Jet Pump Agdex716c11
Jet Pump Agdex716c11
Jet Pump Agdex716c11
Agdex 716(C11)
Operation All pump companies provide charts for proper pump and
injector selection. Because of the amount of water being
The pump and pipe system are full of water. The water in circulated in this type of pumping system, it is important
the pump impeller is thrown outwards by the vanes of the that the proper sizes of suction and drive lines are used to
spinning impeller (see insert detail Figure 2). maximize efficiency.
As the vanes throw the water out, a vacuum is created at
the eye of the impeller, and more water is drawn in to
replace that which was thrown out. Some of the water Application
discharged by the impeller passes out of the pump and
Deep well jet pumps:
into the pressure tank. The rest is recirculated through the
drive line to the injector in the well. • can be offset from the well
In the injector, the nozzle and the venturi create a vacuum. • can be adapted to wells of various depths and yields
This vacuum draws water from the well, through the foot • are relatively trouble-free if properly selected, installed
valve. As the water passes through the venturi tube into and adjusted
the suction line, the pressure is increased sufficiently to • can be primed on long offsets through uneven terrain
force the water back to the pump impeller.
• are relatively inexpensive
The injector nozzle and venturi tube size must be selected
according to the pumping depth, the distance the pump is
offset from the well and the size of the pump.
Limitations Maintenance
Pumping abrasives, such as sand, will wear the impeller No regular maintenance is required on jet pumps.
and can wear the mechanical seals causing leaking around However on new installations, the nozzle may become
the pump shaft. partially or completely plugged with dirt or plastic scraps.
When this blockage occurs, the pump may lose its prime,
Deep well jet pumps become less efficient as pumping lift pump below capacity, fail to build pressure or be
increases. For lifts greater than 80 feet, submersible pumps impossible to prime to begin with. Encrusting waters may
may be preferred if the well yields sufficient sand-free cause mineral deposits to build up on metal components.
water. Jet pumps are relatively inefficient at pumping water These deposits can break loose and plug the injector
containing air or gases. nozzle, requiring the jet assembly to be pulled from the
well and cleaned.
Jet pumps will lose their prime if the water level in the
well drops below the foot valve. This result can be
prevented in a slow yielding well by using an automatic
pressure regulator and a weak well tailpipe below the Priming
injector (Figure 3). This tailpipe system will automatically
adjust the pumping rate to the well capacity. The Short offset
mechanical seal on the pump shaft is water lubricated and 1. Fill suction and drive lines with water and connect
water cooled, so the pump should never be run without to pump.
the pump casing being filled with water.
2. Fill pump casing with water.
3. Replace priming plug, do not tighten.
4. Close pump control valve.
5. Start the pump (air will bubble around priming plug).
6. When bubbling stops, stop the pump. Refill the pump
casing. Repeat Step 5.
7. When the pump is primed, water will flow
continuously under pressure around the priming plug,
which should then be tightened.
8. Adjust the pump control valve so the pump does not
produce faster than the safe yield of the well.
9. If a precharged type pressure tank is used, see Agrifacts
716(C31) Pressure Tanks for precharging the tank.
Long offsets
1. Connect drive line to the pump.
2. Temporarily connect a short length of pipe with a foot
valve to the suction tapping of the pump. Submerge the
foot valve in a tub of water.
3. The suction line from the injector is directed to return
the water flow to the tub.
4. Close pump control valve. Fill the pump casing with
Figure 3. Tailpipe assembly 5. Start the pump (water will be drawn from the tub and
forced down the drive line).
6. Add enough water to the tub to keep the foot valve
7. When the pump begins to add more water to the tub
than is being pumped out, stop the pump.
8. Disconnect the short temporary suction line and
connect the regular suction line to the pump. Fill the
pump casing with water.
9. Start the pump. Open the pump control valve slowly.
Operate until all air pockets have been worked from
the system.
10. Adjust the pump control valve so the pump cannot
produce faster than the safe yield of the well.
11. If a precharge type pressure tank is used, see Agrifacts
716(C31) Pressure Tanks for precharging the pressure
Prepared by
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development