REGISTRATION will be done on the Workshop site: starting from March 15, 2014.
100 until August 5, 2014 110 after August 5, 2014 50 for students/ persons accompanying
The registration fee includes the participation in the scientific programme, workshop materials, refreshments and meals during the workshop, the banquet and an excursion.
-payment in LEI equivalent: Account: RO52 RNCB 0076 0294 2469 0001
BCR Bd. Regina Elisabeta nr. 5, Sector 3, Bucharest, Romania Ref. Workshop Fee CEM 2014
The first record of the city of Timisoara, built on the site of an ancient Roman fortress called Castrum Regium Themes, dates back to 1212. The charm of this city, settled on the northern bank of the Bega River, lies in its distinct architectural character and
vibrant cultural life. In many respects, it is the abundance of Secessionist architecture that has provided Timioara with its rather appropriate moniker, "Little Vienna". A progressive, cosmopolitan place, Timioara was the first city in Europe (in 1889) and second in the world after New York, to use electricity to illuminate its public streets. Also, Timioara was the first European city to introduce horse-drawn trams (in 1869).
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